1 The Somerset Herald. EDWARD SCULL, tdilor nd Proprietor. VKItXHKDAY .Fehniary IU, IS Thkrk are no flies on tb- gnwiul hg. He has sense enough to go into liishole when he sees a wining stonu. Our IVtuoeratic frieuds had U tter fol low his example- It would save them mueh unhaninew in the coming pres idential canvaHS. Lrr the iVmocrat who have ltn Miking about the ltepublims Wing hojielosslv divided take a s-Uint at the vie on the silver bill e House, take from it what comfort they c-an, an 1 then try to extract Miiis'uiiie from cueumlrs. deficit in With a daily inereuH!g the trear-ury and a daily imro.isc of the i.u'.i.ie deU, IVinoeratic letnl.rs itisi-t that a revenue hill is not only needless, Imt would prove very disasnus to bus iness. Queer fellows these! They would ln.rrow until our credit is ex hausted, and then come lwnkruptey or ruinous taxation, ruined industries and grinding poverty. The House will not pass a silver hill, and the Senate will not pass a hill m.ieiidiii:: the tarirf, and it is prohaMe that the President would veto both if they reached his hands ; so we will go on W.iing and selling lnds to keep the go .vnmieiit a!l-ut until we have a new administration and Ilepuhlicau methods aiMiii prevail at the national c-spital. Si.-NAToit Vest dec lares thai ' the Ie-i...M-rii- i.arrv is not dead'': which re minds us of tin; litigant who, when t..l.l tli-.t t!ii'Si;nMiie court li;ni Ueci- d-d asrainst his cl:.ii:i, remarked: 4,I diifer with the Supreme court the d .lest." Vfst dillVrs with the Su preme court of the pim ple. Ir w as a tm-at and riht tl-ing for the people to re-'iiid to the President call, and bring in that sl n, of gold, but the fact still remains that, wiih a srood l.rnleciive tariir, not a sin gle dollar f the amount would have U-cii needed by the national treasury Ti! k Taeoma L :' says that seven- tv-five ix-r cent, of all the tea, and i almut fifty ler cent, of the raw silk n sent to America are now unloaded the docks of that city. In eight months there have been unloaded at Taeoma for shipment eat 4 ,147 tons of tea. This is a great country, and Taeoma is the "-itewav for the untold wealth of the far cast. Tiik Democratic state committee nn-t at Harris-burg on Wednesday last, and agreed upon Allentow n as the place, and April 2 nil as the time, for holding the state convention. A resolution was unanimously adopted presenting ex tJovemor I'attison as a candidate for the presidency. With a majority sbout LlKUtnO acainst him in his own state, Mr. Pattisoti does not look much like a winning candidate. The fact of bis U iiii trotted out as a candidate shows the scarcity of available presi dt-iilial timler in the Democratic rank.- QUAY AGllKKSTOUUX. TZZ SINATC2 EEPOETED TO HAVE CCK- sxsrrD to coax cut A Cndilt for th Presidency. K teloiriTiu from Washington says: Senator M. S. Quay is an open and avow ed candidate for President; his name w ill be presented ftt the St. Iu is conven tion by (Jovemor P. If. Hasting, or Col onel William A. Stone, ami lie win oe mipMirted on the first ballot by the M delegates from Pennsylvania and many scattering ones from tither states. Althoueu Senator Quay has lieen urge.1 for some time to permit his name to be presented to the St. Louis convention, he w ould not consent. The pressure became so strong, however, that during the past w eek he legan to show signs or yielding. The Havwood interview increased the pressure, and the Senator yesterday after noon fuliy yielded to the demand oinis friends. To a correspondent lat niht he stated that as certain arrangements had N-cn perfo-led he would permit his name to go before the convention. lie declined positively to state w hat the ar rangements were or to designate the other Suites that would tve mm ta-iegaies. He was equally positive in declining to le quoted on the subject at alL As he is now a presidential candidate, he thinks it judicious not to discuss the matter, and from now on until the nomination is made in June he will be more than ever "the silent man from Heaver." It can lie stated, however, that the Sen ator has received assurances of support from sources that would be a surprise to several of the other candidates. While the eorresjiondent was with the Senator in his committee room yesterday morn ing two members of Congress and a State Senator from a Southern Stale called and pledged not only their personal support, 'out that a majority of the delegates from their State should be instructed for him. And there were many other callers who came on similar missions. One of the messages received by the Senator was unusually pleasing to him. It came from Jove: nor I). II. Hastings. Although the tJovernor was at the head of the combine that Senator Quay so se verely trounced last summer, beseems to !-ar no malice. n tlio contrary, toe Jovernor in his letter declares emphati- cdlv for the nomination of Senator Quay, !i'dges his assistance in securing a solid lvlcgutien from Pennsylvania to the con vention in Ins licliall, and .isks ior me privilege of making the nominating sieech. If the Governor can bary the past and raily to the support of Senator Quay it is lelioved tiiat 1'avid Martin and C. L. Maee will follow suit, and that the d vetes from Pennsylvania will be instruct ed fr Senator Quay. As the Iowa delegation met and inders i the candidacy of Senator Allison, the Ohio delegation that of Major Metinli-y, and the New York delegation is to meet next week and do similar honor to Gov ernor Morton, it is expected that the Republican representatives from Penn sylvania will look after Senator Quay's interests in the same way. A dinner will le given when the indorsement villi made, and a plan outlined for pushing Senator Quay's interests. A View of Quay. Ttri Silver 2?.featd. ! The House on Friday htst knocked smitherc us out of the free-coinage bsil bv a vote of 1-1 to itt, a clear majority of lil. This is an eye-opvner to the sil ver men. and conclusive! v shows that free -oinage is dead, its far as the j.n flit empress is con.vnied. ( )u t!:eot!:er hand, the Senate is apparently determ ined to throttle all other legislation un less free coinage is adopted. With such a majority against it in the Houm', showing, as it does, the sentiment of the Hsple, there i no possible chance of its w inning in that body, and unless the Senate changes its p.tsiliou, the whole subject will go over until a new Hotw, a partially new Senate, and a new president are elected. The atti tude of the House, with its nearly two thirds majority against the measure, will meantime restore public confi leiicL" in the maintenance of a sound money system, disje! all fear of a de based curreii'-y lieing for.