Soserset Herald TV .San-h IT. .,,,(, ol ton of ,.' )':!(, t,..!r atUciii. .iys taken in ex- hc- M illt.oN Sf lir.lM'K a . . ' ' not to handle itfren th.)t j,ovr around I"-'"",.. summer time, and .-f:r!" : iu siwl. Thoy are known us the"lisu- at: ,,.1 re ,'.,iir. The Wt in the ' I a H i.oN S HRtH ! toners of Frank- i!iy iut ,.,1 two overseers i. a!::-v confined in the ooun- hispid the new, ":;;"ra.n....- the wanderers and U . .; ,-.-r ..fthat county. v, ,r) ,, and room .'i , a. r- ri,as "n t 'ir :r , "j .;,ht parlors in the First r 'fS:tt "I!".! k Luildinp. IWession .C. fall on or address ncrstt, r. n A;-'1 W.I tA- r..,;iri: and ISedford turn i'""' ,' i toll ut the rate P'1 a I,,'.!.' for the past few t, ,.v.-i:-t''ittothwUiri!r f ' ,,.,, ,;f :,-.teret in long -...i J..,v;i.ff 'unty newspa-u'--:-11"" p . ......Lvliania. Sale nec- taie. lii'iuiic ..: . ..r V I'a, r T. C. MHiirr, ru'd-urg. Pa. r tin week Icnaeis A: , ,V ia l rl"' ,,:,r s ".,.1" riiit..lStat.-dieil ie a native ofSiiialoa, n.-re when he was 25 '. ' ' H :( h.t-IxH'll qiltwtion- . . :.. . ;.l ... I. a 'VTvil.l ,..ll:nents whi.-h susuiu- :r"''.clvr. A. Pi-1 ",?Vrs his r".!rri.. n iiUvtiotis Ac, store 1 . v-t r parlor fixtures lytilli . ..i '..t..rto. 1'oM-ssioIl ...-'.c'ti i-i'T. Here wa good op- ;t person u pur- :,lied 1 uiness. tali A. 1-. I'i'l. Somerset, ' t,i-v N r-i.n! S- h.Kil of Penn- ,TD 1 f-- sI,rin U'r,u wf f: . . r l .v M:treh StK , K- eu . killed tea.-hers. ... :. i. iv. i.eauwiui ram-u- l.ui'.ditigi. Students jv time. They may l"ard . . : r. . 1 ... .. 0 ::' : Write l'-r information. i. J. Wai.i kk, Jr., Prineipal. j .,,r.vr f'.er county, has de-sT-jj 'i.-t;r.a ti.atehe u here tur were put up to be idiot (.,.:,. .f -Will, and sueh did un-ler ta- :sw prohibitiuB . .. i.i- i' in tier were let on the i and should t.cM i ir j i I i (.-r-'umvd to e 'urt. H a. K. K. I'.oi i'iti'-. of Vetinorelaud cr.y. I- i;'xd on P.Miiiaxtir tieneral Uk '-'. "'.try and ootaiued a lengthy j;ron!Lvii:'.i'-et of postotU.-e ap j i:ui-::. Iti reply t Congressman K ' in j 'line- t:e- :'irUl stated that f-izi i" !lie P'stoiliees !i -;!t hid served the full t--j i: f ..:r it whieh he waiap I , -o.-L P. '!U ivai- will only be made C-r.-r i- -.iTtty jraud irs. ao-ording ! ,.,;r , a ire -s. are not to be l-,M:U. At tie.- !.i-t - njrt, in three fs. r-:ur:i- i. t:.e grand jiiry deeided tt :n ta - .-..-t- s.i.Md up.u the j::..: "tiie j..M ii.-f re whom the p e Da:nry tearing was eon iaeted; in an-(tj.-tiu: tiie .!itri.-t attorney he respnn bir fr i-'-x sa l in th third that the i-a'A iy she .roseeutois. The &ir w; ... re-. rea -- to the distrii-t at-i-n'y .:: a t ta:id. lawyer say. Id-:' :ti "r.-iiy" s'.ory comes from P:5. I.i.: A year :ig- Friday a man taii'd Va;:.r a li in.-,l here for the curi-r .f Li ;.er. Last wt-ek the n- k iii a gr-. n hue in the court Lr--. .jr an.) w in re the suv kade had S"i rvvp! irverasfnit under the gal !..; l l airen and f.rms the pro i r o' i eaiaii' l ie.- and head. This )p. i iil t he a likeness of the Ci-ri-re-i i.tua:i. is-t-'-.- !'arui-r caught iu a snare. rirek -iii. e a lihtuing rod agent cor ; t:ie h-uiv of I. Smith of near !:.: -jr a:.l after nattering Mr. ::. :j iivjj.,. a.;,.- i him if he did not ,i;t t : .ee i:g'nt!.ii!g rod on his barn. 5i: 'iili ii. .i rare to have one a he ilsi f-i aliie t pay for it; but the 'r-x nit him u the quick !y tell ii j :a L- w . 1 1 , 1 put one up for $ i, and -d.:.l to 1 iie. in .l ie time he came ii;. t:i rol, aHer which Smith aee.i jr,-, f,,r the rod and Ji for h'S it A J;.it a fr .-ii Vah:ng.n, I). C .: e-iern Peiitwyivauia wool grow ':.: t).- ! ;;.-r protcied un.ler the i-T H ly the ne v bill than they ''r.ltf.M'-Kii,y hill. The duty is l:-rI( .i!i . b-it o ruin grades of tr- in t!,e M-cotid and third tJ-.if tu- M Kiaj.-v Mil are now ad- 'I'tiis eives nrotection "-.''Jim ea,.;,!,,.. f,,r,-iirn -nolt hut .rl .y tu- carpet and shodiy -turTv Ta-e only wa:itel a ' -eu- ir p....iii l, au,i the cariM-t -1 ;rr, !;-vcr i.n nn h fi-rlit l,'e2 r' until last fj.a'n-rlaiiJ Ml .1;. ..... .... . 1 I "f i!, proselyting of Mor i ta 1 over en 1 ,,f Alle- a -ii.r Tr-aatr. M iryiand, anl contiguous - '. Kjlt.iu an 1 i:,.,!f,,r,l .v.iinties. "'i.i-i t I'tah his "inrivi. Wei 1 iv a pirtv of f MeVormaek S. Uobi- :-v- lender Clay, and Law- t. ' li-lo-,., farmers, of tu c,:1I,.yi u , have renlly rv''1 . M 'nu "liv. I ft f-r Cuhto A nbiiiat was re- " -.' "Malael . ,. l -.i ' ii.:., 1.7 Ml lr I ...... ' ' wilt tJll..V 1 ! . -"""Hers appreciate the free ,. 3T hi wlii.-h s.; :ne liisu ratios . J---,.i..l,.i and to U-tter pro- I-'i ;e w ti., ,;a,.e tUPjr projr is ha e decide J to itn- k'-'v", ""r r ,:i'-i"im on them. 1 :iD1:'!r:"-"!" rule siuuld i These uter- y:Va!iU l"gislaiiire that they t.v ' iu that dir.stioti. n- Kie )aHi a rain- The law was ainend- t ?" fa"e f tlle l"h. m r "f t!"-' iii,'iIity of l-.'.-'"1 aU that ia necevsarv t V JV11" I,4S 'urroL Action ..r? it,li" f"rtr ly after the time within iC'"' Uc"" "tended tjiHUtr. Irr'very is h,ri ' 'e "mount mav be with a-.torn-y'a The te-m . 40 rrthe action of -"ur. in i... .. ... i.uir ui t.n - Vl,l ' lue "gent receive nun ' lUxllr..,... J '''''''"'''I'anyhek nown "O il til lome ill.lcnt -4 . '""""""r, and way lein w iill i .. wfI'""- The vaiid. 'lotwithstandine ,:-: th r "' a'.v of its is.nditions, ' ""il 'll l,v .l .r i .... "an I, l ii 'e v"'ali'u contributed -tiarrilur4 Star lndepeud- I.-..'!. Ti'"' lying very A pension h:w boon granted to Marga ret Wamliaugh, or Allegheny township. Jonas Weaver, of Paint township, was Iwdly injured one. !ay last week while hauling logs not far rrom Scalp Ixn tL Governor Hastings has named liermnn I). Seer, of I'niontown, to lie Superin tendent or the National I'iko in Fayette, and Somerset counties. Mr. John Hellley has ln appidnteal Burgesji of Berlin, vice liurgens Floto, eleited at the late February election, who was found to be ineligible. Frank G eldest son or the lato R. C. Indi.s, or Itrothenivalley township, diod recently at Sedgwick, Ijiw rence cimnty, Arkansas. Mrs, Michael A. Banner has lon criti cally ill for t. n days past at the home of her daughter Mrs. Charles J. Harrison. . ieortre Johnson, nf ilnonl.t...i.;n ........ " --.....''.. 