The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, October 28, 1896, Image 5

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    The Somerset hr:M
GKOKOK 11. HCCI.U Editor.
WED.VCSDAY, O-lnlior JS. IWM1.
Lmt Slgafi Great Sail;.
Somerset was ublu.o lut night a it
linn not boon tdneo ttie llarllold cam
paign, sixteen your ugo. Don fire
burned, nil HghU glured uud bund of
musio paraded tho trt-ta. Thousands
of tin horn, blown by Juvenile republic-am,
fiJ 1 j1 t tho g moral puidenio
niutn. Hundred of enthusiastic Re
publican voter arrived on sociid
train-) from th.j irirtli and a.iuth, while
hundreds of othera drove from their
homos to the county scut. The crowd
present would have II lied a building
ten time the alze of the Court Houso
in whic.'i tho Mclvinlcy and Hobart
mooting wan held. CJeorge U. Hcull,
Secretary of the County Committee,
called the meeting to order and nom
inated the following ollloor ; Chair
man, Harvey M. Derkley j Vice Presi
dent, A brum He vim, Drothersvalley;
John DieHccker, Jenner; Simon Kreba,
Homernet borough ; Huniuel Living
atone, Coiicmnugli ; William l'ullin,
Conllueneej F. J. Naugle, Meyer.tdale ;
Chauncey Lowry, Htonyereekj Cyrus
Bhaver, Koincrset ; I. W. Will, New
Centreville ; M. K. Johns, Taint ; Da
vid (iardner, Jet.oraoii; A. U. Klmniel,
Druthers valley; 1). K. Wagner, Shade;
John W. Dickey, Quemahoning; iter
Dumhauld, Milford; Jacob Htutman,
Htonycrti-k; U. J). Miller, Dock wood;
Secretaries, ivoro Kaufman, llcnsou;
. T. Kimmei, Derlin; Ji. 1). M.rguu,
Meyersdulo ; Joseph Jlersliticrgcr,
J I.NlVt I'M vilie.
Senator lV'iiroHO waH iutroducd by
cliairman D -rkley and the largj a i 11
enco gave the handsome and stalwart
young riiiladelliia leader u routing
reception. Huiiator lViirone wan not in
good voice, owing to the great number
of speeches be has made during the
campaign, but lie made an excellent
nrgumeiit for Hound Money and Pro
tection uud impresed all wlio beard
him with hi ability as a public speaker.
Senator H.i lor, of Montgomery coun
ty, wan the next Hpcnkcl'. llo noon
won the audience and made one of the
la-st hpeechcH ever delivered in Somer
set. Congressman J. D. Hick follow
cd with un exhaustive plea for McKln
ley and Ilobart. Ho upoka brielly o'
bU candidacy for re-election, Haying
that be would rent content with the
verdict rendered next Tuesday, lion.
Joseph I'l. Thropp wax the biht Hpeaker.
It was lute when Mr. Thropp w.-.a in
troduced and he mild that he did not
d-slrc to detain the audience long, lie
uU'inald that be would re.t content
with the verdict rendered at the polls
n.-xl Tuehday. lb; made a immhirnf
telliu,; polnis in favor of 1'riitocUoii.
A phasing foal tiro of 1 1 if lll'-itin
was the singing nl' it number of . tt i -1
i r i ii u 1 1 ; v , 1 1 hhIii;- I . y the ll-ilnt l ilee
I'lub. The youti; men e itiupiiMhi.1; tin
UNplny t ho Amorieau tlag from your
i homo mid busbies house next Saturday.
. - - . - . - - -Mm.
(ienrgo Flick and tivo children, of
tlio Slate, of California, are visiting with
friends nt I.avanaville.
Ir. Uobert Kurst.of Iick Haven, Pa.,
Is visiting at tlio homo of hid broltior-lu-law,
Ir. J. V. t'arnthors.
Dev. and Mrs. Hiram King have re
turned from a visit to their former homo
in AruiHirong county.
The McKinley and llobart voter f
I.avansville raised a campaign pole at
that place NVednesday afternoon. .
We have boon requested to announeo that
there will lie nonorviecn in tlio Somerset
Heforiued Churcli next Sunday, Nov. Int.
