The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, May 04, 1898, Image 3

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oiaerset Herald I
-;;v K. SCCLL, Editor.
:::::.- ..Mayl, 1&8.
timiodore bevvy's
.1. . 1 CI...
,,.,.iiii'iil rwiioi "
-"" . . 1 , at .1 i .1
r . iiii ta'.ue he shouted
' , f Commodore Dewey'
ei"I.vl itti jubilalioa on
'"fne K!vi"S s,lua,lroa "oJ U
aulK-ulty that the blue
' - re-traine-l from outbursts
.... frt
....wsel by the last Oon-
.!..-. ,.ini a e U r silver
"' rniu-l Sates i liable to a tine
!af'.tive vprs iu prison. This
..i-"!'.! alius with other
, ivino tuned for thesnmmer.
V'J''Jst who is well known to
,,tV'1l! 48 killfuland
w i,i (.t.
mi, f Centre II all, Pa.,
-iir, a vouuff woman re-
K.:,.r dtosed from the pul-
'" s..,iir,iv eute!iJ to six
w- ua -
in 0 county.)"!
e ' five years in Sing Sing
1?irj 'm V. McKane, the l.-s of
't bo counted 4.OJ0 votes for
or Uopublicias as b
' reieax"1 on Saturday.
-i ciiarsed with murdering his
VC-'.pr ly w hose death he benefit
;tf 'a ""'.,;. , S;Uurday, at Camden,
v"jtj.V' The verdict was greeted
'';,Vv the crowd in the court
r' v-.a ri'-h stvef.heart paid all
"tc'ofthe trial.
-iKiUi-.-beon forgotten by many
' . - (;re'lv. who has written
? on ine i oir
Cosp.paiiion of the week
.! r -'--'l, owes rescue " -
:i.'he"r--:i- t Com. V. S. Schley
.inJi.i? the Uuited States Fly
iron. U Line, the one lepged tramp
""oieWjnr... Cambria county, who
.- r i: to Kansas u
a rich
t loft on account ot not
.,'hr.t .v..rding to specifications
-,.i Uas left t!i9 iopeKa iiuspiuu
nl.riacninty home. He expects
Millie entire distance,
p p.(,;.nr of the township has
m. , , : l
Imll calf weiguen im
liirsh. It was born on Fri-
f.i, xr. l (,wii:g to ita retuarka
"'.P KiM'U'l o:i the scales by Mr.
'vraJ w.-i'icl. How is that for
. V.'h i mti lK-at it? Hisnmser
if i'ji-S i irlli mi variety. Berlin
-fv v p'.a'n", t'i s ifUi.i z, pssier-
flwufl'.!'' skin. Put au end to
rr Ii w;.'-' 'iiit iu ut cures. At any
, i"Cre.
.i ; Tiie Youth's Companion
:-.jr we--lc of May will contain a
iV: "fe " I storitw. Notable amon
---.;; i-'V:irisliiie"i Way lp," by
f-iMi'irft K. Sangster. It is one ot
i.riof "St-iries of Working Girls"
:j;st'. ma through the four numbers.
If puiilisheJ in the issue of reif-iveii at the Pennsylvania
ia Oillege iudicjite tiiat tha tobacco
-I .in t!;i state this year will lie thelar-fl-),
due to tha continuance of
in ruba and to the prices
i: a the grower re.iveJ last year.
;,.-::ili'i:ts have proved thit it is in
V(tyiuia more profitable crop than
c of the cort'-als, last year yielding
it.m of fJ ; an a :re.
t..;i:Ks. "Hailock's is guaranteed
; on the market." Cultivates
fx; will vegKta'ule crops. Send ine
tj'ir itr this vek and try one.
A. C. Davis
Somerset, Pa.
iprnirtil Western newspaper writer
K:un "statisli's gathered from relig-ij-pi-riiKlii-ais
and Women's in:iga7.;nes
in fully half the builets tired in
Eriiv war were turned aside from the
i-c. if the nun shot at by a p.x-ket Iiitjle
ircliiia by his weeping sweetheart or
t.ini-.iir." Ilt-re's a tip for the girl
:-bs! fellow has been called away
: Si1 tr his country.
L&a'rfi'rk l'riilsy morning the village
i IUryea, county. Pa., was
ic ;uto a panic of eseitement through
i f Ual seli'iing of from one-half to
srsKjiurters of a square uiileof ground.
rinf which is in the resident portion
' town. A low rumbling noise ps 4ile tUj first intiui itioa of
: :, an i b.-fure m.Ht of them could
ft Hit ir hiimes were thrown oiT their
..i.iit!ims. Five miners wcreeutomb-
t iliie mines under the town.
I t the benefit of persons desiring to
Qsd the Annual Meeting of the Her
ss E.iplNts (Iuukards) at Naperville,
'-May tn June", 1S:S, the Pennsyl
Va Iliiiroad Company will sell excur
w tii-kets from points on its line west
!;, I, iu.-aster. Hea ling, and
Sun'oury, all inclusive, at rate of
i?r ure for the round trip to Chicago
! s$; s" U Naperville; these tickets to
'''! May it, 4. 27, and 28 and g.xl to
-rs until June -J4, except that on de
K tickets with agent at Naperville
et,.re June -1, return limit may be
"-ieJ to June
i':rray Court right had a jackass rcgls
ihe prothouotary's ollice in IIol
'urg reit-ntly. In the certificate of
1--tr:i n appeare i the following writ
ai the pedigree space: "Pedigree
5 'snainiy known. Believed to be a
i iies( en Jant of the celebrated pair
ss:ial to have been in Noah's ark
' ii;:ant relative of Ba aam's ass."
ii. II. Iintz, the reliable piano
-"!. ho has established an excellent
Vi i;i Somerset, will be here in the
'-"'if a few days, when persons desir
CLsrricts can leave word at this
r! frciu Holsopple is to the effect
- J'lseph Johns and Bruce and Clyde
- ""Ti'le, the young men who were in
Jiu the lecent Uiiler exploeion at
" I'l'-f. are recovering from their
'' is. Johns, who had a leg broken
v"" otherwise injured and who had
Punier treatment nt the Holsopple
J!w in Paint township, was removed a
ilirs ajjo to the homo of his father
J.hns-at Hill.sboro, Somerset
riu:missionera ol Westmoreland
"cy Lave decided that all corporations
"'g iKisiness in the county shall here
pay taxes Jor county purposes,
ltaer they have hitherto been exempt
"i doing or not. Klcctric light
''. putnpine stations, ice idautti. etc..
a'(' Psi J a tax ou their personal uroD-
rJ. tniids, mortgages, etc, direct to the
, thus escaping the payment of a tax
"inr Luildings and machinery. The
aii.i,mers )iave found that thev are
iuut exempt from paying tax than
KOLpauies and have ordered that the
er aiotstsiueut be made aud taxes
Jltihip is a ship designed to fight
Hue of little, and is distinguished
a cruiser by ita heavy armor plating
' tiower spwd. Battleships are classi
, m;tU ropect to their totinage and
"iiiuW of guns they carry, batlle-
-vui lue first -class bcitig of createt
tee and largest number of guns.
' 1 ui;ed States battleships of the first
r x"y in tonnaire from l.i!S to ll..3
' of the Maine lea tht navy with
outn-couj ciass battleship, the Texas
n-" tonnage of G.315. The Vizaya. of
l'lt!stl liaw w hiet, rtlttv tai.l
vJ" "rlf i armored cruiser
""Um. Iu the United States navy
f two armored cruisers, the New
I? and the Brooklyn, the former of
-" toos and the latter of tons.
