i ; t ! " I i t i ' I ' t 1 . i i ) Si! 4 " i ... J : i i - ': STORY IF 1 A Wealthy Woman of Sodus Bay Relates a Thrilling Experience. A Sufferer for Thirty Years-Treated by Eminent Specialists-Relief from an Un expected Source. " There is nmreely a rbihl in AVetrm ew Y.rk. who ba-survived cisbt rammers. wlw has not st-nt at bn.t several months of tlmt time at one of the many bcaiitt':i: resort" of Snlns lav. It is here tliat tiie canoe cliilw pp-nd their nnnval oiniiivs, it is here t'liit the vacht clul of I:ke tlniario hoid tiinr annual r-i-tt.-Ls. and it t here that the sol diers' and S;ilirs' asxx iatioi'.s bold their an nual re-uuions. lint in tl.: case as M ti? all others, where F-iety mid sj-ort seem Ij aNrtinJ o richly, iiiere are o'"tai ihtsou who have little interest in their surroundings, beautiful and comfortable as they may I-, caue of the drea lttil edects of tine terr:!'!? disease which ai'-ts the unfortunate p.-iiient the more seven-ly. becsu inst.-ad of claitiini; one for a upeedv vi.-lim it m.ike life one con tinual torture by drawing through months and yejirs of lineeriiijr pain. A Journal reporter bis hear I many te norte of wonderful recoveri.-s broueiit about liv a womlerful and ei!".--liv r.-medy, and amonc the more recent cas. that of the com plete recoverr of Mrs. S.irah 1 t'liristintt, w ho resides oii the Bay Shore " s-ver.1 mih-s l-vonl Uonni Castle. An-1 in order to s.ui-fy liiiuself that the repons of tiies nvovorii-s ia lhat vicinity were reliable, be ret out l.t-t Tliurs-lay niornin? about 7 o'cl-. k fir I.'ini misville. the iostoaic' a-Mrof .Mrs. l'l;n tiau, decidini to sfend tii-j day amittc tlie beautiful sceni ry sarrou:iJ:n2 the bay and to satisfy his cui-hAiry as to the quality of tlie cure." The drive thron-h Wayne comity wis. a most deliirhtftil and exhilanitmi one and at i o'clock he found hi:ns-!t' dnvinj nlon th? thtire of the tv to.vard a l.irje r:.i Jeu.-e, tije cal.le and roof of which cov.M ju-1 lie seen :. tru linp fr.m a clump of miirnl.ieent tr-t s, whose leay.-s had Oven d -limlely ti:it.il by I ha frists of i-t-il-r. .u.l ienly li" catir.- i:( i I 1 broad drive leali'i'.' I tlie ba i l lM11Ilili on eitliersid' bv do i:0'. tv-i- j ')! ro.v; ! nf iA!e-W ebns and with a h:i!si l" cover-.! iih a birire ori-harl fir aiekro'iiid. How ever impressed as he was by t!i" le.-at:ty n:il m urnitiocneeof the swne, with the chill Mac waters of the lake in frotit, btshed into a tl:in white spray by the bnvze of tne lake, it w.-ts not nearly as impressive as the s.-ene which f.d l.iwe.1 as the door opneJ i:i response to the call from the "kn.ieker" an.l the reporter was ushered into the tastefully funii-hel drsiw inir run by a handsome, healthy lady of ah ml forty-five, and as he noticed the calm h"-'; ( Mtisfaition which oyer spread her ta-e s b" annoum-ed his luissi.m h was convinced nt on -e that the tale about t be told wouli be an iutcrestins one. In response to the preliminary question she mid that she " was v rv pbid the re ter h id called as she was willimr that all utilised in like manner should know of her recovery and find the same relief that she had feund." r!ie said furtluT: "When I was a mere child five or six years of a?e I contracted the measles while at school one day and tliroti!.-h an cntiuu'jy exposure to a draught 1 cauL-!it a severe c-dd and was quite ill for many weeks, and when 1 was airiin able to lie aUiul I was an epi leptic and also subject to severe siiolls of nervon prostration. At this lime my par ents did not consider the natter very s riouslv, thinkins that I wi.ull soon out pnw the symptoms which now claimed nie as their prey. But as time wore on and I It-came no better they lie-in to see t!.i ir folly and the family phys-eian was calini andf consulted anew as to the bet course to nnrviie in my ease, lie prescribed tor me ana cxaiuineti me retriuanv mu una mini- , . t I 1.... .1.:.- K I cine was of little avail and I found mysell prowim; more nervous and dreading the st" lis when I should le overcome by iny trouble. After they tiecame convinced that be could afl'onl me no relief, they callol in physicians from neishlMirini; villa.-s and for a time per Lapstheuew prescriptions ami ehanire of treat ment wimld have a good ctbs-t, but it wasonly a matter of one or twomonihs when I would find myself worse oil' than when I Is-traii die treatment. Thus matters ran on. and no ne knows how intensely 1 siiflcrcd at time ami i?r?l4a DIRECT FROM MILL TO WEARER. t&i, Which Saves you mCemmitshnfituta. Jbt Wholetater. The Jobber and Store Keeper. E. HOSENBUMER & CO. 202-201 upcast, NEW YORK CITY. fhtm Oar Oreat Barralna A nn 85.00 i .t. o 1 $2.98 Ccp's fldents Suits. Slrt i 13 15, v v tcitt) txrra pair cl Faats, $2.93 Th Suh r CU A R AKT E ED to fc trj Jt from i-nported Wool cteviot. in Black. Blue, Cray, anj trown. in sizs from ) t9 ynrs of ape up iloubte-krcsst.d, with Ssiior CotUr CoUjt iaiwy rmbroiJend tuwd w ith Cast Bljck Albert Twill Utrr and Patent Wabt Br.da. Tnrnming and Work inanship ih very best. Sam. ia Siies for ago lots ij yean, wuhcut SailiX Coiiar. Sec f attain' Below. 5" n &rTtoS:yle ftito. CO 5 JaTSl7Six J9 fltfffl I? V I with Extra X jf fNl ?il X tirtng imd Pot OiT:c, Kpr-st I j xW or kcptsT"rd Let: pit, w4 EJL3 tbulHday, and if Urte cc s na!l ij Li 1 --j t. Moorr chccrtullv refanded it f C rtory. Smd ic arm for m - II -J, 3i lEXXtiYLV.VXIA RA1LKOAD. CASTERN STAN DaRO TIME. In Effect November 15, 1896. CONDENSED WHinrLt Traitia arrive and depart from the station at Joliustuwu as fulloc n r.-TWAKD M'ctrri Ft pre evinitiWfutiTii Kxtir'!! Johnstown A(rtHiiiniHl.-ili!i A JA a. ni. AwiiuiiiiHlalioii..... V:!0 " I urine t-.sjMii ... Way rawui-r.. KHt i.ini? Jobuu n AccuiumuijLliou... V:;'4 - 5rlti " siai p. ui. M " - Atlantic Kxprww.. . 