The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 16, 1898, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald.
E )WABD SCULL, Editor and Proprietor.
14- H V
Filiruirj- 16. 1
- Axd now, having talked Fnanisb,
Be Lome will rocei to "walk 8pan
ih." A good-sizei bmij-starter is what
the Taxpayers' Uoi juista want to see in
the bands of candidate Wanamaker.
AXD NOW a Mary land legislator eofii
pliina that somebody tried to bribe hia
in the 'recent senatorial fight in that
What if Mr. Waaaruaker should
give his own Taxpayers' Union the
t'row-down, and that letter of accept
ance should never come ?
The anti-flirting hill has been defeat
ed in the Virginia Legislature, and the
girls of Virginia can continue to flirt as
much as they please.
Johx Wanamaker is a bhrewd
business man, but if anything
in the world can tempt him it will be
a bargain-counter nomination for Gov
ernor of Pennsylvania.
Moke Interest Is now being shown in
the production of U-ets fur sugar than
ever before. ExerimenU to be made
this year will determine whether the
buhinees can be made to pay.
Tn k many celebrations held on Sat
urday in honor of the martyr President
proved that the name of Abraham Lin
coln is "one of the few, the immortal
names, that were not born to die."
The only two Democratic votes in
the House against the Teller resolution
were cast by members occupying con
tested seat", McAleer, of Pennsylvania,
and Elliott, of the Charleston, S. C,
district Not a single undisputed Dem
ocratic vote in the II use is recorded
against the proposed repudiation.
Two United States Senators have re
cently been asked to resign Senator
Lindsay, of Kentucky, and Senator
Murphy, of New York. Of course,
they have not resigned, and do not in
tend to do so. No senator has ever resign
ed under such circuiL-sUmces, and they
do not intend to establish a precedent.
Ex-State Chaikmax Thomas V.
Cooper has injected some mirth into
the gubernatorial campaign by the an
nouncement of his candidacy on a
harmony platform. The Philadelphia
Times' cirtoon, in its isue of Monday,
on Cooper's candidacy, is the one really
good newspaper carcon we have seen
for some time.
While everybody recognizes that the
late Spanish minister's abuse o our
President and country generally was
his personal, not official opinion, for
which his government ought not to be
held responsible, there is small doubt
that it has increased the general desire
to see Cuba gain her freedom from
Spanish rule. The force of ass'tciation
is rathsr stronger than that of mere
If THE system of book-keeping in
vogue in the County Commissioner!,'
office is as rotten as the mild intimation
of the Auditors would seem to indicate,
it is not to be wondered at that in the
"remarks" emanating from that office
fear is expressed that the expenses of
the county will be iucreased by litiga
tion that will follow in order that the
taxpayers may learn whether or not
they Leen fleeced by their duly
accredited agents.
Tils Loudon Statist, me of the ablest
and bet known fiuauciul journals in
the world, says "if Mr. Bryan should
be elected in 1900, and if a silverite
congress snouia ue cnosen, a panic
would follow more severe than has
been witnessed in any part of the world
for a very long time," That, of course,
is the judgment of an overwhelming
majority of persons in the United States
also. In fact, Bryan himself in 18'W
acknowledge! that his election at that
time would precipice a panic, but he
said it would soon end. The fact that
nearly everybody believes Bryan's elec
tkm would have this effect is the chi.-f
reason why neither he nor anybody
who represents Br van ism can ever be
The moot recent exhibition of "vtl
low dog" journalism that has come to
our notice is the wholly unwarranted
and grossly libelous attack made up-in
Mr. A. J. Hileman by the "fake" organ
in its istus of last week. No man in
8jni3rset county bars a higher char
acter for honesty and official integrity
than does Mr. Hileman. The charge
that be practiced deception and fraud
upon Auditor Sipe to induce him to
sign the recent Auditors' Report, no
neaoqUiinted wit'a "J.iek" Hilemau
will believe unless the fact is estab
lished by uncontrovertible proof.
For ourselves we j lestion whether
the venerable Mr. Sipe ever signed and
swjre to the patition pibiiibed over
Lis came, or that th svui will ever
be presented to court. We rather in
cline to the belief that It is only anoth
er desperate effort on the part of the
editors of the "Uke" organ to deceive
and "fake" the people. In this con
section let it be remembered that both
Commissioner Kretihman and Qjod
have deniei in the most positive terms
that they either signed or authorized
their names to be signed to the alleged
"annual statement" of rw;"pij and
expenditures of Sjanrs-l cuaty. pub
Itshei In several of the county papers
list week.
It appears from a published peti
tion addressed to the Court of Common
Pieas of Somerset County and siened
by Peter Sipe, a member of the board
of County Auditors, that he was
Induced to sign the repirt of the
receipts and expenditures of -u J coun
ty for the year JS97 through misrepre
sentation, and that the foot note attach
ed to said report was substituted by the
clerk to the Auditors for a foot note
prepared by Auditor Bowman.
Thesa are serious allegations ti bring
against sworn officers of the couu ty.
and if they cn be substantiated, the
guilty officials should be sa.umirily
dealt with; but, before the matter is
disposed of by the Court to which Mr.
Sipe'a petition U addressed, it would hi
well to remember that Auditors RhoAds
and Bowman, and Clerk Hiletnin are
all ci Ui mis of unblemished character,
that they are sworn officers, and, as ap
pears from a card published elsewhere
in this paper, they sejk ths fullest in
vestigation of Auditor Sipe's charges.
If it should t shown oa judicial in
vestigation that Auditor Sips's charges
are utterly without foundation, that the
Cull statement Wis read t him
. - as
bv a member of the board, in tne
presence of at least two other persons.
it will Dlsce him and those wbo inauo-
ed him to sign ( if be did sign) Lis pub
lished petiliou in a position that few
men would like to occupy.
Several of our county contempora
ries last week published a little item
anent the meeting of the Taxiyer
Union intended to be complimentary
of "General" KoontE, taken from the
Philadelphia Press, and announced:
with much unction that it was from
the ieu of Charles Emory Smith, and
that the Press was a tborough'y Re
publican paper. To believe that Cu&rles
Emory Smith "Sit -Down Smith"
writes the little personal Kiuibs for his
paper, requires as great a stretch of the
imagination as it does to believe that
the Press is a thorousrly Republican pa
per. The Press bolted the regularly
nominated ticket in lwJ and in IbW,
and is threatening: to do the fame thing
this year if its and the Taxpayers' Un
ions candidate for Governor, John
Wanamaker, is not nominated by the
next State (kmvention. ben the
Press, in the item referred to. speaks of
"General" Koontz, president of the
Taxnavfrs' Union, as "one of the tru-
a '
est, soundest and worthiest Republi
cans in the btate," it apparently gaug
ed the " General's" Republicanism by
its own standard. But, "ere tne rob
ins net airain." when the "General"
has become a full-fledged candidate for
a scat in the State Legislature, we
thick a publication or bis past political
record will convince even the Press,
with its peculiar ideas of what consti
tutes a true Republican, that the " Gen
eral " is decidedly ofl color, and any
thing but a sound party man, but on
the contrary is a mugwump of the first
Should Hv Beta Tka Wlula Hot.
Frum Saturday' Johnstown Tribune.
It is intimated that Wanamaker may
on Monday reply to the notification of
the Goo-Goo Committee as to whether
he will accept the bid of the Taxpay
ers' Convention to distribute some of
his money for alleged "campaign ex
penses." We are not an" ad vLser of Mr.
