The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, May 11, 1898, Image 3

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    ierset ItoaU.
4 TLU EJitor-
of the !'
Tti.'ly even-
...,. wil IJ-.U religious
v''f next
" F,mUtT:yin the cven-
W' . il x.vcr, reck aud
A. Stoue,
the ranks
iprivteuJ'ouhta P!T
I -,rk on the battlefield.
Vnirrs l 1 'veruorof
' ' vte fr Messrs. Good,
. . fr the mil-
; S " ,
're. ll,e onlPIished
Vr"M Mrs. H. V.
'.street, Johnstown, is
'"Vl -..nir ia.iy to make
of this
Aru-.ns suffer the tor-dvpe?"5-
No need to.
f ,d Biw cure. At any
jnd thirty-five passes
-:'.;, f.,r orrcnonJents of
"rti:Ttv1i!,-.v the army have
r"LHl Lv Secretary Alger.
to Mr. K.U. Watkins,
'.,T..rmt. Iper, and is the
,J li'i to la:s inuc w it-
'" ' ti rontier sex
VJ:ias have been
tiled with
. it r.iffroth's
can lidacy for
honors i ""t confined to
lviy means cc'
j tis Mine
has caiiea lortn
'.manivand state press.
'j;be Mis,ippi, vaulted the
. -ain and stands smiling on
!I r.& of the l'aoiiie. The
of California, lias ue-
ria i
J that settles it. lie
1,1 & unanimous notm-
i il.n I if
liebiiiin m i"? ......
..ti..c Tbe .. P. will luok
f,,rnsoe an accident.
. . i. iireimre.l for it. Dr.
I . E -rir Oil Monarch over
5. A-!. CJ years, died :X his
's in I.iii"o!n township, on
''h. le.-eased -was a
.-'jfiae "llltli Hee. Pa. Vol. during
-nr. He was a grandson of the
4s bi. H w survived by his
. jats.aand two daughters, and
-ja Ld a brother and a sister,
fits prominent me-uber and
t of SL Peter's Ks formed
iVM, he has .us been a mem
jswrfrefrttiou since early man-
-sai war i- having its effect on
-..;itft or rather the speca
tt it for all it is worth,
-jr tie primrose steadily during
!.t the time business closed
. . " - :.. N-.... it l.ol
I fiUir Mav delivery, which is
k) ?HT at present. This is
--k ;are reai-hed by the -ereul
-s en-itiiiff time when "i)ld
." o? tin c-irnere.1 the mar
Vprireof il ;ir h:is been almost
i-l.aetw being taken at ilierie are eer-
aucst li:i!hel and best pictures
i a ia S uiierseL All negatives
jfrt- psj th ron gli the hands of an
St rt-uai-Uer liefore the pictures
-irl People desirous of securing
i yb -i'igraiihs mkeu in the town
ri to see the samples shown by
Virgin, son of Superintendent
.Tirgia of the Pethel Coal Com-
linflt at Bethel, was instantly
tin t-let-trie shock while at work
a-j of the Berwind-White Com-
t WinJbt-r Saturday afternoon,
iv power by w hich cars are run
tf tftUe IJerwiud-White mines
by eiei-trical current through
c;!iJed about four feet from the
t Yotmji Virgin was engageil at
ti of tim!er when he slipped
-the !-ie of his head coming in
rith one of the live wires. The
ztu was eighteen years of age.
"oiinioa a Xews-Stan lurd is au
!jr tbe statement that t'ao t'-oiinty
-sAjners of Payette, irnene,West
ii Wabinctin and Somerset w ill
sttiy for the purpose of taking
towards the immediate
: of a workhouse in w hich the
s rum! w ill keep their prisoners
'-'i kuow ho it is in the other
.Uit Somerset unity has never
riou M ue an institution of the
"named and there ap(ears to be
a wLy siie should iu ilie future,
wight be found expedieut to
TUiu aivused county ollicials an
tity to earn their salaries.
I --nnjjtiiig to jump a s uth-lx)und
aiu at Coleman Sation, Weilnes
-DiMn. Albert P.iiiL'ler. aae.l
.aree years, of Allegheny town-
i7!' thrown llllili-r Ihp ti ling ami
Tie acciduut was witnessed by
-ruf pers.ins who hurried to the
'!" to tind the young man in a
TOslitiou. He exnired fifteen
p art-rwards. Tlie body was
' - to S cucrset w bere it was pre-
fli rial before being removed to
J '-'or the vii-ti-ns's mother, Mrs.
? ? Yutry. It in said that liingler,
r employ d as a book agent, made
' "' ri l.ngon freight trains, pre
'fie excitement in-:iieut to jump-
ml off rapidiy moving freight
I ' riJmg on regular passenger
I ithiXigU he was abundantly able
4 . ll:s witeJteJ hve months
I- ieaves one child.
- Ui las', cable message tellir.go
J tuning of the bombardment of
Commodore Dewey's rqumdrou
-:MuiiaotIii it traveled halfway
-ie world to New York in just :i5
J ''-even ocean cables'.
-:h, Irish aia French ible
America, and the messages
, "liiiila, upon reaching Land's
iilT be sut over any of these
The Western Union's messages
.froiu Sen non Cove, near Land's
wt to D ,ver 15 ly, neir Cans .
:-n:! -. m ... :i , . r .1
. .n nine, uuiu iuce iiiK y
?jtel over the coast cable to New
uiiiex more. Coming by this
mesage from Manila to New
. -"! over twelve cables, having
V "'tr-'u of n.lll miles, and three
5J Megrapb. liues, w ith a Utal
ll'ut 'AW miles-a total distance
Sk. i
w " wigo try , cue ooiii-
"ufthe American tipet in Asiatic
. naniui ill llie l2My,
W hi christening of fire aboard
J" '-fcui sloop Mississippi, under
in the early days of the civil
tjioiii dore Dewey is now about
old. lie belongs iu yermout
appointed to the naval acade-
tuat sute in September, 1ST.!.
'r later, w hen te w as graduated,
nt ab.Kird the stt-ntn fritrala
ii,..,..,....o...,: "
K. ii'lU lwiolALunf
Ifrfil, eight days after Fort
J ass.gneij to jiiu the M issiHsip-'-iiduty
w ith the Wawt Gulfsiuad
as on the Mississippi when
an entrauce to the Mis-
v-m-er and again w hen the fleet
e'uitli!tof tire from the forts be
" urieans In April, Ist, and
" surrender of that city. The
as iu lieionged to Capt Bailey's
a" of the fleet w hich attacked Fort
ill 1)1 i
F. ii. Tarkor, of Johnstcwn, spout
Sunday w ith his Somerset relatives.
