The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 09, 1898, Image 4

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a LmT la rralt Bog Prl lc
CIumm at a I n lanca Couior-N
Prosperity I r Dim w.
The picipocket stew oa the comer j
lookiug rcry rii.-ousolato. His coat col
lar as tcrued up, liis banrts were tcroi-T
down ict ) Lis pen-feet, and Lis Lat was :
lilted ft rward" mtil the rim was ahnont i
Mtl wiih Li evi-a. fcilvcrsteiu, tbe
puller in at tbe clothing store
from tbe coru r. lmiuR held op in x&in
fxo sailors ati'l a oae arnieei soldier, lift ,
bis rest tc inquire the cause of the pick
pocket's woe.
" Wuats tbe taatter, Hoot?" be askoeL
Dniicp n, tbe pickpocket, known on
tbe row as Hex, glanced t,p at Silvcr
s'ein, granted oot an oath, and then
l.tting his bead fall on hi brvait again
relapserd into silence. j
-What U it. Hoot:-" !
Silvert-Tein was growing curious, he
bad done light fingered work fur a time
himself and luew soiaethiug of the
changing oocditiona of a man's life
when be made hiweelf an off nsive fn
etuv cf Hocietr.
'"See that, Jow?" said the piekpocKet,
Lauling a sea rfj;in from bis Test pocket.
It was a short pold pi", topped with
n huge pesil cf that rare virgin pink.
It seemwi to le a valuable bit, and Sil
x rstein's t jes glistened as be looked at
"Take it to Cocney," be said in a
whisper. -He's safe."
Tbo pitljxxLct laughed in bellow
fashion. "Too safe," be said. Then he
Ftraisbteued rp, threw his bat back on
bis In ad and raid:
"ilvervti in, in these days a man like
me aia't p t no license to live. What's
the skill of i::ybacd, that can take most
anything from a screw stnd to a scarf
pin from a man without bis knowing it,
agr.iust the train of a man that can
xuako them things-"
"Are yoa natty, Iloot?" inquired the
puller in, edging away.
"So, Jew, no; but listen to me. Yon
know the hotels are my graft and this
region down here my market. Well, I
was out spotting today, and finally
along comes a feller that I sized up fer
my meat He was a dressy guy, with
all color ribbons on bis bat and them
pready soles on bis shoes. He had a big
pink necktie on, and in it this here pin
was stock. From the Hze of bis chain,
I said to myself that the puukiu on the
end of it must be a bird, but when I see
that pink pearl I decided to let the
watch go and make for that.
"Well, be was a nervous cuss, and I
couldn't get a chance at him fer a long
time. I followed him up Broadway and
laid for bim outside a restaurant while
be took lunch. Then be met a lady, and
they took more lunch together. When
be "came out, the two took a hansom,
and I hear him say to tbe driver,
'Around tbe park. Well, I follow the
bansotu to the park, and, seeing which
entrance it goes in, lay around the cir
cle for it to come out again. Two hours
I waited there, Jew, and then I eee the
hansom and runs off two pounds a-fol-lowing
it down town- My man, he leaves
the lady at a bouse, then drives to tbe
comer of Broadway and starts walking
down slowly. Now, says I to myself,
I've got bim.' But I didn't get bim.
Ho meets a friend, and they go and play
billiards fer two more hour Will, I
was bustirg, I was bo mad, but I made
tp my mind to stick. I see a dozen juicy
chances go by, but I couldn't leave that
piuk pcarL My eyes watered at think
ing of it and my fingers itched for it.
By and by my man comes out, and he
and his friend go in a saloon, one of
them places where yon stand up at a
fcidt-board. I followed aud just as
my man lifts a glass up to drink I
push against bis friend. The friend
, . i 1 i. ,.
pusues against mm, uuu uu tui ua omuuu.
I was waiting, of course, and next min
cte the pearl was mine. It was a long
chance, Jew, but you know a feller'll
take them once in awhile. When the
guy turns around, I was chewing a sand
wich from the counter and bawling to
tho waiter for a check.
" Well, the guy misses tbe pin. Damn
me if I know what put bim on. You
know I don't mess a job like that, Jew.
My heart was a-going hard, Jew, but I
almost falls over when I see bim put bis
baud op to the tie, feel around and then,
instead of hollering murder, police,
watch and a dozen other things, just grin
and say to bis friend, 'Some sucker's got
a gold brick.'
"There was me with tbe pin in me
palm nil ready to drop it in the 6alad on
the counter. When he don't make a hol
ler, though, I snakes her back in my
pocket and in two minutes am on the
way down to Cooney.
"I saw easy times and no chances fer
a couple of weeks on the strength of that
pearl, Jew, aud when I tossed it over to
Cney I said, 'Give me f 250, a quarter
value.' Cooney whistles at the pin and
picks it cp. Then he begin to look
iuecr. Finally he dips the pearl in a
glass of water and, picking up a knife,
s'belp me, goes a peeling off that pink
alor. 'Cooney,' I yell, 'what are you
doing?" 'Fish glue,' says Cooney. Aud
he throws the pin back.
"Well, it was one of them fish glue
pearls. You've seen 'em just a bit of
glass painted over with fish glue, just
ringers for the real thing, but worth
about 60 cents. I walks out of Coouey'g
in a trance. I comes over here, aud I
ain't moved fer an hour. Think of it,
Jew, think of it, all day and a leng
chance fer that thing! Take it and give
it to yer gal tho next time you go up to
Jones' wood. S'help me, if I ever find
that guy I touched I.r that I'll piek a
fight Willi bim and lick bim. Goodby.
I'm going home aud get some rest. Chas
ing hansoms is bard work." And tho
pickpocket strolled down a side street
th picture cf melancholy. Xew York
Not oa tbo riaybilTu
"The funniest thing I ever saw in tbe
line cf business?" echoed tho leading
theatrical manager of Detroit. "It was
right here in this city, and I actually
laughed till they bad to call a doctor tc
take too tick out of my ribs. Of course
this will handicap the story, for I can
never make the incident appear as ridic
ulous as it was.
