The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, May 19, 1897, Image 2

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The Somerset Herald.
EDWARD SCULL, Euitor anl Proprlttor.
.May !, 1.
Civil, service reform is uiidcrg(iin a
close f xamiiiation, and the sham kind
M ill In? dropifd out.
An otlcr to sup')y Carving rum
ooml'ataiiU in Cuba with food should
not lie consider! an affront w the
pride and diguity of Spain.
Thk Torki-.ii ixmud is about $4.4),
and the rumoivd indemnity of lt,0.,
o H jKiunds to !e demanded of (irwiv
would amount to f7iI,t!,(C.!l.
Vkvi.i:i:'s system of driving the ri;
r:d Mijrtit:iiini f Cuba from their
homes and starving the:u is a poor ao-eoiiijiaiiiiii-i:t
to an oiler of reforms.
Mii- Mai.ioky, rect-nily electi-d
United States Senator iu Florida, de
clares that lie is a free silver man. The
South is not yet soundly converted
from her financial errors.
Kx-Amisassaihk IJayard hxs arriv
ed safely iu the United States. The
Kngli-h did uot, after all, succeed in
keeping him on the other side, and (he
suspense is at last relieved.
JlEroitK Mr. Uryaii returns from Li.-
foreign tour he should visit Cuba to
note the operations of aa irredeemable
paper currency. Later on the Popu-li-L
may sound him on their favorite
subject nf unliiuiUsl greenbacks.
T:n:S'dt:i:i's demand the (in tks
lianJ over their iron-clads as one of the
conditions of peace is a ! propiisi
tion. It is imt liki ly tiiat (Jrveee un
der any circumstauces will agree to
pres'Ut Turkey with a ready-made
Skxatou Mv Kni:;;v, of L--.iisia'i:i,
remarks that lie will viite for the new
taritr because lie is a protectionist, and
said so to the Democratic caucus that
nominated him. More than that, they
rave him a rouud of applause when
he made the declaration.
Thk Turk wants fifty million dollars
indemnity from ; recce. That sum
would help him considerably, as lie is
j.lways ;;i debt. Hut iuai.;:i4 a de
mand is one thin and irettiuir what
yo.i v.ani is aiioth'.r. A litigant i.i
suit .":! :i p:;i bis daman's at tweii'
tin -l- -n-1 d.-H-irs a:i-l trets cue cetit.
ye:ir :! 'o Unit-'
1 Sta'.-s v
! the r;te
ater. N
are sup;:
cnip ii
;. cle i'! .-iti;r a
t J-,'" wr.rto every
America.; Uianuf '.carers
iiii the K-.itu-- market and
withdreat iliitaiii and t
the markets of the world.
i.Tiiianv in
A dcllli'i.
is not long t:i;-upplied iu Uncle Sam
Thk record of exports of domestic
pnxiucts for April of this year was so
far ahead of the record for the same
month of ls'i that there cau be uo coin
pariMHi. This couutry's business with
frei,irn lands is immense at tin presx-nt
time, ami is likely to continue so for
sometime to come. The foreign d-
luaii.l for American manufactured arti-
!es, as well as for grain, is very heavy
and business at every p rt on the cast
crn scabird is very brik.
i r is unocr-ioo'i mat tne Ueliate on
thetariir I till will begin in the Senut
on Monday, May 4. That will 1
a little over live weeks U-fore the
Fourth of July reiv-s. The Sjnate
can make that holiday a day of thank?
giving as weil as of patriotic enthusi
asm ly passing the bill U-fore the
Fourth comes. Senator (jonuan pre
diets that it will le passed by July 1
ia-i us jiojk! trial lie will conie nearer
the mark here than he did in his Iirv-
a:iite prophecies last fall.
Tin: Wilson law repudiated in a day
the reciprocal arrangements U-tween
the sisterhood of American republi.-s
under the MeKinley law. The Ding-
ley bill, however, bids fair to provide
for a glorious measure of renewed com
mercial mien-ourse. Ana once re-es-
laonsneu no n;:el ."states congress
Mill soon again blindly destroy tha'
reciprocity in trade for which the good
common sense of American citizenship
ha- always spplauded lUaine and Mc-
.NK retsox why m st of the grea
nations are either ojienlv or si.Tef!v
plcbried at Turkey's succer-s is that
many of their citizens hold Turkish
sH-r-s una oomis. itiese jiersons
would lie pMmniarily injuretl by Turk-
ih defeat, for that would lower the
value of their holdings. The class
which buy government and railroad
securities is a very important element
of the jsipulation of every great nation
of the modern day. In the present
conflict most of tbi el mciit is on the
side of Turkey, In cause i recce has few
railroads it government loans have
not licen large, and i:s general credit is
low. Ina vtry dinvt and emphatic
dcgr.v I he financiers open the
;a!-s of the temple .f Janus these
days. Al.I'KIi 11 Las expressed
Lis intention of calling up the tarilT
bill next Thursday. This does not give
a very clear impression of the date
upon which the bill will become a law.