Meyersdsile has organized two and
In one military companies for tho
Natioiial defense.
Foster Brant is puttii g up a fine resi
dence on the "South Side," Shanksville.
L F. Brant has the contract.
James Dunlap, who has been at Brad
d K-k, Pa., for some time past, returned to
his home in Sha-jksville i:i,t week.
Kev. C. F, tiebhart, pastor of the I-a-vansville
LuthTan Church, has oilered
his services to the government for the
war against Spain.
Carjenters are at work on lawyer
Charles V. Walker's Cniou strettt resi
dence, w hich ho expects to have com
pleted within ninety days.
Uev. John M. Barnolt, or Markleton,
couductad religious servi;s iu the Pres
byterian Church, Sunday morning and
evening, aud at the close of the latter
Bervice officially declared the pulpit va
letters addressed f the following
named persons remiin uncalled for at
the posUittlce: Caroline Baker, P.ev. F.
?wjer, Itertha Kmerick, Mrs. Fannie
Gardner, M. U. Lint, (ion. R. Mcllonali,
Mrs, James PhillippL
Br. Hermanns Baer, who spent tho
winter in Philadelphia attending lectures
at the Jefferson Medical College, arrived
here Monday and will remaiu several
weeks at the home of his father before
returning to the city.
Kev. Hiram King will conduct religious
services in the tilade Reformed Church,
in Stonycreok towumip at 10 a. ia. Sun
day, and at 7 p. m. will conduct a mis
sionary entertainment consisting of songs.
declamations, dialogues, etc At - p. in.,
Sunday he wiil preach in the Shanks
ville BefomieJ Church.
Bov. Or. Dunlap, of Shanksville Trini
ty Lutheran Church, has offered his ser
vices and requested au assignment iu tho
army against Spain. Kev. Bunlap is an
cx-oifieer of the N. J. J'., as wtll as a
veteran of the civil war. He is one of
six Somerset county ministers who are
mrmlert-d among the "fighting parsone."
On the evening of April 21st, at the
home of Mr. FJward Baltzor in Shanks
viile, Mr. Samuel M. Fox and Miss I5es-
sie V. Bi'.tzar w ere united in holy wed
lock by Kev. J. Addison Dunlap, Ph. !.,
pastor of the Shanksville Lutheran
Church. The ceremouy was w itnessed by
a large company of invited guests. The
bride was the recipient of a number of
handsome presents.
The anxiety of Mr. aud Mrs. Oliver
Knepper aud the members of their fami
ly nt home during the past few days can
be better imagined than described. Mr.
Knepper's two boys are in the L. S. navy,
and the yonngast, Orl i, was on board the
bmleship "Concord," which was engaged
in the battle in Manila harbor, on Satur
day. The first report received here was
totheell'eci that two U. S. vessels were
sunk, but no names were given.
The entertainment at the Opera House,
Frid-iy evening, by tho Bethany College
(Ilee Club, a'tracied a lirge audieucn.
The B ah my boys are a jolly crowd of
young fellows, w hi are able to render the
rollicky college son;; i an well asany simi
lar irgtniz ition iu the country, while
tueir infaut prodigy, who recites a story
concerning his sister's beau, is a sure
enough "corker." Tho Bethauy boys will
always tie welcome ia Somerset.
lineLs of the Hotel Yauuear during the
past few weeks have been startled at odd
intervals by the sound of a gong striking
two and three alarms. For several days
no ono oould locate the gong or assign
any reason for its capricious action.
Finally it was discovered t'lat the noise
proceeded from the barn where the stable
boss "Tioo" Parson was engaged in train
ing a new team of horses to leave their
stalls and march to thtir positions in front
of the hitel h i.-k at the s in nd of the gong.
Mr. Parsjn his succeeded admirably in
his task au 1 the h rs;s now ob;y the jf the be'.l wiLU precision.
Dr. H. C. Keidt, a promising aud pop
ular y"unr physi-ian, died at his home
in New Baltimore, on Thursday after
noon, from rheumatism. The announce
ment of his deiith was a great shock to
his hundreds of friends throughout the
ouniy, many of whom had not know n
of his illness. Although a young man
the Dr. had been troubled with rheu
matic trouble lor a long time. II is entire
buly was affected, and when finally the
disease reachod his heart death resulted.
Decease! was liorn in Berlin, where his
mother, three sisters aud a brother re
side. Dr. Keidt was a man of generous
impulses and sterling integrity and was
just in the height of a useful career. He
was H years of age.
The enterprise displayed by the Her
ald last Tuesday in getting out a special
e J. lion containing a full and accurate ac
count of the execution of the K ddy
brothers, within thirty minutes after the
trap was sprung, and w hile tha crowd
was still hovering around the conutyjail
anxiously awaiting news oi tU6 tragic
event taking plac-3 behind the prison
wa'.ls has been the subjuct of favorable
co nmeut throughout thooouuty, aud was
highly commended by visiting news
paper men, who appreciated tho amount
of lab ir and "hustle" uecsssary to get the
Heuai.dou the streets at such an early
hour. F. very copy of the special edition
of 15 O c ipios was sold the same
Work oa the summer hotel is being
pushed rapidly towards completion and
everything will be ready lor the epjning
six weeks hence. The interior has been
painted and fitt-d up with electric U lis
aud lights, while bath rooms and closets
have ben provided at onvenient inter
vals, Keports from the cities are to the
elTec. tha-. few persons will visit the sea
side rosorls this season, owing to the
possibility of their being saelled by
Spanish war ships, and it is announced
th-t the injiintain resorts will bo more
liberally patronized than heretofore for
that rea so i. This being the case Somer
set will in all probability liccome a favor
ite retreat durinz the coming summer,
and the new hotel should receive a sub
stantial b k iu.
Congressman Hicks says he has receiv
ed three letters from Johnstown men who
want to raise eutire co npinie for tho
regiment he proposes to recruit fr tho
present war iu -4tse it is needa l. He h is
also received a similar letter front Has
tings, this county, as well as one each
from Somerset ai.d B-.nif.ird Counties.
There would lie no trouble, ho declares.
in putting a regimei.t in the fk-ld in shoit
order. On Wednesday Mr. Hicks had a
conference with Governor Hastings at
the National capital, and the Congress
man was promised that should a secmd
call come for troops, his regiment would
lie one of the first accepted. They have
an appointment for next Wednesday to
talk further on the uhjeel and make ar
rangements by which the pny.-t cm lo
set iu motion on short notice.
Fred Dupout, w hose friends are legion
throughout the comity, would like to ac
cept the challenge for a duel which a lire
eating Spaniard has extended to Consul-
General Lee and Cuntaiu Sigsliee. Those
who know Fred lest believe with
"Fighting Bob" Kvans, that there would
be an additional tongue speaking Span
ish iu hades after the Kockwuod citizen
cot through with him. I-red writes as
follows: "I noticed that lien. Lee and
Capt. Sigsliee have not received the chal
lenge of Capt. Thomas Carraiizs, late
Spanish military attache at Washington,
and, as ho seems very anxious to fight.
but bars professionals, I hereby declare
inv wiliiuguuss to lutx-t him at any time.
aud I am not a professional duelist, either,
I volunteered to fight against Spam iu 1ST J,
but was disappointed, aud again voluu
Uered this time, but was barrel on ac
tcu it of my age. Therefore, I will only
be too glad to get au opportunity to fight
one Spaniard at least. I assure the Cap
tain that I an not a professional duelist.
but am just a plain, common American
citizen, rmf to defendtha houorof my
count! y, und f the Captain means bilsi
ness I am ready and willing to meet him
at a-;y time."
