The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 06, 1897, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald.
EUVA.RD SCCLL, Editor and Proprietor,
ate. - -i
January 6, lsT7.
Tiik occasional failure of a Imdly
managed liank does not change the
fact that every form of honestly con-
dm-tcd business is gradually improving.
While New York is popularly re
garded as t!e financial center of the
ouutry, IJostoa has at least a dozen
more hanking iastitulious than has
Josi:rH li. McCcixaoh, editor of
the St. Louis J lobe-Democrat, commit
ted suicide in that city on Thursday by
jumping from a third story window of
his residence.
The recent bank failures are not due
to had bauking laws, hut to the fla
grant violation of good laws. A bank
can not succeed when the resources are
all loaned to its oi'ieers and directors.
Thk I'Asr year will long be remem
bered on account of the great victory
in favor of the gold standard, and the
present one will be equally remarkable
far the restoration of good times under
Republican rule.
It ai'p::ii to ha settled that Mr.
Diugley is not to be a uiciuler of the
MclCinley Cabinet; and it is much eas
ier, by the way, to get that sort of in
formation than to find out the names
of men who an- certain to lie appointed.
Tin: k.(7 that nearly ten pcrient.
of the ballots cast in the State of New
York at the last election were tl.rown
out a defec tive goes to show that the
Australian ballot system is a go d bit
of a mystery to the good people f that
part of the country.
Skxatok Camekiin's course on the
Cuban resolution has made him popu
lar with that large element of our pop
ulation which favors the independence
of the Hand. A Washington corres
pondent says his mail is filled with let
ters of congratulation.
Kansas is entitled to ten votes in
the Electoral College, but it is likely
n will ca-it only nine for W. J. Ury
aii, oing to the fact that W. II. Lin
ton, one of the electors, is an alleged
deserter from the Union army, and,
therefore, not tjualilied to serve.
Occasionally Cleveland ban Is out
a bit of fourth-class postmaster pie, but
it is a very small slice. It is a great
wonder he does not put these postnias
tership' under the civil service rules,
now that lie has filled them with Dem
ocrats. Nothing like keeping things
in the familv.
There is a plan before Congress to
introduce a thousand bicycles into the
regular army, each of the forts and
military stations to have at least ten
riders fully equipped for service when
rapid transit is required. Jen. Miles,
it is said, is enthusiastically in favor of
trying the experiment.
One ok the Boston papers hopes to
fi-.-e the day when cities will be chim
neyless, and light, heat and power dis
tributed from plants in the suburbs,
lint if there should be a break in the
current, a chimney and an open grate
would be a mighty handy reserve in a
house to tide over the time of repairs.
Mk. William Jennings Bryan has
struck his proper gait, and it is much
slower than the pace he was traveling
a few weeks ago when the people lifted
up their voices in protest against the
waste of so much raw material in the
, way of wind. His lecture tour having
proved a dismal failure and a losing
venture for the enterprising manager
who thought he had a good thing in
William, the ex-candidate for the Pres
idency has suicided and will eventually
get back to earth again. Flying is very
nice, William, but it is the lighting
that gives one all the trouble.
E.v.-Sexatk EttMrxiisof Vermont,
is about a good a constitutional lawyer
as there is in the country, and he de
clares that "to recognize as a separate
and indeiiendent state anything so
mythical as the Republic of Cuba
would put this country in a very unde
sirable position, and one in which no
civilized nation would like to be plac
ed." It is very well, he goes on to say,
for us to "pity the condition of the peo
ple and deplore the atrocities that are
lining committed," but that is as much
a we can afford to do, as a self-respecting
nation, under existing circumstan
ces. Secretary Francis, in his r port
for the Interior Department, expresses
the opinion that if the rate of disposi
tion of public lands in this country is
continued for the next thirteen years,
there will lie little of the public domain
left outside of Alaska Tt-it Alaska is
a vast domain i.i i.s.-lf, and probably
by the time other land is exhausted,
modern invention and development
will make Alaska as readily accessible
and as desirable as ttrvjh of the land
that has already btn disposed of. Al
aska has many valuable resjures, and
only lacks transportation bVmake it iu
pjrtaut territory now.
EnglantVs new cruiser, the Power
ful, is undoubtedly the most formida
ble. war-ship in the world, and in every
Wiy entitled to be called a floating fort
ress. She is 5.W feet long and 71 wide,
an 1 her hull contains 100 steam engines
for various uses. Her speed of twenty
two knots an hourisprtvl'i? 12497
horse-power, and one coaling will carry
her 9,633 knots. For offense she has
guns that throw eight tons of steel a
minute. In other words, shecan direct
upon an enemy SMi pounds of steel shot
a second, and keep it up without cessa
tion. Modern war-ships are gradually
approaching the !reat Eastern's 00
feet in length aud s.l in width.
Consider a RLE bitterness lias lieen
displayed in the preliminary skirmish
ing of the Senatorial contest in this
State, says the Harrisburg Telegraph.
There is no excuse for publie mn losing
their heads and engaging in personal i
tie for which they will be sorry when
it is all over. Politics is a game at
which many play, and, as both sides
eaa not win, one or the other must pre
pare for defeat.. Attacks upon charac
ter, cowardly insinuations an I myste
ries threatening will do neither side
any good. A dignified, manly course
is the one to pursue, and when the
smoke of the little has cleared away,
there will le fewer regrets and apol
ogies. Til e House caucus held at Ilarrisburg
Monday evening has practically settled
tlie coutest between Senator Boies Pen
rose and Hon. John Wauamaker as to
which shall succeed Hon. J. D. Cam.
erou as a mcmlier of the United States
Senate from Pennsylvania. The Iiue
up was had on the chairmanship of the
caucus. Perry M. Lytle was the Ten
nose, and Ward It. Bliss the Wanama
ker candidate, the former defeating the
latter by a vote of ti3 to 71. The Pen
rose lead will be greatly increased in
the. joint caucus by Senators aud Mem
bers, when it is probable that Senator
Quay's estimate of loOfor Penrose to(
for Wauamaker will be found to le uot
far out of the way. Even should the
Wauamaker adherents refuse to go into
caucus or to be liound by the decision
of the caucus, they can not, by com
bining with the DemocraU, defeat Pen
rose, who has a clear majority of the
combined vote of both Houses.
