The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, May 10, 1899, Image 2

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    The Somerset Hiald.
SOWABO SCULL, Editor ar.d Proprietor.
May 10. 1SS!.
It is expected that all the volunteers
will 1 tmistered out by July 1. The
rvdu-tiii of the army lias Uvu My
and eiv.noiuii-ally managed.
Since January 1 the ivpt.oi i fvr
record iu Philadelphia is OTiT eases d
tlS death", or three times, the atuulty
lit .f the wsr with the Filipinos.
fix-Aiditu: CJenkkal Orkuci an
n muccs that, owing to the condition of
his health, he can not ba iadu-d to
tie a candidate for State Treasurer this
The expense of Daetor Swallow's
caipin lat year, as just announced
by hi Executive Committee, was jiS,
CJ, mi i there reruainu in the treas
ury f"
Hekkaktku the man who puts wire
feiK-e along h'w property fronting on the
pjibiic road will not be liable to be pros
ecuted. The law permitting such fences
ixa bfeu approve J by the (J vntr.
I1ki'Iskkntati ."E K uu may have
auother opportunity of voting for his
Democratic idol, CJeore A. Jenks, ua
there i talk of making that gentleman
the Democratic nominee for .State Treas
urer. AcM'IXALlvi'.s re itwt that hi-f (.'oil-K"-i
l r5oiiiz-.d by the I 'tilled States
i. a proposition l jtive hiui all he afked
originally. He is in revolt against the
authority of this country, and uiut
It is getting to U the fashion to ad
dress and Ktaiup envelopes on the back.
With the direction written across the
folds, the letter can not be opened by an
unauthorized person without the fact
being noted.
Thk probabilities are that an extra
He-wit.n of Congrew will be called to
meet in .Sptemler or October. This
would not indicate that the I'renidcut
lias any fears of being sustained in all
that he has done since adjournment.
If the doctrine preached and prac
ticed by Representatives Koontz and
Kendall at J I arrisljurg, that majoriiies
dou't rule, and that nominations don't
nominate, is to be adhered to, there is
little use iu holding primary t-lections.
The mercantile tax bill has been ap
pr ved by the Governor, and now there
will be ''Tie figuring concerning how
much the titate will get from iL Kveu
the State's tiuaucial officers are dubious
as to the large amounts that were prom
ised through the bill.
Westmoreland county Republicans
will hold their primary election on
J-iue 2!, and a batile royal will 1
fought between State Treasurer liea
om and John 11. Steele, for the nom
ination forjudge. T;-n candidates for
delegates to the State Convention have
announced. Five are to lie elected.
Col. A. L. Hawkins anl Lieut Col.
James II Harnett, both of whom are
now at Manila with their regiment,
the Tenth Pennsylvania, are promin
ently mentioned as available timber
from which to select the Itepublkan
candidate for State Treasurer. Either
would make an invincible candidate.
QriTE a number of gentlemen who
were actively engaged in handing out
cards and electioneering during the
day went to bed Tuesdiy night under
the impression that they were candi
dates, but when they wakened Wedry-
day morning they discover--1-'.
, . a ".Ju they bad
only lieeu dream-r . ... .
1-ague" had . . , ., ,,
. - ' tt-en at work while the
ureal", - .
.-liefs were dreaming.
The anti-imperialist d.cuments lad
ing circulated by the traitors in Boston
will hereafter be stopped in the mails.
It is bad enough to have an army of in
surgents lighting the men at the front
iu Manila, but this fire in the rear from
the traitors is infinitely worse. The
tioveriiuient ought to arrest a few of
the leaders and shut them up for a
w bile.
The Mugwumps who have been de
claring that Senator Qiay will never
lie seated on the Governor's certificate
will have to revise their guess. Almost
every Uiiited States Senator who hap
pens to drop into Washington these
days expresses his determination to
vote to seat Senator i lay; and this is
not at all encouraging to the Mug
wumps and ti'iay-haters.
The "Honest Government" larty,
that ran D-H-tor Swallow for Governor
last year, has disbanded aud gone out
of politics. The Executive Committee,
before disbanding, issued & tinaucial
t-'.atement showing an expenditure of
about $19,000, which indicates that the
modern reformer finds it necessary to
keep the machine well oiled if any
kind of political work is to be accom
plished in the way of winning votes.
t'.'i.OOO is a pretty good sum, not to take
Into consideration the much larger
sums expended by individual efforts to
assist the cause.
Meucer county Republicans held
their primary elecliou Saturday. The
returns are all in and there is not much
tihouting in the anti-Quay camp. Both
d-degntes elected to the Stute Conven
tion are staunch Quay men. Mercer
w as claimed as doubtful territory, aud
we were told that the Republic uts thre
were fairly aching to get a shot at Q lay
and his friends; in fact, so anxious were
they that they could scarcely wait for
the day on which the primary was to
lie held to come round. If there are
many auti-Quay victories like the one
in Mercer, the frieuds of the S.-nator
will have the Convention al-nost unan
imous. It has been fully demonstrated
that even in their strongholds the dis
orgauizers are going to pictvs, the re
cent trial of Senator Quay having re
vealed the treachery of the recognized
leaders in their attempt to wreck the
party in the State. When properly in
formed, the people are right, and the
action of the Mercer Republicans will
be repeated by a large majority of the
counties of the State.
The more moderate of the anti-an-nexa'.ionists
are denouncing Atkinson
for his seditious pamphlet and utter
ances. Moreover, his documents will
not be permitted to get into the Philip
piiies. Atkinson has rolled up a record
in the past few weeks which will
trouble him as long as he lives, ssys
the St Louis Globe-Democrat. The
copperhead leaders of the old days suf
fered for their disloyalty to the end of
their lives. None of thetii could ever
be elected to any office afterward. Val-
lAndigham, an abler and more influen-
new" ? "5
t'.sd rnaa than any of -tbe present
Knights of the Golden Circle, was
killed politically by his course in
V." His defeat by Brough by a major
ity of over 1U0.HW m the governorsnip
canva-s of -lv;3 in Ohio would have
bjen repeated half a dozen years later if
he had been a candidate, though be
had done soniethiug iu tbe interval to
partially atone for some of his political
;..i,,u!iis in the war davs. The Bry-
ans, Caughlins, Atkinsons.aud the rest
of the Filipino doughfaces, will have
Vallandigham's fate,
!aK Bryan's soul is being tried iu
various wajs th - days. Even silver
is goiuj back on hiui. It is goin up
l.Le ail other tbiiii, especially wes,
in these days of E-publieau prosperity.
Bryan got a bad blow just after bis de
feat iu l-.;;, w hen wheat and many
other commodities advanced iu price.