54 5:40 . t:4 V:1 Kris N -.-4-. i ii ire Kxpiww ,, ., Atitiona AniMiiiiioodaUon.... luy K.xprc... - ,, Main 1.111? Kxprtw... A.11Mina AoMiumodatHin M:il t- pr.-s p. m. 4:11 Johnstown Accommodation. . 6:V riiilaili-lpliia Lxpresa 7:11 Kant Liue , 1030 Kor rate, trutpa. ftcnll.,-Ticket Acontnor a l.tn-.- Tiios. Walt, 1". A. W. l, Jt Fifth Avinu I'itt-ilmrg, I'a. J. li. lliu.-hin-.iii. J. it. Wood, Ot a. Mauacrr. Ucn'l Pat.. A CONDENSED TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. SomerMt and Cambria Branch. KOETHWAED. Johnstown Mall Expn-. Hock wood 7 Km . Ill-, Sumersel SMI, MtoyexKiwn ItiSl, lioov erss iilc I'.rAl), Johnstown 11:10. Johnstown Mail Express. Knrkwonfl lia) a. tn Swrwt il:."s SUivn-tnwn li!:s ifiwiv fraville liil, Johnstown l:lu p. lu. Jo'instown Acmmniodation. Horkwrmd 4:V p. m . tx liwrs.n i-ju .-tovtown it liouv trsvUle j:jH, Johnstown b:ii. aorrewiED. M:!. Johnatown S:S0a.mli.ver!iVll!e9:I!i r!.VMitowu 53, boluertt Ht2 Kockwiod 10 i. Eiprt-ia.Johntilown 1:10 p. Hoovrrtvtlle Shw,itowni:U, Soiucrct i4i lloca wood 4;oi, Daily. T). B. MAHTIS, Uuuarr of l":iKMngcr TranTc Wanted-tn Idea Who earn think of aome aiaufltf mwri wr iwm: iwt mtif pnu tiki wraith. Write J6MS WtbrEKUtRS Co, Patent auor. brya, washlorum, I. L lot their l.uu pru oCar "t laH lit taa ausadnd iuTantkMia waaiad. W tntirh I wisM that I rniplti tore it T1 H')iiul. Aftr marrying Mr. Christian, be (Jifi.lcl that tlir hnmirvd.- of dollars which mr .ar-i!ls h:ul exM-inli on me hail lifen a?itl mu1 Wil-.l to i-Iar nie urnler the care ol a jili vsk-iHti with niw exHTience and a prent.T nam.'. '1 iiis was done and w hin lie tailed to In li me another was consulted, until tirinp ol lirMi-iain .f com-rul practice, my hu&lianil ll.ii-tii iwe micr the care of an eminent j-jiecial-S-i. I!ut tiiis treatment was a fruitless a the ITvvioUR ones had lieen. and we were oMiifd to L-ive it up aiii'r t-jM-mling many hundreds ol d..li:irs and nmeh time. Sly condition prew rapidly worse, ami I liecaiiie so weak that I w;i hiinily aide to heahout the house, and pen-i-rally wai confined to my bed at least tlire davs per week. it was fne day in October, alwiut foot yinr afro after spending my life in hours ot t.nii.lu auony and dreariness, that as I wat reeoveriiif; from a very severe attack of the ji!Py, and was lying upon a lounpe in lev ruM!i weak ami tli.-ei.nrai.t-d and exceed- ; in.-'v nervous that my husband banded nit j a p:I!cr eckim to divert my attention from j my condition lor a few moments. After lovk. I ivt the first paw over in a listless manner my even cai:L'hl the headlines of an article and cinvloslv 1 read of the recovery of a woman i:i New i'ji'jliriid Ly I'r. Williams' Tink I'iils. At f:r4 1 did tint fei 1 interested for I bafl r:i. !; a joint where I never expected to finii evi n the sliL'htcsl relief for my tired tmtly and mind, l'ut 1 so.n dis-overed that the symp-t- iiis in tl.:- -a-e had Imn similar to my owe t,!. I I 1 aii'h-il the pajn r back to my huslianti i:;Ui!i l;:tn to r ml it and as a result of out r ailiiii' the te-tinieninl be decided to procurt i! lael.aLe of the I 'ink Tills the next dav. which ! I fliil I then L-i :in fi'Line thm with f-r.nl regularity ui-eoriiin:: to tlie directions and .. 1 1- . . .1" ... .1 1 1 l:.'i;i;n lite i;n-t piteKae ene'ieu no marKeu in my c .i.un Mil we iiiouuui iiiere wat t .-;"tit iii. I riivi-meiit. mid be imrr-linsj-d Jin. ii.!;ir. V t-!l, oit s-e I had reached a point v. iicrc the sjn-tiulist tailed to benent me anu t: y condition wi.s desfw-rate yon can imarice. l i.t after I e iiiitioni ed on the second paekagt there was a marked improvement, and it con tinued until in lout three months after I first U L-:in taking them I felt better than I could ever mii'iaif r bavinc felt before. Continu ing to take them durintr the winter months I hi-eaiiic entin ly cured of the epilepsy and w hen sprint; uil summer came I was in as fine a con dition tor enjoying the sports of this Imiutilul tiiot ns anv onewho came here. lam com. ! ph tely urt-d from my former attacks and tliotteli sotneiime sulject to slight nervoui sjm IU I always find ready relief from one or to .f lr. Williams' Tills. I alwavs ke-i t!;i ni iti a eotivoiti. nt place, and my children, lo-i, me ifti'tt lM iiefit-d by this, to me the mi- wonderful and blessed remedy ever put Bp." And in order to clinch the story the re f orti-r inquired if she would 1 w illing to take b- r aflid:ivit and to confirm the story beyond nil diiiii.t, to v.hieh she readily audited. State or Nfw Vot.k, CorsTY if Wayne, j frs. Sarah L. fhristian, heina duly sworn ss;. s inai iiif lereeoins; sTatetueut aecordmc to the best of her knowbsltrr and tx-lief u true. -M I-s. s-AKAH 1 ( HKISTlAN Sworn to ami subsr-rilied before tne this I,th day or Uctubcr, lKt sLAL. GEORtiF P. Yor.K, Sotary J'ul.lit. lir. wnnams- miK rills contain in a con- uciim - o i-trin an ine eiemeuis necessary to pive .1 1 e ..11 .1. . 1 new life and richness to the blond and re store shattered nerves. They are also a spe cific for troubh-s peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms ol weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all rases arising from mental worry, over work, -f cerss4's .i w naiever nature. I'ink I'iils are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at to cents a liox or six boxes for $2.Sn, and may is- nan oi an uru-.