-.n! iipnn the country, and, w'::h restore.1 couddence in our currency, will bring renewed business activity and increased pros 1'riiy. Thk aniiouucemeut by S.-n:itor (i'.iay that he is a candidate for president has created ijtiite a flutter among the politi cians of the country, and it is a-fumed in wtuie ipiarters that it is a mere blu!!', a scheme to get coui r.d of the delega tion from this state in the nalit:::i! con vention, so as t. wiell it in the inkr ts of some other candidate whom he favors. Th'se wl know the "old j:ian," r have paid aay attention to his methods or forin r p "iitieal car.-.-r, know tliat when he deienniiu-s up:i any tiling, he announcs it, and ti.eii stands by it with th utmost tenacity. Sucli was his course when he was a candidate for State 1 retisu.vr, for I . s. Sx-uator, atid, last year, for Chairman if the Stat? Co:ii:uitlee. lie m-aiis business when he says so, a:i 1 fights i:i the op -ti. It nny b? tak?:;, therefore, because he says it, that he is a candid ate in dead earnest, and that he will bring to le&r all his uncpialcd jliii cal resources an 1 personal ability to se cure the nomination. If there were a eingle genuine doubt of his ability to carry a solid delegation for himst If into the SL Louis convention, it has been disjn-lled in the past few days by the way the Republicans of the state have rallied around hi:n. There miy be a few sfres from last year's battle remain lu r, hut no p ditician in the state, with a hopeful future, will cire to set him df up in resistance to the flotsl-tideof p ib'.ie opinion nivr eirrying tiie Sena t ir on its topmost wave. That Colonel Q lay is an immense faetor in national otitic is undisputed, and that lu h:is wiroi h.tso!i:i! and admiring friends thr.Highout the Union, is equally trie. What lie relies uiKtn outside thia state is unknown fo the gi'iieral public, but t!iat he ha outsi-Je strength isutidoubt I. Tiiat, aft -r surveying t'le field, he ia the fight t w in, and that lie w ill mike a wiuniug light, is tuore than prtt'.ijb!.. Why sliou'.du't Peuiivska tiia, the lcadiug HepuUican stite in the I I'nion, haw tu? next presidential an-tlilate? A sVrcwd Ky in a downtown oill. in Xew York made $;,) on an expendi turcofiwji. The lad took a.lvautage of the weakaww in Secretary Carlisle's liouil Issue noti.w, atl now he is wealthy an--..rdiiig to the Mmul ljoy'a s-ian.lard. AVhen he read the Und u.itiee he saw Jiis, o;iporttiiiity, and put in a bid for f l.Vl, -of the Isimls at a price which insured n award to kiin. lie wdd bis ri'ht to jrii-eivethe lstnds for J;,M!S). The only rxieuse be incurred was 2 cents for a I otage sump to hen J his bid to Washington. Washington. Feb. M. I'y tbe de cisive vote of 215 to t the Ho-ise to-Je.y killed the Sciialo free silver subsiiuto for ttiebind bill. It was a regular Water loo for free silver. The licpuMican par ty has ample reason fcr pride, and the whole country for gratitude at the sight of ISt Kepublieans veti.-.g ajjaiust the fr-e silver heresy, and only 25 for it. The free silver Kepublie.-.ns, w ho have been claiming from 4-'1 to 4" votes for the Sen ate 8ii!titutc, were dazed at the result. The total vote for and against the sub stitute was as follows: For, 5 liemocrat 2 Kepubli.ran, 0 Populist and 1 silvr rite. Newlands, of Nevada. Against, ls4 Ito- publieans and 31 Pemocrats. ThesulFsti tute did not receive a single vote east of the Ohio delegation. McClurc, Republi can, and Layton, lVmocrat, were its lone ly supporters. Indiana voted solid against it. In Illinois it received the vote of one Republican and one HeinocraL The remaining 21 Republican vote cst for the suls-titule were from the West and South, but it is gratifying to olwerve that nearly half of the Southern Reputs-li.-ans, and most of th-se from the West, outside of the distinctively free silver States, voted for sound money. "After suffering from dyspepsia for three years, I decided to try Ikirdock liiood Hitters. Two Kittles cured me entirely." Mrs, i.' C. White, Taberg, Oneida County, New York. Kiriculoai faith Cere. Altoona, February lo. It :s claimed that through the instrumentality of Rev. Mr. Sen ft and other members of the Christian Alliance in this city forty mi raculous faith cures have been effected here within the last three years. The latest subject is Miss Uertie liinger, a young woman. It is claimed that not only her parents, but her gnindpareuU as well, died with slow consumption aud that she was s ill with the same disease as to le unable to raise her hands, an 1 her death was momentarily expected. In answer to prayer sho was enabled to leave her led, put on her clothing and walk out among her friends with the an nouncement that she h id been cured by the Lord. This is said to have occurred on Mon day, and Mb-s tJinger h;is been improv ing in appoaranee every day since and has resumed her aivu.