Somerset Herald. of publication, Wednesday morning t otherwise .s1" i.tntin llied QUtil Dec fibers do not .poDslble polo flic tli name of -4 f . Adtl the form- Address .pirnem KKALD, JUS f A. LtHL. Jr- ,,TiKYPlJBU(i L- iSu 45 ul re wiU at- .u,uri Huuse. I lourUi S. FiUaburg. J boluerael, Pa. J. a-J f !, huLi;tirv.iT.LAW. 1 Ai " tsumerfcet, P 1 ...1Bt'Ul'lJ"- r " i Somerset, Pa, lHuu-Ku. oj. Court f:6CVITiuKMiV-AT-LA'. 1 Soiuerae.1, Pa. I J. EOOEK. AriuiO.EY-AT-L.VW. tHiiuerael, Pa. j AiiUiw.. 1 ouierw:t, Pa. 1 vr D-vu.Pl aitenliua to buaiuess u- '.PiTirtiu .-.iucraelaiidaujuiiilii J S lii Pn dou: itow, oi iHm I , ha v. A. L. ii. HAY. I1 InuiVt-VS-AT-LAW, lithir &oiuent. Pa. i-N'H. OIL, I Somerset, P- J w tuu. uwj uvau 1 ou colloo- l4 JiiauoUi Uiock. ? 1 r" 3 0. KIMMEL, Aiiua-NiA-AT-LAW, Bouieract, Pa. iikilou ouoiuom taL-ntol lo bl A suuarxt aOj jiuiu ooui-uat, won Ijjnjuuacaiy. uiliueou Aiaiuliuaa J.juvt luflroUi orouery Slum i I" " L PUUH, I Al'l'oKMi.V-AT-LA. born- ' t, P. Jj j MmaioUi Block, up - re. En- J aiiu v lli-I, uilrexuinl,nu all . ami kUeudnl U iU iruuiplu I""11- t iLBuKS i COLBUKX, IAliuivM-Va-AX-J-AW, Siouientrt, Ps. a ;M e&irusia to our cure will be 4-'-. Uiliusiy :teuaeu Ux Loilco- tjr it soiucixjL Oxliora nud ljoin- J;L,t. urvciu( KiiU OOUVelUCUL 4 -4. raMuukiiir tcruiA. IL BAiJi, AITOH'EY-AT-LAW, bouierwt, P 1 iu Soiucrwl mid adjoinliie t buuucueliUUbtcU k UilU Wlii i ? jrju.t)i KiiciiUou. t . 1 afftJlH. W. H. KL'PP' I triKuiH t RUPPKl, j Al'IulOtia-Al'-l-AW, jbouieniet, Ps -muaarfeutruntd lo their care will oe . jiuc iMwiuiiiy altuiueU to. Uttice CrjM kUccl, oipouU: Mrinmutb. L MAIISDKX, M. D-, 1aiSitiAN bLlUiKUN, .1 ouucri:l, Ps. laf.n.t SUul bank. iiuuuiii giv.-u Lo lue care of the 4 -i U- Li.t UraiiU lii ol 1'l.roilli: UlfteaiACS. t. J r.t piiol.e. T W. CARUTHillW. M. D.. I i'diSit.U.N iMjsLHotOX, bouierket. Pa. (E Pj-.o. street, oppokile U. B. ftilsIciA ami SLKUEON. feoluerwrt. Pa. if! bit prufanoLjil irn kM to tii citi- J- M. LOUTH ER, J'Hisit.iA.N AMi&fUGEON. Kit ir rj of irui tiora. H. j. KIMMELL, -inU prufeMiouj ervioe to the clti 4, oou":ret WiJ viciuitv. L'uleM pro : f Oiu U: louud at LiM of a. su. Wi ol Umuioa J. 1---J tf.McMILLEX, to.luluxU: in ieuutry.) Jt?If ' uouuu " the prwervaUon i n m, , torUl- ArtiCcil kela lurried, l- ii. , " l-'r1'l-ed nunctoo-- umc J uid Patriot lreU. 'K B. FLUCK, Land Ri !"LN'i toi.EEa. LUUe, Pa. LK.UIVE MUTUAL FIRE KERLIX, PA. uure iuws ana I . n rue ior itilorruatioa. JA.t J. ZORN, Secretary. dOTELGLORE, ...wfluence. I'eun'a -NMiTu Ua U" rrfuruUld f utidlnr I4 ,"0,lrr,, nuproveuienu J iciprn ' , ."""'ae'"-!il of Jolin ' N u. ? "mn- TUe pub- "SSuiia uruqurum uen John Murrav. 1, HUSTOX er and Embalmer. I A GOOD HEARSE, font- I tailed. Somerset - Pa i - V 111 I VOL. XLVIII. NO. 15. NO USE TRYING 1 can't take plain cod-liver oil. Doctor says, try it He might as well tell me to melt lard or butter and try to take tlum U ;, 4v. :,t. i ii i u ii 3 ivu i ici i aiiu 0 will upset the stomach. But 2 you can take milk or cream. so you can take Scott's Emulsion: li in, . -ft T ii a iiac cream; dui wiu feed and nourish when cream will not. Babies and chil dren will thrive and crow fat on it when their ordinary food does not nourish them. Persons have been known to Jain a pound a day when taking an ounce of Scott's Emulsion, It gets the digestive machinery in working order so that the ordinary food is W I., .r - i.J .j ...:.t,i. j . , - l C. . I A w 0 SCOTT A BOWSE, Chtmisii. New York. THE- First National- Ban, OK Somerset, Penn'a. Capital, S50.000. Surplus, S4O.00O. undivided ci nnn DCPOaiT MCCCIVC IN LMOC NOVMALI MOUNTS. PATLf ON OCMAMO ACCOUNTS OF MERCHANTS. lltCl STOCK OCALCRS. AND OTMtM SOLICITCO -DISCOUNTS DAILY. - BOARD OF DIRECTORS. CHAS. O. S I'l.U UKO. R. MX'LU JAMtSLH'tiH, W. H. MilXEK, JUiLS K. Si'(TT. RuHT. . iSCULls EDWARD SCULL, : : PRESIDENT VALENTIN K HAY, : VICE PRESIDENT. HAKVEY M. BERKLEY, CASHIER The funds and necuritie of (his ban a are se curely protected in a celebrated COKL.ISS Pcn ei.AK Piioor bAFB. Tne oui; aafe made abso- lutelr buruiar-prool. Jacob D. Swank, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Next Door West of Lutheran Church. Somerset, - Pa. I Am Now prepared to supply the public with Clocks, Watches, and Jew elry of all descriptiona, as Cheap as the Cheapest. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. All work guaranteed. Look at my stock before making your purchases. J. D. SWANK. KEFFER'S NEW SHOE STORE! HEN'S BOYS'. WOMEN'S, GIRLS' and CHILDREN'S SHOES, OXFORDS no SLIPPERS, p.lack and Tan. Latent Styles and Shapes at lowest .-..CASH PRICES Adjoining Mrs. A. E. Uhl, South-east corner of square. SOMERSET. PA. r.lcn.l most sofllv asid J. r.! iv most ei'lVci;vtlv ever festive scene v. lieu uirown liv waxen catidks. Tnc liii'at tbiit hcibtc-rs beauty's tli.irtu, ihnt pitstl:c fiuisliod touch to the ciraw iiifi room or uir.iiiK rcuui, is llie nieiiojf glow cl mWET WAX CANDLES Soli in all colors and slices to harinoniz; with any interior hangings or decorj.tior.s. M -inuf:t.t tired lr ?T STANDARD OIL CO. Kor sii le evervw here Get an Kdacatlon ThbMtatBtia Ufa. smUwU a CEKTRAL STATE K3RUAL SCHOOL LOCK AVE.f (t'UaMa C.l, J A. 8trai( faenhr. ried wm r JibrT. mtHAr.ta. ia Ubonwrr rrwBI wam. kud.iml baildmra. Kteamr gTvumft. aaurust tin. lwt (, M t aid to at, daata la adaiwa to rolw aoniMa, )ae. rwora iaonTv ia Music, tinorthand.Tjpa iritmc. Hnd It illaati-aMMl catalaa. Jim ixaua, ra.a. m-'.. ua ra. V-M.4 50 YEARS - rvorBICMM EXPERIENCE T ft a oe Marks DCSICNS ComticKTS Ac nirkir aiwrtaiH oar iHHDfrti frea bher an luTenti'Mi M .Wt IMoemaMe. inili!il UofuatnctlraHiBdentUl. Hllokoa Pauuu seiil free. MM iinar; for ainiif palema. ratna taAeti Uirouirh Muiia A Co. raiaiTa tprnai n-tUct, withoat cfcaa, la la Scientific Jtmerican A aaiMtaomelT lltral4 wklf. Ira-eat rtr. cuiatiim ant aneiiua toarnal- I'arma. a Taar: axmtlia. U Bold b all nwJJafj. feUNN&Co.",i-'-KewTork araoea OSoa, aS F Waabtut-tim, D. U e WHATEVER IS-IS BEST. I kuow ax my life gmw older. And mine eye have clearer Alglit, Tliat under each rank wrong. Koinewherc There lie the roa of Right ; That earn sorrow hiui iu purpose. By IhewM-rowing oft ungueased. Hut as sure an the sum brings moraine, WhaU-vc-r in la beeL I know that each nluful artton. As sure as the nt(ht hrings shade. Is somewhere, sometime punished, Tho' the hour he long delayed. I kuow that (he soul U aided' Homeiimes by the heart's unrest. And to grow means otten to suffer But whatevtr ia Is best. I know there are no errors In the great eternal plan. And all things work together Kot the final good of man. And I know when my soul speeds onward In Its grand eternal quint, I huli say, a I look baek earthward, Whatever is Is beU -Ella Wheeler Wilrox. IX MEMORY OF MARTHA. You may talk about banjo-playing if you will, but unless you heaid old Ben in his palmy days you have no idea what genius cafi'do with five strings etretched over the sheepskin. You have been told, perhaps, that the banjo is not an expressive instru ment. Well, in the hands of the ordi nary player it is not. But you should hare heard old BeD, as, bending low over the neck, with closed eyes, he made the shell respond like a living soul to Lis every mood. It sang, it laughed, it sighed; and, just as the tears began welling up into I be listen ers' eyts, it would break into a merry reel that would set feet a twinkling be fore one knew it. Ben and his music were the delight of the whole plantation, white and black, master and man, aud in the evening when he sat before Lis cabin door, pkkingout tune after tune, hymn, ballad or breakdown, he was always sure of an audience. Sometimes it was a group of white children from the big house, with a row of pickanini.iea press ing close to tbem; sometimes it uasold Mas' aud Mis' themselves who strolled up to the old man, drawn by his strains. Often there was company, nd then Ben would be a.-ked to leave Lis door and play on the veranda of the big bouHe. Later on he would come back to Martha laden with Lis rewards, and swelled with the praises of bis powers. And Martha would say to him, "You, Ben, don' you git conceity now; you des keep yo' haid level. I des' nio'n 'low you been up dah playiu' some o' dem oiigodly chunes, lak "Hoe Co'n an' Dig rTates." Ben would laugh and say, "Well, den, I tek de wtckeduess often de ban jo. Swing in, ol' 'ooman!" Aud be would drop into the accompauiment of one of the hymns that were the joy of Martha's religious s-juI, and she would sing with him, until with a flourish and a thump, he brought the music to an end. Next to his barjo, Ben loved Martha, and next to Ben, Martha loved the banjo. In a time and a region where frequent changes of partners were com mon, these two servants were noted for their single-hearted devotion to each other. He bad never had any other wife, and she had called no other man husband. Their children had grown up and gone to other plantations, or to' cabins of their own. So, alone, drawn closer by the habit of comradeship, they bad grown old together Ben, Martha, an the banjo. One day Martha was taken sick, and Ben came home to find her moaning with pain, but dragging about, trying to get supper. With loud pretended upbraidings he bundled her into bed, got his own supper, and then ran to his master with the news. "Marfy, she down sick, Mas' Tawm," he said, "an' I's mighty uneasy in my nun' 'bout huh. Seem lak she don' look right to me outen her eyes." "I'll send the doctor right down, Ben," said his mast?r. "I don't reck on it's anything serious. I wish you would come up to the house to-night with your barjo. Mr. Lewis is going to be here with Lis daughter, and I want them to hear you play." It was thoughtlessness on the mas ter's part; that was all. He did not be'.uve that Martha could be very ill; but he would have reconsidered his command if he could have seen on Ben's face the look of pain which the darkness bid. "You'll send the doctah right away, M is'?" "Oh, yes; I'll send him down. Don't forget to come up." "I won't fu'git," said Ben, as be turned away. But he did not pick up his banjo to go to the big house until the plantation doctor had come aud given Martha something to ease her. Then he said, "I'se got to go up to the big house, Marfy; I be back putty soon." "Don you hu'y throo on my 'count You go 'long and give Mas' Tawm good measure; you hyeah?" "Quit yo' bossin'," said Ben, a little more cheerfully; "I got you whah you can't move, an' ef you give me any o yo' back talk I 'low I frail you man st'om." Martha chuckled a "go 'long," and Ben wet lingeringly out of the door, the banjo iu its ragged cover under his arm. The plantation's boasted musician played badly that night. Colonel Tom Curtis wondered what was the matter with him, and Mr. Lewis told bia daughter as he drove away that it seem ed as if the Colonel's famous banjoist had been overrated. But who could play reels and jigs with the proper awing when before his eyea was the picture of a smoky cabin -room, and on the bed in it a sick wife, the wife of forty years? Tbe black man hurried back to bis cabin, where Martha was during. She woke at his step. "Didn't I tell you not to hu'y back hyeah ?" she asked. "I ain't nevah bu'ien. I reckon I gin 'em all de music dey wanted," Ben answered a little sheepishly. He knew that he had not exactly covered him self with glory. How'a you feelin?" L added. one SOMERSET, PA., "Bout the same. I got kin' of niis'y in my side." "I reckon you couldn't jine in de hymn to tek de wickedness outen dis banjo?" He looked anxiously at her, "I don't know 'bout J'iuin' iu, but you go 'long an' play auyhow. Ef I feel lak journeyin' wid you, I fin' you some w liar on de road." The banjo began to sing, and when the hymn was half through, Martha's voice, not so strong and full as uttual. but trcmbliug with a new pathos, join ed in aud went on to the end. Then Ben put up his banjo and went to bit lent. The next day Martha was no better, and the same the next Her mistress came down to see her, and delegated one of the other servants to be with her through the day, and to get Ben's meals. The old man himself was her close at tendant in tbe evenings, and be waited ou her with tbe tenderness of a woman. Ife varied Lis duties as nurse by play ing to ber, sometimes some lively, cheer ful bit, but more often the bymns she loved, but was too weak to follow. It gave him an aching pleasure at his heart to see bow she hung on his mu sic It seem d to have become her very life. He would play for no one else now, and the little space before his door held his audience of white acd black children no more. They still came, but the cabin door was inhospitably shut, and they went away whispering among themselves, "Aunt Martha's sick." Little Liz, who was a very wise pick aninny, once added, "Yea, Aunt Mar ty's sick, an' my mammy says she ain' gwine to git up no mo'." Another child had echoed "Never!" in the bush ed, awe-struck tones which the child ren use in the presence of the great mystery. Liz's mother was right, Ben's Mar tha was never to get up agaiu. One night during a pause in his playing she whimpered "Play Ha'k F'om deTorub." He turned into tbe hymn, aud her voice, quivering and weak, joined in. Ben started, for she bad not tried to sing for so long. He wondered if it wasn't a token. In the midst of the hymn sbe stopped, but he played on to the end of the verse. Then he got up and looked at her. Her eyes were closed, and there was a smile on her face a smile that Ben knew was not of earth. He called her, but she did not answer. He put bis hand upon her head, but she lay very still, and then he knelt and buried bis head in the bedclothes, giving himself up to all the tragic violence of an old man's grief. "Marfy! Marfy! Marfy!" he called, "What you want to leave me fu'? Mar fy, wait; I ain't gwine be long." His cries aroused the quarters, and the neighbors came flocking in. Ben was hustled out of the way, the news carried to the big house, and prepara tions made for tbe burying. Ben took his banjo. He looked at it fondly, patted it, and placing it in its covering, put it on tbe highest shelf in the cabin. "Brothah Ben alius was a mew' p'op ah an' 'sponsible so't o' man," said Liz's mother as sbe saw him do it "Now dat's what I call showin' 'spec' to Sis' Marfy, puttiu' his banjo up in de very place whah it'll get all dus'. Brothah Ben sho is difl'ent Tom any husband I evah had." She had just provided Liz with a third stepfather. On many evenings after Martha bad been laid away, tbe children, seeing Ben come and sit beside bis cabin door, would gather around, waiting and hop ing that the banjo would be brought out, but they were always doomed to disappointment. On the high shelf the old banjo still reposed, gathering dust. Finally one of the youngsters, bolder than the rest, spoke: "Ain't you gwine play no mo', Uncle Ben ?" and received a sad shake of the head in reply, and a laconic "Nope." This remark Liz dutifully reported to ber mother. "No, o' co'se not," said that wise woman, with emphasis; "o' co'se Brothah Ben ain gwiue play no mo; not right now, leas' ways; an' don' you go dah pesterin' him nuther, Liz. You be perlite an' 'spectable to him, an' make yo' 'bejunce when you pass." The child's wise mother had just dis pensed with her last stepfather. The children were not the ody ones who attempted to draw old Ben back to his music Even his master had a word of protest. "I tell you, Ben, we miss your Banjo," he said. "I wish you would come up and play for us sometime." "I'd lak to; Mast ah, I'd lak to; but evah time I think erbout play in' I kin des see huh up dar an' hyeah de kin' o' music she's a-listeuin' to, an' I ain't got no haht fu' dat ol' banjo no mo'." Tbe old man looked up at his mas ter so pitifully, that tbe young man de sisted. "Oh, never mind," he said, "if you feel that way about it." As soon as it became known that the master wanted to hear the old banjo again, every negro on the plantation was urging the old man to play in order to say that his persuasion bad given the master pleasure. None, though, went to tbe old man's cabin with such confidence of success as did Mary, the mother of Liz. "O' co'se, he wa'n't gwine play den," sbe said as sbe adjusted a ribbon; "be wasamo'nin'; but now hit's diftVnt," and she smiled back at herself in the piece of broken mirror. She sighed very tactfully as she set tled herself on old Ben'a doorstep. "I nevah come 'long hyeah," she said, "widout thinkin' 'bout Sis Marfy. Me an' hub was gret frien'a, an' a moughty good frien' she was." Ben shook his bead affirmatively. Mary smoothed her ribbons and con tinued: "I ust to of en come an set in my do' w'en you'd be a-playin' to hub. I was des! say in' to myse'f de othah day how I would lak to hyeah dat ol' banjo ag'in." She paused. "Tears lak Sis Marfy 'd be right nigh." Ben said nothing. She leaned over until ber warm brown cheek touched his knee. "Won't you play fu' me, Brothah Ben?" she asked pleadingly. Sj or in ESTABLISHED 1827. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1800. "Des' to bring baek de menibry o' Sis Marfy." Tbe old man turned two angry eyea upon her. "I don' need te play," he said, "an' I ain't gwineter. SisMarfy's membry's hyeah," and tapping his breast be walked into his cabin, leav ing Mary to take her leave as h?st she could. It was several months after this that a party of young people came from the North to visit the young master, Hub ert Curtis. It was on the second even ing of their stay that young Eldridge said: "Look here, Mr. Curtis, my fath er visited your plantation years ago, and he told me of a wouderful banjoist you had, and said if I ever came here to be sure to bear him if be was alive. Is he?" "You mean old Ben. Yes, he's still living, but the death of his wife rattier sent him daft, and he hasu't played for several years." "Pshaw, I'm sorry. We laughed at father's enthusiasm over him, because we thought that he overrated his pow ers." "I reckon not He was truly won derful." "Don't you think you can stir him up?" "Oh, do, Mr. Curtis," chorused a number of voices. "Well, I don't know," said Robert, "but come with me, and I'll try." The young people took the.'r way to the cabin, where old Ben occupied his accustomed place before the door. "Uncle Ben," said Robert, "here are some friends of mine from the North who are anxious to hear you play, and I knew you'd break your rule for me." "Chile, honey " began the old man. But Robert interrupted him. "I'm not going to let you say no," and he hurried past Uncle Ben into the cabin. He came out brushing the banjo aud saying, "Whew, the dust!" The old man sat dazed as the instru ment was thrust into his hand. He looked pitifully into the faces about him, but they were all expectancy. Then his fingers wandered to the neck and he tuned the old banjo. Then he began to play. He seemed inspired. His listeners stood transfixed. From piece to piece he glided, pour ing out the music in a silver stream. His old fingers seemed to have forgot ten their stiffness as they flew over the familiar strings. For nearly an hcur be played, and then abruptly stopped. The applause was generous and real, but the old man only smiled sadly, and with a far-away look in his eyes. As they turned away, somewhat aw ed by bis manner, they heard him be gin to play softly an old hymn. It was Hark! From the Tomb." He stopped when but half - way through, and Robert returned to ask him to finish it, but his head bad fallen forward close against the banjo's neck, and there was a smile on his face, as if he had suddenly had a sweet memory of Martha. By Paul Laurence Dunbar. Icing the Beds. A returning summer girl is enthusias tic in her praises of her hostess, who has solved the problem of keeping cool at night and securing refreshing sleep even during the most distressingly warm weather. Her method is to ice the beds, and she claims to have learn ed the simple process during her girl hood, spent in Florida, and now carries it out regularly for the delight of ber summer guests. In Florida, where the summer heat at night is almost as unbearable as it is during tbe day, she says it is not unu sual to ice the beds before retiring to rest This is done in a very simple manner. A metal vessel, very much in the form of the ancient warming pan used by our grandmothers, ia filled with broken ice, and after standing un til the ice has completely cooled the vessel it is placed between the sheets and moved to and fro over the surface of the sheets and pillows uutil they are quite cold. This coolness of the bed clothes is very soothing to the heated and wearied body, and invariably in duces immediate sleep. Those who pos sess one of these old-fashioned warm ing pans may now put it to the extra service of icing the beds in summer as well as warming them in winter. Telephone from Kitchen to Barn. Materials needed, one toy drum cut in two; copper wire to reach from tbe house to the barn; three insulators; cost very small. Cut the drum. Cord each head by making holes in the hoop for cord to pass through. Pass wire through center of bead and fasten with a leather button, open end to tbe wall. Insula tors put in post to hold wire up. We have had our telephone thirteen years, and the covering on tbe insulators rot ted off. We rewrapped them with silk; they are as good as new. A farmer would have to have one to know its worth. When company comes and tbe men are at the barn, we have only to tap on the teiepboue; no going after them or calling them. When husband is in the barn, aud anything happens that he needs help, be has only to tap, and help comes. In the thirteen years I judge it baa saved us a thousand trips to the barn. I want to add my testi mony to its worth. Every farmer should have one. Mrs. E. D. Ash- worth, in Practical Farmer. Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: Four bot tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years. Terrible sores would break out on her bead aud face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her health is excellent" This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters is tbe best blood purifier known. It's tbe supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kid neys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion, builds up tbe strength. Only 50 cents, at J. N. Snyder's Drug Store, Somerset, Fa., and O. W. Brallier's Drug Store, Berlin, Pa. Guaranteed. A Talk About Dewey. Exacting in the performance of offi cial dutie, courteous in manner, quiet iu deartmeut, iruin:icu'ate iu his attire and fond of society and club life, were the leading traits with which Admiral Dewey impress! hU associates during bis years of shore duty in Washington. When Admiral Dewey remarked re cently that there wa no occasion for lionizing him, aud added: "As a mat ter of fact, I was nervous from drink ing jMKr coffee, Just before the battle of Manilla," bis old naval friends smil ed admiringly. Their comment wa that it was exactly like Dewey's mod esty. They recalled how difficult it had lieen always to induce him to refer to his naval exploits iu the Ml', prefer ring always to change the topic to any thing of current interest. In his characteristics the hero of Ma nila bay differ hut little from his brother officers. (Seorge Dewey might indeed, be called a fair type of the American naval officer, who, as a rule, is genial, approachable, foud of the conventional good things of life, and not at all assertive of his most distin guishing trait, which is readiness for duty, whenever and wherever it may be. Nowhere ia the naval officer seen to more pleasing advantage than in Wash ington. Here, after years of sea duty, for promotion be is stationed for a pe riod as head of an important bureau of the navy department Men with j rank of rear admiral, commodore, or captain serve here as bureau chiefs, and here their characteristics are best made knowu. It is a fact that the ma jority of them, almost all of them, are found to be not only officers of the hightest order of ability aud efficiency, but with personal qualities most de lightful In public officials. It may be that following the sea develops the character and broadens a man. Cer tain it is, as many people must have observed, that the average captain of an ocean liner is as fine a gentleman as can be found in the world. Of much the same mold are the American naval officers. They are men of whom the couutry cannot tie too proud, not only for the manner In which they uphold the honor of their country iu every portion of the world, but for their great modesty and unassuming manners. If one were to visit the bureau of equipment in the navy department dur ing the time Commodore Dewey pre sided over it, be would find nothing in the geuial face of the slight man in tbe chiefs office to suggest service of the most hazardous kind of a quarter of a century earlier. He would scarcely be lieve that the seeming man of the world, dressed with faultless taste, had served a i lieutenant on the small steam sloop Mississippi until ber destruction by the confederate batteries, or that he was the man selected to force the passage up the Mississippi ahead of Farragut, running so close to shore in the work that the curses of Union aud Confederate gunners rang in each oth er's ears. But it was the same man, and quite as alert as when he won the highest commendation for bravery from his admiral iu the west gulf squad ron. And thirty years later, at Manila bay, the slight, courteous gentleman was destined to add a ne and brighter page to American history than any of the past Still less would one recognize a man of such qualities, seen of an evening in the cozy smoking room of the Metro politan club, but a stone's throw from the navy department, where Dewey was fond of going to chat with his friends after the duties of the day, and where be will be seen again, quite as modest in his favorite evening dress, after he returns to the capital, honored as few men have been in any country or time. In social affairs Admiral Dewey is the most delightful and companionable o' men. His wife, who was a daughter of Gov. (Jodwin, the war governor of Vermont, died in 1S75, aud much of the admiral's home life since then has been In the clubs. When stationed in Washington be had rooms at the Ever ett, a modest apartment house, at lT.'JOi H street, within ea-y reach of the navy department, the Metropolitan and the Army and Navy clubs. Si great now is the fame of the ad miral that traveler to the cipital ask generally to see these former resorts of their hero. They ak to be shown his favorite table in the club, the nock where be smoked aud chatted with friends after dinner, and are still more anxious to get a glimpse of his den and bedroom in the Everett But his old associates in the club long to see tbe admiral himself. They know be will come back to them unaf fected by the honors showered upon him, bis genial face brighter at sight once more of the old familiar places where he used to love to rest, with cordiality and contentment iu his eyes, to be once more in the place he calls home. St Louis Republic. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she with stood its severest tests, but ber vital rga is were undermined and death seemed immiuent For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that site slept all night; and, with two bottles, had been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at J. N. Snyder's Drug Store, Somerset, Pa., and O. W. Brallier's Drug Store, Berlin, Pa. Regular size 50c. aod $1. Every bottle guaranteed. Brushes and brooms would last longer and do better work if they had an oc casional bath. Four tablespooufula of household ammonia in two quarts of lukewarm water are the proportions for a good bath. Let the bristles or straws (stand in tbe water half an hour, then rinse thoroughly, aud do not hang them by the heat, but put in a cool place to dry erai Uer Mother's Stockings. A good story is bing whispered arouud about one of the beautiful brides of the other week. She was mar ried in a big church with the usual ac companiments of flowers and pretty bridesmaids. Everyone remarked how perfectly leautiful the bride hxiked as shewalke l up the aisle on the arm of her father to meet the bri legroom wait ing at the altar. After the wedding breakfast aud just as the bride was preparing to start for the to catch the afternoon train for her honeymoon, an old school friend of her mother came to her, kiss ed her on both cheeks, and said: "My dear child, you were the most perfectly lovely bride that I have seen this winter! As you walked up the aisle to meet the man who was so soon to be your husband, everyone could see from the half frightened yet trustful look upon your face and the firm yet tender smile about your mouth that you were thinking of the serious import ance of the step that you were taking. Your very look seemed to say: 'I am leaving my girlhood behind me and going forth upon an untried sea, but so great is my trust in him whom I have chosen that I step forward without fear and in perfect confidence.' Tell me, my dear just what the thoughts were which brought that lovely expression upon your face this morning." "Very well, I will tell you," said the bride, "exactly what my thoughts were as I walked up the aisle. My mother, who, as you know, is a much smaller woman than I am, for some sentimen tal reason insisted upon my wearing at the altar the very si. ken hose in which she was married to my father L'l years ago. They were so tight for me that at each step I kept relating to myself: 'This time they will surely split This time they will surely split!' And when I reached the altar without acuident I was so much relieved that I prol ably did wear the look of bliss which everybody mentioned. The Washing ton Times. Cows Milked by Machinery. A German manufacturer has invent ed a new milking machine, which is findiug a ready sale in Europe, especial ly in Denmark, Switzerland and Russia, says the Chicago Record. An iron pipe about 1 inch in diame ter is conducted through the stable, and is fixed at the ceiling so that it remains about 3 feet above the back of the ani mals. Flexible shafts, provided with small cocks, run from this pipe to a cylindrical milk collector which, again, is held by a beit laid around the back of the cows. At one side there is attached a small flexible hose divided into four small arms, all provided with small cocks, and which are connected with the udder. Tbe first mentioned iron pipe, run ning all through the stable, Is connect ed with a large cylinder fixed at the ceiling, from which a perpendicular tube runs down into a vessel filled with water. By means of a small hand pump the air is compressed iu the cyl inder and thus through the whole pipes. The water when rising regulates the pressure in the pipes. 1 1 needs only a few movements of the pump's piston to compress the air throughout the whole system. The only thing to be done then is to open the small cocks of the pipes con nected with the udder, and the milk flows into the above described milk collecting vessel. By this apparatus a large number of cows can be milked in a few minutes. The whole process, from tbe beginning to the end, does not require more than eight minutes. To Retain One's Beauty. Don't roll your eyes up into your head as if they were marbles ; a fine pair of eyes will be utterly ruined by this operation. A girl with a pretty mouth will purse it into the prettiest bouton, and eon tiuue the habit until many lines form about the lips, and the once lovely mouth has to be put into the hands of the beauty doctor. Nearly every woman bites or sucks ber lips. Others contract the brows and pro duce two furrows between the eyes. Others wrinkle the forehead with frowns. Others perpetually wear a tip-tilttd nose. It must be remembered that a truly eTpressive face does not consist of a set of features hung on strings or wires. Do cultivate placid features. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of bis splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en ergy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities aud the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at J. N. Suyder's Drug Store, Som erset, Pa., and at G. W. Brallier's Drug Store, Berlin, Pa. No Thrashing Machine for Willie. "I think it would be a good plan to send Willie up into the country for a month," suggested Willie's father. "He's never been on a ranch, and it would be rather a novel experience for him." '"No, you don't," interrupted Willie. "I've read all about the coun try, and I'm not going anywhere where they have thrashing machines. It's bad enough when it's done by hand." Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them, also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Pains and Aches. Onlv 2j cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at J. N. Snyder's Drug Store. Somerset, Pa., aud at G. W. Brallier's Drug Store, Berlin, Pa. 1 9 I (Ti LLC WHOLE NO. 2512. FARM NEWS AND VIEWS. Corn and Clover Hay Compared. Spreading Manure. The drains are deticiebt in lime and mineral matter, while clover is rich in those materials. Corn contains 10 per cent, of water and clover ! per cent Of the dry iimlter corn has but 1J per cent of ash I lime, magnesia, potash, soda, etc.,) while clover has over fi per cent (.'.over hay contains over 12 per cent. i-( protein and corn 10j. Corn is rich iu starch and fat, however, con taining twice as much as clover. Clover hay has more crude fibre than the grain, hence is less valuable in that di rection. While farmers have always made clovt-r hay a specialty in feediug adults, yet it is more valuable for young slock than may l-e supposed. If cut up very line and then scalded it makes one of the best rations in winter for poultry and will prinote laying. For ducks aud geene it cannot be excelled. If cut very fine and mixed with cooked turnips or carrots clover hay will be relished by young pigs and it will pro mote rapid growth. In some sections clover hay is ground into what is term ed "clover meal," and it ia then sold in bags. Cornmeal is too fattening for certain animals, but in winter it may be used more freely, and is an excel lent ration when used in connection with clover. The question of spreading manure in the fall has been discussed for many years, and opinions are divided as to whether spreading should be done in the fall or the manure retained in heaps uutil the spring planting begins. Many farmers believe in using manure in hills, but the method of using depeuds upon the quantity of manure on hand. If the land is level and there Is no liability of the rain washing the ma nure from the soil the work of spread ing may be done in the fall where plowing has been done. The question of when to spread is one that each farmer must determine fr himself, as everthir.g depends upon the conditions ou the farm. Experiments show tiiat a cow, when in full tl w of milk, drinks from 1VK) toJKX) jxiunds of water per month, the average quantity, determined by test ing a herd, being 1X) per cow. This fact shows the importance of an un limited supply of pure water at all sea sons of the year. In every loo quarts of milk the farmer sells about S quarts of water, and when the cows cannot procure water at ail times they will fall otr iu yields. Old strawberry beds may be burned over a soon as the leaves die otr, and by so doing many of the seeds of weeds will be consumed. Tbe bed should then le mulched by covering with manure or straw, but the mulch need not be applied until cold weather comes. If the old lied ia full of weeds it will not yield satisfactorily nestyear, and to burn it over will be an improve ment in many respects. Colls that are foaled in the fall wi'.l entail less cost than those that come in tbe spring, as the mares will not be takeu to the fields for work at this sea son. Wheu spring comes the colts will be weaned and can then be put upon pasture, leaving the mares ready for service iu the fields. As soon as the colts will eat give tbem ground oats iu addition to the supply of milk from the dams. An excellent lice killer may be made with the well known kerosene emulsion by adding to the kerotene oue gill of erude carbolic acid for every two gal lons of kerosene. Dilute the emul sion with ten times its volume of wab r. It may be used as a wash for animals or may be sprayed ou them. It is also excellent when sprayed in the poultry house. The richest milk is that which cornea from the udder last, aud to leave a gill may be to leave one-half of the butter fat All cows should be "stripped" when milked, not to secure the whole of the milk, but to prolong the ruilk- iug period, as cows that are not milked in a careful manner will dry off sooner. The amount of fat in the milk of cows largely depends upon how completely the milking is done, yet that import ant matter is not considered by some dairymen, as they employ milkers without regard to their qualifications. Low prices for products do not com-1 pel farmers to sell at market rates. Ewh farmer has a reputation, or should make oue for himself. A reputation fer supplying the market with a choice article creates coutiJence iu the con sumers and they will pay more than the ruling market prices because they know they will not be imposed upon. If two farmers should send butter of the same quality to market, the one with a reputation would receive a higher price than the other, although his product might not be better. Each farmer th uld work on bis own lines and endeavor to get his produce into market of better quality than tbe market affords. IV not utilize straw by drying it to be used over again, but pass all bedding material through the feed cutter, so as to render it more serviceable iu the manure heap. The cost of cutting the material is an item, but absorption of the liquids in the heap will be more complete and the gain in tbe value of the manure will be large. As the ma nure will then always be fine and easi ly handled it can be forked over with but little labor so as to more thorough ly decompose all portions. Coarse litter will absorb liquids, but there will be a loss until such materials become fine in tbe heap. The fine litter will also make excellent bedding and will more readily assist in keeping the stalls dry. Cut away the tops of the asparagus and when dry burn the bed over, so as to destroy insects. Then cover heavily with fresh stable manure that is free from litter and allow it lo remain until next spring. The test food for ducks and geese after grass disappears is a meas of cook ed turnips, thickened with bran, twice a day. If the cooking is objectionable the turnips may be sliced with a root cutter and the bran sprinkled over tbem. Ducks and geese prefer bulky food and require but little grain when not laying. Grower of peaches are using cow peas in the orchards. The vine ahade the laud and may be turned under when the poLs are nearly ripe or may remain as a mulch in winter. It is more profitable to use the vines for food for cattle, but at the same time, if a mulch is required, it U well to grow the mulch, especially when a legumin ous plant auswers so well. One ad vantage in growing the cow pea U that it la almost a sure crop, and lime or wood ashes may be Uo-d as a fertili zer with it. The peach orchard will in no manner be injured by growing the cow pea aa long as the laud is given the beuellt of the crop from manure or by plowing under. Ensilage should hot cost the farmer over a dollar a too, and 50 pounds a day is a large ratiou for a cow. This ia 50 rations per ton, at 2 cents per ratiou and hence will provide for one cow for 40 days. There is no food that can be produced at a lower cost Theeusliage is not of itself a complete food, as tbe best results are derived when grain and bay are also allowed; but it cheapens the cost of the whole and provides succulent food iu winter, when there is a change from grass to the regula tion dry ratiou of winter. Current Topics. The Kansas City Journal facetiously auuounces that a lawsuit is threatened iu Brown county (Kan.) because the ears of coru iu one farmer's field have grown so Urge that they Lave pushed the line fence over forty feet on to bis neighbor's farm. The old Presbyterian cemetery on Chatham street. North Plainfleld, N. J., is liable to be sold for taxes, because it has done so little business Lately that it cannot pay its fixed charges. The order for the sale has beeu declared legal, and the purchaser will have the right to remove the bodies or to leave them, as he may choose. Atchison, Kan., is to have a great Corn Carnival this month, and among the prizes to be competed for is the offer of a local lawyer to give bis ser vices free in the conducting for a di vorce suit for the winner. The Manila Times of July 13 says that a restaurant iu that city which should be run on the American system, and where oue could "get a decent meal without fear of being sickeued by a mixture of flies, cockroaches, oil and other abomiuatious, and for a reasona ble price, ought to be a little gold mine to an enterprising mau." The writer complaius especially that the Spanish proprietors of the eating houses cannot be made to understand or satisfy the American's desire for a "square meal'' lasfore beginning his daily work. An obituary in a Georgia pajier ends iu th is wise: "His last words were: Tell my wife to meet me in heaven ! but, unfortunately, she bad just taken the train for Savannah." Homely English Proverbs. Here are a few old English proverbs, imported direct from the old couutry: Suspicion baa a key that fits every lock. Don't pull the house down because the chimney smokes. If you give me a kuife, give me a fork, too. (Jive me to drink, but drench me not A hole iu the purse, and the cupboard the worse. The fuller the band the harder to hold. Stroke the dog, but beware of his bite. Heap on the coals and put out the fire. The fool kept the shell and threw away the kernel. One cock is sure to crow if he hears another. In comes the fiddler and out goes the money. The shorter the wit the longer the word. Saw off" any branch that you are sit ting on. My partner ate the meat and left me the bone. If you break your bowl you lose your broth. Don't wait until It is dark before ycu light the lamp. Every bell must ring its own tune. If you shoot one bird you scare the whole flock. Beware of piide, says the peacock. You must shut your eyes if the dust blows in your face. Epilepsy was incurable before the discovery of Wheeler's Nerve Vitalizer. There is plenty of evidence that it will cure even the worst cases. If it will cure that dreaJ disease, it surely will the lesser nerve troubles. For sale at Garman's Drug Store, Berlin, Pa., and Mountain A Son's Drug Store, Confluence, Pa. Wine stains in linen may be effectu ally removed by holding the stained article in milk that is boiling over the fire, h ruit stains are best treated with yellow soap well rubbed into each side of the stain, after which tie a piece of pearlash iu the article in water. When finally removed and exposed to light and air in drying, the marks will grad ually disappear. Mildew spots on linen should be rubbed with soap and fine chalk powder. "To err is human," but to continue the mistake of neglecting your blood is folly. Keep the blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla! Packing to avoid creases is an art. but one that can be acquired. Folding garments to fit the trunk in which they are to t stored, and laying a sheet of thin paper between the folds, will do much. Packiug so tightly that the clothes can not shift about even under the baggageman's handling, will do more. The indiscriminate foMs that come of a vigorous shaking-up will do more harm than any amount of pres sure put upon those laid with care. Two million Americans Bufft-r the torturing pangs of dyspepsia. No need to. Burdock Blood Bitters cure. At any drugstore. Did you ever suffer torment from a shoe tight in one spot? Here is a rem edy for it: Apply sweet oil to the stock- iogs where tbe rub comes. It is tetter than applying It to the boot, because it softens the inside of tbe boot, where it is needed, instead of the ouUide. Impossible to foresee an accident Not impossible to be prepared for it. Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil. Monarch ovtr pain. If a small hook is screwed on the un der side of the dining-table at each cor ner, and loops sewed on the corners of tbe felt uudercloth, it will be found a convenient means of adjusting its length when the table needs to be made smaller. A soft corn can be cured by placing a tuft of cotton wool, saturated with olive oil, between the toes and renewing it every day. Tbe corn will Very soon disappear.