The Somerset Herald. CD7&KDSCCLL, Editor and Proprietor. WKDSEfcDAY- .November 16. 18W8- 1tor S ai.UiW" was not loaded. The people stand by a good Presi dent HwalImvi- tarried Imt oue county iu the State Lackawanna. Benson Buhoigh was the banner district in ikntterset county at last week's election. Is some parts of the State on election day the Democrats seem to have polled more rabhits than votes. Onto increases its plurality of last year. The President's State believes in a substantial form of con prat illations. "It was a man hunt," says Senator Quay; and now the man will take a turn at doiDg a little hunting on his own ac count. Indiana used to be called normally Democratic, but it political verdict Hint 1S&2 show an immense improve ment. Stone had s-",uO plurality iu Phila delphia. His neighbors evidently are well acquainted with Wrecker Wana maker. SorND Money States stand firmly against the idea of a second battle for eilver. One s-j-h upheaval of business Is enough. Iowa swings along smoothly in its Tlepublican orbit and maintains its rec ord as one of the foremost Statej in po litical intelligence. Mr. Wanamakkh may now remove the seal of secrecy from his lips and tell us for whom he lias voted. It dido't make any difference any way, as things turned out The venerable Ualusha A. Grow al ways was a popular candidate in Som erset county. He received the largest vote cast for any candidate on the ticket at last week's election. Political leaders who confidently guide their parties to defeat take high rank among those people mentioned by the poet, whose lss would be a dis tinct gain to society at large. The 40:,(M-1 Independents Mr. Wan atuaker so frequently daring the "recent campaign boasted of having hack of him failed to materialize on election day. II probably meant 4J0. Xo President of the Uuited States ever received a more cordial endorse ment by the people in au off year than William Mclviuley on TueJay of last week. And none deserved it more. Chokek laid his dirty hands on the ermine of the judiciary, and the act met a curious fate. It defeated Croker's candidate for Governor, but the upright Judge whom he assailed did not get enough votes for re-election. The Herald congratulates the Ite publican C.mnty Committee and its Chairmin, Mr. II. M. Berkley, upon the result of the late election. Under all the circumstances the KepuMican majority in Somerset county is a very gratifying one. There are some alleged li.'publicarjs and Republican newspapers who are of the opiuiou that Senator Qiay should be defeated for Senator when the Legislature meets. They are the game papers and people who declared all along that the fight this year was on Fenator Quay. Having won, he is en titled to the fruits of his victory. Xow Thanksgiving is near, aud all should preiare to give thanks. Let those who have had matters turn out to suit their taste be thankful that they have so much, and those on the losing eide of life that things are no worse. AUaira are seldom so black that a little thought can not discover something to be thankful for. OovERSon-elect Stjne, on the morning after the election, forwarded to Governor Hastiugs his resignation as a member of Congress, and the Gov ernor promptly called an election for November - Kb to fill the vacancy. V. H. Graham, who was elected to Con gress last week to succeed Colonel Stoue, will probably be elected for the unex pired term without opposition. If what is now said about the Maria Teresa is true, she deserves eventually a high place iu our navy. D?scrted by her crew as a loss, she went to work with an obstinacy aud defliuce of fcts truly feminine, headed for Cat Island, where she anchored and triumphantly saved herself. H.t brief association with Americans seems to have inspired her with the true spirit of Yankee eli te rprise. There seems to be general surprise everywhere, e-p?cially in Xevr York, that election day passed oil" quietly. We evidently are not really aware of how much we have improved in recent years in the standard of our civilization. .Now-a-days election day is not consid ered a day sacred to riot and disorder, and one on which respectable women must seclude themselves from the pub lic streets, or venture forth with fear and trembling. The Pennsylvania delegation in the next Congress will be composed of 20 Republicans and 10 Democrats, a Dem ocratic gain of 7 members, the gains b?ing made in the Eighth district, where Barber defeats Kirkpatrivk; in tie Seventeenth, where Polk beat Kulp; in the Twenty-seveuth, where C W. Stone will be succeeded by Sib ley ; in the Twenty-eighth, where Hal defeat Arnold ; in the Twelfth, where Davenport succeeds Williams ; in the Twenty-sixth, where Gaston defaata Higgins, and in the Nineteenth, where Z-egler wins over Lewis. The districts lost by the Republicans, except the Twelfth aud Twenty-seventh, have a normal Democratic majority, and that party has simply regaiued iu own. A was to be expected, Senator Quay announces that he will be a caudidate for re-election. The character of the campaign just closed left no other course for him to pursue. There is ab solutely no question of his succeeding himself. He will unquestionably be the caucus nominee by a large major ity, and as such he will receive the vot of nearly all those elected on the P-epublicau ticket, including those con trolled by David Martin iu Philadel phia and Senators Mm gee and Fiinn in Allegheny. Mr. John Wanamakerand his Business Men's League will proba lAy aouLuioe their abusive fight on Sen ator Quay till th election in January takes place, but their effort will meet with the same failure as they did at last week's election. The fignres of that election demonstrate one thing with absolute certainty, and that is that the brutal, characterless warfare made against Senator Quay by John Wanamaker was a dismal failure, and that Mr. Wauamaker is very effectu ally retired as a factor in the Republi can polities of this State. SenatorQuay will succeed himself. His friends can rest eay on that score. "When you see the complete returns just notice the ppendid vote given Hon. W. H. Koontz, whom the "Herald" has been vilifying for years." The above item is taken from last week's issue of the "fake" organ of this