Will be Saritd To-morrow Incident!
Their tait Hours. Somortet'f
Criminal Eittory.
Tbo Koddy brothers dead proved al
most as great an attraction as a Boy Ora-
tor living to the curios-Hy-secking people
u Juli'istow n. unit tbe crowd which n
scuibled at the B. A O. ntaiioii when tho
!odics of the two executed men arrived j
from Somerset last evening, was little
less than that which greeted William Jen
nings Bryan when he paused for a few
moments at the Pennsylvania station in
the campaign of says Wednesday's
Johnstown Tribune. Kvery foot of nana
on tho long platform was jammed, and
fences, sheds and box cjtrs in the vicinity
were swarming with humanity. The
crowd was made up largely of boys
many of whom made themselves a nui
sance to the passengers on the train.
All the crowd saw was t .vo plain wood
en boxes being quickly takeu from the
baggage car aud put into the hearse of
Undertaker John Pendry, w hich was in
waiting. The bodies were quickly taken
to Mr. Pendry's establishment on Main
st re t, followed by a large part of the as
semblage at the station, who swarmed
across the Park and stood in front of the
building. .There the coftins furnished by
the Somerset county authorities were ex
changed for others which had been
trimmed by tho undertaker to receive the
Mr. Peudry began admitting the crowd
to view the bodies, but they became bois
terous and broke a glass in the door of
his office, whereuiion he shut them ouL
At about 9 o'clock the remains were
Hken to tha home of the parents, in West
Taylor township, where another crowd of
probably three or four hundred people
iiad been awaiting their arrival for over
au hour. Many of this mass of poople,
too, were more anxious than polite, and
guards had to be stationed to prevent
them from pressing in tix great numbers
upon the high porch of the building,
which, being old ami never very strong
at best, was in danger of giving way.
When the corpses had been tukeu inside
the coffins were opened and the crowd ad
mitted iu fours. This required some time
aud it was well into the night when all
hi-.d seen the bodic. A number of friends
of the family remained until this morn
ing. The Kev. J. S. Hayes, pastor of tho
Morrt Uvillo United Brethren Church, ai
2 o'clock Thursday afternoon conducted
the funeral services over the remains of
James and John Koddy, executed at Som
erset Tuesday.
Tho bodies were conveyed in two
hearses from the home of the men's par
cuts in Prosser's Hollow to Sandyvale
Cemetery, where they were placed side
by side in one large grave.
Jjron for Miy Trai of Court.
The f illowing earned persons have bpen
dra u to serve as jurors at the ensuing
term of court, eomir.tncing Monday,
May 2 5, is;:
u ran n j molts.
Addison McCiiu'ork N. B.
Black Atchison Henry, Younkiu W.
Biiiliu Bornugh ICecfer William, Kris
singcr J. K.
Conemaugh Criifith Stephen.
Elk Li k Fleshcr Orlando, Bittner
George, Christner N. B.
Greenville Yutzy Charles.
Ibiovcrsvslle Borough Hamer Na
thaniel. Jenner Weaver Daniel D.
Jennertowu Borough Pettieord John.
Middlecreek Long Levi L.
Meyersdale Ikirough Shelly Thoma.",
Bollen C. A.
Milfoil Gehrin Franklin.
Northampton Muhlen burg Henry.
H icmahoning Meyers N. W.
Southampton Peteabrink Peter.
Somerset Pile Hamilton.
Somerset Borough Flock Jacob.
Rock wood Borough Yought Lafay
ette, Snyder Mich iel.
Addison Shoemaker Jonas, Stuck
Allegheny Frazier Wesley C.
Brothersvalley-Hotl'man Conrad, Kim
mell A. !., Hanger W. W.
Black Merner A. J-, Walker Hiram M.
Conemaiigh Slahl Jacob G.
Casstlinau Borough Witt H. II.
Confluence Borough Stark Charles.
KIk Lick Nickelsou Nelson ol.
Fair hope Richardson W. H. Maxwell
Greenville Miller Jacob T , Deal Am-
br se.
Jenner Holliiiau II. 11., Coleman
George B.
Laiimer Hutzel Pirry, Krissinger
Milford Walker Gillian, Weiuier H. J.
Midillecreck ISarron N. B.
Meyersdale Borough Kngle Simon P.
Paint Ilochstetler Francis Custer
Lewis J., Naugle H. I)., HofTman Hiram.
Somerset Pugh K. K., Fritz J. W., Liv-
eng'KKt Samuel u., onue n. j
, Barron
Summit Meyers
William P.
John, Fike Irvin.
Stonycreek .erfoss Klias, Boyer Ed
ward, Will Charles A.
Salisbury Borough Smith J. J. Jef
frey Jesse.
Southampton Baker B. I.
Somertield Borough Frazee Marcellus,
Watson James K.
Somerset Borough Gahriug John.
Upper TurUeyfoot Younkin F. K.,
Sullivan E. F.., Kieman Peter.
Allegheny Mowry John A., Tipton
James, McVieker James.
Brothersva'.ley Walker C. II., Cover
Daniel, Cober II. M., Meyers David L.
Berlin Borough Bender Win. H.,
CVmeuiaugh Bhuigh Jacob, Eash John
M.. Thomas Samuel.
Elk Lick Krcfchman S. A , Bowman
C. F.
Greenville Glotfelty Simon.
Hooversville Borough Zimmerinau I).
C. Lohr C. A.
Jenner John Biesecker.
Jefferson Mull Gillian, Shaulis W.S.
Lower Turkeyfoot Gibsou John, GrolT
Lincoln Smith Jacob J.
Larimer Beal II. B.
Meyersdale Lichty G. D , Allen W. H.
Middlecreek Barron James R Shaul
is W. S., Gross Edward M.
New Baltimore Borough Lilly Harry
New Ccntrevf.Io Borough SUhl Her
man II.
Northampton Poor! augh Calvin.
Q-iemahouing Trosile John W.
Southampton Martz Simon,
Stonycreek Coleman W. M.
Somerset Fike J. MU.ibsUdt George.
Shade Miller LJ.
Stoyestown Borough Paul Isaac.
Somerset Borough Hoover Wash,
Ursina Borough Rush J. J.
11V A. 1. CULUORX, r.
The coiiflict Is ou. Everywhere U coat
0;ir Mas 1 unfurled from ooean to ocein.
rtwordrs leap from tlietr soabbarils the war-
horse U pniiiclnj.
The blue aud the irruyare together advancing
ISut hark to the war-cry in irk well Ita re
"lleiuemljer the Maiou, boya, reiiieiubur tlie
IlrinciiiUer the Maine, boya, remember the
Forget not how foully your brothers were
Tliey died not in ball'e where bullets were
Tliey fell by the hand; of the midnight us-
All honor to them hut dishonor to Sialn,
lteinemU r the Ualne, bays, reincni ler the
Weederi and Fertilizers.
I have for delivery and shipment Fer
tilizers tor all spring crops. Also, Ual
lock's Susss Ami Clog Weoder. A big
boy and a horse will weed and cultivate
20 acres of almost any crop in a day.