Miss Mary liaer, of H&idinr;, la Is a
guest Ht lh borne of her grandfather,
John O. Kiiotuel, Ksi.
Lieut. Chester M. Kncpper, was on
Sunday ordered to Norfolk to take com
mand of the torpedo boat McKee.
Maimgcr George J. Ilrebs of the Listie
Mining Company, is spending the wet-k
iu Pilt-ibuig, on business f.T Iiiscoinnanv.
Mr. t haiies Hancock, of Iauville, Fa.,
f-pcul Saturday aud Sunday, with 'bis
wife and sou, who are guests at the kuuin
of Mr. Simon Krcbs.
Contractor James C. MoSpadden last
week secured a contract to buiid one aud
one-bali' uiilos of couuty road lor Alle
gheny county, at a cost of fil.OOO.
The Republicans of 'Western Pennsyl
vania are for XV. A. Stone, the soldier and
patriot for Governor. A vot for Hoover,
Peck and Waguer is a vo'.e for Stone.
Superior Court Judge Orlady, of Hunt
ingdon, spent Friday and Saturday iu
Somerset. The Judge la a combiner, but
he had other business besides politics to
look after while here.
Henry F. Barron occupies bis present
ofoe by reason of a united Kepublicau
vote iu the county aud he should not seek
to split the party try asking for votes fur
John Wanamaker, who bas threatened
to lead a revolt against the probable nom
inees of the party.
Prof. C. E. Stretig, principal of oue of
the Grceusbnrg public schools, and Miss
Alice Young, of Latrobe, were united in
marriage at the borne of the bride's par
ents, Colonel and Mrs. Andrew Young,
last evening. Prof. Streng is a on of Mr.
C. C. Streng, of Lavansville.
Mr. and Mrs., John 11. Morrison, of
near Bakersvillc, have issued invitations
for the marriage of their daughter, Aa-
netw, to Mr. George L. Countryman, on
Wednesday evening. May 2otu. Mr.
Countryman is one of the best known
young farmers of Jefferson township.
A party of twenty-four friends sur
prised Miss Anna M. Wei ier, Saturday
evening, at the borne of ber parents in
Somerset township, the occasion being
that young lady's birthday. The sur
prise party brought music and refresh
ments with them and a delightful even
ing entertainment followed.
W. A. Stone, a soldier boy at the age of
eighteen, now a man wise in statesman
ship, and with a national reputation asks
the Republicans of Somerset county to
vote for Edward Hoover, Jacob Peck and
Iiaviil E. Wagner for delegates to the
State convention, all of whom stand
pledged to vote for his nomination for
John White, a Fayette county "moon
shiner," was given a hearing before L. S.
Commissioner Beall, at Uuiontown,
Thursday, and was held in the sum of
f 1500 for his appeaiauce at the U. S. lJis
trict Court. W bite operated a still in
Salt Lick township, just across the Som
erset eouuty line. This is the second
time be bas been arrested for illicit dis
tilling. Normau B. Couutryman, Esq., son of
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Countryman, died
at the home of bis parents in Summit
township, on Thursday, 5th iust., from
diabetes. Deceased was a graduate of
the California State Norm!, aud of Ann
Arbor Law SchooL He spent several
years in the State of California and was
admitted to the bar iu that State. He
was abont thirty years of age.
Tho graduating exercise of the Som
erset public schools will take pla-:e at the
Opera House, on next Tuesday evening,
when a class of ten young ladies and
gentlemen will receive their diplomas.
Tho program arranged will includees
says, orations recitations, etc. Music
will bo furnished by Prof. Geo. Daisey's
Cumberland Orch-jstr.i, An admission
fee of 2" cjiiU v. ill be chrgfl for re
serv ed seats. Tickets cm be had at Case
beer's store.
George B. Coleman, of Jenuer town
ship, sustaiued serious injuries ten days
ago between Jennertown and Sipesville,
when he was seized with a fainting spell
and fell from his horse. He had been at
Sipesville and was within a short dist
ance of bis borne when the accident hap
pened. When he regained consciousnecs
he was unable to walk and had to crawl
home on bis bands and knoes. He hns
since been suffering from inflammation of
the brain, and is now in a precarious c 'H
ditiou. The injured man is about thirty
five years of age, and bis a wife aud sev
eral children.
While Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver were
dri ing from Johnstown to their borne in
Couemaugh township on Saturday, their
horse took fright at a street car and ran
over the embaukment of the Stouycreek,
just above the Poplar street bridge, tak
ing the buggy and the occupants with
him into the river. Tho couple were
completely submerged in the stream,
which is quite deep at that point- Some
young men went to their rescue. Mrs.
Weaver was painfully cut about ber face,
but her husband was not injured. It is
rumored that Mr. Weaver will present a
bill for dam ges against the city of Johns
towu, bocause the embaukmsnt is not
protected by a fence where tho aciiibiUj
Mr. and Mrs. Abner Mc-Kinley arrived
here from Washington Saturday evening
aud remained until Monday, w hen they
left for New York. Their visit at this
time was for the purpose of arranging to
take up their summer residence here
about June 1st. Satur lay evening Mr.
McKiuicy talked over tbe long distance
phone with the White House, and was
afterwards able to give his friends official
confirmation of Commodore Duwey's
spleudid victory at Manila. Sunday
morning before the arrival of the daily
papers he learned through tbe fcnuif
source tbi all of the wounded in the
Manila engagement were on board the
Baltimore, thus relieving appjebensions
from the minds of the many relatives and.
friends of Ensign rln Knepper, who
was on board tbe Concord
On Saturday moruinglast Kfr. R s
F. Divis presented a magnificent Ameri
can fl-ig, made by herself, to the Pioneer
Fire Company and through them to the
citizens of .Somerset. The donor exacted
a promtss from tie fire laddies that they
mid keep the flag waving inarromi-
r.ent pi u:- while w ar Willi Spain contin
ues. The m 3-u;ers of t'ao Pioneer Com
pauy a-i-einb'.cl i:i frjnt of the court
house at 1J o'clock, wh-.-reiaey fell iu line
and head el by a drum orp marched to
the public square, where thi fl ig was re
ceived on behalf of the C-oinpiny by R.
M- Linton. E. O. K xser made a patriot -
ioad lres-i and at the conclusion of bis
remarks tho flag waj hoisted to the top of
the public flag staff. A large crow d of
people assembled to witness the ceremo
nies and chared lustily when the stars
atnfsti ipes were unfurled.