Very much will dejiend ujon the tem
p t of the Senate, There is abnmlant
iu iterial in the txuate bill for contro
versy. The sugar schedule has aroused
discussion iu the country, nml this will
le duly reflected in the debates. One
of the misfortunes of a prolonged and
excited discussion upon an undesira
ble feature- of a tariir bill is that it
hardens opposition to otlur good feat
ures and endangers the measure.
The margin in the Senate for the re
vision of the tarilT is vry slender.
The Republican are in a niinority.and
must have votes from the or"w.j.;,,u
pass a bill. They ap?ar to be assun-d
of these vote in e-rtaiu contingencies:
b it, when votes are so doubtful, it does
not reijuire much urging to swingtheiu
in the other direction. It is this touch
and go situation which prevents the
licpublicaiHi from pushing the bill
with their accustomed energy. It is
given out, for instance, that if Mr. Al
drich does call up the bill on Thursday
it will not In? allowed to displace other
business. This may possibly be a mere
threat, but if it is made in earnest it
may seriously cmliarrnss the passage of
the bilk
The Senate has a habit of making
mountains out of mole Lills. The most
trivial matter will sometimes occupy
nearly a whole session, and there seeing
to lie an unlimited supply of these tri
li stored up for production at inoj- I
jrtune moments. 1 here is tlie hojr,
however, thai the weather will grow
warai, and that, as the debate progrcss-
ts, the isoluted jtositiou of the Senate
will dawn on the senators, aa it has al
ready dawned on the public They
may at length realize the absurdity of
talking forever ujion a subject upon
which the mind of the public has liecn
made Hp for seven months, and con
clude to fcike a vote.
Political Rotes.
The importers of foreign wools are ran
sacking the world fur wool which they
xKx-t to pet into the country l.for tho
new Iingieylaw gets ont-j tin stUJte
imoks. The iinporUitioiis of flothiug
wool in March, Itl, the lust March un
der the McKinley law, amounted It only
Sd,5I2 pounds. Those in March, !,
under the Wilson law, auiour.ted to 12,-
733, -klj, and those in March, 1I7, 3S,5iv,-
Secretary Wilson, the hea t of the Ag
ricultural Iepartinent, having distribut
ed sugar-lrfHit seed to about il.UK) farm
ers, is now si-mling out agents to make a
thorough investigation : to the svtions
of the country lies suited for licet cul
ture, the object lieing to indicate to those
desiring to establish wigar-liect factories,
t!ie locations in whi.-h they are most
likely to lie sno-essful. Mr. Wilson is
evidently a practi-al man.
President Cleveland's Xew York speech
is proving a great success. Editor Wat-
ersou is tiring at it from the standpoint of
the gold Democrats, Mr. Uryau is attack
ing it from the standpoint of the silver
Democrats, Mr. Iiailey is jumping oa it,
sundry Populist leaders aro attacking it
!iti their standpoint, while the Kepub
lican pajiers of the country are also mak
ing a lew etforts in that direction.
The farmers lienetit directly and indi
rectly by the changes made in the tariff
bill by the senate finance committee.
The iniosition of a duty on hides ls-ne-fits
them directly, and will Hi the same
time be to their indirect lienclit by increas
ing the opportunity lor reciprocity treaties,
with many parts of the world. The same
fact applies to the duties ou tea. The
new reciprocity treaties w hich it will be
jMi.-siMo to make, ly reason of tha addi
tion of hides mid tea to the d'itial-le
list, w ill be a great advantage to the ag
ricultural elements of the country.
The proposed duties on tlie quautity of
raw hide which wtiuid go into a pair of
shoes would prolialiy amount to aiiont
live cents. As only one-tilth of the hides
useliii this country aie imported, t liu
increased co- t of a pair of shoes by reason
of it woulil probably not lie more tiian a
cent. The average man probably buys
an ut thn-o p;iirs of !res in the yejtr. If
any'ooiy olj'H-ts to paying three cents
ye irly t the siippirl of the government
in the extremity to which the Wilson
1 nv has driven ii, let him stand up and
ill'er his objections. S icli a m.m w ould
a cariosity, especially in
view of the
f e 1 t:i it t!iM duty wi
I.'l-e to liio coMlilrV.
1 ba -
grau". a-l h:i-
V-m. ii.iji-n tatioiEs c.:iilin;!. 1 1
froe.i abr-n-i. Latest estimates
tha: there is f.dly sex .-n m-mths'
uir in
oi l-.rt'igu wool in the country and that at
the p.e-i.:'it rate o; imp oru:i n a fail
year's supply will be i:i the hands of the
i.i irm' br-fire t-i? ;f-
ifl bill p-.issilily gi t into operaiou.
