The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, April 20, 1898, Image 2

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    The 4 SomerseMIerald
JARD SCULL. Editor and Proprietor.
April 20, I.
V. J. Bryax is not straining his
voice shouting for Fitzliugh Lce.
Tins wetk will lwi.k'. Will
tin" lrt.i.ion mean or war?
Hhajs does not yet wcem to realize
that she is ai trolling on to her own ck
struciion. Ixdepexdesce for Cuta is sure to
come, nd it really makes very little
difference whether it shall come before
or after intervention.
Merceu county Republicans will
hold their primaries on Saturday, 23d
last, when four delegates to the State
convention will be elected.
If some one don't flag the Wauama
Iwr candidates for delegates in this
county there is danger of their running
ahead of schedule time.
In case of a war and the coming of
WVyler to Cuba the American troops
w Mild probably, in the wonts of the
day, "not do a thing to him."
Mr. Bailey seems to be determined
to put himself on exhibition at least
once every day. It's very kind of bim,
but it is getting somewhat tiresome.
The in.urgents are reKrted to lie ac
tive around Havana and elsewhere in
Cuba. They are of th opinion that it
still takes two sides to arrange an
The anti-Quay, or Wauamaker
crowd, have decided not to make a
fight for Dauphin county's six dele
gates to the Kiate conven ion. Dau
phin is one of the strongest i'iay coun
ties in the State.
"This infamous calumny merits the
reprobation of the whole world," waiil
Premier Hagasta, referring to the Amer
ican Is-lKf ihat the Maine was blown
up through Spanish Agency. That is
all right, of course, but what if it is
proven that the calumny is true ?
Only a few days ago the Spaniard
wre allu ling to their Q icm ai "The
Austrian,"' but since she has given
f .00,003 to the naval fund she is now
alluded to as "The Spanish Queen."
' The Spaniards are only human, and
they applaud the dollar as much as the
nation they affect to despise.
The assembling of the regular army
on the Florida coast means that we pro-
pise to move 011 Havana without any
delay, and it will ouly be a short time
before the Kraag-Jorgsen rifles in the
hands of Uncle Sam's 'noys iu blue will
be spitting lire at the Spaniards. And
then will enme "Cuba Libre!''
When the Cuban resolutions came to
be voted on, Saturday afternoon, our
two United States Senators, Qjay and
Penrose, took the most advanced
ground and voted for intervention, and
to sultstitute the Senate for the House
resolutions. Twenty-three It-publican
members of the Senate voted for the
more radical resolutions, while niue-
-teen voted against them.
Mr. John Waxam ak Kit makes daily
speeches, assaulting and abusing Sena
t jr Quay and W. A Ston, and the peo
ple, wherever primaries are held, reply
by nominating Legislators who will
support Quay, and delegates who will
vote for Stone. So far Mr. Wanama
ker has succeeded in carrying just two
counties, Blair and Lycoming, an 1 in
the former the candidates nominated
for the Legislature are all for Quay.
Repi'BLICax primary elections wi r.
held iu Elk and Montgomery counties
Saturday. In the former one deleg it
who will vot; for C. W. Stone was
elected and in the latter niue delegate
wh will give their support to Col. W.
A. Stous were chosen. Mr. Wanam.i
ker ha-" his summer residence in Mont
gomery county, an 1 he and his friends
made a most vigorous eiFort to capture
its nine delegates to the State conven
tion, but the friends of Colonel Stone
carried it by an overwhelming major
ity almost three to one. With the loss
of his home county Mr. Wan&maker
is eliminated from the outest, and the
nomination of Colonel Stone is practi
cally assured.
John Wanamakek's offer to recruit
a regiment and lead it against the Span
ish is but a cheap bid for the votes of
the unsophisticated. Mr. Wan&maker
knows that a war iu which any consid
erable number of land forces will be
actively engaged is highly improbable.
Older voters will remember that when
they had a chance some thirty years
ago to save this country from disunion
neither he nor the chairman of his
State committee, ' ( neral'' Koontz,
took advantage of the opporlunity.
The latter saw his comrades, the u:em
lers of gallant Company A, which he
commanded in pence but deserted in
war, march off to the front, while he
alone remained at home. . I.r't-r Waua
maker is engaged in au eager hunt for
votes just now, and tbiaks that a little
hit of bravado will help him.
It is thought by some that the mis
sion of Mr. Wanamaker's State vhair
man, "General" Koontz, to Philadel
phia this week is to consult his chief iu
"relation to the organizition of the regi
ment he proposes to raise in the event
of war with Spain, while others are of
the opinion that the -Geiieral' is there
for the purpose of "coaling up" prepar
atory to a declaration of political war
in Somerset county, to be promulgated
simultaneously with the announcement
of his candidacy for the Assembly. If
the latter surmise prove correct, it will
be interesting to note whether the
"General" and his followers will be av
orded belligerent rights by the party
organization, or whether titty will be
simply treated as political revolu
tionists. It is gratifying to note that amidst all
of the attempt made by a couple of the
minor powers of Europe to get up a
naval demonstration for the purje of
frightening this country out of her in
tention to free Cuba Great Britain
positively refuses to be considered a
party to the project, an 1 has taken an
exceedingly firm aud unmistakable
ftand against such a proceeding. Great
Britain has behaved very creditably all
the way through this controversy, aud
at every ttag of its progress Las shown
that she not only refuses to be a party
vtO 'the interference, but that she frowns
en any other power that proposes such
interference. The United States and
Great Britain united for war purposes
could make it very later?sting for the
balance of the world, and would prac
tically dictate matters.
