The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, May 06, 1896, Image 3

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    u u
flii Somerset Herald.
May . INHV
rt r! Wall rKT!! at
S i i:r' A Rt Stohk.
t..l f raumeal on Hi ah-
. I. . r. . kAt.n,L ilpff
. ,,, i'ic meal. Tl kin will b kept
! u h 4 litMe to chap
i mr..i;f Wall raHf to Mlci
( ,: v i. 1. r' Art Store.
I "ii tii Itmir i apt to make it
Jra'ty is ' us.t, Ur j la
. -u ' -l "-'-r rms the lialr iu
' r; it in t liii-li a lrtU? p dered
,. .. ! ,"r" !"
, , si snyler ' Art Store and fx the
; Le.fWall 1'alKT al m. por roll.
j ,i ii II. M rrin, the well-kuaw Jef
,r.u t "-"'P unJertakcr, ban just re
i ,ri- ' ""e ft,'r "avi"C r'v'veJ tbor-
'. . , m-iru tioas in the art of erubalm
lie ill attend to day and night
In Ui manufacture of knives the tii
;,;,.n ..fiais.r has beeti carried to such
au extent that one knife is handled by
.wMu-different artisaus, from the mo
ment tin- Made is forged until the instra
in is finiiihed and ready for the
XI, c largest line of Wall raper ever
tlit. onntv at
..owi' u
Sxvikr's Art Stork.
. said that the black-eyed man is
ill,' in-jealous M ma c, -rj
,ie tho ' faithful, a brown-eyed one
tt'ir ln-t provider, and the blue-eyed al
henpecked. This being leap' year
,w. .;i!lih these facts for the benefit of
Vi,,l:ns Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos
a.,a ,,;iicr stringed instruments at Suy
de,'s Imigstore.
j, o,..iitithsons for the newly elected
ij.;i vof the peace, have been received
lr ;,KIMfr and Kecorder Miller, and
rj had now any time. The term for
justi.-.- 1h gins Monday, May 4. and they
eg., I wiu in any time from this on.
M-s. K. B. Coffrolh has in stock all the
,., i:d stylish thinitH in luillinery.
A c!.i!'l as irel of croup bj a de or
tl,. . r Ay r'i Cherry Pe-t.irsl. A ncigh
l..r - -l.:"id died of the Mine dread disease
i ;!ie father as gKting ready to call
t. i-t..r. This shows the necwisity (
i, ' i Ayer Cherry BcH ral always at
!,. :.
1 1 ,w. y .ii s- n the new gilt and leather
. . :it Mrs. K. B. Coflroiu'K? You can
h . v 'S t.tH.
... n fevers and other fpidiui are
.:, i, ssf.ty lie in fortifying thesys
l. i ::u Ayer's Sapuiparilla. A -rn
t ,i t s: t bin snd impure blood is in the
,.. favorable c.ndiii..n to "i-atch"
.,-.- -r di-!e may I tlaiing in the
4 I'..- ie i" time.
..ii Imiv a Hat already trimmed.
ti i"h t pay, fr ln W-Vt up,
,;.. . :!r.4h'.
U n-iw ou In full lilast here
. '1 he ground i in g-"d cnditin
,r'i:-rare 1 u tiius input-
1 in shape f r sslit. II spring
,.- at the prex-nt rate the early
! May mill ee all the oats sowed
ueh of the corn planted.
1 .. i, t f..rgel M rs. Colfroth has engaged
a . ii. trotn the city, and she is pre
). ., 1 tosiiit any and everyone with the
ve y thing they are looking for in millin-
l. t.a Shenuaii, a?ed aliout a, years,
!en sentenced to the w est em peniten-t.-irv
to serve a sentence of two and one-
i .: vpars for bieamy. She has had sev- I
husbands, of whom sis are living, and
i,r,.niised to marry the eighth. 'Tis well,
a iN the Oil City Mizzanl, that the iu
sat ate female is to be locked up during
';. i year.
; dollars will buy one of the lest two
y, ir old, full blooded Short Horn Bulls
in the county; very gentle and a good
Walter Hepklky.
M r. J. i. l.ardill lielieves in the efficacy
of wood ashes for the soil, having used
thr.-c cars last spring and ordering a
f.-.irth -ar this spring. He gets the ashes
h iu Cauala. It Veats the com-mer.-ial
fertilizers, bethinks. Visiles is
death to the worms and insects. Mr.
.ardill's crops show that be knows how
ti make them grow. Berlin .Vcml.
PANA'S Sarsaparilla is not only the
I,-' of a'.l remedies for the Nerves, Liver,
Ki'.'.neys, Stomach, and Blood : but if no
,. . ).', im en g. t tf'tiir utoury bark.
The same guarantee applies to Dana's
rills. Cough Syrup, and Plasters.
Ft sale by David Gildner, M. D. Agent,
Koekwood, Pa.
Daniel Stauffer, a widower, residing
near Seottdale, and Mrs. Jay, of Lincoln,
Nebraska, corresponded with matrimo
nial inclinations ; recently he invited
her to wine on to Scottdale and it was
expected that the wedding would take
p!a.-e. When she arrive, however, he
di lined to m ..-ry her, and now it is re
ported that a breach of promise suit w ill
TheCurntK-riand Laundry Company of
CiniiUrland, Mi, wants a live young
mm to ai-t as aent for them in Somerset.
Th. y guarantee a high grade of work,
fjiiick service and give a liberal commis-
S!' 'II.
l ulled Suites Fish Commissioner Brice
lias declared that during his term of office
"u more (ierman carji will lie distribut
ed l y the ruiicw States Fishery commis
si'iu while he is commissioner, and that
Uc-y wiil le cleaned out of all the onds
tl:..t are under the authority of his office,"
it will be no surprise to people who have
g:'ii attention to the subjc! that such
an uicr should 1 made; the wonder is not issued lor.g ago. These
kr. .-l.! jMior-Kl of all fish that inhabitour
a;et.. snd nothing but their gret siae
a:i 1 wonderful reproductive power has
li.j !e them tolerable. As it is they have
t ii'iuea public nuisance, and the thanks
of the people are due the commissioner
f t this m t ion.
Burdock Blood Bitters is nature's true
re nedy for constipation and kindred ills.
It acts directly on the bowels, the liver,
tlic skin, and while cleansing the blood
iinparts strength to the digestive organs.
William Hosteller, w ho is in jail here
thirled with counterfeiting, assault and
l'Vtery with intent to kill and nurder
n l a few other crimes, may find still
:ii".hor aiinst hi in when becomes into
';:ru The latest is that he w ill be charg
t ! isu n.l.bery, the article stolen leing
tu - g'ni which he had in his possession
li :i t-.tpuireiL CotisUble Joseph T.
l"Uiid, of Comiellsville, and others
We identified the gun as the one stolen
fr :n Ne ill's mill on Indian creek sev
eral years ago when the mill was burg
lane.I. It is a peculiar weapon and easi
ly t i' -i.tified. t)ne barrel is for shot and
tt. "ther for bullets and one barrel is
'"ve the other instead of side by side aa
in most g:ms. The fire lock bears the
mm- orthe maker, (ieyer, of Muncy, Pa.
f 'i.h n Seirs-Slaniliril.
'".oiitl John A. Woodward has rcsign-
! :is s'lpermtcndent of the Chautauqua
C ir-e of Home Beading iu Agriculture
r-f l:ie c iliege. During the Colonel's en
metit in the work the past winter
lc sii.i-e- lod ia enrrdling over one thou
sand studeuts iu the work, representing
l!n t every c.miity in the State. In not
'ins'ie iiistmce did his presentation of
tii" work fail to elicit the greatest Interest
'utiie part of attendants at the farmers'
institute visited by him, and in some
:i in ire than fifty students wereen
rlie l at one meeting. In accepting Cd
"jel WiKslward's reMguation, the Board
f Truste of the college hare pla-ed the
rk in charge of George C. Watoon, pro-f-irof
agriculture at the college, w ho
ill now devote a large ortioa of his
tuiieto directing the studies ofthestu
deiite so far as practioable by correspond-
Owing to the unfavorable condition of
winter wheat, farmers In several locali
ties! in this county have ttirmil it down
and sowed oats in its stead. This Is nota
bly the cane hi aeTiral northern districts.
A man named Totter, from r.nwldork.
has purrhased from Henry Kurtz, of
Confluence, a site upon which he propos
es to erect a foundry, and it Is announced
that frround w ill I broken for the build
ing iu a few days.
Charlew I .i, son of Samuel Liv
elihood, of Somerset township, and form
erly one of the best known school teach
ers in the county, has return oil from Bal
timore with a shecp-skia that entitles
hi in to write M. I. after his name, he
having graduated from the Baltimore
Medical College. He has located in Jen
Dertown. When Mrs. Wiiliam Bar n hart, of Jen -ner
township, w as ilmnt to alight from a
buggy in w hich she and her husband had
driven from their home to Kantucr's Sta
tion ten days ago, her foot caught and she
fell heavily to the ground, sustaining a
dislocated shoulder. Ir. Snyder Lout ti
er, of Stoyestown, rendered professional
lawyer F. J. Kooser went to Pittsburg,
Monday, w here he will argue the case of
the lwough of Somerset vs. Miss Mary
Hentz, before the Superior Court. Miss
Hentz, our readers w ill remember, was
aw'arded a verdict for damages by .reason
of injuries sustained through a defective
pavement on Main street, by a jury in
the Common Pleas Court of this county.
