The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 12, 1896, Image 3

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" j-r
3;nersct Herald.
1 " -------
Mrs. John Knnlile is Rerioiisb rii-k sit
Jier Main strwt home.
Kehniary 12. lW.
It. M. I.inton left last rijclit for Ilurris-
Imrg to attend a meeting of tlio Drn.o-
oratie Stat Central Committee
: 'P "r -'"tv' 1,1,1 'r PPn"
Owners of hordes slioul.l uot f irjret that
they are require! to register their auiuinl
and take out an annual lice:ise.
,lepri hi is frozen
it rei"irM eXtr
:.n should not for
. . "
. r
' . ,.l1".l'
-7; .v.Vr. the drupsist, can
The many friends of frontal "Ilillv"
Ilarroti, of Middlecrcelt to tis'iin, will
le sorry to l-.wrn that he is critically ill
with pneumonia.
From present iuilications our farmer
will have sleighing during the Farmers'
Institute to be held in tlio Court House,
on Friday and Satunlav.
: ,,.,,, contest Schuylkill
... ....r 14'. lie
: xl le.lsl Floor, war-
in the world, for sale hy
...I fhn lill tO
Tlie Into Sjuire Werner priiulv stays:
"Judjfe Horner got astride of my coiileM
procttxiinc and roil.? it until he got almut
f.x.oul of it when he jumped oif."
i the Territories
a .Kiii'i 111
"?":." ami the nitric of
r . 1 '
mlIllilt(.onrul.lie : Build.
I ridMV or.:rrr.
mkiii2 anpropna-
. .. liners inrlud-
.ml lu!l'r mo""t "
i attendance at tue
:.. the PresLyterian
.. . .mment of
Ilie " -
Mrs. C. 1. Snyder and Clui'les, of
Minneapolis, Minn., are visiting with
the family of the former's brother, Mr.
George Cunningham, in this place.
Somerset is alii icted with a "Jack the.
Hugger, who cab-hea women in his em
brace wheu they arc passing dark plait
in isolated parts of the town. He would
lie a tit Hiibjeil for a coronwrV jury.
J!cf-rt J-ctte.
Claimed ts Here Ha a Ferrnal Interview
With "Old Mick."
Jonathan KoontK did at cloven o'ehu-k
uud:ty night ct his homo on tlie t-p of
oa! hill," one and one-half miles .-.ilh-C:tf4
of tov. The deceatda xaet :ig
is n. t known to the writer, but be hid
ben "a pilgrim bi-re 'low'' for at leat
"Urhty enrs. l!e is survived by hisacd
wife, a'ld by ;! so;.,, u hos
TiT Curiam.
The neiisel3 attempt of Avsfatant
t'ierk to the Oo:inty Cominissioners, !
II. Wrrm r, b have his name p'.aeftd on
the Itepti!i-an ticket to be voted next
Tuesday in this Uirotigh instead of the
duly nominated candidate for Justice of
the Feai.v, Noah Caseleer, F.s., was
buigheI out of cMirt at the first hearing
! fore AssiK-iate Judge ll;rner, but was
nt liiiHily dts-i le i until Wttlm-s lay
sflericioii, when Mr. Horner returned
from Hedford, whither he had gone Moil-
nroi irrt v h.1 i iidm I. iw ft
F- r r.mny years "YoiiV K.a.iitt as he i ,i:,y There was not much pec-
oil ii!"9
Sir on"- veralncw
The Auditors of Fulton county con
cluded their labors a few days ago.
They bureharged the county commis
sioners with f!, the greater part of
which was for drafts drawn in their own
favor for salary and expenses during
N vert re.'iv
r.. dar.ger.s
James II. Holdeibaum is untiring in
to life, ui ptf.-rta to sutnlv the wants of arieul-
l.r.Jcrof misery and I ttarifstu. Kvery few days ho adds some
new latior-saving farming machinery to
his immense stock of g-jods. Tliis week
he adveiaisew two or three articles of grat
s ointment give
l-"" r fl,i. and
., in the w.'-ri
lit at aslungion.
il and tae coui-
..!..: TllC COIlliaei,
1 Tl''"Per per year forftj
t j at work -
,e the sum of human
trvinc to enss tna
" , tliot neonle
was f.r.niliurly known, wits one of the j
best known characters alsmt Somerset- )
In uddition to oiltivatiug a patch of j
several acreft of ground he peddied kind
ling wood at sc;-...ii. His rickety
one -horse wagon and superannuated steed
always attracted lh" attention of st rang
er h, but not more so tli:n did the driver,
w ho was rarely seen without a heavy
w 'nip in his ban 1 r.u.l w ho kept ii a ruu,
ning volley of words at the heaxt urging
bin: t iucreas.-.! eliorts.
"YonyV head was iioj o ilxked
with grey matter, 1 ut the lack of this
dcsiinhlc snip-lain e lid not prevent him
from becoming intensely religious. Asa
usual lliiug be roil). I le found, when at
home, either on bis front porch or at a
window, with an open biblu in his hands.
He always claimed to have iieen gificd
with rare musical talent but was prevent
ed from cultivating it by reason of a per
sonal interview he held with the devil.
When a lad he played the violiu ami his
scrvi'-es were in great demrnd to "fiddle"
for the da:iv hell nightly ut the various
taverns along the pike. Vpou one oc
casion when four prominent wagoners
were doing a "French four" to the music
of "YonyV Ikw for the diversion of a
bar-room crowd, his Satanic Majesty ap
peared liefure the musician :nd cjii
mano 'd him not to play another note.
"Yony" s:tM that he iii:ii;niiat( !y i rep
utation as to what the opinion of the
Court would Iks and only a few persons
were present wheu Mr. Horner reconven
ed the hearing "at chamlers." The con
testant was consphnoiis by his abttenco
and it is rumored thai he knew his
"goose wa cooked" when Judge Hor
ner imparted the information to him
that it would be iinneces.iry for hini to
have his witnesses present.
1 it-fore reading theopinion of the Court
Judge Horner remarked that he had
a little business to transact in Cumlier
land, Mil., and that he took advantage of
the opportunity to run up to Iledford,
where, it is presumed, he consulted with
Judge Lngene;-ker. Mr. Horner might
as well have continued his trip to Vene
zuela, since in the opinion filed it is act
forth as foreirast in last week' Hkri.i
that the courts have no jurisdiction in
contest arising from primary elections,
and that aggrieved candidates have their
remedy only under tlie rules governing
the party organization.
Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
n w cr
Republican Primary Election.
At a recent meeting of the Hepublican
State Couimitle, April '2,1, Is!;, was fixed
as the time for holding the Slate Conven
tion. Itble 19, if "Ilules inventing Kepubli
an Primary Flections in Somerset Coun
ty," pr.'Vides:
"That the Republican parly of Somer
set oiuiity shall hold iU primary election
for tlie nomination or caulitate on the
fourth Sjiturday of June of each year.
VorKfe.t. That in years w hen the He-
publican Slate Convention is held prior
to that date, tho Chairman of the Kopul-
lican ountv ( Ommittee I -a autborizeu to
call the said primary election at an earlier
date, the Chairman to give at least 30 days
notice of said change of dale."
In compliance with tho alxive quoted
Rule, notice is hereby given to the Ite-
publi-an voters of the county that
Has been fixed as the date for holding the
primary election this year.
Atlat: Fitf.D. V. kkil
ko. It. Srri.1, Soc'y. Chairman.
, tl iU-TCS'
r!l V
' i tncpth
. . .. f..-i.iv client," shouted
i ' ' ' .. .V- f a man who
,,i i '
:;,o.late you," replied
' , vli.iur me
' " ,'r.rethanH years."
" v ),r, k niakt a spc-ialtr of
;. K,U baled Hay and Straw.
I.- l ni m Telegraph Com
.. i ivr.
