The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 25, 1896, Image 4

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    state mm
TrL'A WUiins: Leach Announces
That He 13 a Candidate.
r-a-on Mliy the rraynwt ChJrroaa of the
Ii -puMlraa State l"uliTr rsumillM
Mioald lx- Promote III Ahtlitlrt "
I-o.ilieatl Tacttciaa anj OrRoi;r.
riiiLADELrnii. March lT.-Franlc ATill-l.-.j
L-.'.u h today announced himself lis m
candi-Iatc for "chairman of the Pennsyl
vania Kepubliean state committee, to sue
ce.! Senator Qua, wii will not accept a
r ; !iH tion. Mr. Leach Is now the chair
man of the executive ooiiuni'.U'C of the
e'.-.'e coir.iaittce. After havinp made the
nt'li-.utieement he was asked whether or
r...'. Senator Quay favored his candidacy,
ii!ia to this inquiry be replied:
-Ijist summer, when Senator Quay
j:.w known the fact that he was in the
5. Id f..r the chairmanship. I n-sipucd the
a-.u.-e I then held in this city, nud at out
U..k (.haive of his campaign, devoting the
t:;tire summer to it.
V. li.-n. is it likely that Senator Quay
v. .'.'.Id le ia the present content. for state
hairu.a.i? He if not the kind of a man, iniirit!it1i wltieli he ha v
l lfililWH l..r .ui... - -
V:2Jro!iiy denounced in others. W hue I
fed !'..''
i.t;ot . xi-vt h:m to resi-rit i".y fli.-. or
1: vt.' two months to the work, in ;"-'-r
i,,.;iTii.. cH.r:riiian-li:; for me," said
. . .,,., Iimmi -.'. !v. "I of courrO
1 ) k f..r Lis cordial support.
. . :ij hi i However, to lie
!...! state chairman simply bwaa-j of
i::v fri.-nd-.hijj for him r devotion his
j fortunes. If the oliire is p:en to
j.:.- i: tattst !esoleiy because of liiiiess. ly
r-:::i,-. i -I'.-e and otherwise, for the work of
i-r;r.iniiti.n. and bertine of a d.-sirj on
tii.- pan of active party warkers throuph
irit the stale, whose wishes should be con--;:t'dand
followed, that I should 1C
j.;.k-i at She head of the state organiza
tion. liiii-M taa: iitne.-s and the cxistonue
i.f -a.-h a !--ir' rhall 'o; made manifest I
Avi'.l not ask for or accept the ofl'.v."
- iir.t sjKvial object have you in view,"
Mr. Ir-a h was a-ked, iu desiring the
H:i:e -ha;rmai)sli:i:'"
Simply tobrinsr the state organization,
in this it.ipo.tant j-rc-s:.l.-nrial year, t4 tha
I. i -ru.--t possible state of perfection. In the
1- aiiipaifrii of vi, when I flr-t became
i K-iitili- d with the st.ite cosntnittec as first
u-si-ta:it stx-n-tary, our organizatUm coiu-Iris-d
15.'K) voters that is to say, we cor
r -spuudei with that liumL'.T of leople,
'J'h vu.: was considered quite stupen
dous. li the Jollowing year, when I be
came chief sx-retarv, our list embraced
I I. 0 Jt voter. From time to time the scope
.f our work has been broadened, until last
f.ili, when we pathcrej the nattv-s aud ad-il-i-sses
of over K,OJJ It"pub::.-as in
l.iet, every sinjrle Hepublican voter in the
MaV, exempt in three counties. During
t it cuiipaipn we spent for postage alone
t.M';;j. of which 6uin fS,lVJ, representinsr
i n (U two cent stamps, was spent within
n i.-riod of forty-eisrht hours. I a:n saiis
1 i this line of work added from 5-1,0X1 to
1 s i : i to our majority of lTl.lkO.
'I shall not consider ths ierf e?ijn of
f.r-r -inization to have b??n atuiineX h'w
rver. until the state comuiittea has in its
lir -liives ths name, address, politics and
v of ev.-ry oneof the l.niKl.O J'J voters
1 i len:isylvania. If made chairman of
t !:e s!.i:eca:nmitteel would start in within
t vea:y-our hours after the adjournment
i'f t iie s a e coavention to gather the data
l.i o-i-'.s-.ioii. with the ho:? of carrying the
f Ui-c by the largest majority ever jriven in
;. presidential year. While, duri-iir the
p Lst ten years, frri-at advances in the line
of organization have b-?en nia-.l by the
Ktntc committer I want to make t lie effort
to broad.-n it yet furtS -r b-fotv I jriva up
tlte Work of political development."
"iut could you not do this a chairman
of the executive committees"
"I'ossibly, but I will not. Under nocir
ri'mstatics will I continue in my present
There is no man in Pennsylvania better
known than Frank Willms ljea h as a
tivstemat 1c. thorough organizer. l'rom
Jss.j to he was secret ary if the state
roiiinii.tcc, Ix inr associaUxl with Chair-lid-n
t'iKtper. Anctri-ws, Watres and Keeder.
2- rom lv1 to jss2 he was also assistant
fci cii tary of the Hepublican nation. .1 rom-tiiitt-.v.
under Cliiiirmin Quay and flark
Kon. Ijst August, ituiiu-.'.intely after the
Hate convention, Chairman Quay selected
I.itn ri chatrmau of the executive com-
That the enormous majority ptven the
Ktatc ticket last fail. ITl.OO. was larirely
dae to Mr. Ix-ach's shrewd and effective
vrork was generously coiic.siil by C'
Qtiay himseif. A day or two before
tiicfh-ciiou a j-arty bad eathcred in the
K-ttator's room at the Hotel Me'ropole,
v hi-tl one of the party, a newspaper man,
"Senator, now that you are through
will the hard work, what do you think
li.t majority will be:"
"Why," M the : i k reply, "you will lo ask Leach tiiat iii-stiou. He is
the man who has done the hard work, and
i o:ii:t to have th.' kno Alei:.'. lie has
;i runni!iji the campaign."
ia issst, ae:ii'5 up'n b.-h.ilf of the nit-tiou.-ti
commit tee. Mr. I. -a.h s.-::t two
i.i in North Carolina. a:id con luct !
1 ie s ate c.iii:i.-..ij tli.-r.'. He male an
:!e-i; .c still hunt. His I'.ii.-tiou .v-i only t-.-.ti a few li.-iys In-fore llie chn'tioii.
,!:i .-it'j his life w.i he held
l.i ; roiiod ur.;:i th clo of m'is. lie
;. !-.' vtcl an orpan'iti !i sudi as had
-. v. r lieen known in r.ny south.-ra slat
Is'iorc. Xt. Ija-h lial the satisfaction of
h.iowiiiir that. tUoiti;H the state w;i I;t,
t r -e Kepnblicnn coii?resni' n Ri-rc el.-c
t -d. v. i.ii h realiy saved the house of the
1 ifty !:rt co:irress to th K -pit' lii an
; . rty, lor de, pile the DeimK-rvic who!,.
.iie t-o.i.itiii iu Ukciic the Ucpublicau
f eeurtl the house ty a majority of f.vo. A
ritausv- of throe Totes would have given
t i:.' 1 K-m.erats majority of one.
As a result of the methods of oranlra
tion introduced in 1SSS by Mr. Ijeach
rorth Carolina is now a Republican state,
the pr.-seat legislature having a larg-i lt
) ulilican majority.
I'roltably nothing ever Mr. l-a.-h
frrc.itcr prominence, or gained him so fully
t lie r.Hspect of the public, as his action la-t
..iditti.'r in reslninjr at'U') ofli w that
of r-al estate deputy sheriff n ril -r t-o
take e!iar; of Senator Qaay's campiisn
l -rtliL- s:a:e chairmanship, the tor
v. hich Mr. Leac!i is now an aspirant. Tha:
i iie succt'ss of that memorable campaign.
v. hii-h o;.-ned under such a I vers circiiui-
anees, was largely due to th; systematic.
. rii.-t -a: work of Mr. I.vic!i. nt his Pine
'IV,-: li--a-l :tar:ers, is conceded by those
f.iuitiiar v.iih th? di velopmeut of that
j p .litica! contest.
lfcli.iseji to the cli.'iiruian-l:'.p if the
: i '.' committee he would bring lo the
...rk a wider cxiMTicnce r u organizer
ti a-i i jhi-s br any o:k' in IViiti-yl-v:-.ii;s
nutsitle of Senator Quay himself.
i-.-n.itor W. H. Andrews, who tr.K chair
IU..U of the kta c i-i lsi)", tlur
i.:g ih-.-Delauiater campaign. i ; ,s en
. t a., a .--sil)!o raudida.c for the cu.ur
I i -siiip this year.
A a aj'!e Inc niHkts xci-ll.-iit
sh ulc, Ail those wlin ktiift' to onii
liitie fruit growh) with the sliailiug of
the ground will find ttjijile trivn the
liest of all to use. They may Iv slower
in jrroutu thaunineof the shade trwss,
lu tin re will come a time when they
w ll lie found tsjual to any.
Examinations by cxperinunt sta
tions show that Amerh-aii clover seed
is chiuicr than F.uroican, and has
espial vitality. Sme European ced
was found to U mixed with finely
e-usbed juartz, colored to resemble
lover seed, and other samples proved
to he old seed colored bright like the
The Selired Burglar.
