The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 08, 1899, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald
SCU5.L, tJitur and Fropriutor.
Jcdce Day and Senator Grar, two of
the l'aris Peace tVHiiiiiissioDers, have
received their reward in the shape of a
United States Judgeship.
Fifteen thousand iroa workers in
rit!UirR have had their wt-s a.l
vanwl fifty ceid a ton. N wont;er
the ctlauiity-howler refu-s to be com
forted. It is wh:i-red alxnit that the sena
torial deadlock at llarribburg will be
broken to day. If it thould last over
this week there is no telling when it
will end.
Ovei: eight thou-and of the insur
gents in the Philippines are said to be
ready to j'iit the game. They have
had enough of Aguinaldo, and they
are willing to tome in now and lie
Mr. Ci.kvei.axi'8 name is occasion
ally tueiitioiied in connection with a
third term. The mass of Democrats
do not like Cleveland, but be is the only
man they have beeu able to make Pres
ident t-iuce 1S.V5.
Governor Stone has tendered the
Supreme Court Judgeship to DaviJT.
Watson, the eminent Democratic Pitta
burg lawyer. Mr. Vat30n is holdiDg
the tender under advi?ement, and will
delude w ithin the next few days wheth
er he w ill accept it or not
l. 'in k closing mouths of Cleveland
wt-oiid adiuiuistralioii the bulauce of
trade in favor of the United States av
eraged leas than 7,000,000 a month.
The present average is over $4,000, "00
a mouth. Foreign trade and a Repub
lican tariff get along together hai.d
BOtnely. Tue new Director of the Ccusus is
ex tiovernor William IL Merriman, of
Minnesota. The present iucumbent
has not yet finished the publication of
all the ftafstics of the census of IsiiO.
It is to lie hoped that Director Merri
man will be able to do the work in less
time than his predecessor.
The Johuftown Tribune pertinently
inquire: "Would it cot 1 well for the
.Philadelphia 7V to ask Hrother In
surgent Koontz to have a Iegisdutite
Committee appointed to investigate the
doings of the District Attorney and
Judge in the Philadelphia Court, w hen
the trial of the Quays was pof juried '."
At a caucus of Democratic Congress
men in Washington, to decide upon a
policy, it was declared by resoluth O
that the Democratic party stiji stands
upon the constitution. A more comet
way of putting it would be to say that
the party stands still upon the constitu
tion, and that it always will be found
standing still.
The President has appointed Judge
John I. MePberson, of Harrisburg, to
the United States Court bench, to sue
eed Judge Butler. The appointment
is one eminently fit to be made. Gov
ernor Sione has uot yet indicated whom
he will appoint ae Judge McPherson's
successor on the Common Pleas bench
of Dauphin county.
A IX th E reports of the war investi
gation -boards have brought forth the
uniform cry of "whitewash." Hud
the reports leeu exactly the reverse in
their findings, the same cry of "white
wash" would have lieen raised. There
are two morals to this incident: First,
the public is a hard customer to please;
second, there are two sides to every
The army b 11 has been passed am
ended so that the author of the origi
nal bill scarcely recognizes it. The fear
that no bill autaoriziog the needed in
crease in the army should be passed
this session, thus makiug necessary an
extra session of Congress, coerced rnem
lers to vote for a bill they did not like.
The new bill makes the increase last
only until the jear 1901.
Up to February 20 the total casual
ties to the American army in the Phil
ippines, from the Filipino outbreak,
amounted to CS killed and SIS wound
ed. Previous to that the record gave
a total of 2K died of disease and killed
by Spaniards. The casualties to the
army sent to "Manila from bullets and
disease is less than 700 for operations
covering eight months.
Both Republican factions at Harris
burg last week surrendered to the Dem
ocrats and unanimously adopted the
amendment to the Superior Court bill
providing for minority representation
on the beuch of that Court, although
it had previously lieen defeated. The
Democrat in the Legislature r In &
fiosition to demand favors and they are
not alow in taking advantage of it.
The next United States Senate w ill
liave a larger Republican majority than
the one that has just concluded its ses
sion. The latter hud 4'J Republicans,
."4 Democrats and 10 lVpuiists, a Re
publican majority of two. The coin
tug Seuate is likely to have 5.1 Republi--aua,
17 Democrats and 8 Populists,
Republican majority of 20 the larg
est senatorial majority since the days of
the Civil War, w hec there were no Sen
ators from the South.
The bill now befjre the House cm
powering school boards to organize
themselves into boards of health is a
good bill to pass, tys the Harrisburg
Telegraph. If it had been in operation
some months ago there would have
been do need to call on the State Board
of Health to aid Bedford when that
county had an epidemic very like small
pox. The local ecijooi boards could
have taken the matter in charge and
dealt with the situation without auy
outside help.
The abuse that is being heaped upon
Speaker Farr for adjourning the House
ou Friday was to have been expected,
says the Philadelphia Inquirer Men
who bolt their party are no longer gov
erned by rule or customs. Those who
Lave been fighting the candidate of the
Republican majority for Senator on no
other ground than a personal desire to
beat him, care nothing for the princi
ple of majority rule, and they very nat
urally criticise and abuse all who refuse
to follow them into a state of politi
ck anarchy. The bolters wanted the
Hoose to remain in session after -the
regular hour for adjournment on Fri
day, the Speaker merely enforced the
very plain rule, and there was anar
chy. That is the whole story (a a few
ords, and the fact can not be changed
Jy threats aid denunciations coming
tmrn men wfco, fc!ng taltsM, no lanpr
rt-cognl rule.
Speaker Farr, in adjourning the
House, was entirely right- According
to the rules now ia force the House
meets on Fridays at 10.S0 and adjourns
at 11. When the hour of lrarrives ic
is only necessary for any member to
call for the order of the day, and the
order is a declaration of adjournment
on .the tart of the Speaker. For the
Speaker to act otherwise would bo to
usurp power that does not belong to
him, to ally himself with anarchy, to
render himself liable to impeachment.
No parliamentarian who has the slight
est respect for his osn opinion could
take any other view. Speaker Farr was
simply obliged to enforce the rules, and
the fact that he is assailed byisia
tors who have violated party honor
themselves is high commendation for
the fairuews and impartiality of the
Speaker, for in attacking him they but
show their utter contempt for law and
Ix THE Joint Assembly at Harris
burg Monday only 20 votes were cast
for United States Senator, of which
Quay received 1 1, Jenks 8, Tubbs I. At
Friday's session three of those who had
been heretofore voting for Quay, Hersh
aud Yates of Philadelphia, and Mackey
of Lackawanna, deserted him and cast
their lot w ith the bolters. This disaf
fection from the Quay racks had been
discounted weeks ago by the Quay
managers and was a surprise to no one.
