The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 30, 1897, Image 3

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    The Somerset Ilerali
June 30, UW.
.... .,-.-n.N.
M' ". :it "lrm.-r h i ill, in
. i.'iy people of town gave
l,.p" at tho Somerset
.... r.-My
.. i. u..-l,.r. oftUo Silislmry
,;li N-" ''1
..::. "f rt-sUirtr.
,,,.,'. of hor parents Mr.
n ic will l bfl J in the
T , nAv. Jalr
ciliircn - - -
riiinil a'"1 evening.
. . o. S.n!l, of r.illimore,
' : in t.i. ii S:itarUy eveniiiK,
'r. M!:.:!i f-r week with rela-
Mr. '
" '" , " ''.'., t tin- home groumls mt
'"'"; v'-h ...ii. The gam promises
..; eiiili'.ecn young ladies ana
.irtic-pated oicycie pic
C !' . f Fartn,' five iuiie
I" ' : 1...-
. . !. oil r nu.
. arri-.a.s for the summer at
'V'-vsi.V.r. , note Mi Laura Hel
"' i- 1 ii-rvoungbrother Master
mf'"'"" . i -., fT. p.Mulu'V.
-..p..- i ::hit -.-'
. , ! M.;iiitn, of Somerset,
":n:ui-U Hay. of Jefferson
' , ,.r.. united iu marriage t tb
!'""' ir...,-i.'in I.ivansville, on
TX'by. -i--' in-U Kev. C. F. CiebUart,
, . v .j a u.l Miss Carrie
i'.'iii of iii-r FriiHlens Somerset
" xm-:- ui.iL-.l in marriage at the
,.i,, in Kriodens, on
j'.iii.- -IM, Kev. J. J. Welch
T;. Ill's-''
. .. 1 ..tli'f"'l"wingnam-
!''Z'- "f maM uin-alled for at the
" '".Cr: .1. M. lnijMti; Sarah Picker
' I -inwr: Samuel .!.-
I'.'r- Ni'rv' H -l.-T l..iU': J. A. IUudall;
.!... W. : !' r-
- !r-. J- uti laftn and farui
." iV,.'!,;,..l.!a. arrive.1 in town last
y'.-X ant '; r.-inaiu throughout the
Mr. Mir-t..n Has jeaseu lira
. ..ii l'atri.t street, for a
V.;. .ii
M- m: 1 Mr. Al ur M- Kinley have
. ... .,, !' lii' ir suiniiier home.
' ."r N --v York. Thursday
' i ;r .-a-iihi.-r Mixs Mall
! :.' t'i- White lloue, lHt will
, ,.. ; - :. r :u t he seas. ui.
r i .. -a.-i.y. the well-known Cum
I , .'. i;-.-.-.. K-i.t Suuday with Sotn
, r. r. 'ii" ing to hi home oil
v i 1 I'r. i a native of Klk Lirk
t '.i :; 1 i -.ii.- "1 the suo-ess-
i'i .-i'::i h. pr !'.- i-'ti in tbe eointry.
lUci, J.-. i .-!1.-er. V--1-. n of Judge
1." ...,.;. . graduate.1 from the
W,.r!: 1 !.io-rity "f IVnnsylvauia,'-irs. tanc tin-first honor and re
.iUllJ il.t- l':rl j.rize. w Lit h was the
.Vi:--r..-.!i ai:d Ki.n'.i-h Kleyeloaei'u of
Vrm hii:?-er i'-e will I held in the
V:::!i KiM'S.-i.i- i Church, at Husband,
a. i n.. a. in.. Sai.l-ath morning. The
4!ii"evei.nig 3 Children' Service w ill
i.-.ii ij. u i in the I. It. Church. Soia-
x, :. V.. !'. 1-. Yoder w ill olficiate on
.N!r. A. r.'iikhart and two small
..f 1 'ir.'.n ir i.liia, are guests at the
ii . iiH ..f Mr. a:. 1 Mrs. J. A. Laml-erU
Mrv. I:, i a daughter of the late
X. 15. IVar . 1. iu"r-et towuhip, and
h-r:u--inl engiged in
l.a!i! : th p';.t'-e.
Mrs. Wi".:ia:n H. H-H-hstetler lea last
T.inrs day :" -r a l.rief visit to the home of
li-r-.u K iwar l and Harry who oon--i
j t a Uz: !ii--rcU.t:t tailoring eUb
l:i:in-U at Wt-t Xeaton. Before re
I'.iruirg sii' iit irieiidsiu McKees--
r; ai..i r,;l.iir.
Mr. J. ( ;;i,t..u M. Millen and Mis Ida
J. :..r. l.-tii ..f I'pper Turkeyfoot
r.i,;ji. u.-re litiiteJ in marriage on
s in 1 -.v. Jan.- T::i. a; the Lutheran pir-
uajr- in X-- C.-ntreville, Rev. A. It.
M:.i. r iatii':. The groom i a turn of
s;Hr:;! I: s. Mi Millen.
M.. Haru.-Il. daughter of
.-r:;ranl Mrs. M. II. Hartzell, and
M, ka:!,',.-!, !l ild.-r!.aum. daughter of
Mr. a:, 1 Mrs. Jm, 15. Holderliaum.
i. in r.-tiirn.l fr-nn (ireenl.urg. where
tn-y .piit ::,e winter and spring at-t-:i-i;:ii
a y..,;t:g ladies' seminary.
At a ti.eetir.g of the I'.iair county He
.:i! ,i.-Hii Ciuiiiiittee, on Saturday, Chair
nun ra::.r..u was dire1e.l to corres-l-nil
,:ii the Chairmen of Bed font,
a:ii!.r;aatid s.uner--t counties, with
ic- to a!.;iiitig ti e conferee system
in o iir-si.iiia! distri-t.
I'r. Heuiuiingrr, of Ijivans
m .-. ht graduated from the Kclectic C.iiege, Cincinnatti, in May,
an l La. siu.f Un making a tour of the
et.t. a-nv.-1 h .:u lt we'-k, where he
; - -'":" for short time with his par
ents. T i-It. in. n .t y-t decided upon
:i i.-r:iia:i-t:t ; --.c.: m.
M. Henry M. will give a re
:n tue "j..-ra House on Thursday
!:-'. -I : .v,l l.y the Somer
Mat..i...::i sn l liuitar Clul. Mr.
' .. r ! i ,Hie of two f the lt
k. ,,f ,,ral)ry j oount
"' "f o:ir citizens iM, have had
tli- ,. iiering her rei-ite pn-
i . n; e l,er an artist rare ability.
1 1, -..; ..::r riders ho desire an even
' J j... as 1. 1 entertainment should avail
t:,.-n,M-.w ,,f lls ..j.jM.rtunity.
I..i-t .,!iay afternoon when Mr.
an. I M p.. j I. Heiming.r f Jerrers(,n
!" !.:;.. ere ai,ut to "tart from Soiu--r-t
f r their home, seated in a two
' -":- they were suddenly precip
'"! t, ti,e .j,,,! ; front of the p.
taf. king b,!t ,,f tbe wagon having
K way and permitting the
W .l-e .. t, rU:, fr.u vug,,n Jjetl
!rs. u, niu:i,T tell on her head and
sii!i;,ir win, great Tersons
witness, j the a.-cident assisted her
int., yer H. Vni-. olli., where
"a! examination it was f-mnd
t-t her .h..a! ler wa.. dislocate.1. She
a- her hoUie Ulef ia the
J"'"n- Mr. Heuiminger waa uninjur-
";.u.,re:aiid County romuiLs
si ner- are preparing btK.ka and torn,
' r "n..ra;:.,iw ia order to collect the
"l tnree .IiU a dty Qa aj, uanatari.