William Bittner, of Summit township
was lodged in jail Sunday to await trial
on a charge of assault and battery pre
ferred by A. J. Lowry, of the same dis
trict. Bittner and Iwry got into a scrap
about two weeks since in w hich Bittner
came out victor. He disappeared from
Garrett immediately after the tight and
did not return until Saturday evening,
when he was arrested.
Tobias Kaufman, aged about forty
years, of near Ihividsville, was badly in
jured on Thnrsday evening by liciiig
thrown from bis buggy. He was driving
along the Daviville pike when his
horse became frightened and ran off.
The buggy struck Mr. Josiah Swank's
fence, and Mr. Kaufman was thrown
from the buggy into the yard. He was
ttadly shaken up and bruised, but fortu
nately no hont were broken.
James McKtlvey. of Somerset, and
Pen rose Wolf, of Bock wood, two of the
leading luiuls-r dealers of the county,
have iMgiicd a contract to saw and deliver
4',ia feet of No. 1 oak w harf lnuitier at
IMtist Point, Baltiinote, w ithin a s)eci
fied time. From Bultimor the luinler
will 1 khipinn! by lioat to Mexico.
Messrs. McKelvey and Wolf look .tily
one-half ( the bill cailtsl Atf-, but it will
reijiiire forty gondola cars o haul their
Augustus P. Linek. the B. A . Agent
and operator at Hooversville, was arret
ed Saturday, ou information of Martha
A. Lilick, his wife, for dcMrtin, tion
support and malicious mischief. He whs
gi eu a hearing be.ore I -squire lbsiver,
hen he entered baii for his apearaiice
at May term of court. About two months
ago Mr. Linck had him arrested ou a
charge if assault and battery and surety
of the peace, for which he gave bail for
Fruit of all kinds is from ten days to
two weeks further advanced al this time
than it was at the same period last year,
and from present indications the crop
will be an unusually large one. The
most attentive fruit growers are not un
mindful of the fact that a killing frost
visited this sectiou on May 12th last year,
and they have taken precautions to pro
tect their orchards should the mercury
indicate a disposition to drop to the freez
ing point.
The County C!umisiouers of Fayette
and Somerset counties are each having
plans and specifications prepared for a
bridge across the Youghiogheuy river at
Confluence, and when these have been
completed they w ill hold a joint meeting,
when a plan w ill lie adopted. The iron
structural work w ill le 272 feet in length
and will rest on two abutments and a
pier jn the middle of the river. The
roadway will be 1 feet w ide. The con
tract will soon be let.
Three Somerset county cases will le
dispose.! of in the United States district
court at Pittsburg this week. Perry Beal
will be tried for burglarizing the post
office at Williams, and Ira B. Walker,
Frank Walker and William Walker w ill
have to answer for robbing the post office
at Husband two years ago. William
Hoclistetler. better knows as "Billy
Gabe" by his acquainteuees in the moon
shine district, w ill be tried for passing
counterfeit money.
There is nothing that proves the great
ness of an Insurance Company so well as
their promptness in paying death claims.
The Equitable Life Society of New York,
mailed a check for Kft, to the Kennedy
Price estate, of Meyersdale, the day
proofs were received, which was eight
days after he died. The Equitable paid
fll,l,TOO, in death claims in ISf-s and
over tts,i".('w ' r'd in one tla-J'-Write
to L. Fosdick, Agent, Somerset.
Pa., for rates.
The monthly stipend of the through
piice officer has been increased from
to $40 and hereafter he will be required to,
report for duty at 1 P. M. and remain on
his beat until 4 A. M. The ordinance
making the increase was vetoed by Bur
gess Welfley, on.the ground that the po
liceman w as lieing fully compensated for
services rendered, inasmuch as he is al
lowed certain fees for every arrest made
in addition to his monthly salary. The
Burgess' views arc shared by a number
of citizens but s majority of council
passed the ordinance over the Barges
Mrs. "Jere" Miller, of Somerset town
ship, was the victim of an accident,
whereby she lost a finger, one day last
week. In company with several other
ladies she was engaged at repairing a
plot in w hich relatives had leen buried
in the Caselieer Church cemetery. Her
attention was attracted to a monument
that was in danger of toppling over, and
in endeavoring to place it in position
the iudex finger of her left hand was
caught under the heavy w eight of the
stone and w as so badly crushed before it
could be release.! that Dr. Iouther found
jt necessary to amputate it.
We regret to state that the announce
ment recently made that the contract had
been let for the building of an elegant
summer hotel on Tayman's Hill was pre
mature. The local public has not Isren
informed where the hitch is but no slejis
have been taken up to this time to push
forward the work on the proposed ediiicc.
Whatever the trouble is it appears to be
at the Piltsliurg end, w here several of the
dirtM-tors of the Hotel Company reside.
It is earnestly hoped that the promoters
of the enterprise will see their way clear
to carry the work through. Somerset is
an ideal summer resort and a hotel of the
character proposed could not fail to
prove of inestimable benefit to the town.
- m
The commissions of the following nam
ed J ustiifs of the Peace, elected at the
February eleiion, have been received by
Begister A lUcorder Miller: William
Ing, Wellersburg; H. II. Witt, Cawsel
uian; Philip H. Walker, Somerset; Ja
cob Kregcr. Upper Turkeyfoot; John C.
Weller, Milford; A. B. Clark, Hoovers
ville; John W. Beck, Fairhope; C. R.
McMillen, Addison; Herman Johnson,
Larimer; K. C. Hefiley, Berlin; 8. X.
McMullin, Soincrneld; S. G. Cougheu
our, Allegheny; Wilson K. Walker, Sum
mit; K. Vanaman, Lower Turkeyfiiot;
J. F. Weimer, Black; E. F Ankeny,
Quemahoiiing; James H. Xoel, Fair
hope; D. W. Will, Xew Centreville;
Wm. F. Garlitz, Elk Lick; J. B. Jen
Kings, I'rsiua.
Elmer E. Pritta Elected Cesaty Bnjer
lateBdeat os Ue Flrtt Billot,
The tri-ennial convention of school di
rectors of Somerset county called for th
purpose of electing a County Superin
tendent, met in the Court-house at 1 P.
M. yesterday.
The attendance uon the part of
directors was the largest in tha history of
tho county, i32 out of a total of 243 being
The convention was callod to order by
County Supt. Berkey, when Dr. II.
S. Kimniel and Hon. W. H. Sanner were
placed in nomination for chairman, with
the result that Kiuitnel was elected by a
vole of 133 to 75.
V. M. Black, of Confluence, and Dr. S.
S. Good, of Meyersdale, were elected Sec
retaries by acclamation.
A resolution was adopted fixing the
order of business, which was promptly
carried out.
Xo disposition was maifested on the
part of directors to increase the salary of
the County S jperten leut, and it will
therefore, remain at fl5), as fixed by
Hon. E. D. Millor.of Rock wood, nomin
ated O. O. Saylor, for County Superin
tendont; Jonas M. Cook, of Somerset, per
formed a similar duty for E. E. Prills,
and Dr. S. S. Good, of Meyersdale, named
J. C. Speieher. All of the alwve nomin
ations were duly seconded, before Chair
man Kimniel began to call the roll.
The tellers, L F. Dull, of Hoovsrs
ville, and S. O. Hartley, of Meyersdale,
announced the result of the vote as fol
lows: E. E. Pritts, l-'il; i). O. Saylor, ".;
J. C. Sixjicber, 34.
The announcement of the vote was
greeted with prolonged cheers. Superintendent-elect
Pritts was trailed njiou for
an address, to which he responded iu a
lew well chosen sentence, thanking the
mem bers of the convention for the honor
conferred upon him, and askiug the co
operation of the dire-tors of the county
in the work before him.
Mr. Pritts, who has been identified with
the Somerset borough schools a to-iclr
aud principal for the last seven years,
will enter upon the duties of the office
with the be-4 wishes of the people of the
county. He has a high mark before him
in the standard -t by his immediate
predrti'eKsor, Ixit it is not beyond I each
aud is capable of being carried forward.
The public will lend him generous as
sistance and w ill be slow to criticise until
he has familiarized himself with the
dutii-s of his important trust.
Mr. Pritts can feel especially houored
in havi.ig carried off the palm in a con
test in which he had two of thelites!
known and iiv sl successful teachers of
the eo jnly a competitors.
A serred Compliaeat.
Iu speaking of the election of County
and City Superintendents of Schools, the
Johnstown rn,..ic says :
"The act providing for the otliee says
the man to fill it must be of "li'srary and
scientific acquirements and of skill and
experience in the art of teaching." He
c.iuld le all of these thing's and still far
from tit for the position. He must hare
clean moral character, '.; bonorable,
h i nest, and truthful a fit example for
thj rising generation, and oue whom
t.iey wiil have causo to respect, not alone
t fear. In other words, he must be a
man. For the position of City
Superintendent there are over a dozen
applicants. Indications point
strfligly toward the selection of Prof.
J. M. Berkey. now completing his
third successive term a Superintend
ent of the Schools of Somerset Coun
ty. In our estimation there will be
no mistake made if he is chosen. He is
known throughout the State aa an organ
izer of rare power, aud his books on
teaching and systems of grading to suit
the conditions which he found in Somer
set County, have D3tn adopted in numer
ous other counties with uuvarying suc
cess. 1 The other qualities that go to make
a successful administrator of the Public
Schools he also possesses and has an cle
ment of strength in the contest over inxt
of the other applicants in that his school
work has l?en done iu a neighboring
county, where it may lie easily inquired
Two Hyttexioat Fire.