"In a houe I was looking over In a
town up the State one nijrht," Kiid the
retired bu-glar, "leameaeros- hoiiu
thing that I never struck but that onee
in all my experience, etranReieJ it may
seem, and that was a lot of weldiii)?
presettts, all just as they were arranpeJ
for display. When I turned my lamp
into the room I wished I had brought
a horse and wagon; there was a good
deal of it that wouldn't have been of
any earthly use to me, but it Beetmnl a
pity to leave any of it behind. But if
I couldn't carry it all off I could have
the fun of picking, aud I started to
look the things over. They were ar
ranged on tables and chairs aud on the
floor around three sides of the room, j
on the side opposite to the side I had
oome in at, and on the sides to the
right and left, running around those
throe sides iu a sort of irregular order.
On the side where I was there were a
few chairs, I thought I'd start i:i on j
the left and work around to the right, j
and I started from the door and had
gone about three steps when I went
through the floor, as it seemed to ine,
but what I had really done was to step
down through an open register. I
supiose soruelwdy must have dropped
something down through it and have
taken it out to get it and forgot to put
it back.
"There was a wire screen under the
register over the pipe opening to keep
things from dropping down the pipe,
but it was very tine light wire, and it
didn't stop me at all; I just slid down
into the piK', pushing that along un
der my feet. When I dropped into
the pijie I had been facing to the left;
in some way as I went I got skewed
around so that when I got down as far
as I did go I was facing to the front;
that is, toward the center of the room.
The pijie didn't go straight down, but
with a curve. I had thrown up my
hands as I went down, and I supp ose
I might have gone plumb to the fur
nace if I hadn't clutched at the edge of
the register opening and hung on. A
Minute U-fore I was going to take my
pick of a roomful; now where was I?
'I had started across the room carry
ing my t:l bag in one hand and my
lamp i;t the other. Tiie shock when I
went down had shaken the bug out of
my hand, but I had held on to my
lamp, though it was lying on lis side
now with my fingers clutching through
the handle. The falling of the tool
bag and the striking of tiie lamp on
the floor and the scraping of the wire
gatise through the piie must have
made altogether a good deal of noise,
and I espected every minute to hear
somelHidy moving alxiut upstairs and
coming down to haul me out, but nv
Uxly did come, and I set my lump up
straight, and after I'd wailed a minute
or two more I started to see if I could
haul myself out.
"As I lay in the pipe my head was
U-low the level of the floor; by a great
effort I could raise myself so that the
upper half of my head was almve the
ojx'nir.g, but no higher; there was no
pxnii for play; when I got that high
I found myself with my elliows close to
my body and fairly wedged into the
pipe; I couldn't get any higher.
"I let myself down again, and after a
while I pulled myself up again and
held on by one hand and held up the
lamp and swung it around on the
things. Then I let myself down again
and wondered what I was going to do.
It wasn't only uncomforable there in
the position I was in; it was mighty
unpleasant every way. If I let go I
didn't know but that I'd slide down
against the furnace, and of course, I
couldn't stand it for an indefinite
length of time, and when I'd Ikx.:i in
the pipe I should imagine aUut two
hours I made up my mind that I
wouldn't try to stand it any loiigi r;
I'd got to come out some time, audi
mitrht just as well come out then; in
fact, Udter, for while my chances of
getting away at ali were mighty small
they would lie Letter at night than
they would l in the daytime.
"So I made up my mind to kick on
the iije and wake up the house and
have the thing settled. So I kicked
on.-e, twice, and then I kiek-d
again, and by snakes! I kicked the
pije ojk-ii at my feet; there was a joint
there, and I'd kicked it apart; and the
sections I was in sagged down with
my weight, and l slid out on the cellar
fl Hr. The sagging down of that part
of the jiijv detached it from the part
a-Ktvcnnd it fell on the cellar floor
along sid.; of me. That made noise
enough to wake evcryliody up; there
couldn't lie any doubt aliout that.
"I went out by the sam? ivliar win
dow t'.iat I went in by. It was the
first and only such lot of stun" that I
ever stru'-k, and I never got a thing of
it; in f.ict, I added something : it my.
self a set of tools at.d a dark l-intcrn."
.V ir York Suit.
Sin.' it S. Hart man. of Tunnclton
West V:i., has U-tii subject lo attack
of colic a!;ut once a y:.r, and would
have to cull a doctor and lie n sutler
f-r aUmt twelve hours as much as
uinic do w hen they die. He was taken
rnvnlly just the same as at other
times, and concluded to try ChainU r
laiu's Colic, Cholera and liarrhooa
Keniedy. He says: "I took one d's of
it and it gave me relief in five minutes.
That is more than any thing else haw
ever d ne for me." For sale by JJcn
ford's Pharmacy.
Kallir com is lieing extolled this
year. A ten cent packet of seed is all
that the farmer should buy until he
has experimented with it. For poultry
it is highly commended, and it is
claimed f r it that it is relished by th"
larger st-K-k.
The Eye, Ear, Nose and Threat
Are delicate organs, and a mistake or
short delay often ruins your chance.
Excrienee in their treatment is more
trustworthy than theory. Consult lr.
Sadler, (4 Penn avenue, Pittsburg,
Pa., whom you all know or have heard
of, at the same office for 21 years, and
who has treated more than 21,XW cases
of every kind aud degree with U-tter
results than any man in Pittsburg.
After examination he tell you the
truth in all its U-arings ho you know
what is U-a to do. His charge are
moderate and he makes special terms
with thise unable to meet the usual
expense. A jtcriHit tjramiintt'mn is
liiH-cssary in rn-ry case for reliable
a Iviee. The worst case of crooked
eyes can le straightened. Wheu all
others fail, he suo-wds in adjusting
glasxes that give satisfaction. Mr. W.
It. Ivpp, Punsutawney, had paralysis
o'one eye, and crossed, for two years.
The doctor erfectly cured him by
ojteration. Mrs. John l)owd, CharUrol,
Pa. severe pain iu ear heard watch
on pressure now well aud hears watch
j 1'J inches. Mrs. II. I). Darter, Fee,
'. Pa. from grippe and measles could
only hear watch on touch with roar
iugs. Xow hears jt 3 to 9 Inches.
The Drvous tsot U weakened by tlM
ia Torture.
Every nerve Is strenffthened ia the
Farm Notes.
The Swedish jiirrieultural college
finds the best time to apply nitrate of
soda to spring wheat to lie half at time
it sprouts and half when it is heading.
Wtvvl nshts can lie used on any
kind of crop with advantage, and they
also U'nelit the land. For orchards
and pasture wood ashes cannot be ex
celled. Winter dairying requires a great
deal of attention, but pr.icTly con
ducted it pays Utter than summer
dairying, for the prices are generally
An implement that is not in good
order is ci-stly, as too much lost time
results from its use. Kxamine all the
implements, as an hour spent in such
work may save days during the busy
Do not lie tempted to turn your
stiK-k on the pasture Ux-ause the grass
begins to start. The ground is unusual
ly soft in the spring, and the feet of
the animals will cut the pasture up.
It is a mistake to pasture cattle on very
young grass, as it is too laxative, an I
the grass is also kept back when it
should le kept growing. First get a
good stand of grass U-fore attempting
to use the field on which it is grown as
at pasture lot.
White clover should le grown
wherever U-es are kept as they can
work on white clover, but not on the
red variety. Although white clover is
not regarded as wort hy of growth for
hay, yet it is the U-st of all forage
plants for the pasture. Sheep will
h ave all other kinds for white clover,
and a-s il will grow on lands where the
red will not thrive it is one of the most
valuable aids for stock that the farmer
can have.
In making a trellis for grajH' vines
wire is ehetiiK-r ati l every way U-tter
thai-, wood. The tendrils easily catch
hold of the wires, ami will hold them
as firmly as wood could do, with the
advantage for the wire that no leather
or string is required to bind the grow
ing shoot to it. Tiie vine on a wire
trell.s has nothing toob-truot sunlight
atid air from the leaves and fruit. The
gr;i!' vine needs ail the sunlight ms-
sil'e. r.n.l the lighter the trcllN, if it is
made strong, the U-tter it wiil U- for
tiie growing crop.
Euckleu's Arnica Salve.
The I5est Salve in the world for Cuts,
liruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum,
Fever Sires, Tetter, l'hapicd Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
ierfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price cents i-r Ux. For sale at
J. X. Snyder's drug store, Somerset,
Pa., or at llrallier's drug store Iterliu,
A Gaestianable Compliment.
P.ishop Lnwrenee, of Massachusetts,
was up at the eapitol the other day,
and his presence recalled to the mind
of a good Episcopalian Senator a story
which the i'.ishop told o;i himself. At
the time of the story the llishop was
ly.'un of the seminary at Cambridge.
Phillips Ilroofcs had just Uh-ii elected
Uishop, tin 1 had accepted, when one
fine mornhig President Eliot, of Har
vard, nut I).-:in I.-.nvronoe on the
"The church has made the greatest
mistake of a Wfelim?," said the pres
ident to the .lean. "UfKiks was the
piot around which we revolved in
I5i..ii. Now j, on have spread him
out a'.l over Massachusetts. I tell you
it is a mistake; any one would do for
Time rolled on and death claimed
Itishop li-ro'iks, and Iattr Dean Law
rence was chosen his successor. A few
days after he again m t President
Eliot, and the latter was ahiM-t warm
in his fougraulatioiis.