The K"publican party d es not c mlrol
the senate tf the Cnitod Slates, and iftho
senate d.x-s not make a tariir bill just
as the Republicans want it, the public
w ill understand that the Republican par
ty is responsible, and lint the. reiuo
dylies in electing Republican legislat
ures which will elect more Republican
People who are surprised that gold is
going abroad at the rate of ID or 12 mil
lions a mouth should remember that for
eign goods are coming in nt the rate of 70
or l millions a mouth. The enormous
increase in the. amount of foreign goods
being brought into the country, all of
which must be pai 1 for in g .1.1. must ex
plain to a great extent at leist the. in
crease iu the outflow of gold.
Another evidence of the growth of pro-V-tion
in th south is found in the fact
l hit at least of til? -"il seintors from that
section will vote for the protective tariir
bill. These senators are McKnery, of
Louisiana, Pritchstrd, of North Carolina,
I. of Kentucky, Klkins, of West
Virginia, and Wellington, of Maryland.
Wlieu it is remembered that every one of
the men was preceded by a man who
voted for the free trade law now on the
statute books the growth of the protec
tive sentiment In the south is as clearly
seen as it is by the fact that more than :!tl
siuthern vot-s were east for the IMnwW
bill in the house.
Siot Aiding Hit 7ife.
KvT STicot-psiH-B.i.Pa., Mar P!.
Shortly after -midnight this morning
three men Clinton ll nn-b.
ton Fritz and Harry Harford went to the
house of Mrs. Henry Van ii-iskirk, on
the out skirts of this town, and demanded
admittance. The woman's husband u-u
lyira in bo 1 with phne i n mia, and she.
anxi that their noise should H it dis
turb the sufferer, went to the door. n
opening u lbs three entered. Tu-?y we-a
all the worse for drink. Seizin? ih
woman, they atteintted to embrai-e her,
but were fought off. With oaths they
renewed their attacks upon Mrs. Van
Kuskirk, who, fast loosing her strength.
called for her husband.
Risii.g from his bed, the sick man order
ed the men from the house. They re
fused to go, R nick, ii i-i alleged, threat
ening to kill tho mm, wife and threa
small children ifthi-v did not mike ies
noise. Swing that the men were let.-r-
luined npou assiul,. Van R.ikirk stag
gered bn-k int his lroo:n an 1 so-;:re 1
arevo.ver. i: euiermg the kitchen, b
a;n (icnian lM th-it the men should
;ive, at the same time raising his
weapon. U nick jmllcd his gun. J'.-?fon
l.:.: ....... .! i . -
oilier -.-...- i on me trigger v an l;us
Mr nail nreu the bullet which struck
Rouckinthe st unach near the irroin
tone linsl and hit an Iiuskirk in the
reast, the ball penetr ting the right
lung. The men then left, but not before
oiu-k had fired three m ore shots none
of which took effect on the inmates.
Alter attending to her bleeding hns
nanu, .Mrs. an isiiskirk came into town
lor tlie police. Warrants were quickly
issue! and Officers Welter and Smith l;s-
eated liout-k and Fritz. Harford hns so
far eluded capture Rom-k is now in a
. ,-r.i.s -..iniit,.i.ii iroui iiis wouua m ins
stomach, and hi death, with that of Van
Ibiskirk, is momentarily expe-ted. The
men claim that they went to the house
after two women whom thev U lien. I
were i t ti'e.
Victim cf a 'Woman's Tary.
.iti:-.:xsiit n.i, I'a., May lj. Mrs.
v ii.iui-s uumcr, wiieoi a lea iing young
i tf . ?p .
lanycr, an. I a (laitghter-in-law of the late
Jmlge Hunter, wan attacked ly Mrs.
u i.i! nil 1 oung ami knocked down and
kn-keJ inU insensiliility on the streot
here to-night in front of a store. Mrs.
Vtiungaci-nsed Mrs. Hunter for wreck
ing her domestic happiness.
Mrs. llunler siilse4tieully Rn'ore out I
warrant for Mrs. Young. AH are proiui
nt-Jit, aud tncuibersof old families.
Bailretd Track Elewa Up.
JoiixsTowy. Pa., May li-Early this
morning the people of Spangler were
awakened liy a terrific explosion. ANmt
W ft-jt of track on tho new Heech Creek
railroad had been blown up with ilyna-
tnite. The rtuif ba.1 lecn placed in
culvert nil Jer a lill au.l Ure an immense
hole iu the roadbed. The powder maga
zine of McCiain A Co., at Spangler, bad
beon broken into during the night, anj
this is where the explniivm were Hec ir
sl. A determined effort ill lie tfiade lo
l's-a'e and punish the perp jtratir-.'
