The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 24, 1897, Image 4

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One Case from the Third N. Y. Cav
alry and one from the 5th
Michigan Cavalry.
There are Five Hundred Thousand Veterans Still
Living and a Great flany have
This Affliction.
fVom the Few. Stanleym, Mich.
Liont. Oias. M. Pansier, a carpentrr and
fruit -rower. h;i livl in (M" lounty,
Vi.-lii -itn, for thirty years and in Ha
llurr eleven y.-ars post. He served in the
War of I'm- IL.-i-llion in Company I, Third
V-- Yrk i.-ivalrv, and was a L""od soldier.
M,. wi fo:nil v liit- Morning AVw reporter
,'. .,-,, ju l nii.lin a house a short UL-1ance
I-, Vila.- i::vt-r. He I. tt lii work and in
fw.n- t- an inquiry in reference to I.
rink I'ills for Pale People aaid:
Uiut four v.nrs I c-ontnu-ted rheu-rr.ei-m
how. I "do not know. 1 would pet
titr-.u.-ii liiv work niinnc tin- "'.
sim! l.-iirtv'iiiidiiiL'ht I would I al most mild
viih i.iin. 1 was male niphts. and the only
v v I int anv de. p was l.y takini; laudanum
i,r "i.;ne oih-r opiate. A year apt thta fall I
u allium helpless, and in the winter I be
f 11:1 entirely no. I had to I helped up and
I . ii in a ehair. and could not tn-t to bed alone.
Thr.m "li the hips and hack 1 was paralyzed,
t- f, It as if 1 wa. I had no feelins in that
r "i.m of the lv. The pain in my feet mas
f .-r.-at that I couM hanlly step on them.
I wa 's-hat vou would call coinplet.-ly used
i;-. Mv Biial w. iirht was nlxmt V) pounds,
a 'id I hkl l't fl-h until I -fished only about
is i 1 hsdj-en d.R-torin? and usini?
tM kin is of ?n.-liciue. hut they did me no
The d.Ktors told me I could not lie
rar -d. and tiiat I would in time lie all drawn
up. I w:i- comph-telv iliseourafil.
"L it March I heard of a number of per
s.n Ix-inr helped by Pr. Williams' Pmk
for i'ale People, and I thought I would
trv tl em as a 1.l re I did not have any
fv 'i I'-it tii -v wmj' l dj me any (rood, but I
l-r H-n-- i a of V. .1. White, the druirrist,
h:ii. tak::i; fiea fr thr-e days, I K-can to
f -,-1 U-tt- r.' The lirst irnprovement I noticed
was in n:v fx-t. I eo-iid step better and with
a "-vat ileal p?.in. Ty the time I had
fiiii-h.-d liie third lot I could walk natural
an.l without pain, rr-vion to that it hl
t ik. n m- twenty minutes to walk sixty roils.
l;v tiic time I ha'l 6nishe. usins the thin! Ixix
Sue nu!ii''!iess in my hack ami hips had entirely
tr uie, ani ! the time I had used the fourth
lis i.iv rheumatism had practically disap
firl." 1 hive re-mment!ed the pills to all
my aiflicttxl friends, and they have leen bene-t;-l.
I cla lly reenmmvnd them to all persona
H'iiVteJ as I was."
To c'iiif;rni the alve statement Mr. Paus-i-.
r made oath as f .llows:
f has. M. Pansier, of Allendale township,
Ottawa County, Michi-jan, U-m? by me duly
-.vom, depxes thut the forecoiui; statement,
tns.le by him this 11th day of October, A.
liJa, is true.
11 EX BY G. WAXTT, X'itnry Puhlir,
Muskegon Co., Michigan.
J. MMraoiT 5 a n-.c ristrix y( nrs if
an lh is Uv.xl n. ar !Uss i'Jver f-T twenty-five
years. lie isi.ue. of the snvs;ami::l farmers
i.f ;tawa County, an ! :ien sen by the re
iwtrter had iu fiais!'-l Uiirsitie tata-.
ile said: "I have hal rlnuinati-m fr
ctw:: 1 ir;r y.-nrs. J;y left le? mas p imly-l,
nr f it tiiai it was. and I ha I severe pains in
t:e bark. I c-iul-1 s arrely lo any work n
i'i f im.. !.t? v. iMtcr 1 Imrui t tkinij Ir.
Wiliiams Pink lills fir Pale P.-jiIe, anJ
afier I had taken four IhiX'-s the paiu in my
taek was entirely pine, and my let: was a
(Treat deal In-tter. I have been Ixlter this
miDiuer than I have been in ten years, and
have done more work on the farm than I
have before for tea years. I have recom-l.i-iidi-d
the medicine to other people afflicted
with the rheumatism."
.A. J. White, the dnitrtrist and keeper of
t!K treneral store at lhiss River, said to the that he knew Mr. Molynem and
veral others had been preatlr helped by
takine lr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People, and that the testimony given mas true.
L Cuban Rhapsody.
TLestin hung low ami the white
fever mists U-an t list', ghostly,
l.-ally, from the miasmatic t'uhau
( hit of the dense jut)"ks rode a lone
ly man. His broad sombrero was torn
jiiid tattered: his clothing much the
worse for wear. In his hand he grasp
ed a machete. lie looked around him
with fierce, blood-shot eyes and ran
his linger along the machete's keen
Made to see if it was sharp enough for
l,-adly battle.
Over the foothills from the direction
f Havana came another horseman.
I lis cocked hat sported a liedraggk-d
I'ltime and his onee gaudy uniform
was patched in many places. His
lingers clutched a long, blue-bladed
Toledo sword.
The horsemen rode steadily on till
opposite one another. Then they halt
ed smd saluted, grimly, terribly, as foe
meii will when each knows the prow
ss of the other.
"At last, Maximo Gomez!1'
"At last, Valeriatio Weyler!1'
The riders paused and regarded one
another curiously. .Soon the Cuban
p ike.
"Whole is your army, Valeriano
Weyh-r? Where are t!:" prud mer
cenaries; wliom you brought to this
bloodstained land that they miglit ride
ankle dot-p in the IiIikmI of innocent
women and children? Where is that
The Spaniard glared back glare for
"Say rather, Maximo Gomez, where
sire your insurgent chivalry? Where
are the rsganiuffin soldiery who de
vastated the plantations of Cuba far
and wide and burned all they could
not teal? Where is your army?1'
"Speak first, O cruel Spaniard!
