UL 5 1! 7. . ( fV 4 It 4 Soaerset Herald. she u &-' ' O'bristniaa ad ue of the I1i:kaud. 4 . Vi-iils present is at . itii v m - iu. art Store. r . ;.Vi!l have free postal Je" ' . ,..rr 1st. Milt"'" Mlllnr, .,r I .LIII" J a-. I..I, a lion of mail car- f.,r l!i" P" ,i.c n !i l 'C piano tuner of v i ill I bere within i a an vriiu. He guarantees iu uih ... .I l K. f :. leave nrJers at mis ."s- ... railroad w ill con s r- 3. .yl;il Ti? -h)aA lr4.k, between Al .Xane carve, and double , .-.'ulaeed in tbe Old Portage . .,-lie MeverstlaJe lomraer .wi:i " i....a;., v .!!. one oi mo - .J-'" ' vi;leaud Larimer, has .,. oi , r,,.r in tha I i.iue taeoui . . - j. f crw ' n .,JV,er in making LfC Luaiu uncalled for at the 3 ! !"'-; j. Barclay, Allen J-.-fi- - u ElkilW Bessie Kreba, ,.'.er rioreiu-e -Seese, Ma- ! !t' ' " n, c&useof allsoruof I G'C":tJ.tS of the W,wd- SmU,B .i,H re '"- rm.ob! of this sort. r .w vari.ty of rkture. Me '1"i'f 'are, ever in town, at i- -v of N'e' Florence caught "-V"f.'iVtraP. near tbat pUce, - ..u.vedeJ iu geltiug it This is tbe firth wild i,..)thorfour, re!isburg leu- r bo are at a loss to know :! .... rM.fit. ffo u. luforJ's drughtore and i- v ,.! l!ie hue r rencu '-J N..thiiiK could l- niore ap- ,,r ni.reureoi 1 tviied tiie Jones House . . f ,.,-..ni:lit. a few uavs Ninoe ami .. .li . . i tt.,.. f t. J ,.rlaiieB aii'i ; ' v-j. Tii thieves were permitted -.etiie ("-wily. ! . It.ri ,.f oarrett have organized t'v'V K.iaU-n wilh tbe follow f '-:Vri.lent, W. I. Brant; vice i iT'Xri. J. H. Judy; Sccreury, X. J. !r.,lrlil 3 " . ...... ..v V-jiver. A torn- . j.. T--jr.r. ...... MT.i.oiuted to purchase foilii'l"- ,,..;:. Jr. (. U. A. M., will r.-ifi s iwc i' , j he pul'lic seuooi af.erun'H. lTlb insL G. ... . i ... f I, ..!ciert l-rci. j.knt of tiie advisory i.trxt county, liev. J. A. ,;ii.-r speakers will bo pres-;.u- i invited to attend. K-a:iK-lical Chureh, at Coie- . . -:i-n U1 be dedicated on Sun- djT. i.,,v.iU-r --ill, rresiding Flder Me- K-t-. Pni.!.'.!!'. ami linumgaruuer, ui ary, bt be present. Kevs. I. V!.sa!yer. f Sarnl Patch, ana t. r.ii T il -i't i'i t"p ceremonies. i iuvil-.-.! t. u. presmu ,fld private writing witn i--lJ pen. .til. I 'ill U UtLlli.l nib..v-v . . i : uintiutlirA W ; ici; i U-livt-.l : come from the wing (:' i J.ive, tn ouizb persons who have seen i. siy it-or:giu luust have been a larger ,'.rj" Tue same jui:l ba- been in use Bii'rtt:ia:i 4 years. -..ersii.tliere was a town of Som oet tist'.n re l ii a store where there erf-sominy pretty thing1 for Kale for Xa. presents as there are now at snypkr's Akt JStork. Tliere'arp three "Just-So" t-toriea by Ka-lyaid Kipling, one of which, "How t!u;egit bis Tiny Throat" appears :r. .r.vChristmas Su Nicholas. "How the f t tiis Uuuip" will appear in tbe JarTisu!iil'er, and "How the lihinoc ers r bis Wrinkly Skin," w ill rotne in t:,c MiniHry St. Niehobus. V.'iira Janifsi ('offinan, a resident of .kk l"!isli:p, awtikmhe other inoru i t lie f...uiiJ al! the t.ets iu his fine reiiirJ cut down and all his young vine dcs!ri'yd also, ( olfiuan has been ku!-ilnr giving away the location of 15 !;:, the n.amifacture of "nioon M.if" kisky and iie thinks that his ac--.t-: have taken th: method of perse c.:.f him. Pf plein the territory interested are ;.Xe.i fver a r port that at the coming wwaaof the Legislature effort will be n.ik i" f riii a new county from parte of W-s!U:.rt'.a!id, Washington, Allegheny :.' !ayte ix unties, with Moneaxeii tbe on:yeat, and that Senators 2uay and I'!r. re !ck of the scheme. They -jf matter ill be bitterly contest fii;rn it dimes up. Th ousands are sufforing excruciating Eerr from that plague of tbe night. '-e 1 .ies. and say nothing about it t-r a sense of delicacy. All such ..: ::1 an in-tant relief in tbe use of !' i!:'fii;utmc-nU It never fails. T-e if.h printing of Dr. Mitchell's 1 l'- "ILieh Wynne," js now under fencing the lK.k up to thirtieth ti -issnl. Te new story, "The Advent c' u: Krainvis," by the same author, L-t ) h;;ii ia the January Century, &iti of para adventure, the hero a -SE.l.ir.g, adventurer, juggler, fencing n'' M -'vant. during tbe French i.-v ja;in.'- p. ni 1 illustrated by r Midi-American artist, Andre Cas- cLc.cest vn;fM-i, mery ever brought U N :iers-t i l0 1k! liaJ at unf j-g --rMire. I: is fresh as fresh can t put up iu j.a.-k t 8ail pur,.!,. 'r several yt-ars J. II. Sord.-n, of Phil- 'i'a. bak n ctiuing to Hyndman pacing 4 vtk !vi ai,dWil- 1,u trainpiiijf over tbe uioun- f r, t "f game. As the Devores very phean rabl)it anJ wjj(, .-'t ty name, Mr. Sor.len always Ukes r.eir.y f pame. iIe returns! to --':fL:4on Saturda- having oom- - the wk-g hunt for tli is Tr hiiu two wild turkeys, twen-pac-asauta, twelve rabbiu, two and wild caL Hynduian mg eietioas of ls;s will be held "r? Tu'l3ay February next, ll "''" "D tUe 1JU day of the month. dih nci -cur1,y reason ""'a., resignation or failure the pmper lime thr will at a? le.1i..n 1 ... , i j i esses, oonsta rs or tT ...ii.. ... ,;.. "'nocuirs ai lue t-ti- ,"' every !t'on dis j Af 'etl-t1 judge and tna- i l mu''Til "l"r of elediona. l S "ediv.del into wards M IUI" r'rW""u registry as bLc' i Tbere "iU l P Tuesday 'c South i l-fflj l. 1U tne rural district n l' a, 4 htrsinca ttit ... , ci.kiuub are creating adtKf u,e"1' and for miles frTi.O.... .... . "irnitrs ar .. r the 1 l"ue 10 'urther- tiff - .H. t, . V feature of the t-7 t'T tUe ttrsiPr fre- wt v'in0". tU' rr""nd ,nJ reuin .j.r ''nsD for several houra. tm'llnR ev"nS't, uaa 'sJT U'"t Krunnwiek, and we flocking to taer him. 1 l-rlUim's ? President Kreba, of the Llstle Mining Company, is in r.altimore. lawyer II. S. K idsK-y, of Johnstown, was in attendance at Court yastt-rday. Ir. Rergstresser, pastor of ihe Rock wood Lutheran Church, is critically ill. James IX Saylor. tbe w i ll knoan limi ier and cbarctal dealer of this place, has leen confined to bis home f.r the past ten days by Mckness. Henry Herring, of Preston county. West Va., has been upending a week with I. . Custer and other relatives in Somerset township. Kev. J. F. Shearer, formerly pastor of the Somerset Lutheran Church, now of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Consho hocken, Ta., has announced his