John Wasamakek and those who
are following his lead have for their
single purpose the wrecking of the lvi
publican party in Pennsylvania, says
the Lancaster Inquirer. The original
motive for this movement was the de
feat of Wauamaker for U. S. Senator.
The great dry goods merchant Mer
chant Prince as he loves to be called
could not brook to I defeated for the
position he had looked toward to so
fondly, and he resolved to be avenged.
The only adequate vengeance that
could satisfy him is the wrecking of
the Itepubiiean party in Pennsylvania.
His candidacy for governor is a mere
pretence. He does not expect 10 oe
nominated by the Republican conven
tion ; if he ever did have such a boie
it was long since dissipated by the re"
suit of the recent primary elections.
But what he does hope is to form a nu
cleus around which all parties and frag
ments of parties may unite to defeat
the ticket that will be nominated at the
Republican State convention.
The Public Ledger, one of the organs
of the Wauamaker movement, openly
advocates this. Other of his organs
will sustain such a measure in due time.
We shall see then whether we have a
Republican party devoted to its princi
ples and the interests of th3 nation, or
simply an aggregation of selfish inter
ests, liable to be tort asunder at the
word of a would-be boss whose distin
guishing characteristic is his ability to
run a dry goods store.
Stone'i Triumphant March.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
The primary elections in. Montgom
ery county on Saturday practically end
the campaign. There will be more po-
litieal fireworks, we presume, but the
overwhelming success of Colonel Will
iam A. Stone, after & very hot and bit
ter campaign made against him, is
clinching proof that the people are not
to be driven from their faith iu or their
support of him.
There remain to be elected 109 dele
gates, most of them in counties w here
he is particularly strong. He needs less
than thirty delegates to secure the nom
ination, and as the independent cam
paign has been scattered to the four
winds so far as any practical results are
concerned by the deliberate action of
Montgomery, he will get many more
than thirty without difficulty.
Colouel Stone has been forced to the
front by the very nature of the Blank-euburg-VanValkenberg
campaign. En
tering the canvass just as C. W. Stone,
Leisenring and Connell entered it, ail
standing entirely upon their own mer
its and absolutely in their own right,
he has had directed toward him all the
venom of the Blaukenburg crusade.
Unquestionably he has been helped by
this ftct. The unjust fight was made
to centre upon him, and that it has
been an unjust fight the people most
certainly believe, else they would not
be giving him their votes aud so sig
nally defeating his assailants.
The gallant soldier boy of the war of
the rebellion is evidently thought to be
the proper one to lead the Republican
hosts of McKinley in Pennsylvania in
this year of threatened war with Spain.
A Few Good Men An Army of Bag Tag
and Bobtail.
It is rather a heterogeneous aggrega
tion that is forming to defeat the Re
publican party this fall, and is constit
uent parts will have to be cemented
with a good grade of cement or glue to
hold together and work in unity aud
harmony until after election day. Per
sonal pique is strong enough aud last
ing enough, but we are afraid it would
bind them apart rather than together
in the selection of a ticket for the State
and Philadelphia. The public good
certainly does not enter into the matter
sufilciently to deserve mention. The
Philadelphia Times thus outlines the
plot :
The combination to be will x..n
rrinA the Wanamaker Independents.
Swallow Independent.,
Free Silver and Sound Money Democrats
ai'd the Municipal Leaguers in this cay.
There seems to be some doubt as to the
partieiilar element in which this anli-
.J-iay movement originated, but confer
ences havo been held within a few nv
looking to an agreement upon a combina
tion Mat ticket which would be satisfac
tor to all parties.
Tho prop-ed plan, it is said, coutein.
plates lbs retirement of both Wanainaker
and Swallow as independent candidates
for governor, and the eletiou of a Rtrong
anti if-iny Republican as a compromise.
The Democrats are to be given the lieutenant-governorship,
and the Swallow
ln-t.-peii.l-.nts the secretary of internal
all'airs. Wanatuaker's are to elect
as many member of the legislature as
poshitiie, while the Philadelphia local of
fices in the fall are to be distributed ac
cording to arrangements hereafter to le
uade, the Municipal League to dominate
in training the ticket for coroner, district
attorney, clerk of the quarter sessions,
recorder of deeds, and city controller.
It was Adopted ia the Home Last Wednet
day Evening.
The House on last Wednesday evening,
after one of the most exciting and memo
rable days in its history, by a vote of 322
to 19 adopted a resolution which nine
tenihs of its members believe makes war
with Spain inevitable. It is a fact which
was grimly commented upon by mem
bers as they spoke of the future, that
every war in which the United States has
enggrd began in April, and that Wednes
diy w the anniversary of the fall of
Port Stumer, which aroused the patriotic
fervor of the Xorth and made four years
of eivil strife a certainty.