How many hoes would it take to de this?
A. C. Davis
Somerset, Pa.
Tba Startling Cost of War.
Philadelphia Time.
Few outside of militanr. naval, anil
other official circles, have any Just, con- j
ceptiou of the appalling cost of modern ,
warfare, especially when large naval op- j
e rat ions are involved. Our Civil War
cost the Nation a!out four millions per
diy during (he last year of the conflict.
but ue had a million iiitn in the Army
and Navy, tr nearly ten timej as many
a will be employed in tho present
with Spain, and our money was lepreci-
aled an average of forty per cent.
The cost of a first-class modern war
vessel is 4,000.1X10 in round numbers, but
tho Mist of equipping aud using such a
vessel iu warfare surpasses all general
calculations. A single twelve-inch gun
costs about fcVJ.OOO when placed on the
ship ready for action. Tho maximum
capacity of this immense war engine is
eighty shots; the minimnm thirty, It is
not safe to count on these guns firing
more than fifty rounds. The intense heat
and strain are likely to make the gun use
less any time after thirty to eighty rounds
are fired from it, after which it is valua
blu only as old steel. Tbe cost in wear
and tear in firing these guns may be safely
est i mated at fl.OUO for every discharge.
In addition to the cost of f 1000 forevory
round fired from these guus in wear and
tear, the powder and steel-pointed mis
sile with which the gun is loaded cost the
Government f 1,200 every time the gun is
fired. It is a safe estimate to s.-.y that ev
ery time a twelve-inch gun is tired in
war the cost is about f2,ot0.
Our war vessels and cruisers are each
supplied with torpedoes and pneumatic
tubes from which to discharge them
against an enemy. They are effective at
about eight hundred yards, and the tor
pedo with which the airgun is charged is
one of the most delicate aud complicated
machines of modern times. It is ton
structed with a revolving attachment at
the rear, not only to guide it on its deadly
mission through the water, but to accel
erate its movement, and it is exploded
by concussion. Oue of these torpedoos
striking the biggest ship in any navy
would entirely destroy the vessel. Thee
torpedoes cost ?2,.VX) each. '
The cost of ammunition for our land
forces has also been increased probably
tenfohL One pound of lead costing ouly
few cents, would make sixteen cart
ridges for the rifle used in our Civil War.
To-day the cartridges used by our Infant
ry cost little if any less than ten cents
each. AVith a modern gun these little
missiles carry three miles, aud at a range
of a mile they will go clear through three
men, and probably tuoro if they are not
too greatly olstructed by boring clean
holes through bone of the human anat
omy. I hey are much lighter than tho
old cartridge, and the soldier will carry
mo hundred rounds w ith the same ease
that tho soldier of our Civil War cirried
forty. The cost of cartridges for an elli-
cu-nt rifleman in action now would bo
liout 1 per minute.
As the war with Spain is likely to be
hiefly a tiavsl war, it is well worth con
sidering how muck the war will cost
Spain. The figures wc have given as the
cost of constructing and usinjj vessels iu
war are on a gold basis. American four-
per-cents. sell nt almut S-t, or oue third
less than their face.
Thus, w hile it will cost our Govern
ment f I.tusi.iKK) to construct and equip a
liHttlrship, and $J,.VX) for every round fired
from one of our large euns, ami 2,500 for
every torpedo we hurl against the enemy,
the cost to Spain is just three times the
amount of the cost of the same to the
United States.
Yessels and munitions of war can lie
obtained only on the gold basis, aud every
round fired from the Spanish twelve-inch
gun must cost that government not less
than $7,.Vio, und every torpedo sent on its
mission of death from Spanish boat
must crista like sum. Spain is now en
joying the luxury of cheap money that is
demanded by many demagogues in our
iwn eoiiutry, and she pays for thcluxury
io trebling the cost of every shot she fires
agaiust her foe.
The present war with Spain will be the
most costly war of any time. However
brief it may be, our comprehensive prep
arations for it will count up in the hund
reds of millions, and if it shall continue
for a year its aggregate cost will probably
uot be less than ?i,0n0,Oj)0,0i)O, and may lie
more. In short, modern warfare is the
most costly savagery in the history of tbe
Wanted !
A good woman or girl, age 25 years or
over, who can do all kinds of general
bouse work in a skillful manner ; incom
petent persons need not apply. A steady
place and two and a half dollars per week
in a family of six. Address with refer
Dr. J. Q. Lemmon,
La t robe. Fa.
A Fsw Words Fro ai K.r.h Dakota.
Eihtor Hkrald:
The weather hero in April has lieen as
lino as that in a May month iu Pennsyl
vania iu any year. Prairieallaglow with
bl Kim. I,otfi of wheat out of the ground.
growing nicely. Farmers well along with
seeding all of spring crops. Some of the
tinners in this neighborhood put in one
hundred acres of wheat per day.
C. W. Sullivan and C. E. Meyers have
sown over 300 acres ; L. V. Sullivan and
L. D. Cramer nearly 9)0 acres, having
landed in this country less than thirty
lays. What do you think of that for
firming? Lota of room for lots more
such farming, if people would only cotuo
to this country.
All the boys w ho came from our old
county are at work. ' J. Ilennecamp farms
for Mr. Cris Young for eight months, at
fJO per month; Ross King for J. S. Peck
for eight months, at fJ2; Mr. Freeze for
Mr. Green, at 20. Harry Dull is teach
ing school at to start with. All are
happy and contented, notwithstanding
the evil reports going the rounds, sail to
have lieen unfurled by someone who was
hi ro for a short tinio lately.
Stock of any kind is high. Steers for
grassing, 4e; much cows, fSI to $4i;
sheep, ?! to per head; horses any
price. F.
Merricourl, N. D., April 2:1, m-j.
Kecent Deathi.
The funeral of Simon Chorpening,
whose death occurred April 2, lstis, was
held on Sunday, April 3d, at ML ,ion
Church, in Fast Waterhsi, I a. Deceased
was the eighth child of Henry Chorpen
ing, a grandson of pioneer John Chor
pening, a descendant of the French Hu
guenots. He w as born Sept. 21, ISIS, in
Milford township, Somerset county, in
the old stone house at present occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Walker. He was
married three times and is survived by
bis last wifo and a number of children.
He removed from Lavansville to the
west in 1n7s aud was a member of Sam
uel's Reformed Church,
Mosas Friediine, a highly respected c t-
izeu ol Somerset township, died on Sat
urday. April 21 1, at his late residenoe, 3
miles north of Lavansville. Mr. Fried
line retired Friday night in his usual
good health, and when be failed t arise
at the usual hour next morning member
of his family visited his bedchamber to
Cud him still in death. From all ap
pearances he had expired shortly after
retiring. His wife died four years ago,
He is survived by an only daughter, Mrs.
F.J ward Miller. Deceased was a consist
ent member of the Lutheran church, and
kss death will ba mourned by a wide cir
cle of friends. He was 78 years of age.
Mrs. Belinda J. Sleasman, wife of Ja
cob Sleasman, died at her home near Bak
ersvtlle, on April l!h, aged 2S years.
She is survived by her husband and six
children, the youngest being only 15 days
old. Deceased was a member of the Bak-
ersvillo Lutheran Church. She was a
good neighbor and an affectionate moth
er, and will be sincerely missel by her
many neighbors.