Mr. Ira II. Kliumakor, of I'itUbui'u
waa in SoinerHet on Sunday for the pur
poNO of attetniing the funeral of Miss
Mamie Saiiipell.
lion. A. T. Ankeny, a native and
former popular attorney of thU place, la
tho funlon candidate ot tho Democrat
and PopullHtM for Mayor of Mlnuuapolia.
Thor were four additioim to Sheriff
Iloover'a olbi'ial family Monday even
ing, the uUlitioDt arriving from Pitta
burg in custody of United States Mar
Hhalla. Kx-Slieriil' Jolin A. Walter, proprietor
of the WeHt Knd Hotel, Hiixtaiued a
Mtroke of paraly.six lat ThurHday. Ilia
phybiclau and lainily buliuve that he will
Mifi Kva H. UriMUfw. the aueomnlUh-
ed toucher of the Intormediato Hehwil at
arrett, Hiient last .Saturday and Sunday
with her parents, Uov. -T. J. and Mrs.
Itriatow, v
Mr. Albert Heir, who is connected
wit li tlm Itulliif KiiiHinl uThh lita n If..
and younic .H.m, mo visitinK at ftio home
of Mr. lien's Hisiers and brotliera -Jo tho
West Knit.
David, eldest Hon of Mr. Jacob 11. IA-
enuiMid, of Siilislniry, tiled Monday even-
Inn, r-Ui Inst., altera lirief IHiichh, at tho
lluuthigilon College, where ho waa en
rolled as a Hludonl.
Mi nday night, November Ud, tlio lto
pui lleaiiHand Sound Money residenU of
of 1,'stie and vicinity will hold a masa
lueeting. Tho public Is invited to lie
present. (Jood apcakor will bo prcHent.
Coimnunioii Morvieea will lie held in
tlio Lutheran Church at l'riedmis, next
Sahliath inorninif, and at Will'a Church
on the following Sahlmth morning, tho
pastor. Dev. J. J. Welch, will olliclate on
both occasioiiH,
Dev. and Mrn. Yoder desire through
tho coin in ns of tho to return
tbaiikH to the kind I'rieutls who ho liber,
idly expressed their appreciation through
tho medium of a donation loll at their
homo last Saturday afternoon.
.... -
Cyrus Si'hroi-k has sold his nearly
completed private resilience, on Patriot
Htreel, to John Seiliert, of Somerset town
ship. The hilililiug Is one of Ihn iieulest.
uiei in l uii'M hi ii i a ii am i e rem v
lur iiiiiury in a few i
'I i.hl.i-. Vm.Iit, u Iim i ai I llie 111,11 I, i,l
hl re 1. 1-1 I ill I Ml, .ill 1,U hi n I . Ill nl 1. 1 - live
II-. vv III U.M illiulln r l.i lulu ,,iy,. to thi ll'
. - - i maul 'nj ,
(lame, espeeially birtls, seems to lie un
usually plentiful In thi region this fall.
In two day of last week a Mr. Tutlow,
of I'nloutown, we are told haggo I thirty
woodonck, and ai or eight pheiisantH.
Tho former bird Is now on Its sunt hern
migrati n, is fat and delicate, and easily
iiroiigut. (own tiy h 'ioii niai Ksiii-tu uii
trained clogs. A no in oer of local sports
men have ahot nlco bunchet of birtls
ainco the Heasnil opened.
A letter from Dr. A. D. Wilkinson, a
loading practitioner of tho city of Lin
coln, Neb., to tho editor of tlio Herald,
nays that candidate Uryan will not carry
his own ward, city, county or atate. Dr.
