: , 1 I 1 I The Somerset Heiald. D WARD SCULL, Editor end Proprietor. WEDKKSDAYS- JJovember IS 1SW. Senator Hanxa is still in the sad dle. Agcixaldo will listen in vain tor the rumble of the November tidal ws ve he hoped for. As analysis of tbe vote cast in thia county at the late election will con vince tbe most skeptical that Stalwart Republicans istick to the ticket. The United States cruiser Charles ton, which haa been patroling the northern coaft of Luzon, was wrecked on a reef on Tuesday, November "th. All her 300 men were saved. Just as Aguinaldo had arranged to receive early returns of the November elections the thunder of American guns saluted him on all Bides. He is tbe first on the con traction Lst side to dose bis headquarters on account of discour aging reports. The official count of the vote in West moreland county shows that Judge Doty, DemotTat, is re-elected by a ma jority of 170. The entire Republican ticket, with the exception of the candi date for Judge, was elected. Judge Doty owes his re-election to factional quarrels in the Republican ranks. The Republicans of tbe county are to be congratulated on the m.-gnificent vote given the State and county ticket, in spite of the secret tfforts made by p ofcssed members of the party to keep down the majority. Somerset county is loyally Republican, and the voters can not be misled by the personal 6pite of the so-called "Business Men's League," It is now announced that an ar rangement is being consummated whereby tbe Democrats and anti-Quay-ites will fuse in an effort to elect Col. J. M. Guffey, the Democratic leader, to succeed Mr. Quay in tbe UuiUd States Senate. We imagine that th's effort at fusion will be about as success ful as that last year, when Mr. GuflVy sold Representative Koootz a good sized irold brick in the shape of a promise to give him the Democratic vote for Speak er of tbe House. -Superior Court Judge John I. Mitch ell repudiated the insurgent and the Wanatn&ker outfit iu a letter given to the public a few days before the elec tion, and those who had hailed him as the "Father of Insurgents" could not find language strong enough to con demn hioi. Judge Mitchell expressed himself as being entirely satisfied with tbe present State Government and tbe Republican State leaders. His letter was a brain-clout for the followers of Rosses Martin and Fliun. The Republican National Commit tee will meet in Washington within tbe next threo or four weeks, at which meeting they will fix the time and place for holding tbe next National Conven tion. Tbe Convention will probably be held early in June, which will neces sitate the holdinK of the Republican State Convention not later than the first or second week in June. This will also necessitate the holding of the Re publican primaries in this county at an early date, probably in the month of April. All of which prospective can didates should take note of and govern themselves accordingly. The result of the election in Ohio must at once be gratifying to President McKinley and to every patriotic Amer ican. The fight was made directly against the President and Lis policy of expansion. The Democratic candidate for Governor, McLean, is tbe richest roan who ever ran for a State office, a dextrous and unscrupulous politician, who hoped to carry his State, and thus become a formidable candidate for the Democratic nomination for the Presi dency. McLean boldly advocated the cause of Aguinaldo, and his defeat was crushing. The Buckeye State repre sents public sentiment throughout tbe country on this issue. By the official returns of Fayette county Robert E Umb 1, Democrat, was awarded a certificate of election as Judge, but the muddle in the returns from several districts opens the way for a contest. Umbel's majority over ex Judge Kwing, Republican, is 32. It has been discovered that the election officers of Dunbar township did not sign the return sheet, owing to the fact that a Democratic watcher, not a mem ber of tt. election board, read the bal lots against the protest of members of tbe board. This district gave Umbel a majority of 64, and if its vote is thrown out, Ewing will have a major ity of 32. The returns of last Tuesday's elec tion clearly forecast the candidates for next year'a Presidential contest. The result of the elections is a splendid in dorsement of tbe administration of Wil liam McKinley, and his friends have every reasoa to feel hsppy over tbe out look for 1900. Bryan carried his State by a fusion of the Democrats and Pop ulists, and tbe Democrats can not un load him, notwithstanding tbe opposi tion of tbe leading politicians and jour nals of his party. Tbe campaign just closed was fought on National issues, and the lines are as clearly drawn for next year as they will be after the nom inating conventions have been held. Tbe followers of Bryan are imbued with tbe same spirit that actuated the cop perheads In 1SG3, and their champion ship of Aguinaldo and anti-expansion presages their overwhelming defeat McKinley is as good as elected now. Now that the smoke of battle has cleared away it is proper that Republi can voters take account of the damage to tbe reputation of Lieutenant-Colonel James E. Barnett by the assaults made opon him by tbe Democratic and In surgent press in the counties from which tbe Tenth Regiment was re cruited. In Washington county, from whence emanated most of the slaader oos attack, his vote was 79 less than Judge Brown's, and was largely in ex cess of the vote given Governor S'one. In Westmoreland county, which seut two antt-Qaay members to the Legisla ture, Barnett was cut just 117 votes. In Fayette county, where live some of his most violent accusers, he led the Republican ticket. Colonel Barnett suffered his greatest loss in tbe eastern counties, notably in Philadelphia, where be was person ally unknown, and where he was slan dered and vilified by those newspaper whose political course is shaped by the discredited "Business Men's League." Colonel Barnett acted wisely in leav ing his vindication to tbe people of the Slate. T - . . I - - , : " i COL BARNETT WINS IT 106,217 VOTES, ROUT OF THE DEMOCRATS. Thej and tbe Insurgent Forces Are Now Scattered to tbe Four Winds. CJonel James E. Barnett has carried Pennsylvania by 10G.217 plurality. The slanders against the gallant Colonel or the Fighting Tenth have been fittingly re buked, and to-day all the world knows that the people of the old Keystone State not only approve of the policy of the national government in tbe Philippines, but tha'. they appreciate the service, of tbe man who gave op borne and friends for a season to fight for his country there. Complete figures from every county in the Slate, nearly all of them unofficial fooling of the official returns, snow that the plurality of Lieut. Col. James E. Birnett, Republican candidate for State Treasurer, over William T. Creasy, Dem ocrat, l 10617. Tbe full vote was: Barnett, Republi can, 4.JG.790; Creaxy, Democrat. 