"Neglected colds make fat graveyards.1
Dr. Wood's Norway Finn Syrup helps
men and women to a happy, vigorous old
II ' ' I
Absolutely Pure
To the K.litur of the Sjmrrtft Ifrmld .
You will pleasa announce the following
naine gentlemen ai rand;ttuta fr the vari
ous ollli e ilnlKiiaied, at tlie lU'publican Frt
uary Election lo be he!d on
Saturday, May 28, 1898.
Chalrniau Hep Co. Com.
J-'or United SliileJt fit'nnlor,
Of JI'-Auxr Chuiifi.
Fur Viujrrim,
OJ li'air (XtHitty.
Subject to the do-lslou of the Republican Pri
mary Kieciiou, to be held Saturday, May
2S, lsus, and of the District C'ouiereiice.
'or Omgrexx,
Of S-trncritel Uoronyh.
Subject to the decision of the Republican Pri
mary Flection, to be he'.d Saturday, May
2 W, aud of the District Conference.
for State SrnHtor,
Of Sloicxotrit llorowjh.
Subject to the decision of the Republican Pri
mary Flection, to be held Malurdny, May
!;, aud of tha District Conference.
Fur AxHcinbl y,
jr. ir. sAXXEit,
Of &JMCrnrt liurotiiit.
Subject to the decision of the Republican Pri
mary Flection, lo be held Saturday,
ilay -A. ls.
Eur Atsemily,
j;. J). MILLER,
Of llockwixxl Jluruvyh.
Hubjcct to the decision of the Republican Pri
mary Fiecuon, to be held iiulurduy,
May 2s IS'..
for Ai'tnbly,
Of Snuwwl liitroujh.
Subjis t to the decision of the Republican Pri
mary Flection, lo In- hHd nulurday,
.May JS is s.
Eur Axior.bly,
Of Mi jcrnjti.'c Horouijlt.
SjbJ rt to the decMon of th Republican Pri
uuiiy Flection, lo be lu id .vulunliiy,
ilay is. In
'or Ah-vmIiIi;,
Of Mc'crsJtile liirunyh.
Subject to the dcci.-i.Mi of the lt' ublir:iu Pri
mary .iectioii, to ie le'ni rvuurday.
May 'JS, ;.!.
or .-IwmVi.',
Of Siinicrm t liorouyh.
Subject to the decision of the Republican Pri
mary Fiecuon, 10 w neiu cstiumay.
May as lsits.
'or Axoeitte Jmi
Of Mi'fti-tl Tuirnsiij,.
S(ibjs-t to the division of the Republican Pri
mary Flection, to im- neiu naturuay.
May, , lJtiS.
ltr Axtociate Jailor,
Of Sunicrisvl Towiuhip.
ubj-t to the decision of tho It-publican Pri
mary Fiecuon, u ie n-iu satuniay.
May as lstei.
Vr Irixtrict Attorney, ..
Of Simcr&t l Borough.
Subject to the decls'on of the Republican Pri
mary Flection, lo lie neiu suturoay.
May L"N, !:.
'or J tint n'rt Attorney,
Of Stmurittt Ilorou;h.
Subject to the division of the R publl-an Pri
mary Flection, n ne neiu ."vituraay,
May, 2
Eor I'oor Director,
Of S'lin-ritct Township.
Subject to the decision of tho Republican Pri
mary Flection, to ii neiu saiuroay.
May 2s, 1 ssk.
Eor J'oor Director,
Of Sinner I Toirinhijt.
Subjivt to the decision of the R -puhll -nn Pri
mary Flection, in ie iieia suiuruuy.
May as ls:s
For De!eg itr to fiiii-'e Contention,
Of Sun irtt t Hoi
Favorinz for Governor tlx nomination of
the leadim advocate of restricted liiiiiiigr.t
Uon and legislation to better the condition of
lalxriii men, the S ildier can tidale, Hon.
Will am A. Slouj, of AlUjlic:iy County.
Subjis-t to the decision of the Republlcnu Pri
mary Fiwuon, io oe nem .-jaiumay,
May as Wis.
For jK'Ti'y ite to S'utu Vjnreulion,
Of Sum in it Toicnuliip.
Favorine for Governor th nomination of
the leading advocate of restricted liniiilsm-
lion and IcKtHlatloli to belter me coiiuition
of laboring men, the Ssiidier candidaW.
Una. William A. Stone, of Allesbeuy County.
Subject to tli? derision of the Rpublliao Pri
mary Election, io o- neiu isaiuniajr,
May as !-
Ejr Deify tie to Htn'.e Conrention,
Of S.'m-Jr Township.
Vavorins for G ivcrnnr the nomination of
the leadini; advs-at ! n-iricted immigra
tion aud legislation to belter the condition
of laborin men, the So dicr eandidate.
Hju. William A. Stoue, of Allegheny County.
Subject to the division of the Ropubllcan Prt-
mary Fiecuon, to oe neiu rvnuroay.
May aSlSJS.
For Pataj'tte to SUtte t'ourcntioa,
Of Soni'Titil Ptoroutli.
Subject to Ihe dts-ision of tbe Republican Pri-
, L'u.,t,.n .. Iu. I.ulil U.lilP.loV
ma"; .-' " " J I
May as Isms
Fur Jk-tt-jftte to State ( buixarioM,
Of SiDtrrntl 1'orovyh.
Sutijwt to the d-Uion of the Repnbllenn Pri
mary Flection, to ue neiu cmiuraay.
May laus.
For Delegate to State Conreution,
Of Berlin Borough.
Subjis-t to t!idccMon of the Repub'ienn Pri
mary Flection, to ue lieiu "tuturuay.
May as 1kM.
Notice to Farmers and Stock
My Arabian Stallion will make the sea
son of 1W at tha following stands on the
dates given below
Si.memel. nt 7.-lirler A I"anioir barn. Maf
a and 10. 21 and 21. June 1 and X 13 and 11. 21
aud 25, July 1 and 2. .
Sir.vlllS at tJeore FrlU'n. May 11 and 12,
21and 2L June 3 and 4. IS aud lo, and 27.
Jenner X Roads,at Joseph J. MIshler'ii.May
2and:i. 13 and 11. iiandJb, JunebaudT, 17
aud 1 and ai.'is. at Nathmlel Dickey's. Mir 4 and
S, Wand 17, 27 aud as June 8 and a, 2Uaud21,
aud .
So-ner let Township, D- P- McAlbrter. May
Cand 7, is and la,)aud 11, Juue to and It, 22
and SI, man ai.
u-iii iu, at fjTansvlle (home) with nir
horse on Saturday evenirur. 7 :l o'clock and
5.:klo'clorfc Monday monmi oi uie loiiowni-
dausi, Jlay 7 auas, aiiiuii,ji'uo urn
-l will leave all stands at 5.: p m , on
second lav. Persons coiulna froui a distance
kept (rt of charge.
Owner aud Keeper.
Th TnntM of thu Bockwnod Church
Kvange leal Assoolalini. wili apply to the
fourt ai. Pomenet, ooincrael County, Pa, fur
Ky order of the Board,
I now am aMc to ofTer great in
ducement;? in Pattern lints ami
Bonneta aud all kinds of Millinery
(lood. A .sjilctidid line of Chil
tlrcu's Trimmed Hats, Sailor Hats
for large and small. All thould
call before making their purchases.
Large Line of Children's
Mull Caps and Bonnets.
Infants' Dresses and Wraps, Tailor
made Skirts all grades and prices.
5hirt Waists
from 40c up.