town, of which Hon. W. H. Koontz is one of the reputed owners. When it accuses the Hekald of vilifying Mr. Koontz it is not happy in its choice of language, Webster says "to vilify is to make vile; to debase; to degrade." But waiving all this, as well as the spirit that could animate a person im mediately after his election to make an untruthful and uncalled for attack on persons who contributed their support to procure that election, we suggest that a careful examination of the re turns will reveal this fact: Hon. W. II. Kooirtz received the vote not only of the Herald's editors but of every Stal wart Republican in Somerset county. The Herald and its Stalwart constit uency make their fight at the prima ries, and always support the successful candidates at the general election. Hence "the splendid vote given Hon. W. II. Koontz." Had the Hekald pursued the same course that the "fake" organ and it owners have almost id. variably pursued, opposing regular Re publican nominees at the general elec tion who were not of their liking, the "vote given H n. W. H. Koontz" would not be so "splendid." See? It was a glorious victory. The Re publican have gained control of the Senate, and they retain the House of Representatives. Their lead in the Sen ate will not be as large as it ought to be, but it will be a lead. Beginning with March 4, 1SK9, the Republicans will have a clear majority in the Senate over all the elements of the opposition. Not since March 4, 1Sj3. have the Re publicans been dominant in that body. At present it is a tie between the Re publicans and the various elements who champion debased currency. This condition will end four months hence. That brauch of Congress which has been in the hands of the unsound mon ey forces during three-fourths of the time since greeiibaekism first became au issue in national politics a quarter of a century ago ill, after March 4 next, be safely in the control of the honest money forces. The victory on the House of Representatives is particu larly gratifying. It was gained in the face of the most virulent and persistent misrepresentation on the part of the Democratic party which has been known iu any canvass in the pat quarter of a century. In ppite of the fact that the Republican party prosecu ted the war against Spain with rare judgment and success it ha been at tacked by the Democrats with a men dacity and malevolence which, hap pily, is seldom seen eveu iu the most tlxs-ly contested aud exciting cam paigns. The Republicans lost a few seaM, as every Republican paper con ceded they would. It is impossible to overcome overconfidence and indifler enee. Still, the majority is sufficiently large to assure the people that the Gov ernment's affairs will be wisely man aged in the delicate situation which confronts the countrv. The Party Wreckers, composed of men claiming to be Republicans, but men whose grievances led them into a campaign against the Republican party, are not without their victories, after all, says the Philadelphia Inqui rer. They were powerless to aid Doc tor S wallow or Mr. Jenks to any mate rial extent, and Colonel Stone was elected. They made deals right and left with Democrat and Swallowcrats for the purpjse of capturing the Legis lature, but they entirely failed of their object There is a Democratic gain iu the Legislature, but there is nearly a two-thirds Republic in majority left, aid Senator Q iay will succeed himself. But while they have elected neither a Democratic Governor nor a Democratic Legislature, they have succeeded iu sending several new Democratic mem bers of Congress to Washington to aid other Democrats in opposing the poli cies of President McKinl;y. While they did not assail Republican candi dates for Congress, except in one in s'auee, we believe, they stirred up strife iu bitter factioual speeches, and iu close districts this was fatal. They went int C. V. Stone's district, and Mr. Stone was beaten. They went into the Lu zerne district and Morgan B. Williams was beaten. They went into the Craw ford district and the Clearfield district aud the Schuylkill and Northampton and Northumberland districts, and the Republican candidates were all defeat ed. The present Pennsylvania delega tion in Congress stands: Republicans, 27; Democrats, 3. The next delegation will stand: Republicans, 2); Demo crats 10. We trust that the Party Wreckers are entirely satisfied with their work. How grandly they stood by McKiuley! Ti'esday of last week was a great day for the Republicans all over the country. Not for the past sixty year, except during the war and reconstruc tion days, when many States were un represented in Congress, did the elec tions occurring in the middle of the presidential term turn out so favorably for the party holding the presidency a they have in the canvass which has just closed. New York went Republi can ty an overwhelming majority. Ohio, which the Democrat were boast ing they would win, hold its old place in the Republican column. New Jer sey, Connecticut, Delaware and West Virginia, which until recently were usually Democratic, gave Republican majorities. In Indiana, Illinois, Min nesota and Michigan, in all of which the Democrats expected to win this year, the Republican have a good m Jority. Kansas, which ha gone again X the party often in recent years, is re deemed. Nebraska, Bryan's home, is back in the fold. Here in Pen nay 1 ra it a Republicanism triumph over its allied foes and deal a death blow to malice, personal spite and misrepre sentation in the election of iu soldier candidate for Governor and the balance of iu State ticket by pluralities of 120, 0J0 and upward in the face of oue of the most remarkable campaigns in the history of the State for iu viieness and abusiveness on the part of the foe of Republicanism unparalleled in the his tory of American politics. But the people of the State have once more made it known that they have no sym pathy with vituperation aud sensation, and have nee more shown their dis gust with and dislike for bargain-counter politics. The wreck of ibe Democ- racy is complete and disaatroua. In every part of the country except the South it was overwhelmingly" beaten. The immense majority which MeKin ley gained in 15 would have been re peated if the presidential