Hon. Henry K. lioyer, of Philadel
phia, wr s unanimously nominated for
Speaker of the House; Jere. B. liex, of
Huntingdon county, was nominated
without opposition for Chief Clerk, as
was A. I). Fetlerolf, of Montgomery
county, for Resident Clerk. Represent
ative Miller, of Somerset county, was
made a niernlier of the House Slate
committee. An adjournment will prob
ably be had to-day until Monday, iMh,
when a United States Senator, iu the
person of Mr. Penrose, will be formally
At Buckner't Expense.
From the Savannah News.
Christmas, KW, was a red letter day in
the annals of Iudley township, Haskell
county, Kansas. Dudley township on
November 3 last lifted itself by the boot
straps into prominence by giving a ma
jority in favor of the gold standard Dem
ocratic national ticket. It was the omy
section, or part of a section, in the whole
country which gave a majority to Palmer
and l'.uckner. several days after the re
sult of the election was known the six
Democrats who had voted for Palmer
and Htickner put chains upon the four
Republicans who had voted for MclCin
ley aud drove them about the country,
while the two Populist who had voted
for Kryan looked on. They made a great
celebration of the occasion, the voters on
the wrong side seeming to enter into the
spirit of thing with as much zest as the
voters on the majority side.
Hut the grand blow-out for Dudley
tow nship came on Christmas, when the
twelve voters of the township were enter
tained at the expense of General Simon
li. Buekner, of Kentucky, whose compli
ments were presented to the people of the
township through the six Democratic
voters. General liuckner, a week or so
before Christmas, sent to County Clerk
Cave, the leader of the Democratic hosts
of Dudley township, '2,'t gallons of the let
Kentucky whisky that money could buy
tiud a check for fc0, with the request that
the six Democratic voters give them
selves a Christmas dinner and invito
their late opponents to participate in iu
Twenty-five gallons of liijuor and a f.V)
dinner was more than the population of
Dudley township men, women aud
children, and dogs could "destroy" iu
one day, so a number of friends from ad
joining townships were invited to join in
the feasting and festivities. Mrs. Mark
Akers and Mrs. Sarah Henthorpe M ere
appointed a committee of arrangements ;
and they provided such a dinner as will
lie the talk of Dudley township for years.
After the turkey and trimmings were
served, the punch dispensed and General
Buekner a health drunk in bumpers
thereof, the floor was clearej and the
groa n folks danced, while the children
regaled themselves with gumes.
Thus it occurs that at least one town
ship in the once rank anti-Southern
State of Kansas is ready at a moment's
notice to give its unanimous vote in favor
of a Southern General for anything that
he may desire.
Took the Judge' $103,003 Box.
IIoLLinAVsitfRO, Pa., Jan. 2. The re
cent failure of the banking house of
Gardner Morrow A Co., of HolliJays-
burg, will result in many sensational
suits in Court. The stroug box or casket
containing the securities and title papers
of the estate of the late Judge James
Gardner, the senior partner in the bank,
has been impounded in the Blair canity
court to help pay the claims of the de
positors. This hox is said to hold 100,000 worth
of United States bonds, a sum suiucient
to pay one-third of the bank's indebted
ness. It will be opened in Court on
Monday by Judge John M. Bailey, of
Huntingdon county in the presence of
District Attorney Hammond aud the
many depositors.
Kansas' Tarn to Bark.
TorEKA, Kan., Jan. 1. Kansas' birth
day, January 20, will lie made a SUito
holiday. People will meet, irrespective
of party, to denounce the Kst, which
has maligned her gvd name because
Populism prevailed at the recent elec
The appeal for meetings everywhere
says : "Kvery yelping dog has had his
liark at Kansas ; every cesspool of ignor-
am-e, squalor and iniquity in the Hast
has gasped a curse at Kansas. Let us
stand up for our Slate and rebuke those
hoary, wrinkled, hardened sinners."
Itehing Piles, night's horrid plague, i
instantly relieved and permanently cur
ed by 1 loan's Ointment. Your dealer
ought to keep it.
Crimes of 1S9S.
Ciiicaoo, Jan. 1. There were 11
lyncljings in this caintry in ls;j, 41 lew
than in Only one of the victims
was a woman. Thereordof mob mur
der is now attracting attention not only
of moral workers, hut legislatures. Of
the lynching, li! occurred in the south
and IHn the north. Of the victims
were negroes and 51 whites.
The number of legal executions in ls;
was 121. The south had M of the execu
tions and the north had 33 ; whites exe
cuted, 70 ; negroes. 4S ; Indiaus. 4.
There were 6.520 suicides in the Upited
States during ISjaJ. Of the suicides 5,07s
were males and 1,412 females.
The number of murders committed
was 10,ti."i2, as compared with 10,.VM in
The amount of the embezzlements.
forgeries and hank wreckings in IsiKj was
3,4u,!tii, as compared with 10, 423,2ti.'
last year.
Mr. Kelley a Tree Prophet.
Wasiiixoto-v, Dec 31. The late V. D.
Keller, of Philadelphia, more commonly
known as "Pig Iron" Kelley, made the
prediction in the House shortly before his
death that it would not be many years
lef'M-the cotton growers of the South
would ! knocking at the doors of Con
gress for a tariff on their product. The
prediction came true when W. D. Craig,
of Mississippi, representing the cotton
growers of the Mississippi Valley, appear
ed before the Ways and Means Commit
tee and asked that a duty of 3 ceuts ier
IHKind be imposed upon Kiiyptian cotton.