The advance, as every one kuew, was
largely due to his overthrow. A year
or so afterward, when Republican legis
lation began to operate, wages started
upward. Xow silver has joined the
procession. Tbe consequence of this
last advance will tie that if it continues
much longer Bryan will have to .ftop
ta'.kiug about silver. When silver goes
above the 50c dollar line, as it may do
if the advance continues a little longer,
he will have to abandon it. It is not a
silver dollar primarily that he warns
for the wage-earners of the country, but
adishoned dollar. The moment that
silver gets above the -V)c dollar mark
his faith in it will begtu to wane. It
will be getting too near the honest
money line then to be of much use in
hi business. If we are to have the 18
to 1 trickery in the canvass of 113 sil
ver will have to start downward long
lie fore that time. li, scrateii, scratch ; nimble to at
tetel Ut business during the day or sleep
during the nit'bL Itching piles, horrible
plague. Iioau's OintioeD cures. . Never
fails. A, any drug store, 50 cents.
SUte Sews.
Attorney General John I'. Klkin has
appointed Charles P. daius, of Carlisle,
additional law clerk in his department.
Judge Love has decided thst the Centre
County Commissioners must pay bounty
on sftjs, liii-h they have not been do
ing si ce Mareb, 1S!S,
i iveinor Stone has MiiuUl James K.
K-Hluriek. of Hazletoii, Chief of tlie liu
reau of Mines to succeed Hubert Browii
lee, removed. Mr. Brownlee was ap
pointed by ;overnor Hastings.
tJovernor Stone last Thursday approved
the bill to regulate the sale of butter pro
duced by taking original packing stock
and other bolter and melting them so
that the butter il can be drawn oil', mix
ed witli sLimnied milk or othei material,
aud butter produced, commonly known
as "boiled" or "process ' butter.
Governor Stone has approved an
amendment to the Election Act of June
t, 1S:IT, which will !fect voters not regis
tered, who vote on papers. In addition
to making an allidavit as to his residence
and payment of taxes, the said allidavit
s ball also state when and where and to
whom taxes were paid, aud if tax receipt
is lost, destroyed or never received, the
voter in. 1st so tt:tte iu his affidavit.
Ike Lewis, tbe negro who shot Officer
Mel'lure at I'uuxsutawney, escaped from
the luiue near DuBois in which he fouud
refuce and was captured, after a desper
ate tight, ill Big Run, Jefferson county.
He was taken to Imxsutawuoy and giv
en a hearing at once, to prevent a lynch
ing. He pleaded guilty to the sluioting
and was at once remandod to the coniiij
jail. '
West in orelan 1 tim'ier will bs used in
tbe construction of tbo uew battleship
Pennsylvania, Workmen are' now en
giiged on the "Dr. Taylor" tract on Lau
rel hilL in Fairfield township, getting lo
cust beams in readiness for shipment to
Cramps' shipyard at Philadelphia. Thy
Pennsylvania is one of a class of six first
class battleships provided by the Fifty
rifth Congress, aud this Common wealth
received tb! honor of having the Rbip so
named through the eftirts of Senator
Quay. We-it XewUm Times. . m"''
. j uS 1
t ' ' -
Not Certain Tbey are 'Wed.
Milwackke, May 7. Seort of men
who procured marriage licenses on Fri
day and were married on them are in a
state of fright to-nigbt because they do
not know whether they are legally wed
or not, and their wives are in the same
state of mind. The point raised is that
the new marriage license law did not go
into effeet until its publication in the
Madison "Journal," the official State pa
per, and this, being an afternoon paper,
did not make its appearance until Friday
afternoon. District Attorney B.-azse holds
that tbe Tact that licenses had lweu issued
before tbe issus of the "Journal" would
not make thoui illegal; so long as they
w ere issued on the date of publicatian tb it
was sultii'ient. Clerk Hare says that he
was notified by the.Secretary of State that
the law would go intoelTect on May 5, and
simply acted in conformity with that no
tification. Big Profit on Four Cbecki.
New York, May 3. The four I'bited
Stales Government warrant for $.1,000,000
each for Spain have been deposited with
the Xationsl City Bank by Ambassador
Cambon, and two of them for $in.l),0(M
w ill pass through the Clearing House and
be presented at the Sub-Treasury for pay
ment some day this week.
The Deutsche Bank, of Berlin, has noti
fied tbe Spanish Government that the
equivaler-t cf tbe ?30,000.(i0 iu foreign ex
change is now lying to the credit of the
crown. It is estimated that the profit to
the National City Bank by tbe transac
tion will be about i.OOO, made off ex
change The rate of exchange has so changed
that Spain would have cleared fWOoO by
buying J20,OCfJ,(WJ exchanga two week
Hungry Goat At th $10 Bill.
Frackviixk, Pa., May 5. The appe
tite of a pet goat was excited to a high
degree by Wagner, or this place,
who tickled the animal's iwmo with a f 10
bill. The goat suddenly lunged furwarJ,
snatched the greenback, chewed it np
and swallowed it. This was a ratal move
for hiui, for he was promptly killed and
tbe bits of the bill were taken from his
stomach. They will be sent to Washing
to be redeemed.
President Has Eheamatism.
Washixutox. D. C. Mev 4 President
McKiuieyia suffering with an attack of
rheumatism, as well as from the great
strain under w hich be has labored for
many months, and has decided to leave
the city 'or Hot Springs Va., on Monday,
aon.:npauied by Mrs. McKinley.
He U anxious to enjoy perfect rest,
audatlh same time to avail hiumelfnf
hot baths which will remove the rheu-i
matic tendency, and w ill probably re
main away three weeks, as he will be but'
eight hours railroad ride from Washing
ton, and could return quickly iu any
emergency requiring his presence.
Colsael Eavkim Was TFonnded.
WasnixoTox, May 3. The list receiv
ed at the war department to-day rrom
General Otis or casualties in the Philip
pines not heretofore reported includes
the name or Colonel Alexander Hawkius,
of the Tenth Pennsylvania regiment,'
He has been slightiy injured in the arm.
Tbe other Tenth Penasylvania men in
cluded in the list are First Lieutenant
Blaine Aiken, company H. arm, slight.
ana Sergeant John Thompson, company
j H, face, slight.
si3:x:o3 or Atnrscs. ;
He Wanted ta Infect the Wbohj Army ia
tho Philippine!.
W.ksniNOTON, May 5. The IMelolltce
department to-day made public the letter
of Edward Atkiuson, of Boston, on which
tbe action or tbe department in seizing
bis pamphlets was basd. The following
statement was given out by Postmaster
Cieueral Smith : -
"In view of the statement of Mr. Ed
ward Atkinson that he sent his pamph
lets only to Admiral Dewey, General
Otis. President Rchurman and three or
four others the letter of Mr. Atkinson
containing his application w ill be of in
terest. It is dated at lioaton, April 2 J, hi
ddreed lo tbe .Secretary of War, and
is as Mluwa :
"I dire to send a Urge nuinlierof
the enclosed pamphlets on "The Cost of a
Natioual Crime," "The Hell of War and
Its Penaitien." "Criminal Aggression :
By Whom Committed T" to the officers
aud privates in the Philippine' Islands, I
therefore desiie to know whether or uot
these documents can be sent directly
through the War Department or may be
forwarded in due course of mail. A list
of regiments is desired, and if there are
printed lists of officers available they
would serve me a very useful purpose.'
"Xo answer was made to this letter, ex
cept to send an official copy to tbe Post
master General, who issued instructions
to the postmaster at San Francisco to
hold the pamphlets. The spirit and de
sign of the pamphlets will be indicated
by a few extracts. In one of them, Mr.