election had been held this year. Republicans and friends of good government and honest money every w here have cause for rejoin ing over the victory of last week, and the sky is bright with promise for a still more glorious victory in liJOO. Vardict of tit Xttion. I'ti'ilailelphia Time The verdict of tbe Nation is unmistaka ble and pointa very strongly to the elec tion of a Republican President in lfUO. It means that the present sound financial policy of this Government must not only be maintained, Imt that those wbo are distrusted on the Issue can not be given power. It mean that our economic pol icy shall not be changed ; that liberalized protection for our industries can not be aisturbed ; that enlarged commerce and trade with other countries shall be inau gurated by the expansion of our territory, and that a Republican Congress shall be charged with the duty of aidiDg a Repub lican President to gather the full fruits of our recent war with Spain. Such is tbe verdict of tbe Nation aa given on Tuesday. When every State north of Mason and Dixon's line from the Aroostook mountains of Maine to tbe prairies of tbe west washed by tbe Father of Waters, tail to record a single Demo cratic victory, it. means that the great industrial, commercial and financial in te rents of the Nation are in hearty sym pathy with the present National Admin istration. This verdict, given with em phasis nnder all tbe adverse circumstan ces of a mid -administration campaign, must be accepted aa a deliberate and final judgment on every issue involved. Diphtheria PatienU Saved. New York, Nov. 11. Dr. A. S. Ambler, who is in charge of the Contagious Dis eases Hospital on Kingston avenue, says that he bas been very successful with tbe diphtheria treatment discovered by an Iowa physician. The twenty five known cases of diphtheria. Dr. Ambler states, were submitted to tbe new remedy, and twenty-four of the patients recovered. Tbe ages of tbe patients varied from three to forty years, though in a majority of the case tbe patients were children between three and seven years. The patient who died was six years old. The remedy, Dr. Ambler says, is chlo rine gas, deprived of its suffocating, caus tic and irritating properties. Tbe solu tion is as follows: Zinc chloride, 30 parts ; arseDie chloride, 30 parts; hydrochloride acid, pure, 1 part, and water, 40 part. Tbe two liquids are put into tbe inhaler in tbe proportions of five to one, and wben the liquids combine the chlorine is given otfand used in tbe inhaler. Woman Protceatiag Attorney. Wkst Branch, Mich., Nov. 10.-Mrs. Merria L. Abbott of this city was elected Prosx-uting Attorney of Ogemaw couuty on Tuesday. The couuty went Republi can by over .TO) for Piiigree and elected the entire Republican county ticket ex cept herself and the County clerk. Mrs. Abbott was nominated by tbe Silver Itemocratie County Convention as a joke. She made a canvass of the county such as never was known before. Bright smart taking in appearance and witty in speech, she carriad the electors with her. She says she intends to serve her term, but Attorney General Maynard says she will have to g'it an indorsement from the Supreme Court first, and Dean Hutebings of the law department of the University of Mirhigm says sua is clearly ineligible under the Constitution. Uer successful cnmpiijiti is the greatest surprise of the year. She is not a "new woman" but is thoroughly feminine. Empress' anania 8enieneed. Geneva, Nov. 10. Anarchist Luigi Luccbeui, who assassinated the Empress of Austria in this city on September 10 last, was tried and convicted to day. There was no denial of his guilt but tbe prisoner said that if he had possessed $10 on the morniug of tbe assassination, instead of killingtheKinpressof Austria, be would have started for Italy with the intention of killing King Humbert. ILe added : "It does not matter, however, aa another will kill Humbert shortly." He also said he came to Geneva in order to kill the Duke of Orleans, and remark ed that the Duke would be killed within a year. Cuder the laws of Switzerland capita! punishment is abolished, and the prisoner was consequently sentenced to life im prisonment. Kagea Hot a Candidate. Pittsburg, N v. 10. Senator C. L. Ma gee arrived from Philadelphia shortly after noon to-day. He was seen by a reporter aud when told that bis name had leen very prominently mentioned for the United States aeoatnrship to suc ceed Sena'or M. S. Quay and that there was a rumor that he would be a candi date, be said : "I am not a candidate for the United Slates snnatorship. I have rad some thing in the papers about it and I sup pose that some of my friend have talked about it but I am not a caodidate." When askedif be cared to say whom be would support for the senatorsbip, he said : "I think my position is well under stood. I will be for tbe nominee of the Republican caucus." Populist Defeat In Kaaiat. Topkka, Kan , Nov. 10. Tbe defeat of Jerry Simpson retires from Congress the idol of the Populist party, and the defeat of that party in this, it stronghold, ia re garded by many leaders as tbe end of that organization as a national factor. To-day tbe leaders have been canvass ing the recent defeat, bat tbe future for tbe party is dark and gloomy. Tbey realize that thousand of tanners have deserted tbe org in i action, convinced by the prosperity which prevails nnder a ound mouey policy that tbey do not waut to try the panacea prescribed by Mr. Bryan. Another large faction of tba party, tbey fear, will goto the Democracy, and still another to the Socialist move ment thus practically wiping out the party when tbe issues of 1900 are made up. Cooking Drove Them Insane, New York, Nov. 10. Isaac McKuen Bow ley, aged ?0, and William M. Bow ley, aged 30, father and son, were to-day committed to Bellerne Hospital tor ex amination as to their aauity. Mrs. Bow ley, aged 68, says they are undoubtedly insane, while the father and son say tbey broke up housekeeping and went to live by themselves because they could n 4 stand ner cooking. Tbia Mrs. Bow ley looks upon as proof positive of their insanity. Eaeeiei Simaelf to Death. Parkkksbcro, W. Va, Nov. 1L Dr. W. F. TulTis died this afternoon from shock and exhaustion, caused by a paroxysm of sneezing. Four