The imports of foreign cotton, nine-teuths
of which comes from Egypt, for the first
ten months of this year fci-junted to over
So.UOO.friO, an increase of over $1,(KV,oijo
over those for the same period of last year.
While this may not 6oem large, yet it is
not without its etb?ct upon lha home pro
duct, and this, with the probabilities of a
continued increase, leads to the demand
for protection and the consequent fulfill
ment of "Pig Iron" Kellcy's prophecy.
Cling Cora Tor FaeL
Omaha, Xb., Jau. 2. As a result of ;
continued wet weather throughout the '
State farmers have begun to utilize a part !
of their immense corn crop for fuel, for j
fear it may spoil. The market prico is
ouly nine cents a bushel and it is much '
more precious for fuel. J
Tirillia j tory of a DetectiTe "Who Has
Been Inside the Waaamaker Boom.
A Story of Dif grace. Corruption and Infa
mous Conspiracy.
Corruption is alleged to run riot In
Pennsylvania, through the ambition of a
millionaire merchant to sit in the Suuate
of the United States. The climax in a
long story of numerous attempts to '''j
mcmlwrsof the legislature was reacted
Thursday in the arrest of E. A. Van Valk
eulerg, a well-known state politician,
who is in charge of Wanamaker'a quar
ters at the Iehicl hotel in Harrisburg.
The evidence against Van Valkenburg is
furnished by a trained detective, and the
details of this story are astonishing be
yond measure. The detective in John
Tillard, of Altoona.
Friends of Boies Penrose have been in
possession of the daily reports of this
detective since early in October, and
knew of the organized efforts of the Wau
amaker contingeut to corruptly influence
the legislature. It was to these facts,
even then in his possession, that Senator
Quay referred when he asked Senator
Mitchell, of Oregon, in the Senate, not to
push his bill for the present providing for
the election of United States Senators by
the people, as something was likely to
develop shortly in Pennsylvania that
would have a bearing on the subject.
It seems that tho detective in questiou
was employed by the Penrose people to
tiud out what was going on in the in
side of the Wanamaker boom. He suc
ceeded in having himself employed by
Wanamaker, who introduced him to Van
Valkenberg as "one of bis managers."
Valkeuberg sulwequently gave the detect
ive 1,2 10 to give Dr. X. C. Mackey, a
member from Lackawanna county, ex
acting from Maekey in return pledge
that he would vote for Wanamaker for
Senator. This transaction is corrolwrat
ed by another dotecti ve, who was in an ad
joining room when the money was paid,
and also by a photographic reproduction
of the pledge which the Doctor gave. In
the course of this Maekey deal Van Valk
enberg, the detective says, was frequent
ly in communication with John Wana
maker. He said to the detective : "I am
not going to do anything unlawful any
more than I can help. I think the end
justifies the means, and I would cold
bbxxle lly buy a block of Z't members if
we had to pay WO.OOO for them. "My peo
ple," he continued and he afterwards
m on tinned Thomas Dolan's name in this
connection "never question my judg
ment in matters of this kind, and for this
reason I do not wish to pay more than is
absolutely necessary. They are always
willing to pay any price so they are sure
of the goods. Sometimes I say to them
that a certain point cau be made for Si,tXm,
and I am afterwards obliged to tell them
it will take twice that amount ; but they
never object if I can assure them it will
bring the result. We are doing business
ou that basis. We don't object to paying
the price, but we want to see tho results.
That is why I want to do business with a
man like you."
Sulrsequently Van Valkeuberg, Tillard
says, gave him five Sim bills with which
to buy the supjxirt of W. C. Weiss, a
member from Schuylkill county. This
money the detective marked, and return
ed to Van Valkeuberg by registered let
ter five other fliKl bills. The detective
holds Van Valkeuberg's registry receipt
for this, and also for the pledge signed by
Dr. Mackey.
At the bearing in Pottsville ou Thurs
day Van Valkenlerg dodged the charges
by giving bail for trial. When he got
tiack to Harrisburg he gave out a denial
of the detective's story There are, how
ever, few people who have read the do
tails of the proceedings wty are not im
pressed with the probability of the alle
gations. It was knowledge of these facts that in
duced Senator Quay a few days ago to
send the following letter to some of his
Dkar Sir: I am sincerely anxious
that the attempt in progress to purchase
the succession to Senator Lameron snail
le defeated, and will be greatly obliged
if you will oxiperate to secure the vote of
vour members of the House for Boies
"M. S. Quay."
Wedded Her Wounded Wooer.
Webster City, Jan. 4. The fact that
her lover, Paul Sutton, had just been till
ed with buckshot by her father did not
deter Mary Hargreave, a pretty girl of 17,
from carrying out her intention to marry
her choii-e yesterday. Sutton worked for
Mary's father, a farmer, as a farmhand,
and the farmer's daughter fell in love.
Elder Hargreaves did not fancy the
in tu-h, but Mary and Paul persisted in
love-making. A week ago Paul was dis
charge and warned to keep away. Yes
terday Sutton called at Hargreave's home
and aske I to see his daughter. The olJ
man grabbed a shotgun and Uld him to
leave. Sutton hesitated, and Hargreave
emptied b;th barrels in Sutton's shoul
der. Sutton ran to a neighbor, who dressed
the wound. Before the task was complete
a note came from the young lady express
iug sympathy and promising-to meet her
lover in any place he might name and be
married. The ceremony was performed
an hour later at Oakland Valley.
Bonnd, Gagged, and Bobbed.
Another brutal outrage by robbers in
Westmoreland Comity occurred about 1
o'clock Wednesday morning, Mrs. Bar
bara Hartman, an aged woman living
alono at Penn Station, lieing the victim.
