INSIDE Till: LINKS. Nobody knew just why ft fort had boon put in that place. There was no chance for fitting anything except mosquitoes, yet there was a Ions line of fortifications, and an enfilade of pickets paardoJ the little town from which all the men had gone away. If beantr of location had been a mili tary requisite, the fort was certainly weil planted. The earthworks ran near the edjie of a hiKh bluff, which rose al liuxt perpendicularly from the strip of 'land bordering the brown river at its f..t. On the other side Louisiana ureUhed away to the horizon line, level aui green an a garden, and in the dis tance a bit of lake cften caught some of the bluenessof the sky and shone the gem of all this fair setting. The boy who was lying on the edge of the bluff had no eyes for the distant view. Through an opening in the trees clinging to the sides of the hill he was giizing at the antics of a iarty of boys far below him. Close under the bluff lay a white, many pillared house, and stntching before and behind it were fcuiooth spaces of lawn, long liues of clipped hedges and avenues of mag nolias. Something in its hheltered iosi tion U twecn the river and the hank had savtd from destruction this estate, vh"e possessors had giwn it the fitting name of the Garden. It seemed like a vision of paradise to the eyes of the homesick loy who was gazing down into the enemy's country. From the door of a rongh house with in the emlwukment two officers wate-hwl the boy. The elder, Denning, was the commanding officer of the fort I am afraid I made a mistake when I brought my son down here." said tha colonel. -He is almost desperate with 1 uieliness. I was afraid of it, but it M-emed too hard to leave him there after his mother died." I think you did right to bring Inm, colonel," said the younger in;;n. ' It's a g.KHl, quiet, healthy place, and after a while he will make friends with the men and le happier." -I hoi he will," .-aid t':? co! I feel sure of it," rejoined the other. 'Just now he longs for the iitty.f 1m. ys, but he is fighting sgai:i.-t t lie in evitable. He has not philwpiiy enough to endure nor exi.rieiic enough to un derstand the feeling these f-opl' have for everything insiii.' these walls. Noth ing could tempt one of these town Ikivs to have any intercourse with him, anl their scorn is rather hard to lxir. Iiu going to send George the iw colli to take hiin out on the river. He is an amusing little lieggar, and will not make such a bad companion for Will when he gets u-d to his color and his ways." A few minutes later two boys were swinging themselves down the face of the bluff. Will's companion was a slim, limVr jointed little black boy, whose movements suggested a jumping jack, ami his liearing showed the pride he felt as Will's guide. Holding now by a tough root, now by the smooth stem of a blackjack vine, digging their heels into the soft soil and slipping i?rilously forward, they pres ently struck into a well worn cowpath, which 1 i by easy fatages to the foot of the hiiL Beyond the road which led to the Garden lay huge stranded logs, through which they picked their way out upon a sandy strip of beach, where an ancient skiff was tied to a raft. There was a little water in the boat, and a huge gourd was at hand as a means of de fense against further leaking. Two luiusy oars furnished employment for l.t'i boys, and once launched their strength was tried by the current, which came swirling around the promontory of ri.tting bark which served as a break water. Tut sturdy boyish muscles were rr woik, and the old boat was pushed sloHy up the shore, keeping in with th eddy, and nosing her way through anchored snags of driftwood and up into more open water away from the shore. Drawing a long breath. Will pansed for a minute and said: "Let's ga over t the island we see from the fort the Vow head, I mean. Where is it. anyhow? I'm completely turned around." 'Hit's right ovah yauder where yon s-e de cottonwoods an de saifbar." said Jieorge. "Dis yer is de corral. Heap er cullud folks lives yer. but hit s drappiu in de water mighty fas". Dat beach tree a swishin np au down in dat bend useter grow ia L nc Jake s yard. On the shore of theliend George point ed out the grim sight of au old burying irronud, uimiu whose precincts the cur rent of the Mississippi was rapidly en- ro:u hiug. Will shuddered, and, with piick intuition, George turned the boat's head away from the bend and iointed jicr ss the current to the Towhead, which, v.'as now leiow them. When the island first pnshed its white, sandv head through the water some cot- touwood seed had lauded there from an tiry voyage, and the young trees that sprang from them formed the nucleus of sin aftergrowth which was added year 1- vear like the rings of a tree. The in nermost growth was now composed of tall young trets, but the thicket terraced '.own until near the water there was li .ue but low thick bnshes of last year's jrrowth. A long tongue of sand extended like the tail of a comet down the river. Upon this the Imvs licached the boat, sitid then stretched their legs oa the soft. warm sand. Tze skit-red er ilis yer Towhead,' said George. '-Hit's haunted. A ole flatlxiat man iisrtcr live up in vandcr. where you