doctors did everything that aoieooe onuld aaggesc to stop the nexiug. Dr. Tuffi had been normal in every way till the soeeaing spasm came, but he could not control himself, and. after an hour of iaeessaot exertion, died in his wife's arms. lie was married recently. Bheomatiim Cared 1b a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to S days. Its action upou the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The first done greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold at Beuford'a Dreg Store, S uicrnot QUAY. TAXES UP - -THE GAGE OF. BATTLE, Declares Himself a Candidate for Se-Eleo-tioa to tbe U. S. Senate. WILL FKOSECTTE 1SIBE-GIVEES. Senator Quay, before leaving for Flor ida on Wednesday last gave out the fal lowing declaration, over his own signa ture, of his candidacy to succeed himself: "Throughoat the remarkable campaign just closed I declined to give expression to any opinion regarding tbe issues in volved, or the methods resorted to by the enemies of Republicanism, though per sistently urged to peak. It may not 1 out of plaee to briefly do so, now that tbt battle ia over and tbe vitory won. There bas never been such a contest in Penn sylvania, or any other Commonwealth. Those engaged in tbe waifare against tbe Republican candidates and against those conspicuous in tbe councils of the party cast issues and principles to the four winds, and tbe contest was a man bunt pure and simple. Vilification and mis representation took the place of argu ment and logic, and the passion of man was appealed to rather than his reason. "Never In the history ot American pol itics did personal abuse reach such a high tide of development not even in the days of Alexander Hamilton, who was bound ed by malicious enemies as no man in po litical life bad ever been before. Tbe res ult in Pennsylvania is not only person ally gratifying to me, bnt it must be to every fair-minded Republican in the State. The sovereign people have, by their emphatic verdict, net tbe seal of condemnation upon tbe hideous methods of campaigning resorted to in tbe late contest by the enemies of tbe Republican party. Tbe falsifier, tbe scandalmonger, tbe libeler, have been repudiated by the people, and never again will tbe present generation witness the performances of this brood of character assassiua. CLAIMS A SAFE MAJORITY. "Despite tbe extraordinary efforts to defeat Republican candidates for the Leg islature, which have been successful in a number of counties, the General As sembly will be overwhelmingly Repub lican, tbe political complexion of tbe two bodies being as follows: Senate Repub licans, 3S; Democrats,. 12. House Re publicans, 127; Democrat, 74; Indepen dents, 3. Tbe Legislature will comprise, therefore, I'm Republicans, Sti Democrats and 3 Independents, a Republican ma jority on joint ballot of 76, or nearly two thirds. "Regarding the United Slates Senator; ship, I can inily say this: All of my friends have been aware of my personal antipathy to another term in the Senate, but those prominent in the late crusade against the Republican State and legisla tive candidates chose to force tbe issue. Tbey have made it imperative that I shall le a candidate for re election. Tbe gge of battle is accepted. Tbe result is in the hands of the Republican members of the incoming Legislature, very large pro portion of whom are my political and personal frieuds. if the result there can be no possible doubt WILL PROSECUTE 1IR1BK - Ol VKRS. "Throughout tbe campaign jost closed enormous sums of money were used to defeat Republican legislative candidate. I have no doubt efforts will be made to tamper with some of tbe members-elect but tbey will not be Riiccefiil. The at tempt to purchase the United States Sen atorsbip two years ago did not succeed then, nor will a similar attempt succeed no-, bargain -counter methods having bren repudiated by the people of this State. Should, however, any attempt l made to bribe legislators-ele, the same leniency will not be shown as in the Van Valkeuburg case. "That there may lie no mistake regard ing my position in this matter, I hereby offer a reward of f 10,000 for information leading to tbe arrest and conviction of any one endeavoring to bribe any State Senator or Representative - elect. Tbe money for payment of this reward is o deposit with George A ILihu A Sont. bankers and brokers, Philadelphia." Election Kotei. The reporU from North Carolina this week are highly colored. . Pennsylvania selected a precious Stone to ornament ber brightest jewet . . The list of political victims now In cludes the name of Jerry Simpson. - . The Philadelphia Record, in the bitter ness of defeat calls Dr. "Swallow a Quay decoy duck. Bargain-counter politics are at a dis count. Tbe United Statns Senatorahip will not g ) to Philadelphia this year. . . Many of Mr. V'anamaker's 400 (thous and) were driven back into the party line by the fear that tbe Democrats would win. Dr. Sivallow. . Lancaster couuty 's plurality of WOO for Stone is tbe largest ever given in the county's history to a gubernatorial candi date in a live contest . So closely contested was the election in Nebraska that at least two members elect of tbe legislature won their seaU by a single vole. e Ohio gave President McKiuley a splend id endorsement It ia evidently very proud of tbe President, and he is a good man who is worthy of its support. Tbe next lime Dr. Swallow appears as a elown on the political platform he should add "Tboo shalt not bear false witness" to the other planks in his platform. He may then -'o better. Beaeom oa School Moneys. State Treasurer James S. Beaeom ia in an ugly humor over the reported utter ances of Senator Kauffmau and other stump speakers charging tbe treasury de partment with withholding public school funds. 