Where is your trim :' '
"IVad dead of yellow fever dead
of running ail over creation to catch
yom! Where is your army?"
"Ik-ad. Pome o; otrtred them
work and the shock slew the heroic
men wltoui Spanisli bt;"tts eouhi not
The foemen lookel at one another
a;ain. Then tliey surveyed the land
tK'ijie. "Valeriano Weyler, I have no more
money to pay a press bureau."
"Maximo Gomez, my stenographer
has sprained a finger.
"Fieri Spaniard, I came to day
"Treacherous Culian, I came to slay
th; jiersonally."
"I'ut if you kill me there will be no
relj.ds you will lose your job."
"True. And if you slaughter me
there will be no more reports of my
"Ixt us call it off."
'Lict us both go in jieaoe instead of
And the foemen, turning-. r-de back,
-a h on tlie trail o'er whieU he came.
Chicago News.
TLe Grandest Remedy.
Mr. R. II. ( reeve, merchant, of Chil
Iiowie, V., certifies that he hud con
sumption, was given up to die, s.ij'it
all medical treatment that money
ou'd procure, tried all cough remedies
h3 could hear of, but got no relief;
peiit many nights sitting up in a
chair; was induced to try Dr. King's
New Discovery, aud was cured by une
if two bottles. ' For u three years
Las been attending to businc, aud
ays Dr. King's Xew Discovery i th
grandest remedy ever made, as it has
Ione so much for him and also for
others in Jiis community. Dr. King's
New Discovery is guaranteed fur
c-ough, colds and consumption. It
slou't fail. Trial bottles free at Snyd.T's ;
drug fctore, Somerset, or at Hrallier's J
dtg store, Iier'.iu. J
Contractedjn the War.
DIKKS. II. B. Kwlto, Klfth MleklKaa Ct
mlry, Trlla of the Eflrcta of
Army Life.
From the yew, Muskegon, Sfieh.
There are few pleasanter drives in this
part of the country than the one alone the
outn . drana nver nwu muumt
(irand Haven and Rasa River, a little ham
let abont fourteen miles from the capital of
tttawa Countv. And espec-ially is that so in
these Octolier'days, ikn the rich autuuinul
colors are hepiuuine to jrive radiance to the
womllands aloup the route. On the i-levcuth
ot this month a representative of the Morn
ing Srrt took this trip to interview certain
Mr. H. B. Knomlton. a farmer living alx.ut
a mile wey, about bis cure from rht uuia-
tism " .
Mr. Knomlton is a man fifty-one years of
ape, and served three years in the war, W-inx
a member of Company K, Fifth MirliiLtui
Cavalry. lie has lived in Allendale, tt
tawa County, Mieh., since the n-bt-llion, and
Ls one of the substantial farmers of the coun
tv, his farm, w hich contains one hundred
a'nd eighty-five acres, lieine a valuable prop
erty, lie" was morkine in the field when a
proached bv the reporter, but kindly invited
him into Lis handsome brick house, and
when asked about the fx-nefits he hal ro
ceived from takinp Dr. Williams' lluk I'ills.
said: "1 mas in the army lir three years, and
it masmhiletherel contracted the rheuuuttism.
AftT cominc out I ma lame and re actual
deal of the time, but mas not sick enough to
po to bed. At first 1 mas not very luui, but as
time ment on I Ix-cauie morse. About yeur
a?o I was so bad that I had to jrive up my
work on the farm. I had doctored m ith doctors
and taken a great deal of medicine, and had In
come kind of disctiursired. Notliinp seemed
to help me, and finally I went to the drug
store of A. J. White and asked him if he
had anvthine to kill or cure me. lie said
he had" Ir. AVilliams' Pink Pills for Pale
People, anil lie thought if I would take them
they would help me. I purchased a box
and before takinp all of them I felt better,
and I knew they had helped me. I contin
ued taking the pills, and for the past three
months I have not felt the rheumatism. I
would advise any one mho has the rheuma
tism to try the 1'ink Pills, and I am confident
they m ill help them."
II. B. Knowlton, of Allendale, Ottawa
County, Michigan, being by me duly smorn,
d poses that tlie facts set forth in the fore
pome statement, made by him this 11th day
of October, A. I)., are true.
IIexey O. Wavtt,
Xofnry 1'nMt'r,
Mtiski-ton Co., Michiunn.
Pr. Williams' Fink I'ills are an unfailing
vTiceific for sm-h diseases ns locomotor ataxia,
partial pnnlysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatic.:,
l.ciiralpia, rheumatism, nervous heaihuhe, the
iif:i-r tiiix-t f la prippe, iialpit.ition of the
heart, p:de and sallow complexions that tired
feeling n-suliiup from nervous pro-tr-ation, all
d.scHses r.-suhiup from viuattd humors in the
blotsl, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas,
etc. They are also a specific for troubles e
cuiiar to females, such as ffiirtprcsaiona. ir-
repularities and all forms of weakness. In
men they elTect a radical cure in ell eases
arisinp from mental worry, overwork or ex
cesses of whatever nature.
These pills are manufactured by the Pr.
Williams' Medicine Comnanv. SchenectadT.
X. Y.. and are sold only in boxes bearing the
firm's trade-mark and wrapper at no cents
a box or six loxes for $2.5o, ami are never
sold in Lulk They may be bad of all drug
guu. This is Yoar Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cent, cash or
stamps, a geti'Tous sample will le
mailed of tliL most ii-ijiular Catarrh
and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cretin
itaim) suSieient to demonstrate its
great merit. Full size 'itK;.
M Warren St., New York City.
flew John Iteid, Jr., of (Jreat Fairs,
Mont., recommended Fly's Cream
Halm to me. I can emphasize his
statement, "it is a positive cure for
catarrh if used as directed." Rev.
Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, Mont.
Poor Henry ' Stupidity.
"Ye." fsiid Mrs. Fiveoclock. "the
family Lre most interesting. John
dances divinely, Tom sings like an an
gel, David is a famous football player,
and Susanne paints beautifully and
belongs to the reading club.'
"Aud Henry?"
"Oh, Henry ! well, he's rather dull,
you know. He only works and sup-
itorts the others."
Something to Know.
It may be worth something to know
that the very liest medicine for restor
ing the tired out nervous system to a
healthy vigor is Electric Hitters. This
medicine is purely vegetable, acts by
giving tone to the nerve centre in the
stomach, gently stimulates the livir
and kidneys, and aids these organs in
throwing otf impurities in the blood
Electric Hitters improves the appetite,
aids digestion, and is pronounced by
those who have tried it as the very best
blood purifier and nerve tonic Try it.