-gists, or direct hy mni from lr. Williams' Medicine Company, Sche tuvtad". N. Y. 4 Biz Profits. A CUSTOB MADE TO ORDER $I6.EH137.S0 Guaranteed to be nude from All Wool, Fancy Brown, City. Black, or Blue Worsted Corded Cheviot, ma le ia latest stvle, lined with Imported r-jrmrr S-itia, trimmed and liaishrd in the best o' Cicrom Tailor manner. You cannot duplicate it in your town tor $16.00. Sizes 4 to el. The ume goods nude for Youth's, t-,(! I)Z to 18. in Long Pants Coat and Vest, w . How to measure for Mea't and Youth Suit M ea u r e around the Breast and Waist over the Vest, and from Crotch to Hed for 'ants. We Pa r Ex press Char res, and shoull you not teel satis- t,rd Will reiunJ the iii money. Yoo tuy iircct from one of the Lirrest Oo ;hmg .Vjnu ijrturcr ia America. 'OMKHSKT MARKET KEI'OIiT, ) toUHKlTKU WEULV 1Y Cook & Beerits, WuIiumUiij, Fd,, 2i, JSS7. Apple jur.d""r HZ ' i 'Viorut.-.i ft Apple Hotter, per I roll, ih r fii ButUT. ' fn-sh kr. r P (rni.ntiTi-, ikt ft. .15 to : ...4c ...loc 4'lc 1 ic .in- llocsiwax. imt Bi ,coiuitr- ham. jhT IV K to 12c ' should, r. p.r tt w i llt-ina. J1'"'1' ivy. ler bus iV ., 1(T ( e'n, rn r B -Jic touce. -r., t , r p, Vj , 3 Vri-ht- ''l'"'H-r!ntnl, per bhl $1.5o Cornmeal, per I) 1 1 ,c lsSN P r uo lV Fish, lake hninrb - ----- Honey, white clover, per ib , W- Ijird, per Ih h to Iik- l.i me. iter lilil.. !.i.. MolasMti, N.t)., per gal . (. OlliollK, JKT I1U8 7 . I'otatiHU. tHr tin. . In to 1 v I'u-lu, evatKiraU-d, per t) 10 to 1." l'runes, per Ih 10 to I V . M HT UUI . 1 . J I' Pittlunr. dt bhl i Salt, J Iairj-, bus Kicks 2V " S " ioc 4 bus Hacks... L.3 prrounil alum. lfW t nacks ta- mapie, -r 16 6 to sc iniiH.rt.-d yellow, ikt k V Sasar. ( white. A. ier B ..V vniiiulaU-iliH-r lb . -V t 'ule or pulverirej. ier ki s- per (tal . me maple. t-r tral VtoHic Syrup. stoiHWare, talloii sc Tullow, per tt S to .V Viuetptr, M-riral a) lo lunolliy, per hurt $1.7" clover, per bus $.i.A to 5.: 5 Seeds, crimon, per hus.w 4.11 " alfitiEa, per bus t.v l aNyke, jier bus 7.5. 3u-i t. iennan, per bun... 1.2" , !-iriey. white tMnlleiw, per bus 1.2 j buckwheat, per bus. :t'a j com, ear. per bua Vi to 4" ijraln I " shell. -.1, prr bus Si to j oats, per bus i0 I rj c. iht bus ....V & Feed j wheat, per bus.. 7(n j bran, pT 100 ... 7V I corn and oats chop, per MO lbs 7.V j flour, roller proee, jkt bill 4.7. spring jwient end fancy hieh arade Jt.u Flour. tniKir. t-rwer rmie. per 1.0 am fi.a Middlinirs. J ''tie, per ltd Rm v aslaa"n"s",rcd.perU0 ( uu The 0. 1. C. LIME COMPANY, CCESSORS THE MEYERS0M.E UE C0JP.)JY, hai-e jut completed their new sidinc and are now prepafvd uiship liy car-imd J(Ih to anv jKirt or the country. lni litoe i nianafact urrd imta the c-l. fTh,.. Stvlerfiill Limestoiw and is especially rich in ail theelei,,,..,!!) rv !Uirl to inv-son-te the soil. IT IS WHAT All FARMERS NEED! .ood stock on ban" nil "h. Ume I'raK-s low as the kiwct. Address al cusuniunicaUous to I C. LIME COMPANY cl.Rowc, Proprietor MEYERSDALE This AjS Style. i tes 1 5 mm Lamp fnakra. Tin r ia in Natal ut lonst so tho nitivis Riv kind of make M hicb. if its adimrtionntm wre posildo, ring, ii.nl-n b-iii innortaiit tho nnostion zht of timucipul pis vcrks. For this nrrpfiit, orrnrdii!? to t!v striK told about it, is provid.xl with en illnmiuating apparatus U-tidf which tliut Ol OUHT lipn waring crtatnrts, iucrniins mm with lanterns, is hiirdly vcrtli ctuniidi ration. The rep tile is snppot.nl to frequent i-rwamps or I iLcs, and it is of a size eo vs:Ft that on tia otcusion when cue cf the ppt-cies was attacked and killed Ly a Doer bunting T-:irtv its C:irc:ls-8 filled tWO WnCOUH. lU fact, the animal's proportions a al- moi-t unlunitixL The Jij;i.t i niim n iy tbirt menster is Riiid to 1 bright and dazzliiiR in the extremo and eiu,ily dis cern! d from a distance ol Bcverai nines. t' -wo if the uegnx s rail the m:iko 'iniiniiiL'i." bile bv others it is known as the "ivimbcla," a uauje alo applied to a K n,,'llt w hose dwelling is in tho sea, and whose, powers, though great and marvelous are not dinplayed in lakes and rivers or fraught with magic lK-hr. Xo Kuronean traveler has ever seen one of these, snakes, but the Zulus declare that they axe not uncommon in the pools of the l invoti river, ana tnai thev are white in color, except for a few brown patches. It is thought by some that these tales may have a foun dation in faet, as there are great briin Ktoue caves in parts t f Natal, and in them there may be a pnospnoresceui f.iniin tint, vet studied or even (een by civilized men. Another peculiar inhab itant of the same region still on native authority is the "intokoloeh." It is a species of dwarf or manikin, akin in its attributes to the yahoo of Dean Swift, is amphibious like the l-imp snate ana bears a character not unblemished. New York TimcA Grant's 11: g Heart. Goiiortil Gnnviile Dotlgp, who was with Uraiit all tLronpli tho war, aud who Ixifh Leforo and nftor that ptriod was civil cnf-iiiccr for tli Northern Pa cific railroad, told a little story illus trating the spontaneons kindness and thoujjl.tfiilur.ss t f Grant when a yonug man. iT:iiiy years before the war Le was sent to Oregon as lieutenant, and while at Vaacocver started r ut one evening in cimipuny with Knfus Ingalls to rido to Wiiliamhaiuife for the purpose of calling tjpea Kome young ladies visiting then-. Win n tLcv had covered about half tho distta.cf, thty eanie upon a poor emi- (;rit:t, w!ie Leavily loaded wagon had I tunic ht'in It Ksly btntk in tho niuL The young nun, of coarse, stopped. Afur loeliiig over the Kituation, Lien tenant (irai't twid to Jlr. Ingalls: "What can wo do to help this poor fellow out?" His companion did not seem to think that anything could be done. But after a moment's coiwidi ration Grant t-ilent-ly disuiuuutid, offered his horse to tho Strang! r in distress and pave hint a few concise directions as to how to extricate hiuinelf. Then telling the grateful emi grant where to deliver the horse over to him at W'illiamhamite, he continued his journey ftill a distance of seven or eight miks on foot. Atlanta Consti tution. One of the Family. It may interest some of our readers to glance through this short character istic sketch cf James Seymour, born in Loudon in 1702, which is more strongly impressive than many longer memoirs. The faet that he displayed a fondness for drawing and painting in boyhood and subsequently gained celebrity by his skill in designing horse s is too well known to c-ommmt upon. Once tho proud Duke of isouicrset employed Sey mour to paint a room at his seat in Sus.