Atkinson says : 'I will append one ques
tion to each reader: How much increase
of taxation are you w illing to bear, and
how many of your neighbors' sons are
you ready to sacrifice by fever, malaria
aud worse disease in order to extend the
sovereignty of tbe United States over
the West Indies and the Philippine
Islands?' Again, after describing what
he calls 'The Hell of War and lu Penal
ties' Mr. Atkinssays. "Lestothers should
be entrapped into enlistment iu the regu
lar army or volu titer service in the
tropic, it will only be fair and honest
on the part of the recruiting officers to
be put in possession of these facts.'
Again, Mr. Atkiuson says: The way
has already become plain for the youth of
the laud to avoid disease in the tropics by
refusing to vjhyiteer or enlist in the
army or the navy of the Coiled States.
Tne way will be found for the volunteers
niw held against their will to get their
release from unlawful service iu any
other country than their own after peace
is declared.'
"Mr. Atkiuson nut only speaks thus of
and to the soldiers of the United Slates,
but he encourages the Filipinos to in
surrection when he says, 'Tbey have the
p er to enter into international rela
tions, an ! theymay be recognized and
rightly recognized by other powers."
Etef Court's Findings.
Wa-iiixotox, May ".The report of
the Beef Court of Iuquiry was given out
to-day. President McKinley formally
approved of its findings. There is a con
siderable amount or criticism of Major
General Miles, but no censure. General
Eagan is severely censnred, and Is made
t3 bear the h irdest blows. The principal
and pivotal findings of the Court are :
The canned roast beef, under the condi
tions existing, was uot a suitable ration
for extensive issues.
The allegations or Maj r General Miles
;hat the refrigerated lieef was treated with
che-nical preservatives hive not bean es
tablished. Tbe allegations of Mij r General Miles
that the canne i freth beef was unsuitable
lor food, used on transports, or for ex
tensive or long continued use as a field
ration, are sustaiuod.
Tne Court says that General Miles errod
in not re;iorting his suspicions regarding
the beef to the Secretary of War.
General Eairao is shown to have pur
chased C.S74.174 pounds of canned roast
beef when 2,o:i0,0u0 was amply sufficient,
in spite of the fact that this was n it a G iv
ernment ration.
lien. Eagau's purchase is pronounced
a "col.ssl error for which there is no pal
liation." He is acquitted or havjr
motives or personal srain iu -"
t r. i uis action.
Assistant xiinrre
. . , .-.nssary General John F.
Weston is-11 , , ' ..
v olaiued for recmmeuding can
ne" f . ,
roast be-f.
Colonel Mans, Inspector General on
General Miles' stall is censured for not
calling to the attention of Secretary Alger
the alleged chemicalized beef of Chicka
mangu Xocorp, division, brigade, regiment or
company commanders are blamed.
The packers are uot at fault, and the
meat supplied ti the army was the same
supplied to the trade generally.
Carnegie's Kammoth Seal.
PiTTsnfBo, May C The consolidation
of the mighty Carnegie and Frick inter
ests is one of tbe greatest business deals
ever made in the United States. It is as
serted thai the earning capacity of tbe
new company w ill not lie less than $40,
W0,tJO a year. Andrew Camegio has re
tired from business, and will receive
SluO.iJmi.ft.K) in five per ceut. mortgage
bouds of the consolidated company for
his share. Mr. Carnegie to-day gave out
in Loudon tbe following statement:
"Mr. Carnegie has given bis young
partners tbe terms on which he would be
willing to sell aud retire from bjsiness.
He has no definite information as yet
whether they are going to buy or not, but
he thinks that they will."
It is unrie:s(o m1 that Mr. Carnegie pro
posed to Mr. Frick that one buy out the
other, as their interests should ! consol
idated, aud ho gave Mr. Frick first
chance. He snapped it up.
Better Be Wise
Than Rich.1'
Wise people are also rich
'when they know a perfect
remedy for all annoying dis
eases of the blood, kidneys,
liver and bowels. It is
Hood" s Sarsaparilla, which
is perfect in its action. It
so regulates the entire sys
tem as to bring vigorous
health. It never disappoints.
Coitre-"For 42 years I bad goitre, or
awciliitfs on my neck, which was dis
couraging and troublesome. Rheumatism
also annoyed me. Hood's Sarsaparilla
cured me completely and the swelling has
entirely disappear. A lady iu Michigan
s.-iw niy previous testimonial and used
Hood' and was entirely cured of tlie same
trouhle. !he thanked lue for rrcanimend
Ina It." Mas. Ansa Siitiicrlasd, 40t Love)
Mrect, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Poor Health "Had poor health for
years, pains in slxwtiU-rs, back and hip?,
with constant headache, nervousness and
no appetite. t'sed flood's Sarsaparilla.
Rained strength and can work hard all day;
eat beartily and tleep well. I look it be
cause It helped niy husband." Mas.
Euzaketb J. Oirrru, Moose Lake, Minn.
Makes Weak Strong;-"! would five
t" a hoi tie for Hood's car$aparilla if I
could not ret it for less. It ia the best
spriiu; medicine. It makes the weak strong."
Alrekt A. Jao.sow, Pouglastowu, X. Y.
HooS'i Plllt ran llrr tin: non trrttattnf and
j cathartic l lfce th HTsl'i Sartapvlfla.
Cits the Children a Brink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appe
tizing, nourishing food drink to take the
nlace of cottee. Sold by all grocers and
liked by all who have used it because
when properly prepared it taste like the
finest cotle but is free from all itn injur
ious properties. Grain-O aids ditrentioo
snd strengthen the nerves. It is tot a
HUmulaut but a health builder, and chil
dren, as we'l a ail-.ilts. ran drink it with
groKt benefit. Costa about i as much as
cotlte. 1j aud 6c.
ITew Tori's Brilliant Senator Say3
tli3 Bsaver Statesman
tL "will Ee Seated. '
rh Governor aad Philadelphia's
Mayor Wtil Co-oimrste In Stata Pol
itics Oosaip About State Convention
Matters and the Democrat and lu
fcuritents. (Special Correspondence.)
Philadelphia. May 9. The possibil
ity of Ireslc!ent McKinley celling tin
extra session of congress may bring the
United States senatorial problem in
this state to an issue earlier than was
anticipated. Should the president con
vene congress In extraordinary session
In the fall. Colonel Quay may be aeated
before the November ' election. Even
many of his factional political oppon
ents are now conceding that th
Beaver statesman will unquestionably
be admitted to the senate upon Gov
ernor Stone's appointment,
Chauncey M. Depew, United Statea
senator frdm New York, is the latest of
the members of that body to come out
In a public statement expressing tho
opinion that there can be "no doubt
cbout Coventor Stone's right to maka
the appointment under existing cir
cumstances, and that be Is confident
Colonel Quay will be seated by an over-
helming majority of tho votes of the
members of the senate.