"My dear I.ishop," he said, "I must
c 'tigratulate you. The church could
n't have made a U tter selection. I
thought you should have U-en the
eh'tiiv when 1! rooks was chosen."
The P.isli-ip laughs as heartily as
anyone over the incident. )Yuxtinyfuit
Tim i a.
"AH T-ull Inside?"
"Can't sjs-ak for the ot hi r passengers,
driver, but that l.i.-? dumpling filled
me up." Y-, and 'twill "lay you out,"
if it :is n doughy as some of them are,
and then you'll iu-cd Dr. Pierce's
Flva ur.t Pellets to relieve your paisi,
atid gently n-iuove from the stomach,
:-.iid U-.v Is. iiW hriiatiiig matter. No
dra-lie puri:;s these, but gently
cathartic, more laxativethati cathartic,
ycl thcueh mild, !.ing f'i--n:: work;
and easy to take, a specific in disease
of the stomach, liver and U.wels. In
vials to pr st rve their virtuts. Of all
medicine dctdt rs.
Got (lie Backache?
U Yea Have, Here's the Way to Rtt)
Yourself of the Weariness and
Pain Attending It.
Some peojle suffer with Ufadacbe,
many n j ic are wcrn cut and weary all
tiie, many more people have lams
luck and liackache. Few people under
stand Hie real cause of their aches, ant)
fewtr j tt know how easily they can find
a cure. Just a word of explanation be
fore we prove that wl:..t wc say is true.
The back is the key-note of the kidueys.
It achts; that's a sign that the kidney!
are not working properly; it is lame;
another s;gn, the kidneys are out of
order. Tae kidneys, you know, are the
fj;ttrscf the blood, hut filters sometimes
get c'o:;ged up. l"!,is means in their case
t' the blood courses through the entire
sytcia iTitj'Tcgn.tted with poisonous uric
ecid, bringing on laativ a disorder which
if jiegh-civd means disease perhaps in-ciir;iL-ie,
and row about the cure. Don't
take our word for it, read what Mr.
U b-rt IK.naWson, who lives about foul
mile fr:n Can nisi ar. says. Some
lime agj he had the ttiislo'.tune to suffer
a severe fctr.iitt, which gave indications of
s.-rious results but f.r the fortunate dis
covery it'iout which Mr. Donaldson tells
bere, lie as "Whtie working otit
I rw t.utliiin.e in Cinoasburg I received a
l.-vere i n n, wl.ieh caused ine much
sufft li'g f;o:n a eorist.ini. rain across the
email ol mv back. I found it diiT'f u't to
.-t nioun-l and pr.rori:i my work.
could hatdlv toop over r.t a'. I wore
porous la.sters, but rtxeived no liencft
fro-.a tlieui. I was almost 1 .tue when I
liear.l aliout Doan' Kidney J'lils. I pro
cured a lm ct t'.ie drug k'uire of J. 15.
r.i:ijlI.M)ii and the result of t'liir use
has bei-n nio.t gratifjicg. The never
ceasing p lin over my kidneys has left tne
fur goKi. I can recommend il.ctn to
anyone sutiVrmg fr.-nti a !j.-d IlacV.''
D inn's Kidney Pills are doing i tt scx!i
work as this in C. nuisliurg e.rv d..y
Ask your neighbor r.lct tl-.t in.
Ioan'c Pills are for tt-U- i y .-.1
dealers, pti-je 5i reins p r l.jv.
to auv jx'.ircs on rr jt of pte b.
roster-Mill.urn Co.. Tl .T !o, IC. V., su.i
ii-uU lor U'e UuiicJ
care of K by
He Sneezel a Ballet
Colonel Sidney Cooke, of Herrington,
Ivan., one of the malingers of the Na
tional Soldiers' Home, tells of a pe
culiar experience iu the army during
the civil war. At the outbreak of the war
he was a strapping New England Uy,
with streugth and vitality which stood
him well during his army life.
After taking part in several engage
ments, Colonel Cooke was shot in the
head and left on the battlefield as dead.
The Federals retreated from the field
and the Confederates soon ocupied it.
Colonel Cooke, who was then a private
was aroused to consciousness by some
one tugging at his Units. The Uols were
very tine au l the pride of his Loyi.s!i
heart, having U-en given to him by
the dear ones at home.
"A hit you dead, Yank?" asked the
Confederate, as he ceased tugging to
remove the boots from the feet of the
wounded Uy.
On U-ing assured that Cooke was
not dead a compromise was effected.
The Confederate brought the Union
soldier some water and carried him to
a Confederate surgeon. Iu return he
secured the coveted Uxits.
Cooke had a long convalesence, and
finally recovered sufficiently to lw sent
to Anders-iiiville Prison, where he
sutl'ered, in addition to the privations
of prison life, great pain from his
wound. This sullering continued even
after his release and his discharge
from the army ut the close of the war.
due day, long after war was over,
Colonel Cooke, who had settled in
Kansas, was seized with a violent Justin the midst of it the
bullet was expclh-d from the nose.
t'hi to li'.'itu'd.
Tiiis country imports green peas
in the canned condition, yet there is no
crop grown more easily in the United
StJites. Canned ieas bring good prices,
and the demand is increasing every
year. France nends us large quantities
and of inferior quality to those which
can U' prslaced here. Peas are a
quick crop, and can be soon gotten out
of the way for late potatoes.
All hist winter Mr. t'eo. A. Mills "f
Eclinnon, Conn., was badly aiHictod
with rheumatism. At times it was so
severe that he could not stand up
straight, but was drawn over on one
side. "I trhnl different remedies with
out rcccix ing relief," be says, "until
about six months ago I Umgiit a Uittle
of Chamlierlaiti's Pain Uahn. After
using it for three days my rheumatism
was gone and has not relumed since.
For sale by lieu ford's Pharmacy.
The garden will soon be in order
for spring operations, and the first and
most important work should Iks to
rake it over with a large rake and
burn the dry material thus collected.
If it can be done conveniently, a U-tter
plan is to set fire to the dry grass and
weeds and burn the material over the
surface of the ground. It will leave a
clean surface and the work of spading
or plowing will lie Letter j,ierforiiied.
"1 was run over by a lumber wsgon.
Did not expect to live. Was terribly
bloated. My friends bathed me with
! Dr. Thomas' Eclect l ie Oil, and I was
cured. We have great faith in Thomas'
Ech ctrie Oil." Mrs. Win. F. 15aU-ock,
Nor veil, Jackson Co., Mich.
ami or
The House of Employment
Somerset County, Pennsylvania,
to thi:
Court and Grand Jury for the Year
Ending Dec. 31, iS95.
In i-omj.liuncc with lln- Sixtli tux-lion of
tin- Act ol Assembly ii. proved ttic t-'itliihiy
ol April, IM-V. pnivihiiiB lortlic envtimi or a
'House ol t-'.inptoyiiit-iit an.l supjK.rt of th
1'K.r i.f sjii.l "Hinty." the nuil. r-ii;iie1 1M-r--ctii
iier.-uiil r-sHi-iin!iy sulocit nml
lay Lefois-;uu, Uieir n -port for i!i- y,r eii.l
in li--iitlMr.'l, Istii. showing the nuiitlM-r
liiul s-x of all M-rMim niiiinUiitieil itu em-plov.-tl
in icikl nous.- of Kiiipioyineiil iiikI
MipMrl.-J or 'l-tewie-re, ":,h w-ll us
t lie !.iiiii-s of I hose tt lm have li: t nl k till
House of Ktiiplov ni.-nt during th'- year, atel
ol tliec-hiiilri-n l them iiileuiure. witii the
tiato.-s t: their masters, their occupations ami
Wi-lso herewith submitan ae.-oiitit of ail
jeih-s, ttonatioi.s, t.iw4-s anil lM-.ticsts, anil
moneys nveiv.-tl liy r lor tti-m.
in a.l.litioii t. Itie iiiformatioii rcjuircil l.v
the Act .f Asm mhly, the Ikmr.I of Jiir.-ctors
hiii-Kitli foinlsh, iimler suitahle li.-a.luis,
liir nnm.-s nt itKs, who have l.s n i .j.t.-
cls. here. hihI ulsi. Die eioldn n v ho were
maiiilaiiKil in pnvate families uieler the Act
ol Assembly i.pi roveJ l.ith June, is-s. ami
lhe aii.otlols piti.l for their maintenance.
A I s. i. :lie luiint-s of ali )crsor.s remoteil to
other institutions for lii.slual ireHiiiii-nt nml
We a!-o sulmiit an nocoiint of the n pairs
made, liiscr.piion of l.uiMii.ts i-n.-tiii hir
iim the yir, coa lition of i n-- f irm, priMluei.s
of lhe s.u,ie. maleri.-.lx ami lo;u:ifae.
tured, iiiipnoeiiieiils nut.!.-or ti
er wii'in history of tl-.e House of Ktnploy
lot nt. as w 11 as all ote-r it. -ins which in.i v
Im-oI inten-st to lilt- ft.urt, ;raii-l Jur- anil
the pulilir.
All ofwiiich is lysiHit fully Mihmiltc.1 unt
c rtiti.-d this 1st day ol J.imi irv. A. 1.
Athni: JilAII l. WKIKI.K.