-ex, with the portrtsitsof his running hordes. Having admitted the artist to his table, he one day drank to him, say ing: "Cousin Seymour, your health." The painter replied, "Aly lord, I real ly I lieve that I have the honor of being cf jt it grace's family." Thii hurt the prido of the duko so much that he rose from the table and ordered his steward to pay Seymour and dismiss him. Finding, however, that no one in England could complete tho pictures btgttu, he condescerditl to send lor his cousin. The painter spouded to the message in these words: "My lord, I will now prove that I am of your grace's family, for I won't come. Harpers Roand Table. Learning by Experience. As we look at young men and women just entering consciously the world of self directed activity it seems easy to advise them. The desire to do so is of ten irresistible, and jastly so. We must suv to them from our own experience the words that ought to help them avoid the mistakes that we have made and to hold fast the blessings that we have let slip. Vet they must live their own lives, and tf all we can ever say they can use only that which really belongs to them and has become a part of their own minds and wills. Christian Regis ter. In a Ead Way. "How is Diggles getting along? I haven't seen him for a long time. " "Worse than usual," was the reply iu tones of the deepest sympathy. ' Very much worse than usual, poor fellow!" "Are you sure of that?" "Certain. I recently had my salary reduced, and I can't lend him nearly as much u I used to. " Washington Star. Hog Extreme. There are dogs standing over three feet high at tlie shoulder, measuring nearly roveu fee t from the nose to the tip cf the tail aud weighing so much as 2oO liouuds, and at the other end of the scale the little Mexican lap dog is un der seven inches in length from nose to tail tip and weighs only a few ounces. It is considered that Japanese men are among the best needleworkers in the world, their only equals being the women of Russia. Golf a la Kautlr. An intelligent Hindoo has been beard to define billiards as a game in which two men, armed with long sticks, poke at a ball, while one player says, "Oh!" and the other "Hard lines." Golf seems to have similarly impress ed the native South African mind. A Kaffir warrior was observed attentively watching the efforts of certain unskill ful players to extract their ball from one of those deep bunkers which greatly abound on African courses. The follow ing day this same Kaffir was seen to be belaboring a great bowlder with a huge pole and shouting "Hang it!" the while. "This white man's game," said the dusky child of nature. "Welly good game, white man s game." The stury has the merit of being true. All golf stories are, Pearson's Weekly. Men and Women Diaera. Wcmea as diners out are rarely sought after. At a conventional dinner party they are present in numbers equal to matching the men guests, but in select ing the couples the hostess usually asks her women for their beauty, toilet or because they happen to be wives of the men she desires very seldom for any individual quality they possess, not more than one of the sex in 00 ever being able to meet the requirements laid down for men. One reason for this is their incapacity to disguise their utter indifference to stories and anecdote, New York World. First Citizei Say, what do they mean by "conventional," anyhow? Second Citizen Why, it means shoutin' an cheerin' an' yellin' and fctanipin' an' whoopin' her up just like they do at conventions. When it conies to gip it take a woman to put two and two trgetl.er aud make Hve. SYSTE1I OX TEE FARM- Easiness Methods Jast as Necessary There as Eiswhen. The farm is not only a place of btisi- iiew, where the strictest accounts should be kept, but it is also A factory, in which a large number of articles are produced from crude materials. It may U added that many farmers aud experimenters have invented (or, rath er, created) new breeds of animals and plants, which, though not protected by pateiibs have conferred Inestimable benefit on mankind and largely in creased the wealth of the world. Sci entists and enterprising fanners have revolutionized agriculture within the pa.cd 50 years, but the farmers as a class have lieen slow to adapt them selves to the changed conditions. Where improved implements have forced the farmer to reduce expenses in order to meet comjietitiou there has lieen shown a reluctance in aeci-pt- ng better breeds and higher systems of cultivation. Many of those who? experiments have been important in adding to the ability of the fanner to produce more have been ridiculed un til necessity compelled the acceptance of newer theories that were fully de monstrated, aud even at the present day farmers may lie found who are ready to condemn those who have been instrumental iu improving the condi tion of farmers and opening the avenue to farming where before it was difficult to progress. All VANTAGES KKOM THE PAST. The work of improvement has been more ditlk-ult with the progressive agriculturalists than with the less en terprising class. It required half a century to create the