'Mr Beacom authorized tbe fol lowing statement : "If Senator Kauffinan made such a statement he wilfully and maliciously lied. I say now positively that in no sin gle case bas an officer of a school board made it known to either tha school de partment or the treasury department that money was needed in his district for school purposes that tbe money has not been promptly paid either in whole or in part. The school appropriation, amount ing to $5,o00,000, falls due in June, and is iutended for the use of tbe schools not lor Jane, but for tbe school year. In June there ia generally a balance of three or four millions in tbe treasury, snd it does not require much of a mathematician to see that seven millions can not be paid at once with three or four millions, nor does tbe law intend that it shall tie paid at once. "N matter who is Governor, I will run that department according to my own notions of the law and my duty to the people at large, aud I court tbe full est investigation from every lying hypo crite who is traveling the State attempt ing to deceive the people iuto the belief that there is a single irregularity." Oar Lettes ia the War 2,313 to Far. Washisoto.v, D. C, November 9 Tbe latest report made to the War Depart ment f-bow the following rasualtie from tbe Lh ginning of the war to fie present: Ditd t:f wouuds riceived iu buule, til enlisted men and 4 olliif rs. Ki'.ed in battle, i.u enlisted men and Stotbcera. Died of disease, 2,4n e till ted men and 0 uiSrer. Total, 2,'.ii0 casualties. SIMPS ?LM 120,000 AND COL. ROOSEVELT'S 1 8,ooo. Botll Hontee of Cosgreie Safely Republican, the Upper Home by i3 axi the Lower by 13. QUAY WINS EASILY. The Kext Legielatare Will Ba-elect Him to the United State Senate. All of New England, New York, Penn sylvania, New Jersey and even little Del aware, " together with the most of tbe great west and the Pacific slope, went Re publican at the recent election. Tbe south was, as usual, Democratic, even Maryland: Ohio increased her majortty of two years ago. The latest information received of the elections held in 42 States shows that iu a general way 24 of tnem were carried by tbe Republican party, fourteen by the Democrats and four by fusionists. In most cases f'is statement Is jased on tbe v.e on the head of the ticket while in a few, wherethere is nosuch result lojudge from, tbe composition of the Legislature or the choice of Congressmen is taken as tbe determiuiug factor. In Borne cases, notably Kansas and Utah, the returns are so incomplete and 'be contests are so close that present reports are subject to revision. Tbe States apparently carried by the fusionists are Colorado, Nebraska, Idaho, Minnesota aud Montana. Tbe other thirty -seven are divided between the Re publican and Democratic parties as fol lows: REPCRLR'A!. California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illi nois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey. New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Washing ton, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyo miug. DEMOCRATIC. Alabama, Arkausas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Mis souri, North Carolina, S'Hith Carolina Teuuessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia. Theodore Roosevelt's plurality for gov ernor of New York state now seems to be somewhere about 17,0"0. The legislature will probably have a republican majority of thirty ou joint ballot the senate staud iug 27 republican to 2 detucrat, and the assembly 88 republicans to C2 demo crats. COMPLETE VOTE IX THE STATE. The complete canvass, though uot offi cial in every county, of -he vote for gov ernor gives Sums a plurality of lla,'t over Jenks. Stone, however, has less than tbe combined vote of Jenks and Swallow. The vote for the three leading cindidates amounts to UiS.SKi, making it tbe heaviest vote ever polled for governor. It bas bten exceeded only in tbe presi dential elections of ism, i,si2 and Dr. Swallow carried but one county, Lackawanna, u here he has a plurality of 5il over Stone. In 1"7 be carried ten counties. Stoue carrisd So counties and Jenks SI. Swallow was third in every county except L'ickawauna. KKI'VBLICASS HAVE COXORKSS. Tbe Republicans apparently have elect ed a bare majority of the members of te uatii ual house of representatives. On the lace of the latest returns they have lso, the democrats loo aud the populists 6, giving the republicans a majority of thir teen ov er the combined vote of the demo crats aud populists. This will enable them to organize the house aud re-elect Speaker Reed. There are several districts in w bich the republicans may still make gains w hich may increase their majority. Of the members elected to the Fifty sixth congress 144 have declared for the free coiuage of silver or have been elected on free-silver platforms. SEX ATE REPUBLICAN BY 12. Returns on the legislative tickets iu all tbe states indicate that tbe complexion of the next United Slates Senate w ill be aa follows; Republican, 01 ; Democrats, 2 ; Populists 0; Silver Democrats 4; Doubt ful 2. Giving tbe Republicans a clear majority of 12 over all. gUAT AS EASY WINNER. Latent returns from tbe State show that Seuator Quay has secured an overwhelm ing majority of tbe Legislatuie. The only fusion candidate wbo ran against tbe (nay men aud succeeded in being elected are Samuel K. Stewart and Harry K. Stall, in Blair coo my. and II. Frank Walston, John B. Randall. 11 u miner E. Jeffries and John W. Pratt in Chester county. At present it looks as though Senator Quay's re elecion to the United Slates Senate would be prsctically unopposed. The Democrats have made gains in tbe Legislature. At the last session, at the adjournment the party lines were divid ed as follows : In the Senate Republicans, 43; Demo crats, 6; vacant, I. In the house Republicans, 107; Demo crats 32, vacaut 5. Tbe totals in both bouses were : Repub licans, 210 ; Democrats 3S ; vacaut, 6; or a Republican minority of 172 on joint bal lot. In the Legislature just eiected the Sen ate will stand: Republicans, 33; Demo crats, 12, a Democratic gain of 6. Tbe House will stand: Republicans, 12t; Di tn oerats, 76; Independents, 2, a Domocratiu giinof 3H. On joint ballot the Republi cans will have a majority of 74. The Minister Confeieed. Wichita, Kan , Nov. 13. While stand ing on one of tbe main streets of this place to-day begging sinners to come into the fold, Taller Uhoades, a Methodist minis ter, was arrested charged with being an outlaw. When the warrant was read to him he broke down and sobbed. He bad just returned from South Dakota and was highly respected here. His parents are wealthy. When taken to j lil be confessed that be was guilty of the charges. Four years