J. 1. W'EIMKR. J Acon M. (Jim . ...K,
Clerk. William li u,
liins-tors ui the i'oor.
In suKmittinK this our animal n imrt of tt.e
I'oornml House of Kmplovment il .soim rsi t
County, weare that this marks the
-tilth iiiil.sitone of the existence of the best. If
not the first. Institution in the conn I v.
We may view with pride nml kju'isT e-tion
the work of the liirectors of the I'oor. ,,f the
many penums it ban ivltevI, the if resit numb
er It has (riven a comfortable home, fisl and
mred for, nunw-d them in sl knesx and ren
dered the last sad rites of Ivin? them aw.iv to
their lorn; and eternal sleep:! he nrplbin child
ren tliat liavelK n placed in uood hom.-s and
w-hools, and the number more for. lv aniiet
ed than all ot hers pinned in hosiiitals for the
care a nd restontlioit of tU- niiud. are lhe
results flowing from the urs:tniition and
f.lerine of the I'oilntv If time by our generous
i.nd bountiful clmrlll.n. l,,w tit f.d the
ixir Is a problem very eusv of ml ut Ion, but
how to elevate the cIimmh beyond deR-ud-nry;
how to stay the tide of pnuH-rsiu: how lo
iinwt humanely and econoiuieallv pnivlile for
them, still keeping in view their n-stonition
to hither walk In life, are Indeed Brave
one! lontand have puxzled the wiaeaud good
of allnireit.
The prohl.-m may never be solved, and the
question never answered, ,tlt to the most
sun rllcial olou-rvcr It Is apan-ut, that not.
itiistand'.ne the low conditions nii.l n.stis
of the human family our homes, our chart
table Institutions, asylums and hospitals in
the last decade have U-en rival I v In
character and the condition of their inmates
measurably improved. The influence of the
IM rector of the I'oor associated ton. tiler, as
well as kind red infiui nces, have so shaptsl
public ipinion, liiouldttl legislation, sliat
Icred prelinlice and enlii:htiiied public con
science, that the relief a Horded to poverty,
Kutt. rinif ami want, was never so rvsiematir,
universjil and eft.-clual as tistiav. Kverv dav
in our county, as well ax throughout lhe
State, we see theevldencs of the lalsir of the
Inn-ctors of the I'oor ami the results accom
plished for the amelioration, elevation and
restoration to manh.iod and womanboocj of
thai unfortunate class of citi ns who have
n-stln: upon them Ilie terrible burden of in
Uerite I (t.-f -ts of cli:iri t- rari 1 biv.
The Kcneral airent of the Ittiard 'or l'ulilie
rhanti.ii bason ntpri' than one occasion said
I hut Somerset coroity has made more pnnrresa
in n-card to the care of In-r s air and uufor-tun.-ile,
lias more comforts in the Home, the
uniat.-v la-lter cared forand maintained, and
jt,e It'-iuie tiiltcr ui'ijiagcd apd kepi in )rder,
Willi le expense than any other county in
the Stale. 1 a cart-nil etiiiiJKirison this state
liulil will be ornH)rali-d. L'l.r Home is one
tin. I all mn Ik? proud of. It never wu in
iM-lter condition, or so well arranged and
adapted for the puriMMcan now. Much of thin
L 1u-to the Asa.a-iatlon of the I)lr.i-tor of
the l'o.r aid 'baritli-s of i'diiinvlvatiia. No
one h ts ever attended tbee mi-ctlntu without
tieiii)f Krttly benettltsl. It ha irlven ua a
more perfect wild ysemitlc m.-tbisl In diI
Ine w ith our clmrltnie It has been the means
1 rnlti a more lila-ral irrowth ofsym
iatliv and humanity in the administration,
i. ml lln educated the public mind to a much
bnn.b r philanthropy. It has tauclil tiie true
uieunins of charity, and our duty, with a hu
mane aympnthy for nil human auftVrinc. Hit !
the true of the poorand dUireaaatl and
il is bo-si iiu't for our Imti iforijt in .l.sng
the Is-sl we could, we may tuive"Jonr up
pn.val. !FAit-The Ctrni is Mill Is-lng linproved
and every year lhe increase of pro.ln.-ts Is ev
IdenceoliU Ijo-t yenrwa rnistsl Ijtot bush
els of it otfof 1 wns, l,KH and more bush
els ol corn from arn-s, and other rniin in
proportion, which will eoinparn well with
any oilier t; rm In the county.
Ul il.i.tM.s 1 he buildings are a credit to
the county and arenlunwt an id.-al of comfort.
All are in cimmI repair ami condition, luiiiu?
the yeara m w addition was built to the main
hrb-k biilbliu: for sillingrooni and hospital
for men. I he old one hnvlm; bis-n condemned
by tiie em ml Jury, the Iltmnl of I'nblle fharl
tiesnn.l thepubi'ie. The hulidlnits are fltl-d
Willi all the modern Improvementa and !
well and subsuintially built, at a very moder
ate cost. It Is a credit to the eounty.'eon 'en
lent and comfortable, and Is greatly appre
ciated by the Inmates.
Ixw vTfs I 'urine t he year there was an a v
eratre of 7(i inniMt.-s in the Holm . admitt
ed during the year, of which S were removed
to the iiospiial to lie trenl.-d for the worst "of
all maladies the di sense of the mind. Many
were old, ome son ly There w-en
no cont.n:ioiis dis.-as.-t at the Home, and no
oile r sickucsii than the ordinary diseases Mils
J.s-t to old aim.
riiii.nuKN All children admitted to 'he
Home were pla.s-.l in enod. i-omlortnble
hom.-s. Kome by tin- Children's Aid S.'l--t.
and none Were in th.i Home Hint were sou-id
in eiiiid and lady, over sixty (biys, as lhe I w
tu r-lxMiK Kklikf The qil.-stlon or ot.t
dih.r r.-lief is one of the most niinovin.; i;nd,ii,i. .ii.--tH.iis that confront us.
llui:i..u inucnuity has been more x. In
its c.Hliavor to improve the eon-lit ion of iii.
s..r itia.-i in any other (llr.s lion. ntir best
lliinkers and opinions iroiii those who have
had lotiif cxpcriciMv iti the ran- of the M.or,
are that all n-li.-f oui.side of the almshouse ia
to Is- deprecated.
Tile ela -sis, wi tlink and Pud but little
no-noi easny convinced mat tiie money cn-
miMot ijiii.- tti, K,r is not in
tended to torprivitecharitv th.-v do
not slop to t Iii ii l& fiat the interots of tb.-'tax-layeriiiust
In- vnarded as faithfully as the i
of the Kiup:-r. should lie
taucht timt at their birth work was lairu witii
them; hard work alone wieltls a silent
but resistless inllueiice toward happiness and
pnri-rity, nml tluil enlovment stops where
indol.-m hi ains. Idleness and ignorance eo
liaml iu hand, ami sooner or later will lead to
the almshouse or prison.
I'rof. A i. Warner, in his hook on Amerl
cau ( harithsi. say : -I have never hiiirtl of
any welNiutheniicat -.1 instali.-e when nn-doorn-lii-f
nassiop)Hsl. when lhe u.pulatlon
or I iie public charitable institutions suliw
uueutly lner. as.-d. but It was found npKircut
ly tlial out-.,,r r.-H.-r tilu.-ales more p,i.ple flic aim-house than it kecpsout of it, and
that then lore it is neither economical nor
Mtit-.bx.r n-li.-f is dlscretionnry with the I -rcctors
of the 1'iair. w hether to (live n-lb-f or
not. but in no ii,si:;n.-e an-tb.-v to
to give as much E-lb ns fliai for which thev
ciin Im- maiiitnlii.i at the Home. Out-door
n-lief should only la- el ven for the immediate
n il. I ol Hi.. who m. -ct with at-ldi-nt. siek-ni-ss
or misiortiine. It is not understood that
any one should la-come H-rinali. nt M-nsloiiers
on the cniif v.
In many 'instancisi the temsrarv relief
Crinti-d Is a blessimt ami .elw to tide the
liiirties to whom it is smtitcd over the mis
lortuues tiiaf may have iM-fiill.-n them, while
in many inslau. vs. w here jwrties are ns'eiv
iiiK .. out-.!.s.r relief, it is more det
rimental than food, and onlv makes them
liiored. iefident. It.-sid.-s, when relief is -r-iiuim-iiily
Knmli-d to lurtics, when they las
come sirk and helpless, enormous bills "have
b.s-ii incurred for waiting ujitin them, medi
cal at tendnm-v and burial expenses Ac , w hich
coiil.l to a dmn- were thevat the
While thos.- asUini: i-i-li. f, esM-elally in cas.n
ofa-.ti p -rsoiis. c.Hit.1 lie in-tter maintained
and lit v.- more comfort, at I In- Home than at
tiieirowii r'-sidenc.-s. in many instances the
the relict heretofore entnted will lie stopixsl
ami the arlics l- nsiiirvd to come to the
Hkvtiis There wen' I1 .but lis at the Home
diiriu;. lite y.-ar : most of ihem were obi and
d-ath was ii n-lief. The d.-nlli rate at the
Home is not aii srnnierlhan the death rate
in theeoiiriiy. The d.-ad an-d.cently and re
sp -ctably int. rr.-J. Kev. Welch otlieiatint; at
nil except two that were removed from the
Home by flit it-Is.