Berkshire hog, and the several breeds of cattle are the results of many years of careful selec tion. Those who begau the work did not live to witness the best results, but every farmer of to-day call begiu where they left off with the breeds at a liigtr degree of perfection-aud thus derive the benefit of years of work at a small cost- What every farmer should do is to aim to improve that which he has. There is ample room for every one to attempt to bring into existence a breed possessing certain qualities not to lc found in any other, or to produce new varieties of fruits aud vegetables. In such a field tho work becomes a pleasure aud tlie iieiicflt is spread broadcast. The management of a farm is also a matter which presents a difficult problem, for with the improv ed appliances of farming knowledge is becoming more intent than muscle. Tlie farmer who will depend upon skill, using every means open for improve ment, will lie the one who will succeed, as his real competitors are other farm ers who are not yet willing to advance iu their met boils of management. SYSTEM ATIC FA KM I NO. The merchant who is in busines or the manufacturer will not be content if his books do not balance iu a manner to account for every dollar received or extended, and there is more necessity for keeping strict accounts of business on the farm than in any other industry, as the farmer engages in a great many enterprises. He grows his crops with out knowing the exact cost and he uses these crops as raw material for produ cing meat, milk, butter, cheese and manure, converting the refuse into oth er raw materials the next year. All of these processes are more or less expen sive, but the farmer does not inform hiiiw-lf in regard to his be?t sources of profit or how to avoid hiss. There is also a negligence on the part of some iu not adopting the most approved methods of converting their crops into products. They increa.e expenses by using unprofitable stock and adhere to certain cropn that do not pay in pref erence to branching out fur a larger variety aud of the latest kinds. Tlie farmer should consider himself a busi ness man, ready to take advantage of the best methods and able to select the markets iu which he cau secure the highest prices. The merchant is a competitor with others, and often bujs and sells close, aud so must the farmer; but the merchant can at times quickly learn the condition of his business from his accounts, which example the far;-i- er must follow, as sue;ess on the farm at the present day depend on knowl edge an ! system. Philadelphia Record Electric Bitters. Electric Hitlers is a medicine suited for any season, but icrhaps more gen erally needed when the languid, ex haunted feeling prevails, when the li liv er is torpid and sluggish aud the nee ed of a tonic and alterative is felL A prompt use of this medicine has ofte en averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more aurely in counteracting aud freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, indigestion, constipation, dizziness yield to Electric Hitters. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Snyder's drug store, Somerset, or at Hrallier's dnig store, Renin. Fickle Man. "George, before we were married you were pleased if I sat in your lap." "es, dearest." "Rut, now, if I do, you say: 'Gra cious, Julia you're forever roosting on my lame knee.' " Chieaeo Record. An Opportunity You Now Have of testing the curative effects of Ely's Cream Ralm, the most positive cure for catarrh known. Ask your drug gist for a ten cent trial size or send ten cents, we will mail it Full size 50 Ciiits. ELY BROTHERS, 5fi Warren St., N. Y. City. My son was alllicted with catarrh. I induced him to try Ely's Cream Rilm and the disagreeable catarrhal smell all left him. He np pears as well as any one. J. C. Olmstead, Areola, 111. "So he praised my siuging, did he?" "Yes, he said it was heavenly." "Did he really say that?" "Well, not exactly, but he probably meant that. He said it was unearth ly." Tit-Rit He I understand lhat our minister will soon deliver a sermon in which he will defend . the action of Joseph's brethren in selling him iuto captivi y. She How cau he do that. He Well he doesn't himself yet, b it he's going to do it. He thinks that, in these days a clergyman who isn't original isn't in it. Soiled Sp wiier How did you hap pen to take the road, anyhow, Sel dim? S,-ldum Fedd Aw! I was driven to it by fate! One time when I was a growiu youth, just possin' t'rough de piu feather stage, a travelin' phrenolo gist came along an" prognosticated dat I was sure to go to congress some day. In order to avoid such a calamity, I lit out from iiomi an' have kept niovin' ever sine', never lingcrin' long euoagh i:i one place to git a residence. All Cleaning All Around the Farm. Young pigs, just weaned, should nev er lie put iuto a lot with older ones un til they have learnt to "hustle" for themselves. Short win tile-trees, one foot long, are useful in plowing among trees. With them a horse cau walk close to the tree w ithout danger of bruising it. Denmark's foreign egg trad has grow u to tremendous siz'-; mainly with England. Twenty years ago the annu al Danish export of eggs was 000,000, now it is reckoned at 1 1 1 , K,000. I'se your spray pump for whitewash ing the poultry ho'ist inside. Pour carbolic acid on the lime before slak ing, make the wasluvery thiu, add plenty of salt, apply liberally. In the United States there is about one horse to every four jierwus, but a good many horses are only horses in name. Something that follows aud takes the place of esparagus is Swiss Chard. The young and tender leaves make ex cellent greens, but when older the centre or rib b-joonies large