The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, December 02, 1896, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald.
K ''' A till S(TIls Editor nd Proprietor.
Ierelu'oer I-:
Ci.X!i;:i!' v. ill convene next Moadav.
WlIIJV-! ."-TKIXVVAV, the ftlltous
"- irk jiaui nianu fact urer, died on
Mo:i I.'V morning.
Ajtmk ad, Major McKinley has the
hist gu :w to w ho will la? in the Cab-iti'-i,
and it i- :i safe wager that he will
tii-'i iiivc ti'!' last say.
Tin: t lal vo:,? of Mr. Iri:.e, the
I'rvhioition candidate for President,
viu- Nt,)i. l'isrht years : go Kisk, the
candidate of the same jiarty, revived
Witrx aked iu regard t his choice
fur Senator t succeed Mr. Cameron, Q iay said: "I am not for Wan
s'liakcr. ileyond that I Lave nothing
to s:iV.'
TilK only ta!e otiievrs to be elected
next year iii iVni'-ylvatiia are State
Tn.:i-urr r to succeed Ilcnianiiii J. Hay
v.m I. and Auditor lieiicnd to . succeed
A tints K. Mvlin.
I'll, i'i:i::.:.;:v a a jsor sort cf a
lK-::i'-."a, iut Le will Is- rcnie.'iiU'red
in l.i-:ry as Lavittg received a larger
r-.lative lK-!i:frati( vulethuii Mr. I'.ry
an Ma- u'.ie to -si-tire.
Mk. I It ....hit rc'Mri.s that up to date
sn l.ji'iis have Iweu named for him.
This i- oi,e of the Uses of the Vice lYcs-id--::cy
that roli::i;"y Hover occurred to
tin .'ia'i.jr- of the Constitution.
il- TT--!itaii--tlev't fr.:u l!:
::t Me--r. Miller and Sjimer,
Lave announced their intention cf sui
l")riiiiz Hon. IL-nry K. Il.iyer, of Phil
adelphia, for;H.-akerof the next il"Ue.
(;kxi:i:ai. Mii.i, being a man cf
war, thiuks that the I'nited t-a.cs rvg
uLir army should I e increased so a-- to
make one soldi r to every :,' i tuhab-ita'.tsorT-iecoji.try.
Tnat would bring
liie ar::iy uj !o :l',,'t ".
In Saii Lake City, win-re women vote
eH.:.iiy Midi men, ti;e riult of t'.ie n
cc'iit 'eeii'in v.a.-: Jiryaii l';,7-i": J!t
Ki::!ey "-T. Tne r-vidulioiiary ('-.ii-a'o
Convention seems to have struck a rvs-M!i.-;vt
:.' r 1 i:i I'i.iii.
H"S. Jo, ix S ..n, i-x-l'liited Suites
S.-!;:itcr fr.iii reiiii-ylvuiiia, and lor-ii:-r!y
the Pcn;:-yiva:;ia liaiiroad Com
jiany's i -neral S !:citr, died in Phiia
iStijs.ia ?-f li lay liilit, ap.'d 74 years,
lie w::-a native of 1 la'.iti:.d a c aut v.
As t;.::vi;i.AM)'s f.irthciimin : iin-s-s
.e will l- last, he should not omit
to express in it hi- irrutefui aj'preoiatioii
-f the Iem!.ii-a!i supwrt without
which he nikrht even have had di!li
cuity i'.i tn-ttinir a:i appropriation for
his sak-.rv.
Ci i;axs say tiiat under tlie rule of
Spain they are not allowed to sell their
-pps, manage their linances, make
their laws, r occupy any ot'ice on the
i-iainL They contend that no Anieri
caii can submit to these terms, and it
di l.,k that way to everybody in the
New World.
Pi:ii:.KXT Ci.uvKLAXK has shown
the tender juality of his mind by writ
ing a letter to the t Joveruor of Califor
nia makim; a pers.-.nal plea for the
commutation of the death st-nuce of wr.--iier, who was the son of a
woman who was once a friend of the
Aix ..Kiix-. t a c;-( ian 1 ii-pateh,
I-ik Haiiria is de-iro if entering t!ie
I roted Mates Senate. It i- sJLr.-e-tea
T:iat Joi;ii Siiennaii is to lie made Sec
retary of S;ate i:i the M.-Kini- y caMnet,
and that ;.ivr:or U.i-iinell will Ik-ask--l
to appoint llanaa to sucived
Siierman i;i tije S't.ate.
Amki::. ANS do not reaiie li!;t-l it i-br-
i-'iit to t!.e".r ::t-::tio!i how really
i:ia" t- i Cuia is. When we o inidir
that Havana is nearer to the Tinted
St -Tes territory than Plii'.a-lelphia is to
Ne'.v York, we may -rhais tjtiihr-st-md
the hostile attitude of Iit:rojean
nations toward th; i,!ea of the I'nited
States recwniinij the belligerency o(
Oxk or the frnitsof tlie increas-d Re
publican vote in this County at the T---n
l election will 1h an additional dele
gate to the next StaleConventiori. The
rati. i is one representative for eseii two
thousand votes, and an additional one
f it ieh half ratio. Accrdin-j to this
ratio Soiner-et Coutity will lie entitled
to three delegates instead of two, as
CA.-if wheat in New York last week
jutiiji-d to a dollar a Uishel, which is
a'.I wrong. aefori'nT ' t!ie fret-silver
J'.s.ple. 'i'iilV sj. ; t:: -.t until silver
went up in pri.x, !ieat coat 1 never go
lii: but here is w!u::t : ., th.? jumti, and
it has l.t-n on the- j-mp for i-everal
months. The free-s" . j-.nple mi;-?
J!lVe::t souc new f.::ry t:.'e Ivfor-1 thev
can c::( h the Aio. r' . ;r;iier, who is
I.ow'reveiiiig it; do'iar w ! it.
T:i;: Chairman of the Populist Com
mittee of Kansas, w ho is a!-o a candid
ale for the Senate, savs that the Coiisti
t itioti of that State is '-a relic of the
f iw'.kiv era," and that his party j;nH-s-s
; ni:,ke a new i;ic, adapted to pres
ent eonditionti. As a matter of fact,
however, the Constitution of Kansas
wis framed by the four-' - t;.e State,
who were men of pronou:.-. ..d ability,
and it is one of the U-t in the oountrv.
Thk latest device for the promotion
of eduction is the traveling liiirttry
fiat is, a library that stji-i atone plac
for six months, and then is moved to
another town r iieighliorhiod. Two
lilanthropists in Michigan and WL
o itisin l;avef;tted out a immrof such
t-.itt-riirises, and they are s.. -i i.. t e very
h 'pfjl and popular. The libraries eon-s!-t
mainly of standard works and first-ola-w
jn-riodi.-ls, and nothing is ihaig
e 1 for the use of them.
Ax .:-! example of the irony of t J.
itivsi is tiiat of liie new Stales, v.' '
I)ikota, S-mfh lakta. Mm,,;al Wv
oming, Ctah, Idaho a:id Washlm.-ion,
whi'-h were admitVd to tlie Coion
tlirotigli Il.-publii-im le-islati-n and tt-f-a
ise it was f ;t that they could le
x'tided p.'.j toriand by tlie Republi
can party. I'very one of them except
North likota votml fir Lryati, and
that Stite gave the Il-'publicaus only
one vote out f three in Is.'.
Ix a rei-nt report Mint Director Pres
ton says thst the world's pr"duction of
p '1 i in ls;-3 will roach at least rJ-n.iO,-n
. This out p'jt is unprecedented. It
is over twice as lartre as of;,
nearly -p!al to that of gold and silver
UuMn.dla.h.twn.liu.uymllH UII I IPC PnCTMKTCR .a y l:ri.n ,VlWx, u-ftcSp ! OiW . '
combined in that year, and many mill
ions in excess of the entire production
of the yellow metal from the di-eovery
of America iu li-V down to 1VW, a i
rixl of three and a half centuries.
Furthermore, tlie imlicat ions all jtoiut
to a steady increase in the world's pro
duction for vears in the future.
