The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 22, 1899, Image 4

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He Had a rrcwi Tfcat Terrlel ma
laara Tt Siartle His Iapila. ,
Tfce Iy e IJowWey raw SpI
AKiat HI Will.
A writer in The Ssroan bas tin
silht'd an anin.siiigauTlitleif Thomas
:r!lf as a country 'Mniiiiuie," for
tbe accuracy e,f wbich lie vcocht?s. It
was told in Ly Ccpr Fife Uw-
jtr auJ jicvortwhc Lad been cue cf
turhle' tupUs at Kirkcaldy, to the
vxiu-T sud Hofcb .Miller. The iutrrtif
tf ibis jrentkusau'r rejninioeiice of
Lis schoolmaster was heightened by bis
Btter UJieonsciontDtfe that his old do
t:inie wen the Thomas Carlyle who was
thfti IccinciuR to he known to fame.
The old gentleman described the older
rat-ecf Scntrii-h school masters as always
ctring K-bl bocrs wearing their hat
at least keeping their bead covered
end ttinny of the boys, viewing the pe
culicr rJe at which the hat stood op
in the Lead and how near it cau;e to the
ytLrows. could coiijectore if the fcaT
ne it,ml v.tre t ho that day predomi
nant. "Hut luy teacher," fcaid the ptoviit,
"a rtrict aiid ItMiuiy tiineijiliuariau
v ith the name tit Catlyle, never wore
Lis Lat in the school, and iudeed bis
Irow was eocverhnng with dark threat
ening that 110 xtra exprei-eieu to al:;rm
Kg was needed from bis Jam 1-at! He uot tbratli c either very often or
very rerely, but we had a fear that,
if f roveked, he would gd great letiptba
in pouithiueiJt. 1 have seen Lis mere
scowl bush tt once the whole school."
Hugh Miller here interposed by atk
it)?. "Lid yocr tear.ber ever burst into
etrauge laoh in school:-"
'That is very eld question." re
turned the rrovoet. "Why do you ack?
Hot now tUt J rerueiubiT, be bwd at
times a verv exttaortiiuary lanph that
made o ai! It bad a train cf
;bwr chccklioK which exploded in a
foccey-iouof loud and deep guffaws that
shook Li w hele boily ud displayed U
Lis teeth like the keys of a piano. He
then clapred his Lauds cn the Look he
btld apaiiitt Lis knees. Yet none of os
liever knew it what be was Iaut;hins.
He hod a prim nuile in reproviuc pupils
bud a babit cf tapping their Leads with
Lis knurklf $ ok be t.ld tbsiu 'that the
1,. ads would never be worih the price
,f huts or the cLalfcof a butUr, though
limuiinu.i and aunts LmJ that UiOltiiuK
n.uilnl, kissed and thtUi, as if
they were, timing with the eublimei-t
inventicnE tnd ieij;iii!"
The provott eaw th8f Huph Miller
and aon.e other gnet.ts were listening
raperly. and be proceeded :
"One incruing, a fewtninotes btfort.
the school beor, when most cf the pu
pils bad arrived, cud, as rain was tail
ing, they had gone into the bool, a
donkey, which Lad broken loct-e from
its tetbtr vu a spot near, was en
teritig the playground. Cill Hood and 1
were so fur cu our way, and bill, who
was a stout and frolicsome lad the
rhieleadir in many sports and tricks
rnshed to mount the animal and began
to guide and force it into the school.
"With desperate spurring the donkey
was induced to curry its rider over the
threshhold, and what a reception both
t t them pot from the juvenilis crowds!
l'-ags of books were at once fastened to
the tail aud around the neck cf the as,
iiud so biy wer3 Eill aud half a dozen
(oinpauious in urging the animal tea
tauter around the school aud to ascend
the short stair of tbe master's deKk that
they did tot notice bow time was speed
ing, aud btfere tley could remove the
ttianper Mr. Carlyle appeared.
" We expi-cted a trt mendous explosion
tif wrath, Lut Le Lnrst into a roar of
laughter such a roar, however, as, iu-uti-ad
of tempting cs to join iu it, pro-iluc-ed
a sudden and complete huh, and
that roj:r was renewed ayain aud again
wheu the ass, withdrawing its forefeet
f roui the first step of the dik stair i.ud
turning round, tiKii a pace cr two slow
ly toward the master as if to salute biui.
" 'That,' exclaiaied Carlyle, is the
wisest and best stholar Kirkcaldy has
yet sent me. He i.i fit to be yonr teach
er.' He tapped the donkey's bead as be
was wont to do ours aud said, 'There's
(something here far more than in the
skulls of any of bis brethren before me,
though these skulls are patted iu foiid
adiniratieu by papas and mammas, aud
thoughtbat far grander headpiece meets
ri!y with merciless blows.
"He then gave some hard taps on
Bill Hood's bead, aud would not allow
Liiu to dismount, but for a penalty or
dered Lim to ride tip aud dowu the
school for an hour, while those hoys
who bad been most active in helping
litli to go through the farce Lad to
march in pairs before and behind the
perplexed looking ass. He did not re
inire the other scholars to attend to
their several school lessons, but silently
permitted them to stand as spectator
t;f the grotesque procession. Tbeu be
hi uj self, seated within bis pulnitlika
desk, surveyed Bill and bis company.
"I have not for years thought of this
eceue," continued the provost, "but it
lias now come back to me freely, and
I remember that my old master bad a
very strange laugh. J don't know what
Las become of biiu, nor indeed have I
beard of biui since J left Kirkcaldy
Xo Ops a Datrm.
"Yon have an elegant and spacious
Lome," said the pastor. "You bars
books, a piauo, a daughter who can
sing and play and everything to make
Lome alluring. Why don't yon throw
your bouse cpen some evening in the
week for the benefit of the homeless
' young men? Yon nnht save many a
vue from the clah uud the saloon."
"Young men?" said the wealthy
member. ''There's one of them who
comes to my house six evenings iu tea
week. What are yon talking about,
ioctor?" Chicago Tribune.
Whea Mtada Are ErlpMeat.
Swift was 9 when bis brain gave
birth to "Gulliver's Travels."
&ir Walter Scctt was 44 when bis
"Waverley" ciade its appearance, and
cearly all thoe storiei which Lave con
ferred lasting farnevpon bin were com
posed after the age of 43.