Wanamaker politically, but if we were
we should have told him it was not
good to let the red-'hot speeches of the
Bourse men gtt cold before he attempt
ed to mold the material to his wishes.
When he does now attempt to handle
the stud he will f.nd much of what
was molten metal nothing but cold slag.
Luetgert Derides Hi Jury.
Chii aoo, 111., Frb.19. "That jury was
a pack of cowards," said Adolph L. Luet
gert at the County Jail to-day. The big
sausage-maker showed some anger as he
spoke. "If tbey had been men men of
nerve and character," continued Luetgert,
"there would have been no compromise
"I am either guilty or I am innocent
If I am guilty, I deserve death they
ought to hang rae as high as Gilroy's
kite. If I am innocent 1 a in entitled
to my liberty. Luetgert is as innocent
of the crime charged against him as any
man who walks the streets of Chicago.
It is said that I laughed last night when
the verdict was read. Ttiat is true. I
langhed because the verdict to me is a
ridiculous farce. It is a coward's verdict
Tbey didn't have the nerve to find me
not guilty when tbey saw the evidence
did not prove my guilt, so they com
promised. The case will go to ths Su
preme Court, and eventually I will be
Rheumatism Cared in s Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its action upon the system is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at once the
cause and the disease immediately disap
pears. The first dose greatly benefits
75 cents. Sold at Beuford's Drug Store,
Women Wbo Could Fight
VANt'Kiirita, Ky., Feb. 11. At En-tila-
pia, this county, this morning Constables
Cropper and Thacker attempted to arrest
an old woman named Crow, w ho was at
her home with several grown up dangh
ters. Before the officers realized it one of
the girls flew at them like an enraged
tigress, with a long knife, dangerously
wounding both ouicera. By this time the
old woman and another daughter drew
revolvers and the officers realized It was
a fight for life. The battle ragad for a few
moments, and after the smoke had clear
ed old Mrs. Crow was found shot to pieces
and one daughter dead. Those who sur
vived are in a dangerous condition.
The surviving inmates of the Crow
house are still holding it against the of
8-mt Foolish People
allow a cough to run until it gets beyond
the reach of medicine. They often say.
"Oh, it will wear away," but in mast cas
es it will woar them away. Could thfy
be induced to try the successful medicine
called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on
a positive guarantee to cure, they would
immediately see the excellent effect after
taking the first dose. Price 25c and Sue.
Trial size free. At all druggists.
Capitol Commission Wins.
IlARRtsBt Ho. JudgeSimonton
to-day handed down an opinion refusing
the application of Attorney General Mo
Cormick for an injunction against the
capitol building coin mission, on the
ground tUt be is unable to find any evi
dence that the commissioners have done,
or intenl to do, any act that would war
rant the granting of a preliminary in
junction, aud thus delay the coiimiiw-ion-
ers in the prosecution of the work Im
posed upon tljem by the act authorizing
the erection of the capitol. The case will
be appealed to tbe supreme court. The
Attorney General's action is based on
tbe allegation tbat tbe commission pro
poses to erect the new capitol in violation
of the act limiting the expenditure to
Ths Boiaed California Gripe Crop.
The partial loss to the grape crop this
year, caused by tbe heavy rains, is esti
mated to exceed 1.000.000. Farmers n1
vineyards all over the northern part of
the State have suffered, and shipments or
tne fruit to the East are Drouortionallv
smalt At least one Quarter of LhA crrm
is lost While this is true, it is equally a
fact that lost and failing atmnirth mu H
restored to the weak and nervous by the
persitnt, systematic nae or tbe great na
tional tunic. Hosteller's Stomach Bitters,
which renews the tone and harmnniooa
activity of Uie stomach, liyer and the
bowels, counteract a tendency to rheu
matism and kidney complaint, and pre
vents malarial disorders. Couval
aaer exhausting diseases have run their
course, is ofleu timeous and tedious. Re
covery is greatly accelerated bv the munf
the. Bitters, which improves the appetite
Mid imparts renewed vigor to debilitated
physique. A wineglassful before meals
creates a hearty zest for food.
Tsx Collector's Body Found.
HOIAIDA.-3BCRO. Pa.. Feb. 12. A Ant.
phus Clapper, a lax collector at Franks
town, while returning home from a col
lecting tour late last nieht It issunno.l
drove his horse over the side of a bridge
crossing the Juniata river, where his
lifeless remains were found to-dv. Thar
is some suspicion of foal play, and Coro
ner McCartney went to Frankstown thi
evening to investigate. Mr. Clapper was
t years old, and leave a wife and seren
fc.tte ts' . ... ...,-.
Wrote a Letter Denouncing
The publication of a letter bearing the
signature of the Spanish Minister Dcpny
de Lome ddreoieito 6enor Canalejas,
and making severe strictures on Preaideut
McKinley, created a profound impression
throughout the country on Wednesday.
Ie Loire refers to the President as a
weak, popular hunting man, and a low
politician. There is insult and discour
tesy in erery line.
This paragraph in the letter overshad
ows all the reft of iU
It would be inoxt important that you
should ag itate Hie question of commercial
relations, even tlxuieh it would ba only
for ctTect, and that you should send here-a
man of importance in onijr tbat I might
use him to make a propaganda among the
Senators and others in oi -position to the
junta and to win over exiles.
The reference to the President arouses
patriotic indignation. The cold-blooded
proposition to deceive the United States
w ith pretended reciprocity reveals to the
government the ntter useieesness of fur
ther waiting for Spain to achieve honor
able peace.
The Spanish Minister did not deny the
authenticity of the letter, and the State
Department immediately cabled Minister
Woodford at Madrid, asking for an ex
planation from the Spanish government
Meanwhile Ie Lome cabled his resigna
tion, whieh was accepted.
Spain has not disavowed responsibility
for the utterances of her minister, and
does not consider tbat any disclaimer of
that character is necessary.
It is claimed that the letter was stolen
by an agent of the Cuban Junta in the
post ollioe at Havana. Don Jose Canalejas,
to whom the letter was addressed never
saw the original. The letter was forward
ed to New York and from thence to the
State Department
Defends Asti-Kissing Crusade.
Atlanta, G., Feb. 13. Mrs. Joseph
Kingslrry, wno led the anti-kissing cru
sade here, has published another state
ment in which she defends her position,
and refers incidentally to tb kissing hab
it in the North.
"I am not going to deny my position in
the matter," she says, "and though I have
not the shoulders of an Atlas I will try to
bear the load gracefully."
She refers to an editorial in a Northern
paper on "The Abuse of Osculation in
the South," and says with reference b the
editor, "If he wants a story I will write
him one on the abuse of osculation in the
"The South takes kissing," she contin
ues, "like other fashions, periodically,
and some yonng people yield to its fasci
nation. But the bulk of our Southern
girls and boys are carefully taught at
home all the good, old-fashioned virtues.
Therefore, there can beoaly a little abuse
of what under right conditions is a sweet
and dear privilege.
"A funny side to my dilemna has been
the approval of my views by the women
principals of boarding schools and semin
aries and their desire for my influence
in behalf of their schools."
KcSinley's Devotion to Mother.