While many of the bolters at the out
start gave as their reason for bolting
the party caucus and joining hands
with the Democrats in the senatorial
fight that they could not vote for Sen
ator Q Jay w hile the criminal charges
against him remained undisposed of,
the practical abandonment of these
cases by the prosecuting attorney does
not seem to have changed their opposi
tion in the least, and shows that this
plea was merely a make-shift used for
the purpose of concealing their actual
motives aud of deceiving their constit
uents. The friends of the Senator aud
his political managers are still confi
dent of his ultimate triumph, while his
enemies claim that his re-election by
the present Legislature is an impossi
bility. The chances are that Quay will
succeed himself or there will be no
election. It is not within the bounds
of reason that a large majority will
submit to be dictated to by a small
Hucaied to His Death.
Ks .State Treasurer Haywood, says the
Philadelphia Inquirer, who was iudicted
"with Senator Quay aud the latter' son
Uicliard, will nnt he tried, for he is dead,
ile lm.1 not teeu ia robust health for some
time, and there can lw no doubt that bis
end was hastened by the attacks of polit
ical enemies who have been trying to ad
vance their own personal Interests. It
may lie said w ith a good deal of truth that
be has been hounded to death.
Men are constituted differently. Sena
tor Quay, w ho has beeu pursued as no
publio man has been in recent years, is
still enabled to face his enemies. Mr.
Haywood, with failing health, did not
have the physical strength, and he has
succumbed to abase and vilification. It
in to be hoped that those who have been
conducting on the stump the most mon
strous campaign of slander and falsehood
in the history of the State are satisfied as
far as Haywood is concerned. He is dead,
and they can gloat over it in their secret
conclaves if they will. But Quay is alive
and still in a condition to defy tlieiu.
And yet it is a wonder that he is so, far
he has been made the victim of eonlinu
oos abuse. A inoxt dwperate campaign
has been waged against him. From every
stump he ban been charged with every
crime, and lying tongues have lashed him
with their venom in the hope that organ
ized hypocrisy might gain personal ad
vantage by bis downfall. Organized by
pocrisy is rid of Haywot!, and one era
readily imagine the riotous glee tbut
would prevail in some quarters could
Quay be driven into his grave.
time has not come, and we venture to
predict that Quay will live to triumph
over the character assassins and the hyp
ocrilical vilitiers, for nothing more disas
Irons could overtake this State than its
surrender to pretenders.
Ia the Hoose.
A good thing to have in the house.
the Cinderella Range, a good baking of
bread is always assured. Sold by
Somerset, Pa,
Political Vote.
The Senators and Representatives at
iiarrishurg who were nominated at Re
publican primaries or by Republican con
ventions and h ho were successful at the
polls because their fellow Republicans
believe in the principle of majority rule,
should cease their bickerings and get to
gether. The Republican jarty is suffer
ing because of the faiiLlessuess of men
whom it has honored w ith its confidence.
aud who are now consorting with Iietuo
crats and Fusiouists. Altootia Tribune.
Is this not the reason for the postpone
ment of the Quay cases : The prosecutors
h:id not evidence to convict, and wilh
Quay declared not guilty the Insurgents
would have had no exeuse for being
Rebels would have had to vote for Quay
and thus elect hiin. Now they can keep
up their old cry. Johnstown Tribune.
David T. Watson, the eminent Pitta
burg lawyer who has been tendered a
Judgeship on the Supreme Court Bench
by (iovernor Stone, was horn in Wash
ington, Pa. His father was a judge in
the Washington county courts. In lwi5
young Watson went to Pittsburg after
having read law at his borne, mads a
speciality of corporation law, and prac
ticed o successfully that his inootne Iim
leen more than f.vfWO pr annum fur
many years. lie aud his law partner at
tend to the legal business of nearly all
the prominent corporations of Pittsburg.
Mr. Watson has never held public office
and has twice refused appointment to the
Supreme bench.
A Great Paper.
The souvenir edition of the Pbiladel
phia Inquirer, issued March 2, in com
meuioratioo of the tenth anniversary of
the present management, has been re
ceived and we can truthfully say that it
ia the finest illustration of newspaper
enterprise ever witnessed in Pennsylva
nia. When Mr. James Elverson asaum
ed control of The Inqilrer in 19 it was
predicted in some quarters that he wculd
n-vcr succeed in rehabilitating that once
prosperous and influential journal, hut
those who held that view were doomed
to disappointment, for The Inquirer ad
vanced by giant strides under his judi
cious and liberal management and with
in a few years distanced all of its com
petitors in point of circulation, adver
tising patronage and political influence.
Au interesting feature of the souvenir is
a handsomely printed scppleuient, in
which appear half tone illustrations of
Tb Inquirer's palatial home, showing all
of the moot recent devices and applmuoea
for the turning out of a great metropolitan
newspaper. The Inquirer has twen true
t itself and its large nstltuency and
we take pleasure in extending our con
gratulations for all that It has accom
plished for Pennsylvania and the eoun
try generally.
Time er Temper.
No time or temper wasted when you
use the Cinderella Rangn. Its large and
high oven insures perfect baking and
roaaticg. Sold and guaranteed by
Jas. B.'iOI.DF.FAr u. -
Somerset, Pa.
Deny Ssv aa Adair!,
The President on Friday sent to the
Senate tbo nomination of H Jar Admiral
Ueorge Dewey to bs ad.uirt.1, under the
act of March 2, lSlfi. The Seoato ia exe
cutive sewsioo confirmed tbo nomination.
The advance of Rear Admiral Dowey to
admiral will mau an lncroase in pay of
from frj,0u0 totl3,0,:. In addition to mak
ing him the bead of the American navy,
it w ill also give hiu: precedence In rank
over all naval commanders of the Asiatic
George Dewey's career in the navy la
shown by the follow ing record: Kntered
uava,l academy, Septemberit, 1SH. Made
past midshipman, January 19, 1SG1. Mas
ter, February 23, lSoU Lieutenant, April
19, 151. Lieutenant commander, March
3, !.. Commander, April 13, 172 Cap
tain. Sepletuler 2T, lv. Commodore,
February iS, 15. Rear admiral, May, 11,
lsiH. Admiral, March 3, IMtt.
