j SOrHCrSCl IlClUiU. f ping at the Hotel Vinncr. ..r. r. . I'V t'" l,jn?slt ure ,,'ri;" '"'r.-Ir-N " t..v-tii " n ..: ",7,,,,! -lis empowered .: - "" ' ' ,r. mill t ' ostal.lit-h : ir : : (T in pri thn .'-...-k koops the lest . : ' ill ' '"r" , ...v wr-'hants have been :' '' "" ; i , . ! l.iw !-y felling "' !'J ' , ,,!, ri.l. r vinejpir, -,rl ';i i'" I l.' ;i"-'r at cm,rl "f r"" , , U i huLjuarterH for y. 1 '."..,',. rs-i :'! Hy. ": ' ,, r.. II. Warren lias ' ' ', !X of the rmy -.-i '.; 'tt:.;fiii;iciwpf : ..i""" . ,, ii. i;iiiuat- " ,itliy t:xe must be ;r , ;.-!'-r -uU in order ..r ,.v. .,. r - f I" n-i""' place , A ..r Un- rtirrctit .. 1 ir iv ort- :'."".;7S "' ,'. . , ; ;i: llie oit.l of the , r :sj t' r ta flour, n , 7 .i ii clioap others . ,, , ;;v treasury ran ! ; 1 ' j a :i,t, ,-iiy prisoner : ' : ' ,. ii'-i ill' o"ld no ; :u. :m.l the entire . .l.MHi si. ... ..'.a i- i''t only the 'V ; , .T -.j... N.-res Liver, "'" , ,. 1'.;.h1 ; but if ') " " '.' . . ,, .,.,; !:. to Dana's ' " riasiers. l " -.'.,'.;".! ,,.: i:. r, M. I. Agent, . . w'. "-'!iie out ' ' . .... vu ise t;.l you re .' ' . . - ; . tP'u'.'if is i:i your ' ' . , ., f, 1 or.-lition, ami '" " . ; .. , ..:.-iueiiee. What . .-i::i!ig. inviijorating "' ' . , r' s.-j-ariila. . . ., do farmer liv- ""' v.. , ,.! Kverett, lU-d- . i,i..!iey was not ''",'".'.". ; L Wcck drew it . ... a s-!Jiers retiu- , ... t:-. ;:ie h.use and f. .. Ti n '. it? to the thief. ... . :: against sudden . ...... ,.r.,.:ji and I renchi'iis, " ......, ..i .- j.r.'V i.'u-d wi:5ia ' ( :. :ry Peetoml. would . .' . .j a: t-n time the .. . ;. . !: all lung eoui ;. . . .,; ; f. a -l and sure to r..-:.-'; i a;--rs siy that sini-e : .: that ortistai'les ... a v e.i p.ty lor making ''.'... ;.. a m: ml -or a the . ,-, ,. . : ; .:i :;,.-ir resignations .... . . . r ... Tiie ruling of the v . . .r.i.iiet; with the reported from i, . ; Ii.il a rabid dog, .. v. i.it a horse le :. r :.;i.i also attaek .:: that o'ltuiiiltiity. t;.e viog bit a little !i. the mail carrier. ': i'.'.t-ii liive dii'd or I - ;. . is d;ease has t ;..irrs in Rostraver i i-.i;g considerable u : ;. .. ...-rs of thai se-tion. - : j.-v .ji.-.-... u.i c thus far failed i. ::.f r..ij- "f the malady and it r.;.srl t.i ; i.trjntiiie all alllicled .4...-'irr:!'rg IVmocrat- arhy. "-f -Vr -1. will be the last . ; v ;:i rder to se'urethe atttieo'tniiig election. The s-oter must have e.-a-t thirty day liefore : .j ii;.!!i two yeai of such .. iia:i uae Ixhu per v , . i iv. :i h; a ai least sixty r- U. .- " : a !.e i on hi farm in .':.;:!;.! April, a: the ripe rar. I.-:; tu;rteeu children. ..... :.t : he never saw his -... : . ;:;-r a; ..u.- time. The old ..: .-..:: ! a.t.ir fro;u home le-j,- v : w ere 1-tii. An at : v.. year to get them '..-r. :' .:i-:n were unavoid- ..-i i.le Courier. ; ; .-. ' PhiiaJelphia and . ; iii.lt 1 .-..luj.any atiJ the Phil i - J Iva i.:.- cl and lronviu- j- . ; at a i-a Wednesday, -:'- .-t :' 1" u ;:! Utes Circuit : .: u.- : -;.ie suit brought by :" :u'.- general mortgage T- iu'. :':;:- i'ids was ?J, 1' ! ' ;--r.i.- u ere purchased - tr r.-:..ii;..iu u.ai;a-rs, r pre 'y i. :'. Vl :zs:i .V 'o ol New i. j... a.-.- ,:,;y hiJders. .- i rt L i- de. i Jed that A". A-:l " passed in 17 and i-'o ry A- t is iMnstitutioii-i-r.i !n1. it a inisJeiui auor. - ' 7 i t:!ie or iTiiprisiiiiueut, to - 7 -:.- lut j.r-.j.erty of a livery ;-r. T:.e law was made to r at re kless driving, T ojuuesof the Male, the ".- ai- ue .-.are j the Act uncuustiiu- wi gr .iii ls lijit the purpose : v.a.-.y eipn. ed iu toe title, a-r.a. j.r.jvN-: iistuxt. l-u await- t.i;-rse:;'..!.g iii:us,-.f as a mcm- h .,: ..j 1, Kxaiiiintrs s a;.j.i.-atloijs for i .!. s-ii-nl auj-iiuing :--e..:: : i s i'ii.-rs tti.it the : Aa,...y :.,::;iL; i.,nld1.,r' ll- w ar w i:i 1 re ; of the Lesi-da- - '' i:i:iu- i:at.-:y apply - a w to jjriiisli r A--t As.-i.y ays tual a '-- L ari. as weii as the j a :;is-:.e on appli-ri.-'- A sol jier hav ing -- i. . - "ale u-t required to ii le ii 'ard of F.X- - J'- -. : . a;.j..y i r au inc-rea.se. " ' has for many 1" ''' l"alej :ai for his :.:.-. t'r.-e tuaker." serial of The iu- c u..t.g year. The "7 .: : ..e l.Vvoiui.ouary War L :' tiuriiig tue , ',' ' HiiCi.ruatl It. Miu-heJi ..c-tioiis of Utui- - a. v-..j ii. il, i:i-e-pr.,fr.s,mt " "" ' " i't.:ladelhia foiu '"''' '" M-A.-ai.s, lagans, i. :.y arcian-es, with "' ;'N in the ol J y .. iouud tuu'-b of Li ., J aii studied all .' o.ty titt.j,t Vork- As., -&",...". HaUr r-tht it . . ; tiiai iu summer it t.-4-.'. t degree ' " S:"V drie.i ujm.o a .i-."1"ir'-'i":fj4' Ithind not the W : uJ lual it has neither .. T "' II -igii of good it is sooner "J- 0 ,;S ...... . I. .... '.. ":,:n 19 n near so in- t.'."": JJ'Vtuent that maybe -.-J "' a water i ru wh ihere more or i"":i"'r- The weaker i" ty resist the ' - - - -' i. k . in ii T ' "' a'" seuisation in a. v 'JMr lu-y "-ay be much Uur. "'"'4'""1 'i. tu'' r""i Ut one , tt-"1"' Ii"t meat or -ur rl"' U U tlie ltier do - u-'.:v. Confluence pontile re fTerin ind nients to capitalists to Mart a liatik Jn that place. Very frw persons cxt-epting jurors, witrnM--s and suitors ure in attendance at criminal court this week. . Miss Mary Ktsiser, eldest daughter of ; K. J. Knitter, K-q., has returned to New ! York to resume her art studies. I - - - - ; Mr. William McSpadden, of Ulairs- I ville Interseotion, is visiting at the bonie of his son James, in Rock wood. 1'r. 1. I'. SluHer, vile.uid family have gone to lkN.ftird, whore Ihoy will remain lour or five days visiting w ilh relatives. Chestnuts appeared in market last w e-k. The epp tliis rear will not le an large as was an! k-ip-tted enrly in the xfn son. 11. J. Uowmaii, the well known Berlin merchant and candidate for Auditor on the Republican ticket, was in town yesterday. I Three or four cases appealed from the Court of this county will be argued be j fore the Supreme Court, at Pittslmrg, in ; vtolicr. The Shcriirs side, at the Court House, Friday afternoon, attracted a large crowd. )niy two or three of the properties adver tised were sold. Mrs. T. J. Rristow is spending a few days with her daughter. Miss Kve H. P.iistow, who i cmployil in thetiarrctt public whxils. Colonel James M. Uied, of Connells ville, a member of Governor Hastings military staff, was in Somerset yesterday on legal business. Republican candidate for Associate Judge, Geirge J. R'.ack, of Meyersdale. is in town this week, greeting his many frieuds who are attending court. James Zimmerman, a well known character aliuiit town, died Sunday morn ing, aged a!out -V yejtrs. He is surviveil by his wife and several small children. William Stull, agd U years, died at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Reniatnin Stull in Stonycreek