, .-.-r .MlillIliT June, i--s
Notwithstanding the fact that tax col
lectors are elected to serve for a period of
threj years the law requires them b re
new their bonds to the county aumialiy,
when they must be approved by the
Court and tiled in the oltice of tho l'ro-thonotary.
Vord conies from Meyers.lale that ex-
Senator Fred tirof is critically ill ith
Itright'a disease and that only faint hopes
are entertained for his recovery. The
Senator had been at the Marklcton Sana
torium for treatment bat was removed to
bis home Monday morning.
Ins it.Mn'.mort anu licit lrcin tlie
house and from t'i:;t day forward never
touched a viol.ii r.g:un. His description
11 Ni'-k," as h-3 appearinl before
him ilh cloven feel, l ing ho;-
lopy-iio and hr.stlir.g tail, was
rapl.ic, and impressed tho hearer that
the speaker rva!ly believed all he was
Mr. Koontz had many friends and no
know u enemies.
wire to
... ..hi fillilS tl '1,l'l'1
' .',',! o,t. The company w iil
lie ona.i j'."" 'i
,,rt month but quite
ilav the -na : L.m-
i.. n.iih: St. Valentine's
)t. liiii: bil lion
0,n-s t-irthday
J iv tli
day the lfth;
22nd: the
Johu Sticf, of Northampton township.
was one of the successful bidders for the
new !00,iUO.liO four per cent, thirty-year
government bonds, having been awarded
fVi" at lli So f:,r "fc ,s known Mr.
Stief was the only bidder from this coun
ty. The bonds are quoted to-day at lbi.
The most severe storm of tiie present
whiter prevailed Saturday, Sunday, Mon
day and Tuesday. The w ind 1 'lew "great
guns" throughout the period mentioned.
Snow fell at intervals to a depth of three
or four inches and as a result many
country roads are blockaded with drifts.
Ca:h 8'ioe Stor?.
From d.ite of April 1, Is.;, we wiil do a
strn-.Iv asii business. Relieving It to !m
t the best inteiest of our customers and
.irsolvrs, b buy au.l S!:ll for cash, th'ire-
bv enabling us to reduif iri.-;'i and in- alreadj- extensive trade,
1'KKNKi! lillos.
.. . irv (.'.miiiaiiy
has offered
and V for the
..Uis for a poster advertis-
.,;; i-;im:mTinmilerofthe 'Vm-
Tlie offer is oien to everj
- nmt submitted on or
v. 1::-
-. b-n-y
A pleasant little party gathered at the
home of Mr. 'Washington Countryman,
in Lavansville, on Monday, 3d inst..
that Vicing the anniversary of his birth.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Yoman, Mr. tieorge A. Cable and mother.
Mr. and Mrs. John Deitz, of I-avansviiie,
... nromHtiire lialdness aud Mr. and Mrs. N illiam Marteeny, oi
checked by the use oi somerset-
all" m y
Ry posters printed at this ouicc, John
Riese-ker, of Jenner tow nship, advertises
all of his farming implements, hors.
n.t cattle and household iroods to be
sold at public sale on Tuesday, March 3d
The rkIa will lie one of the largest hel l
this spring, and the Piesecker farm will
Ik? the Mecca of candidates for county
oltice on that day.
John IVnalme is the name given by an
Irishman who was brought to the County
ir., Vnn.tav ninrnine. suffering with
frozen hands and feet. John was four
at an earlv hour that morning along the
Ituflalo Vallev Railroad, somewhere lo-
tween Berlin and (Jarrett, He was ly
ing in the snow and was unable to assist
himself. His residence is not known.
,. .v;., ,r iMii't delay till the
in.! tlio hair-nots destroyed.
-' 1 r-a'.i." the est result-, l-
, ;'h this invaluable prepara-
1-vr.i- i t 1 n, of Clearfield, has
' .-laiinMits to the distribu-
. 'vl' nove ls of asherijrs sale of
.-ra-- eiu.-.h'l to make their de
i.V i::be fund, but they are not
store i" it until the valid me-
..: i.iv lieen satisfied.
s .' j:'!Hf" say tll!l1
. .,.f a complexion paste com
i.irT,.:oio nrms in one wc-.
riiiti.lii-ati"iis that the Amen-
: ..,,:! hnr attention to
s-:if effort than fine skin cul
,a:Lfaieni.riziiig of haif a dozen
; at Mahlon Sehrk"s on Can
1 Fruit, and any
i. gnvry line, liefore pure
;U;.s U-aring appropriate in
. m u.ark tl.e site of the pews
.- .M Ln-t .-luir.-h. rhiladelphia, once
..-itr Bttsv K-s maker of the
i- X-MiiMi fl-gi l rai.kliii llopkm
. '.i;it.n, J.-.h
- ..f-a:l Culuuihia ;" the Renn fami
S-: i!..m Franklin aud George and
W r..!lins. S. E. Hartley, Wil-
-i :tu n. I. Morgan and William
1 f, S'!i-'l Iireln of Meyers-j.-.-r
inumn, AW-dnesday, insje-
il eh S,h.Hl building in com
yv.ii An-uil-t J. C. Fulton ofUr
n. Tiirv were very much pleas d
i-jiidinir. and will put np a bim-
r at Meversdale. ymnrlUrilte
: in m of the iA-gislature passed M: y
'"1. i! h. tiia ie ns-esary to have rt-
;-i in th several counties of the State
;.1 or plan or sub-division of any
' r j.- of land, which lias lieen
: a ;.Hri.Kl of ten years prior to the
-c 'flbe it in question or which
:r--.1i'r U-s-.ilvdivided into lots.
ilure t" have sin-h sul-tlivisi.n
r-vr.'.-.l. there is a f irteit or fu e
J:.;!!!lt in L.iwell, Mass troubk-d
l:ii a constant siio'ession of
'- h - k. was completely cured
on'y tlir.-e Uittles of Ayer's
S"" Another rult of the treat--'
in jfBit'.y improved digestion
: " r.-rl v.ij liijKiis.
e'.ei-tion in Sal ford township
' '.ery ii.iiiity. promises to Is? teI '-
c i uiisj'.ifa.-tory. Neither party
''-.titi.ites of noiniiiHtio'.i and
- !.ii.t- Lh. e fiie,l nomination pa--
fie nunty iiiimissioners dis
' -r..i;;er by deciding to issue
v.!i!iip j n,it with a single
- j!n. Kvery pers.iu voting will
"" - "I to write on the ballot the
' ' !Ts.)i.s f,,r whom they vitc
- :..-.!:se ays : "If people would
-e jrCn nffee and brown it in
- .i-'s. there wouid le few er cas a
--'r,a.s.T,r;,.t and typhoid fevtr.
ns'i!,j from the browning
-! - of tin- aC,.ts in disin-
-"n.iiip. oi impure air. It is
o.ff. already browned
i're it, l.ut to prepare it once
-w health and dixt ir bills.
t .ii-miM W i.-rt open and let the
-rMieea.-L ri.m."
. ' i.'iins 'iuitars, lianj.
"f rinj intrumenU at Suy-
-t ore.
Mr. Jeorge Cunningham leaves to-day
for Minneanolis Minn., where no mis
secured a house and w ul make his luture
home. His wife and son will follow him
in the course of six or eight weeks. Mr.
Cunningham has been a life-long citizen
of Somerset and has always enjoyed th
reie-t and esteem of the people of this
.-.-. n ofu liom will be srry to lose
him as a friend and neighbor.
Tim T.iorwvr iM-oeers of the county,
Messrs. Cook A IJeerits, tKuj.y cm
nf our simee this week with an
n...v ... - - - - - - j
announcement of a highly interestin
character. Cook BeeriU is a houschol
word throuchout the county and is
svnolivtil ot lieslliuueinwu'"""
J. ii,iui t.viliem. Readers of the ! renaid for walcliii..
their advertisment throughout ls'W.
v.tvi in V. I'hL of Michigan, Assistant
Secretary of State, has been appoiiuei
Amliassador to Germany
vice Amb-i-
A c cf !3o:aIs, Io: tf Folitics.