Itn.n.ioi s SiKi! let-:. Were held at hast
on.-t-aeii mouth urn! wen. trrraliy appn.-iiit-i-l
by all who w.-rc :ihl-to all. ml. Thet'liaie
lain on ali -c.(sions vi-isul tli.r- w ho were
sicii in the various wards in the Home mid
held a service of son:.' and prayer with each.
In conclusion we woiiltl s:iy uetlo not claim
H-rf-vtion !u ail the it.-eirt incuts of the l'oor
louse, vet We bi-iieve lhe laallltir.-mclll is still
imprt.vii.i;. The new st.-u.-inl aud Matron
an- doing all In their (mwer to maintain the
st.'imlim.' and reputation the Home has mad.
Th-'tr work and kiud'v mitii-t rations to the
si.-k shoiii-t ie by the public.
l it. inks ot the f t be public are due Mr. J.
It-. W.-isle. titcrctirin-t: director, for the faitli
lul v riormaiice of duty and the interest lie
uuinil'.s;cd in the Koine.
1 iieis were many visitors to the Home dur
Pi tli- : nuiiv pr.nitin.-ul eiti.etis, and
t!i ir criticisni w.-n- very fciMir.ible to the
A cordial Invitation is exicmb d to all citi
zens 1. 1 visit fin Home uud any smz-restioti
ni.i-b- f-r tb- U tter nianageinelil of the Home
will beapprcclal si.
List of inmat.-s rii.itnbiiinsl and employ .si
by Hie directors of the xair duiiiijr liie year
Name, Aife, and When Admitted.
Ijiiati.f-l Aibriiiut .yKeb-'l Itn.
K-4uard It. rk Oct 11 isei tliseiutrijcsl M h
11 Is-.'..
Sii. riiian B.-rks 5 K-t II lstit dlsclia- -d
March II Iw't,
lnvid Bu.-tt worth ! Keb 12 10 dls.-litti.-l
!an ii 17 is-.-..
John ii -rryiiiioi ii Fcti "Jl IS-.. ".sent lo V- -ey
ll.i-j April 1 ls;-"i Jnneli.
os...-.e litiwers 41 April l.i lti", cl..Htl A; ril
illiani IUiss.-v LT7 Aug 7 Kii d!sch:iie.I
Ana 1J s.f,.
.Joiin Ktilcy April Hi ISO elostl Jul.- -Jj
t a r! r--r.!t ?! t vt 2i 1 S o.
J:ic,.b-.i:r.ld td hi bl i.STT.
Al-x I '..tin try man to June s7l.
Miiton i niss'.il s.-pl lit isTS.
Adam i u-t- r v; lit- SI IsTS.
John 4 n-sey it Im- t l-el dist-iuireil March
2J ls:t',.
r. II ('RUn.-r Tt J:m 1 Is.', dis.-ii:iryi-J Man-h
is -', p-ndmiiicd .lune-.'l Istt"
Jonn r isiierii? Nov 151 is; ..
t iiii. i.i I t May .1 l-T.'.
Kola-r u Apd! "i IvM indcntunsl ti
H.-iiry Kisln r April ! 1-JL.
rai'ick liallabt-r.o Au III 1-V. died Auj;
P I - ".. .
Kit! .! Si ict 7 Nii Nov 11 placed by t" A
s1 wi'ti lk.vt.l KtmtH-ri.
I "iiaii Hook r. June VI s;:t.
Willi-im ilcssiai: 7 June 1 ls-.i. discharj;.'.!
Am.- "i It "..
Mi.-l.a-1 11-,1-liu M June -1. lstO diisl Ice ii
Walter Hoby ?.i July :H K-. liomy ."," ict 17 sV..
Scmirl Joties 7.) .Inn--"I lvS!l.
Wiiintii Joiincoe 7:ia-t -.'" sjS.
John DJoiie 7".' April 10 1-W eloped June "I
irl II Jtdnisoll l I let ".' Ia-.).
.latn.-s K K noser II April 1 lss.1.
Th.-olore Knitbleel April I liv-ii,
Henry Iv.ioill f I eb I Iw'l.
ij.-nry h ist. r:.7 .Itiiy " l'd.
Andr- w Keliey .: lav I ls-ii.
Adam K iuitinaii id Keb 1 ls: : eloped March
Ties, lore Klmm. l Ii! X-.v fi It 3,
St.miiel K.---r i'l Keli -' Itil
ll.i. .10 KlucH-riyliiJuuel U'4.
Ada in Katltiiu.oi ti tk-l Jl 11.
H. nrv I-. nh.irt 71 Jy ss I let Id I 611.
Wiiliam l.uke V. Aprl! 2 IssO Ulschanjetl
A;.'il ;i s.r..
Tiionias 1 ,-, 1 1 prll :l tX, tllscltaived si. pt
Ii s'i.
Mitchell M-.-i tinbs-k 72 Julv 3 Isvi died May
I l-.
I'.tlrlck M.s-artltvSt Jan 12 Ik-h.
bilstlati M.s-se."i June I'i 1S7I.
I'yrus M.-le.'Vi Keb In l-;l
John .Ycs-eri-tin-jh 1'ilM-t 7 lsiji.
William Mill.-r Is I -t J2 Is.r2.
i 1. 1 - -I M.s ill April 12 lrtt.1i cloptsj
June M IS. ',.
K.unk.1 Mover- St April 11 lstl", taken to
I'ixinoni Apnl l"iitV
.John Mercer ljct 11 lsui discharged Oct 2
It i.-..
WiTiam Nelson It l.s-t X lft dlschar-,'1.1
M ircli II 1st..
Il.irvev I' u ton ;s M ty 27 1S7.1.
i I'il.-r t Aus In Ism. Nov 2 placed in
cln.'-tf- - ot Children's Aid S..-i. ty.
li.-orife K '.i l" M ircii l"i Isst.
i.siri.- Kvun .1 Julv S l-.s7 lishared 2
Aptil i"-;'"t
H nsleri. Mitlcr 7S Aril 4 lssj.
trviu s.war:--ii(lr;iU-r 111 !.- 21 IsXi.
Wiliiam Mr. it. r-ij Apnl m Is7s. Siveit.-r t"i April 2n s7S,
Ku j. ll'-'Skeliri sSept lli ISS". Siiv.!.-r4l --; :; t:i.
Imiii.-I sb-nilis 7.1 N-t Jii K'.i Oct IsJi.
t 'l.- n-iiis- siittib Is Mny s ltd.
i .corssc Sweilxcr i- Jan ii ISJo clolHtl Jan 1
Micha.-I Smith Ttt Keb 21 Is!) 7.
John K Tressler .1! Nov 7 IssS.
J ph Tbom:.i-J7 lsv 17 Is...
Abr.tbaiii ? nonuis "j2 May 4 I sit", discharged
itonre Thomas 6 May 4 Istrt discliartfed
Jtltle 2 ItiV
Knincis Thomas 2 May 41 Kfi disi-hiintis!
June 2 Im!.".
ItoU-rt Van Meter V! June 12 1SSM.
.n luiriali Vaiiiiatia xs April . IttV
John K Walker : May Issv
t'harl.-s Vit.erim ver i Jan 5 lttl t ltM-d
Julv lo Itti,
Jihu Wlit Fel 1:1 ltilditgclutrgcd. arvl 1
Jtihn Woy.Vi June 21 Itti Liken to Hixmont
Ilospitnl Jiiuc24 IStt'i.
Jusepli Ware 4-i Aiirjl 111 ISti eloped May 23
W I. W.-ntworth M:iy 22 .
I. ti iwi-t Vint ii),' m May I lie...
i.sR!e .iiiimi-ruiaii 72 May 17 If- died
Man-h I". ImiV,
K'niuk Ztiniiiernuiii til Keb l l 1K dlseluinfi-d
April in Jt.V.
S"IIKUI'I.K A -Frm'tt,.
Name, A-;c. awl wh.n,
' Hlttm-rt.' Vareh 17 lss distliun;isl.
Ilalinrl i It in-lay .12 Auu 17
Alice Iturks8tk-t 12 It' I March
10 It.v
Klon-nee Burks 8 Oct II lt'l discharged
Man n in IniY
Annie llnilcv 10 April 29 It.". In care of
f'hildren's Aid Society and witn It S Mc Mili
eu Kli.-ils lb Custer 2 IVvSI ltj.7.
Marv Custer 1VM ct H Is-C!.
Harriet Connelly ii2 1st- 22 lsil taken to La
die..' IS A H home"Keb lt.".
K.miiiK Cross 22 March 22 Kit.
Lizzie Cosier HI June In ItU.
Mak-tsie Kmeriek 142 A pril ill IsTV
H.-sier Kri.illlne72a-t .1 Ifo.
iictavca Knirtta April KHS77.
Annie Kroe : Iuv il l IsnV
Cjith.irlne tialon .i2 Aug 12 I.tCt died I.c 8
Kliale-th finll 7rf.I:.n 17 Is died tKt 1H IHBi
A.laime 71 S. pt :t is"a.
Jennie tirassiier.'a Nov 5 Iti",
Cat I1.1 ri lie Hallse 47 Keb 7 ItU.
little llutlord laiict -Jiltit pl.t.'.sl in care of
Children's Aid sKicty 2S May lti..