11 U ton's mind rose to its highest ca
pacity when the blind poet was between
64 aud 5 it was at this period of bis
existence when be offered to the world
" Paradise Lost. "
Cowper had turned the taif c?ntnry
when he wrota "The Task" aud "John
Gilpin," and Do Foe was within two
years of 60 wheu he published "Rcbia
ton Crusoe. "
Thomas Hood's "The rfctig cf the
Shirt" aud "The Bridge of fcitfhs" were
written when be was 40
Loo? fellow wrote " Hiawatha" at 4S
aud Oliver Wendell Hfiroes gave us
"Songs In Many Keys" wheu be bad
tasked bis fifty-fifth tirthdj.T
George Eliot was near Ltr fiftieth
year when she wrote "Middlrinarrh,
and this was succeeded It "Daniel LV
Bacon's greatest work lock 59 years
to mature and J rote's "Hi&tcry cf
Greece" seme years longer.
artiina PeraaalSrd.
"Did I understand yon to say that
.re8 you admired so umch todsv was
a dreanir" inquired Mr. Sruoktbart.
"Yes," answered bis wife hopefully
"Well," be proceeded very kindly,
"yon keep yonr niiud on it when yoq
0 to sleep tonight, aud mayleyou will
iream cna ef yonr own." Washington
"Yon know." said the collector
rather plaintively, 'yea said that you
would pay me if I came today."
"Well, "answered Mr. Bildew, "yon
inast bear in miud that bemaa nature
is human natura The best of ns some
times say things that we are sorry for."
Waaiiinetcn S'ar.
rhrlatiaaa Gltta Far Mother.
DM yon ever si.r to ttink how close
ly mother is identified with all onr
plans for Christmas? When she is not
filled with the Christmas spirit, it is
apt to be a creary holiday, but when
the loves Christmas there is joy and
gladness in the home, no matter how
the other members of the family may
bave felt about it or how poor the home
may be. But, while tb mother is really
made respousihle for the Christmas
merrymaking, how seldom are her
pleasures considered? That is not at all
a-i it should be. and i want to suggest
tiat tue couiicg Christmas shall be cju-biderc-d
mctuer's txclutive Loliduy. If
the other members uf the family can
possibly do so. tbey should relieve ber
of ail household car during that day.
Think bow she would enjoy a Christ
mas dinner, planned and cocked by the
members of her family, aud its xuena
kept a secret from fcer nrtil the moment
when she was escorted to the seat of
But not only must mother be relieved
of all responsibility bo far as the Christ
mas entertainment is concerned; she
uirst also Le the one to receive the
injst t:i,s- If but one member of the
family can have a Christmas gift, let it
be mother. Without doubt she has goiie
without many and many a time tbst
Iho children's stockings might be filled.
Colored Waaaea la CI aba.
The club movement among colored
women liegau about eight years ago, and
rha number cf clubs Las increased to
such an extent that there is now a Na
ticnal l'ederation of Colored Women's
clubs. Mrs. 1- L. Terrell cf Washing
ton, Mrs. Booker T. Washington of
Tiiskegee, Mrs. Josephine Ruflin of Bos
ton, Mrs. L. A. Djvis cf Chicago aud
Mrs. Ellen Cook of Washington are
eotneof the leading women iu this work
cf national organization. This federa
tion bas held four auncul conventions.
The last one was held iu Nashville dur
iug the exposition last year, and the
next ouewili lw held in Chicago during
the summer of 1S!'9. Tbete are about
L'OOclabs in this national federation.
The largest miml-cr cf tneso are, cf
course, in the south.
The plans aud pcrpows of these clubs
aud L-agncs arc model d largely after
the stronger club among white women.
They have had a wonderful influence
en far in supplementing tbework of the
school ami the church in the social bet
termeut of the race These clubs have
a!s i brought to the front aud made use
ful a surprising number of able and
buely equipped women for all kinds cf
reform woik. Chicago Times lieruld.
l.wod Voaa.
Mine. Caruot, widow of the assassi
nated president cf the French republic,
who died recently cf heart disease at
Prctles, was bom in 1843, and original
ly Lore the English name cf Whitb
Marie Pauline Cecile Dupont Whita
she was the daughter cf Charles Brock
Dupont White, the son of a M. Dupont
cf Kouen, w ho, marrying an English wo
man, adopted her name of White. Her
father wac an eminent politie'al econo
mist, the friend cf John Stuart Mill
ami translator of some of Lis works.
Her mother, au octogenarian, who is
still livinc, was the daughter of a great
Paris builder. Wheu Marie Dupont
White became the wife of ifadi Carnot,
he was a mere civil engineer in the
government service. To ber influence is
attributed his entry, in 1870, into po
litical life. On bis election to the presi
dency she set a new example by her in
terest iu the uufortauate aud her liberal
benefactions. She refused a pension
after bis tragio death and took the sum
subscribed ly Frenchwomen for a mon
ument t M. Carnot to found annual
grants for deserving widows. She leaves
thre-e sotis aud a daughter to mourn her.
Womru Bad Iks Kirn luiiuktry.
The last census showed that the in
crease iu tho poultry uud egg business
had bfc-u "'J per cent in the preceding
teu years. From its value then it i es
timated that the egg production aloue
is now worth about tlSO.000,000 a year,
vvheh U three times the value of the
output of the goldmines of the country,
twice us much as the pig iron, aud more
tliiiu half as much, as the wheat product
annually. Yel the. egg and pDultry busi
ness is almost eutiiely in the ban is of
women, l:iJ nobody pays much atten
tion to its value. Most of it is attended
to by bouebvvives, who are classified by
the ceusus as "employed in no gainful
occupatiou. " Commercial and political
fortunes depend oh the gold, iron and
wheat products, while uobody stops to
consult the interests or the wishes of
tha hoiucLeeper, whose egg industry is
only one of her man y waysof contribut
ing to the wealth cf the world. Wom
an's Tribune.
V (intra la City Improvement.
The Municipal Aifairs Magazine has
devoted much space to the work accom
plished Ly women in city improvement
It is a noticeable fact that in all the in
stances mentioned the good has come
through organized effort. The clubwo
men cf Washington induced congress
to give more attention to street improve
nieut &ud the sanitation of slam dis
torts. The Boston clubs joined forces
with men for the bettering of poor
houses, prisons, tenement bouses and
hospitals. New York aud Philadelphia,
pjssess health aud civic leagues thif
have waged successful war on bad
mells, dirty streets and public nui
sauctg generally..
