1 ( 1 1 the Somerset Herald. MWARO SCULL. Editor and Proprietor. WEDXHSl'AY. Fel.ni:iry IJ, IS 6. The gr.wn.l-hog's reputation as a j.n.plH-t is Mud fully Miatniiird liy the -..resent state f tin weather. Cvi.k Sam's four ir cent. IhmpIs are in as much tleniaiul, just now, as hot Imek wheat eskes, these coM morn ings. , , y iisi.l,nt has Uvn duckinc-v-sin. If his K-cclleiicy would get a . i;,,i, it might cool his ardor for dihkinjr. William H. Morrison, of Illinois, (-Horizontal Hill,") is the only avoucd Democratic candidate for the presiden cy yet in the field. Cko Kit Cleveland was the first IVm-ocr-itic I'resi.lciit in twenty-four years, and lie ha so fixed things that he will lie the last for the same length of time. Ox Fkilay last, Senator 1 rye, of M iine, was elected president pro tern, of tin-Senate ly a unaninioiisvote of that IhmIv. This was an unusual, hut a will d.serveI winplinicnt. Hon. V. H. KnglMi, who was a can didate for Vice President on the Ik-mo-cn-.tic ticket in lssO, withUetieral Han eock :is Pr.-sidenti.il candidate, died at I, is Imnie in Indianap l;s on I'riday Says a newspajK-r cynic : "The Pres ident has the reputation of King a very industrious man. None other could pile up a national deht at the rate of .-,,n.in,t)a month, and sjn l half his time fishing and du k-ht.nting." C!ex. Harris mi's withdrawal from the presidential race has made a "sure thing'' for at least four other candid ates. We have 1h n forced to this con-clu-inii from reading the "representa tive" newspapers of the country. Whim: the President shoots ducks and sells Ixmds, the Senate plays the fool, and tries to force free coinage on Ihe country against the j-ojiultr will; :i:id this passes for "government of the p -ojile, hy the jieople, for the people." Coxuuess has passed and the Presi dent has signed a hill prohihiting prize fighting in the District of Columhia and the territories of the t'nited States. As all the states have laws prohihiting it, this eflectually knocks out the 1 .ratal 'spirt." Was the Philn hthxi ('(U poking fun at the Senate when it published the following? "Iioii't you ever get tired of doing noth i n j T" asked one "Mi. ves," replied theotlier. languidly. 'Well, what do you do then?" "Take a rest." S in n Carolina again comes into mi en vial. le notoriety through the em phatic endorsement of secession hy one of her representatives on the ll-wr of the House during dehate, and the fur ther declaration that his state wa.s not whipped during the late war. It is tht:s made apparent that the fool-killer ha-1 not vet cleaned out those last-diteii Statistic show that the colored Imputation of the Smth pays taxes on Jd:;;, rUKM worth of projKTty. That d-es not show that the hlaek man has li.vn "a lazy drone, refusing to work," for the jiast thirty years. It isalso well to rememler that this accumulation has till lieen gathered tinder tho most trying conditions, vith tiie great mass of ne trnnn tihut out from most of the nioney miHking trades anil professions. Al.Tllor;n Mr. Cleveland denounced and refuel to sign the present tarill" hill, the Administration and its friends are struggling to prevent its lieing changed. Tiie record shows that du ring tiie seventeen months of its exist ence it has produced a deficiency of ?74,li4,;. or over? 4.000,01 Ki per month. ami it is now plain that the increased juMic deht during Cleveland's term xvill e.Kint up to near $2Jl,tiJ.),fttl. The Nple of this country w ho went d.ift n the taritt" jUestion three years since are paying dearly for their whistle. Iei'KI-si:xtati ve Johnson, of North Dakota, in opposing the free-coinage sulistitute for the House lomi hill, has introduced into Congress a new method of dialectics. He is a schoolmaster hy profession, and he enforced what he had to ay hy Mack'toard demonstra tions precisely as he would drive into the heads of dull-witted pupils hyopti--ul jxTMia-ion the reasoning they might not othenvisccomprchend. The speech was an admitted slice ;-.. Mr. John o opponents apii-nr...! uttetly uni Vle t get away with either his -liar or his arguments. If one-half of the stories told hy the Spanish troops in Oulia are true, then the insurgents have good cause to com plain of the atrocities. Men, women tind children who art' suspected of hav ing the slightest feeling for the Cuhan vause are shot down in the open streets of the smaller towns ami their proierty confiscated. Hundreds of susjiet-Uhave "tvn taken to Havana and placed in the Moro Castle, a prison, compared to which the "lUack Hole" of Calcutta was a paradise. Of course, there are protects against this method of warfare, hut the protests are unheded, and the y ople in the prisons will prohaMy nev fr W heard of again. They are doomed t-!.alh or imprisonment for life unless the insurgent are successful, and that s.vms a long wavs off. The Ways and Mean Committee of the IIous? i going to reprt a resolu tion authorizing it to investigate the oiestin of discriminations in tariff i vii ide against this country hy foreign 1 nations, and the effects of the repeal of lh reciprocity treaties. This resolution will undoubtedly lie p:issel, and will I.thI to the levelijment of some im pirtatit facts. It will 4e ohown that this country has Wt over $-'Ao,uiK) in report trade as the result f the repeal ty the I).mocratic party of the reeini ri!y treaties. I n addition, th? fact that vjr prnlueu ore Wing discriminated against by (iertuany, Kramv and other ojntrit-s as a result of the passage of the new taritT law, white at the same tim-' those countries hav ur:nously incntsed their exports to the L'ntkid states, will be l.r iught out. For iu--tauce, in the eleven months ending iith NovemV-r, the itnpjrts of woolen grtods were Ss,447,T:ri greater than for the eleven months of ls 4. Tln-se int p rU are coming to a considerable ex letit from (J.'nnany, which ojntry, as a resu'.t of the recipr.icity treaty's re jval, ha excluded American agricultu- r d products to a great extent. The in vest igit