330.5i3; Caldwell, Prohibitionist, 16,863. Total vote, 7M.235, a plight increase over the vote for State Treasurer in 17, and 1S5,- 1HI leas than the vote for Governor last year. Lieut. Col. Barnett was the victim of considerable cuttiug, he falling about 2S.200 votes below Brown, the Republi can candidate for Supreme Court J ustice. His plurality in the two large counties of Pailadelphia and Allegheny was 5,M3 14,709 respectively. Lieut. CoL Barne.t carried 40 of the 67 counties of the State. IX OTHER STATES. Ohio was the pivotal point in Tuesday's election. It was tbe storm center around which and in which revolved ca'.ional issues. State issues and personal issues. Serious Republican disaffection, the open o (position of tbe Slate administration and the feeling against Senator Hanna threatened to give tbe State to the Demo crats. A plurality any plurality under the circumstances was a victory, and the fact that Nash was elected by at least 50,000 gives evidence of tbe staunch loy- ity of tbe Republican masses of that State. After being robbed of between 30,000 and 40,000 votes. Gen. W. S. Taylor, tbe Republican caadidate fur Governor of Kentucky, was elected on tbe face of the returns by a plurality over Goebel, the Democratic candidate, of between 7,000 and 9,010. But yet seeing defeat staring tbem in tbe face, the Goebel managers, having the election machinery behind them, are still claiming a victory, an nouncing a plurality over Taylor of 7.XX). Massachusetts has been supposed to be the stronghold of the anti-expansionists, but, nevertheless, a plurality for Crane and tbe rest of tbe Rupublican State ticket of 6G,000 was given, indicatiog that a great deal of tbe anti expansion talk was wind. Iowa was carried by the Republicans by a plurality of 75,000, a decided in crease over ISytJ. Ia New York the Republicans retain control of tbe Legislature by about tbe name majority as last year. Democrats sjffer reverses at Buffalo, Troy and Al bany and in Chemung county, tbe home of ex Senator Hill. Democrats carry tbe four counties of New York City and elect tbe New York county ticket by 45,000 plurality. Col. John Walter South (Peni.) was elected Governor of Maryland by a ma jorily estimated at between 10,000 and 15,000. Tbe defeat of Governor Lowndm was due to disaffection in Republican ranks. Fusion ists claim the election of Hoi comb as Judge of the Supreme Court in Nebraska by a maj rity of 18,000. Tbe vote of both parlies fell off. Republicans suffering most. South Dakota has been reclaimed. The Republican State ticket received a plur ality of 10,000. New Jersey went Republican, while Virginia and Mississippi, it is hardly necessary to say, were carried by tbe Democrats. Illinois county returns generally favor the Republicans. Git the Children a Drink called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appe tising, nourishing food drink to take tbe flace of coffee. Sold by all grocers and iked by all who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes like tbe finest collee but is free from all its injur ious properties. urain-O aids digestion and strengthens tbe nerves. It is not stimulant but a health builder, and chil dren, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about as much as coffee. 15 and 25c. SEWET IS HAREIED. Ha Taxes Mrs. Hatea to b Eii Brid. Mrs. Mildred M. Uazen and Admiral George Dewey were quietly married at 10 o'clock Thursday morning at the rec tory of St. Paul's Catholic Church in Washington. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. James F. Muck in, pastor of the church, assisted by Rev. Dr. Foley, assistant pastor, and Rev. Sidney S. Hurl bert. The ceremony was strictly private and of the simplest character. At the close of the ceremony Admiral Dewey grasped Father Mackin's hand and said : "Father, I am greatly pleased to have been married by you, for I know that at one time in your life you were a sailor." Agninildj tad His Army Surrounded. Manila, Nov. 11 Aguinaldo's capture is expecteJ any time now. The wily Filipino chlefiaiu did not escape to tbe mountainous districts in tbe northeast. Both the dictator and his troops are sur rounded by tbe American army. The first knowledge that Aguinaldo was within the circle formed by the American troops was gleaned by tbe capture of Aguinaldo's secretary by CoL Hayes. The son of General lUuderaa and his family aie American prisoners. rte ueneral barely escaped. Many telegrams sent from tbe insur gent leaders to minor officers have been intercepted. One directed to the com manders of tbe forces at San Jose and Carrauglan beeeeched the commanders to bald out at all costs. Another that fell iuto the hands of Gen. Lawton, from an insurgent eaptaio to a Filipino general, read: "How can you blame me for retreating when only twelve of my company were able to fight?" The rebel armv is. indeed, in a nrr plight. Besides being cut up into email. Harmless bands by the swift-moviug American forces, they are suffering mum from ditease than the Americans, owing to ia? oi medicines, poor food and ultby hospital, with the result that thera ia great mortality among them. Oaly 1300,030,000 at Stake. About 50 Crawford James Herrington, who in 1S31 ed 160 acre of land in what is now the neert or Chicago, are about to lninnu a contest for tbe possession of the proper ty. Taey base their claim cn a quit claim deed which is recorded from Her rington to hi son, James Herrington, Jr and which they alleee waa foroA.1 l. it.. younger Herrington, who obtained pos- """ w me property in 1S35. The heirs of the other children of tbe elder Her rington, who are about to commence ac tion, nearly all live in Xfin- j vicinity. Tbe property is valued at about SJOO.000.000, and the new Federal building tbe corner alone or which was recently laid by President McKiuley, is located on this tract. The little folk. w. n. ay Pine Syrup. Pleasant to take; per fecUy harmlees. Potiv. cure for cough., colds, bronchitis, asthma. of the General Election Held 1 j, ! State ii i Tmnunr. i: 5: t! p ! i s.i W. I i H ri pi DISTRICTS 3, H 5 n .1 2' M I ; 45 Addison AlW-eheiiy iu-rlin Borough. Hon n Borough BrolhTTaUey 7R " 27 ; 671 Uil tin IS L!7 Sri S" hi I.W . ! Trt IM, Wi M 4 4 V i 2 Ml ltd to 15 71 t4 120 21' ato 14 a 7 31 U 1 ! T 5 ! 