Secretary Long cabled Admiral Dewey
as follows: "Heartiest congratulations
upon your deserved promotion as ad
miral. President adds his congratulations
on your confirmation."
Every warship in the world, of what
ever Power, from this ou, must be the
first to dip its ring on meeting Admiral
Dewey's flagship, for he is the highest
naval officer afloat His salute is seven
teen guns and he will fly the admiral's
flag of four stars, placed diagonally on
a navy blue field, and will wear epau
lettes decorated by four embroidered
stars, the end stars being worked over
four anchors.
Admiral Dewey, as well, ranks above
every officer in the United States army,
including Major General Miles, and in,
therefore, in supreme command in the
Philippines and in every joint action
of the navy and army. If all the fleets
of the world, as tbey are now officered,
should gather for a celebration or display,
every foreign flag would be lowered to
Admiral Dewey, and hia flagship would
lead the procession.
The V.jited States has had but two
other Admirals David Glascoe Farra
gut and David Dixon i orter; Farragut
was made Admiral on December 21, 1301,
and on his death in IsTO. Porter became
Ail mi nil, the ofhee dying with him in
lst'L Dewey has made the jump from
commodore to Admiral iu ten months,
and a corresponding jump iu salary from
fo.ono to 13,000. He would have been
retired by age limit ia December next,
but by the terms of the new Admiral
bill hH active service is extended ten
years. He holds the office for life and
the grade will die with him.
The President also nominated Brig.
Gen. Klwell S. Otis, U. S. A., to be a
maj-'ir general by brevet, to rank from
February 4, 1S99, for military skill and
motit distinguished service in the Philip
piuu islands. This nomination was also
canfirmed by the Senate, and Secretary
Alger seut the following measage to Gen.
Otis at Manila: "You have been nomi
nated and confirmed a luaj r general by
brevet in the regular army. The Presi
dent wishes this message of congratu
lation sent you, in which I cordially
Hobion's Promotion.
A dispatch from Washington says: The
President's nomination of Richmoud
Pearson Hobson, to be advanced ten num
bers from No. 1 on the list of assistant
naval constructors, it is said by naval
officers to constitute the greatest material
promotion as a recognition of gallantry
in Ihe history of the naval serv'ce. It
will make Hobson a captain at tha age of
30. His advancement amounts to 250
numbers in the line of the navy, which
is remarkable in comparison with the
single number secured by Admiral
Dewey, eight numbers by Admiral Samp
son and from three to five each by other
officers during the war with Spain. When
it was proposed to promote Hobson to
the foot of the grade of lieutenant com
manders, the "jump" amounted to about
150 numbers only, hut under the nomi
nation made yesterday Hobson skips
over all tbe lieutenant commanders and
goes nearly to the top of the commanders'
list, so far aa relative rank is concerned.
Inflamed ana Granulated Eyslidt.
Is there anything more disfiguring to a
face or more disagreeable than inflamed
or granulated eyelids T These remit from
a uiultitudeof causen, and respond quick
ly to proper treatment. Such treatment
may be had at the hands of Dr. A. Sig-
mann, HH Penn Ave., Pittsburg, for
merly of Vienna, Austria, who has en
joyed the advantage of years of study
and practice in the greatest hospital of
tbe world, situated in that city, and is
prepared to give any cases relating to his
specialties Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
the most thorough scientific treatment
possible. During his short stay in this
city he has already secured a long list of
patients to whom he can refer any per
too desiring to gain information regard
ing his skill and success.
CoL Hawkins 'Will Be Honored.
Washisutox, D. O, March 3. Tbe
President to-day iuformed Representa
tives Acbeson and Robbins that it w
his intention to promote Colonel A. L.
Hawkins, of the Tenth Pennsylvania
Volunteer Infantry, now on duty at
Manila, to be a brigadier general, iu
recognition of bis gallant conduct at the
battle of Mai ate, and as a compliment
to the regiment which his done so much
gxd service in all the military opera
tiona around Manila.
Messrs. Acheson and Rabbins called
at the White House aud presented to the
President a petition signed by all the
officers of the Tenth Regiment, urging
Colonel Hawkins' promotion. The peti
tion noted that at the battle of Malate
Colonel Hawkins anise from a sickbed
when the Spaniards attacked our lines at
night and made his way to the front in
tbo midst of a tropical storm in order to
personally command his regiment.
List Tour of the Scaioa via Pennsylvania
The last of the present series of popular
Pennsylvania Railroad peraonaily-onn
ducted tours to Jacksonville will leave
New York and Philadelphia by special
train of Pullman Palace cars ou Tuesday,
March 7. -
Round trip tickets, valid to return on
regular trains uutil May 31, ItfM, and in
eluding railway transportation in each
direction, and Pullman accommodations
(one berth) and meals on special train go
ing, will be sold at the following rates:
New York, fM.OO; Philadelphia, 00;
Canandaigua, 12 Si; Erie, t'A 8.".; Willi es-
barre, Pittsburg, "3 00; and at
proportionate rates from other points.
For tickets, itineraries and full informa
tion applr to ticket azentst Tourist
Agent, 1I! Broadway, New York; 7
Broad 8treet, Newark. X. J. ; Thos. E.
Watt, Passenger Agent Western District,
Pittsburg, Pa j or addreus Geo. W. Boyd.
Assistant General Passaager Aft, Broad
Street Station, Philadelphia.
Xid Winter Exearsioa to Washingtoa.--
Yery Lew Hates Baltimore ft Obis
Tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ba
made arrangements fr a series of popular
mid-w inter excursions to Washington, at
okk fahk for the KorvDTiup, allowing
TK day limit on tickets iocludingday
of sale. These excursions will he run on
February 21st, March 2d and April 13lh,
Tickets wili be good going on reg
ular trainaof the above dates and good
to return on regular trains within tes
I-at, including date of fale.
m not miss thee splendid opportoni
tics to viait tbe National Capital during
the seaelon of Congress.
Call on A. W. Bauman, Agent B. i O.
R. R, for full Information.
No matter how loug vm have had the
OHigh : if it hadn't already develood Into
consumption. Dr. Wood's Norway Pice I
Syrup will cure IL J
Blala ia a Duel far lt.