Follow ing is the resolution as adopted :
K-s-vh1, etc. That the President is
hereby authorized and directed to inter
vene at once to stop the war in Cuba, to
the end and w ith the purpose of securing
permanent, peace and order there, and es
tablishing by the free action of the poople
thereof, a stable and independent govern
ment of their own in the Island of Cuba,
and the President is hereby authorized
and empowered to use the land and naval
forces of the United States to execute the
purpose of this resolution.
Kara! Vessels.
t'apt. Charles Sigsbee, late of the Maine,
has been assigned to command the auxil
iary cruisar St. Paul, which; was pressed
into the Government service upon her
return voyage from Europe last Thurs
day. On Sunday morning the St, Paul
Railed for Cramp's shipyard, where the
great oan liner will undergo a few
eiisgos. Her sister ship, the St. Louis,
w ill. !-, pass into the hands of the
I'nited States upon her arrival from Eu
iorte this week.
The torpedo boat Soinera, recently
purchased in Germany, has put into an
English port for repairs, and ia thought
Ihat she will be unable to cross the At
lantic the week the Government has
secured a number of fast yachts, which
will bs converted into torpedo boat de.
strojers as rapidly as possible.
Four of the old mouitora have been re
paired and assigned to duty for harbor
defense at New York and Boston The
monitors are manned by naval reserves
in charge of naval officer.
The flying squadron ia at F01 tress
Monroe ready to sail at a moment's no
tice. Last week the squadron went to
ssa for 33 hours for the purpose of target
practice and squadroo drill.
The fighting squadron at Key West is
reported to be impatient to begin hoHtiii
t!esaa anon as the President gives the
order. The new Cruiser, New Orleans,
purchased in England, arrived on Friday,
and together with the Philadelphia, have
imported ready for action.
Soain Notified
Both Houses of Congress Reach a Final Agreement
Upon Cuban Affairs.
The President Authorized to Act.
After all day and all night sessions both llousea of Congress agreed
Tuesday morning upon the following resolutions:
Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United
States of America in Congress Assembled,
First That the people of the Island of Cuba are, and of right ought
to le, free and independent
Second That it is the duty of the
Government of the United States
ment of Spain at once relinquish its authority and government in the In
land of Cuba, and withdraw ita land and naval forces from Cuba and
Cuban waters.
Third That the President of the
directed and empowered to use the
United States and to call into actual service of the United States the
militia of the several States, to such extent as may be necessary to car
ry these resolutions into effect.
Fourth That the United States hereby disclaims any disposition or
intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over said island
except for the paci5cation thereof, and asserts its determination when
that ii accomplished to leave the government and control of the island
to its people.
The compromise between the Senate and the House, and the determi
nation to stand by President McKinley meets with the approval of the
The adoption of the report wa3 received ia both Houses with tu
multuous manifestations of joy.
An administration bill was introduced in the House yesterday, ena
bling the President to call out 60,000
the National Guards of the various States.
The Spanish Minister has ordered all Spanish Consuls to prepare for
departure, taking with them all the Spanish subjects who desire to leave
the country.
Spaniards are fortifying the Cuban Coast
It is authoratively stated that President McKinley will not delay in
carrying out the express will of Congress, but that he has already pre
pared an ultimatum whic'i will at once be communicated to Spain.
n aj j ! j "11 1 1 .I 1 1 la
1 tie signal lor nosuiiiies win nna
Where the Money Will Coma From.
The Republican members of the Ways-and-Meana
Committee ot the House have
practiilly completed the presentation of
the revenue measure which will be pass
ed to raise revenue sufficient to prosecute
the war.
The members propose that the present
generation shall bear the burdens of the
war, and, proceeding upon that theory,
they have prepared a bill that will raise
between ?HJ0,0uO,0(W and ?120,000,GOO ad
ditional revenue per annum. The bill
will provide for an additional tax ol ft
ler barrel upon beer, from which $,0ti0,
out) will be raised. On manufactured
tobacco and snufT the internal revenue
tax will be increased from six to twelve
cents. This is expected to raise ?1,CMV
lJ0of revenue.
The increase on cigars and cigarettes has
not been alisolutely fixed, but it probably
w ill be oue dollar-on all classes. From
thisSTVO0." is expected. The proposi
tion which the Senate placed on the
Tariir bill, but which weut out Id confer
ence, to tax all stocks and transfers of
corporations, is embodied in the t-cas-ure,
together with practically all the
schemes of Iuternal-Kevenue taxation of
the Act of .Sort, which includes a stamp
tax on all checks, drafts, and aud all in
struments or business mortgages, loans,
and bonds.
A tax on patent and proprietary medi
cines and a tax on telegraph messages
aud express packages is also incorporated
in the bill. This scheme of taxation is
estimated to raise f ,'100,000. A duty of
ten cents per pound is placed upon tea
and three cenU per pound upon coffee,
from w hich ?.js,000,0i is estimated.
Rottled waters are to bear a tax similar
to patent mediciues. For the pressing
needs of the. Government, the Secretary
of the Treasury Is given the general pow
er to issue certificates of indebtedness
payable in one year and to bear not to
exceed three per cent, interest.
The Secretary of the Treasury is also
authorized to borrow on the credit of the
Government, by popular subscription, a
loan of f nW.OiXl.OOO. This loan is to be
placed through the postollices of the
conutry, the sub-Treasuries aud Govern
ment depositories in low-rate bonds
which are to be sold at par.
