JUL i I i ! i i . - 2 -e . a s i ip- April 1?. liff '.Je r- ' " w iW term of ew4- .... dieve ered ia i , to T.ff!and ia "litiv cure f..r eougb, neralSanU At.ua . ,it crop . k, little prospect lit' t- ... k i,)llll U "yl .-ill begin to hear sl.rig crops ready ,-puteat. prices lvBt.u. 14 per down iw rub and opwei on the 15th Citf juiy ; and costs for each V: feuded game law ,hkno'oi violations o j do not rreRl luc w the crime. ' returns it U learn : fc: " .p , ...... ; Radford 4 U ...f js,; in the , ,.-n increase... - - r '"''v tlif districts out of ,' s-lHlure and ' "7,, UJ fewer births 'l!r.J Tup beads the list j- live births. bis market basket rrt 7 uy oue cxatinn- sd InT- J" Wfc l '"rough ' ,i.-t mi the bin micro- ,r.e tlit on uie uiuo. :!'?, e, the hairs approacu- so as to ioriu a :j" . . ..wtt. and . TV I ID u: s !?! ful l)ur..ey. he will """Vr.-Vn to last him two or ttui-i 1' - VuripeA Co., Allegheny, i,itr..J.H-e "Sipe's Japan ' .irntrite pr-Jally iW ft".rV u-j oi! r,,r u kiuJs ,-11 send free of charee ,.luiflt rdi;iry build- ,) first a lrewes receivesl :s in rep'y to this. Wi-b!.r a"d friends for ' vrdon -aionsof dUh ut, printed in a public .iu very bad form. There ' T f ,r them. We are not -t 7 iorbaric ixuninunity. We "-.'i-. trg civilised people where u.l friends gladly and ;'rViil the kindness they j .f LreHvement. They don't VTcard of public thanks and it's pSttue h signed the resolu ii r.iia: thirteen meinbers of the u l H.mse to represeut the ,-A witu ;it any expense to the ta" us'.eaing of the liraut Mon-,Fi-.-mt.unl Park, I'hiladelphia, I He hi also authorized the -Ltiunit i'f fiinmissKm to comer oi-i.-c juimittees fniui other Stated n to unending the Federal sm to ''ring about the eleAion .-iidit. Vice President and United s;-jii rs ly a direct vote of tho V C,Si" Thousands of lives ii every year. 1'r. Wood's Ior P.wJvriip cures little colds, cures d n to the very verge of .iiJ in. ;'iu:iri Elates Senator II. A. W :.jf Cvluradu, died at the age of 08 'K'Ptidiciiis Ust Wednesday ::.. the Wiudswr hotel in Denver. Ij'ht 4s serving as postmaster of ' Sii beea sppt limed by Pres-H-Sjsl-y. He wa at one time a .-.i. mmre, but lost his immense Jf'-iiiiujii Mwulntion. He was a i.-:t:i cvjiity, Vermont, aud ii'liticii iqJ inininj pitneer of hiviue cjiue here in Ue :'Tioe month as I'nited States - f-rin unexpired term, in 1SS1. ;?!. .f H. A. Luther, at Xiok- ntieiisburg Mountiineer- tri,:rereto spjuts, the water --! !iic h runs into the Black-sia'-tjtar in Chest Creek west ci tKt-rn ktreams. resoectivelv. i La:U-r farm, in Carroll town- teaa sund and cast a stone into .ilers of three different Htream, "-1 into the Cbest Creek , Bla-k- tt! Suvjtiehauna. As is well 11 los piiUcl in thespting ou the "ij uflbe rai'.mal at Wintersct, ' -eu-burg, will find iu way tjthe c-c iiue another floated in the t 'i tii "south side will travel to the '''K-X.fo. " !Lti.l under consideration in T-.tw.-e of interest to barbers. '!'ril it w ill be neces- : il'X-l the hhavtiiir ttri:wh t a J 'li every tiiue it U used, while i--iii;,it,n a customer must be so antiseptic aoluti.m before f c;'.itd to mother man's fi-e. In--t ruu,t be used, as no two u, l shaved with lather frurn niiile frteh soap must be n&(.bcashu)er. A fresh towel provided for each person . i.iibt, brushes and other im-'- siiost be steamed and thorough J'l lu order to secure the en -of this law three inspectors '-poiiii,! and it will be their their districts just as is 7u.e factory insnectora. K.uncil of Greeusbnrir last J td a resolution directing the .;-u' taat pla-e to rigidly en .'"f 7S, which provides that n. kunpioioui pers.in or persoun - v&:'u;e iBeans of support, wan shall be arrested by any r ptio officer, and shall be Wore a j-jsij, of tUe or t ;-""'.tir.g officer, and upon being h , "iuiug oflieer shall I Ilia Ui . .. .. P"n lDe public . -r a term not less than 30 days .r. -i,".'" tUn ' x months. A fter ten "a of senien can be short ...w of parf iuavior.or up- f a bond that the v r'l' ,ne chree P,- the -.Co,uu:yilhi0oueya'-- :.v'l'.r"VlJ- that any officer re- "u;tTlhe rre1 of " uoU on -K.5.'.",i:'J.tiobf.neahaU '"k-lund or the county. 'flftheCapuin in lhe Hi 4,s Ui4rt f tbat ,uut lT "ery America s-.,.u u,r but oue of the part r--tw .c-,-- J "''n'ljeauuihilation 2V wt- cPl'u Kv ans tlesv- J;.':ifiu of the -I owa," Captain Ainlt pT:- -pUin (now tlk(rf Texas," ""i''hliv' "Br,Kjklyn." Captain -ittWv Y"rk" u1 LieuL- s-.r ... 1 vjioucw Clark "Ore- Si r'l C"JUtnUUe HI- .fu: ."dtt'ir'tl' trategy. orttrouporfith'd . mosl 'emarkable 6 rtrmiu. Hr -i . .. r T,"1 dating Mr. Mary Belle Johnston. crPit.ar,i la a gniflet at the hoojo of bar mother, ,Irs. Haiiibt K;.:taei, on Main Cross Street, Misse Nannie Pi itu aud Clara UhoaU gpcut Saturday aud Sunday io R ck wood, wueie they wete the guests of Miss Isora Walter. Contractor Shauk has computed the new United Evangelical Church, anjja w ill be open far regular services on next Sunday. The Director of the Poor advertise elsewhere in this isiub for sea!ei propo sals for the erection of a o addition to the iSuuierket Couuty Hoepital. CapU Win. M. Schroclc Is performing the duties or clerk to the County Commis sioners during the temporary absence of Clerk Emert, w ho is a candidate for Pro thonotary. "L" Vannoar, r.irnierly ass,K!iated with Lis rather iu the management of the Hotel Vacnenr, but uow engaged in the lumber business in Jenaer township, w as in town yesterday. The many friends throughout the coun ty of Mr. William Flick, th, venerable hotfl keeper at New Ceiitreville, will be pained to learn that he is seriuusly sick from heart disease. Dr. V. M. Beiaehley, uotice of whose serious sickness w as made ia the-e col umns several weeks ago, has beer, bover ine between lift and death since last week. The watchers at his bedside have aband oned all hope for his recovery. Miss Anna C. Pat ton, one of the most popular or the local public nhool teach ers, w ill open a select school in the Acad emy building, on Monday, May 1st. Pup-is from rooms five, six and seveu U1 be admitted. Term six weeks. A force of workmen were employe! Mouday repairing the old cast-iron fence enclosing the Court House square. The custodians of the public grounds would earn the thanks f the general public by ha itijj the unsightly fence removed and nid for scrap. Mr. and Mrs. II, B. Kocer. who were married la.-t Wednesdav iu St- hmi, r. rived here Saturday evening aud are Kuosts at the residence of the formei's brother, F. J. Kooser, Emj. A reception iu honor of the bride ami unvim n unir. en by Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kooser Mouday Ulght. A recent act pas-stsl by the legislature and signed by Governor Stone is of gen eral interest to tax collectors. It er.aoles tax collectors in cities, boroughs and townships to proceed and collect taxes for w hich they have become personally iesHusille afltr the warrants issued have expired. Mr. Rotert F. Whitmer, of PhilaIel phia, representing the Bethel Coal Com pany, whose mioeft are at Holsopple, went to iHividsville a few days ajo aud purchased exU'iisive coal lands from the Kaufman estate and others for the oso of the Com pauy. The price jiaid has not been made public A dispatch from Ligonier published in Pittsburg Sunday papers says: W. H. Ituppel, an attorney of Somerset, was here yesterday looking for a site to locate the extensive saw mills, which will be built in connection with the new railroad out to the Laurel II ill timber lands. Ligonier will make an effort to have the mills locate here. While felling trees noar Andrew Wine m&n's saw mill, at Youngwood, West moreland county, last Wednesday, A. C. Miller had his right arm broken iu two places above the elbow, his leg broken in three placfs between the knee and hip joint, his collar bone broken, and other wise bruised by being caught by a falling tree. Some of the broken bones protrud ed through the man's clothing. Mr. Mil ltr is a naiive of feifjrs n t t-vusuip, this county. He has been in the employ of Andrew Wineman dating the past six years. He is unmarried and about thirty-four years of age. The Somerset County Telephone Com pany has mapped out several extensions for the coming summer, the uioat notable being a proposed extension of its wires from Listie to Windber, where connec tion will be made with the Johnstown Telephone Company, which when made will give local patrons meaus of commu nication with Johnstown and adjacent towns. The line will pass through Frie dens, Stoyestown, Hooversville ard Ben son, and a wire will probably be strung from Stoyestown to Jenners. Extensions of the Company's lines in the south of the couuty are also being considered and it is altogether likely that Markleton, Ursinaand Confluence will be included in the circuit before fall. A wedding of more than ordinary local interest will be solemnized at half-past one o'clock Thursday afternoon, April Tih, when Miss Edna Elizalieth Baer will become the bride of Doctor Robert Gilbert Furst. Miss Baer istheyouugest of four daughters of Judge and Mrs. William J. Baer, aud is oue of the most intellectual and accomplished, as well as one of the prettiest young ladies, inSom erset society. The groom is a practicing physician in Lock Haven, Ta., and is wellknown here, having frequently vis ited at the residence of Dr. J. W. Caroth era, w hose w ife is M r. Furst's eldest sister. The wedding is to be a hoina affiir, for which invitations were issued Monday. Attorney Richard B. Scand'ett yester day received a letter from Lieut. Col. Jas. Barnett. of theTeinh Pennsylvania vol unteers, now in the Philippines, rwjue-a-ing Mr. Scaudrett to purchasea long bar reled and long-raug-s carbine for bis own u-e in fighting. C1. B-irntt stii:ed iu his letter that he found hissw.ir I of ah wit as much use a a tin orn t-u nl atinst the Mauser bullets of ih. entmiy, and that be was anxious to be eq-iioped so thit he could do more practical fighting than swing a sword. Mr. Kcandrett will forward the gun at onoe, so that the fight i i oilier can have tome use of it before hstilitim am en led. It will be. so ar rauge i tixt Col. Birnettctn strap.it to his back w hen mn in aetiou. CL Bar nett stated that the boy of the regimeut ere in g od halth and did not want to come home until all fighting was endeI. Pittsburg Tiuses. Esfjtiire Daniel W. Will, of New Cen- treville, was the victim of an accident on last Wednesday which, it is feared, will prove fatal. Mr. Will and his nephew, Ernest Miller, on that day were employ f d conveying a lot of furniture and house hold 'goods from the railroad station at Rockwood to New Ceiitreville for Mr. John H. Beoford, who has ramoved from Johnstow-n to that tillage. When de sceudiug a hill two miles east of New Ceiitreville Mr. Will requested his neph ew to eafc up ou the brake, when the heavily -load.xl wagon pushed forward with a Midden start onto the horses' heels, throwing tiiui under one of the front wheels. Young Miller tugged hard on the brake and brought the wagon to a KUnd still, and then, exerting bis full strength, toicceeded in lifting the w heel, which w as holding Mr. Will firmly to the ground, high enough for the unfortunate man to drag his body from under it, Mr. Will was u liable to walk, and had to be lifted onto the wngon, when he ws taken to Lis home, and Dr. W. II. Gardner, of RtH'kwood, ua sent for. Dr. Gardner fuund that his left kidney bad been rup tured, and that be bad suffered other se rious internal injuries. Ou Friday Dr. J. W. Carotbers, of Somerset, w as called io consultation w -lib the attending physi cian. The physicians say that w hile tbe chance are largely agtirist Mr. Will's re eoveiiug, owing to bis enfeebled condi tion, resulting from a gunshot wound teeeived in the civil war, the injuries he suslaiued last week should not necessari ly pnv fatal. The new of Mr. Will's injury has evoked the liveliest interest in the south of the county, were he has long been looked uion as a leading citizen, and where bis cHinM-l and advice hive Ixien eagerly sought by a btst of friends. He is flfty igbt years of age, and served a term as Couuty Superintendent. ICS XAXB'tCfca JOtSTtT. Carri.dZiyf.jsn Kii0r.r Xsuat.Istoa ttretoLr. To suiter X years from the effort of arf injury is stnnethiuir fow r .n.i upou to endure, lmt to 1,8 erried on i stroicueroverlS mile ofcuotry road, in the hopes or rinding relief is indeed a novol experleuca, says the Johnstown Damocrat of Mondav. hot ib.t ,a .....! what Henry Gooder of Jeuners, Somer ee. county, went through Friday, when oi3 ue:gnrors conveyed hirn rrora his hnine to the Memorial honiti i city. Gouder is 4J years of age. When he was a lad of it m",! " frienJfy lul9 with companions. ..Uii sweamg" developed later, and finally tbe bones of the Uhoi.,,.,),.. eased. For a Ion a- ;, i. k.- 1 tu-ally helplesH. He t'nialt t. come to tho Memorial hospital fortreat- LU ou account ,f bis injury be knew he could aeut to his beiug conveyed here in any kind or a vehicle. His neighbors came to his aid and a stretcher wa-i Improv ised. sixteen men were in the party that brought him to theoitv. all working iu shifts of six. Two war ins ancomnanio.1 the party, and the 10 men extra were con veyed fh these by turns. Tbe party left the residence of FrmWiMt fnnW fr)mr of Henry.- Friday niorniuir at 94lo'cl,H;k. and arrived at the hospital at 1:3) p. in.. carrying the man the entire distance over the mountainous roads which, at this sea son or the year, are in bad condition. The men who carried Gond9r were W. F. G .nder, Newton and E I Gouder, Reu ben htiHtrar, John Hoffman. Harvey Sin- gel, James Thomas, EJ Shaffer, Ed. MowerV. Oliver Petron Irvin Konswk- er, Jesse Cover, Harry Bell, Mr. Miller, Mr. Herring and a young man whose name could not be learned. Mr. Gonder stood the trip remarkably well. To-morrow Dr. A. N. Waketiel,! will ampiitMie the diseased loeat the hin. and it is U lieved that an esrly recovery will follow. Drink Grain 0 after you have concluded that you ought uoi to orinn coiiee. It is uot a medicine tiut doctors order it, he-ause it is health ful, invigoratir.-; and appetiziug. It is miule from Dure crams and has lIial rieli seal brown tsilor an. I tasios like the lin est grailes if oolfee and costs alsiut I as mui-n. cuuureu like it and thrive oil it because it is a genuine f,Ml driuk con- tiining nothing hut uoiirwhmeut. Ask your grv:r f..r rain-i, the new food driuk. Jjandijj. Secant Deaths. John Thoiuss, veteran of the 4vil war, died at bis homj near Drakotown, Ixwer Turkeyfivt township, on April 10 h. Th6 funeral services and interment took place at the Jersey Church, on the l ith, buing coudiictetl by Kev. Jamos R. Brown, chapls.iii t.f Post X.. :!l, G. A. R., assisted by Rev. Yanaman. who, also, is a war veteran. Deceased had hoen a member or the Baptist Church for more than 5) ye.irs aud lead a consistent christian Ufa. He was a quiet, unai-suiiilug t itizen who did his duty and bore his misfortune un complainingly, having leen a sufferer from injuries received in t!n battle of Chickauiauga, while on detail delivering ammunition on the firing line. Like many other worthy soldiers he was un able to prove his claim under the old law, and was deprived of a pension until re cently whan he was a'lowel a smill amount under the law of 10. His voucher due April 4 h came just prior to his death, but death was so swift that he did not endorse it, although he had a pn in bis bind ready to d so. Couiradu Thoiiiis was one of four brothers who served in the Union army. One brother sleeps in the National Ceme tery at Arlington (General Loa's old home), his death resulting from injuries received in the battle of Ball's Bluff. Tbey were sons of Rav. Jotin Thomas, who preached for the Turkeyfoot Church in IS)! and liS-'tl, and who rods ou horse back from this region to Richmond, Ya , to fill bis appointments there. The minutes or the Jersey Church, Nov. 6, lSt, arter describing the meeting held that day and slating that ''quite a num ber or visiting brethren were present from Sandy Creek and ,e rge's Creek," conclude as follows: "We have rea son to believe that the Lord was in our midst; the meeting was closed in solemn prayer by our ni.icii esteemed brothsr John Thomas," who' was past jr at that time. Mary Susan, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Yoder, died at the home of her parents in Somerset township, Sat urday morning, aged three years. Mr. Yoder Is a tenant on ex Sheriff Hoover's farm. . Kate, wife of Amos Harshberger, died at her home iu Davidsville, at 11 o'clock Friday night. Death resulted from a join plication of diseases. She was a d.nighter of Mr. aud Mrs. Sent Kautfman, of Conemaugh township, and was about thirty-five years of sge. She is survived by ber parents and tbe following broth ers and sisters: Ben net, of Mill! in. Pa,; Mrs. Elizabeth Bloom, who resides in tbe west; Mrs. Henry Etsb, Isaac, Noah and Daniel Kaufman, of Conemaugh town ship. 1 Council Proceeding!. At the regular meeting of town council Thursday evening'bills for police service, water engineer's service, electric light service, printing and seveial minor items were approvetL The street commissioner presented a bill for a sidewalk in front or the old Re formed Church property on Patriot street. amounting to some f X which was ap proved. Council ordered that a lien be entered against this projierty, which it appears the local Reformed congregation has abandoned. A portion of the ground was f.riiierly used as a cemetery, but in recent years a number of the liodies bur ied there have been removed to other burial grounds. Tbe contract of James S. Haring, sani tary engineer, was read and referred to the borough solicitor for bis approval. A resolution was adopted authorizing the secretary to give the required notice to the holders of all borough water bonds to present them for payment on or before June SO'.b, at which time council propose to refund tbe water bonds, now bearing 5 per cent interest and State tax at a lower rate of interest. The usual annua', appropriation of (120 was voted tbe Board of Health. A resolution was adopted restricting the Street Commissioner from performing work on the public highways or streets until authorized to do so by tbe council. Th Valos of Taxpayers' Associations. The refusal of the Carljon Couuty Com missioners to publish tbe County Audi tors' report, says the Philadelphia Inqui rer, has so excited the indignation of cer tain taxpayers that there is talk of form ing an association to watch ths pjblic ac counts. Such an association should be formed In every couuty in the Swtn. In Schuyl kill, where there has been one for some years, excellent results have been ob Uiued under the intelligent and careful leadership of Mr. William Sheaffer. The mere knowledge that competent men are watching them mikes public oiQcials more caref.il, as indeed it does ail men In responsible positions. While there may be notbiug wrong in Carbon it Voul l injure no oue to have ujeu who un derstand the keeping of accounts go all over county report for errors. Mean time, w hy did the Carbon Couuty Com missioners refuse to print the Auditors' report? Was it for economic reasons? It is reported that tbe Pennsylvania P.rilroad company baa sold the ground and buildintrs of the Mountain House, at Cresson, to the United State govern ment, w hich, it is said, propose to estab-l-h there a home tor disabled so'.diersof the Spanbh-.Vtnsrlcan war. Jbtots fjr 3fay Tsrm. The foilpwlrujr Lamed gentlemen har been drawn to serve as jurors at the reg ular term of oours, commencing on Mon day, May 22, jw: tiRANI) JrH'iKi Addisot; Calvin Livelihood. Berliu Crougb-Woj. Spencer, Walter Sorber. Brothersvalley Nevio Altfather, Jo seph Hauger. Cuueaiaugb Lovi M. Thomas. Confluence Borough Hiram France. Elk Lick Samuel Ringler, Mahlcn Whistler. Greenville Francis Lint. Jeuuer A. E Frit. Lower Turkey f. t John Firestone, Jo seph Tannehill. Meyersdaie Borough J. J. Stoller, John N Cover. Miifvud Appl.too Wilt, Qiiemahoning-'W. J. B lancet. Salisbury BoroJgh P. S. Hay. Somerset C. J. Miller. Southampton James Boyer. Summit S. U. Saylor. Shade Joseph Oldham. Upper Turkeyfoot W. F. Wiltrout. Ursina Boroug a William Alcott. rtTIT JTROIM FIRST WEEK. Addison Andrew Matthews, John F. Wilkens. Allegheny Henry J. Baer, James Glessner, Amos Ware, Berlin Borough Dennis Hay. Black Jonathan Hauger. Brothersvalley James P. Brant, Sam uel Stuck, Hirart J. Rhodamier. Conemaugh I. W. Livingstone, John M. Eah, Charles Yeoman. Confluence Borough L. L. Mountain. Elk Lick BotJt Trent, Phineaa Comp- ton, W illiaui V:lgncr. Fairhope-W. J. Doremer, John W. Hiilstiu, Urias l oorbaugh. Jenner Jacob Hoffman, Joseph Saylor, M. L. Weighley. Jcirersou Alvin Armstrong, J. W. Barkley. Lincoln S. P, Baker. Lower Tiirkerfoot Christopher King. Meyorsdalo Bjrough William U. Hay, Johu C. IIochsK:ller. Milford Jan ea Barron, Walter Flick. Paid Ed. A.. Heuneberger, William Pen rod. Rockwood Borough 7.ach Snyder. Shade A. J. Mock. Joseph Miller. Summit Samuel Ferril, John W. Bres key, Austin M Her, John C. Engle. Somerset Boiough John Pugb, Albert Huston, S. S. Miller. Somerset Harvey J. Fritz. Sionycreek Alex Shaulis, E S. Trent. Upper Turkeyfoot Jacob Pbillippi. I'ETIT 1' RORS HECU.VU WKKK. Addison Urias Ringer, John Rirgler. Allegheny Jacob Speicher. Berlin Borough II. F. Lease, Robort C. Hettley, John C. Engle. Coiiemaugb Levi I.. Yodor, Elk Lick John lto.lanier, L. A. Peck. Greeuville Fred lurr. IIoovcivi;l- Boixiugh John Shaffer. JefTerson narvey Shanlis, Jonathan Friedline. Jeuner Jesse Christ, Johu W. HofT- ma, Newton Gonder. Lincoln J. II. Jacolis, M. J. Shaulis. Middlecreelt William Sanner. Meyersdaie Borough Noah Caton, Henry II. SUhL Nev Baltimore Birough A. P. Riflle. Northampton Jacob Emerick. W. H. Bittner. Paint J. A. Weaver. Qaemahoning Peter Blougb, Joseph Maurer, Simon Shenck. Rockwoc d ltorough Solomon Suyder. Somerset 'j rant Heiple. Somerfield Borough T. J. Jacobs. Stoyestowt Borough Edward Smith, Cornelius Bender. S'Mitbampttin Simon Lepley. Summit II. M. Schrock, N. J. Kretch man, Jacob Ihr. SUmycreek E. E Spangler. Upper Turkeyroot Jerry Cramer. Fotnre of the Bicycle. It is agreed by all bicycle manufacturer that the 1 models represent the perfect wheel. Improvement seems to be imprj Mble. Precisely the same thing is true of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It repre sents the limits of science in overcoming disease, aud it is impossible to make a better mediciue for tdie stomach, liver, kidneys anl blood. A few doses of the Bit'ers will start weak, nervous aud bloodless pwple on the road to strength. A regular course of treatment will bring back tbe pink to tbe cheeks and sparkle to the eye. Sleep will come naturally, and it will be refreshing and healthful. Dyspeitsia, indigestion and coustip ition will be completely banished, and the b'.essiugs or true health bestowed. Never take a substitute Tor this perfect remedy. Shanksvilla Xormal. The Normal School at Shanksville will open May I, l&' The fourth and fifth grades are only included. Tail ion for th fourth grade is four dollars. Toition Ur the fifth grade is live dollars. Boarding can be secured at low rates. For further particulars address Prof. A. O. Barci.at Bakersville, Pa. High 8chool Commencement. The annus! commencement of tbe Somerset High School was held in tbe Opera House last evening attended by an over 11 twing crowd of relatives and friends of the graduating class. Long before tbe hour set for the exer cises tbe seats in tbe auditorium ana in the gallery were crowded with a happy throne whose eairer anticipation was characteristic of occasions w hen youth ful performers' are about to make their maiden bow to the public. When the curtain rose there was an outburst of ap plause at tho pretty epetiacle presented Tbe twelve members of the graduating class, the young ladies robed In spotless white, aud the boys iu severe black, with their clas9 motto, "From the Beach We See the Ocean,' in large letters of violets winging over them, were arrange) in a semicircle on tbe stage, while the teach ers and members of tbe Board of School Directors occupied seats in tbe rear. Following are the names of the graduat ing claw :. Bertha Cook, Elizabeth Ogle, Leora Berkey, Lulu Shultz. Georgia Su- fall, Bertba Rboads, Hilda Gastiger, Bruce Cobaugb, Lather Fnrst, Parker Saylor, Clarence DubsUJt, Henry Cof froth. The Somerset Concert Orchestra play ed several selections while tbe audience was assembling and an overture after the curtain went up. The progi am as carried out waa as follows: Invocation, Rev. Peter ogl ; "Labor the Lot of A'.l," Bertha Cook ; Class roll," Bertha Rboads ; 'History." Luther Furst; 'Influence of-Curiosity," Henry Coffrolh ; "Optimist," Clarence Dubstadt; vocal solo, "The Land Where tbe Thistles Grow," Georgia Sufall ; "Be yond the Alps Lies Italy," Parker Say lor; Recitation, "The Ojtoroon," Lulu Sburtx; "Night Brings Out tbe Stars," Elizabeth Ogle; "Prophecy," Leora Ber key; "Blessings and Desire for Liberty," Bruce Cobaugh. The diplomas were presented to the graduates by Jonas M. Cook. President of tbe School Board. Rv. Hiram King pronounced tus bone Fiction. Formerly Resided at Sbaaksvill. Rev. J. A. Duulap for a short time last week converted a stairway at his borne into a gymnasium aud took a single les son lu tumbling exercise. At the foot of tbe stair there is a door leading into tbe kitchen. In some way when about half way down in making a descent of tbe flight lb reverend gentleman's feet be came entangled with tbe steps aud he fell, pitching head first toward the bottom. His pate struck the door, which was clos ed, bursting it open and providing a clear course for tbe acrobat to complete the ace The final landing was on the floor below on the broad of his back. Tbe fall hurt Mr. Dunlap's back and side considerably, bet he waa able to ride his cane to lodt la 4 week and is about town to-day y sjqo Uurald. Tkt Iicai Ter It. York Tribune. Men and women who pose a christian philanthropists ueed to remember tbat il is cot christian Io teli a falsehood nor to suppress etsetitil truths. It in ralhcr bard to credit with iiiticb virtue persons w bo talk iu print about the "u autou aud inexcusable slaughter of Filipinos w bo are fighting fur their rights." II Ameri cans profewiug an peril r integrity aud iu tclligenco enn utter such stutf, Agtiiualdo in his darknc can not be blamed for even tbe most glaring untruth. No fact cau be better etfietdithid than fbi, that his lone deltbciately brgau the iightiDg by au attack ou the American forces, which bad for months been scrupulously held from any agf-esMve movement. Nor Is there any fact in the whole history of the Philippines more clearly establish ed thsn that the insurrectionary organb zation of Tagals about Manila was detest ed by the inhabitants of the populous and cultivating Yisayau islands, aud was w il li mit support of the inhabitants In other Philippine island', or even iu the south ern part of Luzon. It was a mere attempt of a small minority of oue race to usurp despotic power over all the rest of the in habitants, and this some persons profess ing christian philanthropy call "fighting for their right." Tbe American course throughout this difficulty has been one forced upon the Government. Spain having chosen war. Admiral Dewey wps ordered to defend the Pacific coast of tbiscouutry by des troying tbe Spanish fleet in the Pacific. He was forced to go somewhere because excluded from Hong Kong and other neutral ports, and w ithout any base of supplies nearer than San Francisco. He found the Spanish fleet at Manila, des troyed it, and was then forced to bold the port as his base, and to remain there be cause he could not have retired to any neutral port for supplies. Holding the port, be cut otf the Spanish general in command from communication with oth er islands ofthe group, and held them all st his mercy, but could not afford tbat protnction to life and property in Manila which international law required from the United States unfil a sufficient army was sent to effect a landing. Then the United States took otejiou of Mauila, established order there, and hefd the place awaiting the completion of a treaty of peace. Up to this point there was nothing which the Uuited States could have done less or other than it did, unless it had rec ognized the small Tagal minority as enti tled to usurp despotic power over the rct of the millions inhal :ling the Philippine islands. That would have been a crime of the most shameless sort. This nation was bound to give Manila protection and order, aud therefore to exclude the insur gents who wanted to l'Kit the place. But it took no aggressive step aguinst them, and did not even drive them nwc.y from the immediate vicinity oi Mai.ila, as merely iu self-defense it had a right to do, but awaited the completion of the treaty. Then Aguiualdo, eneoumjjed by the little Americans in the Senile and elsewhere, and informed by his ngcnt at Washington that the treaty would he rat ified unless he began hostilities, made his deliberate attack upon the American fTorcetv and tiled to force his way into Manila. Responsibility for the Philippine isl ands was not desired by the United States, The President shrank from it. aud never hesitated to say so, until it be came clear tbat no other course was pos sible without sacrifice or honor or shirk ing or duty. It would have beeu infa mous to turn the islands back to Spain, sod more infamous still to leave them to be trampled under foot in the fieic-e fight ing of other foreign powers for possession or them which must have begun the in stant tbe Uuited States bad w ithdrawn its claim as conqueror. Indeed, were for eign interference out of the question, it would have been shameless to leave the hostile trilea of inhabitants to fight it out among themselves and wreck the indus tries of the island. Tbe responsibility had fallen upon the United States, aud it could not be honorably met except by suppressing resistance to Uuited States authority and by tbe establishment of peace and orderly governinr.it. That i9 the work in which the American army is engaged, and it is difficult to conceive of a thing more disgraceful lhau the accusa tion by American citizens professedly christiau and philanthropic that the Gov ernment is engaged in a wanton and in excusable slaughter of men who are fight ing for their righUt. Judge Craig Bidia. Judge Craig Biddle, who is presiding at tbe trial or Kx-Seuator (Jtiay, is a son or tbe distinguished Nicholas Biddle, or United States Batik notoriety, charges against whom were not dissimilar to those now made agaiust the distinguish ed man ou whom his son is silting in judgment. Here is what "Peon" iu the Philadelphia Bulletin says: The presence or Judge Biddle on the bench is also interesting. Judge Biddle can look li.uk to the day when his own rather, after the final downfall of the Bank of the United States, stood before tbe Quarter Sessions of Philadelphia in a position not altogether unlike that of the distinguished Pennsy lvanian in his court to-day. Nicholas Biddle, as the head of that bank, bad been one of the most pow erful men iu the politics aud finance of tbe Nation. There has been no charge brought against the People's Bank which at some time or another in the history of the Bank of tbe United States was not directed against that institution, and there has beer, no charge against M. S. Quay as a public man or iu his relations to Penn sylvania finance which was not brought agaiust Nicholas Biddle. He was finally arrested and arraigned as one of a con spiracy to cheat and defraud the creditors or tbe bank and with having speculated illicitly in certain transactions in cotton. He succeeded in escaping a criminal pros ecution after much public clamor, and died, I thiuk, within a yeir or two after ward. Craig Biddle was at that lime stud ying law. With all the outcry against the elder Biddle, there was also much sym pathy for him as a victim or events, a bad system, and a political crusade, together with great esteem for his eminent accom plishments and public services. Judge Biddle ha-i been ou tbe bench for nearly a quarter of a century, aud tbe straightfor ward processes of bis intellect and his breadth of view have given bim esteemed rank among tbe conservative Judges of strong sense and manly probity. His ringing delivernnce from tbe bench last aotumu against rascals who practice po litical bribery and tempt tbe poor man in office was characteristic of his beut of mind. GKAHT AlfO DEWY OATS. Two Splsndid Sonvsnir Kombsrs to b Is sasd by th FhiUdtlphia "Sunday Prsss." Tbe best authors aud artists bave been hard at work preparing two magnificent souvenir numbers. of the Philadelphia "Sundiy Press, which will be publish ed on April 23 aud 30 Tbe former will be a Grant Day souvenir and the latter Dewey Day editioo. The articles and if- lustrations in both will be appropriate to the occasion" and most of the matter has been secured from special sources aud has never before been published, either in a newspaper or magazine. Superb color pages will add to tbe artistic beauty of tbe both editions. The front p.tge of the Grant number show tbe splendid monument which will be dedicated by President McKinley in Philadelphia, aud the fnont page of the Dewey number is a reproduction of a magnifl.wnt painting of Dewey ou the Olympia, showing him as he looks to-day. Be sure to get both these editions, which will be the band- torn ast ever issued by a newspaper. Gen. Fred D. Grant has been ordered from Porto Rico to the Philippines. It is pwible that General Wheeler will also be ordered to the Philippines. Baking Powder Made from purs cream cf tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders arc the greatest mcimtn to health of the present day. menu, swims ponxa ca , -rw mi. I Millinery I OPENING 1 j TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, April 25 and 26th O AT S j IrsIlCoffroili's ! REPORT OF THE CONDITION or TMI First National Bank, AT SOMERSET, in ih- sut or rvnn svtvaiiLi, i Hi,.- -!ue t lo;n-s, April .' l-.'.l. RESOURCES: Iaan nn.l discount isl.SH i' Overdr.iils, i-urtsl v nrits-iir-ti u, -I", V. . Koiids to secure circulation.... !,ik i) Premiums cm I '. s. Itnntls o ui lfcinkiiiiT-liou.se, fiii-iiiiure, A ilxi's ll.no ul Mortgages owileii :r; , Ul Due Irniii Niuiotiul Ikmks (noi r,- ix-rve nif 11I.S 1 , l.s7 SJ Due from .-1 Hie Hanks Ji liiik,-isi. ... L',s.O sn line from approved n.-rv- ii"iit.s.. i;.s7 .".ij 1 'his-ks nl olli.-r 01-I1 It. ins a,4'.ii:'i Notes of other Nulioiial Ifcinks Ul Fractional iiupcr currency, iti-kt-M and ceniM ch Mpecie f 'll.'J'.i ! Iirul-tetili-r noii-s is:t ul S'l.TiM tk) lledciiiption fund Willi I'. -H. T ruts' r (1 percent of circulation; l,tl W Total 5 :na,ni 7 LIABILITIES: Ctpilal stuck ptii'l lu 5 i.tii 01 Surnliis fund ;:t,ioj W c uu 1 itirsi I1,1U it-sa t-A l-iis,-? taxes p.mt I.-Oi 17 National ItanU !ioi-si,iiti;,fiiu-.ri.. lm.Toi io I'ue to oilier National IlimU j 1 1 l'ivitlcn-.i.s uniDtid ; 1., iti Individual uViiosif .tiii.i-i to r!is-k Sirn.iCI :cj Drui'd certillu's of deposit, .'-,-- Silo, I It ToutI ..- $ :h,-h; 7i Ntutf of 7Vnn.ifnaii'i , (mntit f Suiimu t, ju: I. Harvey M. ll-rkl-v. r.ishier the ulmvc named bank, do s;-mii!v swear thai the uUne stMt-iiie!it is true lo the lvt of iny lnowhst;e and iM-lo-r. HAKVKV M. UrnKi.KY, lUiolo.-r. fculiserihcd and sworn to U-forv me this 14th day of April, lswt. il. II. w r I.KI.h.v. Notary l'liUlc. Corkkct Attest: J MF.s I. Pt'iiil. VAi.KNi INK tt Y, UKollK U. SCI I.U i)i rectors. fcAEUHL FIRST of all I wish to return my sin cere thanks to my frietuls for the many kind expressions of sympa thy and acts of kimluesn tendered dur ing my illness, lasting over ten weeks. Having got back to the store atrain 1 will be glad to welcome voti all, and with the help of etlicieiit assistants will be able to serve all my friends promptly. As usual tuy stock of goods will com prise the largest and Ust variety of Dress Goods of all qualities and styles. My sfoek of l!lack Dress (iKsis, consisting of Cre pons, Stlk and Wiml and Mohair Nov elties, Plain Mohairs, Cashmere, Serges and llnx-ades is iineipialcd in variety at exceptional low prices. I am showing a itreat variety of Plain and Fancy Press (Josl.s at fsipular prioes. Ia Wash (itssis everytliing new and desirable will be shown. Ju Silks and Safin suitable either for drt sses or waists, the variety is large and comprehensive at prices ranging from o()c a yard up. Al.s a handsome assortment of made up Silk and Satin Waists of excellent quality handsome ly made in the newest styles. I am offering a line of made tip Tailor made Suits in Coverts and Broad Cloth at rnasoualile prices. Stylish and handsomely made. A large assortment of made up Dress Skirts Is offered comprising a large variety of styles. ' Prices range from $1.00 up. Also Wash Waists in great variety. When vou are looking for Curtains come and see my stock. Don't forget to come aud see my handsome Tapestry Curtains for doorways, &c Here you can find the unequaltd Ferris Waists for Ladies, Misses and Children, as well as the Ust makes of Corsets. It is needless to remind my friends that I will, as heretofore, aeil the best fast Colored Stockings for ladies and children. Don't forget that you can get a well made fast colored staudard quality Calico Wrapper at 75c andN$1.00. It is a household expression, if you wish gotsi White Goods, fine line of Hairiburgs aud Laces, you must go to Uhl's Store. The styles of Millinery Good-t and shapes have made changes this month that I have been able to tike advantage of and it will Iw to. your advantage to examine my ttock before making your purchases. fcAEUhi. PARKER & PHILLIPS North-West Corner of Diamond. TMH SHOPPING CENTRE. Opening of New Spring Stock Dry Goods, Notions, Car pets, Oil Cloths, Window Fhades, Mattings, Wall Paper, &.c. Our Spring Stock is Unequalled. Our Values Unexcelled. If you are looking for choice goods you will find them here at the lowest prices. Carpets. We give up the entire second floor of our building to Carpets and Floor Coverings. If we occupied the whole page of this paper we could not give 3'ou au adequate conception of the extent and variety of our carpet showing. All new and choice patterns all grades from tbe cheapest Ingrains to the finest Wiltons. Wall Paper. No end of the new de signs and colorings in wall paper. To vastuess of assort ment we add the additional in ducement of low prices. Also an entire new line of Window Shades, Oil cloths, trunks, tele scopes, satchels, &c, in the basement. Lace Curtains, Rugs, and Portiers in endless variety just received. We ehow a big line of new and desirable Wasli Dress Goods. We Lave them all. Don't forgot the Domestics, rrints. Ginghams, Muslins, Shirtings, Percale?, &c An earl spring boom in La dies' Tailor-made Spring Suits, Jacket3 Skirt3, Silk Waists, Ac. Entire new line Laces, Rib bous, Corsets, Handkerchiefs, Stock ings, Embroideries, Belte, fca Up- to-date stock Gents rurnishing Goods just received. All at the Best, Newest and Cheapest Store in town Parker & Phillips. XOTIPE TO CONTRACTORS AND Ttie I iirecSors of the Poor ami of the Hone of Kmplovmeni of Somerset t iHiiily, will re eeiv wiilert biiis for t lie erection of a two-ato. rv Uriel: Hospital Buillinir on'the farm at the l imiiiv Home up unlil Monday, May I. Is:v, at tl o'clock A. M. Bids must lie for the en tire structure and completion of the building. rlan'and speeineHilons for same, muopKsl oy the Board and approved by the Committer on I.unacv, may he sen and examined at the ottl of U. I'. Collorn. Oomersel. Pa 1'he litns-tors reaerve the nht to reject any and all mJs. .No nmposiit will be reoeiveu al ter the time speeilled. All bills may be ad dress! to our attorney and should be mark ed "Bid for HospiHil" on envelope. J W. PKi'K MAN ASSts SIU'MAKEIi, ADAM . MI LI. Kit, 1H rectors of the Poor. Two Stallions FOR SALE. in PORTED Cleveland Bays Thornbrough.il!. No. 272 Av11 Rillington Abbott, No. 845. Afyht Registered, Imported. Fine, I. A. C0NKLIN, Owner Can be seen at MOUNTAIN LAKE PARK, MARYLAND (Lock Lynn Hotel Stable). H. H. JUNKINS, flanajer. Hxnhm Uks Park, Nd (These splendid animals are for sale cheap. No finer borsea la tbe I'. S., at any price. Prove tbla by seeing tbein). PEDIGREE FURNISHED. THE BEST OP THEM ALL. 1 1 7? li I lDDIMrnTT'Q ij a I ti i w a a w c MDsT HLY7AG AZ I N ft Contains a complete BOrtl In every nnm ber. In addition to a larye quantity of useful and entertaining reading matter. JTe msHsmI r. trMlrlk are It shonld be In every household. Sub scription, S3.00 per year. Agents wanted In every town, to whnra the most liberal Inducements wul be offered. I. S. LirraCOTT COHPlirr, PuUitlurs, SH4 1 LA DELPHI A. JKEELEY CURE. J t LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. J V Remesasn eesirsiMie spetiU,iiias sftfcs F A SYttem. rtMwi Mask a ixfot, bngnttas tee A intellect sn4 sts ese tat butmess. m th osly rrt.ir issTirrrs sF aossft-.. is wsTk risnsriTiSI. ? TheKelelitute.424SFiS.Pirtst)ur.Ps. Wanted-lln Idea Who eaa think of ioiu limine taua tupatratf Pmuct y-mr 1da: they wimy bring yos waita. iAus tti uncuu '. a Cxi . Patat aiior. ner. WMbiaetoa. D. C. fu lBir Si.SO oilr aul Us( U tae ItUBursd larwiUuas MUI. rV'S I W . n Wi-'ii Vss i---i 1 i n.' !j. H. Sifford & Co. "Vt-'R entire liue of new stylish Spriug 11 mines. Notions, Domestics, Ktc, Our regular costomens know this erwt If you are not a customer of ours, dnt you think it wouM iwy you to become one. Our fctiecial object is to jive the very low est price pos-sible eonsbitent with good quality. We call particular attention this week to our new line of Sk irtu, wVtch tre can sarely say ean not be equaled r price we a:k. r lerv'-hirj In nw. frsb. clean, np to-date in v101" avle an.l desijju. We tsmcht rerUiu Ifooda at uuder value prices and give mir trade tbe bruettt. T) 1 We open the season witit a larte line of perveloH. iur a rCI CtllCS eortioent was never as large and the price on thete goods were never lower. Unless joa call and see Bar yourself you will not be able to jude quality and prices. nzswtt TheMw.eatrtyUsinsprwmgarment.i. neae-t Z OU1L UtUaHllIV ill"" Capes, n.ale suits show the perfection of high the new stylish shapes. A great range ion these spring suits attract no much attention thmughont Koirrset and county, is not the style alone, it la tbat such styles can be found at low prices. Anticipating the demand for tailors suitings, we secured the choicest liue of material that could be found and want all to see our line before making final purchase. Without a donlit we can i Carpets, Rugs, Mattings-ijsi get to look tnrou I Hosiery- get to look through our stock. A great J T4nciprv Another lotof hosiery at a great r eduction. plied would have you rail early. Ql-'i l,oirr Would be useless for us to add to past advertisement tJIllll lluloirs the quality and prices will cause a pleasant sur prise. We bave gained great reputation this season in thii department and given ns the name, reliable and cheap. T ira flirflinC Sorut.niuK tfcat should not be overlooked. We LuLC VllILulIlo have been and are still head.111artv.Ts for Cur" tains. Largest and most complete assortment ever displayed here. To be headquarters we are compelled to tarry a large and complete stock at.d mark gocnls to suit all. This baa been oor aim aud we are going to hold the fort a:id convince the public tbat i. II. SifTord A Co. are without question reliable and chesp, not only in one department, but throughout all our entire stick. Your pat- rousge we solicit. Youra respectfully, J. H. Sifford & Co.! A4 FURNITURE. GO""-Toour mammoth store TO.-Buy up-to-date furniture QOFFROTH'Sl-G003 FOR ---The style, construction and finish C OOD ""Enough for the rich, cheap enough for the poor MONEY".::Savedfor the purchaser. SAVIN G:::To all classes of people. P R I C E S :"" re correct. 3 U T S "jThat we are pleased to show our customers. SID I BOARDS. CHAIRSUnsurpassed iu price. ODD FURNITURE::Kind U T CARPETS:;:;No charge C. H. Coffroth. Car Load Fancy Selected White Western Seed Oats Just unloaded These oats are of fiae quality, heavy, large and plump grains aud are especially adapted for seeding. Grass Seeds are now wanted and we have the largest and most complete line of SEEDS in the county and we handle nothing but FANCY UECLKANED CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED. We guarantee our stock to be A No. I FANCY OUALITY" OF SEED as all our stick is selected from sample direct from the WESTERN MARKETS so that we are in position to sell at lowest bottom prices). FARMERS are respectfully requested to call and inspect our stock of the above mentioned articles and w e will guarantee satisfaction and lowest bottoia prices FARMERS throughout the Couuty liv ing at a distance are requested to write for prices and ask for samples. WE WANT 200o.1 Timothy Hay. Parties having any hay for sale will please write orcsllto sea us can load from any point in the county. Also are in tbe market at any time for Potato and Wheat, or anything that comes otf the farm. Highest prices paid for Country Produce Cash rTrade. Parties wishing to sell their crops of Maple Sugar will please call to see us or write. With regar-.U lo the same," Respectfully, "J7XECUTKIX'S NOTICE. Estate of Rentien !. Linton, late of Somerset borouah, deceased. Letters tentamentury on tbe above estate havina iKsr-o rnniw-i to the uoilerslcnej by the proper a utliorltv, notice Is hereby fiven to all person Indebted to ss,ld estate to make liimieUiale p-iyinent, and those having eiutms iralnst thennii to present Ihero duly au thenticated for settlement, oo or beiorw Sat urday, the JHh diiy of May. at the late resiid'etH-e of Oliver Knepp.-r, dee'd. lu aald bn,U'!h- EDITH K.LINTON. Administratrix of Eetibeu M. Liuton, dee'd. rrsO THK SCHnriL TIRECT0R3 OF SOM J. KKET tOL'STV: f:rnllna?n. In paruaneeof tbe forty-third s-lion of tbe Act of May S, K4, you are here by ooU tied to meet to convention at the court house, iu o:m-ret, I'a mi the first Toesdiiy of May, A. II. It, at 1 P.M.beini the '.'d day of the mouth, and neleet vcwi ernr, by a majori ty of the whole number of dirwtnrs preK. nl. one person of tiu-rary aud ariroltrtc arquire iiiuta, aud of skill and cxperienoeln li art of teaching, as County Superintendent, fur tne three suereeding years, and certify the I. suit to the Stats Superintendent at H:irri bury, a required by the tlurty-ulnth and for tieth sections of said Act. E E. FROTH, Countv Superintendent of somerset County. April H, V, it. Store For Sale. I offer for sale nty entire stock of merchan dise, consist! nr of lry Oooda, Notions, tro ceritrs. etc. Term very rwuwuabte. Anyone a ishine to enaxe ill the tuslu-a will find this a rare opportunity. The lorat'ou Is one of the bet tu tile Unu. (iood sUsrenailu, well lielned. warenaen and a No. I cellar. 'or further lulorniatioa cull on or addreas. W. U. H. BAKER Itoekwood, Pa' Forcible Facts. fir ''Tjrriir Our nmlrra lwpmd sr"t-.'-.vi 1 Kulutnc ilMkiv knlu VI- i aivuilii. A child li ooi)(ltrkea ! Only -QJp'--ij-' prraitauie. Kalis lu.-k-f.7 ( T ngisleu, ribbed urpUia. Satlsfactioa) 8;) mr l, of war itlastnted. Uaarsnlssd. i o.-l- tt Inm. A;(a aaatad. I AMERICAN KNITTIKC MACHINE CO. . . a. ses ta TtTTsaaao. ta COOK BEERITS rsl -!fi,J1'" and Summer Ircs G..ds, Triin- are ready for your examination. means tbe best asortuent in !S.tu- ! t new Tailor wade Suit. OurTailor- art tailoring. The ShirU are made as to material aud colors. Theresa- save yon money. ns are offered in menu. iMn't for variety to select from. has arrivetl, like we have been selling 1 nese are in demand and to tie sup H of all kinds. are slipwu a-; the lest values, that stays together a lifetime. for waste. Valuable Real Estate V The undersigned trustee appointed by the Orphans' Court of Bi-dlord county. Fa., to sell the rnl tftttte of I-vris Whisker, late of Napier townsoip, BeUiortl county, post pnrt I tiou, will expos.- ai pu'uic sat all of the r-al estate of decedent, wz: THURSDAY, APRIL 20, '99, at I o'clock P. M., In Rhadt township, Htmiirti county, P. about a mii? fmin i Vntntl My, she wai :l-r m farm containing aTt-, ItL f n-h-, atl joiniuK landn of Jtifiiuri iwrf''H hirn, tii-o. IK Mantjtf, il. W. L'iiiiirrt and oil. en, about luO crt rirJ; Hie ika!ii e wH tuubtiHl with, rberry, birvn. bt-mto(C und wtiit? pin; larye stuirur smve of tres and camp witU laiye sugar pan, krTti- and aerlerv; vrtavni or rhttrd: two-sijry fnmf house, iloubit Ion barn, npnitg hoti, w.th never failing spring, pranaryand tther uiilD'iil 'iiis. Tins Irarl ia alt underlaid with coal ul best ualty, ina on aud iitu tme. At same time and pl.ce ln will offer a tim ber truet in Siiatte tinsiu, cixitiitiiiix" 1 TJ acre, 1.I pert'tie ailitMning inift aove, and IhiuJh of Jitsmh ljowery'a It-ir, V'. H. Kupel, J.CuhU-T, Win. V'uHieraii 1 olhcra. TUU tract ia also underlaid wilh ON FRIDAY, APRIL 21, '99, At 10 o'clock A. M., at Helixville, N.ipirr t'wn-.liir, lledfonl eoun ty, I'a , she witt Oder a farm containing S(J nrrys, I'.VZ pTtheM, adjoining landn of John Wonder. Adam Milt. r, niiver Keru4ii ami Adam K(w. aini having ttireon ereteil a two-tttory to Iidum-, Irume buru aud oul oitiJdtns. ON FRIDAY, APR L 21, '99, At 2 o'clock P M., at tlie mansion nf iic-dftt, in Napier town ship, ."die wul ot.V r tlit niaiis.:. n farm, con taining i7: i acr , aoMiiiinig land.- f iiM.rle4 I( o(vin, i'iitri k Htigaeti a id K. V. Hughe' heir. George W. tolvia and W. F. llrta. at having tli'-renn ereeted a larj iwo-ntory brick uotiw, frame hank. iarn and neet-Hary outbuiidiux'-i. Terms: One third of piirclmse money, after pny tnent of expenses, stiall r.'itLitifi fn properiiea as -widow's dowr. Ten jn-r c-nt. ol entire bid must be paid, or ss-uri-.t on il;y of aaie; renuiinder ol oot--ttiiri intUT !'slu-iiiiir d.iw eri at conrlriiut Mm of mil.-: in-ilnr t in 0110 VH,r and one-thirl io two years ifierealt-r with Interest on deferred p:iy:i:ul troiu con tinuation ul side. MARY WUIsKF.R. Frank E. Colvin. 1 rustle. Attorney. E EXECUTOR'S NOTICK. ;atcof Kmnk T. ronntryman, late of Soul r-et tMrtjh, d !. XjCttcP tstaf:if li'arv i the aUve ehtate havir.jf been granU-d ti liie undertigiieii by the proper authority, notice 1m hereby giv en Ut Mil pervofiK hid btel lo said estate U make iiitnuHiiate pity men t, ami ih havin claims against the same to present tiiem duly authenticated ior payment, on Hturduy, April 1 lc, ul late icmrnce of d c d ia MoiDentvl biriJlt. Kierutor. DMIXLSTIl.VTUiW NOTICE. Estate of Henry Kn.-pp, lteof (primer town ship, Somerset county, dee d. Letter of administration on the above es tate havtn been r-ited to tn undersifned by the proper authority, notice is lieis-by giv en tosil persons indetii.st to sjtid estate to make immediate puyiitent, and those bavlng claims against the saieo U) pr-s r.t them duly utheniical.-l, lor sttlem nf, on Tuesday, May 2, l-W, to said adniiiiisirators ul the late residence of dee d. F. P. sll FKER. l.K.WIH KNKFP, AdminiKtrafors of llenry Knepp, dee'd. Col born Col born, Atlorueys for adnilnl.-dnitors. A SAFE INVESTMENT In order to eoinpl-t' a number of ioens granted 01: OILT Kl.K KK l, K-tT.-TK sfc CL'RITV tbe bouni ihT dir-tom of the Far'U ers and lts-tutiiirs staving Kund ha author, lied the issue of i.ini in Treasury Sua-fc at par. This st.x k U-ars int.-n-st at the rate of S Vl per cs-nt. Mr aniiurn. payable emi annually, and will ts tsu'sl in aiiMui.t to suit, from Slot) up. The holder hiui the privi lege ol nurrenaerlng tu si.mk at any lime af ter one year and reeeivc tliere'or the full faee value. The Company is chartered under lb raws of Pennsylvania and is operated uuder the supervision of the Stale Banking Liepart luenl. Assets, Feb. I, IsiS. S.il7.imi.iO. Refer rmv: T. Mellon Son's itauk or the Third National Bans of Ptttsfiu'g. Address P. V. Land, Secretary. Purk Kuililinn, l'uubarg.Fa. ft i.ssi wilesruen fo 3lGCmPn Ingarllele. li.sst pi OQlUoll lull employment. Heli U tint Kilevruen for tusKwll- pay. sidy lereurea re quired. Adires.s. TUE RELIANCE NOVELTY CO.. ii Main SI reet. March 2. 4L -Ml Pleasant, Pa. ULF.TO ACCEPT Oil KEFUiE. To Iwiali Brunt, of YoufnjIe!n.Ohlu, Ellen, liiternmrnet with lavid S. Kslor, of Hart"er Kerry. W. V. : You are hereby iotttte4l to ai.ear at an Or phans' Court lo be he'd at Somerset. Pa oo Stooduy, Jiy next, a--eept or refuse lo take the real isute of Matsi.ta Burnm, deC'd, t the appraised VHli-.ation, or siiow rausej why the same should n'l 1st sold. M. II. II AKTEt L. S beri IPs O iHoe. s i . t iT. Somerset, Pa., March tst. FOR SALE. Th property of th late Joniah F. Bea-hy. situate on the eomer ol saitii street ami Court alley, in the borough of S4neret, can be divided into ttirea tine buiidiug lota, wit t a fronlag of aj feet on South hIpsh and a depia of ITU (et. H ill sell all or part. Foe particulars address, W. E. BEAcUY. Johnstown, Pa.