ion is Hire to hring out st.me interesting facts. WilEX 7hehids fTthe $ 100,000,000 four per wnt. londs, offered for sale hy the government, were opened on last Wednesday, it was found that 4040 hids were on file, amounting, all told, to SVvsVXiO.tKK), or almost six times the amount offered for Kile. When it is rememhered that these londs have to 1k paid for with gold, and that every bidder knew where he could get the gold to make good his hid, it is a won derful revelation of the amount of that metal in the hands of the people. If those lnds had lieen offered at a fixed pricv. so that the people had known precisely what their money would hring them, the amount would have been much preater; for, as it w as, compara tively few peoplenutside of brokers and liankt rs could safely mike the calcula tions required. The prices obtained range hctwwn 1101 and 112. This is the ftKirth lwnd issue of this Administration, the three others Ix'ing forV).0i,000 each, which were nego tiated with syndicates, on which pre miums of much smaller amounts were realized. The tonds of the lat loan, which was captured by the Morgan syndicate at i-Unit 1041, are now selling at 1K. Out of this loan another Mor gan syndicate secures only alout 000,000. It is estimated that hy adopt ing the popular loan plan, instead of dickering with a syndicate, about $, 000,000 have leen saved, and that the losses .f the government by syndica ting the other loans were alout $9,000, 000. The adage, "Experience teaches a dear school," etc, applies with unusual ftrec to the financial methods of the Administration as displayed in its sale of 1 winds. He Indorsed Secession. At Wednesday's session of the House, during the oVliatc on the Senate free coinage suW.itute fr the House Kind hill, M. Pearson, of North Carolina, l!e publican, indulged in a sneer at the ex pense of South Carolina for the part which she took in provoking the war of aeccskion. This allusion angered Mr. Tallwrt, Iiemoerat, of that state, who de clared in a great state of excitement, that South Carolina was right in the fiosition which she then took. "I am ashamed of any man who in dorses secession or the motives which lay behind it," Mr. Pearson said. "I indorse it," Mr. Tallrt exclaimed; "I indorse every word of secession." "It has been said," Mr. Pearson went on, "that if hell ever breaks loose in this country it will break loose in South Caro lina, and I liolieve it." The spectators in the gallery took sides iu this angry altercation, applauding now the one and now the other com batant. Mr. Talbert had the last word declar ing that "South Carolina never has been whipped, and never will be whipped." Loan Oversabsciibed. Rids for the one hundred millions of four per cent, bonds were opened at the Treasury Iiepartinent Wednesday. There were nearly forty-seven hundred distiml offers, aggregating over six hun dred million dollars. A few of these were the offerings of "cranks," and a nuiulier were graduated bids represent ing the same parties, but making allow ance for these, it is proliable the aggre gate offered will reach at least live hun dred and fifty million dollars. Nearly every banking institution and very many of the leading bankers of the country were represented by bids. The price ranged from par to 13t, and the average will perhaps le alsut 111. Several syn dicates made bids for large amounts, in two instances offers l ing made for the emire l.ian. The I iest offers from a syn dicate was from that represented by J. Pierio!!t Morgan, who bid lli.ttsT7 for the entire one hundred millions. After the bona fide bidders whose figures are in excess of Mr. Morgan's have lieen giv en their allotment the remainder will likely go to the Morgan syndicate. It is estimated that alxiut 4l per cent, of the entire loan will go to the Morgan syndi cate. The present issue of lionds is the fourth made under the present Administration. No bomb, have lieen issued for the pur pose of Isirrowing money previous to the present AdmfuWlration since the close of the War. 15 nd were issued for re demption purposes, ltit tlia money was not used to pay current exeues of tiie Government. The Cleveland Adminis tration, however, in the three lond is sues previously made, received ?'.S2,KK, M t of gold, and $r5.u0,"0 of that money has been used to pay current expenses of the t Government. The issue now made will bring the total of the increase of the bonded de!t by the Cleveland Adminis tration to n aggregate if ?JL2.."!l."i,-Kii. Qztj For Chairman. Since ex-President Harrison declared himself out of the presidential rare, Iie publican leaders from nil sections of the country have been urging Senator Juay to accept the chairmanship of the national c inuiiiuce. and it is altogether likely he jvili b? chosen to manage the next eam :ti:i, provided a candidate of his seks'tiuu js nominated. Senator 2uay has not y imitated in any way to whom kt will throw Id support at the St. Ii-.iis onveuii-ju. At prui .o i on friendly U'nn with alt f lljo i,! ttsj.jLiiJ pos siiiHities. It is said tUat it wusir any preferonee, it in for ii?el, fciiii.v;iL ha would not oliject to either McKiniuy., M irton or Allison. Senator Q iay, it is thought, much more dit,::ictly tii m any oneof the presidential aspirant of his party, lienetits by the withdrawal .f (general Harrison from the political arena, itu friends entertain little doubt now of his al.ituy to capture the chairiua'iship of the U.mljli.uu la tional coiiimittee, and they lielieve lUl ik wide recognition of the fact that he U most likely to conduct the Republican campaign wilt add to his influence at St. Ii:s in the uiakiuf of the national ticket. Mistake Cost His Life. Cmoxtow, Pa., Feb. 9. John tialla gher was sh it and atuiutt instantly kill ed by tJoorgo Frederick ai the hitter's ,-oiue iu Cool Spring Hollow htsl nifct. PrfcJric'i lives by himself near th Stewart uie works, at the entrance to the hollow, and Gallagher lived in Yaug er hollow, two mii beyond. Gallaghtr was iu town