George Burroughs, who has been watch
man for the B. A O. for the past twenty
years at Fort Hill, this county, buffered
the loss of his home, together w jth all of
its eoutents by fire on Tuesday last. M r.
and Mrs. Borroughs had left the house
to plant potatoes in a patch about one
half mile distant. After they had been at
work for a short time M r. Burroughs' at
tention was arrested by a volume of
sin ike that appeared to arise from his
dwelling house. Hastening to it he
found that several neighWirs had discov
er ol the fire and were battling unsuc
cessfully to subdue it. The doors of the
house being locked, they were unable to
carry out any household goods. The
dwelling was insured for a small amount
in the Farmers' Mutual Association.
Monday the dwelling house of Charles
Burroughs a brotherof George in Pad-
dytown. Upper Turkeyfoot township.
was burned to the ground during the ab
sence of Mr. Birrotigh and his son, who
are employed at (' j k t Deal's saw mill;
about two miles distant The furniture
on the first tloorof the building was sav
ed by neighbors; everything else in the
house was totally destroyed. No insur
Theorigin of bsth of the abave fires is
somewhat puzzling and they are believed
to have been the work of an incendiary.
The flames in both cases were first dis
covered in pantries, where there had
never beeu fires kindled by the members
of either family.
How to Hike Money,
Drop a postal card to Miller A Coll
ins, the Largest Cloihmg and .Shoe Jfoute
in the 1 mnty, M kv kksdalk. Pa., and you
will receive a package of their Mammoth
Pumpkin Seed. For the heaviest pump
kins raised from this seed they offer the
following premiums: -
1st Premium, 810 00 in Gold.
2nd Premium, $5.00 in Gold.
3rd Premium, f2.o0 iu Gold.
Will Likely Stretch Hem?.
Simon Hummer, said to be a native of
Fik Lick township, was convicted of
murder in the first degree for the killing
of Samuel MeCarrier, at Cumberland,
Md., on Wednesday last, was
unmoved w hen sentence of death was
pronounced upon him and expressed a
desire that the revolver with which he
shot his victim be given to his sister, Mrs.
John Short, of Salisbury.
Persons who have known the con
demned man for years say that he was
never considered to lie of sound mind,
but it seems tlmt he was unfortunately
unable to produce evidence to substan
tiate this statement upon his trial. It is
not impossible that the Maryland au
thorities will inquire into the mental ac
orn nubility of the prisoner before the
the death penalty is in dieted, and if it is
found that he is of unsound mind his
neck may yet be saved from the halter.
Hommer has figured in the criminal
court of this Hinty on several occasions,
the last time in May 180:1, when he was
bound over to keep the peace. For the
past three or four years be has leen
leading the life of a tramp. During the
latter part of Manh he and MeCarrier
appeared in Cumberland. They visited
a drinking saloon on the night of March
21 1. Abiut midnight they engine J In a
quarrel when Hommer whipped out a
revolver a:d shot MeCarrier in a vital
spot, exclaiming as he did so ; "Dio like
a dog." His victim expired the follow
ing day. Meanwhile Hommer was plac
ed under arrest and has ever since been
in custody. . Th9 murdered mm was
a tramp.
The borough ordinance, prohibiting
cows from running at large on the streets,
went Into effect Monday.
Tit Hw School Law.
The compulsory school law in this state
which was panned by the last fcesiou of
the legislature w ent Into effect Mouday,
May 1st. The county commissioners
have completed their part of the work re
quired for paving the way for full and
free enforcement of th new statute, by
preparing the registration hooka iu which
the register-assessors are required to re
gister the unities of every child between
the ages of 8 and 13 years in their respect
ive districts. These books are now ready
together with the books for the Xovem
ber elections and can be secured by the
proper officers at any time.
Tho first sectiou of the new compul
sory act with its provisions and limiu
tions is as follows:
Every parent, guardian or other persou
in this commonwealth, having coutrol or
charge of a child flrThildreu between the
ages of eight or thirteen years, shall be
required to send such child or children
toaschKl in which the common Eng
lish branches are Uught, aud such child
or children shall attend such school dur
ing at least sixteen weks of each year
iu which schools iu their reseclive dis
tricts shall lie in session, unless such
child or children shall lie excused from
such attendance by the board of the
school district in which parent, guardian
or other person resides, upon the presen
Ulion to said board of satisfactory evi
dence showing such child or children
are preveuted irom attendance at school
or application to study by metiUl or
physical or other urgent reasons. Pro
vided, that in case there lie no public
school iu session w ithiu two miles of the
nearest traveled road of any person with
in the school district, he or she shall not
lie liable to the provisions of this act:
Provided, That this act shall not apply to
any child that has lsen or is being olher
w ise instituted in the common English
branches of learning for a like perid of
time: And provided further. That the
' certificate of any principal of any school
or educational institution, or ol any
teacher, that any child has been or is
being so instructed, issued to such child
or iu parents or guardians, shall lie suf
ficient and satislactory evidence thereof.
The parent or guardian w ho neglects
to comply w ith the law shall upon con
viction before a justie of the peace or
alderman 1 lined fJ for tho first offense
and fj for each mlrquent offense, but
the defendant iu these prosecutions has
recourse to the courts. The money col
lected in fines shall be paid over to the
ciMinty treasurer to be returned to the
treasurer of the sclnsd district in w hich
the defendant resides. To insure a strict
enforcement of the law, school boards
are empowered to employ attendance
officers whose duty shall be to look after
truants and compel their attendance at
school. The persons apiHiinied such at
tendance officers shall lie entitled to such
conipcnKalion, not exceeding two dollars
a .ay as shall be nxed by the lioards ap
poiMting them, aud such compensation
may lie paid out of the school fund.
Boards of school directors or controllers
may set apart school rooms iu public
school buildings for children who are
habitusl truants, or who sre insubordi
nate or disorderly during their attend
ance upon instniuiK U in the public
The register-assessors are required to
make full list of a'.l the children in
their respective districts, stating age, res
idence and v hether iu charge of parent
or guardian. The registration tiooks
containing such names shall be returned
to the county commissioners, who shall
certify them to the secreU'ry of each
school board. He in turn shall imme
diately make a complete list for each
teacher of all the pupils in his or her dis
trict subject to the provisions of the act.
All teachers are required to make a re
port at the closo of each month of all
pupils absent five days or more during
said month aud it shall be the duty of
the secretary or attendance officer. If
there be any, in the name of tho school
district tti proceed against the offending
party or pnrties in accordance with law,
by complaint liefore any alderman or
justice of the peace: Provided further,
That if sufficient cause lie shown for the
neglect of the requircmenU 'of this act,
the cost of said proceeding shall be paid,
out of the district funds upon a proper
voucher approved by the board of direc
tors or controllers.
If the secretary or attendance officers
neglect or refuse to comply with the law
they are subject to a fine of $ i5.
Wool Wanted
At Kantner's Factory, one mile south of
Somerset. We want 20,mo llw of wool
and wilt pay cash or Uke it in exchange
for goods. Carding aud spinning dine
promptly at lowest pssible prices.
Bicycler Have SighU.
Bicyclers have certain rights under the
law, a fact that seems not to lie fully real
ized by some people. Drivers of vehicles
now and tbeu assume that they have the
only right on the public mails and with
this assumption they make no effort to
turn out for bicyclers whom they cham-e
to meet on the highways. This is alto
gether wrong, and for the Ix-nctit of such
people we produce an at of assembly
passed April 2.1, 19, as follows :
"Bicycles, tricycles and all vehicles pro
pelled by hand or toot, and all persons by
whom bicycles, tricycles and such other
vehicles are used, ridden or propelled
upon the public highways of this sUte,
shall be entitled to the same rights aud
subject to the satue restrictions, in the use
thereof, as are prescrilied by law in the
cases of persons using carriages drawn by
By this act it will be observed that the
legislature of this state has reoognized the
proper rights of the users of bicycles and
has by law afforded them protection. The
driver of a vehicle is entitled to half the
road ; a bicycle has the same privilege.
"Keep to tho right," is au established
custom sanctioned-by law, aud bicyclers
and drivers of carriages and wagons are
expected to observo it when passing on
tho public highway. Dnylrxtoirit Jtrpub
HctliU Headache, Xed Eyet, Scaley LitU, Styet
Blurred Sight
And weakness to light and w ind, with
many other symptoms and disturbances,
all come, from imperfect focus of the eyes.
Acuteness of vision is brought about by
an effort of the will acting through the
muscles of the eye which adjust the local
elements of the eye-ball, in the same
mechanicl sense as you grasp a ball in
your hand. So much energy is required
to see, the npnd as well as the muscles
weary, aud detract from memory force to
such a degree that students having de
fective refraction, are often counted dull
or stupid, the real stupidity being in the
parents or physician, in not discovering
the cause. When you realize the intri
cate and injuriouseomplicatioiis that arise
from eye strain, you ought to see the
great importance of scientifically correct
adjustment of glasses, with careful dis
crimination in relation to other diseases
of the eye only known to the skilled
oculist. Dr. Sadler, 801 Penn avenue,
Pittsburg, treaU all diseases, defeeU aud
deformities of eye, ear, nose and throat,
in the most skillful manner.
Don't buy Wall Paper away from home
when you have a wholesale and reUil
store right in your town, that can and
will sell you Wall Paper as cheap as auy
house in the United Sutes.
S'tikmh Art Store.
An Old Eeiident Dead.