"We were having a corking show
and a big rush at tho Whitney Grand.
Ono night, shortly Lt'cru t o'clock,
while tho bouse was filling rapidly a
large young man came from the inside
and asked permission of tbo docrtendei
to go out
" 'Well, begaa the man on guard,
who is a born jollier, 'it's u gainst tbe
rule g of tbe bouse to permit eny one tc
leave after occupying a seat, but you
look like a reliable citizen, and I'm half
disposed to makes an exception in your
case; but I am not certain that you'll
ccme tack.'
"Though evidently a 'Eube,' in the
parlance of tho profession, the fellow
Lad the assurance of a croesroeds oracle.
Oh, I'll be back all right enough!' be
said cheerily. 'You needn't worry a
minute about me.'
" 'I don't know about that IT I wat
only sure.' And the joker kept a per
fectly straight face.
" 'I tell you, I'm square," declare
the fellow, with a flourish. 'Here! 11
yon don't want to take my word for it,
here's this watch and chain for security
that I'll show up before tbe show be
gins. "He positively handed ever the jew
elry as a Eubstantial evidence cf bit
good faith; just as though we cared
whether we ever saw bim again. "De
troit Free Press.
Bn.lni Method.
"What! Yon begging here too? I saw
you only a little while ago begging on
Schiller place. "
"Ye I have a branch establishment
ihere." Fliegeude Clatter.
Had I" Very Crtt Variety of tjl,
Sa.Kd to All OmMor,.
Ball programmes tre made iu hun
dreds rf uybs. A whr.) ale dealer in
New Ycrk prepares a sample book,
which is of tire sue cf an atlas and tbe
thickness cf a dictionary. Fa nc7 cards
for some ether uses are shown in this
leek alt-o, but cf tall programmes alone
thre may be 5'JO ttyies. Tbe took is
like a great allium. The dealer e.aids
cut 2,;.L0 etch l-ccks to printers and
flat ioncrs.
Fr. grau.mes can Le bought at almost
siiy prire, including many at extremely
low price s. Nearly all are more or less
triiamelittd. many f tbeju with em-be-ed
work finished with gilt or in col
crsaud in a great variety of designs.
There is scarcely any sociny, perhaps
none, that cculd not find hire an a; pro
priate programme. There is, for in
stauce, a ball prcgrainme embellished
wish a trolley car. A number of pro
grammes, suitable for yachting club
iaiices, have a yacht surrounded by va
rious imblcms of yachting and of the
a- Ttere are programmes for musical
societies, with appropriate emblems,
and for railroad men, for bicyclists, for
military organizations, for letter car
riers, fer firemen.
The cords find tassels for the pro
grammes are a separate article of man
ufacture. They are produced in great
variety cf colors, qualities, sizes and
styles and sold in enormous numbers
and many cJ them at prices that seem
n:arv lcus!y hcap. It is probable that
n arly all the programmes of the kinds
referred to, handsome and elaborate as
many of them are, would sell complete
at prices cnd r $G a hundred. There are
foldt d ball protrraninies, with a picture
decoration, that are sold at wholesale,
without printing or cord and tassel, as
low as So ct uts a hundred.
TLe pructicu S cottlier,
such as sell fc r (o a hundred
and upward, is a business by itself. These
are made iu about 150 different designs,
ranging in jrieo cp tot 1.23 each. They
tre made iu a great variety cf shapes
aud siz s, i:ud, cs with the less costly
I rogran-ia a, cf designs appropriate to
tie occasion on which they are used.
Tbs moio eostlv prngraruinis are adorn
ed tti-.h' Li.ud painted pictures. Cellu
loid in various forms is employed in the
n.aLin f these programmes, aud satin,
lace r.ud p-iier mache are also used.
All pr -grammes arc of larger size
than the if sd expensive varieties, and
each one is put up in a box. A pro
gr.iti.u:e tf ibe highest price was an
elaborate production 14 inches square.
TLo programmes' most commonly sold
Oi::o:;g the costlier kinds bring about
$18 a Lu:;cr.d.
Tbno tre sold of the cheaper vari
eties of I all programmes millions annu
ally ; cf the costli r far fewer. These
n-aybe numbered in thousands. Winter
is the season ef the most active demand
for ball programmes, but they are sold
the year round. Some ball programmes
are exported to Mexico and tbe varions
countries of Soulh America. Many of
tbe ii signs are equally suitable and ap
propriate cnywbtre. Tbe printing is
done in the countries iu which they are
need. New York fc'cu.
Bounding CelebrttiM.
Dr. Faul Gamier, a French sp"cialist
in lunacy, has been giving some infor
mation about the insane men aud wom
en who follow celebrities about and fall
i:t love with them. The doctor has to
send two or three women of this sort to
asylums every month, uud u-rthiug is
known of tho cases I y the public. Good
looking prksts, the doctor declares, are
notably marks for tbe attention of such
females. After the priests, but in a lesser
degree, come tbe members of parlia
ment wbos" names are most frequently
in the newspapers or who make good
speeches ill the chamber, th authors
and the handsome actors. The latter,
like the j riests, have often been threat
ened ly their jealous admirers. In some
instances om n have gone to the the
aters with loaded revolvers ready to fire
at them, but for some reason cr other
Lave failed to carry out their purpose.
A, to actresses, Dr. Gamier states that
their dangerous adorers are terribly nu-nwu-ous.
Mme. Sarah Bernhardt has
sometimes to be watched over very care
fully. Her worshipers secrete them
eelves in ail sorts of places in order to
sec her ent-.r or leave her theater or her
re sidence. The special det-ctive-s have
Lad to interfere on two noted occasions
in order to save the famous actress from
the bullets or the daggers of maniacs
who resolved to injure or kill he-r be
cause she n fused to respond to the ir flat
tcries nu.l passionate declarations of
An Euclish Shop.