ago be was the leader of one of tbe worst gangs of outlaws that ever rode over the Indian Territory. : 'i I Jos. Home & Co. : Our buyer spent last week in New York and his practical eye happened on some appreciable val ues in Cloth C's and Capes. They are here and we share our advant ee with you in pricing them be low their worth. Tbey are tbe stj lih, warm aud com fort able kind, ho natty for bracing s)d weather. A wide wale BUck Chevi ot Jacket, made in reefer style and lined throughout w ith black ratio priced at $10 00. Nobby Black Kersey Jacket, made with shield front and military collar, lined throughout w ith black sal in priced at J12 00. Another Wide Wale Black Cheviot, double breast tsl and cutaway Jacket, with lapp ed aniii and vell collar all lined priced at 1" 00. Kxceodingly nandsome Black Kereey Jacket 22 inches long fly front velvet collar all black satin lined priced at f 10.00, The Comfortable Golf Capes. We asert without fear of contra diction that no tailor for women ever evolved a more comfortable winter garment than tbe plaid black goif cape, and you can get one for such a very little amount. See tbe following: A big line of splendid Rng (ioll Capee, made from Sra.u b I'l lis, a real neewv-it y for winter travel or Horniv we.ther. priofsi a l- llows: fM 00. 15 oil. 1S ( and JtH M Our Imea v( ebginl Imported ri,.,'i.r nmire w-nf. i-lsiit but handioni cspea f.,r eldetly women and the mnet prolioui c d sty I. a of lota a..U J.ii kt-l-, are coopirl-. X 525 527 P.iw A, r.rTS3'JG, Pt 1 $ ---a-- .mm a - r'toember the namS 1 SHERIFF'S SALE! Py virtue of sundry wnta of Fieri Facias, -H.t l.....4tti..r.l L . iu.ti.fl ldlll nut of the Court of Common Tims of Momrrwt county. 1 a , to me airwwi, in-r- w: 1 1 iw- rx 1 w lutW, at the Court House lu WonierM.'t Hor ough, on Friday, Dec. 9, 1898, AT I O'CLOCK P. M. the following described real esUiU-. to wit : All the rltcht. tiHe, lntern.t, claim and ale maud of C. s. of, in and to two crrtalu lot of uround annate in Salisbury horouKli, niersct osmly. Pa.. boundtl iu the north by lot No tUwiiith by Mineral Mwt, ejiM ly liiiv utiwt, wwl by an alley, Ih Iii numtx-rvd ai lot. 41 ami U on the plot of lirhy'ii addi tion to wiil tiorooieli, bt-ln the Mine lo's eon vct by A. P. B-a-liy and wib loCharlraS. 1WI bv their (lc-d Uled April I I, lt:t, anil recorded In liecd KivorJ for (Somerset county IV.. vol. HI page ITS. etc. Taken In ei.-eution and to tie .old as the properly of C. S- H-.i! at the uit of J. 1- liar dius. All the right, title, Inbn-M, elnlra and d mand of John Ait-diu. of. in, and to a certain lot or parcel of ground. Mtuate In Moyestown Horoiiu'h Somerset county, l"a . bounded on the aoiitli bv the Bedford and l.hconia-r pike, east bv lot of Mrs. Catharine Thompson, we I by lol'of Henj-ttntn Herwy'a lieirn. and uorth by an alley. hariiiK thereon erected a two kfory frame dwelling hotie, and aLible, with I tie appurtenances TKcn in execution and to lie .old as the property of John AnUn. at the uil of the Kt-yittoue tlultdlhg and Loan Association. ALSO All the rlKht. title. Interest, rUiin'and de mand of C. H. Men.-, U. W. Bradower and Chrtxtoplier Muriin, trutee of the KvHiiirelical AMociation of the I' lilted wtates at Vellerbunt, I'a , of. In. and to a certain lot or parcel ot gnmnd jiiintte in the Borough of Weilem!ur;, Somerset etmnty, I 'a., located ontliel'lank I'.ond Icitiinir to Cumbertnnd. Md., and liounded on the cant by the tbe Iiom estate, went by an alley. uth by a public road, having thereon erected a frame church building. alHiut :i by -to feet. Taaeu In execution and to be Hold aa the property of C. H. Menken, tieo. w". Bradower. and Christopher Marlin, truMeeii of the Evan gelical AxwM-iatioii of thi I'niied State at Wellt-rdiuiv, I'a . at the m:t of A. H. lyOii and William Long, administratoraof Michael Ivoiig. dee'd. ALSO All the light, title, (liferent, claim, and de mand of Mrs. Kliita M. Sehrock, of. In. and to the undivided two-!hird Inteivst In a certain tract of Inn d situate la Somerset township, somerset county, Pa., adjoining lands of C. J. Miller. The sonieract Hotel Company, V. Weigle, s. P. SwelUer and others, containing tw ac rea. more or lesa, having tliereou erecUst a two-story brick dwelling bourn, a lane barn, aud olher out buildings with the ap purtenance. Tken In execution and to be jld a the property of Mrs. Kllra M. scbrock. at the suilof Mrs. Julia H. L id. ALSO All the right, title. Interest, claim and de mand of John M.sala, defeudant and Win. J.Sjiia, terre tenant, of, in. and to the fol lowing described real estate to wit : No. I. A certain tract of land situate In Conemaugb township, Somerset couuty. Pa., containing n acres, more or less, aliout ) acr srlear balance timiiered. adjoining lands o( Levi Berkty, Albert MiUiail.-Jacob I. Kaufman, thtniel HerHhta-rer, and Win. J. Sala. having therein erected a one and a h ilf s'ory piank dwelling house, bank barn and other out buildings. No. 2. A certain piece or parcel oflanl situate In Conemaugh township. Somerset county. Pa , containaig " acres, mure or U-ss, all cleared. B'tjoining lands of imi iel Hersli-te-rgpr, Jerf-uiluli Livingston, Harry K. H oiikfll, KHJnli siahl and John M. Sala, hiv ing thereon erectexl two-story plank dwell ing Lous.', stable aud olherojl buildings Willi the sppurtenances. Tken in ei-eutioi an l to be sold as the property of John M. Sula defendant. and Win. J sala lere tenant respectively, at the suit of Isaac L. Yuder administrator of Joseph Kauf man, deed. Terms: NoTICl All persona purchasing at the above sale, will please take notice that 10 per cent, of tbe purchase money must be paid when property is knocked down; otlierwlse It will again be exposed to sale at the risk of the first purchaser. The residue of the purchase money must be paid on or before the day of confirmation, vlr.: Thursday, ie. l.", lM. Node -d will be acknowledged unul tbe purchase money is paid in full. M 11. HART7.KLL, tsucriir. Nov. !, IS. OTICE TO STOCK HOLDERS. Notice la hereby given that in ai-cordance with th- rvouiremeula of its Charter and P.y Lasrs. the annual iicetim.