The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, August 28, 1895, Image 4

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Vj little sou. who look'd from thomrhtf ul rrts
And taoT'd and spoke in qui--t, grown upwise,
Havir.c mj lav the evvcnth time disobrved,
I Ktm k him and di-rciwi'd
Wnh barti worris and tirkiV.,
His m"tlx-r. ho " jistirnt, brine dead.
"lb n. ff-arinK left his trif bhould hindursleep,
1 visited his bed.
But f,uil hi:u ulnmbf ring dei-p,
Vith darkened t-y. lid and their Issues yet
From his Ute aoLbmg wet.
And I, with moan,
Kissinff aaay hi t.-nrii, U ft others nl my own,
ir nn a t'."!e drswu beside his hi-ai
lie h;id r'". "ilhin bis reach.
A rx of c.:iitr- and a rd vcin'd rtone,
A ju.-re of clss abraded by the bcoc&
And six or seven Kiiells,
Jl l.-.Uie with UaelKlU
And two French copper coins, rang-'d there
with careful art
To conifurt hi sad heart,
ho when that nicht I prayed
To Uod and wept and siJ:
'Ah. when at last we lie with tranced breath,
Kut rexine thee in death.
And thou rememberest of what toys
v.- make our joy.
JInw weakly understood
Thy frcat commanded good.
Thin, fatherly not lesa
Than I whom thon haxt molded from the day.
Thou 'It leave thy wrath and say,
1 will be aorry for their childishness.' "
Coventry rat more in Church Standard.
Jn-lah Flyat and a Companion Wind I p
a Study of Tramp Life In England by a
VWt to a -Spike" Meeting With a
threat Friend of Mark Twain.
Joc-iah Flyiit, who Las piveu intorcst
ins Ftwii-s ou tramp life in Germany
tuid in tins country, has extended his
investigations to England. He writes a
fi:ipT entitled, "Two Tramivs Li Eng
land" in Century. and his com
panion, a German student, completed a
tour thremgh the provinces with an ex
perience in a extr.J" at Sotting Hill,
Lend' n. Mr. Flynt ---rites :
We appeared at the dor of the ward
rdKjut half i.-t 7 in the evcuitijr. A lit
tle window was raised, and I rtt pjx-d
forward to state my business, rucon
i. iou.-ly I leamd against tlie sill ft the
window, which ciffended the iii-cctor
in charge considerably.
"What's your name?" he thundered.
Still leauius on the sill, I gave him my
ijame honestly enough. He then remark
ed to some person inside tliat we were
Hot avustomed to such places evident
ly, and called out, "Stand back, will
v, iu ! " Back I stood. He cried out again,
'Take off yonr hat !" My hat came off
instauter. Still again: "You come in
lirre as if you was a lueeleeonary. You're
not You're a casual. " I was as meek
as could well be. Ryborg was itching to
jsrab the inspector with his long arms.
The nest qm-stion was as to where we
had slept the night before.
"Straw etack," I replied.
"None of your impudence! You slept
out Why don't you say eo? Have you
got any money?"
"A "hnp'onny, sir."
"Hand it iii." In it went Then I
liad to fill my trade, which was that of
a sailer, and naturally the nest question
v as as to where I wis bound
"To Auicriky, sir, if I can ever get
tli-re. "
" Yob";-T":.ii to tramp it, aren't you?"
"Yes, sir; that's my intention." But
f.r the life of me I could nut fcte how I
was to reach America that way. I was
so frightened that I would have told
l:im anything he wanted.
When he was through with us, a kind
hearted attendant took us iu hand, gave
r.s some grael and bread, a bath, clean
liight hhirus, and tlien a cell apiece, in
v liich w slept very well.
As there were only four inmates that
morning we were needed for the clean
jug up, and so escaped stone breaking,
vhich I dreaded exceedingly, und were
put at various light occupations or
rather I was. Ryborg was the victim of
Lis strength. Our breakfast consisted cf
the same dish as our supper of the night
lief ore. I was soon busy as general fire
man, soTuhter, knife cleaner, coal car
rier, dish washer and helper of my sis
ter sufferer, Mrs. Murphy, ua s'le wash
ed her task of towels and shirts. At
in ton we had jea snp and bread. I ea
j"Vitl it, bnt Kylmrjr did not The poor
fellow was feeling badly. He had had
to scrub nearly 20 cells, and the bend
ing over incident to such a feat had
nearly. broken his back. At diu'jer he
said plaintively, "Flynt, I want to go
oine." "So do I." I replied, "but I
fancy we're wanted here till tomorrow
morning. " This proved to le the case,
l ut he felt better iu the afternoon and
p.t through comfortubly, whvling n-. ar
ly a ton of stone from some of the cells
to the general pile. Ho earned Lis
"keep," if ever any poor prisoner did
I fear I was more shiftk-ss. for about
the middle of the afternoon the attend
ant who was with me at the furnace
said: "You might as well rest Just
keep your eye on the fires, that's alL"
It was kind of him, and as I had at
le:tft carted my pea SJup and grut l I
to k h's advice: He was kinder to me,
I think, because I gave Lim a corncob
pij which he had had to take away
from me the night before. During the
day he hd asked me several questions
about it, and I baid, "It's a very d.-cent
pert of pijtc cooliulike, you know."
"Doesn't Mark Twain always smoke
tine o th( m pipes?" said he.
" Blest if 1 know," said I, "but lean
veil think it"
"I'm a great friend of Mark Twain, "
lie pursued, "an I'm H-thiuk:n o' gettin
me o' them pipes, jest out of restxtt for
"Well," said I, "permit mc in the
name of your respect to present yon
with my pipe. Besides you've get itauy
Lc.w. " Ho thanked me profusely, and
I romised to keep it forever. Later in the
tiay he reported it to 1 just as I hud
said, "sort o' cooliu like." And he was
a p-l friend to uie all the rest of lay
stay iu the Xotting Hill station.
Oh Wudnesdav morning we were turn
ed h? with our two ha'pennies. We
vcre lioth so happ-y that we decided to
get T tiie n ad thai very day.
We hud W-eu tramps for thre? weeks,
und had walked most of this timo fai:y
1 5 n:i les a day. So v,e looked nji my
friend at the Temple, and in a few hours
were respectable again. That tame day
1 took my tramp clothes out to the casual
ward and presented them to my friend
the attendant I had told him the day
before that I exixct-d to get new "togs"
ioeu, and he had put in a plea for my
l id ones. Good luck to him and them.
iTofit in Soda 'FMatalna.