11 iw - ship, is suffering from an ugly w ound on I.:.. . . . . ... u rik'iii imn, i u u Hie. i iiy an ax several days ago w hile cutting wood. L. C., Usq., will leave for Scranton to-morrow morning, where he has been summoned as a juror in the I. S. District Court. Charley Pobson, of Bedford county, ar rived in Quemahouing township last w eek and will spend the summer assisl- ing his brother George on the farm. During his recent visit to Akron Law yer Charles YV. Walker was admitted to tbepnwtio of the law before all or the courts of Ohio. D. B. Zimmerman has returned from South Dakota, w here he spent the winter on his ranch. He w ill return to the west in a few weeks w hen he w ill le accom panied by his family. Koliert Gardner, of Jenner township, fs suffering from a pistol shot in the palm of his right hand. He was taking his re volver out of his overcoat pocket when the w eapou was accidentally discharged. Greensburg boasts of a ladv school teacher who keeps a kit of dentist's in struments in me school room and re moves troublesome molars rrom the iaws of her pupils. The contractors who have lxen nl. ed the contracts for grading the proposed branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad rrom Iovett to ScalD Ievel have tin! sv- eral hundred laborers at work iu the neighborhood or Scalp Level. Letters addressed to the following nam ed persons remain uncalled for at the postoftiee : Mrs. Lavenia Friedline; Jen nie Hoffman; Sev. Knight; Arthur Miles; S. S. Miller; Sarah Stouer; KHa Stern; Mrs. Mattio Trent. The Meyersdale Cannmercial says con- trai-tors have been loking over the ground along the B. V O. lietw een that place and Bock wood with a view of put ting down a double track during the coining spring and summer. Xotwitstanding the promising outlook at the beginning of the season manufact urers of maple sugar and maple syrup say that the output will be the shortest for a nnmler of year. The uniformly mild weather experienced this month accounts for it. Frogs have made their appearance in the streams and pools throughout the county during the last few days and their music fills the air. An old farmer claims that as many nights preceding the equi nox as frogs pipe Just so many nights thereafter will the water be frozen over them. The many Somerset county friends of Mr. John G. Sat.ner will be pained to learn that he has suffered a relapse and is again critically ill at his home in Al legheny. Jlis wife is also suffering from nervous prostration and her condition was s serious Saturday that her sister Mrs. Kate B. Collroth was summoned to her bedside. Mr. James A. Peters, of Markleton and Miss Phe!e C. Xiehilson. or Somerset township, were united in mtrriage at the home or the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Xicholson-near Hut- band, ou Sunday, March 21st, Kv. D. L. Yoder, or the Evangel i"al church officiate ing. A number of invited guests witness eJ the ceremony. The retail liquor license granted by the Court to Harvey G. Stahl, or Jeuuers, was at Thursday's sttssion of court trans ferred to James M. Gillespie, late of the U'hiskey Springs Hotel, Cambria coun ty. Tbe Jen ners Hotel is one of tho old est and bet known in the county. The new proprietor has already taken posses sion. Mr. H. Grant Kennedy, of Bolivar Westmoreland county and Miss Flala Zimmerman, of Stoyestown, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's mother, on Thursday afternoon last. The ceremony was performed by Rev. F. X. Fleck, of the Lutheran church. A large nu:nl)or of invited guests were present at the wedding. The bride was the reci pient of many val uable presents. At a meeting of the members of the Democratia County Committee held iu thitf place on Saturday the following nominations were unanimously made: Jury Commissioner, J. W. Braucher, of Somerset townships Poor House Direct or, John W. Schiller, or Allegheny town ship. ,Gen. A. H. CoTrotb and Joseph Levy were eleclel d d U ites ti th-5 S .ato Convention, and R. M. Linton was re-ele.-ted Chairman or the County Com mittee. The certainty or the Scalp Level Rail' road has started afresh the ruiuor about the proposed line to lie built from South Fork, Cambria county, down through S meret county to c;une-t w ith the Pennsylvania Midland, tbetme to Mt, Dallas and over the old survey of tho South Penu to Richland, in Franklin c xinty, and again onnect with the Penn sylvania near llarrisbjrg. The route, it is said, would shirten the distance bo tween Pittsburg and Philadelphia about sicty miles. Mr. L. K. Holsopple, or Holsopple, S .meret county, w ho has lately invent ed a donn or iu re an 1 valuable contrivances, is now out with another. It is a simple and effective device for shoeing the tiioxt vicious horse or mule w itb perfect safety and without injury t' the animal. The device will securely hold any oftbe animal's f in ny sired position without the use or stocks, Ha, and one man can perform the entire work. Mr. Holsopple has applied for a p itenu Johnstown Tribune. Rev. David Sheerer, pastor of the Jeu nertowu Circuit or the United Brethren Church, was injured at HolsoppH last Sunday afternoon while in the act or en tering his buggy to go to Jennerton. His horse became frightened and he was thrown to the ground. Fortunately some one caught the horse lfore he bugan to run, or it is likely Rev. Sh eerer would have been seriously injured, as his feet were tangled up in the lines. Dr. Swank, ofDavidsville, was in II lp?H when the accident occurred aud alien Je-4 him. Dr. J. W. Carotbers received a dispatch Friday morning announcing the death of his father Rev. M. J. Carotbers at Xewville, Cumberland county, the pre ceding nigh!, and took the first train for that place. Rev. Carothers was a tor mer resident or Somerset county and in connection with Rev. J. L. W. Seibert was Instru mental in esUblishing the early Evan gelical churches in this section or Penn sylvania. While doing circuit work here he and Rev. Seibert married sisters, daughters or tbe late Ludwig Wtller, or Somerset township. Dceased was about 72 years or age. He is survived by his wife and three or four grown children. One or his daughters is the wife of Bishop Duhhs, or the United Evangelical Church. TO SAVE 1H B0PIA3. Argument for a Kew Trial ia Bulialf of the Convicted Harderert of David Bsrkey. Argument for a new trial in U-hair or j tncKoddy U.y. convicted of murder In me nrsi degree, was heard by the Court S.itunlay afternoon. It was not general ly known that tho arguments would Iks made at that lime and as a result there were few persons outside the members of the bar in the court room. The defendant were brought into court by Sheriff Hartzell and Deputy Baker. Ixmg confinement has commenced to toll on the prisoners. John's ruddy skin has lieeome blanched, and Jim's milk and w ater complexion is even ghastlier than it was at the time of his arrest. The lat ter has taken on a lot or flesh since he has been kept at the expense or the coun ty, and no longer presents the distressed nervous appearance he did at the time or the trial. The prisoners appeared to be deeply interested in all that was said in favor of and n gainst giving them another opportunity to establish their innocence, and kept their eyes riveted on tho differ ent attorneys who addressed the Court. Judge Longeneckr announced that the Court would take the testimony tak en ln-fore the Commissioner at Johns town and the affidavits to chambers w-here they would be carefully consider ed, and that attorneys would be ex pected to confine their remarks to the most material points on which they sought to have tho verdict of the jury set aside and a new trial ordered. General CoiTroth was the first of the at torneys for the defense to address the Court. His remarks were very brief and it was evident that he was confident that the Court would accept a