Tvvknty-two Populist electors were
chosen at the Presidential election of
lstC for Weaver and Feld. This ye.r
there will lie twenty-seven for Watson
for Vic-President, a gain of live in an
electoral college only three larger than
in lssii, The twenty-seven vott-s which
Mr. Wat-sin exjects to have are iu the
Stat?s following on the basis of union
with the Bryan Silveritcs heretofore
mad-. lie will get three votes from
Iouisiana, five from North Carolina,
three from Arkansas, fjur from Nebras
ka, two from Stuth Dakota, two from
Wyoming, two from Washington, one
from Utah, one from Montana and four
from Missouri. Four years ago the
twenty-two electoral votes in the electo
ral college of the Populists for Weaver
and Field came from thesi' States: Kan
sas, 10: Colorado, 4: Nevada, 3; Idaho.
3, and North Dakota and Oregon, 1
each. The very latest computation of
the electoral vote, Smth Dakota and
Kentucky being divided, gives Mt Kin
ley TJ, and Bryan 17X As Mr. W.-.t-son
is to Ik? credited with 7 electors, it
appears probable that the total vote of
Mr. Sewall will le 1 is.
Kxi.i.isH exjierts in the grain trade,
says the Philadelphia Record, calculate
tluit Kurojve will re-juire frotu the Uui-t--d
States a monthly average supply of
17,'J .yiO bushels of wheat until next
July. For the sewn months yet re
maining this would imply a fur. ht-r ex
portation of ll' bushels, which
is manifestly a great deal more
the country will have to spare, unless
all calculations of the j it-Id and reserves
have U-en greatly at fault. F.xiorts for
the live m inths of the crop year already
exjiired Lave lt-en -bse to T-,:.-),j'"
bu-liels, ami the niot lilieral estimates
of the remaining supply do not exceed
that quantity. Mot of the estimates
fall much U-low 7"),(t.M,i) busli-.-ls.
The yield of wheat has Ui-n variously
computed at ri, (-',-- biis'iiels to i-"i,-pt
.'-;.). Assuming the aucur.icy of the
larger estimate, and that there was as
niueh wheat remaining in uncounted
j!ae,.-s on July 1 as at visible supply
centres, the approximate yield and re-s-rves
made a possible maximum avail
:.!.le supply of -"4-"iJV),-n bushels. Ih-ia.-t
from that a!-.ut :;7-."o '."" bushels
for f-ii and st-tl and :T.,H'.:urt bushels
for a miniiiium rc-erve to ! carried
into the next crop y.-ar, and 1 l",oo'i,'",i
bushels would lie the maximum export
surplus of the I'nited States for the
crop year l,l7. Many K lieve that
this vsiimate is! to :; .fM i.o-ti
bi.shelst. high. But, taking the most
hop.-fu! view that is admis-ilile. it
wi.ul-1 apjiear that tlie United' States
have alrtady sent abroad in the form
of wheat and ll our more than half tiie
surplus that has lieeu available for the
crop year. In view of all the facts rec
ognized by statisticians the world over,
there can lie no room for doubt that
liurojf's requirements will this season
more marly exhau-t the reserve stocks
of American wheal than in any recent
He Eeceives 272 and Eryaa 175 0-t cJ ft
Total of 4-17 Electoral ToKs.
Oflicial returns from Wy.iminj and
SiutU Iiakota, the last States to oe kei'rd
from definitely as to liieir votes on the
presidency, cive Imth Stites to Bryan.
Tiie electoral voie of all the States is as
States. MeKinley. llryan.
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To ut S-2
A Vikcxe XTiaer of "97.
The beginning of the new year w ill
Uvonw(-l"ii!iinhi-rin the shape of a
fre-h Almanac, dos.-ri;tivftof the origin,
nature and u-'-s of the national t..;;i" and
alterative. Hosteller's Sln:ia--h Ititti rs.
t'o:n!ine-J with the matter will le
t- nnd e.ilen lar and iistro::on;i'-al ciil.uia
tions .i'- iluteiy r-li..Me for orre-t:n-s.s
-talistiisi, ions, verseH esref slly
si lei-t -d. and otlur nientjil food hisiily
pr tital-'e and entertaining. o-i tliis
pamphlet, pnblisbtsl and printed aiin-i-nlly
1 y Tiie Il isteiti r Company, of Pitis
i'lirgh. 'i hands are employed iu the inf-
hani'-al dejiarlmt nt alone. Kh-ven
months ar devoted to its preparation,
ll is proeimib'e free, of dr:iggi-:s and
country dealers everywhere, and is print
ed in Knglish, ;ertuan, French, Span's-
AV-lsli, Norwegian, Ibi'iand, Swedish
and hem ian.
Tiiat Zr'd Eye Agai.
Pit:laikli'1IIA. Nov. IT. Howard Per
kins, superintendent of Moyamensiiig
Prison, who ouiimitt'xl stiieida by slunt
i?ijj bimself, sutler ill from itistimtiiii f,r
a loug time. He a 62 years of age, and
had liceu s-jpfrtntendent for -J" years,
f uwee ling h' father in the position.
p.'-',-ins" s-iicide revives tliestjry if H.
II. Ilo.iu.-V'evil eye," and nil ils reput
ed tnlie us influenoe upon all who were
a-s-o.-ia' tl with the faui'Mis -s4se. Those
who 'ave computed the allege! "vn--li.n
,'' of Holmes' post mortem spell, say
t.s number reaches twenty. The most
.: ominent have b eii :
f.iuford liiles, f-.reinaa of the jury;
k:lis-l ty a live wire two uionlhs after the
Mr. V Uliani K. Ma.trn.eirouer"s phy
sician, win. dropped d-.'aJ last stiniui jr in
the eironers oi:b-e.
Judge Miehttd Arnold, wh has Ikvh;y ill since the lime of the tri.-.L " j
Iiistrii-t Attorney rsiha:n who had to )
p:;t a sudden end to his summer vacation
toe'ime home and d?ny the maiie:ius '
storit-; that his enetni-vtre cireulaliiij.
William H. s;, ounscl for j
Homes, disliarred fro;r. fictiee, and dis- j
(Traced lor otlering as evidence in the !
Holmes trial a false atUJavit. !
C-miner Sanniel II. As!-riJge, defeiiteil j
for ele-tion a ftheriiTof Pliiladelpbia. j
Sin.-e Perkins" trag lU-th, thuse wh) j
lielieve in spells are in ire tlian ever coil- !
vine sl that Holmes l-am ful inilueiice is
slill at work.
I lILLhUL I UOI uinui lwui Kor, .u.. rata 100. n,-:. r.. Nor. sr-The m '- i .;1 Ku,rt0,nlIn;UA: "w fl B U B
Aa Ejrt to Have Then Placed Under !
tie Classified Service.
Decided Last Tear Ttal Suca a Chaos Wh
Het Practicable.
Kroia tiie PuS.'tio leii .-er.
Washixotox, Nov. i!. Another at
tempt will W nude tiiis w inter to per
suade President Cleveland t) is-ae an
order placing the village po-t:na-siers of
the entire country under the classified j
service, so as to prevent tho removal of 1
the present incumljcnls by the next ad
ministration, but it is doubtful whether
he will eonsnnt to do so. It would be
considered rather undignitied lor him to
make such a sweeping and radical change
in the s.vm. iu that has prevailed from the
Iteginningnf the government just at the
expiration of his term, and he would lay
himself open to the charge of intentional
ly depriving his sum-esMir of patronage
he had himself enjoyed in order to pro
tect hi own appointees. It is an open
secret that Mr. Cleveland had this matter
under consideration last year, and then
decided that such a change w as not prac
ticable. Tiie ohjei-tious that existed then
still exist.
The oniy change in conditions is that a
lb-publican President has lieen elected
and nearly all tlie fourth class postmast
ers are now likely to be replaced with
Repul'lii-ans as fast as their terms expire.
It is for this reason thai the movement
has been recently revived with even
more energy than ever, even blank peti
tions are 1-eing sent to all persons v ho are
likely to favor the cause, asking them lo
sign them and forward them to the Pres
ident. Postmaster ;--ntral Wilson and
his as-istants, Jones and Maxwell, who
have had the matter in charge, and have
made a thorough investigation, do not
lavora general order, for they do not
lt'!iee it would work well particularly
in sparsely settled districts, hut they have
beeu gradually taking into the classified
service all the Sourih ciassotlices to which
they think it can pnierly apply.