The canvass for the election of dele
gates to the Republican state conven
Ion has already begun in this city. Ia
the Ust Republican state convention
the delegation was about evenly di
vided between the supporters of Mar
tin and Durham, the latter co-operating
with the friends of Colonel Quay.
This time Martin will scarcely cut any
figure outside of his own district.
Mayor Ashbrldse has taken a hand
and will be found co-operating with
the stalwart Republicans. He hates a
khker and has no time for the men
who voted with the Insurgents at
Harrisburg. Mayor Asnbrldge has
great cdtnimtion for Governor Stoae
and those two men are lively to become
ery important factors in the politics
of Pennsylvania should they continue
to co-operate within the Republican
There has been no slate agreed upon
by the Republican leaders for the of
fices for which candidates will b-s noml
rated at the coming state convention.
The convention will probably be held
during the last week in August.
The news cabled from Manila that
Colouel Alexander L. Hawkins, com
mander of the Tenth Pennsylvania
regiment, now In the Philippines, has
been wounded in a skirmish with the
Insurgents, has drawn particular at
tention to him as a good man to be
supported for the nomination for stato
treasurer. He is a valiant soldier of two
wars. His record ia the civil war Is of
the best. His brilliant services in the
reent crisis with Spain and his gal
lant work now under way In tbe Phil
ippines, It Is argued, must command
the admiration and applause of every
American citizen. He has won the
hearts of his fellow Pcnnsylvanlans.
There Is no honor In the gift of the
citizens of this commonwealth, in the
opinion of many leading men in the
Republican parly, to which he is jiot
(.ililLicu. l lie cainmnc '-'g, -111" jM
neighborsJUjavJrn was shown
whe'!;e: gave hint a unanimous
domination for the elate senate, to
which office he was elected during hl3
absence abroad with his regiment.
Colonel Hawkins preferred to re
main with his couimand, although
urgently requested to return home and
take part in the United States sena
torial contest. He has not yet quali
fied for the ofllce of state senator. It Is
net known that he would accept a
nomination for state treasurer. He is
not a practical politician. Then, too,
there is some uncertainty as to wheth
er he will reach home before the Re
publican state convention meets.. Those
who are advocating his nomination
propose that he be placed upon the
ticket without waiting to hear from
him. While the election takes place
next November, the state treasurer
will not be Inducted Into office before
next year, so that there will be ample
opportunity for Colouel Hawkins to do
all the fighting that may be desired of
him in the Philippines before that
time. It Is predicted that if his name
shall go before the state convention his
nomination will be made by acclama
tion. His election would follow with a
whirlwind campaign by a tremendous
While tbe suggestion of the nomina
tion of Cu'.onel Hawkins has been
much talked about, there were some
friends of Lieutenant Colonel J. E.
tarriitt. who is also with this regi
ment, who propose hint for this oQce.
Like Colon ! Hawkins, he is a- resi
dent c" Y.'tsliint'ton county, and of the
two is pehaps the betrt known among
the active men of the Republican party
in view of the fact that he he'd the
ode of deputy secretary of the com
monwealth ut Ilarrisburg. Lieutenant
ColoLci Laructt Is a good soldier, ia
aHabla and pooular. and would make
ta excellent candidate for state treas
trer. There Is a popular movement In
some of tbe eastern counties in favor
of the nomination of Manufacturer
Rosier, of Montgomery, for state treas
urer. - The reports that Colonel Quay favors
this or that candidate for state treas
urer are utterly without foundation.
Ths Beaver statesman has expressed
no preference for any one. He knows
that his friends will be in absolute
control of the Republican state con
vention, and he will cordially indorse
any candidate upon whom they may
, The Democrats are at ssa as to what
they aie going to do et "their state con
vention, which meets next month.
Nearly every Democratic judge on the
toniinoa pTeas bent h Is a candidate for
l!i nomination for the supreme court
vacancy, but there Is not much being
done about the matter of selecting a
candidate for state trea-sursr. Colon?!
Guffsy, who was here last week, is
Lnxious to know what Fllnn and the
other Republican Insurgents are going
to do la the coming campaign. Guffcy
thinks the Insurgents should keep up
the alliance they had in the last legis
lature, and turn in for the Democratic
nominee for state treasurer. He will
probably pick out one of the Demo
cratic members of the house of repre
sentatives with -whom Fllnn was ia
almost daily consultation at Harris
burg last winter, and thus make a
bid for the Insurgents' support. It
makes title difference what the bolters
d3 at the coming election, the Republi
can ticket Is bound to be elected.
With a presidential election coming
oil next year, Pennsylvania ia not go
ing Democratic this fall.
Wanled-ftn Idea
Who m think
of ium aimiJi
til (L U Ikaki.! t I
"trt our tAfw: xhrr inr hrlns yoa wealuu
Wf!t4 JftrtN '!E.lit"hM. CO.. PuUtlt AlUf--
sabiacUHi. V. 'A,!. ttwlr prztv ottmg
Sf Jfappy Jlfoihers
(LtiTia 10 Mia. risxsaa 2rt.7iJ
n-EAU Mb. Pisxuam 1 many,
many thanks to give you for w hat your
Vegetable Compound has done for me.
A "u-r lirbt confinement I was sick for
nine years with prolapsus of the womb,
had pain in left side, in small of btich,
a great deal of headache, palpitation
of heart and leucorrhoea. I felt ?o
weak and tired that I could not do my
work. I became pregnant asmin and
took your Compound all through, and
tow have a sweet baby girL 1 in ver
before had such an easy time during
labor, and I feel it w as due to Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I
am now able to do mv work and feel
better than I have for years. I cannot i
thank yon croup-h." Mas. Ei. Lit
liscek, Devise, Tlx.
Wonderfully Strengthened.
I have been taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, Wool
luritier and Liver Pills and fee! won
derfully strengthened. liefore using
your remedies I was in a terrible state;
felt like fainting every little while. I
thought I must surely die. But now,
thanks to your remedies, those feel
ings are all gone." Msi Emii.ib
Peculiar Calif oinia Tragedy.
Stockton, Cal.. May 3. A peculiar
tragedy came to liuht here yesterday,
when the bodies of Mrs. William Hick
man aud Mrs. Ha-wall, clapped in loving
emhrai-c, but Imtk dead, were found in a
room of a lodglug house, a bullet having
ended the life or eaeh. Mrs. llassall had
bieu morbidly infatuated with Mrs Hick
man for wime months. Monday night
Mrs. Hassall told Mrs. Hickman that she
was going to start for London yesterday,
and begged Mrs. Hickman lo spend the
niifht with her. Mrs. Hickman consent
ed, and her relatives, growing slarined at
her nou appearance yesterday, visited
the lodging-house and discovered the
bodies. Mrs. Has-ail hsd killed Mrs.
Hickman and then herself. Mm. Hawaii
cjwne from London, Eng., and called her
self the duchess claiming that her hus
band is a duke. She became so inadiy
infatuated with Mrs. Hickmau that her
husband left her, but the couple were
alxmt to Ixi reconciled. Medical men are
of the opinion that Mrs. Hassall was in
stil e. The ciiso is similar to otto which
occurred at Memphis a few years ago.
Somerset Baggy Company Somerset Fa.