last night kuJ got drunk. n the way hiine he stopped t Fre ier tfk's bouse and demanded admission, whicb was refusoL He went to a kitch cu door and broke it in, and Frederick ordered hiiu out. Gallagher refused to E. J in scuiue which ensued. Fred eri,'k 'brown against a tove and painfully lujured. He got an army musket, when Gallagher sjjraug ut hiru and tried to take the gun. Frclc ri-k says he was boing overrmwerej and fired to save his life. The load entered Galla gher's groin, diseiiilioweling hi:u. Fd crick snmnuined some neighliors and al so culled in Coroner Smith who was pacing and who administered to the dy u2 Uian. Gallagher lived but l.i inin iiles. t-ot,u?r Smith brought Frolerick to jail. It is taiu;ed by Gallagher's fam ily that he thought U Wis in the house of his friend, John King, bo (jves next door to Frederick. Gallagher waa su oh man; si is Frederick. Terrible Seed of a Boy. Hv:rB! k, Ia, Feb. ".Joe Merrifield. the twelve-year-old sou of Frank Mexri fild, shot his seven-year-old brother ilh a Winchester ritle this morning, and then killed himsflf, blowing the en tire bip of his head away. The father hsd left the ly together in the house, and they became invnhed in a ipiarret. Dissjctors Claim The Body of a Paaper, Once a Bonnnia Kiss;. Chicaoh. Fell. I'. All that was mortal of Kdwin Fields, who once rouuted his in ney by the millions, lies on a disswt iig table at the 'school of anatomy. He diel a pauper. The story of Fields' life is one of ro mance. His career liegan in the mining districts of Toiulistone, Arizona. He squatted upon what were considered worthless claims when the town was in its infancy. He had gone to Toiulistone without a dollar. When tho lioom lie gan the "Gilded Age," the principal claim owned by Fields, was on the maiu lead. There were several claimants, but Fields finally won, and sold the "Gilded Age" for $iKV;m. He reserved the sur face, about 20 acres. On this was situated the business part of Toiulistone. He sold ItVf.mt lots as high as fV, and for years his rents amounted to o er f l.nitt a m n th. Then commenced a career of extrava- ganee. When water in Toiulistone sold for five cents a gallon, Fields t.s.k three baths a day. He wore the whitest of flan nel suits, and changed after each bath. His expenditures averaged no less than SUK) a day. After milking Tomlistooe dry. Fields went to St. Iniis to speculate in grain, but he soon lost the larger por tion of his fortune. Then he came to Chicago, and was speedily reduced to poverty. Fur a while he worked at var ious hotels in the city as store-keper. seldom receiving more than $14 a month. Worry and advancing years finally caused him to succumb. For a few weeks he lay sick at a cheap lodging house. Ho was forcibly carried from thereto the hospital. and after a few days sent to the poor house at Dunning, where he died. Xo Money in the Treasury. Fraskixirt, Kv., Feb. S, lv, The Republicans refused this morning to al low one of their numlier to pair with Senator Ogil vie (lem.) who is very ill. They acknowledge that they e.pect him to die. Tho legislature is growing weary of the senatorial fight. In tho house this morning a resolution was adopted call ing on congress to make the election of senators by the people direct. In the senate a joint resolution was introduced to adjourn sine die February 1", as there is no money in the treasury to pay the memliers until they elect a senator, and legislation is blocked. The sound money Democrats to-day complimented It. T. Tyler, late Demo cratic nominee for lieutenant governor. The ballot stood: Hunter, Gil; lUackburn, 5J; Tyler, 5; I5ate, 1. Is it "overwork" that has tilled this country with nervous dyspntics? that takes the flesh off their Ismes, the vitali ty from their blood, and makes them feeble, emaciated and iuellicient? No. It is bad cooking, overeating of indigesti ble stuff, and other health-destroying habits. The remedy is an artificially digested food such as the Shaker Digestive Cor dial. Instead of irritating the already in flamed stomach the Cordial gives it a chance to rest by nourishing the system itself and digesting other food taken with it. So flesh anl strength return. Is not the idea rational? The Cordial is palat able and relieves immediately. No mon ey risked to decide ou its value. A 10 cent trial txittle does that. Laxol is the best medicine for children. Doctors recommend il in place of Castor Oil. Sensational Occurrence Which Kay Eeialt in a New Trial. West CiiEsTf.i Pa., FeK 7. The trial of the Klvin murder case hail a very sensational ending this morning. Klvin was led inlorouit lictwc-en Sheriff Ingram and Deputy MrCarlane. He had evident ly anticipated tho wort, and was shrink ing from it. The verdu-t wo asked for and the foreman announced that it wa murder in the first degree. When m beard the verdict Flvin'seycs closed and he fell over against the deputy. He was apparently iiwnsi) !e, and was literally carried from the court room. Then came the strangest feature of tia entire trial. S. D. Itanisey, counsel f.Mr the defense, stopped William H. Pen nypacker as he came from the Jury liox They had a few minutes conversation and then Mr. ltamy nnide a sensational announi-euieiiL In drawing the jury soma weeks ago the name of William J. Pen nypacker of K ist Town was drawn from the wheel. William H. Pennypacker of Schuylkill was summoned by the deputy sheriff to appear as a juryman and he did so. He responded to the call, was placed on the murder jury and the mistake was not discovered until this morning. Counsel for tha defense at om-e applied for a new trial, and it will probably be granted. A rectiliar Mania. New York, Feb, 8. Prof. Daniel L. Iiowd. who f.ir several years has con ducted an establishment for phys'ural ami vocal culture in Fast F!!irteenth street. was committed to licllevue Ilusiiiial for mental examination yesterd iy. His mania t'mk the f irm of g.istronom ic exi-esses, hich rivaled those of some ofthe later Roman Kinperors. He got into