- of the stockhold ers of the Pittsburgh V t onnellsviMe R K.Co. will lie held at lis general uftiee, eoriierSintth fleld and Water -arrets. Id the city of Pitts burgh, Pa., o:i Monday, lmcemls-r 5. ISsW. at II o'clock a. tn., for the eleeiion of a Board of Iire t 't to Her e for the ensuing y-ar, and for the traiuctction of such other oil si lies aa may be brought before the meeting. J. a WASHINGTON. s.rrjtary. Farm for Sale. I will sell ray farm, one mile north of Horn erset, Jul acres, nearly all cleared. It la In a good sVal of culU vation. t.ood house, barn, orchard. goi water, a rood llrst-claas farm. Any pervon devirtng to examine the farm will ell on Charles Ktuglcron the linn, or John H I'lil. Somerset, or the undersigned In Su nycrjk town-hip, his home, for terms, etc. Poaseaslon given I April, leci, or sooner for plowing, etc.. If purcnased. LKVI RINOLKR. bhansjiville. Pa. DMIMSTRATKIX'S NOTICE. E-itate of John W. Bowers, late of Hoovers vllie borough, Somerset county. Pa., die d Letters if administration on the above es tate having been granted to the undersigned by the proper authority, notice 1 hereby giv en to all persons knowing themselves indebt ed to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims or demand against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement on Thursday, I Ms-ember 2. S"K, at t' late residence of decedent In Hoov er vi lie bor High, Somen -t county. Pa. s A Id K U. b.KS, Administratrix of John W. bowers, dee'd. DMIXWTIIATORS' NOTICE. In thees'ateor Henry Lone, late of Somerset township, Somerset county, l", dee d. Letter of administration on tbe above ea tute having been granted 'o th unde-signed by the proper authority, notice is hereby giv. en to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and thsw having claims gaiii-i the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement, on r'rlday, lec. i A. l. lsas, at the late residence of said deceased. ' O. F. I.ONO. rred. V. Biesecker. Administrator. A tloruey. iVVWWI1WWV7 KEELEY CURE, i LIQUOR AND OPIUM HABITS. tioM aM gctirt tn4 aasetitc, builds ssrha mteat. raaswt saMt an vwor. brnhtcaa ttia t! f The! i . intellect an Its m tor business. THI OSLV (SXI.KY lTlTi Tl 4Mb. IS ai'TIKS rtsasTl.TlSTA- TlwKMle.hKtrM9.4246Flftr.sre frHlWra Pt. W PU2LI3 SALS OF VALUABLE Real Estate By vlrlueof an order of sale Issued out of the Orphans' Court or somerset county, I . to the undersigned directed, there will be ex- poseu u sale lv public outcry ou me. preuo-M-a. oa Friday, Dc. 9, 1898, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. li the follow ine described- r-al estate, late the property of Freeman Vounkin, tlec'd : All that certain tract of land situate In To per Turkey ftt township. Somerset county. I'a... au'oiuing utiius oi ninwn i.jkh7. Wesley I. Vounk in. Samuel Tressler. Simon Liston, Kli Younkin and others, containing one hundred and sixty !) at-res. more or leas, having thereon erected a two story frame Dwelling House, bank barn 3fixi.' feet and other outbuildings, with a gisid sugar camp; about lit acres cleared, of which about otl acres Is in good cultivation; located 1', miles from King wood In a goal community ; about 3' , miles from B. A II. railroad station ; cuuvculent to church aud school. Terms: Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid ou day of sale when the property Is knocked down, and the balance ou cuulirma tion of sale and delivery of deed. JOHN YOCNKIN. Adm'r n1 Trustee of Freeman Yoenkiu.dec'd John K. Scott, ttorney, Somerset, Pa. VahaHs Real Estate! By virtue of the authority given m b the last wi.l and testament of Solomon Judy, late of Jennertown Isirouli, Somerset couniy,la dee'd, I will expuee to public sale on the premises, on Saturday, December 10, '98, At I o'clock P. M , the following described real estate, to-wll: All that certain tract of land si'unte In Jen nertown borough, Jenner township, county and slate aforesaid, adjoining lands of Henry Kauch estate, Mrs I. ; 4'ottln, Somerset and Johnstown turnpike, and lots Sos I, i and 3 of "Jody Plot," containing taty ) acres more oi lens, having titer-ou twlei a good Two Story Frame Building, large frame stable, and all other necessary out-buildlngs, being the well-known Jenner town Hotel" stand of the town for the pttsl seventy five years ; a giasl on-hard at apple trees on the premises, and a gtssl spring of never failing wler. All of the land in a high state of cultivation. Terms : Ten per cent, of purchase money cah on day of sale, one-third on delivery ol deed, one-third in one year and the remaiuin one third iu two years, without interest. KfclBKlX'A JL'HY. Fred. W. Bie-ecker, Executrix. Al'ormy. EGISTEIIS NOTICE. otice Is hereby given to all persons con cerned aa leatis-s, creditors or mhcrwise.that the following accounts have passed register, and that the same will be presented for con tlriiiailon ano atlowani'e a', an Orphans' Court to be held at somerset, on Wednesday, December 14, 1893. First and final account of John Sarver, ex ecutor of Mar rangier, dte'd. First and final account of William 1i. Pchrock, gtisrdian of Annie O. Rt ilz, minor child of t brLsiian Kelts, o.-c d. First and final account of .M B. Zimmer man and Henry P. Coleman, admr's ol John Coleman, d-e'd. Account of J. J. Brant and Robert Ptilta, executors of Alexander P'ltta, di-e'd. First and final imiunt of Janus L. Pugh, F.sq . trustee lor Hie sale of the mU cstutr ol Joliu and Sarah tl.eWs. dee'd. First and final account of Kv Grttlilh. ad ministratrix of rarab A. tiiitnth, dee'd Finland partial account of Alex. H. ar.d Win. Long, administrator of Miclutcl Long, dee'd. First and final account of James L. Pugh, Esq , executor of W illiam f. Orimt-h, dee'd First and pirliul account of Rons A. Ixmg and lsivid Snyder, administrators of Levi J. lying. d-s;'d. First and final account of Simon Kaidlev, administrator of Istiuei r aid ley, Ucc'd. The account ( A. H. lineman and B. K. Auinaii. administrators of Frederick A. f.ul ui n, dee'd. First and final account of I sala b Pile, ad ministrator of iiavld Pile, dee'd. Somerset, Pa, JAMK- M. COVF.K, Sov. la, ISHS. Register. c OURT TivXLAMATIOX. Whkkkas, The Hon. Jacob H. Ioioi-MEt-KKK, President Judge of the several Court a of Common Pleas of the countimcom posing the liith Judicial IHstrict, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and ten eral Jail ls-llvery. lor the trial of all capital aud other offender iu the said JJislrlct. and 1. i. UoK.Ntaand Ueokok I. Black, Kao'ii.. Judges of the Courts of Common Plena and Justices of the Courts of over and Terminer and Oeneral J.'l la-livery for the trial of all capital and other oifender In tbe County of Somerset, have Issued their precepts, and to tne directed, for holding a Court of Common Pleas and tieneral yunrter Seaslons of the Peace and General Jail IMivery, and Court Of over and Terminer at Somerset, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1893, NotiobIs hereby given to all th Justice of the P.