17 1 ! 7; . , MH a, tn 1 M BlaeK- Cont-mausu..-. C.iflii-Doe Borough ; IfeKwiman Borouli , Kik Ui-k Kairhope Uremville HooTemvllle Borough JeflVnwm .. Jennerlown Boioujjh Jpnn-r LarluKT Iwer Turkeyfoot ; Lincoln. ! Meverxdale Borough : Mitidlecrmk... , . , ' 1 : 13 1 ill '! -7 7i Si 4 ! ity 4 : itit 2 ! S7 1 I Si 1 i 75 13 ; ! Milford. New Baltimore Borough.; N ort ha ni pton ... j New CVulrevillc Borough 1'HintNo. I'aint No. 2 Vueinabunini; No. 1 uenialioniiic No. 2 . Knrktruod Foroueh Salisbury Borough - .. r?.t 8 101 4 lL'l Shade. homrrwl Borougb-- 7 2iy 5 ; 8il pSomen-! . feoinernrld Borough . Southampton-. Stonyciwk. -. . StoycHtowQ Borough Summit I'pper Turkeyfoot-.- I'mu Borough Velleraburg !i 41 7 ' 214 4! 44, 3 i 74 i! lW 'i . .f IS.. ;! ia si.. 12s' Klt,1374, i:2Ci; i Totals i'luraiitie - : .ncti i THE LOSERSjT ODDS. Eow oa Between Eryanite Demo crats and Eepublicaa Insurgents. . COL. BAENETT'S BIG VOTE. B Could Throw Away Eepublicaa Majori ties la Philadelphia and Allegheny and Givtt Creasy Every Vott H Got, and He Would Still Be Elected. (Special Correspondence.) Philadelphia. Nov. 14. And now the Democrat and their late allies, the Repuhllcan insurgent, are in a merry row. They are calling each other names, and there is no telling where it will all end. Both are disgusted with the result of last Tuesday's elec tion. Each had hoped there would be a landslide in which the Republican state ticket would be buried out of sight. But. alas and alack, they were both destined to disappointment. The people of Pennsylvania went to the polls and repudiated the Bryanlte De mocracy and expressed their contempt for the men, who. while claiming to be Republicans, have for the last two years been allies of the Democracy and some secretly, and others openly, waging a bitter warfare against the Republican organization of Pennsylva nia and iu leaders and iu candidates. NotwlthsUnding the fact that Creasy, the Democratic nominee for sute treasurer, was a pronounced Bryanlte and was ignored by the sound money men of his own p ty, and the Demo cratic party organ hattion in Pennsyl vania waa avowedly for Bryan, these so-called Insurgents, who wish to be known as Republicans, not only voted for Creasy, but many of them spent their time maligning Colonel Barnett, the Republican candidate, against whose nomination not a single vote was cast in the Republican state con vention. Through the assistance of certain disgruntled machine politicians in Philadelphia, of the stripe of David Martin, and in Allegheny of the Will iam Flinn school, and with other scat tering elements. Colonel Barnett's vote was cut a few thousands, but with it all he was elected by a plurality of over 106,000. This is certainly a mar velous result, in view of the immense sums of money poured Into the Demo cratic and insurgent machines for use both before and on election day, and the fact that with one exception every Philadelphia morning newspaper, all Wanamaker owned or politically con trolled, waged an unrelenting and des perate fight against the Republican or ganization and Its candidates. But the outcome has brought great trouble for tbe enemies of the Repub lican organization. The Democrau are already out In a declaration that they will do no fur ther businoaii with the insurgents ex cept upon the basis that the insur gents shall turn in flatfootod for the Democratic candidates for the legis lature. GEN REEDER CONGRATULATED. General Reeder. chairman of the Republican state committee, has beeu congratulated by active and promi nent Republicans throughout the state for the splendid results of the Repub lican campaign. Although Chairman Reeder was handicapped through lack of funds and the railroad companies refusing to extend the usual courtesy of half rate fares for studenU and others whom he desired to send home to vote, he did the best that could be dene tinder adverse circumstances. The Republican organization was In fighting trim and when the time came to get out the vote the county commit teemen and the members of the vig ilant committees did noble work for the whole ticket. During the campaign the chairman of tbe Democratic state committee, Mr. Rilling, made big boasts of what the Democratic party was going to do In the Interior counties of the state and that Creasy would come to Philadel phia ulth a majority. But an exam ination of the returns shows that Col onel Barnett would have been elected if he had not received a majority of rne vote in either Philadelphia or Allegheny counties. In other words, the Republican majorities in these two Republican strongholds could ba thrown away and Mr. Creasy given every Democratic vote he polled In these two counties and still Colonel Barnett would be elected. The Demo cratic cry of fraud In Philadelphia is answered with the statement thai there are desperate men In both par ties, that there are Democratic frauds as well as possibly some Republican frauds. But this occurs only in spoU where the conditions are conducive to this sort of work. In a great majority of the polling places In Philadelphia, U la safe to say, there Is not a fraudu lent vote ever cast in the Interest of either party. Conditions in this re spect are far different from what they were some years ago, FUSION'S DEATH KNELL. Another very gratifying result of the election is the complete wiping out of the lnsurgenu and the Democrats in the legislative districU in which by fusion deals they defeated regularly nominated Republican candidates for tbe legislature last fall and elected DemocraU or nondescripts. Thia is emphasised in the election of the Re publican county UckeU In Chester. Blair. Montgomery and other coun- iiob. in vuesier county there was an attempt to repeat the fusion victory of last year by the nomination of a fusion county ticket. This ticket was defeated by an overwhelming vote, the ntlre Republican county ticket being triumphantly elected. In commenting upon this result T. Larry Eyre, the Republican leader of Chester county, said: "In the hot fight that waa made against the Republican county ticket and the assaulu upon Colonel Barnett by the Philadelphia Insurgent and Democratic tewspapers that were sent broadcast free throughout our county, onie of our Republican were at first OFFICIAL TofTce ;; "Jadirs guprvine ii Pawnor Court. Court. County !. Treasurer. j Kheriff. r Pmtbon ' olary. a i fl 5 1 ? ? t: Si -1 ! ir c C' w t : i : I .1 : i : ' H ft i 1 &1 I2. 51: h7 I: 53; V; 5. N 21 ; 24 . 15 40-. 7: ! I I t 18 23 tl- 8' IJ 45. 61 2 m 172- 2 I 1 ! 4-J .v. & 1 5w (W 1 : I lx 51 17J 87. 