principal of law, which he read, to the effect that in i-seswherea witiuss finds that be was mistaken in the testimony he had given on the trial sufficient reason existed for granting a new trial. (Jen. Coff roth's re marks were devoted entirely to the ad missions of the witness Herdman, who now frankly acknowledges that tho evi dence he gave in regard to seeing the Roddy boys at Osborne Station on the morning following the Berkey robbery w as a mistake ; that he was in Gettys burg, Pa., at the time. Charles F. Uhl, Jr., followed for tho defense. Mr. Uhl stinted out a numlier of alleged inconsistencies in the testi mony or Caroline Berkey, w ife of the murdered man, aud argued that it was impossible for her to have seen the count enance of the man who dropped the mask from his face in tho Berkey home on the night of the roblery. He also referred to evidence contradicting the statements or Lottie Adams which the defense produc ed before the Commissioner at Johns town. I C. Colborn, Esq., for the Common weal lb, argued that tho evidence of Herdui :n aud the Adams woman were not material and could not have had any elfect upon tho jury. He also referred to the evidence or tho defendants' witnesses who testified before the Commissioner that John Roddy was working in Hill's coal mine on the morning after the Ber "key tragedy, as lieing r a flimsy charac ter and not to Iks relied upon. Attorney F. J. Kooser, for the Com monwealth, rehearsed a grer.t deal of the after discovered evidence und c'abued that none of it was material and furnish ed no grounds upon which the court woild le jtn-lified in ordering a new trial. He declared that at the time of the December trial the Commonwealth re lied u pou the evidence of a witness nam ed Cooper, who averred that Jim Roddy had visited his home in Morrellville on tbe night of the Berkey robbery and had accompanied him to the Cambria Iron Works early the nest morning, seeking employment, to work an acquittal, whereas the Commonwealth was now prepared to show that the witness CMp- er, was working night turn that woek, aud therefore could not have ieen at his home at the time mentioned. In regard to the testimony impeaching the veracity of the Adams woman, Mr. Kooser said it was of a character not to lie relied upon. He directed the attention of the Court to the fact that the defense had made no ef fort to assail the evideuee of any of the other witnesses who had seen the defend ants traveling in the direction of the Ber key homestead. District-Attorney Colborn summed up the argument for the Commonwealth. He claimed that ir the evidence or the Adams woman and Herdman was en tirely eliminated from the case sufficient evidence still existed to warrant the jury in finding the defendant guilty of mur der in the first degree. That the guilt o the del endauts was established w ithout the evidence of the witnessu9 named. He drew a graphic picture of tle scenes en acted in tho Berkey homestead on the night of June 21, and declared that the features or " Jim " Roddy, w ho had been engaged in. the dastardly work or burning the feet of his venerable victim in the presence of his helpless wife, were so indelibly photographed upon tho heart of the old woman when the mask Ml from the villian's face, that time could never efface it. Continuing Mr. Colborn dwelt briefly on some of tho most telling points mad-i against the defendants at the trial, and corrected soma of the alleged misstatements made by Mr. Uhl. W. H. Ruppel, Esq.. closed tho argu ment in an earliest aud carefully prepar ed address in behair or the defendants. He started out by saying that to his mind aid from expressions he heard from jurors ln sat in the case the verdict was arrived at from tho facts established by five witnesses for the Commonwealth: The statements or Ixittie Adams, Jack son Ripple, Caroline Berkey, the decla ration or David Berkey, and Robert Herdman. The Adams woman and Herdman, he argued, were the only w it nesses w ho had a previous anjuainUuce with tbe defendants and for that reason their statements bad a greater influence it non tho iurr than the statements of other w ituesses. The statements of liotb these he claimed have lieon dL-posed of. As to Jackson Ripple, who had testified in regard to meeting tho defendants a the watering trough on tho evening of M.-if 27th or jsih the Common wealth con tradicted his stitement by thaevileuca of the mail carrier Whiltaker and another w itness, w ho had plaif d the defendants in a diiferent plai-e, several miles est of the Berkey homestcal, Mr. Ruppel call. ed attention to a nuiiilt-r or affidavits submitted w hU h go to clear up tho alleg ed statements made by witnesses for the defense lefore the Commissioner. He declared that the jury was only the judge of the facta and not trf" the law, and that in his pinion the Commonw ealth had not made out a case strong enough la Justify the Court iu seuteucing two men to d.alb. It was after four o'cbiek when Mr, Ruppel finished his argument, Court then a ij mrned, Ju 1 go Lingoneckor tik. itiff the 5:i train for his homo in Bedford. ti,o I'.e.rt will render its decision at regular argument oourt, which iiidv)U on April ITlh t Ail u.n new stvles of wall paper now i at HxvtiEit's Art Stork. Preiented With a rig. The Goodw Iu Company playing at the Opera House this week last night pre sented a live pig to the Dannsouiesi man in tow n. Tbu contest was by ballot and tho It was not announced before our going to press. Great Interest was maul fested In the ooinest. To-night a prize w ill le voted to the most popular lady In town.- In this case the priae will be of a more appropriate character. At the Saturday matinee a prize will be given to tho brightest pupil iu the public schools. We Have at Last A purely Art Store in Somerset where yoti can get anything in tho wall paper, fancy queensware, Chinaware, or picture rrame moulding line at prices that are low er than they can be bought in any citv. It is I Sxtdkr'h Art Stork. j Tha Vorki of tho Kewfouadoot Mints De stroyed by Firo. A fire broke out in the coal tipple of the Xewfoundout coal mines on the tin and ti.irrvl railroad, Ftidrty night last ,a consume,! all tho buildings fixtures and tools connected wilh oiicrating tho ojie rating plant. WIihii tho blaze was first discov ered it was in the roof of tho coal tipple. The wind was very strong and it was not long until the entire lmilding was in flames. From this the flamo spread to theofiice, engiue house, blacksmith shop and a shanty nearby, destroying with the weigh scales, cars, tools and other perishable property, and doiug much damage to tho boiler, engine, pics and iron structures in general. Dr. Garey, the owner of the property, puts his loss at about f UXKi. The mines were lieing operated by the McDowell brothers, who leased the prop erty rrom Mr. Garey four or five months ago and spent about &0Q0 in pumping out the water aud putting the property into condition for work. Considerable timo was required fe-r this and these gen tlemen had ouly fairly begun