7, ,"rt'r, -"iployed, which u expect
i n, t- a large sum in that county. The
"'"'""'""I t Irwin employ fif-
''"'n-ire-l men who will he affected
j- hi l will go into effect on
" -t. Il,,l 0f the companiea aUte
.l'n..:MK,nof this tax will entail
great deal of llM,r ,nd troubla- Thp
::UtTl 11,141 lhy pay the tax,
u " u will be deducted frooi
Ux laborer do not pay
ed i ! "V Tl"',' "" l reai h-
J, U'e Awks"" t. be listed ibr town
f"''X l"T lh reason that they move
i u.,ne to mine and 'rexj.aenily change
taiil r"'IW tJ e,,1e lhe Pynent of
u n i Nonh Ua"ting-
Ut , b'hl '' derive the rreUl
thaM. th t"u,'ty. t i eUtnated
Jr rMw,u 'il U about tH,lt
Meeting of the Repub- -lican
County Committee.
H. M. Berkley, Esq ,Re-Elccted Chair
man by Acclamation.
The BegaUr'y Acnoancfd Caaiaiatet De
clared tha Party Komiatea. An En
thuiatio and Ilarmgoioat
The annual meeting of the meinlieni of
the Keptibliisn County Committee, pur
suant to a rail issued by Chairman Berk
ley, was heKI iu the election rti iu the
fmrt Ilotise yesterday afternoon.
When Chairman lWrkley rappetl for
order, promptly at I o'clock, the large
room was filled with Committeemen, the
several candi.latcM and a numlier of their
An organization was effected by the
election of I. V. Xedrow, of Homerfield
borough, and Joel Bowman, of North
ampton township, as Vice Presidents;
J. W. Peck, of Summit township, and
ien. 1. Countryman, of JetTcrson town
ship, as Secretaries, and L. C. Colborn
and tiet. M. Baker as Tellers.
A call of the roll diclel that the
twenty-three Committeemen, who nad
obeyed the rules and the instructions of
the County Chairman in not holding a
primary ele-tion on June 2!th, were all
present, as were three others who had
been appointed to fill vacancies caused
by resignations since June 3ith, making
a total of twenty-six out of forty-three
members of the Committee, as consti
tuted prior to the assembling of the con
vention. Forty -two of the forty-three districts in
the oounty were represented by Com
mitteemen, all of whom participated in
the proceedings.
In a somewhat lengthy speech Chair
man Berkley related every circumstance,
so far as he was concerned, relative to
his declining to announce as candidates
all those who refused to comply with the
party rules in refusing to pay the assess
ment levied upou them for the purpote
of making up the deficit that would fol
low the holding of an election. His re
marks were listened to with the keenest
interest and he was frequently inter
rupte.1 by applause.
The Chairman's il.slaration that so
long as be occupied that position the
rnli governing tho party organi7-itiin
would lo rigiilly enforced and fearlessly
adhered to, exiled forth a Isirst of enthu
siasm, showing conclusively that the
meuil'ers of the Committee were iu
hearty accord w ilh the Chairman in the
linn stand he had taken.
Short addresses were made by J. C.
Iw ry, K. V. Biesecker, J. U. Scott and
1 C. Colborn, Kis.
On motion, the regularly announce)!
candidates, namely : Manasses Shoe
maker for Iirector of the Poor, and Kph
raitn Coleman for Jury Commissioner,
were declared the party nominees and
the ollieers of the Committee were di-re-ted
to so certify tin in.
on motion, the regularly announced
candidates for Iklegates to the State Con
vention, Hon. 1C I. Miller, John V.
Mto!!er and Jaines M. Cover, were ile
clare.1 duly elected delegate and the of
licers of the meeting were directed to
issue credentials to them as such.
Notwithstanding that it was wholly
unnecoss:iry to ele-t a Chairman iul
other ollieers of the County Committee,
as under the party rules and a well
osla'oiislusj precedent, years in
which no primary election is held lhe
oilicers and meuibers of the organization
hold over for another year, some enthusiastic-admirer
of Mr. Berkley's moved
that he be re-elected for the present yejir.
The motion was quickly seconded and
upon being put by the Vice President
was carrieil without a dissenting voice
amid a storm of cheers.
J. C. Iwry, Ksq., w as re-elected Chair
man pro tern, by acclamntiou, and in the
same manner the present Executive
Committe, consisting of Hon. V. II.
Sanner. Ir-H. I. Moore and J. F. Nau
gle, was re-fclecteI.
A series of resolutions which we regret
we do not have the spice to print ia this
issued, were read and adopted. The res
olutions endorse the National and State
administrations, commeud Senators uay
and Penrose and Congressman Hicks,
approve and endorse the action of Chair
iiiau Berkley and call upon him to forth
with remove from ollice all members of
the County Committee who refused to le
governed by the rules of the party and
contrary to instructions from him held
primary elections on June 2th.
The removals were made and new
Committeemen were appointed, a list of
yi hich w ill be published.
Following is the closing resolution :
H, Molil. That we recognize in Hon.
James S. Beaxm, a representative citi
zen and earnest Uerul!u-an of our
neighboring county of Westmorelaud. a
gentleman of uniui4eachable character
and sterling integrity; his rare attain
ments fitting him in an eminent degree
to discharge the duties of the ollice of
Slate Treasurer, and we, therefore en
dorse his candidacy for that position and
request the delegates we have this day
electetl to vote for his nomination in the
State Convention.
After the meeting all of those who had
been present were entertained at a
specially prepared dinuer at the Hotel
Vannear by Geo. Ii. Scull, Esq.
Jan Weddingt.
The following marriage licenses were
recorded in the office of the Itegister and
Recorder during the month ending
William Peters Somerset twp.
Edna Blough Somerset twp.
Allen (J. Yutrv ;reenville twp.
Matilda A. Miller Northampton twp.
J. H. Bowman Stoystown bor.
Maltie B. Brutaker Stoystown lor.
Justice HanJine Salisbury lr.
Minnie Holzsbue Meyersdale bor.
Henry Walker Summit twp.
Eiliisn C. Ixtng Summit twp.
John II. Minna-Elk f.ick twp.
Mary Seihl Summit twp.
Ilev. L. B. Clouser Somerset twp.
Amanda M. Iurst Somerset twp.
Harry ti. Fritz Johnstown, Pa.
Annie Arisman tenner twp.
Wilson R. Weyand Jell'crwin twp.
Emma Ash Jefferson twp.
James E- Bolertoii Summit twp.
Letlie S hull suminit twp.
lieorge IL Nell Jenner twp.
Unnie M. iabaw Jeuner twp.
Earl Houpt Somerset bor.
Ida B. Y isler Somerset bor.
Elisha B. Iur4 New Oermanv, Md.
Luciuda Figge -4lJrantsville, Md.
Win. Irwin Connellsrille, Pa.
Nora Vausickle I'rsiiia bor.
Silas Bwire f psr Turkeyf. twp.
Ilora Nii-bolsou .Vnlliieui"4 bor.
Wm. Iei!a Lincoln twp.
tirace Muaray Stoyestown bor.
Ja4bC. McMillen V, TurkeyCiot twp.
Ida J. Weller-l'. Turkeyf.wit twp.
Freeman Piper Westmoreland Co.
Flora E. llannan Westmoreland Vo.
Frank Bi-ynon Meyersxlale bor.
Mary Howe Meyersdaie lr.
Dr. Chas. A. Walker Clevelan.l. O.
Anna M. Beach'ey Meyersdale bor.
Wm. A. Younkiu Meyersdale lior.
Julia E. Hibner Meyersdale bor.
James A. Winters Elk Lick twp.
Lavina Inks Elk Lick twp.
Austin Sanner Casselman lxr.
HaUie Williams I'. Turkeyfst twp.
Joseph E. Baker Summit twp.