Have for sale and exchange, RugUs
Road and Farm Wagons, Harness, etc
Buggies are up to date iu Style. Trimingj
Painting and Finish. Sold at Bottom
The manufactures of onr Farm Wagon,
claim for it Larger Hub, only perfect
Wagon Skein in use, ami lightest draft
in the market. Call and sec us. Truly
yours. A.C.Davis,
2 Square .South of 1 lismoiid.
lots of Shad, Bat Low Frioei.
Pennsurovk, N. J., May 7 Sliad fish
ing is now ut l height. The catch has
liten immense all the week, while the
pricw has been lower than ever before at
this timn. Some of the fi-hermeii huve
become diwunHted aud quit. Every net
hss y ieldod from 310 to 490 pir day ia the
river, wbile in the bay from fmO to 1100
were caught. Some of the men only re
ceived ?i clear per hundred on those sent
to Philadelphia. The avtrsg price is
Several men who have followed the
business all their lives claim that this it
tbe pom et seasou from a financial point
they have ever seen. They claim that
shad sell in tbe city for $J5 and $J0 per
hundred, which indicates too much profit
for rniiH!
Spanish Crniser Saved.
Santiago pe 'CTna, May 5. The for
mer Spanish cruiser Rciua Mercedes,
which was sunk in the channel olf San
tisjo harbor during the bombardment by
Kenr Admiral Sampson's fleet on Juneti,
mid which was recently raised, pumped
out and brought to this city for repair,
left ber moorings to-day and was towed
to the centre of the harUir iu readiness to
start for New port News, as soon as tho
tow Isiat arrives.
First Wife's Ghost in Divorce.
Ai.p.anv, N. Y.. Msy 3. Because she
fancies that ihsaw tbe ghost of her hus
band's first wife, Mrs. Anna Riveuburg,
of Preston Hollow, demands a separation
from her husband, with a stipulated al
lowance. She declares that the wraith of the form
er Mrs. Riveuburg made a wild nightly
tour of the Rivenburg household, wept
and wailed, bangei doors aud generally
upset the mental poise of her successor.
News Items.
An apple orchard at Glenwwid, Iowa,
eoutains SO acre") and lXl.OOu trees.
There are iiO.Otxj widows on the United
States pension rolls, aud applications for
100,000 more are pending.
A bill to permit witnesses to dispense
with kissing the Bible when sworn, has
been approved by Governor Roosevelt, t f
New York.
The auxiliary cruiser Yosemite has
sailed from New York fir Guam. Capi.
Richard Leary, w ho will be Governor of
the island, was on board. Thu Yoemite
will remain at tne islaud of Guam for the
use of the Governor.
Never in the history of the Eastern ag
ricultural States has there been such a
demand for new bsrvesting inncliiuery
iu the early spring as there is at present.
In one day fitly carloads of furmiug ma
chiuery passed eastward through Pills
bjrg. v
Henry B. Hyde, President of the Equi
table Life Insurance Company, died iu
New York on the 2d Inst-i of heart fail
ure, at the age of sixty-five. For years
he received one of tbe largest salaries
ever paid any business man iu the world
To companies of the Regular Recor d
U. S. Infculry, ou Wednesday, (Confed
erate Memorial day) hied a salute to the
Confederate dead at Savannah, Ga. This
ii the first time that federal troops have
fired a salute iu honor or the dead Con
federates. One of the int cxeiling campaigns iu
the history of Baltimore, Md., resulted in
a Ih iiiiM-rutii: landslide last Tuesday a
week. Thomas G. Hayes was tleeUd
mayor . by nearly il.OU) majority over
William T. Malstei, Republican, tho
present incumbent.
The largest block of granite ever quar
ried in tbe world has just been blown
from quarry iu Redstone, N. II. ItU
li'i feet Jong, Sj feet wide aud liS reel deep.
The blat look ajo pounds ot powder, and
the concussion shook the entire village.
The cleavage was absolutely perfect, as it
split like a block of wood.
In view of Aguiualdo's refussl to nego
tiate with Spaiu for the release of tbe Span
ish prisoners, the Government has asked
the Fiencb Government to arrange fur
fresh negotiation at Washington through
the French Ambassador, M. Jul-8 Cam
bon. for the release of tbe prisoners, ac
cording to tho stipulation of the Paris
treaty of peace.
A bill has passed the North Dakota
Senate, providing that all applicants r. r
marriage licenses mnt previously pass
an examination made by a Ixiard or Ste.te
physicians to establish the applicants'
phycicil and menial fitness for the mar
riage state. Sl: isties show that the rum
ber of deiurmed ehlldien borti in X.irth
Dakota bas incrfe4l of recent years to
an alarming extent, and it is to pron.ot
a population healthy in b nly and mi. d
that the pending tuedsur has U-cu Intro
EepuWiciiis cf Eradfcr J and Mer
cer Ccuntirs Taka Then
in Hand.
Governor Stone' Administration Cor
dially Kndorxi-J. and the Men Who
Sought to Kinburrass It Ai Con
demned by lb I'eopla.
(Spei ial Correspondence.)
Ilarrisburg. May 8 The Republican
state admlr.Utretlon and the action of
the majority of the Republicans iu the
last k-g'sictuto are being sustained oa
every hand by the Republicans of
Pennsylvania. Within the last week
two more counties have gone on record
la fjvor of stalwart Republicanism, by
iLe votes of the rank and file of the
party at the regular primary elections.
The insurgents, who so loudly pro
claimed durin the sesion of the legis
lature thft they were acting in ac
cordance with the wishes of their con
st:tui:ts. are being rejected and re
pudiated in every content tor dele
gates to the Republican stato conven
tion In which they participate.
The vote la Bradford county was
especially fcign:2canu Two out of th3
three members of the house cf repre
sentatives from that county. E.luiu:;
ton and Man'.ey, bolted the Republican
tenntorial caucus, while the other
member. R.?p:escnttive Lewis, voted
for Co'.oi..-! Quay to the end. The t-o
Loiters wer& notorious misrepresent
ing tLe sentiment of their county and
v.ere tcld bo t.t the time. Vuey uo
operutcd v. ith the insurgents, and with
the Democrats contributed to the
seriotts .- e:ularas::'.eut of Governor
C-tone's admitti-stration. The defeat of
tho several prepositions for raising
revenue advocated by Governor Stone
teriously Imperilled the appropriations
tor public schools aad wiped out com
pletely til chances of the state ap
propriating necessary funds to deserv
ing, charities of the commonwealth.
The itcniociat.i, of course, were eager
to bring about this conditiou of af
lulis, as they wished to discredit the
Republican adniiuistiation and tho
legislature, as well, with its Republi
can majority, ia the eyes of the people
of the state. These Republican bolters
order, tor personal reasons, to de
feat Colonel Quay for re-election to
the United States senate piayed right
into the bauds of the Democra' y.