Wheu Ensign Orlo Knepper wasspond
it) I his vacation last fall at the horns of
bis parents he was tossel up in his miud
as to whether be should apply for an as
signment on the Atlantic or Pacific
stations declaring that if the Uuited
Slates were to beeonp involved in a war
with Spain he wanted to have hand in
jt, w hile if, ou the other band, there was
to bo no war w ill) a foreign foe he wanted
to make a visit V the GrionL lie re
luctantly asked to be assigned to the
Pauitic squadron, ljttlo dreaming th U bis
desire to engage in aolual warfare was
ro soon to be gratified, and that his
ahip waa to have the honor of firing the
first shot aziut the Spanish Philip
pines, and that in reoogniiion of the
glorious victory there achieved the Amer
ican Congress would pass a resolution
thanking Oomiti'idore Pewey, bis officers
and nieu for their brilliant victory. Th
battle of Manila j-lipos iu some re
spects all former naval engagements in
the history of tbe world, and the men
who participated in it will have their
names enrolled on one of the brightest
pages oi Listnry. It w as a proud uy lor
E-isii'i Knepper. Tae world npplauds
brave Dewej'a ilocL
Koonu, Berkty, t aU Blind to tt Con
dnct of Their Politic il
Poblie Money Tced Ut Piivele EitJi.
Judg' Compensation lcubled andTitb
led Taxpayers Outraged and Cacft
denco Betrayed. Partial Eccord of tho
Discredited Combine.
The position of Messrs. W. II. Koontz,
J. A. Berkey. F. Cook, D. J. Hor
ner, and others in the present campaign
presents a fetrange anomaly. All of tne
gentleman named, with othersfrom Som
erset county, attended a political gather
ing in the city of Philadelphia fouie ten
weeks ago at which it was agreed that un
relenting w ar fchouid be declared against
alleged corrupt management of State and
county offices. W. H. Koontz presided
at the meeting and made a vigorous at
tack upon the Republican State Organi-iition.-
A call was issued to millionaire
John AVauamaker asking biin to lead the
dissatisfied hosts to battle against the al
leged corruptionisls. After mature de
liberation the Merchant Prince accepted
the call and has since been going up and
down the State calling upon the people to
overthrow the Republican organization,
which he alleges bas been guilty of all
manner of corruption, and to deliver the
management of State atlsirs to gentlemen
to be dictated by himself and tboso who
composed the convention which placed
him in nomination.
It is only fair that Mr. Wanamaker
should be meaaurod by the mine rule as
those who are proclaiming that the Re
publican party can only be saved from
utter ruin by placing him and bis follow
ers iu charge of State and county affair.
The attention of the reader is directed
to the conditions confronting the Wana
maker advocates ia Somerset county.
Two of W. H. Kootuz's most devoted
friend and political followers are Asso
ciate Judges Horner au.l Black. A glance
at their record f-hows that they have util
ized their official positions in order to fat
Ion their private purses. The compensa
tion fuey have revived for their services
is largely in excess of the compensation
paid other associate- Judges iu other coun
ties in tiie State, and in a majority of in
stances more ttan double the compensa
tion received ly Associate Judges in
counties having more legal business than
the county of Somerset. Inspection of
the deed records in the office of th" Regis
ter aud Recorder shows that both Judge
Horner and Judga Black have acknowl
edged deeds for which it is fair to pre
sume they have charged the State of
Pennsylvania uii.l indirectly the county
SiOO, whereas a Justice of the Peace
or other offi xr empowered to administer
an oath would have performed the same
service for fifty cents ; the Associate Judg
es have met Jointly for the purpose of
discharging a prisoner, heu thepresenc o
of one of them would have boeu suffi
cient; the Associate Judgos have contin
u xl Court in session from day to day un-
n (cessarily, charging ?li) pr d iy for their
servicss ; but why multiply tl.u short
comings of ollicials whosejudicial conduct
has become a reproach not only to the
people of Somerset ouuty, but to the
State at large. ,
W. II. Koontz has been a practicing
attorney for a pariod of more than 10
yours aud no muu in the county is lietter
able to Jaugd tiiaa he of the amount of
labor the law itupxes upju Associate
Judges, but he has stood by and watched
his frioad Horner gobble up $l.0 a year
for Jive years, w hereas Hon. O. P. Shaver
discharged similar duties for a period of
five years for less than f K( a year, while
Associate Judges Mussclman and Stuffi
received only f M per year for their sr
vis. Has Mr. Koontz's political friendship
for Homer blinded him to that judicial
officer's faults, or has be been willing to
remain silent and see the laypayers im
posed upon in an unprecedented aud
wholly indefensible in inner, w ithout
sounding the alarm until Judge Homer
is ready to retire from the bench and he
himself is a candidate for legislative
Will Messrs. Wanamaker, Koontz, and
Berkey repudiate County Commissioner
Geo. F. Kimmell, who is the Vice Chair
man of the Republican County Com
mittee organized by Messrs Berky,
Kooulz, et al., only a year ago, and who
is one of the warmest advocates aud most
loyal followers of their political fortune.
Commissioner Kimmell is boldly ac
eused of having taken $otW of county
funds on the 1 II la day of August IStlT, aud
on the same day making a payment of
foOO on his Somerset property. For near
ly nine months Commissioner Kimmell
had this money in his possession before
restoring ail that he had misappropriat
ed to tbe treasury of tbe county.
Will Mr. Koontz, who is tho chairman
of the Wanamaker campaign committee
communicate the tacts of Commissioner
Kimmell's misconduct in offi oe to John
Wanamaker that he may hold him up to
public scorn as a specimen of machine
politics? or will he tell the peopleof Sjui
rset county, whim be is asking to send
him to the legislature fjr the purpose of
eradicating abuses that are alleged to
have sprung up in the State and counties
that Mr. Kimmell has betrayed the trust
imjosed in him by the Republican
Commissioners' Clerk John G. E.uert
procured fS0 of county funds in July,
IS IT, and kept possession of it for six
months before reluruiug it to the county
treasury just before the Auditors met in
January, lsiH, for the purpose of audit
ing the accounts of the Commissioners'
oCi'je. Mr. Emort has been closely iden
tified in politic with Messrs. Koontz
and Berkey aud ia in full tympathy with
the Wanamaker movement. It is not
probable thai either Koontz or Berkey
will ask for Mr. E nerl'a removal from
office or that they w ill direct tbe atten
tion of tho taxpayers of the ciuuty to
the risk they are running by having him
continued iu bis present importaut posi
tion. Samuel U. Shober, who litis been one of
the lead3rs of the political "ombine"
with which Koontz, Barkey, Kimmell,
Emert, Gjod, Birron, Cook and -others
are identified, at various times during
bis term of office as Couuty Commission-'
er secured county funds for bis personal
u . He has lioen accused by the coun
ty Auditor of grave irregulariiias and
misconduct iu office, and bus been sur
c'aarged by the Auditors for .profligacy.