resigna- nation. to take effect three months hence. Mollie Ream, who failed to return to her home in Charleroi, after visiting with friends in this place, and whose long absence het her parents almost dis tracted, is reported to have been marri.d to a I'iUsburger. Mr. George Kreger, general sjperin tendentof the Markloton Lumler Com pany, in Upper Turkeyfoot township, is a patient at the Markleton Sanatorium, he having been the victim of an accident, which rendered the amputation of one of his toe necessary, one day last week. The venerable Dr. Joseph Covode, of Jeuueis, who has been suffering for sev eral mouths with cataract oa both eyes, w hich promises to result in total blind ness unless it can lie successfully re moved, left for I'ituburg lat Thursday, where he will undergo a surgical opera tion. A correspondent from Benson borough has this to say of Miss Liz.ie Ilaker, daugbterof Ileputy Sheriff Geo. M. liaker, in a recent issue of tbe Johnstown Trib une: Miss Lizzie Baker, teacher of our primary school, has made quite a "hit" on the dirts-tors of the borough. They are more than pleased with tbe work, which every parent sees iu the education of tbe children. Tbe Iiisciplo Church was crowd ..t both morning and evening services on Sunday.when Rider Ira Kimmel, of Iloau oke, Va., who is visiting at tbe home of his mo'.bor, delivered two scholarly ad dresses. This was tbe first time Rider Kimmel has appeare J before an audience composed eutirely of friends of his boy hood, and the impression he created was a most flatteries one. Mr. Howard Milton Picking, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Picking, of this place, and M iss Mollie, daughter of the lateMr. and Mrs. Wesley W. Davis, were married at the home of the bride's uncle, Mr. Otho Koontz, in Johnstown, on Tuesday evening, December Mb, Kev. W. A. Sbipman olliciatiug. "Mill" has been employed in one of the Cambria Iron Compeny's works for several months past. Mr. Charles Darsie Scbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Scbell, formerly of this place, now head book-keeper for Boyts, Porter & Co., of Counellsville, and Miss Birdie Barge, were united in marriage at tbe home of tbe bride's parents in that city, on Thursday evening, 2d iiisL The wedding is said to have been one of tbe prettiest ever witnessed in Connellsviile, where tbo bride ant groom are both prominent in society. Mrs. Minnie Bowman has liecn ap pointed postmaster at Berlin, vice. B. J. Bowman, her husband, resigned. Mr. Bowman, who was elected a member of the board of County Auditors two years ago, found that he could not discharge tbe duties of that office and those of postmaster at the same time, and as many of his constituents insisted upon his retaining the office to which they had elected biui he decided to resign tbe post- mastership. (in Saturday evening last when Jacob Friedline and family, of Lavansville, were attending a missionary meeting of the Reformed Church, a thief entered their home and stole collected by Mr. Friedline to pay on the pastor's salary, a small amount of missionary money, and a few dollars additional belonging to Mr. Friedline. The thief effected an entrance through a rear door. Suspicion rests upon a certain party, and it is probable that his arrest will follow. The family of John II. Miller, of Som erset township, is sorely afflicted, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, and their daughter, all being confined to their leds by typhoid fever. Mrs. Miller's father, the venera ble Alexander Huntet, and her sister, Mrs. Cbauncy Dickey, are also Buffering from the same disease. It is reported tbat people liviug in the neighliorbood stand iu such dread of contracting the disease that many of them are afraid to visit the homes of the a 1 11 ic ted. Mrs. John Gray, of Keystone Junction. wasinstautly killed by the east-lniund B. A O. accommodation in front of her door, Suuday evening. The woman had gone on to the railroad to drive off her cow when she was struck by tbe pilot of the engine and dragged a distance of l.VJ yards. When the train was brought to a stand still it was found that she was dead. Her body was not mutilated. Deceased is survived liy her husband and four or five children. Mr. Gray works in the brick yards at Keystone. Two rival organizations, one composed of home people and the other of Somer set capitalists, are seeking the electric light franchise of Berlin, and it is said that w hichever wins out the town will have a well-equipped plant as soon as it can be erected. The spirit of enterprise seems to be abroad in tbo ancient village, since it is to have a Xationsl Bank, elec tric light and a public water supply; the last named enterprise was agitated some time ago, and after passing from view for a period is about to Vie revived. Berlin is in the heart of one of the richest coal regions in Pennsylvania and no good reason can be advanced why she should not have everything in the way of muni cipal improvements her citizens desire. Messrs. J. B. Winters and William II. Kautner, mention ol whoso determina tion to visit the gold fields of Alaska next spring was made in a recent issue of the II k.k alii, are busiiy at work prepar ing their outfits for tbe long and perilous journey. They will buy their mining outfit at Seattle, but before leaving Som erset about tb middle of February, they will have accumulated a oupply of arti cles, such as fire arms, fishing tackle, food extract, clothing, Ac. sufficient to last them for two years. Mr. Kautuer has resigned bis position as traveling salesman for the well-known house of J. C. Biair A Co.. of Hunting Ion, Pa., in favor of his brother, E. S. Kintner. "Kate" was one of the most popular salesmen on the road, and all of his many customers and friends will wait anxious ly to hear of his making a fortune in Klon dike, Both young mqn are determin ed to spend at least two years in the new gold fields and if enthusiasm and energy will help them to win a fort une they will succeed. Kx Sheriff John Winters has the laugh on a number of young men who acc ira panied biui to the mountains iu search of game last Thursday. The Kx-Sheriff has been crippled wilo rheumatism, no