-tomed work. The cure has caused much talk in the cit and the more so as Rev. Sen ft and the other Christian Alliance people here have not licen generally known to le de voting themselves to this case. Krom the Pittsburg Press. The Washington W, in politic pro fessedly independent and in influence the capital's first newspaper, may le ac cepted as peculiarly an organ of public opinion, from the close contact it comes into with sentiment from all parts of the country. It is interesting to hear what the W has to say of Senator Quay's presidential candidacy. After venturing the opinion that the executive chair has not only Ktn filled, but frequently filled, by men inferior to Senator Quay in every attribute of statesmanship, it says: There are various high qualities which no honest and intelligent o's-erver of public events will deny to Mr. Quay. He is sensible, lie is courageous, ue is patriotic, he is not a bvpocrile, he tells the truth, he keeps his promises, he ac knowledges and lives up to his convic tions. Mr. Quay is no demagogue, he is ::o huiiiV.i,T, he does not pretend to 1 what he is not, lie is neither a fool nor a sneak. Those who have watched his course in the senate w ill lear us witness that he has never l.-een found espousing anv mischievous or silly cause: that he has declared himself frankly and boldly on every imitortant question bv which he was confronted ; that he has invaria bly scorned to take refuge in evasion. -.juivoi-ation, or silence. He makes no pretense of oratory, he has never tried to lok iike somelHsly else, he has not ask ed any one to U-iieve that he is great, or suggested by word or a'l that the bul warks of our personal HK-rtii's and our national morals defend ii;.-m him for t'.eir peniefiation. Mr. Quay is a plain unpietending loan of the people, not one set a; art for spes-ial reverence or conse crated to some superhuman service, and he is quite free from the offense of think ing himself better and holier than his m-ighlsirs. We know of no reason why M i.t'iew Stanley Quay should not le m.-Titioned, n:;d respe;tfii!!y mentioned, in connection uiilitha presidency. On the eoiitrarv. there are very many reasons why he should. The alxive extract from the J' xt an eulogy whi. h is something like those that i:wvl t IK' considered good enough for that i.iodcsi ami unprt tenlimisly magiiiticcnt American, Abraham Lin coln may be supposed to indicate f..ir!y what Senator Quay's ass.!, i:its in Wash ington biuk of him. Heisepiaily well known in Pennsylvania, and the state has r peate-sly ei.lrtisti-d iiini with re i;:Tisii!e oiii-iid positions by over- 'Uu'.;-jz stpiilar v-.tes. IVrjisj 1 vania d. i:mie.i ll'.c I'lesiden. y for herself through !.Si:i iu, and other states may j depend on it he wi!i lve t':e support of the keystone republican uot to a degree in which he has noveT had it before. The Qtay candidacy has altered the w hob; complexion of the presidential canvass, and it may be depended on that Speaker iteej's friends and Maj. McKmley's friends are not underestimating the event, let Quay-Laiing democratic organs interpret it as they iuaj'. Her Bream Came True. Pii'F.MXv;i.i.! Pa., FcK 12.-AKf.it one month ago Mrs. I- red-'nek Jt'irMs. of Port Providemv, a village aKint a miie f.-om her, dreatie.d thul she saw two open graves side by si. le in a ise:ghlor- ng cemetery, wit h cofti is in them, the lids torn off the colli ns, aul she saw the fa-e of a young girl in one and the fa-e of an aged man in the other. Tha dream w:.s sn horribly realistic that Mrs. Burns leaped from iier bed with a shriek. She told her dream to her alarmed house hold, but they told her to pay no more at tention to it. In less than a week her daughter Clara, a laut:ful girl of t was burned to death, and died lieforc her mother's eyes. Yesterday the ag."d grandfather, Jonas Hurds, .lied of pneumonia. The two grave's have been dug in the village churchyard, and the young girl fills one and the other will soon be tilled by the old man. Mrs. l'.tirns is a strong-minded woman, but nothing could persuade her that dreams do not come true. IE OLDEST AND THE BEST Cough-curr, the most prompt and effective renuily for diseases of tho throat and lungs, is Ayer'a Cherry 1'ectoraL As an emergency medi cine, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever and Whooping Cough, AYER'S Cherry rectoral cannot be equaled. E. M. Braavley, P. I Pis. Sec. of ftiA Amprican llntb tist Publishing Society. Petersburg, Va., endorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawley also adds: To all ministers Buffering from throat troubles, I recommend AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Awarded Medal at World's Fair. AYER S PILLS Cure Liter and Stomach Troubles. 1895. Report of the County Auditors, OP TIIE C01TK7Y OF BOSISaSET, FA. Receipts and Kxpf.idit'ir.- of Somerset Co-.tnty, I'a., fro-n the fir.d Mond.iy in January, 1'., ( the first Monday lit January, lSIwl. Klmki: I'l 1Y;h, K-si., Trc:surcr f Soiu rs4 1 Cotm'.y, l'a., in accotmt with the County of Jiomersct. HECEIPTS.-DR. Ftr tax rcrivcd from collectors, of State, County, Sjst-ial and lKg Ilatcs for thcycttrs lsssi, l.s-M, 1h)2, lsi.t, is.4, ami lS'io. No. 8? Done by aa Incendiary. L'sioNTowx, Pa, Feb. Pi A large barn btdougiug to Howard Van Hreman, ed Wharton township, was destroyed by lire last niglit. t-vther w iih its contents of grain, form implements aud two hors.-s. The hiss is estimated at with ffJht insurance. The tire was tho woik of an incMi diary. A man was seen tj.d:: from the- Imrn just at the lime the lire was discovered. Ha was tracked njaily a m;l. Susj:eion rests e.n a neihlioring fartner w ho held a grudge against Van lircmati ami threatened to burn him out. Th" farmers arc great ly excited and threaten to lynch the man if they catch Iiini. He has disappeared, and a force of men are after him. Eeia&rkable Twins. Tillieand Lizzie, of Philadelphia, nine teen years old, are remarkable twins, if the story told of them le true. When one suffers pain, the other feels it also. Kit her sister can lin l the other in a crowd of any size "without huntinj;,'' as they exprcs it. The resemblance Iks- tueen the two girls is remarkable, ltotb weigh exactly the same. Their recol lections ol past events are precisely the same. Neither one can re-;-a!l e single oc currence that did not happen in the presence-of both. It takes the minds of both to retain n h.sti. g recollection of any happening, but when l be fact in ii' im pressed upon the minds of b.t!i, neither one forgets its least important feature, V. 