Sold f.r 50c or f1 00 per bottle at Sny
der's drug store, Somerset, or at Hral-
lier's drug store, ISerlin.
Kneading STachine.
Much of tl.e lultor of breadmaking
may Ik; ob iated by a kneading ma
chine, designed principally for family
use, ami wincn win enable every lnUse
to indulge at will in the "lieat biscuit,"
so dear to every Southern heart, or
rather to the organ which is said to
lead to iiuu'ii heart the stomach
The kneading pan toiitains a detach
able rotary kneading apparatus, pro
vided with knives for cutting the
dough, and it is only necessary to turn
the crank, as the maelune does the rest
swiftly aud surely.
Much to Commend it-
Tlie committee on counties and town
ships has decided to report favorably
to the State House of Ileprcsentalivee a
bill requiring county auditors to meet
monthly to pass upon bills bef -re paid.
It strikes us that it is a pretty good
son, of measure. Under the present
system the auditors meet only once a
ear, and then their work is altogether
in the nature of a review of what is
fM. They may find that injudicious
expenditures have been made, but they
are face to face with the fact that the
money lias been paid, and their only
opportunity to right the wrong is to
surcharge the responsible officials. For
obvious reasons this is doue only in ex
ceptional cases, and even then the re
sults are sometimes far from what is to
be desired.
. As an ounce of preveu'ive is worth a
jsxtnd of cure, bo an audit prior to the
fcettlement of a hill would be infinitely
Letter than au audit after the money
has Leen paid.
To empower auditors to ass up
ou all bills of the t-ounty would he
plating an additional check on unwise
expenditure of public fuuds. There is
perhaps uo county in the State where
such a safeguard would do any hartr1,
and in some counties it would prove tf
grtjat public benefit. i
i -
Horns and Forer Was m Typical
Soldier of Fortune.
Tbe hero of the following story, Kis
eane, hud hern a prcmii:eut bncinoRS
tuan in Cincinnati. He was tried with
others and acquitted on the cbnrge of
burning the steamboat Martha Wash
ington to secure insurance, and after
ward was sect to the penitentiary for a
large bank forgery:
Into the Walker Nicaragua expedi
tion, tuada np for the most part of "men
of strong character, tired of tho hum
dram of common life and ready for a
career which might bring them the
sweets of adventure or tho rewards of
fame," Kissane now, on coming out of
the penitentiary, threw himself with all
the abandon cf his daring natore. He ar
rived at Nicaragua Feb. 1, 1850. Un
der an assumed name he was soon ap
pointed and commissioned assistant
commanding general, with ths rank cf
major, and ordered to take charge of the
commissariat of the army. He showed
such ability that Walker soon promoted
him. For eight or nine months he bad
the entire finances of the country in his
bands and but for his careful manage
ment the filibustering scheme, it is con
ceded, would have met an earlier de
feat When General Walker marched to
Rivas, he left Granada in charge cf
Kissane. Tho latter made sudden sallies
on the neighboring haciendas, and, cap
turing the wives aud daughters of prom
inent Nicararruaus. held them as hos
tages to be exchanged for money or pro
trUious. He is rtpnted to bare made a
fortune in tbe sale of confiscated hacien
das aud vouchers. Under his direction
cathedrals aud convents aud private
dwellings were pillaged of gold, silver
and jewels. The plunder, wnicn nticu
six largo cedar chests, was nieiteu,
nur-ked in small bulk and shinned t3
New Orleans. Robed in priestly vcftr
meuts aud carrying tbe holy eucharift,
Kissane Jed a triumphant procession
thronch the streets ol O ran ad a. Mis an
dacjty aud bravery won him devoted
followers. Few, if any, cf his compan
ions iu arms suspected his early history.
Nevertheless the tropics did not ehiild
him wholly from ineuiory of the past.
Recognizing iu one of the youthful fol
lowers of the army the sou of a man
who had testified attaint-1 him in
Martha Washinetou case. Kissano
had the young man arrested on some
trumped cp charge pud shot down it
cold blood.
At tbe collapse of tbe expedition Kis
sane canned to be published in the pa
pers accounts oi me nt-roio ueatn
himself under his new name. Mean
while be csenred from the country
Panama en hoard the United States
sloop of war St. Mary's, Captain Davi
Lida Rose McCabe in McClure'a,
Bret Hrt' "Overland" Enemy.
In The Atlantic Monthly Mr. Charles
Warren Stcddard, describing tho ap
pearance of Eret Harte's "Iho Luck of
Roaring Camp, explains the story ot
the woman who was opposed to its pub
lication. Thero have been many render
ings of this incident. Mr. Stoddard's
version is unquestionably the correct
In tbe August number of Tho Over-
laud Monthly (1SC8) appeared "The
Luck of Roaring Camp." If Mr. Harte
bad been in doubt as to his vocation be
fore, that doubt was now dispelled for
ever. Never was a more emphatic or
unquestionable literary success. That
success br-gau in the composing room.
wbeu a female compositor revolted at
the unaccustomed combination of men
tal force, virility aud originality. No
doubt it was all very sudden and unex
pected. It shook tbe editorial aud com
posing rooms, the business office and a
limited number of worthy people who
bad seen "Tbe Luck" in manuscript as
they had never been shaken save by the
notorious Califoruian earthquake. The
climax was precipitated when the justly
indignant editor, whose motives, liter
cry judgment and good taste had been
impeached, declared that "The Luck of
Koarhic (Jump should appear m tbe
very uext number of Tbe Overland
Monthly or he would resign pM office.
Wisdom finally prevailed, the article
appeared. The Overland' success was
assured, and its editor was famous.
A Prophetess Confounded.
One if tbe most diverting tales told
(n connection with the art of anagram
making relates to a certain Paine Elean
or Davies, wife of Sir Joshua Da vies,
says a writer in Lippiucott's Magazine.
She lived in tbe time of Charles J ant
was a coustant croaker and foreteller of
evil. At length she made herself so oh
noxious to the govi rimieuf that she was
cited to appear before the court of high
commission. She fancied that she was
gifted with prophetic powers, because
the letters of Eleanor Davic-s formed the
anagram "Reveal, O Daniel. " This wag
not a good auagrain, as it used the "1"
twice and did not employ the 'V at all.