much so, tbat he has refrained from hunting for a number of years, but on the occasion referred to h agreed to make up a party and to look after tbe learn, while the other members ecoiirad the woods iu search of game. After the other boys had disappeared in the woods bsck of IUkersrille, Mr. Winters decided tbat hrt would look about a bit and perhaps be might stir up a rabbit or a pheasant. Ue had only proceeded a few rods when he came upon a wild turkey, only ten feet away. He didn't do a thing to that bird, according to his own account of what im mediately thereafter transpired, but empty tbe contents of both barrels of his shot gun into it and thn jump on it with both feet. The turkey dressed 12 p ninds and was enjoyed at dinner on Sundav Lit the ex-Siic-riff and a few of i his friends. The other members of t!i3 ! party came home empty handed. ' CKIMIHAL COcRT. TJ. 8. Lape, AccuicJ of Ar.n, Aeq&itUd. The regular term of crminul cmrt convened at U) oYlock Monday morning, Ji't'g Inngenecker presiding. JobnC. Wellir, tf.Milford township, whs uppoinled foremu'i of the grand jury. After the consul df., of tbo vnrioti ilis tricts bad niude tin ir returns, tbo list of attorneys was called when those who had motions to present or petitions to tilo were beard. Sixty-live criminal cases were on the calendar and liefore a ca.se was called for trial the District Attorney announced tbat the following cacs had been dispos ed of : CASES SOU PltOSKD. Commonwealth vs. RushcI Bunford, h & It. Same vs. Benjamin Gind'.espergor, F, A 11. Same vs. Andrew Woy, cU al., neglect ing to rrpair ronds. Same vs. Henry Gciger, violating liquor laws. t-anie vs. W. 1 Oldham, F. A B. Same vs. Sarah Dwyre, fornication. Same ts. K. M. Parting, F. A B. Same vs. Iloiiert Peters, Fred Van near and Christ. Kuoutz, malicious mischief. Same vs. Wnu Shaulis, A. A B. Same vs. Harvey Glessner, A. A B. Same vs. Joi.u Wmsou and William Bo kes, A. A B. Same vs. Frank Bosse, surety. Same vs. Tony White, surety. CASKS CO.NTIM Kn. Commonwealth vs. Conrad Bittncr, F. A B. Same vs. John Beck, A. A B. Same v. Wm. Thurston, larceny. Same vs. Rimer Davis, larceny. Same vs. M. F. Stailer, perjury. Same vs. Charles bhiine, burglaty. Same vs. Harry Pile, F. A B. Same vs. Wm. MLshler, F. A B. Same vs. Flunk Caton, F. A It. The first cuso -ti!cd for trm.1 MonJ.iy afternoon was Commonwealth vs. Jaxu Fri;iliiic, charged with as.iult and bat tery cu io.' irni.it ion of George S. Horner. After a jury had been empaneled the defendant entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to pay a fine of f 1.0J and the costs of pnisecution. C S. Lape, i t Garrett, was next placed upon trial to answer a charge of arson, preferred by Ti. A. Marshall. The de fendant aud a young niaa named Christ ner v. ere engaged in the mercantile busi ness at Garrett last August, when their stock of goods was levied upon by the Sheriff. A few nights subsequent to the sheriff's levy the building in which the store was loatod together w ith most of tbe contents was destroyed !y ffre. The stock was fully insured. The attorneys exercised great care iu selecting a jury and it was after -I o'clock when twelve men were sclsctod aud sworn. Court then adjourned until Tuesday morning. Tuesday morning a number of witnesses were called and related circumstances teuding to implicate the defendant. Two w itnesses, A. J. Lowry and the de fendant's formeriartnerChristaer testiii el that the defeudaut bad admitted to them that he fired the building. The defense was an alibi, tbe defendant, his father, mother and lirc:L-.f a-! testify ing that he was at home on the u.ut of the fire. The defense also attacked tbe character of Chrisluer, the former part ner of the defendant, aud tbo character of A. J. Lowry, both ff whom had given damaging evi.lt.-nco against the accused calling eight or ten witnesses for this pur pose. Just tit-loro ourt sr.jourueu last evening the jury returned a verdict of "not guilty." Sheriff's Sals. The following properties advertised for sale by Sheriff Hartzoll were offered at the court house, oa Friday last, and knocked down to parties named. Wesley W. Davis tract iu Somerset borough to F. F. Koontz fir R. F. Davis tract in S oiujrsot borough to J. L. Push for $sj. Henry Vought tract in Jenner town ship, to Jacob S. Picking, et al, for JTjO. Wm. Swank tract in Llaooln township, to Jacob Lenhart, for fol. Ja-jou R. SL-hrock's one half interest in a tract in Black township, to Isaiah Good for f i r). Samuel II. Dull in Meyersdale borough to Belle Dull for JiOo-l. All of the other tracts advertisod were continued. P. A. Baash Deal. Peter A. Bausb, notice of whoso criti cal illness was mad last week, died at two o'clix.-k Saturday aftarnoon, at his home in Beaver City, Xeb. Death result ed from paralysis, caused by an at tack of typhus fever, contracted some eight weeks ago. Mr. Baush formerly resided in Smyestowu, coming to Somer set aljout 1872, w here he married Laura, the eldest daughter of ex-Sheriff aud Mrs. Oliver Knepper. Shortly after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Baush went west, locating at Beaver City, where Mr. Baush engaged in the grain elevator bus iness. Deceased was about forty years of ago. He leaves a wife and four children. A Dangerous Practice. Tbe Herald has been asked to call at tention to a dangerous practice that ex ists in several of the schools in this place, and possibly in other schools in the county: the practice of teachers gathering up the lead and slate pencils in a common receptacle every eveuiug and distributing them indiscriminately among the pupils next morning. Chil dren and many grown peoplo havea hab it of moistening pencils by placing them between their lips, and physicians say there is no letter way to distribute dis ease geruis than by this very practice, Tbe spread of diphtheria in different places has been attributed to the cause complained of. Teachers aud parents can not exercise too great care in guard ing against this means of spreading dis ease, r.n l iu seu.xds w here pencils are gathered up in the evening they should be sterilized in hot wtcr before lwiug returned to the children next morning. The practice