and juicy. Trim otr leaves and cook like espara gus. It is not the land, but the man, usu ally, at fault when the crops are jioor aud the man is to be credited when they are large, and profitable. It is very certain that the success of a man's work depends upon the amount of in telligence lxwsossed by the man him self. That not only animals but plants also will have some of their juices or Iixuide freeze in the winter time is well known. Twigs will snap easily when the ther mometer is below zero because of being frozen, aud ice crystals cau be readily discerned by the microscope. Rut the question, asks Median's Monthly, is, do they freeze solid? The contention is that the active living cells cannot do this and still live. American Cultiva tor. Statu of Ohio, City ok Toi.kimi, Ll'l'AS OiL'NTY. ss. Fuaxk J. Chkxky makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HI'XHRED DOL LARS for each and every cas of Ca tarrh that that can not be cured by the use of Ham.'s C,tai:km Cl nr FRANK J.CHENEY. Sworn to In-fore me and sulM-riU-d in my presence, this (lih day of IV ccmlx'r, A. D. lsti. A. W. OLEASOX, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally -and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. fcrjySold by Druggists, 75c. In Colorado. Visitor I suppose your local paper is against the administration? Resident Yes, indeed! On the fourth of April the editorial page opened with the sentence: "Only forty-seven months more of McKinley!" Puck. Stanls at the Head. Aug. J. Rogel, the leading dniggist of Shreveport, Ia.f says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the best sel ler I have." J. F. Campbell, mer chant of Saflord, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for consumption, coughs and colds. I can not say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and to-day stands at the head. It never disap jioiuts. Free trial bottles at Sny der's drug store, Somerset, or at Bral tier's drugstore, Berlin. Action. "If thou wouldst win my regard, she exclaimed, "act." Clearly, then, she was not one of those matinee girls for their regard often won by mere dulis, who could not act to save their necks. Detroit Journal. Backlsn's Arnica Salve. The Rest Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Tiles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at J, X. Snyder's drug store, Somerset, or at Brallier's drug store, Belin, Pa. SpDiled. Sue Have a nice time at the party last night? Dollie Oh, not very. The papers didn't have inv name in the list of "those present," this morning. Cleve land Leader. "Well, did the boss give you a raise?" "Xo." "Not even when you told him ycu h id grown gray in his service?" "Xo. Gave me the name of a good hair dye." BO YEARS EXPERIENCE. V A TaADI MARKS COPVRICHTS Ac Anyone nxtlntr a aketra and dnertptioa mar ejuicklyaacertain, free, w bet tier mn liiTemioti is irohal4r patentable. Otmmuniottimia a! rn-tlf eoomteotlaL Ol'twt aceucj f.irawuniiic patents in America. We bare a Wa-hinctiio ottice. Patents taken tnruuga Aluua A Co. rxweirs speual ootlee la the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, besnttfallr Illustrated. Vtrreat etrrnlatioa of ap'seientlBe frurnul, weeaijr. tonus ;U)U a jerx; t,'.Waix suontba. Sped awn cvpie and Uavo -uo OS fATXifm sent tree. Addraa MUNN A CO., 301 Brsaasar, Hew Yartu about the house, paint, floors, pots and pans, dishes and glxssware, silver and tinware, can be done better, quicker and cheaper with Washing powoft than with any other cleansing compound. Largest package greatest economy. THE V. X. rAIKBATX COMPaUTT, Cbkaco, Bt. Louis, Sen York, Boatuo, rbiiwlelpiila. Mercantile Appraisement F DEALERS IN MERCHANDISE. ETC -IN- Somcrset County, Pcnn'a. TAKE NOTICE That In pursuance of tin; K4Vntl At'W 111 aiuiiiiij m -imnwraltli t provide rt-vfiiun to mwt the dtiiiiiniU upon the tminury, and for iilln-r purpuM-K, the utuK-rviumil Appraiser til .wit tMiiLile tuxes for wild tnMiiity. hint iin-pan-d a lit of the tnulm of Kit id t-.iiinty. and lias pl.-K-.il eaeli In that cWihm which U In m ap- pt-uni rllil and proper, lo-wn. AlUHSnX. Namkh. tka'iiks. IWn It. I- llro Itt-tailer . runners 1-ulxin-rH Ok lM-RlliVtf ANMK-mlion M I.Nton JiHHe NU-klow K. 1 ..... 44 Kus.- lloltt-rt E " hlr.iwu r". I' " CLASS. 11 ALLEdllEXY. Fraxicr C. '... II r.Kiei.ix no:. rook r. k.co . rui 1 1 us k. u Kioto a t: (imll Knil , ll.-ltley K.C JoIiiimhi A. K. A Son KriMniiigt-rt?. W. A Co K rixsiiiKi-r J. K Matthews. llownmli , Nowaic 1'" il I I'hiliMtu .lueob IT l'liilsoli J. A. Ac W. K 1'hilMiu H. A Co 11a like sera J :in r.hxsox ;:. rnsl. rA. K K:irim-rs' Milling t o. Hclse! 1iHlis K. tail. r. UL.U'K. WiltmutJ. S " ; HO TJIKHS VAI. L E Y. Ileae liley Im - " tiiiinlM-rt lli-nry. lUyiimn L'. K " u coxema vair. Harshhenrer Jacob " Kish Henry . .. .suavely Israel CASSELT.MA X IIOWK Shullx V.'. II. & Co. ... " Wi-imerUL " voxel i:exce noun. ii it mm Anderson Win . " It bin! A Bird " II l.lai k A.ii .. " l: I'.laek A. U " II t 'tiiiiiiiitttmm t ' H UmIiIh J. M I'.illiHrdM $ Mt I. mil A. T Ketnller 11 Henry M II Kuril H. Jr. I I Kurtz A. U " 11 M.iiiiituiii V. N. Ji Son " II MeNiittJ. K " II Itowinan A Hull - II I'-nl A. W " II oiilim-nee Ktiriilmre t'i " 14 K.s.A M A llro " l:i l inn, hill M II Tissue II. it l'uh liall f ELK LICK. B. n.ler V. V lU-taii. r 1 1 K n l.-hiii.in M. A Martin M. A " .Minist N. A " Mnlcliii I). K FA IUlol'E ll..l.lil. ll J. J. A Co " Smith Win (;i:eeiillk Yuuy A. li II 11 OO YE IIS YIL LE V.OhO. niouu'ti r. j " UelselM. V " JEFEEUsOX. Miller Joseph C. " U-niittJ. W - KiK pin-r M. M " JEXXEn. Ki.fk n s " Imnitei) Kred tin mner l T " Hotriiian Jacoh A Son li't olimir J. A Kisin.