the habit of going aSout to rtntau rants and gorging himself with the must am:i7.ing ipiantity of fid, S'inieliiiies spending as much as ?!0 and $15 on a single meal, lie would then go hoir.P, insert the tube of a stomach pump into Lis stomach and deliberately remove all tb:!i be had eaten. Having thoroughly paujpt J hiisei'out be would return t; tiici fuiauraut, tngnif another dinner and returning hotu uguin have recourse to the stinM"U This process ha would repeat four or five times a day. insisting ail the while that he hil l discovered a new system of diet, which would result iu making him the strongest man in the world. He even Uci;;pto. I to m ike converts among his pupil. Barly Stg&r Eaasa. ItuMi.MiNoioN, 111., Feb. a. The sogwr camps of McLean c-.mnty are all busy. The work of sugar-making began two weeks ago, three weeks earlier ihan ever liefore known in the history of the coun ty. The maples were never liefore tap ped successfully liefore the middle of February, and generally it was later than Jin. The now of sap is unusually pro fuse auii it i rkher than usual iu su?ar. The early flow is bxiked moon as an in-dii-atiou of an early sprirg. rvcius People of.cn wonder why their .nerves are bo weakj why they get tired so easily; why they start at every slight but BuJJeu round; why they do not aleep r.aL-.:rfdi;.-j why they have frequent bcadac-buc laid igest ion and Petpttation of .trie yteart. The explanation is simple, ft ta toafid la that iinpur blood which is coptiar ually fee-ding the nerves tipoq refus i-isfod of theelemcnitof streneth tnd viijor. In each condition opiate and nerve compounds simply deaden and do not care. Hood's Sarsaparilla feeds the ncrvca pore, rich, red blood; gives natural fleep, perfect digestion, self control, vigorous health, and is the true remedy for all nervous troubles. ni(dr Sarsaparilla l-i tl: Ohm Jrue r.lood Purifier. 1 ; six for $3. I'repar.it hi! by C. 1. Hvsl Co.. laiwcll. Misj. j -... cure IJvcr l!l; easy to nOOd S Pi IIS take,yaajrtotiyne. SM, The Only One To Stand the Test Rev. William Copp, whose father tras a physician for over fifty years, in New Jersey, and who himself Flent many years preparing for the practice of medicine, but subse quently entered the ministry of the M. E. Church, writes: "I am glad to testify that I have had analyzed all the sarsaparilla prepara tions known in the trade, but AYER'S V i j : . recommend as a -.c; - -' Llood-purifier.Ihave given away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the liest to lie had." Vm. Copi , I'jistor M. E. Churcli, Ja kson,Minn. I I THE WORLD'S : Uwfi n re nnnrS THE WORLD'S FATS ?Sarsaparilla When in doubt, ask f or Ayer's Pills Ingalls Booms KcKinley. BfFFAi.o, Feb. 7. John J. Ingalls, for mer United States Senator from Kansas, arrived here en route to New York. When asked what Le thought would lss the effect of Mr. Harrison's withdrawal from the Presidential race, ho said that tho ex-President's letter greatly simpli fies tho work ofthe St, Imis convention, and strengthens Mr. McKinley's chances decidedly. "Do you think Mr. McKinley will lie nominated?" "From what I have oliserved, McKin ley's nomination seems assured. In the South the sentiment for the great protec tionist is overn helming. They all want him nominated down there, J teed will control New Fngland, Piatt New York. McKinley has much strength in the South, and Juay will control Pennsylva nia . I believe, from what I know and from my own observation, that McKin ley will be nominated. Ho has the West and South." Award cf. Bonds. WASiitNOTON, D. C, Feb. 8. Tho al lotment .r the ne'v four per cent, lionds was made this afternoon at the Treasury Department, and gives nearly four-fifths of the entire amount (or 7i4,trTii) to New York. This is regarded as an indi cation that many bids from other cities were made through New York banks and brokers, so that tho official distribu tion is not a very acvuratc measurement of the actual distribution throughout the country when the lionds finally reach the hands of the successful bidders. Geographical!' considered, the bonds are distributed, in round figures, as fol lows: Xe Yrk,f7S,li1ii;New F.ng- land, 5!i,(m0,nnt; Kastern States (other than New York), ?o,3"" Western States, $.t.iVVM ; Central Stales Sl.t.OnO,- Oirt; Southern States, $l,2j0,i.K. It is impossible to give the exact aver age rate at which the I Kinds awarded was made, but it was cl-ise to 111, at which the interest realized will be slight ly less than 3j per cent. The exact aver age rate may not lie computed for a wee k or more by Treasury officials. The proceeds of tiie sale will lie slight- Iv alsive ?lll.tl.ii0. They cannot bo less than f 1 10,t;s7t7()t because that would have been the amount if the entire award had leen made to the Morgan syin!i.-ate, and every bid accepted at almve that rate increases the net proceeds of the sale. It is possible that the proceeds will go slightly above ?I11,KXi,iio, but f..r all practical puqiosesthat will lie the amount covered into the Treasury as the result of the new issue. t Poison in Tie Apple. Viski.aso, 5f. J., Fpb. f. The family of If. J. Wightman, principal of tli public scheieils, narrowly ewaped death from rat w1hoii, tuk.'O in a pee-ui:ar man ner, last night. Three lav ago Mr. Wightman's 4 -year-old daughter liecamc sick after eating an upple. Yesterday his 2 -year-old sou ate one of the apples and at emco became deathly ill. When Mr. Wightmun came home and ti.md his children in pain, he, in jest, told his wife he did not lielieve it was tho apples, and ate one to see if he also became sick. An hei:r afterwards the Principal was suffering intensely fre.m pains iu the stomach. Methods of relief were hurriedly used aim Dr. .Sawyer was summoned, lie pronounced the sickness due to arsenic. A search was made in the cellar, and on a beam over the laiskct of apples was f..tin.l a ls x of rat poison with the cover off and contents blown almut from the draft, from an open window. The young sou is still seriously sick, but tho others are recovering. Two Silled at Green&barg. Ci:i;KXsi!t-j!