Aaki for 853,000 for Destitute Ameriflnai
in Cuba.
Washinoto.n, May 17. The President
to-day sent the followingiuwwRge to Con
gress :
"To the Senate aud House of Repre
sentatives of the United Stales. Ollicial
information from our consuls in Cuba es
tablishes the fact that a large number of
American citizens in the island are iu a
state of destitution, suffering for want of
food and medicine. This applies parti
cularly to the rural districts of the central
and eastern parts. The agricultural
classes have been forced from their farms
Into the. nearest towns where they are
without work or mouey. The local au
thorities of the several towns, however
kindly disposed, are unable to relieve the
needs of their own people, and are alto
gether powerless te help our citizens.
The latest report of Consul Ijoo estimates
six to eight hundred Americans are w ith
out means of supiiort. I have assured
hint that provision would lie made at
once to relievo them. To that end I
recommend that Congress make an ap
propriation of not less than ji,0w) to lie
immediately availablo for use under the
direction of the Secretary of State. It is
dasirabla that a part of the sum
which may be appropriated by Congress
should, iu the discretion of the Secretary
of Suite, also lie used for transportation
of A merioan citizens who desiring to re
turn to the United States are without
means to do so. (Signed) WillUm Mc
Kinley, Executive Mansion, May 17ih,
The Fattest oa Becord.
The announcement of Joe. Home A
Co., of Pittsburg, that the opening of their
new store will occur on the 17th inst..
adds another to a succession of remarka
ble occurrences.
In many respects the great Pittsburg
lire of May 31 breaks all previous records.
In the first place, the loss was the great
est ever recorded for tho area burned
over and the time of burning. It was the
fastest lire ever known. It was under
control in less than three hours and was
burned out in less than live hours, but in
that time it had destroyed nearly four
million dollars' w orth of property.
Tho conflagration which had previous
ly held the re-orl for rapid loss was what
insurance men call the "Lin.-oln street
lire," whieb occurred in Itoston aliout
three years ago. This was also remarka
ble for tho manner in which it wiped out
so-called "fire-proof buildings. It le
gau iu oi;e, destroyed it and tho one next
it, and then, ignoring the older buildings
adjoining, crossed the street and gobbled
up two more new steel-frame, stone aud
brick buildings. Is fore its appetite for
"lire-proof" structures was satisfied.
Rut tho Pittsburg fire, liesides Iteing
faster, was even more particular. In the
rear of the Horn.- store w:vs a one-story
wooden foundry building, it largo ramb
ling, rams'n.-klo structure lire-nest. I his IruMing w as
considered a 'Special hazard" by insur
ance men, and tho Homes had to nav
extra insurance on account of its proxi
mity, on all tho windows fronting on
tuis imiaiing iicavy iron "hatters were
provided, and tha place was always a
sourcef uneasiness. Yet, w hen the fire
came, the miignilleent fire-proof store
was gutted out in an hour, and the found
ry was not even scrtrched. The shutters
which were ceded to save Home's from
the foundry, saved the foundry from
As for the speed of the lire. Chief
Humphreys of the Pittsburg Fire De
partment says he never heard of one
which made such rapid progress. He
says the spread of tho Haines reminded
him of the way a blaze runs over a
stubble-field iu the autumn.
And still keeping up the paco of the
whole affair, before the "all suit" signal
was rung, Jos Horno A Co. had secured
a tine nine-story ixuioing, three uoors
lielow tho ruins of their old one. It was
but just completed and consisted oulv of
nine bare floors aud four blank walls.
An army of workmen was started at
once on the fittings. Iu two days it was
occupied by all heads of departments
and the buyers had gone east after new
giXKls.In two weeks from the time of
the blaze, the firm is ready again, with a
new store and a w holly new stock. As
their old stock w as valued at over ?1JU,-
(, and as they have resumed business
completely, it is easily seen u lnt a tre
mendous task they have so successfully
accomplished, iu reproducing such a
store and stock iu such a short time.
Considering the magnitude or the bust
nfss, the firm has broken all records for
speed in getting under way again.
The destruction of "Home's store," as
it was familiarly known, was considered
oy rii as somemmg very inucti like a
public calamity, and the day of re-open
ing will 1 a memorable one.
A Valentine Led to Suicide.
i.i.wiin v.-., mhj i i-nnip -siiuek. a
farmer near Muzeppa, this county, eoin-
inute.l Ktiiciile I y sli.H.lin hiuis f with
a revolver r.ioiiilay uipht in an open liel.l.
npii iIiim soon :iH'-rwaril. It is l-elivei
th" lel was a reu!t of Kcudiiig a scan-
i . ...
