The Somerset Herald IDWAUl) SCULL, Editor nd Proprietor. WElNFO.VT JuiwSV "Kkotiiek"' Ilerkey finally has a "heart man" in every district in the county. Hk careful of your health during the healed term. Iiefruiu from all excess es in food, drink or speech. Ovh old friend, General Humidity.ia with us once again, and is making things as pleasant as usual for us. If grimaoes counted for oratory the old original pehble chewer would be cast far in the shade by the latter day florin of Somerset's only Son." It is said that Speaker Ileed will an nounce the standing committees of the house shortly before the adjournment of the present session. Tun Texas legislature has passed a bill making lynching murder in the first degree. This is sufficient drastic if convicting juries can be obtained. If the bill now before the Senate asses every retail license holder who sell liUor will have to pay a hundred dollars more for his license than he does now. Foiimkki.v Mr. Kooer claimed that 3 was a majority of 12. Now lie claims 1" is a majority of 43. He has yet much to learn in arithmetic as in some olher things. Afkaid to throw oil" their masks be fore the voters of the county, the com biners telegraph to the Pittslwrg Times that the bogus primary was held by the anti-tjuay liejtublieans. Mkskks. Shoiser, Iterkey and Koos er appear to have adopted the old adage of the New England bigots,who "iJesolved, the earth lielongs to the Saints; resolved, we are the Saints." "The people demand an election," was the jiersistent wail of the "Com biners." Well, the jteople who knew them best, their personal friends and neighbors, didu t tumble over one another in order to exercise the right of franchise. Oit in the pure and immaculate Populist city of Denver ."S indictments have leen found by the graud jury against election officers for stuffing the ballot boxes. After a while we shall (ii learn how the ltoy Orator came to carry Colorado. To kill an individual for ths purpose of selling the dead body is a crime known as "Ilurking.". Will Messrs. Kooutz and Kooser succeed iu adding a new term to the nomenclature of criminology by "IJerkeying" the lie- publican party of Somerset county Nit. The name of Daniel Mickey, com mitteeman of Casselman borough, was attached to the spurious call for a pri mary. Daniel isn't built that way, but is a Republican from the ground up and was iu full sympathy with Chairman Berkley in upholding the The Hamilton road bill, carrying with it an appropriation of a million dollars, has become a law, and that is the most advanced step the present legislature has taken. It is the begin ning of the end of bad roads, and it means that Pennsylvania iu the mat ter of roads is not going to remain any longer at the tail of the procession. In the language of a local statesman "a dunderin lie" was circulated when Simon Thomas, of Conemaugh town ship, was quoted as favoring an elec tion. No primary was held in that district and Mr. Thomas heartily con curred with Chairman Berkley in en forcing the rules governing the party organisation. Michael A. Zimmerman, of Jen ner township, was one of the Commit teemen whom the "combiners" pro claimed would hold an electioa in hi: district. Mr. Zimmerman not only re fused to hold a rump primary, but drove from Johnstown to Somerset in order to attend a meeting of the Coun ty Committee called by Chairman Berkley. Messrs. Kooutz and Kooser have lcn identified with rump organiza tions for so long a time that ttoth visa' bly choked when they attempted to utter the word "Republican" iu their addresses before the rump convention. The former spoke of "our iiariy," but the latter feeling a more secure sense of proprietorship, referred to the gath ering as "my party." W. M. Pitman, Republican com mitteeman for lpier Turkeyfoot town whip, must have linen surprised when he saw his name published as one of those who desired a primary election. Mr. Put man came to Somerset yester day nwrniog for the purpose of rv buk iug lint lo Jr perpetrated in his nam. H ffti one of Chairman Berkley'! most ardent supporters. Another member of the County Committee heralded as being in sym pathy with Messrs. Kooser, Khober and Berkey, was Nelson Gerhard, of l"pler Turkeyfoot township. Mr. ( ierhard refused to hold a primary at the instance of these three astute gen tlemen, but attended the meeting of the Couuty Committee and commend ed the stand taken by Chairman Iterk- lcy. Honest Joel Bowman, of North nujttou township, was another of the ntembeni of the County Committee placed iu a false light before the Re publicans of the county by the party wreckers who advert ised that he would hold a primary hi his precinct. In order to counteract the slander Mr. Bowman was com pulled to have MMters printed and posted notifying I lie voters of his district that he was loyal to the arty organization. The era of more prosperous times is well under way in the cotton mills, the c irjiet miils and the other uuinufact . uries of the east aud south. In the west from Texas to North Dakota it is manifest in enormous growing crops, flourishing cattle interests and good elkeer in business circles. Ohio and the central west is in the direct lin of both waves and already showing un failing signs of recovery from industri al distress. Ckaikuav Davis, of the commit t V ou torebjra relations of the senate, will not Insist upon coiuuderatioa of the Hawaiian annexation treaty &f the prevent efeiloa of oongres. Th tariff i now the question of uraiuount iru portanee and other matters can await the regular session next winter. This government having signed the treaty gives to other governments fonnal no tice of its attention and complications nre not likely 4x result, through the de lay occasioned by leaving this session free to di.