They are to bear three per cent inter
est and to be redeemable after five years
at the option of the Government and to
be due in twenty years. The principal
aud interest are to be payable in coin.
The measure will be presented to the
foil Committee and it will be brought
into the House as soou as the war resolu
tions are signed by the President.
Eatire Regular Army Ordered Soath.
Decidedly the most warlike step taken
by the War Department in preparing for
the possibility of an encounter with Spain
was inaugurated Friday when orders
were issued for the concentration at four
points in the South of six regiments of
cavalry, twenty-two regiments of infant
ry and the light batteries of five regi
ments of artillery.
At Chickamauga there will le six regi
ments of civalry and the light battiies
of five regiments of artillery : at New Or
httiii. cijjlit regiments of infantry; at
Tampa seven regiments of infantry, and
at M ibile seven regiments of infantry.
Kincethe civil war no such prop3rtion
of the army has been mobilized and the
movement itself is the best evidence of
the gravity of the situation as looked up
on by the President and his advisers.
The determination to rendezvous the
troops in the South, where they can be
acclimated to the conditions of a more
tropical climate, has been under consid
eration by the President and his Cabinet
for some time.
It was not until Friday, however, that
the President, iu view of the enormous
expense which will 1 entailed, felt Justi
G-d in taking this step.
The command of the army will devolve
upon Major General Nelson A. Miles,
who is now at the bead of the military
branch of the government.
His temporary headquarters, it is said,
probably will be at Atlanta, where Gen
eral Graham, who has command of the
Department of the Gulf, is now located.
General Miles permanent headquarters
will depend entirely upon the exigencies
of the situation and the developments of
the campaign.
Lee Believes Spanish Official. Slew ap the
Consul General Lee who left Havana
on Saturday, arrived in Washington
Tuesday afternoon and at once went le
fore the foreign affairs committee. He
talked freely with the members of the
committee in regard to the conditions in
Cub , and especially with reference to
the destruction of the Maine. He said
that in his opinion there was no room to
douU that the destruction of the vessel
was due to Spanish agencies.
Do yon mean the Spanish authorities !
in Cuba? ho was asked by a member of
the committee. ;
"I mean the Spanish officials,'' he re- '
plied, bnt not General Blanco. I think
aome of the officials were cognizant of
the plans to destroy the vessel, but I do
not !3lieve that the Captaiu General
was." j
united States to demand, and the
does hereby demand, that the govern
United States be, and he hereby is,
entire land and naval forces of the
or 70,000 volunteers instead of
uoiu i'ie army anu navy well pre
Spaia At a Disadvantage.
Wasiiinotox, April 17. The action of
Great Britian In declaring coal to be con
traband of war, as reported from Jamaica,
has a significance different from that
attached to it in the dispatches. Such an
order would not prevent a vessel of either
Spain or the United States from taking
coal at Kingston or any other port in the
West Indies. Even when this article is
contraband, it is usual to permit a vessel
of a belligerent power to take aboard suf
ficient coal to carry ber to the next port
Once out of the port, however, the vessel
takes her chances with her contraband
cargo, and it is liable to seiz ireascontra-
ianu 01 war while en route to a port of
the belligerent power. Applying this rule
to the present case, if aSpanish ship went
to Kiugston for coal she would lie able
to carry a supply sufficient to carry her to
I'orto K100 or Cuba. When once away
f 1 - : . .1 , . .
11 on, mutton me vessel ana her cargo
would be subject to seizure by United
States ships. The same would apply in
case a ship of Great Britain or any other
country was engiged in carrying s.ic'u
a contraband article. The Hag would pro
tect the ship as a whole, but it would not
protect the contraband article on bard,
the ship baingaiiliject ti scxreh and to
seizure lor the contraband article. The
rule would apply equ illy to ship . Ukiu
coal in K'ngston for th use of tin United
States naval vessels. In etfdct, however.
the rule would be applicable mainly to
Spain, as the United States naval vessels
need not to look to British West Indies
for their coal supplies, whereas SpanUh
vessels would rely upon this as well
as other West Iudian ports f r such
American 8ecamies Abroad
J ho sales of American securities have
been, according to London advices, verv
large abroad of late, and there appears to
be a tendency tow ard increase in the sales.
It" this state of things holds, there will be
an increasing influx of Dritlsh gold into
this market. This Is good news and dem
onstrales the faith abroad iu the stability
01 our credit. There is another point of
faitti for which the peoplo not ouly of
this but foreign countries have good
grounds for credence, au 1 that is, beliif
in the efficacy of Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters for inorganic miladies which af
foct the stomach, liver, bowels, kidney
and nerves. Dyspepsia, biliousness, con
stipation, rheumatism, aud a tendency to
insomnia, are counteracted and conquer
ed by it It rallies failing appetite.hastens
vumuseure, ano amuses a generous
warmth and sensation of physical com
fort through the system. A w ineglassful
before retiring promotes health yielding
6ptnib Feeling Sitter.
The United States Consulate at Malaga
was attacked by a Spanish mob Saturday
night and the arms of the consulate were
torn down. Turbulent demonstrations
were n-suiued on Sunday, but the author
ities dispersed the rioters, and arrested
the b a lers of the mob. So farfew Amer.