complained of is a vicious one, but perhaps tbe free-text book law- is to be blamed for iU A Flourishing Organization. At the annual meeting of tbe stock holders of the Bare H.x k Railroad Com pany held at Johnstown last week, Mr. John H. Fox. of this place was re-elected a director. R. L. Fox was also re-elected a dim-tor of tbe Somerset Stone Com pany at the same time. The Somerset Stone Company is one of the most pro gressive and prosperous organizations in tbe county, giving employment from early last April until the present time to lielwc-en MO aud bX) workmen, a majority of them being skilled stonemasons. Dur ing the period mentioned the Company has shipped on an average ' cars of stone per day, mostly building and bridge stone of large dimensions. Tbe earnings of the Company under the wise direction of President John M.I unlock, of Johns town, have iu a great measure been de voted to betterments and permanent im provements. The quarry, four miles south of Somerset, is one of the scenes of greatest activity in the county. Four steam drills bore iuto tbo solid rock, facilitating splitting it into various sizes and weights, while as many huge steam derricks hoist tbe dressed and undressed rock on to tbe cars. The supply of rock owned by tbe Company is of excellent quality and well-nigh inexhaustible. Tbe company operates its own railroad, connecting the quarry with the B. AO., a distance of four miles. Xext season promises to witness larger operations than ever liefore at tbe quarry. Bhentaatism Cnrtd in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Xeurulgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap- pears. The first dose greatly benefits ; 75 cents. Sold at B.iuford'a Drug Store, Sotnerw t, Pa. HOT A KEMBE.1 Of ITU CHU2CX. XeanoBit! Wr Hot at Law in tht Chtii tlaa Todcr Cast. The Mryrtvdals Coiiiiucieial reproduc ed the article written for tbn lliwuld two week ago iclsling to ihe o-in t In lunacy ap pointed to ii quite into tbe iiieiitul re--K'fihii:ty of Christian Yodur, of I'.lk Lb k town-li p. Tim l.e-ls net forth in re gnrd to the elder Voder's church relation ship were given HutrtlnnlUUy as bdd by that gentleman. Xow ooiu Mr. C. J. Voder, Jr., of Rlk Lick township, w ho writes as follows in the Commercial: "The good old gentleman, Christian Vo der, Sr , positively is no member of tbe Mennonito church or a branch thereof. Ho was dismissed in 1M13, for misconduct; (I will not name here w hat it was,) but ho still wears the iiuiform and is thereby in truding on the brunch if the Meunonite church, ( ..ailed Auiib;be formerly lie longed to, by still waring tbo uniform and thereby niisleaaKg the opinions of many, who taka it for granted tbat lieatill upholds his former faith by bis outward' ly appearance. The cases are rare, if any, in the history of our country, that two lirethren lelong ing to the Meunonite church, or a branch thereof, would go to court to settle any disputes in any way, shape or form. The way they settle disputes and the only way is by an arbitration of Uireo men (members in good standing) or In tbe con gregulion, such as the case may bo. But after a member is dismissed for somo time, and makes uo effort to repent, leai a bettor life aud uuite again wilh the church, he is no more a member of the Menuonite church or a branch thereof, thsn Charley Lew is or any one of similar character. Therefore, Eli Yoder had a right to go to court w ith his father under the circuni sunces, but still it would have been more lirotherly-like could they have settled it outside of court I was bom and reared within one-half mile of Mr. Voder's anil know him for many years and know just what I am talking about, and am rei ly to subi'.au tiale every word to the letter I write on this topic." TEY GSAIX-0 ! T2Y GEAIU-0 ! Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a package of GRAIN-O, the new food drink tbat takes the place of coffee. The chil dren may drink it without injury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it, GRAIX-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but it is made from pure grains, aud the most delicate stomach re ceives it without distress. I the price of coffee. 25 cts. per package. Sold by ail grocers. C&riitmat Holly. Snyder's Art Store will havo a large supply of fresh holly for Christmas deco rations. Leve your orders now as there is always a great demand for it just be fore the holidays. A Progressive BasintM Firm. The ever increasing volume of business done by the well-known firm of Cook A Beerits has necessitated the erectiou of a large warohouse, opened last week, one square south of the S. A C. station. The three-story brick building, s52xj is one of the most substantially constructed and beit equipped warehouses to be fouud in western Pennsylvania, and air ady much of the floor space has been called into requisition. The structure was erected with a view to reudering it fire proof, the doors and windows being shielded by iron shutters. Iu the cemented cellar, where potatoes and other vegetables are stored, an O'Douell hydraulic elevator has )een placed, capable of hoisting several thousand pounds of grain or other merchandise to the ll.iors abovo. A hopper capable of holding 00 or more bushels of grain, and moving about on a truck, enables the warehouseman to load or unload a car of graiu in less liuio than formerly it could have beeu doue by six men. On the first lloor ten or twelve car loiids of baled hay, several of salt, a number of Hour aud feed, are now stored, and floor spaca enough remains iu the building to store from 125 to 1.50 addi tional car loads. The second and third floors will be devoted exclusively to stor ing grain and corn, which will bo loaded ou the cars by a system of chutes. On the first lloor a well arranged office has been fitted up for the use of tbo ware houseman, William Ferner. Two pairs of scales, one located immediately out side of the receiving door aud the other on the first lloor of tbe building, con venient for the reception of gooda from cars and from tho elevator, render every convenience that can be desired in this respect. Inside of tbe next ten days a telephone counectiug the business office