-e of the matter for which t was convened. The son of piil Sheridan has been appointed to a .adt-tship at West Point by President McKiulcy, which is car rying out a request made by General Grant- Just previous to his death he asked his friends to do all in their power to have young Sheridan ap pointed to a cadetship at West Foint as a debt of gratitude the country owed the gallant cavalry general. The friends of Grant have been assidious in their efforts to carry out the wishes of the dead chief, and young Phil Sheridan, having successfully passed the exami nations, is now a full-fledged cadet at the famous military institution. May he do honor to his illustrious father. Last Saturday the people of Somer set county witnessed the novel specta cle of a primary election held at the instance of a small band of hot-headed and ambitious would-be-oliticiaiis, of the lonugh of Somerset aud imme diate vicinity, representing none of the political parties, for the purpose of dis rupting the Republican county organi zation and turning it over to the thor oughly discredited and corrupt "Com bine," who are seeking to overthrow the Republican organization in the State. During the two or three weeks pre ceding, such conspicuous gentlemen as F. J. Kooser, S. U. Sholer, Geo. F. Kiuiuicl, Isaiah Good, Henry F. Bar ron, J. A. Berkey, (all of whom have enjoyed honor and profit at the hands of the Republican voters of the coun ty) and their paid agent, traversed the county from end to end circulat ing malicious and false reports iu re gard to the party organization and sowing discord among the voters. They first appealed to, then threat ened and afterwards corruptly solicited members of the Republican County Committee to hold elections in their respective districts. A number of Committeemen, not in sympathy with the Chairman and a majority of the Committee, announced their willing- ntstfj to hold an election, believing that by so doing they would best represent a majority of their friends and const tueuts, but where it was found that Committeemen would not act these self-constituted managers of a phantom organization secured other jiersotis to hold primaries. Out of a total of fortv-threememls-rs of the County Committee twenty pre sided at the election held on Saturday aud in seventeen others gentlemen act ing under orders of the parties named served in a similar capacity. In seven districts the ntrty wreckers were una ble to muster enough voters to organ ize election loards and primaries were, therefore, not held in them. The Hi:i:ai.i has no knowledge of how the elections were conducted iu all of the various districts, but in this town, where all but one of the local "(Join U lie" leaders resule, ami wliere their political records and characters are lest known, an excellent opportu nity for measuring their political in tegrity aud standing among their neighbors aud fellow Itcpublicans wa presented. Frequent secret caucuses were held, at one of which each voter present was detailed to "look after" a given uum ler of his personal friends and neigh. bors, with the result that a house to house canvass of the town was made The passions and personal animosities of voters were appealed to, after en treaties to friends and neighbors had failed, and as a last resort intimidation in its most dastardly form was resorted to in order to force unwilling voters to the polls. In their frenzied anxiety to swell the vote at their own home, thus hoping to send a flattering report of their great iopularity abroad, Democrats, Pojio- crats and non-residents were ushered to the voting place and were permitted to cast their ballots. Indeed, the elec tion ollieers kept the voting plao ojen until long after seven o'clock for the accommodation of several gentle men who were beseeching their next door neighliors to cast a luillot as a per sonal compliment. Finally the polls were declared closed and it was an nouueed that I jS persons out of a total of 3-11 who exercised the right of vot ing at the primary last spring had participated in the election. In other words, assuming that all of the 1"S votes were legitimate, three-fifths of the Re publican voters of the liorough refrain ed from voting; while of the votes cast 21 were recorded in favor of a gentle man who was not in sympathy with those engaged iu trying to disrupt the organization. In Somerset township iV votes are reported as having lieen cast as against V;l Milled at the primary last spring, less tlian one-half of the Itepublh-an vote of that precinct In this district carriages were provided to convev vot ers to tlie voting place and back again. Many of those who voted in the town ship did so under a wrong impression; others Were driven to do so against their own. better judgment by the party wreckers named, who, with their lieutenants, took p sessiou of the streets at an early hour iu the morning and throughout the day beg ged, entreated and threatened in order to eomiiel them to irticinate in a sham election of their own calling. Democrats and non-residents were hustled to the township by the hyster ical wou'.d-lie politicians, mIio asked no questions as to the voters qualifi cations. In view of all this, we submit to the 4ier judgment of the