Ellie F. 1! rooms Sunton, Va.
John Marteeny Somerset twp.
Iicinda II eininger Somerset twp.
Henry J. Rhoads Somerset twp.
Carrie M. Dickey Somerset twp.
Wm. A. Leake Altoona, Pa.
Carrie Zearfoss Roekwcuxl bor.
Harry P. Hoffman Somerset bor.
Amanda Hay Jefferson twp.
Ihivid A. .erhard L. Turkeyfi40t twp.
Mary E. IlyaOI Turkeyfoot twp.
Cwlvin V. Kincaid Bl-k twp.
Sadie E. Landis Brothers valley twp.
Jacob E now Somerset twp.
Mary A. tJallatine Middlecreek twp.
;eorge F. Shepherd Cumberlaml, Md.
Miriam Grace Winters Somerset bor.
Thomas L, Pollard-Garrett, Pa.
Ida F. Walter Garrett, Pa.
Farmers are busy making bay.
Cherries are in market.
Brief Biograsay sf Cal. H. B. Inka. '
From the Pittshurx Chronlcle-Trlerraplu
Col. Henry H. Kuhn, Aide de camp
on the staff of Governor I. II. Hastings
of Pennsylvania, was liorn l I.igonier,
Westiuoreland Couuty, and w hen an in
f tnt moved with bis parents b Stoyex
town. At an early age he wu sent to
Wa.shi!'.gtou, Pa., to atteud the Public
Schtsils at that pla.-e, after w hich he re
turned to Stoyestown and worked on a
farm for two years. At the age of four
teen he went to Johnstown and was em
ployed as a c-lerk in a confectionery store,
but after two years returned once more
to his home, and apprenticed himself to
a blacksmith. At the age of nineteen
ho Imnis a jou nicy man blacksmith.
He abandoned the forge and anvil in the
.11 of lsilO, and taught school during
the winter of lsriu and 1ST1 at South
ampton Mills. Somerset Cuticly. Just
at lhe close of his school term, h"t. Sumter
wan fired on, and he immediately journ
eyed to the to n of Stnnerset, and on the
ISth of April, lfol, enlisted in a company
of volunteers then 1-eing finned at that
place, aid which "ubsequcntly became
Company A, Tenth Regiment, Pennsyl
vania Reserve Corps.
During his service with this company he
was promoted to Corporal Octiler 9, Isiil,
and became a 'sergoant June it, l"t. He
participated in the battles of Drainsvilla,
Va., December 30, lsul; Mechanicsville,
V., June Si, lSJti; Gaines' Mill, Va.,
June 27, Charles City Cross Roads,
Va.. June 30, ISC; Malvern Hill, Va.,
July 1, l!ii; Bull Run, Va, August i
it, 3ft, and 31, ls; Chantilly, V., Sep
tomber '2, lstil; South Mountain, Md.,
September It, lsij Antietaui, Md
Septemler 17, lsttl; Frodoricksburg, Va.,
Iecember It, l.s.; Williamspirt, Md.,
July 12, IsjB; Cub Run, Va., O. tober 11,
lSii!; HappahaiHiock Station, Va., Nivem
ber IS, lsirj; Mine Run, Va., November,
2D, and 3), isri. In these engagements he
w as twice woundeil. Ha received a gun
shot wound in the left si leat Charles City
Cross Roads June -TO, lii; aud a gunshot
wound through his right thigh at Freder
icksburg December 13, Istl On April 4,
1Si1, he was honorably discharged by the
Secretary of War to accept a commission
as First Lieutenant in the Twenty-third
Regiment, United States colored troops:
He served in that regiment during Gen
eral Grant's Campaign with the army of
the Potomac from thi ViMeruens to
Petersburg, Va., participating in the fol
lowing engagements: Wilderness, Va.,
May tt, 7. K, ami 0, 14.1; Cold Harbor, Va ,
June 1, Istit, and the mine explosion in
front of Pctcnlurg, Va., July i, l!iL
He sustained a gunshot wouud in the
left foot at Wilderness on May 9lh He
receivel a gunshot wound through his
left thigh at tho mine explosion in frout
of Petersburg on July lSil.
On Novemls?r 2i ls-1, he was honor
ably dischargeti by tho Secretary of War
on account of physical disability caused
by wounds received in battle. Ou Janu
ary i, ISiil, he was commissioned Second
Lieutenant in the Eighth Regiment.
Veteran Reserve Corps, and was assign
ed to duty by I lie Secretary of War at
Camp Iiouglas, Chiiago, III., which was
then a prison canip for the .Mention of
fifteen th.sisand Relit-I prisiiurs of War.
Colonel Kuhn was retained in the Vol
unteer Service of the I'l.ited States after
tiie close 4.f the War, and was assigned
to duty in the Freedmeu's Bureau, in
the Slate of Florida, un.ler coinuiand of
General Foster, He resigned his com
mission Docemlrt-r 1, Ismi, and wasap
jK.inted t -. a clerkship in llicSc-oiid Aud
itor's otlii-e in the Treasury iK'partment
at Washington. Shortly alter assuming
bis duties iu this nxiiiou he was tender
fcd a commission in the Forty-second
Regiment, United State Infantry, by the
Secretary of War, for gallant and merito
rious conduct in the Battle of the Mine
Explosion, in front of Petersburg. He
accepted and was assigned to duty as
Post Quartermaster and Post Commiasa
ryat Hart's Island, New York Harbor.
He subsequently served w ith bis regi
ment at Sacketl's IIarlor, N. Y., along
the Canadian frontier. In 1iZ) his regi
ment was consolidate)! with the Sixth
Regiment, United States Infantry, and
he was transferred to the waiting order
Afterward he was assigned to staff duty
w ith General How ard, w ho was then iu
charge of the Freedmeu's Bureau. In
Septeml-er, 1570, he w as ordered to report
to a Retiring Board at Fort Leavenworth,
Kan., for examination. The Board found
hi in incapacitated for field service on ac
count of physical disability caused by
wounds received in battle. The finding
of the Board was continued by President
U. S. Grant, who promoted him to the
rauk of Captain on the retired list.
On January S Gov. 1). II. Hast
ings appointed Colonel Kuhn as Senior
Aide-de-Camp on his staff, w ith the rank
of Lieutenaut-ColoneL
After his retirement from theULited
S-ates Army be 1. sated iu Johnstown,
aud ou March 4, IsTt, he was admitted to
practice as an attorney -at law iu the
Courts of Cambria County.
Colonel Kuhn was elected ami served
as City Solicitor of Johnstown from 175
to lsX), w ith the exemption of the year
WS. lie is a member of Pennsylvania
(Vimmaudery of the Loyal Legion of the
United States ; also a member of Emory
Fisher Post No. ', G. A. R., at Johns
On June tih succeeding the disastrous
Flood of My -"1, lsl, when James B.
Scott assumed charge of affairs at Johns
town, Colonel Kuhn was placed in charge
of the Commissary Department, and
charged with the duty of receiving, stor
ing and distributing the supplies of food
and clothing sent to the stricken people
of the Coneniaugh Valley.
On July 1 following, when the State
authorities relinquished control of affairs
in the valley, at the instance of General
Hastings and the Suite Flood Commis
sion, aud at the request of the local Citi
zens' CoiiMiiittee, tho department was
retraiLsferred to his custody, and he con
ducted it until tetoler lsX', at which
date he chwed the affairs of the depart
ment. Beside his civil and military honors
Colonel Kuhn stands high in Masonry
iu every branch, ami is promineutly con
nected with various secret societies.
Will bs Closed oa July 3rd.
As Saturday, July 3nl, is to be ob-s-rved
instead of the 4th, which falls
on Sumlay, our store w ill be clsi ou
that day.
What Se the Ckildrea Drink?