Washington, D. C, Feb. 10. Shortly
after President McKinley was inaugurat
ed be appointed John W. Beidler post
master of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Territory, in compliance with the request
of his mother. Beidler had been for
years a deacon of tbe Methodist Episco
pal Church of Canton, and was a particu
lar favorite of Mother McKinley. The
politicians of Oklahoma commenced filing
charges against the old gentleman. He
was accused of the misappropriation of
funds while holding the sameoflice under
President Harrison, and Senator Chand
ler and other memlers of the Senate Com
mittee on Post Offices had investigated
sufficiently to their minds to disqualify
The President has prevented the re
moval of Deacon Beidler and will con
tinue to do so, in compliance with the re
quest of Mother McKinley, w ho, up to
tho time, of her death, steadfastly refused
to believed the charges.
A Sew Anti-toxin.
Brooklyn, Feb. 12. Two Brooklyn
physicians have discovered a new anti
toxin, with which they believe they n
easily check the progress of pneumonia
and other bacterial diseases. They have
not perfected their method as yet, and
will not give full particulars, but they be
lieve their discovery will cure pneumonia
in its worst stages.
The doctors who have discovered tbe
new antitoxin are Charles Lundbech and
Carl Elfstrom. Tbe idea originated, ac
cording to Dr. Lundbech, with Dr. Alf
strom. They have tried the treatment in
a dozen cases, and Dr. Lundbech would
not tell how the antitoxin was obtained,
but it is said to be secured by an entirely
new method. Dr. Lundbech said that
the remedial germ was obtained from the
patient by the application of peculiar
methods. It is re-introduced into the sys
tem by a hypodermic injection.
Personally-Conducted Tour vis Pennsyl
vania Railroad.
One must appreciate the advantages of
modern railway travel when be can leave
the land of blizzards one day and find
himself in the land of flowers tbe next
Todotbis take the Pennsylvania Bail
road tour to Jacksonville, whieh will
leave New York and Philadelphia by
special train of Pullman Palat Cars
Tuesday, February 24 allowing two
weeks in Florida. Excursion tickets,
including railway tranxportation. Pull
man accomodation (one berth ), and meals
en route in both directions while travel
ing on the epAcial train, wiil be sold at
the following rate; New York. gLVMJu;
Philadelphia. flfj.OO; Canandaina. 8."i2.K";
Krieif-Vl s,,; VYilkesbarre, $.YX; Pittsburg,
$''5,00; -sud at proportionate rates from
oMier points.
For itineraries and full information, an-
ply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent, 11!!
isroanway, ew lork; or address Geo.
W. Boyd, Assistant General Penger
Aeent Broad Street Station, Philadel
phia. A Here of ths Cash Box.
Altoona, Pa., Feb. 11 Superinten
dent James Doyle, ot tbe Sonman shaft, at
Ben's Creek, was shot by burglars whom
he detected in tbe paymaster's office this
morning. J. C. Shoemaker, the paymas
ter, drew the money to pay off the men on
Friday, and it is thought tbe robbers bop
ed to get this from tbe office. They forced
the front door and were busily searching
for tbe money when the superintendent
appeared at the door. He was instantly
covered by two revolveiy, but he grasped
the hands tbat held them and pushed one
away. The other was discharged, tbe
bullet pien:lng his shoulder. The robbers
then fled, leaving their victim lying in
the door. The fellows did not get a cent
for their trouble. Superintendent Dovle
ill recover.
Saved Mother from a Bull.
Williamspobt, Pa., Feb. 13. Near
Montgomery yesterday Mrs. Theodore
Hess, while pumping water from a well
In the barnyard, was attacked by a vic
ious bull. She was terribly gored and
would doubtless have been killed had not
her daughter, sixteen years old, heard
her screams and ran to her rescue. With
a pitchfork the girl drove the animal off
and dragged her mother outaida th
The public Is hereby notified not to buy
a note for frOO. dated Rock wood. p.
Sept 27, 18SJ7. payable one vear after dtB
to H. P. Reynolds and signed by myself
ana others, on aocouut of mv nama hnlnv
on said note, as I am and will onlv ht, w.
sponsible for $100 of said amount called
jor oy sal a note.
A. C. Sterner.
aiu., - , ......
Fublie Value sf Lawyers.
Ths annual banqoetof the Chicago Bar
association was held Friday night Febru
ary 4th. Joseph H. Choate,of New York,
beiug the guest of the evening, lie spoke
upon the subject of "Our Profession."
He said :
"I maintain' :hat in no other occapation
lo which men can devote their lives is
there a nobler intellectual pursuit or a
higher moral standard than inspires and
pervades the ranks of the legal profes
sion. I am not unmindful of that ever-
mooted question how we can, with the
strictest honor, maintain the side that
is wrong, aud the suggestion that as only
one side can be right in every lawsuit
we must half the time be struggling for
injustice. But that vexed question has
long ben settled by the common sense
of mankind. It is only out of theoontest
of facts and of brains that tbe right can
ever be evolved. There is one respect in
which the American bar has far outshone
not only its brethren in England, but in
t.ery other country of modern times. I
mean in its great share in the conduct
and shaping of public affairs. I believe
that with one consent tbe common judg
ment of mankind would o;nt to Hamil
ton, Webster and Lincoln as the three
American lawyers whose actual public
services had most largely contributed to
the formation and preservation of the
Constitution, on whose continuance the
hopes of civil liberty for all comingtime
depend. But at all times, and especially
in this, our day, great public duties await
us. So long as the Supreme court exists
to be attacked and defended that sheet
anchor of our liberties and of our gov
ernmentso long as the public credit and
good faith of this great Nation are in per
ilso long as the right of property, which
lies at the root of all civil government, is
scouted, aud the three Inalienable rights
to life, to liberty and tbe pursuit of hap-
pinoss, which the Declaration of Inde
pendence proclaimed aud the Constitu
tion has guaranteed, are in jeopardy, so
long will great publicservice lie demand
ed of the bar."
KcBinley Beady for War.
Tbe Administration's preparations for
the possible crisis in Cuban affairs, which
It is now awaiting with constant expect
ancy, in view of tbe appareut failure of
Captain General Blanco's efforts to restore
peace in Cuba, are practically complete.
The concentration of the North Atlantic
squadron in and around Cuban waters
has been followed by the concentration of
the European squadron at Lisbon, Portu
gal, the nearest neutral port to Madrid
Every provision has been made tbat
could be made for the protection of Con.
sul General Lee aud the other Americans
in Havana and other towns of Cuba, and
of General Woodford and tbe other A mer-
icans in Madrid and the other cities of
Spain, and for aggressive operations
they should be forced upon us by the ac
tion of Spain.
"Wewaut no war," is what President
McKinley is continually saying to public
men wbo talk with him about tbe Cuban
question. Tbe difficulty is to restrain the
Senators and Representatives who are
constantly threatening to try to bring for
ward the recognition of the belligerency
of tbe Cubans.
Consul General Lee is not reporting
three times a day, as he was ordered, but
his private reports indicate that there is
a very critical state of affairs in Cuba.
The present situatiou may continue until
tbe summer season, or it may come to a
head at any time.
An Unwelcome Guest.
This Hotel Proprietor Cannot be
Blamed for Ejecting so Trouble
some a Visitor.
After the battle of Waterloo, when the
alliisi forces lay iu and around Brussels,
ererv conceivable sort of com was iu cir
dilution. One day an Irish snMicr walk
ed into a botel with a British chilling.
and asked the proprietor if it woold go.