Koaa Boahear'a Laat Fietara,
Mine. Rosa Bonhenr has declared her
intention cf painting one more large
picture auu Las predicted that she feels
that it will be) bet last, as she is over 70
years cf age. It will be a picture of a
large lioness and her cubs.
Two young ladies from Boston called
upon Eosa Bonbeur a few days ago
while iu Paris. She received them In
her garden, where she was leading a
lion cub 1 y a cb&iu and was affection
ately regarding au immense tiger which
roared iu a taga near If.
Hon "Fire" Seeded.
If the beef-teak up gray in the
middle do not scold the cook in conse
quence unless you have taught her
that a frrzen steak requires more fire
and longer cooking than in warmer
weather. It is no extraordinary hap
pening during this cold snap to find
oue'a beefsteak deeply crimson and
raw wiien cut into. Oae good house
keeper has her meat kept in the kitch
en before caokiojr, instead of being
placed in the vault or Ice chest, during
the past week. She says it needs the
atmospheric beat of the kitchen to re
solve the frozen tissues into a normal
state. For a stiffly-frozen beefsteak
the treatment is thawing iu water
i neit lu-r iee water nor hot water.) Be
sure to give plenty of fire to the ateak,
and then when plaoed on the break fant
table it can be cut and eaten without
the delay and disappointment involved
in remanding it to the kitchen, with a
rebuke to the cook.
Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by nil poor dyspeptics whoe
Stomach and Liver are out of order.
AU such ahould know that Dr. King'a
New Life Pills, the wondeiful Stomach
and Liver Ilemedy, gives a spleudid
appetite, sound digestion and a regular
bodily habit that insures perfect health
and great energy. Only 25 cents per
box. Sold at J N. 8nydi-r'8 Drug Htore,
Somerset, IV, and CI. W. Brallier'a
Drug Store, Berlin, Ta.
"This is the toupWt T
tackled. What do you call it, waiter?"
"That's a pigeon, s r."
"Well, I guess It's a clay pigeon,
thea." Yonkers Sn tcsuian.
Penrla Iltaaalved la WU and a Ke.
lar a' Diaaera Far Uark Antaay.
E. H. House, writing cu "Bright
ide of History" in St. .Nicholas, toils
this siory of ancient extravagance:
"The pearl which Cleopatra drank
to Antony's health was valued at nearly
f 40O.OUO, so at one inocthful she dis
posed of as much as the cost of Cali
go!;:' snpper. I suppose that was the
moht valuable pnrl we have any knowl
edge of. Though Julivis CVar owned
one worth J JiO.t uO. which he gave to
the mot tier cf Brutus the smu Brutns
who af:rwurd Lilted to kill Otsar.
Pearls S-tm to Lave held out p"'-'011-lar
temptations to people who took
pleasure in wasteful follis. perhaps be
cause no other jewel could be so easily
"Cleopatra's prank was not the first
of its kind. The same absurdity had
been committed by a silly fellow iu
Kome named j3isop not your favorite
fable teller, for be lived centuries
earlier, aud was a very wise man. The
Komau JEsop was the son of a rich act
or, and, just to make biuieelf talked
aLont, he took a pearl from the eardrop
of Cacilia, the wife of the tyrant Sylla,
aud, according to writers cf that age,
drank it iu vinegar. I Lelieve that the
possibility cf dissolving this kind of
gem is disputed by many modern au
thorities, Lut the ancients appear to
Lave Lad uo doubt on the subject, for
the instances recorded by them were
numerous and were attested by men of
scientific standin?. A Japanese natural
ist, who bas studied pearls minutely,
states that be bas found them of such
various quality aud structure that the
existence cf specimens which might be
melted does not seem to him inconceiv
able. But whether JEscp lifinefied Lis
pearl or not the performance certaiuly
cost him a sum equivalent to $40,000
quite enough, though nothing in com
parison with what Cleopatra squander
ed. Hers was the wildest piece of ex
travagance that 1 con recall.
"It was the fashion to be extravagant
then. Mary Autouy was not far behind
the Egpytian queen iu that respect,
though bis fancy was not for beverages
flavored by trinkets. Substantial food
was more in bis line. A visitor who
once went into the kitchen of Lis palace
iu Alexandria saw eight wild boars
roasting at the same time and thought
there must le an immense number of
guests expected, but the cook told him
only l i persons would dine that day,
aud the reason cf the extensive prepara
tions was that no cue could say exactly
wheu Antony would go to the tarfle.
But wheuevcr be gave the signal the
meat must I a just in proper couditiou
at that moment. So it was the rule to
g-'t ready a series of dinners, overlap
ping one another, you might say, at in
tervals of 15or0 minutes. Only one
could be eaten, and the rest were wasted,
bnt the waste did uot matter. Antony
was never kept waitiug, and that, iu
Lis cpiuiou, was the thing to be consid
The Alleced Efferta ot Tohaeeo aad
Ita Cnorraoai CoaaaniptioB.
Probably no pleasure cf life has bad
its praises so much sung as smokiug.
Here is the other side. Doctors say
tobacco used in excess produces:
Palpitation cf the heart, muscular
tremblings, weakness and paralysis cf
the legs, dizziness cf the head, noises
in the ears, ccld perfpiraticn all over
the body, eclicky pains i.i the stomach.
inability to exert th mind, congested
aud sere throat, I timing of the tongue,
dry end p;:rcieil mouth, tartar and
I IscLli ss cf the teeth, confusion of
i Biitbt, csitrtb of the stomach, catarrh
icn, very bad dyspepria, lopsided
inoctn, nervous anxiety, cancer of the
lips, diminished appetite, pale red
aiia'iuio gams, loss cf memory, emis
sion of every fifth pulse beat, ruin of
the will power, irritability of temper,
extreme aud incurable melancholy, rest
lessees aud sleeplessness, blindness aud
deafness, apoplexy and paralysis, con
vulsions and dtaih.
In the of children it stunts their
growth, wheu a person is consumptive
it fastens his death, when the heart is
weuk it almutrt completely stops the
beating, wheu you have a cough tobac
co keeps it goiug fur wetks, aud it iu
terferes with singing aud swallowing.
Yet about 1,500,000,000 pounds of
it are smoked every year. New Y'ork
Worthy of AVhlatler.
As au artist Jack Gamble is consider
ed as independent as he is successful.
He possesses an unlimited quantity of
candor, upon the expression cf which
he places do restraint. He is much
liked notwithstanding, aud was not
long ago often d a commission to paint
the portrait cf a certain wealthy man,
whose features are more remarkable for
their bloom tbau for their refinement.