Two masked men forced their way into
her house, and on being told she had no
money, Issat her unmercifully, Iwund and
gagged her, and threw heron the floor of
an adjoining room. They then searched
the place, securing fJ.
After several hours' of work Mrs.
Uartmaa suececled in freeing herself
and arousing tho neighbors, hut the vil
lians made good their escape. The old
lady is iu a very critical condition, and
the chances of her recovery very slight,
she being eighty years of age.
The guilty parties are believed to be
residents of Penn or .Teannettc, and if
they are captured will be severely dealt
That's the whole secret ln'&
word. 7e can cure no disease
unless we can keep up the pa
tient's strength And there's
onl7 one way to do that feed
him. But if the system refuses
food? Then ure SCOTT'S
EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil
with Hypophosphites.. It goes
stops the wasting-, rekindles
the vital fire, makes new flesh
and so renders a hoccful fight
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Especially is this so in bron
chial and lung- troubles, in the
relief and cure of which Scott's
Emulsion has won its reputa
tion. Book about it free.
Scott's Emulsion b no mysterious
mixture It is paklaMe, non-natseat-ing
and infinitely fdmhie to the
plain el The -line has our tride-
rnjL-t oa saimoo-cUor ta wrapper. Oct
tn: resume.
For sale at 50 cts. and $MX by all
SCOTT & BOWXE, New York,
r-r: .i'.-j.'j..'J rcgragrirp
To Promote International Bimfltallitm.
Senator Wolcott. of Colorado, sailed for
Europe on Saturday lant. The o!-jKt of
his foreign tour is to confer with leading
bhnetslllsts in Kuropoon the expedien
cy of calling an international bimetallic
Senator Wolcott was asked the question
as to whether or not ho was going abroad
as McKiuley's personal envoy. Ho
smiled at the question, but positively de
clined to discuss the subject.
"You can not expect me to answer
that,' was all he could t induced to
Still, I can say this," ha added. "My
conforem-es with foreign bimetallism
will be entirely unofficial, and nothing I
will say will in any way commit the Ad
ministration to any fixed policy. We are
looking for information; that is all. The
sole object of iny visit will be to sound
the Knglish sentiment on the question of
international bimetallism and to pro
mote, through tho bimetallists of London,
the appointment of representatives of the
English Government to tho proposed
monetary conference.
"There has been a great deal of corre
spondence of late between bimetallists
in this country and the Secretary of the
Bimetallic League of London, which en
courages us to believe that the calling of
another international monetary confer
ence in the near future is highly proba
ble. "Invitations have been extended to me
to visit London for the purpose of con
ferring with members of the League."
Although Senator Wolcott did not say
so in so many words he tacitly admitted
that he was also under instructions from
the Republiiran Senatorial Caucus Com
mittee, aud with the understanding tli:;t
he has authority to represent the views of
President-elect MeKiuley.
A bill has been prepared by the Caucus
Committee providing for ho appoint
ment b the President of a commis;on
to represent tho United Stats in the pro
posed money cnnfnreuce. This bill i to
le presented to the full Republican Cau
cus for approval before lining introduced
in the Senate. It confers uon the
President tho right to appoint delegates
to any conference which may lo called
having for its object the re-establishment
of bimetallism. It is expo -ted that this
bill, and any legislation that may le
needed to enforce it, will bo passed dur
ing the present session and be approved
by President Cleveland.
The effect of this will be that when
Major McKinley enters ujion his Presi
dential duties ho will find all the prelim
inary work cleared, and will lie enabled
to call a conference and appoint tho del
egates on the part of tho United States
as soon as he may wish after his inaug
uration. Senator Wolcott will return to tho Uni
ted States lefore the close of the pr.-sent
Btobbom Faith Curists.
Caxtov, ., Jan. 2. Emma Stevens
iias leeu judged by the probito court as
subject to epileptic fits and ordered
sent to an asylum for epileptic. While
attending the Church of Jod about two
weeks ago Miss Stevens fell in a fit, from
which she has never fully recovered. For
some time friends would not allow a phy
sician to bo called, assorting that the
trouble was not a physical ailment, but
that she had fallen into a trance from
which sho would recover in due time.
Tho friends are strong lielievers in the
"faith cure." Later it was thought best
to have the services of a physician, al
though this was done under protest from
several relatives of tho young woman.
Last Thursday night about midnight she
was taken to a creek aud immersed.
This caused more trouble. She has !een
having several spasms daily, and tiuall y
complaint was filed in the court as to the
treatment she was receiving. An exami
nation was made by tho city physician
and Judge Wise ordered ber taken to the
asylum. The church people still assert
that she does not have epilepsy, the testi
mony of physicians notwithstanding.
A Woman Pastor Weds.
Kalamazoo, Mich., Jan. 1. Rev. Caro
line J. Bartlett, pastor of the People's
Church, surprised her flock lat evening
by wedding Dr. A. W. Crains, patholo
gist. The local papers contained a general
invitation from Miss Bartlett to a recep
tion at her church last evening. At !
o'clock a musical programme was begun.
during which Rev. Miss Bartlett with
drew. A little later sho and Ir. Craine
entered the church and walked down dif
ferent aisles unattended, meeting in front
of the platform, where each plighted his
and her troth, and then their union was
legalized by Rsv. Jenkins Llr.yd Jones.
It was the Peopls's Church of w hich
Infidel "Bob" Ingersoll said :
"I like the church. Tho object of It is
to make people better, kinder and nearer.
just by developing the brain and civiliz
ing the heart. .The church is a character
builder." If there were a similar plaee
near my home I would join it, if the
members would permit me."
The Greatest Konaroh
Is a fit subject for pity if he is troubled
with dyspepsia, while his poorest subject
who digests properly may well be envied
by a prince thus aftlictcd. The dyspeptics
of every clime and nation owe a debt of
gratitude to Hosteller's Stomach Bitters,
which rescues them from one or the most
obstinate and troublesome complaints
against which medical skill is directed.