Wilkinson's residence is in tlio block ad
jolng one in which is tho home of tho
Presidential candidate and ho bears tes
timony to Mr. Ilryan'a high character aa
a citizen and ueighlior, but adds that tlio
pooplo are not voting for Hontlment this
year, but for what they believe to bo
This community sustained a severe
shock Friday morning when it was an
nounced that Miss Mamie Sampsoll, a
bright aiei pretty young nchool girl, bad
expired at the home of her widowed
mother shortly after daybreak. The de
ceased was a delicate bud, but none of the
members of her family or intimate friends
harbored the thought that she was to be
cut down when she roached tho age of uov
enteon. Death resulted from Hpinal inln
lugitis. Tho funeral took plaeo from tho
family residence at i o'clock Sunday af
ternoon. One of tho most important county of
fices to bo tilled at the coming election is
that of Director of the Poor. . Fortius of
lico tho Republicans present an excep
tionally strong and eapablo candidate
Mr. Jacob V, Peck, of Summit town
ship. Tho Hillary of Director of tho
Poor Is In no way commensurate with
the lalior performed, most of it being
prompted hy a dosiro to relieve distress
ed and suffering humanity. Mr. Peek's
richly deserved reputation as a humane
and cliarilalilo man, a prudent and econ
omi'nl farmer, .should hriug to his su;-
luring it.
ly and safe..,
fuss about it.
habit of visiting in,
prised to see how liuu,v
able homes are growing .
and to our credit most of them
by tho persons who occupy them.
always been tho boast of Philadclpi.. .
that almost every there owns the
house ho lives in. The sumo is true of
Somerset, although we have not tho mil
lion or more people of tho metropolis of
tho state.
The following from the Media Ledger
is of interest to every in Somerset
county, and is tho strongest argument in
favor of your voting the Republican
ticket and having your neighbor do tho
same !
"A of this (Delaware) county
received a Idler rccenily from a railroad
oDieial m it busiuei-i iiuiUcr, and among
oilier things lie sinied: 'If MeKinley is
fleeted, llli'le ill Kl llliillll"! tile 11 1 ,11 1 1 -il-Mi,
"I Small 1 ' i 1 1 1 1 I', nil i 'I I e ii.
u on , I anil Ii i i!iii !.' 'I lim tully i iiMMi-
1-1 I .11. -. Ill, I. M l til. It hall the ii.,in ;,
ti"iil,le thai 1 1. vv e i-.lw I h i , ,uii h, ml the
I , , I I , I I V , - :i l.u I, , 1 1' eeiilelefee. MeUill-
Ait verilst ineiit.
IfationAl Congressional Committee j
Decides to Support Hin.
Claimoi Heoublicau3 of the District
Want Him.
Chairman Babcock Bay That After Thor.
ough Investigation of the Situation the
Committee Determined to Throw the
Weight of It Influence in Favor of the
Re-Election of the Preeent Congretiman
Fear Dleaiter If Hit Republican Oppo
nent Does Not Withdraw.
rittsburg Commercial-Gazette, of Tuesday.
Washinuton, D.t'.Oet. 20. Tlio llleks.
Thropp contest In the Twentieth congres
sional district of Pennsylvania was con
sidered to-day hy oflloertt of the national
Republican oongre-snional cominitteo,
and, after carefully considering all the
facta in the case and ascertaining the
wishoa of tlio Kopublicaua of tho district,
it waa decided that Congressman Josiah
D. llicka waa tho regular llepuhllcau
nominee and waa entitled to the the sup
port of all Uupuhlicaim iu the dis
trict. In discussing the decision with
the Commercial Ua.ette correspondent
Chairman Habcock said;
"The decision wan in favor of Mr. Hicks
because we believe that ho waa tho right
ful nominee and because the sentiment
ot the Republican leaders in tlio district
was almost unanimously In his favor. We
considered the case carefully, and it was
apparent that a majority of tho conferees
participated in tho nomination of Mr.
Hicks. There were aeven and one-half
eonl'erooH voting w hen Mr. Hick icceiv
ed the nomination, and but four and one
half conferees nt tho meeting when tlio
other nomination was made. Hut we ditl
not base our decisions solely on this feat
ure of tho ease. Telegrams were sent to
all the county chairmen and state com
mit' voh-ii in tho diHtriet and to a large
Mr. in,
'oiuhincd aim ..
jure him. As tho souiii
ti let seemed to sustain the
majority of the conferee V1"'1'"""' "'
favor of Mr. I licks."
o decide!, in
ill M r. 1 hropp now i . , ,
... , ,. a 0 hdritw V"
o nope ho, as it woi . . , .
or the Lepubl.cans ol thm ,..,,,,.