Jack critically scanned the broad fea
tures cf his proposed subject
"fpou one couditiou will I paint
you," be declared dramatically.
" What!" gasped the amazed Croesus,
speechless at the effrontery cf this pov
erty stricken artist.
" Yes," pursued Gamble, with easy
grace. "Upon condition that 1 shall be
dl owed to put in a little intelligence."
And the funny part of it was that
7ack got the commission. San Frau-li.-co
News Letter.
"What do they mean by tacking?' "
Joked a young womau ou her first sail
if a youug woman who was on ber sec
jd. "Why," said the wise one in a care
f il whisper, "tacking is just just sail
,u g on the bias, Helen." Exchange.
IHeht ou the Head.
Trainer Hit Lim 1 i Ice a nail.
Pugilist Like a nail?
Tiaiuer Yes; ou the bead. Syracasa
Common Sense Couh Carss.
It is rather hard lines to be told that
the slight, hacking cough, that is so
distressing to the sufferer, is merely a
bad habit
This is often the case, however, and
when it is at all under the control of
the will it should be sternly repressed.
There are few disorders) more teasing
to the nufTerer and to those about him
than this hacking cough, and the cause
of it should be investigated as soon as
possible, so that common sense may .
aid in the cure.
Sometimes the uvula, the pendulous
part of the soft palate, at the hack of
the mouth, becomes relaxed and the
point touches the tongue, producing a
tickling sensation which requires! a
cough to relieve it
A little dry tannic acid put in a quill
and blown on the uvula will contract
it, or half a teas noon ful of the powder
mixed with two te-t spoonful a of glyc
erine, stirred into half a glass of warm
water, should b used as a gargle.
When a severe cold has been taken
and there is a cough, with soreness of
thecheat, grcitcare should he taken iu
soaking the feet and rubbing the fhetd
with camphorated oil, etc, to avoid an
atttrf k of bronchitis. Hut for the little
aggravating hacking cough the pre
scribed "stern repression" idea Is the
mo:t common ene inethoJ, as each
cough that Ls "swallowed" or other- '
wise avoided will give the Irritated
ur 'aces (which are kept inflamed by
repeated coughing) a better chance to
hel. I
Diphtheria relieved in twenty ruin.
ut-:i. Almost miraculous. Dr. Thomas'
Ultctrio Oil. At any druj store.
Ktnry af lienr fieri hoiea Created Hia
Wnadertal aata.
Eeetbovin's famous composition, the
"Moonlight Sonata," is said to bave
been composed under the following cir
cumstances: One evening, as Beethoven and a
frieud were hurryiug through the
street? of Bonn, tbey beard the familiar
notes of the "Sonata In F."' Something
in Ibe musician's touch attracted the
attention cf Beethoveu, and he stopped
aud listened. Suddenly the music stop
ped, aad !bd dsepaiiing words t.f the
musician came t) them tL rough tho
cpeu window, "Ob, if I could but bear
some really i.od musician play tbu
wondeiful piece!" and tba words ended
iu a sol.
"Let us go in," said Beethoveu.
They entered and fonnd the player a
young girl, poor aud blind. Beethoven
sat down at the old harpsichord and
played as he bad never played before,
liis listeners were spellbound. "Till
us," they begged, "who are you?" For
auswer be played the opening ba:s in
the "Sonata In F." "It is Beethoven!"
they exc laimed in awe aud admiration.
Suddenly the candle flickered and
went cut. Beethoven ceased playing
and bowed his bead upon his baud. His
friend threw open the shutters. A flood
cf beautifcl moonlight en tend the
room. Its transfiguring libt touched
up the poor old instrument and rented
upon the noble figure bowed before it
The profound silence was broken at last
by the musician, w'bosaid: "Listen! I
will improvise a sonata to the moon
light'' Then was created this wonder
ful sonata, beginning iu a sad, tender
movement, the embodiment iu sound of
the geutle moonlight transfiguring and
glorifying the dark earth.
Suddenly the music ceased, and with
a brief farewell Beethoven hurried
home to put upon paper this famous
composition. Philadelphia Saturday
Aa AmaalnK Story of Jrfferaoa km
Rip Van Winkle.
While be was playing Rip Van
Winkle at Chicago JetTerson cure
went to the theater very much exhaust
ed by a long day's fishing ou the lake.
As the enrtaiu rose on the third act it
disclosed the white baired Kip still deep
iu Lis 20 years' nap. Five, 10, 20 min
utes passed aud be did nut awaken. The
audience began to get impatient aud
the prompter uneasy.
The greut actor doubtless kuevv what
be was about, but this was carry in j? the
realistic busiutss too far. The fact was
that all this time Jefferson was really
sleeping the sleep of the just, or rather
of the fisherman who Lad sat eight
hours iu the sun. Finally the gallery
became uproarious, and cue of the
"gods" wanted to knew if there was
going to be "19 years more cf this
snooze business!"
At this point Jefferson began to
suore. This decided tho prompter, who
opeued a small trap beneath 'the stae
aud begau to prod Kip from below. The
fagged comedian fumbled in bis pocket
for an imaginary railway ticket arid
mnttered drowsily, "Going right
through, 'ductor."
At this entirely new reading the au
dience was transfixed with amazement,
wheu all at onco Jefferson Eat up with
a loud shriek, evidently in agony. The
exasperated prompter had "jabbed"
him with a pin. Consciousness cf the
situation came to bim and the play
went ou after that with a rush. Phila
delphia Pott.
A ItludinK Chloeae Oath.
Wo are accustomed to all manner cf
swearihg that is, cf course, legal oath
taking iu this country, Lut we do not
recollect bearing of so queer a medium
of attestation r.s a "guillotined black
cockatoo." That is what the police of
a country district iu New South Wales
bad to provide the other day for a fin
icking Chiuamau, who obstinately de
clined to swear on anything else. Head
less fowls were brought, but in vaiu.
Even a black swan, a luxury surely for
a Chinese witness, was decliued.
After many days a dead cockatoo of
the required hue was discovered in a
but of cue of the ether "heathen," as
they call the Celestials, who mulcted
the officials 10 shillings for a fast decom
posing bird. Then the solemn and pe
culiar oath was duly administered, wheu
the diRicult witness blandly declared
that be knew nothing about the case
aud s;it down smiling. Loudon Chron
icle. Keied Ceoarranhy-.