Republican -oters of the county whether the im sition of the County Chairman in re fusing to permit this little band of meii, working for their own jiersoual selfish ends, to override the rules gov erning the tarty organization, was not triumphantly endorsed by a vast ma jority of the Republican voters of the two districts, where the characters aud political standing of the gentlemen, who were guilty of calling an election outside of the party rules, are best known and appreciated. In the other district of the county the arty wreckers were relinked in the same manner; such Republican strongholds as Meyersdale aud Sum mit casting (il and 3) votes respective ly; while in Conemaugh, Elk Lick and other strong Republican districts not a single voter expressed sympathy for them, as no elections were held. We don.t wish te see any of our read ers defrauded, and must warn them against the many counterfeits of "(Jar land" Stoves and Range. These articles are without doubt the best that we have seen; beautiful as well as useful. , .in j .n wpcTCTrr i ax' ift A ftDtot Stroafc Dumb. Wahiotox, D. C, Juns SiLAn abrupt and startling hall in tlia taritT ilelmtooocured in the Senate this after noon, when, in llio midst of a passionate speech, Senator IVUJgrew, Silver Repub lican, of South Pakota, was stricken with p iralyis of the vocal cord, which brought his i elictncut speech to a cl'jse with a seutence half uttered. The Seu ntor was not physically incapacitated, ex cept in the sudden loss of the power of speech. Although he tatok his neat un aided, his associates felt that grave pos sibilities were involved in such an at tack. They were quickly by his side, and he was ministered to with as little confusion as possililo. He left the cham ber soon after, and was taken home by his friends. The debate proceeded, but no further progress on the Tariff" bill was made, and the awe-like feeling oc casioned by this incident led to an ad journment iu a few minutes. Snapper in a Diroroe Case. Tater-son, X. J., June 2UL For some time William Wright, of Van Iloutcn street, has desired to secure a divorce, Imt his'wife hs steadily refused to con sent to a suit or to bring one henpir. Iu his endeavor to give cause for such action on her part he is under arrest charge'! with assault with intent to kill. Mrs. Wright, in hor complaint, swears that her husband put a live snapping tur tle in her bed, and that it bit her. The turtle is now in the possession of Justice of the Peace Levy, and will be submitted to the inspection of the grand jury as part of the evidence iu thecaso. Wright takes his arrest as a joke, while the wife is admitted to have good grounds for applying for divorce on the grounds of cruelty. Pictur Eyes U Harried. Bismark, S. D., June 2.V The mar riage of Thomas I). Cronan, representing an English syndicate, which sent him here three years ago, was theculmination of a pretty romance, in which Picture Eyes, a Sioux Indian girl is the jewel. More than two years ago young Crouan, an educated Keglishinan and mau of the world, rode over to Medora and found a mob surrounding the jail and clamoring f;ir the life of an aHeetsI Indian horse thief, while kneeling before them and pleading more with looks and tuar than words, was the ImlLiu's daughter. Pict ure Eyes, t'roimu's eloquence saved the Indian, who proved an alibi, and for ten packages of tolaeco, t'ronau bought of Four Tons, the girl's alHaneed hiiH.smiL lie then sent Tiotu re Eyes to the Indian KcliooL at Carlisle Pa., and she finished her Education at a seminary in SL I'aul. Minn. I-ast evening she became his bride. Death by a Having Knife. r.Ki.LEKoXTK, Pa., June "jr. .eorge Taylor was the victim to-day of one of the most horrible accidents ever recorded in Centre countv. Taylor wiw a tenant farmer on IIolert Henderson's farm. near State College- This morning he went out to mow grass for hay. He was driving a rather spirited team, and short ly before noon-time the horses became frightened and ran away. Taylor was thrown from his seat on the mow inn machine in lelweeu the horses and dragged for quite a distance. Finally he was tumbled out in front of the cutting bar, and licfore help could reach him was caught iu the fast-llying knife and literally cut to pieces. The horsea ran a considerable distance U-fore leiinr caught, and the entire track was strewn with Taylor's tlesh and blood. Thevight was horrifying. Tay lor was married, and leaves a wifo ami small children. Wedding Trip ia a Balloon. Chattanoooa. Tenn.. Jane 27. This afternoon, in the presence of several thousand persons, William llolertHon, an employe of the Wild West show now- exhibiting here was married to Miss Cynthiana Kenna, a charming belle of Hill City, a suburb of Chattanooga. The ceremony Usk place in the car of the bailvm. and as soon as the words that made them man and wife hail been spoken the ropes were cut and the couple started on a bridal tour through mid-air. A stilf breeze was blowing, aud the lialloou was carried over the Tennessee river. At the height of about bin feet the bride became 'right- ened and jumped into the water. She was rescued by some men in a Unit. The groom made the ax-ent safely and descended a distance of l,Otl feet in his parachute safely. Last of the Ball Frog Gang. Little Rock, Ark., June 27. Deputy United States marshals attached to the Fort Smith court have raptured three men whose arrest, it is believed, has broken up the band of counterfeiters known to secret service ojieratorB all over