Shopping is a task at any time, and
not always a pleasant cue, but imagine
looking for bargains in 50 different de
paitmeuts of a stoic That is tbe num
ber the Lirgrst department store in Lon
don contains, aud we may expect yet to
see it on this side cf the water, as
American enterprise and energy have
been Leading in that dircctiein for sev
eral ye ars past In the London store
everything from a cannon to a nee -die
may te purchased. Yon may have your
photographs taken, hair dre-ssed and
nails manicured, yenr household goods
stored or insured. Yon may have a
bemse built decorated, furnished all
complete, with the servants and insur
ance on the property, from one estab
lishment Pianos, iron iu bars and the
ater ticke-ts may be obtained, as well as
drugs, ribbons and laces. Altogether it
would be an iutetestiug place in which
to spend a week or two shopping. Phil
adelphia Press.
A Model Town.
Iloopestown, Ills., a town of 4,000
inhabitants, has never had a saloon.
The maye'r receives a salary of 50 cents
a year, the re'iuuue-ration of each of tbe
rorucilnie u is half that amount and no
fe-es ere aeceptc-d. Last year the com
bine! salaries ef the mayor and tbe city
fathers we re given to help a neeely wid
ow pay her lue. New York Tribune.
C"r prip. sore throat, rulmcnsrv
troubles Monare-h over pain of every
sort. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil.
A Word With
It is worth your while to give attention to some reasons wliy
you eliould be a reader of the Philadelphia Tress.
The Tress is the greatest home newspaper of the United States.
Its record of each day's events, in all parts of the world, is more com
plete than that of any other paper. It Las no space for sensationalism
or anything tending to lower the moral tone.
Xo other Philadelphia paper has eejusl facilities for obtaining promrt
rrA acenirate reports of new events, wherever they may occur. Rep Tters for tl e
Prer aro in every section of Philadelphia every day ; special correspondents of
the Press are stationed at every county seat and important town in Pennsylva
nia. New Jersey, Delaware &c d Maryland, and at every news centre in the Uni
ted States and the old world.
No other Thiladelphia paper equals the Tress in its special dc
paitments the woman's page ; the literary pngc; the market page;
the pages devoted to church news, school news, society newp, G. A. R.
news, sporting news, etc
The Tress is an advocate of the principles of the Republican
party, but it prints the news of all political events more fully than any
other paper; hsnie the Tress should oc your paper, no matter what
ycur political r-pinions are, if you wish to le well informed. In a word,
the TLiladelpha Tress prints all the news all the time.
Send in your address. Sample copy of the Press will be mailed
free. If you arc fitirminded you will read it regularly.
The Daily Pres is mailed to Mjhferihers forf6.00a year (Mcts. a month)
payable in advam-e ; The Sunday Pre, f 2 oO a vrar : The Daily and Sunday
Press, S.OO a yenr (70 cti. a month) : The Weekly Pres, tl.00 a year. A liberal
, commission is allowed to i-cisons ho
. 1 . r i
w in pmce i ue i rrae ou mi in lex-aiuies
The Press,
Ktw Xetkoi cf Siitribatiea ia lb Sutt
This Tear.
The State appropriation to the public
schools will be distributed this year on
the basis established by the Legislature
last year, bo that the recent triennial aa
sessuient will be ail important ia deter
mining the amount the various districts
shall re-.-eive. Heretofore the millions
granted to the schools by the State have
Un distributed on the ha-iis of the taxa
ble. Under the new act of Assembly,
however, the meney distributed
one-third on tbe number of schools, one
third n tbe number ef children between
tbe hrc of fi and l! and one third oti the
taxablen. Tbe provisienw of the new law,
w hich seta apart oue-tbird on the basis
nf the M-hool children between the ages
e.f 6 and In. will be rather favorable, it is
thought to the populous centers aud elraw
freui the sparsely-settled districts. The
one-third on the number of schools will
be a gain for tbe country distrirt especial
ly tbe less populous districts. Of course,
tbe e,ne third on tbe basis of tbe taxable
will be faverble to the populous districts
eo that the result as a whole will not ma
terially affect the distribution as under
the old law. The populems cities and
towns will have two chances as against
the rural communitiesin the number of
taxable and school children between tbe
ages of 6 and 16. As the children in the
cities and towns are about equivalent to
the number of taxebles, they will hold
their own as sgainMl the country districts,
which will lead the procession in the
number of schools. In many rural dis
tricts there are often less than a dozen
pupils in a school, while in the city the
average to a school is forty-five. Thus, in
the rouud-up the cities and towns, which
expected to receive a reduced amount
under the new appropriation scheme,
will get about as much as they did under
the old method.
At the Department of Public Instruc
tion the returns upon which the distri
bution will be based are being received,
but it will be late in April or the begin
ning of May before tbe department offi
cials will have tbe dat necessary to
make up tbe figures for each district On
one blank the County Coin ni is. loners are
sending to the department tbe number of
taxable residents in the several school
districts of each county ;ou auotherthe
county Superintendent of Schools sub
mits the number of teachers not includ
ing substitutes or teachers employed to
fill vcanciesoccuriing during the pres
i nt school year regularly employed and
paid by tbe school boards of the several
iliKtricts. There is also an enumeration
of tbe school children between the sges
of C and 16. .
Mr. F. C. Helbig, a prominent drug
gist of Lynchburg, Va., says : "One
of our citizens was cured of rheuma
tism of two years standing, by one hot
tie of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This
liniment is famous fer its cures of
rheumatism; thousands have been de
lighted with the prompt relief which it
affords. For sale by all druggist.
Lincoln And Stanton.
A story appears in the Youth's Com
panies eemeerning the application of a
man to President Lincoln for appoint
ment to a position rs Army Chap
lain. Attached to the original document
are a number of endorenient9 which are
uet only interesting in themselves, but
as dise-losing the character of the two
men wheise influence largely molded
the policy of the Government in those
turbulent times. The tndersemenU
read as follows:
Dkak &TAvrtx: Appoint this man
Chaplain in the Army. A. Linwlx.