Esi'irvrr, Neb., March 2. As the se
quel of a fatal duel over a young woman,
Burt G randy is to-night being chased
through the forests of this coor-ty by a
sheriffs posse with bloodhounds.
Clyde Cola's body lie at the under
taker's, and a distracted young woman
is raving in her room, temporarily bereft
of reason.
For a year the two young men who last
night engaged in the struggle to the death
have been paying attention to Gertie
Rickey, tbe belle of the village.
Last night, at the Endicott Public
School, a church entertainment was held.
All three participated, and the two young
men hurried from tbe temporary stage to
the door to beg the privilege of escorting
Miss Rickey home. ,
li th spoke at oikw, and the girl accept
ed Cole. G randy was persistent, and lag
ged that he be permitted to accompany
them. His offer was rejected, and the
couple walked a few blocks to tbe girl's
home It tbe gate stood Grandy in a rage.
The disappointed lover demanded that
the girl choose between them. She hesi
tated, and Cole disengaged himself and
stepped forward.
Tbe girl sprang between them. Again
Grandy demanded that she make a
choice. Then the girl declared her love
for Cole.
Instantly Grandy drew a revolver. Cole
jumped forward and grabbed tbe weapon.
Then there was a struggle for tbe posses
sion of tbe pistol, and after five minutes
Grandy disengaged himself, still grasp
ing tbe weapon, aud aimed at his rival.
The girl sprang forward and interposed
her body to shield her lover. Grandy
pushed tbe weapon under tbe girl's arm
and fired at Cole. He dropped dead.
The girl denounced the murderer, who
turned and fled into the woods.
Grandy committed suicide when escape
was cut off.
TIMORE. Special Tea-day Excursions via Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
has arranged for three low-rate leu-day
excursions from Pittsburg and points in
Western Pennsylvania to Washington
March 30, April 27, and May 1L Round
trip tickets ill be sold at rates quoted
below, good going on special train indi
cated, or ou train No. 4. leaving Pittsburg
at &;0 p. m . and carrying through sleep
ing cars to Washington. Special train of
through parlor cars aud coaches will be
run on the follow ing schedule:
Train leaves. Rate.
IMtUburg 8-JO A. M. $9 00
C'oiioeilsv'ile 7:32 " 7 :ii
Johnstown . 10 li " 7 S
Cumberland . . s 1 8 ft
Wasliingtoa Arrive 7:1-1
Tickets will be rsvul returning on any
regular train, exempt the Pennsylvania
Limited, until April 8, Mav C and Ma7 20
respectively, aud to stop otr at Baltimore
within limit.
Holders of special excursion tickets to
Washington can purchase, at the Penn
sylvania Railroad Ticket Otfics in Wash
ington, excursion tickets to Kichmond at
rate of fl.OO. and to Old Point Comfort
(all rail) at it) 00; at the offices of the Nor
folk and Washington Steamboat Compa
ny, .excursion tickets (not including
meals and staterooms on steamers) to
Old Point Comfort or Norfolk, "Ya.. at
$.50, and to Virginia Beach at H.K
Washington to Mt. Vernon and return,
via electric railway, 50 cents.
Should the number of passengers not
be suiricient to warrant the running of a
special train, the company reserves the
right to carry participants in this excur
sion ou regular train.
Tickets on sale in Pittsburg, .st I'nion
Ticketotlice.3(J0 Fifth Avenue.. d Union
Station, and at all stations mentioned
above. For full information apply to
agents or Thomas E. Watt, Passenger
Agent Western District. Fifth Avenue
aud Smitbgcld street, Pittsburg.
KcClnre's If agazins for March.
Tbe March McClure's is an unusually
g.xnl number ofamagazine that never fails
to supply sometbiug out of the ordinary.
An account of Tri pier's invention and
process for reducing ordinary air to a liq
uid of such wondrous potency that it may
displace steam and electricity and sup
ply, at next to no cost, all tbe force re
quired in all the mechanical operations of
life, brings us to the "edge of the future"
with a sweep that takes one's breath.
Koine what the same palpitant expectancy
is raised by Lieutenant Peary's account
of his plans and hopes for tbe new explo
ration for the North Pole, in tbe prosecu
tion of which be is now established some
where in the vicinity of Lincoln Sea, K2
orJi3 degrees north latitude. No less in
teresting in their several ways, and
scarcely less striking, are a series of
"Sketches ia Egypt," drawn ty Charles
Dana Gibson, with some genial comment
and description written by the artist him
silf ; aome entirely new reimniscences of
Lincoln, showing bis relations wilh Fre
mont, Cameron and Stanton, and illus
trating his rare tact and consideration in
dealing with men in general ; an account
(largely bis own Narrative) of tbe way in
which the artist Tissot came to take up
his great work .of picturing the life of
Christ, and the manner in which he exe
cuted it; and incidents and anecdotes of
General Wood's great work in tbe regen
eration of Santiago, furuisbed by II. 11.
Lewis, who himself spent some time at
Santiago with General Wood. All ot
these articles are fully illustrated, the one
ou Tissot with some beautiful reproduc
tions of the chief of his paintings. Cap
tain Mahan, in bis series of papers "Tbe
War on the Sea and its Lessons," set?
forth in this number the problems pre
sen ted to tbe navy by the arrival of Cer
vera In West Indian waters, and relates
how they were dfalt with. Mr. Kipling
gives us a further chapter from the ad
ventures of "Stalky A Co.," one thai
shows those heroes in quite a new role
and there are several other good short sto
ries in the number.
Etbuke for Voa Deidrichs., March . A high official of
the German naval denartinent says that
the appoiutment of Prince Henry o,
Prussia, brother of the emperor, to tbi
command of the East Asiatic fquajron
was decided upon as being the most
available, the emperor desiring to show
ths American people that he is thorough
ly friendly to them, knowing that Prine
Henry is popular in the I'nited States.
When the official referred to was asked
whether the appoiir.meut wits equivalent
to tbe disgrace of Admiral von Diedriehs
he said; "Not exactly. Our government
unfoi Innately was advised toolateofs
number of occurrences before Manila,
none of which were really important;
but they showed grave want of tact epoi
Admiral von Deidricb's part. The main
trouble was that Admiral von Deidricb
was insufficiently iuformed regarding in
ternational naval nsagea in such a deli
cats situation. Consequently' he contin
ued naval movements, drill and searc.
light practice as if elsewhere tbau io a
blockaded port, thus arousing distrust
upon the part of the Americana."