:.... us :ticiiiine list rebrimrv to a
neiijhUir with whom ho was on bad
t ne letter or valentine v. as sent t- the
I'nited Suite Vnt tiTlii-e Iepartiuenl,
an t a detective traced tho letter to the
dec eased. Shuck was frightened so bad-
1 .u .-t . ....
ty iimi suicide ieuiiven unn. no was
about years of atie and had a family.
Balli Hot Worth Fighting.
mku o t iTV. .May p;. The city gov
ernment f.rtia.le any bull fijfht t-day.
Tlie autn n:ie clai n th9 bulls provided
fr the ti.its are so p .r t'a3y d not jm-
lily tlie pnoa of aduissiou aslte.1 bv tho
management. Knriouo Meriro. a Sunn.
Hii nun ihtor, h is visitel the fainoua
bull bree.ling farm, and his j Jdinoiit is
thit none of the lul!s kIiowii biin were
worthy of tho rinj. Th3 poorness of the
amiiiaU is gvHtin to be a sc.-ios matter,
:id it Ik-!u-s toloik as if bull fighting
would stop fir lack of animals t tiht.
A ship load of bulls his beon ordure 1
from Spain to meet the cmergem-y.
A Millionaire Behind the Bait.
Sax FnAM'iMvt, Cal.. Stay U. Mil
lionaire W. II. Itradliury, who was ro
wntly fineJ .i for spitting on the ttonr of
a street oar, as arrested aain last night
for the Ka.'ii itr.-nse, and to-d ty w as
soiitpnee.1 to 2i Ihiuts in His lawyer
v i!l suo .ut a writ .f haUns oorpua.
r.-i llmrr do.-l tres th.-it tbo ordinance U
idi itii-, an 1 any fne-lMirn Amt-rii-au has
a riht t sjiit where and when lie pleases
There it a Class e? People
w ho are injured ly the u?e of eoiTee. Re-
cintly there has Iwn pla.-ej iu all the
grocery store a nc preparation called
tillAIX-O, made of pure grains, that
takes the piace of coilee. The most deli
cate stomai h revive it without distress.
atiil l.:tt f.tu- .w. nii e .
doea not oKt over much. Children!
may ilrink it with great lienefit. 15 ct
ami 25 -u ter pac kage. Try it. Ask for
Mn.John Sherwood, whose autobio
graphy the Harpers are soon lo publish.
is one of the most interesting of living
American women. She has long occu
pied a prominent social position in Xew
York, and both iu thia country and in
K u rope, where she has travelled exten
sively, ihe has met nearly every one of
distinction during considerably more
Han the past quarter of a cnutury. In
recent years Mrs. Sherwood has devoted
much of her time U charitable work: af-
:v: i ir paun: u ;u sue organ Izs.1 the
Kin.l Word Society, which iMH-ured sit-
i::Uior;s iu liio cjuntry fur thousands of
ImperUat At Taxing Panonal Etat ef
Heirs 2 Per Cent.
The Direct Inheri'ance Tax bill, which
was prepared by Deputy Attorney ficn
eral Klkin, passed the senate finally
Wednesday, and the house concurred iu
the senate amendments. Governor Hast
ings announced his approval of the meas
ure. The "railroading of this hill, which is
now the law, was due to the energy of its
author, Mr. Klkins At lOi-iO a. in. it waa
passed by the senate. Thou the house
bad to concur in the phraseological
amendments, which was done by a vote
of 147 toIO. Mr. Klkins then got six
transcribing clerks at work on the bill,
and by i o'clock the governor had sigued
Mr. Klkins says: "It will mark an epoch
in revenue legislation. Such taxation is
spreading in many states, and in tho Old
World. Property that could be hidden
away under former tax laws must come
to light after the owners death.
"It is not an unfair law, bts-auso much
of the property to le taxed has so far es
caped, though liable under old taxes. It
d.ies not oppress the jsxir, as all inherit
ances uuder 9-",()tW are exempt.
This bill puts a tax of two per cent on
personal property of all kinds directly
inherited, even such legacies as insurance
policies left t direct heirs Mr. Klkin
says the tax will raise not loss than Jl,
OUO.OM and perhaps fiOOO.OOO. Real estate
is not effected. Collateral inheritances
are taxed under a former law.
In Phila del hia alone, it is estimated
by Chairman liolles, of the ways aud
means committee, the Register of Wills
Suiithers, the latter being designated as
the collector of the new as well as of the
collateral inheritance tax, the law will
raise at least between f 100,000 and $0,O00.
The w ays and means committee of the
house has reported two new revenue
bills One puts a tax of one-half a cent a
gadon on domestic beer and one per cent
on beer manufactured outside of Peuu
sylvauia. Another bill provides for the
payment of a four mill tax on capital
stock and surplus of banks. It is estimat
ed that these two bills if passed, would
net the state j3,0no,X per annum.