(i, Pa., Feb. 7. This morn ing Fdw ard Suiiih of Jeannctte, mana ger of a department in the glass works at irapo ille, and Kita Holland, aged 11 years, who also works at (Irapeviile were walking on tho tracks eif tho Pennsylva nia railroad, en route to work, both were struck by the Western Express and instantly killed. Smith was 31 years of age and unmar rie.L They stepped out of the way of a freight train and in front of the express. Items of Interest. Senator Quay !elieves the declination of IIarris.m will lienelit McKinley. Senator iorman will not go to the IemH-ratie National convention, cither as delegate or looker-on. Politic is not as attractive to the Senator as it was a ft w years ago. Pie-hard Kloeltke. a carnenter. slut a,od kiiied his wife, his father and molh f aiid his three children and himself. iu CUiesago, on Tuesday night. It is sup posed that he idiioroforuied his victims first. He had been out of wot k for some time and had no money. William Carson, a colored murderer, who strangled his . sweetheart, met a fitting fate in state prison at Sing Sing, N Y. He had a quarrel with a con vict named Feigelliaum, and got into such a passion that his throat swelled p and he actually choked to death with rage. Judge May ham, f Albany, N. Y., h: s denied the motion for a new trial for .'ikit" Shea. His reasons, he said, for so deciding is that the coufesnion of Mc ((Joi;gh was not supported by his evi dence. There is no appeal from the de cision of Judge Mftyham, and Shea will Ik? electrocuted Tuesday next. A Reran honorable career of forty-five years upon the lier.ch eif the court o."e ni mr.n pleas, of Philadelphia, Judge Joseph Allison died at !:-' o'clock Saturday t-ftenoon after a long Illness. For several years past Le Lad been iu fail it g I e 1 h and was unable to regularly fake his seat upon tii Upth. Joseph Allison was born In Harrwburg, Prf., in JSia. James Dnugherty was ttabl ed and killed by Angelo Itiegeiri, an Italian, near tJreeusburg on Wedneselay evening. Iteith were employed by the Pennsylvania railroad as section hands. The Italian had a grudge against Daugherty, and about 5 o'clock they became involved in a dispute as to their abilities to lift heavy ties. Itiegori struck at Daugherty with a pick, of which he was ijuickly deprived by Foreman Seaman. Iliegori then drew a long and keen slileHto from his breast and plunged it twice into Daugherty, w ho he'd iu a few moments. The Italian lied and has not yet been arrested. t . T-C f Report of the County Auditors, OP THE COUNTY OF SOMERSET, PA. R.svipts and Kxjk inlituns of Somerset County, Pa., from the first Monday in , January, 1 ", to th" tlri.t Monday in Jasmary, lS'.nS. Ki..mi:k IL Pt c.it, Ks.f Treasiin r of Sonu rwt County, Pa., in nciinmt with tiie Co-:nV of S itn: rsi-i. RECEIFT3.-I)?.. For tax ns-cived from collectors of State, County, Sjs cial uml Iig IJji!e? the j.-ars Isso, is:(ji is!, ls!i;;, is:it alh is;,.-;. No. mi.I.KfTi nw. DI - TKIi I Siillilli l Iin.tx n . 2 .lolm II. Anki iiy John K. I-ydti; 4 Win. Hurkiioi.ler.. ii I- M. IjiiiiIh r( . li A. 1 1. Ar.kciiy 7 K. II. li. rk. y 5 Noah 1 1. Itowiuaii. ...... H J. S. Iliirl. li MJoIni KinTr II llclirv Kelell. I.' KSi V. Sii.vii.T MS. A. Krvlclnimii 1 1 i. V. IWCIIS. I'K. A. Tile I'i I --Wis Miilikelm ver.. I' J. W. Ktirkholiler 1" II. It. Ali if A. V. We-lllIISC i It-iss 11 Savior . . -'I Henry K. Miiicr. K K. .M. vi n. !; U M. IjoiiIk rt it A. It. HiKtou 2"' Kil i 'olfinan W. ltiltzcr -T .1. O. KiikIc -s .1. f. Knrscvtlie. ' K. I". Shall, r i K.lwar.1 .M. lx Si .lose.! WllllllitlllKh '"-' Kmiik H.-illev i .1 II. AtchiMiii. i'i Win. H. t ritz I'vrus A. YowliT- :l Win. K. rullin. : 1 1. M. Kike s K. Karn. r 'i.V. J. Sloil. r i.i..hnS-hj.lf II II.W. .Maunr. .. J'-i'l Iioiiiiih liailah.T ' :.IH1. lonmr. , ij Mehii'k IS.1III1. .. a:1. W. I'.urkhoi.l.-r 4'.jA. K. Welsh. HIM 471S0I0111011 l'ile. II. T.il row. , r.'! i. V. iiros 'iii'Wiii. Itowmnn .r.l Henry Vninki r "J .1. H. Iouvt .V; liMIliel Will f I Soloiiion Snyder .Vi W. H. K.-1111' in Sylwxicr Polls iu s.'itnu.-l '.Hint-way V. It. li. rU.-v .Vi W. K. I'oiinf rvmaii , IO Chariest'. M:i'rtx : U.J. Ilrnil -Z iconic I'ta.-r rt N. lxili Jmly lil 111. 1 .rhanl li'tj.l'. K.lPTVlllf , Wi V. 1". Shall, r 1 I irr Kitwanl Mex ILS .I.t-eph V;;tl-.luil ;:. Krank H. !ih v 70 .1 . . AtcliiMiii 7! Wm. H. Krilz 7JI'vni A. Vowi. i 7.'. t a hi.iii .JifiMi'T 71 W. K. I'ulliii . si.niycr.i k low nlii. ...... . eu. iMiilioiiiiii; loM iishli.. .. Norlhiiiiii.Oiii lownhii... . ITiirket f.Mil low i.in.. . Sha.lc township ,. .leiinertow 11 ..niii;li . , l.ln.-ol!! toui.hip . ijti.-iiiiihi.nliiK f'.vnliip... . A.I... tout iisiiip .. A 1 1. 1: hen y lou iihi . n-.-n.Miii iNiroiih ,. lila.-k tovin.lHp . Klk i.i.'k Io ii-hl. l-"airli.M. tou itlii .. .l-nni-rt.iwii Uint.i;li ,. I jtrimcr liwnihi. . I. TnrU.'.vi.Hii township... .. I.iii.'olii towiihip . . .Mryi-rHl.ih' iMinnmh . M i.hll.i-r.i'k t.mnhiii .. Northampton town-ln). .. iirle ton nship ,. s.ia.ie t.uiihi . . ,. Somerset lKroiii;!i . s.iin.-iM-t township .. Stoiiyi-ri-ek towiiMiip . siiiniiiit township ,. t'rsinii iMirniiuh .. W.lhrshinTf lMrt.iiii , .. A.l.lixm t.iu n..hli .. All.xheiiy township .. nTiui U.rotih .. I:tack township .. Kioih.'rsVHll. y low u.-liip. .. I 'ass.-)nmii iN.roiivli ,. 'oiitlj.'iice iMirotih .. K.!k l.i.-k t.iuuslii .. K'lirhoN towiiollijl . .re.aii ilh l.iwiiM.ip , ,. Jeir. r..ii township .. .l.-nnertowii Ixironh . J.m.iT township ..jtrii.i.r l.iwnshii . 'Lincoln t.iwiish: ;l Turkrytoot townslilp.., ..iM.-yersihile lMr.i:n:ii . Mhiilhi r:-k township ..Millor.1 township ,.;.ew l entn-vilie Um.iii.-h. ..! Nortiiiiiiiptoii tov, iishij... .. 1 lle toU'l:shil I'a.nl low liship .. 1 ii.'U.aii.'iiii.i: lou .-.ship.. .. lt.iek w.m.I iMiii.uh .. Sali.-htiry iM.rouli .. shmii' to.vn..hii .. Somcrti. Id lsr..m;h.. .. M.111. rs.-i iHirotih ...Somerset t..