On this continent, iu Europe and tho
tropics, this sterling remedy is pre-emi
nently and justly popular, not only as a
stomachic, but also as a means of prevent
ing and curing malarial, rheumatic, kid
ney, bilious and nervous disorders. It
improves appetite and sleep, hastens con
valescence and the acquisition of vfgor
after exhausting maladies, and counter
acts the infirmities of ago. A winoglass
ful taken liefore retiring has a tendency
to promote tranquil, health yielding
sleep, a boon much covctod by nervous
Three Tots SaSbeateu.
Hanover, Pa., Jan. 1. Last evenirg
the three little children of Mr. and Mrs.
George Duttera, who reside in the coun
try about four miles from this place,
were suffocated. Mrs. Duttera left heme
to see a neighbor, and locked her three
small children and a pet dog in the
house. When she returned sho discov
ered smoke issuing from the house and
entering through the front door, sho fell
through the floor, which was badly
burned. She landed in the cellar. Quick
ly crossing to the steps, she aieendel to
the first floor, where she found her three
little ones with their dog, all bundled to
gether in a corner of the room dead.
It is supposed that a spark from the
stove fell on the carpet, causing a smoth
ered fire that soon filled the room with
smoke and burned the floor.
Bedaced Bates to Washington on Aeconit
of tho laangnratica via Pennsyl
vania Zailroad.
For the benefit of those who desire to
ttend the ceremonies incident to the in-
augu ration of President-elect MeKiuley,
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell excursion tickets to Washington
March 1, 2, 3, and 4, valid to return March
4 to fi, at the folloa ing rates : From New
Yor ,$s.ti; Philadelphia, ; Balti
more. t?; Harrisburg, 'J ; Williams-
port, $S t ; Bulfalo. 1 1.2:1 ; Rochester,
?ln.S; Altoona and Pittsburg, sfld.00;
and from all other stations 0:1 tlio Penn
sylvania system at reduced rates.
This inauguration will be a most inter
esting event, and will undoubtedly at
tra a large nnmber of peop!e from ev
ery section of the our.ri-y.
The tnagtiiteient facilities f taa Penn
sylvania Railroad make this line the fa
vorite route to tlie ua'iioual capital at all
times and its enormous equipment and
splendid terminal advantages at Wash
ington make it especially jiopularon sueh
he mm
CmislM-urc, the most prompt and
elective remedy Tor diseases of the
throat and Iuhsn i -Ucr's Cherry
l'tvtoral. As an t:mruicy medi
cine, for the euro oI
Croup, Sore Throat,
Luiis Fever and
Whooping 'o"Kh,
Cherry Pectoral
cannot be equaled.
I). I, Pis. St'C. of
the American loii-
'tv "'-; the
tist Publishing Society. 1'etcn.bur?,
V:u, endorses it. as a cure for violent
colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Prawlcy
also adds: To all ministers suffering
from throat trouble?, 1 recommend
Cherry Pectoral
Awarded Keaal at Torld's Tair.
AYEH S FILLS Cure Lirer and Tiaulles.
Mrs. Anna M. Rudolph Restored
to Sight.
rs. Itm'.otph. of Iu!l. Pa- iH-iin to lose
In r sh'lit liwymm Hi.". r'tir two yenrs
lias In i'U uimM" to rwid. ant irol nroiiml K.r
, cutarm-t liavluj tiUtulisl lio'll eyes. On
SovemlH-r i she went to I'r. r. tee eye
11 tn! curspivlattst, N ,l !' nu avenue, Il'!lnir,
wlm MTiiHivett tlie mtMRK'L in w M-rln-t ai!
(iiieccsslnl a inn liner n t !ive liiit the ullvtii
ist :ti 11 ly the upenOt'io. am! niMie muco.
J1t eyes were not Iwiiit.i'r'tl. am! nlie Ii::i2 ;s r
Lvt fo-sjiini of t r rooiii :tml posttiuii.
lr. KhIIci'V khl unit Min-(si ln ;i1..rai t h:ts
not liccii exeelleil 111 (lie wtirlil's li(tory, ie
liavina restored toslclit ltoutiif tin" lafi ls
Miee.s-ive msiai, of uil air"S up to yiiirs.
Vln-n it Is n-iii"tn!wpl that -i yenrsneo on--lialf
tooiusfiiurth of nil cksi-k :-r.ilil upon
were tuilurcs, the tlix'lorV HueresM is phenom
V B WW V VW 9 W WW irw wwww www w w
I 16 TO 1.
ft - - 0
9 In tlie money question mean thai In JJ
w weialit il wouhl tiike ir, lioi.i unimrs i
make ill weight one Silver ilollnr. We
eieir.uitee tor either one ilwr or ioid J
ilnll.ip tn vivi. rml llit imrit :i till Iniit V
w1 iiirisi go'" Kiii l. Take n moment"
9 lime mid limit Ml these Drill-: V
w" 2Ve-,irliil Somerset per pal
3to4 Yr.iiiai-ureltkeL'.-.'.itiC.I "
M t in " 'l .u.ii vi
ISV. II:ind.m'ii!eSWilir Mash .r..."lU " " &
J. 1. limiyheriy Pure Kve....V"iU " " 2
g AiKlri -sseti Kent Pun- KyeVid " " jL
w fp-i-l.-.l price list on Wines etc., on
w tiiiiilieritimi V11 ertr.i ehiirve fur IUl'S w
or iHiekinir. Give u a trial order.
O . . . 1 M hDlf cc. M
s no. . lis 1-e.ii rai si..Aiui;iit iiy, 1 a &
'She ,Sum
The first of Aiii' rifiii A" irsjtip r,
CIIAHr.ES A. Jt.lXA, i:JU.,r.