Wants Eig
Honey and
Theuily From
Co.vsTAXTixon.K, May 17. The Porte
has replied officially to tho note of the
Powers and declines to agree loan armis-tii-o
until tho follow iug wouditions are ac
cepted: The annexation of, a-i in
demnity of li,(),Kkt Turkish ami tho
abolition of the capitulations. The Porte
promises that plenipotentiaries of llie-Po-.vers
should meet at Pharsala and dis
cuss the terms of peace, and declares that
if theso conditions are declined the Turk
ish army will ci il inue to advance.
The demand for the annexation
l hessalay is based upon the fad that tlie
province wax originally ceded to (ireeee
on the advice of the Powers with the ob
ject of ending brigandage and (ireek in
cursions into Ottoman territory, the
Porta believing at the time that the ces
sion would attain these objs-ts, hut tho
recent incursions of Creek bands and the
events immediately preceding the war
havo proved to the contrary. This is the
substauco of the reply.
The bicycle is no experiment but an
established fact as evidonca 1 by the line
oj pretty gins on tne street every even
ing. iet a wheel from Jas IS. II jl- !
derbaum and join the procession.
Another Airship.
Iu the tho little mountain town of
Itoucher, Westmoreland county, livrs
A brain Ream, who for the past year has
been at work ou an airship, and so vig
orously has he worked and planned that
Thursday, May 20, lias ljeen set for a
public trial of the invention. So much
confidence has Mr. Ream in his aerial
conveyance that on top of Mclntyr's
Hill, just aliove Roucher, a tower is lie
ing built, from the top of w hich the ma
chine will t started. Mrs. Ream w ill
company her husband on his first trip,
which will be to Ligonier and return,
of the construction of the machine very
little is known ex.-tpt that the motive
power is compressed air applied to a
great fan. The whole machine ads
against tho force of gravity by a para
chute arrangement, so that it can lsj ad
justed to different wind velocities. Much
interest is being taken in tho matter by
the people of Ligonier valley, since Mr.
Ream has made public his -intention of
giving his neighbors an opportunity to
view the results of his many weeks of
secret lalor. 2 reat crowds aro expected
to view tho starting of the ship.
4 TC i'.wught that he could trii!e
t, with 13case. lie was rtiti
down l.i health, felt tired and
wora cut, complained of dizzi-
ncss, tiiiousnes-s, backaches
and headaches. His liver and
kidneys were out of order.
ile thought to get well by
dcsfKjr himself with cheap
j remedies. And thsa camj
the ending. He f;Il a victim
S to bright's disease! Tho
money ho ought to have in
vested in a ficfc, reliable
remedy went for a tan-bstonc.
is thj only stai.dard remedy
in ins world for kidney
iivcr ccmpiaLAs. it ij the
; cniy re. .edy w hicn physicians
urdersay pnscr.'oe. It is
the o.dy rcsre-Jy thit is back
ft cd ly the testimony o2 ihou-
cuv.Cj, v ho.-n it ias relieved
ar. J cured.
The record of the past la
the future's guarantee.
Of SURPLUS backs
every contract of....
and the earning power of a com
pany, aa represented in its accumn
la'ed surploa, is the guarantee of
what that company is going to be
Die to pay wnen its contracts
come due. .'
JOLioy 4
tDWARD A. WOODS, Manager,
L. FOSDICK, General Agent,
Somerset, Pa.
Sown at Harri&bnrg.
The f How who t-onds anonymous emii-
mtiiiioiiiou of a scurrilous character w ill '
have to ccaso now If there is any danger J
of exjHisiire. The legislature has passpd
and scut to tho C lovernor tha bill punish
ing this chiijs of si-ouudrels, and the tiov
ernor will surely approve tho bilL
Senate hill to enable tax collectors to
collect taxes for the payment of which
they have teooine personally liable or
for which they shad during the year
1S1C be -onie personally liable without
having collected tho same by expiration
of tho authority of the warrvils or by
expiration of their term of oilieo and to
extend the limv for elks-: ion for one
year from tha passage of the ac. passed
S.jriato bill requiring ctuntios t- pay
the cost and exeuHos of npprehending
and returning a fugitive from justice
charged with or convicted of tha com
mission of a felony was defeated on final
passage by a vote of !i to It. The vote
was reconsidered later and further con
sideration of tho bill postponed.
