The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 02, 1898, Image 3

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    ftf Somerset Herald.
3E B. SCCLL, Editor.
i -lPAY
'!o ,- next session of I he Uniied
Tue 'n,,r "',. wlt8 destroyed by
:i;.,d i. ' ,nsUranc r0.
3 nip'
week wi
itll reiati
Monday afternoon.
i n f..r home - ...
. Miss Ada lease.
,r T- erse township. werouniKJ
iu ot u';llie ,,ri.,e-9 home on Lt
";rr'uv afternoon.
'J" , ,,,--at Meyersdale waa
T!,e stent.. '"V, Tuesday nighL
fre u,ua !oss:
;:i:I:g ..,... bi.-hwill ever about
csiirsiiet-v-1 -
Ualftli l
, Chen,
f Johnstown, and
VPs. IS'
i ill Iki in bom-
N , suier-el House, on Thura
,..t. hi the ilh . fuli nne
-e trimmed bat.
eLpiIr-.J Sonhia M5-
m aim . - -
. ' InlOll. III-. Will
be niar-
-r Kt
h. The groom
j. l
1 w .1 1 til II I ''-'
of Mr.; ; . be wm ,irillg
rf r,-ar
in a WW'"1 r
i i:... f n II.
f Milford township.
I i. M iU-r.
rr AlK-rdeen. ortn cero
i,', where shew'
id tte inter, in
Vh,,,.e th
change oi ci....
, llU iupirliane.
, ( lm lit to uer uiiu.
. fr some tune wnu
-.11 . illl-l !
. .V .i-ir
y urinal""
1 irilll HI" "
t.. 1- fl fla
i the
. f.,! litniie.
4 .
. ,.. i run ltween
"U"!""" York will be put on
r-:!r!fr ,:.ii.. -... snu.
,.i,t.!r mil
' ... i lui-iniiine
ti.e n. - -
. . p.ttvt.urp' at 6
: a t v "
ilrearh New York at 7:4,
8,1,1 ." wa'-b IMtts!urSat:30..m.
"P- '" ' . i .-ill Ifiro
hero in1 in
rds who basjusi rei....--
,'nlh :fi'
. TbeT will speiiu
r .1, , .. I ".TIT HI 1 11"1" ' -
!'Hr:' ' ...,..iir ii miner at the
annual nieetinsrof
t ,..... r.,.:i:h
i i iiarui". " '
f' ',, i,., week M Harnsbure.
linker, of this county, was
Kliiii:is-- M'
the Trustees, a"'J
ll..rr. K-'l
m" re eiecieu ivnr'"
The next meeting will 1
1 eM al Klie,
TiJr Soiiier-fl County Conference of
V iranClniMiinet Mnndny even
. in the Third Lutheran fhuroh.
I,.,bst...i. All of the Churches of th.a
i;.w.,i...t.on in Johnstown belong to
...nervrt Conference. Men c...B--in
i repre-ei.tcd by then, in inter and
" i - "Ve The Conference will
,,liaurn to day at n.vm.
Tfflvmemliers of Company I who
,-tr'hilrd.l,.liia on Tuesday of last
.k touke part in the Pea-eJuU!e
Tbiirsilav, report a piwui
nut aitustaniiing iue
tfcerity in the
IlildSl Ol uoii"-"'
.liked to the skin lefore
:n anil ttfr ft'
(h-y W Cie MB'
ducted to a place oi sneiwr.
ued home Saturday after-
J ui.un.
Thff. iioninp members of Company I
lrf8;iil on the invalid roll: Captain E.
K'o-er, Charles Bieecker. "larry
i:id.. James I'avis Charles 0-hrane.
Ki.ard irnett. all at home; James F.
(V.n'.ev, in the Memorial Hospital. Jobna-t,,-n
: Hru.-e P. Mitchell, in the division
b..,.iul. at Lexington. Ky. : and Thomas
Tu..a,s. in the general hospital atCbiek
anmup Park.
Tiinl able and tloqiient lawyer and ora
tor. T..m Marshall, of PitU-burg, wbie
fame filled Pennsylvania and Ohioaquar
t r of a century ago, died W dnesday
a er an illness of eiht months, aged Tit.
11 as born in county Perry. Ireland,
came to America to Pittsburg
bnheas three years old. He bad
suffered with stomach trouble for
Wjen Clarriii-e Pile, the well known
and ;.u!ar clerk in Jamen B. HolJei
Vi in s hardware estahiishment, erected
a (mmlsoine residence on North fctreet
fall knowing uixi predicted that he
did not mean to occupy it alone, and that
tiiT bad some foundation for their
prophecies wan confirtr.ed last Sunday a
eek h--n he w as united in marriage to
M Ka'.e Sbullz. of Rcekwood.
Helen King and Walter Pnnn, who
fre sweethearts, quarreled at the girl's
fc'Miie, near Huntingdon, W. Va. A few
minutes lat.r, Iunn. w ith blood spurting
fn.m bi niiuith, ran through the street to
a d'x-tor'ti i.fli -e. The d.x-tor found an
iiu-li i.f Iiunn's tongue missing. Pun at
first refused to account for the wound,
tut finally ailmiued that the girl had L:t-fc-n
him. liunn has had a warrant Issued
f f tei arrest.
I: is no wate of money to invest it ju
("iviiiutly in needed public improvementn.
T j every dullar so spent there is ten
i !J reluru in the enhanced value of all
tbeiri)periv of the town, and no public
improvement can bring ao much benefit
i g mid syst'.m of sewerage for it
cairy olf ail w aste matter that other-
may lieonne an olfensive nuisance
' n '.Lai will net fail to afTect and ii j.ire
tie public health.
N:kula Tn-'a has invented an appara
tus (.r menus of which electrical power
'-legs pressure can le conveyed tbous
"! of miles through the air and used
,iuinjen-i!ly. The system is to convey
ti current to a great elevation, w here
Xlf raretied atmospbeie is capable of con
Ruling ficely Uie pailicular curri r.t pro
i ji-ed. Then to maintain a second term
toaLaisoat a great elevation, where the
'urm.tcan le ccilected and conveyed to
tb eanh.
I'r.Si!aC.Sjrai:.-.w heads the prohi
': i n. people's, lilrty and honjst gov
mmetit ticket for governor. The only
6--iuii.w of the latter parly is pr. Swal
' '. Wiliiam Tiicke't is ou the demo-"ai"-.
prohibition, people's and lilierty
rarty ticket, f, r judge of the miperi- r
"irt The name t,f J. x. Weiler appears
'the (ieiixK-raiic and people's party
ft'luinus f.,r couKressman at large, and
t!at of Justus Watkina in the people's
1 l:lrty coluiiiiis f.)r lieutenant gover
There ar eiKht columns on the
Typh,id f.ver appjars to l epidemic
"."'f' of Jefferson township, there
1 not than sis cases in as many
oerent fauiil.e f,lur miles west of
jersvina. The frniiIie. of p,.tpr ,nd
rt.i.:pBeck. and McClcland andSimc n
u v'' r among thve effl icttd. It is
i"U!,UiJ fL'r '.vphoid fever to make its
prance ; H1(.b aD 1vlllBd BnJ
7 ,- s"'n- "n the .uiumit of the laurel
-s where the water supply i supposed
w uucuuminaud by any outside
a,!! pr',p"vd iue f bonds Tor a
Lwpal building and sewerage sysUm
- conn make some increase in the
aieiif u,.!;, , .... ......