That the ' Republicans of Bradford
county thoroughly appreciated this
fact would scent to be ewilent froia
'th-'ir t-ction at the primary election
aad in the Republican county conven
tion last wecit. 'ihey bowled out tne
Insurgent crowd completely and elected
a solid duiesation to the state couvea
tion composed of stalwart Republicans
who are prouostMeJ frijnds of S;nator
DORSED. The county convention, which v.u
lais-'!y uttcuiled, was quite harmoni
ous. After tbe returas were read elect
ing the delegates to the state conven
tion there were chosen by a popular
vote the convention unanimously
adopted a series of resolutions.
After the Republican na
tional end stcte platforms and com-
moudiug the administration of Presi
Cent McKinley and the work of brgv
soldiers who are defending the fjg ia
the preheat crisi3, the rcio!utin3 set
v. e cr,rr:riii' ' ,i...ior William A
Stone for his loyalty to the state's in
terests and for hii wise and patriotic
Idministrction of its affairs.
"Wo heixty denounce the efforts of
tie Dercocrnta and disaffected Republi
cans In electing the defeat of revenue
measures intended to replenish the
state treasury, whereby many charit
able institutions have suffered fcr the
Icrk of funds to defray the expensed
cf their noble work.
"We believe In the principle of ma
jority rule and indorse the action of
0'.ir stato senator. B. B. Mitchell, and
member of assembly, E. D. I-ewls. In
supporting the nominee of the caucus
cf the list legislatr.ra for United S'atcs
senator, and we accept the verdict of
the people at last Saturday's primaries
that Hon. M. S. Quay is the choice cf
the Rf publicans of Bradford county for
United States genator, and recommend
Mm for favorable consideration to the
United States senate for admission
upon tho credentials issued by Gover
nor V.". A. Stone, of Pennsylvania."
The "Republicans of Mercer county
held their pri nary election on Satur
day last. This is another county in
which to of the thres members of the
house of representatives. Caldwell and
Martin. In defiance of the eeatlment of
their constituents, bolted the Republi
can caucus and voted with tbe in
surgents. The ether member. Repre
sentative Levi Morrison, voted for Col
onel Quay. The issue was clearly
drawn and sharply defined ct the
primary election last week. The stal
warts went into the fight ta sustain
the action of Cn;tain Morrison In
supporting Covcrnur Stone's admin
istration and standing by the Republi
can caucus nominee for United States
senator. The two bolters were c?ge-r to
have their course indorsed. They were
overwhelmingly defected at the polls.
Tbe two candidates fi.r delegates to the
state convention, lacked by the regu
lars were triumphantly elected, and
there could be no mistaking the senti
ment of the Republicans of Merwr in
sustaining Governor Stone's adminis
tration and in indorsing the action of
their representative who voted for the
Republican candidate for United States
It Is queer how the Insurgents have
tad the notion that they really have
represented a considerable section of
the Republican party. Now that they
have leisure to look around they will
not be long in ascertaining what a
blunder they have made.
Men who have used their influence
at Ilarrisburg to wreck the Republican
party certainly have no claim upon the
party. They did not succeed in wreck
ing the party, but they have succeeded
In making political wrecks of theni
celves. end tho party will do well to
permit them to remain under the
That is appnrently what the Republi
cans of Pennsylvania are going to do.
Covernor Stone 13 still hard at work
upon the biils which were passed by
the last legislature and" which were
left for him to act upon. He has showa
courage and discriminating considera
tion of these important matters by
wielding his veto ax with effect In
knocking out a number of objection
able bills that were allowed to go
through the legislative mill during the
closing hours of the session. The legis
lature v.a3 not unusually prolific in
turni.ig out tew laws, although there
were a lerge number of bills of a
purely lecal character that got tiroug'j.
All cf Out Fool U a Fraud.
Ciik aoo. 111., May 3. According to Dr.
H. W. Wiley, Chief Cheinia of the
United Stales Department of Agricuit i re,
who testified before the Senatorial Pure
Food Investigating Committee t-wlay, ful
ly W pr ut. rf th article of rood and
driuUiug nisiiiift ture.l aud used iu this
country are frauds.
v7iih T'.t Joy Scrrew L Lite
Coua tuck, Un-tv..sU u
YV-.?-. :i.c srei' Mjrv.-y
Ici-Ml' for fx;.-.-n.-.t;'-g
-.3 Ci I
1.: : u t i-i'.v:
r --! .Vr--. "-!
CI c - - J'
. -r r ' J. t r i . i- i
t ' . .... -
vv-i f N -;,:--- '-""'
...r - ' - N
J,.,. r. .v-.--4 ' r'-1R.,'
K.ds-y r.: -. '-'' w- b"
h: n-ver x;r-trtt the resi.ti ne aV
ti'ri. if '.h rr!rr is troab.e-1 .i.t
K' Nsecwr. and :li but g.v; Dans
K P.'.i t.-il, he cn 4'as- 1 ''
p-"i"'ut--Jii th S-"ie ir-.ii- :-k
ii.' itor. Mr. Nari-eer -i:
; -S-r-i f. r 5vtal s- w.-a a
arii cf V: kid- y hiidier. Ar. :'.'
eer:ior. ur t::.r. v:-e ? ' -r
Je,: h d timt c.-.u,:d tuy I-: -Z
.e a td v.irf. To.ard the ;Xs. c?
dav .t gr- oJi !v ;:r-w wor-e rd t r:.-.t it
tu so'irisoiuc aid f-.'.'-l tkat I
turned for W.s. anil a con.-e .--.ce I uid
rot pet tiie f--ii Uenerit cf n.v ret. I
noised a special adwt:emer.t Lut Dc
Kidney l'ids fid sth cvrs:de:aL ctc-t
tow. bins tle:r mer.ti I procured a s-Fp y
did commenced ike lre..tment. It c in
ple'eiy cured rr. i-'-d I confident t-iat
invone c'.rj 'Ur. fa-f ul will be
eciirrly rt'ievd of all kiduey
.cube." , ,
D nu's Pd. for J f by
i-aier.. p-:.ce 3 -"!s- :-li!ei ,)-
M,:bam Co.. ltaai. X. Y., wle sjeats for
the United S.:.;s. ,
Ken.eiuoer tee name Dviu s ana U-e
no other.
A b -11 j-.i.- --a idmH. builds on 11
' 1 - -" -Kr- - -
ttem. renew healtn aiui iw. Brignieiw ui m
intellect and ntt n tot kustneta. i
ai.tTw. is i.tiiii: ruNnsTt Tta.
Jos. rlorne
Not fluch !
Tliat's tbe fttiMwer to any quentioii n
to whether ny .itore soils Silks lower
than IIorn's. It's a cant of the
street, but it's very fx.iuti-.l. litre .re
uiuie examples in low prices :
li inch Fmicy Ptriiifi! TatlVta SilVs, 1)
and 'JO iiicli t'.ni-y Cor'l:il Silk, ten
-li.r cinntiiinitiuiit in tlie former, .ml
in the latter iun liinat inns of viulei
aiui utiite, .mW nni-w hitu, china
hliie-.nil-whiteun 1 melon -mid-while,
reulnr 7c ami 1 silis, and pr.r
prit-e is only (s-r a yril.
l.."iij t'hene Printed Warp Silks, light
lilne, deep frrenii, heliotrope and eas
tor Kha.Ies, mt .urprii.-e isouly "ivi a
iIRa L'l.' ATIX(1 Slf.K White India
Silks. M; tin.-, 7.jc kihI Jl 0O a yard.