A New Orleans man named May
told me that his yearly profit from his
soda fountain were f:Jt).0lH. One ban
":crs, a Octroi tor, who owns an fs,0t0
fountain, the finest displayed at thft
World's fair, dn rushing business,
;jid his sales run from fiOO to TotJ per
day the year round, la Buffalo Stod
o.i'd Broti. employ 30 gh ls to handle
ice cream sjda, and it takes .ttOO glass
es to accomnitxlatc their trade. They
sell it at 5 c nts a glass, and there is a
litt profit of just 100 jvrcent Iu Bos
t.m Thomjisou's Spa, tlie gtvatest soda
res.rt lit tiie Hub, easily clears for its
w u r $00,000 a year. There are in tbo
United States JoO.OoO fountains in op
eration, jind luiiuufactnrer jue getting
i;iore ordtTt now th:ui they ever got be
fore. Washington I'ost
lUfoauaa For (ardea tAeeoratioa.
It is now getting to be well under
stood that many plants that it was
thought could only be grow n under glass
do remaikably well in our climate un
der snmrner shade. The begonia is es
pecially suited to this summer work.
The writer came across a little piece of
rockwork constructed under the shade
of some large trees, iu tv hich the whole of rocks was completely covered
w ith species of begonia. Every night, or
nearly every night, water was sliowered
tin tliem through a hose from a hydrant
Nothing could exceed the bttiuty uf this
mass. Meehau's Monthly.
A mean Luidliad raised" the rent of
one cf his houses because the walls have
tolged out, and tlierefore made the
Louse Lirer..
Bow a Teaaa Got a Good Meal at Gen
eral's Expenae.
Mr. Gofts iu his "Recollections of a
rrivate," qu-ites the remarks of a Con
federate alxmt two famous leaders under
w hnm he had fought This man said of
Stonewall Jackson, "If you una had
some good general like him, I reckon
tou uns could lick we una." When ask
ed whether be liad eer seen General
Lee, he replied: "Yes; I was a sort of
orderly for Uncle Roliert for awhile.
He's a mighty calinlike man when a
fight is going on. "
This story is told of General John B.
Magruder :
"Our General Magruder thinks a pow
erful heap of what he eats and wears.
He allers has a right smart of truck.
"There was a Texas feller one time
who had straggled from his brigade,
and he were a pert one, he were, stran
ger. He were hungry enough to eat a
general, buttons and all that Texas
feller were. He saw Magrnder'a table
all spread, with a heap of good fixin's
on it, and I'll be hanged if he didn't
walk iu, pert 88 ?ou Ilease grabhed a
knife and fork and opened fire all along
the line on them fixin's.
"Magruder heard something in his
tent and hurried in and a-A'cd that Tex
as chap what brought him thar. The
Texan 'lowed he were hungry. Then tho
general, stiff and grandlike, said, 'Do
you know, sir, at w hose table you are
"The Texas chap, he kept drivin in
the pickets on them chick'ns, and he
said to the gon'raL said he, 'No, old
boss, and I ain't noways partie'lar, nei
ther, since I've come solderin. ' "
"What did Magruder do?" a.-:ked a
Yankee listener.
"Do? Why, he saw them chicken fix
in's were spiled, and he jest put his
arm under his coattaiL pulled his hat
over his eyes and walked out And that
Texas boss didn't leave auything on that
tliar table 'cept the plates not even his
"Who were he? Well, no matter. He
hadn't no manners, he hadn't Ha were
lowerfnl hungrv, stranger, that chap
A Fortunate Accident.
"I am lost !" the prima donna sobbed.
"My years of hard study have gone for
nothing. "
"Alas, what is the matter?" asked
her maid
"My prospers are ruined, all through
a wretched accident Just as I was ap
proaching the end of my aria a horrid
bug flew on the stage and lit on my
"And yon screamed?"
"I did What rise could I do? It was
my last scene and I had no chance to re
deem myself. "
The bell sounded and the maid an
nounced a m:in from the theater.
"Show him in," said the prima don
na. "I may as well meet my fate at
once. It is my dismissal from the com
pany. "
"Sense nie, ma'am, fur disturbin
you," said the visitor, "but dd manager
wants to know did you rau away from
vonr curtaiu recall 'cause you was tok
"No. I am perfectly welL "
"All right That'll e.vse his mind
Ho says that screech you let out at the
wind up was the fim-st high C he's
heard in years and you've got the town
crar.y over you." Washington Star.
Gslvanie lironiiuc.
By means of a recent French improve
ment the process of galvanic bronzing
is said to have leeu male not only more
simple, but capable also of giiii'g every
tone, from that of barbedhin bronze to
antique green, gorenwd by the-leugth
of time that the copper is allowed to
remain in contact with the liquid Aft
er the piece h;is been well scoured it is
covered by means of a brush with a
mixture composd of 20 parts of castor
oil, 0 of alcohol and 40 parts each of
soft soap and water. Thus treated, the
piece left to itself for a period of 24
hours becomes bronzed, and if the dura
tion of contact be prolonged the tone
changes, a very great variety of tones,
pleasing ia tln-ir appearance, being ob
tainable in this ui:u:ucr. The drying is
finally effected with hot sawdust, the
only remaining nj-eratiou being then
that of coating the piece with a color
less vami.-h L.rgi ly diluted with alco
hol, thus insuring work of the finest
character. New York Sun.
At the I'rarly Gates.
St Peter (from within) Who agi
tates the celestial latclistring?
Strong Voiced Shade TisI, the new
woman. A mere man is with me.
St IVter 'Tis well Let each state
his attributes.
New Woman You know me. I came,
I saw, I n.mjuered.
The Mere Man My office is to salute,
submit and sui render.
St. Peter The I's have it Plaeyour
sycephant on the toboggan and step iu
lide. Washington Tunes.
Voice of Experience.
Grimier. Dvrg at a hotel is, it
t ;us to j:e. tne saddest thing on earth.
B.irrot: There is only one thing sad
ler living at a hotcL Chicago Trib
inc. Diplomatic.
"Mr. Hawkins," said she, "I wish
you'd d"ciIe a lict between mc and Mr.
Barrows.- He says it is only ."iOO fee:
fnni here to tho hotel, iuid I my it is
l.'M,; f.-t."
"WelL" said Hawkins, "I should
say you were both right. It's ul nt SDU
tf Barrow's f.ftand 1.000 of yours."
London Tit-Bits.
The confid 'nee of musicians in their
onu accin;.!ii:l:nients is often a matter
of men inicnt to other people. A certain
painist had performed M'veral sonatxs,
to the not too great tlcliglft if a private
company, v.heu tlie) hostess thought
proix-r to ct.nipliiiient him nod.-rate!y.