Dkar Mr. Lincoln: He is not a
preacher. E. M. Stanton.
The following endorsements are da
ted a few months later, but just come
Dkar Stanton: He is now.
A. I,ixevLN.
Dkar Mr. Lincoln: But there is no
vacancy. K. M. Stanton.
Dear Stanton: Appoint him Chap-lain-at-Large.
A. Lincoln.
Dear Mr. Lincoln: There is no
warrant of law for that.
E. M. Stanton.
Dear Stanton: Appoint him any
how. A. Lincoln.
Dear Mr. Lincoln: I will not
E. M. Stanton.
The appointment was not made, but
the papers were filed, and remain as
evidence of Lincoln's friendship and
Stanton's obstinate nerve.
Hens that are being "coached" for
egg production should not be "stuffed."
Their feod being of the proper charac
ter their crops should never be more
than moderately full. It is a delusion
to suppewe that bens will not eat more
than is good for them. As in tbe case
of human beings, when tempted by
sppetizing viauds, they will gorge
themselves, and thus bring on indiges
tion, and waste energy iu the tflbrt to
get rid of the surplus.
Personally-Conducted Tour via Penntylva
aia Bailroad.
The next Pennsylvania Railroad tour
to Jacksonville, allowing two week in
Florida, will leave New 'iork and Phila
delphia by special train of Pullman Pal-e-e
Cars Tuemiy. February 8. Kxenr
sion tieKt, includire railway transpor
tation. Pullman aeixmmfHMtiu (one
lerth)aiid meals rn rvutr in both direev
tions while travelins on the special train,
m ill be roM at tbe following rntew : New
York, fc O(: Philadelphia. Mx":Canan
daijriia, f.'iiV); ilrif. (-'A Sr; Wilkelmrre,
?."i0.Sj; Pittsburg. fVt.OO; and at propor
tionate ratew from other points.
For ticket. itinerri?s, anil full infor
mation spplv to tirket agent; Teiurist
Agent, ll!i Broad wav. New York : or ad
dress '"ieo. W. Hoy el. Assistant tienral
n e-sscngor Agent Proad Street Station,
solicit f-ubfcriptions or to persons who
. . . r . .
w nt re mere are no agents. Address
Way George T7as Hot First.
Scene American schoolroom. Teach
er '-Who was the first man?"
Little boy at the rear of the cla
George; Washington, ma'am."
"Why do you think Gwrge Wash
ington was the first man?"
licsus he wa-- first in war, first In (
peace and first in th hearts of his j
countrymen." i
Another boy raises his band. "Well,
Johnny, who do yem thiuk was the
first man?"
"Don't know what his name was, but
I know George Washington wasn't the
"What makes you so positive?''
Well, my history says he married a
widow, so there mutt have been a man
ahead of him."
Isled ly Ilin is a
from Vie Gazette,
The Is prippe, that dread disease that had
rach a run ttironghout this country three and
four yeara ainee, left many who were pre
vioiufr in robust health with shattered eon
c:ituton3 and eeeminly confirmed invalids.
Prof. A. II. Xye, hvinif at Xo.2joOOiire
S:r?-t, Cedar Falla, lava, wai among the
uuniU-r left by the disease i:i a precarious
candition, hia nervcos ytem ghattered, 'end
T::ta a general debility of his entiro n.-stem ;
no streath, feet and limbs badly weie3, ia
Cict, he was almost helpless. 1'rot Kyo is a
native of 'cj York Slate, havin-rconio weft
ia 1S.N3 a healthy, robust nina. lie i t aecliool
teachr by profession, having servo i a3 eoun
tT snperiutendent of sehoola of this (
Hawk) county, eerera.1 terms, end l.a bus
the rcspert of all with whom he com en ia eon
tart. His helpless condition colled forth
the sympathy of the entire communitv. He
tried tho best medical skill procurable, end
rpent most of his ready means in the vain
endeavor to recover his health, and hed
about given up completely discorsped. He
had stopped taking treatment, being fully
convinced in Lis own mind tltat there was
no help for bim, and that he would have to
rpend the lialnnce of li ia days ca an invalid,
a burden to family and friends. Som one
who hid heard of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
tpoke to him about them and urtred his pr
int; them a trial. His poor success with
eminent phrsicians made liiio skeptical and
Le bad no fuita ia what was eallud projirio-
Somerset, Fa.
(formerly Somertet Mechanical Worts,)
lias been refitted with New Machinery
and is now prepared to furnish
Stoves, Plows and
Of all kinds on abort notice.
Also builders of the
BarrettGas Engine,
Ra in use. Any size. Call and
see it.
We also carry a line of
Having put in a new and complete
line of Machine Tools, are now
able to do all clss of work, such
as lte-boring Cylinders, Planing
Valve and Valve Seats, or any kind
of Engine Work that may be re
quireel. We earnestly solicit your
work and will guarantee satisfac
tion. OlEce and Works near the R. U. Station.
Somerset Iron Works,
Somerset, Pa.
Personally Conducted Tour via Pcnnsyl7a
nia Siilrcsd.