Cur criticism l.i-t week on thciietin
of tho Associate Judges in overruling
President Judo Iongenecker in ti.e
matter of iuiinjsiiiir scutesice niiou a
rioiinal has met with emphatic approval
in ail q.iarter, regardless of p iliii.-il
aililialions. The onlv deft tider ofAss-
teJudg.? ilorin-r, who c"!is!ir-d severely and was called upon to
either resign from the bench or withdraw
from the lb. p-.ibliean ticket on w hich he
is a candidate for re-election as School
lireclor, is an aiionvmotn eorres;oiid-
nt, and even that cowardly t reat. :.e does
not attempt to defend Mr. Horner's ac
tion in outraging justice. If the anony
m.eis friend of Mr. Horner desires him
t poe as the protector of a bawd, whose
shameless conduct ill returning to th
home of her u-vi inplice, in face of the
verdict of the j.iry, and remaining there
until the very hour she was summoned
In-fore the bar i-f j.'sti-3 for sentence all
f v. hi ;-h w as made known to the Court
the public has a right to know it. This is
a question of morals, not of politics, ami
as such we suiuiui it to the people ot this
Hri2i Wanted.
Farnivrs having horse f sell should
not fail to brin.; them t Somerset on Fri-
lay and Saturday, February 1 kh and
loth, during the Farmers's Institute.
Several horse-on vers Have asKea us to
make mention that li.ey wiil hereon
tiiose days for the pnr'iose of buyii
horsi to lie shipped to the eastern part
tif the State.
Death of Mrs. Jciepli B. Critchfield.
The auiHMiiwemeiit in last week's II KR
ali of the death of Mrs. Joseph R.
Critchtittd was a nhock that w as severe
ly felt by the unusually large circle of
friends who enjoyed her acquaintance.
The decease;! w as a daughter of Samuel
King, who came from Montgomery coun
ty to Somerset county before the year
ls;W. She was one of twelve children,
having had three sisters and eight broth
ers, of whom but two brothers Henry
Kim of Favette county, and Jeremiah
forktd King, of Rucyrus, Ohio, are still living.
Vl'ry Mrs. Critehlield was born ill Mllford
township tii Septeiulier 12, and was
therefore eighty-four years of age at the
time of her death, which occurred on
Monday, February 3d. She w as blessed
with an unusually strong constitution
and was quite active until her last III-
nesn, which lasted but twenty-four hours.
At the ago of eighteen years Harriet
King, her maiden n.ruic, who had re-
wived the advantages of tho private and
public schools early day, and the
careful attention of her pious parents.
was married, in 1XI, to Joseph R.
Critchfield. Five children were Urn to
them, the youngest of w horn died iu 112
at the age of sixteen years. The eldest
daughter marrietl Moses Rarron, of Mid
dlecieek townsh'p, and died alxiut four
years ago. The second daughter, at
w hose home Mrs. Critchfield expired, is
married to Mr. William Hanna, of Addi
son township, ami the third daughter
and youngest living is married t Mr.
Joseph R. Coder, of Crsitia. She is also
survived by her only sou, Hon. Nor
man It. Crit- htield, of Jenner township.
The deceased was laid to rest by tho
side of her husband, who passed away
ten or twelve years ago, on Thursday,
Cth Inst., in the cemetery at r.arroirs
Church, in Middlecreek twnship.
Mrs. Critehlield was a woman of supe
rior attainments, both mental and s;M-ia!
he was familiar v ilh all of the standard
anthors and the current literature of the
day ; early in life she cultivated the art
of making herself entertaining in any
circle, which can only 1m accomplished
by discussing aubjeets in which the first
party is interested, and as a result her
society was always eagerly sought after.
Her circle of friends was very Urge and
she was always sure of a sincere welcome
wherever she went. SBo was a close
student of the scriptures and a faithful
follower of the teachings of the Disciples.
Her life was a practical exemplification
of the lirincinles of Christianity and her
memorv w ill not soon !e forgotten.
Justices of tho Peace am! Constables
coming to the February court will find
that at
Fisher'i Book Store
they can get such legal blanks, including
Marriage certificates, Ac, as they may
require, limn s Justice, Aichinney a
Justice, Ilunlap's Rook of Forms, Penn
sylvania Iig.ts, Constable's Unities,
I lock eta, Ix'gal, F.iols Cap and Letter
papers, large official Envelopes, Foun
tain Pens and all other goods in the line
of stationery that they may require.
Ciias. 11. Fisiikr.
OK Tin:
Farmers' Union Association
ioi'kt ri:ri.A.M.YTif.'.
Vli::?. .-. T!i- 'Ton. J --.ii If. be'ir
M'i kr r.. r. .';(. i .' m ! (e- r.ii : .rts
i!.' I r :' : o! r. roi. .ii-i' ;i-
t'fif.-i f.e i-i: ! .lii'lM-i:il l';-ir;.-l. ioi Ji:
1872 iS()
Flour, Grain & Feed Dealers,
Soda Water Matt Be Pure.
The state department of agriculture is
preparing to enforce the pure food law in
the sale of soda water aud soft drinks of
all kinds. Secretary Kdgo claims that
the term "food," as is expressly stated in
the act, includes all articles used for
drink or food by man, and therefore in
cludes any adulteration of sod water.
milk, mineral water or soft drinks of any
character. Farly in the Spring it is the
purpose of the secretary to strh-tiy eti-
fore the law- on this point, particularly to
the s:;lo of soda water and other soft
drinks sold in such great quantity in the
Iruggists and others in ordering their
supply of syrups and other ingredients
for next season's trade should take spec
ial pains U see that they secure only
syrups which are perus-tiy pure ana
wholesome, as they will be held to a
strict conformity of the law by the de
partment. Two agents of the department
are now at work in Philadelphia look
ing after adulterations of food products of
various kinds. They have collected a
large numis-r of samples which have
lieen turned over to a chemist for analy
sis. 1 hesc agents are also Keeping a close
watch on commission merchants sus
pected of selling oleomargarine and other
brands of counterfeit butter.
Until Febnr&ry 15th.
The low prices for Dry Goods
now current at rav Clearance bale
will continue until February 15th.
It will par to take advantage ol this
opportunity to buy good goods
cheap. A full line of Wool and
Cotton Carpet Chain
Case new style coats
and children cheap.
Mas. A. E.
Anticipating the wants of the
trade, wc carry a line of bTAl Lb
I a great month for Fine Wash f!oods
Helling, and this year it's to Is? even
! greater than ever at this store.
llverything lioinU to a dressy wash
gtMxIs season, and our i ns i,f
line loieigu gi.-ods rg-t!nii, l'imi!-s,
.ephj rs, I ;illh-ltlls, rtc. all-l the col-
bsiion of tine dainty stiills- of Amerii-an
iii.iiinlac tore is greater than ever - more
kinds, more styles, moro piece, more
yards and n.ore beautiful than ever it's a
collection we N!nt to with great sati-ifne-tioii
and confidence in the merit of tho
goods, which, when seen, with the prices
will sustain and extend this store's repu
tation for selling fine and pretty Wash
lioods at moderate prices Sc. to TV.
Samples are ready to mail.
Choice, handsome ones, that can t le
told about in a limited spai, have ar
rived from abroad Milks that have style
and tieauty heretofore unapproaehed, and
if you're interested in rich Silks we'll lie
glad to send you samples a general line
or f..r a miccial purpose, as your needs
may require, and they'll lc sie-h as to
style, quality and price aj w ill assure
this store making the sale new Silks,
ft:, to Jo.