Hive Missrs. Koontz and Berkey poiut
ed the righteom fugirof public honesty
at SUobvr.
When less than a year ago it was dis
covered that the Secretary of tbe Com
mm wealth and other State officials bad
given the Stale Treasurer a:l in. la naify
iug bond for ailaries advauced to cr
tan employes of he legislature. Gov
ernor Hastings promptly asked for
the resignation of the members of bis
offi ial household, w ho bad placed their
names to the bond in order that the
Treasurer might n it suffer personal loss.
Governor Hastings' action was applaud
ed by Kooulz and others and it is being
held up by John Wanamaker as an ex
ample of official integrity to guide bis
But bore in Somerset county public
officials, it seems, are permitted to take
public funds upon which the taxpayers
are compelled to pay a high rate of inter
est, aud convert it to their private busi
ness, without a protest from the Wana
maker followers.
Messrs. Wanamaker, Koontz, Berkey
and their followers tdiould be consistent
in their protestations of purifying politics
in the Slate aud County. After the local
atmosphere h Ikwii cleared there will
be ample lime for thorn to clarify tbe
Liveryman Simpson has added several
handsome uear carriages to bU establishment.
Tell From A Baggy and Broke Hi Keck.
"Josh" W. I-anli", tho. well-known
Berlin insurance agent, while returning
from Meyprwiale to his home yesterday
morning ril from the bng?y in w hicb be
was riding and lighting upon bis head
broke bis neck. Death was instantaneous.
Landis was accompanied 1-y a boy twelve
or tifte-ii yea: of g". 'l li i accident oc
-tined aU.ut four inilen fiom Berlin,
and a nuuils r of citiz-ins went to look
after the Isxly. Mr. Landis was about
fifty years of age. He is survived by his
wife and a number of children.
Jeff Again Comes to th For. j
Herald Dbucker:
Die Kongresa hut am letschda greek ga-
brocht. Sell is recbt. Won der McKin
liy micb braucht, bin ich reddy. Die j
Spanisha ini-sa ous Kuba.
Ovver ich will noch belfa die karls wu
die Rebubiikan party uf brecha wella
'sarsht recht gute garrava. Der Billy j
Koons is now en bresident fun dem "Re
bubiikan Union," und er soli laufa fer
Sembly, und will die -'fakirs" leeda. Er
is der "Yenral"', and Ich denk der Frank
Ktiser, der J. A. Berkie, der Ed Werner,
dor Sam Shober, der George Kbnel nnd
fleicht Doch ediicha so chaps sin die kap
tins und korperls. Das sin die karls wu
die Rebubiikan party ous butza wella.
Sie wella oil die raskals, ran ver, deap und
eiffer rous du, und aerliche, uicie, solrry
menner in offis du, -
Won fcie die party net besser sebprenga
kenna os sie die kommishuer biznes ben.
don gates net long bis der dihenker udder
die Dimikrats olles greega.
Fildclrie is headkwarters fer die parly
Bchptiddcrs. Dort gate der Billy Koons
olla gabut heeferordars greega fum Won-
namacher. In Filadeltie hen sie en 'Bush'
met tin kot, wu der "Yenral" Koons bres
ident gamacht war fun der "Toxpayers'
Der Koons, der Dannie Horner, dor J.
A. Barriky, derChon Lemherd, der Jarly
Koch, und riocb ediicha so chaps waara
au eera "Bous" udder "Buss" im ctin.
Sie ben oil es libeway kot wie sie r.u
rick sin kooma, and der waeg wiesie acta
hen sie noch schmertza. l)er "Yenral"
mus olle gabut noch Fildelie fer Wonna
macher pop groega fer die kerls In Sum
merset. Ich w unner wos fer droppa ud
der thtiift os or ous daled enny bow.
Ich denk die Summerset kerls donna
now glei aufonga. peddla, Es wunnert
m ich yusht wie ficl douseud daaler os rs
der Wonnamacher kusht in Summerset
konniy.. Die "fakirs" in Summerset
watcha die leit wlo hinkewoy. Die leit
kenna harly era biznexs iux'h fer denna
chaps. Sie greisba ivver die leit, und
tsuppa und tseega bis sie scbtuppa. 'No
fonga sie aw mit eera schtory und blaema
der Kway, der Harvy Berkly und die
Sculla und eera freind fer ollcs os letz iss
unnich em bimmel. ler mnn wu net
mit eena wodo is nix noots. Dor besht
mon und dor soundsht Rebubiikan im
kounty waort gabused won er net donst
wie sie pi fa.
Sie hen eera kandidaats widder oofga
setzt fer oil die offisa, Der Billy Koons
laufed fer Sembly. Dos mohl wolla sie
die leidt zwiuga udder kawfa f r woda
fer eera meuner. Ich denk der Wonna
macher fiut es m?nsht fonm gelt.
Sie welhi kay "Barker's Liniment"
may, ovver ich denk sie yoa lots foon
Wonnaims-her iop. Wie koouiLs os en
Fildelie zeitungso orrick g'leckshuneert
hut fer der "Y'dieral" Kixius? Die zeit
ung sasgt das die leit sella froh si os sie
en chance greega fer so on mon zu voda.
Die zeitung hut wuunerbargablottea wae
ga em "Yeneral" Koons was en grosser
war-yenerai er war, and was en sakra
lise er mis-lit wiilich zu si fer foredie leit
kooma os cn kandidaat, und os die Re
bublikans in Summerset kounty so froh
si sett os sie die arreni schlecka bis an
der elboga! Husht du si lepdaag so so ha
Ich mane won en mnn en guder Rebub
likaner is brauch cr net iu Filderiy gae,
und xchticker in die zcituuga du. ,E
kooml mere shpossdeb fore. E-i is eppe
hinuii-b die becka.
Die liet in Summerset kounty kenna
der Billy koons first rate.
Wos hut er gadii for die parly? Woo
but er si fechtes gadoo wie der greek war?