1". Trilutir. One dLxj Sea TaraagU Swac. I id you ever stop to think what i gesthin really means ? It means simply that your stomach is tirtsl. If our legs are tired, we ride. The horse and the steam eujiino di lb 3 work. Why not give your stomach, a ride; that is, let 8ometbiuz else do iU work. Foods can be digested outside of tua body. All plants contain digestive prinedplcs which will do this. The Shaker Iigestua Cordial contains digestive principles u4 is a proparation designetl to rewt the stom adL The Shakers themselves have siK-h unb'iiindisl cmti lencc in it that they have p'aeed !.' cent, sample Nittles on the market, and it is said thai eve n s small aquauity proves liencticial in a va-t ma jority of casj. All druggists keep it. I.osis.x, Feb. I.'t. Confirmation comes from several sourer; .f Professor Sal vioui's invention of an instrument nuich enables the huuian eye to see throegh opaoue objects. The instrument .v t:--.ists of a rylindf r if eardlsmrd, t!ie inner s-irfiu-e of which is coated with a material that become tl lore-scent under the action of l!;oi:tgcn rays. A l.-iK, is in one end of the cylinder. The ohjict tali? exa:u::iisl, with its covc-r- i:'s, is placed between a Cns.kes tube and the cylinder. On looking into tic: tube through the b us the oliserer si es an outline or shadow of the e-o:i eculcd ol jts-t, whicli is thrown on the Ihifiescent iitteiior, The device is still cziide, but the iiiventor expes'ts soon to peifcct it. Ho calls it the cryptoscope. As the Astrologer Seet ii. Nkw Ytiltii, Fell. Pi. An astrologer, n ho has made horoseopcs f the possi ble Presidential candidates, iinds that according to the stars McKinley has the lest chance of nomination by the Itcpuls lican convention. Uov. Morton s)incs next, Sp.eaker Keed third, and Senator Allison fourth. Ou the Democratic side Piesidtnt t'icvejand is in tho lead, with William C. WU'u ucy a close setmd, Se-c-retary Carlisle third and of-tytv. Par son last. The astrologer figures out tlut Senator Hill is entirely out of the run ning. According to the star-gazer Cleve land and I teed would have about epial chances of election if they should be nominated. Lasol is tUe l4 medicine for children. Doctor rets.iutioHi.j jt in phu-e of Castor Oil. Ttii Tramp lived ia CoTrr Sackasikxto, Cal. FeK IX John I llarmens, a oO-ycar-old tramp, according to his own confession, found mote than; f Ji.uju hich had Uen hidden by tr.dn j robiers a year ago, and he is now under ' arrest, here. He had ln-cn living in roya j style in San Francisco on the proceeds of the money taken from the overiaud ex press titiif Sacramento by Jack IJradv and ilrowniug tiixr a year ago. The , prisoner lias t;irnel oi ev io tiia fniiice I which he had in the lienum S.iv- i ings Hank in San Francisco; $Vi in se- ! enrhiw, a diamond ring anil a diamond i e-llar Imtton. j Harineus found the money hidden nr.- der a ciump .f bushes near Saciainetito, hre the ro'nlx-rs who held up the train ' had buried it. The train robUrs oh- 1 taincd over f'jO.UW. Prove tu. lacrit .f Hood's Sarsaiar:IU posl t:vi-, jii'rfect, x-nuaiK'Ut Curei. Cure-3 f scrofula In severest forms, like Ko:tre, yaelh-J ixsk. runaiiig sore, hip I, ser.se. s'res in t!ie eyes. Cures "' Atlt l:!i;'U!ii. illi its intense itciiiug anJ tr.ira;:!?, scalJ heail, tetter, etc. Cures f I'sis. Piniplcs and all otta-r erup- lioaj o.ie to impure Mood. Cures uf I; s;s'iiia and other troubles where S jWHueli tonic was needed. Cures ef !:!ia:ii:il::u.ul).-ro juiti. nti were un- al! to work or walk for week. Cures f CiUrrU ly exjo nin the impurities which caue and sustaiu the disease. Cures of Nerousnej Pjr rosrly toning and ft-.ili!t the nerves upon pure Lknid. Cures of That Tired K.-cllng t.y restoring strength- Send fur book of cures ly Hoods Sarsaparilla To r. I. Hoo.1 4 Co, Proprietors. Lowell. Mas.. . ,. rt'ii arellw hest aftcrlinn IlOOa S I'lUS pills, aid dieestiea. Make Cows Pay. Twenty cows and one Little Giant Separator will make more butter than 25 -- cows ana no separa ij2c? tor. Five cows will bring; $200 to $300 and one separator will cost $125. Five cows will eat a lot of feed; a separator eats noth ing. Moral: Make tlic cow business pay by using a sep arator. Send for circulars. P. M. SaAr.f l.1t3, Weit Chester, Ta. Butlaiid, Vt. OiLLKCTolM. KITItlCTS. jYr. Co. Tax. Px-rlul. j Htule. North Pole Discovered. Since lr. Nansen left Christiana in June, ISM, iu the steamer Fram, en his hazardous journey to the North Pole, despatches have at short intervals given information concerning him, tmt- wiihstaniiuiir tho har.Iv adventurer was f:ir iK'yond the realms of human kind, These despatches have wrecked his ship, have killed the brave doctor, have sighted the Kr:im o!f the e.tst coast of iJreeuland, have ha I iiii.l liscer the North Pole in the summit of one of a chain of mountains, and bavo h ed him Mend carrier pigems, which he never poss :-ssed, to bis wailing wife in Norway. Most of these di-spatci.es emanated from certain unreliable publications i:t London and Paris, Imt the hitest comes fiv-rn a new source, namely, St. IV-eisburg. It is to the effect that a Siberian trader has received information that lr. Naiisen has rca-hetl the North Pole, that he found land there, and is now em his way home. The numerous unsulstai!lialed des patches hitherto received concerning the famous Arctic explorer will cause inrsit people to regard the present report with indiiVereiK'e or incredulity, the more especially since the Sils-riau trader fails to state in what manner he rei-civcd the information he imparts. It is ditlieult to understand how he could have definite knowledge of Dr. Nansen's discovery and w herealsmts w ithout lr. Nansen lieing close at his heels to speak for himself. Hansen's Polar Jocraey Wasiiisutox, Feb. PL ien. Ureeley, ComncHlore Melvilleand Lieut. S liuelze, the arctic explorers, place little credence in a telegram from the Iirilish consul nt Archangel, Knssia, confirming the re port from Irkutsk, Siberia, that Ir. Nansen, the Norwegian