Aa Interesting I) eision.
Property owners and municipal autbori
tins will find a new order of things in
decision of the superior court, sitting ai
i!liamsport, oo a case appealed from
the Delaware county coort. It has here
tofore generally leeu supposed thatcitier
or boroughs were responsible for damages.
here auch w ere claimed for injuries bus
tallied by persons who fell oo defective
streets or pavements that were negligent
ly permitted to exist. The courts dow
deride that tbe citizen on whose property
the unsafe r-iadway or sidewalk was con
tinned is re possible for damages result
The case in illustration was tht ol
Mrs. Margaret Lee, of Chester, whofel'
on a broken pavement and injured her
leg She sued the city and was awarded
tni fa damage. Tbe solicitor for Chest
then entered a claim for the amoun-
agaitiet tbe First National Bank, that
owned the property on which tbe accident
oocurrd, and tbe courts ruled that the
bank was accountable.
Frridcr.t MrKlnlev otraua In )-
WanhlcgU-u for ThomasvlUe, Ga., sooi
time this week for a needid rest.
Revolutionary Move at Harrisburg
in a Desperate Game of
Au Attempt to Discredit the Hesrular
IiepubllcanOrintnlzatlon and Speak
er Karr Meet With Popular Coa-Ut-lunation.
(Special Correspondence.)
HsrrisbiiDt. Mitr.b T. The bolting
Rcpuhliraus In the Icjcislatnre under the
leadership of Ikjsws Martin ami Fliim
made a scandalous record tor themselves
last week. Without the slightest justifi
cation they attempted to organize a
"rump" meeting of the bouse of repre
sentatives. Taking a ruling or tbe chair as a pre
text to make trouble, as was done on
the previous break in the senatorial con
vention, tbe insurgents organized what
was practically a mass meetiuir after th
house was adjourned last Friday. The
l-ltins Republican, with their IH-mo-crntic
allies eseintr them on, soncht "
discredit John R. Farr, the seker of
the honpp, and Io contribute to a sen
sitliotKtl yeiie wilh the pnroc of injur
ing Senator Quay in his cauvass for re
elect ion.
Never was a scheme for the breaking
up of a ward political convention hi the
baliwlclcs of either of these two bosses
worked so boldly. For a while tbe lead
ers of the rump meeting actually as
sumed to te conducting the piweediucs
of a rcsrnlarly organized and properly
constituted branch of the sreneral as
sembly. When they came to their sobor
sensj-s, however, as they did after their
previous bolting exjaTience, tbey realized
tlirt they had no leiral standing as a
Uly. thut their action was unwarranted
nti'l revolutionary, and if carried mmh
farther might have h"d to serious con
sequence to the men who assumed to
usurp tbe positions of the rcguulrly
chfted officers of the house.
Mutters had Ut n goiug along entirely
tts smoothly for the bolters. Their var
ious attempts at sensational plays had
all fallen flat. Tbey were evidently
reaming for an opsirtunity to fijrnre
aicaiu, to disconcert the regular Republi
cans and to excite public sympathy for
their cause. Tbe thin reform veneer of
this Flinti-Msrtin-Wanainaker outfit lunl
wont off Ion:: a so. The whole state bud
sized up the entire outfit. The servile
followers of Fliim. iu the west, and of
Martin in the east, all politicians of the
most practical school, and the disap
pointed and disrcnthsl candidates for
the KKakership, Biiss of IH-laware and
Kisintx of Somerset, and the others in
this queer tontiut'eut of "business men
in isilitii-s." had all known to th
in-oiIc. Their filibustering tactics for
nets in the McCarreil bill tiidit bud
seriously iinHiled lepislation. They re
ulix 1 that they were beiu? generally
condemned, and esMria!ly by the Re-
inibiicans who believe in arty supremacy
and in the rule of the majority and who
have in every county In the state given
etression to their disgnst at the man
euvcritis of tbe men seeking to defeat
the regular nominee of the Republican
mucus for the scnatorship.
The row occurred when Repreucnta
five Marshall, of Allegheny, at 11 o'clock
in the morning, called "the order of
tbe day," which, under the rules of the
house, meant adjournment. There bail
Ihh'U a filibustering move made ea rlier in
I he morning by Representative Slater de
mamlim: the reading of tne journal. The
bolters had a scheme set up to spring a
iot of sensational resolution criticizing
the action of tbe committee appoiuted to
investigate the charges of bribery af
fc-cting the McCarreil jury bill vote. The
cegulnrs were determined to block this
move. If possible, knowing that it was
. mere play for the gailerics and also
iiiit the investigators bnd planned to
ptish their work in the afternoon.
Pi eaker parr gave a decision thst under
the rules the house, upon Mr. Marshall's
rs 11, stood adjvnrncd. The bolters,
with 151i: of Delawa.e in the chair, af
terward held a meeting, in which they
denounced the s)M'aker aud appointed a
.onmiittif to draft resolutions con
demning his action- Tbe meetiug wa
made up mostly of Democrats, with the
tsItiiig licpuhlicnn doing the talking.
They had uot a quorum, however, though
they talked wildly a Unit electing a new
speaker. It was all done to create d'ts
cord and to discredit the regular Re
publican organization.
SM'iikT Furr naturally feels pained
that iu order to carry out a game of
politic, the men who led the rump pro
ceedings should attempt to place him iu
a false position before the people of th-
state. He made the following manly anil
straightforward stutcmeut iu reference
to bis decision:
"My decision in declairing the boils-.'
adjourned at 11 o'clock waa strictly ia
acordance with the rules of the house,
and other action would have been an
usurpation of authority upon my part.
When the house of representatives met
iijion the .".d of January, IStHI. the fol
lowing resolution was adopted, to wit:
'Resolved, That until otherwise
ordered, the rtilca of the house of rep
resent. itivrs of l.s!7, as presented iu
Sum!!' h;n.llM.k. be for the
Soverniiient of the bouse during the pre-e
nt session.'
"Among the rules in osration during
the session of INI" and re-enated by the
atsive resolution for the government of
the present bullae was the fallowing:
" 'Rule oil The house will convene ou
Mondays at 8 o'clock p. m.. and adjourn
at IU o'clock p. m., and on Fridays will
i-iivene at it o'clock and adjourn at 11
oMock a. in.'
"On the tSUh day of January, 1R)0, the
following resolution was unanimously
adopted, to wit:
"Resolved, That nntit otherwise or
dered, the sessions of the housp. on Frl
days, shall begin at 10.30 o'clock a. m.,
and the same order of business now pre
scribed shall be gone through with, and
that additional sessions of the honse be
fixed for ll..V o'clock a. tn., for Satur
days and Mondays.
"This resolution changed the honr of
meeting from St to lrt.STJ o'clock a. in., but
the hour of adjournment remained pa-
Constantly on the Alert is the Qr.Iy
Guarantee of the Future,
When we hear of a burglary iq our neight
borhood, we always take th most cr-faj
prtciulion to fastea and lock p o-ir'prea.
n-s When we reid a "danjr" sigi, wi
bred its warr-ing. None hut the reckless
rush into dangerous places anlesi cotnp-iitd
by necessity, nd still thousand opoo tboa
taods receive a note of warni- g jily, a
4nger signal of dep import, and io eot
give it a passing thought.
A httie backache, a twinge, a twitch, or
pains in the back, sre not very bard to bear
a: fiist, but they're a warning, a danger signal
of what's coming. Most backache pain, arc
d-e to kidney disorders; pass them by an
noticed, acd tbe kidneys become more
troubled. In time urinary con:p!inti,
Bnght's disease, and death molt, he crer
witLbful of a backache. A few doses of
boan' Kidney pills taken at the proper time
will save fdture trouble, perhaps life itself.
Mr. Jjmes McElhaney, contractor, of 15
H l.kle avenue, franklin Pa., siys:
osed Doan s Kidney Pilis in the summtr cf
tSo6. was in-eitriemed by a rep-esentatj
and allowed my opinion to be expressed ia
the Franklin newspapers. At that time they
rehev-d me of backache and lameness and
corrected the kidney secretions. Ia March,
1897, I sprained my hack badly, and a Im
aejs jusl in one spot was painfully evident.
1 procured Doan's Kidney P,li a second
timr, and from my experience and tbt resul s
received, 1 can conscientiously recorr.aiend
ttem to tbe people of Frar.kho or acywhert
!e as a preparation ap to their tft,,;qt
ations." r
j un's KMv.ey PiUj, fu .'e bj ,tj Jf j).,,
Tret, 50 :-t. XiZ'. ty ..:!. V .hi,-,
C'. .Ho lu.N.Y .fr.e ?.. f-jr -h? 4
s: s I'.e ii?,oi3 ar..
uie ca o'her.
"At U ..'clovk FjUit Mr. M-trdiaU.
t.t AiWheny county, in pjr.U'.ii. urio
form, called tor 'it"' r.ier 01
basing Ids demand iip-i. the above mMi
tionrd rtt'e. roti.!ii,g for the .idii.m
inciit of the hone at 11 In -rordnH.f
wilhthe legislative p-a.tiee
prevailing in llie h..use siu.e th' '""'"l
ration if tle stute government . an-!
towing precedent? rwogniwd ,u ',' .
Ibmeptary bo-li-. 'tue rd-r " ''JJ
,n 5H.h ccnt.ngo11(.T cmp-ls he si-Mker
to cijoura the bonsc in acordan e wi.R
tbe nil'-. There was nothing whatever
unusual r arbitrary al-.ul the mntt-r.
To hive acted otherwise woii.d I.a.e
leeo contrary to tbe rules of the bouse,
nhich arc as sacred and binding til'-'
the nlHcvrs and nietids-rs n the statute
and ntioii of the commonwejJt.i.
"Sine mv decision I have consumed
Messrs. Weis and tliibert. of
blirg two of the U-l coiisti.ntioiial law
yer In Pennsylvania. bo hare advised
that not onlv was the course pursued by
ie not only and Icgid. but tha
any other ourse would hive I c-.n
trary to the rules of the bouse and with
out authority iu law."
Hws Items.
The Whisky Trust as finally organized
U credited with a capital of fhS.5U0.0W.
Rudyard KiplitiE. the famous author,
who has beeu critilly ill with pneu
monia, at New York, will recover.
The Queen of Belgium Is suffering from
pneumonia, and her physicians have
abandoned all hopes for her recovery.
Ambassador and Mrs. t'hoate visited
Windsor CaMlo Monday, where tbey diu
ed with the tiueeu aud remained over
Sweatshop probers in New York have
found that mew, women and children
work as much as Is. hours daily for 43
cents each.
Among lbs bills to which-the Presi
dent has affixed bis signature is the
appropriation of tcJtJ0 Out) to carry out
the provision of the peace treaty with
Thousands of woiknien employed in
steel and irop mills iu various sectious of
the country have been notified of an in
crease in wage ranging fro:vt 5 to 10 per
sjnU due to revival in the st el trade.
A rheumatic cyst alsMit tbe size of an
eprg was removed from the left thigh of
the Pope m Wednesday. Word comes
from tbe Vatican that the Poulitr is in
no immediate danger.
General Toral, who commanded the
Spanish troops at Santiago de Cuba, has
been arrested and imprisoned, previous
to listing tried by court martial on the
charge of capitulating to Majoi Oeueral
Tbe President will nominate Senator
CJray, of Delaware, Judije of the Third
Judicial Circuit, which comprises Penn
sylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.
Senator t; ray's term in Congress expired
Saturday. .
The demand of tbe Italian government
for a IO year lease of Saumun bay, as a
coaling station and naval base, including
also a demand for throe islands off tbe
coast, has been refused by the Cbii.ese
Senator Edward O. Waleott, of Colo
rado, aud Mrs. Waleott have agreed to
separate, and a suit Is now being prepay
ed in New York. Incompatibility of
temper is the reason assigned. Senator
Wahott iaa multi-millionaire.
Three tbousaud men thrown out of
employment at Havana are urged to turn
banditti by one of tbe daily papers of
that city. It is claimed tbat the free dis
trihution of rations is making paupers
out of the Cubans.
Tbe Secretary of War has ordered six
regiments of regulars to make ready to
proceed to San Francisco for embarka
tion to Manila, Tbe reinforcements are
not only regulars In tbe full sense of tbe
t-jrm, but tbey have been through the
Cuban campaign. Tbey know what it is
to be under tire; bow to fight Indians aud
also bow to fight in the trcpical jungles.
110.0.X) pounds of black powder explod
ed at 2 o'clock Sunday morning in tbe
naval magazine at La Uoubran, Krtnoo,
injuring one hundred people. All of the
soldiers on duty at tbe magazine were
killed or severely injured. Forty corpses
have already been recovered. The coun
try round about foi two miles was swept
almost bare. Houses were destroyed
and trees uprooted by tbe force of the ex
plosion. Lottie, Alma and Nettie Herman,
daughters of Kltner K. Herman, an un
dertaker of Allegheny City, received by
mail a package of powders, inclosed with
a note, advising them to use the contents
for their complexion. Their mother.
whose suspicious were aroused, took
efntrgaof the package, and upon exaiui-
nation found, it is said, that It contained
paris green. The motive for the attempt
upon the uvea of the young girls can uot
be conjectured.
Tbe statue of Frances Willard, for
which the Illinois Legislature has ap
propriated $:,0O0 will be the first statue
of a woman ever placed iu Statuary
Hall of tbe Capitol building. The law
provides that tbe State may place in the
ball statues of "two distinguished per
sons," and the cu-itoiiari agrees that
under the phraseology the marble or
bronze portrait of Miss Wi'hird may lie
placed among those of the eminent sous
of other States.
Drink Grain-0
after you have concluded that you ought
not to drink coffee. It is not a medicine
but doctors order it, because it is health
ful, invigoratii'S and appetizing. It is
made from pure grains and has that rich
seal brown color ami tastes like tbe fin
est grades of coffee and costs about i as
much. Children like it and thrive on it
because it Is a genuine fixsl drink con
taining nothing but nourishment. Ask
your grocer for lirain-i), the new food
drink. 15 and :5c.
v ! 5 I I w v 2 vJt!f
til Pictures, Frames, flouldinsrs,
i Wall Paper, Window Shades,
cijr ana
W . - WALL PAPER . .
4 T THIS time we wish to call your attention to the fact that we carry tbe
!I largest aelection ol Wall Paper of any dealer io the oourty. We can
u vu laiesi
tions io all kiuds of Whiten, Oliinmers, Brooitw
0, brwaed. We can furniwh you with all qualities at
vi t- au per aouoie roil.
f. Don't buy from agent who ped lie sample books of the product of by-
gone year that have been discarded by public taste.
Buy yur Wall Paper at Baker's Art Store and always get up to date
B"""s "u ""c o crj vunig etse, lair ireaimeos.
. We don't quote rricea on fdde-wail and ceiiiDgs below that of other
dealers and then "stick" you on the
e have also a large stock of odds and ends -pattorns of '97 and
that we almost give away. la!l and examine our line befire purchasing
We also carry ia stock a full Hue of building ppir at lowest prices.
A full i'TJe of window ahad and fixtures always carried in stock.
a m
Remember, "A Thing of Beauty is
!5 pared to give any picture you may bring
. .nil. .
tAnA Ka In.L&J t u m. K i w A T .. nm
quality and price.
We furnish Supplies for
f: 0n Public Square,
- a
muu tro ru luwM a.u. w o uav c m iai flint A iUWGr pnO lUHU
other place ia tbe couoty,
. . UMPS . .
A complete line of lamps, chimneys, burners, wick, frames for shade,
and globes at rock bottom prices. v.
We keep an extensive line of plain and decorated (J leensware. Call
and see our line before parchaa'.ng elsewhere. We can suit you in both
Saws lus-i.
Among dveries made !hr.iKh acci
Jont Is one relating to r-d eonslrm ti".'.
leak it, a pi(e line, in the oil regu.u of
tbiaNtst-. led to tbe flooding f very
.ocVv uiecor roadIih crudo oil.
,us found that the earth ahsorbe-1 the
oil. and dried, leaving a surface ruu.-b
like asphalt. Th road authorities Ukiug
tbia binl.evpeiimenied wiiUxr id
rrudepelroltu.n with didereut kinds of
,artb. and aoon learned bow u, make s
firm and water-proof rd bed. t a .mad
expense. Tbe method ha bee wort
fully developed ii the west, and at a re
cent road convention a description was
given, showing that a barrel of u., cost
ing ninety cents, was sufficient fori ft t
of road 12 feet w Ice.
" Only the First Step
is Difficult."
Vie first step in Spring
should be to cleanse Nature's,
house from Winter s accumu
lations.. Hood's Sarsaparilh
does this 'work easily. It is
America's Greatest Spring
Medicine. It purifies the blood,
as millons of people say.
It makes the weak strong, as nervous
rueii and women gl-idly testify. It
cures all blood diseases, as thousands
of cured voluntarily w rite. It is just the
medicine for yon, as you will gladly say
after yon have given it a fair trial.
Ead BlOOd-" Although past 70 years of
age I am thoroughly well. It was three
bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla that made
me to after spending over $1) in medical
attendance. .My trouble was a raw sore on
my ankle." Mas. Locisa Maso-s, Court
Street, Lowell, Mass.
Running Sores-" After worrying four
months I Kve my children Hood's ara
parilla and it cured them of running sores.
HimmI's Pills cured me of dyspepsia and
constipation.1 Mas. Kate fc. Thomas, iil
t iovernor St.. Annaxlis, Md.
Consumptive COUeh - " Five years
ago 1 had a constinpu e congh which re
duced me to a skeleton. Was advised to
take HimkI's SarsapMrilia which I did arid
recovered normal health. I have been well
ever since." Matilda Bkiix;ewathk, for.
JVarl and Chestnut Sts, Jeffcrvoiiville, Ind.
H1 Kills rnr ll'rr UK th non irr!tt in and
Lnly rtiiartr to tk. with Hood' Sarpjirill.
Oiir mtslera ImprortJ
Knitting Uavblue kuita
auTUOtif. A riilid can
cpcnila- it; li.fHitlt bra
iwr Iti in. ile. KnllsstiM-b
jngs complete, ribbed r pUlDa
Cissp, rrt:ticsl, &2;'t fcrsa.
Pauit leof work t lilootxtol
catalogue free. Agu. waiiUni.
t. O. fcox BCi FITTSBURO. PA
or Price.
wlich exerts the most influence
with you ?
Does it matter to you WHERE
you hay, so you buy best ?
We're depending on the advant
agc-to-your part to win.
Determined to make that feature
so forceful, convincing, overwhelm
ing, that in your own interest you'll
want to buy here.
An experienced mail order de
partment to give you prompt, care
ful attention when you 3end.
Think of it nearly 5 acres of
store filled wiili new goods.
All here that's to be found any
where many, many styles here
you'll find nowhere else.
Nothing like the variety of choice
things here ever shown bef ire.
New wash goods aal novelties
8c to $1 25.
Splendid line new prettv Madras
20c yd.
Other Madras Giugl.ams 10c to
Choice American Fercales i 2 l-2c
Extensive variety fine Dress Cot
ton, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c.
Special libes new drcs?y Dress
Goods 35c, 50o, T5c silks 50c,
75c, $1.00.
Let goods and prices prove what
a broad, liberal basis we're mer
chandising on.
Do us the favor when writing for
samples, to give an idea of your
preference what kiuds styles
for what purpose plain or fancy
silks etc so we'll bo sme to in
clude the exact samples you waut.
Allegheny, Pa.
v j v v I ! i ! . :
Queensware, Lamps, Station.
st '
pnniucs 01 tue mills. Ample selec-
S tiolvht, Plain and Kiu-
all rrit;M .from 111 Mnta
a Joy Forever." We are amply pre- t
us or pureha-e frotn us iu annro-
. i t
dm. -a- I
ail kinds of Machines.
tlip worluny of the
Great Majestic Steel and Malleable Iron H,in
at our store.
We will show you how to bake biscuit Lrov;n
top and bottom1 in three minutes ;
how to cool: with one-half the fuel you now
and show you an article
that j if properly treated, will last a Uptime
Hot Biscuit anl Coffee served every day from
FEB. 27th to March 4th.
408 Main Street, Somerset, Pa.
Our stock is complete. All goods guaranteed.
ST Our Specialties:
JE: Fine Box Stationery, "Aloha" Brand.
t Delicious
Spaikliag Tcc-Co!d Soda pure and refreshing 3
with a numerous variety of flavors. '
Imported -and Domestic Brands of Cigars constantly q
on hand. 4
G. W. BENFORD, Manager
r-PtiMic station for Long Distance Telephone to all points in th 3
g- U. S. Rates moderate. Sunday pay sUtion at Ootel Vaunear.
-A if f
Jos. Home & Co.
Thoughts of Easter.
Kawter coming on the first Sunday in
April this year there isn't so much time
for you to make your selections for the
Kaster outfit. Some hints follow of new
Preis Gout's and Silks.
Pretty All Wool Venetian Suitings in
grays, browns, greens and blue raised ef
fects; navy rough-and-ready Cheviot
Serge, the two 38 to M inches wide, and
both offered at the very low price of
45s a yd.
100 pieces of Vigoreatix Popelines, two-
Wine Venetians and Melange Whipcords
in the new spring colorings of castor.
gray, greeu and blue, 45 incbes.wide
$1.00 a yd.
Imported Vigoreaus Eping!ine, Diag
onal t'overts, Faucy Mixed Popeliuea,
gray, b-own, blue and tbe new di st
shades are arnong-the ne.v arrivals, 15 to
ia inches wide
$1.25 a yard.
Spring Silks.
Tolii you about some new silks 'sst
week, but a little repetition will do no
hurt. You are probably interest, d in
silks more than you are io dress good.
1.) pieces Imported FaDcy Silks, colon
of rces. liht blue. pink, heliotrope acd
jiL-per, at
45c a yd.
Some new 21-inch Roulard Silk.
24 inch India Silks, hatidaorue and su
perb jtialitiea at
35c a yard.
WUh you'd atk n about onr new TiW
Made(lo.wna. We have the latest rrM.
tiona commencing at 10 00 up. Of etiurse
you want samples of tbe silks aud the
uresa gocm. l,et us bear from jou, please.
Pitlsbu-g, Pj.
Cu! Flowers. Pol ed Finis,
lso all.kinds of Arthtie Fh ia' D-wigns
can be furnished on short notice. Bell
Telephone at our store.
Atln'f Stnhl. Ftnrbt,
Ji'hHstotcH, I'a.
LIQUOR Ann npttiM MantTC
V Rot all 4itmai anMia huiia. h.
tts, rsi hiaith uM o. kricMeaa tha
lct ana fits . tar taMMaa.
THK iiVLV K. r T IV.t.n
t .. 11 VtT r-k.HliSVl.TtlRa
Theltwlrtautt.4246Fif1hA.IKshur.a f
mtm.wrl'xi loi.r.v.roi.l n f rVrits FrvaVt an4 hm aH-knol t rr.i ilmru lurt
ai.nyaaMlathauiLrkr. FrirU ( l.irh l4.
caiwu u sl ra,4 b muul miU mtm tMt-a
'"! ral mtIm la pm-mr-T mm vnr. lia.
1'U ' klllm7iZ U lHLQXGOLD, Slftfc, Terk, rm.
m r
Wanted-fin IdeaSSSj. B. Holderbailffl
W nl JUH X KLL'EkCRM Co aia,v
invited Io uiiness
Confections in Original Packages. 3
To lake at any time.
It's more than a trouble if tbe kitchen
stove does not perform its part ot
the work satisfactorily.
do itf ir woik in a n icttr sy U r th
housekrerer. They are rottd for tbt
cleanliness economy and durability
Good bakers perfect roasters wili
do everything you want them to do
old with that understanding.
James B. Holdeibaum
Eils"" Imperial Plow,
Made at Canton, Ohio, the best plow
on earth, can now be seen at J. &
Holder baum's Hardware Stors,
Light to handle and very durabia
Steel Bar Lever
Spike Tooth Harrows.
Steel Bar Lever
Spring Tooth Harrow With Wheels
Old Style
Wood Frame Harrows,
plated front and under frame with wash
ers to protect bolt heads.
Steel Bar Lever
Corn and Garden Cultivators,
five, seven and nine sboveis, ith Hir
ers and w coders.
T Bar Steel Pulveriier Land Roller.
Corn Planters,
rith fertilizing attachment.
Chairpion Hay Rakes.
Farmers' Favorite Grain Drill.
KcCormick's Mowers and Binders.
Engines, Saw Mills and
Just Unloaded tor Spring Trail.
i Car Wire Nail.
i Barbed and 5mooth V"ite'
I " Imperial Plows.
i Harrows,
i " Kramer Wagons.
I " Spring Wajons.
5 Buzz' Carriages.
Call and examine nay stock befor 7a
Disc Harrows,
t vi
i .1.
i :.:r
f - ,
I 1
! -
afc Wuiiict4. D. 0 f. tlwrtr .ju pnam oaar