The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, May 03, 1899, Image 2

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. A A - S V III i 1 ' U . r a . W I I I . - .. . I .
Somerset Hrsld.
M.v 3. IS.
jjtyiTyH AYo Ml CejT Will I
dcctcd L the LeLiaUue uf 13 Jl.
Governor Stoxe makes United
grates Senators by the instantaneous
Th k Insurgents now realize what
they didn't before ttie adjournment of
the Legislature, that (loveruor Stone is
set on a hair trigger.
A Montreal "paper says that 20,O0
Canadians have removed from the
Province of tuehec to the United
ii-Mltn lUt-s priug. It is a quiet but
tllVctne form of annexation.
A l kkk ikxt uuuiber cf the mem
bers of the t uited states Seuate have
already expressed their iutenlion of
VJting to seat Senator Juay to insure
Lii admission to that body on the Gov
eruor's certificate.
jEXERAL Gomez is said to he writing
a plea for an American protectorate of
Cuba until a stable government can oe
formed. There are many who believe
that a government of that kind neces
sarily implies annexation.
Lieitexant - OoOSEi. James II
liAKXKTT, now serving with hi.- regi
ment, the Tenth IVnnsylvaiitR, in the
Philippines in prominently mentioned
a- a candidate for i-'tate Treasurer !
lore the P.ei.uh!i.:aii Kiale Convention.
Jle would make an ideal candidate.
Not oue correspondent at Manila,
aud there are several representing uou
expalisioiiist papers, has taid that
Aguinaldo represents anything but a
barbarous military despotism. With
one voice the correspondents declare
that the Filipinos are totally unlit for
eelf government.
S-iM:: of the Mugwump newspapers
if the State are very much exercised
over" Governor Stone's aplK.iutmenls.
These name liewspaj-rs fought Stone
for the nomination, and, after he was
nominated, fought his flection. They
should be the last critics in the Slate U
tiMeiiipt to dictate whom he shall J
js.ilit lo olliee.
The Legislative Prosecuting Com
mittee announce that they wiii en
deavor to have the cases against the
alleged bribers brought before the Dau
phin County Court in June. No ar
rests have yet leeu made, and if the
c-s aid t b2 tried next mouth the
committee will soon have to get a
wove on.
When State Senator William FiiDn
sarcastically suggested that Senator
Quay be a candidate for State Treasu
rer this year he had evidently forgot
ten that some years ago the Flinsia of
that day did the same thing, and that
t-jay accepted the challenge and was
elected by the largest majority ever
given a candidate for State Treasurer
up to that time. And, should Quay
accept the nomination this year, the
result would be the same; the lie publi
can voters would give him a mj uiiy
that would make the head of every
' Insurgent" ia the State swim.
James S. siikkmax, of Uiiea, N. V.,
is at present the foremost candidate for
Speaker of the Hou.-e of KepreseLta
tives, to succeed Thomas II. ItecJ. Mr.
Sherman is a lawyer of Utica, 4:i years
old, aud in IXveiu!T will Itegiu his
sixth term as a Member of Congress.
Utica i a iJeoiocralic city, b it Mr.
Bherman carried it with ease. He was
admitted to the bar in ISsO, aud four
years later was elected Mayor of Uiica.
At the election last November he beat
his Democratic opponent for Congress
by more than 10, (KM vote. In the last
Congress he was Chairman of the Com
mittee on Indian Affairs
The trade papers are all enthusiastic
over the business situation. They say,
what every intelligent person knows to
be true, that trade was never more act
ive in the Uuited States than it is at
this moment. The outlook, too, is that
this activity will increase instead of
diminish. liauk clearances, railroad
earnings and production in all the lead
ing industries are at the highest figures
ever touched. Labor is more actively
employed than ever lefore, and wages
has been advanced all along the Hue iu
tl pa-.t few looiilhs. It is no woudt-r
that the BryauiU-s are dissatisfied with
these conditions. In this period of
great industrial prosperity the eslam
ity party has no chance to delude thi
tKMiiile iuto Kiving it Control of the
Till" reports of the d-ima to the
wheat crop may give some hopes to
the Democrats. Calamity furnishes
them their only ch-uie? for victory. It
is Well to bear iu mind, however, that
about this time nearly every year pre
dictions are made that the grain crop
will be small. It is too early in the
season yet to form any j-idgments as to
the extent of the wheat yield which
will be good for anything. After its
recent heavy crops the counfry could
stand a small grain yield better than it
could have done at almost any time in
. the past, but it is reasonable to hope
that fortune will be kind to us. More
over, it would take a pretty extensive
and variegated lot of calamities lo over
come the Democratic discredit aud give
that party anv chance to carry the
The alleged Ilepublicau members of
the recent Ix-gislature who denied the
right of the majority to rule and refustd
to vote for the party nominee for Uui
ted Slates Senator are iu a dilemma,
they having advanced the excuse for
He ir action that they could not support
a candidate for Senator w hile indict
ments were pending against him in the
Philadelphia couits, a subterfuge that
no longwr affords them cover. The real
cause of their opposition hving been a
desire to unhorse the "Old Man," and
wrest from him his political power,
they uow are seeking some plausible
excuse for continuing their opposition
The manly course would be to ackiww
edge their error aud to join with otht r
in repairing the wrong they have done
M. S. Quay individual'y and the Re
publican party as an organization.
1!kaikoiu county RepuhM'-aus held
their primary elections Saturday, at
which three delegates to the State Con
vention were elected. There were two
Bets of candidates, and the fight was
made squarely on the Q-ay aud anti
Quay I sue. the result is au over
whelming triumph for the friends of
f?i ustor Q'isy, their candidates having
won by a aiaj-rity of tbrr-e to one. In
the late senatorial fi-ht at Harrixburg
two of the Bradford county R -pteseut
ai?9 voted ?iiDt Quay, while tee
tL'ii oi.e, Rrpme&tfcti-- Lewi, tol&i
fur Lim, arid !hJi represented the peo
ple of his eouaty. Saturday eh-cLon
is au endorsement of K-r .resent at "oe
Iew is and a nondeinnalion of bis col
league. The "I nsuri'etiU" have all
along claimed that they were particu
larly strong among the farmers, ana,
as Bradford is essentially ft farming
flection, their claims in this refpect will
have to h? revised. Of the delegates
thus far ihcseu, the "luaurgeuU have
elected but oue.
that he will vote to seat Senator Quay
whenever the latter'9 case comes be
fore the body of which he ia a mem
ber, and Colonel Dudley, of Indiana,
one of the most astute isjlitieiaiis in
the country, sajs he des not see how
the Senate can refuse to eeat the man
from Dearer. And so it goes, says the
I larrUbarg Telegraph. All fair-minded
meu are disposed to view the case as
already settled, and to take it for grant
ed that he w ill get his seat in the Uni
ted States Senate without any material
opposition except that from a few dis
gruntled Mugwumps who would be
against Quay under any aud all cir
cumstanced. When the United States
Senate meets, the coaimission of Sena
tor tj iay wilrbe presented and referred
to a committee, which will report that
he is entitled under the Constitution of
the Uuited Suites to the seat, aud the
Seuate will adopt the report. Then
Senator Quay will take Lis seat, and he
will serve two years until the Pennsyl
vania Legislature shall elect him to
snr for the full term in It is
all very (simple, and it will all meet the
views of the people of this State. 1 he
Mugwumps aud others may protest
until the Atlantic ihvuii freezes over,
hut they w id not be aUe U hurl Sena
tor y nay's staudiitg.