Mesdat black sjxit "mou'st de tr-es. De ole boat washed agromi one night ia high waU-r. an le old man nel- l.i r made monst'oiis "tempt fcr to git nU He was olisociahl.? like. i:u Jiked Lis-c'f might r well. He live ver kinder ;.n folks done gi tie notion dat l.e hub heaps er money. An one night t-omebody done kill 'iin an luk all he .L Since dat time his ghos' done v ;;'k -is Towhead. On'y jes' yLsterd'y I i:o Jake h.wivl Le done sec-u dat ole t:.: ji aa Iw "lowed he gwino come yer ro mo'! I ain'had much "pinion er Unc Jake lately, but I'ze jes" aliout as nigu dat ole luat as I keers to go." Well, I'm going to have a look at the t ild s-liauty," said Will, rising f nun the sind. His companion did not venture t follow him in the expedition. The river had vear bv vear added to the strip of land, and the old fiat boat v.-as now nearlr hidden bv the under brush that had grown up between it and the water. The low hut which had once leen the boat's cabia was still standing smid the decayed timbers vt the hull and Will notkvti with snrjirisethat there were traces of sonc:iijng like footprints leading to it. Nevertheless he steppei quite nnsnv I'icionsly over the doorway. Oun fairly tvithin he felt himself roughly grasjil y the arms from behind. Vou make a noise to call that liny, a Voice close to his eain, "a:id I'll till vim! 1 tell vou I will never be taken j.risoiiert" The jvrsxrtt who had seized him now faced him. still holding bv the jir:us. Will saw a vouth scarce !v older f iiaii himself dresMrd iu a woni gray tiui f jrm. Ilis grip was like steel, but his f.sct? was so pinched and drawn and his eye i-o tlesjieratelv miserable that the lie-art of his captive warmed to Liti. iiecoveriug Lis comi.sure a little, aifti-r his first astonishment and alarm. Wiil said, with an effort to laugh: '-Let xie go! I'm the only prisoner there's likely to be. I'm rot after you. I was uly looking for a ghisf." -Who are yon? I know all the boys over there, and I know you are a Yankee !y your cap and your voice. I tell you J can't be taken." See here." said Will, 'Tin only a Uy 3:ke you, and though I'm a soldiers 6on, and I don't d.TV either my voice e my cap. I don't want to harm you at alL "What is up, anyway, and why are you jdaying sjtook on this strip of s:iud?" "It is all up now. I supjiose, and X may .-as well tell you all abottt it. Have j o:i r5t a laoihcrr 1 ss bv your face rou naven't: m i.-rhaps yon will I sorry tor a poor fellow who is going to lose his. "My name is John Prescott, ami over there" in that white house below your fort hit mother is dying, and I am try ing to see her once more if she isn't gone already. "I got a two weeks fnrlongh yon needn't stare, Tve been in ue army nearly a year and slipped down the river two days ago. Unfortunately for me I made this point too near da y light yesterday morning to venture any far ther. I knew the reputation mis piace has among the negroes, and I thought it safe to wait here nntil night. I reckon I was too tired and sleepy and didn't make it fast, and the boat managed to slip away while I was looking for a good place to drag it up among the bushes. "Here 1 have been ever since, me a rat in a trap. I have watched the house over there for two days, and have even seen the family on the terraces and dared not make a signal! Now, sir, what are von going to do about it? Tin going to to tins, sai.i in, ooiu ir out his hand. "I'm coing to say I believe every word yon and I want you to trust me to help you out of this scrape. 1 lost my mother not six mouths ago, and I do know how to feel for yon, if we are on opposite sides. I happened to hear today that your mother is no worse. Maybe you'll sec her more than this once." "But how can I get oer?" "I don't see quite clearly how to do it, but 1 11 git yon over there before day break somehow, ion must give me youi word to go away when the time is up. Now I must go, or that boy's curi osity will l enough to oven-ome his fears, and hell come to look me up. I know you're hungry, so take my lunch. Keep a sharp lookout after dark." The lumbering skiff carried a very silent passenger back across the river. George ventured to inquire if Will had "seed de ghos'," and was auswered so gravely in the affirmative that he then and there Liid the foundations for sev eral marvelous tales with which to as tonish future audiences. Will knew quite well that the thing he had in mind to do was a very delicate and difficult thing to undertake. That he, the trusted son of the commander, should attempt to smuggle au enemy inside the lines was no light matter. The thought of it rested not lightly on his conscience, but a refusal to aid the poor fellow on the island to see his dy ing mother would have rested more heavily stilL At any rate he meant to do it, and by the time the skiff touched bottom at her landing his plan was formed. Mak ing a careful survey of the lauding, and noting the shortest route out to the ojH'n water, he dismissed his companion withont ceremony. A few minutes' walk brought him to the big white gate of "The Garden." He summoned np all his courage and dignity and marched through the magnolia avenue. His apiearance was greeted with a consternation that was far from pleas ing. His