A large line of Calico and Fercale
Wrappers handsomely made from
75c up.
Lace Curtains, 40c a pair, worth
" " 3 yd 00c " "
2 00
" " 3 yd 75c "
" " 3 yd $1.00 "
" " 3 yd 1.25
" " 31 yd 1 or, "
" " 3j yd 2JJ0 "
Handsome Portieres from $2 25 up.
Handsome line of Tapes
try to Cover Furniture.
2;vinch White Lawns, 7c.
40 inch White Lawns, 10, 121, 15, etc.
White Organdies, 15, IS, 20, 25, to
$1.00 per yd.
A Complete Line of all
kinds of White Goods, all Prices.
Thousands of yards of Valenciennes
Laces, Tirchns Laces, Irish Foint,
Duchess Laces, etc., White and
Cream. A large line black Silk
Lace from 5c up.
Leather and
Jewel Belts,
Kid Gloves. Silk Mitts and best
fast colored stockings, etc.
The best stock of Flain and Xov
city Dress Goods can alwajs be
found at my store, at the lowest
prices ever made for Woolen
Goods, because tliey were bought
liefore the advance in prices.
Cost Calicoes ra'ioe in prices
from 4 to 5c. A large line of
Chintzes, Fercales, Madras, Cloths,
awns, Dimities, Organdies, Swiss
Organdies, etc., ranging in prices
from 5c up.
Everyone comes to my store to
get fashionable Dress Trimmings.
A large ftock of Ladies' Silk Capes.
Call and see my stock.
Mrs. A. E. UHL.
Fishing Goods an J Fishing Supplies of
all kinds except liquid bait, at
Fisher's Book Store,
Wholesale and Retail.
Is a eKl thine to have ami weiiave
lota of them at low price, lull the lt of
them will not inform you where i tiie
bext place to fish nor how to catch them.
Hut we can show you tho lartj-t stock of
Hook. Snivvl, Flies Trout ami Uasa
Icauer. I.infM, Kinis, takef, Minnie
Xeta, Corks. Sinkers aud Poles. t lie
found in H counties. Here's a pointer: winter was an open one and favora
liletofish. Tbe stream are full of Mg
fat B ickers, catfish, Mrp, chubs, mm
fish, trout and liasa. Tiie ea-Iy tisher
inau catcLcs the worms aud the tish.
Black and Tan. Latest Styles and Shapes
at lowest
Adjoining Mrs. A
E. Uhl, South-east
corner of square.
Ity virtue of a certain writ of Fieri Facia.
isaucd out of the Court of Common Pica of
Monierscl county, ta., to ine directed, there
will he exposed to sale, at tbe Court llotua;
in Somerset Durougb, ou
Vednesday, May 25, 1898,
At I o'clock P. V.,
the following dincribed real estate to wit:
All the riirht title, liiVrret, claim and de
mand of Hiram J. Lohr, of, iu, and to the fol
lowing named mil estate viz:
o. I. A certain lot of r round situate In
the village of luividsvllle, Concmaurli uwiv.
tilp, tSomerset counly, Pa., bounded byan
alley aud lota of William Zimmerman and
Lkiraey Wolford, having thereon enctet a
twoUiry frame dwelling bouse and out build
lnes. with theapnurte lances.
Nix i A lot of ground situate aa aforMuild,
bounded by an alley and lots of Kliza Berkev
and William Zimmerman, having a stable
thereon erected.
Takeo In execution and to be sold as the
property of Hiram J. Lohr at the suit of iu
radeu'a use
Nonet All person pore having at the
above sale will plchse lake notice that 10 per
oenL of tlie purcliase money must be paid
when property Is kuis'ked down; otherwise It
will aifaiu be ex is wed to sale at the risk of the
first purchaser. The residue of the purchase
money must ue paiu ou or oeiore ine aay m
CHiarmation. vie ThumdaT. Mav 2Hl
1K. No deed wiil be ackmiwledged uutil Uie
purchaae money U paid in full.
May L !.
C.i E Mcflonald. 1 Iu the Coo it of Common
vs ! Plena Id and for Soincr- McDonald, f seli-ouuly Pa.
) No. ll:t. Is. Term, 17.
Tlie nnderslgned having been duly appoint,
ed by the proper auuioriiy, Commtmtoiier, to
take the testnuonv in the above staled ease;
Bnd tlie fcwHs and reuort an ooinion. Jfce., herw
by gives notice lo all panitsi lntcrrau-d: that
he will lit to rulllll the doll.-, of hia said ap
FHnlmentathlsoltleo in Homerset, Pa , on
buraday May li, 1-hs, at one o'clock p. nt.,
when and when all persons tntervated aa
paHieaor wiinsses can attend.
Com lulssloiier.
That Makes the RUSH at Our Store This J
Many new styles not before shown now being j
exhibited. With the return of spring time there
comes a more than usual attractiveness in our Sever- -j
al Departments, consisting of
Boddy Brussels, Tapestrj', Moquet, Velvets and
Ingrains, Mattings and Rugs.
Ladies' Tailor Made Suits.
Separate Skirts and Shirt Waists.
$ Underwear
We want everybody
4 lines of Ladies' Belts we
of more than three hundred belts, ranging from
ioc to 85c each.
4, Lace Curtains, Hamburgs,
the new creations
There is an attractiveness in
the styles this season
seldom shown
j n
' More than three hundred
represented now in our Millinery Depart
ment on second floor
Respectfully yours,
Wc try to justify tlie state
ment that you caa get what you
want in the Grocery line at our
store. U e take pains, also, to see
that you get it jmt right. Xo stale
or shop-worn goods oa our shelves
or in our warehouse. GooJs
change hands too frequently for
anything of that kind. How is it
witli our competitors ? Special at
tention is always given to the
Fine Teas, Fine Coffees, Fine Spic
es, Fine Canned Goods, Fine Pried
Fruit?, Fine Canned Soups, Fine
Confectioneries. But all can talk
for themselves if you give them a
Best place to bring your produce
and best place to buy your goods.
Cook &
deletion f
and Corsets. I
to inspect one of the largest
have ever shown, consisting X.
White Goods, Silks and
in Wool Skirtings. T
styles Ladies' New Hats ,
Sifford &
Giobs imperial Plow,
Marie at Canton, Ohio, tbe befetplow
ou earth, van now lie seen at J. B.
ilolilerbatnu'a Hardware Store.
Light, to handle anil very durable.
- The iMi'-Ti mi
M1M 1
. liS- M
Disc Harrow?.
Steel Bar Lever
Spike Tooth Harrows.
Steel Bar Lever
Spring Tooth Harrow With Wheels.
Old Style
Wood Frame Harrows,
I'lateri front and under frame with wash-
era to protect bolt beads.
Steel Bar Lever
Corn and Garden Cultivators,
five, seven and nine shovels with Hill-
ers and weedera.
T Bar Steel Pulverizer Land Roller.
Corn Planters,
with fertilizing attachment.
Champion Hay Rakes.
Farmers' Favorite Grain Drill.
McCormicVs Mowers and Binders.
Engines, Saw Mills and
JuMt Unloaded (or Spring Trade.
1 Car Wire Nail.
1 Barbed and 5mooth Wire
1 Imperial Plows.
1 Harrows,
1 Kramer Wagons.
1 " Spring Wagons.
5 " Buggies and Carriages.
Call and examine my Mock before 70a
J. B. Holderbaum
l, ,l I A l""iw.