The oldest man withiu the borders of
Meyersdale, aud probably the oldest in
Somerset County, passed from earth to
eternity on Thursday morning, April 2J,
lei, when John Sullivan breathed his
last. He was aged ninety-three years,
eight months and twenty-seven days,
having been born in County Longford,
Ireland, July 2H, lsui In 1SW he was
married to Miss Bridget Coyle, short
ly after which ho, with his young bride,
emigrated to this country. He first set
tled at Weston, W. Vs., where he re
mained a number of years, and then re
moved to Moscow, Md., where he lived
for twenty years. He took up his resi
dence with his granddaughter Mrs. J.
II. Artmiller at Meyersdale, two years
ago. He Is survived by three children,
four grand-children and six greAt-graud-children.
For tho Steond Annual Ministerial,
Sunday School and K. U C. E. Conven
tion of Somerset District, Pittsburg Con
ference, United Evangelical Church, to
be held at Husband on May 1'Jlh !d,
"The Advantage of Lay Delegation"
Then. Bach, P. E.
"Popular Sins That Endanger the
Church, and How to Get Kid of Them"
G. A. Mnsselman.
"The Danger of Formality and How to
Avert ir-J. L. Mnll.
"Experimental Evidences of Christian
ity" A. C. Miller.
"Business Qualifications of the Minister"-.
II. BartletU
"The Financial Demands of onr
Church, and How to Meet Them" F.
P. Saylor.
"The Pastor in and out of his Study"
C. II. Stewart.
"Church Ijoynlty" A. F. Berkey.
"Theory and Philosophy of Winning
Souls" C. E. McCauley.
"The Modern Solution of the Liquor
Problem" Wilson Lewis.
"The Best Policy for Securing a I-arger
Attendance in our Church Services"--II.
M. Cook.
"The Future of tho U. Ev. Church"
F. D. Ellenbergcr.
"How May we Hold our Young Peo
ple" J. C. Powell.
"Influence of Early Environments'
W. Houpt.
"The Public Spirited' Minister" G.
W. Iruboden.
"Sanctifieation as Taught by our Disci
pline" D. S. Poling.
"The Sunday Problem"-F. E. Het
rick, "Sociohigy" F. W. Barlett,
"The reciprocal relation of Church
and Sunday Schol" Philson Berkey.
"The Sunday School as a factor in .So
ciety and Polities ' A. McAlister.
"How can we make our K. L. C. E.
most ellicient" D. I Yoder.
"The necessities and lienelits of a Jun
ior K. L. C. E."-S. B. Kohland.
"Children's Mass Meeting, Thursday,
p. M." F. W. Barlett, Leader.
Children to lie addressed by F. E. Het
rich, S. II. Barlett and Wilson Lewis.
All are invited to attend.
D. L. Youkr.
Every Woman
Who takes pride In her home should ex
amine the Cinderella Stoves and lt.uiges,
they are made of the liest material, care
fully constructed, with a view of meeting
every requirement of tho housekeeper.
Special attention is paid to cleanliness
and economy. Sold by
Somerset, Pa.
"Give V a Song." .
Editor H:kali.
Sir: I have been readirg "Reminis
cences" and "Along the Did Pike,"
with much interest. Your correspondent
"M." has apparently an inexhaustible
budget front which to draw, and I would
like if he would tap that part of it which
might contain the old wagoners' song to
the tune of "Wearing of the Green,"
which sUrled out:
"Come all ye bold wagoners, eoine on man by
That are opposed to the rullroud or any such
a plan;
It was once we made money by driving of our
But now the goods are hauled on the railroad
by Ktcaui."
This song appears to have originated
about the time the B. t O. railroad was
completed to Cumberland, and although
their "occupation" was not altogether
"gone," as the goods bad to be hauled
"overlaud" to Wheeling, and points
west, they were much diwwi raged, and
solaced themselves by giving vent to
their feeliugs in verse. After recounting
their troubles am! the depression in
every department of business that was to
follow the completion of the line to
Wheeling, they consoled themselves in a
last verse in this style:
''Now all you bold wagoners ILuit have ciod
(io home unto your farms and live honest,
happy lives;
When your corn Is In the crib, and your
grain Is all sowed,
You'll-have nothing else to do but to damn
the railroad."
I have given the first and last verses,
as I remember them, and I would lie
pleased to have some "old timer" give
the intermediate verses.
Away Back.
Fertilizer for Grain aad Gran.
Special makes for Corn, Potatoes and
early Truck in 50 and 100 pound bags for
gardens. My goods are well polashed
Ship to all sutions. Prices as cheap as
can be had anywhere.
A. C. Davis
Somerse: Pa.
A Ketdl in Her Hand.
While the X rays are undoubtedly able
accurately to locate a foreign body such
as a needle embedded in the flesh of the
hand, yet they are powerles to remove it,
but electricity is equal to the occasion and
offers means in the ele-tromagnct of ac
complishing this. A curious instance of
the removal of a needle by a magnet is
reported from Cherryfield, Maine, A
woman pierced her hand by a needle, the
eye going in first and the point breaking
off, leaving a piece about tbree-qnarters
of an inch long emls-dded in the 'flesh
near the thumb. A slight cut was made
in the skin over the place where the frag
ment was located aud a powerful electro
magnet devise! at the local electric light
station applied. The attraction of the
magnet for the steel needle drew it out at
once causing it to cut its way through the
flesh broken end first. The magnet used
was temporarily devised for the emer
gency and consisted of an inch piece of
soft iron about one foot long wound with
ordinary magnet wire, and attached to a
110 volt circuit.
So Hot Fail to Keid This.
The noted Special
ist, Dr. M. Sal in,
who has been so suc
cessful in the treat
ment ot private dis
eases of With sexes,
and all kinds of
chronic diseases,may
be consulted, usu
al, free of charge, in
Somerset, at the Ho
. V
' - a: V
tel Vanneat, on Friday, May loth, and
every 4 weeks thereafter ou same day.
Consulution and Examination free.
B It A X T. Charles, the three-year-old
sou of Charles aud Sarah Brant, of Sto
nyeret k township, died April 27th.
BALT.EIt. At her home In Shanks
villc, passed away on Saturday, May 21,
Ettie, beloved wife of Simon Baltzer,
aged 40 years, 5 months and 12 days. Fu
neral services mere held in the Lutheran
Church at 2 P. M. Sunday afternoon, Bev.
J. J. Welch officiating. Decease! was a
faithful aud devoted member of the Lu
theran Church.
SPAXGLEB, Joseph M. Spangler, a
prominent resident of Shanksville, died
at his home in that place on Friday, May
1st, aged 71 years, tt months and 7 days.
His last illness was of ten weeks' dura
tion, during which time he suffered most
intensely with rheumatism and express
ed a willingness to give up the struggle
with death, as he was prepared to render
his final account. He is survived by his
wife and five children, and twenty-two
grand-children. Interment was made in
the local cemetery Saturday morning in
the presence of 4 large concourse of peo
ple. Funeral services were conducted in
the Lutheran Church, of which the de
cease! was a faithful member, by Kev. J.
J. Welch, of Friedens.
Philip Cupp, -f Somerset township,
who was under the cure of Dr. Harrison,
of Meyersdale, for several weeks, lias re
turned home much improved iu health.
For Bstter Obterraneo.
The old soldiers of Pennsylvania have
appealed to Governor Hastings to aid
them in their efforts to make more sacred
the observance of Memorial Day in this
sUte. The governor lias received official
letters on this subject from James F.
Morrison, asssisUnt adjutant general
of the Pennsylvau ia "department of the
Grand Army of the Republic, and Henry
J. Yohn, secrcUry of the Grand Army
association of Philadelphia and vicinity.
Mr. Morrison requesU that the execu
tive issue a proclamation, asking the
people of this state to refrain on Memor
ial Day, so far as possible, from the or
dinary vocations of everyday life, and
that they join with the remnant of the
great armies of the Union In paying
hoiuago to the memories of those gallant
men "Who did not die in vain."
Good Kemlu
Come from long experience. Tho Cin
derella Stoves and Itanges are the result
of over thirty-five years experience, they
have every new feature that is of value to
a housekeeper, and are good bakers and
perfect roasters. Sob! by
Somerset, Pa.
I hereby certify that the folio wing accounts
have been nlcil In my oltire ai-eonlinic l lw
anil will be prcctiU-U to the Court tor eonnr
liiation. on
Thursday, May 28, 1896.
First account of William II. Miller, assign
ee of liaulel and 1 del la I'eiernutn.
r". P. KAYMtK,
I hereby certify that the following petitions
for wholesale ihjuor ln-eiise were tiieu in my
olticr aiforUuiK lo law, and that the same will
be pnwulnl to the tiiurt (or allowance, on
Monday, May 25, 1896.
John M. Topper, AlW-Kheiiy township.
Joel Lumlis, el nl., I.rollicrsvulley township.
H. li.Maiil Mild Jolm '. bcMcblv. i-ummil
r, lleni A to., Ji rr. rson tewnslup. '
I', wweilzer, .-.Hilars -t tMrtivti.
Ttneiuaa Ititie, NorttiMiiiploii township.
Vh r.uw.K The Hon. Jro II.
Vri kkit, lr-hl-iit J tiiic of th-MvrrnMourt
tti iMlllimil ll-Kf til' tU'VTul WUIlf (t1UII-
Mii.ff Oh imii Jii'!'-!ul Itt n-t, Mfttl Jumut
of liV 4 irtirtH 4f t ty 't ami lVriium-r atid . n
eml Jml iN-iiv. ry. Hi ir.i A ull n-iMLnl
i il oUm-t tII.-ii r hi Uw miI Iintrti-t. and
. J. IIoKMKmIpI NoJilf I.IKNHkUt, Kfr..