There has l-een an enormous change in
the civil service during the last four
years. While it is true that President
Cleveland filled the taru w ith lieuim-ratio
horses before he locked the door, he has
done great good, which Major McKinley
ought to appreciate, by reducing the pat
ronage formerly distributed by Presidents
to the very lowest possitilo miuiiniiin.
Nearly M,'f oiliecs, which have hitherto
Ins-u dispensed as rewards for political
servi es, w iihiu the last two years have
b-'cn placed Is-yond the reach of spoils
men, and 7"),'U1 altogether are now under
the civil service rubs., to !e iilieJonly by
i:ip". lilive examination and pnnnotioii
for uc-ril. I'.efore the -ith of March four
or live tho:iai;d n: ire will I e added to
this nuni'.- r, im-l't iii.g 4 vi pension surge-,
ns. wiio will g on tiie list as soon us
the e'e r!;s a: held puarters can make out
liie papers.
There will lie a great deal nf astonish
ment and chagrin among the faithful lle
pu! li'-iu campaign workers who will
c :me lo Wasiiir.gton with letters of recom
mendation, after the inauguration next
spring, to find that President McKinley
will have less that! J good a;oint!lients
at his disposal, instead of the Ni,(m that
have usii-illy Ixt-n the alimony of the ex
ecutive; and among these 7)o are many
which w ill not i -mpt tlie ordinary oiUce-.sei-ker,
like l.".a kuniiiis, huli-hers teach
ers and poii-emen on Imiian reservations,
k -pers if national cm-neries, light
house atieielanls. etc. There are s,r?S
la! -irers waiclimen, etc., under the va
rious branches of the government, who
may be s.-!e-ted from private life without
examination. There are ''lo appoint
ments continued by the senate which are
w ithin the President's gift, although, if
Major McKinley respects Mr. Cleveland's
irdr of SeptemixT lH Hi's placing all
the consular oificers whose salaries do
not exceed &iVi under the civil service
rules, this lmiiibei will lie considerably
r.-daC'L It was the intention of the
President to protect the rank and tile of
the cons ilar service, ami make it jiossihle
only to till vacancies by promotion or by
eou:p titive examination. Mnjor McKin
ley v. ill siilji i himself to criticism if lie
tak-s a bad: v. :-.,- 1 step in this matter, and
I do not believe he w i
impr.-ve the service
large number of the
11. a'.tijoiigh he can
by cleaning out a
-iisuls who were
a; poll t-.i by .tosiah l,iiney and filling
tin ir piaei-s with in tter men. J. M. C.
F-r three years I M.lfcre i from Salt
Rheum. It e.v.-p-l my to such an
extent tli-it I c in 1 1 not wash them. Two
Uitti'sif Ibir.lock '.iol Biuers cure.1
lo.- " Lll '. ie Yoang. Pope"s Milis, St.
I.a .vreti.-e c-i-mty, N. Y.
Cr.t C:c-n C-t
St. Ph i.. ?.i inn., Nov. 'Js. The great
storm which swept over Mirm'sota and
tiie Imkotas on Wednesday. Thursdity
i I'ri iy has re-ulted iu some hiss of
iive s;ok. Agent I'.urrougl.s, of
itie I Northern road, is buried iu a
snow drift near Iev:l"s I...k--, N. I). He
w as on the w st-I-mnd train which was
Mailed cut of Ii- vii's I.ake Thursday
evening an i waikel to a reitaurant r.t
ln-vil s Lake, obtaining as big a Mijiply
of his as he could t-urvy and start
ed back for his train. He never reached
it. A sean king party has been digging
iu the siov for his body ail the after
ii' ion.
Joi.n Hooey, a farmer, living four
miles from park River. N. 1.. started
from his house to his barn Thursday
night and his Ik, ly vas found two miles
:way on tlie prairie this afternoon. TJ C
loss lo sl.x-k aggr gates hundred j.' A
s,at of ice covers the groun 1. nr t snow
is in some places piled in 12 f-et
n the ranges west of ihe Missouri t!ie
worst is feared P-r stoK, as it is believed
it would be iu:psib!e fir cattle and
sle ep to gi t t u to eat until il thaws.
The tei:,per.V.ure is mm j to 'Jo degrees
bel.r.v 7'T . in that sc-tion. and lit-loiv z?ro
at all p ,'iils in the liakotas.
M VeruMili n. S. P., there is hardly a
rrc standing and every orchard is ruin
ed. In many instancsi tree a fM.t in di
ameter w ere snapped otf at the lKitt-mi.
livery telegraiih and electric w ire in that
town was pi est rated ami il w ill have iio
lights cntil next week.
At Als-rd'-en the storm has not been
paralleled sim? the g-eat blizzard tif
March li ls-S. Urifts in the streets and
railroad tru'lcs there and at most Suth
i 'a kota t c.vns, are from 5 to i let deep,
it illroading has been entirely abandoi.el
until the storm breaks.
Ki-ged jlarderer alks Cff.
TrK'sii :k, Ala., Nov. 2o. iAst Friday
a liotrni nau:sl Henry Dawscin was hang
ed here for murder by the SheritT. He
v.-as a large Hun-pounder, and w hen the
t rr.p whs sprung he fell so hard that he
al.-n ist brok the rope. Fifteen minutes
after tile fill he was cut down, and the
physicians present pronounocd hiiu to lie
lead fro.-n strangulation.
His liody was turned over to his friends
for burial. They pat il in a coffin and
started with it i:i awag ui for the Itu-chan.-oi
plai-e. several milts distant,
where they annul ueed the burial would
take place.
A regr.i r.auied Reu'.ien Rice made the
statement that Ii.iws.-m was not dead ;
that as soon us the w agon was outside of
the town the lid of the coffin w as pried
oT and whisky and other restoratives
were applied, with the result that th
supp.ise l corpse was re:is,-itated. and
after an hour or two was recovered suf
ticieiitly to walk.
The eviilenee to the truth of the state
ment is that the negroes having the re
mains in charge have left the neighlsjr
hood, au I no evi denes of a new ma..
grave can be found a'siut t: e Ituchanan
place. , I
Kora legislation Will b Asked by tte
Dairy Iaterett.
I.ast We-.lneHday dealers in oleomarga
rine in TitLsburg, ud in fact in the State
t large, gained a victory over what is so
fondly called "the legitimate produi-t of
the cow.' Six cases against dealers in
oleo were br.Mightby the Slate olllcers be
fore Alderman (Srippe, of i iltsUirg. The
attorney for the defendant put in a plea
that they had all sold the article in strict
accordance with ilia provision Vf Miction
third eif the pure f-iod law, which legal
izes the sale of mixtures and compound
wkicharc recognized as articles of f.sxl j
aud which do not contain anything inj in- i
ous to health. They als.. claimed that
the pure food and oleo laws conflicted,
and that it was a principle in law that in
all such cases of cuntliet tho latest law
took precedence over the older one aud
repeated or superceded it.
For some time past the oleo men have
bcron offering and selling their gootls upon
thespeak-easy plan, but taking good care
to attach to each box, package or pound
a label stating that "This package, con
tains oleomargarine, a coinjviuud of oleo
oil, neutral lard, butler, salt, milk and
batter color and is warranted lo contain
nothing injurious to health."
The claim ma le by the attorneys of the
oleo dealers was that tho proviso of sec
tion third of the pure f..-d law eondieted
w ith the provisions of the oleomargarine
act of lss."., aud that this being the case,
the proviso of the pure food law- repealed
the act of lxsi at any and all poiuts in
which there was a eonlliet. They also
claimed and proved that oleomargarine
fulfilled the requirements of tne proviso
of the pure food law aud could legitimate
ly le sold if stamped as a "mixture" or
"compound" and offered and sold in
strict accordance with that law. Alder
man tirippe appeared to accept the argu
ment of the oleo attorneys and discharg
ed the defendants and, to all intents and
purposes, legalized, as far as he ws able,
the sale of oleo in this State.