She resisted all tbe efforts of the
bishops to bring her to reason, but was
at last entirely defeated by a witty
dean, who hoisted her with her own
petard by making another anagram, not
eo complimentary to her prophetio In
eight, "Dame Eleanor Davies never
so mad a ladiel" This caused her to
doubt the reality of her own inspiration,
and eo utterly disconcerted her that no
more was heard f f her.
The Rraaoa Why.
A lady happened to remark to an atb
letic friend that it was very strange that
most of the bad bicycling accidents
seemed to bapjien to women and could
be account for it were they more
"focluardyr "Not at all." be replied.
"Tbe real reason is, I think, that wom
en cannot judge distances. Now, from
bis earliest youth up a boy is trained
through his games to accurately meas
ure yards and feet. You will see a
woman rnsh iu bet weeu two carts w hero
a mso cccld tell you to a certainty that
it would be impossible acci
dent. It is just tbe want of a trained
eye that does the mischief." Philadel
phia Ledger.
What Do You Know?
A Great Deal Depends on Knowing
tha Right Thing Somttimtt.
Do yon know all about your kidneys ?
I) j yon know their real functions ?
A school boy writes in composition :
We could not Hve without kidneys."
Hemight add, some don't live with them.
The nun who "doesn't know be has
May be cure his are in good order.
Tbe maq who know be has tbenjl,
Has beea told so hj bis kjdncys.
bick kidneys ullt-ight through tha
Sound kidneys never cempUjn.
The kidneys filter the blood.
If filtered through s:pk kidneys, the
blood is sick.
Sick blood means uric poison.
Means urinary derangement, means dia
betes. Means Briglit's Disease means Death.
Do you know the silver lining to that
There is one covering its entire field.
Doan's Kidney Pills are the sunny side
Of every stage of kidney miseries.
And perfect masters of their diseases.
We give you a case of knowing the
right thing.
Mr. John IT. Kcnrcly resides in Wuhlneton,
Pa., at2M North Main street. He has beea
Uepntv shcritt uf u ceountv furailozuu yeara.
fv be: "I hare been a saneier for some limt
.! with kMney complaint. I hav a pain
acron the amalf of mv bark near the hJpa.
It vu loot severe mommr and eveninr I
wimld rise in ibe mnrnin? feeling a thoufa I
bad n had a nifflifa nest at alL I noticed
an ad vertisement of ivmn's Kidney Pills, and
1 ptr cured a N x. They hare done me a
peat deal of rood I rest better at nislit and.
In fact feel better In everr wav tiuce I beeaa
takinr them. Am steadily improin-, and
exrect to auon he reston d to my normal eon
dituiu. I wuold gladly recommend iioan's
kidney Kll to any one suPering from any
era ot kidney complain'. I bare known
other who ue them and peak as highly oi
heir merit as I fed that I can."
rxn' Kl ine Pills are for aale by all deal
er prict SOcenm per box. Mailed by Fiater
lliibumCo, Bunaio, N. Y, uie aiccnis lor
Uie L'.i
A fwrtauui tHsrovery.
All Paris jatt new, to Tho
journal, is flocking tj La Kavi
gnan, iloutmartre, tt he-re, n few days
afco, a most icmarkahle discovery was
made. In this neighborhood uro tho
ruins of the ancient monastery of tbe
Benedictines and other old buildings
used by tbe brothers, most of which are
also giving way to the ravages of time.
At 28 Kuo Raviguan lime. Bertbelot
keeps a grocery store, the sleeps iu a
small chamber in tbe rear, that at one
time was probably used as an oratory.
Ume, Berthelct, noticing that tho tiles
on the floor cf the chamber gave forth a
hollow sound as she stepped upon them,
and thinking that a cellar there would
be very convenient for her business, sent
for a mason and had the tiles removed.
A flight of etono steps was revealed,
leading into a labyrinth of parages.
The authorities havo now taken posses
sion of tbe place, and a systematio in
vestigation is being conducted. Many
relic have been found, aud it is believ
ed that much light is likeiy to be
thrown upon the history of Paris dur
ing the fourteenth century.
A Laeky Ducnoala.
Tho patient's symptoms indicated
cardiac troubles, and the doctor got out
his stethoscope ani applied it to his
chest to test tho action of the heart.
The patient flushed angrily, unbut
toned his vest aud took from his inside
pocket a f 5 bill wrapped in a piece of
old paper.
"I think it's carrying things a little
too far," he said, "wheu you doctors gq
to looking through a man with on X ray
to aeo Low much money JiQ ha," De
troit Free Press.
"Woman," said the typewriter board
er, ''woman is not much taken with se
cret societies."
'Nq," said the cheerful idiot, "but
bow dearly she lores society seercts.
Indianapolis Journal.
A blatkliard is a most useful thirg
in a nursery. Children will find a con
stant soun e cf amusement in drawing
cn it. It should not be too high, but bo
easily within their roach.
"Now Willie," raid the taiher, a
school opened, "you may recite 3-our
geography Ufesoti. Where is Afghan
istan ?"
Willie hesitated a moment.
"Don't you bjaoyy?" aked the teach
er. "Yes, I've got it iu my head some?
where, but I can't lay my brain Oil it
just this minute," Willie replied.
It fostntcd by Drewer that Popellor
niidas, In f.k1, wps the tirt- to tar a
e-pji rr tiar.-t of tdnte.
As follows:
4 First Prizes, each of 1100 Cash
n e.4 amnJf 5f rv.
1 n
40 Third " " " $ 25 Gold .Watche
Ptfti nil DrlvAa rnren A1fh mfttlfh .
Total given daring 12 mos. 1897,
SOAP Wrapprra Cttey eaH rellrf lut
m M , h n u. pvriiM vi .
rapper; lhai port ion ranlnln-
iim lav arRiiiiia - ovnpiin
&OAP. Tacfia (railed '!:.
Wrapprr ( mpi'fi mrwlwilli V 31 IIKU
of i be l)I-TKIfT romprlltnr llela.
Nrw Yark ily, HrsuUva, Loan
al Slalca Iwlanda. Nrw Jeracy.
NrwVark Matrl.nW-1. tfN.r.Viiw,
PraanylVBBia PrlRwarr, Ir
land, Vr( Tiraiaia. aad Itut
trirt af 'l.i
I The w Kaalnad Stairs.