JufKmof tin njrt if iiiuimm I'h-ai iit
Jutht tti lh- i Mrt of r miiiI 'I VriiiitiT
mihI -iiTil Jul. I ttTY lr tir H all
capital a in I tut- ort. title r Iu Itie I ounfy 4
wiii-iN-t. Iiavt tu -i iiHir n- it, a it J U
IU-m ami -nt-ra t,u n-r . in l t
I Va-aitt -rie rl J.t i itvrr. and Court
of it-r awl It rniii-r 1 1 NiiiM nrt, ou
iMonl;iy, fny 4-V, JH.
NTI It t tirr gi tin all Ut JutW-
of th I'twt, Im 'nrr av! I MilMa
a tt hut 1 it- !! rttu'.t t?i u rmt, UimI Hi r
tf iV-ti aii I h.-r it !( ;r ; rN r rrHi with
libe l r foil. fwtf U. if- .), r itiiiuf Ion
ami trthr-r rvii-iiir4M . , U ! Uh thit.K
hH h lo trvlr ( nt in Uuel t-!iair ao-pt-rtaiii
Ui tw tie.-, ami a;o ttn y vtio will
tnjMiut .4iiit t.- ttM4int tliat are or
iiu!l Ijt In lief jnil htiiirTM-t t'otinty, to tie
thru ami tftvrv U ut a k. 1111 Oim s
aii II o JuU
Came trFsipnHslnif on the premise of the on April -Jlt, Ki, a Im.v horse
alxiut 111 or II yean old. nlsiut I-' ti'imls hiu'll
with a while star ou the forehead, no other
niitrku about him.
. Jeimertou n, 1'a.
Nothf! 1 hen-hy irlvpn to till crsons con
cermsl hx b-inilees, creditors, or otherwise,
that the following aeeounls have panned lUs
Isb r. and that the same wilt 'w pn-seiiled for
conllrnuitlon and kllowaiKi. kii Orphans'
Court, to be held at Somerset, 1'a., ou
Wednesday, May 28, 1896.
Account of Sniniiel A. lUm hy and Samuel
1. Maimt, exerulors of A. P. iirat-by, w ho was
guardian lori 'oni A. Keim.
Kirstand llnat nnninil of Bemanl Miller,
guardian of Ada f bristlier.
I-Irst and Diuil s-oilnt of J. K. Krissinger,
adinlnistnitorof Maria K rlssincer.
Klrst and tlnai hwiiiiiI of San,url Kullelu,
exM'utor of Jou-ph l-nlx.
Klrsi and final ao-ouut of I. W. Will, exec
utor if liMiilel liwnmn.
Kirst and Una) antiurl of E. J. Weld, ad
unlilslnilor of Henry Thomas Weld.
Ursl and tlnal aeeount of sii'pheii Mel 'lin
toek, administrator of Wley Mi-CiiubM-k.
Urst and Una I ac-ouiii of Jon. (iinnls rt
and John II. liuuils-rt, adniinistratora of
Jobn i. ;uiiilK rt.
Kirst and final uecnml of John V. Youn
kin, adminlsinilor of Irvin Vouiikin.
Ursl and final tin-omit of John II. Hite, ad
liiinistrHtorof William K. ininierinali
Kirst and tlna4 ikiihiiiI ot Lot Hush, ad
inlnistnitorof IC111I1 linsh.
Kirl and final acoiint of Christian Dridy
and A. J. Folk, administrators f t,ror'e
First and final asc.iunt of Henrj- F. Barron,
adminlsinilor of Miirv Ann Voiiini.
s-rond and final acfsHinl of Henry J. Wll
molh, rt al, a Jmlnistrutors of Alfred Wil
inolh. Second ac-ount of C. A. Rrant, executor of
Kamilel 'atIixm.
Find and purllal aectmnt of J. J. Arisman,
admiiiiHtrutor if Abrani tU-nm.
Account of Henry J. Christuer, guardian of
Olive Itriskey.
Secoud and final areount of C. A. Brant.
First account of K. J. Weld.
First and final account ol Aueustus II ef
fley, trustee of Klilals-th Tboiupsou.
Hegister's tifTicc. ) JACOB S. MILLEK.
April J:', Hcgister.
Eslut? of Michael J. Snyder, late of Stony
creek township, did.
letters of administration having- been
granted by the proper authority to the under
signed, notice Is hervby given to all peAuim
Indebted to said eslale le make immediate
payment, and those having claims ag-.lust
mid estate will present them, duly aullien i
caurd for settleuient, on Friday, the i'd day
May, lti, at late resideia-eof der'd.
EMUtebfWui.II. Miller, late of Stonycreek
township, dee'd.
Letter of adnilnistnition having been
gntnu-d by Hie pnT authoiity, to I lie un
tlemi;iieU. notice is heretiy given to ail per
sons indebted to said estate to make iiiuuedi.
ate payment, and those having ciaiiusaKiilnst
said estate w ill pnnrnl tliem duly auinenli
cated forsetlleuient on Tui-sday. May JJ, s-
wIm ii and Wuerv all js rsolnt inlerested cull at
' Admliilstratora of W. H. Julier. det-'d.
Kslatoof Alexander C. Mtaire, laic of Mlddle-cre-k
township, Somerset county, Pa., der'd.
Ix-ttep of administration on the above ro
tate having been grunted to the undersigned
by the proM-r auiuoriiy. notice is hereby giv
en to ail person indebted lo said estate to
make Immediate pay menl, mid those liaving
claims against Hie same tu prest-nt them duly
autlieniieaU'd for siuleiu. nl, on Saturday,
May Iti, ls., at the ottiee of laiiiel W. Wiil,
E., ew teutreville borough. MOoKR,
John It Scott. Att'y. Adniinlstrutors.
Estate of Suiuuel J. Weller, dee'd., of Soincr
't township,
letters h-sianienlary on the above estate
having Ihth gmntet m the undersigned by
the proper authority, notice Is hervby given
loan itcrsoiiH iudebid to said estate to make
iinmwliate iwymenl, and those having claims
against the same to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement, on Tuesday, June
31, I'M, at late residence H div'd.
Executrix of Samuel J. Weller, dee'd.
tate of H. A. Ilartzell, late of Addison
township, Somerset county, Pa dee'd.
Letters testamentary on the atsivr estate
liaving been granltl to the undersigned by
the pioper authority, notice is hereby given to
all person Indebted to said estate to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement, on Saturday, June
0, ISMrt, at the late residence of ih-c'il.
Estate of Saiimel Hiiiisccker, late of Somer
set iKirough, dee'd.
Letter testnnientary in. the above estate
having beeu grunted to the undersigned by
the prvper authonty, notice Is hereby glv u
lo all persons indebted to said estate to make
Immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present thetu duly nu
ll ten Oca Led for settlement, on Friday, May
1, lMfti, at my oltire In CMHiierset boniuuh.
Estate of Daniel Johnson, late of Summit
township, Somerset county. Pa., dee'd.
letters testamenbiry on the above estate
having lieen granust to the undersigned by
the prMr authority, notice is heis by given to
all lMrsons indebted to said estate to make
Immediate payment and those having claim?
against the same to present them duly au
thenticated lor settlement ou Saturday, May
2U1, Iswiat the late residence of deceased.
John K. Scott, DAN ILL V. JoHNSoS .
Attorney. Executor.
A Man's
Is largely inailo up of little tilings. TbU
ia why a Gentleman's FurtiishinifH ; the
tlea, the colliin, cuff and the et cetera
generally are worthy of some thought
and ultetition.
necessitate an entire renewal in
these lints.
We have them Ijtunlricl and tR
lauinlried, with attache! and s'j
arabte collars ; and a suH-rt line with
colore! IVrcall and Madras bosoms
and cuffs, with white lsilies.
In Soft Goods,"
and after all they arc the only
Hot Weather Shirt,
Our Line in bt Complete.
W. S. Kimmell,
Hats & furnishings.
By virlu rf lun'lnr writ- of YWr Knrla
ana levari Kurini, Uuti out t( Ur I'ourt of
t'omiiKUt fU-a f ! in r t imiity, I'h., l
me tJimtl, lhrt will Uv t-xjw c t fttt, at
thei'ourt llou4'. In .-hjhk rv t Unu;t. on
Friday, May 22, '96,
At I o'clock P. M., .
the following (b-MTilsl real estate, to-wit:
All the rt.'h. title, inb-n-st. claim snd de
iiuiud of II. 11. Went wort Ii, of. in arl to a
certain tract of hind situate iu Ogle towns
ship, Somerset county, la., Is-iundcd and dc-
sen (M-ti as i1!owm : beginning at a post at
land of John Helluian. in right of Janis
Jiin.-s, nonn ss1, drat-s west, ui no pen-ties
lo a ctei.Uiut. son! ii IJ, degree w st '.K7 preb
t-n to a sassmras, now gone; north ss4 degn-es
wi-Kt i M-n-hes ta hickory: thn-e ly lands
ol the 1'ark heir, in right of Itciijamni John
ston , south 1 dnrre,s -i-st '4 is-n-b- to a
spruce; tlieiice by land of Jonas Winck south
4 d-gn-es east, I.'t perches to a chestnut;
south il.-gr.-es wot, 7S pen-le-s to a po: ;
west is ti-ln degrees to a post: sooth I'.l -rches
lo a chestnut; tiicnee Mitilh 7i 1-lu degr--s
east, VIK roils b stones; thence by land of
John loafers. Miuth -Vi degrees east. 4l erchs
toaMt; norih -tl d-gve msf, ;7l , perches
to a red isftk; ltit-ne by land of J:,cih t.'uter
south, SI 1 1 d-jr--s east, a l-H pen-h- to stones;
lln neeby viuatit land north, l'. pen-hea to a
liMiist: nortii :U il.if rees wisl, .V4 perele-s to a
i-lntliut; llia-th ai degree's east, si gri lles ti
ston: tcen- north tit dvn-cs east, 11'.
pi n-iiestoa chi'stmil. tie nit north 4', ds
grrs ist, Ht: t isn-ii-s to the place ol Iw-giii-ning.