Ki, er war dahame geblivva nnd but lots
fan gelt gamocht, und oil si fechtes hut tr
gad'io in die zeidunga lasca und 'no room
harr g' und speeches gamocht,
und die leit fcrzielt wiemerediefeermil
yone sklafs frei gamocht ben. Sell iss
aboud ol os er gadoo but .v die party ;
ovver er but in tzto und oebzig belfa die
party oof brecha, und gaegaanes Toon die
bschda Rebublikans im sblado g'schoff
ed und gevote. Now w ill ar widiler drau
und em Woiinamocher belfa, und gaega
zwae oldie soldaada und fesbdie Rcbub
likans der Kway und der W. A. Stone
schofla, unden schplil in die party greega,
so os die Dimikrats in offis kooma.
Der Billy Koons war elect fer states at
turuey, prodonider, uud zwae mohl in
koiigress. und noch dem os aroll dieof
lisa 'kot but is ei sbkware zerrick goiiga
uf die party.
So en mon is kae Rebubiikan. Der
Billy Koons is yusht en koinmouer mon.
Er is net unio os onuer lita. Kris', uud
drinkt alsiud wos onner leit essa und
drinka. Ich denk sidder os ar em Woii
namocher si druppa yused grickt ar en
bissel extra drinkes. Jkkk.
Summerset tp den .lien Mai, lstis.
Kapoleon Saynes.
Mr. Napoleon Ilayncs, one of Johns
town's olilest and most respected resi
dents completed the seventieth year of
his age yesterday, an 1 last eveuing the
event was quietly celebrated by a num
ber of relatives and friends calling it bis
borne at No. HI Grant street.
The aged gentlemau was presented with
a fine clock, which bis many friends hope
may faithfully record the time for its
owner for many years to come. After the
presentation refreshments were served
and a pleasant social time was enjoyed.
Among those presont were : Mr. and Mrs.
William Tremellon, Mr. and Mrs. George
Rinebolt, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Miller,
Mrs. IUynes of the Eighth Ward, Mr.
and Mrs. Milton II ay lies, aud Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Cramer.
Mr. Haynes was born near Jennertown,
Somerset Couuty, May 4, Iu 18:10 his
parents moved to a plot or ground near
tha intersection of Napoleon and Water,
streets, now the Fifth yard of Johns
town, and there bis father Joseph
Hayues made brick and built the small
bri :k house which formerly stood near
the corner of Napoleon and Water streets.
Mr. Hayues is the only surviving mem
ber of a family of fourteen children.
Johnstown Tribnueof May V
Wool Wanted!!
Farmers bring you,r Wool to our Fac
tory one mile itouth of Somerset We
will trade you g-xids, for il or pay you tle
b'gbext cash price. Carding and spil
ningdone on short notjee. Good work
Woolen, Manufacturers,,ersett Pa,
At Jenaera oq Batarday, Kay 14.
Tbe patrki" people of Jenner town
ship, iu bouor of the great naval vic
tory of Admiral Dewey over tbe Spanikh,
will raise a pole and American ttag, at
Jenners, on Saturday, May IRh, at 1
o'clock. Congressman J. D. Hicks and
Hon. W. II. Sanner will be present aud
deliver patriotic addresses.
A good woman or girl, age 2-1 years or
over, wbo can do all kinds of general
bouse work in a skillful manner ; incom
petent persons need not apply. A steady
place and two aud a half dollars per week
in a family of six. Address with refer
ence. Dr. J. Q. Lkxmox,
Latrobe, Pa.
Wanamaker't Cbargei of Corrnptioa ia
Connection W.ta Appointment Denied
by Bjpreisnutivt ESeka.
A dispatch Friday night from Wasbing
tousays: Representative J. D. Hicks, of
AUooub, is much stirred over the charge
made by John Wanamaker that there was
corruption in connection with the recent
!p-'iutGf-iit of a p nt'ii -.! r at Tyrone,
Pn., whii-li appointment was made on
Mr. Hicks' indorsement. Saturday Rep
rcsoMativo Hicks issued the f!Iowing
open letter: - -
To Hon. John Wanamaker Philadelphia. Pa.
IiK vn Sib: Thcstatement made by you
concerning tho sale, or otforiug for sale,
of the appointment of the post mastership
at Tyrone, and my acceptance, or agree
ment to accept, $i,0u0 or any other sum of
money for said office, as published in the
Philadelphia Press and Somerset Stand
ard, is alieolutely and unqualifiedly false.
It has no foundation in truth or in fact.
I respectfully demaud that you give this
denial the same publicity that you have
given your statement; and I request tbe
name of your authority that I may give
opportunity to answer in court. Respect
fully yours, J. D. Hicks.
The Philadelphia Press of Sunday says
editorially :
Congressman Hicks wants an explana
tion from Mr. Wanamaker of the charge
that the post office at Tyrone was offered
for sale for f 5,000. Mr. Wanamaker did
tiot make such a charge. In bis speech
at West Chester be read a letter from a
gentleman, whose name was not given,
about a post office, which was not named,
being held for $1,000 by the Congressman
from the district, and neither the name of
the Congressman nor the number of the
district was given. Congressman Hicks
seems to have been iu something of a
hurry to identify himself with tbe matter.
Clius. F. Cook sat in tho convention
that called upon millionaire John Wana
maker to stand as a candidate for Gov
ernor. Isaiah Good and Heury F. Bar
ron are bis running mates in the interest
of the Philadelphia merchant.
A Milford Towcahip Farmer Thinks Com
miaaioner Eimmell Deceived Hint
and Ei Neighbor.
EniToii Hkkalu:
About two months ago I wrote you a
brief communication in which 1 asked
Commissioner Kimmell to publish an
itemized statement of bis account against
the county for the last year, and in the
same communication I stated that when
George was a candidate be told us, bis old
friends and neighbors, that if we vote for
him we would vote in our own interest.
I read in last week's Meyersdale Com
mercial that Goorge had gotten from the
county treasury five hundred dollars
which be kept for some nine months and
then returned it without interest. Now,
If this is true, George certainly buncoed
us when he was a candidate, aud instead
of voting in our own interest when we
voted for htm, it seems that we voted
"without interest!" If the Commercial'
story is truo, that George used five hund
red dollars of the county's money for
some nine mouths without paying inter
est, whiio the county was paying interest
on a large amount of borrowed money,
then he ought to le turned out of office in
the people's interest. If it is not true, be
ought to make the Commercial man pay
heavy damages, with interest. Down
here we are anxious to bear what George
has to say, but are afraid he will not re
ply, as to do so will not likely be to his
interest; but if he does, we hope, Mr, Ed
itor, that you will publish it as a matter
of profound, almost compound interest.