coal ship ping operations when the fire's destruc tion put a stop to it. It was between 9 and 10 o'clock when the fire was seen. It is supposed to have caught from a spark or a heated pipe. Men who bad lieen working there until after 9 o'clock had banked the fire and started for their homes and not over fif teen minutes afterward tho fi'e broke out. It is reported that the McDowells will rebuild, but not on the old site. They will move further up the hill and sink a slope instead of a shaft, utilizing the old opening as and airshaft. Berlin Record. a . A Good Batineii for Sale. I have a good general line of merchan dise for sale at a bargain. A good chance for the right man. First-class location. Expense low. Reason for soiling, lieing in business 1.1 years, wish to retire. Fur further information address. B. r . STftr, 1 Bedford St. Johnstown, Pa. Court Proceedings. The application or Simon P. Sweitzor convicted at December term on a charge or embracery for a new trial was argutd Thursday. Application was refuser1. Tbe defendant has been confined to his home by sickness for the past two months, and sentenced was suspended until a future day. The Cumlerland A Elklick Coal Co., defendants in a suit brought by A. E. Vou Mersiowsky, were adjudged blame less for tho injuries sustained by the plaintiff, who was employed in their mines. S. E. Shepp. who claimed (Si, the price of a stoer sold to David Kuhlman, was surprised when tho jury returned a ver dict for tho defendant, who claimed a tet off, lor $ 7(117. J. I). Swank, assignee of the Fairhoj e X. Savage FireJBrick Co., secured a ver dict for f.l.CTill against S. D. Livengood. The suit of S. B. Philson's use vs. The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, which was re-tried by order of the Supreme Court, resulted in a verdict for the plaintiir for $.1,314 4S. There is a Clan of People who are injured by the use of coffee. Re cently there has been placed in all the grocery stores a new preparation called GRAIX-O, made of pure grains, that bikes the place or coffee. The most deli cate stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over i as much. Children may drink it wilh great lenefit. 15 cts and 2j cts per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIX-O. Wouldn't Shake Haadi With Abner Mo r Kinley. Mr, and Mrs. Bryau and their 6 ycair old daughter j race left Washington for their Xel.ra.ska home the day before the inauguration. While they were at the Washington depot awaiting their train, says a Washington eorresHiudent, Ab ner McKinley, the brother of the Presi dent, approached tbe party and cordially shook Mr. Bryan's handx' He was pre sented to Mrs. Bryan. Then Mr. Bryau said: "This is my daughter, Grace." Mr. McKinley held out his hand with a pleasant smile. Grace looked up at him with a frown on her pretty face. She put her tiny hands behind ber back aud shook her head. "Won't you shake hands wilh me?" asked Mr. McKinley, in a grave voice. "Xo, I won't," said Grace. "I nebber shake hands with a 'Kinley man." Mr. McKinley looked hurt, until it was explained to him that Grace had no dis like for him, but treated every "'Kinley man" with tbe same disdain. Seligioai Announcement!. The Sabliath School at Lichty's Evan gelical Church will I re-organized next Sabbath at '.V..10 a. m. Preaching services at lO.-W a. m. The Pleasant Hill Church Sabbath School will be re-organized at 2 p. m.. followed by preaching services at 3 p. m. Preaching servia will lie held at Som erset at 7: 'III p. m. Coming, The Vitaicope. Tho Vitascope and Com-ert Company will exhibit at the Somerset Opera House, Thursday evening, April 1st. In order that those desiring to attend the performance may secure their seats early the manager wishes to announce that tickets will be placed on sale at Xeff A Caseleer'a jewelry store, on Monday morning, March 2th, at 9 o'cK.-k. Jfotice. The Books or Parker A Parker w ill be in my bands until April 0lh. Persons know ing themselves indebted to us will please call and settle without delay by cash or note, I w ill be at the old stand until the above date. Accounts not closed by that time wjll be put in Ihe hands or an officer for collection. U. R. P.R1KR. e t Blank Books Blank Booki ! Town and County Merchants, Farm ers, Millers, Mill Men, Coal Operators, Secretaries of Societies, anybody, aud eycryliody needing blank liooksofany kind w ill find a large stock and great va riety at FISHC2 S BDOI STOHZ. Ledgers, Journals, Iay Books, Cash Bs)ks, Rooonl-s Justice's Dockets, Re ceipt Books, Society's Minute Books, Time Books. Diaries for 117, Books or Judgment Notes, Memorandums, jn fact all styles, kinds and qualitltM of blank books always in stock at Fisher's Book Store, Blank lsmka for Tax Duplicates, Books for Township Supervisors, Blank books for every body. Ciias. II. FlSIIKR, 'For three years I suffered from Salt Rheum. It covered my hand to such an extent that I could not wash them. Two bottles or Burdock Blood Bitters cured me." Libble Young, Popes Mills, St. Lawreiine County, X. Y. Tho Flay. Tbe Goodwin Dramatic Company who are playing a week's engagement at the Opera House, Monday evening present ed that delightful melo-drama "A Coun try Girl," bufore a large and enthuslostlo audience. The Company Is one or tho best that has visited Somerset during tbe season. law Hill and Fara for Sale. Located In Shade township, Somerset ojunty, Pa., near Hooversville. The mill consists or Circular, Gang Edger, Ijith Mill, Tools, etc Capacity about 35,000 feet er day. The farm contains seventy-one acres, on which there is a good house and barn. Also rarming implements, blacksmith tools,a full equipment of tools for logging etc. Will be sold as a w hole or in part. Address, F. C. Rkitf-R. Hooversville, Pa. BlIiIKO OS THE BAIL. Conductor Wait Faraiihei Two Seniationi. Thi? passengers ou tho morning train to Rix-kwood S.iturdiiy had rather more ex citement than tho B. ,fc O. usually fur nishes at schedule rates, says tho Johns town Democrat. The start was ma in from Johnstown without any sort of warning of what was to come and Con ductor "Billy" Waito punched tickets with the same urbanity that ho shows when the Young Women's Fishing Club takes an excursion to Paint Creek or H ilsopplo. II was a lovely morning, af ter an all night rain, and tho passengers were feeling glad they were ulive. And just as they wero fooling that way the most a part of the mountain took a suddou notion to slide down and try con clusions wilh Conductor Waite's train. This happened the other side or Kringa few miles, at a point where a misunder standing with the track might easily have landed the train in the river ; and perhaps all the possongors as well as tbe crew thought or this when they felt the collision of the landslide with the cars. Fortunately, no great damage was done. The big rock that came down the side of the hill struck fairly between the baggage car and the smoker and those in the latter car got a pretty good jolt and all ofthom thought a smashup was coming in a sec