It Is-ing a tract of laud survis-yd lo
Kphraim Went worth n a warrant dab-d
Aug. 14, ISTt, containing Jfiacresand - -reli--sandis-r
is'i'f. allowance, who by de.-d
datsl Apnl t. Is t, cinveyed the same to the
a'sive named 11. II. Wentworth.
Taken in execution and to lie sold as the
yropcrtyor II. H. entworth, at the suit of
imii-s It. lio'dertsitim's
All the right, title interest, claim and de
mand of M. I 'ounew ay. of. iu and to a certain
lot of ground situate in Soinerlield boroin:u.
Somerset i-ounty, la., tsnindtl on the minis
east by Mam sirs-t. b-et: s.nith--sst by ,t
of Kiiinii Hiiniworth, to lii" nver Ul fts t;
down the river -I f-t, thence 1J i'e-t to plai-e
f beginning. Also in ad iitioii to the alsive
n:iiin-l Hit, I.' feet front. :n feet b:ick. 1-' feet to
J.un the lirst nanteil hit, Is-ing the property
conveyed him by esrge J. Kiaek and A. it.
Itlack. resmlel January, ls,, in tss-I IUmik
Vol. 41. rsige -isi, having th-rein ers'tei a
twieslory du elling le and li e house, with
the appurtenances.
Taken iu cTectitinn and to tie sold as the
property of M. I onneway. at the suit of A. K.
Jt J. Win. Horner.
All the light, title, IntenM, ehilm and de
mand of I.uic Hlans,-, of. in and toa ci-rtain
farm or f met of land situatcln iuetikihoning
township, Somerset county. Pa., csnitainiiig
t'ni'ns more or less. aUnit -S) acres ciear. laii-
anee titnlier. adjoining lands of ;,-orge
l.ielitv, Mrs. aney smitn w. 11. Miller, ii.
Strauii, I'haiiiD-ey Miller and isrge W. Mnl-
hr. ha ing thensin erect-! a twtsstorr frame
dwelling hoiis,., a imp and oue-haif story
fmiur dwelling nous,-, a one and one-lutlf sto
ry dwelling house, sUlble, wasl house.
eariN-nter shop and other out buildings, there
are two orchards of cilotee fruit trees und a
sugar ramp of about Jk tns-s on the premi
ses, a very ucsirame nome.
Taken in exs-ution aud to Is? sold as the
proiTty of Isaac lllauset. al the run f Lou
isa iilausei. and use of A. II. t'oifroth.
All the riffht. titli interest, claim and de
mand of S. S. Savior, of, in and t a certain
farm or tract ol land situate in Northampton
township, Somerset county. Fa , containing
acres more or less, alsiut ' acres cltur,
KiliilH-e timtier. adjoining hinds of Wm. S.
I lively. Herman M;.rti. U. H. .Miller farm,
Wm. Kill-r and others, riav ing thensin ers-t-ed
a two-story dwelling house, a new Istnk
barn and other out buildings, with the ap
purtenances. Taken in execution and to !e sold as the
property of S. S. Saylor, at the suit of J. H.
Miller, et. al.
AII the right, title. Interest, claim and de
mand of Kate Swank, administratrix of
Kphmlin Swank, dee'd., and Kate Swank, of,
in aud loall that certain lot or piece of land
situate in lhividsville, Somerset county. I'a.,
descriticd as follows, vi: lleginnihg at a
corner of an alley running from lanyard to
stable of 1'ctcr I-evy: thence by a public rMid
north twenty degrees west, four jerriies s as I
II links toa ptist; thence by lot No. 2, Hi;h
thirty-four deerw-s west, t n s-n-hes toa sist
ou bank of stream of water; thence by the
original belonging to Ihuiicl Holt, nan. south
twenty degn-es east seven pcrch:-s to a post
on aforesaid nib y; thence by said alley ten
pen-lies to the place of beginning. cinulnng
alMiitt forty-live perches, sthct measure, Is-mg
rt of a certain tract cnlhsl Ash Swamp""
and "Stis-k Kami," and Is Ing the same land
wliich by sundry gissl conveyances and as
surances in the law, Is-cume vested in sjnti
uel Waters, who by deed dated II Ii April, Ism,
conveyed the same lo licorge Youukin, win
by dis-d dated ii'th Man h. ImK, con v veil the
nine to Jos. ph K.ish. who by deed dated lltn
Kebniary, Ist.T. conveytsl Hie same to Inuii.-j
liott'man, who by deed dated :ilh April. IsTi
conveyed thenbove deseritssl lot to I on no I
Folk, w lio by d.s d dal. si sih Kebrunry, IsTii,
conveyisl the same to Tobias T. MishleK wh.e
risrlit and title in antUlo the same by dtssl of
Joliu Winters. High Sher:r of Sonicis-l
county, I'a.. d:itel ;ith Sept.-inla-r, lss, ue
ctuiie it-diil in Joseph T. Mishler. who by
deed ilulid 21st March, ISsT. conveyed the
same to Kphraim Swank, having "thereon
erected a twtHstory d selling hmise,
stable and other out buildings, w ith the a
piirtenanrtsi. Taken in execution and to be sold ns the
1ros-rty f Kate Swank, administratrix f
kphraim Swank, dee'd. and Kate Swank,
at the suit or The llaltimorc ltmlding and
Loan Association of ISallimore city.
All the right, title. Interest, claim and de
maud of Hermanus Trent, of. in and to nil
tliat certain lot id ground, sit'late In Somerset
borough, Somerset county, 1'a., containing
one-fourth of an acre more or less, adjoining
tile Somerset A Mt. Plinsant nsid on tile
south, lot now or former! or Marshall 'ol-h-ge
on the wist, I niou slrs-t on the north
and an alley on the east, ts-ing the same lid
of ground conveyed by lieopge Snyder tosai.l
Hermanus Trent, having (hereon erected a
two-story frame dwelling house, stable and
other outbuildings, with the appurtenauces.
T;i ken in execution and to lc sold as the
properly of Hermanus Trent, at the suit of
Somerset Islge, No. AVi, K. A A. M.
the riifht, title, Inten-st. claim and dts
niand of lhouel .1. Miller, of, in ami to a cer
tain tnict of land situate in K.Ik lack town
ship, Somerset county, I'a., containing II
acres more or less, alsiut T" acres cbsir. bal
ance tnnlwr. adjoining lands of Simon 1
Maiist, h nis-li lleiuler, 7nniel l-eand others,
having tliervon erected two twisstorr dwell
ing houses, shop, sugar house, bank tiara and
other out buildings, with the appurtenances.
There is also a tine orchard of fruit trees on
the premises.
Taken in execution and to be sold as the
proierty of Iiinlel J. Miller, at the suit of
Stewart Ltculy's use.
Terms :
NoTICC AH persons purchasing at the
alsive sale will please Lake notice that 10 per
cent, of the purchase money must lie paid
w hen property is kins ked down: otherwise It
will again lsexssst tosaleat the risk ot Ihe
first purcliuser. The residue of Hie purchase
money must Is paid on or before the day ot
continuation, viz: Thursday, May 'JMh,
Istsi. No deed will ts ae know l.sled until Ihe
purchase money is paid iu full.
Shcrtfr om-e, EHWARD HtXVF.rt.
April , IS. J Sheriff.
Estate of Mary K liable, late of Somerset bor
ou'li, dx.'d.
letters testamentary on the alsive estate
having beeu granted to the undersigned by
the proper authority, notice Is hereby given to
all persons indebted lo said estate to make
Immediate payment, and those havinr claims
against the same to present then duly au
thenticated lor settlement, at my olln-e In
Souierset borough.
Unseated Lands.
AgmuMy be pr-ivl-lons of an Act of
Assembly of IViuisvlvaniM. dire-ting the
UhsI of s4'lltng unsniH lam's for taxes. piss
ed Ii day of March, A. I. IMIV. and the
several supplements there'o, the Tnas'trcr uif
Sumcrsv o'j.i'v heri b; ti - s o'- s , .In.
!' t tou . I.ijH I'iij -"d Fr--
lTs oil lb tolif.-ls i"se1 r
paid befir tn bT rf Ml". h n s,vr sii'H
tsirtof such tract or f r "I nl U-jd as -si'i
n.V the taxes and costs, wtll be sod at the
Court-house, hi Somerset Itorouifb, on
MONDAY. JUNE 8. 1896,
for the nrrenr.igis of tales due and costs ac
crued tlwre u :
.s. utr im tax.
21 47
I'l 47
411 M
40 S4
Jl .A
4o l
S Ml
II tfl
! I
4.' I
I (J
McMillen K M A J f
Cherry T....
H svl J
Ibrtsl Joshua .
liav YnU-iium...
tviins-K riwl..
White John
V hllc eirge..
Moore Jiii-s..
Werand iMnH' heirs
t oil roll) A li WlliiMrth A
Smith liartnian A to...
111 Ol
ii ZL
Tom Itachel..
7 s7
IT l
It -
sz "I
l ; it
. T
J 17
It S.
ii '
Set-bier 1'lilneas .