"Your playing is remarkably fiiif, Mr.
Koys," she sa:L
Tl:e pianist waved his hand deprcoat
itigly. "Really, madam," he Kiid. "tlie
credit docs not belong to me, if I an.
endowed w.tli genius by a higher pow
er!" Youth's Companion.
Too Fnnny by Half.
"Do you keep bloo&rt-rs to rent?" she
asked ns she sailed into a fashionable
dressmaker's on Fulton street
"No," said the polite salesman, "but
we keep materials for n pairing rents in
bloomers. Have you"
But she w:ts gone. Brooklyn Eagle.
Ia 1 4C2 the cold was so severe iu Rus
ia that the Baltic sea was frozen over.
Ia 1400 this ocenrred sgain, and horse
men rode from Denmark to Sweden.
The f:eaoa Why.
New Parson Which do you like best,
Willie, your L:y school or your Sunday
Willie M Sunday schooL
New Parson I am glad to hear that.
Why do you like your Sunday school the
Willie Because it is only once a
week. Brooklyn Eagla .
Conductor That's a French coin, sir.
I c:ui't take it
Passenger You can't? You gav. it
to me iu change this morning.
Conductor WelL you see, I'm more
particular than you are. Londou
la the office of the Lv-s Momes Regis
tcr is the best barometer iu the state. It
consists of an ordinary rojie attached to
tlie carrier box between the first and
fourth floors, making it nearly CO feet
long. This rope is wonderfully sensitive
to changes in tho atmosphere." At h-ast
24 hours before tlie average rain it be
gins to tighten by the absorption tf
moisture. Its predictions nearly always
come truu.
The "Camphor Tonene" of a Wild bnt In
offensive Race.
One of the queerest languages in the
world, used for the qu-en st purposes,
is the "camphor huiguage" of Johore,
n country of the Malay peninsula. It has
latelv lieen studied and reported upon
bvMr. Lake, au English engineer in
the service of the sultan of Johore. This
language is called the "Pantang Ka
pnr," or camphor Lmgnnge, and is used
by the natives and all others who are
engaged in gatlicring the product of tho
Malavan camphor tree and only at that
time." If they used either of the lan
guages of the region, the Malay or the
aboriginal Jakuu, the natives believe
that they could not' obtain any camphor,
and for a most curious reason. Tho cam
phor tree, Dryoblanops camphora, grows
abundantly in certain .rarts of the pe
ninsula, but only occasionally contains
camphor crvstals. The camphor is not
tne game as mat hjuihi uvm im-vum-!
iihar laurel of x ornnsa and Japan,
i , - - . 1. . . . t ,1.. iwjliniw Mm.
WU1CU IB IU WUUl Ul UK- iuuiuua j .....
phor of commerce. It is a sort very
highly prized by the Chinese in the em
balming of their dead, in incense and in
medicine, and the gum brings much
more than the common camphor.
The Mahiyans und other Johore na
tives believe that each species of tree
has a spirit or divinity that presides
over its affairs. Tho spirit of the cam
phor tree is known by the name of Bi
son literally "a woman." Her resting
place is near the trees, and when at
night a peculiar noise is heard iu tlie
woods, resembling that of a cicada, the is believed to be singing, and
camphor w ill surely be found in the
neighborhood. Bat tlie spirit of tho cam
phor tree seems to be jealous of tlie pre
cious gum and must be propitiated, mid
if she knows that hunters are in quest
of it she will endeavor to turn their
6teps aside. So it is necessary to speak
in a tongue which she does uot under
stand For this purposo the "camphor
language" h:is been invented. It con
sists of a mixture of Jakuu and Malay
words, bnt these are curiously altered
and reversed, and tlie natives positively
believe that the divinity of the camphor
tree is completely confused The Jaktins
who hunt the camphor arp one of tlie
wildest of people, but inoffen.-ivo. They
Jive together with monkeys, dogs, cats,
iaunn.-r.ible fowls and perhaps a tamo
horubill iu iierfect harmony under mov
able loaf shelters bnilt ou poles ia th
woods. Boston Traveller.
The Invincible Armada.
The invincible ainiada was a famous
naval expedition sent by Thilip II cf
Spain against Enghiud iu 10S8. It con
sisted of 130vesseLs, 2,400 great gnus,
4,575 quintals of powder, nearly 20,000
soldiers, aKive 8.000 sailors and more
than 2,000 volunteers. It arrived in tho
English channel on July 19 and was de
feated the next day by Admiral How
ard, who was seconded by Drake, Haw
kins and Frobisher. Eight fire ships
having been sent into tho Spanish fleet,
they bore off in great disorder. I'rofitiug
by the panic, the English fell upon them
and captured or destroyed a number of
f heir ships, and Admiral Howard main
tained a running fight from July 21 to
July 2", with; such effect that the Span
ish couiinaud.-r, tl.-spairmg of success,
resolved to return Loins., and as escape
through the English channel was pre
vented Ly contrary winds ho undertook
to sail around the Orkneys, but tho ves
sels wLie-h s;i!I remained O him were
dLirsed by storms or shipwrecked
among the rocks and shallows on differ
ent parts of the Scottish and Irish coast,
and upward of 5,000 men were drown
ed, killed or taken prisoners. Of the
tvbols armada o'i ships only returned to
ffpai'i, and these in a wretched condi
tion. ThaJiigUsb, lost but one ship.
Brooklyn Eagla.
Animals That Cotcmit Sairida,
Intelligent observers have testified to
facts which appear to show that in cer
tain circumstances the snake, scorpion
and even some qnadrujKds commit sui
cide. M. Henry, a clue?- manufacturer of
Longnyon, France, has recently described
u exp-crimcnt of the kind which die
made with a wasp. The wasp was im
prisoned under a ghiss, and knowing
f hat benzine asphyxiates insects he put
pocio paper soaked in it beside the cap
tive. The wasp lieaius uncomfortable,
then angrily attacked the paper, bnt find
ing all its eii'orts unavailing it finally
lay down ca its Lack, and folding up its
abdomen planted its stiugthrice into its
body. L Henry was so curious to con
firm tho fact that, in spite cf his hu
mane fif-lings, lie repeated the experi
ment ou three wasps with the like re
sult. Londou Gloljc.
The Scholars of France.
As a sample of the payment of distin
guished scholars iu this country it may
be mentioned that M. Gaston Boissier,
who was lately elected life secretary cf
tho Academy, only received ?'H'0 annu
ally as rector of tho College de Franco.