request to see Miss Pnscott in private for a few moments seemed to freeze with terror the black maid iu waiting, but after a brief delay he was shown into a bright, flowery little room, which had a delightfully feminine and welcome look to eves long used to camp life. But the slender girl who met him with the air of an offended duchess had no welcome in her look. Ker manner was sadly chilling. Ten minutes later, how ever, she was holding his hand at the door and saying: "Mr. Denning, I never, never can thank you enough if you will do this! Mamma is a little better, and if she can see John for one hour it would do her more good than medicine. I will wait at the side gate for him, and he shall leave before daylight." There were a few more hurried ques tions and replies, and then Will was climbing the hill to a still more difficult interview. A night pass was not an easy thiug for which to ask his father, but he could not leave the fort without it. The colonel was a very quiet and somewhat stern man. and Will knew that the best way was the straightforward one. He made his request in the fewest words. "I am almost a mau, father," I. said, after he had made his request, "and I want you to trust me now, as yon have always done iu small matters. I can't tell yon about it now. but I am doing nothing wrong. I am only helping a poor fellow in great trouble. I know my mother would wish me to do it." "I don't doubt the excellence of your intentions. Will." said his father. "You can be trusted, I know; but are yon sure your heart has not the better of your head in this matter, and will get yon into some scraie?" "1 give yon my word of honor, sir, that in my circumstances I believe you would do just what I wish to do." Then here are your iipers, and re memlier it is the commander of the fort as well as your father who trusts you." Every leaf in the old cottonwotrl on the bank seemed to quiver as Will started on his lonely trip. The green band of light above the horizon had quite died away, and the river seemed blacker than the night. Things which were plain euough by daylight apeanil mysterious and fearful now, and every huge black shadow around the boat seemed to contain aa enemy. It was not pleasant t think of flj sunken snags an unfamiliar o:iisi:.:-:i might encounter, nor was that gtatMlv bend just alove, where the encroaching river cr.t far into the old cemetery, a ch-vring recollection. "I wiil not think of it!" he said. "It must !e nearly time for me to turn across to the Towhead. The current luay carry me down a little, but I would rather pull for it than stay on this side and get the horrors!" Ilis sharp, short whistle was answered by a figure leaping alxiard Ix-fore the skiff had fairly touched the shore. -I Vnew you would come," the young uuifc said. "At dark Nina put a light iu my witnUw just as she nscd to when 1 was out late i j jh river, and 1 knew you had lieen ther, B -fore we go any further tell m tht iam uf h person I am trnrtiug myself to," "The trusting is uot entirely on your side, Prescott. Do yon know what it means when I tell yon my name is Den ning?" "It means that if I play the rascal it would le worse for you to have helped me than for any one else. I see and I appreciate it." "The only way in which I can settle jt with my conscience is to consider you my prisoner on parole while you are in siitt the lines, and see yon safely outside before I leave yon." How about your picket? Fortunately for you he is up at the .old sawmill. He saw me, hailed me, and ot the password as I went up. Lie low now as we go by. He knows me and wilj merely wonder what I am about." As they jvere .swinging inshore by a raft of dviiiiijf logs a suppressed voice called to luiu; "John! It's Fred, fci it's 1J fig!. Yon slip off here and cut for W bL gate. Harry is there and Nina." "Now, Prescott." said Will," "it's 10 o'clock and I give yon nntil midnight Goodhy." It was a long walk. Will never for got those two hours alone on the great river at isight. All sorts of doubts and misgivings casue crowding into his mind as he listened to the mysterious nois.- of the night and the river. A bright Constellation which he had watched at home Rtv-med like the visit of a friend, as it came wheeling into sight over the bill. It cheered him not a little, but it was marching westward, rapidly before the paroled prisoner returned. 'Nina's cedar skiff is just here." Pres cott explained, as he came out promptly on time. "It is loaded with all I need for my jor.rncy. She has planned for everything, aud yon need only go half way with me. Denning. Your duty will be done then. Strike directly across, and miss your picket. We can make the Towhead by a liard p:;U ou the ether side at least I can." At daylight Will was in his father room agaio- if a!l ri.'li Will?" "All right, father, and I am not sorry I went." The talk of the town fouii'' the com-mnn.l.