"Good for anything I have, was tiie
rciily. The Irishman took him at bis
word, and ordered dinner. When he bad
gotten outside of an asfon'mbm? amount
of wine and victuals, he tendered tlie
shilling in payment. Explanations fol
lowed, and the proprietor taking in the
situation, said, " Here, uiy good man,
misery loves cotnpauy. Keep the shili
ing, my friend, and play the same game
on uiy iwighlHjr down street!" As the
shilliuc was pocketed, the owner coolly
replied: "Can t my friend,' I worked it
on him yesterday, and he sent me to you
to-dav." Now. this anecdote has noth
ing earthly to do with Mr. Frank J. Teu-
fet proprfc tor of the Hotel luusor. cor.
Tenth and Eleventh streets. Beaver Fall",
Pa. We merely iutroduce him iu this
manner, i4 that the readers of this pajier
who have regular visits from relatives of
the guest in question will know how to
dispose of the intruder, stead what .Mr.
Teufel says: "For the last year I have had
a miserable backache across my loins.
At first I did not pay much attention to
it, but it steadily grew worse, and ma te
It very paint ul for me to pet around.
Seeing lktan s Kidney 1 ills so highly rec
ommended, and having come to the con
clusion tbat my kidneys must lie wrong.
I got a box at Paff's drug store. I con
tinued their nse for a time, ami was thor
oughly cured. They proved a true spe
cific in my case, and tnr belief is that
they will in every case where they are
given a lair trial.
Ioan's Kidney Pills, for sale by all
dealers. Price. 50 cents. Mailed by
Fiwtcr-Milbura Co., Buffalo. N. Y.. sole
agents for the V. S. RcnietnlsT the nan:
Uoau and take no substitute.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics act directly upon the disease,
without exciting disorder iq other parts
of the sysUm. Tbey Cnre the Sick,
so. even. rum,
1 -Fr, Cooguoiu, InnaaiEuliofu, .43
SI Worms. Worm Fever, Worm Colic, ,'ti
J Teiblnf,CoUc,Cr;liig.W&keruliete .'15
4 Diarrhea, of Cbildrea or A4olt-, 'H
T-Coashe. Colds, Broocbltls ., i
tr-Aearalf ia, TooUiarbe, Faoeacbe. a J
-Hradarbe, Sick Headache. Vrrilgo.. .9,3
1 0 Dyaspal. ladlneWloo.Weak Stomach.?
1 l-enpreea or Painful Period IS
l-J-WMire. Too Proline Periods 93
13 t roop. Laryacltla. Boareroess .23
14 al Rheam, Eryiipclai. Eruptions . .23
14 Rbeamatiiia. Rheumatic Pains. 23
16 Malaria. Chills, Feer and Xfu Ui
19 Catarrh. Inflaenxa, Cold la tbe Bead .13
20- W hooplas-Cong b 23
tf.7-KUay DUraeeo 15
JHrn nm Debllllr - 1.00
30 i'riaarv Weak am, Wetuns Bed... .33
77-Cri. Hay Ferer 33
Dr. Hamphrrrt Manual of all Diseases at yoar
l?ruffei! or jsmitea r rc.
Sil,i ujr dniKiristfl. or wot on rfcelpt of price.
HiiirmhrFTS' JtcU. Cu Cut. William Jubn SU,
ke Vurk.
Notice U hereby kIvoii that the oik1 rHlifned
"ouuly 0iiimtnioiien of (Somerset eounty.
Pit., w II hear the npixwN fro n the TrirnnUI
AsHc-ttttnenl of l. in thftrottice in the Court
liousu, Somerset, Va as follows:
Adiiison and Faint townships, March S.
(SluyeMown borotieh, I'n-iua Um.tlL'h. Jcn
nT township ana Ji nner own through,
C sieniangli and Upper Turtoyfoot town
ship. March o.
tsimde aud Lower Tarkryfoot townships.
March 7.
Uurinahoninz townxhin. Rorkwoo'l bor-
out;h. Hooveniville borough and New Centrt-
vi'ic Dorougn, Alarrn a.
rirot herxval ley lownsbiD and Berlin bor-
oiii;Ii, March .
r.iK L.K-K township and Us bury borough,
March 10.
AlW-Khcnv township and New Baltimore
bnrnui:li. Match II.
Fair U"pe. Northampton and Southamp
ton toa-nahip', March li
ifcrimer and t.reenvtlle townships and
Wei lrhii rg borough. Marco It
J.It.roo and Mkldiecreea townships,
Hsrcn li
Mtunvcrvek and Lin win townshlo. Minh
It. '
Biack and Mi! ford townships, March IT.
Huromit township. M-reh is,
Mnenu" townkhlp. Mich 11.
Mcyervdale borough end fSonw rticld Uor.
onvn. Marrn r.
S inirim t borough. March H.
Ole township, tteuaon boroush. Continence
b rourh and Caiwetman burotii:li. March it
We will alo bear apnea's troin owners of
mineral lands and riKtima fotlowe:
Klk La. k and Summit townnlilpv M trch 21.
INIni aud "hade townatups. Murcli 2,
m-mahonlur and si Hi.vrr.vk townthip.
M;.rch and tne rvrruontrw diric a on
March :X t;K". K. K1MMKL,
A' ti.iHKlKl. ;i.
J. O. Eiiicrt. 1, A. KKKToHMAX.
Clerk. Coiiin'.Uriourrs.
WAXTKD An Intelligent pgent In every
Sownxhip to nfU Mark Twain'snt-w booz.
Hie ustis; exclusive territory; cnd for terms
C.Keuiilh,t:UIKilbvrt aUvet, Philadelphia.
Report ot the County Auditors,
ReedpU and expenditure of Somerset County, Pennsylvania, fVom the Firt
Monday in Jauuary, UK, to the first Monday in January, IS .
William Winters, Esq., Treasurer of Somerset County, Pa., iu account with
the County of SoiuerttU
Receipts. Dr.
To tax received from Collectors of State, County, Special and Dog IUte for the
years lsso, is&l, sir2, pftrt, 1M4, 1S15 and 1896.
Kuinnei Lambert
J. K. LcdiK
A.O. Ankciiy
H.K. Milkr Coleman -
K1 M.tx
fviveater Potu
Kd Met! .
J O At tiiou...
W H r nix
. St.Mivcreek township
. Northampton township
. Jennertown iarouali
. Northampton toa ui-bip
. Somerset township
.Addison township.
. shade township . ..
. Addison township
. Black townsinp
. Brolhersvalley townsnip
. 'onemnu?h townshli ..
. y.ik l.ick township .....
. Fairnope township
. lyiiwer rurkeyfoot township
. .Nortliaiuptim township
. ee township
. Salisbury borot kIi
. Sluoie township
. Somerset borouifli .
. Somerset township
. Southampton tow nsliip
. summit township.
. I'rsina borough.. ..
. Wellersburc boroutb -
. Addison township . .
. Alleirt eny town-hip
. lleuson bomuKh ..
. Berlin boroiich . -..
. Black township
. Urothersvalley tow nsliip
. asselman trouirh
. Conemauich lowuslilp
.Confluence bomutth
. Elk IJck township
. Fatrhope township
.. lirceiiville township- ..
- Hooversviile borough
.. Jeltcrson township
JeuiKnow 11 Isirouyh-
.. Jeniier township
Mahloa (iiesaner..
Kiijah Livelihood..........
E ' Kamor .
J W Burk holder.
William Ipowniatt .
Charles Ihr ...
t'C Welilcy ..
I S Pons
W H Berliey
W F Counlryinan
V C Mart
Net mi Judy .
J C rorsythe
K P nailcr .
Kd MeU
Joseph WalllUlUKU
A L liissler
Krana HerHey ...
J Atchison
Wm It Kriti.
I'yrus A Yowler
Mahlon Gleaner
W E Puliin
Elijah Livengood
K c Karner
A J Ktoner
John i (ft tiier
John itilji
It W Maurtr
Tin. iuIuocIut.. ..
Olio Lotvntx ..
Mcschecll Beam ...
J W Burk holder ,.
William l"cKeniby.. ...
Holomon Pile
C 11 Ted row
KJ roller
1 W liroM
N. B. Poorbaugh...
J. K. Kaust
luiiiel Will
Solomon hnyder
.. I jininer tow nship 1
. Lincoln township. .
Lower Turkeyfiait township
.. Meversdale borough- 1
,. Middhm-k township. ,
- Wiltord townslun
..New Baltimore lainaiuh j
. New '4 ntreville loroi.:rh....
Nortiiamptou Uiwiishfp
.. t ile Uiwuship...- -
;P:nt townsliip ;
itiueiiiahontnx township.
.. 'Kockwisai borotig h
-Salisbury borouth
-Somerficld lairougii. .
-Shad township...
-Souierset boroutli.
-SSomeiV't town.-bip
- "'outhampton township... ..
- SMiiyorcek tow -nsliip.- ..-
.. rst,,yesiown laroui;h - -...
-Suiinail townshie- ;
l"pH-r Turkeyfoot township ;
-'I rsina lairoiiKli ,
-IWellcrsburg bonaich j
J C t.lollelty
Samuel Couneway
S Potu
Win VI Schrork
WK 1 ountryman ....
r 1; Manx
K J Brant
George 1 'uster
A J Judy
Win "TlLarv.".. ..
J t' Korsvihe
K P Shatter
Total Tax received as almve. !
Jesae Wllklns
John McVicker.
Fred Bonier . ...
Frank Heltley
P U Wei iner
W H FriU
J A Vak
Henrv Rinh .
W K Pnllln
James Maust .
Iwtvid Baker
A J Stoner
Isaac Ankeny
Kred Shauiis ...
Wm J Peterson
Thos liallaelicr ...........
lieo Glot felly
John J larr
II K Moon
Wm Ieckemtiy .
Joltu F Hen ry
J H Rock
KJ Fo!l-r
Samuel B. liner
SaiiiU"! shoemaker-.-....
Wm Sccse
U111I-I Will
Solomon Snyder .... .
M J titot felly
V A Wairtier
M K ....
W in M clirock
A J Coleman
Norman 1-cpley
F F lima'
J 11 Snyder
Wilson -aylor -..
Wm Younkin. ...
J C Forvlhe...
Adam Trimble-
Addison township
j Allegheny township
Benson Isoroueh
Berllu borouith .'
Black township
Brothersvalley township
Caxselinan borouith
ConemauKh township
Confluence borough
. Elk Lick township
.... Falrhope township
Greenville township
Hooversville boniush
Jefferson township
.. Jennertown borouKh
Jeiuu r township
I rimer township-
Lincoln township
.... Ijowcr Turkeyfoot township...
Meversdale Ixirouuh
Middlecreek township
.... Milford township
.... New Baltimore iniroiieh.
New Centreviile tairoUKlt
. Northampton township
Paint township
(ucMiahnninK township
.-. Itockwood boroiiKh
...-Salisbury borough...-
.... Shade township -
Somerrteld boron i;h
.-. Sinnerset iKiniitKh
nomerHci lownsnip j
Soutliampton tow nship J
.... Stonycrcck township
stoyeslown bori(;h
.... Summit township
.... I'pperTurkeyftait township -
. , I'rstna bonmuti
... Wellersbure Ixirougll ,
Total tux nstivtl for 1MJ7
Expenditures. Cr.
By am't orders for
Assessors' Pay. (
Viewers' Pay roads aud bridges .
C- mi mon wealth cos la...HH.
New bridtrea. -
Bridge r-pairs -.
I Klmim-i
Commissioners' Pay,-' isl
( K relch man....
Commissioncni' clerk -
( Herald
1 CVimmercial... . .
Printlnjr and J Standard - -
Advertismir, Iteconl
I Is-iiMs-rat...........
V Werner
Court crier and tlpsta vca....
Court stenoerapher..
Klis'tiou extwnsea
Iti'imira at court house
Iti'imlrs at court house and j-itl
Court houeaud jail expenses
lload ilaniaiecs -
Uixuiont hospital
Harrtsburp hospital
M orra n7ji Reii irniH tory
Wernersvillc hospital.
Western jM-niti-nliary - -
1 list rid A t tonn-y ' fees -
Borrowed money
Soldiers' burial expenses .
Sheep damairea - -
Teachers institute - -
Constables' returi .
Hi -cords - - -
Janitor at court house
lanitorat jail -
Huntingdon lU-f.iniiatory
Ben 1st er's fee
oiumissioners' Attorney's pay
M iey paid Slate -
Money r funded, unseated hinds
(ir.ind jurors' pay -
Traverse Jurors' pay
I jw library
Prothonotary's lees ..
Clerk to county auditors .
County Auditors pay
I iisu ra nee -
A udilor public accounts
Commissioners' t ravelin expencs.-
ln'ereaton borrowed money -
Taxes refunded...-.-..- -
stationery. . ..
MHliil treatment
Jury Commissioners' pay
lull physician...
Instices' fees - -
Clerks at computation court
"ouiity Treasurer's commission
Imiuests 011 deud bodies... -.
Shertrrs bill
Poor house expenses .
Roanling Jurors -
Water .
Fleet ric light .
Fuel -
Witnessea la-fore county auditors .
Ollioe furaiture
llin srt
4 is W5
3214 :7
6272 Ki
S74 i
H'fi ll
1 'm mi
f i
72 50
fill 70
i 00
11 M
r.77 on
1HS 15
2! 14 IU
273 IU
3V, to
Ui2 20
113 75
322 51
l.i 1 1
HI 12
4T7 10
,VW l)
2 .i 00
703 0i
712 )
2S1I 5 i
Ni 00
22-i m
50 47
am ui
21U in
IS 33
34 S3
tus 34
asji 7s
2.U fu
10 50
tis i :
53 iu
- 232 ai
2S7 tU
is 00
w :
571 17
K Hi
214 73
21 si
U) 01)
211 Ol
S3 23
27 trt
H 00
-,r. vt
1 1 73
TSiS 11
171 M
4-11 l'i
122 SI
10 S3
SJU 00
By county onlers paid by treasurer... f 34,111 02
By Treasurer'sconimlsnlon 011 Ksi,U -
02, at 2 per cent - 1,122 2S
By lialance redemption due county... S Ml
By taxes on unseateil lauds- ',1SI 21
T- . . 1 .. . -.,;.. r. ! -1IT I M T't in
luuii r. mill 11 1. m. . iv.
Bal due V"ru WinU-rs, Co, Treaa 11.017 30
107,120 tU
P.KNRY F. BABRON. Esq., Prothonolary and
Clerk of the Conns of quarter sessions
and Over and Terminer of til - County of
Somerset. Pa., tn acc't with Somerset
County, for A. D. Isv;.