4 i Ihfi; SI 4 i l! F7 ixi! 5: K; I 1 7. 1 7 4 i SO !i M 1 1 I 27. ..." 77. 7 i 1 j 5 11 4 : ?. 2 X7 I.J K 1 1 77 15 ! lKt Hi 5 44. 3V 4 ! 4 sn i 1 5 2 ' 112 litt 1 27, 21) I 74- 25- 5; 3-'i It :l Ho- S4 2 ! 10' 4 i lt 2j & ; 1 61: a: 1 i 77' 12 15 i IS! 7 5 Si 1 t l .U w 2 i Vi 24 - I 7 3 i 12 4 1- .5 14 15 7! so 2; V. 2t I I 5ti X5 i; IS 7S 1 j 7H 16 1H3 1:1. KV 1M . &v . 4 . 45 41'; SSli 1. M IK Wl IS 4. sn 44' 4.'i ZV 1 2i: io 5h S 85. IS.. r2 21 4- S0!. 3 4S 3, 1 s 3A is. 4 12 3 2S 71 51 11 S: 22 12 74' 22 Is 24 2S 2V l ... ! 27 i S .. H.l 2 US- i : n & ; 74 8 K 4 , 122 5 : 2lt e 311 I 14 4I; : 215 4 45 4 , 127 ; 104 ; S2 !j 12! 8 ... 5t ltv(. S7 H-T 3ft li 17 1 ! 1H. S5 lit IK 1 4 2 ; n 5 i 3 ' low 21! 17 1 14 71 1 U 5 eti 12 8S fS 10 ; MO SM 4 i tl 2S 5 ; 2H7i 68, S i 122 . Tl 52 6 i 2i3 .V s; 321 ii H 4.V II : 311 I 12 14.. Kt 'j : Si 41 S3.. 21if 22 42 Uj 12li 74 2! ! 215: 21 1 6 I 4. 48: 12; 6 4 ! 125. 74 4 ij llBi 2S 1 ill: lt. !: 7 5 ItU' 23... 17 . ! 13j 23. !! 13; 23.. 127 320 I.22U2, ij; inu w.'o if7i I I'ZilSi i 128 352S 1402 146 12126. 1 apprehensive lest the Republicans would be Influenced by these partisan attacks. The motive and inspiration of the publications soon became known to the voters and their daily fulmlna tions were discounted. "The Republicans of Chester county would not support men who, to serve selfish purposes, would form a combine with Bryanite Democrats and join hands with the enemies of our party to defeat Republican candidates. It is significant that all of the self opinion ated insurgent leaders were Ignomin iously defeated in their respective pre cincts. The lowest man on the Repub lican ticket carries the county by 2.8U0 plurality. When the iasurger.is real ized they were In a losing fight they concentrated their efforts to defeat our candidate for district attorney, but they were routed completely and the su premacy of the Republican organiza tion in Chester county is sustained. The men who defeated tbe Republican candidates for the legislature last fall now know what the Republicans of Chester county think of them." M'CLURE IS FAIR. Now as to the claim that Colonel Bar nett was not popular with his regiment, another campaign lie of the Democrats. Upon this subject Colonel A. K. Mc Clure. whose paper supported Creasy, has this to say: "Colonel Barnett suffered most from the party assaults made upon him re lating to bis courage as commander of the Tenth regiment where he was least known, while in the counties which furnished most of the members of his regiment he waa well sustained. This la a creditable record for him. "The chief assaults upon Colonel Barnett's military record came from hisowncounty of Washington, and from the counties of Fayette and Westmore land. In Washington county he re ceived 6.804 to 6.88J for Judge Brown, making his loss but 79 votes where he probably lost twice or thrice as many on the Quay issue and the dispute be tween friends of Senator Quay and Congressman Acheson. Washington county also increased the Republican j majority for Barnett largely over the majority given to Governor Stone last ' year. "In Westmoreland county tionei Barnett received 13.450 votes to 13. 567 for Judge Brown, being a loss of 117 votes in a poll of 27.000. It was from this county that the most violent attacks were made upon Colonel Bar nett's mlliUry career and where there is also considerable factional feeling growing out of the Quay issue. "In Fayette county Colonel Barnett received 7.831 to 7.823 for Jndge Brown and 7,825 for Judge Mitchell. Some of his violent accusers were from Fayetta county, where he has received the highest vote of any candidate on the Republican sUte ticket." A resident of Atlanta haa presented to Admiral Dewey an autograph letter writ ten by Admiral Parragut, in which oc curs 'the phrase: "That young Dewey Is a very promising chap." 7Jo 97 rs. !Pmkhamf jCynn, 77fass, (lstteb to Has. naxaaji ao. 4M07 " Dkab Fries d A year ago I was a (Teat sufferer from female weakness. My bead ached all the time and I would pet so dizzy and have that all gone fooling' in the stomach and was so nervous and restless that I did not know what to do with myself. " My food did me no good and J had a bad case of whites. I wrote to you and after taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound as directed, I can truly say that I feci like a new woman and cannot tell you how grateful I am to you. " I have recommended it to all my friends and have given it to my daughU-r who is now getting along splendidly. May yon live many years to help our suffering sisters." Mrs. C. CAKrtXTER, 253 Gba.nd Sr., Bboobxtst. N. V. Over eighty thousand such letters as this were re ceived by Mrs, Pinkham during 1897. Surely this is strong proof of her ability to help suffering women. Home-Stewart Co. DRY GOODS ! Camels Hair Plaids g We Lave just received some m beautiful new Camels Hair Plaidijfor skirts and children's dresses. Some neat small patterns, I others the new bold effects. t A lartrp mnrr nf onlirinrra i o o- -""'"o" . to choose from, 50c, 75c and i a yard. ITT 1 1 m e aiso nave some very 2 I handsome Yaloar plaids, es- pecially suitable for children's g d reuses. Write for samples. j 223 Tifth Atssus, riTISSU23 1 RETURNS Tuesday, November 7, 1899. ErgUter fl County and ij Com mis Recorder, t! iou r. PI CI P. -V Z, S t s. 'i r! 5, i i I! 3i r. Si 4 ; tr- 8- ; t : ' -: i : ! 2 0 135 J ! 45 51 84 ' Ui bn 1 i 2 I 4 17 63 1 i 5 8, 7 1S7 44 52 2. W: I j 4S 81, l ! 2s. 4 : 1st i ; -7 : i.i 6 ' 8". 2 ! 8 i 4.5 3.".! 5t 1 I 28 6 I Isi 1 ! .... i:a 13 i 85 2 ! 21 4! 5.. M 17rti 53 U 1 7,. a 4 1 1 4 17s 1 i ... ! l:x ni -: i i.. 1 ' K-s 1 1 27; 1 W 7 . !' 7 7 . ; is 1 : 12 41 Ki 41 : 22 17 f,' 1 ' 1 1.! .. ! 71: 5' Jr;; i ! ii (w: 21 . 15 3" 7. l.N W 74 W 12 17 !7 61 77 IS.V 84 V 4 45 22 1 21 7 2b . ; 14 OH 41 . ... 77 2K 7 . 40 14 ' ii ti 3h X ' 12 7 74 37 W Hi 11 6 I 1M 2J. 2 1 3s : 1 M l 1 : 77: IS 14 1 IS-V 77. t 17 ..!' 4 "3 i 4"i 42 " 22' i- 5 I lt 2 i 37. lh4 2 :ti 2' 50 82 7 14 1741 tit hV is . Kt: 25 4 30 . 6.5 22 1 . 3 1 i 50 5S 78 l : ?s 15 1 1S2I 14 ; i 1: s: 43. 27 ; ? . . ; 181 8 3 2S -! fi i KH 5'i 78. 10 : i( 1 : 120 4 i t 6 ; s-t) H" 6 ! 215 9 i 44 4 1 i3i; ii KM. ta 3.V 2o ) 4 ; 72 12 ; H5 4'! ' 12"; 2rt ' 217 tiy i 3 n 4t 3S IKt' 3-'. . llO 17 15 4 k 13: 2 4ti. Tit 2- 1. 3 ; no hi 17 ! 114 2i 17' f : 74 7 ! S-8 4 ' 120 17 ! 2271 1 I 15 4 5 72 11 11 i W 1 i 121! 28 6 ; 23rt " 21 H 311, 3uS Ol 11 315 j 14.. : 4i. 11 ' 212 14 j 4H 8 127 14 11 ' 14 11: 14 33 24; 41 S3 :t! 3 8 1 207. aw 21 2C7; 2 40 13 40 11 lJ.5 102 2S 12: 127 74 12ti 23 20 ' M. 22 81 ! 