The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 24, 1897, Image 4

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    errj-in. :
IU caddy for yoa," said Jack star
As be stole a shy plance- at the maKi of bis
heart. , , .
Be priced up the niblick, the brassy aid cleek.
grasped ber It driver, too busy t o , ap.
Her club, torn. he sob-d it. hazrd a iihin.
.and tit on a btm!:.T o'ereome a-i;h ohn
Bo rpj..u"cn"i Mains. ' lair down.
-Kernld a whisper " W
bit bride?" ...
Xn, jars who had puken "trhy. jes! an
mrcred. who- ...
TH marry yon. Jk- tf y'W caddy for -me.
A Ppecimea af the IUrs Seat t the
London Times.
The following letter to tli Lond. u
Times tdl a ratht interest ing expo
nent and is a pood illustration cf the
way Enirlauuuen vrrito to that pajxjr
about all sorts of topics:
To t ht- Mil of The Tiroes :
ftiM A mrioiia pnraii.4 tooor correspond
ent Mr. flVki' ex.irr.sni of the phot that
haunted the house at Esher occurred aome few
year a?o in an old Oxfordshire njanrnon, of
which frvnds of my own had recently berom"
powxnL Soon afier the new owner's arri 1
the (rrewaome discorery wu made that on the
upper floor, containing the seT-rants' apart
ments and the children - narsenca. there was
a chamber which had long been known a
haunted and tn which no one could evT be In
doced to aleep. By daylight it was a pleasant,
sunny room, but to be tn it at night, so every
occupant declared, wasboonch to chill I he very
marrow in one'a bono. No sooner waa the
boom all quiet, door and windows shoe and
midmeht near chiming from the church tower,
then stransre sounds, beard nowhere eUr, be
gan to fill the haunted room. Weird rau jc
bruke the silence, now sweet and oft end love
ly as a drm, then swellmc into wild confu
sion, then dying away in Ion? drawn moans of
Infinite distress. Nothing waa ever soen. but
there waa no delusion a to the strunds. It wai
o use putting a new servant, ignorant of the
fact, to sleep there. Midnight waa sure to
make the secret known. Thi.-e moans, as of a
soul in pain, so it waa steadily cairnM-d- pro
erwj.-d from no mutant. The room
was haunted ana it wa not to be espeeted
that any on would aleep in company with a
My friend, the mistress of the house, was a
woman of pivot nerve and conimoa siwu hl:e
nxl-d the room for household u.-c and nhe r
vlred to toy the cliust. Aecord:nel7 t-li- lied
It mt:k ndy for occupation and ai'.nr a rare
fur examination of everrthms in the i;cr;
Bient pr-jiared to spend ths m-ht in it h-i-lf.
Ttie talea were qui;e trne. Toward midnight,
when all was stilL the irhostly Mac began to
quiver through the silence, sweet and wild and
exquisitely snd. My fnend listened, not quite
a-uilticm perhaps of tremor. Tbf n ate ro?o
and examined the room carefully afresh. Fn -nty
it struck her that the sounds proeocdi-J
from one corner of the floor, rilie lifted the
TOg. pot her ear down and found it to be tls"
nam fine had located the tf it was r.r.t
laid. N-xt morning a car,s-nter was sent lor.
the boards were taken np and immediately be
neath there waa reveaUii a perfect pl-xus of
bell wires, which had been eonduct-d by this
route to thediffercnt imrtsof the house. Wh-n
drs and windows were ail closed and every
thing atill at ntcbt. the wind, finding its way
by what channel it could, turned this laby
rinth of wires into cn a-ohnn harp, whence
issued the mysterious sounds by which sue;
o-ssive housi had been scared. The wires
were adjusted, the clunks and crannies cluwd
op, the cliwt r.-as laid and the baunKl room
has been comfortably occupied ever Finco.
Tit Magnet In Surgery.
The following remarkable account cf
the extraction of a needle from the
Ix ly by meatus of a magnet ia given by
"A younK laundress thrust a brr ken
needle into her right hand while vva-sli-ing
clothta. The needle having disap
peared in the flejih, the surgeon whr
VS8 consulted several days after the ac
cident refused to perform an operation,
fearing lest he should be obliged to make
a largo number of incisions among the
ligaiiienU of the articulation. Two
mouths afterward the girl lost the use
cf her right hand, and tho legist move
ment of the fingers caused her exquisite
pain. Drs. Gorinewski and Cerestiu
tlien determined to extract the needle
vith the aid of a magnet, drawin it
Into u fleshy region where an incision
could bo made without danger. To
cause this movement they chose a very
feeble electro magnet, but a diRiculty
arose. The needle having entered point
first, it would liave to lie drawn out
backward, tho broken part in advance,
"The first trial Listed two hours,
with short intervals of rest, without
appreciable results. Before the third
trial the girl said that she felt a prick
ing in the palm of tho hand near the
place where tho magnet had 'been ap
plied and where the needle ought to ap
pear. At tho ninth sitting finally the
needle appeared beneath the skin and
tamo out whole, broken cud first, with
out iain and without loss of bluod. It
fixed itself to the pole of the electro
magnet, and tho young lan.ulrts was
cured. This result the drawing of a
needle through the fies.h is very re
markable. In 20 hours after the first
trial this needle was extracted from tho
inside of the hand, after lying there
mere than two months. " Translation
For Literary Digest.
Writes Letters to Uimaclf.
John Deckwith, the warehouseman,
received a letter the other day address
ed in a round business h:uid and bearing
the Oakland postmark. He glanced at
it, rubbed his forehead reflectively a
moment and then, without oiieuing the
envelope, tore it into bits.
"Why did you do that?" asked his
peTtuer. "That might have contained
GomChiug of importance. "
"No, it didu t I wrote it myself."
"Are you in the habit of writing let
ters to yourself?"
"Yes, I have to. Now, if 1 hadn't
written that yesterday and mailed it !
would have forgotten that bunch of
braid, two dozen pearl buttons and five
yards of haircloth that I have g to go
down town and buy right now. Once,
though, 1 wrote a letter to myself about
something I wanted to remember and
forgot to mail it for two Weeks. San
Francisco Post.
Ilia Good Reason.
Patient I want to take gas.