The next Perenally- Conducted Tour
to C.lifornin via the i'er.nHylrania Keil
roM will leave Xew Yerk, Pbiladelphia,
and PitlMirjr by the';nlden tJaieSpe
citl" on Wednesday. February Iti. stop
ping; at in Maminoth Chvs and
New Oi loans dining the Murdi tr Car
nival. Kur week will le tllnl on
thfi" PaeifiV Comt. ReUMiitv, stoy will
hn made at Salt Iike Citv. C- lontdo
Sprinr (eiarlMn ef the (J-xIs) Penver,
t'tinnK-i. Ac Kemnd trip rxie, in lu iicsr
trnrrlti4n, mealx, carriae-e - drive,
hotel aTefninedatiiD, arid Pullman ne
mimtinelationa e rY-' an, Pullman
herlb L n Ar poles to Frxn',i-f. and
tranvrv'tlK'ion in r';f f iV. irt from
a 1 staliir. rt t f P;ti lirz; w th h i!el
ai-c intiK c.Miiirim, nt i -, t n-ft-. snd
nr'i;c drivM lhr-i:ph California for
f-iir w-k. 12.") ai1iTi-n). An expe
rierrl rhfern xwmfai-y tne
py f.i'ili t-if t f bidv t'vi'i,
Ki r i'.itirxrirti nnd f-ill ii fi no
fly to ti.ket aEPrts; Tnnrist Agi nt, ll!5
lt.-ar. New York: r a-td-e e
tV. Ryi'. A--i--tmit (Jnrn.I lwrr;tr
Aeet-t, Broid Sueet Mixtion, Pbiladel-I'bi.
Somerset Iron Works
STattr for Tbt Keataeky.
Wben tbe J-artleobip Kentucky cl-Jes
frenj the ways at Newpoit Neve a, next
March, ber prow will not b bathed in
champagne, crr la goel old Kentucky
whts-ky. The fair, ! ?m Christine
Bradley, will ineteniJ uncork a beautiful
ly embelifsbed silver ve-sei fuii ef pure
water and ilh it christen the uV" pro-
On the Una in Lime County, where
Abraham Line In was boru, there is au
UDfa-iinsr spring of cold, crystal water
where, iu bis boyhood, the lute Pn?idcijt
was went to dake hii thirst, ui-inj; a
gocrd er an oak leaffi'T the purpose. A
committee will vicit the spring, fill a
silver vessel with the sparkling water
and seal it, with appropriate ceremonies.
Then tbe vessel ill be given to Miss
piradley. who will guard it carefully unl 1
the time for breaking the seal at the
launcbiog of the Kcutucky.
Condition of Prof,
E';v;tp:p;r L'i-?.
CVdar rails, Iowa.
t"rr nelicine, and world not lretoi to this
advice for some days. The friend heinij per
sistent, however, and having faith iu the
I'iiik Pills, wonld Dot let up, until he had
finally prevailed opoa the suiTervr to send
fur a '!) I, which he reluctantly did, and after
receiving thrra deciJci to give them a fair
tri:d. 1'Le ret box relieved him in a sur
prising manner; yet he was not convinced
that it was tho medicine that helped him,
but the weather which had turned pleasant,
cud did not send for a further snpply until
he was aliout as b-ul as before taking
the pills. Then ho concluded he would make
another trial, and took three boxes, and to
dny is nearly if not quite as well a befors
the attack cf la grippe. It is needless it
state he cannot say too much for Pr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills for Pule People, for peopla
who have been left in poor health from H
prippocr any other er.-jE& Any one wishing
to test the vali-litr of t!,is Utter can writa
Mr. Kye, Ko. avw'Olivc Ptree, Cedar Falls,
Iowa, aud be will cheerfully recommend the
medicine, end state his condition before and
after umntr.
Pr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all ths
elements necessary to give new life and rich
ness to th blood and restore shattered nerves.
They are sold in boxes (never in loose form,
by the dozen or hundred) ut SO cents a box, or
six boxes for $"2-50, and may be had of all drur-
S's-ts or directly by mail from lr. Williams
udicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
Cook & Beerits,
Wediirsday, Jan. 14, JS98
fjvr ho ..
Apple ''oried, B
' i i vaponiU-d lb. ..........
Apple l;ut! r, l r y-il
( mil. Ix-r Dj
ButUr. : fnh keit, te-r t....
(crKiiiu ry, per lb
Beeswax, r B
.ft to SO
' nuar cured liaixi, per j) ... 1V,C
country ham, p-r th
10 to I Jc
f Baeon.
pr fi...
to sc
tihHituer, per lb
8 to f
white nav
y. per bus
I.fnia, per
v ...
nmste-d. Ier ll
rpm,n, (eumlH-rland, per bbl 1 1 Jin
temenU j i.rt laud, per W s.iii
Cornmeal, per ft -t'C
I-K, Pr (loz iiie
FUh, lake henliis;.,!;;------;
Honey, white clovcr.per B 15-lxc
Iret, pr B . ' toe
I.hiic, per hbl fl.ti)
Moi.tKwo, N.O., per 51U .
( Milonw, per ous 1
1'oh.toe. per bus to 70e
t'eachea, evnporaled, per ft) 10 to I V
Prune, per lb s to !e)c
r. x .. per oui -Sl.l
Piltl-urp. pel bt.l ;
Uairy. ! bu sn:ks . ZV
" ' " HK
4 bus ancks.
eround aluin. IS) fcaiteks Kie
(maple. per t 6 to e
iinpru-o ye-itow, per. 3) yr
white, A. per th .tP4c
irniiiulHU-d, per b'te
t'llli (ir niltvriri fl nr fll
Svrvin i l""r s"e
--e- ,napie-j,.r ga COtoTuc
H'oneware, he
T.llow, per lb 3 to V
y imnr. p rtat . 1 to
tanoiny, per tus 1 1 .in toI1.7.
clover, per bua :i.0i to 5.(i
" crtniwa. per bu. 4.0f.
" alfalfti, p r bus 6 SO
uinvb ttr turn 1 VI
Millet, Oernihn, pi r bus.. 1.25
iiariey, white Drttrtflcwi, per lus l.2o
buckwheat, per bua tv
corn, ear. per bun ., 4 c
" shelled, per bua .v
oat, p-r to t!e
rye. pr bu. . .5
wbmt, per hn hic
bran, per IflO t 7.
corn and oats chop, per 1 S.. NV
flour, roller proreiui, per bbl $00
" spring patent aud fancy
high rrade Vi-.n0
flour, lower grade per
A Feed
uiiin IwhiU", per b1 ls Sue
j red, per 100 ft.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
Somerset and Cambria Branch.