Still some lots of good g-tods to be dis-
rxiscd of before we're satisfied with this
store clearing, of w hich tho following is
a specimen :
All wind navy blue, m-ilium and wide
wale- Iiiazoiial Cheviottes soft finish ftt
inches wide, .Tie. r :! yards for a dollar.
and w hoever gets or see any of this w ill
understand that what remains to lie done
here will be done thoroughly as to price.
and those w ho come or send will get tiie
lienefit in dollars saved.
S3 .11
if l!u- !ill.1
lill'l M r it!', r;
J !-:'-- f.f
): "ti T;' i
v ;. -i ikii'i
':! . - i.
i tv .- . .j I.
i r
l .l!t -r ;
..; ." ri
14 "5
. r
' !;!
-e r
:t 11
First arrival of Fancy Lettuce
and Onions:
SA TV lilt A 1, the J5(h,
:an IK
Allegheny, Pa.
Will be wanted soon, and with
a Carload iu stock we are prepared
to meet the demands of this sce-
tlnn. Roth WHOLESALE and
House-Cleaning to Begin Mon
day Morning.
What we mean t-y lumse-rlrarilns; U to
clean up al! surplus ami oj-t emls of seasona
ble lii reliund!.' Is f-ire our amiiuil lnveiilory
of KlM-k, wliidi Uikes p!:u- alioiit V Imiary I.
In order to rleaa up tlii Mock, prices cut no
Tkuo'. If you have not yet provlili-u your-
Kelf with a winter wmp, iiovr U the time for
lia iv. ilnx.
Fur Cspes, CIoll Capss, Jactafc
CWSren'B a-d Kiccs' Coats,
All Q9 in with thh House-Cleaning Sale
P. THE YESR EMJ'Nj b'SAl'.'-zH V.
i i-i f.i.-o. I i.
, of ,..
Il II-.
.f . .1-
r .t i l l inn:
..Ii'l'i v,
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I Mitlaii'lir'
i.i-. :l. li !
Ain't 'im-lil tinting ls;u,.
nc'il lor iih-iiiIm rship.
. ...ii';
s,li' 0
Ann dim IVic. M. IX
Alll'l ol Iom by Hit? I .-;"
Ain't lue lor nil iiiier -
Im'Iim s fr thi-ytr 1.-'. ia-i-liniili
.rtie-r' nty,roii.
lilUlii.lls are! . .vole nLloU-4
.'-I II
V-o 1 )
Nil ri t;, :i 71
I. !
r .i-
... i r r.
A :el ' ii-r r. I
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I :m-ii a:i:t T :
Hiiioi ;-.'Ht.
or-i-, ..!
oi:- -..
ll;-S4jur.eM til eX'-ess J,s 1.7
Resources during 1395.
Itert-iviil oa asiaHriM-iif .... 71
Htcelvml for iiiint- rhip Ti t VI
l!ornwsl iiion-y I.imi ii '.?: jii
D'sbursemcnts during 1835.
E.O. I- r. full of Iik...
I ninkliii ltHlers, full til....
JotMh J. Kelili, pirt of II,- ..
Jimiaii W. r'rit.. fui! of in:4.
S tu r r. l-oti -
li. H. Waiu r.
Julmi. Ilelllllltill.r,
Aiik I. ''irliir.- -himoii
Krij-sms-T. " -
Min. rv.. K ll.-.v. r.fell .
Innlrl I. Kel-r. -
Anuie M. -l:n-k. "
Harvey ti. Keiiu.
harl s "
J. ph J. lumilA, "
lonlun V . 1- ri!. lull damage
l. K. Uorii M'ure, " -
II. l.itnm-. "
II- iir- l tilt-in:. n.
ji.ilin i I 'It rma:i. " '
K.J. Wiilker. inil. tin.- IsVI...
I!. I". II. iy. I'n.. alaiy
j-M'i lit-rkley. V. I'., laiaiy
K. J. W alkt r. St-e., Uiry
lir."f torv, lor s.TM-t-s.
A.iju-l. rs
For printing poiiries, statt-
IllflitS, I'll'
K-iii v.-:ej eli-irtt-r
I o-Ot si nil f- es
I'ttilaf aii't stationery
Itooia r for i.n-tii: of
tin- lsr.i
.71 oi
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1 h Kl at n w l,
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Wednesday, Feb. 2G, IS36.
Ifcit.ii r,
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1'.. -.-it- r.
Italsinev in Tn u.-ury
Rescurcs Dec. 31, 1395.
!!-! !
Kalam i- la Trmsurr
Out-lainiii-.,; u;i il'.ipiie.iii'
. 3,1. -7 .
Liabilitis Dec. 31, 1335.
Walker ft-ratt .
S.l-nll-1 1
fall i:ii-i:.u 5 1 "I
taltiaroi.. .-s il. full oi III- .'JI il
1. IS. .I.i.l:t-rii ali. lull itaiil. M '.i
Urrow-i inoii. y I.04J i
Nllllll" Tlif lolieifS in fo.-e
In'l of itM. l!.j'fl lo :i-t--liilit
ILuti. ol.-. . ii: ::t iluim l:i!-yt?.ir
on hand,
for ladies
QiaUfiicauons of Bspnlilican Voters.
Keiuili!ii-.:i voters in diirerent districts
if tiie tjouiitv h-.'.ve rci'icsti-il tiie II kkalii
to jiiitilisli from the ailoplf-I rules govern
ing Itejiuliiii-an pri!iiaryele-tioiisiii Sun-
erset county, the section applying to the
Hia!i!ieat:oiis of voters. Kule II reads as
follows, aiel everv coiuniiitccinan is
swot n to oliscrvt: it:
"It sliall lie the ihity of the Kleetion
Itoanl to orjfnni.K as iliroeti-l in Ittile K,
a:ni shall ks-; t"u Mii!s open til! seven
o'clock I'. M. Tliev shai! !iol. ami comiuct
tbef-loetion with !airtiesa:i(I honesty, pe-
itiittiutr all Itcie.iiiii-aiis to vote who tot-
el the Kt-iiiiMicaii ticket at the last pre-! c.-neral election an-I claiming to
le Ilcp'il'li -ai'.s, ami Hepulilieans who
wtre itrevente-1 from votim li.v reason ol
alisenee froiii home or siekm ss, or who
have arrive-.! at the ae of twenty-one
vearsiiiee tiie last cus-tioti, or minors
who are known to ! Kepiihii.-ans ami
will le ofa-e lu-foio the next ceneral
eleetioti. Icorii!ia no one whom they
know to a ;!-ptrui!i-sin of the privilege
of vol ill'.', out allowiiitf none whom they
know or have to la-lievo are not
Ilejiiililii-ai.s, to vele."
, , ' r !iit-ts have completed
, '3"v1,,rT huihline iu that city
. .- as VTt pr,.I(J4re,, ,.v orjerof
"uo propossi finale
.'. "lt"1' II "eupy "
."- '''. It is designed soine-
tilP V.lf.-l . .1 . r.
'. . 11 "'""i exc-pi mai 11
:I "T' ti,nf LibU. There
' '' W.'i. ! fet of
... h.p liniivon. deceased. A nuinlier
ojt exchanges have it that Mr. Chi is a
nai'.i-o fihis nlace and is a liroth-T of
Postmaster Vhl. This is not tho cise.
Somerset county has n claims on inc-
new Amliassador. aUhouijh, we lie'ieve,
heisadisUntreUUveofthe Thl family
of Siiiers't.
. --
The follow in? iiamoJ Keiitlenieii have
3.s:iie stock Ii ildoM m in' v......
Privision Company, of this place: 11. v .
Beerius, C. J. Harrison, V. K-siser,
James McKelvey, and M.J. Truus. ..incr
atoek holders are Goortre II. Iove, A. W.
KnepjKrand Kdward M. I.ove, Messrs.
irge Ive, A. W. Knepper ami n. .
Hoeriu constitute the Hoard 01 inree.o,s.