explorer, bad reached the North p'de. Irkutsk and Archangel are alsnit R, mile-i p:irt, and accessible only by reindeer and dog routes in winter, whilj in summer a portion of tho journey e-an be made by river rafts. Lieut. Schnctze, who is especially fa miliar with the topography of the arctic country, and the native inhabitant, thinks the information has been mis interpreted , by passing verbally from one native to another until it reached Irkutsk and Archangel. Nansen had lignre'd on lauding, homeward Ue.ind, if he reached the Pole, 1-ctween Spitzls-r-ge 1 and Fast (ireeulaud, in w hich event the first news from him would mine from Ilammerfisit. This discredits the report from Irkutsk and Archangel. Until news of a more reliable nature arrives, the discovery of the Pole will hi generally doubted by scientists and gc igraphers of both continents. The Canadian government and Hudson I iv company wiil co-operate with the Uoysl (.e;graj)hieal s.icisty, of Knglaud, la furthering Prof. Andrei-' proposed trip by4ial!xii, to the Polo. The Ideo graphical society thinks tUf plan feas ible and will e-.ntriir.ite liberally toward iU Sscrsts of the Confessional. Montkkai, Feb. Ttov. Mr. ill, cure of the Church of Notre !ame, of .irmly, i'iebec, was arraigned lx'fore a magistrate to-day on a charge of con tempt of Court, lie had refused to dis close secrets beard in the iKiifessionril, and for peisisting in his refusal he was committed to prison. A Fatted Calf for this rioJigat. Fov.i.ku, Ind., Feb. IT. Ward K. Matthews, a bmker. Ills res-ivi-l a no-t:i-e from New York that a large e.-tate awaits him in that city. lie ran away from home fifteen y tars ago, and wrote horn? for the fiist time recently. An answer from his sister says his father died te-n years ago, and that Matth ews is heir to an estate valued at 57.",ioll. He left on the first train for New York. Items cf Interest. The Pennsylvania Fish Commission announces that it is receiving applica tions for brook trout fry for distribution in the free streams of the State. Only J,(XK) fry will be allowed to an application Ifpcauso the entire output will not eseeed a.OOO.ujo. ' While tho fcrrylioaj Tea,- was cross ing the Itrisliaue river, in i icoi!shi!;d which had been greatly swollen by re cent floods, the Isjiit capsized and the M persons 011 board were soon striifgliiiK in f ho water. The current was very swill, tVd only tif th iso In tha river were fcaved. It U announced t'.viu a tr.u.J woi'hy rtirc that, following the advice of the United States, Venezuela L.ls practically decided to send a represeututi e to Ion. don w ith power to epen tlirect negotia tion with the government e.f ;reiit P.rit aiu for a settlement of the lioundary dis pute between 1'oitish liuiaua and Yene ruelx William Clark, of Lancaster, and Mis-s Annie lavidsn, of Liberty, Casey coun ty, were married at the brid's h uno in Kentucky on Tuelay. They are the youngest coujno ever married iu Ken-t-.ieky, the gr.) 0111 bi'ing It a:idt!u bricle l The bride's p irenti were willing for the wedding, but the b.ys parents knew neth!iig -f h:s matriuu niul venture. Some of the eurcs reiKjrted to have lately leen mi Je by Ir. Kdson's new re:nsly for consumption are chiiraeter izsj as little short of miraculous; aud this new light that Kdison, tho electri cian, has discovered, which penetrates bice! plates and by which a doctor can look thtough his patient as though be were u.ade f glass also Lorders on tho mintculoUN. 1 Sillhllrl IjlllllHTt j;.l..hn II. Ankeiiy :e.l,,hii K. Ij viIii' I'Wm. Purkliol.ler 1 M. IjiicIn rt "A. .' Ank.-ny I K. II. IVrkey fc.Nonh !. Iiiw iiuin ...... Kl. S. Hanz. It K'.loliii Sirnr.. II Henry Iteieli 1- Kll A. snv.t. r I i s. A. K n-t.-huuin II ti. W. I iwens l" i. A. Pile K'jlicwi Maiikem. v-r.. l'i.I. V. I'.urk holder. 1" II. II. A li l'l.V. K. 'elIltllS4' tSMtuss H Jsjivlor -'1 Henry K. Miller . --IK K. Mey.-rs 2; is M. ijiinlH-rt . -iA. H. Ilusloii Kd t'ol. 1:1:01 - : .1. V. liiltzer .l.f!. Kin-le, 2'.l. '. Korsrvilic. -'K. V. istiut'ter ';l-:ilwarl .VcU t'l ,fis4'pli V'iiiitlnm;ii Kroik lleiMi y ;;i .1. O. Ateliison :if Wm. II. Kri!. K-M'vrus A. Yowlcr ' -Win. K. Puliin f I. M Kike ;ls H C. Karner x' V. J. flo:cr -"l.olltlSelil:iv' 1:11. W. M.iup r tlom:i!i lta!l:i-;!icr Eo lxn-m : Wt s!:.. U l Mil Vt". l:i:iklioil. r ijA. K. Welslioiise 4T;Solouion Pile II. 'i'ulncA- 4 y . W. nnss if Win. i'..wn an , rl tleiiry oiinker- I. K. l'oa I:il:i. I Wiil .. .M. SolottioTl SliVtli-r V V. II. Keil.l" V'c.-!f r I'otts -aic.ncl rounewav rS W. II. It"i-l!ey .'. 1 t . K. CoMir r ,10:111.. .. o : jiaries 1. M:ir:z 11 It. J. I'.nuil !ioir.'(ritt' r l Nel.-oti Jti'ty Wm. ;crti:n! e.t .!.'. Koi'scvtiic e-i K. P.S!u.iir I Slonyerx k lou iislilp Isstil iieiii:ilionini; Itmn-litp...' 1 ... inimiiipioii uiwnMiup... inii I Turki'yioot township..., j s.i::,lc loxuslnp. ... JellllerloWn lf4riill!ll Lincoln lownship j eiieinalionlnir township...! ' AU.11s.mi totiisiot It! Allivli' li.v lo " 1 li'-iiMin I onmu!i " j .. iilaek township i K.Ik Lick l-.v n-liip : " ; ..... K:orhope toV!np : " . .. .leion riowu lH.rot!-!i , " I .. LuriiiM-r lovviislilp j" j I.. 'iirke.. f.iot tiovii.-hip... : " .. Lincoln tow nshlp " M ycrsiljile Imi-iii; Ii .MkI It. ert k to iiliip ; " , 'Northampton to'iiship... " j s-le township " I Shiule towiiv) .. j Ssinii rsil lNrou:.'h 1 ! squill rsel township ! ' stonyrre. k toHiiiip ! Summit township i i t'rsin.i iMiniitjsii ; Weih rsl.uri! Ixiroiiuh 1 " Aihilon township Alhytiiiiv lowiisliiu I! r:iu iHirouh ' .... Iilaek township ' i!nlln rsHiley township.. . i "ass.hiijiii Ixirctivh i I 'oilriuellee IhiPiDL'Ii Klk l.iek township Kairhopc township i in-c!ivillc township .J .! llersiii township .Iciinciiowti lsroi:li....... j.K-iin r towiliin Iiriioer tow nship ...... jl.ineoin township J ;!.. Turkeyi.Mi, tun n-hlp... j.MeycrMlali! iMironirh iM'ill.