,u, ,acl (.nnijj not
property boldera from voting in
-i lb increase of mill ge
,L valuation would U only
"'"""e fmrtb inilln on the dollar,
an ttu.
t,, , grown, mid properties
i,tj value and wealtbof the t D
CiUr.T1W"i' ""J ",ill!,eeas above
Ula,; ? ,lHcrf' n l the burden of
, g'y ''l- Kvery
UO k . .. " fiOTIiliKUl'
tell forLimif what effect it
.ualioa t,f Hi u
J"" d"1Ur "! sixty two cei.U.
taxation w ill t I.- for-
"w r." ftt lL'" mekna within
in":'1""' the 'bat will be
"""red in
r"'g these much needed
"prove fceub
" Vnvotubcrr 2. 18T.
be wiped out and
stoxe ox Tin: issues:
Bepublicaa Caadidata far OoTernor Ad
dreite as EstaniiMUa Somaratt
Colonel Stone. Republican nominee for
Governor, and his party of speakers, ar
rived here ou the morning train laj-t
Wednesday. A heavj rain was fulling
at the time, but the downpour did not
deter a large delegation of leading Re
publicans from tow n and county meeting
tne distinguished standard-bearer and
escorting him to the Hotel Vannear.
The prooosion wa headed by the Salis
bury and Friedens Cornet Baudi. After
the member's of Col. Stone's party had
been assigued to rouina and were given
an opportunity to brush up tfcsy went to
the hotel parlor where an in oriual re
ception was held uutil nion. Hundreds
of Republicans took advantage of the
opportunity to shake haudM w ud the next
At I o'clock the liig flag sent to Chair
man Berkley by the Slate Central Com
mittee was raised in front of the Court
House in the preseucw of a large crowd,
and to the music of the "star Spangled
Banner," played by the Salisbury band.
After the 11 g was uuTurled the cro d
adjourned to th- c .urt room, ailing that
large auditorium to over-11 iwing. Hon.
V. II. Saiincr, was timed chairman,
and a long list of Vice President's and
Secretaries were named.
Captain Sauuer introduced Colonel
Stone as the next Governor of Pennsyl
vania and w hen the IV lonel arose to
speak he was greeted by a tumult of
Colonel Stone expressed bis pleasure
at lieing confronted by so large and rep
resentative an audience, and said that lie
resided their presence, as au indication
thai the spirit of Republicanism was
thoroughly aroused to the issues involved
in the present campaign. 1) c.tor Swallow
he declared has uot a chance of election
and that the bailie is between the Repub
lican and Peinocratio parties. I have
heard of Swallow sentiment bere and
there throughout the state, be continued,
but thorough investigation has failed to
reveal any strength for Mr. Swallow.
P .K-tor Swallow has asked me to debate
t ii or twelve pr positions with hiiu. j
He claims that he has positive evideuce
and that he will cuntroul me with wit
ness s on the platform. I do uot hav e any
pi rsouai kuow leiige of ttiH matters ot
wnicu he complains and it would lie
uianifistiy unfair for me to engage in
f uch a;i uucqual c intent, lie sa'ys that
be knows who burned the Slate CapiUd.
1 don't, li Le knows it is his duty as a
law -aliJii.g citizen of the Coimuou wealth
of Pennsylvania to give the information j
to the oih'-ers of the law. lie says that a
rose-proiKigatiug bouse cot tue Stale
isSiOCI; G iveruor Hastings says it cost
Jl.fsjn. That is a question tetween them.
I iiever saw the rose n-iuse and know
nothing about it, w bile Gov e; nor Ha-tiii).a
knows ail about it and approved the bills
for the payment ol the same. And so on
with all the chaiges Poctor Swallow
makes. I want to say, however, that if
I am elected Governor, I will know all
about every act of assembly liefore it re
ceives my approval and that I will not
approve of the illegal or eilrav ugant pay
ment of a penny ot the pc pie's mouey.
The Democratic pa-'.y duclares that Do
National isnuw are at slake in this cam
paign. They made the same decimation
in the campaiju of lsl, and the cry dur
ing the utxt JSalioual caiunio was thai
Pennsylvania was a doubilul slate, and
G rover Cleveland was elected President
iu i.s-.ij. P. you want to repeal the ex
periences of the following lour years
w hen labor w as thrown out of employ -meut
and to ip b.usis bad to be establish
ed all over the country to keep the unem
ployed lroiu starving. Republicans
should not be deceived in this cainpa'gu.
If Mr. Jeuks in elected Governor Ins
election w ill be proclaimed as a victory
for free trade and free silver. The most
momentous questions affecting the des
tiny of the country since iu foundation
are to be solved during the next session
of Congress and every Republican w ho
w iftheslo uphold the bauds of President
McKiuley iu settling the problems grow
ing out of the war, aud in maintaining
the honor and integrity of the country,
every man w ho is opposed to a reversal
of our tarirTand financial law s will do his
duty. The entire Democratic campaign
is one of defamation aud deception.
Colonel Stone spoke for an hour. He
was interrupted by applause at the con
clusion of every few sentences.
Pistrict Attorney Schafler.of Dele ware
county, followed w ith one of the finest
pleas for party unity and patriotism ever
heard in Somerset. He declared that the
Republican party is big enough to take
care of all its quarrels within party liues
without calling upon John Wanaiuaker
or the Democratic party to settle them.
Adjutant-Geueral T. J. Stewart follow
ed with one of Lis usual happy efforts,
aud Major McDowell, Clerk ot the House
of Representatives, made a humorous ad
dress in which be disposed of John
YVanamaker to the satisfaction of the
Joseph E. Thropp, Republican nominee
fjr Congress, made the last speech, n
which be inadea numlerof telling points
in favor of sending a Republican to rep
resent this stroug iiepublican district in
ihd House of Representatives. He replied
to the slauderers of the Democratic presa
and d'n-gruntled Republicans, wno Lave
Iwen bounding his steps with vile in
sinuations and inueudoei", and challenged
them to produce a single act of his that
wuiilii r. Ilcct upon his manhood. He
cited a number of incidents of his friend
ship :or the lalsiring men, and impressed
all w ho beard him w ith the fact that lie
w ill make an able and capable Con
The mee-ting was one of the largest and
most enthusiastic ever nein in itis
eo;mty, and augers well for a:i iucreastd
publicau m"j 'fity.
A Pltaaicg Esteriainatat t bs livea at
Somerset Kelt V.c
The Lutheran Le gue of Trinity Luth
erau Church expects to produce the en
teriainment "Ye Peestreect Snewl" cn
tie evening of Novemlxr 1 The enter-
ta i.meot will be arranged by Miss Hoc.
as MebiUbel Peudcrgra, w b has had
much experieuie and success in arrang
ing this entertainment w i'h local talent
in many of the leading tow ns ol ima
State, The following is a notice from the
Huntirgdon Journal.
The nioet pleasing and amusing enter
tainmeiit the people of Huntingdon have
w itnessed for some time, was the "Pees-
fctieect Skew!" on last Thursday nigbC
Miss Annie I! fk at t'.-e rehearsal and in
the character of Mehitabel Peudergrass
w as prooi that she understood her busi
ness in prod icing the play before the
public The audinnee was the Urgent
that, has attended an entertainment for
some time and thiy showed their appie
elation by bursts of applause and laughter
A Cat Crossed Tjtt Operated Cpoa in a
Boy of Six Tears.