-.vnsiili. .. Southampton tow nship. .. Sionv. r. . k township , .. st,,y,-stown horouirh , .. Sill.intil t.liV'lshij. .. t . Turk. yf.H.l towiisliip. Irs)im loroauii .. 'ct!cr..hiiix homiiKli Total htx ...... A.!.ils.iri toui:shi) A 1 1, tfh. liy to vn.-l:li It'-rlin l..ruvli l!la.-k !ov!i-hi lirolli.-rs alley township. I 'jiv'liii:iri lN.riiii;:i 'oi!.lil!.ai;ii (own.-iitp i:itlu. t:.v iM.rottjh Klk I.l. k lowiisloii I'airiii;ie towiisliij. 7"i Klii ih l.ivi ii'mmI 7-i K. 1 '. Knrncr 77 A. J. St.mer ... I . r.s'ti V 1 'le lowusinp .lelt.-rs.-n townsiiip ... .fennel-;. vu hf.rouh. ... .I.-IIII'T low lts!ill. . -. I jiilni'-r low nshlj. ... I. Int-.. hi i.wustii. .. Is 'i nrk -yt.M.l township.. 7S Johii It. Sehlau , 7.1 !(. W. Maun r si Thomas .:i!l.i:;!i.-r si I.i Uir.-m , v.' M.-h. .-k li:-u:i k;J. W. Ihirkhol.Vr M A. K. WeNhiiiiM:. .s.S.iiomon Pile s( 1'. H. Tiirt.w S7 K. .!. KoM. r s . W. i.n.-s S'l Win. Il num .. to .1. K. Kiiiik! M I:llli.-I Will vr' Solomon snvti.- .... . .-.siiii .. .N.r. .ml: 11 . Mi'iill.vm k low nship Miifopl tow nship New- itaitiinorc I .r..uh.. N. w te itiv ilie l-.ioiich. Northauijilo.i township.. ...... I'atnt towiiKiilp iviiieisial-.iniiiB tow nship.. ........ 1C'M'!:w.i.h1 h..rntn;lu Sal.sl.nry l.roiiL;ii Wf. : Weliii-y !1 SylvcHt.-r I ! 1 ... HI s.iinuel ( .inn. way - Soiuerll. i.l U.roi!;;!! Soiners. t iMironh Som.-rc t township S.niihniapt.111 tow nship.... - su.nyiT.. k township .... St. ..vest.. wn iM.nnitfti.... Summit township I'. Tiirkcyroot townsiiip.. L'rsinu r..:i; Ii tax lorlsr.l : . 11. i.TK.-y H7 W. K. t'olliitrvinall ... !. ( rl.-s f. Man '. it. J. I:mnt . l'M,i-.n-c(-1:,t.r Ml N.-lsoii J..-.lv 1'rj w in. i:.-rhar.l lu:J. C Korscytlie Totl An ..rant of Ai.i.Hint .if Aiiiomit of Amount of Aiiioiiut i.l Amount of liot; tax li-oi'i;hl over State tax bn.tiL.-ht over County tax t.roii'.-ht over SiM-cial tax hn.iiL ht (ivvr. Slate lax hnuiL-ht ov. r. 1 si; tax bnitiijhloxer. Uniml total ix riTeiv.sI 1 r.-asiirer's I.i.'.'iis.' f. s .lti.-c.iiinty ! ' i:.s.l,-mption 111, .11, y of uiis-,1, ,1 lan.N ' ' IS.irr.iw-.sl money J' ' it.siemptioii 11.0111 y of mis.nt.st Linos ""V'oniuioiiw.-altti costs. '"' liuiitini! 11( l'silanee due county from s. ill. in. lit of t I lilnmt' due Klmer K. I'liLth, 1 XuTK.-Fn.111 this .l.slia t fl.irt fnini t-liiirg.tl iw i.x- -i.S.-Omiiiiissioiiers' j 1 Hy a " I 4, " Kxperuliturcs, miotiiit onl.Ts for as-e-ssors pay " "" " viewers (my ni.i.is and l.rhlLT.s commor. u, -alt h costs... , Harnett... " " " county commissioners p.v sIioImt.... " ' (Hay " new 1-ri.l.-. ; V " ,ri.iL." r- jviirs '" '.' '.' J.r.J'toiL; mid ailvertisiii" ..' !" tl.s-l! .:i ('!; .' " '' ' court hou-e-ai.i jail r.'luiirs ' '' ?. ': ' c.xirt-nsi-s.- ' ' !:-toii.-ry :.y. ' -' Lrid .iaiua.s, i (...i.iii.v iiisiitait: itistri.-t uitorii.-y ftv iMMaont li,,sa:.i ; HlntlliL.'l):i li.formatorv. ' ' ' it..n.-:,.,..i tolili.-rs' lit) rial .-X. ns i.iiiista Lies' r.-l.irns " " ' horrowt-.l iii,u.-y ; ;.... ' inter. -st ; ' t.h.s.1 .laiitaLi.-s ' " J ill J.iutl..r .l.-. l.li; lu-ht -uoi.rt tioiiM- aiel Jajli scal.-s Hraiel jiinns cy ruurt hoiisu ja'.il.ir " court crier ami tip staves '. " , lU aister's r. e.. ,.. records " m ill, y n fiiin!. .! on uns-.at.l lainls traverse jun.rs jwy. Meii.iirraijhers .-.y... ' ' " I'nitii.m.'ilHi-y'ti f.vs " ' uiuut v canuut'-sioiii-rs' i-i.Tk pav " " Miorm-y luiy ..." '" niiilitors' ch rk p .y... ' ' ii'loni.y jiy - " hncmliiiLr hin.rs , , ' " traiisiTihiTiLt U';s-.i!.-.l l.-iiels ', " ' jU'!L. in. nts :.n.l loortLf:!,!. , ,, Conimishi.incrH' triv.:;:iL; e-Ai...-:si1, r t e s.staL;e cl. riis ut eouiputatioti t'uurt tal'soneti jun. , llllllltltlL; pllhlle ac.H.illlU Jurk' 'ouii.iis.stoii.-rs' ikiv " Sh.-ritr hill .' , ' Jail phisifla'l " " taxes F'-lllll.:. -1 . " " .lii.'itv aii.lit'irs' i.ay , ... ' iiisiiraiiee ....... " Tn-asun r's f.s-s mis-i,t..J la!e! ..-. i.ir terns;, to Ii ihmeo m-eotint slat.-i rs.au:l uit To'al r.ts'li.ts ftirnr-li'iN pal 1 fur Inrt . h tlan.v-nsl.'inpao:i m.iify i;ii.l nut .... ... ' of Tnnsur.-rsn,;ii of J p.T cin. on S71172 ' balance- lax oil uin-iitcl laiels ..... Total cxp.'ii,!ittiri- for lsiV, V hi; IK 1J1 t ; Hi 1. 1 ? j.s; l:i 2u 21! 2:1 M :il, ;i-f :i: :n :;. :t-: :!7 4(i 11 42 41 41 4 . 4'i 47 4S .", I "'I X TK Knim this .h-diu t nmoutit of J42 from j'.Cjl, Item !. over pai.l oil aulary itf II. F. Hai-n.-tt, coiumisslouiT. F p. SAYLOR ESQ. Pnillionotarvaii.l t'lerU of the Courts of tjnart. r Sessions nml iver anil Terminer of the I'o isity of Ss:ii.-rs-t, lVniili., iu nceouiil with tSomerM-t County for A. 1. Istii. Xo. Iir. Cr. I I To amount shown by il.-bit sl.teof hill $ wn M 2l!y onl.-rs issiiu-J to F. l'.Saylor, clerk ... I li1 1:J EDWARD HODVER. Slieritr of Somerset County for A. 1. lsu'i. Xo ' 1 To amount shown by lel.it shleof hill 2 1 liy onloi-s is-u.-U to lj.lwar.t Jloovi H. F. BARNETT C.-uity Comiiiissionero." S.-.in:-rset t,'ount, Peli:ra in lie-count with S.HIH i-se-t County, Pa.,' A. 1. IK'S.1 ' .. - Xo. pr. Cr. 1 I ToaifBnaleaiii't f.f oril.-rs issue.1 by ('oinnii's lo H. F. Itiinii-tt... 'r $ . Kil Oil 2 Hy 2-ii days sen ice al M , as (-r C;iini;r's lilg. r i Vil ( VI VO t m io $ tcii on S. U. SH03ER County Commissioner Somerset County, I'a- A. Xo. 1 I To ns;"'nTitc ain't orders h.siic.1 by Colnlu's 2 j lty 2 is day s o n io- at Xi .VI, as kt t 'oiiiinr'a lsle. r $ s:Cl 01) W. P HAY, Conntv Commissioner of Somerset county, Pinn'a., in account with Somer- st County, ln., A. J. 1-i. Xo. Dr. Cr. I I To airvnirate ain't ord.-rs issaed hv Ci-mnir's 2 Hy 2) day s ser ictn al jpt .M. ns iM-r Coiutiir's IN DE.QTEDN ESS f "Somerset Cniuily on theiitli day of January A. D. Iii. Xo- 1 I To ain't l.nd.-d led. WikIwss. -SVe Colnmr's minutes) $ 2 " JaistanrtinLf ordcrsof Issl. s(i, Issd, s it, Is; and li'i We. the und rsltn.