oud, but tho liveliest jump was made by the nimble train boy. He evidently meant to get away if he could. However tho engineer had seen the rock topple as the engine thundered by and w hen he saw he couldn't get the train clear in timo, he threw- on the brakes and brought it to a standstill, after the steps of tho smoker had been torn off and tho journal boxes slightly damaged. As soon as it was seeu that no real harm had been done, the train hustlod on up the moun tain while the passengers began to tell each other tales of peril on the rail. And just as these were becoming ex hausted and just as the train boy got his heart-beats down to normal, the air brakes gripped tho wheels again and everybody got up suddenly iu a breath less suspense. Xo one kuew what bad happened for some moments but the train stopped and then began to back up briskly. A dozeu car lengths or so back those ou the rear platform could see the figure of a man lying at the side of the track. Then the word was passed through the cars that "we have killed a man.' Happily, it was not so bad as that. A man hail been struck by the engine and knocked 15 or 20 feet, but ho wasn't kill ed nor even very seriously hurt. He was groaning feebly when picked up by the crew and put alsiard the baggage car and presently he revived enough to sit up and talk. It subsequently was learned that he was a lunatic escaped rrom the Somer set almshouse and that the authorities had been looking for him for two or three days.. He had been sitting ou the ties and the engine struck him before it could lie brought to a stop. The poor fellow had his shoulder and two or three ribs broken, but otherwise his injuries were not severe. Eethaay Will Continue. Tho directors r Bethany college, Beth any, W. Ya., held a meeting at the Sev enth Avenue hotel, Pittsburg, Wednes day evening to decide whether the oldest collegoor tho Campbelite denomination, organized by Alexander C impbell, found er or the Disciple church, was to be clos e 1 owing to financial dilliculties. The trustees were loth to close the in stitution, aud finally decided to negotiate a loan to tide over the temporary embar rassment and to appeal to the great brotherhood or disciples throughout the country to come to the relief of the in ti- tution by the next annual commence ment. The faculty is in debt about $2,0i). The institution holds many notes on which it is impossible to co!le-t. It is also endowed with JKOijO, which is net available at present, and may not be for so. ne time. Somerset Normal. The annual session of the Somerset Normal will open May 17th, and con tinue eight weeks. Circulars sent on ap plication. II. S. Sciiki.i, II. S. Riioaps. Arbor Dayt Fixed. Governor Hastings has fixed upon Fri day, April 9, and Friday, April 23, as Arbor Days for this year. In his proclamation tbe Governor givs some interesting facts concerning the benefits growing out of the sbservance of Arlior Days. He says: "The custom of annually fixing a day to be celebrated as Arbor Day has spread into every section or the country. The value or these cele brations has been abundantly manifest. In the State which claims the honor of having originated Arbor Day more than three hundred and fifty million trees were planted during the first years. "School grounds have liecu adorned. the surroundings of the home have been beautified, public parks have been multi plied and tbe landscaes and charming scenery or Pennsylvania may yet be made still more attractive. We are rap idly passing feom a destructive to a con structive policy. We have learned the lesson that trees and forests are essentia to our continued prosperity and that he who plants a tree, w hether hoy or mail. is a public lK?nefactor.'' , Dr. Sadler hat returned rrom hit Trip South and is now ready for all buiineis ia hit line. SAVED THEIB EYES. Pterygium oa Both Eyet Cured. , Mr. Moses M.Taylor, Blackburn, West moreland county, had a fleshy growth from the inner corner of each eve grow up over the pupil, blinding him so be ism 1I not work. nr. Sadler, nhj I'enn avenue, was consulted through Mr. Sam uel Harris, whom the doctor had cured of the same thing. Mr. Taylor's eyes were perfectly cured also. Mr. Geo. Meyers. Snringdale. Pa., bad the same kind of grow th, which had ad vanced to the danger line. By tho doc tor's operation, by his special method. which alter hundreds of trials has never failed, bis eye is as perfect as ever. The doctor is wonderfully successful in all ear anections. -THE- forme f I ft fiumertet .VtvAiairnf Work,) OPERATED BY A NEW FIRM, Has been refitted with Xew Machinery and is now prepared to furnish Stoves, Plows and Castings Of all kinds on short notice. Also builders of the -IMPROVED- Barrett Gas Engine, Iiest in use. Any size. Cull and see It. We aL carry a Hue of BRASS GOODS. STEAM FITI'INCJS, PACKING, OILS and ENGINE SUPPLIES. Having put la a Dew and complete line of Machine Tools, are now able to do all class of work, such as lte-boring Cylinders, Planing Valve and Valve Seats, orany kind of Engine Work that may tie re quired. We earnestly solicit your work and will guarantee satisfac tion. Oilice and Works near the R. IV. Station. Somerset Iron Works, Somerset, Pa. Somerset Iron Works sI2 Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its great leavening strength nd health fulness. Assures the fool agalnut alum and all forms of adulteration co-nmon to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING l-OWM R 0 Nl.W VOKK. A letter has leen received by the au thorities of the Presbyterian Hospital in Allegheny from William McConnell, of MeConiiell's Mills, Washington county, who was discharged from the hospital several mouths ago. McConnell - was operated on for a cancer in his left upper jaw. Moro than half or tho bone bad to be cut out. It was replaced wilh alum inum. When McConnell left the hospital be could not eat any food that required masth-ating. The tlesh healed over the aluminum portion or the jaw perfectly, aud he grew a full beard, but not until recently was McConnell able to eat solid food. In his letter to the hospital author ities he states that he is now able to mas ticate the hardest kind of fsid wilh his aluminum jaw. Aia&stratcr's Sa'e Vahifch Rial Eitib! By virtue of an order ixsued out of the or phan' Court of somerset county. I'a., Ut me directed, 1 will eMjse lo shI hI S,riilp I-vel, 111 l"aint township, said county, o:i the prem ises, on FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1897, at one o'clock p. m the following dcscrilx-d mil pstiiteof Kate A. K navel, dee'd. describ ed as follows A certain lot of ground ultllate In Kcnlp Level, Paint township, Somerset count v, I'a., IjolniiiK lot of Ihivl.l J. Mia tier und Ihe pul c rood leiidhur to Kuminel. ConUiliilii' it! 4-101 h Tche. Terms: Ten per eenl. of the Diin-hnw inoin-v to be mid when proiM-rty is knocked down: Uilaliee of purchase money on coiiliruiutloii of wile und delivery of deed. W. C. k.NAl KI, Fred. W. Illcsecki r, AdminiMmtor. Attorney. "OTICEIN DIVOKCE. t. ltl.i...l. L-l .l.ln..,OTli i I... t . ...r, ..r by her next trlend ) moii l'0-i.s of i-hhu-J. W. 1'iitovn, ers t roil nt v, lit. vm j X. . s-pt. T., it";. John Ianiel Hi bluer ' No. T., l.SMi. Alia pVii;hhh in I tie free. And now. Kch'v 27. Itcc. on motion of I. C. I-owry Kmi , iitiornev for lilcllaiit. filed, the Court appoint A. C. llolU-rt., imiMer. to hike me i.iiiooiiy j:i ine alcove iiei case, ihhj the facts and report an opinion, Ac. Kxlntct ironi llic llccor.l cerlirn-O .Man-li 1, ivi.. 1 ne lincii rslL-nol hi iiwM.