White Kruotde Imlia Silks, an-l 7. a
vard. White TallV-tta Silk 7V-, Vi.-, Jl wl,
H.Z't a yiird.
A'hite Kitnred anil Curded Silks T.h.-.
n. H f), (1'itl a yd.
An many oliier chuice styles besides
the above.
'j K8a
here's the way we sell Dresi (j j-ids. The
tijjures are very eloquent iu poiuting to
low prices.
fi inch all-wool Shepherd Check Suit
ings, ."iOo a yard.
'il and '! in. ti Tailor Homespuns and
Twed tans, brown and ray iiiixt
ures f 1 IJO values at W eenls a yard.
m) iueb flain Worxted Whioord Suit
ing, colors cf silver gray, castor
brown, tsn cardinal, marine blue aud
black, at tic a yard.
We want you to understand that
Pittsburg sells other thJnirsciie-bosiJf;
fTTfTaui !a.Cs aud atcel. Ak us for sam
ples of the Silks and Dress Gjods.
Pittsbjrg, Pa.
Swept by mountain breeze, i'0 f-t above
i-vel. Atiotul'ly free 1-tmi timiHrui hny
'everaD-I niutui:in Un m:iin ii-iiof Biln-
iire uliio railnmi. liotrl anil 'tlni-n.
Kv'rr iiHHit-rn c.!iw'iiinie. Kuihiik en sni!e
witli'bilii. Klwtrte Lights. Ki v;it'r, Tuim-li
lii'.'i two len;- tt-iii-i:iiis: fr!s,oit l.inki,
IViuitK I'mirts. Hni lu.'j Aili vi. Jhinili'-t-iit
fr.vrs, Com pit-. l.ivi iv SrviCf, tiiii.iIls
Snwl A.iiili niy Burnt. Iviltfhl u cirtuuje
tiiniinhvil Ii.r Ikium ii--piiiir it tiii.eJi re:y
or it-uptiiiey June 1st. Htel open fii.iu
line .'li lo S pumlw-r .tth.
or rutin ud tiif.iriii:i:!'in aiMn-m I). C
one. Munaser, It. A u. Huilvii'.c. Ktlliinor.
l 1., unlit June MM li. After tlil Uiue, l..-rr
c'ara, (iarn-u County, Md.
The property of the late Jolnh F 1! ai-liy.
-ituate n.i tlie iimier tifSiiuiri siret hiiu
'otut alley, in tii lHiiTin;li of Noni,TH-t, tii
leitiviijii intiithre? line Ouitilin lutn, Willi
i froiitiure if 1 f-et on South iLre-t unit a
i.-pihol I7.i reel. Will sell :iH or lar'. hir
ptinicuUr JJrM., W. K. UKAi 'tlY.
JohiiKtiiwu, la.
Instate of Hi uticn M Linton, Ute of Sunierset
btinjuti, ile-t;i.s4-'J.
Xettent teNtanieutary on the HtMive estate
iiavin ti.-en granted to tne- uii.lers:riied ly
tlio pruie BUi.'iorlly, notiee i lu-reny itivt n
o all rons i;iil-iu-,l to suiil estl to mnKe
imnieii'ate payment, iul tlinse huvii:rhiii:ii
iir-.iiiivt tne kiltie lo pres-r.t lli-iii duly uu-'ti-iHKikieil
for jeiilei:ienl, on or N-iore Shi
unl.iy, ILe ".lull it-iy of Mar. Is-M, al the Ute
"vsi.l-n.-- of Oliver Knepp -r, Joc-'U, lu saij
AJjiini.-tmtrlx of IU-aU'u M. I.intoii, ct.-c-'d.
Not U'tt h hereby vrii t. nil p rsi ih cm
tvniti tx -rislirira ur i!nrwi.t hat
foilowin n.'oaiitj have p-tst-.l rrrMr,
inttthtt th-r -tJti:e u ill Im- prfr-sofiittti Ur nn
irii:t,i !i Atttl alttiWa iic t MphuiiH' Curt
Ut bv hM ill Somen!, Pa., uu
Wednesday, May 24, 1899:
TliiM nrtNHint of Robert K. R xo. on' of the
ex-eaiors of Mum A Kim, der'd
Kiit and tlnni ainiunt of William O. Seese,
administrator of John Kyocit. dee'd.
r'irMt and n:inl necuun of ci. Ct. lirofT, ad
mi:i itr.itor of Jolin w. Brown, d-e'd.
Kirt and tinnl ai-conntof Jereriuu Atiiurer,
adiiiiii!trator of Ueorif J. iiaurer. ilit'd.
Kimt Mid tln l ti u ut of J. 1,. Mange, ad
ininintrator of John Maiicf. d-f' t
rirst and flna! airuimt of VV. H. JI., ad
ministrator of E!ia Maiist. dee'd.
Kl'st and ft mil ae-ount of l. B. Zimnier
man, adiniiiUlraiorde tmnis mm cum les
iiienio Miinexo, of WU!iam Willis, dee'd.
First n;l noounl of Canillue Youu
Sin, executrix of Th iims Cupp, der'd.
First and final areount of imeai L. Pui!h.
En , vxeeulur of John i. Coleiimn. di-e'd.
First and ftiml Hi'cotintof J.-uoti Nicholson.
(Jtmrdmn of rmneis Nickuilsou. a minor
child of Iteii.iuuiin Nicholson, uer'd.
First and ftmil aioiint of lioreKss-luielder,
administratrix f Wiliium Ceiiiieiiler, iiee'd.
First and linal anount of J.rM-pti K Miiit-r,
a-mln isim tor ot I'rias SHhriK-fc, dee'd.
First and Una' itiiount of K. F. H.yts, ad
mlnisiralor of Jonathan liovls, (i.s ' l
i-'irs? and rti:al aivouiilof iVeirge W. Iloyle,
adiiiinistrator of John li. Mtivle. dee'd
First and lioal aivountuf WillLani W.Crise,
adiiiiniKlratorof Kliibetii Crtse, dei-'d.
First aud tlnul aetoont of Fred J. and
Thoiu:u J. KtC'iair, aduiinUlnitore of .Sarah
Sti'lair, d'J
Aecouul of William B. Cook, administrator
of Tiloious is. Will lams, dee'd.
Aei-ount of Harvey .Miller, one of tlie ad
ministrnlorM of -laiib P. Mitler. d -"d, win,
was uardnn of Alice, Sarah. William, J,-st
and F.ul lisrlolts. rive minor children of Au
auia car!olis, dee'd.
Aemunt of Harvey Miller, one of the ad
miniHtn.uxi.of Jacnn 1". Miller, der'd. wlui
wita trusu-e uml-r Hie will of iVler 1. Miller
dee'd. of Fannv M;ller.