-d Auditors r.f tiie ( 'onnty ofSnnierot in the Cnmmoiiwealth of Penn sylvan la. docertiiv that in Hirsiiance of the 47th s,ti.Mi of the Act enlilli-1 An Art nlal ill; to is. until . townships, "' passed Ihe l-.lli ; ;ty of April, A. D , Isa4, we met nt the Mill of Justice, in Ihc tsuiuty ol Somerset, on the l.tti day of January, A. IL. Kii. and nT In-inu duly sworn, did a-l. tit, mo' i u -t mid nettle the m-vit.' nisi omits rutliirci if us by law, i.tn.Til.ly to tiifs.-v.-ml Ai tM.f A-s. inl.lv mid Ihe supilei.i.-iits then to. nminlinir Io Hie U st of our ju-iLTiiient. sbility nud knou'l.ste, niid tiie i.ir.'C.il:i is a true and cirn-e t statement of Hit foil. . wlinf niisiui.ts n-s in"ivel v : ' . : i i. ... 1st. Klmer K. Pugh, Ki., l'rt-.isiin-r of the Coftiity of Sonu-Rtct, with the said Couuty of SollKTM-l. 2d. F. H. S;iylir, !., Pn.tl orunar nu.I Clerk of the Courts of the County of tsoaieryet, w iili the said County til somcr.-. ."int. Kdwnrd Ho-.ver. Sii.-ritl of the County of fs.mei -I, i'h JSiP said Con jity of Sei:i-.ei;. 4i h. II F. Ilanirtt, County Coiiiinissioner of the County of Soiiu rsct, w tth ih'.-said County of Somerset. :'rfii. si. L. Sholx-r, County Commissioner of ihe Cimnty of Somerset, with the said County of Somerset. th. W. V. Hay, County Commissioner of the County of Somerset, with the said County of Som-st. All for the year endine th day f Jar.ua ry. A. tl., lsj). And we furllH-rceniry that we iind Uila'nee due the County Treasurer, Elmer E. Pugh, Esq., of eiL'ht thoiis-.nd slid ninety und I', i'jn dollar 'SSMI.I.Ll We hirt her certify tlist i-mcIi of !ii.l o;tl's rs nam. d nlxiv were duly siiiniiioin-l to npp nr liefore t!ie Ai:dl:orHiid they did u;nr is fore ns. r. nnsluced their books, vouchers, or ders, hills, pujH-rs ete. In t.-stliMonv lirti-c.f we Itivc I.ereu-r.o set of January, A. il., Is;. Attisi A. J. Ill m c, t'Lrk, for It 1 : r. i'ii. Tax.; Kpt-cial. j Slute. - rs. INSU ' - I ISl'l : " i I sir.! - j lS.st ll III $ I 1.7 S OP' 17"i 7, ;i 011 i 77 2Ti :c; XI 7.' 7ri :s let iV iiti lL'"i ll Z-H 71' l r, in K, ;s -1 .VI l.t' ISi 4ii 11 Ll 111) I'I 4:: T. 17." 7n HI rtl :i 7n :.7 2! I "il in 'Si' 1 ls js.1 77 vl IJ' in) .-' I si Mi. .jltl :c Si ( .".I SK I. l m 0 01 1 17 V! I la 411 III 1111 I .'ii SI ."il- WI SI re in 1 KI ! m a W . St 7 ss ." 7 I 7.1 41 IS i.".i i'i 4 I'i 1.11 7 (' m s". vi 31 si. I 4 fi: 17 S, 4.". 11 , ." m :t"i 7 ". II VI, iV' 4 III i.:i 5 01 I'I !' 1 :' m it: in in' ." r.s (" ' M -ji :s 41 7. 3 7.1! X I i.l .Vii m oi! :i i.7 1117 :'.". :i 4 ,! r, (.1 s l.l .', 01 2 -! i u; 6 .IJ it r H 117 s v 10 7U all (HI I S I r, i I1111 si li 4". 1 !i". 17J IJ .11 I.l IJ II ;.I :ji It! si 1 4 I! ". IT I 1.1 4s iei Ml" Ml KI i-n M7 41". lit! If 1 (.1 S7i U HI 1". Oil M 7;. 7I 4n IM Kt -. ii i 47 47; S.-.T, . . asi Hi ST. :"! S nv'd asahov. $ lit! ,17 It- 01 :m oi .41 (HI l!i.S 1:1 IJ 7J 01 VI I.l ' ill ill :;. 7 o 77 Oi 41 10 Ji : m ,r 117 4(1 ii IM s:t .v. IH, ui 1 :a IO 17 Ml jo im lil -'l II KI a 1 4 11 J1 :;i JI 10 isi ss K" 17 l 'ill II ill Ill 4..1 S" ll.I f t ;i 71 lH,'. ,ls:t1 KtSI 17 77S ',:: .'sS7 1,1 1,7.1 Id: Jii s ". 2.s( 1 lsi IU . 10 1 I liM'.rJ III I s 1 t-V !il 1-7.1 IXi SHI 3. si 4S 1JIO 1.JI rail mo isn l-O 1771 J7Hi :s 17UI "1 111". 1J li.". 4'i SI 11 I'll 7ii 3 r i S-.177 " 1J70 I :t! K. ; iJ77 : lJiv : .HI I H17 I lcirj furl Sill ...i..i.iissi.... $ .VifilJ lis .Vol I m 7Jii 71 :C KI 875.7 21 11 KJ iii :'." 1 :t! ll 't! (J (s,i-'oiniiiissi.iiierH I-.sl'!j,T, p. 21-S)... Vs. ax l.i i:iv."i."l)'".!!'.!l!!!!!!!! Zl"'ZZllZ''ZZllZZ'llZZZ!Z!. Ivm!!.".."..".!!..."."!!".!!.!!"""!" Ks., I on my Tn-nsun-r i1.T:7 21. It. in lui. lMirn.wis mone Ia Jli t ;J, "'"I Tr.-asurcr's lniks.) liiCHl 37 SitO lii TIssT, .It 7i i.;:; oi Ull s. Sua lO SMI ll 2742 ! s lui i;i 22! 1 ii 4II 21 7J1 VI 4"1 17 I'ls ii 2ii m 2. I i'i 4 t li l' 2U . k mi . H5 W 17 In 7 KI lc: '.Vi IS. 717 :ti es IlM i 2.V.I ."il 2i:i i.: M "il l-i.) il 4s ;i .rl! l -i KI 222 e ! k7 "t :c-7 1 ' .' I V.'l HI I.l I i loo il .H 7n 40 oi U o :t 21 .VI ml 2.J) i) 2211 !l 21 SI is ill 2 l Is ll I :. 4 leiSS r 114 0 1 1 2 2 io i srl 4)s ss 127-T i" srj i 7il72 Ki nr. :i 2isS s7 I 7lss1 .t! J.4 l i 1 4 1.1 County, lVnu'a., in ar-ount with Snmers-t Dr. Cr. f I'iJii 7! r, sii.-ri;r , , , 4) l.tjti USX 7t t of Somerset Count', lYi.u'a., Ill iircimnt with J. IsuV Dr. Cr. to S. I. Sliolier. $ Kt IW s;i no $ oi to W. P. Hay... $ sol Oil lAilf;. r..:... t Slki Ou Kl1 OU Dr. iV.I 01) 2I47 W 7147 ys our haudi at: J affixed our anils, this 24th dav A"i V. A1.K fit. sFAi.I sexi-i i. c Ki.x, fsi Ai.i W. W. ItAWKK. (LALj 44sfr44'444 ? I Mrs. A. E. Ulil 1 Z O . . PV3Y , . Annual Clearance SALE Begins on Dec. 26th J And will Continue to Feb. kUi. This will Lc the Lest ojs I'orttniity yet oflcred to got i Dty Goods Of all kinds cheap. Ladies' Wrafis will Lc cleared out at the lowest prices to Lc found any where. -A Fine Line of- MEN'S -:- UNDERWEAR To fell at much Lelo--Current Prices. I expect to continue Lui IiCps and it is to my interest to jrivc all their money's worth to merit a continuance of their "rood will aud hold their trade. I a.ruhl! 4M4J4s4444444 You'll b " In Town Som Day? Drop in and sec our store. See the prices. Open your ears at tho IJargains. Mayle you don't want to Luy niaylic you arc only curious. AH ri-jditj Coma anyway. Curiosity isn't always a tm it soiiicimes leads to knowledge. W, S, Jumuwll, Hat nd GcnW Wear, sc.imisrs, rjd. THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR 13 THE you ppend with me Lceati.-v it goes farther, lats Linjor, gets more style, more -uan-tily, more ju tllty, and does you more good in seiviei. worth and wear, than any mocey you spend. i Facts About FURNITU Ve can inform tho tra.Ie ami public h large t!mt we have mine out victori ous in our ilenf with the furniture niantifuctiirers of Michigan. We gut all we ask el for in the way of lar guins, consesiicntly all we cjee-te-.1, what iiwri do we want? We only want the trade to know that our line is bet tor in every respect now than ever be fore ami that wr are Koinj to contin ue selling Furniture' on a very Jow basis. $25 and S28.CQ will buy a sol i.l Oak Suit for the licil room, containing si pieces, imi.le anl tiuisheil in the very latest style. $18 and $20.00 takes from onr fl.s.r a nie-e suit, either in Antiijue or Im itation Walnut finish. $28 and $30.00 pays for a ntceover sttiffeil or wooil-fr-.mie suit for tiie par lor, nplitilstereil in Urocatclle, Silk, Tapestry anil Plush. $15 and $20.00 taken one of the name style suits uphol.stenel in Tap estry. $1.80, $1.90, $2.00. Xii-e Kct-el Kes-k-ers liith ccittiiry I'm ish very orna mental for the porch. $9 and $15.00 buys a soli.l Oak St.le laiariJ. ' C. H. C 6C6 Min Cross Street, Mrs OFFROTfl Somerset, Pa. ti V J o- - - - the tiil.s is.vcre. it!i Aa! r p'illit'g lmx to pr vent rtistiiiK anl imri.iii!;. i The New Peerless Separator Thrashes fa,,t rashes faster, cleans cleaner, !