Secretary Edge, when asked about the
probable result, declined to give an opin
ion, but believes that the Pittsburg Court
will decide in favor of the State ofiieers
and against ihe oleo dealers, but he at
the same time admits that it is a serious
set-lwck and will, at least for the time
licing, embarrass the Iepartment in its
efforts to enforce the law. He declined to
slate the course which the ilepartmcnt
would adopt, but intimate that every
inch of ground will b? contested, and if
need be the Legislature will lie asked to
settle the matter by re-enacting the oleo
a-t of lsxV
Sr. Cleveland' Kc-w Home.
WasIiixoton. 1. C, Nov. 2S. It is
stated that the selection of I'rineetor.,
N. J., its the site of his future home by
the President is entirely in line with his
well-known plans after leaving the
White House. Mr Cleveland will be iio
years old a few day af:er tiie expiration
of his present term. Ho does not intend
to return to the practice of law, or to t ike
any itive part in politic. He may un
dertake certain duties of trusteeship, like
that which he r.oiv holds for tiie Pialmdy
Ilducatioiial Fund, but beyond that he
d'-sirt s ipiiet and repose after l'i years of
the heaviest resjioiisibililiisi.
Mrs. Cleveland has frequently declared
that she did not wish to bring up her
daughters in New York city, but in some
town with country advantages, and yet
w ilhin easy reach of tlie city. Princeton
answers these requirements. The Presi
dent w ill continue to make lluzzard's Ray
his home for four or five months of e very
year, and for the season from October to
June Princeton will meet his need ex-ai-liy.
Escaped From Panthers.
Wells boko. Pa, Nov. 27. Andrew
Scully, of Troupsburg, was returning
from a party on horseback a night or two
ago, and when riding through dense
hemlock woods found that his horse was
a.-ting strangely. A moment later there
was an ear-splitting shriek, almost bu
man in tone, from the bushes along the
road, and in the light of the moon he saw
three ugly h nuking panthers, one of them
very large, leap out into the road. Ry
this time his horse became unmanage
able and started on a run, and ueither
man nor horse was attacked.
A hunter in that fieigh'irh.iod a day e.r
two afterwards came across the tracks rf
toe lug varmint in tlie Liae mu 1 in .1
swamp. He s-iys the tracks were almost
as large as those ma 1 by a boar. The
people in the Troiipsb.irg liMighborhood
are thoroughly alarmed. Children d
no: vent-ire out after dark, and stock
pens are kept unusually wcil protected.
Eizty Guests Xie RL
Iloi.LiiiAYsiu n.i, I'a., Nov. ".'.The
number of guests who w ere poisoned
the silver wedding anniversary banquet
a: the home ,f A. R. Stewart, in Franks-
town township, yesterday, lias been in
"eased from 40 to no. Tlie Ste.vart resi
donee win converted int. a hospital lis
night for iil g:i s.s v. h i w ere too ill to l-e
removed to theirown homes. To-dav the
many vh-tims are reported to lie slow It
reitjvering. Among the sufferers ar
Ib-T. Ir. I. II. Rarron. pastor of the
First Presbyterian church ; Rdit
Frank J. Over, F. H. (Jot.Jte'low and
R. Mentaer. Many farmers in the tow n
ship have aent here fir medical aid for
their families.
The roport that the wholesale poisoning
was caused by trichinae-infected ham
sandwiches is now disproved. The pres
ence nf arsenical substances in the chick-
en.ssilad has been detected and a portion
of the salad has lieen sent to Ir. C. R
liuoley, president of the American
Chemical society, fir analysis.
Wed Indian Girla.
Oklahoma City, Not. "A The greed
t ir iau i in me v esi never had a mtire
striking exemplification than in the fact
that the young Kiekajioo girls are finding
white men ready to marry them to ss-ure
possesion of their choice allotments
along the North Canadian, thirty miles
east of this city. These souawsnre most
repulsive and are without a single re-
ie..mni i.uure. itns Kiciiajxui coun
try, which Wh opene-1 to settlement dur
ing the past Mimmcr. is the garden spot
of Oklahoma and tlie fine Is.ttoin land
may well cause the white man to long to
possess them.
avsd tik Life"
years .tgo, r.-j.I'e in Fort
--;!: .itnti.. I ;::; 'hi a -evi.-
col. I, ;:tle:;.b-d With a terrible cn:gli,
ti;:it ".'.lowtil lite no rest iay or
night. The doctors after cxhaiist
ing t':eir remedies, ironottnct'd my
case hopeless, say-
iif. I..a. 1 1 .1 .
-r "is nit j tuum ti.j nt
vA more for iuc At
v. :"f-r-A this lime a Uittle ..f
Cherry Pectoral was
t' ?? "'nt to n
- fricr.d win
me by ,t
'ho urged
- ' rue to t.tke it. w!ii h
:id Siion .iftc-r I was r:e.-t:lv
I did.
i:;:-v.-.I, nnd in a s!io;t titit? wss
cm-i'ite.? ctired. I havp never lunl
lunch of ;t cough since that time,
av.d I f.rndy bt-licvc A yer's Clierry
1'cctoral Paved my life." W. II.
AVAHii, 8 Qtiimby A v.. Lowell, Maaa.
Cherry Pectoral
2Ti visit iwaris at tVorUTi Fair.
L.'ZZ Z Fl'-LS c;rs tniijislioa and Budscka
IlrTt.Klt, Pa., Not. 27. The t-criona n-
i . e ....... .. . i. l.....l..f uiwrfl.fir
JUT ll V1IC llinii int. j
and the death of the would le murderer
from self inflicted wounds abruptly ter
iniiiated tho festivities at the celebration
o'tha tw entiet'u anniversary of the mar
riage of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cnppeau, at
K'-ils.ld station, 10 miles south of here,
last night.
James Stolfer, is years old, wan a
guest at th Cappcatf residence, and
ierard Wright, 'a steps-.n of Mr. Cap
peau, without a word f warning, attack
el: Stoffer w ith a hatcli.t, sinking hiiu
three times on the and once on the
shoulder, each blow laying open the flesh
to the bone. Without a sound StotTir
Wright dropped his weapon and walk
ing to the other side of the room pulled a
razor from his pocket and in sisht of his
mother and a num!roftha cm-sta cut
his throat from ear to ear, then hacked
away at his neck until he fell over dead,
stoffer, although at first reported dead, is
li ins and w ill likely recover.
The attempted murder was the re-suit
of a quarrel and fight a year ago. Wright,
who tad watched hjs opportunity to g t
even, could jtet no other weapon than
the hatchet that he thought would le
eirts tiveand still leave him the means of
suicide. So with this he walked from th
dance into a room where StofTer wss
playing checkers with a friend an J be
gan to chop alive his old enemy, with tho
tne terrible results staled.
. :
V-vU."el:v JfA.r; J
cs i
rcuile cf the dzeys, urinary $
.' ; . f-t'v-'l.iyl
P Li zjch a serious coniillon you must
$ r-crur; thi beut rcniccy you can find in
"S . f A
.1 Llill f-.l.--'t - '
g at o::ce.
vj crty or.c
curs lor L-sje uotnz, ,
"It Lzs sioDG i'cc ic?. of tine
Mrs. Anna M. Rudolph RestorcJ
to 5iffht.
.Mrs. ltudotpl
Imt -..-in t'v- y
i::is Ih--ii unV'.
!y. e.iT.-tr.i.-i i:;
NoVelll'-er tl'
Hli.l inr sjs-ci;t.
V. h.i Mll'iVi-l i
of iHiliei-. I'a.. to I. is.
ii!r :e'o. lor iwo .;,c
i- lo n-.f!. a to L'oi riro.iret j:oi-r-tt
.li l'i::cl..l 1-iMi ey.-s. i in
w. 'I.- !o Ir. "tlie eyu
-t. s perm iiveiiue. I'm-l.ui
;.c cil.,-..--t in so ii.-rt.s-t ale!! a inaiiii r as lo c l-iu tin
est pin l.y Ita- ;.'-r... en. aiet noo.- M:c-e.
lieri-s V.Te It'll il.ilel.itre i. .-Ilel .-Oetuni per-
(i-i fr.s- loni of tier roon. .oel r "Sitioii.