JohDglown Mall Rxpma. Rockwond 7-flO a.
in., Somerw-t StoveDtowD 9ui, Hoov
ervliie 10:00, Johnstown 11:10.
Johnstown Mail Expresa. Rxckwond !1 '20 a.
m., Homeret II:tV, Stoyentown 12:13, Uoov
erbvtlle ILU, JobUHtown 1:10 p. m.
Johnstown Accommodation. Rook wood 5:30
p. m., Momerxet h:Vt rttoyestowm;13, lloov-erBviilrti.-t,
Johnstown T.-Oi.
Mall Johnstown 8:S0a.m.,HooversT I :t
Ktoyestown :3il, iSomervt 10-jt Uockwood
Express. Johnstown l:"i(?p. m Hooverwvllle
:X htoyesiown i:6s, ISome n-et 3:12, Hexk
wood iiia.
Manager of Funnel; geT Truiric
coifncKKcn scnr-Duna.
Trains arrive and depart from the station at
Johnstown as lollows :
Western Eipreoi
Ponthwutern Express ....
lohiiHtown Aecommotatlon
Joliiwown Accommodation..
. 61
. 6:;a
. 9:10
. r-.l
. 2 : t0
. :!
. .
Paeino ExpreKs..
ay rjuwiiit-r..
p. m.
I'lttKburg Ex prnw .......
Fast IJne
Johnstown AcoommoxiaUon
Atlantic PrpwM
Si-ihore Ex pre
Altna Aecomicolalioa.
Ihiy Express. .. ,
Main Lane Express
. 5:3 a.
. 5:40
. 8.34 "
0:40 "
Altoona Aeeouiiuodiition 121-2 n.
Mail Expre..... ,, ;1:1
Johnstown Aeeo!nnioelatioiL tM "
Philad.-lphia. Express.... 7:11
Fast Lino 10:30
For ntf maps, ecnllon Ticket Ayen tfo
Address Thus. E. Watt, P. A. W. I)., 3t4 First
avenue. Pittsburg, Pa.
B. Hutchinson, J. B WooeL
Ffiff Copyrights Ac
AnTon wndtng skH-Hj and AeMTiptHm mm?
qalcklf Aorin onr optnHn fre vhetber an
Invention tn prtthblf pAirntah). Conimnntoa
Uonrtctly ronfi(TittaL Handbook on Pal rata
aent Ir. IM-Vrt affeorr for ni nn Dairnta.
Fatmfa taken thnmrh Mann 4 Co. recti r
yfrtai notice withtmt ctiwra. m tba :
Scientific JImerican.
A bsn'lOTT,elf fflrjtrtM wnwktT. Tjuvrt rlr
culat of riT Mntiiie nmril. Twrmi f-1 a
yttir; four rT!!ntba, SL trtd LjraJl rcwedtaiera
KUNN Co.33'80'- New Ycrk
trsccli O.-Tj. u3 r St, Wattlnfijii, 1. l
The trrena of tho country rajrs U fbnnl
In Eemintoo'i Conrty Beat Lbt Shrew J
f3Teruei3 atuH tliCtadoIrcii of tln lista,
ory of vhiclj caa be baa of
tru& of Kew Tort 4 ritwiwi. t
.V4 60 YEARS'
Largest package sreaUsit
Chicago. SutouU. New
with the wine colored leaves overhead,
the crisp brown ones beneath, and 3-orirsclf spinning merrily
along on a Columbia over the frost bitten roads is the kind of
bicycling that puts new blood in your veins.
add to the pleasure of riding at all seasons and save' a hun
dred petty annoyances.
S7f; to all alike
If Columbiaa are not prrperlv represented in your
vicinity, let tin know.
JAMES B. HOLDERBAUM. - Co!unibia Dealer,
Somerset, Tra.
Receipts and
Of the DIRECTORS of the I'OOIi
tlie Comity of Some r.-e-t, State; of Pt -
of De ct uibvr, A. 1). 1!T.
YII-LIAM WINTERS, FtJ, Treasurer of the Pexr House? and House of
Employment of Somerset e-e.tmty, Pa., in ace-euint with the CVunty of
Seruerset, State of Pennsylvania, f-r the year ending the :Ut day of JVc: tuber,
A. D. ISH7.
1 To nmniint of Kales nri'l rx-.'iit. nt the Pexir House for ISC
2 To Sioiiierse'l futility for oriirr io. i) of WC, to twUiu-e atiount .
Outdoor Expenses.
1 Byamotint p:ild nutiloor puape-rt j
2 " 31uiiiUnaiK f i-hildrt-n, A.-l of InvI
3 " - at Iiixmoiit
4 "at WVniersviH'
5 " t-liiUlrtii at lHfj Dumb .Se-liool
" " nt KI wyo
7 (ott1ns foroutl(Mr paiiiM-n
" lrtn-e-tom' Imvt-linic t-X-tiHrs
' Mt-elitl attt inlaiuf outlor pjiuer!.....
le H. It. b'urv outdoor puuM-ni ..
11 Tt-l-T-.ilns and Justii-fV 1,-t-i .
1' " f oti eyine outlMir ituiipt-rs .
I: N'isiton tr.tvt-itmr fxiii.-w .
It " M.uiiti iiunce of etiilelrvu at l'olk....
Expenses of Poor House Proper.
1 Hy am't
paid Pry kim1m, clotlilng, haL-e and rapi
"W tnit, tlourand meal
Ap.l- butur... .
t'Dtrgi'in and rice ..
fotl'tnnd ti
lWff pork aud Hull.. ...... .
halt and oap
Kruit and ve-felat)lt-.... .
Sugnrand HH)l.ti .
Ktto-atid UtktlH-r ... .
foiiitallm' and Jusltc.-H ft-s
Hartlwareand tinwitrt- .. . ,,
HrooniK, 1,-eand e-tirilini; . ...
V!ni;:r and provwion .