-r John A ltay rlward JEXXEli HO SO. Gri tilth J. J " LU WE: TWKEYEooi. Cullxini A. J I.l.WVLX. tieurv J. V - m- W. I " W timer M LA l: I MEIL Itesil Mrs. A. O . " tieirr Henry A " Snli-r.Mrs. I. W . Wilnioth 11. J - 1.: H midleci:eek. tinrron A ltro hriish A. N JliKire C. 11 MLFO:K Husband A. li .. " tSehroek U. W. A Uni " II MEYE.'SOA LE !0:o. Apple Win A Co t itiM-ns' Uitnk...... ltankers.... f :fc( C.n.H Win. li It.t.iiU-r l: rover I". J. A Son " 1 Hiv. lv H. J - it I He hi K " 1 1 KbUt-ka II. J " 1 1'aritier's Kank . Iinnker..... t l KUilo A. T lUtiiil. r li tiU-ssu. r Hardware Co :i iurleyT. W " u llady Miehael " 11 lii-riiii" tiarrelt it Han l.y S. C " I Ilorking Brtst It Kiehnor Hrug Slore " 1 1 Koepie A " II Ktipiin II. A I'o " 1 1 leonanl Kike " Lavkeuby Wm .......... - l.iVfiiKood S. 1 . 14 Meyerstlale Supply Co 1 Miller A Collins i I'lnlilerJ. II t Unit M. E . . " II PHI I Chas KiiHns House s Kutter M. A. A Co iU-tuiit r 1:1 H. irh K. A Son - II stiiplt-y Hardware Co I I Truxal tr. W Id The Benehly On - 1 1 ThomaH K. R a ltro 1 1 Thompson C. W rjitins House . H xe ' 11. 1 . TiMo:: noso. (innlill J. J ACt KftiilU-r luppe-r Juliu r aVA'H VEXTKEYILLE HORU. IUmel.ee 1. ...... lUll it Co " XO: TA Ml'TOX. LrydlK 1. 1 " Miller J. H . " . Lyuilil'.J OOLK lUuineHnlncrJ. L. II PA TXT. I nnxl W.J H 1111 me! J. M U.-UIU tiitrnlt..... II II 1 1 yCEMAOXl.J. Speoht Jileiull . ititc-r 111 i:ocKvon no no. Ash J. t (j Anh K. K B.ktTW.Il II f 'ftiint-ll v K. E............. H ill h- E Uniwall A. J. Hmivt-r Wro Jiinf KuniltureCo Millt-rJ. I. AHi.iis Nt IT A t ":ts-teer Him k w.xxl Ketl IY... nytler II Si yd. r M. II Hi its J. V . Yolfenttxrj5cr 1. II .s .su :y noun. inretiui.'.I.Ivenjpio.lKr.it ' .. VJ i .. II .. II .. 11 JI .. II .. I . U .. 1 1 .. I-' I I t H Kin-nil J . I. - .. K.i.i.ii . !!.- IU tinier .. i;i(f.-llv M. J - " j 1 r"r.r.""."ritii Iiti'l liH!ii;ril:-.. H w-l ls rt is A Smui Ki lailiT .li tin v J T " l.i.-hlin r Mrs. M. A - Hh.-.w H. t: - Htalli rt: A l!n " Wit'k. r f. K . .- Wahl T. M I'""' "'id i:!llurds .S7.I !!- I.imdav Tinman H InlhT lU-itaJ. II - " II ' 1 .STOXYCn'EK. It .!l..r IV I. " Ibiltz. rS. i - " llalUer l..lwanl Hrintr. A " - Hr.int It. I" idvelv I., r KloloAllalt-MT " Kl.-H.r Wllstm " rt. i iw i ' v " Hni;li r f. 1 . - " S.iri-r l w ' Warner Iktniel - v . ei: f el n nn: n. Krey A. V 1 II.N.kT. M " J.I.-..I.S r i Ntiliow V. V ,S' M euset no :o. r.n-hm I.. V Katlii!! Hmc.. lwnlord M.t'.. llr.ill!.-r i:nw " Itemi. r V. 1! " t ts-k A lleiTll.t - Colli iit h Kd It - " t'ot:rolh t". 11 - " rott'rotii .Mrs. (vale It " l-.-rl I Piil.lleHall Ihtvls I.. H.ACo. Ii.-tnil r Kt-rner Un -. " KisherC. II Krinse A KtiosiT - Iloi-l.-rbaimi J. " Ilotderb.iitiiiJ.il llitll.y Henr- " ll-rrlinis " Neir Mifall " Kaiitni-r A l'littt KnepiierA tiiKwl - lmtln-rJ. M. - Miller J. II " Ni-ir A OiseU-er " l'is-1 A. K - " rVheil l A " SiiiHisoii K. . . " SnvderJ. U " sw-hn.i-k M illion " Sine H.I. - " Stivd.-r John N Savior I . W Kiting House. siit-pin-rii . K n y ui -ii nit. i. t w-i;i ut r Shivh-r KmiiK " I lit Mrs A. K Vuunrar Clutrltn liillianls SoMEKxET. ruble J. M Ki taik-r Shu tier S. K Savior 1. Ij.A Co - " Yum man Jos. pl! SivlorC. VV A Co Vt'eiliier AJ - - " NEMMT. Hoblitell J.J. A Son....- " JudvJ. Il... - " Merrill Win. A " Miller 1. 1. " Miller lrs,s .. " sro esto h'.v :o:n. SlHM-key r. II :. " SnydiT II. T - ThoiiiMon I'einbroke M Itowinan J. II - E:sA :n;n. Albright James " CollNirn H. W " Codt rJ. K " ihiviJ.It Karipier l-roy ' Il. il w rn'.:: i? iH Sellers 1'. II.. Kehnltr rr'E: tv eke yf ot. Kielier Alliert C " iminliiiiild J. IS " ; rl.nrd J. H Henry l. J. A Sou " Kretfar Jai-ob A son K reger C. S. A Co WELLEn.sn r:a no:. Keebtls John " H t't'UftitiriiHtiH of YcH'Icrit in J'iti'!ii i'. Suit Of $ I.IKW. ..Class II Ta S T Oi . - l:i " ID CO .i.l IM.IUI " ri,ii ai . ae.i lo.itii . ,I,UI l-J " 1- II l-i i"i in " ai mi ! Il s :ai ii 7 " ) il Vl.tvi.-l.'i'ol of El'iu'J 'sca. Sali-s of t to Sl.tMf Class Tax IW iillitirtl Hint Tt'it 'in AH'-ft. One tiil.leor nlli v. f;l ul. Ktt-h additional allt y.or table, tl" it). TAKE NOTICE -All I rxr.i nmn rued In tlii:iipniis-iiii-iil. that hit iip;-.tl Wil. iie held at In.- Treusiin-r'H Mliee ill imers.1, on the anil day of May. l.t-iT. between the hours ol !iu. in. and 1 p. in., when you fan :tlt ml if you think uroix r. S. Ii. SiltiKM AK Vis, M. rmiile AppmiM r. ELVS CREAM B.VI.M Is a posltlveem. Apply into the nostnls. It is qnkkiy ahsortd. ." cents at nrnir-.-ists or hy rail ; asaip'es lur. by aisX tLY BiloTUtlS. Se Warren SU. New York t:tv. Be Cancer and Tumor Can Es Cured Withcut the Knife. To - the Cancer been omethlnf that tb medicml profcuioa aevct beea bi to discover; but tit last Dr Steinert has discovered a rem dy, which if applied vUl remove It in from 6 to f dars. There are five kinds of Csa Cers, namely: the fciose Cancer the Spuicr Cancer, the. Fissar Cancer, the Bone Caacex aaj the Wolf Cancer. There havo been Caisrs where patients have rtaiii tiavi fr atnv i a nrtrnraa Cancer, curb ti. uit to thr sorrow of no eaent. lr. Sleiart has removed hem of Test Years Standing, and from pervns B4 years of age, Ito btsowe nncttborUood. Persons are requested Iw Call at his off..;e and v e the wondrrful cores he has stade. aiad which he has in alcnUol far Ssttc heeptnf. lie bill jo vests frcuce, and stands le the for Sbcst rank of his pn ! cn. The f- Mo win 4 case re a lew of wl.o he been cured by aoe: TUr i!cKeon. Unxviller Pa,. Cancer 1 bieest, s years. tl svc cut j ClintS, (-TOWHl, ft AtUm irt, " f. 1 nrttcnlh an art. (hrny. cancer of lip. a 1 -ttshursh. cancer al yt-ars. . lrrt. 3 tears. Mn. Annbunl, Vl'eaw't t'U SuiiJ. WnlinOi land co-inty, canrr'r of I. c. a year. Mn. Jamas lortcrs. t't.al Mining, ln.lt.na county. Pa.. cancers ol ahouli'.er. j yrara Ui K.ilh. corurr Thirty-ualb tliect and Yrtin avenue. ca:u cr off cheek, s years. Ml. Horn. Iljuf vlrt-rl. A.k cluny. cancer of cheak. ? earv Kit. !itirt.j(;i.it ,tct. Mt. Ma.a. iiCton. I'lltilimiih. caiicer of cn.b. a years. Mrs, J. Kelly. Wet l'ituUirth ttrect. ;reeo-.l.unt. Pa, Initios el nose. 5 yens. Mr. Slnrcuion, 75 Part Way, Allegheny, tumor on fureaead. t year. Mrs, C Lohde.CjCT bhukrveuiestteet. E. Ptttsbnrgl canrer of L rejj;. 