To am't shown by debit side
of bill -
Kv am't orders Issued to
S t -hi 30
' Henry F. Barron I 6tsi 3S
iit-5 3s Gs. 3 ay
M.ARTIN H. HARTZELL, Sheriff of Sonierset
county. Pa., In are t Willi Somerset coun'y
for A. X. !Ki7.
To am't shown by debit side
of Din 1 UJ
Bv orders Issued to Martin
" 11. HarUell, Sheriff. t 80O 00 -
MOO 00 f so 00
OlH. F. Kin.MEL, County Comtnifsloncr, of
Somerset county. Pa , In account wtiu
Somerset county for A. V. Isy7.
To oiis-regnteainount of orders Issued
totoo. r. K unmet 3 H .0
Tootic-lhlrd ain't surcliareed. S SI 30)
to Com' Klminel, Good and
Kretchman 19 84
TooneHlunl of 1112 50 sim-hurjieit to
v -1 j t b n.iiniu -i,nsw ouu situ ir
until 47 50
f 1022 M
By 273 days service at f3 30
perttay, as r ixitiiiiis
sioner' lslkrer ....t fi5 W
By balance due county .. 07 ;i
t 1022 m I 022 811
GABRIEL GOOD, County Commissioner of
Somerset c Hinty. f'n., in acc l with Sons
met county for A. 1). Isti7.
To sztrrirnte am't of orders issued to
l.abriel Good J 1036 00
To one-third of 430.3d surcharged to
Corn's Kimniel, Good and Kretch
man IS SH
ro one-third of (1 12.30 surcharyed tu
1 ......... I I . t .1 I ' ... L
v ,j 1 11 . niiuilintuissi auu v rtrll ll
nuiu - - -
47 30
t lh3 Sd
By 2!tf diT service at H30
per any, an per l oiumls.
noni r.' Lislir'-r t
Pyn:u'tcue couuty..
-7 3d
I UOU 98 I 1103 M
L. A. KRETCHMAN, County Comrnlssinner j
.mv w , 111 nrsliuii WHO
Siv.ii. r,.t count v for K. I. Is:7. I
To r.jr am't of orjeis UnieJ to !
L A Kr-tchuuin f S.V2 00
Too -e-ihirl ot $.i".30 suiclia jrel to
out shimmci.Good mil Kreicls :
man 10 lit !
To one-third f 12 .30 nn-heH i
Com s K..Iiiru,l,(r.rt and KreU:u
uiao ... ..
47 .30
t io: id
By2T2daya aetritss .t M 3J
e? day, a per Comiuiss-
Vb.) Co. . Sriu-L STATU.
' I ISMi
1-sy j ar ."V
sei '
I sj'J , 10 o
syj . t Ul
- ! VI ,
PWi Sl'i 2
- i 2; IT . X 10 i'l OU
KO sm .r: 43 W
i sic;
- j lm ii 1
; 17 7i
' 1IJ H 1W II 21 31
- 1 ;l ?-' 13 15 IS. -JA
- Its 01 s mi :) 1
SU 75 -i
1 30 I
- 2.. 01 13 10 2n ro
- Ul M W 10 is) 6i
" M Ivt li, M I S
- , i ".l lt S lii bi
" IK si Xi
" . j; '4 5 .V irt i"J
"I HM 7 :l" l-" Til
" 9 4i ; ji
lsytl ' 311 57 bii 77 57 ftj
- . vl- lj OJ
! Ul
I 7J KS 3 70 lit
" I 24i ;ii s: 7". ;
I tru on jo ui -jaj ikt
1 37 J UU M
- ; 17 7u
" j i) . 19 3." 11 19
! SO uo 7) 00 '-
! " '-" 4 s h 00
40 Ui K! H, 7s S.
j I Nl K 4",
I i lsn 07 5 1 4J
,. " 07 1 7'.. 7
I - 7isisj 1 2'.'l
- 1 in It 41 H 11 10
1 " I its -it m in
I - I HJI Ul 41 nt 7 4H
j " I jH7 U 4 ll . M
; j i-i7 a s xi at 41
, " I 4.1s T y; 4., 7 M
; j so 01
. sT l.s 2 k" K tB
' " j aw W 10 00 IS W
7 (Hi
; i 7u i 70 S7 43
: i w : St 40
, 117 I.,, 7 7
" : li N S;: 2T, "12 SI
M i 2l S M 13 K4
24 so: 21 00
7li j. . y. -j.-, rs st
; : U13 ! Kl Vt H
- : Vis 13: 31 '. I"i o7
' s irj m u a
1 l .i v u', 5 l
4ir.' 41 K) () ft! 43
; i-i ;i -! h" 1 :w
W :y . 10 ai 23 07
I I uu b-i 14 M
I l-TI 47 4 IM Mi M M
' ISV7 ll3 43 r.l . fi! HO
. : ;i it 27 00 ;o M
" , 1 v.' l- 3S ii
! S-.7 t lit S 2li 7
; ; 471 m S3 37 ii
- ' 2M0 t 100 00 1U0 00
" ! SS 4"
: " 1 2101 30 VM 32 SKI SI
: HH VI 14 Oil 4W 70
, ! 2J W lici i', ao (W
IS 13 li II HO
4 47 13 13 4S 01
" 1 170 ')
' " 11 .1 1 3 00 71 10
, " . I'ki 32 ;) 15
" ZjH i 31 2IW HI
, I V7 tH i tm O y
" Kd fl 4l JI 121 70
: " 4 V i7 2". ui
' " . 1200 03 1.1 01 231 52
" si.i 40 40 !' I IS
" ; 1J..I 12 27 S3 V 311
.iu 00 111 IU
! M'J 00 l i ol
i " :ii2 'il 11 72 II fi
I " i T, 4.3 W SHI Ml
' ! 1 till 02 5 IU Hi 00
" j 4: 13 7 iu 7 1 ii
" iM S3 172 07
. " . ll 10 TV 7 (" Kt 13
. " 4 () 25 M
. " I 1T72 fti 15 IO Us.". l
: ;lm it) Ion n 3,i on
" , 2s7 :f.i 23 2". .'! iu
ires 40 iu 2 is i7
" 171 !M !H en 34
" : 21 il 2S 43 40 34
. lll2 42 3-i IU W SO
' ! 1 13 " 3 IU 2K 7
: " M 33 0 tvi 8 W
1MK2 IS $ 12W i'. 2l 2S
loner' Ledger
By am't due county.
W2 or,
07 :itl
I loin Mi io;u 36
HL'.NKV F. BAKMeTT. ex County Commiss
lonerof Soiuersct civil ty. Pa., In atxount
Willi -somerset ( Hill i v ror A. l. Mi.
To one ha If of ;iiU urcbat-4-rsl
to ex-Comii)tssiti;i ra
BarncttanilShdVr f 1.31)00
By um't due coupi j 1 0 CO
I 130 00 t 130 00
SAMl l:L V. SHOBF.R. es-Coiinlv Commiss
ioner ol htmit rset rtrtiniy, I'll., in acc't
wno isomers,'! county lor A. li. l;i.
To one- ha I f of . u su n-bii m
11I lo ex-CommisslouerF
Itimiett and sl;..iK-r - t 130 00
By ami due county l a) 00
t 130 00 f 130 lJ
INIIKBi EDNESS of Homentct county on the
Mi 01 January, ixet.