Iion'l give them tea or coffee. Have you
tried the new food drink called Grain-O?
It is delicious and nourishing and takes
the place of coffee. The more Grain-O
you give the children the more health
you distribute through their systems.
Grain-O is male of pure grain, and slim
properly prepared tastes like the choice
grades of coffee but costs about as much
All grocers sell it. 1 V aud 2.c.
Picaie aad Horte Baca at Tenner.
A picnic will be held at Jeuuers on Sat
urday, July 3rd. Among the attraction
w ill be trotting and running races and
!se ball during the morning and after
noon. Daucicg and other amusements
will alao be provided.
M. II. Si pr,
J. M. Gillespie,
J. C. Hofkmax,
Bev Coaklin Wagon.
We will sell cheap for cash to close out
3 2 horse, 1 one-horse New Couklin
Wagons. This is a rare chance to get the
lst wagon made at a bargain. Also 2
Osborne Mowers very cheap. Inquire
at store of
P. A. Sen ELL,
Somerset Pa.
ENCE. Old Time Political Acrobat Go Through
the Pace ia New "Teg."
Readers of the Hi: ttVL! wh ri9 ni3:u
ories run back to the stirring days of
lss'i, missed a hp of fun yesterday af
ternoon when they failed to attend the
extensively advertised side show in the
Court House,
The same obi political acrobats, who at
that time made daring lemw from the Re
publican pinnacle Into tho IemiH-ralii5
junk shop, were all present and lnailod to
the brim w ith venom against the Ifc'piib
lieaii organisation which they have tiu.e
and lime again attempted u overthrow,
but which has sailed smoothly on, piling
up largely iucreased majorities at every
J. G. Ogle, who turned a triple-somersault
into political iblivion in lss2, was
master of ceremonies, and when the au
dience, composed largely of Democrats,
PopocraLs Prohibitionists, Ex-Oiliee
holders, with a sprinkling of misguided
Republicans, had assembled, he cracked
his w hip and unfurled the banner of the
three tailors of Tooly street, on which
was ins. Tilled : "We, the People of Eng
land," or more properly expressed for
the occasion at hand : "We are the Peo
ple." Mr. Ogle then nominated a num
ber of gentlemen as temporary officers tf
the organization, after w hich the roll of
townships was called aud committeemen,
a majority of whom were self-apiiointed,
stepped forward. Credentials were not
requested for obvious reasons. In the
first place several of the would-be-com-initteemen
w ere acting on proxies of ofli
cers of the Republin organization, who
were meeting with the County Commit
tee in another part of the Court House,
w hile at least three others were acting ou
proxies of Committeemen who had re
signed and whose successors had len
But credentials are never required at a
circus of this character, the audience al
ways being anxious to see the trick
mules trotted out.
After the self-constituted committee
men had pranced around the ring, the
ring master announced that the ruls
(still in embryo) would be msienled
and that a master of ceromoiiim would
liceleele.!. P. L. Livcngood, who bail
held an eld-twin in the Isirough of Salis
bury, at which eighteen V4tes were cast,
nominated J. A. ltcrkey, E., and an
other hyslericid individual moved that
nominations be chined. Mr. Bcrkey
was elw-ted by acclamation, everybody
in the audienco joiuing the chorus of
Artist Bcrkey vaultoil int the arena,
kissing his hands right and left to the
benches. Gathering himself together he
said that ho would accept the honor so
unanimously conferral upon him, and to
the evident amusenu?nt o! the crowd an
nounced that he would scrupuhnisly ac
count f4r all moneys that came into his
hantls as Chairman. He q:ialili.l this
statement later on by saying that ho
w4uld not print his audited a.vount in
the new spapers of the osinty.
Next came a triple act in w hii'h Msrs.
Edaard Ix-ouard. of Meyersdale, Dr. W.
S. Kuhlman, of Ursin. who has been a
candidate on every ticket, excepting the
Republican ticket, voted in that Unmgh
for years, and S. I. Shobcr, w ere
eb-cted members of the Exeinlive Com
mittee, In lieu of band, tin-U'xes were
rattled immediately folbiw ing this a-t.
The audienco held their breath when
the next perf4jrmer prani-ed in, Geo. F.
Kimmel, in his star impersonation of a
committeeman wbo.had tendered his res
ignation as a member of the Republican
Couuty organization some time ago. As
a testimonial of Mr. Kimmel's serviisss,
in taking the functus ollicio Comiuitteo
man or Mil ford township to the election
houe Saturday morning, it was decided
to elect him Vice Chairman, which was
accordingly done by a"clamatioiu
At this juncture of the performance
"Uncle Alex," who is a couceeded adept
in all matters ertaining b the construc
tion of a new political partis, cleans! his
throat with such vehemen-e that the
painted figure of justice smiled audibly.
Here the ring master stepped onto the
saw dust and w ith the delileration and
aix-entuation of Demosthenes of old, an
nounce I that be would do the "iconoclast
which consisted of reading a series
of resolutions making the office of Com -ty
Chairman elective by the voters ol the
various districts, making voters of all the
districts eligible to that position, aud
limiting the services of the Chairman to
one year. This performance did not win
the applause anticipated, but. ou the oth
er hand, the audience called for fire
Gen. William II. Koontz, slipped under
the ropes and bowed to the performers
who had preceded him. During the
progress of his remarks he again and for
the teu thousandth time broke theshiek
les from the feet of -l.OiJ.OW slave, took a
reef out of old King John on the plains of
Runnymede aud declared his contempt
fir party rules. The General has lost
much of his snap since the campaign of
l.s-s, when he hippodroined the State
selling gild bricks to Republican voters.
Francis Jolly Kooser, (with apologies
to the Johnstown Democrat, ) appeared
more than usually "grand, gloomy and
peculiar," when be climlsxl to the
trapeze and in clarion vois9 proclaimed
that a concert would take pla-e immedi
ately after the circus performance.
Mr. Ogle was endured for a few min
utes again, w hen the audience w ith one
accord slipped out of the court house,
leaving the would bo-coinniitteenien to
to add up the vote of Saturday's bogus
election and select a name for the new
born child.
Fake Primary Hote.
That "avalanche of votes" that Br'er
Ko4ser predicted would overwhelm the
party organization failed U connect
The fake primary election bum-o
steerers did not meet with much success
in Meyersdale and Summit only il votes
in the former and 2t in the latter w as al
most enough to make a Ieouard change
his spots. -
' "
Loyal old Coneniaugh township takes
no sU)ck in fake primary elections, she
dn't bold any.
It was only another dismal failure on
tho part of brother Kooser to sell the Re
publican voters of the county a gold
Elk Lick Xo. 1 always polls a great big
vote at a regular primary Isit she never
opeus her polls for a fake one. F.Ik Lick
No. 2 opened up long enough to receive
the votes of the three electors.
Chairman Berkley was only compell
ed to remove seventeen committeemen
and name others in their stead. Of those
removed at least five were his warm per
sonal friends and would have voted for
him for re-election had they had the op
portunity. Of the forty-three commit
teemen we do not believe one would
have participated in the fake primary
had they Dot been over-persuaded by
Binder Twine! Parmer Look Her!
We have just received a carload of bin
der twine from one of the best manufact
urers. Quality guaranteed.
I will sell while this car lasts at follow
ing prices for cash :
Sisal, per pound, - . 5 cts.
Standard, per pound, - - f, cm.
Manilla, per pound - - C cts
If charged or in less than bales, 1 cent
per pound advance.
Tw ine open for inspection at our store.
Somerset, Pa.
Borongh 7rm Several Counties.