Dentist It is not usual to adminis
ter gas for such a small tooth, my boy.
It won't hurt you for cri instant. "
"You've got to give me gas, or 1
won't have it out "
"Von shouldn't be so afraid of being
hurt Now. sit up there like a little
"1 ain't afraid of being hurt, but I
expect 1 shall screech v hen it coiues
"That won't matter "
"Yes. it wilL All the boys I ever
licked are waiting outside to hear me
boiler. " Exchange.
Bow to Oct Found Ia Boston.
A stranger has no excuse for being
lost in Boston, although our streets are
a trifle crooked. If the visitor who has
lost his bearings will only strike out at
random, be will soon find himself co
Bostm Common. It's a sure mlo. Bos
ton Uecori
Gold aad Silver GoapelsT
"The Goll and Silver Gospels" is
the name of a very peculiar book now
reserved in the Upsala library in Swe
den. It ia printed with metal type, on
violet colored vellum, the letters being
silver and the initials gold. When it
wai printed, Ly whom or what werv
the methods employed, are qurstionf
which have great interest for il;e curl
ous, but bare never been answered.
Maid aad WWint,
By the old Saxon law a maiden and
a widow were cf different value. The
latter could be bought for cue-half the
ram which the guardian of tbe maid
was entitled to demand. A man, tl.i re
fore, who could not afford to tuy a
maiden might, perhaps, be able to pur
chase a widow.
The herd of European bisons protected
by tbe czars of Russia in the forest of
Bjekmeki, Lithuania, numbered 1,900
ia 1856, but is now reduced to 500 and
howa no sign of Tho dwin
dling cf tbe herd ia ascribed to in breed
ing, due to the confined area of the res
ervation. Glass bricks are made extensively in
Germany. They are blown with a hol
low center, containing rarefied air, and
they are said to be as strong and dura
ble as clay bricks. They trwtiy admit
Dow tbs DiaaassMl KJnf Saved the Bm
of France.
A writer of etoriea about Barney
Barcito says, in the Philadelphia Bul
letin, that there is a circumstantially
definite account of his presence in Paris
during the commune of 1STI. Ia tho
utter break up of all fecial fabric ho
found bis ctipacitiiE of r".viEf? order.
For there is little doubt that his was
!he craft that enalled the prewder
loruninnards to realize the money need
ed to Burply the sinews of war.
One day, during the gloom and stress
of the government siege, the president
of the Baak of France was confronted
by an unkempt mob. The demand was
explicit They wanted all thb gold in
the bauk'a vaults. The spokesman
flourished a bloody faber and the mob
accentuated the demand by all sorts of
ferocious threats. It was in the height
of this melee that a man who had been
counseling the financial deputy of the
commune rode np, adorned ly a red sash
a'ld ether insignia of the terrorists. He
made his way through the vociferous
th. m and handed the governor of the
bank a large envelope. While the official
was readiug it the besashed emissary
turned to the clamoring nomads and, in
a tongue unknown to the officials and
probably to many of the mob, addressed
them a few sentences. A singular event
followed. A dozen of the ringleaders at
once began haranguing the rioters. In
a few minutes every one cf them with
drew. The besaehed personage remained
in consultation with the governor and
when it was ended withdrew. An hour
later six covered wagons came to the
bank and were laden with bags snch as
the bank always makes use of in trans
porting spfcie.
When Biiruato appeared as the dia
mond king in South Africs a score of
tbe communards, who bad fle3 from
France, were in exile in the region
where Baruato had cornered the mines.
One day in the plenitude of his rZAu
euce he was waylaid, riding in the
Rand, by a company of miners. One of
them, by a few words, succeeded in
paining his private ear. Tbis man was
known as tbe most ferocious of the blood
thirsty pang who bad taken part in the
kiiiing of the hostages in La Roquetto.
He recognized Baruato as tbe emissary
sent Ly the commune to the Bank of
France, and the knowledge enabled him
to get in on the ground floor cf the dia
mond deal. The tale goes on to tell that
Barnato, who figured as Felix Barnette,
had fallen desperately in love with a
figurante in the Fclies Bergercs just as
the war of IS70 broke cut; that he had
lingered in Paris, became a member of
one of the "Red" societies, exploited
tbe ardent patriotism cf his coworkers
and succeeded in getting several mil
lions of the cash he had forced from tbo
Baiik cf France. The tale, whether
true or not, is by no means so improb
able as the actual facts known in the
man's mastery of the African diamond
yields, for to do that ho was forced to
put himself against such schemers as
Cecil Rhodes . and to coutend with
tbe "dour" shiftiness cf the Boers, and
particularly with that astute old fox
ITncle Krugcr.
Its Social Informality Constitutes On of
Its Great Charms.
"Army life is informal to a degree,"
said Mrs. Custer, during a recent inter
view. "The custom of using cards when
calling is only cf very recent date
among officers' wives. When I lived in
garrison, we should never have dreamed
cf such a thing. It is only at a few cf
tbe larger posts, near the cities, where
tbee is anything liko the formality of
civic life. The people in a garrison are
like cue great family. Nothing that
deeply concerns any member is a matter
of indifference to the others, and the
tpirit of pood fellowship is universal.
In time of sickness the friendly helpful
ness of the women for each other is
shown strongly. Many a time I have
known a uurLher cf women to detail
themselves, in regular military fashion,
to duty in the house of sickness at cer
tain hours, relieving one another
tbrcugil the day and night with abso
lute precision, so that the eirk person
should never be left without an attend
ant "With all this close intimacy there
is surprisingly little friction or ill feel
ing. There are, cf course, at every post
a few people who are disagreeable or
hard to get along with, but they cause
no more trouble in general than they
do in their own households. They be
long, we feel, to our army family, and
thc;r shortcomings must be overlooked
just as we should overlook tho faults of
a h jsbund or brother cr sister No dis
tinctions between rich and poor are
ever observed. There is occasionally a
question about calling upon Dew ar
rivals, but it is Bolely on account of
reputation and boner If there has been
anj thing discreditable to the good
f.aiue of an officer or his wife, tbe cir
cumstances must be investigated before
other families of the posi will calL"
Philadelphia Times.
Where Princes Aro Sacred.