.an residents havo left Madrid. The
Spanish press announce Hint the supreme
hour is approaching and call upon the
nation and government to .bind firm.
The greatest enthusiasm is manifested by
the Spanish people and they are subscrib
ing from their private means for the
national defense.
On the Most Important Local Question
We Have at Present to DIscius.
Opinions expressed publicly through
tins newspaiHT by piople iu the commouer
walks of life who lire in some distant
Mate lack the interest which is attach'
cd to oplnlous held by reshknts of tha
Jvestern part of Pennsylvania. The
foruicr haie nlway. a -uspicious halo
alut them which is absent in the lat
ter. 1o put it plaiuly. the reader would
sooner believe the statement of a man
living in Greensburg, Pa., than the state
lueut of a resident of Woousocket It. I
and when the Greensburg citizen' conns
inquiry . the ex rsri.-n.-e which follows can
t-crtamly be depended upon. Mr. Amos
l.ra!ii:in Paiuter. whose ottiee and shop
U at oJl tt. Ottenuan street, lives oj
J.rushtuu avenue. Gre-nsbur. &a Writ
huo if you are in doubt about his statc
nient and ask him if it is not true. Mr
Lisamnn says: -I , thank Doan', Kid
ney Pills for the pood health I am now
enjoying. never felt better than I
--'- - - i-ii unier man
Vi 1 . ,W,K ,,ne P"1" winter. l.-im.
My kidneys have ttu weak and have
troubl.yl tue more or l.a ever since 1 was
?br.'.l'Ut ,b? U,t few yp"8 T severe-
.7. ir iwiiis mroUKh my h,lg were
often ko .-.. ru ,hn, 1 1 1 . .
- . iuuij mil around
to my tmsmess, and to do any work ne
cessitating stooping or lifting was entire
ly out of the question. The se.-ret.oni
wpre irregular, frequent aud distressing
nod 00 standing deposited a heavy gdt
ment I had doctored great Jl-al, bUt
w. hunt gelling any satisfa-,ury result,;
When I saw Doan's Kidney Pi reel
omn.endcd so highly I thought I wonld
try them, and I got a hoi at a drug st,w.
I felt so much better after the first box
that I .continued the treatment for a time
until I was thoroughly cured. I w have
no more troubk-. and I am glad to rec
oninieud a remedy which has proveu it
tvit so trne to the claims made for it.
My son also used Poem's Kidney Pills,
and had equally good resulu."
IVan's Kidney Pills, for Sale by all
dealers - Price 50 cents. Mailed by
r outer-Mil bnrn Co., BofTalo. N. V., oj,
airt-iits fi the U. S. lie-member the name
iJoan s and take no substitute.
1'n.ia generation to fCJ.eratioii tin
taiat of impure blood is transmitted,
sk.1 in the same way tltc bciie::i:'.:.l
LiooJ purifyic t-tfti-ts of Hood's iai--
tsparilla arc spread through families.
If the life stream is putitle.l at its
source, or immediately when evidence
of imparity first appears, much stiffer
in? will be avoided. The beneficent
vroik of Hood's Sarsaparilla for young
women, wives, mothers and little ones
of all age3 ha3 won the highest praise,
U Li
Is America's Greatest Medicine,
Recognition Wins In (he Senate,
Upper Branch of Congress Declares That
the People of Cnba Are, and of
Eight Ought to be. Tree
aad Independent.
After four days of debate, participated
in by a majority of tbe members of the
Senate, a resolution declariug the Repub
lic of Cuba to be "thn true and law ful
government of the island," and directing
the President to nse the naval and mili
tary forces of theUuited States to drive
the Spanish out of Cuba, was pa-wed by a
vote of 07 to 21 at 9 o'clock Saturday
Following is the resolution :
Joint resolution fr the recognition of
thn independence of the people and re
public of Cuba, demanding that the gov
ernment of Spain relinquish its authori
ty aud government in the island of Cuba,
and to withdraw its land and naval fortes
roui Cuba and Cuban waters, and direct
ing the President of the 1'uited States to
use the land and naval forces of the Uni
ted States to carry these resolutions into
Whebra.h, The abhorrent conditions
which have exited for more than three
years in the h-land of Cuba, no near our
own borders, have shocked the moral
sense of the people of the United States,
have been u disgrace to Christian civili
zation, culminating, as they have, in the
destruction of a United States battleship,
with ttvo hundred and sixty-nix of its of
ficers and crew, while on a fricudly visit
in the hartmr of Havana, aud cannot lon
ger te endured, as has been set forth by
the President of the United States in his
message to Congress of April 11,
upon which the action of Congress was
invitn), therefore,
Iicwlcnl. Ity the Senste and House of
Itepresestatives of the United States of
America in Congress assembled.
First, That the people of the Inland of
Cuba are and of light ought to be free an i
independent, and that the Uovemmrnt o
the United States hereby recognizes the
republic ef Cuba as the true and lawful
government of that island.