In his new position heiseutitled to
S00, or double the sum paid hini as head
uf the great educational estalili.-huvnt
over which Ernest Renau ruled. The
immortals, according to the foundation
rules, are supp-std tol paid 100 year
ly, in addition to their fees for attend
ing meetings. As a matter tf fact, how
ever, they en!y r;n :- sioo auuually
The reuia'iidvr of the saw f' i: sink
ing fund, or.f of which eight ::gel scad
emicians get ullowauces, if their private
annual income falls short cf 1,200.
Paris L tier.
fiju-t Fate.
"Here is :..: her one jf them plates,"
said Mr. Dismal Dawson, "in the
thit says he never was so happy as vL c
he was working by the day."
"Well?" ventured Mr. Everett Wrest,
with languid interest.
"Wei!, yoa say? W'y. it is jist thns.
Here is a feller that really likes work
I illiu in more money than lie kin count,
and hue is yea ;.nd mc, that money
would do some g okL I gness yon know
v!.c!0 we iae at without no farder
Wijrds. " Cincinnati Tribune.
A Means of Disinfecting; Well.
Heavy rains are apt to contaminate
wells and spread disease; hence Dr.
Frauck hxs brought under tho notice of
the Polytechnic society of Berliu a means
of disinfecting wells, which he employs
tvith success. It consists in suspending
iu tho mouth of the well au earthenware
dish containing 50 to 100 grams (a
gram is about 13 grains) of bromine,
which, being volatile ia air, forms 5
dense vapor that fills tho well, and is
absorbed by the water, thas disinfecting
it The wafer, it is true, has a slight
taste of bromine for a time, but is whole
some enough. Londou Globe.
How It Was.
"And where's Sappeigh?" inquired
tho returned clubman, who was jxistiug
himself. "Is he st ill court ing that bright
western girl?"
"Oh, 110," replied his friend "She
jollkd him for six months or more and
fooled him at last "
"All." with a sympathetic sigh, "she
rejected hiui. did she?"
"Not innch. She married hinL " De
troit Free Press.
The English Soldier.
An English soldier coming ou duty
was heard to sny to Lis comrade, "WelL
Jim, what's the orders at this port?"
Jim replied, "Why, t'e orders is yon 're
never to leave it till you're killed, and
if yon see any other man leaving it
yon're to kill linn." "Recollections of
a Militiry Life," General Sir John
In skilled labor, such as that of the
blacksmith, wagon maker, shoemaker
and the like, the proportion of fore'gn
to native labor iu the United States is t
not so largo as iu unskilled labor.
The winter of 1S12 and 1S13 was one
of tho mt severe ever known in Res- ;
tin, a fact wuich partially explains the 1
terrors cf the retreat from Moscow. '
Freferrei to Resign.
"Mr. Lively," nald the managing
editor, "we'd like to have yon draw
something comic."
"Yes, sir."
"Without making reference to the
New Woman."
"Y-e-m, sir."
"Or the bicycle."
The artist turned away In silent de
jection. In a few moments he returned
and laid a sheet of paper on the desk.
"Have yon done it so soon!"
"It didn't take me long to do all I
could under the circumstance."
"What Ls if.-
"I've drawn up my resignation."
Washington Htar.
Goliath's recorded height is only 'J
feet 9 iuehes, which Ls within the
bounds of possibility. Fliny speatcs of
seeing a giantess 10 feet 2 inches iu
height, and a skeleton 70 feet long.
There are weird stories of the Kuiperor
Maximilian, who was reputed to Im; '.
feet and to have eaten 40 pounds of
meat a day.
Author Well, professor, how do 3ou
like my new play?
Critic Splendid! Wonderful! So re
alistic, esjiecially the burglars in it!
Even their dialogue Is stolen.
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has cured
hundreds of cases of deafness that were
supposed to be incurable. It never fails
to cure earache.
Paderewski's "Toons ."
The women rooked awaj- upon the
summer hotel piazza and conversed up
on the glittering generalities common
to the occasion. It was poetry, taste,
pictures, Shakespeare and the musical
classics with a vengeance. After a
while they got round to a certain pi
ano virtuoso much In-loved bylsKirding
school girls and by whom he is abbre
viated as "Paddy." " Mi, isn't he per
fectly lovely?" f riei the stout woman
with genuine aprreohttiou. "Why, I
just went craay over hini. Did you
ever see anything like that hair of his
in all your life? The only thing I did
n't like a'oout him was hU toons, lie
I l.-tyed about as ugly toons as I ever
heard." .Vt'iP York F.n iihtrj Suit.
More Men Spend S3 For n IWUetkuifs
Than Lea That Amount.
"More men pay and upward for
a pocket knife than less. That may not
be the experience of all cutlery dealers,
but that's the kind of trade we cater
to," said a knife exjiert from behind
t!it counter of a .store ou one of the most
frequented cf down town strwiH
"Spaniards spend the most money ft
knives," he continued. "Spaniards who
come here are very fastidious iu tho
matter cf cutlery anyway. Where ;ui
American family iu the same circum
stances will be content with the ordina
ry plated tableware, costing ?4 or $4.50
a dozen, a Spaniard will have nothing
but the finest ttecl with ivory handles,
at $ H mid over. Tho average business
mau Kjior.ds usually about $ -i t r u four
bladed knife. If he loses a knife often,
as many men do, ho conn s down to if 2,
then to $1. Most expensive kuiv are
bought for presents. Four dollars buys
an excellent gift. List season many
knives were given for prizes at eucher
pjirties. Such knives were usually tin?
fancy ones, with half a dozen blades or
jHtachfiienrs. That big 7 inch knife
tliero i a hunter's knife. It costs $4.
"A man w ho buys that will tak if
to the Adiroudacks, pud w hen he leaves
there present it to his guide. Wo have
one customer who buys thtee of thise
knives every year. Ho gives them to his, he says. We sell nearly 1 ."0 of
them every year. This heavy one here
with a big steel hook is a horseman's
knife. It costs $ 7. The book is used for
digging out a stone from the horse's
hoof. It has, as you see, other attach
ments, such as a corkscrew, screwdriver,
put tracker, awL gimlet and a score cf
things for other useful or useless pur
poses, according to tho point of view.
We sell many of them, probably tuor
than any other one kind Sailors usnal.
ly buy pretty gixd knives. They and
Italians go iu for big, sharp knives that
should be handy iu case cf defense.
Pretty nearly every trade has a peculiar
knife. That's one reason why a well
equipped cutlery shop makes such a fur
midable display. Knives ot all tho
way from 5o cents to $23. We don't sell
many at the latter price." New York
Forte anJ Furnace of the Future.