It over to the Democrats hi Uli, y,.M. (f .
years. 1 am iuloruied till,, M -r(l , ,
was uiiout to withdraw at w,.,.kt ,,ul
was resliained by an outsliier. ,v
urged him to w iihdiaw, uu.l havn also
sent telegrams to Irieinls , his muiog
litem tu iielitee lino in withdraw, and we In, Ml lie,.-, till. Ill,, eh, III'
H,, llll.l ni.aiey illl, ,l I I, ,1, Mh.ilil.l pre.
el,t a ki,I 1,1 Ii, lilt In t he eoel ny this. Vein,
ami I -In, ill. I timet In i In, ,iii, 1,, that nw-
Highest of U in Leavening Tower.
AB60E.UTEIV pure
A Conservative Estimate Which
Gives Him Over 250 Elec
toral Votes.
Bryan Given a Generout and Most Rosy
Outlook, but Nothing in Sight The
DemoortHo Hope Buried Under
Fruition Gasp After
Iu Its Sunday morning edition the New
York Herald presented its reader with a
canvass of every State In tho I'lilon upor(
the Presidency and tho control of t
Fifty-fifth Congresa. For many
the Herald has mado this prcliminry
forecast of tho result of Presidential
tions and lias never made a mistake.
instance, It predicted from a similar ,..
vasa tho cltx-tion of Cleveland in l',j tjl(J
election of Hurrison in lss and tl,r 0i,(1.
lion of Clevehmtl iu lsilj. Tlio l,irili,i
canvasa this year haa been the luos j,or.
ough and systematic ever made L.y tliut
In ita introduction tho Herald hayM.
After a careful canvass of every Cjla,0 j,,
tho United Stales we predict that Villiam
will lie
3 by a
lined by
New .lel.-ej ,
.New York,
lihode Island,
ei iiiiinl ,
West Virginia,
to the candid. tlo of tln Kepul lii an parly.
These Stales will give Mr. M elv illley 'J IS
William .1. Ilryan it is emiei iled will
ettrry :
A lal ,ama,
A rLait .as(
I hit hi, i.
Lattst U.S. Gov't Report.
charge Against Men Who Drank
Free Whisky.
No ne Knowt How it Oot Out of tie
1 Warehouie.
In the T'lllle.l Sllll.u. DUtrlel ,u,n,l .
'iltshurg Thursday morning the case of
,1acob Husky, Jerome Christlor, Samuel
C. Chrlstler. Martin Albright and Albert
Albright, charged with unlawfully re
moving a barrel of whiskey from a land
ed warehouse, was called. Tho defend
anta live in this county, and it is al
leged that they htolo a barrel of whtxk)
from tho warehouse of K. W. JSalr'a dis
tiliery, at Sand Patch. They took it to
tho woods a couple of miles away, and
ran a iron boose establishment, which
was ho well patronized that a neighbor
ing coal mine w;ia obliged to shut down
until tho miners recovered from their big
drunk. Mr. Pair missed a barrel of
whisky, and sent for a revenue ollleor to
Investigate its loss. Deputy Marshal
Frank Campbell was assigned to the case
and arrested tho live defendants.
At the hearing before the commission
er, Martin Albright wes discharged, hut
In Home way ho was indicted with the
others. Tho testimony ,,f hjs wife was
the strongest against tho defendants, mid
under tho United States laws is that a
woman can not testily against Iter hus
band. Francis W. I'.air told how his ware
house at Sand Patch, near Meyersdalo,
hail been broken into by sonic
ono on tho night of June 'Jo, and a
barrel of w hisky containing i gallons,
stolen, and of ihia he recovered only
IK gallons when the barrel was found.
.1. A. llei kebile, ganger and storekeeper,
said he uud others had traced tho barrel
through the woods and along the roads,
until they found it hidden near a lire clay
mine. While ho was engaged in making
a report of tlio urreuee, .laeob Husky,
one of the tlefi inlants, e.tmo into his of.