of the firm wilh the warehouse will bo in operation. The building is slate roofed and will be illuminated by electricity. In addition to the warehouse mention ed, Messrs. Cook A Beerits have a large aud commodious building, devoted ex clusively to storing merchandise, adjoiu iug their store room, but its capacity has beeu overtaxed for a number of years past. The uew building, in addition to supplying them with much needed facili ties for transacting their larg? business, will save tbe rehandliug of goods and ex pense of 1 raying. Tho great suo-esss that has attended this enterprising firm is a matter of pride to the peoplo of Somerset ciunty, who are justly proud of every legitimate bus iness tbat. tends to develop local com merce, aud to bring us in closer contact with commercial centres. During the past two or three years Mr. Robert Beerits, son of tbe junior partner, has taken an a.;tivo part la conducting the affairs of tho firm. Ntw Switches Placed. Connections have been made to the new warehouse of W. K. Gillespie, wholesale griK-er, now at 444-lfi Seventh Ave., Pitts burg, Pa. By this means, when occu pied, the new home, Duquesne Way and 9:h St., will afford tbe greatest iscility for tho handling of an immense business. Wolf Chased Oat of This County. "You said tbat wolves were extinct in Pennsylvania, and you wouldn't pay me f 10 bounty for the scalp I sent you, so here's the whole pelt of a gray rascal that came over into Pennsylvania from West Virginia and got caught by monkeying with my liear trap,"said Josiah Poole, the oldest trapper in Southern Pennsylvania, ia tho County Commissioners' office of Franklin County a few days ago, and threw down liefore the eyes of tbo aston ished Commissioners the pelt of the big gest gray wolf killed in the Cumberland Valley for fifty years or more. Then tbe 71 year-old trapper and backwoodsman told the story of tbe capture. Last winter was a very severe one. The snows lay deep and many wild animals were driven from their fastnesses by hun ger. From tbe mountains of West Vir ginia a pack of wolves came over into Western Pennsylvania and were seen by hunters. Several Somerset county hun ters chased them wilh bounds, anxious for the ten dollars each scalp bounty w hich Pennsylvania pays, wilh disastrous results to tbe hounds. Some of the dogs came back maimed aud others never re turned from the mountains. Some hounds belonging to a Somerset county man chas ed tbe wolves across mountain and stream through Fayette, Somerset, Bedford, Clair, Perry and Huntington counties clear to the Susquehanna, They lost tbe wolves somewhere near the Cumlierland Valley. The Somerset man afterwards recovered his dogs near Harrisburg. He sent word in January last to bis trapper friend Poole that the wolves bad probably come this way and thai be should look out for them. Do you want a nice Jardinier way down in price? Look out for loO of tbem about Saturday, the 11th. The cheap sale of these goods will only last a few days, at SxTDEB'a Art Store. . 1 10: ! PDVDEB Absolutely Pur Aaron Boucher's Tragio Deslh. Aaron Boucher, one of the best known aud leading citixens of Mllford township, diod yesterday from the resultof Injuries unstained on Saturday. Saturday aflor noon Mr. B mch'ir and bis hired man were returning home from Kovkwood driving two of the former's spirited horses hitched to a farm wagon. When within a half mile of tbo Botichor home the hired man hoisted an umbrella, as a light shower was falling at the time, at which the horsea took fright and ran away. They were on asleep hill at the time but Mr. Boucher managed to keep the runaway team iu tha road until they reached a point where a lane leads from tbe main road to his house. In making the turn the weight of the two men was thrown ou to tho right ppring of tbe wagon seat, which snappoiL throwing them to the ground withgreat force. Mr. Boucher was unable to arise and was helped to his homo where a physician was summoned. An examination show- el that three of his riljs had been broken and that a deep gash was cut in the back of his head. Tuesdty morning Mr. Boucher leU his bed and vent to thebnru where he attending to feeding his stock; returning to the house a few minutes af terwards ht aat down in a chair and ex pired without uttering a word. Deceased is survived by his wife aud four children. His uuexpected death has cast a gloom over the neighborhood in which he lived. Whitman's confectionery, the finest in the world, in handsome boxes, and al reasonable prices at Bonford's drug store Tbe holidays are not complete without sweets. Make your holiday purchases there. Easband and Wife Expired the Sams Right. A very peculiar incident occurred at Stoyestowu, Mouday night, when Lewis Ober, aged bl years, and Catherine, his wife, aged 79 years, died within a fow hours of each other, the husband expir ing at 10 o'clock and the wife at 4 o'clock, just six hours afterwards. Mr. Ober was r eized with pleurisy on Monday morn ing, which later iu the day developed heart disease, which caused his death. Immediately after he had ceased to breathe his wife was stricken with heart disease which terminated as noted above. They are survived by four children, two sons aud two daughters, viz : E. K. Ober, of Hooversville; John Park Ober, with whom the aged pareuts made their home on the old homestead; Jane, widow of the late Henry Berkey, of Johnstown; and Martha, wife of a Mr. Col broth, of Cur- winsville, Clearfield county. Tbey were both members of the Stoyestown Ro- formed Churclu The funoral will be held to day, when interment will I made in the ( dd Fellows' cemetery; Rev. Frank Wetzel will couduct tbe services. Young Forger. Last Saturday, William Eckenrod, aged 17 years, son of Postmaster Eckenrod, of Carrolltown, Cauibr'a county, was arrest ed at this place, for wb dosale forgiug of postofiice money orders. He arrived hero in the morning and called upon Ben A Wirtner, Esq , to identify hiinat thepost- ollice. This Lawyer Wirtner cheerfully did, but was surprised to see the young tuau present a money order in his favor for f loo, which was cashed. Mr. Winner's suspicions were aroused and he telephon ed tbe boy's father and learned