Pureuts of children with cr.wsed ey-s
are generally of the opinion th it an oper
ation in cases of vour.z c'uildreu is dan
gerous and by delaying the Utter, spoil
a mot important part of the operation,
namely, the chance of recovering the
sight in the inUictcd eye or eyes. A
crossed ev is excluded from the act f
Fr-iri; and invariably beevwnes weake
Pr. Sigmauu and Sa.iler. Wl Penu
avenue, Pittsburg, Pa , bave.peraUd on
crossed eyes ia children under sic years,
and the liappy result of Ma-ter George
Aul, six year-old boy of Nj. 11) 7'U
street, w tne eye-s were recently alraigbt
enel by Dr. Sigmaun, is a new testimo
nial of th-3 great success of these w ell
know n specialists. People living n the
country should take advantage of the
cheap excursion rales fin- the Pittsburgh
ExiMition t- consult these eminent aur
geons in all ailtnenU ofKje, Ear, Xose
ZWath f Hiai Libbia A Baylor.
Libbie Alii-c, eldest daughter tf Rev.
and Mrs. Frank P. Say lor, died at the
home of her parents in Somerset town
ship, at 7 o'clock Saturday morning. The
aunouncemeut of her death was a severe
shock to the entirewrommunity, and to
the residents of this town, where she had
lived for a period of three years, acting
as clerk for her father during his term of
oitlce as Prolbonntary and Clerk of the
Courts. On Monday Miss Sayltir came
from Listie, w here she waa associated
with her brother Weiler in the geueral
mercantile lusinesa and w here she serv
ed as postmistress, to Somerset for the
purpose of transacting business in con
nection w ith the store. She had a cordial
greeting for all of her friends and re
turned home the same afteruiKin. At an
early hour Weduesday morning ber
father heard ber moaning and going to
her bejH-rooni found that she was very ill.
Medical aid was taiiuuuued and later in
the day she w as apparently much better.
Towards eveuiug she suffered a relapse
aud from then on she failed rapidly until
iho end.
Miss Si lor was boru on Decembers,
IsTi, and was therefore in her twenty
fourth year. She was liberally educated
and possessed such exceptionable ability
that at au early age her parents entrusted
business and household dulies to her
keeping. Puring the time .she clerked
for ber father she waa a j.reat favorite
with the members of the bar aud all
others having business to transact ia the
Prothonotary'a ollice. In the social e-ir-e-le
sbe was alike popular, winning many
friends by ber g utle and sympathetic
nature and ber coustaut dssire to add to
the pleasure of others. But it was in the
home circle where her virtues aud sweet
disposition manifested themselves most
clearly and w here she was the idol of
fond parents and sisters and brothers,
she united with the Evangelical Asso
ciation w ben a mere child and lived the
pine and unselfish life of a chii-tian.
leaving au example that will be pointed
to w ilh pride by ail who came under the
influence of her benign spirit.
The funeral took place 1 1 2 o'clock Sun
day afternoon, when interment waa made
in tli- 1 lea ai t Hill Chimb' me ery. Re
li;;iiuis service were coudiicled al the
church by Rev. P. K P. Lsvau, who
spoke feelingly of ber death and the puri
ty i f ber life. A quartette sang "Over The
Line," a favorite hymn of Miss Sayloi's,
when tliecHsUel was lowered in the grave
by six of her fjruier associates and
friends. "
We can not recall a death iu ree-ent
years that has ofaioned such wide
spread sorrow or one that came vv ith sin h
cruthing force to a fond and loving fam
ily. It is believed that Miss .vylor's death
is attributable to shook sustained in the
Johnstown flood, as she passed through
that trying ordeal along with tbe other
members of ber family, since w hen she
bad been ill delicate health.
All Beady To Be XosUred Oat.
Major Surgeon Herman Bergin, oftTio
SeiKind Pennsylvania Volunteers, accom
p-uiied by Drs. William II. King and J.
Coles Brick, ef Philadelphia, arrived
h re yg:e'day morning and at once be
gan a physical examination ot the mem
bers if Company 1, who will be muster
ed out of the army sometime between
now and next Tuesday, probably ou
Monday. The members of Company
I were corralled in the e-ourt bouse yard,
aud w heu their names were called passed
across the street to Graud Army Hall,
w here they were ushered iuto the pres ,
enee of the examing board. The exam
nation i-aid to be more rigid than the
one made ln-fore the lavvs were mustered
uto the volunteer army, and is for the
urpose of procuring aud preserving a
complete record of the physical conditn n
of every volunteer at the time of bis
ouster out, so that in case application is
made for pension it w ill not be necessary
for the Pension Bureau to rely upon the
evideuce of the applicant's comrades, as
the record will speak fir itself. Each
niau presenting himself before the ex
amining board was asked to name any
disability he incurred while in the ser
vice, aud if any was claimed he was
losely examined by tbe physicians.
Many of the boys claimed that they were
n perfect physical condition, but tbuir
saying so did not exempt them from ex
amination by the surgeons.
The muster out papers were received
several days ago and the oflicers of Com
pany I have been kept busy preparing
them for tbe inspection of the muster
out officer.
It is generally supposed that the pay-
mustrr will arrive w ith tbe muster out
flicer, when tte boys will receive tbe
three mouths' pay due them.
Heme Coxing of Captaia Koose-.
The home e-oming of Captain E. O.
Koosei, on Wedesday last, was made the
occasion for a demonstration by the mem
bers or his company, who were denied
the privilege of participating in the Peace
Jubilea at Philadelphia, and by many
citizens. Captain Kooser, ai-companied
by his mother, wli'i had gone to his bed
side at Lexington, Ky., some three w eeks
ago for tbe purpose of nursing bim back
to health, arrived on tun noon train.
Fifty members ef Company I, under com
mand of Sergeant Gasliger were drawn
up in line on tbe station platform and
when the train came to a standstill aud
their Captain appeared at the door of oi.e
of the coaches they gave three hearty
cheers. Captain Ko-iscr shook hands
with all of bis men and many others w ho
crowded around him before he waa con
ducted to a carriage. A procession head
ed by the Salisbury cornet band led the
wav to the Ko ser re-sidenre, w here the
land played "Home, Sweet Home,
w hile the Obtain and his mother made
their way from tbe carriage to ine
veranda. The young officer removed his
hat and in a few words thanked his men
and the citizens who collected to welcome
him home for the compliment extended
He was given three more ebeers as he
retired through the doorway. Captain
Kooser had a hard struggle with typhoid
fever, as is revealed
and general appearance, and it will be
some days before he is able to resume his
military duties.
Cariojitiea of the Calendar.
There are some cjrious facts connt-cted
with the days of the week on which cen
turies and months bgin, says a writer in
the Baltimore Sun. Nj century can be
gin on a Wednesday, Friday or Satur
day. The month of October coininenoes
withtha same day of the week as Jan
uary, exoept in a leap year. September
and December als starts on tbe same
weekdiy, and ) ei Febuary, March
and Xiveinbsr. The first dsy of Mat,
June and August never fall on tbe same
weekday on which any other month be
gins, April and July alays start on
the same day of the week. This year
January and O.-t ber begin on a Satur
day; February, Msrch and Xovemberon
a Tuesday, April and July on a Friday,
September and Decern tar on a Thursday,
June on a Wednesday, May on a Sunday,
August on a Monday. Leap year, how
ever, always throws this little arrange
in nt out of gear. Christmas always falla
on the same day of the week as New
Year's day. and a year always ends on
the same week i .y as it is started. Next
year will start onaSunJ iy, and there
will thus le fifty-three Sundays in the
year, a thing which hippeue l last in
island occurs only fourteen times in
aceutury. Only very raroly is the Dum
ber of a year a square. In Isli) it was tha
square of 4J. The provi ms occasion was
17S1. the squareof ii, and in 193-J we shall
have the sqare of 4L
Almanac for 1899.