As appears alKve the I nion Provision
C .tnpany has ample capital and business
cap icitv bac k of it to insure its perma
nent mic-e-. The Union Provision Com
pany is one of Somerset- most promising
Some time since the n
nou need that Mr. ;eorge It. Parker, so
long and favorably known as a success
ful merchant of this pla.-o, had .letermm
ci todispe f iiis interest in the linn of
Parker A Parker. At that time Mr.
Parker was in delicate health and his
decision to retire from a-tive business
was prompted ty that reason alone. The
announcement referred to brought num
berless p'.speetive purchasers, but with
a return of health he decided to continue
in bisincss and declined several very
flattering oilers fr his interest In the
B.iors.' It will contain
li-e or rooms, capable
i"B -H'.trt) -ron under
i , r Iwiiiiing apprehensive
, r The wheat crop.
",'c ?iBK nd thawinsf has
Ji 11 " il ' fuare1
i'r,t titiie the crop has
r.-. "'"b damitee. The ground is
M Pri-seut and the wheat is
lw, e "uriliff this iihi u..n
have the effi-et of
; would
f- ""-eahd lifting the root
io- A e"Hi ,iI,ow uol
... u could hanrien for
The general jumble in the courts all
over the State in the interpretation of the
liiiuor-li.-etise laws to .k another tw 1st or
two on Thursday in a decision rendered
l.r! John Stewart, if Franklin
...j.ii..,. from citizens 01
v.ojmy. .-
Mereersburg askwl that tha Court, in
granting license, rcpiire saliMn-keepers
f, dose their bars at I' r. m. Jadgo
t- - 1,1.1 il,.f the A-t of Assembly
vests no arbitrary power in the Cart in
connection with license, and, therefore.
l,.lu.l no authority to malce an onn
do-inir saloons at specified time; he
could not enforce- such an order if it were
made. Htu Trlhuur.
A Ne' Ra'.timore corrcspnJeiit of the
B jrlin llrc.r.1 write as follows : We re
assured .rtlie eretiori in the near future
ofauew telephone line from Sew Ilalti
more to Somerset. Fonr miles of the line
afe under clntracL I was informed by 1
reliable cartv that the line wiil be com
pleteI by spring, the route to connect
New llaltimore with Boone, Shanksville,
t uii .nl S..merset. That w ill give a
a; ii.,A from Somerset to Hertford.
. u ii. ,...m ot the nroiectorstran not be
i time, but I am infoitnert
that it is a wealthy company. F.liaa
Sdhrie has the cuitract for three hundred
Another Succsssfsl Somerset Countiaa.
10:11 t!.-.- Phtsuui'if i!ii:iieie-Tel. inpil.
An .il ieet with ev rv selevil loard is to
get the liest instriietors that can lie pro-
u red, and that is why Prof. Charles K.
Iiiekev was chs-tel principal of the
Avalon public school two years ago, and
is now pervitin his third term. Prof.
Iickey came to Avalon highly reeom
nit midland his ability as a teacher was
shown last summer, when he pradu-ited
the hiirh. school class from the Avalon
scho ,1. the iirst in the history of that in
stitution. The sublet of this sketch was
.rn September -I. lsTn. ill Somerset
om ty, and is the son ol III" i;pv. 1.. 1 .
lijcki-y, of New Ixxington, who, prior
to the time he commenced to preach the
Uospcl, was a farmer. Young Iickey
was. t!:ert fore, oorn 011 a farm, ami was
educated s:t the Plensaiitville Ai-ademy,
in Somerset county, and the State Nor
ma! School in California, Pa. Prior to
graduating at the State Normal School he
had iniieh extierieiiee as a teacner, and
was principal of I he Salisburg sehivil for
two rears, lie len mat scii.101 10 ac.-t-pi
nosiiioii as teacher of frramiiiar and
arithmetic at the Stite Normal School.
It was while teaching at California that
he aitiaeied the attention of the Avalon
lio-ird. His election some time afterward
followed, and he has given satisfaction to
nil. Prof. Hit-key was for two years a
nieii.U-r of the permanent eerti heat e
o.iiiuiilec of the Somerset County In
stitute, and at the last session of the Ah
irheiiv Comity Institute, was chairman
of the P.oard of It-solutions. He i. gift
ed with a rich ba-s voice, ami is a mem
ber of lh? IMlevue ;ls? Club, an organi-
z iiion of imieh promise. He is of a gonial
disposition, commands the icpecioi all
the s.-hoiars in tne schvil, and makes
friends w herevcr he go"-
A Plessaat Surprise.
Last Tuesday evening a surpris" party
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S
C. Fox, of Plc.isout Hill, in honor of their
ibi:;"ht.T Miss Annie who returned
that dav after having sjKrnt several
months in PiUslmrg.
A party ofaliout tifieen of the popular
young people of the neighborhood gath
ered at the Iox mansion and too pos
wssioti of the parlor, a short time before
Miss Annie reached home, and when she
opened the parlor d-Kir and found so many
of her friends awaiting her arrival she
was almost overcome. After greetings
were exchange! an clegint repa-t was
s.-1-vtsi and the intervening hours until
mid night were devoted to playing g lines,
The invasion was one of the most de
lichlful ever celebrated on Pleas nit Hill.
X. X.
The Pay of Ajiessori.
Judge Emllich, at Heading, has just
rendered an opinion which is of interet
to assessors all over the state. It was in
the suit of Kdward Marquett vs. The
county of Herks. It was submitted to
Judge Kndlich upon the testimony of the
I'laintilF. w ho statisl that he was elected
assessor of the Twelfth ward, Heading,
in thesurinir of IKA'S. and in the fall of
Is-.i he made the triennial assessment ;
that he liegan work on Septeiulier 3,
and was employed days; that oil
lieeetnlx-r the enmity commissioners
issued their precept lo him, and that he
worked i! days after receiving it, hav
ing made "s days up to llecemlicr 1. He
explained that the preliminary work was
done iu September, (ctoler, and Novem
lier, such as measuring properties, as-er-
taining changes in the ownership and of
residents, and making calculations.
Judge Kudiicu decides that assessors
cm not be paid for more than thirty
days under the law, from tho time they
obtain the book. Mr. Mar.piett worked
55 days after obtaining his hook, and the
opinion decides Uiat he is only entitled
to pay for that immlier of days, and
awarded him $!:!."). The opinion says
that all work done tx-foro obtaining tl.e
book was done in order that he might
perform his duties more thoroughly, I ut
he can not recover.
Tae Personal Side of Washington.
(ieneral A. W. (ireely, of Arctic fame.
trcgins, in the March LtuliaC Jtvme Jour
tt'il, his articles 011 (ieorge Washington,
w hich are expts-ted to create considerable
discussion, (ieneral I ireely has read
over 2iiu of Washington's private letters.
and he writes in a frank, unbiased way
ol the pcrvmal side of Washington, His
first article will deal with the lovoa an.l
courtships of Washlnyton and his final
marriage to the widow Citti. tieneral
tireely's articles re not likely to con
firm the estimate of those who regard
Washington in an ideal way. Rut they
are truthful and admirably portray the
man as he was, in reality.
Arc now on the market at mod
erate prices, for Ca.-h or in ex
change for Country Produce.
Dry Goads Dspaitznsnt.
Small lot of iV and .": tin- cloths sonic
checks, some rough effects; were iiii:I-rts2
i-heiipbt Vs-hiiiI ie. All (11 in this Mouc
( li-aiiiii Siileat :'.-a yard.
Keiiieiiils-r. no tin pi i. -;;it x o:i alvr; wheii
sol.! thut cmls them.
U always HEADQUARTERS Xa'ktkk' A11,LKATIoN" fok
for Farmers, and especially do we
welcome those who attend the In-
stitutc Feb. 14 and 15.