Senator Thomas has introduced a bill to
en.-ourage persons who have boon on
vited of criuio to reform and to protect
all porsons who have reformed. The bill
makes it unlawful to print or publish tha
record of any ono convicted oferim J who
shall have reformed for a period of ton
years and evidences the same by following
some lawful business or employment
within the state. It is also unlawful for
any official or person to publish or in ike
known the future or record of su-:h a
person uuder such circumstances, unless
in court of record upoii trial of some crim
inal charge against such person. It is al
so unlawful, under tha act, to print or
publish or mike known the record of any
minor who shall have been committed
to the house of refuge, the Huntingdon
reformatory or any other institution or
place for the reformation of minors ac-
a-ied of any offense or crime, unless it
oj in a leil proceeding wherein such
minor shall havo loon chtrgrt 1 with
criuij. Violations ol tho act are punish
able by a lino not exceeding $.,mjt) and
imprisonment not exceeding two years
or both or cither. This bill was drawn
up by District Attorney (irahun, of
Over Thirty Years
Without Sickness.
Ht. II. "VYettsteix, a well-known,
enterprhdnjr citizen of IJyron, 111.,
writes: "Jlefore I paid much atten
tion to regulating the bowels, I
hardly knew a well day; hut since I
learned the evil re
stilts of constipation,
and the eflicocy of
rills, I have not had
.V'A. on
one uay 3 sickness
for over thirty years
not one attack
that did not readily yield to this
remedy. My wife had been, previ
ous to our marriage, an invalid for
years. She had a prejudice against
cathartics, but as fooii as she began
to use Ayer's Fills her health was
LrJ Cathartic Pills
Medal and Diploma at World's Fair.
T Restore Streglh, takt Aer'i Sars'HIa
Jos. Home & CoJpl!!lhc3reU,ckin,loffact,, that
Everything New.
Wc rcturac business May 17th.
c riave oroKen every previous
record for speed of rc-cfdublishment
of eucli a large business after such
a total annihilation.
Our new stock is complete in all
departments, and will be found ful
ly unto our former standauls of
It is, of course, new throughout.
Nothing old, nothing shelf-worn, no
early styles now grown ancient
othing except that which is frc.-h
and bright and new, and in stle
and pattern the very last.
Our buy ing has probably been
the largest m variety and amount
ever known. This lias given us
advantages in price getting which
win be shown on every price tag
in the new ptore.
Come in and gee the new place
if you can. If not, get samples of
the new goods and learn about the
new prices.
525-527 PENN AVE-,
14--, y ,-, ,N r ,n (. a
' - .
Ksw $!3eI Cable Fencing
Best Quality Greatest Variety.
Fencing, Gates, Poultry Netting.
Plou erad rfmx with Brat letter.
AcSl LLLS HO VtS WIBJi l tt X tO tklrafO.
h i
' -v
Somers't, Pa.
m x it
t U 4
a . zr.'
Only One
You and we may differ as to
money st'ndards and out of
our very dif.erenas gcod may
come But we won't differ as
to the mrrlts of ore standard
emulsion of cod liver ciL
won and held its way fo.
nearly 25 years in the w:rld of
medicine until to-day it is al
most as much the standard in
all cases of lung trouble, and
every condition of wasting
whether in child or adult as
quinine is in malarial fevers.
Differ on the money ques
tion if you wilL but when it
comes to a question of health,
perhaps of life and death, get
the standard.
Your druggist kus Scott's Emulsion.
Two uzet, 50 cts. and $1X3
SCOTT 4 BOWSE, hew Yof.
Wool Wanted.
Farmers Hring yonr Wool to our Fac
tory one mile South of Somerset. We
will trade you g'sxl.t for it or pay you tho
highest cah price." Carding and spin
ning done on short notice. iood work
K a.nt.nkk A Co.
Woolen Manufacturers,
Somerset, Pa.
Finest collection we think you'll find
anywhere to felect from good here to
prove It goods that will show not only
advantage of wldo range ofsiylcs, but
such choice iie-s at Ihe prices as we urge
you to consider tho importable of to
I your pockelbonk. We're doing this
wash goods Imsir.i s w iili a singleness of
purpose that brings the w lu.lo en
ergy to lcar on that mm point making
i: pay yon to buy here and e ! pend
on giMN.s ami prices to dciuei:sii:e that
it d'es. Send for sami-b s.
4) inch Hati-te, 7. S,' 10, I2V-prct!v
ealorings spleuili-.l for shirt wni.-l. American Dimities, to IJV.
Finest imported I'iiuits, l. 2V-
hundreds of different stvles.
Organdie Kay u re. Lie new and bonu
tiful things for dnsy m r imnorted
from France, w here the finest Organdies
arc made.
French Organdies finest t. bo had, Z
'.', 3-m most at -Tile.
Wash loo Is at 10 and I2!c that will sur
prise you for pretliiK-ss and money's
Write us about any oilier
Wash Goods and Silks and Dress
Goods we II be slad to send saw-
bring us business and show where
you can save money.
Allegheny, Pa.