Hsse.rstown and Lancaster Almanacs
Wholesale aud Retail, German ana
nglish, at
Fishkk's Book Storb
Tbe sale of the farm of Henry S. Miller
and William It- Miller will take place at
the court hous, on Saturday. November
12, at 1 o'clock p. m.
Forty-Sacond Aannal Senioa Will Meet
Here on Kovember 28th.
The Forty-second Annual Session of
the Somerset County Teachers' Institute
will convene in the court house, Monday
morning, November 2s:h.
The above announcement is of interest
notouly to teachers, but to hundreds of
residents of the evnty who look forward
to the annual sessions of institute with
pleasure ou account of the intellectual
erj lymenl and recreation they receive at
that time. While the institute is prima
rily held for the benefit of the teachers
employed in the schools of the county,
the instruction given is of such general
and absorbing interest that few persons
can attend its sessions without deriving
both pleasure and profit. Eminent in
structors in special branches of learning
deliver lectures of practical benefit aud
impart knowledge at each session (but.
can be carried borne for future reflection.
Such has been the character of the in
struction given to teachers at their annu
al institutes during the past few years.
and there is good reason to believe that
the approaching session will not prove an
exception to the established rule.
Superintendent Prills has endeavored
to secure the best talent obtainable for
both tbe day and evening sessions, and
has been successful in securing the ser
vices ef State Superintendent Schaeffer,
who is personally known to every teach
er in the county; Dr. C. C. Miller, Super
intendent of the schools at Lima, Ohio,
regarded as one of tbe leading educators
of tbe Buckeye State ; Dr. J. C. Willis,
of the Bowling Green, Kentucky, Nor
mal School ; Prof. George E. Little, of
Washington, D. C, w ho hs been here
before aud is a prime favorite with f.
Somerset county teachers; Prof. J. D.
Meese, a native Somerset countian.w hose
work at the California Slate Normal has
won bun a SUte-wide reputation ror
thoro'.ighnf ks and comprehensiveness iu
his particular line, and Prof. C. M.
Parker, of Binghauiplon, New York.
From the list of name above it w ill be
seen that there aro just euough former
friends to maintain the high character
the Teachers' Institute has earned in tbe
past, w bile it is probable that the intro
duction of instructors from other States,
those who have traveled different paths
and followed otlir lines in the pursuit of
knowledge, will strengthen the program
and add greatly to the iutere-tt and pleas
ure of the various sessions.
For the evening entertainments Super
intendent Pritts has secured the follow
ing lecturers and musical organization :
Jebu DeWitl Miller, of Philadelphia;
William Ilawley Smith, of Peoria, 111.;
Ariel Lsdies' Sextette, of Dclaware.Obio,
and Dr. A. A. Willitw, of Spring Like, N.
I., who w ill apeear in the order- named,
beginning Monday evening.
The announcement of the re appear
ance here of Dr. Willits will arouse in
terest among those who beard his lect
ure "Sunshine," delivered before the
Teachers' Institute some ten or twelve
years ago. It was eleel eilly among tue
best lectures ever given In Somerset and
lingers in the memory as an evening of
rare enjoyment and profit.
Mr. Miller, we believe, appeared here
in a former institute engagement, wben
he gave a highly satisfactory and pleas
ing lecture. He usually deals with one
or more of the burning questions of the
hour and is always an interesting pi at- j
form orator.
Mr. Smith is lest known by his re- !
tnarkable story, "The Evolution of Dodd"
which, it is claimed, is doing more to re
model the public schools of this country
than any one influence that has ever
been brought to bear upon them. He
was associates, for several season--, w ith
the late "Bill" Nye in platform work and
contributes largely to the success of the
Tue. Ariel Sixtette enj iv a national
reputation as popular entertaiuers.
Handbook of tb Tariff.
Tbe understanding oi the complicated
provisions or the new tarttl das been
greatly simplified by the issuance of this
manual. To digest the tariff law is no
easy task, but to digest the fssl taken in
to the gastric receptacle is tendered eay
bv the use of that thorough stomachic.
Hosteller's Stomach Bitter. It prevents
and cures malarial, kidney ane1 rheumat
ic trouble, remedies nervousness aud in
somnia, ana removes ennsupauon ami
niliousuess. Appetite, as well as the
ability to satisfy it without subsequent
bdominal disturbance, is restored by
this fine stomachic, w hich also acceler
ates convalescence. Persons iu the de
cline of life, and the infirm of every age
and sex, And it of material assistance.
On the Wrong Taek.
The town meeting held in the comt
b )use Monday evening resulted as such
gatherings invariably do, in a discussion
of is- es not contemplated by those who
were responsible for it. The call an
nounced that it was for the purpose of
securing an expression from the people
in regard to increasing the borough debt
w iih the view of constructing a system
of sewerage nd erecting a municipal
binding, but .the very first speaker
launched off into a discussion of street
improvements, and thus opened the door
for others, who ftllowed along tbe same
liue. It was unfortunate tuat a repre
aontative of the town cocncil was uot
prepared to give the audience an outline
of the proposed public building wiih an
es imate of the probable cost. We trust
that the voters of the town will sanction
the expenditure asked for, as a building
in w hich oshelter the valuable fire apa
ratns and rooms for the accommodation
of tbe fire companies, who have demon
strated their ability and willingne.i to
fight fire and protect property. is apbso
lutely necessary.
For Tharktgiviog.
The President has issued the foil iw nig
Thanksgiving proclamation ;
"The approaching November brings to
mind the custom of our ancestors, hal
lowed by time and rooted in our most
aacred traditions, of giving thanks to
Almighty God for all the blessings He
has vouchsafed to us during the past
year. Few years in our history have af
forded such causesj for Thanksgiving as
this. We have been blessed by abundant
harvest, our trade and commerce have
been greatly increased, our public credit
has been improved aud strengthened, all
sections or our common country have
been brought together aud knitted into
closer bonds of national purpose and
unitv. The skies have been for a time
darkened by the clood of war, but as we
wore compelled to take up the sword in
the cause of humanity we are permitted
to rejoica that the conflict has betn of
brief duration and the losses we have
had to mourn, though grievous and iin
portant, have been so few, considering
the great results accomplished, as to in
spire us with gratitude and praise to the
Lord of hosts. We may laud and mag
nify His holy name that the cessation of
hostilities came so soon as to spare both
sides the oouutless sorrows and disasters
that attend protracted war.
"I do therefore Invite afl my fellow
citizens, as well those at home as those
who may be at sea or sojnirulng in for
iwn lands, to set apart and observe
Thursday, the 2l:h day of November,
a day of nati nal thanksgiving tj come
together in theirsevera! places of worship.
for a service of praise and thanks
Almighty God for all the blessings of the
year; for tba mildness or the seasons and
the fruitfulnesa of th soil; for the oon
tinned prosperity of tbe people ; for the
'devotion and valor of our countrymen
for the glory of our victory and the hope
of a righteous peace, and to pray that the
divine guidance, which has brought oa
1. . .n . r I n ,1 hftnrir mav IkA
1 graciously continued in the years to
iCuuMuutiMS!iTh0S8 Drf!P Sores
( por aovem"or""Nv
Meetings will be held at tbe following
times and places, wben tbe important is
sues iuvolved in the political battle now
being waged will be presented and dis
cussed by able Breakers.- Our candidate
for Congress, Hon. Joseph E Tbropp,
and our candidate for Slate Senator, John
S. Weller.Esq., and the candidates on tbe
county ticket will be among the speakers
who will address mast of the meetings.
Trent, Thursday, Nov. 3, at 1 p. in.
Rock wood, Thursday, Nov. 3, at 7 p. ru.