Ir. tsiiillcr's sliiil aii'l .success .u h
t.ot lieen rr -ll. -1 in tlie world's history, I "
lm i ni; -is;i.rwi lis s-ai t-r, mil of li:e t:tsl las
s'.in-ssive cAsis, of ull air-, up lo t- years.
V lien il is remembers! that ii yinrs i.en mi
I.alf to oTitslounli of all is-s o rtlcl ii)s.u
were Liilure, i!ii-dii'U.r' uivis in pheiiom
Unseated Lands
rr--'t fimtity h-n-Ky noi t Unt Uiy will
vllttl put 'Mr wif' in ili 'oiin Htm.- iu llit
UnUL'J uf Sonit-rsi!, .
VYeir.zsday, Dacembsr 23, 1355,
e'oiiiiu-neip :;t l'i o.-to-:; a. in., un said ilay.
a.l tlie tolioAill n:i:.e- I irn-'l and ptr -.-ls 1.1
Inn-! which n.ive Im--ii mo-ha-e-i from tue
tr.-,surerof I coon! c -1 1 rcniaiiie.1 i r.
i!-'Miii lor i i- pri- .i oi'hv- inrs ,,r i..
y -1 -s. lis l h" i as,- In;i he. - M -V in'. ;i - o-. -
..'.; with ih.c si-vr.. 1 A.-; . of A -M-ee.i v r
i.i O'l the t-l ;t:ioli i.i s.-,i.- of I; -. ! .1- la.
ia lie- o!l,!!,u:r.v-e: el: of l'.-misv ;v.ill.a :
.1 Oso.V.
Acrtst. cejra. r- or V.rnit)!ei-. Ta.v .. 1'ost-
c;s 1'... r V. I i ? 3;
k. V-' -e-rXT.- f - e - i
e.-.l'i S. P. It. !:.-... Str.T.-r Kr. -i H.; I" :.T
I.. -.-,;l!C 1011.1 (.iiir-e JI' !'
.It s.iTlie It. i-liinif I ii-e-ee 4 i
lilj Mu:- l "tier, A nil ,v It uh.
-1 KltfJ- !.-r.t. W. .V I,.,;,;-... -J. !
x.71 s:o..c s-irvi-r IVm in 1
s: -ee T oiij.. r John M -'
ii.T sji:ii l'i!. nH-r t M .r- -'
I !. Mine Ke-- 1 rt Kn-d !; "
li s Otic f-';.ek-.-r iessr t -C
7 S-ltll' VI Mk, f SrOrltlel S.'.".
J SOa- t,i :. c;is A'hert ! I'll : 7
4. 'I v,i-H' lliissii. rlitil. W It iJ
J...I7 Kii,I-h M. 1. tl s7
lo '-.Z M.ine i.'.-'s C irs and A
Vi::. .- I-; .-7
3.7S sit::ii " -ii-oi :.eeh u. -
II . li.-irs II.'-i
UM s::i- ti. Wi-Wtr'n tv-tr... :t :rr
t:i t r tcie K-tton Itenrv 7
I I Ti i-c.i" K i -issii.e,.- ';!nioi,... f.J i
. s. tie- il !:! V. J
7 17 same S-irt-,-r John 4'i 1- Willie Wevanil IJunlei!!
Trust.-- its s7
1 Is same S':iner JoM-pti 'Ji S7
Kim., i iitlcspie John i 4 71
r;..'u same i-imioiuel lieektuli 'St -7
' Tiorner Itmlhers 1:1 "JS
J) Md'all liisuve 7(i
Sehaft John
Meiers MnrtiTi
liucchl. V. M ..
.. 4 la
S 1J
111 l7
Stein 17 "it
!..,!. - )xyj.r:.f'i: r.oim.
2 Sorhcr St 4 VI
J Volhr.-ehl rte.rli-s 7 71
:i I' .I-tier ' W 7
Mck, -ilium Joiin lis!
1 Kee Join -it 4 -,'
Arrr.. V.l.K JACK.
", M rttn 3 0
4i Woif. rsl.r,-r V A 1 4 41
toj Josepu H 7
JS Sturt Adam 5 C7
..-. j;:ffi:ix.
1 Patterson Charles W
.1 '.
S.7s S. r. It. II. Mix. Ih-rit-y Giiinrd-
in r ?j
S7t Kimi- :-in!i:.T Ii.ivi.I II i.7
''It Ktitii' Ki.'tie -) 4 :i
'"1 saoie H indi J-itin- Ti
'Zy. s-tiiie KiMOitci John . 1. .'.7
't.7; Ktme Vi:l- r Jolina' lem... 27 T.
A same s.;u.';;is Juvld L V 7J
1 fCVcst Ttiimrr S tl
1 Wllinolti Aifiisl j 41
Arrrx. ..VCOA.V.
S. P. It ft Co. SnvUirt'riah.. 12 irr
2.-i jsime i.-i-il l luesfe, S 27
K.r sutni -"hanlls J-rry 2"t "7
.V.I Mm" 11 -ll I-.. i oil 22 77
s.::S s.ilutr M.mst Jaeot 21 4-i
! 12 Kttne (iiistie. r Jm. A Mitry :) n7
" !s siiuie AilarasK. V ::: r,7
ti k; sittue lt-atii IteiiiHiiiin ivl s7
4.J SNiyturM. Hmwu J 74
T.OII";.? Trr.KEYF'tOT.
Itensi 1 I. v f Mineral l"i 47
l:.tni-ii Jonn V 'l
Pnwirs Alexander.... " :ll 47
.V7i YFi: SUA 1. 7: Z.'OA'f '.
Heiie-r John. 7 ri
Tallinn liiiire.. . 12 -'7
ltcai lliniin f. s7
A rrex.
K'e::. k.i A Si,.th
V;tt V Wuifers'iereer
4 W.s.1 MiiTtliltm
S I itislers Jiihti..
4: - , 1 ,rk s-ti lihen ..
41 tei
41 l-
7 M
21 ')
57 i Johiisoii 1'.. niamtii
Wlrirfc Jot,.,
4ktf U llllallis lsrai 1
a Koler fieor'e
4 .
11 0
Hi Ley man Heurv .
U VEST. 1 770.V7.VV.
atO Bo n hurt JaNh.Al:iinanJ Ila-
.Ml A I'X.
llnun J. 'Vii,t,x, Croyle Jae
inhicnti i
liuttcrtiao'li I" H. Mel le-n'A.
iiilr-cr.ii ... ..
.1 l'i
hi a
, j ;
IJrowa J. Wlliii.. I.:.r
i ;milit lat;.. r Jc.eeh
tiiilterhuiiii 11. II. s.. iit
- ;..
S-f Cl.l.le .1. tf.
Iil! -lu w iiil'SHI
lierkeyl ile Atirl
n -s
40 u
I l :;i
22 ."."i
II us
x.-.i J. P. It. Ji. Co. MT VI Wm K fc7
,'i.!7 tsime H'tiiler ix.-iniler. l' 27
I.l.s Sllie Milter I'et. T f 17 s7
mtiiie olcmnn Henry -' 27
.72 Iti.vOi Win... 12 27
m:ui' 1"l-lit s,iiini. I 2li 27
Je,-, w'ei- ss-liro-K If. A si 27i i"
12 s..ine ".nslte. r.1. A X ll' "7
7S S.-111H- htotlIl Vi.. mine .. 7t s7
;-..:.l Ktllie S-lip 't .J'ei;i c 11 s7
b.'.l Siiiie- i .nun i I-irrison ."ii 7
4. Ii name 'rr.-i,i I ri:.h - 17 -7
JY.I4 S-tlile ,-r.-e M 7
Ills Mime Kelh.r I 'inii I 7 i s7
.Voi ki'iii' l-.ovis II. iirv -7
llvs snilie Will. H !tl 7
li..s s;ij:ie luiwman J hi irs... .ri s7
il Kllllf i Ct -lis A 1 : C
4 7 same vi fe,.r ;,.fit. t H. '11
Ivl Kline IUi .1 ini'i.M 171
.12 isiine Ki.x lii-m v 12 '.-7
.21 ssiue Ash Aiiihony l-i o7
4K siime 2I. ..l..r hint Ju-t
ItoA'mali . 2i 27
I.eS same Cohamth 2.1 s7
s same l-'oini J. J s 47
ol same Cltsl.T Joluis Hi S7
221 sttiiie lm-iT Aloistus hi 17
2-1 same is. t i.-orjc 17
:i. 12 Rrtine Fox Siiiiuel 22 i'7
4.ul sum.. W . iter m. K 2i
C2.j Iiniwu j.Wiau.x. il'.-slolicr Juu 217.1
sorr:r ami'Tox.
l'.imns .rr:i l ft 2
.V, Sit;S, i s,i;o;n.ii Sit,
!- I'oli.'hi ;:f.ilr r. I 7 S7
4- i Ta-Jt-'iide -!:.r-.nt !' l!7
i-. i'., M -!.i-: ii--i.e. li 27 t'l
I'O Jo li -John lA Co. Colt:1'!!!
i.u J M I jniu r-. ) (K
V7"' '.V J y.r.K
, P. il. ll. C o. l.irivU
same r. il'in I ..-i s
r l.evi
en L...