By vlrtuo of undnr wrtta of Fieri Kwla.
AI Kl.-rl Kui'i:ui ana levari FwIim Ixmim!
out of ttM i'ourt of t'ommoo fiui of
loinret county, Prnnnylvania, to ne dl
rvctot, ttwn wnl t vxpowxl to Bale at
the Court Uoum, In Somentt borougti. oa
FRIDAY. MAY 20. '98.
At I o'clock P. M-.
the fwlowlii drscrtbnt nrnl cute, trwlt :
All the rltflil, titlf. In Urol, cliim ami il
n.kii'i ot l.yuiu WuLniaU niui tCrl-! Bio
ImiiiicIi. iHfl.. aiJ l.-ry A tirr, lrre tirli.
mill, of, ia ih! u all th surf.irr ,mI of a rT
Win lot or rvl Krimntl ntitiMie in K'k
Lick iownliis mmm-in,-i -un(y, Ka., bounl
ptl and dencri bed aa foiluw: bnini;inir al a
point, nirwnit publto nrid and U foot alley,
Koulfl 'J1-. dervea r-l It,,' h-rl alM,i( mmmI al
ley; tn,m,e uorili Kt U-tc r- wt Itll te-l t,
puour niud; tlienee north S- i1,irrea ewNt, 14
(vtaloo mid public road; Uieiu-e north TH'j
deitrvea eiwt li', fret along raid public nau
to piMee or tNielauliiK cHiiaiiiuijj perriiew.
bein the aame hH of rrouud rtMeye,t by
l.yuia tiluluiiKh and Katlel Hlubauri lo
Mary A. Hun.- Iy deed laled 10 Nov. ll. re
fimW Iu Vol. w, pace o)i, iu Lieed Kerorda
forMoiiienk tciHinly, la.
Taken In exeruuon and U tx sold aa the
pnierty of tilutwuxn and Kaltel ttiu
txtuxii, defendanta, and Mary A . Hare, terre
tenant, at tbe suit of A. K. S;ei. her.
All therticlit. title, luterenl, claim and de
mand of ( H. Ueal, of. In and to the ibilowiug
derritied real eautie to-wii:
No. I. Two certain lot of (round attuate
In slibunr larouah. Sudhtvi nwni, l"
houud.d mi the oonli by lot '. i", aoulh by
Mineral street, eaat by u alreet. weal b an
ail-y, being numbered aa htt , 41 and 4J
atliepnirf Uea4'hy' additon to aald bor
ouxli. Iwin the wme lotn conveyed by A. H.
Beaohy and wife 10 t'harlea ri. beat, bv thtlr
deed dated April 11. l.swi, and rvrorited In
ieel rteeri tor Sotnerael county, l a.. Vol.
IW, paKua I7i etc.
.o. i. i wo certain lot or groiiDd altuat
In Beaehy'a addition to iHa!ilary borounn.
Homers county 1" known 00 the plan of
said additiou aa tola li and la, bounded on
ine north by lot .No. 11, on the earn by aa al
ley, on the Hilh by Mineral airwu ou the
wtm by Orant I reel, having Ihereon em-ted
a one-ury plank dwellim' bnuw. a new
dwelling houiie (uot yet conipleledi and a ata-
ne, wiin me appuriemini'eH. lielii theaaiue
loU c,Mjveyed by J. W. Bawhy and olhera. tat
'liB'Ses s. Ikiil, by their deed dated January
t, Ikul and recorded in leeU Record for Muin-
ers-t counly. Pa., ol. ml, pa("i Its. etc.
laKen in execulion and u tie oid aa the
prop,-rty of C. . beat, al the uit of J. L.
All tlie Hk-ht, title. Interest, claim and de
mand if Jorteph Vaunuin, of. in and to the
following described real eHtute tavwit:
Nk I. All tht certain ickhuhk' or tene-
tnent and lot of ground Hituale near the town
if Levaiijaviile. rMiieraet county, I'a.. cn-
laininir two acre and nineiy-lwo pen-hea,
tnore or h-aa. adiolnlntr Laikda i,f AumlIi, liar
rlay and lmvid Tay nian.
.. . a eeruiin kh h jrounu nitunie in ine
town of !.evanvii!e. couuly of Mannenael and
HLtleof IVnnMylvauLi, tN,undeil un the north
by the H ellcrxoun: and eal Newton Flunk
Ktatd, on the eiot by the lvaiiNvllle aehia,!
hiHine lot, on Hie aoulh by an alter, on the
weal by Iota and pnoparly naw or formerly of
Vmy Neilrow; lot coiiLilna of an a-re
niaii-eair iesa, Ih i:ik tha extreme went loitkf le
I loisconveyed by John Heller. Ili'li Mhemr
of !mierH-l rounly. la., lo Imur lluitita by
ak-ed daU-al May 1H, lvc', and by I-taac HuifUH
1.. A 1... a-. . ..,... I. .. .1 a .a... a
1.. nti 1 uwiiiiiiiiau u, ,acT--a u.a ir-va
May -o, IVa-i, the aania la-uiat camveyed to the
alove defenalanl by dvl dalei June II,
Taken In exei-ulion ami to be aon! aa tlie
property of Jaa ph Vauman, at the null of
Jordan at Uiuchui ui.
All the rliht, title. Interest, claim and de
mand of Adam linmin, of. In and to the fo
lowimc deacrlbed real erataie Uvwlt :
No. 1. A certain pitor parcel of land alt-
luale Iu Uuemahamimr towmahlp, Souieraet
county. Pa-, aiijolmn fapata of John CiiNter,
Martin iMiaver, and the fatenuin heir, con-
laiiiiiiat ahaait :IU acreat more or ha, lia'tn
therecan ereeleat a Iwo-tatorv frame dwelling
hotiMe. a bank taarn and oilier oulbuiidliK,
with tlieppurt. tiaii-,-,
Nax 2. .V (v-rbim piarcear parc-l of land alt
UiileaH afore:vail, (-ouUiiniii' three acr,a and
liety-elatlll pa-reba-a Jtlna-l lllaiualire, aaijoiu-
Ilaf lanus of John A . 1 nastie. JaaaepU Bender.
Ravi. I Hen rod. Widow Trmtlc and othepa, Ik-
nif thaiaame pn-ce of land cinva-yed 10 Adam
trimin nv ileeal ,,r jonn w . rroifand wife.
iaieal IS Apni, lJU. ret-onled in lxed ttevonl
for SamieiNet t-aiunly, Ta.. Vol. "la, paie.'aii, cle.
Taken in exit-ulion and to le aoid aa the
prop-rty of Adam Orimin, at the mill of lia
vid fenruaL
All the rittht. title. Inta-rest. claim and de
mand of H. W. Meuhorn, of. In and U a cer
tain piew or pan-el of ground, niluute In Klk-
Lick lownahip. Somerset ounty. ta baaund-
eal aud dc?aaTiied aa folUya: Baxliiuin al a
post near Ihe public raairt. thence by landa of
Vi'laae Sa-hna-k aoulh 4.1', da'tcrees Weatt li
perrhea ta paml: theia-e hy ivteiilue of tract
south rtl1, tlereea eani lit pera-ha-a lo maple,
north 24' degria rant 1'J 7-10 pa-rchea to tha:
public road; ha-uce by the laame anal landa of
Minea .Sa-hraa-k north iHa, rteupea-a, went II 10
pa-rcha-4 to the plaae of iKieiiinlnir, caantainini.
one acre aud ten pa-rchea atiicl ma-u.-aure, hav-
Imt thereon erea-Ufal a two-iatairy frame dwell-
iiat hoiiM plank xlahle anal other oulbulld-
liur-a, with liie appurleiiatia-ea.
taken in execution and to ih aoitl aa the
property of H. V. Monliorn. at the nuit of 1".