Skcoxd, That it is the duty of the Uni
ted Stales to demand and the Uovernuieut
of the United States dies hereby demand
that the government of Spain at once re
Iiuquish its authority and government iu
the island of Cuba and withdraw its land
and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban
Tiimn, That the President of the Uni
ted States be and hereby it directed an 1
empowered to use the entire land an I
naval forces of the L nited State and to
cill into the actual service of the United
Slates the militia of the several States, to
auch extent a may bo neccwary to carry
these resolutions into etrecL
ForitTH, That the United States here
by disclaim any disposition or intention
t exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction eir
control over said island, except for the
ptcitieation tbereif; and assert its eb-ter-m
ination, when that is accomplished, to
leave the government and control of the
island to its people.
Just as soon as the Prosident is empow
ered to use tbe army aud navy, it is stal
eJ, he will issue an ultimatum to Spain,
giving her 21 hours pessibly .4 in
which she shall ana we r whether she will
cot out of Cuba or wait to be driveu out.
Her refusal to evacuate the island, which
all expect, will be followed by resort to
arm.. The moment the resolutions be.
vome a law by the signature of the Presi
dent Senor Polo Iiern&be, the Spanish
minister, ill turn over the effects of his
legation to the French ambassador here,
and will hurry to Madrid with all his
Minister Woodford will leave Madrid
and turn over tbe VfTice to the Irituh
ambassador to Spain.
Ka Kecessity of Being Blind or Deaf.
Modern science restores the ear to
hcalthfulness in hundreds of cases which
in the past have been considered incura
ble. Putting otf the necessary treatment
causes serious damage in hundreds of
cases which might be wholly restored.
In 1S77 Miss Aauiu It !.,, 2",7 Fe-rty
fifth St., Pittsburgh, came under the
treatment of Dr. Sadler, Sol Penn Ave ,
for a polypus and discharge from the ear.
The condition was perfectly on reel, ami
in 117, ahe expressed, unsolicited, her
great satisfaction for the perfect cure that
hswl lasted so many years, anil will lie
glad to answer any who may desire to
oommunicnto with her. From the first of
tho year. Dr. Sadlor has associated with
him an eminent Kuropean physician, Ir.
A. Sigmnnn.of the University of Vienna
Austria, who has had an extensive expe
rience in all the very latest knowledge
relating to medicine, and all who consult
Drs. Sadler A Sigmann will get the beue
fit of their combined nk ill anj experi
ence, the best known to this age of prog
Kore Epaaikh Outrages.
The crimes of the Spanish troops in Cu
ba are endless. Kvery day a new outrage
comes to shock the sentiments of all hu
mane persons in Havana. The awful
story comes of the assassination of an ohi
man named Nicola Ruiz aud the wound
ing of the respectable Cuban matron Ia
IvelC.miei de Kubio, near Santa Paula,
in Pinar del Rio province.
Isabel (ioinei ele Rubio was the mother
of the Cuban colonel, MoJesta iiomcz ele
Rubio, one of the insurgent lcadera. She
was living in a hut. with two children
and a faithful friend of bar son. Nicolas
Ruiz, over 70 years old. The Spaniards
surrounded the hut a few tiays aeo and
openeJ fire o tbe inhabitants. Old Sen
or Ruiz took a rille and defended his life
and that of the woman and children.
Pierced by Severn! bullets, he fell, but,
knowing that even his agony would not
be respected, he blew out his brains with
the last shot that remained In his weap
on. The children were also killed, and
Senora Issbnl was wounded.
Ehe nmititm Cored ia a Uar.
"Myt;c Cure" Pir Rhetimmism and
Neurnljfis r,-iri.!y cures in I to 3 dnys.
Its action npon the.ystc-ui Is remarkable
and mysterious. It remove at once the
e nseand thedisfwse imniediaiely elisap
peaia. The first eh-w grpnllv l-Ktietiix;
j rent, sfc.ia at Uenford l.
.ug KtH-e,
St mi net
1 f.
-n .
lud is ano'iier gem in it cr.'uvn
Ani' iici's tir r.:si y.:-i'l i:.c. For
ius'iui.on, pl ase read this letter:
Tn end cf or.e of my ur-ger bean to
itch a::d oo.i there was a collection of
atery ULters under the skin, which
broke aad cr-harjed a watery sub-at&rK-o,
and tbe Crsil inlamed
arou.idi ciy finger r.ail. It kept gettir
worse and spread toward the knuckle.
Then I bein doctoring tor poison, nsing
carbolic acid for a wash and putting 0:1
poultices. The sore did not get any bolter,
however, and soon it appeared on the next
finger and continued to spread. It pained
me so much I could not do my housework.
I was gien a prescription for aalt rheum,
but found it hurt my nnrsicg baby and
I stopped taking it. The d ea then
appeared around the nails on every one
of my fingers and my suffering was ter
rible. I could not attend to my boy
and was advised to wean him, but I
hesitated about this ss he was puny and
his digestion was poor. At this time I
concluded to try Hood's Sana pari! ia and
Hood's Pills. Tefore I had finished the
first bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla I could
see a d:3erence in my boy; he was more it accomplishes wonderful cures
Expert Blew Up the Hams.
Josr ph A. Springer, United States Vice
Consul at Havana, says :
"While I am not a naval expert, I
might say that, taking the Board's report
of experts, there ran be no doubt as to the
cause of the blowing up of the vessel.
There is no doubt that she was blow n up
by a mine. Mines were placeel in the
harbor under orders of Spanish officials,
by expert men. Their location was well
known to a large number of men.