-mt't lxv'n intiiuacv with the Pres- cottsa nine days' wonder, nud scoffed not a little at the Prescott boys. But the intimacy continued, to the secret amazement of Colonel Denning, ami in ftcrvMM rinened into the friendship of a lifetime. Mary Stewart in Youth's Companion. TUe Drab Restaurateur. Some vears ago I was stopping in a western town. During the night n fire alarm was sounded and a crowd quickly gathered at the scene of the conflagra tion, which was in a building occupied by a grocer, the basement being nsed as a restaurant The fin-men soon had a stream of water playing on the burning building, which fio:led tho floor aud soon began to trickle down to the res taurant below. The proprietor, who was asleep, was soon aroused by the con fusion incident to a fire, and in a half drossed and half dazed condition rushed nn the steps and into the street shout ing at the top of Ids voice: "I can't speak! I can't speak!" The ludicrous ness of the scene can Wtter le imagined than descriljed. Detroit Free Press. The Seniiitive Tnrqunlite. The timinoise breaks on the death of its proprietor, aud itcliauges color when he is llL This last observation is per fectly true, and is certified to by all lapidaries. The same thing has been re marked of coral. "Not only do precious stones live," says Jerome Cardan, "but iV..- m liuliln to rvt sick, to suffer from the infirmities of old age and at last to die," Paris Figaro. From a Single liarley Stalk. Tests made under the auspices of the Roval Philosophical society with a sin gle barley stalk unfolded wonders which but few have ever thought even possi ble. By steeping and watering that one plant with saltpeter dissolved in rain water they managed to produce 24a stalks and over 1S,W0 grains. Philadel phia Ledger. Io- Hcury VIII Wrote. King Henry VIII of England wrote, says a contemporary critic, a strong hand, but as if he had seldom a good pen. Ho feems to have written in all the haste and vehemence with which he spoke, aud hence the untimely destruc tion of many au honest goose quilL New York World. P&rdoe, Moti!u M. Ernest Gu!ru l, th French mi.-ician, was renowned for a deferen tial courtesy. It i; Faid of hiu- ilat he was once overheard, on leaving his house, apologizing to himself for going first. London Globe. Completely Eua Down- "Oil City, Pa-, Dec. S 1'". Hood's Karsaparilla is tin? best medicine that we ever had in our house. There are times when my huslcind is completely run down but instead of sending for a doctor lie sends for two or three Urttles of Hood's Sarsaparilht, and after taking it he feels like a new man." Jennie Cox, 11H West Fifth SL Hood's Pills cure indigestion, biliousness. If cream is churned too warm, says a dairyman, the butter comes soft, of a pale color and dill'ieult to separate from the buttermilk; if too col J the cream sometimes foams ami butter refuses to break. For a pain in the chest a piece of flan eln dampened with C'lianil-erlaiu's Pain Italm and ltound on over the seat of the pain, and another on the back between the shoulder, will afford prompt relief. This is especially valuable in cases where the pain is caused by a cold and there is tendency towurd pneumonia. For sale by Iicuford's I'hannaev. The next lest thing to dehorning is to tit a metal blunt tip over the horns of cattle st as to prevent the horns from piercing when in play or anger they &iv p-ished against other animals. These tips can Ik? procured at mst hardware storos, and sawing oil" enough of the horn to make them a good fit is a pain less operation that does not require either skill or severe lalior. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, doers, Salt ltheuin, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapjietl Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give jerfcct satisfaction or money refunded. Price 21 cents jer Ikx. For sale at J. N. Snyder's drug store, Snerset, Pa., or at Brallier's drug store Berlin, Pa. Old Acquaintance I'm very glad to hear you're doing so well at last Are you still selling sewing machines to lad ies on the installment system? The Other Jumping no I've droj-IM-d that altogether. It's bicycles they all want to buv now. Not a few who read uli: t Mr. Koler Bow Is, of Hollands, Ya., has to say lie low, will reiiietulNT their o n experience under like eireunist.tiiees: "Iast winter I iiad la grippe which led lue in a low state tf health. I tried numerous reme dies, none of which did me amy gnd, until I was induced to try a Uittie tit ('liaiiiK-rlaiii's Cough Itemed-. The first Uittie of it so far relieved me that I was enabled to attend to my work, and the second Uittie effected a cure." For sale at 2" and ,") cents per Ixittie by Ben ord's l'j-irui ivy. It is known that there is considera ble didcrcnoe in the length of gesta tion of domestic animals. A French scientist ln-lievcs that it is in some de cree due to the warmth or cold to which the dam has lieen subjected. Cold weather he finds retards gestation. The exK-rimetits showing this were made with rabbits, which broed readily at all seasons, and w htse usual term of gesta tion is only six to seven weeks. "An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of euro." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup prevents con sumption by curing colds, aud all similar lung troubles. If carrots, rutalagas aud mangel wiulzcls, turniis and cabtmges are fed yith tlivetion to the cows, they con atltute a 4ic.'ti uiid valuable addition to the fording ration, and there will 1-e no isoUtiiible otttct ujwui the flavor tf the milk if fed immediately after milking. These certainly Increase the flow. Muuy mei chants are well' aware that their customers see thir best friends and take pleasure in supplying them with the lest cx!so! Asan instance wc mention Perry A- Cameron, prominei t druggists of Flushing. Michigan. They say: "We have ro hesitation in retum no nding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to our customers, as it is the best cough medicine we have ever sold, and always gives satisfaction." For sale at 25 and .V cents per bottle by Henford's Pharmacy. If. B. Gurier says the greatest loss of fat in the buttermilk that he lias ever found came from excessively sour j croaiiL There is much less danger of tenant rich in fat liecoming too sour than jL'iefe is from cream (hat is poor iu : fat TtM nervous syiten U weakened by the leuralgia Torture. Every nerre Is ctreaztbened la the car of It by The Emperor'g Dog. It was dark, and down a rot i red street in Paris a man nnle alone on horseback. Suddenly the horse stopjied as if fright ened. Then a man rose from the pave ment in the middle of the stroet ami junijK.'d to one side with a cry. ' The rider was angry, and exclaimed: "Are you drunk, man, that you lie alsiut in the middle of a dark street to get your self run over?" "Yhi might better lend a poor fellow a hand than scold in that way," ex claimed the other. "I had .'500 francs in gold in this bag, carrying it to pay a bill for my master, and the lug lias broken and it is all lost over the street If you have some matches they will do me more good than your curses." "It's no easy task to find hist money on a night like this," said the rider, dismounting. "I have no matches, but ierhnis I can help ytni. Have you any of the pieces left'."' "Only one," replied the unfortunate fellow, with a sob. "Give it to me," snid the other. The poor man hesitated, but the stranger repeated the words in a tone of authority, and the lust coin was handed to him. The stranger whistled and a great Spanish mastiff stood beside him. He held the coin to the dog's nose and, leaning to the rough pavement, said: "Find them." The dog sniffed the gold piece and liegan the search. One, two, th ree; he began bringing iu the coins and dropping them into his master's hand, while the poor servant stotnl by in silent wonder. Thirteen times he returned with a twenty-franc piece. Then, after a long search, he came back empty, witli a grunt that seemed to say: "There are no more." "Wc are ye t lacking one piece," said the stranger. "Are you sure there were just :.0 fiiii:s?'T "Sure assure can 1, sir," the servant replied. "Then bxik in the bag ngniii. There lililt In? olio left there.'' The man looked und sure enough found the last gold piece still there. "Oil, sir," heexelaimed, as the stran ger sprang into his saddle," you are my deliverer. Tell ine your name that my master may know who has done him such a service." "I have done nothing," said the stranger. "Tell your master that the one who helped you has a very good dog by the name of Joie." It was some years afterwards, when France had seen troubhil times and the royal family was no more, that the master was telling the incident to a party of friends, one of whom had been employed in the palace. "Joie! Joie!" he exclaimed, "There never was but one dog of that name and there never was a more remarkable ami faithful dog than he. He always accompanied his master when he went iu disguise alwtut the city" "Who was his master?" they all asked. The reply was brief: "The Kmieror Naiolootl." YoHtW C tiiiijirutioH. It is a Good Thing. I say this for Pan-Tina: I have boon in the drug business many years, and this is one of the most successful Cough remedies I have sold. A case in point, a neighbor, Mr. L. H. Nicodciiius, had a chronic Cough of six years' standing, which no medicine would relieve. I recommended Pan-Tina, and its efl'oct was magicul. It is a good thing. j. boss mati:i:i:, AlttMina, Pa. Pan-Tina is sold at 2 and 50 cents at G. V. Beiiford's drug store. Most of the brceos ot fowls that have topknots are gotd layers. But they can not protect themselves from hawks and owls where these aUiund, liecause their head covering prevents them from looking upward. The liest guard against hawks and owls is to keep a few guinea hens, which will rase their culiar and boisterous clamor every time they see a strange object iu the sky, and thus give warning to other fowls to seek shelter from the threaten ed danger. Two Valuable Friends. 1. A physician cannot W- always had. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, Bruises und Burns occur often and semetimes when least expected. Keep handy the friend of many hoii-eliolds ami the destroyer of all pain, the famous lied Hag Oil, irnts. '2. Many a precious life could- lie saved that is U ing racked to death with that terrible cough. Securo a gotkl night's rest by investing cents for a bottle, of Pan-Tina, the great remedy for Coughs, Colds and Con sumption. Bottles of Pan-Tina sold at G. Y. Beiiford's drug store. The Painful Condition pf Mr. J. C. Cameron I'.clr; tLc Experience of a New Cclli Lady, Interesting to All. )ne woman that we know of is r j ec'n pver her experience, and there are s many mere in New Casile sosiiuatcd tha they are not hard to find. If this in'.eret you, and you know of v.o one to ask uIhju'.. or verify, the sUtcnieuls that we ar, making, we will say Ib it yot can f:n pretty food endorsement at &5S Moravi. street, where resides Mrs. J. C. Canu-ron. Said she to our Representativi : "I b-.ivi had kidney disease for the p.