Aeniunt of il ir ey Miller, one of thi d
ministrHiont of Jacob l M lli-r, d e'd wi,
was trustee nud-r Hie will of I'ei.-r l .Vil!t-
rte!-'-!, of Joel Miller, a non of Jo:i:i Miliei
Firt and final niwiunt of Joseph Hauifer
adiuiii;i4lrator aad tiuste for ibe u!e of Hi
kiI et?ie of Pier Hauler, .!ecM.
First and final uivount of K lw.inl Ho.vei
administrator of Jamea Lawiou, d -e'd.
The first mid final account of Jiwepb aid
JetTersim Aitfatner, tru-leex of JoLn AHluth
er. rtd.
First M.i-oiint of John A. Clark, executor nl
Aaron I'eikebile, de;'d.
Soiuerwt, , JAMF.-J M. f)V Ftl,
April, Jit, VJ. riesisier.
Conllueiice, Ponn'a
Thin well-known Inn ha U-en refurnish!
! and e.ui(sst with ail modern iinprovemefiu
m nu is now unuer vne ni tnatcrmeiit or John
Murrxy. an eiperimieed hotel ruan. The pub
lie is invited to umke it boid.iu krters a lieu
Uiliii4 t oi.rtueliee.
John Murray.
If You
Want the Best
j M
; ?.
be produced at
goodi, then call and examine
iu thu following:
i ian s,
All "-tarantecd to
ranging from $7.00 to $0.00.
P. A.
1 mBM
408 Main Srcct,
Our stock is ouiDicte.
ft: Our Specialties:
Tint I'ox
Sparkling Ic-d-ld
H Avitli a mtmerous variety
Imjxirtetl ami Doincstio
Sr ou :
G. W. BENFORD, Manager)
3 jr-r-Public station for Lrin Distance Telephone ta a'.l points in tt-J
U.S. IUtea moderate. Sunday pay station at Hotel Vauneir. X
I II J A rl ..1 1 -
sT- ' X -
lf:-ZZTrim r X)X2 U
Kav you fn'sd the Calaltvjue srsterts of kt'Ting
VHYTHIG ou:a at Vhok'le Pacts? W?
.ftsiva ytju 15 to 40 )vr rcrtcn'i,irDU.-cises.
A'earenow eresiir-j i-ia will owi3.vJ accept the
irttiest biiiiding in America. effp'Ot C.000 i.l?rs
eiina couniry ordirj excl-ijK'wly, and will refund
.urcfiiss price H" gods don'l !::! cu.
Our General Ca'aloguJ- 1.S00 pages. 15.000
nastraUoas. 0.C0O quufciions ct-sti us 7C
or'.j lo pri.4 and mi:L Ws will send it 13 yoi
:pjnr3C5i-iI cl 15 cets. to siiow yo'jr good 3th
Contain a complete nOTl In rerr num
ber, in addition to a l:ire quantity of Uaeiul
aiid cuuiilaiuinf reading matter.
UttA mtmrtrm. M-Arfc mrr m
Jr(anJa awn! rtaikni. '
It hould h In erery hoaseho'd. Sub
crlptioa, S3.UO per year.
Agents wanted 1 1 every town, to whom
We most liberal ladacemeuts wia be o'lered.
3. B. LTFP3C0T? C0JtPA7, Putiers,
ir-25 .--.Ts
' N-fM "-' Kidn'-.i- Ju, a'.n Bulla
- l r ' ";. ri A n.iW em
( .:---r is-l .i- 1 . KiilcliM
'.i' -if tk-' 1- I . "..W. K-ll'sl4-k.
$7.00. T i,:.'5'",";'T'';'ie.i'-'l"r)Uia
7 -0 i i'T1"'; ".'"'-wi-rUin
- P r'': : ; ;'
f K'llVil.vM',.: 'il:.L
- UriJJs'Jita. PA
-Miairfui mTTiMaifnt in Frirtiaa Kee4a an-l Hh:K iuwiDooli1rrni.l liinpaiui fast
--:yv.lir In l-.erru.rKrt. Krieiloa lafrh Vvr4,
Tisr.jir all tbe ftssl Knrttit to staiMi st:n abii lau-a-r:
(rent ravins la aawrr aaa wear, lata
eue aid pru-es i-e. iw npriaa liarrwwa.
Calilvaiora. I era llaatfrs, fccllera, iu.
iliCJU A. OKU.UUOLD, MtnYnk, Fa.
Col F.tesfs, Polled Plants,
!' all kiniJa of Arti.stic Floral reiKiiH
can he furnished on short nuliee. Bell
Telephone at our atore.
Atl'f S't, J7Hf,
Ti9 cteam cf tlie country
In Eemtnton's Count Seat
ad vet libera aruii tLcmselvc of thww lUti
copy of irhicJa caa bo had of IU-miutue
. '- rzTzi- -'Arssa ',- : : TT'
S? 'y'.rytgyHr? it SS reewnt qnitea nuiuherof iiiipruTeuittiii
tvcSW1 f-"rVV iu stove niakinit-
?r:,lS1V- I They met-t every want ut tbe h. u
P'.J"-;- S y'' ''$' I keeper in a sauil'ai'tory uiauueriti,
1 j-'if4 J '&XC&J$Ji 1 moderate cost. I
CJl ' '? VTL! 'tT!' - DIET. SPOHRT, TASTE. '
Lr'7'7' '.t All out. I
a price no higher than infcr;c.
our complete .stuk, tu., f
give.ati.-factionan d 1 1 u. .-tit & I
' a.
Call and examine. ,
Somerset, Pa.
All goods guarantee!.
Stationery, "Aloha" LiranJ. ;
Confections in Original Packages;
Soda pure ami refresliiug S
of flavors.
Brands of Cigars cuiistiT::!;.
Stoves resemble enrh otlit-r T
. lonely. It's h M. they arrt put iu j-)
they ttll their pulVree.
v :a stoves ts kanoes i
;ioil teker perfect pm-t-rs.
Sold villi that uutiertaiHlii:i;. j
Gibbs Imperial Fb,
Made at Canton, Ohio, theley:r
on ea nh, can now le seen at i 1
Ilolaoibajiii's Hardware s-
Li:ht to hatnile ami very ilvk
Disc Harrows.
Stel Ta Lever
Spike Toit Harrows.
Steel Har Lever
Spring Tcoih Harrow With -!
OI.l Style
V.'ood Frame Harrows.
plated rror.t ami tiii.ier frame willi f
to protect ls-U brJ.
Stee! Bar l ever
Corn and Cardcn Cultlvaicrs.
five, seven and nine shove's, a:'1
era and weedcr.
T Bar StesI Pulverizer Land Ra
Corn Planters,
with fertilizing altai'hmenU
Champiop. Hay Rak-
Farmers' Favorite Grain DrJ
McCorinick's Mowers and
Engines, Saw Mills and
i w
JaM. United for Snrii g Tri
I Car Wire NaiU.
. a f
i " BarbeJ anJ fmoot u
I Imperial Plows.
I Harrows,
I Kramer Wagon.
i Sprinz Wagons.
5 Buggies and Carriaje
' bet!-1
Call and examine my b'1'
buy, -
I b Holderua
tun, of Aw lora i JVUtehurg.