ThefeifTcioa mrr theelrmw1 Plerrr Sprrlal
I; PMlrro. mTd ht lo. fc'. Pwiea V., t Hu(
it wton.nd Kfw York. TiUei ilb Hmrtfunl
Tir, i- irst CiM Nick I. Umu, ttmm Pwnn
UU, Standard UjduBctar, aad Bub. Laoa badtila.
Cook & Beerits,
Wedncdty, l t. 2i, 1$?
(per 1)0
.15 lo 25
Aj plea. dried, Bi
. c
ADule Iiutd-r. wr cul-
i mil. i-r Si
But r. freMli kt-a-. rx-r ..
( cn-aim-rv. tier Hi...
Beexwax, p-r lb 25
fCountry ham, pT t. 8 to 12c
J Kiicur currd bam, per ft 11 to l-!,-
Bacon jside, ih t lb.
lnuiiliT. p-r B tic
n . rw-tilte lutvv. prr bus lev
Btn- Lima, i-r fc .. : :
-jKrrrn, iH-r tt iir
lonee. J p,.r b, lj to 2oc
.,, ( CuniUrlund, p-r
Lcmeuu j.()rlllulJi perlbl 4 iJ
fornmoal, iht S .., . 1 '
Eigs, per doi '. l.V
FUh. laka bciTlurJw.l" l ol
floneyj wb'te clover, per ' -"
ird, W a to loc
jlll, per lilll . l i't
MiiIurm. N. II.. per gal '"
ihiion-i.per bun. . -..7.x;
P.ilatix-a. per bua II l b
t'eachex, evaporated, per !b 10 to l'c
Prun-a. per lb.- . ... 1J to loo
. i . pi-r uui .....M..MH.H.M.H.w-f .j
Pltubure. wr bbl
Walt, i Umry, , bus aiu-ka . . e
st '
4 bua Kicks. $VSA
around aiuiu. laO t aat.-ka !V
linapusper m .juik
!iniMim-d yellow, per B 3c
wbite, A. per l . ha
grmuUUil. per Ei a:
t ube. or pulverized, per 8 I'd
(,,., ip-r y: m :wo
yrop. j nmpt p,.r sa 50 to Hue
Ktonrware, yuiiou ac
Tullow, jx-r to in
Ylueg-ar, wrfriil 1 to :
Uinotliy, per bus Sl.T-i
Clover, wr bua pj.OU Ui i.7 i
Seed. M uniiiMin, kt bu
" alfalbi, per bua - 6 i)
aike, u,r bua 7.VJ
Millet, Cirnnnn, per bua I S
oiirii-y. wmie ueaniicsa, per uu i.-i
buckwheat, per bu lie
corn, r:ir, wr bus .?5 to
Grain " abelled, wr bua 5i to c
) oats, per bu.- U to :Vio
I rj'e. P ' lua -V
4 Feed bi-Ht, per bua Tiic
una, per 1IW WM 7-lC
corn au 1 ml) chop, per IK) 1j 7 i
dour, roller pmeeaa, per bid fl.7"
I Hour, lower grade, pur libtm
.., , . while, wr liM lM
"UU"UM red,per 100 bi
The 0. 1. C. LIME COMPANY,
have Juat completed fhelr new aiding and are
now pn-pan-d toahip by car-load lola to any
purl of the country. Thin lime Is nmnurxeU
ur-dfrom the e l.-trHled Siyler Hill LiniMtoaa
and la eKieciiilly rti-h in all Hie element re
qnlrwl tolnviKornlethewdL IT IS WHAT ALL
FARMERS NEED! -okI utoek on hand all the
time. Prices low aa the loweaL AdJretw all
communications to
ELY'S CREAM BALM It a poaltlewrare.
Apply into tbe nostrils. It Is quickly absorbed, to
cents at Drorcirts or by mail ; sample 10c. by mail.
ELY BROTUEllS. M Warren t Kew York l it.
The cream of tha country tapers is found
in Remington's Court Scat Lists. Shrewd
aovertiaers avail themselves or these hsta, a
Copy of which can be had of Bemington
st. ut jrew lull st x-iiuuurg.
wr 5
I -'A
all aiJ. carUord nti 5j
llor'a lull mmmf an4 aldra
urn A the aambrP of lMM"l
ut in, fa Irrr llrt .!
Hcrgarff SaciiUce.
Tlie little obi 1,1 ren wer talking of
Lent and of what they would each
give up for the waseu of fasting and
Candies aud cake went on the list of
Little Margaret, aged two and n half
year, was a intent listener.
Finally, "I doss I will dive up niu;
tard," the said, and added in a
thoughtful aside: ."I never did tare
much for mustard, anyway."
Aroyou stiin-ring from rheumatism?
Thomas' lv-leetrie Oil has cured thou
Kands of the worst cases of thi.s terrible
ilL-nac. It only costs "t cents to try it.
Cisb. Cleaner.
The machine dish-washer seems to
be exciting a'niost as much intere-st as
the bicycle among inventive minds, if
we may judge from the number of new
device which are competing for femi
nine favor. A late invention in this
line is a tauk with a pendant water
spreader on the under side of the cover,
a pump with a vertical delivery sKut
and guards to prevent the escnje of
steam or water, and the dishes are
cleansed by the usual rotary motion.
Tirei in the 2Jorniis-
"I had a tired feci in iu t'.e morn
ing and a headache. 1 haI no appe
tite and could not sleep well. I learn
ed about Hood's Sarsaparilhi and be
gan taking it, and this medicine gave
me relief. It has ulso cured me of ca
tarrh and the ctfectsj of tho grip."
Mrs. Jetinie Horuer, Stoytowu, pa.
Hood's Pills are easy to buy, easy to
take, easy iu t -fleet.
In Search of Iafbrtqation,
t'l'd like to ask one thing," said the
cross linanlcr.
'What U It, please ?" asked the land
lady. "How did you get this steak cooked
so bar 1 without even getting it hot?"
Evea That.
Ah !'' frighLd the tiiseonsolati: wife,
"marriage 1 a al, ad failure."
"Haven't you realized your hoties in
weddi-d life?" aked a sympathetic
"X ; even my bridal veil wiw illusion."
.$ 430.00
t rs. A S
f. Errrjr raootb daring lH in each of that diatrieta
pTiia will kit Married M loilow.:
two to roaneM
Tim I ikunpei'tnr who senasin cue
f.mrfrmt Nanthrr of eoopnoa from
ttiedirtnctin n-hica ba or abanaidb
illreciva4N'aah. ' '
YiM A Cnpcui4ra no Mod in tha
tirxt I.araeat Nanbrra ft coo
IKina Irnm tha dutm-i in wnich tbej
iwidanill Karh rvcnva at iDnr'a
opcia a lf'aorcmtknrin' l'irrca
bprciRl fcu-rele, pncnSiULid.