Hooversville, Friday, Nov. 4, at 7 p. in.
Jenners, Saturday, Nov. 5, at 1 p. m.
Stoyestown, Saturday, Nov. 5, at 7 p. in.
Other meetings will be announced in
due time.
U. M. Bkrki.ey,
Geo. R. StTtu Chairman.
Diaries for 1899.
Diaries for l.Mifl, all prices, sizes and
shapes, now in stiK-k, Wholesale and Re
tail, at
Fisiiek'h Book Store.
Some Beaions Why a Municipal Buildirg
is Heeded.
On next election day the voters of Som
erset w ill be called on to say whether the
tow n shall have a building suitable for
Lits needs or not one in which there
shall be a suitable Inck-up.a proper coun
cil chamber and also a place w here mav
be stored the lire apparatus belonging to
tie Isuough. This last is of imjo tince
every property bolder. The supply of
hose with w bieh eiur tire department is
equipped baa cost the town full I'M
aud if it is to be housed in its pres
ent quarters much longer the town will
uever get hair value out of that invest
ment. Every time the hose carts g out
to a fire the hose comes back wet and
dirty and must lie cleaned and dried and
there are few or no facilities for doing
this, with the result that necessarily the
hose become mouldy with milldeiv, will
rot and must be condemned and thrown
aside in half the time it would have to be
otherw Ise, and a uew supply be bought.
So far we have had no bursted hose at any
fire we have bad. But it is something
that may be expected to happen at any
time if things are to continue as they
now are.
We tieed a building where the hose
conjpauies can carefully dry their hose
and so keep it free from rot and milldew.
Another reason why a municipal build
ing is nee. led is that our tire department
needs a hisk and ladder truck, and it can
not have this because there is m place iu
w hich to keep it.
For a council room the borough is un
der the necessity of paying rent at the
resent time, and as things now are our
records and papers are at all times liable
to be destroyed and lost in case of a fire.
Everything considered tbe town by all
ueans ought to have this buildiug. It
reds it and it will save money by bav-
ng it. The borough owns an eligible
and variable lot, paid for long ago, and
no taxpayer w ill say that he felt any par
ticular burden iu doing it. and so f ir tbe
way Tor having a good public building in
which tbe business matters and interest
eir the town may be properly cared for, is
Iready prepared.
All that is needed is ror the voters of
he town to say that the town shall have it.
Lumber for Sale.
Eighty tbnusapd reet or gisid dry hem-
ock; will make tlooringor siding. Write
to D. E. Bbowx.
0.iiemahoiiin,r, Pa.
For Bint.
Store room in basement or First Na
tional Ban?- building. For particulars
nquire at Bank or of Geo. R. Scull.
Sepablicaa Meetings.
The Republican meeting heb! at Mey
ersdale Saturday evening was one of tbe
notable assemblies of the present cam
paign. The meeting was held in theSlicer
opera house, and B. D. Morgan presided,
with a complement of vice presidents and
secretaries. S. A. Kendall, one of the
Republican candidates fr Assembly,
opened tbe meeting with an address that
was well received by the large audience.
He urged Republicans to vote the ticket
from top to bottom and isiinted out the
necessity or electiug R"publica'is to
State aud county offices. John S. Weiler,
candidate for State Senator, followed with
an able argument in behalf of the entire
ticket. John M. Reynolds, Assistant
Secretary of the Iuterlor under Cleve
land, one of the finest ci-npiigiers, as
well as one of tbe loading attorneys of
the State, was uext introduced, and mado
one of the bast and strongest appeals for
the election of the entire Republican
ticket ever heard in Meytrsdale, or else-
w here.
Republican meetings were held at Ber
lin, Shanksville, Salisbury and Davids
ville. Tnere was a large turn out at each
or tbe 11 aces mentioned, aud the enthu
siasm was unbounded.
A good system of sewerage means good
drainage; it means giving to each and
every householder a means of disposing
or the waste on bis premises in such
way that it will not become a menace
au a nuisance to his neighbors. Good
drainj,e means good aud healthy sur
rounding. We can have these all over
town ir we vote tbe money to put down
Messrs. Coleman, Yisler and Martin, of
Pugh Post office, recently purchased
corn shredder, one of the best makes on
the market, and are prepared to answer
all calls for their services.
Crpbins' Ccurt Sola
Valuable Real Estate
By virtue of an order issued out of the Or
phans' v'ourt of Somerset county. Pa., and to
me anvcted, iiiern win be exposeu io puu.ic
a.ile, ul tin court house. In iincrwt, l'., ou
SATURDAY, DEC. 3, 1898
At I o'clock P M.,
the following described real estate, late the
property of Mrs. Hose u. fcs?hell, u;-a, to-wit
Valuable Coal Land Near
No. 1. The undivided Interest In all coal
lime, fossil meUis or other minerals, lyinj
under one hundred and thirty-flve ilV) acres
of Innd in Summit township, stomersel coun
v. Pi. utllolniiiK lands of J. l. tiruiify, st H
Martenv. Alex Mosgrove and others. Surface
now owned by Win Horner.
No. 2. Lois Nik i.i, tV, a-l, 109 and 310. each
lot heln ixlJI feet. In the town or Oarrell,
SUimer.4ef. eotintv. Ph.
No. S A parv-l of land containing about
six oil acres ivlnjr on the east snt of somt
mit neur "tiiwn brlilee." u-rt in Komer
tuuriwhin and Dirt In Somerset iHirouith. ad
joining lands of Josluh Brant. Valentine Hay,
All-till Keel, and fronting oa Komeraet aud
lk-lfonl pike.
All of the atsive property will be sold at
public or private sale.
' 10 per snt. when property Is knocked down;
balance of one third on ciMitlrmation of aale ;
nne.t h Inl In mix nionLbs and one-thlnt In
twelve month., Willi interest, to be secured
j byJud.ment
Administrator, c t. a.
They Continued to Spread In Sp'to
of Treatment but Now They are
Mealed A Work.
"For many years I have been a jjreat
sufferer with vari-.-jji' v-.-ias on one ol my
limbs. My f'Jot and limb became dread
fully swollen. Vifcn I stood np I roal.i
feel the blood rashia djwn the veins of
this limb. One day I accidentally hit my
foot against some object and a eoro broke
out which continued to spread and waa
exceedingly pahiful. I concluded I
needed a blood purifier and I began taking
Hood's Bassaparilla. In a short time
those dreadful ssrts which had caused
me so much suffering, bean to heal. 1
kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and in a short time my limb was
completely healed and tbe sores gave mo
no more pain. I cannot be too thankful
for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa
rllla, has done for me." Mes. A. E.
Gilsox, Hartland, Vermont.
parilla Is the test In fact Ui One True Blood PnrtSer.
Hood's Pilla cure all liver Ills. 25 cents.
the New Store of
Parker & Phillips.
The time
fa Tell
Yoa about the New
Goods i here. Ev
ery department of
the store is bright
with the new Fall and Winter
purchases. Everything purchased
bears the stamp of newness. It
piys to buy dependable goods at
reasonable prices.
Lntpjn ONE of the most itn-
and Capes
our Fall and Win
ter business is Gar
ment Selling. Uuvers will do well
to look through our Stoek before
purchasing, and see the new Nobby
tyles, the very cream of the
Cffiyiecst Styles that the Eastern
Market shows.
FIRST in your thought
is the new garment Rmrk Firstl,l0urtll0U-ht
UIUOO UUUdo i,a.j been to equip
this important stock wiih the new
deniable goods.