10 12 23 :1 104 . -J 82. 12. 31. 30' IS: i! 13, 28 3544 13W 13 '35W I3t; 135 WW S4W 13SB ,2HS I i:22J0! I J22S0210H I 213 3183 i SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of certain writ of KI. Ka. Imued out or the Court ot Common I'lma of rtomer-at-t county, to me dtrecu-d. there will be expow-d to aal at the Court Houae, in Horn erset borough, on Friday. Dec. 8, 1899, At I o'clock P M.t tbe following described real ealale, to-win All tb rleht, title. Interest, claim and de mand of William Kendall, of. In and to a cer tain piece or parrel of land rituaU In 1 rimer toWD.bip, Sotuenut county, i a., cuutalninir IXacrea more or Una, adjoining laud, ol IVter Knepp, Jere HllUitr, VI in. Mazer aud others, having thereon erected two one and one-bulf-atory dwelling bouses, .table and other out building., with the appurtenance. Being the nine piece of land conveyed to LouIm Ken dall by deed of Kebeeea hihei-U and Win. Khwtit, by their attorney in fart, Herman Johnmin, dated II OeL lohj, and recorded iu Ijeetf Kecoid lor fomemel county, Vol. BJ, p. Taken In execution and to be aold a. the property of Wliiiam Kendall, at the auil of Win. 11. Zutall'. uh. ALSO All tbe right, lie, Interent, claim and de mand of J. K. MuMillen, of, in and to the fol lowing dexen'M'd real elale, u-wit: No. 1. The undivided one-third Interest In a certain tract of la id .ituate in Middlevretk tnwn.hip, iSiniervet county, l'a containing 4 i) at re. more or lew, about j0 acres elm r, bal ance timber, adjoining land, of Ca.per -hinii-k, Valentine May aud otbera. having thervou erected a oiie-aiory log house aua table. N . 2. A certain farm or tract of land situ ate In IxMver Turkeyfoot town.hip, !omenet county, !'., containing 3ia arm and allow, ani-e, acre, clear, balance timber, adjoining liin.'.of Noah Fletcher, the I'hilip hullivan Inu-t, Krliwei beni Lumber Company, and liMi t No 3, having thereon erected a one and one-hiilf storr frame dwelling uouw, atable and otheroutbuildingH. No. 3 A certain tract of bind .Ituate Id Lower Turkeyfoot township, Komeniet coun ty, I'M .containing 37 acre more or lea, two acre, e'ewr, llaiice tiinlwr, adjoining Unit. of Cowen and tract So. i , J- 4 A ruln tract of land .ituate In Lower Turkey loot township, !Someiel coun tp, l-a., containing la acre, more or leva, 5 acre, clear, hniuiire timber, adjoining land, of S.-hwe!henf Lumber t'ompany, Jiavid Har bauith and other., with the appurtenance.. Taken In execution Hnd to be wild a. the property of J. R. McMilleu at the auit of lteuben ii. llillen. ALSO All t'je rljfht, title. Interest, elalra and de mand of V. . H. Bepler, of. In and to tlio fol lowing dewrihe-d real date, lo-wit : No. I. Two and one-half lota of ground .it Date In tlieOlingerSorvev to Mevenulale bor ough Someraet county, p., and known and numbered on the plan of .aid mirvey a. Iota N. 811, Ali, 4A and bounded on the north by Hill atreet, aouth by Oilnger .treet, eaat by ao alley and weat by Clay atm-t. No l A certain lot of gn.und .Ituate aa afore-aid, being lot No. x, bounded on the north by Oilnger .treet, aouth by Hummlt lreel,eaatby lot No. S57 and weal by Clay treet. ' No. 1 A certain lot of ground .Itua'e aa aforesaid, bounded on the north Mr tilinger .treet, aouth by Humruit.treet, east br Fourth .treet, we.t by lot No. KM, and known and numbered a. lot Xl No 4. Two certain lota of ground aituatea. aforesaid, known as lota No. K and SL bounded on the north hy oilnger atreet. east by lot No. :. west by flay .Ireet, and aouth by summit .treet. . Taken in exe. utlon and to be aold aa the property of W. H. Bepler, at Uie suit of A. L Miller use, ALSO All tbe right, title. Interest, claim and de mand of Ben Cramer, of. in and to a certain piece or parcel of land si mate In Lincoln township, Somerset countv. Ha., containing A jcrea more or le. adjo ning land, ot John Brant, Joseph Ogline, Harrison Emcrt and Mosn Kteain. having a two-story frame dwelling house, a one-slory dwelling house and .table thereon erected, with the appur tenances. r TaLet In execution and to be sold as the flla'rueuf Bt'D Cn"ncr' ' suit of Henry ALSO All the rlg.it. title. Interest, claim and de mand of Sarah P.iwlin. of. in and to a cer lain piece or parcel of land situate in Addison township, Somerset county, l'a., containing "17, H!'T ".'nr OT 1 bntit two acres clear, adJoUiIng land, of '.. T. emlth and wife. John Vv. Ties.ler. William Kndsley and other, having thereon erected a tw.-vstorv frame house, stable and other outbuildings, "with the appurtenances Ta'trn in execution and to be sold a. the property nt Sarah Bowlin, at the suit of bimon Millers use. Terms : NOTICE All person, purchasing at the above .ale will p'ease take notice that 10 per cent, of the pun-bane money must be paid when property I. knocked down; otherwise it will again be exposed to sale at the risk of the f)rl purchaser. The re.idu.rof the purchase money must be paid on or before the day of confirmation, viz: Thursday, Pec. 14, n No deed will be acknowledged ui.UI the pur chase money is paid in full. Sheriffs Office M. H. HAKT7F.LL, bomenet, l'a. blierilf. JEGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to all person, con cerned a. legatees, creditors or otherwiae.that the following accounts have passed register, and tliat tbe same will be presented for con firmation and allowance atan Orphans' Court iu ue neiu at aomersei, rs., on Wednesday, December 13, 1899: First and final account of James HeUel, ad ministrator of tieorge HeUcel, dee'd. First and final account of Francis Bran, administrator and Trustee of Matilda Barron, dee'd. Kind and final account of Ellas j. Rchrnck and William B. Cook, administrators of John Sen rock, dee'd First and final acconntof Alfred Knepp, ad Dilnistrator of John Knepp dee'd. First and final account of Hiram and Albert Beck, administrators of Philip Btck, dee'd. First and final account of W. H. Koontx, Fo. administrator e. t. a. of Edwin Walters. decM. First and final account of Atleta T Mis Outre, administratrix of J H. M-HJulre.dee'd, wno was the executor or 1 horns f rice, dee'd. First and final account of "olnrnon E. Lan caster, administrator of Kamuet P. .ancastcr, dee'd. who was guardian ot Leslie, Albert and Sadie Con newsy and of Lewi, hum worth, minor children of F.mma Bumworth. formerly Knima Conneway. First and final account of Hiram H. Wable, administrator of James O. Atchison, dee d. First account of Janus W. Heibert, adminis trator of J. U W. -selbert, dee'd First and flnal account uf Valentine Hay, Est , adiului.trator de boni. non enm U.ta mento annexo of Thomas Price, dee'd First and final account of E. M. and John M. Lambert, administrators of baruuel Lam bert, dee'd. First and final account of Ialab Flick and Cyrus Henilnger. executors of the last will and testameiit of David Phlllippi. dee'd. " First and final account of ti. C. Hartley, ex eco'orof H. K. jood, . ec d First and final ace -Hint of Wflllnm Winters, administrator of John H. Zlmmerm in. deCd Somerset. Pa . JAMES M. CoVF.K, Nov. 15, "88. Be later. CDITOR'S NOTICE. At an O m hina' lui. ... .