Kfgliley A Hay
'loiu luiah ,
Ii.-Mll JlMSdt
it-rsi r i
Jennlnrs Joiiia , , ,
11 s(n i ll" tr uiS
Kenntsly laiert
llisidy j 1 . i tjimt hl..
lielliiutul 1 I Mineral .
Markle Jk Hon
Mara Hi l ' i A sun..,
darkle A Saxi
: t:o Til t:i:s v. i . 1. 1: y.
Potter Sar.iii
Stem Abruiu
ountry nun Jacob i.ii.iim rat,
K orward Kom .. w .
Waiaer John ,r'ariiK...
inli Wili;am
HMC Kudoiph
lSfer .-silllUet
y Ti a Simon 4
Is .
., 7-1
l.l nj
ItliRss I 1 1 1 i-y
IWk ley .- I .. .
HrvMli. rsvalle KariiM-rs .ual t'o
't.y ;.t.i r;ii.
lis Brawn J Wilcox (mineral .
Lots, t ". i. .... I. V lmnm-iiii.
V nl
Is-an Klusnl ...
1 1 anl i iioMitxcIl J J
i ypsri. i -f:.vt. 'K r.nit't i ''-if.
Sharp 1st v Id
Valbretrhl r red .
, Kuiierton J W .
f.I.K 1.1' K.
Wiseman t ri-t
t berry J.iue .....
I 'berry Jury J
Msre 111 rain
liebhart simou
-Mink, y, MeKcng X Mrliride-
V. s
4. '. sT
4. z.i
li .(I
fet 17
.". k
4 st
Jom-s Wm H
l-wis JanM-s A ,
.M a rt 1 11 James
174 Foley D J..
II 71
:k Adams Barlrani . Is 77
jrt lsMiton Tiioins . J. S
i.albraith Mary , :i, .,;
fl Itlnson James. , , :t "7
11 HUccr Alex sd .-, it
1'. Iietzersitm'l KnuppM P II I'.Co 7 4.'
t,j Htzi-r lunT " - jo t7
J ESS Eli.
it't ColeJame-s
it 17
al Rownian John
US Miller Jacob's heirs
1 Shannon Kill!
7.". Witt A Wolfi-nstwrger
Si I m rnih II i ,
.'ill Meyers I'.-ter's heirs.
3j Ss.igie Andrew's heirs..
I.'tWKIi Tl'ltKE Yt'in t T.
S7 :17
61 s
is 17
is 17
!-' 4J
! 1 .
II amis Isiaic
Sonier.-! LuinU-r I 'o , , . , ,
Somerset It It I o
s-hweij,iux. lline k t o
(liovle Tniel)
i Hell Trai n
K'olweil Trn-t)
41 'J7
17 ,
17 :(7
17 rr
IT :'t
:tz I-.".
:r. 71
b -c
4 1
01 1
i liwry Trni-t i
lU-iehv A dk tint
H:igus lsjc.c t al
Mct'ortiu y John
4 .
t'ountryiiv.n Jacob
24 77
:it :i7
nets vt li'iain .
'illlhns KelNsssf
liomier .Mrs ivter
Mi-PimalJ M J t.
May J;imist ,
lsri l'ti-units f
I-.skis-p Juii'i ,
ltiu-li-nd J:iin-s.w
l'..-rke III te Notill i
IVnnsI JiMiah ..
llrow nJ Wiasux (Mineral)
Wiru k Jonas ..
Irtiiuin Js-ph .,
Sliaw 1 I'jamlu
lalk .lames
Mitir Abr-iiu
H.tines Adam
Espy Jo-l:t.'l
Sli,w Joijll
Warren Ib-rr Amis
Stts ktnii ILieliacI .
Thornton William
W st Jolm
. ..s
71 .7
41 ff
L'l 17
S l." .
9 17
1 . SK
h It
r .a i
71 z
77 '.til
4s !l
71 .77
71 ,7
71 .7
71 ".7
."" In
71 ..7
4 I ..S
71 ".7
7 47
Waikcr l-wis .
Sprongle Thomas ..
I'lark Ihalllel
Poor John
1'A 1ST.
Seese PLilip E (Mineral)..
Wcible M.nillel
Brown J 'Vileo.x
Kpple Andrew
Halllcs Adam
T ll
17 -.7.
. . lli l7
Psirnhnrt J (Ilntwn W'ilcoxlMin
A Hi V.'iu -
Krit. Jonathan '
lianln. r Isiijamiir
i Dug Catharine II If
Stei nisi ugh Geo
flark J A (John A F)
Ia'hman Henry J - Ama'hi Liliian Philip!
(.'lark K K'tThompsoa Mil rea"
KOrXWOtiO iioitoair.
lien ford t.siis;e ,
Canipbell Margaret
Witherall Samuel
Hiteshcw Kachet
lllteshew IWs.fsre
W ngner Ihuuel .
Kepple M
la.brjis HpiwuJ Wilcox ) Mm
ltender IS K -Ijiinls
rt Jos M
Young Mam b "
lirove Tirt.ias
Wechtenheiser A"
Kelix John A
IMill Jonathan
K'M.ntz John
sh.-itler l-evl
Kiiunii II Sulo'n
Bender BE" -Swindle
Sa rah C Hamsun "
lileyjobn "
Walker Mosi-s
Bender It. nj V -
Krankiin P-4 "
Wagner Isiniel "
Spangler I iabricl'4
laiwry Jusia In Uerrish Ths'e"
Maniti-s lico ll
t'mts-rger Marr -
l iiils-rger Henry
liliaixh Nisih -
lliistiai Jno i M'houuis J Pet all
1 horn jesori James
1 Vrry Simon..
Thompson i nmliiu.
Leonard .Tmc , , M
I i'.l
1- -
II !Si
r. 17
17 -.'4
1.' I 'Z
.". '.w
in "
t :C
1 ss
7 !7
1H S7
4 :t7
tl li;
4il 4.'
St 17
1 II
l". 041
4S I Z
IJ .1
Z. Ml
ii n
hi i
11 44
I I j t
I I -s
i s 77
;j "7
n t
1". 44
41 i7
1-4 17
ez . 7
j tC'
N l
-7 17
I i r.'
r. 77
Jt 7!
II 41
7 ."
:r 'j.'
:a s-
4H !!
4 I
jj Ml
I.' l
I si
I Love tleorge 1 1
I Whit ford EE
9 s7
i s7
7 SI
S 7
S hi
s i"
Humbert John
1 1.1
rriediine KrwnkH
M i w toller l"rlah
Pile Kmiinilel
Martimus Cornelius.,
llollls J.- ps
i Wells John..
Meyers Henry
3 V
77 41
Z Xi
M I ".
7". 7
III 15'
St I S
tiS it
17 iJ
.' SI
17 7S
;i is
Jit '.!
V .".I
Isler Ia- IH..
Csik James
Wright A (Brown J WilcoxjMin
Mostollcr J " "
Walker Josiah J "
liliwnrrJnrubW "
lamg Ia.-vl J
I-smlM-rt Josiah "
I ndis Kalwarl " "
IjinilsTt A braliam" "
stiauk Jell -
Long Jtah J "
StMu-her John Sr "
siu manCC "
Ulessner Henry M "
I.ii-hty Abe Mineral
Berkley Harvey - .
t. n:ifi V Joel .
MilUr Joseph S
- :
7 tl
it s;
JS Ka kert Juss ph J , 7 17
lal Kmertck Jacob , t
1h Wlngert JereinUsh's Heirs.... IK .(7
47 Hart man tract (B N V Co) Min '-s
let EllMM-M kWlU " - lz
7" Kmertck Juo L 44 " vz
S7 Troulman Iteaiamin t 7S
1 Enteric Valemine " 11
SJ Euierick Nathan l;l
140 Emerick John J 14 71
11 Emerick Sol' anon 17 it
it Tauts-r ML 4 71
Ji:t Kennell J L(M D Hay He 1
ST Shoemaker Bale? W SO
Komt Jsooi.
Burket Tena
Korns Enuiiiuel Comp Ls n'.'
s-hiig sc. ShaflVr i H"
Baker ItenjrWailae W Tl
Blank I. V '
Pfeirrer Jno r
Miyder Adam -
Sujrd. r Jacob "
I -rPEii r 1 1: h i: Yi ot ,
Ktrney John
King John ,7.
sinnti J ,11119 ,
N'.ij-.-iii ji.' r . "
T" t.i ',- (
'te.iji "l.i'-.r ' I iii
An '.. Tus-.j,i . ,
Wiitn.nt i;.slfr.-y
Col.llisEJ'S wi i.e '
l'l t7
1 !
S -i7
It J
In -"
I.. 17
i- 17
2.' lt
7 4
r ;
!." 4.
1 -'
a .
.1 .
i; ..i
l.: -i
10 i.
l.i -e.
1 . --.
: s4
l; s
i -z
1 1 t
1 y
t rsm r !:nn-e li. :i tjc
K ri-g.-r I no -
K .- n"I es,rgj
nufc'. I 11 "
l.oi.l- l.tii Jallie "
l'.tou.l,ir Ireemaii
ssehler Jithu:t
Sli aip , llif.iiew "
Ale fit J'MKiS
row-no v. r J '
Met.-alf a Von
Ankeny l iiouia. "
ii:isa l.ipuuvnt.
No. larts.
4..rt itr.lfl'h Joliu WaKacrWTi
1 1 a tu l:k K.siridrv - -
li : t
it -l
'. :
rchfit tietiry .
le to rom:i-n - at MnWk A. M.
E. E. Pugh,
in'l tt v-r i-l b !'r h iy 4 mm wA
til Alt'i f.-.