-st eight oi Dine years; by spells I have sulTcru! every thing with my back and kidneys; I ha. an extra severe attack aliout a :t:o:i;!i a--.; I was in bed for a week ami nearly wild with the pain in my back and in fae low. i part of my abdomen, which cxtcmh-d se;i np to my shoulder blades; I could not lif. I could not sweep or do anything; it 1 attempted anything of the kind I wu3.1 feel as though tny back were 'giving away,' part of the time I was bert over and could not straighten nn; urination Kfs accompanied by the ci:t fciriul .distress; the passage was scanty. da:k colored and unnatural in eviry w.iv; somehow it seemed as though I could n t get any help. While laid up in bed I beard about Doan's Kidney Pil's. and I tras so anxious to get some relief that I entdowo to Button's drug store tor some, and ftfter the first three or four d-ises I was able to notice a difference, while, in a short time, I could get up and be around again; I actually have no pain cow what ever in my back or at urination, which it perfectly natural. I can truthfully s.i that Doan's Kidnev Pills have do ic me more good than all the other medicine I have ever used. If other suiTt-iers on'y knew what a boon they arc; r.nd I earnestly wish they may know and b.- re lieved, for Doan's Kidney PilU w ili do it." For sale by all dealers; price, SO rni'i. Mailed by Foster-Milburu Co., Bu :T1 j. tf. Y, sole stents for the U. S. THIS PAPER YfiTT TAN FIND A AA&V A f- Ww &! im Pitt v th - h nt the A4Hrtiiiif liurisu uj rSKHEinGT01T BROS. Entitled to Confidence. Mr. (I. V. I Sen ford, Druggist, should have the confidence of this community; his calling is one of responsibility; very often precious lives are entrusted to his care; taking the agency for selling the celebrated Bed Hag Oil should U a guarantee, it will do all (hat is claim ed for it, and no remedy excels it for the quick cure of Bhctimatism, Neu ralgia, Sprains ami all liotlily pain. Price, ij cents. Whether the water for the cows should be art itieiallv warmed or not may depend uiwm circumstances. If there be a good stream of water which does not freeze there will lie little neces sity for warming, but if the supply U so small that it cannot otherwise lie kept from freezing, the warming will le found profitable. The Moon and the Wires. I saw the union liritflit, full nut! round. It licl iu iieiiins o'er all tlie gnmml. Ami lli. n tlicrvrum" this llumirlit to me Our wlvcsjiist like tlint moon should lie. I-':tlr, full, all roiimlitl out und bright And ' their ir"ciice shedding licht. Yes, and they will be if iu time of any functional derangement or organic troubles, they take Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription. No woman should keep house without it. It is a curt? for tho "complaints" peculiar to her sex. Hog Eating in Mexico. The tlog meat business continues, de spite the stern examples thai have been made of its venders. A jHilicenian seized a man named (lenaro Perez, passing through the alley of Ltts (Jach upines, who bore a suspicious-looking bag, which, on examination, disclosed the skinned carcass of a large dog, with the lower part of the legs cut oil', so as tv prevent tl.e recognition of its species. Monsieur Perez was taken to the ili(v station tothethird IK-inarcu-eiou to lie examine as to the anteivd eiits of his tlog meat, which, it is shrewdly susp.t-ted, was destined to ba mad-.' into savory dL-hes sold at the puestos, under the arcades. We are getting fast to lie like Canton ami other big Chinese towns, where tlog is sold without shame and partaken of with gusto. Mi rintu HvrnUL Weil Satisfied with Ayer's Hair Vigor. "Nearly forty years ago, aftef Home weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray. I liegan using Ayer's Hair Vigor, and was so well satis fied with the results that I have never tried any other kind of dress ing. It requiresonly an occasional appli- cation of AYFFT. V. ( . - - - bil i- it.,;- i-;- i-. my hair of good color, to remove : dandruff, to heal itching humors, and prevent the hair from falling out. 1 never hesi tate to recommend Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs. II. JI. IIaiuht, Avoca, Ncbr. mm LrO Hair Vigor Prepared !y Dr. J.C. A yer k Co., Lowell, Mm. Take Ayer's Saruparilla for the Complexion. Progressive agriculture is not an unmeaning phrase. By the inve ntion of the butter extractor only we get rid of the legion of old-fashioned ami cumbersome implements and utensi!s which come between the milk pail and the butter package, ami are relieved of a vast amount of trouble antianxiety beside. Did You Ever Try Kleetrie Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, git a Uittie now and get relief. This medicine hasUvn found to l.t peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Com plaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to the organs. If you have Iti-s of Apjittite, Constipation, Headache, Fainting Sjv.