Ilee and said, "1 didn't Meal whis
ky." "I am in, t aei ii -tin,: ymi i,f in; j t Iting,"
lellll'lieil the
"Well, I Jusi lie iii-iit I Unold til I y,,i
I ilido'l sleal it, ih. it's nil," replied
Ihlsl, y, vt lei loin ie, away aiel v as al,-
selll llHIII Ills h line lie. I, ill,
I ll.ilielll A 1 1 1 1 I ,; t , . I.,, , I
All, I ujhl, sai.l ,,.,,... h i, I
hit, I heller i,.t tell wleit sl,i
' nl' All.elt
hi lie I Mini
Do Yod Wunt to bn a tlartyr t
Probably imi! p.-it if you tlo, try and
get the dyspepsia by unwise feeding.
Then you'll sutler martyrdom with a
vengeance! Some people are martyrs to
this complaint from childhood to the
grave, siillering from all its attendant hor
rors of heartburn, wind In the ftomacli,
weary slumber ami nightmare, capri
cious appetite, nausea, biliousness, lean
ness and sallowness. No necessity for all
this. The complaint, obslinato as It Is,
when the ordinary remedies are Imuighl
to bear upon it, invariably yield to tho
great stomachic, llosttittcr's Stomach
Hitters, which restores tranquillity to tho
gastric region ami nervea, regulates the
liver and bowels, !oth of which are dls
turN'd by the weakness of the stomach,
and promote appetite ami an in
crease of llesli. That "tocsin of tliOMoul,"
the dinner bell, when it peals upon the
ear, suggests no premonition of dire
qualms after a comfortahlo meal If you
have trlotl a eourso of the Hitter, which
also banishes biliousness, rheumatism,
nervousness, malaria and kidney trouble.
Desperate Conrioti Free.
Lancahtkr, Pa., Oct. 2". .V bold cs
oiipo took plaeo last night from the Lan
caster county prison, John Mahoney, KJ
ward Jones and Samuel Smith, who were
awating trial for houso roblx-ry, gaining
their liberty. The prisonow, with tho
aid of rough tools mado from their iron
bedsteads, cut a hole in the wall of their
ami sealed the outor wall with a ropo cells
made from their betlclothing. The es
capo waa not discovered until this morn
ing anil, as the men wore in citizens'
cluihoa and had a good start.lhero la little
prospeet that they will lie recaptured.
Mahoney claimed Now York as his resi
dence and waa regarded by tho prison of
ficials as a desperate criminal.
jos. Home & Co.
Our Mail Order
fully equipped to do you good servico In
seleeting and sending samples, tilling or
ders for I'oods aclocUid from samples, ami
iu every way possible advancing the in
terest of Shopper by Mail
Test tho matter by sending for full lino
sample of Pros floods, Silks and Suit
ings also write for New Fall anil Winter
Dress Goods
For this week
Kxlra wide All-Wool Stilling-:W to 4
inches solid colors, checks tind fancy
weaves yard.
I m ported ( 'In, viols and Mixtures large
lissorlment - gjOC yt
Sioloh Mixtures, "1 Ml Imported
I l '.' 1 1111,1 dl -i
Twcetl KU'ecls, -
M.tlelas.e Suitings, ) I.OO ytl
piTrsnuRG, pa.
Meetings will be held at the following
timo and placoa, when the Important Is
sue Involved in the great political battle
now being waged will be presented and
discussed by able speakers :
Thursday, Oct, Its, 1 p. in. Scalp U'Vel.
Wednesday, " "JS, 7 Kullslmry.
' ' 28, 1 " Inula.
Wednesday M 'J,7 " MeOrogoni, 8. If.
Thursday, " 'is, 7 Conttuuneo.
M " '.V, 7 Hooveinvllle.
" " ai, 7 " HtK-kwootl.
Friilny, " :tn, 1 " Kluiulcsville.
" " 30. 7 llorlln.
Frlduy " !W, 7 " Wtllame SUttlon.
Haturday, " ill, 1 .Iciiaere.
" " 31, 7 " Htoyvstown.
" " 81, 1 " TivnU
Monday, N.iv. 2 7" WIIU Church.
iMln r meet Inj; will be announced In due
It. M. ItKttKl.K.V,
OKO. It. StT I.l,, l lutliiiiitli.
Administrttrs' & Trustees' Sale
V?habb Real Estate!