( " , on the isth tlct. Isau, on motion of C. W. W alker. tbe undersigned waa duly appointed su.lllor to make a distribution of the fund, in the hand, of H.C and John Werner, ad sin istra lo-s of iieorge Werner, dee'd, who waa administrator of Bernard Sml'li. laleof Mev ersdate boroiich. dee'd, and al. to dl.tritmte the funds In the hand, of W H Hav. admln ltratore Ui mm of said B.-m ird -inlth t-j and among thos legally entitl-d th-re'o. her. by gives notice that he will attend to the (lutle. of the above appointment, on Tnurs da. Nov. 21, lf. at hi. office In Somerset IstnMish. Pa when and where all partus In terested can aUend if they think proor-r. JOHN U.rO ITT. Auditor. 1; Toor ;l H,uie Coroner' Auditor. County Director. I hunre'r 7S c Si i tr : 5 ; 1' 5 2 If 9) c H 5 : .1 : ! 2 : Kt' 1 j 5 31 54 1 27 4 ! 178 I Hi i M) V Ki IS. 3 ! 124 1 j 25 i 71; 5 1 3 ! " 2 ! 10 4 li." 7 r 4R M 2 : an 1 ; v S5 ; 5S J'! 1 I 8.S. . ' 1 7! 87' .. 1 1 ! 124 2 1 27 1 7 Sj 37 ... ! K 10 4 1 1H3 2 3s. ii S. It! : 1M ij 8V ... 4.! 3K, ir.v .t 2 1 5.? V 2 1 32 t 4 1 4-V W .wr 15 i 11. Hi 21 . 1-V 2(i' 17K f s 1.3 20 37 Mi 10 13 22 24 -15 Sst 7 & 2H XV 13 70 18- 21 - .. 61: I .. 8 .. 3 .. 3.5 .. 17 4 12 42 ! 48: II .. 33 .. 21 III Ti is" St .. 3S W . 11 115 37 ,Vi 7S 1M 8 . t . 4 . 4i 2'. 2S . 5 . i 2 3. It 51' 1 77; 38 SO 32 77 13 1x5 77. 85 K. Kl 2S Ui 1S4 8"' 4; 42i 22' SO . 4-3 4t 2 8 3 2 511 1M :; 5t lt.i 2 ' 1 ' 1.5 51 72. 0 ; tr S 1 121 4 ' 22t 5, HW 14 HI 17 4 12 4rt r 4 , 107 1 14 5 73 11 . 3 121 112 17 7-" 1 ! 110 1J 2JO 7 5 5, C . 31 3i 4 312 14 41 212 41 1JK K4 31 12 6 313 .. ! 14 . .. I 41 . 8 214. 5' 45 6 : 12 .. ; km . :!! S: 14' 14 II 2,!: 41 12t( 104 32 12 41 211 ; 125 KM 31 13 33 21 IO 74 22 . IS 24 . 132 3577 354s 1345, I , 2232 Ziti, I 112 3VI 1355J 128 StjH), 135 1 I 21M TRUSTEE'S SALE Of n Undi.ided Inlerwt la Cer'oii PIkm or Pi-wli of tans and Minaral Interests ! Pursuant to an order of the IMstrlct Conrt of the United Slates for the Western District of Pen nsv I van la, made on the 'id day of Sep tember, ItfK, in the matter of AM AN DCS U. SINK, Bankrupt, No 1'4, In Bankruptcy, tbe undersigned Trustee of the estate of autd Bankrupt, will sell, by Auction, at the COURT H3USE IN THE BOROUGH OF SOMERSET, lu the county of Somerset, and Slate of Pennsylvania, on T , 23, 1 At 2 o'clock P. M., the undivided third part of the following de scribed pieces or parcels of land and Mineral Interests of said Amandus it. sick, said Bankrupt, clear, d 1st hacked and div-ied of liens, lo-wit: The one undivided third part of all those certain pieces or arrel of land and mineral Interests, situate in lwer Turkeyfoot town ship. In the county of Somerset, aud Stale of Pennsylvania, us follows : 1. The one undivided third part of a certain tract of land, .ituate as aforesaid, containing four hundred and twenty-four i41'4 acres, war ranted in the name of William Jolles. adjoin ing lands wairauted in the name ot Samuel Painter. Ueorge Dark, Jr, William Dark, Isaac Mason aud others. i The one undivided third patt of a cer tain Uuct of land, situate as aloresaid, con taining two hundred and fitty-rive acre, being part of a tract of land, warranted In the name of Samuel Painter, Andrew Stewart, reserving one-half of all Iron ore, S. The one undivided third partof acertain tract of land, situate as aforesaid, containing seventy-four 171 1 acres, known as the John I Itoddy tract, Henry Kurtx reserving fourteen II Ij acrvs surface uow in possession of J-tmes lyatt, with privilege to the said James Hyatt to mine aud use sulliCH-nl coal for his family use. 4 The one undivided third part of all the eoal underlying the surface of a certain tract of land, situate as aforesaid, coniaiuuig one hundred and seven IW7) acres, being part of a larger tract of land, warranted In the name of Samuel Painter, with the right of free In gress, cgreas aud regress. ii. The one undivided third part of all that certain tract of land, situate as aforesaid, warranted in the name of Isaac Mason, ad joining land, warranted in tire nanus of William Jul lis, Oeorge Dark and David rttw an, containing lour hundred and twenty four (44) acres, reserving and excepting from this conveyance the Mine reservation made by Andrew Stewart and wife In their deed to John Ruh, being all Iron ore and the timber that is twelve Inches across tbe stump and upwards two feet from the ground and wiln certain privileges in said deed mentioned. S. The one undivided third part of all tbe coal and mineral, underlying a certain tract of laud, situate aa aforesaid, containing sixty-three itvli acres, being a part of a tract warranted In the nameol Hamuel Painter, re serving to andrrw su-wart the oue-balf of Uie Iron ore underlying said Iraol. Terms: Ten per cent, of the whole purrliase money to be paid when the aid property Is knocked down; one-tblrd of the whole purchase moo ey, less the leu per cent , to be paid on eon urination of sale by I tie Court: one-third of th purchase money to be paid In six months from lite date of confirmation of sale, with Interest from date of confirmation of sale, ami one-thlnl o.' the pun-haae money to be paid In one year from date of confirmation of Mle, with Interest from date of confirmation of sale; tbe deferred payment, to be recured to the trustee by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser or purchasers. J. U KM. MILL DAVIH, Trustee of the estate of Aumudua U. sink. Bankrupt, Altoona, l'a. A J. KILkt, Attorney for Trustee, Altoona. Bank Building. Altoona. l'a. Altoona. Pa , iK-tober PUBLX3 sal: or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the llrptians' linn ot rsmierse couniy, 1 to the undersigued directed, there Will be ex posed to sale by puultc outcry, on SATURDAY, NOV. 18, 1899, At I o'clock P. M., on the premises In the township of fstrtTier, county of Somerset, l'a, the following de scribed real estate, lale the property of C'rvas M urray, dee'd. viz : AH that certain tract of land situate In Lar imer township, somerset county, Pa adjoin ing lands of Joh:i Kilmer, John Knepp's heirs, Kxra (ielger, Samuel