To ainnunt of bonded Indebtedness
See Commissioners' mimilea Jj4-300 00
Toaiu't oulslandln ordt-rs l.itsj l
We. the undersigned Auditors of the Coins
ty of Somerset, in the Cominonweahli of
Pennsylvania, do certify that In pursuance of
ine I7tn section or tlie Act entitled:, - An Act
Itclaiini; to Counties, To lis hi lis. etc.." pas-ud
the 13th day of April, 13I. we met at the scut
of jusiice in the ci.untv of Somerset on the 31
day of January, A 1, Is!, and after Is-ins;
duly sworn, ill. 1 audit, admst and wt-ls II
several accounts risitired ly law. airrecubly to
tne several Acts 01 Assembly, anu itisnppu-
iii'-iiIh thereto, according to the best of our
Judgment, ability and knowled-'e. and tlie
foreieninie U a true and orrect siatemeut of
tlie followm: ais-ounls resis ctivelv :
1st. William Winters. Fu , Trinsurer of
the County of s5omers-l with the said County
Of Somerset
2d. Henry F. Barron. Ksq.. Trot honol:) ry
nnti t tern 4,1 met ouns 01 die t ouniy 01 suns
ers-t with the said County of Somciset.
3l. Martin II lianzelL Ksi . sherilf of the
County of rioiuerset w ith the s ttd County of
4lh. llmnti' K. Kimmcll. Coiinly I'ominls
sioner of the County of Somerset with the
said Countv ' I somerset.
5ih. iairit-l triNHl, County Commissioner
o' the County of a.iiiu-rset with the sai l Coun
tv of Soinersu-t.
(Wh. L. A. Kretchman. County Cotnmis.
sloncr of the County of Somerset wilh the
said t ounty of Somerset.
All forthe yc-.ircuding January 3. Kits.
And we tuither certify thai we thnl a a'.
bik'c due the County Tieastirer. William Win
ters, K-j , of nine thousand, forty-seven dol
lnr and lirty-six cents, i'',0i7- 1
We further certify tliat each of mid officers
raiiued above were duly summoned toi,pp,-;u
before the Auditors, and they hid np-ar be
fore us ami produiiil their hooks, vouchers,
onlers, bills and isipers,etc.
In Testimony Wiikiikop, we have hciun
to set our hands and atjiscd our fr-ula, this nh
day of February. A. Il , lis.
AtttMt;- '
A. J. Ill Li. V.
Hefore eoncluiling our report, we ileftn
it our duty to interpose objections: to the
system of Isa kkei ping pme:iceil in the
ollice of the County Commissioners,
wherf by lsree stitim of the county fui:da
are c-areleaaly. if not il legally, drawn
from thecotitily treasury. It is manifestly
the duly of the ommnissloneia of the
county to draw orders ou tho county
tr?aiiry for every cent expended, and
not to wimuraw ititxts rroiu the treas ury
upon the mere prehentatioii of Lit 1st or ac
LMtinlH stamped " Approvetl by the Coun
ty Commissioner." We are of the opin
ion that the practice has resulted in great
injustice in the past, and it ia unnecessary
to point out the fearful consequence it
may have in store for the taxpayers of the
county if longer continued.
Dlijection ia interposed to iaatiiug orders
from twoor threedifTerent sources, which
of it-self most be rfg4rdd as unsafe busi
ness methods, as well as confusing to
those charged wilh auditing the same.
Ohjoetion is interposed to issuing coun
ty orders bearing interest, which we be
lieve has Ispen done without warrant of
law and to tho prejudice of the taxpayer
of Iheeoucty.
Objection is Interposed to tbe manner
in w hich the minute hook, in the office
of the County Commissioners, is kept. It
is farcical and to make
a minute of the fact that tbe commission
ers met on Monday and adjourned on
Saturday, without giving tbe names of
the commissioners present, and a full ac
count of the public business transuded
by tlietn each day they were iu oession.
Serious objection is interposed to issu
ing orders on tbe county hressury f( r
services rendered by county commissi! n
ers and their employes before the same
have been furnished, as it is against pub
lic poliev and without warrant of law.
Objection is interposed to drawing war
rants upon the con t.ty treasury upon pre
aenUlion of unitemiwd bills.
Objeollon is interponed to letting public
contracts in secret w ilboiit public notice,
as we believe it ti be prejudicial to the
best Interests of Ike taxpayers.
Objection is interposed t the granting
of rebates npon taxes properly aud legal
ly asesed. without dne noliis?, as the
same is without warrant of law. andean
onlv be doue iu the interest of favored
And we further eertifv and find tbat
there is a balance due the County of Som
erset from ex-Countv Commissioner
Henry V. Harnett anil S. U. Shot.ero
f.HK) ml. amount disallowed on order Xo
3.VI of !S!ir, and w as issued in iirtrity
ment for metallic Die cases for the Pro
thonotary's nihee. U has not lsen made
to spoear tbat there was snv public nec s
sity for such extravagant expenoiturn ot
County fuuds at thai time; whereas it
., rvumrv A ndilor's Rervrt
ol rw-eiptsand experd-orra of .V.itierse
Cnuuty forme year 1.- " '
Treasury was at the time the order was
in a depleted oomLtion ; w title, on
the other hand, it appars that vabist ie
public property, life ew ' co,",''lt,",,,
to meet the reiiuirements of theProlh..ii
ol.iry's oilice for a nuintr of years to
rm., was thrown onl ; whereas, so far as
tbe books, papers and vouchers submit
ted for our itispeclion and audit, laillo
show that a single cent was paid into Ihe
County Treasury for the same; that tne
expense book kept by tbe County t om
missiouers did not ouuun an entry o.
the issuing of order No. 35U of lsiioaithe
time or during the audit of the receipts
and expenditures of said County for the
year ot lCi; whereas, il appears on t he
face of said order '. li tnst it was is
sueil by Commissiiiners lUrnett and i attested by Clerk Kinert, on
IiecemberTth, W- w further believe,
ami l:sv been inionned. that order .
.Ui calls for a sum largely in excos-s of tho
value of property for which it was gi v en,
or for what similar properly could have
leeo. elsew here pun based.
We also reriify and find tbat the sum or
fV tf, re.ived Ly the County Commis
sioners from Ihe Stale of Pennsylvania,
for the use of the County of Somerset. has
not been turned into the County Treas
ury. A-l f nieh rsspectfully aub-
lllllieo. .
Witm-ss our hands and seals "!
day of February, A. D..
B. J. liOWM-4,N (SEAL)
Outstanding County, State and Po Txe
of -smierset eoun'y, Pennsylvania, on Ihe
,-coud day of January, lsas, due and owimj
bv theCollecKirsof the several borousln. aud
townships In said county as lollow :
H E Miller lsifl
KK Mevers IsKl
Cvms A Yowler.lsv4
Cvrus A Vow lerls!r
( "has A Lotir -ls'o
Kdward Mela -l-'-'ri
Jw Wanitiaugh... "
A F. Cassler- "
W II Frits - "
Cvrus A Yowler... "
iflijiih Livelihood
K C Famer "
Ul Ia-keiuby. "
FJ l-oiler "
N B Poorlmuh...
Cltus lohr
Sylvesters potts. W iHUns 1KI7
John McVicker... "
Frederick Border "
Frank Heftley
P Weimer...-
Wm H Fnia
J A Cook "
W E Pullln "
James Maust u
bavid Baker
A J stoner 4-
Iaac Ankeny "
Fredefk Snaulls. "
Wm J Petersou
Thus Gal burner "
Georee Gloifelty-
JohnJ Ihirr "
II K Moon "
Wm leckemby.