M. Miller1, uxe. '
All Ihe rtirht. title. Interest, claim and de
mand of Lucy Ann Hoover, of. In and to a
a.erlain farm or tract of land situate In Hum-
nut Uiwmahip, Haimeraet a-aajiity, iH., caknlnin-
ni: H a-rea ami In pcrchea. more or la-ua,ntMut
Jaereia tlmiaer, laalnnce clear, adJolninK hinda
of John Mellaril, t'h ri',! inn Hare, I harlea Ko
pek a and olhera, havuis lli n-oil en-cta-d a
one and a half-story Ion dwelling house.pUink
stable and other outbutldiu, with tiie ap-
Taken In execution and to be aold a tbe
property rf Lu-y Ann Hoarver at the suit of
iisi-ilU B irkholdcr'a ue.
All tbe rlktlit, title. Intereat, claim and de-
ma ud of William A. Lohr, of, iu and la, a cer
'ain bouse aud lot of Kround sltoate in the
riilatteof l- irretl. in Muinmil township. Som-
ersei county, I'll., known and numlwred ou
he plan af saial town aa lot numiier SiH. framt-
m; 011 4 enter street on the etual, alia-y on toe
south, alla-y on the weat and lot No. 17 on the
lorth. now in the occupana-v of Kudoliit.
atakeraud isadie Haker, his wife.
lakeuin exis-uliaiu and to be aold aa ine
property of William A. Iilir. at the suit of
Cornelius J udy and Jacob J udy.
All tlie right, title. Intereal. claim and de
mand af Mary A. Kesslar. of. Iu and lo 1. cer-
laui farm or tract of land situate in r-oinerset
tuwDship, Hoinerset county, Pu., containing
riacrea more or laftH, about si aareH clenr. bal-
nce timlier. adjoining lands iH Jonas t'lisaey.
loHeph rioyuer, J. Al. bowmau. frank isuia-r
ibd Herman Mlahl, havlne tha-reon erected a
two-story frame dwelling house, bank barn
and other outbuildings, with the appuru-oah.
Taken in execution and to be aold aa the
properly of Mary A. Keaslar, at the suit of
Ldward 8. Kiuilnell.
All the right, tit!'-. Interest, rlaiaii and da.
maud a4 Ltsu K. tlolsopple of. in and toait
that certain lot of ground situate In Benson
lairough. Maima-rset counly. I'a., known aa Ihe
Mill paiperty, aud bamii-lasl and u.-scrliMfal as
follows. vi: Hei(iuuiiiK at corner oa bank of
stainvereek. thciio south In dettresa. Waal
s :(-li pen-lies Ua hickory ; thence aoulh i l i
ilegreea wesl IB 1-10 perene to a poaal ; ilia-me
nairth H d tv rea-s atast 21 111 pt rrii-s 10 a
cheatnut Iree on latuks of unycrMk ;
thence by aald creek south "' 1-2 de
grees east I i 3-111 pa-rchea to the place
f bexlniiin, eoutai:iiii4 one fru anl 21
pen-ha-s na-t. and having thcream crvctcal a
two-story plank strippeat titairiiig mill, twa
two-ataary frame dweiiu-.g liasisea, slable,
blacksmith ha. ment market and other
MitlHjildings. AIkv all of a certain water
rigid ar privllega.'s aa cauvead ta the alsve
named ilefa-ualunt by da-evl of Kamr.el I-:. Ha-r-kev
anal wile, anal benjamin K. Hiuil and wile.
dated lTlh Nov., 1".'J, W illi the ai purteuau-
Taken In execution and to lie aold aa the
proaerty of l-aai K. Ilaalsopple, at the suit of
Uie Molilul Kuildlug and ixaui Assaa-laliou
of Altooua, l'.u
Terms :
VOTlf'F All neraons onrchasinir at tha
above aale wiil please take notice that ll per
cent, of tlie purcliase niimey must be puld
wtieu property is knaa-keaj uaiwn; oinerwise 11
will again la; exposed 10 sale at the risk of the
ftpat pun-haaer. The residue of the purchaae
money must be paid on or before the day of
conllrmullou. viz: Thursday, .Mny.H, 1MM.
No deed will he acknowledged until the pur
chaae money is paid In fall.
April 27, "88. Bberilt,
Not loe la hereby given to all persona con
cerned aa legatees, eredttora or lherwiae, lliat
the follow ing accounts nave passed register,
and thai tbe same will laj preM-iited for con
firmation and allowance at an orphaua luun
to be held at Somerset, on
WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th, 1893.
First and final aarconnt of K.J. and J.J.
Walker, adiuluwtrators ot Juatab Walker,
First and Una! ao-ount of Michael Riffle,
trustee for the sate of the real estate of John
K. Roddy, dasrd.
Kirstand final aa-camnt of lilrara Bittner,
admlnislratair and trustee of Abraham
C'oughenour. decal.
Kirstand final account of Pamuet H. Bar
ron, admluistratorof tieaHVe Barron, deed.
Kirstand Dnal aa?aunt aaT Valeria A and
Harry W. Walker, administrators of Alvln
f. W'al ker. deed.
The account of Samoa! A. Il.fTley, admin
brtrator of Augustus Heley, deed.
Theaccoanl of MU-hael Klfer, admlulstra
Ur of Mary K tier. deed.
Kirst aca-ount of Oeairge W. Porber and L. V.
Ackcrman, executor of Daniel Horber. da-cd.
Kirst and tlnal account of Henry J. fc la
bee It a, execulaar of iaunab Ilia, daed.
Kirst and final i---oiDt of Aanan Cober,
executor of I -aura inlry man. da id.
Kirst and dnal act-aeuil of Jaeor, II. Yeo
mnii, exi-eulori-f A.J. Yeoman, daa-d.
The aca-ount oi l. as eiiuer, aumiUKr7av
lorof Hu.aii W lit. d-ad.
Kirst aud final ayasaiul of J. J. Folk, execu
tor of Kactiel I. !-li-y. deed.
Kirst and ftnal anutiul of Frederick E.
Younkin, aduiiulstrulor of tieorge W.t'roav
aan. ihcd.
First and final aaraxint of K. M. Berk ay,
administrator of rsa:nuel K. Ha-rkey. daard
First and nnai account of Jisaeph IS. Miller
and Jacob It. Miller, administrator of Jotut
tlmn L. Miller, deed.
Kirstand Unci aunt of Edward P. Slpe,
administrator und IrusUs) of Michael Hipe,
isecwnd account of II. P. and ltaa Walker,
exeaulora sf Jaarab P. Walker, deed.
First and Hnal ai-countof Naunle B Ba-noer
and WashingUMt Ma-gahau, adioluutnttora of
Win. B. beuuer, deed.
The account ot Win. H. Bowman anal Sum.
nel bowman, adm's of Kll Bowman, dear-d.
Kirstand final accaaint af Mary R. Kaylor
admlntivttalrtx of John A. Kay lor, deed.
Somerset. Pa.. JAMES M. COVER,
April Tth, M. KcgUtcr.