the United Stated as tho Bull Frog valley gang. Tho gang's headquarters. or "mint, was in Poiie countv. Ark. It had branches for Hooting its Ixvgun money in nearly all of the principle cities in this cmntry and in Toronto, Canada, and the City of Mexico. Some of the imsl noted counterfeiters and nonfidence men in the country were members aud agents of the gang. Personally-Conducted Tonr via Fennylvania Railroad. That the public have come to recognize the fact that the Is-st and most convenient method of pleasure travel is that present ed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany's itersonally-coiidiicled tours, is evidenced by the increasing popularity of these tours. Under this system the lowest rates are obtained, for both trans portation and hotel accommodation. Ad experienced tourist agent and chaperon a.-couipajiy each tour to look after the comfort of the passenger. The following tours have been ar ranged for the season of 1S!7: To the north (including Walkins fJIen, Niagara Falls Thousand Islands, Mon treal, Quebec, Au Sable Chasm, Lakes Chainplain and George. Saratoga, and a daylight ride down through tho high- a lids of the Hudsoui ), July 27 and Aug ust 17. IUte, f UK for the round trin from New York, Philadelphia, lialtimore aud Washington, covering all expenses of a two weeks' trip. Proportionate rates from other points. To Yellowstone Park on a spocial 4raiu of Pullman sleeping, compartment, and observation cars and dining car, allow ing eight days in "Wonderland," Sep- temlier 2. Rate, fJ35 from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washing ton; &) from Pittsburg. Two ten-day tours to (iettyslairg. Luray Caverns. Natural Bridge, Virginia Hot Springs, Richmond, and Washing ton, September 28 aud ctoler 12. Rate, $ from New York, $3 from Philadel phia. Proportionate rates from other points. Two Armies the Begolar and Irregular. To w hich would yon prefer to belong? The regular, undoultedly. The Irregu lars are, admittedly the most numerous, but they are in a very undesirable state of no discipline. Hosletter's Stomach Bit ters will soon remedy this want in a dis ordered liver or bowels. Biliousness manifests iu lf in yellowness of the skin and eyeballs, sour breath, furred tongue, morning nausea, discomfort in the vicinity of the liver, vertigo and sick hcadache. Hosts of people ufTer thus. These signs of insubordination to the goveranee of health, together with an Ir regular condition of the bowels, art soon reguuueu i.y me uiuers, wbRU also overcomes malaria, dyspepsia, rheuma- tism. neuralgia; nervousness and kidney ( trouble. As a means of checking nrema- . , . . ture decay, hastening convalescence, and mitigating the infirmities of- agrt, the- great Wuiic is without a parallel. Dewn at Rarrtsborir. on Wednesday Governor Hastings ap proved the Hamilton road bill, which twill not become operative until the legis lature appropriates a million dollars for the improvement of the highways of the state. . The revenue muddle is leing simpli fied by proosit ions to increase tho fees paid by distillers aud brewer, and also to increase the fees paid by retailers in townships, boroughs and cities. The ten millions heretofore appropriated to the public schools will not lo redurod, but tho J.V0,0oil appropriated for the purchase of lsKiks two years agi may be cut off this year. There can lie no reasonable objection to this, as tho books have been purchased and the free ltook system firmly established. Two of the reform bills promised by Senator Quay were passed finally on Thursday and are now in the hands of governor for approval. The bill passed makes it unlawful to pay another's pUl tax without bis written consent, and un lawful to coerce oill- ials iuto paying as sessments for campaign purposes. The anti-Quay men opposed these bills and were successful in defeating the bill to prevent the intimidation of v.Hcrs. It will, however, proltably be recousidered and passed by the friends of the senator. . Tho ridi tiloiis a.-t making voting com eompulsorj went through the senate on final passage on Tuesday by a vote of 2S to 3. The Merrick school bill passed tho house finally by a vote of 110 to Cj. The measure divides the public school fund by giving one-third ou the basis of the number of schools, one-third to the school children IsHween 6 and 1(1 years and the balance on taxable. It is in the interest of the country districts as against the big cities. Under the present law the school appropriation of A,.riX),0iK) a year is apportioned according to the numls'r of ttxable in each school district. The bill increasing the minimum school term from six to seven months has been dropped from the calendar" on motion of Chairman Hammond, of the education committee. Among the appropriation bills which passed the Slate House of Represents tutu finally Friday were tho follow ing: fI.2--.iV" for the cure and treatment or the indigent insane; ;i;,Ml to the Sob diers Orphans Schools; flTi.ftM to the Western Penitentiary; fKl.ilmi to the State Hospital for Injured Persons, llazelton; tI7.V to the Sailors' 8,J Soldiers' Home, Erie; f70,0ml to the Ashland Hos pital; f70.