When a young prince of Japan wishes
to learn tho mysteries of chirograpby,
young maidens bring paper, others make
the ink and prepare the paint brush.
The master expresses admiration by
gesture and face, for no words must be
spoken by him to the prince, his mouth
even being bandaged that his breath
may not blow upon the face cf tho
prince. Tho teacher must move about
in tho quietest manner and give com
mendation only.
Captain Mahan on the strategic Impor
tance cf the Land Girt Sx-a.
Causes superficially very diverse, but
essentially the san.e in that they anise
fniia e.tid still depend upnu a lack of lo
cal politk-al capacity, have lron:ht the
Mcditi-rraiier.u ard tho CaribK-aa, in
our own ti::;e, to similar conditions, re
gunVd a- cuantities of interest in t e
sphere cf iiiteniational relations. What
ever the intrinsi . value of the two bod
ies cf water. La themselves or in their
6urr;;undincs. whatever their present
contributions to the prosperity or to the
culrure cf mankind, their conspicuous
characteristics now are their political
and military importance, in tho broad
est seiiee, as concerning not only tbe
countries that border them, but the
world at large. Both are land girt seas;
both are liuks iu a chain of conununica
tien between an east and a west In
both the chain is broken by an Uthmus.
Bah are of contracted extent when
compered with great oceans, and in
consequence of these common features
both present ia an intensified form the
advantages and the limitations, politi
cal and military, which condition the
influence of se?. power.
This conclusion is notably true of the
Llediterruucau, as is shown by its his
tory. It is even more forcibly true of
the Caribbean, partly because the con
tour of its shores does not, as in the
Mediterranean peninsulas, thrust the
P"ver of the land so far and so sustain
cdly into the sea; partly because, from
historical antecedents already alluded
to. in the character of tbe first colo
nists and from the shortness of the
time the ground has been in civilized
occupation, there does not exist in the
Caribbean or ia the gulf of ilexico
apart from the United Slate any land
power at all comparable to those great
continental suites of Enrope whoo
strength lio in their armies far iuoro
than in their navies.
So faros national inclinations, as dis
tinct from the cautiousaetionsof states
man, can be discerned, in the Mediter
raucan at present the sen powers. Great
Britain. France and Its.'y, are opposed
to the land powers, Germany, Austria
and Russia, and the Litter dominate ac
tion. It cannot be so in cuy near future
in tl Caribbean, TheCariUtn is pre
eminently the domain cf f u power.
Captain A. T. Mahan, U. tv N., in
Harper's Magazine.
It Wu Ilia Idea of What Wonld B Ab
solaUiy Ideal Conditions.
The American tiew.boy can almost
I be said to have created a genus for hini-
i elf. If he has aiir, he has certainly
created it, for of all the inhabitants of
this plan t there is n lie who is so abso
lutely independent, o thoroughly con
fident of his own exertions. He bos a
self importance, derived from his ability
tc support or partially support himself,
hich places him high above the rank
of tbe crdirary pauiin, and he generally
possesses what is far more important in
any community ready money. He is
the capitalist of our junior civilization,
the Count Fsterhazy of newsboys' alley.
He can play craps for money when othei
boys aro constrained to pursue tbis de
lectable amusement with only the mild
er if more intellectual pleasure cf study
ing the fluctuations of fortune, or, at
most, hazarding cigarette pictures.
He may swear a little more than is
necessary, but in general is not half
bad. His train of thought is usually
her lthy and vigorous and has a robust
ness born cf the outer air in which he
spends so much of his time. Physically
he is agile and almost tireless. While
apparently reckless in most things, be
is, on the whole, careful of his health
be is scarcely ever known to smoke a
whole cigarette at a tima His intellect
is as keen as a razor. He keeps it con
tinually honed od the strop of experi
ence. Everything carries for him a les
son. From the sale of tbe largest Sun
day paper to that of the most unpreten
tious weekly there is nothing he does
not profit by.
He is a bcrn statist, a self educated
strategist He has the nice art of going
far enough and yet never overstepping
himself. On the eve of such an occasion
he will vociferate, "All about the eleo
tion," but don't ever expect of whom
until you buy tbe paper. Pleasure and
other things occupy a fair proportion of
bis time, but with him the distribution
of news is always uppermost It even
permeates his sleeping hours. One of
them was heard to remark between sale?
to another a day or so ago, "Say, Jim,
I bad de finest dream I ever had las'
"Was it about angels?" inquired Jim.
"Naw," was the contemptuous re
flponse. "I dreampt dat der was a aw
ful smashup, six fires, four doubl mur
ders an tree suicides, all in one day. "
Chicago Times-Eerald.
Bow It Was Receive! and traded by tbs
English Public
This famous "gin law," passed in
1736, is interesting as the earliest se
vere blow at liquor dealing among civ
ilized nation:-!. It levied a tax of 20s. a
gallon on spirits, and a license of 50
for any one selling tr dealing in them.
And, being in advauce of public opin
ion, it failed, Liuch as other more
stringent prohibition laws have failed
in our own day. For tho cry was at
once raised that it taxed tbe poor man's
pin and let the rich man's wine go
frea Every wit, every caricaturist, bad
his fling at it Ballads were hawked
around telling of the appratcbing
death of Mother Gin. The liquor shops
were bung with bl?ck and celebrated
uproariously lime. Geneva's lying in
state, ber funeral, Ler wake and so on.
The night before tbe law went into
effect, so the contemporary journals
say, there was a universal revel all
over the country. Every one drank his
fill and carried home as much gin be
sides as he could pay for.
To evade the law apothecaries sold
it in vials and small packages, some
times colored aud disguised, generally
under falsa labels, such as "Colio
Water," "Make Shift," "Ladies' De
light " There were printed directions
on somecf these packages e. g., "Take
two or three spoonfuls three or four
times a day, or as often as the fit takes
you." Informers were very prominent
and exceedingly offensive, inventing
snares to catch lawbreakers fcr tho sake
of the heavy rewards, aud spying and
sneaking around in a way particularly
distasteful to the English mind. In con
sequence tbey suffered in their turn.
The mere cry, "Liquor spy!" was
enough to raise a mob in the London
streets, and the informer was lucky if
he escaped with a sound thrashing and
a ducking in the Thames or the nearest
horse pond. Indeed, such an outcry was
made about the matter that the minis
try became very unpopular, and the
law waa not enforced after two or three
years, aud was largely modified in 1T43,
after seven years' triaL Popular Sci
ence Monthly.