Iivi.l Wfi-jle on roriTi-r.:. to i
An. l. l'iin;.i r. fuil ii;-. sti 10
Ann!.. M. -iir'-s, - 7'i
j.w pe. I. Ikii.i. - " " ;l::ii
A 1. ':. nun:. '! r--i . v.i'ry .,'. oi
1-. J. ':tlki r l-.r f r., m rv ii -i
l'ot:o:e iiikI -: il .!: ry 4 H
Itinttii n n: f.r :.;i:ie.i; 1.1.1 1-
Court itr-t ij 11 51.771
Ikiln'.e: in Taieary JI '.i'
Rascurces Dec. 31, 1395.
I l:):ii:-e ill T.l -.Miry -JII ll-J
ll.lil:ilH!ie '!! il'.iil!e;it.i. . :-..l H C;
Settle Up.
hir books of aeNints we will do away
with entirely from d.ite of April 1, lO-i.
We therefore notify all persons indebted
V us to call promptly and settle either
by cash or note, as by the above date we
watit all accounts' il ed.
Fkrner Bros.
For Sale.
Anv person wishing to buy a fine
Thoroughbred Jersey Itull will call on
or address.
Ilerlin, Pa.
Election Officer!.
The question raised as to the right of
two inspectors of the same political party
to serve at the general election as such.
was arinied in a Philadelphia Common
Pleas Court, Saturday.
The petitioners' attorneys argued that
tinder the law rezulatinar the choosing of
election officers it is provided that the
voters iu each division shall cast their
ballots for but one inspector, although
two are to be elected. This was intended
to give the minority party an opportu
nity to lie represented on the inside at
Cie polling places by an inspector, but in
large nu miter of division in this city
the Kepublican voters so far outnumber
those of the Democratic and other parties
that for years past they have x en en
abled by dividing the vote of the division
to elect lsth tho majority and "minority
inspectors, which condition of affairs, it
was contended, was in violation of the
acts of Assembly bearing on that subject.
In opiosition to this it was contended
that the act of Assembly had lieen nulli
fied bv the constitutional provision as
contained in section 14 of article S, and as
it was a special act for Philadelphia
alone, it was, as Mr. Iiuckaleu- said in
the Constitutional Covention, mil I 'tied
Judge Thayer decided that the act was
abrogated by the new Constitution and
discharged the rule. This decision
means that in the election of election of
ficers party is not recognized and where
in anv division the number of one par
ty's voters is more than double that of
the minority party's, that the election of
election officers may result in the choice
of officers of one jKiIitical party to the
exclusion of all others. The only reme
dy, according to this ruling, is the secur
ing of the appointment of overseers of
election, which appointment is provided
for in the State Cnstitution.
Until February 15th.
Eai no Heirs.
A I'liiontown lHxjfttfh says: Tho
unusual proceeding of an estate es-
t-netting to the commonwealth has just
come to light here through the necessary
legal steps in such a pns-cdure. It is the
estate of the late I 'harles Semans of Hop-
wood, who died a few months ago. Mr.
SemaiiH was an aged bachelor anil died
without legal heirs and without leaving a
will and under the intestate laws of this
common wealth the property in such cases
escheats to the state.
Nothing was thought of the case until
Attorney (ieorge It. Hutchinson reported
it to Attorney (ieneral Amos II. Mylin,
reciting the facts and circumstance.- by
which the estate reverted to the common
wealth. The auditor general took tho
matter tip and appointed F. M. Fuller es-
chcator to settle the estate. Cnder the
law the informer gets one-third the prop
erty in sueh cases, Mr. .Seinann'a proper
ty is valued at ?l"iiK, and flm)of which
will go to the i-tate and ?") to Attorney
Hutchinson. This is the first instance
of this kind in this county.
Not Fail to Scad Toil.
The noted Special
ist, Ir. M. Sal m,
wlio has been so suc
cessful in the treat
ment of private din-
eases of both next.
and all kinds of
ch runic diseases.may
be consulted, as usu
al, free of charge. In
Somerset, at the Ho
tel Vanneai, on Friday, Felt. 21st, and
evi ry 4 weeks thereafter on same day.
Consultation and Kxamiuation free.
Iu re bl.vw! and a good digestion are an
in-iimtice agaifi'-t disease and suffering.
r.urdock ltlood Bitters keeps 'w '
pure, t!y dig'-stion
Aa Odd Gout.
One night recently Mr. Henry Stone-
braker, of White township, entertained
a stranger w hose ai-tions still puzzle the
man w ho si ted as host. Some time dur
ing the night Mr. Stonebraker wasawak
ened by a rap at the door, lie got up
and found a well dressed man at the
door and Mr. Stonebraker invited the
strancer in. The guest seated himself
and remained silent. All efforts to com
pel the stranger man to talk were uselew,
Mr. Stonebraker sat there with his hi
guest for Mime time, but owing )q Hie
rain he didn't want to turn the man out
at night. Showing hint a lounge OU
which ho could rest Mr. Nionebraker
went to bed and in the morning he
found the ecoentrio man sleeping, yhen
l. A a an . rTorl uaa ttiail fft funk A
The low prices for Pry Goods I tbo Inan ulk but he met with the saimj
i now current at ray Clearance Sale I success as liefore. He ate breakfaat in
. - I . -i i i..i) ii,a K....U. i.r,. .!il.i
L Hliuiin? aim on tut? u.'u'm v j .'fc .
ritlnHit even thanking the man who had
It will pay to take advantage of sheltered him.
.i . ' -4 ' ,i The stranger ws well dressed and a
tin opportunity to buy good Koo,a
piu, ri'iMjtf.
On Tuoday, after ten dayq of sticking
in the sanJ bor oiT the Jersey coat, th?
great bteamer Su Taul was pulled iuU
Ueep water apptireutly little injured Lj:
the aocidtqU
will b to thtr 4iot-ruir "f i omim.n- ii JN-im-'vlvaina u Moinlnv 1 1 -
flavor Mri-1, A. I. lv-rt ut lo'cliri IV M. by
J. V. Kuch, W.W. IiviinrHri!i, (.iurn t U:iu,
tx- n-N i dctt wilU tht'iii, nii-U r I tic A- i of
Awcriililr ntitlttl : "An Art t invl:f fir
the iiiforiMtnttion at: 1 n(yruuitiiti of i r.aln
t-tiriHrttioiH, niMnifVctJ A iri I "Vih. 1 VT I. nritl
iiit':nl-l foriir:itHii to H.--Ml!fi Suli T-l;-
I'Iiotk i 'oiiiik'N the chart r hikI ohjtvt of
u titch l tli tJiMirUtiin, liialiii:litin.
unit iHni!i:!ic t-!t Iiik-s mi.1 ex
chuniM1 in tht riHiiity of 4 'aml-rii and ex
tt !i(linie into ih. rtui:ty of SoiiM-r?t. iVnn-
t I vniila. It iiiiininC mi IHin.o an-1 riiir
thnmuti n.'Mi, H-uip Ia i, itoii,
Jtitif.:-wn Rnu oitivr towm vihi'ii hi
Kxiitl etiuntii. ith ;he nht to ntate ron
n--liiiH wit h :h'r ltiMH hr the ui o
Tf lplioiiii eotiittiunt-Htion with othi-r i!:h-s
(fwrattifj lit t atnona nul Nmn-M t routines,
l' n:isviva;iU. mw einoy an trie riiu. ih-i i-
titA ulul irrivihiffej tf raij Aet nf AMtnhly
atitj KU(l)t luelit then to.
Kills. ru Kt-b. II, VJ, ?Servtary.
III the Orphans' Court
nf Sinn, rw'l t'.iinitv
I l'a.
In re -tate
Win. liny, d-x-'d
The ii lid- n-iciii'd leiviiitf b.-en !u!v iii.'-i'-int
e.1 :iulilr iv tne iri italic i nun it .iiii.-r
rutin! v. I'u.. to diMrilinte 111- dud ill
IiuikIh hi the t-s-t-iitir t nii.i mii.i.i tht.'
t.-:itlv Hiititti-il th.-n tii. iiotu' N li..r.iv
en tliiit 1 M ill -it at th- ollir.- n: H .v .V U .i.k
.in the l ninsfli of Smiirwt. I'u.. lr -ii
uirMie, on i-.lni-s.iay, rriirn-iry l !., :i
one oviih-k I . .M . wiit-n ami win rvuii iK.rtt.