Ily virtue of mi order of sale Uvticd out of
the (irphaiiH' Conii nl Soinersi't County Ph.,
It. tin- tiiiilersittued tlins'led we will expose lo
Ktle III New Centreville borough u
Saturday, November 21, 1896,
M One o'clock, P. M.,
The followttii; tleserllied several truetsof laml,
lute lite prop.'ity ot Atexaiitler C. Mo-ne, de
ceased :
No. 1 A p 'ltalu rami ultuate in Mlddltvreek
touiiship, Holin iMel itiiiiily, I'a, ttttjoitiliix
Ian, is in I'lhr Trltuis'v. 11 1 nun I'lilionse.
Henry llelitiinut'itinii ami ol tiers. CoiitiiinuiL'
1 ill ner.B iiinl alliivntiie.s, liavlna tliertsia
elU'le.l u two-storv Inline UWelllna Itotlse
I in nk l,u in .Vi.Iii i, el, mill hi her ouilmlliliiius,
ot whli'lt I O iicreM itiv cleareil mid III a Kooil
Klale ,f full H .ill, ill. euli vt'lllellt lo t'llllivli lilel
si'liool, koi id n ull, waler, Ac , In a uissl litrm
Inn ', in 1 1 it ti 1 1 1 1 . mill IhIiik I lie Ittte Itoiuts
hhiul III AleMlllilel I . Mistre, Ilee il.
No. .' -A ci i'iiiin farm sltunle ill Mlildlis-n ek
tou iililp, county uiul stale uliiresald, adjoin
liiK No. 1, IiiiiiIm ol Pi ter Trlmpey, Ktiiiilel
t rainer's lielrs, Mm, in llarron and others,
coiiialiiliiit I nl ncrck and iillowaneiH, hulni
thereon erivl il it ttooit t',vtHlory triiuii, tlwell
tnu house, kin lilemnl ol lieroulhUlliliiiKs, aood
It nil, tvaler, ,ve.
.. a -. certain unei or latin Hitnalc iih
iiliiri ai,, ii 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 lc tt'aets No. I ami 1', laiulit
nt Mniim ll ii rnii, I i las fa lur, tsilan Lyons,
It, run i ( ,lniue aim nlheii., eoutitlniui; JJi
lil ies, lllllle ill' I, s.
No. I A lerl.iln loin sliuati, III Mllfiir.l
lull liNtim, enillili' int. I Stile nlo,e..,tl e
.,iilinij I, i n, Is i,l el Jo! I a I,. i, .1. I
l Ml,,, I. W'.ilK, I, I U. I l, I.,, III'. It, III, ill Me-
.Mill, I, , lei , ,' 1 1, I s, I'.iht;, 1 1, 1 iy I.I.I .1,-1 In . ,
II I , i, h: 1 1 Is rle., e, I, 1 1 i he, , ,-r. el
II It'i, ' I Ul,s',,,v liane, h, ,,,e, hin.t hntii
t V
i ' . e i I , I , !li r mi I 1, 1 1 1 ,,l I it.-s, a ,,, , .
nl), I. ii in ii us l le- . I.-, e,,i,., h W i i ,nei I. , i , , i. II
l-lu.'i. I M.ti.- ,,( e,iliiv,,l, l,,-..l.l
I-1 Ii ill mile ,,i , t I '. i,u, i Hi.- I. ie;lt.
l - I Mm III. .-I , III, s. ml ,,,, I , . s,, , ,
I , , i , . I .it, ,-, mi ,,, i, i , 1 1 I, , ,, t le e. ,,l i, I i . ,, II. I ,1 1 -1.11,1
I, ,,lis litiiii li. tel. ,1 ,,..,1 sl.i l.ei: tun-
,, ii.n.l el line.
Wnnti:.,, The llotionililo Judtfen if H,n
-nitt ol fun, l. ion Plms r suniiersel rotttilv,
1 il., have or,l- nil that h Sihs'IhI or Adjonriietl
( ourl ol iiiiinioii I'l.-tiM. of iiiarti-r s-essluns
Mini Orphans' l ottrt, lor Die trltil of citsea
lierel.i, mi. ill lie held nt Holuerscl, nil
Monday Nov. 23, 1S06.
fommcnchuriit lOo'cltx-k A. M. of mild day
')', tli-refore, I, IMnrd lionver, Uiuh
rllerlll of Koliierxet entiiil v, h.-M-liv Idstie lliv
ir,H-liiiimlli,ii KiviiiK Itiiliee In all jurors, wli-
... i,.ii,,i i.riii, iiiirill-N IU I-JI1ISI-H
lo Is- then and there tried, to lie In atletniaiiro
. . ".I Ills Ult I I.