A Carious and Kara Book.
The most curious as well as one of
the rarest books known to collectors is
the edition cf the Vulgate issued by
Pope Sixtns V, some time between
I5So and 1590. The book, as Disraeli
describes it, "fairly swarmed with er
rata. " So numerous were tbey that a
number of printed paper slips contain
ing the proper words were pasted over
the blunders, aud this device proving
ineffectual on account of the immense
Dumber of mistakes, as many of the
copies as could be found were called in
and destroyed. Only a few remain, and
the book with its paper patches com
mands an extremely high price.
All chalk is composed of fossils. If
you take the tiniest bit and place it un
der a powerful microscope, yoa will see
au infinite uumber of extremely dimin
utive shells, ud no spectacle on a large
scale is more beautiful than the varied
forms of these tiny homes of animal
life, which are disclosed by powerful
lluiiinrtia Women Co-operate.
Last winter a business woman's ex
change was starU-d in Chicago under
the management of Miss Virgiuia Dix
on. It is simply a co-operation among
business and working women to build
up a fraternity for mutual nid in secur
iag work and increasing ability of
workers as well as opportunity. The
business woman's exchange also real
izes the necessity of finding other lines
of work for many now struggling in the
business world who are not fitted for
it Many avenues for employment, as
seamstresses, visiting milliners, visiting
governesses, care of bric-a-brac, etc.,
can be opened up where many now
struggling in the ordinary trades could
make a better livelihood. All applicants
at the exchange are tested before being
sent out, and if not competent urged to
take up something else.
The clubs backing this oflee are the
Ogontz, the Wildwood, the Ursula, the
National Association of Women Stenog
raphers, the Vassar Alumni association,
the Progressive, the Mutual Benefit, tho
Fellowship, the Jane, the Occident, the
Mazzici aud tho Altura. When all the
social clubs of tho city open for winter,
they will send in much work, and mean
while the vacation work of supplying
substitutes is expected to support the
exchange. When one department is well
established, another will be opened, cn
til as many fields of work have been
covered as possible. The capital to start
the enterprise was raised among the
Doeant Know It Alt
"What do yon study at school, my
little man?"
"1 am studying the history of France,
! sir."
" Indeed. What can you tell me about
"Oh, sir, we have only got as far as
Adam and Eve. " Polichinelld.
A French professor is the owner of a
collection of 920 human heads, re pre -aerating
every known race of people ou
the globe.
TVa nv.v.;. - S v... 1
reives 15,000 a year and theaxchhUbops
of York and Lontlon each receive 10.-
This Girl Hrpt an f?m itaok aad Uat
a Un-laaci.
Thre is a North Hide girl w ho hns a
budiib-'e uuibittuii to ku.w jnst when
her monev pics. S'.io" has tried two or
throe times to keep uieutal trj k of her
expend ittirvs b.;t 'l is !way proved
anaatistaetc-T At l-.-i s! " dtiid that
she must kevp r.n r .-.;. and i-i!rt3 ac
count t f every'-'"'U-i? s!,e sj iijt Uho g,;t
herself a sn.s.l t k t i ruliag ami
niaryius aud a plial J. aud e t to
work iu canrst fcho put down reli
giously everything sh-r spr-at. the exact
amount, the article a:;d tba da;o. Sbo
never allowed the slightest matter to go
till there as a ch:u:ce of her forget
ting it When she n.ade i;iiy purchases
dowu town, she went over tb list care
fully iu tho car ou tier way home aud
put tho amounts ou tho outside of a
package. In tbis way she succeeded in
keeping a. very satisfactory record of
her expenditures.
There was only ceo drawback. Sho
was forever leaving the book around.
Of course there ere a great many people
who are only too glad to read such
things. The servant would see it. Tho
man who came to tnno the piano migl.t
easily have done it if ho liked, and she
did not knew whether he bad or not A
neighbor had once picked it upon the
lawn in frout of the house and brought
it 'n, but what was worse thau fill the
rest was the fact that a couple of girl
friends perused it one day. There wero
some things which she had talked a
good deal about that she pet for down
right bargains. In fact, after this catas
trophe everything ou ber record seemed
to be shamefully cheap However, she
was unwilling to give up the bookkeep
ing, and if she didn't carry a notebook
around with her sho would certainly
forget something, so she bethought her
self of another expedient She determin
ed for the purpose of mystiucatiou to
multiply everything sho put down by
ten that is, to add a cipher to each en
try Iu this way she could always tell
that every item really cost cue-tenth of
what appeared on the book. After this
she didn't care w ho saw it
There is a lot at the side cf her fa
ther's house and a rustic seat Ono day
she left the book on this seat. In the
evening the young mau who had about
concluded to itsk her hand iu marriage
came along He noticed the book, picked
it up aud looked through it carelessly.
He was amazed. She had always claim
ed to be such a prudeut girl, and ho had
believed sho was. Still there he saw:
Candy t3t0 Soda wate C 00
Gloves 11 W Fan 22 W
Flowers.. 4 U) Hatpin 7 J
Car fare 1 V) Novels 1-' OU
tium to Fbotogniiilii..... 1 i tf)
He was petting a fairly good salary,
but bo felt wholly unequal t-he task
cf supporting a girl with tastes liko
that In order to put himself out of any
possibility of such a thing he married
soon afterward a girl on the West fciiu
who never kept any accounts. Chicago
The Woman Who Uses
Washins Powder - jsSjSf
S finishes her woric as .?& b-rvl?
Washing Powder
finishes her work as
fresh and bright as
i2 her house is clean.
Largest package greatest economy.
The N. K. Fair-bank Company, '
2 Chicago. St. I-ouis. New York.
Boston. I'biladelphia.
lAvcA oir Bn-ad an! Milk for Year. 9 Home
Inx-tor. Kiiili-d l('un Mr. lr. huliu
Kiiccwdml iu ruriiiK.
For inoro than fourymni I have h:n a hud
-nt of rutarrh, Htomach Mini r'lci-ul tnn !!.