Hew Fall
Clack garments are
staple, they seem to
Black Goods
grow in variety,
beauty and popu-
aritv with each season. W'c invite
ou to view what the great weavers
ave been doing. '
Fashions continue to
make Silk as among
Fall m
her favorites.
Prices Put Silks
i e I 1 -
witlnn the reacn 01 cvervuuuy.
Wc have all the new nobby things
n Handkerchiefs, Glovcsr Ribbons,
Corsets, Laces, Stamped Linens,
Jrcss Linings, etc.
Good Blankets at.V), 75c, and;?l a pair.
Ladies' Wool Skirts at 70 and lc.
Ladies' and Children's Underwear from
6c up to iV-
Ginghams and Calicoes at A and oc
Toweling at.l, land oc.
Shirtings of all kinds at 4, 5. 6 and 7c.
Canton Flannels at 5, C aud 7c
Table and Floor Oil Cloths at 12 A 22c.
A new liue of Trunks, Satchels and
A new line of .W Umbrellas.
Lace Curtains, Portiers, Rugs, Table
Covers in new designs.
Gents' Furnishing goods in Neckwear,
Shirts Collars, Cutis, Uuderwear, Sus
penders, Stockings Gloves, A Umbrellas:
Ladies guaranteed Kid Gloves at wc
Don't Forget the
Dress flaking
nn.W the siitervision of Miss Amoss, ef
Baltimore City, wbo will tie glad to give
nv information in rceara 10 naviiiii a
ueat and stylish dress.
Parker & Phillip
Nnilec Is hereby elvcn h it the p-tition of
iniver km iiDf ml 1 Annie K. t n-use, ailmln
tlnilor CI loiaui i. rn, i.ur nip
Ixinnuh of -om -rs -t. county of Somerset,
id Slate of IVnns) Ivalint, lec n, w: pre
sented lo the ' nh:ins t ourl on tne Mil rtay
r -:ilier. istis. HeUiim forth that they had
:iv a Imlni.teretl the otaie ami uisirinuici
the assets, and nnylu the un wiai mey
Im discharged iroui the duties of sunt sp-
i, .ii.l-ii. nl anil 111 It the Ktid neliuon will he
hiiiiii hy the Court on ThunsUiy, November
1 1, ls&i.
liy inei onn.
To Miinrarct Knonla. widow, I. w. Koontx,
Mitrarel s. Koomz. inu-riiiameu wun if.
'f. Long. 'all of Midland, Allegany coud
tr. Mat-viand :
You are herehy notified toaprestrat sn (-
nhaas' Court to be held at isoni-rsei, ra., o
Monday, llie l-lil uay ui iwui.ti
acts lit or retllse lo li int rea- r;iuiic in
lem V.ainix. liec'.t. nt the suiiraised valuation
or show cause why the sumo should not be
sold. .
M. 11. IIAKIM.I.
0:t-12.18yK. Sheriff.
I-aac L. Yoder, et m ( In the Court of Coin
lo moil Pleaa in and for
Geo. W. M.-tiarry.Jr. I Somerset county, I a.
iHo. s.i, neiu . i.-s-u.
In the matter of the pel it Ion of George V.
Mil tnrrv. assignee ff Imi ic I Yoder and wife.
proving the Court todic large him from the
trust, AC The tourt on the aixlh day of Oc-loh-r.
ls. gninieil a rule on the creditors of
said Isaac 1.. toiler una wue, an-j upon wm
licuvc L. Yoder and wife, to show cause why
mild asiriiee should niH lie discharged from
l.l. irni ailil rule hetng returimhle at Amo
n...,.t -..iirt on Tii.iI:iv. NoVl-llllieT l lth. l.VH,
st and before winch lime answers may Uj
tiled by any one interested.
Prothonotary'a) HKNRY F. BRROX.
Oincc, Oct - VS. j Prothouolary
Levi Yoder, et ux
In the Court of Common
Pleas hi and for Soiu
ersel eoliniy. f i.
No. iTU. reb y T. 1V.
T.i lh matter i.f Iho netitton of tieOP'e W
M.-Harrv. imstmiee of levl Yoder and wife,
praying the Court to discharge him from the
toiler, lstiS. gnuiied a rule on the credltoia of
Kilil Ievi Yoiier and wile, and upon said
i-evl Yoder and wife, to show eau. why
said assignee should nol ho dischnrged from
ina Irani- rule h-lnir relurnahe at Argu- c.iiirt on Tuenilav. November l.ilh. lsus.
.1 and Ixf.ire shleli lime answers Duty he
filed by any one Interested.
Prothonotiirv s) UENRY F. B AKRON.
Oitlce, iK t. ii, 'as. t Prjihouoiary.
jl Yoder. et ux 1 In t'no fourt of Cotn.
to V moil Pleaa In and fo
C-aW MiKiinTJr Somerset ownty. Pa.
No. i. Keb'y T. 11.
tnHimtij.riirth( net U Ion of George W
vii-i:.irn .umnivut lavi L. Yoilerand wife,
praying the t'ourt to dis-harge him from the
trusU &c. The Court on the sixth day of Ur
tols-r, IshS grnnked a rule on the creditors of
Raid Levi L Yoder and wife, and npn said
Ivl 1 Yoder and w ife, to show cause wny
said assignee should not be discharged from
his trust, said rule being returnable st Argu
ment Court oa Tuesday. November 15th. lftx,
at and before which tunc answers may be
llled by any one interested.
Protnoimbtry's. HLMtY K. BVRRON.
Olace.Oct. t I'rolUonoUry.
All are respectfully invited to
call and examine my large stock of
new etvle Fall and Winter Goods.
of goods that I have in stock
is so large that it is impossible in
an advertisement to call attention
to One in a Hundred of the dilTer
ent kinds I have to sell. You
Should See For Yourself to Appre
ciate Them. I show the largest
variety of reliable 1'iess Goods in
the county, including I'iaia, Fancy,
Novelties aud l'laids, ranging in
prices from 10c to l.5 per yard.
Also, some liue goods put up iu
Single Dress I'atterns. In addiiiou
to my largo variety of colored Dress
Goods, I invite especial attention
to my immense stock of ULACIC
DHESS GOODS, such as Crepons,
Novelties, Mohairs, Henriettas,
Serges, and all the new weaves iu
reliable and newest stales.
We oiler all wool suitiugs, doub-
e width, at 2 , 30, 3o, 40, o0o, A.c.
Double width i
ad 20c.
fuitings, 10, 12, 15,
Extra quality Flannelettes,
Flannelette Skhts, 2oo
Crash Apron Ginghams, 5c
Calicoes, 4 to ic
All wool Skirts, old prices.
hirliug 5 to Tc
Ladies' Yeats, heavy, '2 for .3c
Ladies' Oueita Union Suits, 50o
You arc invited to call and ex
amine my stock of new style La
and young Ladies', Misses
Children's JACKETS.
find them as have all
who exam
stylish and
ined them reliable,
New styles Millinery Goods com
ing in as fast as the new stylos are
fully established.
We are pleased to thow our
goods to all.
Mrs A E Uhl
Election Notice.
Notice Is hereby given to the i.ualitled e!ict-
ors of the bnnmgh of Somerset, iu theeoun'y
of s-omersei, ami Commonwealth of Peiins 1
svlvania, tlmt an election will be held at the
'ourt House, In said borough, between the
ours of seven o'clock a. inland seven o'clock
p. ui on
Tuesday, ths 8th day of Nov. next
being at the mnie place ard on the .a me d ly
that the general eleelion wui lie lii-nn tor tne
liurisisj of obtaining the aent ot the quail-
tied electors of the said tinii"h loan Inei-Mse
f the indebu-dues of the uitd Iviroiwh
fit the amount of twenty-four thoii-aud
do) In n. for the purrsise of erecting
municiittl building for the use of the, said
Donnish, and also for the further purtioe ot
constructing a system of scuertige lor tne
aaid horomtll.
for the laiormaiion of the sti'd electors and
In a-cordaiHS5 wuh liie pri-tiiona of the Act
of Assembly, approvi-d Jith of April, 1st I.