2-. 4',
'':'. s.-.iu.- I.i- Cr !-i '.I
7 -1 s:,-i.e .S1V., r tohll K l'O '.tt
.'ils Kill. V.'-l.I 127.7
:..N S..IHC WalkerWm.H is 17
I 7V is-ieie He. tA d.inu'.' , 11 :7
- -s .-s,i..e i:.y,-r i. i, -7
:i 11 -,-lee lioler John K.'ilie... 7 I.i
4.i S.01;-? hl.tmm Vi.-iio!
7 '12 s;.l:ii. VVcuJe Jo-lafl i.i s7
' 7 - istnie Kile; ; -r a n-oh M II 77
a.i f Ktme siuu ;;,..i n- I.t K7
l-VH K-.ii.e I.t'iilm John A 17
7.'.- Ktme soiviler Joi:;i li :.7 77
.'.r-i Si.. ..e rs..llrt.a Jllo.(j y, s7
1 Isinehy V:l!!a-ii :(-.'
1 sim; Vi'ihu.m o ui
Meyers J. O
same ....
vrrr.n ri 'iiki: yfoot.
Ib-iis.-! Ii c. Hiiniue), i.
i ruin -nil i
W't im.-r J'e'otj
Hall Win. I.
4V X7
4 ei
HKVitV V. HA ilN r'.T f,
ts Vli'KI. t". sliiiilKll,
VVU.I.fAai P. HAV.
Attest ;
J. i. Kmkrt.
Clt i k.
Ceuiuy i uiitiiii-:oncrs.
I-y viru or r rji;.i w riL f r irj Vu-
J- ii ri i- a' i:? ;iii! i.ii:iii i , Hnu., i--t.
nX -t tt:- -tiri f ttintif.ii I!t t-J .f ?-..r . r
t riMltr.y. i';., lo .i.ii-rft. t.t r.- v lit 1,,
i il-tj i om- :i :ii url tiuu-. iu ruin r-
l wrtui4, on
Friday. Dec. II, 1S95,
At I o'clock P. M.,
tin' I'iIIii. in; iles-,-ie'-ij r-.t i t
to- it :
lilt I. a ....i..
n-st, i-taim aiei
iie,iit of lh nry W.
. cf. in ami lo h r
ia toTii-liip
hllll tntet ' l:.icl allll.ll.
sm,-i., rs,-t eoiioiv. Pa.. ro;ir.-..i.i: .ri
liiois ..r ll ss, al-iu I . ;.Ti-s rjtn r. ' r' ': iici- Tl III
t'-r. a-l'oilli.l !l. lei- of I ii-orve P. y. y. J.iliTl
I . !:y, l': 'l till I hilly. I ii h ot i :;.-slt.-l , n.t
ll lii.l. hi l !OKer. having tlleleoll rm
.1 a
1. s;aMt-aa oi :ier o,t iiu..uiii, uui,
htyir. i-:iiie,-s.
i i ken iti i Mention i(ii.t ,i sot. a.
-nts-r:v of ll.-r.ry M. lt.i.:yr ,,t ih.,- i4i
I -it :?ia 1 1 rot , s i,-..
: hi
Ai! th r' -hu till-
claim aii-l it. -in..
I to a e. r ci J.-- i.-r
Is.Uilti-ll Hi:l
I'.Mle.ot '.I Ili J, .! I.e. I .7, ill
I 'in j-'eci- or i rc.-l W t.,u; s:
t.'WIi.hlo, soii,i.-s, : i-oelily, p
tii.s.-iii.4 a. loilous :
I-viniiiiiir ill n p'-t, firrni-rty n
ttl, litv iiy iall't of aucy ii..-:.-. r." ii.-i
de-Mis,, ia-1 ' p-n-tii s to n u nil. i,k. liicne,: h'.Ui nss.5,si p ri :: to a po-l,
foriiicrly a iiLiiple. tiieiits. throui;h the nnni
nal in'cl south s4 .h -ts s. w.-t tj r-n-h.-s to a
I" is I, lileme hi- laaO ef Wl'ilHIll isluti ,
.-si iu te -I in I'll h south Is'.. ,i, --r.ssi, :si .vio
s-r.-iu-s lothe .uire of lH-i.uimie. isnilailiiili;
i-uhr 'teres ami ii7 m rem- strict mi-asure, t-.s
Inir tlie same (nn . I of lantl ninvrrnl hv
H iliiain Kniieunil wife to Kllliiia Sleil-IiK, hy
di-ii ilatisl Jmie l IsttV
Taken in e.vis-ution unit ti m .uil.t as Hie
l'0'i-r'.y of William Kline. it tue suit of Jw
seph V. Ciast iter's us-.
Al! the rhrlil. litle. Int r-t. claim nn.I !..
nian-t uf 1. M. M.lh r. of, in ami to a n-rt.-tm
loi of trroiiii'l situate in the village of M,s
t'liiiiiicshiir, Siimmit tOM'nsliip. ,s.,nier-i-t
county. I'a., mijoiiiimc lot of I nas Kerrel,
ii,,!! ai lor an.l Mrs. Jam'- I-'ern-l. tsii
Inituiii oic-hall acr. . hiiim: Hi-r--on
eri-ii ira o.-iestory frame hiul-iii.-. J7x70 f-s t,
US-.I as h slois niom. also one fnirm- l.tiihiin.
2lx li f.- I. Us, il as a warenmin, w oil tiie i.i
TMiro iiatic-s.
1 .k. n in i-xH'iitii.a ami lo l-e
t""l rty of V il. ypicr, itt
Kehnttm M,;l.r.
siiil lis tiie
the suit of
A I. si 1
. tith . h.ti n -
:oii K l'
ro'o.-1 siiii-ii-t
' r !- -'. :
1 on tl - :-. ;i
:. an I Whist
th- -con el-.-.-;,
. s(.,l,:.: a , 1 1
.. . :e'rte::r.-.c. s.
. !
aim arnl 0-s
t'l i" n to :i
l'i itsou I- T
a .! oil lh
mil !.. V .
..-- O'l t.te
: r. 1 1 011 lee
a He.'.l-v
r nut t-a.l !-
i-T of :
f church, ie
si- :'ti ac,.l -
U - - ;iic-; hoi..
ilU's. H il .1 I ..
':. :i in ,
.11 f s -ti.
ie- ,.
. r:v o
-V i
1 1".. I'.nl '
. 'V-'. v-r an I .so., t
f Imnli 1 A. VV.-4iv.-r.
:.:.i.. 1.1-
-.:.-r -
A't tiie -ie'il
i-.-cet of i ..:;.
1-TOVjll. it-?. Tel
". .-.IIOIL. of. i.s
ti r ro.iov !-.- 1
'.e. Inl r,st. r'.ir.i all.i
lllj:tt-i:!l e.iii It;ieJ..l. i
. me I .Mi-TV A. I Li
lo t i e i-.-l ,.