Senator Sllneinan's bill to regulate pro
ceedings for the lncorporstion ofa bor
ough when the territory to be included
in the same issitutet iu two or more
counties, pai-scd both House of the Slate
legislature Thursday and w ill probably
become a law. It is as follows:
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate
aud House of Representatives ol fbe
Coinin inwculth of 1'ciuiM Ivjuiia in Gen
eral Assembly met, and it is hereby en
acted by the authority of the same. That
upon the petition ofa msjority'of the tax
able inhabitants of any dcscrilicd terri
tory embracing any town or towns, vil
lage or village's, U. rough or boroughs, or
any or all of tneni, situate in two or imire
counties in this Commonwealth, (o the
Courts of Quarter 'sessions of the reas
of each f the ooimties In which faid
described territory may be situato, ex
pressing a desire to have said territory
incorporated into a borough, it shall be
the duty of each of the sail nurts to ap
point one Commissioner, who, when ap
pointed, shall select another person, who
shall be a surveyor, to view the territory
sought to be so erected into a borough or
consolidated into a single borough, and
the said Commissioners are hereby au
thorized and empowered to hold an elec
tion for the purpose of ascertaining aud
determining whether a m ijority of the
qualified electors tesidiug within the
limits of the proposed borough draire:
First, the incorporation thereof; second
to w hich of the respective counties the
borough shall be annexed in vase it le
finally determined to incorporate the
Sec 2. The Commissioners aforesaid,
withiu thirty days after their appoint
ment and selection, ami after being
sworn or affirmed, ba ing given at least
ten days' notice by means of ten writteu
or priuted notices of the time and plaireof
meeting, shall view the territory com
prised withiu the limits of the proposed
tantigh, and shall also give at least ten
ilays notice by ten written or printed
notiis?s designating the time and place
within the said territory of the purpose
of holding said election, which election
shall be held between the hours of 1
o'clock post meridian and 7 o'clock iost
meridian of said day. Ir. receiving and
counting and in making returns of the
votes cast at saiil election the said Com
missioners shall be governisi by
the laws of this Commonwealth regulat
i.ig municipal clediims, and it shall l
the duty of the said Commissioners to ro
ccive ami count all tickets, either written
or priutel, from electors qualified under
the Constitution of this State to vote, re
siding withiu the limits of said territory,
labeled on the outside, "Incorporation"
and containing on the inside either the
words "In favor of iucorpirtaion and an
nexed t4 -ounty," the voter
writing therein the name of the county to
which he prefers having the proposed
lioroiigh annexed, or tho words, "Against
All the penalties for the violations of
the aforesaid laws regulating municipal
elections of this Commonw ealth are here
by extendisj to all elections held under
the prov isiions of this Act, and the said
Commissioners shall at the next term of
the resiective courts make reports, and
the said reports shall slate particu
larly: First, that thy were all
prwnt at tho view; so-ond, that they
were severally sworn or affirmed; third,
the result of the ele-tion held by them in
pursuance of the pro isions of this Act.
They shall also annex and return w ith
their reports to eai-h of the i-ourts a plot
or tlraft of the territory emhraceil w ithin
the limits if the (imposed lrough, stat
ing the courses and distances and the
iuautity of land therein contained, and
also showing the proportion or the quan
tity of laud included from each county.
Sec. 3. If the courts shall find that the
prov isions of this Ai-t have tsen com
plied with, and it appears that the ma
jority of the qualified electors residing
within the limits of the proposed thr
ough are iu favor of the incorporation
thereof, and have indicated the pai ticu
lar county to which the same shall bo
annexed, the said courts shall each ap
prove the report of the Commissioners,
and the whole proceedings shall be en
tered on record iu each county, aud the
c. mi rt of the county to w hich said Isir
ough is annexed shall enter a decree in
the form and in the manner now prescrib
ed by law in relation to the erection of
boroughs, aud the same shall thenceforth
ami thereafter be a borough, subject to
the laws now iu force regulating the
Sijc. 4. The Commissioners aforesaid
shall each receive (." per day for each and
every day necessarily employed in the
discharge of their duties, to be paid by
said borough in case the same is
incorporated; but in case the
report should be against in-oporaUoa of
the said borough, or should not be ap
proved by the courts, then the costs to be
paid by the petitioners.
Recent Death.
Jonathan Friedline died at the borne of
his niece Mrs. William Kline in Som
erset township, on Monday morning,
June 1th, from consumption, after an ill
ness of several months.
Hewasiu his 74Xh year. For a long
period of years he was a well known citi
zen of Jenner township, where he resid
ed until after the death of his wife and
children, since when he has made his
home with Mrs. Kline.
At an early age be united with the Lu
theran church and was a faithful mem
ber of that body np until the tiiue of his
ileath. He is survived by one sister
Mrs. Phijip Husband, of Waukee, Ia.
and by four grand-children. Interment
wxs made in the Caselieer Church Ceme
tery, the exercises being conducted by
Rev. C. F. Gebhart.
Christian K. Ross, the father of Char
lie R.WS, who was abducteil from the
home of his parents July 1, 1S71, and
never.siuee been found, died in his 71' h
year in Philadelphia, on Sunday last.
Mr. Ross was Master Warden of the
Port of Philadelphia since 17!. He
was born at Middletown, Pa.
Several yean ago the polite fixwl the
crime on two notorious burglars, Wil
liam Mosher and Joseph Douglass, one
of whom was shot dead and the other
w ounded at Iiay Ridge iu 1ST I after a
long search. After Moshers death, aud
as Itouglass was Hearing the end, the
latter gasped: "It'a no use lying now.
Mosher and I stole Charlie Ross.
Mosher knows all about him." Doug
lass added that the child would be re
turned in a few days, lxit, needless to
say, he was not returned.
Miss Elizabeth Arisman, daughter of
Adam and Lizzie Airsraan, aged U4 years,
7 months and 1G days, died on Saturday,
June 2t ith, at her home near Lull, Som
erset township. Iieceased had been an
invalid lor a long period of years, but
bore her sufferings with great christian
fortitude. A day came when the house
hold was summoned to her chamber, for
Elizabeth was dying. Very peaceful anil
satisfied she appeared in anticipation of
removal to the other world. The deep
furrows caused by pain entirely disap
peared from the clear white brow and the
flutter of her heart kept time to the flut
ter of Invisable angel wings. "Don't
weep ; be glad," was ber consoling mes
sage to those assembled at her beside.
Special Hotifr.
Dr. J. P. Hunter, an eminent practi
tioner of Allegheny City, will have
charge of Dr. II. S. Kimmel's practice,
during the latter' absence in California,
All of Dr. Kimmel's patients can rest as
sured that their calls will be promptly
and efficiently attended to.
Jumbo, the famous 4-year old steer
weighing 5,000 pounds. 8 feet tall, and 12
long was killed at Wichita, Kansas, ou
Monday. He had missive btrns fifteen
inches in circumference and six feet
across, with perfect nin es. -
A Double Track Taaael.
From the time the PitlsUirg and Con
uellsviile Railroad, now part of the Bal
timore and Ohio system, was i-onslructed
over the A Ilrghanie. the maintenance of
way dsirtmetil has had a great ileal of
trouble with what is known tut Falls Cut,
twenty two miles west ofCumt-rland on
the mountain grade. This cut U through
a spur f a mountain, and the eatth ami
stone forming the sides have a'.uaya
shown a tendency to slip. So threaten
ing diil the ilanger be-oino mime years
ago that heavy timbers were used as
brai-es, and as time wore on these limbers
were increased In number, until the cut
now almost has the apearauceofa woisl
en tunnel. There bae !cen numerous
fires, caused by sparks from the locoimt
tivs, ami isuistant watch has to Ik kept
at this cut for fear of either a liror a cav-ing-in
of tho mountain. Such an ais-l-dent
w ill entirely close the Pittsburg di
vision for V rough traflic, as the topo
graphy is such at that point as to render
it i in possible to kistily construct another
WKhin the past six months, however.