1 nn 111 t'aiDiil4iraborid iatna
Pleat tartrat NimWrnnl enopaoa from lbrd
triet inniiKrta uqr raaiiMwiil Karb aaircat emnar's
aptlua a Ud j'aur a-wtlwaan'a W Wsmii, nu. aa.
tf. Tbe ComtMtiilon. will rieae tbe Ijit la of
EarhManthdartnaMt, 0puio.ivd toe late
furoaemaalh a eompeuttoa will be pal late tbe out.
3. Coanwtitnfe be ebtaia piaiiiiera tmra aaeotd
eoep ta deaWa atoak will be dieoaIifti. Earptureea
of Lmr Bratbera, Ltd., aad tneir Itfuilwa, aieda
haned liuca conipatiiia.
4. a prhtKid IMo WhtmntaOaaiptaiSdiatriet
will be I.mr4rd loOaatDeuuaiaaMatU dafa altar
each euoipMitioa cloaoa.
6. lrrr Br4bera, Ltd, will eodeawr to award the
pritce tairij to the beet of tboir abililr aod mdaniiint,
but it i. andVrM.wd that all wnoeofnlwHe acme to ae
evpttbeavwd of Lm BiutlMfa, Ltd., aaauaL
LEVEU BUUS., lAi New Vara.
Ia Effect November 15, 1896.
Train arrive and depart from thefcUition tt
JohuatowD as follow:
Western Express. . 4:53 a. ni.
Southweatern Kxpreise "
Johnstown Accommodation ")7
Accouimodation :I0 "
Pacific Exprens X "
Way PaaacliKer ... 3:!
Mail 5.1H "
Kant Line toH p. m.
Johnstown Accommodation... Ij0 "
Atlantic Express 5.-04
Si-i.hore Expn ss -. 5:40
Altoona Accommodation M
Iay Kxpn !hl "
Main Line Expret....'. .. lihli Accoiiiinodatiun 12r p. in.
Mail Expn-Mt '. 4:11 "
Johnstown A-eommoduUun... n:w
l'hiUtdelphia Expruis 7:11
East Ure lihiO "
For rafea, mai j, 4c, rail on Ticket Aeentor
ad JreKa Thou. E. Walt, P. A. W. li , Jul Fifth
Avenue, l'ltteh-.iiy. Pa.
J, li. Hutchinson. J. R. Wend,
lien. Wauaxer. ejen'l Pa mi. A
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
Somerset and Cambria Branch.
Johnstown Mail Expresa. -Hnckwood m.
in Womerset S:.i, Wtoyestown :t, lioov
ersvillc (toi, Johnstown 11:10.
Johnstown Mall Express. Rockwond 11.20 a.
m., fSomi'iet 11 :", Stoyeiown lil:t, Hoov
ers ville 1- 21, Johnstown 1:10 p, in.
Johnstown Accoinrnoln;ion. Uockwood 4:.V
p. in., tvimerw I iau sioe!own iW, Hoov
.rsvllleoV, Johustowu a: la.
Mail Johnstown 8 VI a.m..HoovenvHle 9 If,
Ht.voitown-U,Soiut-rwo" 1U-A Itockwoou
lo as.
Express. Johnstown 5:10 p. m., Hooversrille
Nuiy.-ktowu iia, Somerset 3:12, ilock
woodfcui. DaUy.
Is special boon to business men who, havinr
drifted nnconartously into the drink habit ana
awaken to find the disease of alcoholism fastened
up n them, rendering them unfit to manage af
fkin requiring a clear brain, A four weeks
course of tKumcnt at the
Ko. i246 Fifth ATenne,
ptores to them all thefr powers, mental and
phynieal, destroys the abnormal appetite, and
restore them to the condition thev were in be
fore they indulged in stimulants. Th ia has been
done in more than lfino cases treated here, and
among them some of your own neighbors, to
whom we ran refer with confidence as to the
absolute safety aud emcienry of the Keelev Cure.
The fullest and most searching invextiva'tion is
n vited. i3eod for pamphlet giving full ioloimv
liou, t
60 Vf AR8
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
sjuieklraaoertaln, free, whether an I mention ia
lirobaiily paientable. 'ou m u n teat iota stnt-tly
eoun.lentlaL OldeH areuc; firecunnc patents
In America. We hare a WaUinsiun onto.
Paten u uken tbrutuih Atuua A Co. reoslve
spiaael uotice in the
beaatlfallr inastrated, hms elrenlaUoa of
n sdeatifle journal, weekly, terms J.m a rear)
l-J ail month. Specimen oupleaand llAu
boon oa Patents eeoi tree. Address
SGI Brmdway, New Yerk.
Wanted-fin Idea
Who ran think
of some simple
tlilnir tA nAlKnll
rrnleet yotir Idean: they trny brintt yn we:Uin.
Write JdH.V WfcbPEnliVRN a Co., Patent iUlV.
aers, waahlDCUM, 1. ... r their (l.eui prise vOar
ad ttst ot two huBdred luTanUous waaieik
St. Louis, New York, ' Boston, Philadelphia,
Receipts and Expenditures
KniHTsi-t County, I'iu, for the ytur ending IV-ii.Iht 31, A. I).
ELM Kit 11 IH'fiH, IXf., Tria.sun riif the TiHr lloutw of Sonit-M-t f.Min
ty, in ui-fiuint Willi the t'oiiiity of Nameriet, tate of IVnn lvnniu, for
the yeiir ending iKciiiiher 21, A. D. l.sWi.
INl.-iniitimt f utile and n-cHlx at the Poor House, l.5
lo .-ScueiM t t'ouiity lir onli r No. !, lo tulum-v uceouut..
Outdoor Expenses.
By ain't paid Piii-diMir relli f......
liri-lor' tmvi liii;-e.fH-ue...
l 'lHlilal!eK, Iii-k
"!-.itiii-H' lrViliiiifi - X - iis
" l'ii-ri' ntil nd l;re
" M iinleiiatiee uf rhil Jrvn,
fllil-llOlir IMUIMT
JllHlil-t' f.t
I iui out-dir ra ,,, ,
M iiiiU liiiiiiiteaatShile liiltitl
" " Werners ille
K.lwlu Fei-Me Miudiil School
t ullin
MeilU-iil ulli lidaiiee .
f-.ild ul:. r siuiiti
in - -r -r w
ija.jjfusuj oi xrooT
I Hy am't imid liry uHi!saii( rlotliing....