Wr.t'ivtl-l ritn ulU-nd.
A. U i. HAV.
KUite of -em Kanfin in. r. Uite of l".iie-
lii:ii.;li tou'iiNhip. Hnierset Co.. l'a., JH-'i.
letters I'-Ktaiiientsirv oil tiie ahovp es
tate l.;tvini; Invii lo the unl.-rii:ntHl
hv ilie iir.iii.-r Miiiliontv. noltee Is ln reli
Hiveli t.l all i!(l-tisl to saiil estate I
make liiim.Hiiate tnty meiit, aiil tiios. na mi:
; claim iiniiist saul .l;ite will .resent ttiein
dulv uuthenlicat.t lor &ett!ei:tei,tt .ui Friday
r.liniarj' la. lv., ut tiK' late renr.lrnee ol
KKM K-l r MAX. !-'r..
Is reserved for Parker &
Parker's Announcement of
Estate of Charles Miller, late of Somerset
township, d.v'd.
Is-tler t.-staiiientarv on the Nv
i-smte liavint; l--ii Kraiitisi to tiie un.u-r-
Hinr.tnl lv the iimtK-r authority, m-tiev i:
liereliy Livrli to all iiersoiis I
mid estate to ni.ite Imiii.sliate piy
uier.t, n lid thorw1 having claims atr.iiiist
Kiid estate will present lli. ul duly aulli. lor neitleuient. on S.itur.lay. Keli
l-i. ut Mieollueof the Kxecutor, In .-soiiiers.
1- M. nil- iv.'s,
llesoiin-i in xe.
s . .
Vimnal Statement
Ml't 4
y virtu' .f ;4n on'- r of .
th- ri'.M' '.'ir! t m.i.
him! to Hi' u n '.-!. I u- ;
the .r -i in r I
1. 1 t ru.ity, t'a.. oa
" l-KiliMl out of
t ''nil
iy. i
Friday, Fi
tlie f..!!..n-:r ef lr :n V.w.
Ail t!'.'! ("rt..'M II
.-r 1". . i-i--! : j
r:.-...:.;..-, U
:i ' . -.- r. i-.i; i . i
t -tiif i a.-.' -on
er :.-'l a I-.'.-:.
t i f r
in i
!. r. i
,ii.i :
:.A I.:. .
Dwelling House,
.taniiiiiir Is e. :l. M
1 ns.-il iiiiriiiir 1'". .. iljii '.-1
i.s-'d (.jf mcin's-rsiini I .... liC iu
fi.rm; rTmi-un r J ly TI
s t-y li r- ihiriti'
... 1,M IM
i:i't ili
Tll'l Dl
tin- j.-ur
Aei'l du.- for ai: o:le r ev-
, f,,r i y.-.r l-;s ln
eiirlin tii.i-i-r siy. eoiii
i:i:iii:!. e lid eioiierati'iis.
a l-o-
s l
i K
a., i
I - Ii: .-S
I eUtl-l-il
i crms Cash !
I S h
l:.i,iiiT.;t..r !'-!
l:. .-. -..:r. Att
Jr.;, i
Ksijrv.-s in e.s-s
Resources during 1335.
e'li on ar-iiu-ntj
Ir iti iiHH-rh!: (7 '
l.rnwij iiio:i y o i
ii Pi M L E I
P. - i.i. .,f ,.r .!. r i:.;i -. 1 f !te -li;."'-.-.'
'..-i.-T "T S.-:i:- rs- t i- . !.,i-.vl..! Ill
tiie IITiiiTN' -m-.i. !. vt : '. ! a.hji-- to l'.lt.-ilC
m i s:.!e. ..:i
Ain't di;;- former TpiiKun r...
;.rrtiw.-i money
KeS.Mir.1S lil -xi-.-ss ...
I II !
j 1
Cr&aai' Cnrt Sa!-3
Saturday, Feb. 15
At 2 O'clock ?. M..
' the
-Tract c7 Land
,i . t ,
:ii .
Ian. ' !
-r.-f- t
t:-m :
.i-:. ..-t !
of i e.. Ii
1 1".-.
i t :.r
it i i ;
Term.? cf Saie-C,;.:;;':
(town. li.ti.iiM-f oi
and tJeUvvry I" il
1- ki:i
Valuath R:al
l'.Ai IIKI. C. Itol'liY.
Adi?i!T:i-.Tra'rix i.l .t':i:i i i. ICi iy, d-c'J.
J-is K. i ' i.i.::or. Atty.
heta:l L?au3 license.
IIv virmMf aa ori-r f sztlv out of
t rtUii;i!' t "oiirt of S in r f iiiiit v. I'.t..
Mii-I to ;!! H!k! rmi:ttl ikiihih: .ti:i'ii or
?niiiiu-I l. i nt iifit-t-l. lale l Low r Tirky
foot t.iw!i!iit, Si:m rx t eotintv, ri...iir-etil.
1 mt 1 1 1 oii'i rut I'UMic on t!i' i-r- iii- 'ii
J-!iiiT townli't. Skihtm'I eouniv. l'a., n
Thursday, Feb. 13. '96,
At I o'clock P. M.v
of aiJ ii.iVt the f tlio'.vin tlier:!Hil ril t
tiiti: A et rf;. is Cirm or t met of lati'l '!;iate v,
Jhii r !-wn-liit. (ii-pss-t eiHimy. l;i.. tt:i
tjiiiilii -v-V MTi-s aii'l 1 i fn-p-h, Ninel n-;t-ur
:(i.j"!i.inir LtinU ( Aitttionv A n h-ir
lo-- It Kr?H y. !oiiii:i Skujui, Mirhucl
Shaile heirs. F!i ami r rv-:o.iii HoK-
III.Ol. uUiU; l.OlMT'- HTt ill H Still o
eiittivnti.iii, tiie l?t Inure iN-ir. wimh! !ni.
The r-nt r rit of thw Inrrn i- tini-rt:(i(i
with a Mir Iinii Vriu of rut I mid Hmesloiie.
There is then-ou ertrteJ a
Frams Dwelling House,
lanre hnuk h.irn tv ft-et, ami iHhr ntv-sii-r-
o(thu;i!uit:A. There in a 'nl on tuinl oi
voting an-I urov-r. fruit triTi on th ttrm.
whivli i MVitvl iu a kom1 eoiiimuiaiy eoit
veiiint to M'hout and rhureh .
Iliivlnit Inen Mpisilr.UsI ty tU.' Ori.tmn
Court of tsoiilersi-l C.tiiiitv, Til., uudltor lo
iitss tiiNiti the eeettions iilisl to the tirsl am
i lin:il ii.situiit of tlie- udniinistrutor nt Henry
S. riekim:. d.v'd.. hiiU to utslnt.ulr Hie lunus
in tlie of tlie a lii mlstnitor to hi:.
Itllltililf thus.- l.v.iliv elltitltsl thereto, hoti.-e
liereuv ytvt 'i 1 11:11 1 will attend 10 ine uu.n-s
of said MiMiiiitineiit ut my olll.f In SH.iuers.-t
r , 011 tne ami iiav 01 reuruary, iw, ui
o i-iis k p. 111.
Al.b.'v 1 1. r. 11.A1.
In re ajttdtfiied estate of Joluis J. Weaver.