(H) to the Morgan. Reform School; to the Huntingdon Ko- formatory; f inj,(Mi to the Eastern l'eni iiiiiienuary. Twrnty-nvo other appro priation passoil, r inging from fson to .4jo,ono each. Clipped tho Cashier's Car. i'kabwooii, rs. ii., June i-ou masked men this morning made a des perate rant ami robls-d the P.titte county bank at Belle Fourche. Entering the bank with revolvers drawn, they order ed the customers present and bank offi cials to bold up their hands. A little hesitancy on the part of cashier Marble drew a shot from the gun of the robbers which clipped off a largo isirtioii of the cAshier's right ear and forced compliance w ith the command. The safe, and conn ten were relieved of the cash thereon taiued, and the robbers, mounting thci horses, w hich had been conveniently sta tioned, rode away. An alarm was immediately given, and in a few minutes a well-mounted an armed sisse was iu pursuit of the rob tiers. Within a few miles of the town the posse was in pursuit of the robbers. Within a few mile of the town the posse ramo up with the fugitives, and a run irr I. flit. Wlitlia.1 tm'l.,. rnimil in uira of the robliers throwing up his hands and surrendering. The others, Wing letter mounted, continued thoir lllght, but are being closely pursued, and have very few chances of escapin,;. The day was favorable for a raid on the bank, as the weather was such that it kept the towns people otr the streets, and the roblters had little opposition, and haj quite start before the alarm could le given. The robbers were pursued before they got out of town. In the fight that follow ed Walter Jay, a citizen, was shot through the cheek, but no one else was hurt. Thomas Day the captured robler. was overhauled half a mile from tow n mm is now in jau ai i?a.iuooi. lie is a stranger in the vicinity. The rest of the gang are ai uay ai t lie l ureo V ranch, a few miles from Bello Fourche, where they w ill likely Imj rapture.! or killed. Less than J75 was taken from tho liank Cashier Marble having shut and locked Hie doors of the vault at the entrance of the rubers. He tried to return their fire. but his pistol failed him. The Fennsylrania Bailrosd's Popular Ex enriions to the Sershore. o other summer outing appeals so strongly to tho people of western Penn sylvania as the Pennsylvania Railroad Company's popular excursions to the seacoast of New Jersey. For years they nave lieen lsked forward to as the holi .1 m . . . i y cciu oi ea. u summer. The secret of their great popularity is the phenome nally low rate ami the high character of the service. The limit of twelve days just tits the tifuo set apart for the average vacation, and the dats of the excursion are most conveniently adjusted. There is also the widest field for choice in the sclei-tion of a resort. Atlantic City. Cane May, Sea Isle City, and fieean City aro the choicest of the Atlantic roast resorts. """; 'n mem may no visited un der these arrangements. The list this year includes also Rehobolh, Bel., and t-ean City, Md. The dates of the excursions are July and 2, and August 12 and 21. A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will leave Pittsburg on above- mentioned dates at (t.Vi a. m., arriving at A! toon a 12:1.". p. in., where stop for din ner w ill lie made, reaching Philadelphia :- p. m., and arriving Atlantic City, via the Delaware River Bridge route, at S:4o p. ni., making the run from Pittsburg to the seashore via the only all rail route in eleven hours and forty-five minutes. Passengers may also spend the night in Philadelphia, and proceed to the shore by any regular train from Market street wharf or Itroad street station the follow ing day. Tickets will also I good on regular trains leaving Pittsburg at 4:. and 8:10 p. m., both of which will carry sloeping cars through to Atlantic City. ror detailed information in regard to rates and time of trains apply to ticket agents or Mr. Thomas K. Watt, District Passenger Agent, Pittsburg. Cereal Coffee Drinkers BZ7ABE! If you have been deceived and tried one of the cheap bran substitutes now on the market, claiming to be the original and to have great food value, and you got i pound or poorly roasted bran for your -a-, ana a poor, weak, sickish drink (w hat can you expert from bran), don't l3 discouraged Isit try GKAIN-O. is made from solid gram, nicely browned and 3 pounds for 2."-. lirain-O takes the place of eolTee at 1 the pri. Ciet a pack age of your grocer to-day. Sedaeed Kates U Baa Francisco via Pena sylvania Railroad. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company nnii'Minces that, fr the Christian En deavor Convention to be held in San Francisco July " to 12, it will sell special tickets from all points on its system at greatly reduced rates. These ticket will 1k sold June 27 to Jul ...,l .-in permit of stopover at Ienver and points West. Returning, passengers must reach nrliHi'ml .i.n;,.. -, I'vriut um inter than August 17, IStc. - For specific rates conditions and full nforuialion apply V, nearest ticketageut THI TAX OJT A.UIR3. foreigners Mast Hereafter Pay 3 Cents Per Say to the State. Contractor, manufacturers and officials of eorsratious throughout this county and state are interested in tho passage of the bill by the legislature a few days ago which inqsiso a lax of 3 cents per day on the male aliens employed in all parts of the commonwealth, such tax being re quired to le deducted from the salary of such lalsirers by their employers and turned over to the county treasury. As the bill has boon signed by tho governor it has now lss-ome a law and Is to go Into effect on July 1. The law makes it compulsory on tho part of employers to ascertain w hether any of their male employes over 21 years of ago are unnaturalized, and to keep a record of tho number of days such per sons are employed each month, subject to examination by the couuty