3 year. Mr. Behans, cancer oi Ineuil. a yeui. y.n. Muler, cancec of breatt. Teats. Mia. Ifae iilir;, cancer of m-onh. s years, lit. Kabul, cat tee womb, a years. Mrs. Lang, kcl. cancel of on h. year. Mr. Marver. letter ol sueoa. j ycais. Mrs. Ij-an. cancer of the breast, s yean. Kn. btr.e.t. cancer of womb. 6 months. St Kol-inwa slrret. Ai.r-;henT Citv. Pa. Adaoi B'ack. cancer on hp. 1. to ttation. Hearer county. Pa. .Mr. Werner, ranker of rectum. 6o Forty nlih aiteel. Pittsburg I a Mrs. Aler. cancer oa boss. tiaktca aei.t-e. E K., I itL-burh. Pa. Mrs. alju. cancer ol tne brrau, Sa yean of age. Curry ratioo. Pc.il.cl K.n-iiij., Alltaeny county. Pa. sf n. Mullcr. caatet ot tUc tip aud loogye. 4 yeatSa alUUMil- bont.Ki cuuiitj, "s. ff HtS. MAITS. ranr?r ,- (... stirs, nioss. dancer of the limb, 1 year. No. 3 Tarentyirsl Ij. Curry latl00p ., . . aireei, ritltnurgn, t'a. lie alio remmei the dangerous lapeworm In frota to 4 hoars, and has 350 ipecimeas ol them In his ai-e. lie alio cures letter and complaints ol the a iarys; aso old sores sad iheuaausaa. aal sj stis sod Mood diseases. fc DR. C. STEINERT, H SEVENTH AVENl'E. PITTSBURGH, tt lfen.1 r cent ait.o for lnln.matiOfi. Or. Steinert Is the Only Doctor In th Union who has the Only Remedy for Uiu cure ol Cancer withoutthe Knlfa. IMPOKTAJtT TO ADVEUTIsEi.", The cream of tho country parr found In Bcmington'a Cuurty- Si-ut Liu. gi.rpwi aururudcra avau mi;m--oivcs CI thfo lisw, a copy cf vhich can to had of Hocuul-iot BruaL. of New York & FuUbur,r. mntlfteiirr.:!-.. .... .. . - M rcr sw i :. i iiifirn iMiiMinj..M...il1wn.y ha.l. i.fielt. class srmmmilft:iiiis nr.it i-ivy"".. .'t.iVmi'i lualu.!-T.!.. l'rHCT-,n,.li:i,rj l.lreLI Ne-l 1eh.t. I h II. "X Pa V3r ICaXaYfix THE to?Is Ncno Too Good When You pv MilEDICNEo,: It 1 JUSt J!.' f FRESH, PURE DRUG A it ii I'o Have Conj!,Uur AT SNYDER'S You are always sure of getting the fr-iiiet n-Ji,-iiifSj.1.. r r Careftilly Com iiotm. 11. J TRUSSES lITTEn All of the Beat and Moat Approved Tru? ji,pt f( Sff SUisftctlon Cwiranttrd. OPTICAL GOODS. GLASSES FITTED TO SUIT THE EYES. CALL AND HAVE r . SIGHT TESTED. JOHN N. SNYDER, Somerset, - Louther's Main Street, Somerset, Pa. This Hodcl Drug Stcrs is Rapidlv ? FTorlte Trith Pscph in Sci :f FRESH . AHD . PURE . DRUGS Medicines, Dye Sings, Sitowjc, Trusty Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Xc. THI tMXTOK GIVES l-lfi.ttl. ATTrvt:- rn t :: t .ti -; ..:.,,,r LoaMs FrescfiiJtioiiSiFamily Recete GEEAT CABE Bnl.MI TAKE.H TO I'bK CXLV 1 :SII A.n: IT -. ;. ; u, SPECTACLES, EYE-GLA.SSES. And a Fall Line cf Optical Goods alsravs cn ItzA. Frr.n r.i larjr3 assortment all can Le ?u::ou. THE FINEST BBilHDS OF CIGABS Always on hand. It 13 always a pleasure to -i?p!y ctr to intending purchase?, whether they liy from us or elsewhere. J. M. LOUTHER m. D. MAIN STREET ... - SOMERSET. F Somerset Lumber Yakd EL"LA.S CIJISrTN'GI-lAil, MasurACTTTKtBasii Dulls aud Wh.-lk.- ile ami l: tail; - . r Lumber and Building Mate. -als. Hard and Soli Woods, Oak, I'oplar, Siriirfp, M aliuil, Yellow Piue. I loorlnx, CTierry, ShlisgJe, loors Itth, Hliltt Tine Klini!, A genera! tine of all prjilns of I.unirpr and stock. Also, can furnish anything in the line oJ o.ir tus.s ;.. ble pr.)tup'.nev, such us Brackets ttd-izl.tvor!t Elias Cunningham, OtTlce ami TarJ dp.'ie 4 ( '. K. TheN. Y. Weekly Tribune With the close of tlie PrcsMontiul cainpilsrn I ! I TIiU'Ni: m .'" the f;u-t that the Anuritan 1? are now anxifi-i -.-iv x..- :r u:. - a!" home ami lu.sinr iiitir.t-i. To nut t this :..!., - - . :'. lave '" sjweai.il ronitienv, until am-tht-r Matt- nr Xati.-ii. ! --: : ;" 1 newalc.f the tight for the j ri: .-;..U- f. r whi.-h Till". Tlil ! :l ' N I" i : from its incetin to the t :v- :ii .lay, asl voti its -n u: -i vi.-.. ; -. Kvety s.sil.Ie i-lT.irt vti 1 t tuit f.ntU. airi i.-.m.-y fr..:y I'',!" s" aJ? The WEKKLY TltlJirK j r, , luiti.-ntiy a Njtiora? FamlS Ne.papr, i " ng, instructive, fiiuitu;::!., r.n.l intlisin-aMe tt c;t-!i m r .-t :U -J We furnish "THE HERALD" and "N. Y. WEEKLY TR'BL'NE" ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2.00. CASH IN ADVANCE. SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY EECIN AT ANY TIXE. Address all ord rn to "J"I III II 1 1 1 Vrlte Tonr name an I aJIrH on a pt.! fird, tn! il to Koo. Vi'1' Ct,'j Tnbune nuildin, Vw Tark tit at A sanrie cri t.r TUe -V ' Wetkly Tri'ouue will be nailed U jva. IT WILL FAT YOU TO BUY YOU II memorial Work F. SHAFFER, SOMERSET. PEJfJTA. M iiinfuctareroraud IVait-r In '.-t.rn Work Farnishi on Short Notice 1J1S 113 EHiSITE WJEK Also, Ajent for the WHITE BK XZE ! tn.iTtT. V ,"r M"- n. Work wl 1 Ihirl . V ' .,u,,r,, " -'" tuy slH-.p Tr; V'TX-rs.iowiiiit vriil l- siv,s ,u rlsvcrjlo. J inviti-)( il a tni'tja 1 pro -niv-! hy RT. W. A. Hl-.e. us a Ar.i til" Mairriu:., li.t, net ,u. tin J I, If h K .,t:,,i , t r M. F.SUAFFEU. Bmi tllJKH .-i t. t l) 5, in the i'h'jr.ui,u Them. Drug PlfLrla, ManlJit Sh-!i, Star Rails, H;iJi;Jt.-r. Sitlunl, AfWfl I'i, life. Euiidini; U. NUtion, For. FARMERS AND VILLAGERS. FATHERS AND MOTHERS. SONS AND DAUGHTERS. K:; ALL Ti-E FAMILY. .As v. ,o T',' ? t ' FuACTICALLI.1- t-J La- A ItalsU. lsas-a-s . .H.- ' . i Over SCO Beautiful Designs. j,! tt : a i ; - A v Ji -j.it j -r. ;...V Store.