ToU fold tnlinuMy. Koroi.t n) imo-half
-iis, I fould ai unU hn-atl and milk.
n i.l do-lort to gt rial i.f my iuis-ry,
:ul wory aw! worst. S 1 uinl to It.
vi:in for lrtalii:fi)t. and tMi;.y I flm:i.sinn;'
istitT. cjiij cat anylhhi and tlon't tJike arty
iM- c l'. hiid toii.-idor tn st" If I'urvU of this
U-rrib;.' dist-ae.
John !I. Kauirnan.
M.ilt i w:inna, Vil'lih C o., 1'a
Cutajiii nnd Kyv Tnuhlf fund hy lr. Saim.
Fnrnoro!han " yi-nm J have had n vrry
b:a rat-t of t y e t roil bit- au-i ratarrli. Tin
ontntualiy k1 nr uin urvw Wt-aki-i and
Vfik'-r. 1 ulway io4k void, Ir. Saiiu currd
Ch vfbtnd Kiii' rlv.
MrV( lowij. Wilw xd y A. J. Kiii.l-r!
Mi 111 in ruiinty, la.
A I "? ?( IzAr Tro!itio Ilt-ini; 'nntl hy Ir.
aalni, t oinpli-Ht d wiih Kiiigii; NtiiHK
mid jKalnos,
Yy trfwtimn! is for the ".ir an J tlinwi. I
am rrtpidly improvinic, and I know I sliull U
run'tj, which 1 think will Ik-nmim.
Mr. Man- K. lhil ll.
wihcrg", f'ami n'ii 'Uir.y, 4a.
Vs -- - I- J-nf-.T ite- M I " WZ'. ' ,.fr , V7,V, JVy X
50 CfiT BOOK mer, The MJicil Ailvier, a short history of private diseases, advice to
yot;nif and old. spo ially thie conteiiiplatinjf fuarriatfe. This Uok will be will fn-e to any
one on i ) piicuia ACdriM Lr. talni, F. U. bjx Tt l',toluiiil u( U. tucIoMiig a 2 cent Ktainp
;or p si a lit.
ffltc f xiwiNiTtOM of TMf uir. Fjtrh p-nmn anplylnt? for medical tmilm-ni
si,.!d d or brinf fnnn 2 to 1 O' !. of umi Oh it p;si rtrxt iu the mornitiif pref'rrl
which will rei ive a earetul elit-mieal and laicroK'pral exumit;ationt and If re'iucMeU a
wriiieii HimlvHiti will le eiven.
I lsflHn it wou:en. sueh an liave Iwft1'd !ie fkill of all other physicians and remedies,
quiet, ly cured, cancers cared wlihjut the umv of the knife or cauinetic. Mo cutting, no
p;iin, it? riar.g-r
M:tiibMKl fn-rfee tly rtored. Quick, p-iinles and certain cure f.r I ni otenc lost man
ifl, pc rmatorrhun iot.-s s. r.k aud iu r;us del.ilily: alio for pro.atiils, veruiavlc, ant
all private dlM-jyf-whether 1mm imptudent Imbilnof youth or actional functloub sittd
i'y it nd jM'rtiiyientiy cured.
AH eye op ruiions Miwi-st-hiily pcrfornicd. Kxn Ion and consultation free to evcrj body.
AdJret all communieatious to Box Tt-f. Coluiubun, Ohio.
Town. Unti l iHv.di-L'Xov. Ifc-ejan. :3 Si J)
SoineraeLVaurear. Frilay.J9 21 21
Tor all Bajocj and Knmns
Vkmasxs. They purify the
Elocd aad Eire Hsaltht
action to the entire system.
Oire tpedaHied Breaf-rfnnn Education.
n .rTpTo.TV ,
r VLFF 6c SO.S, Fifth Avenue,
rn i.ku, x'a.
Tlia Anfelo rtlrd.
When traveling in the forests of Gui
ana and Paraguay, it i not uncommon
to meet v. ith a bird whose music great
ly jestmbles that of ao Atgflus bell
when beard from a distance. The Span
iards call this aiugular bird a bell nng
er,.thruth it may be slill more appro
priately designated us tl.e Angelas
bird, for, l.Le tbe Anselus bell, it is
heard three times a day, niomiiig, coon
aud night Its song, which defies all
description, consists cf sounds like tho
strckea cf a tell, succeeding one an
other every two or three minutes, so
clearly and in such a resonant manner
that the listener, if a stranger, imag
ines himself to Le m-Jir a chupel cr a
convent, but it- turns cut that the for
est is the chapel aud the bell a bird.
The beauty of tbe Angelus bird is
equal to bis talent He is as largo as a
jay and as w hite as snow, besides being
graceful in form and swift in motion.
But the most curious ornament of the
Augclus biid is the tuft of black, arched
feathers cn its lautiful head. It is
conical in shape and about 4 inches in
length. Guardian AngeL
Servants la Japan.
Servants are very cheap and very good
in Japan. The foreign housewife has
nothing to do, and she lives like a queen.
The Japanese cooks are far better than
most American cocks, and 20 a month
will pay the board and salaries of the
help of an eight room house. A certain
foreign resident iu Tokyo who lives as
well as a millionaire would in the
TTnifrd States navs Lis cock to a month.
His butler gets 2.50. and his gardener
and second pirl get about tho same.
These servants all board themselves, and
the cook dots the marketing. Tho house
rent costs less than f 20 a month, and a
coach uu; a could be had at $5 a mouth
more. There is no trouble in getting
good servants, and they watch aftei
their employer's interests aud see thai
he is cheated by noun other than them
selves. Exchange.-
Pleors and Wholes.
Proprietors of stores where musical
instruments are sold say that many peo
ple seem quite unable to discriminate
between such establishments and those
in which printed music is dealt in.
As an instance it is related that a
young man came into a piano store and
"Do you sell piano pieces here?"
"So," answered the ralesman,
"nothiug but pianos w Lole. "
Tbe intending purchaser opened his
eyes iu a wide aud puzzled way aud
went out apparently wondering whether
the salesman thought he wanted a frag
ment of a piano. Youth's Companion.
Guinea lif; Farming.
England has three guinea pig farmers.
one of whom exports lou.OOO yearly to
France, where they are used at restau
rants as rabbits, tho flavor of tho flesh
being ideulital in the two animals.