-r 14 ithov e Mat ed, hereby vivo notice that he wiil -it tu his ouu-e in rouieret lor Mis;ti. l a . lor the pur- Mn-e or attending to the dunes of hi ap- I .ointment ou W'cdiicsduy, March 21, A. t: s."7. al I o'clock p. in., when and where all parties interested may attend. A i. i. Manu-r. FINANCIAL STATEilENT of (jucina- houing township, with Supervis ors Josiah Lohr, John I low man and Treasurer William Maunr, for the year ending March S, ls7. Account of Josiah Ixdir. I'r. Cr. Toaiti'tluloruix duplicate K".l Wi cudi JC ;j tiii twn fr.ttn biMl vcir 111 Ki llyain t laiiordoneon om.Is 7S) cs , uayssiis.rviiUK... 2i a-.j (lay ii k inn hands ii.ccs.sniy expense 44 xiMiemlioii. isiinniiNsiou on ;... paid lo ireiiMiircr due township llii 2o :U 2 i hi M, 1 I J .M 71) 40 fll7i) SW J117U ! Account of John Itowmun. To ain't labor tax duplicate $ 7vl Jit oo.ll " IS)l Ut Br ain't lahor done nn nail, .. $ 01 " edayx .Ucr lli:k-. T 7j exoneration 27 si commission on .id iL M X paid to treasurer 41 75 J U7I DO :ci 10 Account of William Maunr. treasurer. To niu't In hatida of treaturi-r from lal scttlcim-iit 5 3d ill Toum't received Ironi .lua.Lohr 1 IJ M John liowiimii 41 Ti County Coin's. 10 uu By ain't paid on order it note... 21S 45 ircamurvrii commission 4 .s " Iu bunds of treu,urer... B Us f tn w) t 2; w We. the auditors nf Ouemahonine township cert iiy tiutt the ubovc account in correct nud rue. j. H i: rsn. W. II. ANKKXY. J. X. Walt r, KSI'tY Tit' wTI.K. Clerk. Auditors. TVlt Sale Vahatb Real Estate ! By virtue of nn order issued out of the Or phans' Court of Somerset county. Pa., and to me dlmUd, I will expoM- to mk- at the late residence of Mary Kiier, Uis-'d. iu Somerset borough, (West cud) Somerset v'ouiity, l'u ou FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1897, At I o'clock r M., the following descriUed rxal cvtute of said Marj' Kiler, uiv'tl ; No. I. A certain pl.xie or parcel uf bind ftuuUtim; iI three udjoiuiii); pieces, with house aud utable ttiertsiii. situate in Somerset township. Soincnict county, I'a., ou the road hading Ironi the te!uer load at a point a short distania-eHst of T. J. Coicmau, tUroutrh llickory Hollow," adioimni; l.iiidn of A- J. Coleman, llarrisuii (lerkey, dairies aud tieoie llarnhart nud public niad, rotitaiiiin ftiurai:res uiori'ur h, iieinit tlie s.tme pn erty tsiiivryetl by I. SI. Ni !! lo Mary Kiler by decd dated Dtil April, Is, uf winch there is abuitt .'.'..j acre clmr. Xa 2. A certain lot of ground with a two story house aud oilier ou hulldniifs thensill, situate u Somerset bonmsh, Somerset coun ty. Pa., and U bounded as hallows: on the north by I'nion ;it, on the tist by Klia betli ltlte, on tlie aoulh by Main street, and un tlie west hy alley, beiuii tlie name, lot of t round ponveyeil by J-epii cliorptuning to Mary Klfer by detsl (liiloi 21 Keb'y, ls7u. re IHirdeU in deed ns-ord. Vol. 42. age .'As, Ac. These are desirable properties. Persons wishing to purchase can ko on the premises ami examine tor uicm.seives. Terms: Caih, I'lilcs chaiiKfl on day of wile to time with Intepem. Twenty per ivut, to be paid on day of tale. M1CIIAKI. KIFKIl, March I, HIT. Admiui.tratur,4e. J amen Say lor. Auctioneer. J.H L'hl, Att'y. PENNSYLVANIA Railroad Company. . Personally-Conducted Tours. MA TCIILKSS IXEl'JCJl YFA TV HE. CALIFORNIA Tour to CALIFORNIA and the PA CIFIC IMAST will leave Ilarrinbiinr, Altoo naand Ittubunf by teciul l'ullman train March 27, l.ss7, reluruiiia on regular train within nine iiioiUIih. Kouud-trip tiekela. Including all tour fenturea Romif and trans portation only rcturnlm:, will be aold at the follow I nc mtea: From llarrisburg 1!7.0U; Al toona I1I.J); ItlUluinf l7.3i. line-way ticket. Including all tour feature Koine. ISS.i"i from llarrubuix. Jl 17i fnun Altiaina. and fL13 2 Irom I'ilisbunj. l'rosirlioiiuUt rates from other poinU. For detailed itlnerarim and other Informa tion, apply at ticket amende, or add re J i. Sausom, Acting- Pas, a Kent Western JjUUk-l. 3nu Fifth Avenue, i'lttabunr. F. SALESMEN WANTED To oar ! arade laaaeetrfl Nurwry Stock. ITanf pw peclalile ouVred ibis ymr dr Sm tiaw, aa well a lb Raodard ariek of fruiia and ornamentals. "J previa eerieac e iuti Writ for lernw. uudk an, to. Uihwms, Bra. Tbaat. lapto tfeaa lanerhja, - - Wnl t kaater. fa. J KOAI. NOT( R I;l the mstU-r 'if Ihei-n-b'ti!'.! estate of raTld ITirron und Clars h. Kirron, h's wife, of Mliford !owuiiip, yoiiiriwi rcuuly, l'. Tln"imi-I a- slirron i,i I n .r. i.'d Hie'r s'iiihn lo i in i.'iiuil of i oniition ri.o, of !4oiitcr4-t roiiniy, praying fr an onh-r hi,1 d-rv of tid Court, directing inu. J. ser, tlicussij-neo, u nscouvey to i lie- said ss slitnorstlii. res I nt -rsoiiMl eiaU of wild pelilloners included In the naxlcnuient; It b UK reprewnnl bv said piMitloiier, that they made arranxernenta with K. I. I'ouiitrymaii t pay all tbe debts of the assignors, and I list the lien creditor join In askinK lor the re coiivcyaiMs. otirc in hereby aiven tliat th pruxcr,;f snifl M'tlt!oncrs will lie Kntuted by the Court unlcsn obj,ilonii to uuie is nicl ou or ls-fore the l.'liliol April. IMC. J. A. BKRKKY, JOHN II. I'liU Attorneys for Petitioners. A DM I X ISTUATOK'S NOTICE. Ksbile of Rimuel K. IVrkey, late of Concw nuiuh township, HouicrH,l ci.unly, I',dcr'd. Ia Item of aduiiiiislratlon on the above e Utle linvhitc bsrii fcrunut Ut tlie undersigned, by the proper auliHirtty, notice in h. rtl.y k'v en toall persiai kimw.ny theinNclvi indebt ed to nid estate to make Immediate payiiient and those ha vinK claims or leuiun. Is stalest the tsiiiie to present them duly auf i:entieal d r settleiiient on Tliurulay, the Jl day of April, A. U. lv7,altlie lute mudeucc of the dis:'d. E. M. BKRKKY, Kred. W. Blesecker, Adniliiisimtor. Attorney. WI I X I -JTIVTOR'S XOTI CE. KsLate of Harriet Ilerkeybile, bite of Shad township, (Somerset county, l a., d-'d. Ij-tters of administration on the lxve es. bin liiiviuic ln-en Krunted to the by tlie proa-r authority, notice is hereby Kiv eu to all persons IndeiiU-d lo said estate to make liunmliale wyiiieii', ana those l.aMii claims aiealnst the Mime n present them (inly autlieiiticated for settleme it. on hiaturday. April 21, lsj7, at the residence of the adiiuuis- iralor. PHILIP KKRKKYUILK. Aduiiiilstrator, c. t. a. A DMIXISTKATOIW NOTICE. Estate of Kate A. Knavet, late of Paint town ship, Ssjuierset Co., Pa., dee'd. letters of administration on Ilie above tate liuvlni; Iss'ti eraiited to the uaili rsine.1 by the profx r aulliorll v, notii e Is hereby ilv eiitonll p.rsoiis indeiiU'd to said estate to make immediate paymeut. and those having ciaiiiis against the same to present Iliein duty authenticated for settlem-nt, on Kri lay. April II, lt7, at the residence of Peter K navel, said township. W. C. KXA KL. Kred. W". liieseoker. Administrator. Att'y. IM IN LSTHATOIW NOTICE. Kstateof Peter F. Shaulis, bite of Jtrferson township, dee'd. letters of admin 1st nit ion on theaisve estnte havitnf ls.u milted to Ihe undersigned by the proper authority, notice l.s hereby uiv.n to all pvrs.ins iudeiitil b said estate to make immediate paymi-nt, and th'K-c lia inierlaiiim against the same to present ti.em duly ail theiiticatisl for settiement, on Kitnnlay, Mar.