The opinion is expressed by a writer
iu The Mechanical News thr.t the forge
and furnace of tho future will consist of
a lead lined glass ce porceluiu vase, t,j
Cupola, filled with, cul'l acidified water,
to which is connected a strong positive
conductor, the fcrge aud outfit being
rendered complete Ly a pair cf tongs
with insulated handles attached tj a
flexible negative conductor. According
to this plan, the smith seizes the piece
of iron which is to be manipulated with
the insulated tongs and plunges it into
the sour water, which begins to boil
and bubble the instant it comes in con
tact w ith the irou, the Litter, in a re
markably short space of time, turning
to a red suid then to a white heat, ready
for the wrrk of the smith. So rapidly
judoed hi the heating done by this means
tliat the water and the portion cf tho
Iron not immersed iu tho water iiro but
slightly wanned The principle involv
ed iu this process is of a simple and well
known character resistance produc
ing tho light and heat it being found
that enormous heat can be produced by
such a method, much greater, in fact,
than is necessary to extract iron from
the most refractory ores. It is rcmarkt J
that the value of such a process will be
pspcciully exhibited in tho more com
phife and rapid handling of heavy iron
and steel plates and bars requiring td
be hammered and welded more valua
ble still for. tempering purposes, as the
necessary heat for the iniiuerscd portion
can be so quickly obtained, while tho
remaining portion holds comparatively
Routed the BnlU
A lumberman attached to John
Crane's camp, up beyond the Katahdin
Iron works in Maine, was tramping
across to a ioud late one November
evening w hen ho ran upon a bull moose.
The lumberman had no rifle, so he
yelled and waved his arms, expecting
tliat the broad autlcrcd bull would dash
fear stricken down the mountain. Bat
it didn't It rushed for tho lumlierman.
Ho dodged alnt a tree and droppid his
ax. For ten minutes he dodged, half
scared to death. Then ho climbed the
The bull butted tho tree with its ant
lers until it swayed to and fro, and then
walked away a few yards and rested.
Tho lumberman yelled some more. When
he could yeil uo longer, ho set his wits
to work. Just above him was a (Had
limb. Ho broke it off, and as the bull
advanced again he set tho wood afire and
dropped it ou tho Lull's Lack. With a
bellow it rau down the mountain. The
half frozen lmnlx rmuii made a lino for
camp. New Yerk World
Maude Do you kuowMr. Jinks faint
ed List at the dance und would
have fallen if I hadn't caught him iu
my arms?
Eihel (slightly jealous) Yes; he told
me that he'd been suffering from the
effects of the grip. Scribner's.
The Appalachicola river, in Florida,
took its liauio from that of an Indiau
town ou its Dauks, Apalachicoli, mean
ing "au old town or fort"
A Hundred Years Agra.
A new t1rriv.1I in :. jail was set upon
by his fellow prisoners and roblied of
everything he had.
The windows were filled with dim
inutive panes o." ghisx, generally not j
more than four inches square. j
The prisoners were in a condition of
Indescribable filth and jail fever was !
known in every town.
Mails traveled at the rale of thirty or '
forty mih-s a day iu summer, and half
that rate in winter.
Travel up and down the liaison
was generally s'.isjK'iidcd in winter
time on account of the icv.
When a man hud enough tea he
placed his sjmhui across his cup to in
dicate that he wanted no more.
The firephu-es were adorned with
fill's brought from Holland and orna
mented with scripture subjects.
Iioathcr breeches, a checked shirt,
a red flannel jacket and a cocked hat
formed the dress of an artisan.
The letter and the envelope were a
single slnet of p:iicr, so folded as to
bring a blank page on the outside.
I'ostitge was paid in money, and
the amount was endorsed on the out
side of the letter by the jxistmaster.
Cravats were unknown, their places
licing supplied by huge stocks that
reached from the shoulders to the
One night when Mr. Isaac Kcese was
stopping with me, says M. F. Hatch, a
prominent merchant of liuartermaster,
Washington, I heard him groaning.
On going to his room I found him suf
fering from cramp colic. lie was in
such igony I feared lie would die. I
hastily gave hiui 11 dose of ChaiuU r
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
liemedy. lie was soon relieved and
the first words he uttered were, "what
was that stulf you gave nie?" I in
formed him. A few days ago we were
talking almtit his attack and he said he
was never without that remedy now.
I have used it in my family for several
years. I know its worth and do not
l;'-sit.;fe to rcooinincnij it to my friends
and customers. For salo t lieufoid's
"Ihreum one blc-ln' ubont Loin'
black," HttUl liastus, us Le stowed two
chickens away in his bag the other
iiight; "you ain't p' tcr be so visible
in de dark." llarjM-r's liiiz ir.
Facts About Crocked Eyes.
When crooked, yoj see with but one
rye at a time.
The one you sooljc.-t w ith dcs all the
work, w hile the other grows gradually
blind, until of no i:-v.
It gives an uncertainty to the expres
sion of your face, and Is a detriment to
you iu business and society.
If only slight, it may cniise double
vision, give pain in the eyes, and head
ache on tiding them for close work.
Scientifically selected gla-ses, or
glasses and operation are the only !os
aible means of 1 me.
By the use of cocaine thoojioiaiion is
so near iiinl;-ss a to l.r iM.rne by child
ren 7 year-old without complaint.
Mr. Jacob Stooke's daughter, .'M
Fmiik-town avenue, l'i-t End, of that
age, had hers made perfect in one oj
eration by Dr. Sadler, m'4 l'enn avenue,
Pittsburg, and she said: "n, it did
not hurt."
All di -uses of eye, ear, nose ami
hrot siici.c.i-jfylly
Accepted. She u-oldly "I hardly
know how to reflve your prop,sal.
You know I am worth a million, of
iiurse." He (diplomatically ) "Yes
worth a million other girls.'' She
1, rapturously 1 "(Mi, Jack!" Truth.
Mr. ('.!. Strong, principal of the
public cchotds at Anderson, (':;!. , says:
"I haveiiMil ChamVrL. iu's Pain Balm
and have found it an excellent remedy
for Lunelle und slight wounds.''
I an 1 icings u:iul!y results from a
sprain, or other injury, or from rhui-mati-m,
for uiilih fhtimlfcrlalu's Pain
Balm is oj-eo::!!y intended and lin
equnllcd. It nii'ords iilmo-t immediate
relief a:e! in a -lu rt time el!- el a
liermaneiit cure. For sale at Belifold's
When a certain Atchison man's rela
tive send him a plate of cake he goes
out and clean oil' the w Lcclbarrow, for
he know that th.-y will send over the
next day to krrovv it. Atchison
"It i tlie lcl patent medicine in the
world" is what Mr. I M. Ilartman, uf
Marquam, Oregon, e.tys of ChainU r
lain's Colic, I'holera and Diarrhea
ll.-mcdy. "What leads mo to make
this as-rtiou is from the fact that
dy nti ry ii-Its v.-or-t form was pre
valent ni'omi-1 hero lat summer and it
never too k over two or three .h'scs of
that remedy to 1 L-ot :i complete cere."