-lls, or are N.-rvous, Sleep less, Kxcilable, Melancholy or troiiMt d with Dizzy Spells, Kleetrie Bitters is the medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaranteed by its use. Fifty tviits and ?I.H :.t J. N. Snyder's drug store, Somerset, Pa., or at Bral lier's drug store, Berlin, Pa. V ii 1 1 ? i v t ! ) i j ? invite I to say gt' ic. at public dmiH-r. Sving a cleric:;! hxikinggentlem-r.i father down the table he thought it would lie no more thanb c uing to ask him tootli ciate, so turning to him he s iid, 'won't you aska bl-ssing? The clerical look ing party put his hand to his ear and re pliitl, "sivak 1'Hider, please. I am so d tleaf I can't hear you." The dea con did not press him. TRUTHS SHORTLY TOLD. Dr. Sadler Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Sjiftaeli's correctly adjusted cure headache. When your eyes are crook ed ytiu only see with one. Have them straightened. ( rfnlufi of U'lieflt, ami no danger. Scaly edge-s of litis indi cate hnjMTfect sight Perfectly fitted glasses remove the cause, when the lids can lie soon cured. Vhvrs o'i the eye often leave se.irs and defective sight for life. Prompt consultation of thi? d.wtor will save your eyes and many dollars. (iriiii''ifi rl J.'i-Jh soon produce' "scums" over the sight; liegin at once. Cataract is an opacity of the lens be hind the pupil; its removal is the only cure and a critical operation. Dr. Sadicr has restored !7 out of lull. M-xt eau of deafness are caused by iid.N, scarlet fever, nieii-les and chronic catarrh. Neglect of treatment Is the next don't delay skillful treatment, the !ict is itor enough and eheaMst by all odds. OI t ructions to 1-reathii.g through the nose, lessen the oxygvn to your lungs-, poison your b!td and enfeeble your general health. Dr. Sadler will give you the :ih st skillful treatmciit,-,viih 'Si years e:.-pcri'-Mv to guide him. S'l Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. CONDENSED TIME TABL3S. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. Somoraet and Cambria Brano HORTHVAKD. Jo'iiik!o.i Mult Kxpniw. IlockwntMl . in.. S.:!..-isct I K Slt.yesoiwa -l:-A Hoov ers' i He Johiistou'll i Johnstown Mull Kx press. K.irk wood I0:-7) . in., suiifict I :!., (Mtivenlown 11:4-1, ltsv-entvtll- ll: rl, Jtihimtow n lid p. m. Johnstown AeromiiitnliititMi. Ilockwoin! H:'6 p. in., Hoincix-1 ti:Jlstoyt-ttiwm:t Utrnv rrvi!le : 41, Jolnihtowu TmU. Dally. SorTHWARD. Mall. Johnstown ;:. m.. Hmivervllle7:ll. Htoycklowu 7;-ij, -Somenict 7:ji, Ittx-kwooJ Elprewi. lohnntown 2:1 p. llotivemville 3:11, Sl.ivMu ti 3ili, Stiinewt S:s Koek vwid 4:i"i. Kundajr Hily. Joliniiiown 8:30, Somerset 1 fcOl ICuekwtHitl 10:ii. YOUR EYE! Wevant to catch It ! DKNNSYLVAN I A UA I LBOAD. ttarenn tnoaro time IN EFf EOT MsY 20, 1895- ri.Mir.Nsrn NCIIKUI.'IK. Trnlniirrlv- nn.l ilert from the- l;ill.n at JuliiiKtown iu lollowa: VIiTWilD wotfn KvprM - 4.VI a. ni. SuMilhwcsliTM KxnreM - u Joliiisiowii Ace.iiiiiinxl i'1'Mi : -7 " AccoiiiiiitnUllon Hi " Pitr!(c Kxpn-wt " Wav l'iu inter - & l.ul Kt 1An P-J"- JolumtoWU Ai-emiiiiHhil'n r.-V -EASTWARD. Atlantic Fxpnms ... Si.-m-li.ire Kpn-s A ll.a.iei AecoliillliMlulloll. I my Kin- Main l.i iir Kxpnw .1:01 a. m. A:' " :-! " ism " I'M KVKUV FAUM Kit In Somerset ('t.iinty w1h has atird or Hemlock Hark or a Hide to tli.-ptrtoorwill find tliatth t")N FLUKXt'K T.VXXKKV '., will pay tho highett cash prices Tor tho saint?. Write for quotation to WIXSLOW S. I'oIJB CO., Coullueiice, Ta. !i,n-i A.-. ..Miiwxlalioli .IJ:!'-' p. in. ."i:iil Kxpr.-st 4:11 " Johnstourn AtitMnimstatloii : rikllsolelphiu K.pres - T.I " Line - -....IV.M " For mien, maps, A-.,r:ll on Tick.-l A'.-entH or tt.l tr. 'I Ihm. K. Wiitl, V. A. W. 1'., 120 Kinii Av.-iine, i'ltc-iburi;, S. M. l'rrvo-t, J. It. W.kkI. Iien'l Mun.ojcr. ii n'i IiifAe IMPOKTAJtT TO AUtFRTISERH. Tlio cream of tlio country pajra is founl ia llemington'a County 2seat Lists. Fhrcwd aJTcnisers avail theuisclvca of tlieoo lists, a copy of which can bo bai of Iteiniiigtoa Eros of New York & rittslHiri.'. THE NAME OF THE NEXT PRESIDENT IITED STATES of ite 0! WlUi 15K AXXI X KI IX TIlB NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE OF NOVEMBER 4, 189G. Public interest will steadily increase, ami the disiippointliieiit ofthe men whose votes tunietl thu scale'nt the lat elet lioii, wirli the results under the ad ministration they elected, will make the campaign the most intense excitingly in thu history of the country. The ftew York Weekly Tribune, the leatlinj; Itepnblie.m family newspaper of the l iiitcl Sialic, w ill publish all the political news of the day, interest mj; to every American citizen re-anliet-s to parly atliliatious. Also general news in attractive f..rm, foreign eorrrspoiidenef? inyerins the n -ws .r tho worbl, an aurieuHiind tlepaitiiient sotiuid to none in the country, market reports w hich are recognized niithorily, fascinating short storii-s, ttmiplete in each number, he cream of the humorous papers, foreiu'n and domestic, w ith their Im -t comic piet nres, fashion plates ami elaborate descriptions of woman's ullire, with a varie I an.l attractie deparliuent of household interest. The New York Weekly VV.'ooo- is an Ideal