Yours, in bis own and his neighbors'
Gebharts, May 9, ISys. Farmer.
Now open and ready for business with a
large st.s k of New Summer Goods of ev
ery description. Small profit prices form
tbe basis ou which we seek to establish a
relation with you in our new Store.
Our Stock Consists Of
Black and Colored Silks new and
attractive, of this season's patterns are
here in great profusion. Large assort
ment of choice new DRESS GOODS. We
offer such a collection of the best as justi
fies your earnest attentiou on the basis of
its prime feature:
New stock of White Goods, consisting of
India Linens Dotted Sw isses, Organdie,
French.Nainsocks Swiss) Mulls Batiste,
plain and fancy P. K. new trimmings to
New Wash Goods
In Madras, Ginghams Cheviots,
German Linens, Corded Madras Gin
ghams Satin Striped Madras Ginghams
Cotton Golf Suitings, Percales, plain and
fancy Salines, pl.-iiu aud fancy Duck
Suiting, Organdies in stripes and figures,
Dimities, fancy figures plain and fancy
Lawns Challies, all new designs
Household Dry Goods.
Quality is of paramount Importance
in household dry goods We make it so
in this line aud we have the goods to
prove it. Special attentiou asked to our
stock of Cream Table Linens, Bleached
Table Linens, Turkey Red Table Liuens.
Table Sts Doylies Napkins Towels
Towling, I.ineu Sheeting, Musliu Sheet
ing, Pillow Case Muslins,- Canton Flan
nels, Cretons Tickings Calico, Ging
hams Seersuckers Cheviots, Flannels
Wbito Bed Qoills. etc.
Lace Curtains, etc.
The principal of a large assortment
of the choice and best articles for borne
adornment. We have an elalxirate line
of new Lace Curtains in Cream and
White, Lace Bed Sets, Sash Curtains
Cotton Drapery, Drapery Silks Derby
Tapestries, Portiers, Silk Portiers, Couch
Covers, Tricot for furniture coverings
Rug and Furniture Fringes Chenille
Table Covers, Tapestry Table Covers.
RUGS best for the money In Smyrna,
Moquelte, Wiltons, African, Rugs, in
all sizes.
LACES and Embroideries, neat und dain
ty designs, choice, wejl made goods.
RJBBQNS. Handsome line of New Sash
P.ibbons plain aud fancy Satin Rib
bons of all kiuds.
VEJLING.3. New Veilings In plain and
NECK-WEAR. Lilies and Chijdrena
.ei-k-wear in String Ties aud Pu(T,
Bows and Jrour In-hand.
LINES Collars aud Cuffs, Corsets Bella
r.f every description.
Kid Gloves, MiU, Gloves.
Handkerchiefs of all kinds.
Ladies' and Children's Parasols Um
brellas, etc .. , 1
MEN'S GOODS, Neckwear, all the vari
ous styles and shapes Men's Under
wear, ShirU, Collar and Cuffs, Sua
peudore, Hosiery, Gloves eta
Produce Taken in Exchange for
Bring Qn Your Wool, Casb or
Come in and see our new Store and
Suv k of New Goods. Make yourself at
Parker & Phillips,
North east Corner Diamond.
!) -i
; M
Absolutely Punt
Tu Out EXUitr of (he mtn tri 11t4iI .
Yon will p!ea announn the following
nanifsi nenllemeD as cMQdidui for the van
(Mia oilitss deeinatl, ut the Lli-pu bliciui Pri
mary tlrctlon to be held on
Saturday, May 28, 1898.
ITia-irninii It -p In Com.
Fur Uuitftl Stittf.i Sfiuttor,
Of atttr Ojuhi.
For VoHfress,
Of Jtlair County. .
Subject to the decision of the Republican Pri
mary Kleclion. to be held HHiunhiy, May
and of the District L'ou ft-reucc
Fur CbiHre-vv
Of Some rati Lorowjh.
Subject to the decNIon of tho Rcpuhlli'Mn Pri
mary Kiecllon, lo Is? held MuUinlHy, May
!, aud of the District LoiiR-rcuce..
Fur Mute Senator,
of Mtytrmlalc Ihtroufjt,
Subject lo the division of the Kcpublimii Pri
mary Kleeliim.lo be he d Saturday, Miiy 2,
and of the liistrlct Confi reuct.
Fur State Semtlur,
' Of Soytifoivn Huron jh.
Subject to the decision of thi Republican Pri
mary Kiecllon, b be held isniunlay. May
yt, is:, and of the District LUiutt-reueu.
For AvieinMy,
jr. . SAKS Ell,
Of Somerm-t Eorowh.
Subject to the decision or the Republican Pri
mary Kiecllon. to be held MmI unlay.
May a. IsHs.
Fur Atnembly,
Of RML-trtfl Iloromjh.
Subject to the decision t,f the Republican Pri
mary Election, to be held ."Saturday,
Fur AwMbly,
Of Solium t Jiorourh.
Subject to the d-lsion of Hie Republican Pri
mary Election, Ut h'-ld iuurday,.
May a !.
Fur Axtcmtilu,
Of Mi ytrmlitU; RoroiKjh.
Subjivt to the deeltbm of He; Republlean Pri
mary Elvtim, In e Itebl tMUurday,
ilay 1m,
For Aimemttty,
(Jf Mryi rixliUc lioronyh.
Subject to the decision of the Republican Pri
mary Election, tn be held Saturday,
Miiy isjs.
For Ae'-ly,
Of SumrrMt t lioroii'h.
Subject to Ihe decision fr the Republican Pri
mary Eieetimi. to Is- held Haturdiy,
May as. Isms.
For AxAociiite Jaljc, i
Of Mtlford T'jiritxliip.
Subject to the decision of the Republli-an Pri
mary Election. U) be heid .Saturday,
May, IM, lsiei.
For Aatodute J7e,
Of Snnrrmt Toini!i!j.
Subject to Ihe decision of the Republican Pri
mary Election, to be held Saturday.
Nay , l.nis.
Fur lhlrirt Attorney,
Of Somtrmt It trough.
Subjict to the decis'oii of the RcpuMicnn Pri
mary Election, to held Saturday,
May 15S, W.
For IHxtrict Attorney,
Of SoitHTf t li jrough.
Subject to Ihe derMon nt Ihe R -publican Pri
luary Election, It be held fcaturday.
May, a. I-.
JVr Poor Director,
Of Stwm t Totrnnhijt.
SubJ.el to the deeialon of the Republican Pri
mary Election, to ie held Saturday,
May ii, lx.