Chief Engineer Manning has prepared
plans, to entirely obviate the trouble at
this point, and at the same time make
some needed changos iu the alignment of
the road and also prepare it for a second
track, w hen it shall be decided to extend
the double trai-k from Conncllsville to
Mr. Manning's plans include a 5.10-foot
double-track tunnel thirty fr et w iile, in
volving 20.1XJ0 cubic yards of excavation.
the construction of 3,() cubic yards of
bridge masonry and three luisJorn steel
bridges, one a span of bu n-ct and two
with spaus of OJ feet each. The improve
ment changes about mile of the line at
that point, and one or two very bad
curves are eliminated. From the way
the work is now progressing it is expect
ed that it w ill be completed about the 1st
of Decern ler.
A Disappointed Crowd.
A large crowd gathered to witnesu the
advertised gam of base ball Ixtween
Uuiontown and Somerset, on the home
grounds, Thursilsy afternoon. Rain fell
at intervals and retariled the prorsss of
the game, w hich was called at the close
of the fifth inning in aivordauce with an
agreement made in order to permit the
visiting team to return home the same
afternoon. Score 10 to in favor of the
visiting club. There whs more or b-ss
dissatisfaction e-spri-ssed by tho specta
tors, many of wIhiiii are of tho opinion
that they Insight a "gohl brick," sime
they puid gate money to witness a game
of bal' aud were dismissed when the
game was ouly a little more lhan one
half played out. The public will not tol
erate this kind of eonj ict long.
The Uuiontown club is composeil of a
gentlemanly set of young fellows, ml
of w hoin are college U.ys on their sum
mer vacation, anil they know the Nation
al game from Isginning to end. It was
the first opportui ity the home people had
of seeing their new battery, Swindell and
Crawford, play, and to say that the crowd
wns delighted w ith the Pinner's perf.inn-
am-e I sit mildly expresses their
sentiment. It was painfully apparent
that the Somerset hoys need pr u-th-e and
proer coaching. Had they been in good
form the game would have !.eeu won by
them without much effort.
Uuiontown defeated Meyersdale in a
hotly contested game Wednesday after
noon. Score 7 to '!.
Saturday afternoon Meyersdale and
Ik-rlin crossed b its on the groou.l of tho
latter, but the game up in a row at
the end of the ;. jnuiiig, Meyersdale re
fusing to continue it ou a.i-ounl of rauk
decisions by tbe umpire.
From the reports we have received
from reonsible parti-, we have no hes
itation in recommending any of our nu
merous subsi-ribers who are in want of a
good stove or range, to try "Garland"
Stoves or Ranges.
Sometimes that trill influence a
woman to purchase of a partietilar
The neatness with which a jzar
nient U made, the superior qualitv
of trimming., and jewel wiih the
Lock Stitch Will Nat Rip.
Some Good Things at our Store
This Week.
ChiUren's White Dresses,
Ladies' Muslin Pant.,
Corbet Covers and
Night Dresse?.
Wc call special attention to the
quality and workmanship employed
on the above articles.
Six Hundred Men's Shirts
and Drawers.
Try one suit and you will want
another. Wc sell two. suits for
while they last.
Respectfully yours.
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated fjr its grnt learnlng strength
anil haulthfulnem. Asnm the food airslnst
alum and all foroui of adulteration eo-nuion
to tbe cbcap brand.
Are Dear Buying.
rc4f rcf v''tf
It is all well enough to economize on
bair pins, eollar buttons, etc., but when
you ciinic to on your health
its POOR KCONOMY. Iluying cheap
Groceries! like sliiiing down from an
eight story w indow on a straw rope.
OCR GKiMCKRIKS are the purest and
beot you can buy.
If you are buying GROCKRIKS,
to take the be4 is the cliespest.
Our aim is to keep the lx-st and most
I'p-to-date sUs-k of
Fancy and Staple Groceries in
Somerset County,
anil at prices as low as you pay for
cheaper grade of g-tods.
You will at all times find us w ith a
full supply nf Canned Fruits ami Veget
ables :
Ucinlz's Keystone Condiments,
Marvius Fancy Cakes and ('rackets.
Chase A Sanborn's Celebrated CotTie.
Finest New York State and Iinorted
Sweitzer Cheese a specialty,
Kvaporatel Fruits,
('aimed Meats, Sardin, Ac.,
Frain-o Aineri'-an brand Caiiud Soups,
along with a full line of assorted ex
tracts for flavoring.
Armour's K.x tract of lieef,
Kae's dlive oil,
I'ostinu Cereal Coffee, ami many other
articles that are usually kept in a first
class store.
We are now receiving daily a
full line of Green Vegetables, Pine
Apples, Straw Berries, &c.
We carry a full line of wooden ware.
Scrub I'riishes, S'tmring Soaps, all
needed during lloiiscvicatiiiig season.
We lmu'lie a larye line of Fancy
ninnesota Flours
and guarantee any of tbe following
brands to give entire satisfaction.
Our King's Best and
Boss Flours
Are leaders on this market. We al
so carry in stock I'illsbury's Iiest and
Vienna Flour, and can at all times sell
you these brands at less than you can
purchase them elsewhere.
We carry the largest line of
Grain and Feed
In the OHinty. We buy in large
quantities, which enables us to sell at
greatly reduced prices over our competi
tors. Give ns call and inspect our line be
fore buying.
We are headquarters for Lime, Oil,
Cement, Hay, Straw, Salt, etc
Highest priis paid for country pro
Ropectful'y yours.
Cook & Beertis.
Marble & Granite
This is the -JXh year of my busi
ness at Iterlin, and I desire to
make it the banner ytar as to vol
ume of business, I have there
fore decided to let profit go, and
as a token of my appreciation of
the large patronage that I have
enjoyed througlMit the couuty, to
run the business iu the interests
of my patrons. I have insinuated
my manager and salesman to fig
ure work at a price that will sim
ply cover
Now is your time to buy to in
sure tbe erection of a first-class
piece of work at CT PRICE.
F. C (OLIIHCER, Managsr f Work.
J0HI 0. KEEFtR. Central Slsnua
Farmers and Stockman, Attention.
For the benefit of those who wish to breed
to my spt:sl Art lit n stallion, notice Is
hen-liy given tliat he will xtan.i at tbe follow
intr plurvs thrui.ii; In ait Ww- ciiouiiik ini:
1-i.mnsvillr, May 2r, Juu S, M, a, 2i;
KU.r, May !. St; Jane II. 2.
Hipnvillr, May M; Juim- 1. Ii 21,
Koiitr-rset, May 21, i; June 2, :t. It, l. 1 IS,
New Cenlreville, May -4, 2i Juue 4, . 1 17,
'reul. May 2B, 27; June 7, 8, IS. ia. 30; July I.
Uwnerand keeper.
WANTED. Hustling male and female
aicenu, tVnna ami tuo towns; exclusive ter
ritory for household aluminum warn, btry
rlea, bicycle eltctric lamps, biryele pHrka
earn ra, foliling ramp furuiture, fotdiiic batli
tubs, stamp for reply and catalisiue. .Mc In
ly re Novelty Co., als Id ve , lliutiuix. 1.
Wanted Axcnta. ladies or Kent U-inen, for
household article; sell in every house.
For sample ami purtirulurs send lUc lo
Wli kcs hros., Muc -., Ol Fourth avenux,
I'lTTwBl'KU, P.V.
Th KUkiminetas Springs School,
(51) miles east of Pltuburg)
prepnres young men for any College or Scl
entiilc m-tiooi. U per year.
Lrt us send you our catalogue.
WILSON A FAIR, Haltsburg. fa.