I'. I- t"s and Its several supplements) tue lol-
lowing .latemenl is snbmiiieil :
Amount ol the last assessisi anil
adjusted vmuaiiou of the t.xiiiU;
i r.iirv I 1 sain isinmgu utxaoic
forisuiity purl!- is S'lT-CfcXIO
fpe ne; am iiinioi ifiee.xisiui j in-
deblisliicss ol the said lsiroiii:ti com
puted accoritng t- fi pnvi.,ion or
llie.Vh svtlou of the above suited
act, vix: liy neducloig irom the
gross amount thereof the monies in
ihi tnnurv. ouisianiiing solvent
debts due, and the revenues applii- -
ble w itiiin one year to tne pay ineiil
of the same is ? Jn.iZiH.i-n
The lKniugh also has addition ti surplus hs-
eia in lis Ki'iiepal icrougn aiTonni to trie
amount of l.lss 7 1, but tins is im1 ronsiden-d
as being apliiable lo the pnymetu o. inc
water lamds now oiitstamling, ami In l!s
water ivvenuenccount il has a turther hal.
uce of slinrj.sJ, most of wtneh iinghl Im made
applicable t the payment of snnl bonds, tut
as no part thernif has as yet been Iraiislerrct
to the sinaing ninii. it naa not ent-risi iuu
the a hove com uitat!.i.
l'l.e a nouut ot the nropovu increase oi in
debtedness as fixed by ordinance of the said
borough, passed on the day or August,
A. 1).. I!, una approved hv fie burgi-ss on
the stst day of August, A. 1.,K'"S, is r-4.i'i
of which Hinouii' it Is provided tliat the sum
of tl,un.iishHll te applied to iheere-iion of
municipal iiuiiiiing.auu me sum oi ;ji,hmj
shall be applied tu the construction of a sys
tem of sewerage.
This DmiKjMSl or imienteiiness or
tJt.tlin.Ol is eua! US', perci-ut. of the present
county valUMtton of ihe tmroiih and with the
net amount ol existing luueuteumw aa neretu
stated Is S.iil pT cent.
The Ruin election is to oe neui nmier me
same regulations provided by law for holding
municipal elections.
1st. Those tiulifledeleetor!eslrlng to vote
In favor of said men-use of indebtedness forthe
nnriaise of erecting a niunleiistl Duilding
shall vote with lii-kets, either written or print
ed, labeled on the outside, "Increase the
debt, and labeled on the lnsuic, - is-tii .May
Be lncreassj," and also the word, "For Pur
pose of tre-ting a Municipal lluildlnj;,
Those electors opposed to such Increase
shall vote ballot labeled on the outside
-lncniise Ihe Uebt," and labeled on the in
side. "No Increase of Debt for Purpose of
Kreetlng a Municipal Building, f I OHI '."
2d. Those qurtlilicd electors desiring to vote
In favor of send Increase of Indebtedness for
the purpose of constmcting a system of sew
erage, will vote tli-steia labcied on the outside,
IncreHse 'he Is-bt." and labeled on Ihe in
side, "Debt. May Is? Increased," and also Ih
words, "For tin" Purpose of Constructing a
1.1'uii.iii or -veu-em "I Jli.'BI) 11.
'i n. Me ebs-'ors onoosed to such Incrense will
vote tickets labeled on the oulsi.le. Increase
the Is-bt-" and labeled ou the inside, "No In
crenseof Debt,-' and aisotbe words "For the
Purpose of Constructing-a fysiem of Sewer
age, ta ) iw.
Kv order of the Town Council,
Ark-r- JOtIA11 U. PISF.I,
it. E. McvrKS, burgess.
Secretary Town CoancIL
Somerset, Pa., t4 pt. 21, lsys.
Notice Is herein- gl-n that the psrtnerh'p
rs-tween Jacob U. Winters (.ud William It.
Kantner. tn the carrying on anil inanagemeiit
of the Hotel Vanneur, at honierset, somerset
countv. P.., wa dislved on the 1st day of
August A. 1. I,.
Ail debts to the said partnership are to tss
p;ild, and those dtie from th am- discharg
ed alsald Hoiel Vannear. where the bummsss
will be continued by the said Jacob B. W In-
Variety-cjs -
We want your
and anything you have to offer in
the produce line. Get our Prices
be fore you sell. We are always
in the market.
Just received a carload of
Crocks and Butter Jars,
which we are offering at extremely
low prices.
Just unloaded two cars, and our
price is a stunner to eomjictitors.
We are felling at the lowest prices
ever ofi'ered.
Fancy and Staple Grocery
is at all times stocked with the best
of everything. We are now re
ceiving our New IMn 1 ai.K Cannoit
Vegetables. California Canned and
Evaporated Fruits. Always de
pend on gettiug the Best at our
Jlead'iuarters Store, and if goods
are not always as represented, we
want them returned, as we want
nothing to leave our store that does
not give entire satisfaction.
Carload of
Pillsh'jfj's and Washburn's
Celebrated Flours now due, togeth
er with J ili.sburv s Kencwneu Uos
Breakfat Food. Ye invite the at
tention of mothers, parents and
housekeepers to try one package of
The Ideal
Wheat Food
Our prices on the brands of
Flour mentioned will be lower than
any prices offered on this market,
as we buy in solid carloads, there
by getting a big cut price, of which
we aive our customers the benefit
Call and ExaTine our Goods
Respectfully yoars,
It is
To a
' 4"
it u '
5i l;ict-. r-jt ,.-
1ume.i ri. (ohhrhau
Estate ot J. F. Ueachy, late of borucrset bor-
ougll, ueu a.
Infers of administration on the above es
tate having been granted to Ihe unuersigneu
h..ii,s nsnrmitlmniv. notice is hereby giv
en U all person Ind. bl.-d to said estate lo
make Immediate payment and thos.- having
clnlins agninst the same topri-sent them nly
authenti.-audon or before Thursday, the
day of IX U laws at llieoiiiceoi i..iiii.M.s. .i....
A. C,
ir.rat:r's Sala
Pursuant loan order issued by the orphans'
Court of somerset tsunty, 1 will exp J to
sale ou the premises, oil
Saturday, Nov. 5. 1898,
the late homestead of Henry Speicher, dee'd.
n tract of land situate in the township of Ad
dison, county of Somerset, and Mate ot
Pennsylvania, adjoining landJ of John Hao
m Da'vld Keiio H. v.'. MiS.'ul!oug'a and the
You-h liiver. with a two story five-nsnn
dwelling bmise, log trn, granary and other
mit-huiniiiigs, froit of all kind. eout.ining
nlnit nlneiv-si. $' acres, about one-hall
cleared, tu!an In timber. I'nderlaid wih
coal and liiiiestonti. Four inilea from Co"ilu
eure and three miles Irom fomer:leld. Poa
scssiou to h given January I,
Ten percent, to be pnld on day of sale, and
the buLiiiceain coiiUrnintion of sale.
Adiiilulst-atrix of lleury Speicher, ds.-M.