that young Eckenrod bad forged a number of money orders. He was theu takea into custody and searched. lie finally confessed and said that ho bad realized on forged money orders as follows; 0 at Kbensburg,f-i0at Cresson, fo0 at Johnstown, 100 at La t robe and $100 at Greecsburg. He also had in his possession a forgod order. for J100 on the postmaster al Hampton, Iowa, and another for J100 at Xaushua, Iowa. About (."OO in money was handed ovor to tho au thorities by Eckenrod and he said the balance hail been spent for a new suit, car fare, etc He was committed to jail and taken to Pittsburg, Monday, by Postofiice Iuspector Dixon. Greensburg Demo crat. If you want a picture framed cheap and well, go to Snyder'-! Art Store, whero yon can get anything in Fancy Lamps, Pictures, Fine China Ware, Ac. Tbe best place in the county to get a X in as present is at SNvnKB's Art Stork. Wants Ha Males at Her Funeral. Miss Murnane, an old woman resid ing near Brushy Fork, southwest of Xew man. 111., has been au irreconcilable man hater forty-eight years. She is leading a hermit's life and has a comfortable for tune. Since being disappointed in lovo forty-eight years ago, she h3s never spoken to a man. She is seldom seen in town, and her trading is done with fe male clerks. She has rnadeavill and purchased a cemetery lot. Explicit directions have been given tbat no man shall preach her funeral sermon or act as pall bearer. She directs that a woman shall drive the hearse vnd women shall lower her body and fill tbe grave. No men are to be allowed in the funeral procession. She has willed a sum of money in trust to pay all expenses. Two Days in a Kan Trap. John Gordon, of Elbinsville, Bedford (Jounty, is dying, as a result of exposure to which be was subjected several days ago uuder singular circumstances. Gord on, without stating his intentions to his family, went to the mountain to split logs into rails. His absence gave rise to alarm for his safety, and a Bearding party started out to solve the mystery surround ing his disappearance. The solution came in the finding of Gordon unconscious and almost dead, his foot clamped in a heavy log. He had apparently inserted his foot in an effort to withdraw a wedge that had been driven into the log, and was unable to extricate it. Held thus in tbe immov able vise, he remained in tbe woods two days and two nights. He regained con sciousness after being removed to his home, but cannot live. Cheapest Hanging oa Eecord. For his services in hanging wife mur derer Herman Paul Schultz, Sheriff Court wright, of Pike county. Pa., was al lowed f 15 by the county commissioners, who in turn received tbat sum for the body for the dissecting table. The attor ney who defended Shultz got nothing for his service and the District Attorney g.t $13 in fees out of the case. The Commis ioners requested the Sheriff to have the drop weight nsed at the hanging made of lead. Tbe object was to sell hunks of lead as souveuirs in order to dofray tbe small expense attached to the hanging. Tbe Sheriff put his foot down on such a scheme and had the weight made of iron. $1,000,009 Ufa Insurance. George . W. Vanderdilt, the youngest on of tbe lte W. II. Vanderbilt, has re cently taken nit a policy for $1,000,000 life insurance, the largest policy ever written. Under the cotid. lions of bis father's will the FiO.OOO.OOO wi.led to George reverts to the other membe-s of the family Incase he dies without issue. George W. is a bachelor, 40 years of age, and it is said tbat he wishes to bequeath $1,000,000 for a spe cial purpose, whit h the insurance policy w ill permit him to do. The policy is a 20 yesr life, tbe annual premium Veins $!),-000. V V m rI ! s jl C v v -I a vj A Rare Christmas Treat - a 3 ASSORTED f '..,iu!.jM,a. t r m l I,, .i ... "iii-irui hi w,ii."i,t,t I ' i ii. ',-, . i'i. iiiiaii Ir,y iiyn.i I in I Ijl tbf most (oiii'Ii'te aM-rti:i( lit nf . JlKYMKK'rt AND T.OW'NKYV? CIXKiHlATF.l) t: Chocolates and Bon Bons. j ; Sj 5UNDAY SCHOOL COnAtlTTniLS Appointed to seIi-ot Xm.is Trefi's, tj: to treat hcIxmiIs, should not fail ton Is1 fore buying. Our Assortments Lower than any previous seitsou. J.J tion and rorn-spotnlciiiv solicited f who are unable to iull and sec our line of goods. ti OUR STOCK OF ASSORTHD HARD SHELL NUTS Together with a complete line of Paper Shell and Jordiu Al Jji nionds, are all new crop goods at priit-s lower than heretofore; ;j m therefore, tbe song to tbe tune of "Army Beans:" Xuts for Break- fast, Xuts for Dinner, XuU for 8u per, Nuts, Nuts, Nuts. . . . We will cfiV-r the l FINEST ASSORTMENT OF FRUITS The markets afford, consisting of Oranges, Malaga (.! rapes, Pates, Figs, Fancy Cluster Ruisius, etc, etc. THE nOST HANDSOHELY SEALED PACKAGES OF f! a M FINE 111 Kvcr shown on this market run V tukeu and t-hippcd to any Out of ufacturer. Ix-ave your orders at sj: at lower prices than ever offcrtff. CELESiV AND CRANBERRIES will be iu abundant sujily for the Christmas and New Year Dinners. A fill and complete assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, ? Cleaned Currants, Seedless HaUins, Evaporated Fruits, &c, N always on hand. , Ojr warehouses are at a'.I times well stoc (Jra'ies Minnesota Flours, lirain r- Thanking you fi r your patronage i ami kindly soli-itii g a con- ". tinuance of VOIir Villucil f.ivors u vi isli vim mm nml nil 11 Mi rrv Christmas and a Happy aud Prosperous Ntw Year. Vi l'"ou" Cook & Beerits. I C PEWCPJ 4 First 20 Second 40 Third IFH fDurin9l37) LI 1 II 1 1 1 L SOAP Fc particulars send jonr came and fall addremto MTADDPiDC Lever Bru.,Ua.,liuil,nllarrcaSla.,:;ewYurk. VV I V." - aXa bwrr,' yrA S7 T-iT li y,-" fe:5f f CT5r1 Ll Aisxiili29cr. IrsALUhl. I will give a 5 per cent cash dis count on all spot casli sales of DRY GOODS, .3 NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, UNDERWEAR, fcjr NOTIONS, Etc., from now until Cliristin is. I will continue to give 15 per cent, casli discount on all spot cash sales of Ladies' & Children's WRAP In this way you get the ca.sh in to your own hands and you can spend it as you please. There will ic no City Trading Company to divide the discount w'lh you. My. HOLIDAY STOCK is the largest I have ever shown and the prices arc ' the lowest. Come and examine goods and prices before making your purchas es. It will not cost anything to get posted. eeseec- Mrs. A. E. UHL. j I A r - v v : - f . to the Holiday Trade. TONS OF -. . s . CANDIES, .Si .Vir.i.i ... : t..