I have decided to handle tbe Ohio" Sawed
Paving stone this HuMn. All persons wish
ing a nice, good pavement should let their or
ders now. Orders (ma be left at W. V. 8 ha
fer' Marble Works.
Somerset, fa.
...GO TO...
F 0 1
Good : Goods
This is the .season for
Organdies, Dimities,
Lawns, Linen Batistes,
Swisses,Xainsooks, &c,
for tlresscs and waists.
A great stock of new
Style Silks for waists
and Dresses.
Beautiful Laces, rib
bons and embroideries
to trim them.
Handsome made up
Shirt Waists and sepa
rate Skirts.
Latest style Collars,
Cutis, Tics, Belts, etc.
Guaranteed Kid
Gloves, Silk Glovesand
Silk Mils.
A splendid assort
ment of Xovcltv Dress
Goods in Black and
colors for Dresses and
separate Skids.
Largest stock of new
Styles of MHlincrv
Goods at lowest prices.
(f-trunrrly .Ktmernrt .V--cA.h;u Work,)
Has Is-n retinal w ith New Machinery
and is now prepared to furnish
Stoves, Plows and
Of all kinds on short nolii-e.
ALso builders of the
Barrett Gas Engine,
Il-t In use. Any size. Call and
sve it.
We also tsirry a line of
steam n rriNt;s,
Having put in a new and complete
line of Machine Tools, are now
a Me to do all class of work, such
as Uring Cylinders, Planing
Valve anil Valve freaks or any kind
of Engine Work thut may le re-itiiri-d.
We earnetly solicit your
work and will guarantee satisfac
tion. OflUu and Works near the H. K. station.
Somerset Iron Works,
Somerset, Pa.
B. & B.
ITL A .......1 A
You'll be
when you g.t samples of tbe wa.-h
gissis at S, 10, V2i, Vt, :l)e.
and note how pretty they are in style
and eoloriiigs. Iook them over care
fully ompare them tot them thor
oughly fin.l out how good they are
then see if you aren't surpr'wed at the
prices styles fr shirt waists, dresHes,
and lor children's wear. People want
dai-ity things ami that's the kind we're
calling attention to.
Embroidered ianen Ilatistrt
JM linen color gr-Hiud colored
Mtr'pes and doU.
nr4 French Percales. I V double
foll ileudid s-tylea and goocU for
shirt waists.
Amerii-an biniities, 6 to I lie.
Zephyr Ginghams JOc kinds, 3
i lches wide, V2c.
And more other kinds nice wah
,ods than you'd ever exect any large
store's collection to contain.
Write also for sample of new
citoice wash silks at ll and JV.
Allegheny, Pa.
Somerset Iron Woris
K'UU T Willlnm U frlfa. Ut of nrn.
Inr nhi ti-trt.
lA-M-r iti Adrtiitiirft ml ion otj th hor
tmvinic 4r.mM Up th? a nlrr)xnei hr
skA jfsii Ki'J-ttt U hm:I to fruttc
irnntiti:it jriy na Dt, aul Uimt bavnijc fluim
uMitit tli HMttuf ! prtrwfii iitrm duly mu
Li-ii: KnUil (r m Tt(iniit. at tlt tU-m i
Jlli I J'UKh, 'l HMtM'IWt tjfKiil, OA
i.ym r. Fftrr.
J M KH I.. 11 tll.
YDMiNi.smvnirs NOTICK.
K-tt trf Hunnnh KrlT., I;f of Hiriwnu-t
tut vi ii if x naitUt t th-uinl-r4iil
II li:tl p.-MM1 aIM'W.UI l4-m4t-IVr llflet'f-
-I u aMil r"t;iu- Ut MMakr ifitiiMiuat fmynM-rtt
k1 Un- Hmv iiiic (ijai or ttitii aiirt
I Imp hmmh U fWf-ol iKm fiuiy uU-itit-ti
fcr it;t iik-kI h iuri. (tte th Uxy rf
Aur, A. !. It7, ml oitk-v of Juu iM
I'uglt. tvMi in r(UMrrtt Uritl.
1. 11 P- f KIT,
AtlmlnU'mlonrrf ii:r tiuli Knt, atl.
f John A. KmrUr, Tat of Jnn-rt-rwa
nou, riiivni inry. Y drr'4.
I-tt.-of ! flinulnUoii on th attore m
taU luvin bt.rf KmnUv to the omlr:!!
bv tii? pnpt-r MUtiMniy, oHm-5 u b-rvby .v-t-uUimil
pa-mou intl-b'l to UaU U
uiukr iniuiMlui!1 iMtym'-nt, n1 trxaw? haTliif
ctaiiiu sifHiiit Ihv wmh U pnrMrnt trru duly
Autlin;irHU-d Ur M-Iittrintriit, on Tnunnlay,
July 1, -;, at the laUr nuidt ic of dtrc d
iu aaiid borough.
Krd. W. BUncv-ka-r. Aduiintotratrfx.
KiIkU: of ArvlitWIJ lsinl. Jcc'iL
I-Um tfHliriiriiKintiin tut vim; twn zrHtil--i
lo Ibff uti4l4-rix)i-l t'V Hi- nf-ritutiHniy
il liM? a,iMvi- fLMU-. n.!- in nfiviiy zit-o u
all fjarti liavin- i-Miiit ukhImoI wil'S t-ntal to
pr-tl tlK-in pr-rtjr atuiH-tilM-atnl rr imy-U"-ii!i
a"'l ail anir i:n wml eut will
iimm-liuo- (joyninil f ih aiinxint Ui
UtK A linlliitralor at lli- lair ftsnli-nra of l-
--t-Mil in Atltiijufu uiwu..lo. ou .-vutuniuy,
Juijr a. itil, at Iga. nu
"avage . O.
luilnle of A !-x;i,ut!.-r Kimiis lat of Ji-nncr
towu-liii, noiurrwl county, frtu, drtr'a.
L. tier, t.r uitinini-tninim oil tli- le t-t-tai-
hnvinie n grunul l ttir umlritiKiM-a
by the -n)( r auiu-niy. umuv ia iirn-iiy iv
cii t ail raim lnlfiit. u iil ial t
Inakr llillurliaK: (x.viii. iiL, aut llliw ttain
rUkiiiM ain.l tlif wuHr lo r-iil tlu-iu iluly
auilit-iiiK-utcU for ariiimw it, on rily,
July 2, lrT,t the iVBicicnce of the d.--tuw.t
u xj.U tow nh!p.
A'liuiin.iratn, c t. a.
y. W. Bu-wckcr.
In re ctati- of Inavlil IIiL.lnixt. ilt-VL
TIih uii-l. r-u-'". 1 duly a'-nil.-l jtuililor l.y
ttwr ifrptuiit.' 4,'iHirt l .-Miirr-w-l .tuiily. !
ni:ik- a iitriIuiion ol iim- iuii-I in iiw tum.U
ol Jl.-ury n-l.rll. r." ..I li
HilluijO- iiv'd. lo autl ali.4it T k
t;aiiy t-ic.iiir.1 tn-fvtis iir-fiy irivrM mKH-r ilutb
li ani atu-liU lo tlw: dutl-t of ui aupotui-M-iil
at lm olhcv. oti iiilay. July It, 1x7
wlirn ana tM-ie aii parti- luU-rcxu-J Buy
A. J. OiF.IWiP.X.
A u ill lor.
tat; f Jotm SfiU-r, ditr'J.