township, on Tuesday last. leatU resulted from dropsv. . ' - Mr. Harry Sufall, a Somerset loy, who has successfully engaged in the whole sale tobacco business in Philadelphia, was the guest of his brother Frank iu this place for a few days last week. Mrs. Chas. H. Fisher took her young son Chauueey to Pittsburg, on Monday, to consult Ir. Lippinoott concerning bis eyes. It is feared that Master 'Chan" will have to undergo a surgical operation. Communion services -will tie held iu j the Reformed Church. Ijivausville, next l Sunday morning at 1 a. m. At 7 o'clock ! the same evening communion services will l held in the Reformed Church, i Somerset. The many friends of lr. S. S. Good, of Meyersdale, will regret to learn that he is seriously ill. The last reports from his I .edside were to the effect that there has lxs-n a slight change for the Ivtter in his condition. M. II. HartzelL of R.s-kwsl, who w ill lie elected Sheriff of this county iu No vernier by the largest majority ever given a Republican candidate, was in town yesterday and was warmly greeted by his legion of friends. William A. Iickinson, of Huntingdon county, and Miss Ellen E. Fritz, of r.pithersvalley township, were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday, Septeuils?r ltith. Rev. M. L. Young officiating. Hon. William Henry Miller, of tjue mahoning township, who w ill In? one of the Republican members of the lower house at Harrisburg from this county next w inter, was circulating among his cuutituet:tf in town yesterday. A numlier of Somerseters will go to Cumberland t o-day for the purpose of seeing and hearing The B y Orator of the Platte, who is billed to speak in that place at 2t-' this afternoon. Several Re publicans, attracted by curiosity, were iu the party. The SoniPiset Ministerial Association met Monday, Si-pteml-er i-'th, at the resi dence of Rev. T. J . Rristow, w ho read a paper on "The Value of Nature Study to the Preacher.' The next meeting w ill lie held on Octoler ilh n the residence of Rev. Iavidson. The following ministerial appointments for this county were anuoum-ed at the Meth'xlist Confereuee, in session at Indi ana. Pa., Motiday evening: Addison. L. Wilkinin; Conlluence. J. S. Imxbury: M'.yersdale, W. R. More; Somerset and I rlin, H. N. Cameron. "ouuty Superintendent PriUn has de cidel u hold the annual Teachers' Insti tute during the week beginning Monday. Ieceiiiber 7th. SupU Pritta informs us that he h-is engaged some of the very liest talent procurable for day instruct ors and for evening lecturen. Mrs. Fundenburg. w idow of the Iat Ir. ;eorge B. Fundenburg. died at hor home in Piltstmrg, Thurs'iay uioraing. She was in her 7;b year. Mrs. Funden burg was well known here, her husband having been at one time a leading practi tioner in Somerset. She is survived by two sous and two daughters. In our account of lue Canton trip last week we forgot to make lueution of a magnitiient bouquet of golden rod that wasp!ae-d in Major McKiulcy'a haieU by George Kreger, of Markleton. The liU'piet was gathered by Mr. Kreger and w as sent w ith her compliment to the next mitres of the White House. Kx-Cotinty Treasurer John Hatner, of Il sivcrsvi'.le, is alteudmg court thia week. He was ao-oiupauied to Somerset ty Mr. Nathan Whiston, of Ohio, who has lien visiting with Mr. Hatner and Curlin Lohr, at their borne. Mr. Whis ton say the -Buckeye" Stale is sure to give McKiuley l.V,(W majority. I'.arnet Lloyd, of Charleston, W. Va., U visiting at the home of his cousin Bar eel Picking, in this place Mr. Lloyd is the ouly surviving member of the grand jury that indicted John Brown, and is one of the mrviving w itnesses of the execution f that famous niisguided (atriot. G-sirge Kirumell, of Mil ford township, w ho w ol be one of the Republican ioem-U-r of the next bard of County Coiu iniskiouers. was in tow n yesterday shak hands with bis many friends and talking isdiiies. It is reported that M r. Kimmel w ill remove to this plaa; a oon as he can purchase a desirable projert y. Norman Curtis Shuilz, wu of Mr. and Mr. Joseph Shultz, of this place, ditnl at Pittsburg on Wednesday, 21 insU, of brain fever. The body w as brought here on Saturday and wa interred in the cem etery at Barronvale. Iecea. waa in his i'id year and was uceesfully en gaged in business in Pituburg. 'Squire Amos Finnegan, of Meyersdale, w is a caller at this olEre one day last week. The 'Squire i the author of sev eral campaign stongs which be will have copyrighted before placing them upon themaiket. I'ersousw bo have seen the 'Squire's verses say that they poe much merit and w iil undouUedly become Kpuiar. The Republicans of bowncy and lcln ity in sionycreek township will raise a McKiuley and Hobart pole, on Saturday, K-tolier 10th. Good campaign orator ill be preeut and dm-uss the issues of the day. Every Republican aud advo cate of sound nioney in the coonty i In vited to be present. The exercise w ill take place in the afternoon, I The stalwart Republicans of Noiuerstr oounty will sulinoritie to the following from the Altoona Trihuiio: "The oitizen who ad voi w free eoinageatthe ratio of 16 to 1 is out of place In the Republican party. He does the obviously proper thing in case he has belonged to it j when he gets out, and nobody should censure bim or make any great uproar over his departure. Master Ross .Scott, who for the past fou years has faithfully served the patrous of the HKRAJ.n in this place with their pa per every Wednesday morning, left Fri day morning for Indianapolis, Ind where he w ill enter the Butler I'niversi tyasa student. R-s is one of Somer set's brightest and most promising young num. He was accompanied by George Knc-pper, who has leen a student in the University for two or three years past. The Remooratic Congressional Confer ence met in Johnstown last Wednesday evening, and after taking a number of ballots unanimously nominated Editor Roliert C. MeNamara. of the Bedford Ga zette. R. M. Linton, of the IVinoerat, who had the endorsement ol Somerset county, wisely withdrew, not wishiug to lie snowed under by the largest majority ever i en a candidate in the Dili district . MeNamara advocates Ires.