-h 27, 1S57, at the late reshi.-iire of ditr'd PUILlf II. WALK tit, 11. E. SiHAt LIsi, J. II. I'hl. Adiuinistrators. Att'y. A DMIXIrsTUATOIW NOTICE. Kstnte of Addie H. Countryman, late of Som erset township, ihs-'d. Letter of administration on the almve -tate having Iss-n emitted to the by ihf-pro-r autiiority, notice is iiert by dv-i-iitoa'l persons iiidc'iiled to said e.-tate to make immediate payment, and those havimr claims against lite same to present Ihem tluly autiieiitie;ttd for settlement, ou caturday, M:in li 27, Ixi7, at the oflice of Kiswr A Kins er, Somerset, ia. iih-J). F. CljrXTRYMAX, HIA.NK 1. II A K Kit. Administrators. DMINISTUATOHS' NOTICE. tshite of Josiah Walker, bite of Broth ersvallry township, dt-'d. Ij'tters of administration on the alsive i tate liaviie Is-n Kninleii to the undersigned by tiie procraiilhority, notice is iieie!y iv eu to all persons ilidehtid to said estate to make immediate pay in-iil, and lliose having claims airainst tiie same to prim'nt tliem for setil. ment. duly aiitlieuliratetl, on Saturday, March :.7, IstiT, at tiie late residence of said d. c'd, be! itii tlie iimirs of 1 and 4 p. in., of said day, w lien and where llley will utteud for said purpose. LJ. WAI.KKIt, J. J. WALK Kit, Administrators. A DM I N I rSTI tATO 1 1'ri NOTICE. Kstnte of IV)rca Statler, late of stoyestown itonHitfh, Sumersct couuly, I'a., dec d, I tlers ofadmlnistmtion lutx-iiiK is n ed to the undersigned by the pn-rautliority of tlie above ex talc, notice Is hereby Kiven to all parties lla in riaimii aiiliist said estate to present them properly authenticated for pay ment, and all parties owing said estate will make immediate payment of the amount to tlie Administrator at his oflice, .! Vine street Johnstown, Pa. (jKOKfiK STATLER, Colborn A Colborn, Administrator, Attorneys, UIHTOK'S NOTICE. In re estate of David Il'.imls rt, d-e'd. Tlie undersiirned andiuir. apsiute I by Die prop, r authority to distribute Ihe funds in the hands of Ihe rtn-ii tors, to and aiiioii those Ii galiy eutitiinl tlier lo. h.-r'-by give i;,ii-e Uiat lie a iti sit in Ins oliii-e in the isirouii ol ssitit ersci. pa., for lite purpose of atien.iiii to the dutb-s of aid upstntment, on T'ue lay April 2-l,l" IJ oel.s k a. m-. w ii. n and whervait liarlua interested mav attend. c. w. Walk tit. Auditor. UIIITOU'S NOTICE. In reeabiteof Henry Kn-ger, dee'd. The undersigned, du'y appointed by the I irpltans' Ciiirl of Somerset county. I'a.. au ditor to distribute the funds i-i the hands of the administrator to and anion thos.- I. irally eutlllisi thereto, hereby fttves notice that lie will attend to the duties of his apsiiiliueiit on Tuesday, April 20, lstT, nt one oVI.s-k p. m., at the ottUv of the auditor in Som.-rx-t iMironah. when and where all parties inter ested may attend. J. C. LW ft Y. Auditor. UDITOK'S NOTICE. In re rotate of tieon;?'d. The underslfimt. duly appointed bv the r- p'uins" Court of Somerset i-ounly. I'a., au.ll br, bi is4sh nis.n t he exceptions tin-account of Hie exts-ut.irs. and tlistrihute tlie fund in their hand to and atnoifi liin lii;ally enti- t .iti lliereto, hereliy uives notice tiuil lie will attend lo the duTic of his apuiilmriit on WeOiies'la.v, April Jl, iq, at one oclis-K p. in., at his otlb-e ill Somerset isirouiiii. when Mild where all parties iuUT.-sted may attend. t.r.iL iv s. i i, i.. Auditor. UDITOU S NOTICE. In re estate of Joseph J. Lentz, ibe'd. The underoiaiied auditor, apisiintol by the Court, to DX the amount of tiie life estate of I .a villa Lent, widow, and distribute tiie fund in Ihe hands of the administrator of said dee'd. to and among llne legally etiti'ttsj IliereU), hereby ive nolicetlialoa fhurxiay, March - lsi'7. at one o'cis-k . in., he will sit in his oiticc In tiie boroiuli of Somerset, Pa , for the purpose of attending to the duties of nam apiHiiiitiiieiii, wu.-ii auu wuere an par tiro inlcrckU-d may attend. Hlti. W. 11IESECKEK, Auditor L'DITOR.S NOTICE. In n. ntelirliMl raitii tm .f Ttul..l I ..tiA The undersigned auditor appiiinhd by tlie Court of Common Picas to distribute the moneys in the hands of Vaientine Hay, Ks., nssinrr, to and anion those I. -.-a Iiy entitled thereto, hereby give notice that on Wednes day. March 31st. 1n7. at id o'clock A. M . he w ill sit in his ottiee in the liorotih of Somer set tlie pur)c of altemliug to the dim- of his appomtiiiviit, wiienaud a In re nil ur- tiro iutcnte4 Uiay aueaa. A. L. G. HAY. Auditor. JXECUTOrS' NOTICE. la the estate of Ihmiel It. Itn;;, late of Sum mit township. Somerset Co., l"H.,d.e'd. letters UsitamenUiry on the above estate havin been issued by the pnipsT authorily to ine uuuenii);nea as executor of ttieauove es- une, notice I Ueretiy given to all panic in. dented losuid estate to make immediate nay. menu aud all nnrtica liavinir claim nmiinst aaid estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement and payment to the un dersigned 011 .-Saturday, May I, 1V7, at late resilience 01 aw u, 141 1 o ciock p. m. H. II. YOUFR, JtlliX II. LuMi. (oirrett, I'a. Executor. DELL Ilaa tho rail ou liMt) Acres Hardy Shrubs, Hardy Tree. Fruit or Shade, Hardy Roues. Reliable Vegetable & Flower Seeds 08SmithAeld.SL, PITTSBl'Kli. CARS mx VI Cnuynrm m llh. ut the knit. I" ' shih ii is! tHr,.l h jUrtitsr, I'iltslairt; I., has He leHMslv Ibal runs Ilie nu.W l la.. lie lk runsl SMI I i'.i- WIII..SII tall, alel kas ova Us I nullniU brM IW. -.ui :- h-llal s.uilf ana iMsaiai i i:. s. S. v. aae n.t unsl. mil I sr. MeiiN-rl a MS' tre-.lad srersl f U.-111 li a.k no illlfeoHte ber tlie cMrr Is MM-lrO he asArare.1 urlha pAurra race all tlierurer.iajrkila--s.ail a ial st.f.iK ! A ra se the wua.lrr!il rum .n raa.-er m su iut sai s"rfi"- lembrr lhl lr. C ld-t Is th oul ranair 4u0. hit I Wester rminsTlvsiaiMlbareMiwsdsraa esr I to data. l.Oeni ran b lreied la Ihrtt owa Wmim. h pile. ller, kidney, srsrnta. U wuibi and oilier all'ucau si lacbuaua faaiitj tstsi sail a. aiay aa imwi' iimm. j GET AN rnreATios and ! fortuiHt ko bauid In 1 EDUCATION '-v-' sriial. Lark banl. t-t an rtlu- Dana, I'a. Vint- elaaa aennmmodation nd low rale, (state aM twaluilentM. K!rcinu!araadtlhM.rat., address Jll KLIMIV Ph. Ul, Prl.rla.1. Mate rl isrh, !. Itt k. Pa- JTT1 Slttl i Valuable Rtal Estate! V? virtu-of thr authority ?i-.