Notlis- U liirvl.y riven that Jonas J. W tiiver
and Mil, Ins wile, of I lie townsinu t.f l'uint,
county of Somerset, anil Stale of lVuiisylva-, have rxeeute-l a l.-e.i 01 voiiiuuiry as-sisiiim-tit
of all their estate, real ami person
al, lo the undersigned, for (he ls-uelit of I lie
creditors of Ilie said Jonas J. W.-aver. Ail
ierMKi. Indehteil to said J-nas J. V eaver will
make lliiintsiiute iKiyuieni. ami iihv iumiis
rlamia or de.1w.111U will present tiie suuie
f willioul delay to ffi.iii.Mh
'iKMhir l of purchase money, aft. r pay
ment of at! debts and leyal eiK-i;s- to r
inain It' ll on tne land in lieu of doa. r to
the widow of said dis-'d.. an l Uilanee in tlmv
r-.iyiueiits: 1 iiK-ihint on of sale,
one-third 111 six months and omMhinl in one
year, with interest. Ten s-r ccut. ot v-ureli-ase
lu.Hiey to Ih fuud oil day of sale. le
I'erred pit mi-Ills to Is- ss.-iireU hy ImiiiI ull'l
Inortpige 0:1 UK- premises.
(ieo. IV. K-ull. AdiiuuStiulr'.x.
Notice of Appeals.
NnTICK Ls U- rvKv alven lliat ni.isals will
lie held from Hie n. s.-liieli!s ul Ku, at the
iniiiissi.ui. ra ottlee. s.iiiu-rs.-t. l'a., for tiie
a.-ven.l Uutriet ol the of Somerset,
February 20, 21, and 22, 1896,
when :il where all p rr,pr:itien',
i(fli:itf tu-ii4-!v airrievttl at Ilie (iiuim nt-
tioii vah.ialhMi t their taxah i rniw rt v
uitu eit. -els, in -ueii ras" tuakeaii! roviit (
ar l-netel to al'eiul uiul !tt their jfr.rv-
Hit4-! lor ivilrv-i arronniiir to law.
1 he aptta-Hl in fe tii-hi on th ui ove t. rrv
tioiiitl iiavH Im-;w-ii the hour of lo'-Uxli A. 1 .joYl.m k f. M.
t'.unty lom:oi?-Mo;.er.
cheap. A full line, of ool and
Cotton CafDet Chain on hand.
Cac Ecvrjstjlc coats for laJies
ti cheap.
Mns. A. E. rjuu
Special Notice.
rure Itye Whiskies from the best known
disttllerte. ae.-or.liln to age, troni fii to
Pito Per cullon. M v own Importation if tine
old Torts, Sherry. Itlnne and Mim-I lueH
fnmi -'.il to .. ler gallon, til. Helena pure
old Caiif'irnUk Wines, dry aud aweel, " to
ll,Tn p-r pilluR, A li,a 1(.'ltt (or llir celebrated.
Ijik.-i lia'ausu i n ines, per Kaiion. is. i:-
ei-a lle I'Ujiv itic ill. i;ar, per full. n I he
tlni t itiipiirted l.ins l'i-,'iiao Siot.'h and
Irish wuiakey. Htoul. IlaM Ale. Ac., ut lowest
prieea. Call or write to A. Andriessen. IsS
Kedcml str.-1, Alltheiiy. s p. -rial l"Tii-e 1.1-t
on Hppilcutdgi. No extra eliare for Jiics or
puekiiuc. Mail oxdeta umu.ptly attended tu.
1SS Feilerul Street, AUiieny,
N -.ti.-
Xllll w
' is tl.T-
r. r-..;i.
ri. I.i.
'!i V
Il m- l:l u.
:h- f.!!iw.'i:
i r : ; p! . ii ' 'I: s
-. .'.! tJ.nt t':e
I ,iui ; of
Monday, February 24th, I3G.
iu .r! '
I; K..:k:'
J. M. i
Ss-otl -
i. 1".
.i.ii.u K
Til. in:.
H.-i -
J .ii.: It
J..i.:i V.
i:-. c-i
r!..-r. '
.rf r. i
. I.
meli. l. r:
S ii- r. :
i-.r. tivp.
. '. w ii
,-. Ui.ii-.f--
Is.n nS.
!. il...!,"!.
ili.l.-eee ri;.ri.:l;i.
:.ui-...- it t ;.
i ... 1 i l p.
r t p.
i". I ; i . r iv;.
I. ii.- Ure;-h.
is,: il.- Is.,. -:m
n( i.:: ni.-i .-si is -. M- v . r- :.i l'.r- ii fi.
J. .'. i: - 1, M. v. i-s.L.'l,- Vir..ii.:i.
. A. Uatii. Kix'Kf.s: I I i.
S.i,:a 1 ti;l--X;ji in. Lis :.v.... l
l;-i;ls-n Ii. i ir tt.i. II ..: vl I
l'lt:i: 'e s. i.iim.:r. : tsi:
Jril-iei li. V':mts. x ni. ;--.-t I 'in.;.
..,.-. li. T.iv.ian. ..!!. :s- '. is.r
!! r. rv l..-.'li l..M.; :. :rv l-.r. .1 ;
'. T. I! -y. ii'i ir.' '-.p. i.,:.
W. II. i :.y:n:tii. ssmi.iT - t :. p.
Ki.-r Kn:i:n.-1. t-i
Ssiinii-! '.' i!i-r, St. y- - i.iv. l.iv:
J..I n II. !!::. s;i.i 1 :... :i !..c:i.-s.i.-.!li-y
H-iImii ;!'. Kt-::i.:i .i.':'
J;in ir'. .inii:i. nu. I' i Ii...
Ji.-li'l H; '- I". il--e;-sv il..
'!. rk - i .-. f. 1". SAM.i'It.
Keiirmry ". '. i. i l ler.s
'-i. It.
Wm. J. Fr-tjr ;m 1 uii"..
ship. smi!--!-s t .-i.;iM'y.
li.s-il of Votllil-.TV A-.:
the riii .in I p r-.-:i it v
J. '.-;. f.-r ih- t n :it
ti.s- i h- r hv .!! to .e
, of srone.-ns- t -r--I'.l..
1: i vlili 111 l-l ' :
-ii:i.-:il t i i- ol' :i;l
rop ry of s-ii.l tfu
4' ii i-n-li'.irx. iiii
I mis i:i.l.-l)ti d t.
slid a-.-ii-.-ioi I-i rn i--in,
a'i'l lie-- h'.vi:.
pr.-s.-iit tli-in d-ry a'
men:, .it le.y o.:' i'l'"
lay. Kel-ru try s A. I
IIUTll -li il
-r::n :. , i :
i.-'i:ie iT-.l
. il .rset. t".i.
:n--iit to
hi in t o
oa '
Jan. 1, '.-ii.
; r ink hay.
Popour Magazines
Ell a
IleiiK-inlior that wcare llo-vl-iuartc-rs
(i-r IVkiCs, SImh-m. UublitT. Sli-ler-i
ami cvrrylhlus in tho lioe
line froiu the suialles.1 artiele lip
ta the liirgi-st all of the relialile,
never-rip, water-tight sort at the
lowest price.
George P. Stein & Co.,
7; Main Cn St.,
ICoatalM eci rinfi : frlr.nol W iterciwor
1 .. . . u .... . ).....: nt w.uli.
vi.. - iivi e end ll.;n.vlc I'lustra-
!!- More Ui.-ra-y '- t.r .rKl l:iutra-
Uons than ciy vittc 7'.v-a.-i--c Li America.
j cii. ; i j ii v-n .
Frank Leslfs's Pieasant Hours
Foa ecyc cils.
jlit r.1a.'es.i:-.c. Jurrr.IM VontM?.
I isnilr l luitra'ed. Til ' hvt writers for touihc
poopW CenlrlEUI 3 l ... ' ' i
The b'omersetillt raid.
"'POPLL'R 0TnlV ( th ;ruCRSET
htaUD -Nt Y'.sR, a 00 n n .f
YtR. $2 40
Undoubtstily the Bsst Club Otters
I poles. He is working on them now.