For s:t!c at It nf u-d's P.i arm.iey.
"What Uye pullin' of the pig's tail
fur, Mainly?" "Well, you sec, the oin-
her horn's biokc, and my voice ain't
stn-ng enough to reach where the
hand arc, so I hit on this idea."
Ile.rjN r's liaar.
TJ13 Greatest Sufferers in the World
are women, their dclieateorganiutions
being particularly iblc to
derangement and disease. Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite 11 -m -dy, of Kond
out, N. Y., p.iriiies tlie blood and cares
all the sicknesses peculiar to the sex;
it fortifies the system against the dis
eases iiiei'h iit to old a-j;e. It is the lcst
medicine In the world for women.
First Action Second Action-Action-
S said the Athenian. We shall lie
wise to follow his advice iu many
matters; iu none more so than in gnijv
pling with a cold or with dysx-psia; or
in seeking relief from consumption iu
its earlier stages. It is absolutely use
less to sit down and Leim-an our bad
fortune. We must act-act-act. The
first and tn:si imperative action neces
sary is to procure a Uittle of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. Thesfcond
action will U- to ue it. The third
action will naturally follow we shall
proclaim abroad its virtues.
,Vo-.;..-, IVj Slour Co., .l.'i,!.
1L V. Piija m. lluil'alo, N. Y.:
Dear Sir Having felt it a duty to
write of the I received by taking
your, I now would say, that
one year ago I was given up by my
family physician and friends; nil said I
mut die. My lungs were badly af
fected, and body reduced to a skeleton.
My icop!e commenced to give nie your
"Medical I)ii-ivery,' audi soon 1
gun to mend. It was not long before I
hccim.: well enough to tak' charge of
iny household duties again.
I owe my recovery to Dr. Pierce's
(Jilden Medical Discovery.
It. speetlully, M 1 li El U.S.
She 1 you reluemlKT that yi u
said you would do anything I ask-d
when I promised to marry yvu?
He Yes; but I didn't know tin 11
how much spare tiiii- a woman !u;d to
think uo thing to ask for.
A Lucky Guess.
A Wall street broker made a lucky
guess one day last week. A customer
stepjH-d into hlsoftiev, accompanied by
a mail who was a stranger to the brok
er, and said, "My friend bus just come
from England, and I like to introduce
one Englishman to another."
"But I am not an Englishman Ly
birth," said the stranger.
"I observe by your speech that you
are not," remarked the broker.
"My speech?" answered the other.
"Where, then, do you suppose I was
"A lit," cried the customer, "that
you can't guess, for I don't know."
"A dollar that he was born in Gibral
tar," replied the broker.
The stranger was astonished, for It
was there that he was born, and the
customer paid the U-t.
"How did you know?" the broker
was asked the next day by the custom
er. "I did not know, and am not a mind
reader," answered the broker. "I made
a lucky guess, that's all. At first when
the thing wasspruugon me I wasaWtut
to say Wales or British Honduras or
Cape Colony or Malta or anywhere else,
but Gibraltar was the last place that
came to mind, and so I soke the word.
A man may often inake a lucky guess
of the kind, though he hasn't second
sight." N. Y. Sun.
Not Quite Clear to Her.
A little girl, listening to the mar
riage ceremony of her sister, seemed to
be particularly impressed with that part
w hich requires the bride to promise to
"love, cherish and oU-y," and after
the ceremony horrified her mother by
asking: "Mamma, what made lie v.
Mr. make Ada pptnise to love
cherries and whev?" lLim's Horn.
Iler Objections.
0 uiiiiilt 11, thou art His.iiix lair;
No clinmis u itli lliine an- Worth eoiimuriiig.
1 love lliee, y.n, I vow, I swear
Sk.iil siie, iuii Ij inject tosi-fearln-r."
), from '" Uit, love, ilo not shrink,
J feel thy lit-iuiit even' (awinutlou;
IiiloxUatini lov.iiruu-UU drink
-Sal. I J;e, "I hate liito-ti'sitiou."
If thou reject, my rare uliall i-ik!
li -n;-.itli the turf tlie i-arl Ii einlinteln,
The l:ist rei:i:i:is of tliy foo l fri. o l
S:ii l nIic, '! luite tlie turf aie I nielnjj.'
But if he had taken with him as a
present, a bottle of Dr. PicrVs
Favorite Presorip'ion, he would have
lieen more sucecsful in his suit She
doubtless owed many of the charms
which captivated hiui to its virtues.
For brightening woman's eyes, and
giving her that healthy look so much
admired by the opposite sex, it has no
equal. Send 10 cents f.p hook (bis
piige.) on Woman's Di-cascs. Address
World's Dispi-nsary Medical Associa
tion, Butlalo, N. Y.
"I saw your husband kissing some
one to-day." "You don't mean it."
"Yes, the mai 1." "Oh, Is that all?
I w as afraid you thought he wiu kissing
inc." Town Topics.
Important Facts.
If you have dull and heavy pain
aer.os forehead and aUiut the eye; 'if
tlie nostrils are frequently stopjted up
and followed by a di-agroable discharge;
if soreness in the nose and bleeding
from tlie n-lrils is often txperi-noed,
if you arv very sensitive to (-old in the
head accompanied with headache;
then you may lie sure you have catarrh;
and should '(immediately) resort to
Ely's Cream Balm for a cure. Tlie
remedy will give intant relief.
Billy "It always seems to me that
the second half-hour is far longer than
the first." Bobby "Of course it is. It
goes slower because the minute bard
has to climb up during that part of tl :
hour." Fun.
When thousands of p.ople are taking
H'shI's Saraparilla to overcome the
weakness and languor which are so
common at this sca-oii, why are you
not doing the same? When you know
that IIoixl's Saraparilla has power to
cure rheumatism, dyspepsia and all
.!i-caes caus-d by impure blood, w hy
lo you continue to suffer? Hood's
c.ires others, why not you?
Hood's Pills are prompt and elVteietit.