M.ilinl eiaiinnat lolls and dru)i
I'rintlnif 7..."
Stationery and polag- ..
Farm Fxpenses.
By amt paid InipViw-nt and hardware
" Kinl'hini;
44 Ke-rlilijt-r and limp . ...T....T...
" ThrPKliiiiK, fml and stock
" Kt'pnint an 1 bihor
sw-1h and pta line .
" Kre-ight and exprtTW...
By am't paid
Inmlwrand hardware..
l.iiilitnlnj; rods
fiiintirnr w
lb-puintand csirpeiiU-r work .
Extraordinary Expen3C3.
By am't paid Furniture 3 5 S5
Insurance . " "to tW
" Klertrtc lit'ht.. l'
" eierking -ttlini,-nt and wltncsj fo. .!..!!.."" ill'
Money nid on snt-me-nt.. . ICi ;o
" H:ild othiTroumiea and rnthonontry'crosU ttl
" MuKM-linan fund and errors . S! $ U3i 73
i aiaries
I By am't paid Dir.-etorWm Dull..
i " " li.-trriseill Uonn.
S " J. W. Perk
1 " Attorney nnd rlt-rk, L. C. Colbon-
S Slowar-, Win. K.niu
fi " 1'tiVNli-lnn, !r. II. . Kimnit'll
7 41 TreH.siin-r. Win. Winters
S I'lutpiain. K -v. J. s. llarkey......".Jl
" " llev. Hinmi King
10 " Fanner, f Iwrtu ltr.i i
II " fKU, Annie I'm
12 " " -Mrs. I'. W:,U r .
H " J::n'.Mr, .1. I'. W, tm -r '.'ZZ'.'..'.
14 44 4 ShiiuiI Spr-t;
11 44 44 f harles V aiker
15 44 44 ti:nrie lteam T.'.7.7.
1 By am't paid OuUtanillng orders of ISIS
Total amount
1 To imount of evtimnte for expenstit
2 By amount received from L'-mhiIy fomiiiisineni '7onir.4
2 By amouut uueipendvd to the credit of the county 777
Directors' Individual Account for 1897.
yylLLIAM DULL, Toor Ilouic Director, in acc't with Somerset Co.
1 To amount Poor House order. No. IT, for
2 To amount Poor House onler. No. 2!) for
3 By one year' salary a liirector
1 To amount Poor House order. No. I3ti for
2 To amount Poor House onler. No. 2-t for
S By one year's salary aa director
JACOB W. TECK, Poor House
1 To amount Poor H use order. No. IT for !7
- loiwKim riMir ilium- order. o. JIN for
i ity cne yearn salary aa uirwrtor
is .
"L V,m' w"l1nt' ";Fq .Trr?irerof the
t eenriv, a is h . I ea.uiitv o.' tiomtm-t.
IW I vJt
We. the nnleriirr.Ht aadltors of the Cnun'T of Snirrel, In tlieVomtionwxin. r r.
svlv..n!a. do eenpty that In nu, nee of the 47-h f-ctl -n of Vi " enTlMed a I FT"
iii.- U.f .a.iiie.. T., r.dil.el rhrtrvrf pr,l. 1-u f, r
of Ju"l--e. In the eniy of Soncret, on the :tl day of J inu--rv A I 1 ,n,i Co .V
v .rn audit, .djuat -n.l s.-ri. tt- -y -r... L.,. .ili.VS 1- . M,,
U'.T,?! AM". f A-ml.'y Knd urp. men: thereto, accorrtine n the hi i J 'J JmT., ' .'
. nd ability, and that the f .reii,,, are true and crre..: .taU-meiiU t 1 1 fo ace m-'i
.-a. j tip, f?ttrt.-c f,citntit.
J I. 'I he, i,K; , nic!in' if the Dire--tor'
i' h the nrn-i'T of S-mi-rx. t. ail ti.r :!-e vear
atld Treasurer a.-id tiie lirc:or w -reduiv sin;,, n-.l
-l' tx.ti and paj.1 r-e. and ;b y cid apiar, aud tirudu
n nd i ut r.
.!tl. lhi'b..ka!id ;L. vci.ln.!nrt iixr.. "
In t iiaoi.y a hereof we have Uir ucto
A. i. IH.J.
A. J. lii'cmpn,
soonomy. Made only by
Vork. Boston. Itiliaueipuia
nusylvauia, for the year ending 31t day
...f l.Ki !I
7n 11
t 'J, U2
t tf,uVI 0-.'
ill OJ
vn Hi
K 4i
31 m
lii m
Sf'l ii
Irt 2r
UK i:l
t .VI
vi TH
t 2LTI 55
7 4
1 IK
iC 7
41 1.'
I7K ll
1". 411
1 T7
1.1 ;
7 S
1 .'
aj !
r .-rr
i ix
112 "
117 :
:'.7S iio
t 3.58 2t
fO 40
s. ii
Jti .V
1! (Ml
1 20
t 4c5 22
aai Repairs.
e -;i
iv l i
I'll f
M 17 t J S5
and Wages.
. M M
. att mi
.. 50 t)
.. "e I1
L'Sl 111
. r.i ii
411 (")
.. : i
. li Ull.)
.. :) i
.. 7.7 SO
.. .rC (
.. ! )
r.i .V
.. 67 i4 $ l:r.'l 00
- 8J! 44 t 41
in account with Somerset County.
$ 10000 00
t SK l'd i2
S 1'WJO 00 1 10UX) U0
ls-C .
l.i . -.77777177.777771
, 17... 777"
25 on
25 uei
f to CO
5000 f 5.) M)
Director, in acc't with Somerset Co.
2i 00
Z 't 00
I 50 00
MOD t U)')
Director, in acc't with Somerset Co.