"The Maine was anchored to a booy as
signed by tbe harbor master, and was
brought there by a pilot under order of
the harbor master. She wa. moored over
a mine, and no matter what the Spanish
Government knew about the plan for
blowing the Maine up, she is responsible
to us for it.
"I think the Cubans lawful and order
ly, but when we interfere in Cuba we
must not only conquer tbe Spaniards,
but also the Insurgents. We must put
the island under the supervision of the
United Slates Government ami give the
Cubans a chance to show whethe r they
are able to establish a stable government.
"You know that beside the Cuban in
surgent there arc the Autonomists, and
which of the two parties will establish
the stable government w hich we demand
rem tins to be seen."
In tbe opinion of tbe Vice Consul the
forts around Havana, though formidable
in appcarane-e, are of littlo or no use, be
ing of old style masonry construction.
Bootevelt Will FigM.
It is authoritatively reported that As
sistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore
Koosevelt will tender bis resignation as
soon as war has been declared, and w ill
b-i given a plai-e on the Mail er Ji;!ji-r
General Miien, or ff General Lee, wto
will be assigned to command a divl-iou
of volunteers.
Gibbs Imperial Plow,
Made at Canton, Ohio, the best plow
on e-arth, ran now lie seen at J. B.
Ilobb rbaum's Hardware Store,
' Light to handle aud very durable.
-T7f"lUHio. j
sV 1.4
see oun
Steel Lever
Spike Tooth Harrows.
Steel I5ar Lever
Spring Tooth Harrow With Wheels.
Old Style
Wood Frama Harrows,
plated front am under frame with wash
ers to protect bolt heads.
Steel Uar Lever
Corn and Garden Cultivators,
five, seven and niue shovels, with Hill
t ers aud wee-tiers.
T B-tr Steel Pulerizer Land Roller.
Corn Planters,
fertilizing attachment.
Champion Hay Ralte3.
Farmsrs' Favorita Grain Drill.
McCormick's Mowers and Binders
Engines, Saw Mills and
Just Unloaded for Spring Trade.
Car Wire Nails.
" Barbed and Smooth Wire.
Imperial Plows.
" Harrows,
" Kramer Wagons.
" Spring Wagons.
Buggies and Carriages.
Call and examine my stock before yon
Wl i!ii F3
i quiet and getting better. Whtn I Mi
taken two bottles of Hood s Mrsapanna
and a box ot Hood s Pill I fcund my
tsnds getting bct'er. I kept on with
Hood's Sarsaparills and my hands con
tinued to Improve and now they are per
fectly healed. My little boy Is strong and
healthy. Hood's Sarsaparills has given
me strength to do my housswork. My
husband has taken Hood's and says It Is
as essential la the family as flour." Msa.
Prosper AjrrorxR, Box 23, Just as, Ps.
Get Hood's and only Hood's.
when all other medicines fail
"We trv to justify tho state
ment tliat you can get what you
wnnt in the Grocery line at our
store. We take pains, also, to see
that you get it jut right. No stale
or shop-worn goods on our shelves
or in our w arehouc. Goods
change hands too frequently for
anything of that kind, llow is it
with our competitors? pec'btl at
tention is always given to the
Fine Teas, Fine Coffees, Fine S
e?, Fine Canned Goods, Fine Dried
Fruits, Fine Canned Soups, Fine
Confectioneries. Uut all can talk
for ...icrc selves if you give them
Eest place to bring your produce
and best place to buy your goods,
Cook &
Fishing Goods and Fishing Supplies of
all kinds except liquid bait, at
Fisher's Book Store,
Wholesale and Retail
Is a Pood thinir In hiava an.! ..!...
lots of them at low prices, but the best of
.uc.u win not, iniorm you where is the
beet place to fish cor how to ...
But we can show you the largest atc- k of
om.iu-i, r lit, 1 rout and llass
Leauera. Lines, Roels, Baskets, Miunie
eta. Corks. Sinkers and Pole., to ;
found in H counties. Here's a pointer:
I -ast winter was an open one and favora
ble to bub. The streams are full of bl
fat suckers, catfish, carp, chubs, sun
fih, trout and bass. The early fisher
man catches the worms and the fish.
Dr. Humphreys'
Speclfle. act directly npon the disease,
without exciUng disorder in other parts)
of the system. They Core the Sick,
"- ccaaa. nucta.
U- mrm,, Worn, ftier, Wrra CuUo.., ,35
3TeiH,eta(e,0rjtn,WaSefutqe '3
4-Diarrliea, of CfcUdna o adulu iaj
T-Csniba. CoMa, EroBcbltla " jj
-BralcIa.Toottiob,Fcet:h....! jj
-Hca4arlie.8lckB--iaciw,VerUso .J3
J -By.KMi. Ia01tMt-o.Weak Sbauch 3S
1 'J Whlira. Too PraruM Periods
13-Cro-s. LanradiU. -Ioiee.
1 Rhaaa. Erjr-J pe la. Era peloo .
1 Rheaaiallm. -UwamaUe Pataa.
1 G-Malaria. Chnu, -ct x am .. '.
1 C'atarrh, Infloe-un, Cold la tlx Bead,
.J J
3-Xrro DeMllty..