-. .. i ii.. ..hi. t and School Teachers d.-irinp - ! OL'K LINK hiul K'l PRICES :M re Better ami Larger and Prices; Jv piotalions ntiiilcd upon app'ica- f-t fiom Committees and Ttavhtr M r-, CANDIES now lie bad at our .(orr. Orders Town nddrtss direct from the Mat1- fi once. Xmus Candies now iu stock a t- &. . ke.1 with the lique t and Feed. , a "9 Prizes, sach of $100 Cash. " . . ' ' $1C0 Plena Special Bicjclet ci $2SBo!dWatch3t K fob: ti THERE'S PLEASURE And Kitisractlon In a good cimlilng p V "'"i,-e, on - tiuil is a S'KkI liier au.i a per T . .iss? V J '' STI.VFS fc DAMI.PI, , Afr liuititr hi uii.laaiia V.HU at vh w of ni.tiiiif fvery want ;f th hou--k-t'i-r Mt h iiHHifrstlt' (tsr-t. Thvy Iihv ail tii hUst i!i;pnvnu'ii!s, n1 are turtle ! 4 tin iK-st tuatrnaJ, :iihi iy the bt-M workintt. 4. F.r 11. W ill iai 1 h'y have iimuy Kxl points nut luiuia 111 We simply claim for the CI N D R lA 'hat we ma j;uvo no mort. .iuu,f lof vonrs-lf. Your money bark if not sati-sfleu i t J. B. Holderbaum, Somerset, Pa. PITT' Valuable Real Estate Ttw nnprsiicn "1 ailm'iiistrator ami tru--!-of Miclmrl SiiH iHffof Jfnriertownsliip nh: er.sel county, l'a., wiii cxivseUi public ia:.',on Saturday, Janvary 8, 1893, At One o'clock, P. M.. pt tiie horni-Minil of ij.-c'cl lt Ji-nn-r tiv.vii hti ly, U;e lollon nii; deM-rilnd mil lIile, viz. A crliiin tract of liiml nitimte In .Icn.i r tiiwnship. S.imi'rs.-l eminly, I'i., a'ljoi nine li'tuls of II--nry lUnuli, Ininuiirh of Jer:m r town. Ail mi hail'-r aii'l Klu.ir.l i. i;ic. ci.ntiiiiiu 1; Hn ac.vM mtrc or less, h.i!.; tucnsj:i ert.-tt-t s .s I t'A'o-story piatik Dwelling House, luryp tnnk burn, anl nil other nvi s ..ry in1 biilMtn;?. ifiMul iirclun.l til youn npie : t othiT fruit umlTl:ill with nint-ii iu- sni iimi: Ilie lara -r piirt of the Uml is cl- ir and uiuler a khiI nme of cultiviitimi: h.i! Hiice well tiiulH'ml, tii ag the lionn-stcud oi the dtvaHeii. Terms ! One-lhinl, Bftcr payment of di bts ami i x mjl, 10 rrin.iiii a Ii. i on the rl smt... th-inli-rmt to ! unnuiilly pin I to M.-urd;. :- !(m. wiii-iw of Hie ui -'i. dnri;ii her u.-iiui-ul 1 -f lime, nml t hT dulh th- p I.h-ukiI sum to he jvtid To the heirs nun h-j.;tt n-pny ..;-i. livis; of .Ml. lui.-l S:;-. div'd; -:ie-ttind of l!ic Imliince i. ronnriniitioii of sale, ami tt.e ns nuinil:i lwn-ll.ir.ls hi iwoi.ial, minmi! .: v iiifins without iiitent. Ten p.-r i nt. of tin entire purchase money to be paid on l:iy of K:i:e 1'oses.don given April I. lis. riiWAi-.n r si ck. Admiiiistiatorund Iruii r. f . W. l!l seeker, Attorney. I Jos. Home & Go. f eaay for Xmas J in this Store fancy and use J ful articles by the thousands, i Furs, Wraps, Jackets, and 0 Capes Silks, Dress Goods, 1 Kid Gloves, Umbrellas, Real Laces, Perfumery, Fancy China Articles, Housefurnish- ing Goods ; Men's and Boys' J Clothing, best Kinds ; Infants' 2 Caps and Cloaks, Girls' Z Jackets and Dresses : Tabic Linens and Towels : Elaukets and Eiderdown Quilts; Toys. Prices and samples sent X promptly. All holiday goods packed in dainty presentation X boxes, without charge. Largest assortments, lowest X prices, and the fastest mail X order service in America. X 5 I Jos. Home & Co., ! 525-527 Pfl Aw , PITTSBURG, M- X ) Stockholders' Notice. The annual mcetlnc of Ihe storkliol'ti rs of thi? Kln.t Natlonnl Kiink, of .Somerset. Ia.. for th election of dirwtoni for the yer A. ! I'-K wiil I he'd in the dim-tors' mom. hi ih,j Kim Niitional Ii.mil huilili.-iir. Soieer-t, I'a.ontheil Tuewlay of January, Isi.s, l . ln thr biMirs of 1 and 4 P M. Ii. M KEHKl.RY. Ca-hiir. 1 Ail K BCOKS F0 wsm GIFTS AT- m lionks fr lln!iil:iT p ruseii t. ; we Iiavo llietn, all kimN ; thiiisxinii of tlictn. I'luuki fr pn;a an. I uiat.ia, UMikt for cliilJrcn, ItH-ks C:r o'.J aiwl younjr, bovks for licaus ant Ixaiks for awtibeart!, che; l)ki anil expiinsivo books, books of travel ami book-t of ronian, th IjX est fa U iu li nks I',i bless Hymn IVKks, Twitatiientu, I'raTer H.Kiki, T.-y and rii tiire Hook. There Ut no more ao ccii:a' ! i.reont than a book. B.ioks are rot t'xpei.sivi.; they are easily selectei!; they can b obtainoil for all kimls of peo ple; t'icir purcbaso an-l prMntalion shows evit.'enee A la.tp, renriineiit anil culture; ti.ey a ft lastinij ariil alnay with y. ii, in fin t a jroi i! book Ls a pcrj etual M-nrcoof j lexsnro an ! a j y forever, ami iscveriil Issiks are jnt so mairy more Moiirc-s of p!oivsi'.rc. CHAS. H. FISKZR. Who Killed Cock Robin ? " I tliJ," s:iyS the new furniture dealer. "How ." "Ry k;n ckin- t!ie Ut toni oiii of t!ic i'igh i-rirt-s aki.tl for FURNITURE In Somerset, Pa., AnJ don't ycu forget it. T f i7Kan not here to ofTVr cur &fj oti-toHifrsoM jfoin'siatharJ J t'.nie t-ricts, btit tire hereto ;!r. r ou L-i iiiiitif t.fw;-"Ci!iiif ui:iii!;i', j'ia!i:y iitnl I'nisii t!i:it cu:i l.ot be !i;r jass t5 tliis .s'ii!e of t';-.e K!oii'like (iiM Fiil.'.s. You will not If reijuirnl to g. to the ! ti !!. sn.l m:k a fortune Ufere l-uviiiir, i:!ier. Young jvoiilc LMtl HOW GET MARRIED an-! jj.i to hotHv l;ei pin a ye.ir sootier t!iuu they t-oi.iil U-fi.re the otH-ni'ig of tii-' new furniture rm.tiu. Why? Sim ply U'cnuse we s-ll o r.iurh chtait-r. We are hire to muk'i it go. 2-.isi.-k sale anl .sr-iall .rofi:.s is i.iir r.u.tto. (Vmie anil s-c us. We i-.in se!I you full t'liain ler Suits fnm IV.l u. t'ouclien, i'i.oi) uj. Ch.tirs ,Ti cents up. M:my 11 ic ami useful srtiehs fcr the h-.!:.!y traile pii;l:?g ia. F. H. SUFALL. IJai.T Illock, f-'OMKIWKT, PA. I'urv'i.i'if ti an ir ! r of u i! ly the r j . i :.-' i-t!i t 'i .M'ii'' ctantyt the un- ;:, r I, liufi-t- 'l --.;! U' oi II r . ii.ii:. !..!,!' .l' rit : v T w n!; ; p. StntT I i'wiiuiy, ii.-.-',;t w:.i ci-Tiit j.-;iuiic siiv Oil tilt J-Ti vjil Saturday, December 18, 1897, At 2 o'tlsoV P. M , the fbllowim; ib-n-rilii.il is-u estate: A c. rt.iiii tn, -t of km 1 Minute in the town-s'-ip ol Ail, -'iie:iy, comity iirori-s.tM. ai!j-nn-iu UtmS of .uisni'm iiy:iiMi!. H.