Poor HWe and Ilouw.f En.ploymeii4 of
' r-'-1l""ynieii. of tk:n-
of tilt
o ir and Uou c of E.nploymri.t,
r' .,.! .. ..' .l !ini'ei
' e-- u-..r oooits or.Jers, bi;..
et o-jr liand-i and aeald, tl.U
day of Jar.u;iry,
S 2V 0
B. t. iiMU'WAV. sr a L i
J"'kK RHniui,
Cotiuty AujC.o-s.
nyder's Pha
g U
It rc'iuircs a good ec!ectei stock anj a ncailv 2
I Pure Drugs w : Ct t I
It Fresh and Good condition. Iu tlie way of " -
II Optical Goods S;:.;r
Z2 fc T-U.-M Fltfoil All of tho best and mn.t . '" Z'
kej't in ttock. t-ati.-Iaotion guaranteed.
1 E
I m9
Louther's Drui
This Hodsl Drug Stcnh Earidly -l-c: :J
P:,v:rits Trith Pcc-pls h Search cf
JIetliCi)te$, Dye Stiffs, :-;irjcs, frut;,
LoHte's rrcccrijilOEslFRmily Eecei-
OKXAT CASK BE13 TO I'-iEl-SLT ITKf.-i-i A.N a Pf A iTICLa. I
And a Fall Line of Optical Goods always cn hnd. Frca f
Always on hand. It 13 always a riearar? to dL play
to 'itendlnj; purch.2srs, rrhcthct iht-y yi)
iron as or e!eher?.
J. Wl. LOUT&Zil u. D.
Somerset Lumber Yak:
Liuiiber and Building Uateriala
Hard and Soit Wood:
Oak, PopIar Siaiuei,
Walunt, Yellow Pine, I'loorlnif,
Clierry, Mjlnsrle, Iors
A general Uneof all ;ralcs of Lumberaud Bul'.dln? aterinl a.-il V. -wCat ''-i:e k'? -toctt.
A 'so, can f umbfa anything la the line of our buiu-v to order with riwi
ble p ro ui p tn efts, guch aa Brackets,,".'tc
Elias Cunningham,
Office and Trd 0rrsite S. & C. K. B. Station, SOSIL'
Send ail OrJors to ti c Hera!.!.
The N. Y. TribiKfi A!man?c ?ioriiiiM.-i.t u ;ni't! j.'.','i'-!ii ''r''i
t;iinn the t'oiiti:iiti,n of tl.,- l'oi:e-i sr:iti . tiie -, --i,u; i--n ot -r.i re .-t
iMinsUy TaritT Bill, with a e..iirt-n i f r n. e-.e rar,: I' '- i:l .:"
n.l -. . i.i.ii.. i ...1.- ... ...... .1 - : ..f . ....t II "" ?
i.tlli-er of id- lirl ,1 c , :i ,.,.1, i-.,,ri ii.' 'i --iiv ,''IV-" W,,V'
e: Tatiltn :i I'u :!. f-!;i!l-Li.-. V . eiow ir. tn. ti. I' i rr v I i-. r : '' - a'i- ' ''--'
irti-l-H on thei urreney, e,.ii I :i ! . r. i-i 1 a v-t ;aiiei:il : :i- r v-iiu-i".' --' i
The stanil:inl Amer1i-:.ii A linniiru-. a 1 1 eo..rpli t.-, oi-r -l' -'- i
Win I taker's Aliminae in ICur. ' ,..rr "t
. ...... - ' 1 p, , ' j . .- i.. .... ,M hi ... , inc. F I 1 .
1-rti.M ".. in. i , ..a .u ... i ii ,.. ru r'i saiin" '
31iniorial Vork
Manufactu.-er of anfl Teller ia
Eastern Work Furnish-J on f'.iort Notice
hue! m mm m
Also, Agent for Uie V. UITK BKONZE !
Penwins in need of Monument Work wll
And It to their l!iteret u cai' at my ?h p
where a proper showinir -rill tw frive-u them
-Jiti-,tai-tiori gnar?nteeei in ev-rv cajie, an
l-riere try low. I tnvite pecil atleuUoc to
WMU Bn, Or Puts Zina fc'onumert.
prrvtaee.1 by Rev. W. A. Rln?, an a deckled
liiipmvemeiit in th point of Material ami
e'on-iruettin, and wnlrh iil-st!ned to t M.e
popular Monument for ouc ehangiableelt
uaie. Give iu a call.
Wm, F. Shaffer-
7ot a!l Biu.irs and Krsvoen JT 3 9 Fl
DisiAsn. They porif j the P7,C 3 0 3 E-
Biooo and give Hxaltut F B 3 fl
c:ioa lo the eniire systea. ii E &3 jSe-S
CO?;STi?ATIOr. and
nrf-Ji,t.i4 All I'JtCl I ' l1"-; u-. In: .real ' rtM Js
ictv.i to do a btiali business.
Prescription 1
wc are sure to have it You are always ?ure ol".'..f'r.T.- :
Trusses Fitted. All of the test and most aj-provt-a T-- V
DrujSL'i-st, SO.I-1U5vt t, !
Main Street, Somerset, Pa.
Sttppvi its a. To iici Ai'iicics,
Pcrfim3 tc
th i.rioK Civto a j.m.cs : j;. .vrrfSTios T. rai Co3ir")i-Nrijao
large asortnient ail can re suited.
iiistnsier. i De-Mam
Xewel IoielM, Lie.
. . . ... .
For FARPslERS ar
trd ycitr fr.vo ito he me rf:
i . .;- -- -1
v 5-? - ' -,-v;'V
Hrwl "-7
a w..ierfai ti-pr';' "5rVJST--
Vi-v J I
ii..iu ; ;
Over ceo ' rt'i?L7vJ
.la.Ha-K. Bf-' friritl . ,?
1- "v.i
t vrt t -
t t ...' V..! ao. -r y ,,. .,,(. ( y ! i..-"---
i!ti.f - . I., -i Ui? e'-u'Ji ' " i
rr r. l 'i vor and JX-
n as L
I'll X. J!"Wwt. i
tyro kw -