K-s!ateof Vinvid f. Lonp. late of t'pper Tur
t jfisit tow.iship. somerset Co. Pa., dee d,
letters of adnilnistnitlon on the above es
tate bavin oeeu grante-t lo tne unuersigne,i
by the prow rauinoritv. nolUt-is hereby glv
en to ail (li tsnii.s Ind. bti-d to said estate to
m ike ii:ii-sj;ate payment, an I tus? having
claim agains; the same lo preaenl them duly for s.itie-.uei'.t. on tsM'uniay.
iir in I sis, at slo.e of adiu'r at Fort ILH,
insaidtowush.p. A. E. EICHER.
In rc nstate of Jonatlum Miller, dee'd.
The undersigned auditor, duly appointed
by the proper authority, to iw-eiiain ad
vancement aud make a distribution of the
fund in Ihe bunds of theadm'r to and among
lhe li-galiy eutitled tneivtis hereby gives
uotice thai he will attend lo the duties ol his
anuointmeut. on Friday. Nov. Is, IsnS. at
one o'e-oca P. M , at his office In Son
erse- Pa., when and whcr all parties In
lensiusi may attend.
UEO. It. SCff.U
Sifford &
More Ladies' Cresce, Sepi'ata
Skirls, Capes. Jackets and
Children's Wear.
T1IK cost or niakinir often lsiys thr
i;arnieiit. Perfection in jfiirmonts
noi to be found in many stoics, ia Is iniJ
put "sit of our I'n s Making lciartineiit.
Finely Tailored Suits of Covert Cloth or
Cheviot. New Shane fly front, with extra
dart scams in front, lap or plain scam.
Ijiiliesi" CoatM of Plain Reaver
or Kersey Cloth made w ith Mitch Scam
and new Ihirt Sleve Some with Velvet
collar, others plain. Mnie- and iloublo
brea tid. Correct letitn and popular
While the Jacket seii!s t Is1 o.s.
oupying the most imminent plae in the)
lnlio' Wariirolnt, still sMiine prefer
ijihhI xtylish Cape of Astractiau, 1 iusli
or P.caVer Cloths, tair S-'osi,
.s.H! ami Slii.iK) Kartiieiits have Us'ii
rciidy sellers, ami embrace special value.
Black Dress Goods.
Kvery merchant prides himself on
his Pluck !res IohhLs lh-partiiient. Hut s
when wc, by earnest ell-Mt, a-e eu
;itdc to plu4 ls'forc our customers somo
dainty new titjMres of greater value tlinn
t'liosc tiiunii in tho orilinary store, a
isiiisa-icnttous pride at nnee b) see)
that llie piin titLser il.w-s justic to tlm
jfinls IhiiiIu by having it properly cut
ami fit. ll mailers nut how line the. ma
terial, you reaii.e no value iu it it it
docs not pr-as you.
fioddeling and Fitting.
This ( listai-le litis leen overcome in
our Iiress Making I Vpartmcnt. A (fissl
ly mi in I -cr have Iks-ii surjirisisl by our
Slmliste, w ho always has stuncthiu new
to tell you alsiit st . les.
The nMlinery Dep't
Is like a meadow in thosprini; time-,
ablaze with all that is new and nobby.
Fashion's latest bt-lic,ts cuu Is vu-wetl
from every corner. Aitistic skill arnillie)
know- how arc plainly visible. The liesl
or nothing at our store
There are liie Felt Hats turned of)' tho
fail-, lied Velvet Crown, trimmed in
1'iiack ISraids and Cmiues, a pretty crea
tion for
Also Cloth TiirUms. with foldeil crow n
Win front, a gem for
The New
College p.inl Military Hats are here.
Color and variety. W hat next?
Ladies Underwear.
The ri!deil sttoii long sleeve vests,
which have brought many new custom
ers to our .stoic,stiil going rapiiiiy ut
at 2 for iV. Altliougli some ireler tin)
heavier gmwls these warm ll ecy two
w inter wearer kind at
We also keep the Is-tter wool Vests at
50c and $1.00
each with pants to match.
Men's Underwear.
This Department is nil! org;snl val
ues tie iunin w ith a gisxl heavy shirt at
A bcttrr one, full length, warm
ami fleecy, at
The best isitton riblieil ami heav
ily tlecis'il gMls, each
Anil a handsome, new line Kent'
S;iSj tvitlcrs now lieing show n at the po -ular
25 and 50c
Such as flannel. for Shirts, X'nilcr
w car and Skirts. Shaw l., Fuse 1 ators,
Hisxls, Mittens, llo.icry of ail kinds.
Iiotncts, iMitintr Cantous
re iiiiremcntsi of the scusori.
with all
a Great Comfort
tidy oouseltecjier to have a good stove.
Olaaeieila MW
Is one cf the most perfect heating stoves, for house
hold use, ever placed c;n the market. All the
latest and best ideas are incorporated into its con
struction. Kvery feature to promote durability,
cleanliness and economy has been well planned
and developed.
Produces the Creates! Heat
From the Least Fuel.
The cold air is drawn from the rigr, and discharged
through the sides and top, thoroughly heated.
1 his method of circulation
And establishes that mnch desired uniform tem
perature in s'.l farts of the room.
VMH Bun ery Lind of Coo! !
Will keep Fire Twentv-four Hours I
Can be tsed as Sinqle or Double Heater t
AU the Good Points Hone of the Errors !
n, Somerset, fJ:.
In the estate of Henry Long, latof siomerset
township, Somerset county, i"a., dee d.
Letters of admluistratiou on the above e
U;te tvi ing been granted to the undersigned
by the proper authority, notice is hereby giv
en to all persons indebUsi to said estate to
make immediate payment, and tlise having
claims against the same to present them duly
authenticated for settlement, on Friday,
Is i A. D, lss, al tbe Utle residence of
said deceased.
ii. F. LONG.
Fred. W. l'.lcseclcer, Aduiiuistralor.
Crplians' Crrt Sala
Vakibh Rsal Estate !
By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of
t"i 'Orphans' Court of Somerset county. Fa.,
and to ine diiwted, there will lie rxpuNed to
sn'e on tne premises in Hrothersvalley town
ship, Somerset county. Pa., ou
Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1893,
at I o'clock P. M.,
a'l tbe following described Mil cstaU, late the
properly of Peter Hauler, dwt'd, u ;
All thatcerfMin farm or tract of land situ
ate in Brothcrsvalley towi ship, Somerset
count v Pa., adjoining lands of John Ston
er on the north and wei. I'tarlea Heitm oa
the east and f'eter t'ora-r and Henry N. Col
lean on the south, containing US u-rv mora
or less, having Ihereon erected a two-story
Dwelling: : House,
with basement, bank barn and other neeessa
ry outbuilding. This farm is Weil watered,
contains a gisnl orchard, and about SO acres
of land is underlaid with It U tuuif
nient to whisils and churches and is in every
way a desirable turn), being about ou mils
south of the town ol" RerPn. It also eiwitalns
a 1hiv aui'ar on hanl mjuiring about ;i"s
keeiers. Ail of the land, except 10 acres
which Is In t mlier, is cleared and in a good
slut of cultivation.
Possession iveu 1st April,
After payment of coa-s and expensrs, oms
thinl to remain a lien imi the land, Uunng tho
lifetime of Mary B. Hsuger. widow or said
ditslent; one-third or confirmation of sale,
and the remainder In two eiual annual pay
ment without interest, Teu per cent, of the
entitv purchase money to be paid on day of
Geo. R. Scull, Aduiiuistralor and Tiuatee.
RELIABLE Salesman Wanted. We do not
promise great riches but can make It an
ofijM-t lo the right man to sell our Lubricat
ing ills and Ureas. Addresa ua at uuco. Tb
Euclid OU Company, Cleveland, Oblo.
co tne.
and Throfct,