( i ; can I-Hiljiisle-I Irniii wli;-Ht to ml iH her urai-i without sfippiu. grain : rvc ami the tanner's jrin in his suck iustea'i the straw staeks. w ' ' X?- -.-.s. '- --:'ts . -- CzVLL O-ST Jas. B. Holderbaum iVnl Kxmnino this racliiiurv. 1 fyms The New Capello Rance. WE Fell the XEW CAPELLO RANGE, guaranteed the hrrr:ta:: Ilanire of its clas.s on t!ie market It has very lanre a:A U.z ens. heavy grate?, linin-rs and tops. Bakins and Roajtinj rZ: the liiirhtt as thousands of dailv users can testifv. If v.-.j i the best L-Liy a . tSrEH"W OA.PEHIJL0 AL?0 A GRANITE, COPPER & TINWARE Milk Cans, Screen Doors and Windows, Ice Cream Freezer?. f.C i (Jasijline Stoves. Call CHANCE TO QUINN'S, 134 & 136 Clinton St., -Are 2,500 Fur Capes for S12.50. 1,000 Ladles' Jackets for S5.O0. Ami Other Winter Goods in Prod. James OUTSTANDING County. Dos ami Rvlvikuiu, on the Gth day of January, A. D.. X-MX. ilne ainl uwiai t-y i lectors of tiie ilitTcrcnt boroughs l.l.KC loll- .'tr!;i. !s:iliiu.-l I jil'il . rl. t,.;ivi-n-. k lownsin;. ... John V. I.' y;i, -. ..n l.iu.i;i'.i-i towiisliui. . liiirret l:. ;iiii. r:.:nt t-u.ns!ii " A. 1 1. Ai;kr:i, I t-iiu..i-t,. ri !..-., iijtU K. II. K.-l Key. I ill.-. .Ill tol,shl 11. K M li.-r. Noi l h.niip.r, n i . u.iap J. fs. Hurt ell. .!, I: n li::!ii;i Il.-tiry ie-isi-h, li.-nsoii lK-r.:i.:,i Kil A. Si.yd. r, h!iu-ic t'iwllsL-r '. I i. A. r.le. 1,-n lie rlov. n l,.n.- "i " ll.-nrv r r. N.,rtli:i:rt;, ton tt,wnriiip . K. K. Meyers. u-.l townsiiip y.L I'ol, iiiiiii. s.in, rs, l town-liip J. c timle. .-suimihh lownslaik K.lwnr.l Metx. AU'listm toKiifhtp A. Y 1 ss!.r, l.-iiiMi.i iH.ronli . - Win. II. Km, l:rt l.. rs villi,-, township .. ru- A. V. lr. i iiss.-lin.it, i ,.r..ui,-li . i. M. Kik, Klk l.i.-k t..-us', r '. F.irnr, l-'nirliotie tovi.sii,) J. W. Ki:rSli,,l.i. r. I . r 1 uik.ii f t to- lis K. . Koller. New l.iltiii:.r.- tnt-l. kli Win. It.. mini. N. ri :ihii. i l. i: Hsliip ll.-nrv Voinikrr. ii.-:.-tov. ns i. Svj, trr I'etls, s-tiiidi I 'M W. II. l:.-i-k,'.v. SMirnersel tMiv,t K. I". Min'ter. W i li -rstn:- ?.-,..-h '. .. K.lw:irl i.i a. A.ltijs,,ri tv1 r. . ,... J st:ili Winn: iiuall. All.-.!:', i.v tow lisi.ip.!.' A . K. I't.ssl.-r. i'.-iis..ii iM,:-,,.tij Kriiuk lieitl.-y, l-.erliii I oro.iutt . ... J-i. Al.-in -Mm, l li:, k lowusinp . . .. . . V in. II. Kritj r.iot li.-r-v:ill.-y tow nship . t yrus A. Y.mi. r. i. -i.-se iiiiiu l...ro,ii;!i ... Mat: Ion l.l.-ssii. r. iii-:i::iui:!i townsiiip . . . W. K. I'mllii... oiit'w- ii-v Lorouii y lijnli l.iY. iii;ool. Kikii. k I, j i -lii i. '.. y . Kin ner. K-it Hop townstiip A. J. Mtoiier. . re. u :!! township John H. Selling, J.tt-rson tow-isliip II. W. Miiur. r. J, ,iu, rl. v n Is.r.nii; I I iioiiias I...IHU-:.. r. Jenn.-r tow iisiup l to Ijii i-iili. Ii rimer town-tn-i, . , Mss-h 1!, ikh. Lincoln townslup. J. W. Hurk-iioi.i.-r. I .iwer Turkey i.M.t t.iw :is " eisjioii.-e. ,M. yersit;.!.- uorouitit Solomon Tile M :.ltl!.-ereek t..aiisn: '. II. T. tlrow, .Milt'oisl townsiiip ..." V. .1. Koller, X.-w Baituuoi- iM.roui'li ;. W. i lm X.-w i . ntr.Mlie tn.r. m; i XV hi. llow iiiiiii, Xort !k.-iiiiptou lwiilp. ... Henry Vounker, . i!e to Usui;. J. y. K. iisi. iniiit t.WQsiip lianlel Wiii. tii.-iTuilii.ni;,',- townsiiip . is..iomo!i si,v,(, r. ll.K-hn.wl iMiruuith '.'. Welll.-y, fiilist.ury lM.roii..-ti Sylveslvr l'ottr. Simile towsli.p Saniii. i I'oiiiieKuy, Soniernei.l imi,...i-i ..." N . H. I! rkey.s,m,.rM. (K-..uLrh W. K t emit ry man. Souierm-t lkv. nship '. I'iiiirl. s I'. Mi,rt. Sw-H hiimpioii luwnsu.p . lkJ. Kriuit, sti.iiverm'k tonsi,ip livorj.. t uiiiT, stoTstown iHiioikKb N.-lsoti J:nlv. s iKi.int h.w nship...... Win. ... rii.ir.l. 1'np. r Turkey r.xil luwnsliip J. '. l-.rs4-y I lie. I .si in, horollfc-li . ... , K. r.siiaii.-r, Wfiiersl.urr b.ir.ii.-i. ... Amount state Tux Ii oit-.-hl ov. r A in. unit li;i;Ta timulil over.. We. (lie uu;li T-si-,ii...l r,, i. ,,r onlvr.tl lie-iieeotiMumy in ' n,-,-..uiit-t of t lie tl' year ix... to Is. ,.n,l :-h.sl. una w - h. tiit'sii,, i.ini,; Tiix.-s Jin- si.i,i n uiilv is crl. Att-st: ' ' j ukxirt. 71 " 'l.i I' V J ll i tl.o Oi-'.- ' '.'"! ' V . li s lilf,r. i!.t ....!.' " "-''" er"-n-.l:iit , r !( hi!!. Ti.- i,,U-r U-. ' ,.'.' i;iii:t of tir-t rlvn nia'cri .1 i,',,''r i:! Il .11 tTy ", S - s - , Untn ' ?.' tr S'1, '"''' A iits, 'L'k. - I'iiL-i hciC VJ? of on ) THE GEISER SAW MILL, With vaiial'le KM..,,:.,... f.sl. etits more mi.. ' tnan any saw mill n.a !,.. ' to a Ty ; a ... The Cind:r i Sv.rs a- an- sun- 1.;,. r- . ( ... Piiist.-rs. Not.-! f.,r t ,i ..... i-o:iv.-:ii. i..-,- ;.. i . ,.. ,j. Kverythiiij; is ;i. i,t. f - si ITI'llAer m . -.-. ... . . v -1 " ... ..i.v i i.l.!..4; SKIM.. Their eleari'iri.ss Their f-' t.iniiii.'' , s I,,,.,., v J. B. Holderbaum, : SOMCRSET. - P4 5 FULL LINE OF and see us. Respectfully, P. A. SCMELL, SOMERSET. Pi MAKE MONEY- JOHNSTOWN, F Seiling- Quinii: State Taiesof Sein.rt cn-tr. . an,l townshim in the ivnntv as !.". 1 rs K I ' I s ISS." is.; :'i !' Is..: i: t " !-' ..: r" i ' I ; " l i 4 up 4 ' 1 ..- I. i: .; 1 1 hip i '' t.lj . J. 1 I - I. !' s) I-: . 1 u ' .s -V si.........t i.i .-oiia'rn"1.' . ,i- l:.-i-. l..is , n,l K::.-n.litui'. v' ..,' 0. - r. - l.v .--.ri.-v ih-illle- u-ve !'. . ..- . t.as ih r K.vorU in i '. '":""' , i;- s. Ml K I ''; l w:i nM I ' Lltua- ''an! I ' TP J An lli-rk.