TIi4- uinlcri!irU :aul.ur duly appcnntMl by
Ihr pmprr auiliin: ! ili-lrn.iiu- ln- Iuiki.
in tlic liKicl. of i. 'A'. Villi, rinuliir ana
tru-tt- ol Jrrtiu -rixi-r. d-'l. to aiHl aiuon
tii- It-uiiy entitle iiw-rro. h-rwv ki-
D4MH1- lie ill -It in hi- olIW. m tii tir
n;ri ol rwHiit-ro-t. Pa lor ili- iu-i- ttf
t. lltlll: to till ttutlr-i 11 tllti U .uot lilt-Ill. oil
I burxui. Juiy i. i-C, at w urliil a. Ui.,
li.-ii mj.l wiii-rt- all partn-i luu iu.iy
Kl Kt S t. MKVK.1L-J.
In re t-ttate rf IVn-r D. .M ::i. r. L.:.- i-f lirii n-ll.i-
loa u-.liip, ttt-r'tl.
The unih-r-.!ciwl. iluly api-olntit t.y tli r
ptiaiu.' 1 "ourt .i nir-.-t i-ouuty. Ku, auii
Utt. u-diiiniiuti- tne luii.l in iui li-iiit-ul tlia
ex--4-uir lo and anion-: ttitt-M- lcraliy enu-lli-tl
llit-n-lis t ! jflv--, imuce llml fie will
ari. n.l to Hie luint of lo. a--oiuiiiK-til ou
Ut-o.iu4.i-iy, Juiy 14, i-ec, at one ui-lirk p.
ut.. al liia office in r-uiarm t urou-(lu w Ik-ii
uj w litre aii purtwa luler t-J nmy aileud.
ofcu. K. ."H I LL,
Iu re estate of Samuel K. Criti-hflet-J. (lee'J.
TUe nndenu-ciie-i auditor appotuu-d by tbe
proper autliority to iliainiiuir the lumi-i
iu l ne tuind.1 ol' tlic uliuiiji.uitrl to
ant! anionic thone leitajly eulillett there
to. hvri-ly -;iv-.a niKice tiuit be will ait iu
hw ortlce in the i-orMn:h if fsmier-iet
lor the purj"-e of att.-mti-ix to the ilutie-t
of Ins appoiiituii-iii.ou WiitueiLiy, July 7, "ST,
w ii- ii and where ail parties interested uuiy
a trend.
C. W. W ALK Eli.
Thet; Trust X Siife ; In the Court of
iH-por.l in. Kxeeutoraud I'oiiiin.xi I'lean
Trusu-e uaaer the will oil inand forSoui
Feter LeKevrr. dee'il. ! er--t o.. Pa.
- .' Sobw T ,
Henry . Srevrart, admlnia-
Iralur of James LeKevrr.
de-e'd, etal. J (lo E luity.)
The undervis-ni-d h.ivin heen appointed
auditor iu the above stated ca?-e. br tne Court
ol t miinion l'iei-u-i of -toiuenei eou'uty. t ili
trbute the fund tn the hand-t of W. H.
Koontx. Jj-h., hVeeiver, to and anHi- tti-jw
le-aiiy eul!Lii-l tliereto, will aiu-o l U tne du-tie-i
of said appoiutineni. at the ortii-e of Coi
boru Jt t otl-orn. in Soiner-et. ou Knilav, July
a. A. l. 1-4T, whi-u and where ail partii-s inter
tatted caa attend.
A. J. iX'LBn RN.
In the Blatter of the en-1 lu the C-rphanH'
late of Court of Souienart
Jm-pil Lk-htr, der'iL ) county. Pa.
The undvpu-rie. auditor, appointed by the
Ct-urt on the no diiy of June. A. 1. l-4t7. to ai--r-rtaui
advaiM-eiiH-iit-i and uuic d;-itribu-tion
of the lii ud in lhe hand of Tnoinaa
Lu-hty. adiiiniii.tralor and truu-e, to a id
amHi thth-te l.-;:illy eutiUl tn---vto, uerei-y
;ie U'Hiiv thai lie will til at one o'clock p.
in., of Wedii--!ay. the I Ilh day of July, A.
l. I"47, in hiorti -e in lhe Un.ujh of Mouier-m-l.
county an t late afon--aid. for the pur-po-te
of alleiiiliiiK to tne dunes of hi ap
pointment, win-it and win-re all per-tous iu-Urt--.led
may alleud if they -a-e pner.
A. C. Ilolhert.
K-ttali: of John Min-i-i, late of Shade
township, dee'd.
Ia-tter of a'lminlslralion on the lve es
late havinx bivu -rrnnted tw lhe undersinnrtl
by lite pr-oper authority, notice i hereby -jiv-en
to ail per-ton indebted to mid estate U
make iminedtate payment, and tlitew having
t-laiins aintiiisl the same to prem-ul them tor
settli-menr. duly authentlcntisl, on Nalunlay,
July lu. Isht. al the laU- residence of said
divedt-ut iu llade towu.ship.
J. L. MASiiW
JO T ICE TO ixvkstoi:
Thf Bin1 of Sa-hMt lMrvrr of S m j-i.-t
burouh lu&vv irti ml tliat lli-titirf hiMidntir
iwut to pw r fr t ri- nMitrurtioo of thr nw
Puotio S'ti., HuildiniE. nid -r the lirHtii
and ptumbui if Uie mm. aid hotidt to b
Z', ol rdi. and oo of Jf lo imuv
July. ItC, pttyahtt one (Mind aniiUAily
ittfpRiiu-r urfMumtr ax ofUion 4 the b-ard,
at fimr prrcvnu niitjvwt. payaDle anuuai.y.
Mono- l h-rv0y Kiveu tlutt bub fr par
rha f all or prt of mid bmd will b rw
evivrd by tbe rvlr at any Utum bkrv
noon ot rturd:iv June Jtf, l?7.
lrvul-iil. Srt-rvLary.
NtHiee is hereby given that the ondi-rsumed
has Ulade appili-atloo UI Hie .-sicrelary o la
lerual Affairs for a warrant ara Iniei of uu
linprovetl hind siiuhUj in uiunnl township,
ssmierset eounly, Peiinsylvauu, adjtHuime
lands of Lewis )tennlnifer and Jatttb Hrvni
er ou the east, aud .-siim-it. now Hernaxn
t'hrtsineroti the sikuth, Jusrpli I nrtstner iu
the w-st, and John Barclay mi the north.
JlsslAH VkuV.
M.iy U WC.
lu re estate of Alexander C. Moore, dee'd.
The uudersitcned auditor, appointed by the
proper authority U disinttute tue funds in the
liaudsof the adiuiuisiralors, U and among
those U-irally enuthsl therein, hereby rives no
tice thai be will sit in bis orhew lu tsomerset,
P-a lor lhe purpose of attending to the
dulim of said appo4ntinent, on Tuesday
July S, 1.-4S47, wheuaud where all part lis lu
lervsled nuiy atKud.
Iu the matter of the assiirned esuite of 5.
Polls, of sluuk Is p.. somerset lo., Pm.
Notlre is hereby lven that H. H. Folia has
executed a deed ol voluutary asaiiunieiit of
all his estate, real, pcrsoual and mixed, to
the umlersiued for toe beiaedl of tue credit
ors of said . rt. Polls. All persuus indebted
lo said l. PiHUwul ma lie Immediate pay
mentand those having claims or demands
will present lliesanieal the residence of tue
assiguee for setlleuieut and allowance.
Colborn A Colborn, ..,
AtUMTieyj lor Assigm-e. liafy P.O.
Estate of SolmmHi Judy, late of Jennertown
borough, Houierset county, P dee'd.
Letten testamentary on the abeve estate
having been imnlnl to lhe undersigned by
the proper authority, notice la bereoy giveu
to ail persons indebted to said estate lo make
immediate payment, and those having claims
against lne same lo present them duly wu-IheutH-aUsl
for aetiiemenl on Jgunday, I be
:nh dsv of July. )97, al Ihm late rwaideao
of dee d, la ssld borough.
rred. W. Blcatrker, fciei-alng.
e ' '
is ,
4 '