In: Ke.-f.-r "idOct IH
fsir.ih Ijindis 7.1 July 2 ls-VX
Judith Miller iw May 5 Iqst.
1: ..-u tel Mock w April hi IsTo.
Ma'ir.Ttn Morrow i2 March 1 1
Mariuh MeNlel ii? li-c. 2". Iwi't.
Hiicy I'if-r Auif II li 1iel (et 4 IXii.
Stisuii lilts 4s March 21 Is.V
H.isa Hltiler2hiN-l 1 1 list. '
Martalt homier Oct 11 Itcj taken to 1U
inout Jan IS lte.
M irv Itiitfis s-pt 1 ITM plsee.l In iltwf and
do :nt. school by C'hilJreu's Aid sioclety ISept
0 s 4.
Catharine Snvder.Vi July S Is 'I.
Nancy Nliaulls II Sept i place I d-Mfl
and dumb school by i hiUreii's Aid Society I
belyt (j lsut. 1
Kaun Mtitirt M Oai js lvl.
I.ydls Mbaiilit ti 4kH t ltd d1sc'haret1 Aof
olevirt SI nil 42 June A Is-', takeb to rililnont
June In l.
A ShuK- is May 2S ltd taken to hospital
Jane 6 1447.
KlUnlH-th Havlor7l Sept .10 IjV
Humn Tresslcr S2 1 H t IS Is7l with K K rush
is1t IstiV May 4 Iti'i Muy
MutfKle Thomas 9 May I ItO discharged Mav
1 ItiV
Mary Thomas 4 May 4 ls.1", dlschnrceJ May
WlKile num's-rln the house during the y.-nr
lii; m.ilems' females 4.1.
Name AfC'l
Iaivld Humbert wife and 4 children...-.!
Susan We!(atmaii
Samuel Martivnr wlfeand 4 children.
Barlian Itiugler and crip pled child...
Josephine I.udwig and i chll.lnn
I-vl Mnla .
Mosch Mala . . .......
Ann siiutik
John Wolftskeil and wife
Steward I'utman w ire and 4 children....
Kst her I m lie...
st;inih siecse !
ItarUira liitrand tlaui;hter
I'll.M-ls- A Vou ikin and 4 children....
Mosch King w ife and daughter
John Savior wife and :i children
Hester I'lledlilie
Simon I'liiilippi
Charles Will wife and child
Kliaila th s-lin-k
Nauc I'if. rand 1 chil.lten
Iiclc ej Mm. rand 4 children
Conrad shutter
Jonathan Kooutz and wife .
Simon s Hover wile and 1 children
Matilda I'll. -r and . children
MarjnM Kl-.:ffcr
Tciiiomry otit-ibair relit f gn.nled to
Various iers.n....
r.t oi
jt to
:rj in
2 t
21 l
K2 oi
:2 (
M til
2H Ol
:t2 i
in Iti
111 Ml
.12 I"
:2 oi
M ll
:2 mi
21 Ol
in ml
2 10
211 l
lli III
In Ol
'.II l.l
-. to
M 07
Total ain't out-door relief granted . ;.s, I 117
Ml '11 KH I '1. K CIh tilh.
Name, Age, When Admitted, IHcd and resi
dence. Jtsin.'e Ximmenii-in Kit May 17 l2 March I )
lMliSonierset township.
Miteli.-ll M, s-jni.s k sii July .1 issi; May II
l.ti'i liwer TurkeyftMtt lown-htp.
jot. 11 .Milter o .May lli ItU May III lt som
ers.1 township.
Ifciuicl slmulis Sit Oct : lMt! June 11 lsii5 Ih-r-liu
Is.roitli. .
ISt tialliigher.Vi Aug Iti ltl" Aug Id ltd Con
fluence iNiniugh.
Nancy I'ifer U Aug I'l Itr.iVt I Iriai .Somer
set iMirtiugh.
KlizalK-ih Hull 79 Jan 111 ltd fa t la lt".
Sliade township.
Henry Ij-pbnrt tl Ihv 21 ISsS ( N-t It Iftrt l"
pcr Turkeyft-ot township.
Cath'irinc liniling 4s Aug 12 IstO Il.v 6 It'o
I.wer Turkevl.Mil township.
Mi.-lia.-l Holzshu s." June 2ii ltc Ih 6 Iti",
Meyersdah iM.mugh.
Total number of dHths M.
Children in private f-imllh-s. Name, Age.
When Admitted, liy Who .Maiiit:iii-1 and
Amount I'aid.
Maggie Masters fi Veb 1 Itrt A H.s.ver.8
Lulu S Kelly .1 April 4 ltd K WTrim. 3! in)
lien la inin Ilal.lwin (I Keb t lt.2 Kzra
WeiahU-v 3! 01
Allart Iiuvall 4 Nov I Vl Marv (.ritll'.li. :fli no
i barl.s Sk-icher 1 July I ltd : no
-I'ifer 4 Nov 1 lt'4 Matilda I'ifer...
Tobil ain't altl 1.1 M
Children in Kit lile-mind. d Selnadat KIwyr.,
I 'a.
Name. Age, When Sent toSchisil, Ain't raid. litsikman, II June .1 lss7 HI III
K.ltie lllans.-l pi May -i Isss J 01
William II siylor l.i a-t22lt 31 uo
Total 3; um-iunt Kiid .
fen to
Children in lYnn-ylvaui.-t I U form Scliool.
I "ark Zlmmennin 11 sent to school June A It. I
paid by County Commissioners.
Children In Ih-afuud Iu;iili S. Ihn.1 at Kdgi--wotsl,
Mary s Itmrg 9 s.-nt tosclns.l Sept 6lti.
Nancy Slkiuiis 11
rine. d at s. lns.1 by Cliildren's Aitl Sa-iely.
List of s rsoiis at the Wi-sleni ri-nnsylvaiiiu
Hospital for treatment.
When Adtii'd Kem tl
Name. Age. to '. House. to Hospital.
Mary Miller :W Mav W ltrt June 21 IttJ
IrvinStnllt Mar Isss Mar 27 lssn
I aniline Wolf 41 Aug 1:1 Isss Aug IS ImsS
1 Seorge lit-ldtg ,V2 S.-pl i ss!l Sept t 1st!
Harry llart.eil -7 Sept 1 ltd Sep: .1 ltd
s-im'l i'oleiuan 61 July s IsM April 2i lt1
Wm Kitger.ild 4l Aug "l IS-...1 Sept a ls-ti
Conrad (jun-r IS Nov 1 Isij Mar II ls
Mary savior 47 Mmi ! Ittl Jan Is s.c;
Joiin Mill.-r an May hi ltd June l lti
Krank J Meyers:;: April 1:1 Iti'i Liken to Imx-
mont April l i is.v.
ASIiuiM :ts May IX Itil taken to
pital June 7 IS-tT.
Mrs lt-nj stull 42 June ls7 taken to
liiont June 1.1 shl,
John A Woy .VI June 13 !! taken to Iix-
mont June 24 Iti.
Toial u
Note John Miller died May 1 lss.7.
In the Hospital for Chronic Insane at Wt-r-
nersv iile, l'a.
John Krttz ,rfl Sept K Sept 27 V!
Samuel swank M J,in.-17 td June2.i1-1
J.-ssie Itndi .v Nov 21 'H2 Mar 14 td
Klsie M Crttchfl.-ld -Ji M:.y ID "'A June ttd
i'otiil niiinla-r in Im.iIi h'r pit'.tls, IS; M 12. K
Tol-tl .sir f maintenance ;it bo;li li'Kipitats,
lo county , Sl.e.S '.:
MlIt:iVl.V.-ll.!,rn I,i.Untur,.l.
Name. Age. Iii.l. tit'.l With. Whei; fr.s.
Chart. -s 17 1! .Vi Keb 1.1 t 7
Chas Mct' IS Al.t n.iiu-r Nov 1 ti
Alla-rt Nieklow is M K litbrty Mar s t
Win Summy 1", s I, Kon.s Mar I ts
liavbl c'aycoiub I'i l-nil suuirti Julv I t7
Knoik K Witt HI JJImni.-ls .!-,ilyl7 t-l
Ntsth Witt Is J.i.-oti A in.-1 ';
JohiiCimn. r 14 liarmti ..-rlossMar 2
Wm it ii-.. I las 17 Chas Kuep-r Mar tit!1
Knsl liaitoii Iti Jos It Miller Angiitis
Chas Imllas 1-i JltSwindeil Nov Its
Tins. Jamison W B Vounkin April27'HS
J K M.s 'Unlock 11 lh.11 A Musser June A 'el
Will 11 lthoads 11 Jits liail, iitiiieJune 1 '.