For l'ttor lh rector,
Of Sotiicrtt I Towitfiij. I
Subject lo the deeUion of the R-publl -an Pri
mary Election, t,, be held Saturday,
May ai, !!..
For Jtclty ite to State I'mreutiou,
Of Sont-'rirt li' trough.
FavorliiK tor Governor the nomination of
the leudiu advocate, of restricted Imtnignt
tion and leu illation to l-tler the condition of
Inhorins men, Ihe Sjldler can 1 1. laic, Hon.
w 111 am A. Sum , of Alii-gin-ny County.
Subject to the decision of lh" Republican Pri
mary Election, i t be h-ld .Saturday,
May at, lurt.
For Delegate to StiUe. C-otrcnUoit,
Of Summit Toit'axhip.
Favoring for Governor the nomination of
the leading advocate of restricted liiiiniirr.i
tion and lefrUlalion to bt '.lcr the condition
of laliorinK men. the Soldier candidate,
lion. William A. stone, of Allegheny County.
Subject to the iItNIoii of the RepuMleau Pri
niary Election, to lx held Saturday,
May al, ltrt.
For Dclegi'e to St't'.e Coiireiitiun,
Of Sh'vlc Ttwnx!iijt.
Favoring for Governor tho nomination r.f
tho leading advocate of restricted Immixnt
tion and leKinlalton to belter the cuidltioii
of tailoring men, the iso dier candidate,
Ron. VS'llluim A. Stone, of Allegheny Couuty.
Subject to the di-cinlon of the R -publican Pri
mary ElecUon, to he held Saturday,
Fr Ih'h-yiile to Stute Conrmtion,
Of SuiiyrHct vchjj-V
Subjt-ct to th d-ci jion, m' the Ki pnliHcan Prl
uiary fcleclion. lt lw held Saiunhiy,
jybr Ikle&de to State Omvention,
11. F. RARROS,
Of Soimrmt JUtrougfu
Subject to the d .vision of the Hepublican Pri
mary Election, to be held Saturday,
May as isas
For Dclcjftite ht Style CoiiiyWioji,
Subject to tlied.-cliiioo of the Republican Pri-
uutry cicciioii, w uc urm imu4i,
Uy at,
Notice to Farmers and Stock
My Arabian Stallion will niaketbe sea
son of Itw at the following stands on tbe
dates given below :
Somerset, at Zelglcr A Parson's barn. Mav
Sand HI a) and M, June 1 aud i, 13aDdli.i
aud 2a, July I and 2.
8ip,-vlll, atSeirieFriU's May 11 and 12,
2i mid .'I, June S and 4, 16 and IS, aud T..
Jenner X Rondsit Joneph J. Mishler's.May
2 ami .1, lasnUli, Caudal, June Sand 7, 17
and 1 and J.
Krioilens at Nath mlel IHcaey'n, My I and
i, Kiand 17, 7 and a, Junes and II, JUandil,
and a.
Soim-tTownhii, T. P. McAllnler, Hny
6 and 7, IS and IS, 30 and 31, June It) and 11, ii
and -I, aud JO.
Will be at jAvansvllto (home) with my
borne on Saturday evening 7-.W o'ebx-fc aud
S joo'clivk Monday morn Inn of the foilowiiu
datea. May 7 and, ami it, Jrue 11 and U
and t!.
will leave all tand at 5.10 p m , on
erood day. Fenaona coming from a dilance
kept fixe of chanre.
Uwut-r uud Ea-per.
I now ain able to offer great in
ducements in Pattern llats and
Donnets and all kinds of Millinery
Cools. A r,.kuJid line cf Chil
dren's Trimmed Hut.-, Sailor Hats
for large and small. All should
call before making their purchases.
Ladies' and Childrens'Saylor Hats,
25, 35 and 50cts.
Childrens Trimmad Hats, 75c up.
Ladies Trimmed Hats, 51.25 up.
Large Line of Children's
Mull Caps and Bonnets.
Infants' Dresses and Wraps, Tailor
made Skirts all grades and prices.
Shirt Waists
from 40c up.
A large line of Calico and Percale
Wrappers handsomely jnade from
75c up.
Lace Curtains. 40c a mir, worth 50
41 " 3yd 60c " " 7 5
" " 3 yd 73c " " $1.00
" ."3 yd $1.00 " "
' " 3 yd l.Zt " " 1 50
" " 31yd 1 f ' "2 00
" " 31 yd 2.00 " " 2 50
Handsome Portierts from J2 23 up.
Handsome line of Tapes
try to Cover Furniture.
2H-inch White Iiawns, 7c.
40 inch White Lawns, 10, 12'., 15, etc.
White Organdies, 15, Is, 2, 25, to
A Complete Line of all
kinds of White Goods, all Prices.
Thousands of yards of Valenciennes
Laces, Tirchus Laces, Irish Point,
Duchess Laces, etc., White aud
Cream. A large line black Silk
Lace from 5c up.
Leather and
Jewel Belts,
Kid Gloves, Silk Mitts and best
fast colored stockings, etc.
The best stock of Plain and Nov
elty Dress Goods can alwajs be
found at my store, at the lowest
prices ever made for Woolen
Goods, because- they were bought
before the advance in prices.
Dest Calicoes ange ia prices
from 4 to 5c. A large line of
Chintzes, Percales, Madras, Cloths,
Lawns, Dimities, Organdies, Swiss
Organdies, etc., ranging in prices
from 5c op.
Everyone comes to my store to
get fashionable Dress Trimmings.
A large f trxk of Ladies' Silk Capes.
Call and sec nv stock.
Mrs. A. E. UHL.
Fishing Goods and Fishing Supplies of
all kinds except liquid bait, at
Fisher's Book Store,
Wholesale and Retail.
Is a good tiling to have and we have
lots of them at low priei-M, but the bent of
them will not inform you where is the
heft place to fish nor how to cateh them.
Put we can show you the largest stock of
Honks, Snood. Flie, Trout and Pass
Iailfirs. I,infH, Rods Baskets, Minnie
Nets, forks. Sinkers and Poles, to be
found in H counties. Hera's a pointer:
IjuhI winter was an opou one and favora
blctofish. The streams are full of big
fat S'lckers, cattish, c-rp, chubs, snn
fish, trout and bass. The ea ly fisher
man eatoLta the worms aud tbe fish.
Black and Tan. LatestStylcs and Shapes
at lowest
Adjoining Mrs. E. Vhl, South-east
corner of square.