The. Aim re (in ( 'oiV('o;, the
Aiiirrintii ! a, tic- Aim ri-'iii Sjirif.
Th firt, It 1 x't t!.,'l i!l the iiinr, fur.
tii r.
Daily, by nail - $3 a year
Daily and Sunday ,by!, $3 a year
Tlie Sundav Sun
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the
Pric9 5c. a copy. By mail, $2 a year
Address TIIESl'.V, New York.
Not 1610 1
But 2 to 1
This Hilt the Story of
The Johnstown
Ahead of n'.l eu:;ipi titors iu eireula
l li.nt.
dun per In subscription price.
IJrviuer sun! newsier than any other
Otioliri eoiiiity paper.
AliiatI of hI! ciiii:M-tifni in Teieerapli-
ir News Si-rvu e Irom all puru of
the world.
its cv.i leased Telegraph wirel
I!esi!e,i the Tel ircipli News of the World,
every day it irives I lie news of Camhria, Koni
ersei. Ii.iliniia, lWford and Westmoreland
I Dim tii-s.
Thq Johnslawn Weekly Democrat
Elirlit paired; full of liteal and tele
graphic news; only (-.Ota yeatr. lfe-st
and Cheapest Cmntirm County I'npi r.
Iaily Ifc-mocmt, I year, frl t.l
luilv lieititK-nit, inoiilhs, 1 ."n
lwily lsatim-rat, S miiiitlis, 71
Ihiiiy ! nioerut, 1 tnoulii, ii
Weekly Ih iuiK-mt, 1 year. 1 cfl
Wi-eKiy ! 1iKH-r.1t, t liiiiiilhs, ;t
Weekly 1 emocral, i months. Si paid tonr.y address in the
1'i.iu-d Mans or Canada.
end iiiiiik y ly Iti uistered l-etti r. Post
ofticc iloney tinier, or Repress, to
Johnstown, Pa.
2 ::rrcATioN ami
I EDUGATIfiN 1;.,;:
a Uun1. t an cdu-
inmuiuuiifmtuinrauiiaumK r h '; , r k
Illicit, I'll. Ursl
cUlsb ftrcfimmndations ami Ins tules. htae s:tl
lu MiKltttv For rirru lam Hml illits. cat.. niilitw
JH1 KI.IHI. Ha. U. FHnrlpal.
KlMte Naraial rkl trk llara. Pa.
The cream of the country papers is found
in Bemintrton'a Courty Sa.t Lits. Sljewd !
drorti.si3 avail themselves of these lists, a
copy of which can bo had of Ilennngton
Broau of Xew York Pitmhursr.
As follows:
4 First Prizes, each of $100 Cash
20 Second "
40Tbird "
"$ 25 eo:d Watches
Cash and Prizes ghea each month
TotalgnBdnrinsl2oos.l897lffiOO WRAPPERS
raranrlitarslaaavr aa away SUNLIGHT
SOAP Wrappers as IferT cava rallcct. Vmt
mn ih p awriMta vi e.i m
wrapper, laat prlioaralitntn.
Ini (be hrndin "SUNLICMT
StSAP." TkcM (culled "Caa-
ran" are! be scat, pwstagtt
lly paid, cai-lasc4 wit a m
sarctJ napcrstalmc (ttmiM.
itsr'a lull panic ana aridroa
and lUe fiamber t ( paoa
rnt In- to 1-vcp lra., Ltd.,
rw i am, ntarsca tgrnnt -
rappcri'ip'-'i "iiJoucawlwitli sltJ JIKEU
l ike III'STIIK TCamnctitar IWca ta.
No. Of
Nrtr Yark ilv, Uraokljrn, lrnl
a ad salca Islaads, New Jersey.
NrwVork Maieo"J.'""-ltr
Brooklyn, baf aa4 taw l.a.
raasTlr aala, Oclswarc, Mnry
laad, Wrst Ylraaaia. au4 iia
Irirt ef l'ltiii.
The New Eaalaad Ma Ira.
iie Bicrciaaam thaoclebrmtct Pierce StpcrTsT,
lW Filtan, mTd by Js. S. Pieroa (To., i.t bu
filn, Baaaitd New Yifft- Frtwsl ali Hiniurd
Taw, KinaClaoa fiick a lait. Kw li.-.rtnr
Staudard Ccluaieior, atd Baal lace o-uiiio.
fjtsp tso top FTno
FOR 1897.
or the jtlaiis for li'.'7 Is notkt'side.
l or instance, the series devoted to
GItlJjJN." Mr. lii'tsoii hiw nol Isdore
nnpoHi'ed n.s it writ-'r. Ilevisitisl l-on-ilim
last Hiiioiiier lur Seriltiier's Mmiii
r.ine, tor tli't iiir'st 'if depielinit with
pen ami pencil lliiwo Mi nes ami typo
wliieli tho iiimo tiiOtrojMilis presents In
Midlens variety.
Of likn novohy is tite (irsl rxinsideruhle
Sohliers of fortune." The hero is one
II. y most vl;;. rons men that Mr. Itavis
has drawn. Ill istraled by C. 1. jib-
A t)-Hulilu!ly illustrated series of srtl
cles or wlm b the follow inu are hlituJy
eoinpleted :
The t real llepnrtniont Store.'
" Ths Manai mem 01 it J rent Uotel." .
"Tho Working of tho Knnk."
"A Ureal Manufuetory."
COLLtUhS." A sttl ies of articln Usieh
in upon the lile of our older universi
ties s repretsenU' I ly tho doings T the
sliidenls lhe:nsel es.
Jinife Jieiiry K liowlaml writes on
l'mlitrjniliiiit Liiuut Yale."