TLe industry is said to Le very profit
able. j A Case of Otarrh jnd TI.nat Trouble C uivd
by ir. S;t!m.
I For more than 3 yenm our 2 rhihlren h;ve
rurn MilU rin-c from catarrh and throat troul
t U also cnlartti tons Is. They were ciM.tinu
ally lakititr cold. ould hanlly brent he at
I ntpjlit. Thirfonitttu!i;n Utunie und-rmni-;
n. A1UT a hhort ctuirne of trenliiM'iit wt?h
! lr. Saint. th y hae aiiiut entirely rtvovorvd
Tn:u uu ir iiuwnuie uisea.
J. F. liurrtstii).
Ik-IU'fonie, Centre county, la.
Couldn't Walk ... YarJs at a Time. Was No
Earthly Vne to Any One. Thought I was
lioing to I'ii', but It. Sal in Cured me.
For "2 yen r or nnre I have had ft fnrful
trot. Me i ean to ret very weak. My lirntm
would rot rarry tneany more. Couldn't walk
a sLrvteh if i't yard", :nd my heart would heat
at a ft-arfni rjleat the bust exertion, it rweni
ed ley blood turn-d to waTar. I tfradtial'y le
:me pale uu one dead. I was noeirthly use
iiHiiyoiif, ttml all my neit;hlMn and n la
tiei thoiiL'hl I wan utMiiic to die.- Home dte
torsoaoldti't help me, m I went to lr. Im,
and to-dav, I am happy to cVTate, that I am
ln'iurer tln -ver, van eat anylhlns, doa full
day' woi k and eh joy lite am much a anyone,
uud my color, anv oiie trv he pnanl of
Mm. Sadie Ifohl
AttMit1 by her Cither. Frank Richardson.
Itinlo, Cumbria etmnty. Fa.
Fell. Met.. Anl. M.iv. June. Julv. Auit. iept.
IT 17 ll 12 7 4 1 -i'
18 IS 15 1:1 10 9 5 230
rff f ' COPYRIGHTS. Ac
ATrronependtnc aktch and derTtpron my
flu.f it aateertaun, free, whether an InTeiit.iFn .
p.ttiaMv riit ibte. 4 oramunrOfathm trk tly
Ctu.r.reiitiL 1 lst "iteucy 1 Tst-i uniiar ateot4
tu America. baT a H Kliu.too otfc.
I'uots takea thnHiiUk MuiiXi 4 Co. tvxmirm
PoCaai .MlaOU ia the
beantlf-il'T tl)nmrtel. hnreM etienlation of
jit toientiAc )uraU - 7. tenrj S.'.i-i a jerxi
t.'. mo-ithn. hl-circcn e(i. ti ai4 liA
xoa oa i'ATkjrm aeut tra. AHoreaa
361 li roadway. Sear Vara., stTcr. ir..vsi
iWrlW nQPDfiUcC i
Njj iMU"'r
km wfimk
oa m vmm of
Tho Vecr and Izzt E.ulisn.'io fho Ufa cf a Travelling
Ssfcsffiin Very GHai Rsssik Seiisas!.
rrom .'? Press,
3. TT. THiann, li v In i.ii:e X,. 2ia
Iloilv lliR-k. c.wner hi 1 ayr-uni nu
tinJ ha ehar-j; of a mine thr.-e miles distant
from Alliance. Ohio, and there be skuu
ni'Kt of lii time.
Travelling a!omea hare tz pat np vita
wait around to qui.t my n. rws. It was ti.e
1 eoniii wni'.'
whkh ?0 erwhwlly l.rek down .y
hoa'.ih. ' bociii-.e run d.iwn aaJ lxt 1117 ap-
"aj 1 'if J
li-sLlii r,v,
&lV5S2ii Ji VV
'? '-iJz'z-y -
2E.lEiS-rC; liS?""
Avenue,, Cleveland, Old... bad salt-r-l f u." ''':.Vr,!" f ... ,vTp!,.. i
ireau- neru.e. UU nervou, r yst. tn I IwasUt a I. .VU restored ,.:y
bad beeuin. If irren.iar I al,:t ; . resin li t..e r r r,mtilo,, ; i
anJ iKf wa rsluce.1 f, t..c r,f total nerves -' !dael,.s w
,,r.!r.t...:i. Mr. Wh.nn U n a they ,lro ' ''' h. ;- '
saltan. t!u.l -a,,.,. w .im' Vtrold.l.,. a nH
iraHl am. .ou uucu . v . , . , glm.ri,ltM,,0 the worw
.ill, .I... Muhmiin? 1-unl tVnirmnv. the mine, ent tae p.lJ iuu a.y a.u
- i ravening aaieoinca nit . j ji " " : - - f l ..,,,;.
a cn-at munv iiiroiirenieiwet uaeufiey are coninietH ; then, to m-n"" n r ..
on the rel,s:tia Mr. Whann. "Meals, Dr. W. !u:i '1 m k 1 ill fX
sleep and rel. re efien irremtlar, and these are eons. rvs,
cnuies utisetile one's nerve. 1 ns rapi.lly I 3,' '"" . j' ' 'Xuina'
appma. h.i.5 a poiut where i uM b.vo,,.c ; St. .tn,' di. " '"V .l ! 1
' .nervous r-ek tmle. ) t-mploye.1 extreme ti.m. bctvoiu. MVfrt le Ll Ul
.enures. I it i.up.ill--,to enppe. F;P"' J" XKn,
. read or write f .r a periJ lonc-r a f-r lo r, that . t:re-I I" r, uu
I minutes. I w.vld melt up a i.owsip,-r ith J frotn n. rrotM irjetrjiH.n. t A --r es
the ...tentior, cf ciauc.. over the now ef fr".h"7 rt- Th.-are
the day. Ia fire or ten minr.te. 1 would a. -totula. .'""'"''.to V
have to lav the paper ai-ie and .-t up and also a tpe. iue f..r trnubl.-sj ; "r ' ' ,
fur a ft-w minutes and then have t- rife it ral cure in oil eawa ..., ."".. .