-ace, the Coroner and Constables within the said comity of somerset, thai they be then and there In their proper persons with their rolls, records, innuisuions, examinations ami other renienihruucva, to do those things which to their oittce and in that behalf ap pertain to ba done, and also they who will prosecute against the prisoners tltat are or shall be in the Jail of Somerset Countv. to be then and there to proaucuta aguinat tlieto aa hall be j ask M U. HARTZSl.L. Sheriff. J)IS.SOLUTlON NOriCK Notice Is hereby given that the p.rfpemhiu belween Jaca. H. Winters and Mil, ism ti Kantner, In the carrying on and n,i aremenl taT the Hotel Vannear, at -.inervet, Somerset county. Pa., was duaolved ou the 1st day of Aug 1st A. D. 11. Ail deb' to ideal. 1 pnptnership are to be paid.anu thosedue troin the sm- dl cliarg- . H',u-' Vannear. where the business will oeconliuu.d by th said Jacob B Win ters J tC)B R. tVINTKfts W. H. KAMNtil. ll,ANTri Bsr.S.MEN:"-VVe make po II exiravagnnl orr, r but have a g-x d busim ss propo-itlon lor reliable men to m.n dle our 'tiger brands l-uliricatirg Oils and l; r.aie a Add res w i t h r fert no-s 1HK UoHaKU OIL Jt OHKASK CO Cleveland, otoo. ! i Keep . . . Your Kitchen Cool i t 1' f T two or three ation at i P. A. SCHELL'S, Somerset, Pa. 1847 WHEN IN WANT OF PURE DRUGS, CH K ICALS AND TOILET ARTICLES i PHAEMACY. i i : : : - i Fine Chamois Skins A SPECIALTY. HORN'S AND WETIWORE'S 5UPER CONSTANTLY nrurnnnio f Corn Cure H t" il 11 HI W T.adVache ULllI Ull J U T-r u.-torMt flHE COSFECTiOSERIES AV ORIGINAL PACKAGES. Horeignft domestic Hirantls of Cigars, PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. G. W. BEN FORD, Manager. j-public station for Long Distance Telephone to all points In th U. S. Rates moderate. ' - - r . . c, choice goods for less prices has teen this store's talk ever since it was started nearly 30 years ago convincing talk because it was backed op with- goods and prices that proved what we said. We're keeping at that way it counts is the only good way for you and the store. We're at it more aggressively than ever w ith goods and prices. We care not what store or stores you'd place in comparison, we back cur geods and prices to win to show you'll save money here get the goods at the least prices. Well charge you nothing for samples of Silks or Dress Goods to test U3 by and when you order, if the goods are not same as samples .ent, send the goods back at our expense and we'll refund your money. See what good useful all wool Dress Goods 32 inches wide, 15c yd. Splendid all wool Dres3 Goods, 2oc yard. All wool 48 inch Cheviotte Mixture?, 35c yard extra wide and extra good. Fine Dress Goods, 50c, Coc, 85c, $1.00 and handsome waist Silks C5c and "5c that will show this store seeks your preference on merit. You'll want th new i) page illus trated catalogue for your holiday mail ordering--It's free-seud for m c py now. BOGGS & BUHL, DEPARTMENT ' X" Allegheny, Pa. JV D ITU It'S NOTICE. In re estate of Jonathan Miller, dee'd. The uiul.rsi-m-d au.tttor, duly appolntist by the proper authority, to ascertain ad vancements and make a distribution of the fund In the hands oftlvead 111' I ti laitif O rwiis- ttiime Itnally entitled thereto, hereby rive notice that he will attend to the duties of bia appointment, on Priilay, Nov. Is. im st one o'clock P. 11 , at his oin, in .Som erset, Pa., when and where all parties In terested niay attend. UEO. R. RCrLI.. Auditor. Cires a specialized Brrml-wraing Edocmtioa. rom eiiKtiLAs looms. P. DUFF & StWi, au f.,.th Artaue. UTTSBVKG. PA. ' PATEMT VA61ABLa f-BICTrfWlFEnO SawMill& Engine M acsvr tht Mtdat n4 ward Mt tk WarW t Columbia t option. ST" , W Mills. tUrhimmr, s k mom. Hra4 fw Uiwnud CtmiSm. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd YORK., PEN N A. ,1AR1UHAR ! I ;'this sterling silver set I HmmannwnuM, (' ' "sswLa 1 ( j&i - T ""t" . 1 I ," "1 -SS Bead for II lustra tc4 1 ' CaUloj-ue. V-rrx. V .T&V 8- SiEDLE & SCXS, f f U Karat Sana JCWClKKt. I i H Ksrat, I 9.00 Z f 1 V Karat, 14 so ' vim M ruas, 1 JSH a new Process Blue Flame Stove, wick or wickless. In rns com mon lamp oil, cheaper tlian coal. One, burner. See them in op. J 1 MHHMIHItHHtW 1898 i i i M1N e;r and Bath Sponges CR TRUSSES AND BANDAGES ON HAND. s 10 centa ) why bottle solo j Drops 10 cents. GUARANTEED ! i cento. J 0W REFLWEO j i s ! Gibbs Imperial Plow, Made at Canton, Ohio, the liew pl- ; on earth, can now he : at J. B, '. Holueibau m's Ilanhvare sin Light to handle ami very Jj.-s:,, 1 t"' ...PC - t The Mrj, -.f.::ti j 7 .5. 1 1 . 1 '"-i 1, mm I t i I i 8EE OUR. Disc Harrows. Steel Bar Lever Spike Tooth Harrows. Steel Bar Lever Spring Tooth Harrow With Wheels Old Style i Wood Frame Harrows, j plated front and nnder frame with I ers to protect bolt heaus. ! Steel Bar Lever t Corn and Garden Cultivators, fire, seven and nine shovels, with B f ers and weedura. ' T Bar Steel Pulverizer Land Roller. : Com Planters, with fertilizing attachment. Champion Hay Rakes. Fanners' Favorite Grain Drill. McCormick's Mowers and Binders. Engines, Saw Mills and Threshers. I Just Unloaded for Spring TraJa Car Wire Nail. " Barbed and Smooth Wirt Imperial Plows. Harrows, Kramer Wagorw. " Spring1 Wagons. 5 " Buggies and Carriages. Call and exandne my atak liefore f4 buy. J. B. Holderbaum SOMERSET, PA. - i , 1: 1 ;'.. till -St U.-4-'SI m aa vast oaini in urs. Rm m.'"- - - CENTRAL STATE M2RMAL tn me faenttr, TWi-d sonn, Il jjjjj iiua. bsoxiaoia bu.UiMa, i- rfj. Saortsst Um, lfu ipai.M., Sit "",. dou Ia sJ liti.ia rvsuiar c,lurTT0r UtTO aoiro ia Marc,Sn..rBJ "r wntir. nl f iiiotrtJ rM' 1 4 .--'f ; r' 1 c- - 1.- V- w ' I'-- ... . .-