The auti-Ouav press of the Stale
seems to have some very erroneous con
ceptious as to the statute of limitations
relating to criminal eases. Now that a
jury of his peers, after a fair aud im
partial trial, have found Senator Quay
guiltless of any of the charges brought
by the band of conspirators w ho sought
by the f..'ilest and most despicable
methods lo ruin his character and de
stroy his political inlluuiee, these same
conspirators, through the newspapers
ihey control, continue to reiterate their
baseless charges, to sneer at the Court
before whom the trial was had, aud to
iii-iit th'itOuay would have been con
victed hud it not teen that he 'pleaded
the statute of limitations. Now, the
irnlh of the matter is, Mr. Q i iy did
not plead the statute of limitations for
the reason that, under the law, no evi
dence was admissible, with or without
his assent, that did not relate to alleged
offenses committed within the time
prescribed by law for their punishment.
The statute is not pleaded in criminal
cases for the reanou that the law is im
perious in its mandate that an alleged
ctlense, if not within the statutory pe
riod, can not be tried, nor could a de
fendant be convicted even if he and
his counsel were silent as to the statute.
The statute of limitations iu criminal
ases is absolutely mandatory. It pro
hibits the District Attorney from briug
ing or even exhibiting to a grand jury
au indictment for a crime or misde
meanor that is not w ithki the statutory
limitations, aud a defendant in a crim
inal case could not, even with his own
insent, have judgment upon a verdict
against him if the ali ped offense had
not been committed within the peri(d
prcseriUd by the statute.
A Senator Sot Elected.
liilaitt-ljihU Inquirer.
It is a great pity
that the Quay trial
could uot have come olf in February, for
had the ca-e been st'ttled then Senator
Hiisy would nave iieeu re eiecie.i long
ago. s it is, malitse, spite, envy aud
petty bossisiri.have had their way, and
have left Pennsylvania with a Senatorial
It is creditable to the Republicans w ho
have been acting with the majority that
they have refused to tempo rizo with a few
rebels. It is highly discreditable to the
insurgeiiLs that they have followed the
lealershipof Fliun and Martiu aud have
male a spectacle of themselves which
will not soon be forgotten.
These insurgents made clia-w out of the
Legislature. They held up public Ixisi
tiev, defeated important measures, left
ihe Slate without an adequate revenco,
made it impossible to elect a Senator, and
iu geueral they have sought to produce
party discord. In seeking to dishouor
and discredit their party they have
brought discredit aud dishouor upou
And what have they got out of this
three months' attempt at party wreck
age" .M agee has lost any cnance ue migui.
have had to go to the Senate at some fu
ture d.iy. Martiu, having delilierately A
broken his pledge and brazenly displayed
his treachery, ill return from Harris-
burg to had his leadership a thing of the
past. Flinn well, Flinn has got a loviug
cup. a proud emblem of party disloyalty.
As fir those who have presented h!m w ith
this token of esteem, and who have so
slavishly supported a pair of dishonored
political bosses they have nothing to look
forward lo but that punishment whi'-h a
jiiJ. and fair-ruindeJ people always visit
usn Hnvu who prove false to their trust.
The insurgents have grimly marched
to ll.e'r fate, and now let them met-t it
tuaufuily. They have been warned time
snd time again iu these columns. They
have been warned by the Republican
voters at the various county primaries.
They have refused to take the warning.
They have defied the Republican major
ity in the State and Legislature, aud they
have sought to destroy the basis of all
free eovernment, the rihl of the major
ity to rule, and now let them take the
consequences of their folly and of their
party perfidy. Tbey have refused to per
mit the election of a United States Sena
tor, and before many days we think thry
w i!l discover their worse than error in
the overw helming popular condemnation
which will overtake them.
Iatamed and Granulated Eyelids.
Is there anythiug more disfiguring to a
face or more disagreeable than intlamed
orgrauulaU-d eyelids T These result from
a multitudeof causes, and respond quick
ly to proper treatment. Such treatment
may be had at tho hands of Dr. A. Sig-
nnun, t4 I'eun Ave., Pittsburg, for
merly of Vienna, Austria, who has en
joyed the advantage of years of study
and practice Iu the greatest hospital of
the world, situated in that city, and is
prepared to fcive any cases relating to bis
specialties Kye, Ear, Nose and Throat
the most thorough scientific treatment
possible. During bis short stay in this
city he has already secured a long list of
patients to whom he can refer any per
son desiring to gain information regard-
cg his skill and success.
Rad blood aud indigestion are deadly
enemies to e-xsl health. Durdock Blood
Bitters destroys tbeoi.
Dollar Tix Oa Sieyalta.
WnxiAxsroRT, Pa, April 2S The
first meeting of the l.ycotulug County
Side Path Couiuiissioiiers was hnld to
day, immediately after those new oOicial
took theoalh of oflioe. 'i'liey recoinmeud
ed that the County Commissioners levy a
lax of oue dollar on ea-.-h bicycle iu the
s.tioiy. It is estimated that this will re
suit in eiiisg I be in a fund of $jO annu
ally with which to build sida paths.
Aceordiff t Iteir Cwa .Worl, Tfcty
Cto-id Sow Ftror Bjktor ftar-
Paring the progress of the SeoalorUl
routest at HarrWmrg certain of tlm atiti
jniy jwnojila gav to their constituents
who urged tbem to support Senator Quay
for re elertiou the excuse that they could
not conscientiously do so because Mr.
Quay was under indictment for ciim.
Perhajet in inaiiy instance that was not
the real reason, it nerved as snbter
fugp, which, the wily Legislators probab
ly thought, would serve to put off their
constituent a 11 as anything ele. It
has proven an unfortunate choice n some
instances, however, as may oe surnuseu
from the subjoined correspondence.
Comparatively early in the contest cop
ies of the following letter were seni w
three members of the Legislature one
Senator and two Representatives:
Conxkk, Pa., February 9, 18!H
Mr. . Harrisburg, ra.
MvDearSib: Do you not think it best
for all concerned and of the greatest .good
to the greatest Dumber to support M. t.
Q.isy for LT. S. Senator for the following
i'ynHi.lrinir the vote for State ticket
t li wmv such thines eeu-
- - -. r
o.ll ara IlllilArHlUIKl. IUB majoriLt OI
the common people consider his election
to redound to the test interests of the
C-1 . an.l lA t llA tlltrtV.
Vou would he surprised to know of the
nu tutors who preler him to any other
uaine as vet placed for election.
Tbev claim that his master hand will oe
needed V help direct national anaim iu
t ho 1" s senate tiv reason of rarequick
:.,;v.f ih.t umlilM him to see to the
bottom of things, an.l for his atolute
thoroughness tne nigne- prouraeui,-.
1 . in.larrl nf devotion tO dlltV and
Durtv loyalty which nothing could resist
' . .v.ln niwlar hi IllAn
and ni&ue i' i' y " - -
o.r,,r.i.t and thov have not forgotten
what be has done for the party in the past
in the State and tli nation. .