BP, Ss my hand would b,,ine shaky .ud worry, overvrork. er "J. ij
my whole and in a quiv. r. J nature. Fink Fill are .!d .y ail d. ulen r 11
-This nervousness en severe l.ead- he sent post paid on receipt of rr-'jj
i,,.. " . . t .. . ..... ..... . . ... , ...,n miimii
l AaafcTI!T, Can be Used as a Single or Double Heater!
wt-tlfrwaaijitB All the Good Point More of the Errors!
Examine ths CINDERELLA Before vou buy
1 1 J MES B. HQLDERBAUM, Somerset, I'd.
Somerset, Pa.
Somerset Iron Works,
(formerly Sotnrrct Mechanical Work,)
Has been refuted w ith New Machinery
and is now prepared to furnish
Stoves, Plows and
Of all kinds on short ntice.
Also builders of the
Barrett Gas Engine,
Beat in use. Any nizo. Cull and
see it,
We also carry a line of
BRASS coons.
Having put in a new and complete
line of Machine Tools, are now
able to do all clua of work, such
as lie-boring Cylinders, Planing
Valve aud Valve Seat-, or any kind
of Engine Work that may be re
quired. We earnestly solicit your
work and will guarantee satisfac
tion. Offlee and Works near the It. R. Station.
Somerset Iron Works,
Somerset, Pa.
(SKirtfc-t: - .ii!-.i
lb.- I'jil. lr 1 -.iu--r -f
Cr-.ih .VrM"s-. f ll -Mrg t
hav d . --- - i-n-i
thai siii-jt t y rJlitw (Km"
lit ba arvt ctr i-tf witbtM.
rtt. mii't Uf irrtnl pNttatitt
h'H r. lu' Ktx b''ltaVi ft
Se la a Iftr sassll l,aartti aU aisalfl
S Y. .if 0-4 rur-d. tat lr.
Htct.rert ba, MM-raM'tiilf tntiM
fxmrtxi ttt Utrm U HUM M
JHfrsf- rM-T tiM CaUaAar t
U i4U lot feat rnrvd man ubm
CAfcdft CURE rvr q .!cVn, avil
aaar await aUaf I. a nMOOlt flCM M inc waVljri m
mirm 4 r4.rM wuh t B uu Tor ' kfwtti(. K
hf UM fr r. ?t-iir-art ta IU mj eattrr 4
M f '' svr l'ia'vtit auid ke riHsbarrd caa.
tr (all! Katrat - I trwietl tai tfcisal
tosstrcr 4 i.i'. ltr. kUi -M tn-tts. taVff
U ft 1
m V Cil
a tqiil collapse
atvr!an,t. Chia.
y duties with nnheirt
i !: "u:.t .... f. - ,mu.,i,-,i c..;e
Airs. Vbann. too. i, very ei.tan-it'e vx
i,;.e i,f the Dili. M ' .
r. (..... I uml nervousness, t"
I has r
sac.-i as l'V" .1.,. r.r-t a r-i-
1... nis 01 w-Ttkm-w,. ., .
j Ir. VHIwtu' MoJ:cice Company, fc
1 tady, N. Y.
It is a Great
Com for tsmz'
Ij one of the most perfect heating stoves,
f r household it, ever ploced ui..n the
market. All the latest and best ideas are
incoqiorated into its con-truetion. Every
feature to promote durability, cleanliness
and economy has been well planned and
Produces the Greatest Heat
From the Least Fuel
The cold air is diawn from the floor, and
divhared through tire si.hs and lrr-,
thur. mghiy heated. This uietiiod of
ciieulation -
Prevents Cold Floors
AmletaWMtcs that
much desired uni-
mj.H.rature in ail parts ol tae room.
Will Burn Any Kind of Coal!
Will Keen Fin Twenir-four Hours!
Cook & Beerits,
Wednctulay, Xoi JO, 1897.
f p-r hu ..
Appies iirinl, lb ,
' I evaponkU-d ....
Apple Butter, per iil .
I roll, per B
Butter. frwli k.-ir, x r R
(creiinierj, n-r a
11 re
omna, per ro
e.muiry iuihi, p-r ID... lo lo Ue
Jkititarcunil lunu, per lb l."c
1 side, p.-r lb ti 1o n,;
Miouuier. per B
6 to o
white navy, per bus
1, per m .
Ir: reel.
Pemnt J'tiinl)erlan(l, per bbl.7. !!-Jl..i
Cement. ,.(rtlandi r, .Zl 4 u)
L'fi'a. rVrT lf. "" J
FUh, lake iierring-1 b'.l
f SW'I .'.J,1.TS
Honey, white clover, per B..
Ijtril, per lb
.e Ut IOC
I.ime. iM-r ttlil
Mo'.awr. N. .. per gal tine
Onions, per i-s TV
I'oUUk-s. per bun. ..rjT ftl "to rt-c
PeHCluH, evarroratnl, per lb ID t 1
I'rum-s. f t t k to ii-e
... 1 . M-r rjrn j
rituburir, per bbl . :i
fa'Ti '4 bus Hacks jv
" 4 bus Siiek.'.."'r.Z.7r-4-'-.-"
rround alum, It vick,i ik
iiaple. per lb tio
iinporu-d yellow, per ftr jc
wliile, A. per t l'...t-'4r
ntiiulateil. per R i:i e
Cule-or pulverized. jer 8 . . w-
per Knl
Jitaule. tier mil -1 ..
Stoneware, r;:iii on
Tallow, per .r.T.3 il e
V 1 1 it-.-sr r M-rml . . . , .
lliiioiny, per I Ivr t $! T.'i
Clover. p. r bus .. t;kM to 3 i
cri .11 r.i, per bus 4 ml
w all':lii:i. p,-r bli. mw .'jil
MUrlf rta.i. h,,u - " . 1
Millt-t, tJerninn, per bus Ji., !7!!!!" l.jr
IUirley. white IreHniless, per biitC l.2Tt
biii-kwliKiL, per bus ....
com, ear. per bus rf
Grain I " slielled. ntr bus 4
oats, per bus . 13 ot-c
rye, per bus , wi c
wltent, per bus I7.7i.rr-.
tan. p-r Mi !b .7IT. T'-e
corn and oati. chop, per lm B-s.. S e
Hour, roller pror.-;.. per bbl i
spring putent and fanev
ni:;h grade !;.W
flour, lower crude, per IK)!ba......V.51 :h
A Feed
MlddllaesJ tl,1"' Prr.'"' Ibs
- I re l. per iui wm..