IIwmii1 Uicou .
l:nn)!iiN .JH!r.!HIHl
Tiuwure --" """"" 1!
tfUci'iiswuru ....,.
I irusi ....'.Z!1'.'V
Tolwi ct
Kite !.....".""'.'.""'.'Z
.Me. ilea I exaiiiiii.-iiiiui nv.d ci rtilinit.
i.itKj- L.....,
Viimt and Hour
irK-inl-. ,
l-lKVanl fruit ,s.
Justices' fts.... . ."...L.
I.itiinitions t
AilelulU-r , ..."
t 'mil nnl oil tMi
t -oniilatjl-' fts-a w
Siicir mid
Kliie-sand li-.illw-r
Ut ion wry.-
Wttivini; iind citriltiii;
Matrons, Mrs. li-ki-y,Ji.(it; Jlrs. K
Farm Expenses.
By am't pilil Fi-rtllUi-rs
i; i.-urs
S...l !l. rv
" Muiiiihi-r
s.-.n;iii.i .:,:n
' I li r.lw.n i-
. 'Ilmst.i:.
" Ukir
I'y ain't raid Up:i!r
- l-il.ur
Isiiivling and Iii;li!niii n-J.s
Extraordinary Expenses.
By am't pulil Kurnitiire
' l.lie Kt..U ."..'."Z.V.'
44 1 iiMintii.--
.M ussi-linuii liSnity "
" li-r-onN
" i:!cir:c ht-iit !! ....'"rj "
Salary aai Vaga3.
By am't pii.l I'irci tor Mcfip ur
win iiuii
" Hiirrl-,iii iiithn
Tretisurer, Klmcr K Puuli
fis.k, I'allt.rine Miller J
flerk, J. ui li P. Weiiuer
t'li-rfe ul M tiK iiu nt .'.".'.'1'
Alt.irin-v, I. . I oliH.rn .." "
Mewarif, Win. K. Ii-iiy.
Win K.-.IH1
" l livsi, i iti, l.r. II s. kmiiii II
" l iiatilwin. l;.-v. J.S llrk.
" J.iliilor. J..l:ii i nrmi:
1 To ain't of estlmite r.irexp- iis)-.
2 By am t rorelved fnmi I imiiii v i 'i.iii-ii,sion.-n cm ordurit
3 l:y mn't tiiu-x-ii.lni to tin-cr.-.lit f th,-c
-I By am't surciiurjcd lo I'oor iJin-clors. Z....ZZ1'. "
Jacob McGregor, Poor Houe Director, in gec't w ith 3 n erset
1 loam i roor tiouse iini.-r. n iirr or lsti; .
2 o. .of WW..."".?
:l To nm't Hiin-hanred JJ
4 By one year's "alary as Inrector .. ........".".V.'Z. 7. V.
5 By am't due County ol kiuerset , ,"'
Wm. Dull, Poor House Director,
, T . II .... ..
To am't Poor House Order. No. 2 of lull ....
" . No. :til of lsiii
ToJII ft? am't suri-hiir.'isl
By one yenr's nalury as Iir-ctor..
uy am t aue lounty ol Soinerst-t..
1 61 W-'i t tl Hi.-,
Harrison Gohn, Poor House Director, in acc't with SomerseTCounty.
1 Toam't Poor Hitis Onl.-r. Xo. ie of 11 ..-
2 " " - Xo. ;mj of .7;.'.'Z.T"" - T, ,,,
3 ToSil I'eam't siin iuirired " t. , ,
4 Hv mie y(r' salary s iKreetor . .'..Z" " "l ftii
5 By am't due L'oiuny uf .-soici-s.-t ...1JJ.. '." " n ti
To Whom Ism
Hninuel Thomas
Mr M. KiNner
I. lstle Mining Co
V. A. Just
A. K. t ill
Tho". 1' Merrill
A. rtt!ti;I I.I nil) Mnim
II. 1. Mnorv
W. II. tianlnt r
J. M. t able
W. i". I'm rtmriii
Miehitriin Kuruiiuret
J. II liunlni-r
I'. K. Miall'er
Cook . lu-t nts ,
Cha lien in
Iir. H. C. Huu-liiuon.
11. I. Si IK- ,
K L'. C'oliKrii... ,
We. the un.Irisi,'n.-l Amlltora of lh IViunty
Klmer K. l'usli. Ki . Tn:iiir.-rnf tin-
eret coiinty. with saiil county of .SM.meni. 1.
. 1 neeniiiiiuieHerouiit,
A. UlS7!i,UOU' W",,r"f we ,,ave ''-"-""to et
Attest .
. -t. - I rinir ..rt-e..--, .
i.aiim, no rt.iy in pursn in.-e r Ihe I7lh -ti.Mi of Hi - Art ent 'll -in w " .
loCoun1i. T..a,.,.vv.-.. ,ss, U the l.,:!, ihu. of April. A. U. K I " we n..-t "t tl e !, 5
Justiee, In Iheeoiinty of s..-rs... on ti. iih .lay of Junuarv. A. h l-7 an.) ner Lein .it.
y awom. .Iiil au-lit. i,.lji,. an i m-tlle the wvi-r.ili,,,,., retire, of ns hv tow rtVlv
Iheaeveral Acts of As-n-mlily an I mipiil.ini nu thereto aivorllirsr t.,,l,l tl I. ,,7.5i -an.1
ability, a.,1 that ,Ue f. sus .fj ,re .tVasIrf iheVuViw! ttn'SI
8. The Imliviiliial aiinunt nf lh Iiireetors of the Poor with the eoum v .r s.r., . ,,
for the year 1. ami we hen-hy rertifv Dial we timl ImI-iim-t il 1 oZ Liv fl "
from Jaeol, M.Kir.-tfi.r.of Ji ; fn Wm. l.uli. ; a,"l u m S i;oV, ilVT '
i.iT,.T ?'? rrr,u ra," li'e I'in-etors w.-re duty .u,,;,..n.-.l " r T" e ulH
1 U L iWl n ""'-"v i i.,..fc I KtAT FOH YOU ALL, At m
A Jj.UU ByS ScPS-l Suit M Mr Pur cf Pants. f0r 1 1(
Dturuar. r.- v " yr-,
.-"..,., '
yiih Exin
V Panti
ve- to
V nrw
j r-i h - b-j-i C?tZ?l
cue FacToatra.