family paper, w ith : circulation larjjer than that of any other weekly publica tion in the country K-ued from the olVn-e of d lily. c!i:injj are lieins made in its details tending to tfive it -r life and variety, an I t-pe-ially more interest to tho women and youuu people of the hoip-ehoM. A KPIX'IAIi t'ONTHACT enables us toeifilr this splendid journal and The . Somerset . Herald ONE YEAR FOR CT4LY $2.00. CASH IN ADVANCE. SUDSCr.irTIONS MAY begin at any time. Addr. ss all orders to TI I K 1 1 K 1 1 A I A3. Write yoar naraf anl adlri a a psdil cirJ, s?nl it t;r. W . Hc-st. room 2 Tribune Itiiildiuz , New York City, ami sample rspj T The ew Yrh Weekly Tribune will be mailed 1 jou. THE BEST ils None Too Good When You B - MEDICINES.; It is Just as Iiiiix.tfant to ,Seur; FRESH, PURE DRUGS At it i To Have Confidence in the r)jUian lo ' litem. AT SNYDER'S Yoii are always Biire of getting the freshest medicines-ppi- , '"r- ' lilrT'f. Cart-fully C'oiHetiiiditL TRUSSES IFITTKn All ofthe lieut and Most Apjiroced Tritr Apf in ' iyrtUfactton guaranteed. OPTICAL GOODS. GLASSES FITTED TO SUIT THE EYES. CALL AND HAVE Y' ' SIGHT TESTED. JOHN N. SNYDER, Somerset, - 1 IT WILL PAY YOU Te Bt'Y Vul U Xeniorial Work or WM. F. SHAFFER, ."UMEll-SKT, I'KNX A. Manufacturer of ami iKsileria Eastern Work FuniUhitl on Short Notlep mm hd nm mi Al, Afia the WHITE MLi )X.E ! Pcrm!' in need of M.iiiumt nt Work wiil flnd tt ! tifir hit.r.-! to fall at my li-. wlipe a prtijT showiii!? will Im- irivrn Hnin. -s.iu-Lii'iioii in t-v.-ry r-is.-, mil! I rievs very low. 1 iuviu- sjxvial ulU-nUuu U he White Brome, Or Pure Zino MjnumiM introduord l.y It.-v. W. A. Hinir. ns a d fi.i.d 'mnrtivfin. n't in t!i- int of M;il-ri:il an t iHintru'tioii.Miul whieii id.stin.'l to Ik- tho popnhir M.iiuiiiiciit for our cliaiiKcalile t'ii nulc. tiive usaoall. M.. F. SHAFFER, Louther's Drug Store Main Street, Somerset, Pa. ThisHodsl Drug Store is Rapidly Eeccning afe Favorito with People in Search cf FRESH . AND . PURE . DRUGS Jlcrficincs, Bye Sttitfs, Sponges, Trv Supporters, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, &c. THE lHTolt OIVE-i rtVJUt AL ArrEXTIO.- TO THE r'.ll M..., ,,f Loatisr's PresGriplionsl Full? lit rem ecinu t. kf to rr. only azs it he .enr:- i.i.4. SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, And a Full Line of Optical G00J3 always on hand. Fro: r. largo a--joi all can le suite J. THE FINEST BMHDS OF CIGAES Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display out to intending purchasers, whether they buy from us cr el?here. J. M. LOUTHER M. D. MAIN STREET - - SOMERSET. Fi C vcr 500 beautiful T J t j .. ki QlreulzTT. l 4 Somerset Lumber Ya? ELIAS CUNNINGHAM, MAirf AtTl-BEH AID DEALEK ASD WllOLESALC AND IiKt :Ll;. ur Lumber and Building Materials. Hard and Sotfc "Wood 4 y wtiii'-V" e. 1 VQUU W CNT L E SO N 2 E C 0 ' t- A U .::ttf.K)Ki' r. ; t Oak, Poplar, MdlngR. Italnut. Yellow Pine, I'loorlnj, (kerrj, MiiuRle, Ii!r, I.alh, UhitePine Illiuil, Plkr(, n!di Sali. Slur Raik IalntterN. urntnnt wcl P-!, I'.IP. A i !; r..l iim-nf n'1 r...l.-of I.umthT u:vl liuil.liiijjSI.iIi-ri ;! anil !J V I ; Bl.H-k. Aixi, r-.iu fumUb anything in U.- line uf our tu:ii , ',):. I. r u.tu r. . bte prutitiitiiffe, such as bnwkctii, 0".l'l-Ui'l work, 1 1-, Elias Cunningham, Office nl Turel Upposllr S.H.CE. Station, S01EMJ d FR HELP Result of a Prompt Reply Two Open Letters that Should Prompt Thousands of American Women to Go and Do Likewise Little Falls, Minn., May u, 104. "Iam sutVoring-, ami mod vr. -.r niil. I Jiave tc-rri!.lo pains in I" "-.1 suies. cxtcntling1 eiown t tlie :r"..t of my lini!sami levor part f '-' l.aok, attondoil lv Laclcu'lie 'I :' 1 7 . f ' 1 II- -'-w-C Zr: " , V -?'-C-C - . Vx M&n' ' m the of the nk a:M iS $Mr( V opiates to quiet the pain. I have a VP 'A:JJMWB hkt am nervous- and cannot star,!. CPi W"' Sylv doctor savs I must keep m he-1. 1'! 2J " m0 I J -lace myself under your eare. . Whsr cSSfS&t I ' am" :ml? twenjylone years J WP&i & mMknd o-- youn- to sullVr so im h.. tJAifeJ Mrs. Charlks Iurkik. s w?f x I V T The c2ve letter from Mrs. Parker c rtceiveJ by Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn. .Mas--. Mar J 5. anJ received a prompt rcp!y. The fjllov.jrs.T lejttfr reached ilp. pinkhani iie inonthj later. Note he result: I-inn: Fails, Minn,, Sept, ji. I eleem it mv ilutv 10 :i::u-'r the tact to mv ie'l-jW' suih-i ers . aa iemale complaints tliat Ljiiia u Pinkham's treatment and V;;v talle Compound have entirely e .a "! n:e of all the pains and suiter:-I was c-ndurin"-when I wote !u-r May. I followed her advice to the letter, and tlie result is simply wonderful. Mav I leaven h'e lier and the jcood work she is doinj for our sex! If you are sick or in trouble write to M Pinkham. I ler advice invariably brings relief. Your letter will be received, read and answered by one of our own sex." Mrs. Oiari ks Pauki:- v 1 Druggists say there is a tremendous demand for Lydia U. Pinkhams Vegetable Com: ; t:! "!: and it is doing lots of good, that is tho blessed thing it," ' - e k 5 $ 'i 'i 'i 'i ? C e Tbree Books Worth Getting: "Guide to Health," "Woman's Beauty, Peril, Duty," "Woman's Triumph-These are I Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass.