X. AW s .-iin""- . I' , will DOtfcer veruor 1 Bu ... r.BWt Court uasde- J r.nirt If a in ofr.7. Tbe l,ul uiajori- ". . ! IWH ri Barut,' refuse .u . lilt tl - ' IP. . A. n-11 in the Bearu .,' Harnett D" nJ-iOB a manly ""- isr" ,...rtiMsintbenrrU 41 ,;j fr fanners lo so inai i"- hiV rtaiMi Farmers V ie AM oflbeir pro ti'"W proportions re-rd in Centre -C.. d.imnt ever P.cod j a '' t jstheartic.es .it ,n,'f the new Carnegie .f ,v(,o-ritleU mauer. d.K Kei uii ...- riven a ..; -f.w-iiee.l etr re tLe gret Pr- timiiM. "be paper f.vr.p"-T- .i r t-:.- million dollars C - italoftbe in Joliu l rtifi't an ; fr.MD " . -if Mr an J Mrs.C.e.iree :JT l on fir by M Kf-" . .h storm last nj it was oiny y i 0f the (v-i-isr-8 r'uWaeJ and tbe buildiHe W.J in Ibe Nt-.'T reMdence )., t n cinmunioated Cr" totbeswitoh 4.,-idetit happened at ij- Z lu" lhe lwo J.wj'h U'werT, f'lerk in i ;..r at liiai pia., uu- ri-lr.'S j and was run by afreet "ttrr:i;ea.vident nearly pros- -ui:ate vhild just a few in John lloliinson's iuauin-t clowns on Tbrlt' SK-r tbe f!".h- S.-iatr ii! n"t eiv p Uis posi .. .,r;s;tn jrfit i-f I'ablie In-struc-t tne prin.-ipal of the State i- J ' Kanti'own. He said as . ,b-D k returned from a six wevks 1' -1 fr ct ith a party of sohwl jfrvai Peun-ylvania. ThediH-Ur . .i,,. it jui u l even i-onidered j-.,n..S-r and remarked that Jlaiw:,D . Sttperiutenrfetil ru ,r -'.k ndii:e a favorite diversion n-.t r ritv ieoiie who are heek- .. m 3 -KicJ r'rrii )u il tiring lue nwuea 1 iT. mrA riiucd S.uieiset. One of I i vvnip:ihed riders amocg them I I Hriirr Franns Wade, of Alleehe- l . ii i.ure- in .. . . - suiej ' l'r. Frank," which is of u;.kv breeding, and of which she is rpwud. Mrs. Vadehaauuiulerof r. r.iirr nistunies. and tuikea a - pr:T piure on a horse. :. Join It; and Mis Mary J, rreuirried at the home of .oir' pireuis at AHbcue mine on lMjy evenicg l y 'Squire A. J n nf rmrrftL The bri.ie was tBrr'.ia young lady and is well 3 acrrai-at and the frooui i k c tie A'.:h.ue mine. The yoavg :m;i; .nvcp; a dvktiiing-house ner xii !...& a farnilied and made y ir nvopiu y ty the gnioui. A u.rt uf rtia::vt-i aud frieius were ct; t oertiuuiiy. Berlin Record. :. Eria R.xau. of near Stanton's . .-"eu: '.mnd on the farm of -fiRoininger, aljoining his land, i:'.',T large fliLt arrow-head, doubl- nikie at.d ued by the Indians many f ig"1- It is f"ur iiiv-hes long and two iii'-iirter wi-ie. Hundred' of arrow- bav l-n picked up in that vi- :r. sivh fi evidently once a favor -u;:;: X tr 'un J of the Red Mao, but e a-r a iLis one, so far as known. :trrvi ni 1i were of proportion '., it mut have len a veritable 'buwieUed them. I trt i j:Viiii.y no traveling exhibi- I ie Anrua, perhaps in the world, t prfesu eutertainmeuls so varied, ! -.. nci.rf Lu niu.titudinous.aa do i E ' :! ira combined great 1 'v w ti.-t are to exhibit here cut l;y. k S mj tnrj of Jenner tvwnhip - -Is aud eiectrd the following ' j. K-her : Marier, J a. StuSTl; J'ie S. Khoais; Sbuuk, J. (uf. Ms KuaSha'.fer; f.iitrraisTreie; : Pile, Mis-iKuuna Hre. Chii-s. tiriilith; Bie fi. Uis. Miller; Ccper. Robert : -''"!. Mi Heif-n Maarier hirry M.t..:':er. Walter. Mivs -'. Jenttr. P. S. Pile; Moan- - l- .ini: Thoruaiale, Viia - if" run frotu Ji to fji per i 'ii or muiit township I ttgT achioi house Tue ? ---.ed the fallowing teach I . (.;;y graiuuiar. M. H. Fike; l'r. ' ,:-Tlr':'rn'ciaie. Kinii.a Lenhart; Walker. K. - Kr?"S"ae, John it. Huorer il Tl . - B' r- r- ii-'guet: Shaw Mine, reck, (.rusBird: Onagev. t-'T:Or:S.!....i. . , - .. . i. a. rue; J' 'ow' ' B.Ke ; Wiltroa, ;V fi-V Her. Lee Pollard; ... - OiK-maker; Garrett, 6. H. Ault r" :: pri:urr ; icterujekliiite. Margaret Ie. ep-eaibeMih. i-ol Uar.J 1 i w-tyd the Ulowing tewchera iLt U'rm: w Salisbury. of K'.k Lick town- f "ru "E ; w est Salibury, J -'4. I V...a. i ' No. 2. Mia Aleda r,;. v -"" springs, li. u. Uuwry, MisaXell m. v n mi, r- ruiier; vt3" K"Ct"n : sDl1 FUt, Pius . Pk. E. F RarWl.-T.il V 11: Plu HilU J. P. V,el; , lJ a ben going tbe UIitrT wt , .. . " " ke.in .-.- . " ft,r.,1,ti,. u ... . , , , u UW U!- I ,V r friend -Andy" Ik-' fcUUlk P1"" just north .." . dT Mr- Biuner br.ught li iLr10'16 iUU 'nd"1" h,"1 "-"m'ereue, lo town. iH p 4 ,iu ja y' ,tf that Laa - e ' .wi . i . a L . " -1 r" ' 'illUt. OKB. , T OUUM!roia heads of prkunds each. He Lil aBrA.L. aj,,. "ot itm than 30 Miss Bessie Vought is tbe gaest of Johnstown friends. Mr. JiK'ph Brallior U erecting a resi dence pb his North stre'l bt, Percy S. Waiter, of Rwkwood, spent last week w ith Somerset friends. Mr. J. J. Shaffer and farrrly, of Johns town, are spending the htsaed. troi at tbe Hotel Vannt-ar. Mrs. Sanner Wilmin, of Molina. lil., W visiting m the home of her fath ;r, J. J. Schell, in this plav.. Mis Martha V.m-Ii, of Oil City, is visit iug her whool-frietid Mii Martha Ivan. oa Union street, Mrs. A. J. Hileiuan and daughter Mii Leah are visiting with friend:; at Confluence and Addison. Major Frank Johuslou, of Washington, I. C, is a guest at the residence of bis brother-in-law, W. H. Koontz. Esj. The annual picnic of the Horner Church will be held ou Saturday, An;. 12th. The public is invitjd to attend. Miss Daisy Fleck, one of the must pop ular members of the local isirps of houl teachers, is visiting with friends in Johns town. The Hoffman Church, in Jenner town ship, will hold its annual picuic, in the grove Kijoiuiug the church, on S uurday, Auirnst f:.h. Mll-ridga Kyle, clerk at tha S;slT! 1 Hotl. a lHailin BAilini-ire h'W.iir, h sx?uliiig part of his VH'-.uiott with Sjiii- erset friends. letters addressed to Charley Baaker, Maggie Liveugood, Joseph Shaulis and Annie Walker, remain .uncalled for at the rn-st ofiice. Mr. F. i. Tarker, a prominent oiticinl of the Cambria Sted Company, is spend ing his annual vacation at the re.si.ieuce of his mother in this place. John Ialey and Miss Cela L. Brown, were united iu marriage at the home (( the bride's parents, in Hooven-vilie, on July .'!l-t, KpiirT. . Mtx'k.oiiicialiiig. ProC Stewart Schell, of the BulU r I'liiversity, IndiKimiHilis, is spending a few days at the home of his brother-in- law, Mr. J.d'.n Ni-!i.d, on Turkryf.h.t street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Cunulr.giian., of McKeesrxirt, are guests at the resi dence of the former's parents on Patriot street. They spent last week at Atlantic City. The Junior Society of Ch-Utian En deavor of tbe U. B. Church will hold a festival in frontof their church on Thurs day evening, August 10:h. All are in- ited. The Eureka Pulley Company, at Ber lin, has btu reorganized under theuaine of the Eclipse Wood Pulley Company, and work bus lieen resumed in the facto ry at that place. Liveryman llarvry S.ahl, of Meyers- dale, last week purchasej two of the finest riding horses in the county. Rolh animals were formerly o ned by Som erset parties. Jamis Curry A Son, the Paint tow n? hip lumber dealers, have sld their p. ant and tinier to C. W. Wise, a well-known lumbermau of Williamxport, who will take possession at onc-e. Mr. John Col born, who holds a position in the Adjutant General's office at the National Capital, is spending bis annual veation at the ho ue of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I C. Collxirn, on Patriot st'eet. Mrs. James Li-day and Mrs. Thomas McCutcheon, of Allegheny, who are sum mering at the Highland Inn, entertained a large company of local sx-iety people at progressive euchre, Monday evening. Mr. Chauncy Ray man and Miss Mag gie K. Wright, loth c.f Stonycieek town ship, were unitej iu marria-! on Thurs day, August :tl, at the Lutheran parson age at Frit-dens, Rev. J. J. Welc'a, offici ating. Miss Catherine Kudsley, of Washing ton, D. C, is spending her annual vaca tion at the home of her parents on Maiu street. Her tdster Miss Ella who had been rusticating at Atlantic City, return ed home with her. Lieutenant-Colonel James E. Barnett. of the Teuth Pennsylvania, prominent ly mentioned as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Slate Treas urer, is the only son of Rev. John M. Barnett, D. D., Chaplain of the Markle ton Sanatorium. The notice published Ia week an nouncing the re-open"mg of the Horner church, was premature, owing U disap pointment in receiving the new furni ture. No time can bo fixed for the re opening at preeut Mrs. Frederick Smith died at her late residence near Friedens. in Somerset township, Mondav afternoon, aged M years. She is survived by her venerable husband and a number of children, all of whom are married. Word from Chicago announces the death of Anna, wife of Amos Sc-hrock. who expired at the family residence in that city on Thuroiay, Augast 31. Mr. Schrock is a native of this county, beiug a brother of CapL Win. M. Schrock, of Somerset. Mrs. Louis Meanceart,or Philadelphia, is a guest at the residence of her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Stewart, on Mala street. She expects to remain here for several weeks when she will go to Piits burgfor a short visit with her brother. Mr. Eda-ar Z-ifall. and her sister, Mrs. W. II. Wabld. The manv friends f the venerable Samuel Custer, formerly proprietor of the Custer House, Stoyestown, will be sorry to learn that a elari-t is growing over his rieht eve. Hi HW t1 2 to Pittsburg w ith his soi in !, Mr Charles Barchfie! 1. in thn-ar f.:lure, to consult a hitecialist abut ie:iiov:r.g the rrim :h. and Lis host of friends will hpe that he may be succefuily treated. Piwtm.toter Haniel Sipe and Piniel ShsfTt-r and family, all of Jenuer, l'-t. on Thun-dav evening lat fr Tow ner, N irth Iak(.t. where the Shaffer family wiil make their future home. Aftrr r-miin iii7 fr a few davs w ith relatives in that place, Mr. Si?9 wi.l j ia P.-tn.- Oin bauld. Republican nominee for County Treasurer, and together th-y w t.l pr -eeed to California tor a sh irt vnit with Pacific coast relatives. The movement referred to in th II KR AI.!) two weeks ago a being uuder way looking towards se-uring additional mail fa.Iitie for the Somerset A Cambria branch has been favorably actd upon I y tbe Post Ot!io I;-tailment and an addi tional postal clerk has been asig-id to this run. The new order will g- irito ef fect in the e-nirse of a few days, when ail of the otlks between R a-kwwl and Johnstowu will se-ur four mil ervii-w daily, two north and two south respect ively, iustead of only one service each way as at present. The management of the Markleton Sanatorium have requesttd the Hkkalu to make known t the people who at tended the Lutheran Reunion in the grove near that j lace one day last week that they were compelled to refuse gener al admission to tbe Sanatorium on ac count of the nervous condition of a num ber of patient at that institution w b- re quired aloolui quiet. Visitors are al ways welcome at tbe Sanatorium and" tbe manager will take pleasure in showing them through the budding at any tic;-, except on put-lie occasjous. Mr. John Henry Snyder. of Lsayton, O , arrived in twn Sunday eveuiug and ill remaiu for ten days or two weeks. Mr. Snyder is one vf niauy Somerset U y who have never lot their afT.s-tion for the old t-wn, and w ho mika annual grimaces to the r:intm of their t.j h'S-d-John Henry has 1ksd promineuily idifO tifid w ith the business ntrei.v of iJay Lj lor a good many years, bow many year we would not like to ay. aiucve ha till ri-U bis fcair io ihe middle, and In one of tbe aioat aueoeBsful among theeol- t.r, nt Kimi-rut VKintiU b baVS ' oi4e Daytoo their place of ruiuco Sabina ChrKtiaaa, wife of Jaoijb P. Weimer, died August 5th, at the tamiiy residence in Milford towtishi. She bad been bick for a longtime. hulpaUently bore her sotJerinS'i. Sue was UjrnSep teiuber, lsj;i. The funeral l.ok place Monday allernu when lijierment wa made in the Lutheran imetery hi New Cent rev ill,-, the servi.-ea being eoi.ducted by her pastor. Rev. Siewart Hoover, of Somers-C IieifH'-e.i reside) m tbispla.- f-r a ui:mler of years and her many friends will !e .rieved to learu of hir detvth. She is survived by her hu-.ltiind, three sons and one married daughter, Mrs. Petlicoi'd, of Pittsl.urg. An interesting and at times exciting game of bae ball was played oo the home grounds with the Lwner Cluli, Friday afternoon, in the preseui of sev er il hundre.1 people. At the outstart Ligouier led by two or three runs and it looked for a time as though the home team would bo shut out, but they rallied iu the fifth ititiirg and at the end of the seventh they had several runs to the good. Ligonier scored three in the eighth and two in the ninth, winning the gime by a score of 12 to 14. The home t'am was handicapped by the disability of their regular catcher Sauner but they put up a good game and are capable of doing much lw-.tttr. A petition was presented lo the Court M- ud.ty evening, siiw-d by uii-iitls'rs of the Li-'.r, ri '(Unlinx that the trial list for next week bo continued f jr various rea sons assigned, and as all of toe attorneys concerned in the cases f ir trial joiued in the petiiinn. it was ordered that next week's court be dispensed w ith, and that notice of the fact le given to jurors and others w ho had heen notified to appear. The court convened. Monday, evening for the purjose of dii-posiiig of several appli cations for preliminary injunctions akcd f ir by parties in the Mk Lick mining re gion who allego that the surface of their land will lw ruined if the coal underly ing the s:ime is removed, and restraining the Supervisors of Stnycret;k from re pairing eeruiiu road-. all of which were granted. The 11 krai. ii has always taken the sto ries appearing from time to true in its exchanges telling of the wonderful finds of soldier buttons, piece of setup iron, etc , in the giz.ards of deceased chickens wiih'a grain of salt, but yesterday the writer was shown two coiper pennies and a silver ton cent piece, or w hat re mained of the three coins, all of which were found in the giz. ird of a hen killed a few days ago by Mrs. Henry F. Kuep per, of West Main street. The fowl killed by Mrs. Knepper was a!snt a year old and was uuusually plump sud fat. The coins vver ground d.iwn to the thinness of a sheet of piper, an evidence that they had been in active operation in the grinding apparatus of the fowl. John S.-hnmcker's barn, near Fried- line's Mill, in Jenner township, was struck by lightning about five o'clock last Wedue-d.ty afternoon, and wa-v entirely destroyed by the fire which followed. The barn vrs a comparatively new structure and is said to have been one of the largest and best tmilt barns in the county. There were three ht-adof horses iu the barn at the time it was slruok. but they w ere rescued by members of the Schmucke.r family. Thrco civs and a calf were standing under the over-h-xt and all were killed by t!ie electric oolt. and their bodies were eonU'ue I by the flames. Six hundred bushels of w brat a l thirty tons of hay, stored in the barn. were l's! Mr. rseliiiiticKer s i-.tai loss will approximate Insurance ?"' The Superin end?-!. t of Common Sch.vila over in Jreene county at ai: examinations of teachers tiiis summer, stated th.it if lie knew of a tea. -her oil'ering a bribe to a di rector iu order to sc-ure a school he would revoke the certificate, and refuse to grant another to such person as long as he was Superintendent. He also said further that if he heard of a director of fering to accept a bribe, or exacting from auy applicant auy co!isilerati on for his vote in giv ir.g out a school, he would see tht the director would have a great lot of trouble before the courts. While the po siti .u of the Greene Couuty Superin tendent merits the commendation of all friends of the public school system, whft is to be said of directors who choose teachers simply on account of their sup posed political influence, or of County Superintendents who issue certificates for alleged political reasons, regirdlesa of the qualifications of the applk-auts? Mr. Walter Purdy, the well-known barber of this place, last week secured an a.lditioual patent on his dev ice for sharp ening edge-tools. Mr. Purdy now ha bis invention perfected in all particulars and soon w iil have a novel machine on the market, w here it will d-.HiUiess meet w ith ready sale and win him a reputation second only to Eli Whitney's. All w ho baveseen Purdy' tsl sharpener in op peration speak of it in the hi priest terms and believe that It w iil be the mean of making bim a very rich man. Primarily the machine was devised for the purpose of sharpening only raz rs. but the origi nal model has been so altered and i n p roved, upon that it will now place an edge on any sized blade from a pocket knife to a scythe aud do it so expeditious ly and evenly as to commend itself to manufacturers of edge-tools. Mr. Pur dy recently declined the proffer of a large sum of money for the exclusive right to manufacture and sell his invention, but he believes that he has a g d thing and means to make all out of i. that can be had for himself exclusively. A dials. li -al pl'.t to poison the family of Jacob Schrock, of Berlin, was happily frustrated by the timely discovery of a lot of parisgreen and otter poismm substances that bad l-een placed in the spring from hi. h the SchrtKk family se cured their supply of hoiwhoid water. Aecvrdii'g to the Record when Mrs. Schrock visited the spri?!g to procure a pail of water Sunday morning a week ago she discovered the poisonous sulwtauc floating ou the sarfac of the water and smeared on the stor.e sides of the spring wall. Had a less visible 5'ivnti'y b?en thrown iuto the spring the entire family would iu all prowt-iiity have fallen vic tim to the murderous desigis of the scoundrel wh i placed the poison in the water. Mr. Schrock is unwilling to be lieve that any one living in the commu nity bears him sii"h enmity that he would seek his life or the lives of the members of his family, but the fact re mains, nevertheless, thxt a p-Kriy dis guised attempt was made to murder the entire family by the o.ost cowardly means known. Suspicion, it is said, poims strongly towards certain parties living iu theeommunity, but Mr. Sob rock w iil take no steps lot. king towards their l arrest until he is very sure that his sus- picious can be justified in the courts. I Tue Soiner-et l-y in the Tenth Penn- sylvanTa regiment, just hmie from Ma nila and at present camped on the shores of the Pacifi; at Sao Francisco, w ill have been mustered out within the next two week w ben they will start on the long journey acnss the continent to their 1 p insylvania h-Mu-. It will rot be creditable ta the citizens of Somerset if they do not take s:me formal a-tion to give tbein a reception commensurate with the work they have performed in defense of the flag. Towns tht sent on ly one representative to the war have made arrangements to welcome their re turning hero with C '.ing honors, and the people of Somerset surely will not per mit it to be said of them that they de clined to recogniz the patriotic and he roic conduct of Howard Cromwell and 1 Jo Levy. Trey should i given j-jsi as j hearty and vociferous a welcome as pos ' sible." Tbey represented Somerset while ! the fighting was going on in the swamp I of Luzon and deserve all the honor that can be show n them. Mayor Pise!, as the cfTjcial trad of the tow n, should call a town meeting and ask fir suggestions as t tha dp er tnauner of welcoming the ! young warrior. There is ample time 1 yet to arrauge for a reception and pro- gram should be adopted ttat will show ' them that r all proud of them. It 1 up to Mayor Pte. TO HONOR COL HAWXIKS. Philadelphia Tmes Etarta a Su'oitrif tioi for a tttinarial to the Gallant Com Bacdtr if th Tiit'-i Ef gixent cosiaiBrxioss vi'iir. be tucuvza et I HI 2I2AL0. With chara.-teristic enterprise th Phil adelphia Timts Las taken the initiative iu providing a memorial for gallant Col onel Haw kins, of the Tenth Pennsylva nia Volunteers, whose dead liody is now speedingover the plains from tbe Paeiric to his oi l home in Washington county, where it wiil be committed tithe earth with honors leyoniing his heroic conduct and his worth as a citizen of the State. Although the Tenlh Regiment is made op of Western Pennsylvanians, they rep resented tlm entire Slate in the Philip pines and their heroic action attracted the attention and admiration of the American people, and it is therefore, fitting that Colonel Hawkins' memorial should be a tribute from the people of the Commonwealth. The form of the memorial is to be de cided bjthe commissioned officer of the Tenth Regiment. Its disposition will be according to the w b.h of the family. The Times heali tbe list with fifty dolias-the limit of any one contribu tion and will gladly acknowledge every sum from a dime up received. The, dead officer was personally known to many residents of Somerset county, who valued his friendship and gloried in his career as a soldier and patriot, and who fell that while their sons and rela tives were under bis charge they would receive fatherly care and attention. The IH kai.k feels that the people of Somers t ooumy w ill gladly avail them selvts of the j portunity to contribute to a memorial that will forever testi'y to the heroism of the martyr commander of the Tenth, and will receive contribu tions to the fund, all of which will be promptly turned over to the "Haw kins .Memorial Fuud" of the Philadelphia Times, and publicly acknowledged by that journal and by the Hkk vi.o. The Reformed Ben&ion. The arrangements for the Reformed Re union at Rockwoodon Thursday, August 17th, have now been fully completed. A first-class ban i has been secured lo en liveu the occasion ; before the noon hour Rev. J. T. Bailiet will deliver an address of welcome, to which Rev. N. C. Gute lius, of Cumberland, will respond ; iu the ".fternoou addresses will be delivered by Dr. A. J. Heller, of Connellsville, Rev. I. N. Peightel, of ;reeucast!e, and Dr. C. Clever, of Baltimore. The Rxkwood and New Centreville congregations will furnish lunch, ice cream, etc., on the grouud. A stand will le erected, where baskets and parcels may be checked. - Special trains bsve been ordered as fol lows; a train of four coaches from Sand Patch, on the main line; a train of four coaches from West Salisbury; a train of three coaches from Berlin, and t"A-o extra sach s to be attached to the regular train at Somerset. For lime of trains and rates of fare see the railroad bills. Tickets will he sold for about half rates from the following points and intervenii.g stations, viz: from Cumberland, Johns town and Continence, From n ports that have come to the committee from all se clious of the county it is believed that there will be. a large attend im-e at the Reformed Reunion this year. Remember the place and date; R-.ckotl, Augu-t 17;h. E. S. Hasslkr, A. E. Tki'XAL, J. I. Bai.i.ikt, Committee. Drowned in a Hill Hace. Daniel Luther Thomas, the two year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Thomas, of Thomas Mill, Conetuaugh township, w as drowned iu the mill race at that place shortly before noon last Thursday, while the parents serf shopping in Johnstown. The boy was missing from the house an hour or so after his parents left, and bis grandfather Mr. Moses Thomas was aroused at once to the suspicion that tbe child bad falleu into toe mill race, w hich had been greatly swollen by tbe teavy rain of tbe previous night. At his request the w ater was drained from tbe race, and the remains of the missing child were found lying ou the bottom near the mill. Tne body was taken to the home of the parents, w ho were summoned home by a messenger. Mothers lose their dread for "that ter rible sesii l summer" when they have Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in the house. Nature' specific for sum mer complaints of every sort. SEVERE 6T0SV Cassi Destruction U Bnildingt and Tim bar in Eomeriet and Stonycrstk TewmhiF. J. H. SIFFORD & CO. The region five miies east of this place was visited by a dtstmuliv storm be tween four ind v o'clock It Wednes day afternoon. Hundreds of orchard trees were t"rn up by the roots, w hile others were twisted off, leaving torn and splintered stumps, mu'e witne.sse of tbe force of tho wind. The storm apears to have spent its fury iu the neighborhood of J. B. Winters, a few rods from Lull posl-orhce, where the porch was blown away from the bouse, tbe loof of the house staved in, outbniKiDgi demolish ed, and fenct-s scattered in every direc tion. A large pear-tree standing imme diately in froutof Mr. Winters residence was torn up by Hie roots and blown acrosa tbe pike, while an apple tree near the rear of the building was twisted off at tbe truuk and blown oc top of the roof, shat tering the rafters. Grape-vines were roll ed in balls and torn upby the roots, while corn and oats were leveled with the groui.d. Mr. Winters and several men were working in a field close by when they saw tbe storm coming, and they made a break for the house, fighting their way through flying limbs, pieces of tim ber, and feuce rails. Mr. Winters says that the storm was the worst one be ever witnessed, and that il will take bim at least a mouth to repair tbe damage it wrought to hi property. Down In Stonycreek township the storm acquired the foice of a tornado, tearing np everything in iu path from 100 to 500 yards wide. In the vicinity of the Glade church giant oaks and orchard-trees were uprooted, and limbs of trees were broken olf and floated for long distances by the force of the wiud. Thirty sugar -trees were uprooted in the grove of Jacob M. Glessner aloue, while still larger num ber was destroyed in the grove of Edward Miller. At least 100 trees were destroyed . on the Miller farm, many of tbem having every limb toru clean from the trnnk. Daniel Landis also suffered tbe destruc tion of a valuable portion of his apple orchard. On the farm occupied by Joseph Walker trees were uprooted indiscrimin ately. Fences were scattered broadcast, chimney-lops blown away, and nitmerous wiudow panes were shattered. The storm was the worst ever wituessed iu that sec tion of the county, and appears to have been confined to the narrow limit given above. powder. Impart.3 that peculiar lightness, sweetness, r.n l flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent Made from pure, grape cream of tartar. ROY at BAKING POWDER CO., HEW YORK. Why Women Ar Kervoa. HrilUh Medical News J The frequent cases of nervous prostra tion or utter collapse of the nervous sys tem under which women "go all to pieces," as the saying Is, have caused mncb thought and Investigation on tbe part of physicians. Certain inorganic subslauces are well know n to cause various forms of nervous diseases which are readily traced to tbe poisons producing them. Further re search leads to the belief that alum is a prevailing cause of so called nervous prostration, for the symptom it produces on the nervous system after its absorp tion into the blood are very remarkable indeed. Experiments physiologically made upon animals by Ortila, Professors Hans Mayer, Paul Seim aud others, show that alum frequently produces no visible symptoms fur mauy days after its intro duction into the body. Then follow lows of appetite and other alimentary disturb ances, aud finally a serious pnwtration of the whole nervous system. Tbe most promiuent physicians now believe that "nervous prostration" and many affec tions of the nerves from which both men and women suffer are caused by the con tinued absorption of alum iuto the sys tem. It is probable that many medical men are unaware of tbe extent Ui which raits of alumuia may be introduced into the tdy, being under the impression that the use of alum iu bread is. prohibited. Alum, however, is still used surrepti tiously to some extent to whiten bread, and very largely in making cheap kinds of baking powder, in families where baking powder is generally used great care should be exercised to prjeure only those brands made from cream of tartar. The alum powders may generally be dis tinguished by tbe lower price at which they are sold. FURNITURE. GOToour mammoth store TOBuy up-to-date furniture of all kinds. QOFFROTH'Sl"'00 are shown as the best values, FORllThe style, construction and finish COODllKnough for the rich, cheap enough for the poor rVJONEYr.::::Saved for tje purchaser. SAVIN C :::."To all classes of people. PRICE S:: Are correct. SUITSllThat we are pleased to show our customers. SID EBOARDS. CH AIRSnUnsurpassed in price. ODD FURNITURE;:iKind that stays together a lifetime. CUT CARPETS No charge for waste. C. H. Coffroth. We are Se!!i.:g all Summer Good3 at Buy all kinds Clothing, &c Gouts' UiiJcrwcar, Gcnti' Clol'iin, (mcdiiitu. and heavy wek'Iit), OcfiLs Ties, all style, Boy'd Ties, Boy's Clothing. (TLis is special.) To the Ladies. All LAWNS, regardless to price, must go. Those at 20, 25 and 30c must go at 12 l-2c. Thosft at 15 and 18c must go at 10c. Those at 10c must go at 5c. Those at 5c must go at 3 I -2c. Call and see these good.--, jier- hap something may suit and at the same time will be saving you money. St. Vincent College, s S3RO YEAR. !J u u V w w Tfcli f Catholic lntllaU'-a coiulnrte-l W I,t tue H-TiMiM thx Mtier. 11 1 ) ruii" W U r.Lil of rittiSurx. - turn Lamt, uu S U ti.e I'miuTtraEU Kiimal. 1 h tiikii l W W liA.lllirul,' Uw l.uiUuur lame. fctrl ! O W1U awl IlirSjtrU lT rlwtnr Tho W O of stu.lv Ifce flairl 11 Vvnu- M W uu-riul. ! a Utiutiiurj btuU Ur W II W Tan: Hosrd. T'liticn. VaiMng. Men- J ' Hut 'l l'hTK io' re. :w Jer. 4, t ut lntormatlus or taUiugue, al lies 4J C3335J3333eCCCSCCCXfc ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICEv EUUte of Belinda narclay, late of Somerset Utsrnstilp, homeniel I.O., ra., ate a. letters of administration on tf.e above estnle having heen (rantrj to the uinl-rxiitnej by the urouer aulUorilv. nolu-e U lierciiy giy ra to all pt-ron imlt-bliil to snlil pkuiU- to make lrurm-lmle payment, anil ll-we naving rluiint aieuinitt the WAintf t preseut theiu for settlement, auly autoentlcattfi. All AM . MII.LF.R, AdmlnUirator of Belinda batr-Uiy. fU. -tlk'V!V'VV.'-V.,V- J KEELEY CURE. J 5 LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. f 9 Rmmr all eir and aptMtile. builds th V A txlera. renn heart and iaor, brighten U A mltllecl and tti wit for business. 9 TMK fCTLI Sfl'l ltr IXSTlTI Tt ' V M .klrttrsi. I F.Tr t-l-lTl T.KTA. TheKeeletnfituf.26Fifth Pittsburt P. V. v v-vvv V VV VJ Harry HeSe7 a Candidate. It ha been KiiJ tliat Smierset county boy hu'iiba pjlitii- with their tiiilk ; whether this Is true or not, tho faot remains that many Somerset cwanty boys who have taken up their resilience in other coumies aoJ Suite have sought political preferment with more or less ucfes. The litest Somei-neter to receive a politi cal nomination abroad :s Mr. Harry B. Hetlley, son of Peter Hellley, of Somerset tiwnship, wboon Monday wasnotuinaUd for County Treasurer by the Democracy of Cambria county. He secured the vote of every delegate from Johnstown, a compliment which he can not fail to ap preciate, as it reflects his popularity with the poeple of that city. A Democratic nomination in Cambria county, however, i not equivalent to an election, as i the case with Republican nominations in this county, and Mr. HetHey will prolwibly tiud that be is t basil c a pbanton tef.rc the general election comes IT. Harry's inny S imemet friends, reird!es of politics, will 1 pUased to learn of hi nomination. To tht Public Whereas, Many misrepresentations have been made concerning the demands of the Listie miners in their present con troversy with the uiiue operatora, aud YVhkreas, The miner are aware that their bet support is iu a well-informed and sympathetic public sentiment, there fore, be it .VWir, By the said I.i'tie miners in public mass meeting assembled, that their demands and tbe object of their controversy be published for general in formation as follow: I. A 3m: standard ton, (the district price and day' labor or wage ad vanced relatively.) II. A checic weichoian (according to Act of Asembly approved 1st J.ir.e, lsvl ) III. Semi -monthly payment (according to Act of Assembly approved inh May, 11.) IV. No non-Union pledge (according to Act of Assembly approved 4tb June, lSf'7.) And be it further resolved, that the said miners offer to submit their differ ences to any i-npartial and competent ar bitration. Passed this Vh day of August, 1S?J. Johx L. DEjsMSa. Attest: Presideut of Meeting. Howard Weaver, Secretary of Meeting. It. A Kaa With a Minion. Xo nxre convincing proof could be found that success in the pulpit and on the platform lies largely in knowing one's a;idi"iiee than the c-treer of the Reverend Frank Sheldon, a sketch of whom appears ia tha current number of Harper's Wetkly. His chief interest being the bettering of humanity, Mt. Sheldon has studied h nnanity. Ia Topeka, where his great work has beeu done, he divided the city into group, railroad men, lawyers, busi ness nieu, newspaper men, students, and negroes. lis lived for a time with the rough hands about the railroad yards, served an apprenticeship as a reporter ou a daily paper, spent three weeks with the negroes of "Tennessee Town," played ball and studied with the students of the university, aud in every way tried to gain a thorough koowledge of the inti mate lives bf the claw he wished to reach. It seems scarcely remarkable, therefore, that both as a reformer, evan gelist, and author be has met with tac ceKS. H-s books, by the way, were written as a light form of sermon, to Ins read to his congregation at evening ser vices. They were published merely in auswer to a popular demand. Great Stow. All will want to see the great show, but before doing so will m ant to have some thing to eat and refreshing driuks, so call at the White Pais Restaurant tor meals, lunches, soups, piea. rakes, sandwiches, frh oysters, deviled crabs, ice cream, cold drink ecu Basement Cuok A Betriu. Sotie u Jarara. At a session of Conrt held Tuesday, August S.h an order having been wade continuing the f(ex'ial term of court call ed to meet on August 14th, KW, notice i hereby given the juror uminoued kr said special term that they need not ap pear. SheriS"s otoe, M. H. IIabtzei.l, Aug. 8th, lrSfl. Sheriff. The grandest specialties ever prodaccd are to be seen in John Robinson's leu ted world of w end era. Oraia-0 Bring Kelief to the coffee drinker. CotTM drinking is a habit that is universally indulged in aud almost as universally injurious. Have you tried Orain-O? It isaimost likecotfee but the effects are just theopposite. Coffee unset the stomach, ruins the digextion. atfecta the heart aud disturbs the whole nervous system. Graiu-O tone up the stomach, aid digestion and strengthens the nerve. There is nothing but nour ishment in Grain O. It can't be otuer w ise. 15 and 25c per package. Everything in season and fresh.... D ail ij Shipments re ceived of everything for the talk from the best markets of the icorhl. Picnic Parties.... Provided with appe tizing and wholesome lunches at the retail and wh olesale establish men t of........ COOK and BEERITS -gSTRAY NOTICE. There came straying on my premises In Mil- foru township, su,iu-rs-l county, I , on fun d;iv moruinir. July ZL It', a dark bmwa iiiarv. two whiu fwt. wiiitc tur on ttce. wvikIix Iwlwirn li and 1 pounds. The nwnit-r run rwivi-r urourtv bv orovinic own ership and pa) in -speneuf krt-piug and aii- JAS. V. SKIBERT. If fill IT Collegiate. Preratatner. Normal. 0- js v u 41 a lory. Art. Business. M usic uevarttneots. Suadard Count.. Total V I low J3.50 a week. expenMS caa be kept bm- bfliva Museam. Kead-ing-rooa, Gytaounua ansurpasel. r( I V TV The Mth year beg.ai Sept 1. Je!. vULLLUa fccad tor tree utaJogue. Alliance, uaio. i i Choice AND Seasonable Goods AT Greatly Reduced Prices S is what we ofl'er : J in order to rc- 5 I ducc our stock, j - i No ...doubt... 5 the saving of I monev is an ob- J i I ject to vou, so 5 " I Z vou will hardlv 5 r i miss this chance during August. Mrs. A. E. UhPs SPECIAL SALE, Of all kinds of Summer Goods at greatlv reduced prices. It will pay bis sale and get good Larjsuns in good goods at low prices. ALL ARE INVITED. Mrs. A. E. Uhl. mm & Phillips, i a Sacrif.ee. Now is the time to cf Bargains. Fascinators. Wc rtcuvul a beautiful line of Fa-sciuutura. TL-o goudi are arst clas ati.l tuespensive. Come ia very handy for our cool o renins-, and neat in appearance. Ladies' Felt Hats Are selling very well for present season and to be up with the times you ought to have one. They look so neat and are very at tractive. We think an early pur chase would be advisable, so ss to get your pick. Capes. Infants' iilk Cafics. Neat line of Cape3 for cool days and evenings. Open for your iuspec-tiou. J. H. SIFFORD & CO. Coming to SOMERSET Friday! august... 11 Ar) V' mi life ;v w$n&. .SgUyv.tCjZZ T7 zr. : f u dcr- John Robinson'g Ten Bier Shows Combined. In conjunction with the grand Biblical Spectacle. Solomon, his Temple and the Queen of Sheba. WITHOUT A PARAGON Acknowledged by a Universal Public the one Distinctly great show. The Feerless Exhibition of Greater America. Three bi-r Circuses in three big rings. Three Big Menageries. 1 Frodigious Aquarium. 1 Com plete Aviary. 1 Grand Biblical Spectacle. 10 Truly Great Shows. o r Seventy-five years, Through three generations, this Mighty and Powerful Amusement Or ganization has exhibited in every State of our vast Union, and the name of JOHN ROBINSON is alone a guarantee that the performances un der the vast Canvases by far excel all others in Merit, Originality, Mag nificence, Variety and Quality. More for the Money than any other three reorganised circuses furnish their patrons. .:. Larger, .:. costlier, and more distinctly original Tableaux Cages and Pen3 than owned by any big show in the world. More costly costumes and more scenery used in the one great feature of Solomon aud the Queen of Sheba than ia the entire combined features cf any other exhibition in this country. Over $ll0,00o actually expended on this grand production alone. The most magnificent Scenery, Cos tumes, Emblems, Armors. Trappings, in every detail historically correct. 100 of the most beautiful dancing girls in America. The Circus Features This season obtained from Europe and America will amaze and startle the world. Nothing like them ever before presented in this country. The most novel Bare Back Acts ever witnessed. From nine to twelve of the World's Greatest Champion Lady and Gentlemen Equestrians rid- g in three rmg3 at one ttme. I Lis feature is new ani original wua this show. The Menagerie t surpasses in magnitude and completeness the Iarsrest known Zoological collection ia the world. One of the special featur. s of the Big Triple Mena-eiie is the LARGEST SN ARE ALU E TWEA lY-r I E r EE 1 LONG. Ordinary ?nakes are fed on rabbits and rats, while this reptile devours pigs, sheep, turkeys and dogs. Greatest feature ever witnessed. Just received from MANILA. Luzon Island, PHILIPPINE WATER BUFFALOES, The only ones of the kind now on exhibition. The Grand Street Parade Robinson's 1 Horse Fair An innovation in itself. A truly Magnificent Pageant A feature of the Free Street Parade is the Grand Spectacle of FORTY OF THE SMALLEST PONIES EVER HARNESSED and driven at one time. Don't fa.il to see them- Two performances daily. Main sl.-ow doors open at 1 and . P. M. Free exhibition at the circus grounds immediately after the parad-J and at 6 HO P. M. One admission ticket admits to alL For full particulars notice other advertisements. ii IS If