-nry Hit He, Uiu iUiciekn, IVU-r -.nek, KliiciilH-th li.-nii in, I'lrim-s -niiU!, t!unl Sw-iizer iiiid otheis., eoliliiiim-t; :w-rrs u:id l ':s K.'.-tl,-., more or Ivi.s, w an a lu-o-siu.y Dwelling House, l;.rf ham nt-:riy nu-, .:w t i: ! :.! :Iu-r lui:.:iii u rv:i. .M.i-i l I!..- i t:i-i ri-ar- il hii t ll m ti t' f "!.'! I Vii Ii Hi F :;trL ol it iu i.:ii!k :f tiiil wcil .tieivil, Ac. Terms : Ten i rrecnt. on i!:-.y of :; l.tMnee of one third on N: Ai.ril, is.is ; oi i- i;.ir l : Aprif, l-:-.i; i.ii.s-.inrit Isi April, I i, without ii.u r-e-t. lH:err-i iMtyiueutu to b s-runl iiy 'U'.Iriieiit Lioi.d. V. Ji. HflTKU TrusU of Ueorec C lieriitin. ilix'd. J7LKCTIOX X()TICi The memtn-rs of ;h; K.in::ers' l"n:on Avii. riat.'ou :i.t Kire Illsl r.ilu e l inn ninv of ."-oin-eis! I t'ounry. mei-t ill liii- pil'.lic wIiih'I hu:::iiii in bcr.it'. on Tuesday, 1'ti-. 'jMh, f.r tie' jMi:'.se f eit-:!.n..ro.rii-eis"ior liie eit-i.in y.'ur, at wtii.-h tntle, ais,,, atl amend III. -lit li tiie i'.v-fi.us Villi Im; coilsi.lert-tt, re ic ir'l'au i!i..t.iie'..' het-.VLXii si- t unnies and tiii'iune.'s i'i-ii rd. Kle .ll'Hl oiens at one o'c'iK-Jt p. in. Husi lii s.s loee-.ii'. aioVlo- fc a. l:i. i- J. W.VI.KKlf, H. I. Hay, Kiei-n-tiiry. 1'ris.ileii;. A Ks!at'1 of Suniue Iji::ih, rt, late of Sionycm i tiwnn;i, Sninersvt county. l'a dee'J. letter of adiniriisinition having hi en !r:iiit-e-l to tin- li i i.l ts.tii-.sl i.y Hie (.n. auluori!) on tiie ahove 1-t.tLi', l.otlee is iier-'hy vlVetl Ul all nil;i s iiaMi. r!;:ii.i.s :iirua-l said esi.ite to r. . i.l l!i. in i (i, riy autiieiii,-,u.sl f, .1 ., t-tie-neiit. and u.i ; .rii-s oa in s nd i-su,e will make iiuiie i!i;.!e iy::ieiit of tile amountat The late r.Ti-Ieace of dee'd, oa .-Saturday, liec. I", Is.;;. F. M. I. M RKItT, JtiH.N .'1. l. VVHKItT, Kred. V. liiei ker, A'linir.istr.aoi-s. Att-iriii y. DMIXISTnATOrw NOTICE. Kslatu of S ni! u. i J. WV M. r, late of !son rs-t towu-l.i,., isoiuersrt cii;i:;y. dee'd, l-etteisi of admiiil.-triition on the a'pove en tate ImviriK b.-en Kr.iote,! to uir lllul.-rslDe.l hy tiie pmiH r authority, notiee in herehv k:v en to all peruina ni l. t t.sl to yaid tr'SitK to make iimnediate (uiyriieiit, and those luivinK rial ins a;.-:,! list Hie same to in-sent I 'ii-iii duly auth'-titieiiusi for ett!.nie it, ou .siurdav Ikv. IS, IsjT, at the ixaideuce of the di.-ceued 111 ailld to'A'llHilip. AT'.KAM WKr.t.KIt, V M. f. WKl.l.KK Adftitui.sinilors, c. t. a, John II. Ch!, At:'y. E XKCUTOK.S' XOTICE. Kstateof l atlmrine Glo'ftlty, l.,te of Green ville township, s.;,in. rs. t county, fa., dee'd. I-rtem leKtaiiieiimry on th.i above estite havnne heen lsnutil hy the pnT aut iority to Hie uu lersim d an eiei-utors of trie aimve e-tiii-. noiiie is n-n-t.y Klven to all partien ln-lehti-d loHHld esUlte to taaice ililtilt-Jiate piiy inei't, and ail -iriies haviri; c iims ii'-am.-t said estate will prm-nt them duly auihent! rateil lor H'-i: Ii i.ie.'tt on or hefore Kn'tiy. l.e. 21. l 'T.Ht tllb re.s'denee of either Hlillou J iihKieKy. in in-.iivi.!e toiTiisniji, or Henry W. ylor, iu Sutiiniit u:ihip 1-1 M'N J. i.u.l'FELTY. HKMtV W. siAVloit. J. C. Lowry. tueeutors. Allorney. DMIXISTRATOIW XOTICE. Ijitatu of Iavld I'll", late of Somerset bor outh, isoiiiersi-t county. Pa., dee'd. LetU-ni of ad in in 1st nil ion cum t.wlarneiito annexo on the aljove eshite hxTiu Uvn itraiited to th undersigned hy the proM-r auliionty, notii-e U hereliy gtv. en to all person ind-l.ttl to raid eni-ile to make iinimsjialo iyiueiit, and those tiaviti rlaiiiiti airanist the Mine to pistnt them for vt'lem. nt, duly auUi-uti-ated. cu SatuHay, Jan: i. ls:. at the Uw oihre of Joha K. f .suit, SHiiiierset, . HAIAU PII.K, A lmlnistratorCuui Testjuututo Aouexo. Juhn R. im-oil, Attorney. Book m Store BY GOODS Key Your Vi:i?r NVraps VI.ilo tho WIsj'Ain:- Snecial Prices CAN BE CDTAINCD. The longer yoa put off Ixijin; tiie less variety yon will liave to se lect from. Corre early while tome of the choicest Garment still re main. Ladies and Childtcn's WRAPS FOR THE HOLIDAYS. $2.00 3- 5 C.OO 2-5 4- 5 5.00 6.50 050 Child's Jackets, now $1.70 " a.u 4, .1 2.Q7 4-25 La-Jics Ca pjs, now a.ui fur trim'J Long Thibbets Trimm ed Capjs 3.8a Long Rough Cloth Capes..2S Long very Jesirabie " 5.S3 Special Value Capes 6.66 AII-Vx)I Astrakhan, silk lined throughout, our special price now 7.00 OUR HIGHER PRICHD JACKETS DOWN! DOWN! DOWN! 10,00 Fine Beaver Jacket, now 12.50 Fine ISeaver or As trakhan Jackets, 13.00 Fine Colored Astrak- 8.50 10.63 12.73 han, all-wool 18.00 Fine Beaver Colored all-wool - - 15.00 25.00 Tine Green all-wool Astrakhan.siSk lined Jacket, extraordina ry value at the price we are now asking, 20.00 Renpectfully yours. SHEPHERD & HILL A----------- the nicest holiday goods for less money, that's tan way we're soirg to i!o (jreator ChristuiaH business this ytar than rvir teforc v. e'r-; i-repari il for it to make it pr y you to buy here -nn ji'"t ? h i'.i'l.iy stoni v. ii.ii iiuml-'e-is an. I tLousunils i,f ch'.ii-fl iisefu! (4 i it arlii-ics :;.! a irninjit, sure mail orler I'l-pa: tmeiit to til 1 your orders iu tiie iinit sat is factory way. GET QU.l CATAL02UZ sent by return of ma:I wh'.-ti j'uii srnil your natnes anil a.I Irct-j i?) pai j.li t ti res anJ prices of SILVER NOVELTIES, XECICWEAlt, IIAXDKEKCIIIEFS. UMRRELLAS, MUFFLERS, GLOVES, GAMES, DOLLS, TOVS, BOOKS, CARDS, NOVELTIES, ami almost no cii'l of nice apjiropriatu Kifts for every one large a.s-irt:iients t' select fnnn. I.t!ieV Wiiiie Har-ilkrr- " i hiHlH 1'iiJ viii ions patterns J2 -2C WStilopcJ, emlroii!er il heiiisiilehe.l.rmhroi.ieri il i 63Ci1 lac, etlue kimls ymi'i) c.x- J pec' to he i.", t iVreaeo. See wh it a nice uinhrf.IIa wo sell fcr a dollar. Now's tbe time to jcl reatly for C'uristinais. B0GG3 & BUHL. Allegheny, Pa. t- a ft v. t i, i- - KxUS Fr::fr, fsei P. yA. 5rj MM? - "l, khz bhhi Grsnk E"?jno V -fS-s-s rn -u : : . .1. U l -.'1 sf ibr r JLB.FARQUHA3 CO., L?i, Ycri.Po. BOTH MEN AND WOMEN. iryoare wtllliiK t.i work, we ran iriv j-oti employ ment wi'h 6-W J PAY, and you qui work ail or p:irt it thr tiMe. aud at n-iuie or ir.iveiiie The w rk u LIGHT znd EASY. WSITE Ar 0"C for temia, tk, lo Tha Hawks Narssry Company, ROCHESTER, N. Y. WantedUL