com missioners. Such employers must make a quarterly report on the first day of Jan uary, April, July and Octolier each year to tho county commissioners of the coun ty in which employment is given, aud ou failing to so report shall I fined from 510 to f lOnrt. Blanks are to Imj furnished by the commissioners. From the statistics available through the reHirta of tho commissioner of immi gration, the various consuls and the cen sus for sonio years back it is estimated that there are moro than pmXiO aliens working in Pennsylvania, very few of whom are to be found iu Somer set county. Of course the majority of the alien population of the state is located in tho mining regions where, it is said, niue tenths of the miners never become natur al izeiL The bill Is also to protoct the state against such skilled lalairen as those coming from England who, after work ing during the summer months return to spend tho w inters at home. These men aro bricklayers, paiutors, rarpen ters and others employed outofd.sirs. It is estimated that they receive almost as much for ono day's work in America at those trades as they would for a week's labor abroad, and can thus allord to go liack and forth at w ill, at the same time saving money and not palng anything for the privilege f carrying on their vo rations on this side of the water. Such, persons as these w ill, no doubt, cause contractors aud builder a considerable amount or trouble under the now regime, but as tlie object of the bill is to favor the employment of Aiceri.soi lslsr it is thought that many ofiJis foroignors will on account of the additional bother neces sary iu rendering a report of their scr vis?s to the slate Imj completely frozen out. The tax of Scents per day for .UM days in the year would amount to f each head and would probably yield a million dollars. One-half of the revenue is to go to the s.-lns,ls and tho bid nice to defray the general hm"iiscs o( the county. Wool wanted. Farmers I!i ing your W.s.l to our Far torv one milo South of Somerset. We w ill trado you g'ssls for it or pay you the highest cash pri.-e. Carding and fpin- iiiui'.lone on short notice. ood work guaranteed. Kant Kit A Co. Wsleu Manufacturers, Somerset, Pa. Enjoy Tour 4;k July on B. k 0. The li. V O. It. R. will sell excursion tickets, U-twern ail suids east of the Ohio Uivcr. for all trains July 2-1. -'Id, -lib aud.lh, valid for return passage uulil July litli, at greatly reduced rales. Notice to All. We have opened a new furniture store in the commodious west room of the Itaer P.l.M-k. Somerset, Pa., where we carry a complete line of household furni ture such as Parlor and bedroom Suits, ,4, If J ijr-t f't,irw. TmLIov, China Closets, Chiffoniers Desks, Hat racks Mattresses Springs and Stands. We also do all kinds of repair work, up holstering, etc. We can not fail to meet your wants. Mir g.sxls are all new and up-to-date "J7 patterns. (iive us a call and examiuo our stock and get our prht-s. Si kall A- Xkfk, Raer l:'.H-k, Somerset, Pa. Excursion to At'a uie Cby. S dosed RaUt via B. & 0. The Italtimore and Ohio R. R. will in augurate a series of popular excursions to Atlantic City, Cape May and Sea Isle City during the summer season. The first of the series is announced for Thurs day, July sth. The tickets will le good for twelve days, and allow slop off at Washington ou the return trip. We show below the train schedule and rate from poinu iu this vicinity: T1MK TIMK R.VTK Koi-kw.Nul 10." a. in. 1-U1 a. ni. f l" .lohnsiowu v 51 " 2 10 p. m. i" .somerset Hut " 3.1-' " 9 to Correspondingly low rates from other points. Pullman Parlor Car on day train. Sleeper on night train. For further information address near est It. A O. Agent. EYE, EAB, HOSE AND THROAT. When you consult Dr. .Sadler, Sill Pcnn avenue, Pittsburgh, you get the skill of 2T years exM-rieu-e w ith 2!, dilTcrent cases tho result of which have not Isen surpassed by the best in the profession iitujirhrn: He has even restore 1 many who havo been pmiHHiiircd hopeless. Patarai-t, Rurnsand Injuries. iseae of Optic Catarrhal Deafness Discbarges from Ears-even when 10 to tOyrs. standing, Tumors in Ears Catarrh of Nose, Catarrh of Throat, Hoarseness, Iss of Voire, Nerve, Iritis. Crooked Eyes. rautilatcd Lids, fleers and iiMicitios of the Cornea. Tumors m I, ids. Weeping Eye, are all curable; the earlier treated the lstter tho result. Siiertarles adjusted. Artificial eyes Inserted. Hisgara Falls via Pittsburg. The R. A O. R. II. has arranged an ex cursion to Niagara Falls via Pittsburg nd PufTalo. Special Express will leave Washington lo o'clock a. in. Wednesday, July 7lh, crossing tho Allegheny Moun tains in daylight. The train will run through solid from Washington to Niag ara Falls via P. A L. E. It- It.. L. S. A M. 8. R. R. and X. Y. C. R. It. Tickets good for return five days from date of sale. We show tielow train schedule and rates of fare from this vicinity: Rraddoek. - - i Ki - 4..T7 (jlenwood, - 5!ii . i.4S Arriving Niagara Falls 8 o'clock fol lowing morning. Corresismdiiigly low rates from olher points. Passeugers from local points at which the special is not scheduled to stop, can take local train to nearest point connect ing with tho through express. 