Ity ir tit ( & r-. rf.n mr-t ,4 V lrl M.t Hi- I -rtiit t( I ,(itgf
nv'r-l r.iiit . , j'rt t t ft. i . r -.-t. xtt-r-
Wednesday. May 27f 1896.
At oMock f. M,
t.-it :
Ail lh- i: , tri rs-. r 1. 711 mi,.S t.-
nt.tnl f rV . . 1 .attit K .: fi. f, .i hh I a. r
I.' tr ( . l irti.ti. i- .11 g f-.n , n;il
j'!;tMr,iri t-ii t'lfi-r. ! in J iirt r !
ill (a, 7- Hll-t"-f tit ,' . !'. .' ' .1 1 riaf r
K-Url r.:f'.' i;.i t t,.l Mr.
KtliiiuTcl K rtt..n, 1 uz ltt r-4t. rwf4--J 14
o.i-.t hrtif r.rT I 1 1 1 r t hH.r.. tit.(M
m.'I ttli r oui t'Uifliiikt-. wan 1 n- Hpurt..
on n'-v
ltf-rt ui e-t't-ii'.ioik n-l to 1 4 tlm
n rry f i!r. tin K. iin-. .tl in- !uit. u4 J -
N 'TU K.-A.I pt-rKi (urvii i-siKif at t
aH,t vti.- ;.l pi it-r Lii- ! pt r
rt-iit. of Hi' p'Mh I- itiwii-v i!iiisl f4ll
li-n irowrty i kii kl ; othTn i)M
it lit .,tit tpf tpM-l tti M4i Ht tlx- n-lt f
fl rt (iiin-ji'ivr. '1 lit r-iliff f Hh' pun-rt-
iih : y in 11 -t N ) 1' I in 4r tfi
.. v f ii rir;ii.t mii, 1 : Hiiirli.v, iy
lflt. Ni !fl wiil if i4'i!iiivr nnui tli
pun'hii ii!4riry i p.ii.J in full.
.-rni :!k,-. t W A ii J. i'.ll.
Aisdiiiclrat's Sa'e
Vahalh Rsal Eihts !
By virtue of a.; onl-r of -,-i!e imumI tuit of
llf rptiin.' Court ff Si-nit runty,
to Hlf (lIPM't '!. I wiil prw to potflH u tk
lh prvini'-, 111 M'-l'ilrr---. tornhlp, sSnn
TMt fUTlT", !... 011
Saturday, May 16, 1896.
at 1 o'e!i k !., of said day, the following
des4-ritns reni estate. Vii :
A rertirin Tniet of !und situnte in lh tiw:i- '
sl.ii of Midd:e-ret-k. s..ineis-t s.unty. I'm ,
s.inaiiiiri ilrty-oiieaeres more or h-s, adjin
- hinds .f iitmm W. I'pkaiuse, Juia:i
Siii.uil-. tiihau V slssr and Jj.s.l. ileehler,
formerly the in.nie of sit id Win. li. Unrroii.
dis-'tl., :ti,u: 47 ui-ns ei.-.ired an I fenee.1 an I
In isi .rsliu-:n etii'litin. '1 here Is a il
house snd tctrn on the reimses, and a md
orehiiril of fni;t ins, and -x.-eile; runii:r:
T--n pr cnt. of th pnrflinM rnoty to V
:iiJ iltiwn ou day of ml th buian of
' z on -oTihri:ut'.uMi of mii1 titivery
a.-.. ! tu on yenr nnl '-, in to Tn win.
nirrT-t on ! (rr-l ..y mentwhich arv
to lw !HM1 rV( iV d r HKif-Tif itr or JUiJTHfllt
nor. ' K MIlal.Ki
H;irvrr M. Orklt-v. A-tuiimtr.ilor.
Tnutes 3.13
Vahalb Rsa! Estats !
!!r virtue f an on!. -r of siiU? iwtuti out of
Hit irphiiu?' i'ourt of ,ru. r t oanty.
tt - i:m ti.rtit-!. I will f.v to puMu ou
lit pr mt- -s. iu So'.h 11 imptou towiisihip.
Snit'r- t ruuiity. 11., o;l
AT t 0 CL0CX P. M
lUt' fo.lowin t!t wrilM-J rtI tattf :
A v-wrtitia trurt of Ian.! -iu:i; iii lh Uwm
iiiip HilfLainp!s!t. om-nt rouiiiy,
ront.tinin n luiiu. ivl am udJ prfe
at'tuat iH--.iuriiK-uf. iiljt m ntir lnl of -t
tiamrl IliluiiT. K'l wani Kiuncr, s(iiu i
Tr-Kiutian. A. 11. IaOii hit t luuu4 ."hrnia
er, loriii-rly (he horur of Mary M. anJ Jihn
4 . ulnll. a (tout orithalf Iktir.j; - rit anj
h nrtl aiitl iu 'nmI pro-i.tiii ci. .lition, twen
ty 'r.- l-in: iim.i Iow i:t;il. Th-re is a Urn
in tbt prviius-. anii a nni orvIiMrl uf young
ami fnu uL int-s.
Terms :
Ttn pir tvnt. f the piinhae innr f h3
pHitl down on ttay of and tine Iminnee r
riitinitutioii of uul tlelivt-ry of Jevd. If
-lr-iril t'V tii purtha---r tiiiie wiil he jivru in
tfio utual wav.
izscritcr's sai
Valuable Real Estate I
Iy virtue of an ufvta onltr of -;ile isutil oul
of the Orphan Court of Nm'rv t ii!tily.
Vt., an-1 to me 'liretmi. thrn- will at.
pul'ilc Ktle, in the .Mirouuti of KocIcwmm1. in
jsiiidMiiity. at J. 1. MiiiT A Sm' torv. ou
Saturday, May, 16, 1896,
At I o'cloek P !.,
the following Je?'rtlel ival etaV, la'.e the
pnH-rty ef .-iimu-1 Wi in.rr, d't-'ti., vn :
A certain tract f land sitiiMto in Tlacfe
township, So-iifnM-i -uniy. a.. sdjoiuiiir
lands of John Koult Jwhn Hi!ii-r, lyru
Wei i tier and otht-rs eint,tiui!i a'ut
400 ACKE:
more or U-sj. al-out l.v) jien und r eultiva
tioii, a lanse amount if ehartmit and ottw-r
tinier, a linck vein ti !iin.tiiie nndrrlyni
iHitrly the whol of the tnt-t. Als vrra.
v-iiKtf eoctl and an abundance of exrlient
s:tinl staue u' r. A iiiKl two-stiry frame
Dwelling House,
loc Nim and other outtmildinifs loeuted mur
ruilroiid, rhtn-h-s and tiool.
W iii b' oil rt in pant-Is or R.s a wtiole.
losss.ion j;ivi-ii iuiluei!ateiy.
Terms :
T"ii --r eint. of uunhae money to he paid
as Mt)it as pn n-r?y Is knoektd down; the
ImiaiH-e t4 in i-ttuilrituituai of satr and d
1: vit) if dt d : 1 tu "i i:imth and in one
ytur from roiirinraiTton f sttie. lHf-rnd
fno nn-nls t -Hir in-rn'st and to W M-urel
iv juilim-tit tMriid.
K. I.
VLi utor of SinutH Wi-iiiht, drd.
Assizae's Sols
Vakafcb Real Estats
lly virtne of an onlerof Kilf Usul out of
the Court of Common l'l: of Som-rs t
county, I'a.. and to me directed, 1 will expose
t put nit- siil-, on the pr m;s- brrvinainr
dt-sTilel, ou
Saturday, May 16, 1S96,
At I o'clock P. M.,
all the folh.winir deseriUs! ml estate, late
the imeny of I has. W. KaMwin, u :
The nndlvideil nne-hnlf (,! Interest, n
s. tt the house and tot nl W in. stiiuniKker and
the house and igrisind known as tlie bond
limis- is n-servet. in a eertain lirist .Mill
proijerty, known as Iterk lev's Mill, in Suin
mit tow nship, ssiinerst-t rounty. I'a , d-rnit.
tsl ;s follows Hoiindeit on the north ny
Innds of Snruh Iterkley, on the rest ly lands
ofisunih Herklev, on the south by put. lie
nsid. Mrs. 1'has.Vrltehrleld. and W. r'- W!
er, ctMiiainlne S aervs more or less, whit-li in-eludt-"
the dnin nl mi.l mee. als the right
of eirrtsis and reicress over t.'ie lantls w M .
'V'aiaer to iimke the msi-tsary reiirs to the
d:i in und ntee, also ail the liiture and iimi
clnnerv made, atUiehed and ts-ioni;in t. the
this mill is in exivllent eondition. havin
Nen r.-entl -refilled with the New-st Ine
proved Holler I'nsi s, and eau le ojs-rated
eillier by water or steam power.
Ten it rrent of the pun-hJise money lo h
paid in erth on day it u:e, aud the haiauc
of or i third tn or tn-fon the evtiflruiatioii f
sttc, Mt-thmi in fix utoitthsand oiie-thml in
twelve motiths fnmi eonri rmatitn of satewttt.
interest. I ffm-1 pwyuu tifs to be srvured by
k...i uit.i tiirtii tiiMin the in-uiisi-s.
C. W. Ifc.
I. t;. Hay,
AUiirmy. n; nee.
ouiers, rS.
For your neitlihon,
add rentes and newa
lier r!iittic at
an s i mis. saisp
forpartieulars. cmIHI C0WMiSII CO.
cl PFina Birr, mo a c. mth t. m. t.
We hi Cash