-. n in the la I will and lesli.i.w nl of Mary Kinder, laic of Stmortii it lownahlp, SHnertu I conirty. Pa., (hs 'J, I the undersiiiued will exposo to pub lic outcry on tiie pr. linn. , on Saturday, March 27, 1897, At I o'clock P. M , the foliowlnt; real estate: A cirbiin tract of bind situate in Stonv cris k lwiilop, stotiierset isiuuty. Pa., ad Joining lands of Win. Kiiirie, Ji-n-iob.b KiitK le', ll.-nry 1-1 i 1 1 ami, ohiIuIioh .i ai-n-s, altit in or whieli is cleareil, U,:.nce well r..l, ciHivenieitt lo rkuirh and M-tMMil. Iiavim; liien-on ercrte a twi-stiry dw. Illiur house, barn and other uutbulidlnKs. tiood water ami fiuit. Terms: 10 per c nl. of the purchikse money to be paid a lien the property issoid, hahinceof the !, on dehv-ry of d..l. K In li monllii, and "i In W i.ionlhn with lnteresl from day aj,-. I iefeire.1 iviyiiientM to lie sTUrni on the prem ises by Ju iKuient bon-l. J'lllX XAIlVKIf. K.i-utor of M: TY Kinder, d.-e'd. Jno. IL lroti. iMvidin Kid,...-, p. (., Atl'y. jronu r t ( u. Pa. Trasts OF- VALUABLE TIMBFR LANDS IN GARRETT C0.s MD. By virtue of a d.-cree of tle Circuit Cisirt fortiarntl county. Marylaml. ixuring date tlie 1st day of AiikusI. and pnss.-u In a cause wherein .Vary Jane k et. al. arccont ;!alita::ts and Il- tiry J. Wi'motn el. ai. are defendants, the same btii.g !). 7.41 Kipnty in s:nd court, I will, ou Saturday, April 1097, At II o'clock A. M , at the Court House dot.r in the town of Oak land, ii:irn tt eoui.ty. Maryland, oltir for sale at public aiiethrti ;.:t thone tniets and ireelt of valuable timber kind, known as the "Cheney Lands," lyimrand Is Ins iu fiarrett county, Maryland, and desi rlls d in a cerbain dent from Norman Jacoti t A:fr-d Wbr.iottt, txarini; date tiie M!i day id July, !.;, and auiried in Llls-r ' . 11. T., folio .i, etc., one ol the Land Kiv or'ls i.f i ,a rr'tt iaiiii y, ail those lots or par cels of .md situate on lllne Lick creek, in said rounlv. Uii.g piru of an original truei of land called ii Bear Camp," which h is lwi n divided up into a number of lots or parcel, the said lots linz. No. 2, ron biiniii '": ai-n s : No. :t. iimtauiinji 1 c iicrrs; No. I. eoitlainil; isi.-r. ,; No. ii, cotila.niii 217 acn s ; j.,t .,,. 7. cintaiinn ;7I i. r.-s ; eoitiaiiiiiis for :i!l the s;;id five lots one thous and and s.Mv-tl-.rceaen-s more or h-.s, saving . and e.xe. t:ni; from iid lands .'i2 acre form- eny eouvi y. .! I,y ,i, Norman Jacobs to i James V . .N. wtoi.ll hy deed dated ill August, In', and duly r-corded umiin Hi.- Land Kiss ordi, of liarr.-f; county, and als; s ivii jr aud cxti-ptim; rrom s.o.1 Lin. is so much thereof as lie ii. .n least of s-n I lime Lick ere, k and sup- swed tola- W;lhm I be lines ,,f ,,t 7t .lu, rxc. ptiiuralsooo.-tiiiril of the mineral rights ai:d means to realize the same. The ulwive i;tnIs comprise a small farm it'i tho lia!.i!:cx' of the land covered with a virgin fon si of finest thulser of nil the various kinds of trtsr and wmhI , iti.hciiotn to tlie tiHiritry imd vv ill to sold a. a w Ko!o. Terms! u prccriU'd by the d.-crc-, one-half of the pnnl.ase inmuv e.i-h. it ml tlie balance in three tout six. moot lis In cual Instalments res!H,-:ivei. li, f,Treii navmeiirs to I wrur- ed try the of the pun-baser, with secu rity, siit.jivt to tlie at'lirovul of the trustee. ard to I stir interest from dale. J. W. S. CiJCHftAN'K. Trust. A Great Magazine Offer. 3 FOR The reg-ilar subscription tu! of l)e:norest's," "JuJje's Library," and " Funny PL-Hires U $1.30. DEMOCST'S MAGAZINE" i by far the best familv mmmzine published : therein iioneof our nioiit lilies in winch tlie beautiful and the useful, pleasure and prollt, fiisb- 10 1 and litcr.itur.-arc so fully presented as in limorvl'. There Is. in fact, no put. inn - 11 111 p.-etenditnc to a similar scop-and purpiwe which can compare wilh IL. Kvery duui -la-r contains a frvr pattern coupon. 'JUDGT'S LI RV" Is a monthly masazineof fun. fllUsl with Illustration In carl cat 11 re an I r p:ete with wit and hum r. iLs contributors are the best of American wit and illustrators. FUNNV PI CTU 3ES" I another humorous monthly : there Is a laush in every line of it. All thieeoi th e m.ixulae are handsomely gotten up. You should not misa this t-liaui-e lo .s..cuiv them. Cut here and return Coupon properly Oiled out. DE.M0REST PUBLISHING CO., For the end. we,I tj-iki please send Denioreat's Familr Mmmlnr. Judire IJbrarr fa magazine of fun :, and Funny l'u-luru' for one Xmnr c. & There's Noth lnST 50 good as the "BEST" and that's what we INSISTOiN HANDLING So that we are able to give "PUREST" We always carry a stock of Fancy and Staple Groceries That are unsurpassed in tJUALITY and VARIETY, and it ia oat aim to 9t-F-dni, if ever, loe a sale on account of not having the article called for. Farmers, we are Ht adtiuarters for Fancy Recleaned Grass Seeds. Don't fail to call aud inspect our line of srsN and M ipiote -ou pri f fore buying. Special prices to MERCHANTS and liUYEliSof large iiuantitie. W E have Jnt reci ived a lare shipment of the latest catch MACKEREL. aim l.Ahl-. HhliUl.Mt, alsoa Pish, such ai French SarJines, MrshuII's Kippered Herring aud Mackerel in Tomato Sauce, Salmon, &c. IX sjUs of FLOUR we lead. WHY? lieeaus our "Kiniy's 1ksI" and "l'ortcr's lss" can't 1? bcaL Try them. Just received a shipment of Rve and Craham Flour. Special drive ou Corn Meal at the lowest PRICE ever ottered. Our Warehouses are always well stocked with large varieties of assorted Feeds, Grain, Hay, Straw, Li.ue, Cement, Salt, Oil, Ac. HIGHEST PRICES AM WAYS - Call and Largest and Most Complete Stock iu Somerset County and let us quote you prices. Cook & r.TlFTKc) VAV5"4 yy'ft?Mf iT 't-Xir- A-M ""T-tSD M LJ 1 luifpine lima toe Kin hen Stove. rrr,y iXinllnlJ-rV. , T'w km (mX attmuoa la given X 11 A A A. A AA AAAA AAA 4V A AAA AAAAAAAAJ WW wWWW ww wwi WWWW WWWW VVWWVV" SHEPHFRD & MMRDM. Carpets! Carpets! Carpets ! A large and choice line, consisting of about thirty new patterns of" Carpets, will be dis played in our Carpet Department next week. We expect to pay special attention to this line and hope all per sons contemplating a purchase will call and examine our stock. Butter, EggStx: AVool taken in exchamrc for merchandise. Shepherd AND Kuykendall 3 FOR 1 f We will send all three to you for I one year for $2.00, or 6 mo. for $1. no Fifth Avenue. New York. y,r as per your oiler. Stnte the trade nothing but the "IIEST" audi good the market affords. full line of th U.t st-Ui tcd Canned PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. inspect the- beeritS THERE IS NOTHING That enter Into the home that - S more to the romrorchealt hfulm and --s,.,,.. arnves. ir n a sj-r-c ,'J iT . w a- ue are riai.siiiM.Msa iu uiett every rcoutrenicnt. and nolhins; is left un done to make Ihem perfect. They are th result of the best expe rience, material and workmanship. You cannot Aud many cuofcinx ap pliance Ilia I so dowdy meet every want of the housewiCea I lie CindarvlU Noted tor their durahlllly. cleanli ness and ecimoiny. 6000 BAKERS. PERFECT ROASTERS. Mold wilb that understanding. J. B. Holderbaum, 9DW. Somerset, B t t 1 I t 5 t n