-ef. k township .....! ! ilfonl town hip ;.ew t'enn ille Imn tits U.. .oilhaiiiploii township., i , i L'le low.iship ' " Paint town-hip ' ;u maiioiiii: lowiiship...' " .. !;.ck ivnol lorotih ' " , 'Saljvhiirv lnni!;li ' ;scolc loM iislnp " I -s, n:i,-i ri-r lsintih ... ;S,n:crs. lMnii'h ' ISoindsct township ' ;sotihnnipioii low nvhip . j " !:!. yrr. el; township .. '-tovtstown Isirouuh . i Sin.oiiil ton nship J " 'I'. ' in ke TiNit township.. ! " t'l.n.i itonnmh " W cl!crsl.u:ij l.oi..uj;h " Total ta o-cM ::sal.ov. j ll) (11 t I 7 S III: 1T.V U7' ;t ( m r: 7 -it 1J i: L'."i oi t: ti 5 lo. li ;.! -Jl ' :.: f..! ll II a-! ItMl (' t .";! 177 70 III X: ::si 7u s; -.'ii l.il 111! 1-.I Li1 I is! :; 77 l:r. 1-' no ij: I-. I S'i in .-ii' T. is rt ss i mi' to im; 1 17 1 i, ll'l iv. j: (II Cll IV si :t v.i m V.UI 'i f" 1 if S7"i 4!' 4S Ii-' i.-i Kl O' L J:: l'7 41 ' T: :t s7 . ol .- ' :i; 7: : lt.71 KM isi s: ii". i I &$ is- i If. s.l ."! tf'i S0 til 21 & 7 m S!l K', !l VZ 31 Nl 4 Oi' 17 V !! 5 m X, 11 : 1 ',: 1J7 m 4 .V 21 ii .". i VI mi ps J :o U7 10 Oi j ir . rs ii.-, M :n l-S 4 s 41 7 . 3 7il f :v, .'.I :t'i m (! :t ..7 l'-7 L M 4 lO 5 Kl 6 0 l "A 7 ss r. t;i I 70 41 is HI !' 4 4'. r, xi SS (W .". (HI 2 sj 5 Ui ti r, ( i; (7 s .V. I I 7'J :) o) I' S ii r ni Im sti Ii 4 ". 17." x .": i i u ti j.1 so 4 41 l- l-..i-.var-.l M. I (is .lo-i-ph WiilriliiiUo... (! Krink 1 i.-itl. y 7o.l.(i. Ateloo!i 71 Wm. I!. K.-iu TJ i vrti- A. Yowlcr 7:1 vf.ihloii til. so-. r 71 W. i Pii.lin 7". Kali ih i.Uc:.; inI 7s K.. ( '. I":i. :i.t... 77 . .1. sn-iii r "s J..IIII ii. Ss-ii!;! H. W. MaurtT N Tiion as l f:ll;ai.'il.T... s! oiiii lrfi.vnt.....'. ,vj M,-h.s l lb-ant k; .1. '.. It.irsti-:.i--r M A. K. W.-Mkw. -. Sololii-ei Pile s: . II. T.-ilntw sT 1--. .(. K.:ier ns i ;. V, . ( imss V 111. Ii..'-, :u;,n m .1. K Kin.! !'l I lain. I WilL !'' Sol-.: -.on - nvi!er C. C. Weill.-v !U Sylvwler Piitts t'-". SSI Illllel ( "oill:cWilJ',. W. II. P.-rkty !'7 W. V. ('oinilniuaii... Cluirli-s C Ma'rtz It. J. Itnn.t lot ii.nin;e Cutter I'll Nelson jin.y .s..i;.iii!i i,,.,.. ' i.. Wm. Uerh.inl P. TtirkiyfiHii low iiship.'J " J. C. Forscyihe . ,1'rsina ls.rout;!i j " Tohil lax lor Isii.. Am. ami tit Im: lax t.rt.iiL'ht ov.-r Ainoiint of stale lax hrouu'lit over ; A line. m of County lax ln.u-:ht over , A mount of S-elal tax Lniu-.-ht over ! Amount of Slat.-lax hrolnrht ov.-r Amount of Ioii lax brought over. i A. t.Iion township ' Xll.irh. i.y lowii.-hip j ii.-rlin i.rotii;ii . I -'tt'ack to,i nvhip .Itrolheis al!, y tou iist-.ip. ; ' 'as-iiii-.u l,.r-iii:h I'oiii'ie.i.i.'li lownship 'onllii.-ii-e Immiht-;!i ' Kik I.ic- township Kaii a.H.-- lowti.fnp ' ir-fiivi le t.iwi.-hip : .l-'.'I-ion townslii'i I. iin-i :. ii l.or nwli : l.-nuer township i - I .:n i:n-- iovi nsl.it. I I. lies. in ..cvwloji I.. Tllti-v'Wl Loi n-hip...; M.-v.'istljJc iMir.ii-.'ii .- M !-i.tl.-.-rit k t..M nIi:p ; . i.io.-.i tow!jthi V.-w i'.itriinor- l-orfi!h... N.w '-siir.- ipe Ihi-oii-.-Ii. I ..."ha!i:ptoii to'ivnship .J Pa'i.t to'V us i. ! ll. I iaho.lho; lownship...; K'H-Iiwtssl U.rittih Sail liui v hitrocvh .. sia,i(. townshit. .- ."-'loelticl.t hoit'iiiii J sU.iiierct litoon-.i J: Ss.mers. t towiMhtp - -Solithal.ip.!o:i township - Slonyert . 1; tov. n-hip tst-e-town tw.roinili ' S lirvi .V. J Iftti 17! ad. 77S !,:;; :w . l rr, it i Jll k : j:ss :l l:i IV ir. l':Vii ii .? 2171 7. . .i .'tl (v. n; 7.i ! ."i SI"! I IK' l-l :i". 111 si :r: 41 -2f: 1.10 1 ; .! 7: . o : i- i". :e-' t'O o ; 177:: 7"-: 27lii I7; :ik (f: 17' I:' SA lil 21 i 7' ! lliti -V' 1S2 42. !( 42 ) I N. ; ."41 111 .'j) Ol :: si 2' 10 1 !2 ." Ill ol IJ) Sil. 411 .HI! J- (Vl .".s il. pi Ol !:: m' .'. 2 01 til IO I t XU7 127. 1 :4 Ii277 :t 122S1I .v; ." li If !7 (! l'urj 41 -I. 2 III I 4. ("I 1;! 01 111 IM PI li". 4'i sn I "i m 4 1 ' si 01 II 7 pit vl 79 li 3 S" tt.7 HI .0 10 2TI l: 1 : 7. 2-f i. 77 i" il XI 2 l o :ti 1! 7 -iii t 11. 211 ".i l:-..i I. 1 (D 17 ) JlO Kl 12". 24 il Ol 14 2". Ill 21 10 1 t-J.". ss 17 21! 41 :'. ul 4 .". 'si ll'l '.r; M 71 lft Mcenw (iran.l total tax rti lv(sl forli". 1.1s (ini-coiinly I.-.S Tr-siin-rN c..:i:mi,.in.. I -Vulll ( 1270 27 S t- t2 JO; lieileiuptlon i.ioiicy of uiisenttsl lanils- (shv Coiiniiivsioiient l.-ili.'. r. P. 2IS) I'"' Iiorntw.fi money J'f Ititlciiipiion money of unseuteii iiliiVls iss.'Tai'lih 1 oiiiiiionwitillh cust I lm i', " - - 1 I10 llalanee- due county from scltlciiit in of l."W.".'."""""!!"."!!"!!! i .. ' ! reliance due IlnurK I'ugli, Esi., t'oiinty Treasurer ' I I ;N(iTK.-IV!i this .J.iluct fl'W from fT!-7 2). Hem l'V.. lH.rmwe.1 nionev: i ch.in;.-J iwiee -(See L'oniniissioiiers' Is!;ji-r3, all. I Treasurer's Imm1:s.) "1 i ' Expeinlituroi-i!. i r'ii ex 72S 7 ". .12 : trAC 24 1 1 2 ;i :f. 1 :2 J! "i2 ( fiitTH". :7 fVO in I I'.v amount onl. rs for ..: .. .. M t. "l 4 M ( 4 It M I M i M j.1 (, 4M 41 ,; M - M I j 4 44 4t 44 J-l 44 44 44 - 44 44 44 44 I 4 44 4 44 44 J- 44 44 44 44 If, j 44 44 44 44 Jj 44 44 44 44 J.. 44 44 44 44 tj 44 44 44 44 ! i 4 41 44 XI 44 44 4 44 ', 44 4t 44 44 44 44 44 44 -'-A 44 44 44 44 2.;' -. 4 - 4. 44 44 44 44 4 44 .4 r. . 44 4 44 4 j' 4 44 44 U J 4 44 44 44 f 1 44 44 44 4 rt M 4- 44 4 44 ft 44 44 44 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 tjit 44 44 44 4 4. 4 4 44 I 44 44 4-1. ? 4 , i J 4 f 44 44 4., 44 44 4 j.; 44 44 44 7 4 4 H s, 4. 44 44 44 , 44 44 44 f 1 4 44 4 ,",i 44 44 44 .4 44 44 44 ;fc-t 44 44 44 -( 44 44 44 44 -- .. f . " " I NnTK I'ri ia this deduct : lett, Ciionisloin-r. viewers piy. ratls titnl hrid.K roiiimouwtv.ltli p.t-ts I lVri rn. t t ct.untj- r-ouiiiiisslouers fKiy . sholier K (Hay . N new liri-Lnss l-ri.'L .- 1- it's pviiiici!; an. I a.lvertisin ch-cltoii exM-1ls i court house 1111 1 jail n-iirs " " " CXM-1SC st-ilionery rom! ilaina.ss comity institute ti-trii t attorney f.t-s iMxinont ll.s-tiii.il II utiliiiu.loii lU torii.alory Moisina " sol.liers' l.iuial - j.-ns,-s.. eitiislal.les n-ti:rns horro'.vi-.l iu.ii. v illter.s:! '. sU.i-p lauia:;.si Jail janitor c'm-lric h.alit t court house iin.l J:iili St-alps tfniml lur..rs .y court house jaitiior- court crierHiel tipsLaxes r.iinls ; III m y rerun.! .! on misi-.itctl lauds. tmverse juro.-s .!y slen.r.iph. rs 11 ay PiiithonoiiirvV f.i-s county eomiiiis -ioiiers el.