- silver. There are a few, very few , gentlemen in this tow u claiming to lie Republicans and supporters of Major McKinley, w ho are engaged in doing missionary work for Bryan and the free coinage of silver at the ratio of bi to 1. They have a per fect right to devote their days and night to talking in favor of free silver, but the minute they do so they cease to be Re publicans. A man can't serve two mas ters without cheating one or the other. The IIkralo acknowledges the receipt of an invitation to the marriage of Miss Rertha May, of Altoona, to W. H. Cover, Esq., of that city. The ceremony will be celebrated at seven o clock on Wednes day evening, October Mh, in the First Methodist Church, Altoona. The groom was formerly principal of the public schools of this borough. Subsequently lie taught school in Altoona, and after wards read law and was admitted to the practice in RIair county. Nathan Smith, a la'oorer at Pinkertotr this county, w as killed by a B. it O. en gine, a short distant below Conlluence, on Sunday morning, 3lth inst. It ap pears that the victim had been imbibing too freely the afternoon before and was asleep on the railroad track when the engine struck him. He was buried by station agent Brown and undertaker Humlert, of Confluence, his relatives claiming that they were too poor to lear the expense of buying a casket for him. Between seven and eight o'clock Satur day evening some miscreant set fire to a hayrick, containing alsMit thirty tons of good hay, belonging to J. F. Youukin, of near Fort Hill post -oilice. The entire lot of hay w as destroyed aud entails a loss of about 50 upon the owner. This is the third fire, caused by ni.iicious per sons, in the same neighborhood, during the past three mouths, and Mr. Younkiu authorizes us to oiler a liberal reward for the detection of the scoundrels. Ex-Judge William M. Hall, of Bed ford, was a visitor in Somerset Friday and Saturday, w here be was warmly re ceived by his many friends. Fifteen years have passed since Judge ijall re tired from the bench ol this district, but time has dealt kiudly w ith bim aud left no mark of advancing years, further than a lding a few additional w bite bn-ks to bis well-wised head. Judge Hall i still in active practice aud hi visit here was on legal business. Auother comrade of the Grand Army of the Iiepublic auswered the final roll eall Friday morning, when Peter Bearl, of Berlin, passed to his final reward. The deceased was in his sixtieth year. At one tiiue Mr. Bearl resided uear Som erset, Uit for the pot eighteen years he has been a resident of Berlin. He is sur vived by his wife and two cbiidru. The funeral took place Sunday afleruoon and was conducted under the auspices of Mark Collins Post, G. A. It., of Berlin. Rev. F. P. Say lor, of Siimcrset, conduct ed the religious exercises. A case tried in the courts at Uniontown last w eek is of interest to road supervis ors throughout the State. It was a suit instituted by the supervisors of Georges township against Moses Hustead to re cover the amount of cash tax, being twenty-five per cent, of the total tax which they levied in accordance with a new law. Hustead and some other farmers objected to the cash tax and ofl'ere I to "work" their tax. The jury rendered a verdict iu favor of the supervisors in the sum of ti This is the second trial of the case, and the decision w ill likely stand as a precedent. A number of Somerset Democrats have rushed into print through the columns of the Johnstown Iiemoerat in order to tell of the great number of free siLver con verts among the Republicans of this county. Mr. Chas. H. Fisher, who was the last local Democrat to express an opinion through this medium is frank enough to say thai the Democratic vote in Somerset county will fall short of the rote jsdled by the same party in former years. There is not a Republican in the county w ho does not kuow that there are six sound money Democrats ia the coun ty for tvtry free silver desertion from the Republican ranks. Marshall Andrews, a well-know n vet eran of J.'rina, who has been in a crippled condition ever a int. the war on account of a rebel minnie ball that lodged in bis left hip, uuderweut a surgical operation at the bauds of surgeons iu the Mercy Il.ispiial, Pittsburg, last Friday, when the ball was succifssfuily removeL The location of the lll w hi'.h heretofore had ba tiled the skill of the best surgeons was discovered b. -means of exposure to an X ray. The surfons think that Mr. An drews will be able in the course of three or four u tks to regain the full use of his limb. "Man-b" Andrews was acueiuber of Major McKinlxy'a regiuieut. Mrs. Samuel Trer-t, of Somerset town ship, died on Tuesday evening, Septem ber 'ii I, aged years, months and ') days. She was highly esteemed by her neigbljors and her death will cause pro found grief to her many friends. The deceased bad br-n confined to her bed for a! Hint one week, although she had been iu delicate health for several years. The funeral took place at '1 o'clock Thursday afternoon, w ben her btxly was laid to rest in the Husband cemetery. Religious service were conducted by E'der Muilendore, of the Disciples' Church, of w hieh dec-eased bad been a consistent member for the past .V) years. She is survived by her busland, son Charles, and by her daughter, M rs. K. E. Pugh. The deadly car wheel claimed another victim at Confluence Monday night. This time it w aa Harvey Rush, son of Jacob J. Rush, of I'rsina, who waa crushed to an almost unrecognizable mass. Young Rush, who waa employed on the Pittsburg division of the li. A O. as a brakeman was in Confluence Mon day night w ith bis train. It seems that the freight w as on a Biding waiting ibr the eaat-bound night exprera to pass. Rush stepped on to a second aide track when he was struck by a shiftii g engine aud instantly killed. The deceased wasabnut 24 years of age and was nirri.-d to a daughter of Frederick Kooutx, of Rock wood. In addition to his wife be 1 sur vived by hi father and mother and by seven sisters and three brother. HO B0MIHATI0H. Tht Congrct clonal Dead-lock Transferred to Harriibnrg. T. 3. Kooier's Confer ee! Place Eia ia Hoaination. The Congressional Conference of this (15th) district, which has been dead-locked at Johnstown for the past week, passed a resolution a few minute he fore 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, transferring the scene of atrtion to the State Capital and admitting either State Treasurer Haywood or Auditor General Mylin to the conference with power to cast three vote. Accord ing to telephonic news received here, Mr. Kooser aud Mr. Thropp, through their conferees, volet! against tbo resolution, whilo II icks cast four aud ouo-half votes and Evans three in favor of it. It ia given out through the same bureau of in formation that after the Hick and Evan conferees hat! left the conference and gone to the Pennsylvania rail mad station in Johnstown, the Kooser confereen voted for Kooser and declared him the nominee No further information wa received up to the hour of going to press, but it is altogether probable that a nomination will lie made before 12 o'clock this (Tuesday ) night, when the time will have passed to place the name of the candidate in the Republican column of the ballot to be oled in Novcmler. The Home of Lincoln for XcKinley. Prksikkxt Lincols Cncii.Sotnerset, Pa. Dkar Sir: Allow me to congratulate you and your fellow associate of Somer set county upon your successful excur sion to Canton, upon the reception ac corded you and upon the eloquent ad dress of Senator Critchlield, which summed up the question of the present campaign in a few words. And then, allow me to congratulate you upon the eloquent reply of our grand leader, the soldier and the patriot McKiuley. It would have afforded me the greatest pleasure to have met your delegation. Do you ask why I am so much interest ed in your delegation over all others that have visited Canton? Pennsylvania is my native State, aud Somerset county is the oounty in which I wa born and grew to manhottd. There my youthful mind learned the lessons of citizenship a taught by the Republican party, which I never forgot, although most of them were learned before the party came into National existence. In my early days the two dominant parties were Demo cratic and Whig, the former under the leadership of Judge Black, and the latter under Charles Ogle, ("Spoony" Ogle). Although quite young I quite well re member the campaigus of JHJo-lsfl, and much of the argument used then for and against a protective tariff, and in my mind's eye I can still behold the elo quent Ogle proclaiming the advantages of protection to his constituency "The Frosty Sons of Thunder." Iu latter years A. J. Ogle, Jr., ably supplied the place of hi uncle. My home wa then in Jennertown with my father, R. U. Conover, llstj., w here I enjoyed the acquaintance of many of the leading citizens of the county, and al though I have long lieen separated from the scenes of my childhood I hare ever cherished fond recollection of it and have been battling for the supremacy of the grand old party. During the dark days of the Republic many of your citi zens stood with me shoulder to shouldor in defence of the Union, the Constitution and the free institutions of our country, and many are still living who share with me feelings of pride over the honorable duty we performed. I have always been proud of the Republican party in the grand old Keystone State, and I am grat ified to know that iu my dearly loved old home the lump of loyalty, patriotism ami devotion to American institutions still burns as brightly as it did in day past when kindled by the pioneer Frosty Sons of Thunder. I hope that the echo of your shouts at Cauton will reverberate from the peaks of the Laurel Hill to the summit of the Alleghcnies until it shall awaken the Demoops from their free silver lethargy to the fact that honest money and protection are what American farmer want and it should be in tone never to lie forgotten. Permit me, Mr. President, through you to tender my kindest regard to the Re publicans of old Somerset, and especially to those of Jenner township; and in ton elusion let me assure you that Sangamon county, Illinois, the home of Abraham Lincoln, will le found with you 'his fall iu the Republican column. Respectfully, II. J. CoXOVEK. A Family Eeanion. There was a pleasant family reunion, Wednesday evening, September 2-L of children and graud-children of Mrs. Elizabeth Shaver, at her residence in Friedens it being her teith birthday. There were fi present, several lcing ab sent on account of distance, eUu They came bringing with them, besides good cheer, a lot of nice presents and a good supply of eatables, of w hich all partook with a hearty zest. It was intended to le a surprise party, but it is beiieved some one let the cat out of the bag. It wa au enjoyable evening to all concerned, sev eral hours being spent socially, and after prayer by the pastor. Rev. J. J. Welsh, the visitors departed, wishing Mother Shaver many happy birthdays in the future. X. Seallton Scadi. .Postmaster E. G. Henry bas disposed of all bis property including his real es tate and store to D. J. Henry A Son. E. ft. contemplates remoing to West; inoreland county. S. W. Gary, the mail carrier between here and Rock wood, ba disposed of bis route jo Samuel Tiukey. The citizens of New Lexington presented mail carrier Gary w ith a set of silver spoon as a mark of the'i appreciation of his faithful per formance of duty. S. B. Henry w ill give upcountor-jnmp-jug in the Scullton store in order to teach one of the public schools in I'pper Tur Jfeyfoot township. The lecture by Miss Emma Cramer, op "League Work," delivered on a recent Sunday night in the Wesley Chapel, at tracted a large crowd. Tl)e lecture is highly spoken of. . . f SIG? B0AED3. Tretpaftert Should Heed Them or Suffer the Conteqnencet. Jvoiqe persons think that sign boards, forbidding bunting, fishing, nut gather ing or trespassing upon private land are of little account, and tljat they may be disregarded with impunity. This is a mistake, a the law makes it an act of trespass to go upon any premise without permission from the owner. Even if there is no sign board, the o'vner is enti tled to recover actual damages' for such trespass. When the sign boaru a.- properly erected any person who tres passes upon laud so guarded i not only liable to pay actual damages, but also a penalty not exceeding twenty-five dol lars. If, however, the hind owner wish es to avail himself of the provisions of the act of Assembly h.e must, therefore, comply with it requirements. There must at lea; be one sign, not less than a foot square, to every 50 acres of land, stream or poud, which it is intended to protect. Any person who deface, in jure or destroy such a aiga board ia guilty of misdemeanor and liable to a line of twenty-five dollae. Two Big Crops. The potato crop, now being harvested in this county, promise to be as large if not larger than last year's output, which waa the largest in the history of the county. Thousands of bushels of apples are going to waste iu this county for want of a market. Tbe crop is one of the largest ever know n. Last season the crop of ap ple w as confined to certain localities, but this season there is an abundance of that wholeome fruit in every district. Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest. U.S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE from the Alleghenies to the Sierra. Mr. Eiiitok: Will you grant a small space in the columns of the II erald for a short letter from a modest writer ? Having spent two weeks in renewing old acquaintances anil reviewing once familiar scenes in my native county, Homersot, I turned my back to her beau tiful hilli and valleys, on July 10th, per haps for tbe last time, and started on tbe journey lor my home on the Pacific slope, in tbe Sa.i Joaquin Valley. I do not tbtuk I ever realized before my last visit to my old home how charm inghose little bill and valley are. The syeet water, the pure air, how shall I rget them ? esecially the old cemetrry leside the historic Jersey Church, iu Turkeyfoot that sacred spot where rest the remain of so many hallowed in memory. It wa my great pleasure to spend a half-mouth, after an absence of 20 year, withold friends and relative there where I hal spent my childhood days. I also sentafow day of quiet, peaceful rest with my old friends and brothers, N. B. Critchfield aud W. H. Sanner, men whom your county ha been pleased to honor. After leaving Somerset county with all of its pleasant associations I spent four delightful days in Fayette county. At the old church near Mill Run we bad a Sabbath day reunion of old friends and christian worker from different parts of the country a day long to be remember ed. At Connellsville a little incident of rather peculiar iuterest occurred. I had previously spent a few days there behav ing myself as best I could in such a place. When I returned lor a few hour's visit a number of citizens, led by the post master, concluded to cane me. I left victor, how ever, carrying with me a gold-headed walking stick. A most delightful day was passed in Pittsburg visiting the Carnegie Library, Museum and Conservatory, and other objects of interest in Schenley Park. From Pittsburg we journeyed to Chicago and theuce to Milwaukee, having passed through a most beautiful country. At Milwaukee we spent four days attending with some 20. Ooo others the B. Y. P. U. A. Convention a convention that neither brush nor pen can describe a conven tion of young, earnest Baptist workers from ail part of the I; niled States and many other nations. Among the remark able men who made addresses bore was Alberto J. Diaz, the apostle to the Cu bans. He i a native Cuban, converted in New York, where he became a natu ralized citizen of the I'nited States, and afterwards returned to Cuba an apostle of religious as well as civil lilerty ; was successful in gathering together a Baptist congregation of 2,700 members the only protectant church on the Island was ar rested by the Spauiards and driven from the Island bocauss of his faithfulness to the principles of liberty. From M ilwaukee we journeyed through Nebraska, a State celebrated iu the past for its grashopjers, its hot winds aud it draughts, but this year for its immense corn fields and Presidential candidates, Nebraska, notwithstanding its past fail ures, is one of our best agricultural Slate. To one traveling across it broad prairie at this time it appears a real vegetable paradise. We left Grand Island, Neb., in the morning and were soon in Cheyenne, the capital of Wyoming, onp of the Uocky Mountain States. Here we saw no great cornfields or hay stacks a in Nebraska, but the little curly buffalo grass, very insignificant in appearance but very nu tritious and valuable for cattle. In as cending the Rocky Mountains from the East one is not aware he js in the moun tains until be is on top of them. The summit is 8,0u0 feet high and is marked lere, on the IT. P. road, by an immense granite pyramid, erected by the Ames brothers, of Boston, at an expense of f7.-),0u0, iu honor of their father. We now descend rapidly to the West, reaching Green river at dark. Here we turn to the Northwest, traveling through sa?e brush, black ".a rocks and cloud of dust all night and all of tbe follow ing day aud night, on the Oregon Short Line, through Southern Idaho, Eastern Oregon, DP into the Southeastern corner of Wash ington. Herp w 9 pjrn p the Southwest, descend the Columbia, passing through some grand scenery, and arrive in Port land, Saturday morning, August 2lnh, a distance of about 2,0") mile, traveled in two day and three nights. 'I was surprised to find that Oregon i one vast volcanic district, covered for the most part with, sage brush aud pine for ests. ML Hood is an active volcano 11, H62 feet high. Not very active, but yet so much so a to dislodge a mas of ris k from tbe rim of the crater a few day ago, seudiug it bounding down iu side dis lodging masses of snow which came slid ing down and meeting a party of tourUt going up, threw a woman into a crevice 00 feet deep, severely bruising and crip pling her. Oregon has some tine land near her cities and they ask tine price for it. She also has more than l.uiO.OOU acre of public lamls, some of it good, if one kuow how to find it leaving Oregon City on a morning traiu, Sept. 2J. we enjoyed a grand ride up the' WillamUte Valley Oregon' finest country and over the rugged Sis kiyou Mts., across the plains touching the foot of old Shasta, California's mosi lofty snow capped mountain, then down the Sacramento and up the San Joaquin Valley home. Here I found all well and temperature 100. Madera, Cal. Z. C. RlsK. SOMEBSET SE7TJBLICA33. A Farmer Telle How They Are I'Sallying for Tree Silver." Fpjm ti.e Johnstow n Trjbuue. A leading farmer of Conetnaugh town ship, Somerset county, was in the city to day. He saw an item in this morning's Democrat, in which i( was said hundreds of Republican of (Somerset county will vote for JJryan and Free Silver, and, many Jenner-township people were ral lying about Mr. Ileckuiau, "for mauy years one of the most prominent Repub licans jn Somerset county. . The intelligent farmer laughed and said he ul J not suppose more ignorance and untruthlu'ness could be crowded into the same space. ;-Tn tbe first place," he said, 'Mr. Heck man acea not live in Jenner township, but in .Tonemaugh. In the second place, he ha noi been a Republi can for many years, but ba shifted hi allegiance about to various parties. In tbe third place, ha is not rallying any Re publicans about him. Aod in the fourth place, I don't think a single Republican in the county will join the Repudiation Silver gang, a most of it own member are ashamed to own tbey belong." There were several other blunder and misstatement in the Ieiuocrat's few lines, tbe gentleman said, but he didn't deem them worthy of attention. All these creeping, crawling, stinging sensations that combine to make tbe tortures of any itching disease of the skin are instantly relieved and permanently cured by Doan's Ointment, Take no substitute. Doan's never1 fails. Buy your crocks and neware from Se-HBOCK. T Bsrairag Criminal Court Proceeding!. The regular September term of crimi nal Court convened at ten o'clock Mon day morning. Judge Longenecker, Bie secker ant! Horner ou the bench. D. W. Will, Esq., of New Centrevllle borough, was appointed foreman of the Grand Jury. Tbe first case called for trial wa that of tbe Commonwealth vs. Jacob Horner, charged with committing an assault and battery on W. A. McVicker. Tbe defend ant plead guilty, aud wa sentenced to pay a fine of 13.00 and the cost of prose cution. . Robert Harding, chargod by Georgo Hcmminger w ith aggravated assault and battery, was fount! guilty a indicted. Clarence Friedline plead guilty to a charge of F. A B., Nettie Heiple prose cutrix. The usual sentence wa imposed. Charles Finecy plead guilty to a like charge, on information of Ida B. Miller, and was given the usual penalty. George B. Gardner, indicted by tho grand jury for embezzlement, Reinbard Ritterman prosecutor, called for trial. The bill of indictment was quashed by the Court on the ground that it had not l?en found within the statutory peril, and the defendant wa discharged. XOI.I.E PBOSKqriS kntkrkh. The district attorney entered a nolle jirt,xrqui in the following case, on pay ment of cost by the defendant : Commonwealth vs.T. G. Cupp, F. A R.; Minnie Hoover prosecutrix. Same vs. Howard Powell, F. A B.; An nie Wingard prosecutrix. Same vs. Christian Deck, K. tt B.; Mag dalen Baker prosecutrix. Same vs. W. B. Leuhart, F. A B.; Clara Wheeler prosecutrix. Same vs. John Gunny, V. A B.j Mary Cbristner prosecutrix. Same vs. Alice M. Shaffer, fornication; Eliza J. Gritlith prosecutrix. Same vs. Ann Showman, fornication; Constable's return. Same vs. S. Shoemaker and George Dumtauld, supervisors. Same vs. David Lavau, F. .V B.; Ida Dively prosecutrix. Same vs. H. Livengood, F. A R.; Sarah E. Aycrs prsecutrix. Same vs. Jacob Sparry, A. A B.; David Sparry prosecutor. Same vs. C. H. Schmucker, nuisance; Jacob J. Weigle prosecutor. Same vs. Richard Letcher, A. A R.; Joseph Davis prosecutor. Same vs. Joseph Fisher, surety; Mary Werner' prosecutrix. Same vs. William Ham, surely; J. J. llolzhu prosecutor. Same vs. Luther Witt, F. A B.; Lizzie Durst prosecutrix. CASKS CO.XTINVKI). The following case were continued : Commonweath vs. Jacob Smith, burg lary. Same vs. Edward Shultz, F. A It. Same vs. T. Z. Ringlcr, A. A B. w ith intent. The criminal calendar contains sixty three cases aud the remainder of the week will be occupied in disposing of them. George Buck man resigned as constable of Berlin, and the Onirt appointed Tobias S. Fisher to fill the vacancy. Stocking Up. I ha- e bought W. S. Kiinmt l"s Gentle men's Furnishing Good Store aud am stocking it up w ith tirst class Fall and Winter Goods. Just rece ived a complete line of Ties, Hats, Suspenders, Overalls, Winter Underwear, etc. Give me a call. Will name price to suit you, The New Form of Ballot. The form, of ballot for the coming elec tion will differ materially from any in use since the enactment of (he Raker bal? lot law of lsftl. Col. John A. Glenu, cor poration deputy auditor-general has pre pare.! for the Republican State Commit tee a form to conform w ith the amend ment made by the act of the Legislature of 11':, which has liee-n a-ccpled by Sec retary Reeder as tbe official form of the State Department. Tbe groups used iu the ballot at the last presidential election are done away w ith in the uew form and a circle sutmtituted at the head of each column, in w hich the placing of a cross mark will vote the entire ticket or be equivalent to a cross-niark oppoie each individual in that column. The new liajlot contain nine columns, with he Republican party first. Then follow Democratic, Prohibition, Nation al, People's, Socialist, Labor, Free Silver, JefTersonian and a blank column, in the order named. The surnames of the pres idential caudidate of each party are placed in the column just Itelow the circle above the electors. To the right of the name of the candidates i a large square in w hich the voter, by marking a cps, vote the entire thirty-two candidate for elector in that column. A voter desiring to vote for any other candidate lieiow the electors in any other column will Ue re quired to put a cross-mark opposite each name. This is the tuos( convenient form to ballot that hi'.s yet I fen adopted in this State and will lu lutue easily understood than any form used in the past. Colonel Glenn has also prepare! for the State Committee a Us-k of instructions to and duties of election oflicers under the gen eral election law, which will ! sent broadcast over the Slate iu the next mouth by chairmau Eikiu. Itw iUaUo contain copies of the new form of offjeial ballot, with iustrut-tioiis. how to vote Straight and split tickets. The tiocutuent will also coutain all the UevWioua ou. the ballot lfcw to date. f L Elder at CnUa. Colonel Samuel Elder, a native of this county and well known to many of the older readers of tbe IIkbai.ii. accompan ied tbe Westmoreland county Republi cans on an excursion to Canton last Thursday. Colonel Elder live near Lig unier and wa one of the honored guest at our County Centennial celebratiou a year ago, having driven here from hi home, n the course of hi remarks to the Westmoreland delegation Major Mc Kiuley said: We are especially honored to-day by (b,e presence among us and here on tbe porch by my side, of Samuel Elder, of Ligonjer, Pa., who voted in 12 for Gen eral Jackson, and has been voting stead ily ever since for American develop ment, American advancement aud American honor. General Jackson dif fered from tho Chicago Democratic con vention. He wa in favor of sound mon ey and a protective tariff. I am glad to meet this veteran of seventeen presiden tial campaigns here lo-day, and I feel proud of tbe fact that be is this year In favor of the great doctrine of tbe Repub lican party, and profoundly interested in lt S'.iccew. May bis long and honorable life be still further prolonged, and may hi declluing years be the happiest of his long end useful career. If w e shall but approach the patriotism of the great men be bus supported, if we shall but enter upon tbi campaign with tbe love and devotion to country w hich characterized Adams, Clay, Harrison, Taylor, Scott andFremont, and Lincoln, and Grant, and Garfield. Hayes and Arthur, and Blaine, and Harrison, I am sure we will have discharged every requirement of good citizenship, and exercised every ad vantage of matchless opportunities of American voters. CIRCUS OAT AfFEOACHXS. Special Low Bates and Extra Trains to Bar nun ft Bailey's Greatest Show ea Earth. Barnniu A Bailey will exhibit their enormous show at Johnstown, Molxjr 10, which w ill b it only appearance In this vicinity this season, and on which occa sion the railroads, recognizing the im portance of the ewnt, and realizing that enormous crowd will desire to attend from a distance, will place in service special trains, and offer very low rates for tbe round trip. Nobody can afford to mis seeing the Baruu in A Bailey show this season. It I even greater than be fore, w bich is high praise Indeed. Every year, for many pant, tho pre and public have becu wildly enthusiastic over the extent and magnificence of the Barn u in A Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, which will lie seen here exactly a it was in New York. But what will lie said of it this year, superior as thin season's show is to all previous one ? Indeed, the big show has been vastly improved and en larged in all department to a most won derful extent. Now in the circus depart ment alone one hundred act are given at each performance, afternoon and evening by as many daring champion equestrians, athletes, gymnasts, jugglers and acrobats. There are twenty acts in which perfetrtly trained animal are seen with twenty comical clowns, two of whom are ladies. Several of the latter were acknowledged to be the funniest fellows in Europe be fore Barnuni A Bailey engaged them. After the act in three circus ring and on the three elevated stages, numerous hip podrome race take place. Then there is Johanna, the giant gorilla only one in tho world at present iu caitivity. The 50 horsee, flock of ostriches, 24 trained elephants, tbe human arrow, the strange people in Oriental ludia, aud many other remarkable features. Beside tbe most marvelous feat in midair, tbe whole en tertainment is of such a grand character a to amaze everyone. A children' cir cus, too, is especially provided for the delectation of the little folk. So Hot Fail to Bead This. The noted Special ist, Dr. M. Salm, who bas been so suc cessful in the treat ment of private dis eases of both sexes, and all kind of chronic disea.e,may be consulted, a usu al, free of charge, in Somerset, at the Ho tel Vannear, ou Friday, Oct., 2d. and every -I week thereafter on same day. Consultation and Examination free. Newest Styles in Dress Goods. Ladies, you will agree with those who have already seen my DUEsS GOODS stock, that it is the largest and handsomest ever seen in riom. crset. litre you will find the New Styles of this seasou. Every lady wishes to see the most fashionable dress goods before making a selec tion. Dozens of new novelty styles. Trimmings to suit. Mrs. A. E. Uhu NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS. Wc havo just received our new stock of Fall and Winter Goods. In Xovclty Dress Goods we can show you a nice assortment. In Figured Black, Fancy, and Drapery Silks. AlMVaol Cloths, Furo Wool Serges and Henriettas in all colors. Also a nice line of Flaid Dress Goods at prices that can't be beat. In Ribbons, Hamburg?, Laces, Black and Colored Velvets, Lace Curtains, and a variety of notions. In all-wool Flannels, Canton Flannels, Outing Flannels, Xaped Shirtings, All-wool Blankets in White, lied and Colored. A big stock of Cotton Blankets, Cou.forts, Brussels, Velvet aud Ingrain Car pets, Rugs, Druggets, Portiers, Oil Cloths, etc. We have a large stock on hand. For new styles in Ladies' Flush and Cloth Capes, Ladies, Misses' and Children's Jackets, call and ex amine our stock before buring else where. Our aim is the best goods for tlte least money. PARKER & PARKER, pUBLIC NOTICE. I hereby certify that the following accounts have hern flleU tn my office according to U and will be prvsenWsl to toe Court fur cooUfs maUou, ou Thursday, Oct I, 1896. The first account of I. G. Mclntoth and John Hinklry, refrtTrrs, appointed by the C'Mirt ol t'nmiiun Plewa of frsunerset eountv, i rr Mrr V. t'sunrld, el al. vs.Tbotnaa Ari4 iron. et a!, at No. 11 Ko,uitjr l key ll'l. ritM auu final acrouut of n ntt w aifcer, a. irHs-of Charles W. Ifctldvcl H Wife. r'irvtand tins! account wf Iu. Country man, assignee of H. B. Kannand wife, ' r.KMAYUiR, ' Prolhonotary. f .1 Administrator's Sale OY Vahabls Rgal Estate! Uy virtue tf an ordrr gmnt! the tinder slsunt Ha allitliUlnMir hy to tr'hun' t ..urtof ri.in wi OMinty, I'.. I will oirv-r for h1mi. riul- of JoiuuiuMi llovu. dw'd.. In soiiH-niet. towunlilp, Hmt-nwl irounty, !'., williiH U iilt ol roiiM-rM-t ami no mile norm of h rilm, tho following iKucrltwd ru rty, to-wii: All that certain traet of bind itintte In Konurnel townntilu, Monit-nwt iHMjmy, at joiiilng mnUxof Mtt-tuiW 11. kry, Kll Mluver, Oliver blwver, Adam Uarniutrt, V lutlH'l Mowry, Kliumell, Jacob Criaaey and rank Barn hart, containing 152 ACRES 152 Mora or Lest, about lOSacrea cleared, balance timber. Hav ing thereon erected a good IwixUiry dwelling nuuiw, bank barn and oilier outbuilding. Orchard of all kind of choice fruit tra. Thl farm la well watered, never-falling prill, mootb aotl. Very deairable for tarni lng l-urixwet and la well located. Mineral rlgbta not aold. Near railroad and conveni ent to churcuea and f-hool. Thin la a ram chance to buy a desirable, fit rut. Terms: One-third faith, and the balance on eaxy pnyinentjt, with tntereat, secured by mort gage. Addmui, b. F. BOYTs. AdmlnUtrator, Couneilitvlile, KayeticCu Pa. or JocLiili IloyU, Krk-di'iin. OTK'K IX DIVORCE. Ma Kanrfman In the Court of Com- by h.-r next frk-nd 1 moil Vnt of A. K. lliltner, I eret Co, la. No. IN. May T. t Ilcrnmn kaurTuian. hoiu- (AliuhulpiMia In Divorce. To Ihrmitn A'dtwlH, thr tlrfetulilnt, abort You are hereby notified to be and appear at the next CtHirt f Common flraa for noUH-r--t rounty. to lie lit Id at mierwt on the 4lh )ioiiUy of N ,i. ml A 1. li. Oth day) lo auw-r a compUinl of Ida kauttnun your win-, the plaimiU alave named, and uliow caUKe. If any you have, why ytnir mid wife kIioiiM not lie divorced from the bonda of matrimony entered Into with you. agreeably to I lie prayer of her petition and libel exhib ited nvittiiM you la-lore Mini Court. SSuernrn otti.-e, i KtiWAKO HOOVER, Aug. 1S.5.: bucrltr. YUEE'S NOTICE. Estate of John Kgner, of Paint tow n hip, Moiiieraet county, la. Notice Ix herehy given that John Egner, of lltint towniliip, .-hjiih ret eoumv, a haa executed a deed of voluntary axMituiiieut of ad lu estate, real and personal, to the un demigned. for the beneni of llie creditor of thesuid John Egner. All Demon indebted lo naid John Ej;iicr will make immediate ay luent. and tho-e having cluiuw will prenent them duly authentic led for m-U lenient, ou Thursday, Ix-U 2), li. at residence of Ait. mgllev. ISAIAH IIOL.HOI'1'I.F, F. W . Uleseeker, Aimlglfcee. Attorney. YDM IN 'STI&ATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Noah Roberta, bite or Houierxet township, humtra.1 county, I'u., dee'd. Letters of adriiintntnition on the above estate having l.vii granted lo the undersigned by the proper auiho.nly, notice in heredy given to ail persona Indebted to laid extol lo umke immediate puymetit, and thotte liavingclaim against the ame to pn-kent thetn duly au thenticated lor aetlieiuent, ou Sutunlay Oct -ii, Wti, at the law office of John iL f-cutt, in nomcraet borour ti. la. . , , EI LLIE B. KOBEKTS, John K. Scott. Adiiiiun.lratnx. Alt'y. DMINISTIIATOU'S NOTICE. Cum Tcstamento Annua Letters of administration Cum Tcstamento Annexo having b-en imiued to me by the proper authority on the estate of Joftiah tiir:.- lu i ,.r l-i.i.... i : . . , - - . iif ii j nomeroel Ciiumy, 1 a, dec d., notice is hereby given tu - ' ...... i, against saia eMl lo present them duly authenticated for oy nieiil. and all person indebted to Maid eslale will make imiiicdian- payment lo iu.- under sign d. , . . , AUAM STl'RTZ, AdiiiinisinitorCum lesUMueuio Aiiuexo. Col born A Col burn. Attorney. A D-MINLSTILATOIi'S NOTICE. Ettate of Lucy Ann Berkey, late of I"aluV township, isouiemet county, Pal, dee'd. Lcllcrs of administration hurlu- 'been granted by in.- pn-r authorttv. u ifte un-den-igiied. notu-e is hereby given, to all pert-Mis indebted to s..id estate lo.iMi.ke Immedi ate payment. an-j iL.fcu- having ciimaint said estate will present them uuly aulueuP caUsJ for M.ltittuel.'. JACOB C. KXAVEI, Colborn 4 loiborn. Administrator. Attorney. JJXECXTOR-S NOTICE. Estate of Julia K. HobJIlxelt, late of Merer. d..c borough, sxuueraet county, P, deed. L. Iter testamentary on tlie above estate having tieeu issued by the proper authority to the Uiinrrsljjned an executor ol Ihe above ea Uile, notice is hereby given to all parties In d tiled tos.ua estate to make immediate pay ment, and all panic, having ctallua against said exUle will present them duly authenti cated lor settlement and payment to the un dersigned at Meversdale, Pa. CoiUrn A oihorn, J. J. HOBLITZEti, Alt lor Exwulor. Ejtevulor. J7XECUTor.S NOTICE. Esb.teof Henry Puppstadt, biteof Stonycreek township, sjouierset county. Pa., dee'd. letters testamentary on the above esVsW having been Krunl.-.l lo the underuueU by the proper authority, notice Is hereby ven to all pcrs,ns indebi.-d to iaid estaw lo make iiiiiinstiale payment and those having claims against the same lo present them duly au thenticated tor ocltU imuluti Halurday Oct. Sd. isssi. at the utUoe o( J. U Puirn. ia vnii. set borough. t.Eolt.E t'l i'l'S'I A liT JACOB OlPps.TAI.-f, t t 'c,u,p' hry iuppstadudee'd. J. I- Push, Attorn, y. E XECUTOr.'S NOTICE. EsUt if John Sweitxer, lale of M ilford town- auip, ouiuerset countj', fa dee'd. Letters UnUnientary on the above estate hav ing been granusl to the undersigned by the proper authority, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to Mid estate to make immediate puyn -ent, aud those having claims auinsl tlie same to preseul thetn duly au tiietiiicated tor settieiiieht. on !satunlnv, Ocu i the offiisf or Ii. W. Will, iu New Cen ircvilie borough, said countv. Tunc "U- W'l-I- John R. Scott, Extvutor. A ilorncy. XjZIMIIEjI Ihe 0. 1. C. LIME COMPANY, SUCCKSSORS TO THE aTYERSDAlE LIKE COHPAHY. have just completed Ihelr new siding and arc now prepared to ship by car-Maid lots to sire part of tbe country. This lime Is manufact ure,! from the celebrated SlylerHill Lmejttm and Is especially nch in a ii I lie elements re. 'l?ll'j?Xf,'nU!h,'''"l- ITIS WHAT ALL FARMtRs, NEED! ssl st.s-k on hand all tne time Pm-es low an the lowest. Address all communications to I C. UME COMPANY ProTrW MEYCRSOALC HMIMSSettMNNM I 16 TO 1. siLvga GOLD In the money question meani tliat In weight It would take 11 liold dollars to make in weight one Sliver dollar. We Itiuirantce for cither one Miiver or tniid dollar u mve you the pun-stand most sge.1 missis sold. Take a moment's I titles nit 1. . . , , . SVesri'id ssmicrsel x-r U S to I Yr.oid Pure lt e." uitil - - old - - HVJUaV - lss.Haud-niadcSMir M:waj.u J. A. UtlUifhertv lnre U. .V.".l Andriesseii Best Pure Krf a.1) " Mviul price list on Wines, etc., on applicathai. Noezuu charge for Jugs or pitukiug. U.ve as a trial order. VtltSrtONX A. ANDMICSStN, ms. ss. Federal St..Alleirbeny. Pa Uemember that we are Ileadquart for Boots, Shoot. Rubbert, Slip pers and everything- lu the aho Hue from the ni4tsi article ap to the largesva', uf the. reliable, never-rip, water-tight sort at the low-eat prices. OTJB MOTTO : PESFECT FITTING SHOES AT PERFECT FITTING PEICES. REPAIRING T" SPECIALTY George P. Stein & Co "06 Main Crow SL, SOMERSET. PA. 1872 1896 c00K & MERITS. Grocerf, Floor, Grain & Feed Dealers, Sept. 21, '99. SOMERSET, PA. ATTENTION. FARMERS ! Two Carloads STONE CROCKS AND JARS Jiut unloaded. Tbey will go fast at tbe price we are wiling them; therefore do not fail to call on u before buying your supply, as our prices on thee goods are lower than ever before. SPiCCS. ''"y our tot'k from one ot tlie Uirgfst pipice llouneu in tbe country, and handle nothing, but the Purest, Uet and Choicest goods, at priceu auch an are gener ally paid for quite an inferior ual ity. We have jut Igiught Several Car SALT At the lowest price ever purchased for thin market, and will give tlie trade the beuelit of extremely low figures. MKIiCHAMS will do well to write tw for special price on live and ten barrel loU. . Our "Kinz's Best" and "Boss" liters have never found their equal on thia market. We have a carload of each due, aud if you have not already u.-ed them, give them a trial. We guarantee them to give entire satisfaction. We are also agents for PilUburj' Best," Woria' Fair Souenir,, and 'PUlsburj'a Magnet" Large Shipments of lason Fruit Jars Jut arrived. We are now fully sup plied for the balance of tlie aea.-m. We have not advanced our price, as we wish to clear up our stock litfore the season ends. By buy ing your jars from u we will give you the benefit of the lowest price on this market. We have just added to our block the Celebrated Shredded Wheat Bis cuit, which is one of the latest things out in this line. Give theiu a trial and be convinced of their excellence. REMEMBER Oar stock of Groceries is always the Purest, Best and Freshest oa the Somerset market. Yours respectfully, COOK & BEERIfr. HOTEL KAUTZ, ED. B. KAUTZ, Pro., SO. SIS MB SIS asiLSOAO STHCCT. JOHNSTOWN. PA. First-class accommodations and first-class table at low rates. The whole house fitted out with fine new furniture. Best drinks and best cigars kept in stock. Only & few steps from Post Office. .-When in need of an"&4 ORGAN, SEWING MACHINE, Or anything in the Furniture. Line, call at the rew Furniture Store of HatiwsyowM's where jou will iare an opportuni ty to select from the finest as sortment of FURNITURE in tha COUNTY. We hare car rooms chuvk full of Furniture right from the facto ries." It will be to your interest to give us a call and get our prices. If lair dealing, low prices, kind treatment wins, we will cecd. and Urcrtaklng t Fmbafming A Specialty. MATTHEWS & AMAH, BEBLIN. PA. Vanted-An Idea wv thin k lo pal rot d -mmm Ii ii - ..wiuukiui mMM-, rs nimmt A stars ) Jl) jffl BUSINESS STtKIJW rs'J COLLEGE r rr'P 'JTJT iBtn a srssO- ( V, , wiaair.f 4aca t t vlf aSrSe4tUj C stssstwv! aaawaat i -ratumi rmnt