Mr. Janus, Alexander on frim-oton,"
mid Koliert (irunt and Kdward IS. Mar
tin on Harvard."
w ill tKa iitnst lnierttiiig group of ar
ticle's richly illustrated.
"THE VKQ-IET SEX." fn.ier the title
ol 'The I input 1 Se," .Mrs. Helen
W'atterson M-x tiy will w rite a series of
articles: "Woman tnd lie. onus,"
The Col! sre-Urcl W oman," "Wo
man's Ciulis," an t "Tho t'ase if Ma
ria" (a paper on domestic sen iee).
D. HOWELS'S "3TD27 0? A PLAY."
In this M r. Ilowells gives us the Inwt
novel he Ii:ik ever proiiueet! iu bis de
lightful vein of liut comedy.
X7. CAILE. In addition to the
lielion eiiitmcraud there will ! a se
ries of lour short stories liy tieorge W.
('aide, the only ones ho has written for
many years.
HOW TO TEAYEI. 'WISELY wiih a mini
mum of wear and tear must Im reganletl
as an art liitle ninlerstoial. Mr. I'wis
Morris Iddings, m two articles, will of
fer a variety of useful sii;gttiitis and
tlata on " leean ami i-ninl Travel."
Tins w ill lie happily rininihst out by an
article frooi M r. Itiehard llarditig I'a
vison "Tr'veilers tine MhIs: rti"ir
Ways ami Met '"wis." The illustrations
! American ami foreign artists will be
highly pertinent.
i iowJn'i,- i.i a nuull fHirt to ei en men
tion thr Ui-infi iiUr.ictii't .-tilum fur A
Imtu'ifut Ultutnitfl Itrf'hlrt hn turn yrrpitreil
irhtrh tritt be !, jmi .!:'jc jHliit, oil rttjUiiU.
ScribEsr's Ki?ie S3 09 a year
25 Cents a Copy
J.v: lj7 Filth Avenuo, New York.
w I
Lai. fa
-$ 400.03
$3,400.00 .
1. Et ry awatll dnno 1ki ta each ol tba I diatrteta
pnias will ba avarrtttd aa l.41ows:
xua l tuinpeoTir wno aaaoata warn
Lara est Niaikcr oteoopooa from
ttmiliirTct in wnith ba or a&anaalaa
a. 1 1 racrita I Oi t as a.
The .1 Uonptiikn wuaaaadlatba
Next l.ararsX N nttisrni cl coo
pnn fn-m I'.e dtacrs t ia an tea tbay
rcsiileatil Each raeitoe at ttiBMr'i
ofrthia a lurty torfemleTTin' I'ierTw
rAprrinl bicircla. prlte liat
Tsa ill t'lanuatitimabiiarad latba
NcTt LnrfratNamarrant eoopeoe fma tbadie.
trtotmshich Uieyraudawiil Earh wsteatwiDiir'
optica Udy'sor fsotleaM'i Told Watcb, prica $3a
2. The CuranetittniHi will Cloae the !.aat Da
Earh Me-nlhdarinl!7. (il.i rtio-iTod loo lata
fur go month a eomiiatitMa will ba pt:t lata tkw aaxt.
3. Competitors wbn obtain wisss trrsa waaotd
auap ia dea:r'e atosk wil ba dtsanali6sL Kaninfeas
of tm Bratbera, LuL. and aaaur tiiiliaa, aa de
barred rnaa anani slim
4. A printed list ot Wanmihi CtawpaHtm'i dlaUha
win ba forwarded to Cotspauuua iaabva 1L daraallar
each coat petit ioa elaaea.
6. Leer Bmthere. Ltd- eritl aeeei to award ae
priKte fairly to tba bisa el their ability and iodaiiiaiit,
bat it ieonderetoodtbat all wboaoaiiMtaaarea taef
cuvltiie award of Lerer Brotuera, Ltd., aaaaai.
LCTEtt BROS., Lid New Terk.
MonJay, January 4. we begin the sl
of l.-flJ" waeh fjisLsa collection that
merits every woman's attention one
that far surjiawtes lu l-mity ami jjiVKlnewt
any former year's .llirriiis-"t.-h ,,r
diirerBiit lines has Ut-u liialo foreeful
Dsmnrilwof the store's ileleTiniiialion tt
win w ith larjio assortments, choice K"sU
ami less prn es.
Anderson's Madras
Ginghams and Noveltie
the superb fine gootls made by the cele
brated D. J. Anderson mills, IJlasgow,
Seotlainl believe this store can show yon
more aud choicer Andersin'a ginghaiiis
than you'll see any w here prices 35 A Vk:
Irish Dimities
an exquisite collection our own im
portations 2Uc and i"c.
Best Ameri-an Dimities, 10tt and l-Jc
Beautiful New Organdie
fine, sheer antl dainty sueh examples
of line art printinu as Hill surprise evn
the most lavish expectation iV aud iic
ltaye Stripe Orgiindies. 5VV,
All the rhoieo nevr white goods are
bore almost endless assortment 5o to
finest French C'hallis, i 3)e; 3-kj
dilk strie challis jc, fiDt;.
Write for samples aud tike tho real
facts good anil prices as evidence
whether it will pay you to buy new
wash joo!s here.
Allegheny, Pa.
Jos. Home & Co.
A January Cleaning Up!
The greatest January sale ever inaug
urated is under way here. Get the bene
fit of it. We can always offer bargains
but can seldom give you sueh chances as
these. If there is anything you wish,
better write about it tjuiekly. The crowds
arc great, ami the are going over
board as fast as a large foree (-an handle
them. Only a few prii-es can be men
tioned, but reinenilit r, the sale affects an
entire store, and fifty-six departments.
If you wish anything, whether mention
ed here or not, write about it.
Here are some of the prices:
T.jc Iiress JixmIs selling at joe a yard.
Hats and Toques, formerly fin, $V2
and f2i now f
Muslin .Sheets, :mxft SOc a piece.