-' It I '
lv. r I-
o. .o-.- !'- ) li ceor !.,- of ijr.ii: '-.. -irk
lown-i.-.p. Queers- 1 e..-i.,i.v.
l-i -s ma inu-i ; ii:i,--.u
.-is l'i
1 c--sina-r tmi-l of -. iv.m.J lv
I. tl.ii-r-iii.1 il... I?-.-ii,. ;r it,- t j:ii.--t 1-
1 ' T. . t-:7. In If:i , i.i il 1 v. t -le :.. ir.el
ui J;; .'--n I'-viv.-vi I'V In.- lu-iis of I n-
V 1 f-K-i.r
or I:.
vi 1 H.iv 0. W. il. ILiv. i t
c I i.i- l ls..:i. ,!.'.!
11 -l i'.' M Tel- -S
V iii--.l-V I
as foiiuws : l;.--innue: nT
sollltl-.r.-st f-Siiu oric
llii-ni-- noriii 7 .tis-r.ssi
J--.s-l.i-- t R
s:. :!i,-ni-.- south ill-', il- 11 s .-t..- :i..i (ke,i-li. s
to ;i-st. t'itn-e s-:i-;i -.1 ij-vs..s. .,.( ,-.;i
I--nt-.-s lo :l isisl. tli.-ii-;. a es. s , -i--,.1 lo
isist 011 oti;rt'i.'ii line. t-i. U's- t-.-ri'i t i',---.,
sj. ' K-reties to :h- .. i,-,. o! I , -inning,
eoatitiiii r.- o:-e aere ai:.l -j :e.t' s. i' re t r
! ss.
A'so. all thrit eertiti 1 tot of irro'.ir-I s:t.i:'te
In Ki-in k tow-iisti.i,. swine-rsi t rouatv, l'n.,
tii-s,-rils..i ns fo'io s : itin.uniii" at fHt at
i-orn-r of IhiiiI of 111 t:li-ti:-It l y hotis.-.
norli si tli-trnes wt. 1 f.s-i tosta!;-. theiire
t.y la ml of Jen iniali J. Kolk. north it, kiss-s
vt is.1 147 fis-l i a tii.-nee nor:h SV, il.s
er-s-s e-st. iij--. t.s-i. inn.-i snitti :t ili--re-si
w-st, IM f.s-t 11 plaee of In it' lining, ciiiitainini;
:.-l."i iw-niisi. 1 In same lieint; a tn 11! the
farm roti vejej to Jen ini.iti J. foil y I. II.
Also, b)! the foltowini; n-al i--iite situate at
Itrtssy linn, Kltitiek t.iunsliip. mmiM
isiiinly. l'a li.illri lil an. I ,l.-rit.i as fol
lows; Tlie snrfiee iioi!. e-.i-insive of tii-tiiin-i-mli.
of a iKireel n iaml Isvinnii;- at n ;st,
iiriinal comer, ihem-e l.y iots of I.yi!;a I;ii-
liallL-il. So'ltll S'l lleTlS-s l-lst UlTOsS 11 l.
uen-ii 1
lev ill 1
n-ii .ii!.lir runl Jfi inn-tii-s lo a II f,. l-
rornerof s!;,l.... .,.,-. eii 1 ,.s-n-p
west aiotii s.ii.l nllcy 1.7 n-rrti-s 10 m ios at
.iilniij ni.ill, vt t1.-i.-n-.-s n. si -.ii.-t i-rcins to
a sist 1,11 original fine, llniii-e a'oi.e s.-n-,.
noi'li 3 ili-trns-s. e.t-t .i-n-ii- to place 01 l e
cinttinir. I'ti'ilai-iiiur "!.) n-hi s-.rii-t.,e
!.-vriil p tr.-'s of t.iu.l In-m i-oriiisr.iotis :i:nt
ailloiniii- t-ai-li otiier ulni tiavini; lliereeli
ens-lis one 1-story it 1 ' i 1 r 1 t usisl a- ilwi-l-line.
stiM-vroiiin a.-id UtIl. 1 m- ist.irv 'li.-.
lii!- house,, k- anil oili.r outl.uil.iii"x
vritti thr it piuirt-nances. I' .'si-n in vx iii,.m.
aiei lo be si'til h Ihe pmp. rty 4 l.y.liit II111
Uin'ii anil llanhael KiiiiKtiiL'li. Is fi nitaiits
ami .M i rv A. Terre Teiwiil, ul tlie su;l
of It. K. Meyers' use.
A I.sil-
AII the ri'.'lif. tit'-, inten st. claim and d.s
iianl of s.i.-pii-n Mrair. of. in m:i, to it n-r-lain
tract if iaml. situate ia Ad lison i,,
.soiio rxt eotiniy, I'a. roiituiniaa
i-r-s. more or less. alNiut r-iti-r-t ri. r. ti;il-itnci-
liniU-r. ii-ljoluiiu- IninN of I i f I,.
Ii. iitlinl A -.i. ira.-t. ami II. .VI. l.vtl,- a- l o.
tr.K-t. having iti -r.s-,1 rx-l.-il a i.i-e i-.tet a
lilf-sory ton iltrellii-,; lions,. Kirn, ."t'-x
1.1 feel, lilitcKsiiilili Hhoji. a Iwvsloiy phthk
! 11.01I house itml other out liulMiiis, wilii
ti- iipfiuru naiiissi.
Taken In eis-iio,.ii nnil lo Is- sol-1 as the
In,;i-rty of st jiheii Mt-Nuir, ul the suit tif
ijeur.e Krt i'er.
All the risM lit!e. interest, rtaim nml !.
iiiimi of "-'rank Ito-liiers. of, ia and to the
foilowins! itisJTil, ll leal estate. j-
Nit A certain f-trin or tract of l::nl sif
nate in Shaile t.wn-!iip. -som. rsvt count v,
I'a., eont.. initio lii acr,- strict ineasiiri . alrait
IU Ner-s ei.-ar. Ii-ilnnee timiH-r. mtiolnini
lands of Jotiiithnn I al-le. 'eii i;ali Sleen, s,
Moses K. Joliit-s anil VVilnin VoiinL. h-ivnix
themn ent-ieil a thr.-estorv i-n llii,-- hois,-,
txtnk harn mul oilier otitbiiililinss. liiere tsul-
so a line orctiar-l 011 tin- pr-iniM-i.
-so. ... . irviei 01 iaml -Miiil,- as iifonxaiil.
isniitaininir ! si ns, mon- tir lets, al-niii si
aeres rlntr. letlaiii-e li'ntN-r. ailjomiiiit lamls
of K. John-, aiitl Wi-low Vonm:. liv-
in-4 therism en-eleil n e,-Hi twcvtorv nlui.L-
ilweltlne house, and a hank l-ini. nlsiia rood
on-nrl of trott in? fruit Ir. on the orciiiis-
!. wnti llu-api-urtetic-st.
T.t!;.-n in . .i-inioii. nml lit lie noi l ,14 th"
pn,i..r:v..i Knink itolers, at tlie hull of
l.yitlit ii. Itnti;ers it al.
Terms : r
NOTICE -Mi person purelnisj's
a'Mive Pale will plctse t.i!:e nonce
e--.ix. if tltt! Jiioney in
r!n prop-jny is ktiis-ke.1
will attain liet-xiHwi ii to Rile at tin
first purchaser. The n-siii Je of tti
ntou.-y must be paid on or l fois.
r inrtrmati.m, lir: Xhursdav,
1S-U No det-l will he .n know t -ii-
purchase money ir fatd in full.
KIlW 1
.uv. 1 ls.i.
at liie
flirtt 10 p-r
l-t e ;mM
Vherwlse it
Visb of Ihe
I purchase
Ve day ol
lcc.. 17,
il until the
To the Trade,
Ksfn-cially fhost handling Chrit
inaa Presents.
We want you to know t lint we have
just received frotu the c-istcrn rnar
kctsa large and splendid line of
the following gixsls to select from.
Ladies attending the Institute i!l
find it to their advantage to exam
ine our stock.
Ladies' and Mens' White Lawn,
Itwuand Ktnbroidereil, Initial,
White Silk and Colored Silk
Handkerchiefs, at prhvs from 5
cents to 1.
Ladies' Cloth ami l'Iuh Cajies,
Ladies' and MisX-s' Jackets.