Bauman's heirs, John Brown and other., containing about its) acres, ot which .VI acres are cleared, balance wis si land, having thereon erected a one and a half.story fmmedwelling house, bank barn .tsxi tett and othermitbuildings, is well wa tered, all kind, of fruit and convenient to school and church. Terms : In hand on confirmation of sale. In six mouths and ', in twelve months from con ft r. mation of .ale, to be secured on the premises by Judgment bond. Ten per cent, of the pur chase money to be paid on day of sale. OWEN MURRAY, Administrator and Trustee of Urias Murray, dee'd. John K. Scott, Attorney, Somerset, Pa, VTJ2LI3 SALE By virtue of an order of rale Issued out of the Orphans' Court of Somerset county. Pa, to the undersigned directed, there will be ex posed to Mle by pub ic outcry, ou THURSDAY, NjV. 23, '99, At I o'clock P. M , at the Court House, in Somerset borough. Pa tbe following described real estate, late Uie property of Matthew Henry, da-'d, via : All that certain lot of ground situate Iu the borough of Confiueuce, Somerset county. Pa., bounded and described aa follows: Fronting on Loean Place street on the no- th 24 fit and extending back of equal width V21 feet to an alley on the south, bounded on the west by hit of H. B. Tissue and on the eaat by lot of Mrs. A. W. Beal. and being known as lot No. in block X, having tlx reoo erected a on -story brick dw. Iilng and store room. This is a de sirable business location. Terms :- Cash on confirmation of sale. Ten percent, of tbe purchase money to be paid aa soon aa tbe property is knocked down. AMY HENRY. Administrator and Trustee, John R Knott, Confluence, pa. Attorney, Somerset, Pa. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the estate of Ellas Maust, dee'd. H iving been duly appointed aud tor by the Orphans' Cart of somerset county, to make a d'.tribulion of the fund In tbe hand, of the administrator of the above among those legally entitled thereto, notice is nereby given lliat I will sit at the office of , Hay Hay, in the borougb of sorncrset. Pa , ou Wednesday, the hi h dy of Isc mtier. A D , l, when and where all parti s luer. may attend. A. L. O. H VY, Auditor. Wanted-An Idea Wba eaa thrnk of soma simp woff wpacotr mn tob r if t thr mmf brtac yom wlf Wrli JOH H Urvi.nVbit 'tiu rvi sCl.. T nft. Wftnaton, D. CM for ttr fl.fU) prtc oflar vamaDlB Real Estate "Strike For Your Altars And Yoar Fires." Patriotism is always com mendable, bat in every breast there should be not only the desire to be a good citizen, but to be strong, able bodied and well fitted for the battle of life. To do this, pure blood is absolutely neces sary, and Hood s Sarsapa rilla is the one specific which cleanses the blood thorough ly. It acts equally well for both sexes and all ages. Humor-"K'W'fA blopori fier I Uke Hoofs Stulpt&- S cured my humor nd is tictlUrd s nerve tonic. Josit Etion. -MAvara jprv,y.. Hood's Pills ears HssrUls thsJrTttttnsa4 rsthsTtlc uTts. wliVu i Sarsspaxlila. New Goods. 1899 PACK, Now arriving daily at oar "Headquarters Store." Counters aud shelves loaded down with new Figs. Evaporated Fruits, Prunes, Raisins, Minee Meat, Cleaned Currants, and Seeded Raisins.- We are just receiv ing our Fall Packed Can nod Goods. Our line will be tbe best selected snd consists of tbe greatest assortment ever shown on this market. Nothing but the very best brands do we handle. OUR STOCK is always kept moving, because our trade is large, on account of having tbe BSST of everything in our line and selling it at PRICFj as low as you are asked fur goods not equal in quality. OUR FLOUR ROOM is always stock ed with tbe highest grades of Flour. Pillsbnry's Best and Porter's Boss are our leaders, and they are winners. Try them, you will have no others. We want 500 tons straight timothy hay. Can load in any part of the county. Write or call to see us. Apples, Potatoes, Wheat and Oats are also wanted. Yes! We are Headquarters Your trade, correspondence and calls solicited. Jos. Horne&C 1849-1899. Rogers Table Ware. You know the name of William A Rogers is a guarantee for all that is good iu plated ware. No other silver plated ware holds its own sn long as that pro duces! ny mis celebrated maker. Perbaps you anticipate making a Christmas gift of Knives, Forks and Spoons. If you do there is a money sav ing here for you. We have a new pattern Just put on sale cal!et tbe Arundel. It Ii but shortly out and is a nrettv and ersce fill design after Li is XIV style; looks like solid silver, mese are tbe prices : Triple Plated Tea Spoons, $l.ot) eL Triple Plated DesertSixsins,? iiaset Triple Plated Table Spoous,fi7o a set Triple Plated UinnerKnive , f I oOset Triple Plate.! Dinner Forks.fl SOaset Sugsr Spoons, gold bowl, 50s each. Butler Knives, o0c each. Long Pickle Forks, 4rtc each. Large Cold Meat Forks, 75c each. Gravy Ladles, "j c each. Berry Spoons gold bowls, fl.25 each. Oyster Forks, $1 50 a set. Orange Spoons, gold howls, f2 00 1 set Fruit Knives, fl 75 a sot Individual BjtterSpreadcrs,l 5)sel What is so highly appreciated by th recipient of a Curi-4t:n u gift a s u i sil ver pieces? Our dialogue will tell y vi all aViut Dress Goods and ready intds Garment and Gloves and Furs. Sond us your name. It doesn't cost anything. Pittsburg, Pa. TOTICE TO STOCKHOLDER Notice Is hereby given thit In accordance with the requirements of Its Charter and Br Laws, the am Jal meeting of the Htnckbold era of the Pitlabu'-gh and Connell.viile Kil road Company will be held at Its general office corner nmiinuem anu water streets. In the city of Pittsburgh, Pa .on Monday. December 4. ISMSt. at 1 1 o cl.-k a. m . fir the election or a Hoard of Directors to serve lor the ensuing year, and ftr the transaction of su.-h oiiwr business aa may be brought before the meeting. 4. a. ABUIM,I1I. Secretary. Crplms' Cnrt Sa e OF Vahabls Real Estats ! By virtue of an order Issued out of Ibe Or phan.' Court of Somerset cotintv l hl. rs-ted, we will expose to public or private suleon the premises, in Slonycr-ek township, Somerset county. Pa., late the prop-rty of Vk.' ll... 1 ll.ii... j . , 11 Will tl. .viiiitr, UtX U. (Ill SATURDAY, DEC. 2, '99, AT I O'CLOCK P. M tbe following described rual estate: A rt-rtMin tmgt nf Lnrl .it...A i- t-. - . - - aws.svs t unc in ruiIIT- fwk lownhtp. Suim ret county, P , j- ;"..i.in ifiunsui imiiiri uir-Maer, r.prirMlra Hmnt. vv ilUani ilwwr, Jcob ivlttwm r rl- rntalnlnir Hv-vpiity-neven acre more or ln. ins is ur.xju pnpt-ny :n gooa culuv tlou. building in good ivpu.r. Terms: Cash. Pianession given A pril 1, 1W0. 