Baltimore and Ohio Sailroad
Somerset and Cambria Branch.
JORTHWABD. KxpreM. R.ickwood 71 a,
m !Soniei.-t Kio. Slovetown Huii, iicov
eraville lihiC, JohQidown 11:10.
Johnstown Mnii Fxpress. Rorkwood I'-CO a
n... !onieno-t ll:V. HtoveM-ia n liia, iloov
emville lid, Jobuatowa 1:10 p. nu
Johnstown Accommodation. Ra-kwood :.v;
p. nuoiner-t.VJiMtveton5:t, Hoov
eraville i, Johustown ri:Vx
Mal. Johnstown a.m.,IIoovers T i .c
Htoyeatown fcSS, Someret 10:2 Kockwood
Express. Johnstown 2:10 p. rn Hoovemvtlle
i:.-M, stovesiown 3:13, homersel 3;li Kock
wood 4:1)6.
Manager of ltnM-..)(vr Tnutic.
IN EFFECT MAY 12, 1897.
o0hdc58id 8cbeddi.b.
Western Express
Southwestern Kxprws
JobnntownA -ini n itxi.-. 1 1 ion."
" Arrommoomj,,,,"
Paeifle Fxpreks
Wji y Pii?viik'i'r "'"!"Zr
PitUbun; K.prtsx......
Fust Line
Johnstown Acwmiuurdali.i'n
Atlantic rxpress....
Hen-shore Kx press
Altoona AceointuialaUoa.
liny KxpreM
a. ro.
Kill -
, -'
4:rft "
wis p. m.
. 5: a.
. .Vsi '
. K:24 '
ai:iin -u, . . ..
Mill i- Tor, )- P-
Jirhnto-n Acemnodaii'on
Philadelphia ExprC
Fast Una
':. J. B. Wool,
v i..rvt-r
5nyaers rnarma
; r
It rcjuircs a good selected stock and a neatly a;ra-.
Pure Drugs
- p,., anj Good condition. In tlio wav of
g Procrrintirm ComrndiD- " ;
gr I IOUl ijllvil Anvthing not aJvor.:
at: wc are sure to have it. You are always sure
- - i ad
kept 111 SIOCK. rraii.-'iacii'jit j;uai auii-fu.
nnTnpr q rnnr
M . WWW a. 1 ! 1 I '
This Hodel Bmg Stcreis Rapidly E:c:r:?a;J
Pavcrite with People h Search :f
Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Siwnga,
S'Htpui tct , Ttjilt.l Articles,
Perfumes, e.
BltCAT CASK BiriNI TAKKN TO rE O.N LV fKB-U AS.! IT re .-.-. n,
SPEGTACTJ5S, p:yim;ijVsS,s&
And a Full Line of Optical Goods always cn l.a-A Frc!
large assortuient all can be suucJ.
Always on hand. It 13 always a pieasure to dikj
,to 'ntending purchasers, whether they buj
from ns or elsewhere.
J. Til. LQUTttZR ri. D.
Somerset Lumber Ya
Lumber and Building Materials.
Hai'd and Soli Wooc
Oak, Poplar, SidlDK", Plckrta, Sice
IValuut, Yellow Pine, Flooring. SmhIi. SuiL;
Cherry, Mi Ingles, Doons lial uslen. (bMi
Lalb, 1) kite Pine Blind., Xewel Pots
A general line of all grades of Lumber and Building aterhil and It.r::i -"Ji 1
stuck. Also, can fturiisb anytbing In the line of our business tn,ir.!rr M s
ble proruptatms, such as Brackets,
Elias Gunningham,
Office and Yard Cpfx site S. 4 C. R. R. Station,
With the close of the rrwi.leiitial etunpaijrn Till". Ti:IbT"E
tLe fact that the AtiH-ricjin Hr,le are now anxious to uive t!:-ir 3'::
home and business iuterest.-. To meet thin cir:.!itirii, poi.tio I
space and prominence, u-:til another State r N;.ti.n:il r-.-:i.-ion "i-
newalof the fiH'l.t for the j rin. it:t-s for which THK TKlHl'SEl-
from its inception to the pr-s-tit tlsy, anil won its irr-::t- -t vi.-torit
Every p:.ible ell'ort will U put fortii, an.l tnoi i-y fr'!y 'f"'- :
The WKKKLY TKICl'XE preeminently a National Family Ne-P3?
ng, iustructive, t-rjteitaii.-!i:g and indispeiisaMe toesch
We furnish "THE HERALD" and "N. Y. WEEKLY TH:
Address all orders to XI I K
Write j!uT natr.f and ad.lress on a postal card, send it to Ke. W. J
Trlfcone Ruildii.?, 5ew York City, acd sample tm
Wekly Tribune will be mailed to jon.
Ilemorial Work
Hanu&ctarer of and Dealer In
F-aatern Work Furnlsud on Short Notice
wiiv m EJiiiiE mil
Also, Agent for the WHITfi BRONZE !
Persons In need of Monument Work :
find it to their intereKi to rail at my shoe
where a proper vhowln wiil be eiven tht-.a
-HMtilaetion gnaranieed In every ease an
Frieea very low. 1 Inrite special atteotio n
Whita Brit, Or Pura Zino Monuments.
pr.nlure.1 by Key. W. A. Rinc. as a de-i,l
improveio.-i.t In th point of Mutenal and
Const run n.aid wbi. h is t1,t.t .i,ed to be I n
popular M.miit.ient for our tbacg.cb
oare. Give ns a rail.
Wm. F. Shaffer.
room to do a Lriik lusir,e?s.
I make it a p
-'0:r.t tn V... f
large line of rn; ;n
- a 'of
OpticalGoods ;4
Trusjioa rittcd. All oi me ucsi ana raot api-nnvj t "k
Main Street, Somerset, Pa,
air's FicEaSoMlFaijte
Olii.i1 Itiiib J,
Over 500 '. ,sV
Desiirris. ; - i i
- ' . . . : '.
nsi-. rl
"- 01 ll" 1 J i ,tvu.i.ted ta
. ..iil.lic