But Few Know How She Suffered
Fifteen Years With Mrs. James
Orr, of Oreensburg. t
Tifteen years is a long time to carry a
burden. Ju.-,t think o! it ! yeur in and
vtar out for nearly a decade wi'.h a back
tbat aches, a weak back, a lame back, a
sore back, ia fact, a "bad back" most all
the time. Sotnt times the burden was al
most iuqossille to bc-r, and now and
then a day it would lighten; a plaster ap
jlied would 'fingrclief until their strength
was gone, but a pl.-steted Kick is not a
eil back and the rexn for this is kinipie
indeed. l' are pain relievers, bat
net p;in curers. Relief can be found for any pain, but to cure it yon mut
reach the cause. Many a Lad back has
been relieved iu dajs gone by and now
there are many more that have found hew
the burden can be relieved for good. They
re learning the cause and how to reach
it. A Oreensburg lady, Mrs. Jos. Orr, lias
bad a fifteen years' experience and ia a
fortunate moment discovered how to do it,
Mrs. Orr resides at 53 W. Pittsbu-g street,
and such as doubt this stateinetit, can
easily have it vended. Mrs. Orr says:
"For fifteen years I have known what it
is to have a backache. I have suffered
along, sometimes feeling much worse than
Et others. Piasters hel;ed me while their
Strength lasted. All last winter I suffered deal. I could not walk around at
ail, but would have to go an.', lie down. I
ts in this condition when my husband
went to Harry L. Greer's drug store and
got me a box of . I loan's Kidney Pills,
which J couimciued using and felt im
provement after the fir.-t few doses. I
continued to improve until the back pains
left nie entirely, and I have not been
troubled with them since. Doan's Kidney
Pills seemed to be just hat I wanUd and
w hat tny case called for. I gladly er. lorse
tkeni and recommend them to ah suflcrtr
from a bad b;"
Doan's Kidney Tills for sale by all d-a!
ers; price 50 cents. Mailed bv I'oster
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole aenU
for the U. S. '
fur utii-r
Cream Ba'm.
Aiqily a puiiiele of
the 1 - -11 well ti )
nin in.- 11 ;triW.
Afier n moment
lniw itrjn-f Ii
IlllOUL'll III.- HON-.
! Iir.- lime a
l:iy.iifleri!l-;i!s pn
f rre.1, unil Infure
Y.: ' I'r-H 111 r.l!ii
e-v-ti-j mid eioiss
111 N:il.i l';isMKis
Alit,.vs 1'ain and lu
ll. on itloii, I Ttitl the Son-s, I'miNm-Ih tlie iiiein
l.rnne from I'1i1h, lleton-s l:ie SW-nmi of taste
u:i.l smell. The lfc,liii Is ipiiekly al-orlxd
a-nl tlves reiief nt once. I'riee all eenls at
Jrui;UtK or ly mail.
Kl.Y liltOTIIKICS, .VI Warron Street, jj- Y
The cream of tho country papers is found
in Remington's County Seat Lists. Shrewd
advertisera avail themselves of these lists, a
copy of which can bo had of Renungtan
Lro&. of New York & FilWbunr.
Is special hrwtn in tmxinow wen who, havlnr
ilnlu-d uneoiixoouslr into tho Urink and
awaken to fln.l the disease of alenholum fastened
np"n tbein. renoerinif Uiem unlit to manai af
fairs re-i'iirinir a ch-ar brain. A four wttrka
course of nvaimeni at tne
No. ttVt Fifth Avenue,
rtnres to them all their powers, mental and
physical, destroy the ahnorinal a.sjliu-, aiel
ruslorea tlicm to'the condition ther Hereinbe
fore they indulged in stimulants. This has been
done in more than K'lO cawrs treated here, and
among them soma of your own neighbors, to
whom we ran refer with eontidenee as to tha
absolute safety and eflicienpr of the Keeley ore.
The fullest and most searching iiiveHtiraUon ia
n ritad. beud tor jiru4iiet givinj lull iuiuaua
tioa. 1
Baltimor and Ohio B&ilroad.
Somenet and Cambria Branch
Johnstown Mall E-tpress. Roek wood S:l a.
Komerwt 4: IK, Htoyestown tiiii, lloov
ersvlile&o!. Jolinstown HAD.
Jubiistown Mall Kxprem. Rorkwoo.! 10: V) a.
111.. .Somerset ll:l.', .-Uoyi-slown 11:4:1, lioov
eniville H:."4, Johnston 11 p. 111.
sjohnstown AeeorniniMlHtion. Rork wooil 555
p. 111., SMimerwi (fclx, liuuv
erxvllle ti:."!, JohnsUiw u 7:.
Mitil. Johnstown -10a. m., IIversville7:ll,
liyetowii 7:j, Sitiumt "iit, K'u kwimJ
Eipn-n.-Johnstown 2:30 p. m., Hooverville
3:11, Stoyestowu Sii, Muiutraet i. Vs lUx-k-
Sunday Only. Johnstown 8:30, Somerset 10-01
ltM-kwoud litsi.
IN EFf ECT MtY 20, 1895.
Tntiiis arrive and depart from the stullon at
Johimlowii ns follows;
Western KTiin-s t:".'l a. m.
Southwestern KxiresM :il
lotint4-wn ion i."7
Ai-liimsltioll ir.M "
Pneitie Kx press :Jt "
Wav l'i.wiiier :i;U "
.Mini :.:!.; "
t i-st Line p. m.
Johustowu Accommodation
Atlantic Epn- 3-fU a. in.
Sea- nore Kpres r:m
Alt.M.fiH Aceommodulioii - - H:JI
liy rlxpn-s M:m "
Mitin lane Kxprs ..l'i:l"
ll..N; AivoiiimiKlution l.'i'.' . m.
Mall K.xpr.ns t:ll
Jtihnsnnvn Ae-ommolatiuii ir-Yi
I'liiiiideiphia Kxpresa T;ln "
t'ur-t laue.... ... lu;.)
For rates, inn lis, .c, mi! on T1ek- t Aaent.or
addr.-s Tin... K. W p. A. W. II., 110 r'lltu
Aveinie, l'liuhur, lva.
. M. 1'ivvo.:. J. R. Wissl.
lieii'l Manioser. GenT fusa. Agt.
We want to catch It!
KVKRY FARM Kit in Somerset County
who bas a cord of II.miiI.h k Kark or a
Hide to dipte of w ill iind that the t'(t
FIA'KNt K TANXEHY fo will pay the
highest cash prbi-s for the same. Write
for quotations to
wixsiv s. conn a co..
Confluence, Pn,
We are now ready with our new and lare in
voice of Fine Confectionery (ioods, popular
brands of Itix uits and Cultes, Faney litsnls
of all styles, and everj-tliin ele p- rt.iining
toa first-class house to tilt onb.-rs promptly,
and to supply reident families to any ex
tent, (i.snls always fresh, and always ofTer
ed at l.wi t fiiiurw. Call and w J U:e
flri(-t asortii.enU ever carried.