.1 oli :i K Nick low 12 K N SimK4iii Jan 2 lii
Charles (iood t K M Il-rkey June I V
.lsrih Baldwin II S H.-rsb'M-rL-er Mar lt 'ul
Norman Ik-l lwin 11 J li Morrison i Mi
Kich lsil-lwin In t. is .rye I lav Mar In 'ti'
li.s.iKe Mill-r 12 I! C H-lbU-r.l .Var 3i 'irj
Amos McClinzie 1.' M I. How man Jul v il 'til
K:tj Kisher IU K Nei.b rhour Keli 2-i "';
Tiiiie l'.iti.ile is J M Ituminel s-pt I ':H
Istls-I Harrison 12 Jiikimmel Aug ! 'ol
Klia Imtly hi J li Kh.-ads ts t ltT
Cora Kline 17 W 11 Vann April 2
l.i.lian V Iiailaa 14 C Colter Mar Itfco
n t.-i Ilullllliel li r June I ---.l
Kll.i Mast.-rs 11 J s Bowser 22 td
Mag MeCiiutiK-k 11 CJ Miller Mar 17 "iii
Manilla Miller 12 l'ei.-r lt.-arl June 3 "ui
Annie Bailey 12 l S MeMillen Mar 1.7 tr-
Vusi .iiuiiii-riu'n 12 s Ii ltrnm-r April 2 'ir.'
lestrgt-Bail.-y li .l.i-in C Miller Aug V 'e7
Kiiza li.ter 12 It W Savior ar 2 'n2
Mary Tressler Is Km'l Kiresto'e Noy .7 tii
In ifillughcr 17 NBCraim-r Mar I t?
Jacob Key t-r I 'l J M iilesller J Ulie if VJ
The following were free .hiring the y.-ar KCV.
Ikivld Cloynouili, Klizi Kisiter an I Ti!ii
The following c!ildr-n w.'re .lai'-l by th t
Cliildren's Aid Society, hut articled with tn
ntMois uf the l"isr.
I.ytlia ltne.'l. r 7 Co ijuagev July 1 I-.H7,
Kstella Heini.-i.acoii Voughi May II bi2.
iM-nha Kcy r 12 Krcd Treel June u lw.
The followin! Intve t,,s-ii tukt-u nnd placed
iu liouiett by the Children'. Aitl Society.
Maggie Shair.-r l.i Ibss M.s'lint.a k.
Mary S ltingler l i lienrv shutter.
K.ilith It stl H J 11 Itri.-kt-r-
tieorge stewapl 11 Joiin Mitch-11.
U-si.-r Yowl.-r 2 M r I stil.-s.
A!a-rt lievatilt 4 Mrs irurv lii llllth.
I dlth llull'or.l
Whole nuiii's-r in.l.-iitunii by dlnvtors of the
isit.r il ; males 27 : females Hi.
W bo!.- number in care of Children's Aid .So
ciety 10.
Sf'HK'ft.K I
List of live stock on th. farm, and firming
implements ; also an account of all articles
mcnuiae' iu the home an. 1 raised on th"
farm, as rcxrt.-d by lhe Stewart' for the year
ending January 1. IK:
N ii inl. -ro! horses fl
- bubs ".!"!."T.".".r..".'."'."ZZ! i
tvvo-yiursild cattle . 3
" nii. I cattle. . S
sucking caives s
" Kiieep . IS
pigs i 17
a.i..-iaeas on thf fitrm.
NuinlH-rof sleds
long sltsls .
one-borse sleds. ......
wagtais.. ....-
M mowing niaciiines..MMM.H..
14 binders . ..
" plows
siiovel plow s
hamiws ...
" tsirn cultivators
" corn drills
setst drills ... , ,
44 but-Ulssinls ..
" tliresliiug machines
feed etttt.-ra
1' liand niie .1. ,
" pib-llfork,..:
.-ri- wmnuoW urrti til thr auimc in l
Nuiiila-rof ehildn n's dr.-iis.-s ,
" shirts and tilieiuis.w., -
'' pairs oliiblren's klucklnirs.-
M laiya' waist .
Ins! eoinforu
" iHtlqllllta
" dishcloths
" liantlken-hlefs
" b.s-i.
pillow CLseS .. ..
lsl ticks
Is.lster c:is-s ,
M t.iwels .
women's tlresstst, .
aactpies ..
chemises .
- drawers..
44 stockings.
44 44 fooWtl ..
44 nightgowns
men's shirts ,,,
44 drawers .
44 mil tens
44 sticks .
44 " rooted
iVotuce on f'urm.
Numlierof tons hay
straw .
44 etirn'fisl.ler
bushels Wlleitl
44 bilt'Al.-ut
' isirn
14 corn
44 tstnns -
" pus .-.
44 potHt'lea. -
44 onions.....
44 turnips -
44 carrois
44 onion is
hcatls c-ibliuire .. . .
barn li till. si corn
- sauerkriiut
" eucuiuber pickles -
I "O
44 mvft laYip
gallons ebJttrlierrte .
. l.l. r ....
cans fruit .
44 iHiiit.d. butler 1
lnrl .. .
4 44 tallov. mi
44 44 ls-f mllc.1 S'-'"
44 44 pork 44 td
44 44 vml 44 ''
44 44 wtad . .. .
44 load pumpkins i
I do hereby ceni I v tlutl Iheaiaive isatrue
and etirnvt list of tiie roi- niaiiufitciiiretl,
and the pnslii.-ts r.ilsetl on tiie farmttiid Im
plements on the sun.-,
WM. K. IiCKKV,Meard.
Mt-nknri.t: j
MutH-ya reoelvtsl hjr tliedlreelor of lb p..r
ou acciunt of mile made and for maiiitt
nance, etc.
lmteH.7. From. For. Ami
Jan 1 Sniiiuel Hlttner fesdeutur W i9
- Henry I aughiuan hides t St
44 Win filekey sheep 'tf, W
Feb I K M I ritcliil.-ltl on main tenia net ol 7.7
44 Calvin Hay malnl I Swarf.lru'a'r In
44 Knd J lirasser nuiiiit of wife on ml
44 1. C Ackerman iiialn A SorlM-r i"i ii
44 I'li Nowagon agr't Linda Koslt r i
44 Koinitnla Kromer nialiitenaiice .r. '!
44 .eo swank mai nl of brother li "l
Marl K-vi Kixiutz maint r brother :! in
lllrani Kniioerly ini'lnt. liatl.x 17 HI
Apl 1 K. Cramer iiiainb-iiaiice .1 il
Ihivtti Biirnwoilh uuilril. nance li on
44 h:.n ne. y Hickty ow 2ii in
44 CMslciver stove :t ii
44 Susan Hlcc slove 2 no
44 J C Mill.-r i-aiven 1 1 ti
44 Andrew Woy stove I 7n
44 X AlexCol- inaii main I Swart'drub'rll (
May 1 l' Bun-l.-.y t'c for I'a-Iind.i Bi. relay 1 i.i
" Hiram Kimla-rly iiiiti;.t.-ii;itice --: m
June 1 C tiaiitn-r's com inuinl.-iniii.s' i'i m
It 11 Milt b.-ll agr't Mn nib liallag'r 17 2U
44 .laeob Arisman airr't N mil V ut 4U to
14 Jos.-pli Ai'iiinn IsKtrditig 21 in
Aug I Hussel steward
1'irkiils-r Inn. rding 11"
44 Harvt-y ss hrts k corn l
41 1'at i .allauher st.s-k, cash Ac 2i 77
44 . Cuniiiims iiiaint.-uance lo io
S. pt 1 Harvev Nehrock com '.
Nov I Jos I, Slili" r maint'e daiigiiter fl no
." i.l BrulK.ker m.iii-t. J.-sse ljnidls:ui ki
" K K Cummings maintenance 4
" Wilson Trent calf .'. i't
44 1-evl KiHintz nu. Int bmtb. r ,'t-l lai
Ie 1 Kn-I J tir.isser inuiiiL wile is no
44 J icol. Swank liiaint. brother .72 no
" 2 Calvin Hay maint I Swart.'drub'rld '
44 ticorge Aiiinan s 12 ot
Jan 1 HI BnilMki-r com. J.-se Ijindis 22 ill
J M Ktimiiit-i iigr't Tillie Kiddle 2-7 no
44 N Iiiekev pig I .
44 Jas MckVlvv l.uekwh.-Ht Ol
44 Interest on Mussel man fund 30 is!
Whole No. in Home liec:.! til
.. rtceivtsi during U7
Number died tl it ring year....-.
M. V.
To 2M
:n 12
77 : II",
No. r.-m'd to bo-pital during tt". 2 2 4
7". 3; 111
No. childn-ll -are Child's Aid So. 2 2 4
7t ill HC
No. childn-ll iii.lenture.r 2 2
71 .14 lu
No. disch'd, got well or e!ned. jfi lit
No. reiimlri'g in home Iitvii i7.. Vi 24 m
No. r.s eivlng out-il.N.r r. ii. f 11 St Ni
Chililren 4S m
No. children Iu private families.. .1 1 4
No. children Indent ure.1 i7 IS 41
No. children can- C. A. Soeieiy .. 2 2 4 I ... 1
No. chil.rn at Kts-'miiidislM-hool 2 1 1
No. persons in hospital ll xmotit ' 14
44 Wernersvilie :; 1 4
Total No. iiudercareof Iiir.t-tors
of the l'.Mir childn n 4s I II 77 i
-Vf.VAl.V 1'Alh.
itit-tliMir n-li.-f Jt fl 07
Maint. ehiidn ii under Act of ssi .... In .Vi
Clotbins cbib It'll Kff-miu.Lsl oi
Maint. A alients iu hospitals. l.ti.s!1
inidn-n indentured now 1'r.s- :i7 M
Collins for o"it.lo.r p.iup -rs jt inmK 172 io
Just. ,v Const. fss A to othcrrouutCs 4-Vi n7
Main, outdoor pa u 'if rs A attend. 1M
K. K. fare cotiv.-y'a iKit.i.or :tup-rs.. It44 ict
Total out.l.Mires'ns $ i.t-s;
Cost of m w building uiol njiirs :i,ll2-i.7
$ li.t.s 71
Total cxp. nstst of mitint.iiiiltig In
mates at lb.- home, farm H-ns,
impnivemt nis, extniordiiu.ry e
ses. Ktlnri.-s and wages ...".., il.ti.- -J;
Total n-eeipts at home during year . I.i'.n 11
Total enrn-til ex r.s. alm-houe to, .7.(s H-J
w hole No. of tla s given sup'sul to . during .-ar l-t.7 27,irs j
Avernre weekly cist reii.;t i , 1 .71 i
Average No. in home during vt-ar 7 J
Males. Kemulcs. Total Is 7
Insine . pi it -jti
Idiotic M J 17
Blind I
lataf and dumb II 2
T.ilala 4 2.1 71
Natives .Vt; foreigners IS.
lales, JXI; Keni B-lot-il JttT. M.mIs fur
nisbt 'l, 4:U; Isigtni's, -J.71.
r.i.f.i ro.v.