Th.. ain i!.v as Liiiolu once said :
"It is not eool policy to swap horsee
while erossiug a stream."
v..... fr.uo.l H.i utmost to
1.-X..L- H.ilrulr which aooarently
bus resultel fnim political anarchy,
which must iucrease the State's ex peiisea,
n-w are tK) hurdeusoinn
far all of the people. This is lb wy it
to us here in the woods. Hopiug to
h-ar frHii you at your convenience.
-i. J, It- llECKMAX
The persons to w hom Mr. Hecktnan
sent copies of this letter may as well be
designated numerically as suyother way,
Kiiiee names are not to be given. Keplies
were received from all three.
No. l's letter was short, aud may be
given in full: "I am in receipt of your
favor of February 6xh, and in reply I beg
to say that at present no one is changing
his vote on the Senator-dnp. W hen ine
time comes to break up the deadlock I
shall be glad to a-sist all I can. Howev
er, in my judgment, Qaay can not be re-
1 1. a thin? is sure none but a
gouud republican will go to the Seuate;
thre is no show for a leiiierat.
The -oiiimiitiieali.m of No. 2 was also
brief, but the gi-d of it was briefer, Wine
aslollous: lliniK. ou rental j""
w ill . that until Mr. Q iay frees hmiself
from the five criminal indictmeuts now
pending against hiin, I cannot vote for
hi... This iu the nosition taken iy ine
Uepublit-an Senators aud members who I
are now voting for such men as uaizen,
Stone, and others."
No. 3 writes at some length on the sub
ject, but tbee two extracts express prac-
lically all he says: "l have reiuseo io
. niK r,r Senator Ouav mi to this time lor
the reason that he has been charged with
crime and . retreated from trial. If he
had stood trial he could have had the
cases against him disposed of before the
Legislature was called upon to vote for a
1". S. Senator. 1 h av e no person
al feeling against Senator Q'iay, and
would have voted for him had he cleared
himself nu the criminal charges.
Now the question that naturally arises
in the miiid of Mr. Meckman and
ail ,ehrs who eandidly consider the
s'.h.vo communications is whether Nos.
aud X at least, of the above should not
now vote for Senator Quay if they had an
opportunity of voting for him, ought
they not to announce that the only bar
rier against such a course, according to
their owu word, has been removed?
Johnstown Tribune.
f As Mr. Ileckman is a resident of this
county it is quite probable that his iuqui
ries were directed to Representatives
Koontz an.l Kendall, and to Senator
J.,hn S. Wcller. Messrs. Weller and
Kendall it is alleged both based their op-
iiosiliou against tho re electiou of Senator
Qaay on the grouud that he was under
indictment in the criminal court. Ld.
Kra. George Sot Guilty.
Canton, O., April 28. The jury in the
case of M rs. Anua R. George, triel for tLe
murder if fieorge D. Saxton, came iuto
nirt at 10:4'$ a. in., with a verdict or not
A cheer went up from the crowd in the
court room when the verdict was an
nounced and it was instantly taken up by
the people w bo packed the streets.
Mrs. George's face lit up with a smile
as the words were spoken that made her
a free woman. She was Immediately sur
rounded by a great throng who desired to
congratulate her.
Blinded by a Surgeon's Error.
Montreal, April J8. Seven years ago
Thomas Stewart, theu 10 years old, lost
the sight of oue eye, the blade of a pen
knife hi-vin been accidentally run into
it. Recently a doctor advised the remov
al of the useless eye as the only means of
pieseriiig the other intact. This was
serein! t() Ht the conclusion of the
delicate operation it was found that a ter
rible mistake had been made, the healthy
eye had been removed. On rei-overy
from the ellects of the anaesthetic the
patient found himself blind.
Doei Coffee Agree With Ton!
If not, driuk Grain-O made from pure
"rains. A lady writes: "The first time
I made Grain-O I did not like it but after
using it for one week nothing wouia in
iluee me to go back to collee." It nour
ishes and feeds the system. The children
can drink it freely with great Isjnelit. It
is the strengthening substance of pure
grains. (Jet a package to-day from your
ur.x-er, follow the directions iu making it
and vou will have delicious ana health.
ful taiile lieverage forold and young. IV
Gcei Bick to' Her Old Lovt.
Hazlktox, Pa, April 2H. Twenty
years seo Milton Ileckman, theu a pros-
neruns farmer, left his wife at their home
perotis farmer, left his wife at their home
in Nurembtirg. Years passed and Mrs.
Ileckman believed her husband dead.
She finally married Alfred Miller, of
Ringtown. -They lived happily, but last
week Ileckman turned tip alive and welL
li is appearance occasioned a shock, and
Miller came to this city to-day to begin
proceedings for a divorce, his wife pro-
fei ring to return to her first husband,who
has be-u all over the country since he
left her.
A Pot of Cell Ploughed Up.
Raltimore, April 2.S. A Cumberland
special to the Sun says: R. A. Dorsey, a
hand on the farm of Mrs. F.Ilen Hard-
man, on the ('Id Town Road, near Msplo-
iiide, a sut.u rb of Cumberland, and with
in :v0 yards of the Baltimore and Ohio
track, yesterday plowed up an Iron pot
containing about ? 1,000 iu gold. The pot
was covered w ith a stone slab. The gold,
from being buried so long, had caked into
two pieces each about the size of a quart
cup. iKirsey has the gold in vinegar.
which has loosened it, ami shining pieces
of various denominations have been pick
ed out. Tne gold was found near the
house under a plum tree in ground that
bad not been plowed for some years. The
farm is known as the Anderson farm,
having Is-en owned as far back as lsdO by
James Anderson. Tradition has it that a
man named Hoott, siid to be at that time
the richest person tn Cumberland, after
collecting b!s rents wonld, in company
ultb bis cegro servant., carry his money
out by way of "Devil's HoKow" aud
j bury it.
Th rtlif.aoi ti For Fo.
Mii a, Apr;l Irt-S.Joa. in -Toe I it-
in:n. im uinfr f.r ceice. lid. Maioiel
Argueless aud LL Jose 15 rnal, cinei oi
(ieu. lama's stJtT, eoterel Jau M"r
tbur's liun, bearing a tligof truce. They
are en route for Mnila by train to confer
withtiou. Oiis regarding terms of sur
render. The Filipino advances for peace were
fruitless. Col. Mucl Agriieiese an-I
MeuU Joss Bemal I -Id te"- "lis thit
they were representative of Geu. Luua,
who had btiieo requested by Aguiualdi to
ask lieu. Otis for a ceasatiou of hostilities
iu order to allow time for the summoning
of th Filipiua Cougress, w hich Uxty
would decide whether the people warned
peace, iiaa. Ulis repneo tuai an ui-i u.ii.
recognize the existeuca otir llipino gov
ernmeuL There will be auother conference to
The Filipiuo oiBeers walked down the
railroad track to ths Kansas regiment's
outpost at 9 o'clock this morning. The
Kansas captain in command there escort
ed them t i tidn. Wheaunt's headquarter.
where they were provided with h res
and sent to the headquarters of Gen. Mae-
Arthur. The latter invited the Filipinos
to bit dowu at lunch with him, aud con
versed with them for gome time. He rc
fu ed,. ho w ever, to speak au t boriati vel y on
the subject of their errand, referring all
inquiries to Gen. Otis.
The Filipinos were then escorted by
Major Maloaey, of Gea. MacArthurs
staff, to Manila, reaching here at 3 o'clock
p. m. Gen. Olis's aide, Lieut. SUJeu.was
awaiting their arrival at the dejiot with a
carriage, in which they were driven to
the palace entrance.
The FUipino officers attraited much at
tention. They were dressed iu uniform
of checkered blue and white cioth and
wore straw hats. They carr'ed no side
arms.' They were esenrted directly to
the otlhre of Gen. ( lis. Jaci G. Sc:uir
luau, president of the Philippine c i ii-
missioii, and lion, ( h tries Itnljy, a
member of the c laimission, s-on joined
the party there.
The news of the arrival of the Filipino
officers undar a 11 g of truce spread
through the city rapidly, and imny otli
cer gravitated to the corridors of the
palace, while a crowd of natives gathered
in the square opposite the palace.
At 5 o'clock the two Filipino othcers,
escorted by Lieut. Sladen and Mj. Ma-
lony. left the place. They did not look
at all elated as a result of thoir talk with
Gen. Otis and the members of the Phil
ippine commissi. m.
At Culumpit for the first time a Inrge
body of Filipinos attempted t) face the
Americans iu open grouud. The Filipi
no in the trenches were dispersed after
nuking a ridiculously fdolile resistance.
B it Gen. Luna's brigade came upou the
li.tld from Macibeleson (lie double quick.
thitwo regiments pre-ierviog a perfect
formation. The Americans from the south
ba-ik of the river, which is higher lhau
the north bank.oould see Gen. Luna moun-
te 1 on a black horse galloping frantic illy
aioog, the ijaM snj apparently exhorting
his followers to make a stand. He finally
succeeded in getting them spread in an
extended Hue of battle, which would have
d ne credit toacivilized army. Hut when
the American bullets showered thickly
among tbejii, stirring clou-Is of dust from
the sandy soil, the Filipinos again showed
that no amount of drilling could fortify
them sufficiently to make them face the
American ritles, aud their train pulfid
up the track, with its load of dead and
wounded, in plain sight uf thi Americaus
who were entering the town so closely
that the rebels barely slipped out of their
captors' hands. The Montana regiment
made a rush to capture the train, running
up the track, yelling shrilly and even
dropping their guns iu the pursuit. Rut
the engine backed o:T histiry lajtviug the
bodies of six warriors t their enemies.
Tue Filipinos wbt-camu to meet the
conquerors, bearing a white flag, declar
ed heartily that they were sick of tigh-
inj, adding that food was very short in
their camps. They ate the army rations
given to them with an eagerness that tes
tid d to the truth of the latter statement.
One who had leeii severely wouuded
draifged himself alter his comrades, show
ing rem irkable nerve.
Fifty Americans wire overcome by the
heat, and Cob Fuuston dropped utterly
exhausted after tho battle. The meu of
the Kansas regiment cheered hiin crazily
when he went among them.
General MacArthur's division crossed
the Rio Grande yesterday and advanced
on A pal it, routing the flower of the Fili
piuo army. M-ist of the Insurgents fled
to Apalit station, where two trains were
waiting them. They left barrio lly, pre
sumably for Sao Fernando. The enemy
is strongly entrenched ou the river bank,
near both sides of the railroad bri!.
General Wheaton sent Colonel Funston
across with two companies of the Twen
tieth Kansas regiment, a couple of pri
vates swimming the swift stream with a
rope under a g tiling fire, for the purpose
of guiding the raft. The men crossed in
squads of 20, aud attacked the left ft ink
of the rebels, who scuttled like rabbits
into covered wsys and trenches. The
rot of the regiment was compelled to
cross the bridge in single file along the
stringors. All the woodwork ami much
tf the ironwork had been removed. Tho
First Montana regiment followed the
Kansas aeioss the bridge. The first Ne-
bra-tLs regiment, acting as a re-t-rva,
attiekod the insurgents it three lines of
trenches, driving them out, killing 1G
and wounding many.
Meantime a large b dy of Filipiux, es
timated at no fewer thin :),') led by
Gea. Antonio .una on a black charger.
that was evidently coming to reinforce
the force who were engaged with tho
Xebraskau-s appeared in the cp?n field
about two miles to the left. Kaierging
from the jangle, the enemy forme! an
open skirmish line nearly two miles in
length with thick reserves behind. They
then advanced at double quick until tbey
were about 2,(d0 yard3 from thc Ameri
icsn line, when General Wheaton order
ed the troops to fire. The natives, who
were evidently unaware that the Ameri
cans bad crovsed the river, broke and ran
Out of Sight .
Oat of Mind."
In other months ive forget
1 , , , t ,, J.
'l2fSh t Opl.
Hat they have their use, as
some say, to blow out the
bid air accumulated after
Winter storms and Spring
thaws. There t; far more
important accumulation of
badness in the veins and ar
teries of humanity, which
needs Hood's Sarsojyarilla.
This great Spring Medicine clarities;
the blood as nothing else ran. It curea
scrofula, kidney disease, liver troubles,
rheumatism and kindred ailments. Thus
it cives pcriect health, strength and ap
petite for Months to come.
Kidneys-My Vi.lneye troubled me,
and ou advice took Hood a Sarparilla
whii-h Itave prompt relief, better appetite.
My sks-p is retreshiiK. It cured my wi.'e
also." MMHAfi, bovit,ai7J iN-miy stnet,
Pillshuri;, Pa.
Dyspepsia "Comilitei with Itvi-r
a.'nt kui'e-y trouble. 1 hull.-n-l (or Years
allli (ly!M-"oa. with severe pious. Ilixl
arsainirllls hib1c me si rone and In-art"."
J. H. Knr.KTi, Main street, Auhurn, Me.
Hip Disease " Five runniue mres on
my Lip rauxil ine to iio emt.-he. Was
coiillued lo bed ererv winter. Hood' Sr
mparllla saved my life. It i t-el me -r-fertly.
Am Hmns nud well." ANMK
Koscbt. iJ Fourth M., Fall Klver, Mi..
H'hmI lr; n."o lir t Is, tttv ii.tfi trutjiln; tfl
MCK women hu'hu
Advice ol Mrs. Pinkham.
Lirti io m ris
"I had inflammation and failing
of the womb, and inflammation of
ovaries, aud was in great pain. 1 took
medicine prescribed by a physician,
but it did me no good. At last 1 heard
of Lydia E. riukhains Vegetable Com
pound, and after using it faithfully 1
cm thankful to say I am a well women.
1 would advise all suffering women to
. ,--t 1:.. L.Kim ". Mp?-
scck an vice oi .ms. i
" For sjveral years my health was
diserabie. I suCt-red the most dreai
iol pains, and was almost-on the veri;e
of iusanity. 1 consulted one of the.
best physicians in New York, and he
pronounced my disease a fibroid tumor,
advUiag an operation without delay,
saying that it was my only cham-e for
life, "other doctors prescribed strong
and violent medicine, and one said 1
was incurable, auother told m my
only salvation was galvanic batteries,
w hich I tried, butnothing relieved me.
One dav a friend called and begged me
to try Lydia E. Fiukhams Vegetable
Compound. I began its use and took
several bottles. From the very tirst
bottle there was a wonderful change
for the U tter. The tumor has disap
peared entirely and my old spirits have
returned. I heartily recommend your
medicine to all buffering women."
Mils. VAX CLKFT, 410 SAfXlJJiKa AVJt,
Political Kotei.
Senator Flinn suggests that Quay
should run for state treasurer to obtain a
Domilar vindication. How would Flinn
like to tackle the job of heading the op
position Jcket ? People who think they
know sav he nteds a vindication pretty
A tiumlwr of I'nited State Senators,
some from each party, have announced
that they will vole to admitSeiiatorQuay.
It seems to be the general opiuiou now
that the Seuate will reverse its recent de
cisions and will have two representatives
from Pennsylvania at its next session.
Thero is pxd ground for the removal of
the state capital of Pennsylvania from
Harrisburg to Philadelphia. It would
save John Wanamader a pretty trilbi in
the way of railroad fare, and ei-able him
to mark down his gxxls a little earlier in
the spring. St. Louis Globe liemocrat.
Wanamaker, the king boiler, anno" nces
that he will sti-1 tight Quay, and, of course
the regular Republicans. He will no
doubt do this, for, being very sjre, he is
anxious to lijlit, and, being veiy rich, he
is able to light. Let us make a sugrs
tiou for the settlement of the hole mat
ter: Let both Quay and 'ainiual;i-r
suijiiiil their can. lid u y for l iiiud Stales
Senator to the Republican voters of Penn
sylvania, at a primary to lie held at a
uniform time in all the counties. Let him
who receives a maj irity of the votes be
declared the p irty candidate for United
States Senator, fhe choice thus ascertain
ed to be act-pied and supported in good
faith by the party as a whole. The Re
publican party is a party in which the
will oi'tlie majority U the supreme law.
This will settle all trouble and restore
harmony. Will Wanamaker ajjree to do
Ihis ? Fuioutown News-Standard.
For the great National Peace Jubilee,
to be held at Washington, l. (.'., May
2d, 24 and i". the Baltimore A Ohio R. R.
will si ll excursion tickets st Oxk Fauk
fur the ftorNi Trip fiom points on its
line within a radius of 2V) miles, except
from the following points from which
rouud trip tickets wiil be sold as named:
New York. Js.nO; Philadelphia,
Chester, $4 3D; Wilmington, t"iii; Balti
more, fj ml.
Tickets will I si sohl May 2- and 2, ami
will be good returning until May Is!1!',
The program is as follows :
May 2d Parade of Military aud Naval
Organizations. Salutes from gunboats.
Kinging of chimes and Kind concert.
May 21 Parade of school children. Pa
rade cf cit ic organiz itioi.s. All veri
fies in tho streets to bo decorated with
Hovers. ,
Muy 2.1 Historical Pageant, illu-drating
I'. S. Soldieis and Sailors of each of the
American rout! ids. Grand illumina
tions and fireworks at night.
Will Shoot Outlaw on Sight.
Mi-CoSNKi.l.siifKo. Pa. April 23. The
desperado Clem Pennell, who f.Uaily
shot J.'.nrs C. lt?attv a week ag, at
P.trnes Gap, this county, wbils resist
ing arrest, an I wh escaped int th
inotintains, is til iit,t to be in biding
near the firm of William W-gii'dd, a
mile from the scene of his crimj, au 1
officers with shotguns are trying to run
him down. Ho was seen there a fevv
days ago, an I as he has an old grudge
against igheld, it is th night he is
hanging around to seek revenge. He
has declared that he will never be taken
alive, and the deputies are prepared to
shoot him on sight.
Somerset Bugy (oiujaiy fiM-ir-tt la.
Have for sale and exchange. Uuies
Road and Farm Wagons, llaru-, etc
Itiigp.ies are up to date in Slyle, Trimiiig
Pointing and Finish. Sold at Bottom
The maniif.t.-tures of our Farm Wagon,
claim for it Larger Hub, Only perl'e.-t
Wagon Skein iu use, and lightest draft
iu the imti ket. Call and sen us. Truly
yours. A. C. l wis.
2 Squares South of IiiamomL
Ijist Low-rate Kxciirsions to Wa-h-iugt
ia and B iltimire via Pennsyl
vania Kail road.
The last Pennsylvania Kail road low rate
ten day excursions from Pittsburg and
points in Western Pennsylvania to Wash
ington, will leave on May 11. Roundtrip
tickets will tie sold at rati-s quoted
below, good going on special train indi
cated, or ou train No. 4, leaving h iltl-urg
at 8:' p. in . snd carrying through sleep
ing cars to Washington. Special train of
through parlor cars snd com-hes will be
run on the following schedule :
Train leaves. "Rate.
Plttitiiinr... . KaK) A. M. f io
t'.ilinellvlile 7:.ii ' 7
Johnst, wu 10 i i 7 :i ,
Cuinbt-rlaml s l'i - 8 (, j
Wushlutftou Arrivw 7:l-i
Tickets will be good returning on anv
regular train, except the IViiiisylvaiiiii
Limited, until May 20. and to slop oil at
Baltimore within limit.
Holder of special excursion tickets to
Washington ran purchase, at the Penn
sylvania Railroad Ticket Olli.-es in Wash
ington, excursion tickets to Kii limond at
rate of $l.uii. and to Old Point Comfort
(all mil ) st Jo on; at the oih.-es of the Nor
lolk and SVashington Steauirsmt Comna
ny. excursion tickets (not including
meals and stateroom on steamers) to
old Point Comfoit or Norfolk, Vs.. at
fl."), and to Virginia Beach at Jl.."x;
VVasliinirton to Ml. Vernon and return,
via electric railway. .V cents.
Should the number of passengers not
be Hutticienl to warrant the ruuiiiriK of a
special train, the company reserves the
right to carry particpauts in this excur
sion on regular train.
Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, at I'nlon
TickeWiftlce. .KW Fifth Avenue, a, id I'nion
Station, and at all station mentioned
alaive. For full information apply to
scents or Thomas IC Vat, Passenger
Ag-nt Western liistrict. Firth Avenue
and Smilhfu-ld strt-eU Pittsburg.
Salesmen i
IikkI nl.sllu-ll Cur fv-.-ll-
lii artlc r. toss! pay Slmil;
euiloyiiirul. lt -f . ri-ndi re-
(tllinsl. AlKlll-SS,
USt Main Ml vs-l.
March .Mt PI. um.hI. I n.
V Rcnsrai III tfMir ts4 ippttHt, k Hd op th
4 tyttcia. mmt ktHk tna ioor. fcf nhitoi th
tsttilact mr4 Ml es tor bo .
H-tM h. IS WtkTtKS rlSKSTl.TlSIl.
i 1hrrilnttlut.,424SFh Pittsburg Pi
Discreditable Work of the Caucus
Bolters in the Legislature.
Governor Ftone's Admlnl-tratlon
Han.p.rdi and lb.ra-ed. But the
1.-..M,.,ii!.;ilt.v Will Placed by
thi Vot.-rs W Here It Properly ISeloDIT
-je I d Corre ;.onJenc.)
ITan b burg. M"y 2. Governor Stona
las been rrofroiited with a very un
piearatit nnd disagreeable task. The
legislrdtie adjourned leaving him to
prnn!e with a problem In which the
whole reople are keenly interested. It
Is that f f the state finance. With reck
le,s disreratd for the credit of Penn
sylvania and the honor of the Republi
can party, vhl.-h has been charged
wilh the administration of the affairs
of the commonwealth, the legislature
failed to muke suitable provision to
meet the current obligations of the
state. This omission and the fact that
appropriation bills were passed with-f.i-t
stopuir.g to consider how the pay
ments provide therein were to be
paid, can he charged up to the bo
calle'd Republican insurgents. These
men started out at the -beginning of
the session to hamper, harass and dis
credit the administration of Governor
Stone in eveo possible manner. They
formed pr. alliance with the Demo
crats l-i both the senate and the house,
and '..ntil the closing hours of the ses
sion they were found working hand in
b-n,' with pemocratic leaders block
Ins the measures advocated by the Re
piil licnii Flute pdrniaistratlon to raise
jcvehue and favoring extravagant ap
propriations whl' h. cwiug to the de-nl-'ted
condition of the Btate treasury
the Eovcrnor ami me ieaicr m i
reul;:r republicans in the legislature
s'rencoiK'y opposed. The proposition
to have the suite retain the personal
property tax for to years, the bulk
of which would come from Pittsburg
trd Pl.iU.lelphia. and which. It would
be auppoied. the members from the In
terior countiej would support, was Lit
terly fo-.iglit by tnese insurgents. With
the helo of the Democrats they de
feated the bill intended to carry this
..;-.n into effect. They also defeated
the bill providing for a direct inheri
tance tax and several ether measures
which woitl.l have netted the state an
lnuiicn:..; anvcuit of revenue.
TIONS. Wi He .-hiiniiLg to be refoi ruers
iii.'i.v of the.-.e insurgents were found
workioii with the agents of the big
m i ..'iiions that were eager to pre
vent ti e iitssae of measures defeated
v:th a view of making the corpora
tions contribute niore liberally to the
proper expenses of the state govern
n-ent. P.y these means the Insurgents
!: s-,:i es'.ful in their various
k. Iieine to defeat the plans of Gover
r.or Stt ue to in reas? the revenues of
the. su-.te. ami wi'h mali ioic? glee they
left here npon the adjournment of the
lepisbiture satisfied that they had
placed the governor and his adminis
tration In an embarassing and unen
viable position. They hope that the
governor will to obliged to cut down
the ntuiropriation for the common
s. hi .!f, which has been placed at the
enormous sum of $1 l.("ni,Oi.O for the
next tv.ri year:?. I'r.der ordinary con
ditions this would oft considered a very
rer,erous alio' ir.ciit. It U much more
than is appropriated by any other state
in the I't.ioii for this purpose. v nen
t!ie biih.r.r r-. in the state treasury were
c;.n.:dt!"'b!e. tiie Republican leaders
wiselv concluded to inrreai-.e the ap-
srrni iatiins to the common scnoois
but they never contemplated that these
big appropriations would be continued
Ti;r. DOLTnris arh to blame.
If the renulretnenta of the state In
other directions shall now force the
governor to red.'ce this item the blame
for It all iKiis-t Le laid st the doors
of the Republican bolters. Had ihey
t.-Ven hold of work aa they should
have done. h:;d they civeu their atten
tion to the public business instead of
to the attempt to revenue themselves
rpou the party organization the.
wonld have made the legislature ;
ere lit to per.r.svlvania. As it was,
th v math? it a renroach. and they
ni'ist l.o:,r all the responsibility for It,
It is a positive disgrace that the state
is not to have a capital bcflttinc Us
dignity and greatness. It Is more th in
a disgrace that such a proud state
fliottld be left without adsipntte funds
to take care of the great institutions
which have crown tin within its bor
dcrs. Those who banded theniselv
together. from spi:cfiil motives to break
un party organizations and discredit
Ivnn-vivaiiiu cannot escape the con
'"i:in.aio;i of the people. Throughout
the fointics they should be and will
be placarded not only as the enemies
of the Republican party, but as the
enemies of the welfare of Pennsylva
n!:i. Not one of them should eer b
trusted in tho balls of legislation
The insurgents will find that Got
e-ui.r Ftoue b:is the courage to face
(he i.s.-:ue thev 1 e confronied him
with manfully a:ul K.niare'y. and he
will let the people of the state plat
the iesiHiiis:!i!ity where it belongs,
'Ihe governor says that the first class
of bppropriutions that should receive
piefeien.e are these made for the ex
peus.-s of the state government. In
clutilrg the National Guard and the
various departments.
Second in r.ierit are the state
aeyltims, the peaitentiurSes. the schools
for the feeble minded chl'dren. the
schools for the deaf, the di:mt and
the blind.
The third class of appropriations
which the governor savs h.i'.e a claim
upon the state are the piivate hospitals
which the executive believes cannot
continue the excellent work they are
doing without state aid. H declare?
that these meritorious institutions
should l e cared for ntid rendered sta'e
aid regardless of other considerations
"The remnir.ccr of the appropria
tlons. Covcrrtor fton adds "may be
classified s-s appropriations for edu
cationril purposes, end first and fore-
mis-t before them all. I thTk the ap
rropri.ition to tue public schools shoti
i ere: vp r.tter.tirn. : nd that It thouid be
given even tn the exclusion of other
educatioral institutions from whatever
money may 1 e left. 1 have no doubt
about my power to reduce an Item In
an apprcpiiuiion bill. I shall deeply
tegrc-t if 1 titii compelled to reduce
the appropriation of $11,000,000 to the
p:blic schools. Let if I am compelled
to do it 1 shall not hesitate to assume
the responsibility. It was the duty of
the legislature to provide sufficient
revenue to enable rr.e to approve this
"I shall l,e very sorry If the revenue
Is insufficient to enable me to approve
the full amount appropriated to the
public mhools. but I shall rest my
action with the people of the state,
believing that they will Justify tne In
withholding my approval from appro
priations that cannot be paid by rea
son of a deficit in the revenue.
"I make this announcement now be
fore approaching the consideration of
these subjects, with Uie view that what
criticism and argument Is to be made
with reference to my contemplated
course may lie brought to my notice
so that I may have the benefit of it
before action."
With the adjournment of the legis
lature and the settlement of the sena
torial I. ue by the temporary appoint
ment of Colonel Quay by Governor
Stone, the attention of leadias Re-
I publicans is nuw directed to available
men for ronsidrration for the nomina
tion for state treasurer. The leaders of
the regular Republican organization
have not determined upon any one to
receive tho support of the regulars for
this honor. They will undoubtedly te
tn absolute control of the state con
vention, and any candidate upon whom
thev shall unite Will receive the nnmi.
"'kcetue ma-nitWf th.,
6f.Vf. ' ar.i tr the
re-f ad" '--.-a is f retry U. le in
, t r.
(Dom's Kidney Pills'
Ima's sirong. Manny ttianev-..-.
I ,..l tlu-r. everv luae i.u r-o.
fr.ui! !e i. it "it s from tne kiJocyS.
Loan kidney PilN :are it-
P..u,vW -.rui:ij that I '8:s-.y
.-ir,.l whic't t mailer the fufHe s.c
ran rteeiCe I bay wi-i- -'. nore i t 'P r Uie
l;..f l.i Ki-::.iy t-'-'- 'e :,J,;
..l ol the i.--i-.I:.-.m, lii!ier:. -M.peoed. I
t jntL.wj ra!i ; exn-..-tive a.nmin
ol the W:l:e x-ci. lioii I w -even I y-jr
-lpite tt.r li-- "I cveryth.i.B "1 t- ''
mitr n.iel -n!-vtri !nc- toi-r.r k i'- 1-h6
Ktlnvv Pll- have iff veil roe : taof.t'.J
rt-r ,n-, mirt if - rc.tom- of u v i-miVt n-'.il
a-.-ain rucur 1 am i'o i:i.cii -O ioo
wlidl u fniilu."
Di an'-. KiJaev PiiK re for i!e ty all
dealers, rncc sc cents. Atailei by Fy:er
.Miiturn Co., buruiu. N. Y , s-.le a;r.t
tor the l-iiited States.;tr it.t
name, ' D-um's.'" and tjke na ytr.rr
nation, mis election wilt surely follow.
The only candidate for wnorn an or
ganized effort has been made so far is
Manufacturer Hosier, of Moat joinery
coiiu'.v, who ha.- been verv stronsiy
indorsed v many ie.i.'.ia Repnhlican
iu the csstern sertion or tne siaie
n..-.',i,r i:er.ernl V.'iv and Captain
r-.imlii!iir (,f VPiiaur" cour.ty, the
l.f tiimh'- I l c:ns a .-tate s'-nati-r, ana
Cz-ne-i.l '.re-. Iter!:, have also
been Si!K?es!ed ks available mn. The
i..... . .,rne iini'-ose.l J.-l tr-ar t
one! Hawkins, rf the Tenth I'ennsyl-
vania volunteer.-., who R;:ve su n uru
Pant service t his country in Manila. Itjn'.ics atthctmh elected a
nicniber of the state ser.i.te. went ofT
to the Philippines before he could
..ii(v f ,r i,;-t ti-it:;n. .'-tiouid tie i.e
nominated f-ir state trear-rer he would
sweep the "ta-.e with aa u ".pre.euen.e i
majtiritv. The r Una--Mai t.n ln.sui Kem
would take to the woo.U at the mere
mention of hi- nair.e". Major Ilarnet. of
b,. Ton f h r P " ir.i'-nt who has done
im- , n-. .
good work ia the Philippine, has also
In:! 11 futltili. .1 tor statu treasurer, n
Is evp.'tt.-1 tl,i.t it the .-..ur$e of a few
the situ---011 Util develop the
wi.-.tiiiic candiciele. thciit" at present
it U h free-for-all rat ft.
forcing the Eio Grande Took Hebeli Breati.
Washinotox. I). T., April I 11 con
ditional surrender must lie exacted of the
rebels by General ( tis without recogni
tion of the no-called Filipino KcpuUh-.
Secretary Altfer and Secretary Hay aid to tHy that no new instructions
had been sent to Oeneral His or the com
niiSMion, but that they thoroughly under-
ttixid the wishes of the President the
only con l-ti-ins that could be made were
that the rebels should lay down their
inns, and, accepting the sovereign- j
ty of the L'nited States. e U their houi"-,
ind rwtuine the pursuits r.f peace. A:n
iej,ty w ill lie graded to all.
The President and bis advisers have
eeri fearitit; for the past two or three
litys thnt Mi'j r (leneral oils would not
e able to a-co.nplish bis purp-w? of
rnshing tho rebellion t Caluuipit and
hat with the opening of the r iiny season
next month and thw return ofthe vo!u:
ers t'l' il lii'i-tl 1 't-.-y jtti'd of things
would continue indeurittely, and it is not
itr.ine that members of tin; Adininis
tra.ion are on.te niorrf taikins atx-ut
"McKiiiley'a luck."
It is ad.nttted, ol" course, that the nego
Ulions for peco tn ty f.tll through, f ir
he tricky and treachero-n charictct of
.Vguiualdo and his chit-fs is t!i'roiij;hly
pprwi:tted here.
Colonel Funston. whose latest heroi-ni
bniuht the re'ie's to their knots in
wonder and de.--p.iir. is ti be made a
riir.i'lier crt'-eral of volai-.t-jers aud ti -" n
msdai of ii :io.-, while a!! vo'u:i;rrs
who servo !.eyoii-l thntiui-' when ei.tit!d
1) islease are to helicon medals .if honor.
Fuuston, with 11 rope in his i:iort'.
swam tbe K"u tiran io under the tire of a
lia !in;r irun nn.l Filiiiuo riiles.Htid pull
ed his inri ii.-r.ns ori a raft.
T!i A liiioii-itratioii msy well ' ?ratn
ful to the iii-iii w ho htve liirne-! oi. :i;
pointmei.t into gr it !i-itio'i mi l i h ir'ged
the i-o:up!ex';.)U of lh political sky.
A sta"-DTiie:it prepare." at the War De
partment sh ws tht I'H were killed in
the Philippines from February -1 to April
js, nil wounded ; total, V.r.i.
Secretary Hay this afternoon w.w tioti-a.-i.l
by the Fren -h Ai'iw-s.ii- that
Spain wim'.d accept t!ii J-.iWl.OnO to be
pai'l for the Philippines,
Cvnsu Saprrriiori.
Wasiiithtos, 1. I'., April s. -I'irei-tor
Merr-aui of the census is sending out
Je'.iers nr;in- the Senators t-i s i:t 1 in th'
n imes of tlie men they d'sir, to he -poiutel
hs siiprvisirs in tho various
stit(-s. Tim applitrali tis for thtwe jilts, w
re numerous, espe.-i.illy as the posiiions
will be worth at least 51. audjwill re
quire not more tha'i three months' time
in many eases alter tho a.-'u il t:kinir o f
the census is c ini nein-t-l. While all the
supervisors must bo eolitirnif d by the
Senate, and that lsidy d-es not meet until
Itocmier, OirtK-tor !erri ;n wiil appoint
at nnee everyone h.n 111 t!i indorsoment
of a Sen.itor, an-1 is tsmti lent they will lie.
trriiirmed. He thus saves hims- If from
the an:ioyari--e of decidin-j oiiit-is
tweeu represeutttives over app liutir.e 1 ts
aad pUeos upon thn Seu.iiors the duly of
deciding. Ia Pounsylvatiia Senat-r Pen
rose's indorsement ra'ist b on the
pikers of ail appointed. S firthsSrtt
a;or hss not siibnitte.! a inile re.Min
men l.ition, and thare are no iu lie itious
th;it he is ready to do so.
Jealcasy Cmttei a t'trder.
Iiisiis, Pj., April A murdur and
attempt atsuieido oi-curre-l at Itrockport,
neir here, at 4 o'clock this inornini;.
Mrs. Kila K;eser was shot by Fred Walk
er, a wid iwer, 61 years of ag;e, who msde
a-i uusuccessful attempt t en I his own
life with laud 11. i-ii. Mrs. K lesr-r h i I
been living with Walker at liroc'i .iy
ville fir the last 11 months, and ajiinst
his wlihes was viiiiu friends named Sil
vas, at Brockp rt, two mibw from that
pla:e. Walker wivs intensely jnlous of
her, and late SUurdy niht went t.)
Brockp.rt, pres-n iiily to in-Iue i h r 1 1 re
turn. Ab-mH o'cl a k hi cilia 1 h r out,
aud sho -tly the fs-nily was aroused by
two shits. Th) w.i ut 1 w is f 1.11 I lyin j
dead at the foot of the Mtep-i, with two
bullet h iles iu her hea-l, an I the 111 n no
conscions from the eff.-ts of lau-Unum,
an empty b Ulo and a rev-ilvr lyin ; by
his side. -
Physicians were hastily mimmoned.
aud after work i iig hours "sii.-ih e-le I In
brinziiiff him out. if d mger. Mrs. H eatr
formerly lived at this place. She had
been several times married, and w is al-o
known by the name of Kila H.ilitian.1.
S ie was 3;) years of ajje.
Mark Hanns fir Qaty.
Wa-hinL'ton. April JT. Fx Senator
l lay will be Heated on i.overnor Stone's
aupoiiitinent until the Peiinsy Ivania Ijrjt
t-ltn r- eleWs.
I Senstor Ha-Jia h is a ble-l hia power to
1 the li.ibien.-e and popularity f Sensto,-
t isy. and li,.t-wen th t thev e .nl
j deiuly expect t- '" th- f.irty lour
J 1 e-sary votes to reverse pie.'idt iils
aud scat '-:k.
If You
Want the Best
1 be j-roduccJ at a price no hi-zher tUn i,,f,.r:,
Zoods, Ibeu call aud examine our complete a-jt!:, tr:.Lrac.;.j
ia the followiog:
All ruarantccJ to givesatifactioa aud it pu.
I" ill
ranging from $7.00 to $30.00. Call and examir.o.
1 1847
, - 1 lin rrrtll r,rP k DTtr-l rn
: ILALoAliL' lUlLul AfAlitLLo,
408 Main Srcet,
Our stock is complete.
t Our 5jecialtics:
Tine iix
j btliciuas
g Spavkltnti K'f-C'M
V'.ih :i immendi-; vat teiy
Ir.ijKjitcJ and Domestic
1G. W. BENFORD, Manager
Public station Tor Ing Distance Telephone to all points in ti
. S. Jhites moderate. Sunday pay station at Hotel Vanuear.
Wash Goods.
Wisli we coal .slioty vou a
store view of th? extensive assort
ments here prettine.-.s and variety
the s-peeiallj choice styles ami
coloring at inexpensive prices.
A wash gooJs store here without
a superior wouldn't be such if we
were not determined to show you
"Will ?enJ sample soon a3 you
let us know what yott'r 2 interested
in and the way we can suit your
preference, with goods and prices,
will be winning evidence of where
it's to your interest to buy.
New Madras ginghams, 10e, l'-". l.V."
Fine Madras, 20c to Xn:
Lots of the popular cord-.-l t!!e.-ts.
Fine imported cheviots, "JiK-.
Prettv American I'imiLies, t: i .s.-, b'-.
Manrlsome Imported Dimities a collee
ti .11 of r:ire excellence ilc, iv:.
t'ottoii fovcLs for skills, l.Vj. I
l-iipoiTe I I'-tton skirtinjis, ih '
Sots i-tl l -t of ,-orded white Itl-lia I.iuou
V2U: nice for shirt waist.
ithf-r ch-i -e t hite )j.sds for shirt wai!.
IV, 2U: ravere stri;d and fiticy nbji is.
Plain a:;. I fancy white and colored
Pupes lUi up. S-ii irt styles ol.tred
fancy P. K' aV'.
Dainty wash c ttons beniiL'fti! fabrii-a
for towns swissis. luonsseline, tissues,
etc :Se to TiOc
Aren't you concrrne.1 a'.KU a wash
tr-xids business a dry givxls business
.lone strictly on merit?
Allegheny, Pa.
t r 1
if o.
X ..ii.lrf-il i tpniTrtiienttn Prletion lnl i.a !
tlv-llnrk. haca OiuikitelCafTiMKv:t llmes fk..t '
i..wnm la -.iw marii'i. Knriiaa I luim K-d. !
culli.- all lli fil arlD7 lo slalxl Mill hiM bai K-
lni srral aiiua la amr una wear. it. .
Uwue and n ii. atsu s-rina larTsa, '
. ni.i.w.wiw, , vru rianicrm, s.rlirra, vw.
lifiXCU fc UatU-HUOUl, MfraTark. Pa.
iwers, Foiled Plants,
aLso all kinds of Artistic I loial l. sitfi.s
can be furnished on nhoit n..ti.s. !h
Telephone at our store,
Jttklifttint it, 2..
Tl-.e crnm of tl,a country
In Rem:i.e-tju'3 Coarty Sct
ajvertiifti-a avmj tut-uiidivea of Uieo
of Uieo lists,
conr of which cna be had cf Hdtnicjuji .
1 llr-4, of Xow Toric 1 PitUhurg.
- - . .
' tan
a with
Somerset, Pa.
All grmls ''uaniuteci!.
Stationery, "Aloha" brand.
Confections in Original Package
Sotla pure ami re fresh ing-i
oi .n.iwi.
Brands of Cigars constant!
K. A
., let!
t pa
a rec
iu a
Stnv rpvuiili'.e f-Mi-!i oilier v-
cloelv. It's wh.'ii they are. put id
! It is
that they teli their ptl:r.-e.
I jtr 1
J. B.
arM niHtlH ol tne l-rs .n-iei irfi-. Atni 1
resent ipiite a niuubrrof linproveiiit--iu
stovu iiiMkint:.
Tbey meet every want of the h
keeper in a salislaetory iiiaimr al
imslerate cost.
Ail Left 1 nL
C.mmI tinkers perfect roa-ters.
.Sold wi-.u that uuderstiiiidiii):.
1 a 1
; the
tr an
i.-h 1
Giiihs Imperial Flav,
t pt
1 bo
I p
Made at Canton, Ohio, thL-ls-s;
on earth, can nw be s.-en at
Holuuilmu m's Hardware
I.ij;hl to handle an.l very Ju:
fit s
,fs i
-es a
re n.
ip fi
1 st
is ic
6 re
Disc Harrows.
Steel T5ar I.ever
Spike Tooth Harrows.
St. . I l'.ar I.ever
Spring Tooth Harrow With K
old Style
Wood Frame Harrows,
ft l-laied an.! under frame wi"
ers to protect lad t heads.
'-Sti-el Rar I.ever
cNnand Garden Cull'vair
five, kc ?.eu and nice slwvs.s :-
and weeiicrs.
T Bar Steel PiftvruerLino
M ft.
Corn Planted
with ferUlizin? attacflt-
Champion Hay Rakes.
Farmers' Favorite Grain Cr
McCcrmicli's Mowers and Bis-
- Engines, Saw MiHs and
Just I'nloaded for Sprir-K 'l'r'
Car Wire NaiU.
ttarheJ and frtioct l 1
I Imperial
1 " Marrows,
1 Kramer Wagon.
1 Spring Wagons.
5 BttKgie. and Carnal
11 ! , i.'.i
! CH 3U'1 "l,""k
1 . buy.
a J '
J t illllUl