John F Henry.-.
J II schns-k "
FJ Follcr "
Samuel Bitlner.- -
Sam slioemaker.
No collector,
tH;le township "
W iiiGSecsc . 44
Ihinlel W ill "
Solomon nyder M
.V J Glotfclty
C A Warner
M F Fraxee ...
W M Serin ck
A J Colemsn 14
Norman Lepley-
F F Brant u
J H Snyder "
W I Is. in hay lor "
Wm Younkin. "
J C Forsytlie "
Adam Trimble...-
rounty. Suite. Dog.
79 02 I t
1 07 en
t so 21 1 '
S 22 1 10 I" 00
27 04 srt 17 lS
ti J7 lli iM 32 13
3 " 3ll 10 X '
2 SI 4S 5t t 15
14 SI 2 ( 4 HI
20l s-J 4S ti i) 4
2 4l 2 04 : 51
Si if i 2 2 73
22 ;ii 24 21 5 3
hi .! 14 10 IS I)
i 77 2 IS 17 !
1 7 II 5ll 44 S2
4ii 2S 301 22 75
J3 2-i 23 7 70 01
ISM 4 43 t
44 si 2
212 si 8 .18 40 Ivi
W2 20 250 10 50 00
ill 77 7 SO 7 u
2ls J) 40 03 17 00
S-vt S7 210 2i !) :d
17 44 4 07 21 35
1V OS 4S 01 4 S7
131 M 12 42 11 lJ
ISO lii 15 ! OS l)
S 72 4 ')
ft IS 95 72 115 47
lli 41 20 07 51 00
: 15 II :ti SI
:kH Mt 2S -i 37 ll
Kill .ui 21 tvl 21 10
. 1 c' ttl 21 00 l- 00
53S IS ' 10 71 34 15
S7 37 1H 10 3 Ul
20 V7 41 ;iS 3 l
323 08 37 30 til 2S
llff :M lion
I7rt t2 83 K2 VI no
5N M SH 40 73 l"i
lot 3 S ss S no
4.M n H7 il 20 IV
::c art 12 02 4 u.
2:1 S I 07 2 i
7s.t s 3119 05 31
I'M 41 220 38 131 tm
2ss 17 22 )l til 75
rW TU It) l l"i IO
111 70 2.3 so 17 (
B!2 SI tii 7 137 Ml
Mi to 47 ft s2 m
I 1.1 SS M .VI IS Illi
77 17 57 10 35
Total I13S21 Mrt 2isu 10 JJliH ,34
This amount Include the Colh-ctors' cotn
missious, exonerations rebates, etc., which
will reduce the amounts lo a much smaller
W e. the undersiiined County Commission
ers of Ihe county of Somerset, hereby certil
thai the above siatemeut of the tiutstundm
Tanes due said county, is ror reel, an-onim
to the Record in thet'ounty Treasurer's nai
. - 1. . . !. I. 1 , f C-
liABKIKL l,i sill,
;. j County Commissioner
Attest -
J. U. Eniert.
dH-s this ftore unifuriiily a.-k
less prices for cLoice ginaJs?
we get more business thut way
make more friends more people save
and we make just as much as if a less
number paid higher prices.
People find this fctcre's methoil
pays them results to prove it doing
more small order business now that
ever had to give that Je;artaieii'
more space and ineretise the force in
order to accommodate the increased
But we're not tit perilling on pas
records for future results g hhIs anr;
prices are to bring ' them and wi'
when styles for the prices ure cousid
We want every woman arrang
ing early spring sew ing to get samples
fi medium to liue new wash g k1
S to Ijc and see if it 1 n't - -fiat this
store's g'vnls aud prices dj.u Mistral
advantage, Xew Madras to fi iest im
ported. 2)J styles New Midrn A2
inches wide, Lie a yard.
Samples of other largo lines new
wash goods and medium priced new
spring Dreas Hoods, 2"i to -Tic, ready to
seud when you write for them.
Allegheny. Pa.
! Jos. Home & Co. !
Dress Woolens
are coming in and going out.
As fast as they get here, they
are marked at price3 which
mean a very little profit to in
and more to rou to be pick
ed up about as rapidly as
shown. Among these are
SO pieces of now 37 inch Suit
ings in five choices of colr.riucs.
Goods that when made tip
would be hard to tell from
Bniiings at twice
25c a yard.
M pieces of 40 to -i I Fancy Suit
ings iu a half doaon or mora
Myles of both light and dark
mixtures, at
50c a yard.
50 pieces of 4Z to inch Tailor-
lug and French and English
Novelty Suitings, comprising
exclusive styles, for
80c a yard.
500 j iseesof Faney Silks such
as you will want to maka up
into a waist, probably a skirt,
an entire gown, may 13 for lin
ing; handsome silk creations
50. 75C and $1.00 a yc.
The above are too Inexpensive to X
J here for any length of lime.
llowevir. writ u -- :.i
T send samples righ away. '
J 5?5 527 Pmi A,s , PinsiuRGiP. 1
VA YViv -i; iiwf X
V. A FILL r;-Sv A.i.vix.i z. iAy.t. riss p. . i,yv$r)
l Sft'EL AT iV.CtS lHOn HO.OO I) 3 5.00 U
2: .C-V A"ii.-!lc:.-.:!,e!.rerf .
Jt S-Vi i I ' tV7 , J r-.-n.-KeJ-. ? K-m nnefwthr.. : '.y,'
Well Made Sleighs!
25 different styles to select from at j ri. ts
to suit everybody.
"Wholesale or Retail.
James B. Holderbaiini
Somerset, - - Penn'j
I Anything in the
i tdtj a rA r a rv
JU J J. X 1 i-Y JL V-V JL .
Where you secure help and protection in all iurc!ia-i s male"!!
Our stock is clean and tcrurdete throng!."it-
j (?::;v (, C!:r.:::Cizh &- Telle:
J The largest and best bottle of C'otij;li Cure ever put u il Il--lk,! ''
J 2- centi. Every bottle gunrau'.ei i'.
: Benford'sJ j-io
J Tcsttaimials Oivcn rn A I'iii t.t!i n.
Chewing CJura and Lime Tablets. Fine Ctnftc!ii -f t!'I:t '';"
ity and variety.
I GEO. W. BENFORD, Manager
the U. S. Rites 1110.ler.te.
5 Qjygi 4 Hrst PrizBS, each of $1CQ Cash.
: S
g F..r Ptllor, rn1 yr a, ted m .:drf lrt vvm 4 D PFR5f
. . . ' . ..iiiji4
rVTT-r-r t-rs.
til 1 1 U CCN Kl
t A litrvlxLl 'V- '- stoves tiw
t ;
Drug Line
?Pub!ie sUiti.m for lw Dlstmco Tle-honn to all P";uB
20SaccndM " " $100 Frea Spaeal afl
" to $ 25Go!df3tia
Tlirv re lino!-' to nit rr, ,;.,!. I
eoiiLain rvrviliini ;,,-il 1
inoisir:'il to '::-l . , f '' . t
Mwle tn b i "'.-n, Vo :B!-e: li'-i-ii. . 1
... n-I
If y.m w.u.t Vr':. f.t.Oi'i
I , iv. I UV liH' l1"" I
.-c lliosr wh" 11-'
oi:r mou.y Uii
!. R. Holderbaum,
...1 'tvi" rs"
,i.-u- - 'a:'-"