-r pay iiil..::iey pay " iui.tiioi'e!.-ik p-iy ntiorney jKiy IsMinliiiHr jur..rs , tRijisint-tnM icis.ai.sl lan.ls " Ju l-rni-n- mi I nioitmii.'.-s Commission. ay Iraveliiij; exp-. iis.si '-- '-- tii.-rk.. i.l coiupniiii.ofi court Ull-'slliell llin.rs. Hit.liiin pul.li.' a. -con 11 is. -lurv ( 'ouiiui.ssjoHerj' p-iy Mx rin" hill Jail phy.lelal. lax.-s reillll'hsi .... ,... eoimty uulttii'-t' pay .. Insurance . Ticainircr 's f.-cs tinsitit.sl Imi-.U )ioor li:tii! I.. Lalatiee ai-cou.'il . stat - p.-r..;ial tax To'al r-eep.ts for orders pal-1 for issj . lialaiMs- rettt-itiplioii money paid t-ct Tnt'snrer's 'siai t.f 2 percent. t:i S7I172 2i! balance tax on Uiise.it.-d lauds ....... 2V?i 10 7i'.72 " i s.1 te:t I ". 2S f7 Total rxpenditurc.i for 1st. 70 ml f ;I2 from J13!, item 4. over mid ou ttilary of II. V. F. P. SAYLOR. ESQ. Protl.enotnry and f'ierk of the Courts of Quarter S-s.ons nnd ( 'v.-r and 'I'criiiiiierof the (i.iinty of Soincrsi-t, IVim'a In account villi tv.iiicryct t'ounlv tor A. I. 1-VV. No. Ir. Cr. 1 I Toaiiiomil shown I.y d. Lit side of Mil $ .:( : ajl'.y orders iju- u.-d to K. P. Say lor, clerk .. $ l 1". ti.il l:i I m.i Kl COWARD HOOVER. Sh. rilf of Somerset Cooi-.ty, Penn'a., In account with Somerset e ..ioi;y for A. 1 1. :SU'. No Ir. Vt. 1 I To amount shown I v lcl.lt side of 1.111 $ UiM : 2 lty " order r?-susl to Kdward llo..c.-r sh.-riir , , , ,, , $ pa. 7t Ittjn Tit Iisi Tit H. F. UARNETT t'onnly I'tiiiiinisioncrof Soiu-rscl County, Fctm'a., iu aceounl with loiii-rsei Couiily, Pu., A. I. stV. No. Ir. Vt. 1 I To at'ercate ain't of orders Issued I.y Coinuir s to II. F. Barni-tt... f Ktl (10 2 I Hy 2ii diiys m-rvlce at ;3 Gil, as lcr Coinmr's lslger $ 131 Ul $ Kll (JO s. u. No. SHOBER County Coinnil - ' Siiiihtsi H'tiuiity, l'u 1 I To arisvute Bin'l orders Issued I.y Comtii's loS. I". Sliobcr... lty i--s la)s m t Hi- ul . -jil, as per Ci:uiiii's Ls;er........ $ t vrn ( s tcu ( ioner of Somerset County, I'enn'a In account with Ir. Vt. fXl 00 A. IMMl'a. K3 0U -tro J - n:'. i p HAY, County Commissioner of Somerset county, Penn'a , In account with Somer Js-I Vuuiitv, PaJ A. 1. Iir. Cr. To uc.'rs.Mteiiirt onlcr. issuisl hv Coinmr's to ". P. Hay.. t so. (O 2 j I.y liui days ser ieei at 7! -V. l.s per Co:nmr"s 1 a-iIs-t i $ SV, o i 7 TO f Ml". io w. f's': ii I NDLBTEDNES5 '-f Jinersci Count v on thelilh day of January A. I. Ismt. No. Iir. 1 j T.i am'l ImiiiiI.-iI indehtisln. ss .Sa- Coinmr's nituutesl '.il 111) 2 I " " outsLinding orders r iM, tssii, lsji, 1S.C1, Isj4 and IMS "i 2i l7 t Tl 17 KS Wc, the midi rsizned Auditors of the County of Somerset in the Common wraith of Penn sylvania, doe, riily that iu pursuance of Hie 47tti section of Ihe Act entitled "An Act rclatimr I I s.uiili.-s. l..w nshi.. ie.." .ssed the I'.ih day if April. A. IL, Isi'.l. we lin t i.t the w-.l of Justie, in th. county ol ss.mcrset. on theStli hiy of J.itiiutry, A. 1., Istii. and utter (m-iiii; tulv sworn, lid audit, adjust r.nd si-tlle the sever J r tiunts r..iot.-l of us l-jr law, ecrttully lo the sevcnil Acts 01 As-einhlv mid the sui'lilt in. nts thcn-to. esr.!liiir lo the best ol our J.1 ti.'ineiit. ahility and l:uowl.-l-..e. Hint the lor. itoiuii Isati ueulld i-ornet Bluteua nt cf khe lo!:..wiu.r ai--ouiits res pt-c lively : 1st. Kini.r E. Push, tu., 'i'reasu rvr if the County of: S.)mers;t, with the sahl County of ISimcrs. I. 2I. K. P. Stiylor, Kj., I'n.thonoUirj- und tli rit of t!ic Courts r the Cttunty of Honierset, with Ihe said 1 .iunty ol souk is. t. iird. K.lward ll-nvt-r. Mierill of l'i- County of Somerset, with the said County of Sttnierset. tth. H K. liraett. Cuiity l'oiiiuiiss.,,,er of the Comity of sSoiiii-rset, with the said County of ."-.inn rsct. Vh s. V. Miotx-r. County Commissioner of the County of bonier, t. with Hie said t'ounlv f Somt rs--t. nth. W. 1. Hay. County Couimissioiicrof the County of Moi:ie""sct. with the sjild County of Somerset. All for the yinr endins '.th u.iy of January. A. I) , Kit. And we liirth. rc.-rtilv ihat we lind n '-alainv due tin- (N.iinty Treasurer. Elmer E. I'Us'h. K--.1.. rci?tii thousaiKl and uiu.'tv iiini I.i-Ue d.ilt.its 1iss.K41.lit. 1 We further c. -rtify thai each of said oftiers iiaiuel atsive were duly imniTuon.s-! to aps?tr U-fore 1 lie Auditors and Ih. y I. )snr Is aire lis, and produ-ed li.iir books, touehi-is, or d rs. lalis, isis-rs, etc. In testimony whereof wc have h r. :.:.!o ret our hards and aflised our srals, this 2tth day of Jill nuarv. A. II., IsJ-ti. A. J. HiLHl AS, Amos Wai.kiih. fsc.'.J Clerk. NAMtni.C Kox, sni. ' W. Vt". IS.'. Kills, iSLAI.J z CD s m 25 1I ?2 " s? st crq tasaia Stenger'S House-Cleaning to Begin Mon day Mornin 1 cr hut we tn-iiii I v hous,M-: anini; l to l.-.ill up all surplus and ml. 1 ciuls of iu-a.-on.i-ble incrchaudist- Itefore .ur annual !nciilory of st.M-k, which taks pl:.c- alitiut Ketiruary 1. In order to clean up this stock, prices cut 1.0 figure. If you have not yet pn.vid. d jour-M-lf w ith a winter wmp. now is the lime for bargains. Fflr Cap, doll Capes, Jactels. Cki'drea'a and Kisses' Csats, All go in with this House-Cleaning Sale Dry Goods Depntrnsnt. Small lot of t-V a ml "i: lr.ss rlot'is some ch.t-ks, some ri::i;h t-ilicts; were snsid-n tl etieap at 4.V and Vv. All ir.t in this liocre Ci.-itnin;; Siile at it'ic a yard. i.c :n. 1,1'h r, 1:0 iiiip;i(-.i;.-s ou aimvc: w Mi 11 sold that ends them. JOHN STENGEB, MAIN STREET. Johnstown, Fa. Facts About : FURNITURE We can inform the trade ar.-I public a lar;je that we have come out i-tri-ou in our deal with the furniture manufacturers of Michigan. We got all we asked for in the way of bar gains, consequently all we expected, what more do we want? We only want the trade to know that our line is bet ter in every respect now than ever lie fore and that w are going to contin ue selling Furniture on a very low basis. $25 and $28.00 win buy a noiui Oak Suit for the lied room, containing six piee-e, made and fiuLshed in the VPry lnlest styles. $!8 and $29.00 takes from on r floor a ni suit, cither in Antkjue or Im itation Walnut finish." $28 Slid $30.00 pnyifor a nice over stuffed or w.nl-fraii!e' suit for the par lor, upholstered in ttnx-atclle, Siik, Tapestry and flush. $15 and $20. CO takes one of the Riune btyle suit upholstered in Tap estry. $1.80, SI.S0. $2.C0. Nice Herd Kock ers bah cc-ntury linish very orna mei.tal for the porch. $9 and $15.00 buys a solid Oak Sido board. The Peerle:3 Traction iryr. ihe l.i!.