270-72 M:un Street,
Johnstown, Pa.
and Cheap Liquors
Ky ttilHiij at the Old IMuible Liquor
St. -re,
Ne.SO!) Xaia St., and 1(K Clinton St,
Joliiistown, 3?a.,
all ind- of the choicest liipiors in mar
ket ea n !e had. To my old custom
ers this Li a well-knowd fact, and to
all others convincm:; proof will lie
Siveii. Don't for-ret that I keep on
hand the great i-xt variety of Ll.piors,
the eho:(ttt brands and at the lowest
in ?i
134 Clinton Street,
Builders and Other Hardware
loASS, f AINTS, 01 b, VAR
See Our Large Stock of
Slcighs. Boa Slcos. Sleigh Bells.
Robes, House Blankets, Etc.
PRICES to suit the times.
JTompt anawer and an bonet oianion. write to
IU I N cV .. bo har bad nvariftlftr ;eui'
xpenenee in tlie patent Ixuine-ak f uuinianlca
llima MrtctlT ennfldentiai. A llaaabaok ot In.
formation coooerniD ' teata and taw to ob.
tain them aent free. Alto a raialOfiMof Biecaaa
leal and oientlfle bonk eot tree.
Patent, taken throiwh Muna A Cn .
peaal iwtkwla tba !rieatiae Ameriraa. and
tho are b roue lit widely iba aabiic wuh-
i broacht widely bWora iba public wuh-
-. iw.wTiMir. i nt spN-nnta paper,
laai-ed weekly, elegantly lllaMrate.t. baa by far the
larceat etreulaiii.a of aur acientiac work la ti
end. i year. Painpie onpiea aent fro.
Builditia Kdltiutvanntbly. .'.joa "-ear. tfincla
eopiea. 43 cwita. ETery numt-r eontaina beaa
tiful plate. In eoiora. and pbotoaraib of new
huiwea, wub plana, enablina builder to abow Um
lateat deal-ma and aeeure enntraeta. Atldre-w
ML.' .S.N 4 CU, Kiv iroBa. Sol Bboauwas
an file ia -ITTBrn.-ii t (He AtrtmiD Hurrau
gUs None Too Good When You Buy"
r k n ic r x es.
It is Just as
As it Im To Have Confidence in the Phytic ian If ho Pre-,. '
Them. rt
You are always sure of getting the
All of the Jient and Most Approved Trusses Kept in .SeA
Sftt i faction
Somerset, ...
a tweiity-pa're jounml, is the htnlinir Iicpii!li-au family r :" rl,.
Unibil f-tates. It i a National
Iiew-i of the I'uited States. It irivi-s the events of for.-iirn laiei- I r j ;t r,..r.
shell. Its "Agricultural" depnrtiiieiit h:it ! ui-rior iii ti.i-ei.iii.-rv.
Its "Market R ports" are recornied authority. Separate l. iirrn,. ii
for "The Family Circle," "Our Young Fo!'," and "Science and Me
chanic." Its Home and Society" columns -i.:umaiiI tlie n-l:iiiru:i.n f
wivtn and duuifhteiH. pliticil news, editorial-Iainl 'II. u.
isioiis are-eomprelieiisi ve, brilliant and exhaustive.
rill, . O
Liie . ooinersct . neraid
(The regular subt'riptioii for ty two jmpv-rs U ?:!.f. I
Address all nr.Iers to TIIK HERALD
Wrlti- your Danu- and aJtlrms on a postal f irJ, semi it to Geo. W. Best, Fm wai a
Tribune nnlMiu-r, w York City, and sample copy a Tin ew T.r J'
Weekly Tribune will be Dialled to jvu. "-
Louthers Drug Stores
Main Street,
This Mcdsl Dmg Stcrs is
Favorite rrith Pestle in Search cf
Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Trusts,
Supporters, Toilet Articles,
Perfumes, &c.
LoallBr's PrescriptioDslFailyEes8if-w
OtTlca c
And a Full Line of Optical Good:? always on hand. From xil
large assortment all can be suited. joc
Always on hand. It is always
a a .
ro -ntendin? purchasers, whether they buy
trom us or Tsewhere.
X a IfM a W W S
Somerset Lumber YarS
MANl-KAm-REB ASD FuLALEH AS I WlldUs , LE AMD Ktm.II.FK eE 1?0e 6(-
Lumber and Building Materials.
Hard and Satt "Woods'
Oak, I'oplMr, SiilingH. rikrt, IfuMM
Ualmit. Yellow lMue. Floorliis. S.h. War B--5'.
Cherry, MiliiKleN, KaluMlerx. C IieMant.
h, UhiteTine lllluda, Aewel l'o-.tx, t it. ni.
y. Pi.
A pin-nl lineof all r.i.l.or Lunibtrand Huil.lins an.t :..nis I'l'1 .
st-M-k. Also, can ruruih anyihiu- in the line of our buimu loonli r wuti ru:
ble pruiuplni-Mi, ut-h aa Bnuraet.-s o.IJ-i.u,-U work, i!r.
Office and Tard 0ppir,lt S.4C.K. R,
to urv voi r
Icttiorial Work
M.inufiM'turrr of and IK-aiir In
EuH'.-rn Work Furnisht-d on Short Notice
HiRBlE Ml dim III
Also, Agent for the WHITK IlltOX.K !
P.-r-.ii n nw, f Mnnunvnt Work will
find it to lni.-r.-n to cull at uiv h..o
wli.-rea I'm-xT allow inir will be civi-ii tlietii
r--iioUction ((inniiiietsl in -v.-rv r-m.- and
- very low. 1 invite apviui aiuuUou to
Whita Broma, Or Pur 2ine Monumant
lnlro,lm by Hev. W. A. nine. ! a decided
hnpniveiih tit in th point tf Mnh-rial and
i oiiiru''i.i;i.Hiid whii-li Udi-Ktlne.1 lo le the
l.ilar M.inu,,!, 1,1 fi.r our cliatij-eabl 1 li
iiKte. tiivt usainll.
WM. F. SIUFFfill,
IiiijNirtaht to Secure
fre.het medicines I'ltl-X 'I:iiTrjvj
Pa 5
Family Paper, ami rivc all the rul Horn
u to ofll-r thi splendid journal an l
a . TT 11
Somerset, Pa.
Rapidty Bsconing a teat
a pleasure to display cur i,R. 1
tkr. itim if, r-y ,
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