A correspondent reports an occurrence
which took place at a night school.
"Wi'l'ams," asked the instructor,
"which is the largest island iu the
"It's either Asia or Africa," replied
the youug mau to whom the question
was addressed.
"I am speaking cf islauds, Williams.
Those are continents."
"I think uot, sir," drawled Wil
liams. "When the Suez canal was cut,
it made islands of both of 'em, sir.
Come to think cf it, sif, the largest is
Asia aud Europe. It's all one piece of
ground." Yuuth'g Companion.
liia r'trat Client.
Iu an address delivered at Hartford
the Rev. Dr. Edward Evert tt Hale told
the story of James Russell Lowell's first
llient as Lowell. Lad told it to bim.
Lowell bad hardly opened his law office
when a stranger appeared. The yonug
lawyer deferentially offered bim a
Lbair, lock cut bis notebook, talked cf
the weather, aud when he finally came
to business found the stranger was a
bill collector.
"What will be the cost of the war?"
asked lueeu Augusta when French and
(itrn ai.s grew belligerent. "Ouly a
Naiioleou, " replied Bismarck.
A fine ostrich is calculated to yiuld
2,000 v oi til cf feathers.
"I Should Snicker.'
Edward Ilemenyi, the master violin
ist, whose death last spring aniicted
the musical world, mid that w hen he
made Lis first tour in this country he
worked incessantly to acquire a knowl
edge of our language, and succeeded
fairly well. At Detroit he was particu
larly puzzled. , II; gave a performance
and met with a, vtry cordial reception.
Next morning's rejxirt said: "An ugly
little how-legged chap, whoce clothes
hung loosely alxiut his ungainly per
son, w a Idled to the footlights, but,
Makes' alive! how he did play the fid
dler' "I couldn't make out what that
'sakes alive' meant," said the violin
ist, "si I timidly approached a gentle
manly citiz-.-n, told hi.u my inability to
grasp the meaning of the slang, and
asked him if the ex.pres-.ioii was in
tended to 1 complimentary."
" 'I should snicker,' "
"I was more bewildered than ever,
and from that time on ma ie the study
of slang one of my chief occupations."
Front Success.
A Severe Attack.
Cri.-p. Pa., Feb., 7. l W.-Mrs. M 3.
Coleman, of this town states that ber
busWul was attacked w ith a bad case
of dyp?psia, and could uot retain any
Kdt.l foX II couM not sleep ami
was Listing fl-sh very rapidly. He
fin:d!yls?gHn taking Hold's Sarsaparilla
a -id it entirely cur-l hi-n. II took in
all three bottles, aud has not bad any
tr mi Me , front dyspfpsi since. It is
nd in the family as a Fpring niedl-cne.
Rceipts and
Of the DIRECTORS of thi POOR
the County of Somenet, State of
day of December, A. D. 1S1S.
WILLIAM WINTERS, E,., Treasurer of the Toor House and Hou-e of
Employment of Somerset County, Pa., I account the County of
Somerset, State of Pennsylvania, for the year ending the 1:-t day cf
iH cciubcr, A. D. In!S.
1. To amunnt sale an 1 receipts at Fo.r liou
X ic-jouieraeteouiilj- Oit, No. . . W
Total amount
Ou'door Expen ea.
1 By
3 "
4 "
3 -it
7 '
10 14
11 "
li '
amount paid for IUli-f and maintenance out dr
- - JtaiBt-iH!ice i nUdrvn. ! 1KS.1
- liioiHte'a at lHxmont
. mm - W'eniersvlltt-, Children at Polk I. I. Hoa
" rHrwtora' iravelimt exiH-nss
4 u Ju-litV and Constant-'
" " " MflW-ul atlMili-in to outdoor imujx-rs...
k t ( ,nv-) lii ouKl-Mir pauprrs
- m ('jilting for outdoor paupers
- " " Railroad faiv for outdoor paupers
" " " Telegram and affidavit. .- .
Visitor traveling exiH iim
' l'rotiionoturyV and lluti f-
fuld other couutiea -
Expenditures Toor Ilouse Proper.
1 By amount tid for Pry iom1 and clottilng
1 I nri-ts and bedding
a S li.ttt, iloiir and uimt
4 Apnli'liulUT
5 Kish, bee f and bacon -
6 TotnMsco.
7 Sail and aoap
8 ( 'ultra and t-a -
9 Sonaruiid Molaaea....
JO Hire and crackers
11 Krouiim . .-
:io-nd cluew
J:l " Kruit and canned frutL
11 " Tinware ana iiiwnswro
j " Mux and leuilier -
lit ViiK-Hr, hop and onlous
;7 - rosia)!e and sUttionery
is Jiisticin' fee?... -. -
; " Constabl.-i' fiti -
J0 " DruK" and medlt'tl exaniinuliona
il " friiiting
2 . Colli n - ' -
it " imI, oil and matches.
J4 " Hurdwareaud curdinx .
Farm Expense.
1 liy amount paid for Implementu .
2 HlarkAiiiitlumj
3 " Hardware
4 " Fertilizer and lime -.
5 Se!s. plants and trees
li Kretlitaiid thn-shiu -
7 " Hepairxand lumber
K Live (itix'k and p.isture
9 " Krm labor.. . .
1 By amount paid for Stone wnlkK
2 SlHte roof-;
3 I'siinlx and oils
4 l':ieriui! and minling
5 " r ire e-seupe and wreeiis
, " ItriKiirs and lumber .
7 LOor
Extraordinary Expenses.
1 By amount Paid for Muwelmau Fund..
2 Kuruiture
Money"rtld on agreement
Kleetrir lilit
Telephone service
ltee-ord and clerking Heltli nient.
Salary and
By amount paid Direotor
( John
" Hliumaker
Attorney anil Clerk L. t' Col bora
Steward, Willliini Ream
Matron, Id:i Kn m
I'hyxii'iai), H Si. Kimmel.....
Chaplain, Slla Hoover
Treasurer. William Winter ,
Janitor. Kriedline and Beam
Cook. Kriedlin", Siout and l'liilippi..
Uonpital Supt., himou SiuUiiud
1 By am-jaat outsUndlng order of 1J7 (William Kenm) 1H10I 1 10
1 To amount estimate for expense
2 By amount received from !ounly Commissioner on orders..
3 Byamounl unt'Xpeuded lo Ihe credit of the county
Directors' Individual Accounts.
HARRISON GOllX, Poor llou.e Director, in account with Somerset
1 To amount poor hous order Xo. for 1M $ Ir Oil
2 To amount poor liouc order No. HHi, for
3 By oue year' aervlce aa director.-
W. PECK, Poor Ilou.-se Director, in account with Somerset
1 To amount poor house order No. 1V, for
Z To amount poor houe order No 317, for
3 By oue year'a er icea a director
SHOEMAKER, Poor House Director, in account with Som
erset County.
1 To amount oor houe order No. h'i, for
2 To amount rxair t.nuw order No SiS for
3 By one year's services as director
We. the uni!t rsiirn(cl auditors of th county of Somersel. In th Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania. d. re-rtliy, that In pursuance of the' lth section of the Act en! it led, 'An Act relat
ing lo Count ie. Township. JCe.. pei-il tli rth day of Apnl. A. U. s:;i." w. met at the et
of Justice in the county of Somerset, on Urn 2d diy of January A. V lW. and after belli; du
ly SM'orn did audi, adjust and ettle the evenl account retiulreil of u by law. agreeably to
ttie several Act of Asx-mbiy and .uppleirents thereto, aeeoMinp trt the pest of our judgment
and nbilliy. and that the fontioinu are truo and correct utateiiiom of the follow ii r uc
count, vlx:
1. William Winter. F.tq., Treasurer of the Poor House and House of Employment of
Somerset county, with the county of Homentct.
2. Ttie estiuuiie ace-ount.
3. The individual accounts of the liircctors of the Poor and House of Eaiploy n:ent, with
the counly of sioinerwt, all for the year tH.
The said Treasurer and the Din-eU.r were du'y ummoneil to apmr liefore th Auditors
with their biMik and pa( era, and they did appear and pnxluced their book, order, hills,
voucher aud paiier.
In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and teals this 27tb day of January,
A. 1. ls.
Attest :
A. C
D0. T MISS jpji Ud(J(
FOR f899.
Pome of tbere'll daily features Include
A S PORTING PAGE, eontrlboted to by asUilf of the best apnrtlnsT autlinritia.
A STATE PACK, iu which tbe every bappeuniK of interext ia every place iu
Peuoaylvania, Xew Jersey, Delaware and Maryland n told by special dispatches
from our own oorrespondmiU.
A WOMAN'S PAGE, where f very tr.ornlrn: the lateat fasblona and every femi
nine Interest are cleverly dealt with in profusely Illustrated article.
A CABLE PAGE, here tbe doint of our foreign cousins are reproduced in
special cable dispatches.
Included in tbe Sunday Inquirer each week is a colored section, with the best ot
pictures by well-known artiU in brilliant color and softest bsUf-tone. Tbe colored
section of The Sunday Inquirer is not equaled by any other paper.
The Sunday Inquirer Magazine
is contributed to by tbe very best writers, Mich ai Conan Doyle, Rtidyard Kipling,
Robert Barr, Anthony Hiie aud Ian MarLaren. Beaidea tbe brightest of short
stories and serials, there are many article by eminent authorities on subjects relig
ious, mechanical, literary and scientific. Tbcn, too, there are puazles with cash
prizes amounting to fVXJ.OO. If you want to make your wits profitable g the next
Sunday Inquirer. '
If you wut a position in PUiUidelpbia, an INQUIRER WANT AD will tlx it
for yon.
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIREU fa Pennsylvania's leading- newspaper in
influence, enterprise and circulation.
Pood's Mcdlriaal Virtue.
It is tbe belief of many that on the
table there appear leuiedies for almost
every disease. Hence it is froqoeutly
urged tbat crauberries be eateu for ma
laria, radubei and yellow turnips for
p ravel, onions and horse radish to relieve
dropsical swelliug, etc. As it mutter of
fart there is not a food that possesses
tuocgh medicinal virtue to warraut il si
ns"e as a remedy. Moreover, his popu
lar delusion ought to t dispelled, be
cause by too free indulgence iu any one
food, Which the uotiou would cucour
age, the system might be seriously dis-orde-r'iJ.-Ixistou
To Frrskra t arpets.
Tbe woman who baa bad straw mat
tings ou her floor? since early spriug aud
is o-ily now 1 eginuina to put duwu some
cf ber rsrpets iearutd a uew wrinkle
coacriiiu tbe lattr the otber day.
The civ pet maa told Ler: "When
y.nv c!.':tu rarp-.t is down, pet some
irapbrba. pet it ia a w;U':r:ii tan
;iud sprinkle yonr car;etwitu it quite
thoroihly. Tiitn sweep it la Irins rp
ibo uap, aud y-n will le surprised lo
f.nd whiit a briubt, fr. sb be-king carpet
jtu liavt." w YtiU TiiUti
and HO.'SE of EMPLOYMENT ' rf
Pennsylvania, for the year ending Si
bUu account..
i 9.1.5 To
I S, 7
Hi .''
il ji
l"l 1
4" 7
i HO
j:44 SI
4'i Sd
I t ill
HI 71
.i ". !
SJ i
ai i.i
;Ci : -i
1JI (l
O 'J '.
' 47
111 l
In S.)
3 UU t 2, '4 67
' Oil
!. :e',
70 I
7i 17
1 W
VI 7l i
791 n
mi in
12 1 i
1 I II
s W
1.2 I'l
V k i lilt) Tii
S2 I
-"rt 2
to! in
!o 41
21 l.'i
40 (O
70 t
50 00
.VI ll
il) (l
2 i u
j-o l
1:0 i
) U"
4l ui
lHt i
.ill lit
tvi no t 77
! , 125 7tl t 9,l2o
iii. account with Somerset County.
.. 10000 00
f l2!i 7J
S71 24
S liWO 00 $ 100UU 00
IMS 25 Ul
.. '
50 00
50 Ul
14... -
$ 2". 00
2i M
t 60 00 f
cO uo
IS'.S ..
..f 25 00
2.1 0J
50 ft .
30 00
PKTKIt -ll'i:. (t.t.l
JraifcAUAH RHOMist. as:i. V
County Auditors.
JpJi i(( '
j Wben Con'faLle was requested to pot
; bis siguatore to cue of bis pictures, be
auswerea, Hoy, my dear sir, it Is
tigned all ever. " Lei the preacher pie
serve bis personality, aud bis sermon
also wiil be "signed, all over." A num
ber uf Tfcackeray's pen aud ink skAcbes
wera sold uot long since in London,
and, although they lore co monogram
or rixnatora. no oue disputed their pen.
i uiueuesi A true preacher also cannot
be bin.
That which Julia bad seen aud with
his own bauds bandied of. the word cf
j life cuuld never be to any other person
jot! what it was to buu. A preacher
who pots himself into his sermon is os
readily detected iu bis sermon as any
where else. Even bis atmreliemnnu of
i truth, bis waycf looking at it, his fash-
ion of delivering it. is all bis own. Let
' nsiepeat it. His sermon will be"sigutd
lU oer." Homiletic Ueview.
Fits! Golfer I believe I cocld make
some rcouey getting out a cheap golf
Second Golfer Don't do it, man;
tlou't do it. Do yon want (be sacred
lingnape of tbu fnme to become ecru
t.iiu; Jiidiunaeolis Journal.
Sympathy for the Victim.
The Duo Pieime Ml Mr. Shiwe that
this is the third time I have called for
that hi'taud I can't waste my tunc
co"iu;; uere every day.
Intelligent Servant I am sure that
fr Klnuv l.n not wish you to take so
1 much trouble The last t.ra you were
here I heard him say yours ws a sai.
rs-ic of niisdirecud energy. i;-t'ii
Recognized a a LeaJer of Repub
lican Opinion.
The New York Tribune otTers to the
public a nevifpaper which is abso.utely
retirexentative of the bet opinion or the
Republican Prty on all national issue-.
It is d!nitied, strong, complete ana P-
UTh'e i:iy Tribune is H year. The
Weekly, $1. b"t can be obtained, in con
junction with various local rpers, on
more advantajtwais terms. Tho Semi
weekly is t- a vear.
A Newspaper and Magazine both.
The Semi weekly Tribune, printed
Tuedavs and Fridays, is one of thu l-st
eeneral newspapers in the country for a
wide-awake farmer, professional man,
merchant, maun lecturer or mechanic. It
raves tbe necessity of buying' other news
paper. K supplement admirably a l--cal
daily; many people take it iu place of
on". , . .
Tbe agrk'nUural page will cnnt-nn this
year, in addition U) regirlar fKaturs, a
weather review, many descriptions of the
ae-tnal results obtained on small farms,
and otber matters of particular use to
gardeners, fruit growers, farmers, dairy
men and live-stock raisers.
Sloriesof the War With Spain.
During each week the reader will find
a column of "Q'lestions and Answers."
letters from oorresond nt In Iindon
in I Paris; a page devoted to science and
inechanii's; h me interesLs and othe.
things which interest women, including
the "Tribune Sunshine Society;" som
good games of chet'kers; aseries of thrill
ing stories of aWual experiences in th
war with Sphin, written by wildiers and
sailors; ami advance infot maiinti of new
enterprise of importance to manufactur
ers, mechanics and business men.
Market Reports the Standard.
The market reports will lm kept tip to
their present hieh standard. It i tiie in
tention of The Tribune at all times to add
totuetn liatever quotations will render
them of greater value. The tinst i-om
pi intent paid to The Semi weekly Trils
iilie is the fail that it enjoys the subscrip
tions of a lrc number of merchants,
dairymen ami fanners who dingree with
its political se-iuiments, but w ho lind ils
siftirate market reports essential to f'e
proper ontuluct of their Isisiness. It is
always safe to hsik at The Tribune lf'ore
one buys or si lls count rr produce. Om-e
a week there. is special market article
ou one particular t pi.
Pictorial Stipplemmt.
With Fridiy'a ntimlr ther is n Il
lustrated Supplement. 1S to 24 pages,
printed on specialiy tine paper, full of
delightful readins. enlivetie.1 with from
thirty to fifty half tone or other pictures
Every reader admits that this Sup
plement is equal to a magazine in its coti
tents, and better than a maga.ine in be
ing quicker to lay liefore its readers per
fectly fresh discussions of matters which
are attracting attention. Sample conies
of Friday's isue will be sect free on sp
plie-ntion". Tiie SupDlPinent contains two
pages of humor; a fascinating letter from
Ex-Attache, a gentleman bo has served
at many of the great courts of tbe world,
and who speaks of kings, emperors and
noblemen from actual knowledge; book
reviews; short stories; dramatic and mil
sical criticisms: the tine work of great
architects and artists; letters from abroad;
talk on wientilie subjects, new warships,
etc.; gossip by pungent writers; and, ir
fact, thwbole range of higher topics in
which intelligent men and women an
deeply interested, and a profusion of
beautiful illustrations. The Supplement
is the cream of tbe whole week's work in
The Tribune ollice.
Any reader w ho may find it conveni
ent to raise a cluh of subscribers fur The
Semi-weekly Tribune is invjred b di m.
and to send to thi.s oil ice for sample cp
ies, etc.
Cook & Beerits,
Wtln(;hi,', Jim. IlS0
fper bu .
Apples driel, 9
I evaporated tt ...
Apple But'er. per at.....
roil. p'r n
Butter.-, fresh keit, per !b
(creamery, per
. l
-k) to .'
-1 v
.. . AC
Bes?wax, tier n
(vuuom nam, per iu tj vo l.c
suearcure.1 ua'u. per lb ll4c
j side, per . 6tofs
lhiMi:der iv.r ffk ill lo ye
white navv, per bus
tier B
w M
n., I - " ' ' . lr b
'- 1 n.,blwl
roasteil. per
. ll
i I t uiutieriand, per bbl.. ?l in to luv
vera u. ptijiurf ptrLbl $5n to
Cornm.ral, per B .. ...l'se
rOfm per dux .. . .la-
run. lake herring. r' t?T
Honey, white clover.per tt) lVlsi
Lard, per b 7 to lis
I Inie. per bbl .l .i
Molaase. N.O.. per gal. ...
Onions, per bus . 7"i t 51. ia
Potatoes, per bus :U- h.i
1'e.M'tie, evaporated, per to s to !"c
t'ruues, per tk n m hk-
... 1., priuu. ..,.!
Pittabiirs. Per bbl I flu
Salt, J liairy, L bus sucks iv
S " ' s
" 4 bus Kjxks 4:l.o
ma ml alum. ISO sacks r
mapie,per o 6 tow;
iinirted yellow. ter 1 .V
Sugar. whit. . per tt 'rti-tp. c
;rauulatetl, per B a;4-i-.r
Cube, or puivenaet!, per lb '.
Srrup. I r f" ,
( mapie, per gal ...; to 7i
stoneware, k:4Uoo s.