Ky virtue of a cvrtmn wii.. of Fifrt Faring
Usucd out of the t'ourtof Common l'lms of
Hiiiiit-rt iDUiilv, Pa , to me Uinx-hHl, I In re
will be eipoMti towtlv, at the Court lloiue
in Somerset borough, ou
Wednesday, May 25, 1898,
At I o'clock P. M.,
the tiUowlnj dincrtlit-d real tulata to wit
AM the right title, lnU-rmt, claim aud do.
Utund i Hintm J. Lolir, of, in, and to tin- Dil
loNyiug uaincil nil estate viz;
No. 1. A rerutin A oi irround altuateln
the vlilneof IttviilxYtllt-, ConiMiiauxli trn-
itiu, HoiiK-naet rounly. Pa., bonmlud by an
iiilry and iota of William Ziinmernwn and
liorsey Wollord, having thereon enMed a
lwuiory (THiue dwelliim Imuneand out build
luvs, ilU the appunt iannii.
-So. L A lot of ground it uate as aArpMlii.
bouinlnd by au aiiey aud lot of f.liia Uerkey
and William iUiiumrumii, ImvLng iub!c
ll.i rnin erected.
Taken In execution and to be sold as the
roiHny uf Hintm J. Ltihr at the suit of Win.
, Padeu's ue.
Notice AH persons pun-banlns at the
above nuie will pUie take uotiou that 10 per
cent, of the putvh money inunl be ptid
when property Is knocked down: otherwise it
will afilu be expimed to Ie al the nk of tbe
nrt pureliuiM-r. The renidue of tiie purchiue
niuni T muat be paid ou or befure the day nl
eoiiMriiUilion, vlx: Thumday, Mav 'X
l-Ml. Jo deed will be acknowledged until the
purchase money is paid In full.
May 4. 13US.
Ueo E. MrDonald.'t In the Court of Common
va PIm in and fortMiiter-
Ida Mcikmald. I et county. Pa.
J No. IIS, lieu. Term, ji,
tllvor-e 1
The nndenijtned having occn dly p point
ed by the praipr author, y, t uiiiliii.rliiier, to
take the tcntimtiny iu the tov united cum
tiud the lacUMUd r port an iiiuliHi. Ac , h-r
by gives notice to h!1 partit-ft icU-rei.ted: that
be will Hit U fttidil the duties of his Mid ap
pointment ut hi oifire in s.,nieiet. Pa., on
TtiunKliiy May 12, lws at one o'clock p. m.,
when and where all perin lule rented u
purtiea or wilut-wen cn n aiiend.
UiitVtV M. KERKl.EY.
Dry Goods!
Lace Curtains.
THIS tho busy sca3on, when every Pry Goods House ij
throngcJ with basy buyers. Some studying the latest sty le.v
othcrs seek an unsurpassed value, irrespective of style. Our
aim from the day we opened our doors was to make our store sec
ond to none in our county by adding Value upon Value in Quality,
and a magnetism in styles which drills harmoniously with the tastes
of those who are rapidly being added to the lint of our customers.
Home Requisites
Dress Novelties and Ladles Furnishings.
That 5ilky Lustre.
50c. Black 33 ice1". Sicilians 50 The Dress with Lining cut 14.44
60c Black 44 inch Sicilians 60 The Dress lined, 3.94
Sac Black 46ia Brillianieea S. Press and good linings, 6.50
$1 Black 4.jin Brilliantecn l Suit completely lined, 6.S5
The subject of Black Goods is a very particular one, and the
experienced eye alone can detect the imperfections found in dyeing.
Ilaving visited tho factories and learned many of the secrets per
taiuing to this important feature, wo take pleasure ia guaranteeing
the Tro'luct of our Black Dress Goods Department
yds all-wool Black
50 inch Serire, 50 $3.00
6 yds Cambric,
2 yds Selitda,
li yds Stiffening
l dozen bones,
3 yds faMiiR, 2
1 card Hook fe Eyes
4 yds It i ml ing, 4
The intire outfit cobU but $335
The good reliable
inches, the best double bed size, pure
white, a dozen different patterns, hem-
ted ready for use,
Tho price each
Good Values in Our Ladies Huslin Underwear
'-Mack. Department. h,,.
Some Plain, Some Fancy Embroidered. Every Garment Sewed
with the Lock Stitch, 60c, "5c, 98c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75
$1.98, $2.25 each.
FancyFurnishingScS: Jeweled Belts
Ladies' Leather
each locts
:- 50 -:-
Spring Jackets & Capes,
ranging in price from $1.75 to $3.00.
The time has come when these mxst go. Our Sacrificing Price to
clear tliem is
$1 68.
$2.50, $3.50, $1.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 and $3.00 qualities, any ono
of these at
Big Run On Our Cat pet Department
This Season.
New Patterns in Carpets coming in every fow days, also Eag3 of
choice design. 5 New Patterns ia wool Druggets, $1.50, $5.50,
$6.50, $7.50, $3.50, $10.00, $15.00 each.
Ladies' Skfrfand Shirt Waists,
Excellent values direct from tire factory, the Skirts run from 83o
in the Stripe and Scotch Mixtures to the medium grades in fancy
black figures at $1.25, $1.75, $2.00. From these they go on to
those Choice Dainty Designs where fine quality and workmanship
arc displayed in the $2.50, $3.50,$ LOO, $ t.50,$5.00, $5.50 and $3.50
Staple Goods
9 4 Unbleached Sheeting 13c
40 incb Unbleached Sheeting, 5 e
a! Inch Unbleached Sheeting, 4 e
3ti hu h Unbleached Shooting, 3 e
Si inch Andrescoggan Muslin, 7 c
36 iiM-h Fruit of the Loom Muslin, 8
30 inch Hill Musliu, 8 e
If we please you
If not
Sifford & Kuykendall
J, S8 Tbe Glcmlale Suit Jt.83
10 yds Uieod.1 Suiting,
5 yds Cambric,
11 ytk Drilling,
1 down Bones,
1 Card Hooks and Kyes.
Tbis U a very popular Scotch Mix
ed goods. Stylish aud pretty. The
price for ail
counterpane, 76x86
weight 52 ounces.
- - OSc
R. G. H. & H.
and FLEXO,
and the very best
the price $1.00
Alabama Shirting, 6o
Columbia Suirtiag, V
AU Linen Towling. tf
White Uooey Cocub Towels IS loca-
es wide, 33 inches) long, St?
70 inch Table Linen, 5U;
51-inch Red Table Damask. loir
Geo. A. Clark s ben. Thread per dox 4x3
tell your friends,
tell us.