SO-l riaary Wrakacw, Wettlcs Bat
H iirtp, By Fm
DnnuorNiihirM 11 rot'
s..i.l i. dru.itt-u. or on Trrtfr. of
V V I lr-f I .
AflTl) CCHFIXi LNc All
will AT PUlCtS ?202 D
A HOUSE a;2-Ki5i:JN3 g:co3 ext.
I V ar Lc-.vii PaiccsT.v.N ues l
P A QRHF! i -FT pi J
m a 1 k .r - s r - . .
.sf U y 1 f V a- M j- -sj .' ' 1 . -. : -f. Wk. " m
I ZS &
1 f r 1 " - - -- -. - r c t -
I 'S-- v
Anything in
Where you secure help aud protection in all p:!ri-;;:- r.i-rli-;
The largest and best bottle of Cough Cure ever put in i!.t
2.5 cents. Every bottle gunraii'.etd.
Sine Cifjars of foreign V Dcnxslic
Chewing (luui and Lime Tablets. Fine Confections
ity aud variety.
! GEO. W. BENFORD, Manager
Public station for
Iliites mexlerate.
the V. S.
but hnTe ta& to the
It j it. ic f Vehicle-..
zv i'..ja;h.--a, Trt;j. Wia-
Vizjrn. S-TiU for hr-, (roe
Cltx-ojuo ill our :i 7 Ics.
Bwmii mm win Hit
here's the
lis .store ofTcra to make
it pay you to buy your PHIRT
here: WAISTS
large assortments, I
choice styles,
less prices.
collection of Shirt W'uhti here.
40c to $4.73, a-i cmjih.ttx evidence
of it including all sorts of pretty
mens, Molls and all the dressy
summer fabric. Assortments of
colorings and designs surpassing '
any we know of.
Shirt Waists
One Dollar,
liat we think you'll say are world
eaters for value.
I Iand.-omo Shirt Waists '
between . . ii -ml i nn
SwelI-Star"Shirt Wai.-ts I
$1.50 to $3.00.;
All you need do is give us an idea ;
of your preference we'll give you
the benefit of our best judgment in
selecting and you'll sa.e money.
Most interesting collection fine
Ginghams, 15, 20, 25, SO, 35c
hundreds of styles Other good
Ginghams G l-4o up.
New euts-logue rp-kly soou-fcuve wo
youratl.lrexsso yt u'll get py
Allorrheny. Pn.
'.lei - .?
. t ' . c
J-5.F' .TV- Autf 9 tcci.- e tjt i .; -. C - J?V ?
,if y . tns 9t 9m 1 V... f I
9 t s a e 9S s9 ec- z j f i
Our stock is clean and complete throiulu
Crn Cure an t
Tooth Ache Drops
lo cents
Testimonials Given on pj-lica:':t n.
f el-.V-Ut.
I-emg Distance Telenhone to a'.l
ri wF .tTlH I ji H'r.tii'f aie toittt-m;i:;t::.M !t,r.
Thev an: mailt t iu t t xW :nt u:
the hms-kt r r t . in' .!- m m-i
Art 1 tik-r-. tilt
rnt,iin rvtT ! hi til' that Ai n-'f 'm
JliOn-tr.! XW-i.W !Iilr.v,-li:r:
Mitti ia li:t tiH i: ni '. h-it
iniil'-rial.lM'sl dr-.l.ii, sr!ihifi.
If ym wan i a -rw I -
ing tiuy i'ttniice, i.iiv s:c CIPIUtntt-f
A tin v."!i tw- tu im.
Your liumi'V l:ufe if.'iul 4.:dt"i
J. B. HoIJcrbaum,
SomereU '
Jos. Horne&C
ViLii fa
m m m
7 ir. h I!ia.-t H
o ini li l.i.i k t i
Removal price 43c J"
7.--nt 151-u-k ati'i l-f!'--75
tent i.i.K iv 1" ,' " " "
Removal price 3 i-L
rent Itla-'k o-e T-;!---uv"
plain ami !i,'iir. (
Removal price65c-
75 ami S i- nt V.iw-r 'U '
Piinteii Siiiinr.'T
Removal prUsl,ia J
35 ami Weent t'aiiry Suii'f '
Removal price 25O
75 cent Ii.-y.-T. iiitiM-I-.
V.vol n-i.Uau.lhi."'11'1-
Removal prices'--hi..t-.
0-v ' '
.....I n. I .--..
Kcmovui y - f
23 .nil : nt -: '"-
an.l Sti-U h - ii:.;?-."---'.
Removal price i 3
Tht-rcN 1111 iili.'i
HT IIIC r . ,1 U-
skirt, the -hirt ;ait. 'i,,, ..irlt
-atht-rMi:t ai-.l tr'-' ,,-
prii-es l.yon.l y.Hir ''''- ';, ..."
More ii.f..rni:.Ii." I"f -j ,,
Mail I'lOVr l"!"";,,..,,
L-! it. I'l--"-"''1;"".', v, ur
ing saiiiph-!- s:i te I"
HT7S31.S5. -
525-527 Pf
l;r. lttt-l- f"Ui,.lJ
and Uaru.
lu- I
n inHd
l Li
m.- JO it M
ex. Wwhlogl
u. ..