Apiraii.l value of iters... ia! pnts-rfy 4."7 (it
Kstunited value of builtl'gs A- fnrm... 4-i.m'l w
Total valuation l.s" ) no
Insuninee on is rstinal pnije ny and
btiibiin-rs. 5J;..7.
C.mrt and onb-nsi to be laid l.-f,m- the lt.i-i.I
jury. K. I". s. YlJ lit, I ru.
We, t'lc iueiiiiit ts of t'n-ml jury.' tirou.' Ii!.it,.l.. Ii.-r.-lit c.r;ity. t tn't w.- hat,.
t-:tmini d ll:e witliin and for. ioitti r (s.rt of
the I'irtvtorsof tt;.- i'ts.r and of 1'tu
patymenl tor the year ending .lanttarv I. ltsi,
and do appnivc the utiii-. S. . YI TY.
And now. Kcbruary 27. lt:, tile same
i?u; Iks-u exami' we do concur W'tth the
grand jury ami tiie same
By the .inn :
ll J. ll.lKNKK,
Assts-inte Judgts;.
Kilts! 27, l-:i, K. It Savior, 4;tt-rk.
i4fr.ii wt
i 3 11
For Sale By
Somerset Pa,
Wewantto catch It!
EVEHY FARMER in Soiuerset County
who htm acor.l f Hemlock Itark or a
Hitle to lisswe of w ill liml that the COX
KLl'EXCE TANNERY Co., will pay the
highest cash prict-n for the same. AYrite
for qttotatioiiH to
winsloyv s. cfnn a co..
Confluence, P.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
Somerset and Cambria Braoc
Johnstown Mail Kxf s-W a
in., Homerset 4:111, Stovestovrn 4ii2. lluuv.
ersvllle 6-tis. JolinsUiw'u iili,
Johnatawn Mail Kpn.-Uoekwoivl 10-aO a.
m.., .Stuneiwct il:i.i, Mtovtitttityn 11:43, lloov
ersvilie Hunt, Juhiulum n 12: 4o p. ui.
Johnstown Aceommndatlon. Rock wood 5-55
p. m., Somerset H:a) stovestown oris, Uoov
ers ille d:.ia. Jt.hnst..-. n T 7.1
Mail. lohnsbiwn ti:)0. m..
WoyeatownTr-isaaiiiersti 7li7, Ivt-catwtxsi
Expn-m. Johnstown 2AI p. nu, Hoovsrsvllle
S:ll, Stoyrslowu JT, SouK-rset :. Hta-k-wood
i i).
j Sunday Only Johnstown 830, Somerset 1 fell
' itoekwood lu.
a l(f
.V I
. J .
sIs None Too Good When You g
-i;-:MEDiciNES,: - u- '
at t
It in Junt an IinjHrtai;t t Strure
An it Jt To', Have Confidence in the l'hynlriun n '
You tre kdways ure of gettiiiir tiie freshest nw-flieiiies I'l't.- . ,
ir.s( h.'rTri..
C'arefj'ly (VmipoundeiL
All of the Uet ami Mont Approved ;.,r -
bomerset, -
This Model Drag Stcrs is Ratidly Bscini r 2
Jledicines, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Tri&x
Lonliisr's PrescriBtionsIFafflUy Raceiii
And a Full Line of Optical fiorxls always on hand. Fr-.a .-.
large assortment ail can be suitc i.
Always on hand. Ii is always a pleasure to display onr
to intending purchasers, whether they buy
from us or elsewhere.
Somerset Lumber Yap:
Lumber and Building Materials.
Hard and Soft "Wood?.
Oak, Poplar, Millnz. Picke (t, MnUa;
Valnut, Yellow Pisie, rioorluc, SaIi. MarRi k
C'berrj, Miingle, Iotns H!a(er, ke(Bak
Lalh, Uliiie Pine bllud, Aewel lt-l.. Lie.
A Emi-ntl lint-of nil gr.t.Iitof l.nn:lr an.J Riii'niirM it. rial nti l IV P i-r l
tt.-k. Also, can Pmih nythii:i; i: tlio lint- of our hu-hit-ss t..r i- r ivitu rvts.iu
hie i.n)tnp;n.-ss. s-.u-h as Urn-kt-ls, tl 1-siz -1 wfrs. -if.
Elias Cunningham,
Offlc and Tard Opposit S. 4 f. K. K. SUtiun, 0MERFt, f
PtiMii4 itiU-r-t will stt'tolily i'i-rt-ns, atul ih? !:s.-.. siii!i;n m! """---'.
wliox.' vott-s turtiftl tlit' s-::':e;it t!n- last t'tot tioti, with tl.f r--u!ts utflt-r V..t
miti i rat i.m tltcy t-lt-cta-d, w ill tttuko the attiniittigti tin- nn-st iuit -ii--'"'" -: :
in tlie history of the eountry.
The New York Weekly Tribune,
the le.ulini; Ht'inilili.-ati r.imily newsjwiier of th. 1'nitt-tl States, will (!:' --''
s.Iiti-al tit-n s of the il.iy, interesting to every Aiu'ri--.m t-it;..-ti r-' ir -l.'-ss : ' !
alii liiitit ins.
Also general news in nltra.-tivc form, foreijrn eorres;st:tI. tt. . .--..eriej : 1
the worltl, an as-rit iiUurul ilertarttiient hhh!i:1 t.) none in the is.ur. try. m :-rk'!
whit-h are retsiniztxl authority, fast it tiling sli.rt stories. tsiiit-!et.- ::i "J ' ' '
he ere::n of the htitn iroii-t tk.R4r-, f.reir.a an.l tlotitestit-. witii their !! "
ures, fxshi.'ti piatni aiul elalmmi. .l.-s rlti..Tis t.f womati's aiin.'. i:!i A ' '"
attraetive le:irtiiiei:t of hotlseholil interest. The New A'..rk V .-:
tileal family p:tiiT, it la a eirenlatioii latter than that -f any . t:n-r w.-t-i.'" :
tion in the tuntry ivsno.I from t!ie otlttv ..f a tlaily. I-ir.- i-ii at - !' :
in its tit-tails ten. linn to Kv it uwiter lite atul variety, ami sj.tsia:'y " ' r"" u"'
to the women an. I yoitti iHt..le of the huti-elmM.
A Srr.C IAL C'OXTUAtT eiuil.K-r m U t.tTi-r this j. urtuJ it"4
The . Somerset . Hcral
A.Mtvtw all orders to TIIK I IKK A L4-'"
Write jur mtnr mlil Ir :a tap , 1 e ir J, sea 1 It t i Ken. W. B. si.
Trlkanc lluihlia, Xeir York City, and sample copj rThfV
Weeklj TribtiDr will be mulled t ju.
Memorial Work
Maou&artun-rof n,nd D-..ltrln
Fa-steru U'tirk Furuii-ht'a on Short Notice
hie i no mm mi
Alf-o, Agent for the WHITE BRONZE !
Persoim in nertt of Monument Work wl
flml it to their interest to cull at niv sl.p
whrrea (in.-r Hhowinit will lw given tlieui.
"itlsiiM-tit.n riinninte.t tn cwr.- -:ts,-. ati.l
1'rl.t-n very low. 1 invite tsvul h;.. iim..:i tta
tl e Bronze, Or Pjp Zlna Mjunit
lnl:i. lii -til l.y Key. "V. A. I'.ln-.'. as a .! -.-! 11
iinrt. nt m in ii-.e ,..i,,t i-( .tini.-r:.; ui
toiiHtru.-it.t-i. ami whit h i destined t.i . ft
pot.iilur M.muii.t nt tor our clianeau .'ik
'nle. Uive on a rail.
M., F. SUAFFEil,
Them. .
Satisfaction Gtvrranfred.
Louthcrs Drug Store,
Main Street, Somerset, ?
Favcrlts Tritb. Pesris is Sear;!: :f
Supporters, Toilet Articles,
Perfumes, c
TH 1C DOT-roR (ilVES PEiiSOStAL ATTtS rioS TO TH K r'Khil !:, ;
OF NOVEMBER 4, 1896.
i i x c v,.
)f-ts,Tt ? " -n r:-vJ
In J.;-.-- s'j
Owv-r 5CO
s -n -
p V-
4 i- . -. . y