Dark St.
Bin, J t.
m I C WW: 1.5: v v
a4 a rxr? j-irT? r .'JiJVj
Insist on the
The best Washing rowder
made. Best for all clean
ing, does the work quickly,
cheaply aud thoroughly.
Largest package greatest economy.
ji oi- ". 7
,..f",Til IS
.'Ji'l to
l"l .VI
7'i !"l
7 Nt
v. .
. 211
I-.'! M
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in a unt with S n C I'a,
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in a ount with Somerset County.
." "2
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Pimr ll.uiw u. r .
r-Vv) i.e-ni oi fsoin-
our hanOa a,,J eal. ,s iilh Jay of J.inuary
H. II. I.Ii-htv. r-..
B. J.
BUW.MA.N, kai.
Connty Auiiitora.
. 1
? 'xm i"ur. -r - v
i-itorgm tnoicle C!cxhuiS aUaulactmra in lirU
.Jf'- ?3.7 Bon Smra Suit
Willi t sir. i'.nt. .. . , . . ww.
imported V.ool Chtviot, in Jtt Black. Drk Rl.-
wilora Orey ani OI. Bro-n. ia , from
Jtoorei,, cf cfc 1 hrr .r. made cp .. (Jc.
fcrlow i donb: bretl with Sailor C.JLr, bZid
WilhuiJ. uruh trjid. ILned with a fast Hlac
A.fccrt 1 wUI Satern Linine. Trimming and Work.
Coat K.. , n-CJT. - ". 'Z i.
- . e vacia, e i 7p ana uuR rixkrti
Patent Want Band uscj oa aU Pants, Uo fiatol
... . . ... .v. , yran of mzt nudf tm as
ptroppait tut. Double Bieasied with extra VinZ
f cur door. -
I-i kmrittinsf ttn
Ufcer tot Oilice o
f irtfMt Mnna i W.4
or PfsistrrrJ Lrttfl
na ior meatur sen
of toy at Us
bif-Mrv ar.4 If I....
or .UTUU it tus age
our Illustrated
fiiced Catalojnej
in which yoo wili
fiod Boys Suits
fiota 9Sc.'t np.
Youths ' LonH
Pants Suits froml
(2.00 cp and
Mens Suits ficrr.l
201 R 102i SL. ITewYork City
$ . V) no
- - . ii .
mer't. In the Cum i.
t. V3Ta er.
I j -rv - si
f .145 r
f A U 'ZD
1 w
it in To Jinre ConjUU itre In the 'A ;,.,. , '
Vt.u are always sun of getting the frohent meiiii
Carefully ConiiMJii!el.
AU of the Beat awl 3Iost Approved 'i'rwsses .;)f
8ati.fftetlon Guanintl.
Louthefs Drug Stoi
This Mcdcl Dmg Stcrsis Rapidly B:::zi:j:vl
Vweiaiw i aeaai v'. win aA lo,.,.... v4
n si sr-s- w s-sr svss Ti T i
Medicines, Dye Siufts, SpOKfcn, Tn
And a Full Line of Optical Goods alxays on '. F- -j
large aiortraciit all can lo suit ; !.
Always cn hand. It is always a pleasure to dl-ikv o-j
to 'u tending purchasers, whether th- y buy
trem is or elsewhere.
J. m. LOUTHER ft1. D,
Somerset Lumber Ya:
Lumber and Building Mate-, '.als.
Hard and Soft "Wood
Oak, Pplar, SidinKN, Pickel
Walnut, Yellow Flue, Flooring, Sah. SiarL
CTirrry, MiinKleM, Ioor, llaliii-r. (hfu:
Lath, l.hllel'ine UUudx, .ritel I'iMn I k.
A general liueof a!! Kradeaof Lumber an.l Buildimr aterial a:.-', i. ' '---.t
tork. A liio, can furnish anything in the lined our busin.s. t. : . .-
Office anJ Tard Opposite S. k C. R. R. SUtlon,
.With the clost'of the rni.I-nti:il -ainiiiii:Ti THK
tlie fact that the Amerii-iui iitsrj,!e are now anxious t.i
home and business intt reN. To met t thi- ir..i;:i.i:i. j . :
fpaee ami proninenee, until r.nntht r State tr Nji'im): ;
newal of the fight for the .rii i-ij lcs fur whi.h Till: Tl:
fnmi its ineeptiou to the pn-ient ihiv, ami won its ir. ;
Kveiy possible tll'.irt win lie put forth, a-nl iik i;. y :r
The WEEKLY TUIIIUXE prt-emiiiently a National Fani
ing, instructive, enttitainiug uml itulispeuMe to ta. h 1:
We furnish "THE HERALD" and "N. Y. WEEKLY Tn'H-
Address all orders to Till' IIKK-
Write jour nam anJ aJlres on a postal can!, eu.l it t.' "" w- K'4''
11. w . n. VI
a.iouur iuiiiiinst yen lors iifj, aud sample ii
Vitt k!y Tribune will be mailed to jen.
3Xoniorial Work
ManuutcturerofaDd Dealer in
Eaatern Work Furnlsbd on Short Notice
a Jim miinii mi
Also, Agint for the WHITE BRON ZE !
nflTf?" 1 Monan-ent Work wll
And U to their lntiret to rati at n. ibt.v.
i'J ProrHiowiiiK will jtle.u tbfm.
Oarutly'iirtiiin i.i.i.,. .1 i . ' :
. . 111 1 it n rast. a 11(1
Iricwverylow. tiutlteptcial aiua'ku 10
4 vmrz t s?
WWta Brie, Or Pur Zlno Mcnumen -
1 L'v.i-- J
n 1 rvil . a?., t .
' --.j . ... n.a. iurr, ra a mri til
i Pr. r.V.".'"1 J1' r"' Matlal iI
. on,.!.. l " V: 1" - " ' " W
nl. Give aa a call.
None Too Ccod Vhen Yo-j p
It b Ju.-.t fiu jrTi tit t S.-ir..
Main Street, Somerset, Pa.
Supporters, Toilet Articles,
Perfumes, &c.
ble prompuiesa, sioeh aa BraekeU, od.l-iieJ.w irK..-
Hlias Cunningham,
f r:
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llllUUMe'it l'
'.JaVa 4 t ? at- a
aaiwU Waa
Cvor 500
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