Pillow Cases Su a piece.
Ijidies Z'pC Hose loc a pair.
V yards of Braid and Metal Trim
ming ic a yard.
Misses' Jackets reduced from ?5.0O to
Tight roll, gloria silk I'mbrelhis, fl.i"
kind at fcoc.
. its si yard-wide, Bleached Muslin, Ac
Itwns and Iiimities, l.V, ISc, 20c and
la? ones at Sc yard.
These goods will not last long at these
prices. Send your order at once if you
wish to be a sharer iu the bargain feast.
Baltimore ericaN
Established 1773.
Term, by Kail, Postage Prepaid :
One month
titiiy a:l Smiilay, one month
Thrs months ,
lniy Hinl Mimliiy, tlintt iiiiimln
S-tX lUOIltlts
Iaiily ami SuniLiy, six monlbs ..
t'ne Ytitr .'.
VVih Snii.Isiy Kiiitiiin, tne year.
s-unility Kililion, one yt-ur.L ..
. '
.. 1 .VI
. 1 !'
... S i 'l
.. .( 7".
7 "lit
.. 1 Al
Tiio Cheapest and IJt.t Family News
paper Published.
Six Honths, S3 Cents.
The Twlcr-a Week Anieritun Is piililisliisl in
vi :sues, Ttiesil.iv ml Kriiiay mornings
n t'.h tie- n- ws nf tlie ariek in rtimntu-t stete.
It ul-onnt:iinK interestinif sfMeuil shTi-sshk:-enee,
ente running riiii)Hiiiss. immI isieiry. 1
a UKitter tif eenentl inten-st anil fresii inis
tsllaDV suiiiilUk fur tlie ttnuie rirele. A rare.
ft:lly-s!iU'il AKrtettltunii Is imrlnient. m.
lull antl relial.le Kin iin-ial and .Market Ue
iHtrts, are special features.
See clubbing arrangement In other parts of
Kntered at the ptwtotli ?e nt Pjilttmore, Xd.,
as seeiMiil-class nuitter, April 1:J, Issil.
FELIX A'iXCX, if in-tri. i- Vitbliiht-r,
lultimorc, 31 U
No Premiums, but Cash !
A Q U 1 C K W A Y fOM A K E M 0 N EY !
You Get Paid Before We Da.
(ft five subscriptions to the Tln
Week American, price $L00 per year,
making $5 00 iu all.
Keep $2 00 for your work.
Send us $3 00, for which we will
eu I to each of the five suleriliers the
papar postpaid for a w hole year, 104
copies in all, making pages, or
GVioJ! columns, of the best reading mat
ter. This paper goes to tlie home twice
every week, and gives the news almoct
as promptly as a daily journal. It is
the cheapest newspaper in the world.
Wo want two million wibscriUrs to
tliM paper, and we arc willing to pay
you to help us pet them.
Take our advice and act quickly, be
fore some on! gets in your territory-
If you get ten FuhstTiptions you
make 1 00 ; if twenty, you make $
If a hundred, you make $40.n0 ; if two
hundred, yon make so.(K):
Nol less than five papers under this
ffT sent to any nne jsi-jioll'ice address.
These stiliscriptions must eonie to
gether in lists of five or mnre. For all
ovt r five, ke t 1) cents for each sub-
w.Tiption. Write plainly; give full
posrofth-e address, and, almve all else,
be PP.O.MIT in acctp'ing thisotler.
This is the tiohten Age.
-lid all n r.'-.ittuuci s to
Baltimore, fid.
Where you can find the choicest line of IK: r; -.
presented to you and prices to suit t'r. : .:v'ar J
Fine Dressing Cases,
Glove and Handkerchief Boxes,
Cuff and Collar Boxes,
GenU Traveling Cases,
Shaving Plugs and Brushes,
Bon-bon Boxes, &c.
fr Public SUtion for Local and Long L:-.unee Telep:..
points in the United Sutes.
Brings Something-
A Riding or Walking Spring Tooth I;
fi CS
Xo draoinj of frame on t'.e gronn'I- Ti c lijlitc.-t si.
itaclf of trash &3 cu.-ily as a hav rake. IIui a
a man on 2.3 otlcrs do without a lo-J
Sold on Trial.
Jo B. Holderbauir
fc?z- -iff ." ? - 1
t r5j(ii -esi e-fVS,-vV .1 O- t
2 i?
S A thing tots considered
In buying Furniture.
sa b ram
8 B tm.
miCK is et'nerally hfll to lo f the fr-r i:. ; - v
should lie thrt Ust, If yon buy for quality y "i ; ty i
If you buy for price you get wlftu you p;iy f r.
Chamber Suits, Solid (ik and Cherry, containing six i.'.e. -. " ' v
AntiU alt s,uits. : ; ; : : :
Parlor Suits, :::::::
Sideboards, Solid Oak, : ' : : : :
Chairs, r.eds, Sprinss. Mattresses and all other kinds cf F;:: : rt' s:
lowest price.
603 M?m Cross Street, SOVEF-SET,
13-1 and 130 Clinton Straot,
Everybody can be Saiitcd.
We are closi-ny outLwlies Jacb k.Ci'n
and Winter Dress Good very lo
Come for n bargain to - - QUiNN'S, JGKNSTGW-V
Specialty in liTf
Latest 4-ir; ,,'
Garland of ii lct.
Garland of
-" r.
( Perfect Odors in ptrf .
ir.i ::
Somerset, Pa.
r. -
At Eiti-jy
P. A. S.eJ
Oar Stockls Larcre.
Pnvom ninr it'i,le rf tr',r ; - s v -v , .'ti
inliirIlil fiatii r trt w.ii: timirti Vali'ilisi. Ill v' ' '
the sMail of grades, theu you arc ready i";r pr: .
C. H. Coffroth,