'I have never had a day's sickness ;n my life," said a middle-aged man Ike other day. "What a comfort it would be," sighs some poor invalid, "to be In his place for a year or two." Yet half of the invalids we see might be just as healthy as be, if they would only take proper care of themselves eat proper food and di gest it- It's so strange that such simple things are overlooked by those who want health. Food makes health. It makes strength and strength wards otr sickness. The man w ho had never ls?en sick was strong because ho had al ways digested his f.sxl. and you would become the samo by helping your stom ach to work as well as his Shaker Di gestive Cordial will help your stomach and will make yon strong and healthy ! by making tho food you eat make you ' tat. Druggists sell iu Trial bottle 10 rents. Hottsr Boer Was F'.aoby. Pof.r Ji:Rvis, X. Y., June 27. John Hallefs furin isalsiut ii) mil's from IJusli kill.Jtist across tho Pike issiniy line, in Monroe. Alswt twilight Thursday he was d.iving bis cows homo through a pieco of woods whim he came across'an old and two cubs. The Is ur imme diately showed light, and the frightened f irmer ran Isjltind a row. The cow butted the lsar to one si lean l then all the cattle stampeded. Mr. HjI let called loudly for help. His w ife heard his cries, as also did Mrs. Theodore lier ry, a neighbor. Tho women grabbed up a gun each and wont to tho rosi-ue. Ar riving at the scetio thu har turned up u the rcsciu-rs. "Plug him, Betsy!" yelled Mr. Hallot, from a place of safety up a tree, and "Betsy" put a load of buckshot into Bru in's bidp at close range. Mrs. Berry fallowed up with a charge from hor liiblo-larrclcd shotgun, but missed tho law. Tho old liear she k her bead and started for tho woods, the c iUt follow ing. Mr. Haikt'a dog put iu an appearance ami sepi ruled the cuSs from the mother. After a desperate struggle they were rapt ured and carried to the Hal let home. The mother bear escaped. A Destructive Hailstorm. Toi-kka, Kun., Juno Si. The worst hailstorm known in the history of Kan sas, struck this city shortly after if o'clock last night. Hailstones weighing 12 lo l'i ounces stripped the trees of their foliage, smashed w indow panes on every hand, including the finest plate glass store fronts, rut down telegraph and telephone wires riddled awnings and inflicted un precedented damage throughout the city. Dogs w ere struck in the streets and in stantly killed. Horses were knocked to their knees to rise again and dash away in mad fright. Runaways ocruri-d throughout the city. When the fury of the storm had passed dead birds were found everywhere. A heavy wind and terrific lighting accompanied the storm. Topeka looks like a city that has w ilh stood a sirge of w ar guns. There are not a dozen building in the town thnl aro not almost w iudowless, ami many roof were raved in. The rcs.fs of street cars were pierced. Tho hail Honrs raugc.l in size from that of a hen's egg to an os trich egg, and ."JU miinit'fs after the storm out) hail stone wa picked up whi.-ii measure.! 11 inches iu i-iivu inference. Surgeons aro busy lrrssi:ig lio wou;nW of persons injured in the Urin, and re-p-iris of injuries continue to be le :civ '. Over Thirty Years Without Sickness. Mr. II. Wettstf-in, a well-known, Hiterprising citizen of Ryron, 111., writes: "licfore I paid much atten tion to regulating the Niwels, I hardly knew a well day; but since I learned the evil re sults of constipation, and the eflicocy of V AY PR'S Pills, I have not had one day's sickness rr (' v for over t,iirt' y'n v-t:f"V.-V not one attar ars k that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife had been, previ ous to our marriage, an invalid for years She had a prejudice against cathartics, but as roon as she began to use Ayer'4 Piila her health was restored." T5) Ira LrJ Cathartic Pills Medal and Diploma at World's Fair. Ta Restore Strength, takt Ajer'i Sarsaparilli ...FISHER'S... Book Store Croquet 5ets, Base Balls, TcnnU Balls, taxing Gloves, anj a general line of Sporting Goods, Books & Sta tionery. There is Nothing Stationery alx.ut our stock of hooks ami stationery. l ue oust uas not time to settle on things here before they arc sold and new .mIs take their place. This applies more particularly to arti cles in the stationery line. Wo don't al low (he fads o f.uthioii to steal a inar.-h on us, but have all the newiwt shinies and shapes of note paper and em elopes, ail the novelties pic, Is-fore most peo;l ever heard of them. iK-liueator and all fashion ini'sn.iiii . ;.hI lk'- and we have tin usinds of them ; don't !-so any of lliir goo luess by ls'iii);old. Oil r prices our touiid to pU .ise. CHAS. H. FISHER IV. L. DOUGLAS .00 V. L. Douglas productions of l.l "1 1 MerchanU, lUnk.-rs, lawyers, I'liiriaus ami all economical imn wear W. L. Dmitlii 6ht because they aratbc best. J. D. MILLER & .A For mI by EOCKWOOD, PA. GIVEN 4 First LCD C C 20 SCMd riltClC 40Third EACH MONTH (During 1897 For pwtoUr, aen,l yrmr tune f.,1! sddrewt-. Tr A nnmr Cheap lUtos Vu ths P. U. to yi'.wiakM. Tho Pennsylvania Itaiiroa l tympany Aiiuouucc that on account nf the Nation al J-lMc:tt':;inl Association, at Milwau kee, Wis., July to !, it will sell contin uous passage tiekots from all points on litis eist of I'ilLshiirjr and Erie to Mil wnuk.'u ut the rate single f iro tor the round trip, plus ?Jo mmberstiip fee. Tickt ts wiil ts so! I and will hj kmI goiu:; only on July i, 1, an I I. and will 1st good n reMni, lese. ins Milwaukee July 1', II, a-i I IJ. Ik;, o.i'y, ex -.'