Hhtrill'it OrtW, ) tUWAKIl 1IOOVKK.
i-rsei. III.)
Public Sala
Valuable Real Estate I
Hy virtue of nil onler of Mile Issued out of
the Orphans' Court of Somerset county, 1'h.,
and to me dlns'ted, I will eKse to sale on
the preinlses. Iu Hoinerm-I Hinl Mil lord town
ships, Boiuurxet county, l'-.i., uu
Saturday, November 14, 1896
At I o'clock p. M ,
the following tlpKcrlbed real entttte of John
hwclUcr, dec d.
A certain farm kIIiiuIo In Koinerset and Mil
ford lowimhlps. Hiiuierset county, I'a., uiijnln
ItiK lands ol 1'avlil ll.-lple, ihs-'d, Jonnlhun
Hrl, Henry llwtrl unit others, Ih-Iiik mora
fully diKi-rilnsl In the disnl of Hamuel Kuilili
to John h elt.i'r, nvorded In Vol. 7:1, paic
liiii, t-to., contnlnliiK l:n Hcreii more or li, f
willed lii acres mv elinr and In high Hlale tif
i-iiltlvnUoii, halanee well llinlieiisl, also a u
U trcuiupou the larin, wltlm lmgu
Dwelling House,
large Isink hnrtl nnd other outluilldliiKN. This
fn no i on tlio puhlle road liinlhi finiu Hom
rrset to (lelihtirts, nnlv alsnii iltree mile
Noutli nf Knuieivel, mill n one nl the lu st prih.
iluiiiiK farms In the county, convenient lo
f'litireli a ml Hi-liiml, with eiHnl water on the
lai in, also a It uu orchard nl Unit, apples, eh, r
rles, H iim. i-lc.
AnyM-rson ilinlrlnij to ltsk nt Hie farm,
will cull uu John Hoover on tlio farm.
One-lhlrd cash down, or m-eurod to ho paid,
on day of sale; one-lhlr,l, after p.ivineni of
(tehllt Itlhl expenses, to relnaill H lien ml 1 1 111
real estate, tin! Interest to he annually iNii u
Mary, widow of I ho dee'd; the lal
Hilte hi two tipial aiiitiiai iiavnicnut from
tlaloof mile and to lie Hoeured lv linlKiiienl
on the farm. This farm will be mild suhlis t
ion dower of iliiu 70 i.ow on the farm, the
Ititeresl of willed Ih to U utid miiiiiiilly lo
Mrs Kt nth Miller tlutlin; In r life lime, mid at
her ileal Ii tlm principal lo llinse entitled to
theMthiK. l-tir said ilnwer sii MorlKSL-ii Itee
ortl, ol. it, pane lis and
' nil. 1. W. WII.U
J. It. rn-olt, Kxwtilorulid Trusleo.
Ally .
Administrator's Sale
Valuable Real E:ht3
lty virtue of nn or.h r granted tho under
Kiitueil nn udiitiniNiniiiir hy the liiiihaiis'
l otirt ot Hoineisi i county, a., 1 will oiler f,.r
saloon I he premises nt John him Hm ls, tUs-'d.,
In soinei-i.e township, .morsel cottniy, .
Within nix utiles m .-soiiurset and ono n.llo
north of r riedi iis, the lullowlin,- UescrlLioit
property, io-m h ;
All that cerlnln Intel of land slliintv In
Hiimei-M-i lowjihhip, rei county, pa., ml
Johm.a li.u.lsoi .Vii haW .,, k, IdV M,' v. r,
1 llet hliaver, Adam llainlialt, Wlini.Ul
Siowry, Muiiiiell, Ja.-ob l'rley uud
I'lanti Itarnliait, eouialnli, '
152 ACRES 152
More cr Lcs,
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