TkIIow, per 4 v. j to ic
Vincar. per at' 31 to
timothy, per bus rlfi-Jl.HO
clover, per bus U-) to 4.u
sJceds. " criniMin, per bu... 4.i)
alfalfa, per bns . t V)
1 " ah;yke, per bus.... . 7..V
Millet, tlennun, per bus 1 -,
I barley, white beantless, per has. 1
J buckwh-Ht, per Ism SV
Grain 1 corn shrl!et. per biis tototv
oats, per bus . c.. e-
rve. Iver hu .
A Feed I wheut, rer bus ""IT.""
bran, per lift
corn aud oats chop, per Bs s.v
flour, roiler process, per bbl 3..S0
Flour. J . , spriug pKieni ana riey
I ihki. Kiwir.. fl .Ml - I 7.
tflour. lower khu! pei Il0ttsi...$lsi-1 trt
I reC, jer luu lbs
Baltimora tmd Ohio Ilailrosd.
Somemt and Cambria Branch.
Johnstown Mall Express. Ruck wood 1110 .
ro., Somerset li:., siovesUiwn liui Uoov
ersville !:., Johnstown l.oO p. m.
Johnstown Accommodation. Rockwood S:ti
p. m., Skimerset 5: '' su.iyestowDii.li7, Uoov
ersviltetUa, Jobcsiowa 7;ui.
Mall. Job natown a.m..H ovrneliie9 19
stovestown s:AJ, Someret lui Kockwood
Kiptw -Johnrtovn 2-2) p. m., noovenivine
4 i. st iye-lown jjomerset S. vl Kock
wood 1:1a.
V. 1. I'Sl'KRWtMip,
O II. MARTIN Hei.ejal.Manj.grr.
caaTcnaj standaho timc
TralTi arrive and depart from the station at
Johnbtown aa follows : .
Western Rxprexs
HrtilnWLern I , nn..
4 ra a. m.
J rh nU wn Ai-e. tim l7it Ton "
Johu-iown u.-0!iiiiiinIjoa..
Vt' ny P.t-i ir.-r '.'..Z
rwiiir r. jl ..
. ".i
. :..)
.. 4 it
. i;il
r-i:i-onrg i-..presi
r'ant 1 A ue. ..".... .Z.
Jonas low n AooummixiaUoiT!
Atlantic F!Tpres
Hea-nbore r. x prvs
A ii.M:i:a Aeooiumodatiua." '.
lm? Kspn- w
M :i i n IJue Kxpre T
Itoona AecoiiuucHlation'.
Mutl K.iprev
Johnstown Aeci)raniiMtaiiou ' Kx press
Fast Uw. 1
p. m.
- 1 W a. tn.
5 :0 "
. . M
.. :
..!' 15
-411 "
U: ii
j.mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmn
jSnyders Pharma
we are sura 10 u&w iu tuuwc najo aure oi getting,
Louther's Drag
Main Street, Somerset, Pa.
This Hcdel Dmg Stcreis Rapidly Bsc:izii?a
Favcrlts with People ia Ssarch :f
Jlcdicines, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Tm
Supporters. Toilet Articles,
1'erfumcs, &c.
Lomlefs PresGriftDSiFafflnili
ind a Fall Line of Optical Good3 always on hand. Froa i
large assortment all can be suited.
da, LAsaar ss. mmm w . " -a .
always on hand. It 13 always a pleasure to display our s
St. t 111 .1 I i
Somerset Lumber Ya:-
elias cmsnsmsTGHAii,
JtASCFACroaia awd Dialer asd Vhouuu akd Rktailiect
Lumlicr and Building Materials.
Hard and Soft Wood
Oak, Poplar, Sidings, Picket, !'
Walnnt, Yellow Pine, Flooring. 8ah. StarEJ
Clierry. KhinKleH, Ioorts Balatitera. Chentiu
LaIIi, lVhilePlne Blinds, Xewel PobIm,
A general IlDeof all grades of Lumber and Building aterial and Rnof.n; e':t
stock. Also, eu famish anything la the line of oar business to order Witi ns"
ble promptness, such as Brackets, odd-slsed.workeU'.
Elias Cunningham,
OHce and lard Opposite S. A C B. B. SUtlor,
W wlj. rornpn-hensiva and reliable market report, able e.lilonal. Intel-
wtentitie hikI niM-lmnlnil lnf-Tin.iti.n. Illutmle-l'.n artieles, humon r s
niMrueliveanU euuriKlnuik ( .every member of every family.
THF WfRAI n BlVf TO" ,h ,"ral new' p"'',lra' "' r'."-,niiii
MC lir-nMLU .i h l;i, v.uir li. inlihors nnd friend, on H""14"" J"r, p."1
Ii...rii!s y.u a I.. 1. ral prles for 'fa m pr.!uef. Ihe eorxlilion f ri"l"' ' Tukr
v.Tr. and is a brilit, uewsy, welcome uud indiVix-nwibie weekly vii'iU" ' -Il
endallorJers to THE HERALD. SOSJCRStT. h.
5Iemorial Work
Manufacturer ij and Dealer In
Eastern Wont Furr.Ut.M on Baort Notlc
me 'm eiiip lai
Also, Ageoi for th WHITE BEONZE !
PMftnt in r . . . . .
I i i. T .r . umai wort Wl
I B..d 11 to thnr luteret to rail at my alio
2 J ., V ' aia win oe iven tbem
s-rtwtiKfartK.n irsnleed In eveiy cve
; ue068 JW' i,nvlt'' atitEiio I t
Whit 8-2, Cr Pwro Zin Moitji-r H.
prrdi.r.dfcj P. . -yt'. A. Firs. !.cl.I
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f.oustitti-tion r. H.nU:(.;.-,llo eth
naw. .4'.v e aa ceil.
Wm, Fa Shaffer.
it if fuiresj a good selected stock and a neatly arranTI
mum to do a brLk buaiucHj. )
Pure Drugs LlL,Ct!;!
Fresh anl good condition. In the way of v ;
T- 1 f?omnrnnrl?niT f
aog not advertised, ask 1
a - i tn.nn r
Optical Goods Call and have your eyes te
Trusses Fitted- All of tho beat and most approved T.-
kept in stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. '
to mtending purcnasers, wnemei tcey dhj
from us or elsewhere.
and your fa.o'ite tcics
TIib Somerset M
Send all Orders to the Herald.
market renorl-e ab e e.lllonal. i"1' .il'l
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Over 0OO
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