-s i ip It :si:.... ,:iv :.. I , iii . -vi-i v - i, It .s tut. ,,t,v 'i'ra.-tj..,, j Iff. t:i,; i. r, . ,;I i. -ii . . . '! "l'l'!'l,l- I. ...II. t ..' O...I. -( lilt! I-. i I..,- I. , box to prevent r-.-stii j; and !i::ri.ni2. l.uilt of tirst ela,.s :a lias i :i.. G. H. C OFFROTfl 6C6 Main Cross Street, Somerset, - Pa. The New Peerless Separator Tt.nasdicxt fasft r el CM IS clealK-r. W:ltfsi IcsH grain : can l adjustcl from heat to oats, rye ami other griiin ilhout stispping. Puts the farmer's r:in in his sacks instead of ou the straw slacks. J,- f I sVr' t' r- CALL Os THE GEISER SAW WILL, W ith variai.le a:ti.i r..,..i . ji-'i, .-.us inoro iirj.j than any saw niiU )l!a.j. Jas. Holclerbauni Aittl ICxamino tliis rachiriorv. 9t I - HI to a Tl.ly h.. a I C.SiK The Zr.4en".i S'ci--i i-i Ra-. LTi- -l;n- l,-.i.. r- . . ni-:.rs. Not.--! f.-r i :- coir--. Hi-i- ; .. ...... . . Kvi-ry'.i.ii; Is ; j I'KKIKNt K, MAlKUIt; c Mi I I.I. Their eleaniin. -s !. ; , , r .sr , -. xi.i-T 1 II' ir e.-..lii,n,y s.iv. , i: . , VsS . R. Hi.MorK-. .m SOMERSET, ,. M i he New Capello Race. WE stll the .NEW VWiiLU) KAMiE. guarantceil the Ur-r-.ta:; - Ranire of its clas.s on the market. It Las very Iarire ir.il L .i en?, heavy grates, linIno;s and top?. Baking airl Roat:r. (rl the hurlicst as thousauds of dailv users can testifv. If v. i tlte best buy a KTEW CAPELLO. : : ALSO A FULL LINE OF : : GRANITE, COPPER & TINWARE Milk Cans, Screen Doors end Window?, Ice Cream Freezer?. 0!; Gasoline Stoves. Call and see us. lU's-pectfLiiIy, P. A. SCHELL, SOMERSET, fl - A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY- QTJIjNTN'Sa 134 & 136 Clinton St., JOHNSTOWN, ft -Ara Seiling- 2,500 Fur Capes for S12.50. 1,000 Ladies' Jackets for S5.0a Ami Other Waiter Goods in J'rtfOi'h James Ouimi. is-: 1 -T 1 : 4 ' OUTSTANDING flinty. Do-ami State Tuies of Scintrs.t c ur-tv 1 -tylvania. a the lith lay of Jaunarr. A. P.. l'.Ki, iluo anil hy tifl lectors of tho iliiTereni boronbs an.l towcsbi;3 in the c ut.ty a- fei.c I ! I KT.IIrS AM. iMsTKIl TS. I- ' ' ' x ' "" siiiiiiiel I-iiii'-.-ri. st-.iivcre.-k te.'.;si-,i; iss1- i ; Ji.ini K. I . . i- . '..7l liiiiiipt n township K'i ' , l.tirr.-t It.-Hin. I'uiiit township ' . . i . A nk.-c.y. lenn.'rtt.wn lH.r.iii;ii. t 1 K II. IVrkcy. I.lneiihl lownshiit ' , ;. H. V. M'llcr. N'i.rl Inunptoii township '-' J. "S. I Tji et zt-H. . !.lis..i) low niliip I'M5 - H.-i-ry Iteiseli. it.-nst.n iMiroui.-It ' Kii A. sn.nl. r. HlHck li.wnslii;, . . '1 li. A. Vi'.-. l.-riiierl..wn IntrotiIi , li.-T.ry K. M ill.-r. Noi t lir.iitiiu.u township '". " . r r.. .tiet-rs, . 11:1. luwr.'rriit.. K.I. ('"l.-.iiiiii. Somerset l.in 1 .Mi;. .!.'. Kiii?!--. i:nin.it lowiisti-p Kdwtiril A.I. list. n township A. K. i 'ussier, :.-tisoii 1-t.roii'li Wm. H. Km. Itroi iiersvullev townsliip ! 'vriis A. Vowler. I'lisselm-tn lH.roui! . !. M. Kike. Klk Kick lwns.;. K. Kiirner. Kiiirhoi:e !. n- 1 ip .1. W. I'.nrsli.il.:.-r. l ow.-r Tin li-vf.i tow nsliip V. J. Koll.-r. New Unit inii.r.- l.n-..n-.-h Win. Itow ntiin. Xorthnivittoti low nship lleiirv Yollllker.l "'le towns' i'l Svivester l"oti. s-tnale l- .w nshot W. II. Iterker. SKmiersel l,or .ii.;h K. 1. shiitT'er. Wellerlni It. trough !"!"!"""!!!!!!. 1 dwnril M.-lz, Ad.lison t w-nshiit .... ........... ... . J.N-inh Wiiili.-.iirfh. A!Kl'h. nv lownship..!!.".. ......... A. K. I'nssler, r.enst.f) K.r.-ntfh ....!.!! Kmiik HelTle.v, lt.-ri: 11 l.roi!L'!i ! !.!!!.!.!!!!!!!!!!!. J. 1 1. Aiehestni, Mn.-k f.e.vc-hin ! . . !! !!..!!!..!.! Win. II. Krii. liro; -..-rsMill.-v low r.hip. .......!....!.!.... 1 ( vriu A. ii'i r :-n I tir.'itsh .!.. M.ihlon i.lees.n r '..ieiii:ni'ii t"wih'r.ti w. k. j'niiin. i octjnep -e iM.r.e.iL'it !!!!!.!!!!!!!..! Hiinh i.i ven i.-.. I'ki.i k to ns iu a. ..!!!!!!!!!!!..!..'!!.... . K. I . Kiirner. l-';iir Hon io,v :i!jip !! A. J. Sl.tn.r. lir.-en v.ile townsti!!! .... .i-.iiii it. s,-hi.-. a. j. ir.-r st.n towitstun . !!!!! 1 '.!!!!!!!!!'..!.!! ".. II. Vt. M.-iiir.-r. .I.-1111. -r'ow n Isoronvh Tl'.omus iiiill.-iL-lier...-nn, r low risinp ......!!.!..!!.!!..!!.. : t- Ijir.nl .-.rntier I.t. n-nis ! .!!.! t.sii.s-h U niii. I.incnin t..wh;i 4. W. Hnrklii.l.l. r, I -w. r Tiirsex r.-.t towr!sJiip '!! ! V y. Wei -;i..ii. -e. M..vers.:.-ile ix.r osj.li Ssiloiiion Tile M i-l.il-ere-k l..- iisnt r. I!. Te.lrow. MUf.tril township....: ! !!!..! k'. .1. k "l!,.r, N w iuili iinore Uir.niHir s. W. liis.ss, -.- entr.-vllle Istroiilt !..... . W111. How m.m. Nort hi.itiio:i tow nsliip. Menrv Yotmker. I ii;e low nship .1. I-. K. ust. l'nlnt tow nship ! I"l !! Wilt, t.lllellllilloniii tow-iisiiip Sol.mi.in Snyilcr. Ilockwuoti Uirouith . . 1 .'. . Weii'. v. s,ii..irv N.ri.nah Svlvesler I'ol s, SlKl.te towrshin '. " S111n.n l Coiii-.vwhv. Somertlel.l lM.roui(h W. II. It.-rk- v. si-.n,, rs. t lsrout:li W. K i-timry num. Somerset lownshiit .... ' KhiirlesC. M.irtz.s,iut!iitni.lo;i township . H..I. Hriinl. stonvcreek lownship iet.rae csicr. sioystown lM.ron-h Nelstni Jclr. snrnmit lownship.. ! . ... . . Wm. ;.-rhi.r:t, I t.per Turkey f.n.t low iiship !!!!.....!!!!!....... .1. . Korse I he, tsiim horolIK '1 K. r.simirer, Wi-tlersl.urg Is.n n-h. ....!.! Amount Stat.- Till l.-on-lit over Amounl m.gT.ix hr. iihl over... S" - -I.. T - .'. 'I 1st -.'-I Ml " I.-' 11 :i I" 1 " '' ' s-l . i.sl -V We. the iin.'.er-U-ne.l rniin is, loners . f Somerset rnuntr. -n i''1""1 "!'!.T..i ,v rirt .1 1 he r i., id--,, it ,1,.. i,c.-..i;i:ts , I 1 l,c l;,.,v.,i. rn.I KM-.-mlilcr1 Hie yi:ir tsi.v 10 ! .ii:,h-h-t!. nn-1 ve h.-ret.v cert iff ll-i.tlh- 1H..-H.1 tl : i.jr Texes tiu.-Mi.ti cmi ly Is et.iittt.i. nt r Lectin! ItAKtiriiT. WII-IIAX. V -;stfl I! I- '". . ,- !l''iif !