Don't forget to give us a -a!l and
see our large as-ortnient and
wonderfully -heap prices.
We have a kaudvuae line of Wool
Dress (ioods in Novelties, Cov
ert Cloths, Ail-Wool Cloths,
Henriettas, Serges, plaids. Silks
in Drtsss and Waist Patterns, all
up to date tdyks.
In Fancy Knit Wool floods. La
dies' and Children's Hoods, La
dies' ami Children's Mitteus,
Fa-scinators, Wool Shawls in
White, Illack, Pink and Light
III tie, we have a nt'-c a-.-ort-inent.
In Stamped Linens, Taiile Lin
ens, Napkins, Towels, Linen
Slutting, Silkolitte, Iraj-ry
Silk s, and Kuibroidt-ry, we
have pn tfy stylts.
In Ladies' and lentlcnien's Kid
ti'ovcs, Mis-sort' Fur Top Mitsand
Kid (doves in all sies, we have
pretty stybs.
Our Domestic Stix-k never wa
ln-tter or at loner priei-s. Wm.1
Llai'kels frotn I..V to ?.0i) 1 Colt 1:1 IliaiikcUs front i
cents to -fl.-ri a pair.
,Tbe liio'.i
o'taiitv of tit
The Low Price asked ;
1 Wh--re can we tret the Il t
timids for the I-e;
DATlFT?n 0 1)1Tj7?3
miivtiii u i nuauu.
Jos. Home & Co.
Here's a Chance !
We are eivinc e-ilt-edced eh;ii:c.- riht
and left tins week, in ail luir-s. In tire's
il'trds, for instanis-, we have cut v hole
line til' imt. .rt-d novelties, and aline f
!h g:ade cheeks and cheviots and ve
lours, h hu h have always cost 1 to
! a yard, ami marked the hole lot at
fifty cents a yard.
This includes some of the ljet lines we
have sold,
vv'h tt ii vou think of ircttins Iavid
and John Anders.. u's Sii-teh i iii;lii!i,
in rich chirk color-, for I- a vara?
What iio vwi iliitik 01 ti'-tli'" ' choice
f.iticy silks, the il .liar-a yard s:ik, i"..r
rtocaj ard ?
The 1 .st of Velvets, which no l:av.
ri ;! '.!;.-i-.tiied !-;ir?-iiiis al 2. and S s'-o .1
yard, are s-iii: t..,.v
$1.25 a yart!.
It is a 1':j elca-ir.g out we are havir g.
If it's a j.ii ki t lor tin; tianhter or ti r
tiie wife, you can save your i-.r tare ! j
i-'it::ir t:;i I'Mvii: of 11s net. Sty
lisii t;i:I ir-ii; !'iiei.- j.teki is worth tel.
Siik lin-d tnis.s.s." sn-s rf ti-o v
swellis-l di-se'-i vth.el' were stilioj
i'io. sjo a-id Sio. tsisl s.;. f.t an-i .:).
y.m i-aii't (Miiie u;i, ask for one to l-e s
011 trial.
VV'iiV a!-e tiiese so ehcfp? Itec-i-ise
are getting room fir t.'.e crtviesl .li-j-ot
li'-Ii-iae I ;.nh!s ue ever cirri, il
! r
vv e
t . .-
store is wo-l!i vis:i:e imtv. just . i
at. ,f yoit like to look at pr.-tty tii.ties,.
Wt- tin l i:siniss t.y u:ai!, very
Write us for a i-.ttai.ieiie.
This store always t arries a tig stiH-k
this year we've more
Dress Goods
than ever liefore trreater variety, choicer
sty les, superli i'la!ity. l-tter values up
to tine iii'isirteti (jismIs, .! a yard at
the H-pular priis-t liet ween aiid l.oo
the assortment of stvles and tho values
are simply wonderful.
4S inch' plain colored I-idies Cloth
yard-and-a-third wide all wool
25c a yard.
Stylish llourette and ltonele Overplai.l
etVects all-wool a innsniiieeiit asjtort
ineut of color coinliinations
33c a yard.
.V) inch all wool Black French Serj;e?i
nice soft finish think of the saving in
cutting a dress from such w i Jo goods
Z5- a yard.
Itlaek Sergo-t i'c to the linis-t.
. inch Itroad -loth ."iOc eennine
liroadc'ot'u linish line posU witu a firm
li-iily in ail the wanted medium and
dark shades. Ilroadclcths to S-lmV-all
less priced for the kinds hut none 1-etter
val ie f.r the inonev than these at half a
Choi-e Novelty Woolens in the stylish
weaves of the season and rich l'lack
5-. 75-t $,
prii-r-s so far under usitr.l for such fahriisj
that it's of per-onni conecru to every wo- '
untn rrailer to sec alxiut.
Write and don't mi, Cct.
ting the new Catalogue cither or Imtli :
freo when ytu write. !
Allegheny, Pa.
Old Reliable Pharmacy
TfiTf FT ART CLLS. " v.-
WUen you have a Cougb
or Cold Uso
hvj l:mn
173 pa
ciqu-cklr. Th't r.ha: it y . ... ,
rule for. Promi-t, .'..'. M :- fi r r .
r.ef. qtiio-v cur-'. I;:. -v:- '": . ,..
il-itUew b.:y it t--r tt2ir rmrf ri.
Prepared br F- C. Pe' i C-... rrtA:f(.t
rvlwuiLitUo Eartr I-.-e- is, ti.e Uua,u --J--;. ...S,'.
Fine Cisarii of Imported and Do- j Pure Win:., nr.-i L:
tajstic Brunds.
.-Pablic Station f ,r Is-a! and I rf
poitits in the Cubed Slates.
Brings Soniathing; Nev
A Ridir-S or Walking -Sprinc: Tooth H:.- .
t . . -
Xo drajr-'inir of fraaie (. irrour.'l. TLo lihte-t -'.jf:.
it-clf of trash as 011-:; .' us a rake. Hut s a- V.
a maa on .ts otl.ers do without a Icti'l.
Sold on Trial.
J. B
Somrset, Pa.
W ' '
' I'si? w-- - :-V v ? '. i-J
Our SrockT.s Larcre.
: A thing to be comiiersd
: In bujing Furni.'ure.
; PIIIC!" is jrener-iiiy held to le of the tirst in;.
; ahould te the List. If yu luy for .jiiuiity y.ei -.iy a.
I If you Imy f..r price yea e.-t what y.ti pay for.
; S:tii. S-Vj.l o-,k and Cherrv, cttntainlng six pie-, . s.
Alltiijlie ( hlli ; : : " . . . . s
'. I'arlor Suit., : : ".".."..' s
: s-iiletmards, S-.iid ' :":"::":":.
: ("h iirs. n,sis. Springs, Mattress,- an,i a; ,,;;K.r kinds ,.f Kurt.:
1 lowest price.
FIGURE : : : : :
C'overs a miiitii K-e of sins, htit it isi.'t nr. -ess:. ry : - ""3
nntltstiraldo features t; secure t'.uurc. llstaMi.-h in ' ' 3
tho detiiil of grades, then vou are r-. r.-iy f..r price. 1
C. H. Coffroth, 1
606 M?in Cross Street, SOVEHSET. FA 5
Quinn's Big Store
We Are Showing a Spitrcid Lire of
In Black and Colors.
CONTAINING Covert Cloth, Tw.v toned Twills, honeyeeir.b at d v
plain and rouuh shatruy's. in is m hi nation ..f silk and " '"
ors, giving the goods an irri.'.escenl T.vt. Two and three t : -! 1 ! ' k.Vi
ins. Many of the uew j-'kIs are woven in two and three e. ci-. 1 "
chameleon effect, which is very pretty. These jim's are entirely dit'.t r. t tr--
in the city. I'riees are aw ay below those of last seivson.
JAMES QUINN, Johnstown, Fa-
When you are suberic zf
J ? ? a '
: t
i ia -
1 I--. ,
'V s
I i.-:an e Teh-phot
Carbon G:r!r.
Tt-I ...
P. A.
et-"1 '
ce :
a '
to -Vl
t? &
d !-. :i
iiy !
tiie n