10 per v-cuw vi iiuivuase money vo ie paid down. t'ATHARl.NE MILLKK. NtiRM N E. M I I.I.KIl, Adm'rs of William U. Mill, r, dee'd. PUBLI3 SALS OF Vahalb Real Estate! Py virtue of an order of sale Issued out of me ..rpoan. u)un,in ana lor Somerset coun iy, r to me nnaersignea aiiscted, there will be ex posed toaUe by public outcry, oa SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1899, At one o'clock P. M All Ik. nt.ml.Ml. it . - 1 i luuiurnviliry tOWn.ntp. Somerset countv. ! the following desert hd j; yrvvnj vt v uiiaiu r nu. All that certain tract of land situate In P.rothersvalley town.nln, Homerset county l'a, adjoining land, of Frar kiln Walker r reeman J. W.lksr k'm u i..t.. i- I others containing one bun'dre.1 and Hfteen ' , - - ih iaeraoa cruet- d a otv aud a fetif-aiory tnxmm Dwelling House, and other ontbuildlnga. Thia Is a very deslr- : J.. r . .. P'iey. who a sugar eainp of about vea-rls, about 76 acres cleared and la good cultivation, balance a sugar grove, no derlald with the a f vein of coal now opened, also lime stone; two miles from pine watct-edl etc?1 Unuia ewumunlly. well Terms : One-third of the purrkase money to remain as a lien upon the premises as dower, tbe in terest thereof to be paid to fcltia Kelts, widow, annually, and at herdej.th to tbe heirs anf legal representatives of W in. Krita. dee d one-third In band on confirmation ofaaleand1 oive-th rd in one year fnHn confirmation of " . C Krreni.01 tue entire purchase inoney to be paid wlieo property ia knocked doa n. K M FniTZ. i.. W H. r KHZ, 1 1. "L" nd Tro"t of W m. Knlx. dee'd. John K. tscuu. Attorney, Momerset, Pa. PH. At tbe same I line and place the ad. mlui.tralorwlllK.ilix sugi.r kceL-r and S I sugar water stands. a COOK BEEBITS KSSSS:. PLUMBING 1 : If You Want the Best mix -tr ay-iw-- ma Artti rf -v -w. ' a 1 t, '' : it V ir Ki.uta or be produced at goods, thcu call and examine in the following: Garlands. Majesties, Coumbians, All guaranteed to give catisfaction aid at rites ic ranging from $7.00 to $50.00. Call and examine. f K . it- Ia P. A. m m mmmmmmmm 1 1847 g WHEN IN WANT TP AT C ATJT. lvniJ rVltL PHAEMACY. 408 Main Srett, Our stock is complete. 8 Our Specialties: Fine Box Delicio s 5 Sparkling Ice-Cold Soda pure and refreshing 3 with a numerous variety of flavors. 3 6r . . 3 S Imported and Domestic Brands of Cigars constantly 5 on hand. G. W. BENFORD, Manager. Si -SPubllc station for Long Distance Telephone to all poinu la th 3 5 TJ. S. Rates moderate. Sunday paj sUtloo at Hotel Van near. KiuiuLUiuiuiuiLUiiuiii mmmmmmti WRITE US." We Sell Everjthsng Icu Uss Send Postal Hart toinp, tuvist-flitish r-arr-el. rebonntinc ba-K M'tiun kick. pit.4 lEnp t-'k. xtiKiJ nl, it tiro ririuir in. jrriit viv-ih1. fjiiK-y butt nn'uUr hatuiuf r. 1 jrui- NuthiiiK ufluml equals it iur tbe Uinev. - 1 ht llyft jut'kei mmw 22 ttMh4 lnir. tUAit ie rhttn ir ail oi vtn. i,vyor iiavfc: i1t l faniirf sat ik lth: Hm-!1 thruuKout with rurr (rirti liiim. Keiuarkalitv welt maUcanil arm. I in W .!vk Hr.-T Mk.hi kk. We ry exire- iw. ix iwi tm iah with order aitl we will rt-fuml )tKir DMMiey ii loumr not at:rml aith tairaiu. If y u lliiiik there i ny n-k in thi.-i, s ihl u $;.m m Kuaratttee of rom. fah and we will beuJ either alx.ve articU C. U. l. with i UfCcof (.XiumimUiou. Wt 8?fcr(o KetropoOtail Hatiaial Bank, Ptttsburf. PITTSBURG COMMERCIAL CO.. Dept.C. 331-533 H'ixmI Si reel, i'ittsbar . Pa. Choice Dress Goods and Suitings, 50c. style and money's worth that show plain as can be what a deter mined stand we're making to win your business by Earing you money on nice goods. A hundred styles at half a dollar choice dressy Prefcs Goods and Suitings 40 to 52 inches wide. Dress goods proposition with more merit and importance attacli ed to it than there's been anything to equal this 1899. We're wholesalers as well as re tailers nobody iu between whole sale and retail to take out their proGt. That we save aud retail on a rock bottom bais, or such choice good goods as these would never be heard of at half a dollar or near it. When samples arc asked for please sjecify whrther fancies for gowns or skirts, or suitings far suits, are wanted. Extraordinary flannelettes 8 l-3c neat stripes for underskirts, and choice styles for dressing sacqucs and wrappers. I rice range of fliunelettes bv gins at oc. BOGGS & BUHL, DEPARTMENT ' X" Allegheny, Pa. CATARRH LOCAL and CUMATIC Xothing bot a lo al remedy or Uiantre of climate will cure "CATARRH. The specific ia Kly's Cmm Bairn U ia quickly b COLD 'M H EAD lt'.zi HTi .TZ A,1y 1'flamma.ior. . - inu ivm (r ran ml Ka Bi- or mail. ' w uru- Cures Drunkenness. e'eley0 MtEELPY - 'yjQlTlTUTE. V S CM SSMtta, K Wr4 far tres B0slL & HEATING. 1 t iuum.u oiuJl6 i'-m i"ii can a price no higher than infer?. or our complete fctcik, inl racer V .v u . 'a till jjj SCHELL, ' 1 i 1 OF PURE DRUGS, CHEM- 31 T.'HT VT A PTTPI fC 1 iuiliui nuiiVLLJ, Somerset, Pa. All goods guaranteed. 3 Stationery, "Aloha" Brand. 3 Confections in Original Packages,-' cr Wear al Whalesa'a Frissi for Oar Catalogue. JEwELRt. DRY COOD1! DRESS C0C03. CLOTHisG. MIL1.1NEHT. tIC. We Will 511 TOO --'5thi ti t i 4 lrrel- ne Uuilv larreUti liot yuu t I Kir (Tin nn lnm fine hvy all vrA S5.00 Gibbs Imperial fa, Made at Canton, Ohio, the bwtpi on earth, can now be wn si J. 1 Bolauroaum's Hardware Stun Light to handle and very dunu -& 3h;o. fl J':1:L 8EE OUR Disc Harrows. 8teel Ba Lever SpPc8 Toot Harrowi Steel Bar Lever Spring Tooth Harrow With Wart Old Style Wood Frame Harrows, plated front and nnder frame witb , era to protect bolt heads. Steel Bar Lever Corn and Garden Cultivators. fire, seven and nine shovels, withS ' era and weeders. T Bar Steel Pulverizer Land Roil Corn Planters, with fertilizing attachment Champion Hay Rakes. J. B. HolderbauiB SOMERSET. PA. Freh Seasonable Cut Flowers, Puffed U also all kinds of Artistic Floral P can be furnished on short mt Telephone at our store. Adolf Stl. f1" Johmttou n, ! Farm For Sale. . .. -.t A Tery dirablr Grain. St.s sn farm omtaininK ills srrvs, stssit J-' Imr bwlanm exu-llrDt timtr. ?""- mil wrstof Hulphur H(.nnK S'"" P. K. K , a .sd frsiiie dwrilinf h"u'w,, barn and outbuiliimrs nrvrr-fsi'"1 r iV of rxcFllent, wsu-r, u-nns tvs"I"e furtiwr prtlculr slitr- UKttrbiK rsl KM' .. f Mann's Cbotce, Blf.rJ i"""1-' PUBLIC NOTICE. .k. utb Notice Is hsrebv fflven thil on tW i ' Of Aucust, ISMS. Hwirv J. Hiir V eatlon la lbs Land ifflre at H ""'J,, for l:H sorrs and ailowsm. L ni. sitnatta In Shs.ie township. !f,n"'rh. m'i Vm, boaudrd by Jseob A. U'" i,.t Ir. John l-jly's brirsun to smith, n m lllnrr h Uk west and Jsiurt turrj toeDortb. .... , ,fiEi 1895 rmaatatra.