!l that by dee)siti.ii; ticket Willi joint a,;iut at Mil .v.mkeo on or ls-fore J:ily I .', and on payn int of fifty rents, an extrusion of retui.i limit liny la obtained Ut leave Mii a .in kco until August 31, JOT, im lu siv . GREAT deal nonwix has been written in J be- B livd, about k blood purifirrs. Chat purifus the 9 blood? - - THE KIDNEYS g PUniFY the BLOOD l AND THEY ALONE. If diseased, however, they cannot, sx and the blood continually becomes 9 more Impure. Every drop of blood in the body got through the kidneys, tv the sewers of the system, every three W minuUs, night and day, while lile p endures. ax puts the kidneys in perfect health, and nature does the rest. The heavy, draeged out feelinfr. the V bilious attacks, headaches, nervous unrest, fickle appetite, all caused by a poisoned blood, will disappear when the kidneys properly perform their functions. ' P. There is no doubt about this, g Thousands have so testified. The p theory is right, the cure fa right and j health follows as a natural seauerce. j Be self-convinced through per- n sonal proof. " U Jos. Home & Co. Here are some notable minis Ur tic ln-i.i ft .f Mai! Order Ciisb m is. Samples are sent gladly and as many times as jou wish. In writinjr for them plcc-o 12 certain to n:('i:tiu the paper in u iu.-li you sa.v this advertisement. Fancy Cheviot Sci'ing?. Widths arc 4'! . I i'li-hi-s. tiisnls aresii ietly ull fs.i, of surse. and you have ecu r p:ii 1 less than and (' cents lor tin in Is fore. We offer them now nt 35 cents a yard. Black Taffetta Si ks lli.-h, rustling P.lack Tail'etas, splen id l!..llili(H, !lt 45 cent3 a yard A Fine Organdie. Wb arc making a sp -ii 1 pricc n tl prettiest asxTtmciit of I ri.indie pat terns ever seen i;t don! le the pri-e I.ijliit and dark, and every style n."v and fresh and dcsiraUe, but only 10 cents a yard French Lappetts. A l.irc lot of tliis l.r autiftil hi'i rade Kreni h fabric iu lloral aud coll ntioii:il :i!Uii . Kf gular pri.-e a yard. lur pri.-e, 20 cents a yard French Chaliis. oiieofilm irr-at'st values wo c c-r on'ered. Highly desirable and rather scu.-e. Tlies patterns are sbnily beautiful. .smIs of the best Alsace proluctin. ot.!y 20 cents a yard 525-527 PENN AVE-, FITISBURG. Vi!l appreciate the benefit of this summer's life assur ance payments Death is sure, but no surer than the prompt payment of a policy by THE EQUJJABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. Have vou crovided for vour family if you die or for your own old age if you uver EDWARD A. WOODS, Manager, PlTlSBUKUH. L. FOSDICK, General Agent, Somerset, Pa. SHOE V T"1 The Style, Fit and Wear could not be improved fur Double the Price. $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes arc the skilkd workmen, from the best ma- . . : . . t r f ... 'u piwEK iu pui into snoes sola at incsc pnecs. We make also $20 and $Z25 shoes for men. and $2.50, $2.00 and $1.75 for boys, and the V. L. iambus wou roace suoe, very suitable lor letter-carriers, policemen and others having inuui wauuiig io co. We are constantly a.liling new ntyles to our a lare incty, ami there is n rea- u wny Viu canm-t ! uiini. iu insist on h.-iTiicj W. L. Uouiclas 5boca tiuiu )Nir (iealcr. We nsc on!y the he: Calf. Rtiuia Cair (all colors!, l-n-wa t'uirnt fair, French Knamel. i-i Ki.l, etc.. Cra.W-tl M -..rrcMjDd Kith inicca uf the allocs. If dealer cannot jou, w!LD0UGUS. Brockton, Vm. SONS, Agents, Pites, each of $100 Cash. 2 " " " $,0 Plflrca tf3a' S ' u - i 95 RoM m,um 2 '$ 25 Gold Watches. FOR Sunlight SOAP Why.... liide in an gvi n new I nice at James B. Holderbaum's? v A. My Buggl 1 xx-' or Road Wagon. Call and examine my stock. Xo tr ::'.;e to show uy line.1 J. B. HOLDERBAUM, ....... I A COOKING STOVE With a sij iarc (ivt n ai:.l 11 t!.f :t Ivrn.ta gv '( a rani; witl.i.i.t .v draft iieifw.ry to Ka. I'oii.-irm -li; 11. CALL AND GEE! THEM. P. A. Schcll. 1847. Cali and drink of M&MMk our Ice Cold Soda. ..'V y. ri v I 1 OUR SUPPLY OF FLAVORS WILL SATISFY THE MOST FASTIDIOUS. TAP THE SODA SI-RING. G. W. BENFORD, MANAGER, HELLO! HOUSEKEEPERS, IN WANT OF FURNITURE? LOOK AT THESE FRICES. A Bodroora Set for SIS CO. A Coucn for - 7 00. A Rocking Chair for 50 cts. CiijilHvar.l.J, Tal.liT, IV il-t mU, 'hairs, W n. in liiiA fiir i7 u ill, 1 1 ... n.wt - - - - ... - -- -. ..i. .... . jilaitil ujioti the niarki-t anl j'r'p:irtil and original ih-xigns line ami ii-.liaiu Tables ami Dining (.'hairs, Si.t Uianls, Coueheis wanlmlics, etc. i.VuhI ijuality, lv- j.riits. You are invited to call ar.J insjieit our stink. C. H. Coffroth, 606 Mrn Cross Street, SNYDER'S in LU -J o o 5 We Are Offering tlie IWst Possible Investment for Your ' Dollars Werp Koine toslmw tho eopli of S,n:erx liuyi-le ever shown in city. W iirMn2 to wlIthMOX Uril r.It'Yri.Katf'.VmiiwryMrw ensrantee. v-r i(i"i.i.f nt iintm.l. Wit will a!.i havu a lino il C'.oi) WAVKKI.Y till'V i.r.-i ni .wm. i m ntii iiy until jihi in several (Ujh. old huirirv when vcu .A one ut almost your ,m ? r- mm Comprise everything C:.; New, Stylish and Up-t. .-::c You get the Finish and 0-;a':'. ty when you buy from :: . -x cither Surrey, Phaeton, I; - V aro a.' -, - f. r thU -!! .r:i! I ..... f STOVES an j RANGES. Th-r ri. WITHOJT AV ::: in IliUiiisr. k A Ijt-llrjr n :!. t iti e v tail. an st.1.1 ,3 for krj k.i tl W. 1897. IE FROM PURE FRUIT JUICES. a ?-t I - afvv fa v - SC MERSET, PA. A Tarlor Set for $12 00. A Louneo for - 4 1 0. ,t, at i.ri'jiorti'matp j.ri. es. Como u. l,1.. .tul I.. i.. .... . .it. t , .in. ii v ti ni' i.i r ui i it ' t. sliou- the tr:i.Ie a larifi' variety f r v ("iniU r Suits. Parlor Suit-i. l-'.xten.-'. - u ('hi:r.mkiM, lViukeaes, China (.'!.. t SOMERSET, FA. ART STORE. 3, t the lur.-t mid most complete line ' have wn inir wheel. expet t ! i' ? AY y y mm - . ' mX i o