Post Yourself ftbout
Read the new Columbia Catalogue. Handsomest catalogue ever issued.
Tells fully of Columbia and Hartford bicycles. Whether you buy the
Columbia, the Hartford or any other bicycle, it will giv e yon valuable
and desirable information that every cyclist should know. Fully illus
trated. Free by calling oa any Cchxmbia dealer ; by mail from us for
one 2-cent stamp.
HvtfcrETs, W50,J45
POPE MFG. CO. Hartford, Conn.
. Greatest Bicycle Factory In the World. More than
17 Acres of Floor Space.
Branch House or dealer in almost every city and town. If Ccl
undnas are not propeiiy represented in yo-j vicinity, let its know.
JAMES B. HOLDERBAUM, - Co'umbia Dealer,
Somerset. T?a.
m r I J J M. I If'N I
We Are Offering ths
its "Wiiwir.n
Best Possib!i
Wo arc going to show the people of Somerset
uicyctes ever Miown in city.
Weaiegoingto sdlth9M0 AUCII HICVCLE atl"..)r vears guarantee Tour
choti-e of any enamel. We will also have a line (Mi) WAVKItl.Y hk'Y
t'LKS at fiLM. lo not buy uutil you have socu our wheels. We eitx t soma
in several tlays.
With a
K.iorienoc exlcnditi over
many years in supplying
tlie wants of our many
friends in
Dry Goods,
Dress Goods,
Ladies' & Children's
wc feel that wc are now in
a better condition to more
successfully anticipate and
supply tho wants of our
friends than at any previ
ous period. We began
months ago to give orders
to manufacturers, imjiorters
and wholesale merchants for
our spring .stock of
Dress Goods and
Ladies Furnishings
of all kinds. Wc believe
our stock of Dress Goods
is llicmot-t styn'i ail de
sirable ever show n in Hoiii
cisct ; tho eame applies to
all other kinds of Goods
we cirry.
All goods have been bought
for CASH
and arc paid for. We arc,
therefore, in a pofition to
offer great inducements to
All arc invited to call and ex
amine our stock before making
their Spring purchases.
a ,
Tor ait BiLtoCT and Nexvocs
Discases. They purify the
Blood and fire Hialtht
ac-.icn to the entire system.
IIUIIU KJ I L.l-f tVJ U II i w v,
pHuiMV, one llua Uu cixk! txikcr atula wr- m
ft ntiUr.
" wrr , ' "
".-ir in nit ij m- aim i-i.. . unn h T
vii-w .r iiieetiii? f--ry w;nt rr tl.e l,ou .
kistxTiita lKMlcmtr c.t. TLi-v luive nil
tlit- luuvt tinpnivciiii-nts. nml nr- m:ule of
Kic l-t irui!. rial, ii n. I tiy !. u w,,rkm n
1 hey have iiuiny S'! n.ilnts not foun.l in
k'r Kiiiiply claim fortlie CIN D Z HFt
' c mil lrove no luoic. .Hill!
lor your-a-n.
Your in. iiny tai-k if not KitKileJ
J. B. Holderbaum,
Investment for Your
the largi-st and mos-t cumt lete line ,t
U hi
in an
price a
James B. Holder
0 .
My :
or Road Wa.cron.
Call and
to show raj' line.
With a sipiare oven and a!l tLo v :ti.ta
ges of a rarye u itheut the s!v
draft nctsary to fl
o instruct i;ii.
P. ATSchell.
Call and
try a
drink of
Ice Cold
tr- Imn m ---ejr-x Tr - C -
lir; pdi v nr n .nrir: ij.ii i c
Bedroom Set for
Couca lor
3 CO
7 00.
A Rocking Chair fjr 50
-upwards, tallies, Tni-teals fliairi, vt.
Weare in line for 07 wit!-, the t, si::j l tc :ui 1 tij. :
plaml upon the market and prepared to :.o-.v tho tra. it
arid original deigns line and!ii flianiU-r S.ii:-, 1
TabK-sand Dining C hairs, Umrd , t'lii'I'mi. i s 15
Couches, wardroUs, i tc
t.fOHl ijuality, low prUvs. Vo-j are
C. H.
G05 M?n Cress Street,
I 'l it'
l'jdf ('Union Si,
New Spring Millinery,
New Spring Dress
Wash Goods, Dimities, Organdies,
Ginghams, Etc.
j AM the Novelties and Fancy Goods ot
the Season
old vs
!l V
1 -
I i
- i
' v
ty wl:c:i x
either Su:
V. -
ti -
-r i
r- f
iX 1 I
12 CO.
4 '0
A r r'
A Lcuu
i;.d to
1 i'i-:
3i ii.3.Vt
Goods in
a ..
... I -
1 1
: f
-X- u