TV Somerset Herald. ;K II- 1'I.U Kditor. .-! W, ..Juno Ji, ISSi Mandolins, Su'iiara, r.anjos in"'' instrument nt Snyder' .j,.l!l'T t.ri. v,,s t.ieS, il'll leu's -- i"-" ,i .'tiadV, lv Cream. 1 iananaH, e.:'.o!ls , i'-' " 1,'S'1'N- ,:, i U .rj.ennin!i. oneof Kik I-iek .i.j.-t mul ropinHisI . I... T.w. ft..l.l r..r ' ;.--r. ' v ri. K .ereli.l " .1.. .. 1 1... I Knee's Mills, .rji.'iiiiiiig was Li. .. v. M- il .,V IlKK 'y o, (MIU ' I , , i,r- oi'i. II li -l.'tl. r. ..f AlW-.v lfl I "111 Ml, .Mli-uisaii, 1: : t. ,,-.l:.r. ' jil 1m. il: f .r one lost tim ing tne : :'! ,. Mr. H. h lit. il'!' S lilsaoiuiy -tiu-- . - .... i:..l l.A i iifll.,. J.. ..f tin? n'ill It"- a lime re- rr.ini Malilon r..iy y.iir j;t-. --. -. "ami save iii'"'.v- i:i:ikins; extensive inla- s in r'". ' C thl. lcl.ration oilier 1HU .... -...1 -Jl. .r lull. lr:n lay tllC.ttl, fill"" 1 eolint.V HSUie moine., ."--i- . lodi.itlie event, ana e iioje iter'" , ,.f lior citizens will I there to T..ri. invited U l'rcsent- Erwtt stoneware wM at "ist at MA 1IIX SCHIWH'Ii's. m.ii of AUxan.Ur Trias, of near ' 'ii ltlV seriously injured re- '.'.'.'.y'uir.i; run over .l.y a w&m ' ' : v ' l,d l.'-l wilil li'"l'r- The via l:oi!i"S IuiiiIhT from ins man ' -1 : . . . 1... .tilt ion, and while' mill io i'"- ' ;.,,!,., I.rakc .slij-iietl wa "..'ITy iho hind wheel which passed "left l-reaking the collar -a! rii i;.s. lr. Siiaw is uttc-uums ate Cream, I'"'11 1'S til kinds Cream Mints ,r,uu N of 1 in at all times at ,r.;ltl Mill""1' In an .iii'ii '' J"'1" e J. n. M.ui- eourt, in a ..r the t-tate supreme ' ' ..... l , ..:..:nliia -a-e. it is deviiieu ui;u ijiihi- "r'i. '.l:,ve n ri'ht to make a distress for ", all. r the du'a f tenant. le:Uh '..'',',1 ,,lu.r.str.aion, and then del.tsare vl,,l in;. three .lasses, funeral and " vi,.U rxpensei. al servant's wages '','x.i--li"S "" U'iuK tl,e 'irst r,'"tS ,.x,-.-.litii: ,:ir- 'e aud a11 :i.r ,l. i''.-tl' third. Mrs. M. rri.lith. of loonier, wasarr--t-:, Saturday, at the insUuire of Alex. iii v. it I, h. r ton-jue an.l maKin-j ue oi , . ... , r S-iuire 1 M. :raham, who -a--. was lemeni wuii im- fined h-T for or..y 1 oaths naity of 4, which she paid. :ik !-': 1 j.j, i- .t-itaiuiy an ,r..' al.'y tin-l"T-t of its kind re.-ord- .1 ;,. h part of the state. J. n. 1. t. f this place, says the tr..-i:ii:irg '.,-'', who has Ixeu ex- -ni. -.iti-i" on a living inachinc or air .,r.i!iii-tlineiast, 1K-I;ces uiai no ,,. ,Mn;rivaiK-c p-rfe-lsl so that it iiiai: ai!l all 'tjti I . orio hi .it II...-atiii'i-phere. It will lc con .f aluininiim and light, tough clts-trii-itv will 1' used iu op- '.IK ..1 'l. : :t. n." i.!..,;,. . lin feet long ami .i it ions otherwise-, will ltebuiit .n i ;ii"r.m";li h!v tiMed. Ti-f Kver.-lt l;x says: We rei.e-t- the att-n'.iou of (Icncnil I last -;!. f.i.t that Judge lngenecker t.l . ...1 1 i;!!a!i the ritiiiiromcnts oi ajuog? ii!'..' superior Court liem-lu "If the ...M-nior U licves in the d.H-trine that ::,-..;i.i i-sh'iihl s-.t-k the man. he will ;.;;..:m Judge Ijoiigciiecker. It would a ti-.iing rehiiketo the many apjdii-ants i. . art- M-r.inil'iing tor the otln to give . :u tiie go-by, and sclei-t the U-st men rt'.ic neiv couit. and in that case the I .;, .1. li. Ijongi-ucckcr would 1-e one of iiu. A ':ov known as the Harvey act has .. n as-l bv the 1 with the "!.jti-l of promoting the use of broad tires u iiu- le-avy wagons. It pr il-s that owning and using draft wagons ... ... .i r u ;.. ;m;.1 Tires llol less (linn iui o. ... .-. Ai.ltii for hauling loads of not l-ss than :i' shall reeive a relmte of one unli of their assessed highway tax, the Vite n..t to exceed five days lalr on !,.- roa Is in any one year. This is only a h. kIi-sI iep in the niaintenanei' of good t-K l.tit iieverihelsxs one to lie -om- .Ml.'.e.l. Itea lers of the II krai.p should not for i. -.-t lii.i: J. N. Snyder, the druggist, can f t tlifir eyes it ti glasses A l.i'.l asp:u'sed by the legislature to r. : it the caleiii-ig of black bass under in- inch,-, in length. It is a w i.-e meas-r.-. I n.ler the old law the liiiniinum 7' a incli(-s, but a the black laiss i not lugin to spawn until it is three ar old and eousider.-.bly larger than : nt l. iig:h. tlie elTect was in spite of the '. r. of the (.o:iuiii-si..n rs of fisheries i l rap;.! .iiaiinuti iii of this valuable : ..-.I and game tish in the streams of the it.-. With the new law enforced, the la. k bass will have a chance to increase. 1 y.iu want t buy a first-class musi ii histrameiit at a moderate lrice? tio . i SiivJer" drug store i'' .:ity Attorney fieucral Kl kin has de-e!-l that the oilier of notary public aud Vief Largess are not incompatible and iat tiie g .vernor may :ipHiint as many :."iu! -j.-s in a community as in hisjudg-ii--iit t'.u- iutt-rests f the public demand. i iit-dci-iMoii isbascd on the inquiry of Mi Lillian lieMott, of Pultois, who 'Muted ft know of Governor Hastings 1 iittii-T tl.e chief burgi-ss of that town 'iii 1 setk'e as a notary public, ar.d itetlit r tv. notaries om.d be apjxiint 1 for tii.- same ward. I resi.ti-m K.itH-rts .f the rcnnsvlvania i..r.i.i.t. is s.t;d ti have an excellent iK.iiory for uaiiit-s and fax. As an in- - .nice. rci.lom ,.f Xcw Castle recall :i-it"fa r.-.-. nt visit there. -The agent p'ace. C. C. Sankey, was a nietultcr rtlie. irv. v rps of which Mr. Koberts a. the i-lii. f more than fortv Tears aiio. vVh,. ii 1 resident KoU-rts stciioe.l fri-in h- tra I tie reco'niir.ed M r. Sankev. and tier shaking ban. is u ith him. asked him ! lie when thev snrvevtd I rie and l'itLsbnrg entrance int New ''an le. '. '.enia of the scalp or Scald Head, en in us ni. t severe form is never 1 oii.-.y. aicd ,y 1 .Kin's initni 'iit. the - ir.Msie, :i. f,,r aii jtohiiios of the -k:ju .'i ein, n,nsiig woman of the West is ...hi., a thriving Unin.-ss by traveling for "t. I.ais vim-gar manufactory. Her -"-ss. however, is largely attributable ner a loj.t,,,!, f advami-d ideas She rs in-r territory on a wheel, clad in ..i.iug ! arisian bl..m.-rs She wilds -'-ad t.. her next stopping ,'ac M(stal r i aniiouiiriuij ,iiat k1i, wj)1 wu.i "io!iinalKita -k," and asking '- 'leaiers to save their orders for her. o.c i -r.-aiiug a d.i sensation in the . i .. . . """"i. aul is by so doine. turuine in I ail I' ll .blll'lv I-. . t I . i " - v- ".... 'n . utoiuciaiv r i li.;.ioyerH. Ui. : .. . . . . . me scomnli-,-1? May twenty- OI II.- .r w ... 1 at . . - ii.i i au.l4. H M, a ar(eiiter 'joiiht. was robbed of tools worth at ' twenty dollars; July seventh i . l'-y old heifer was killetl , u lu taken by some hungry thief. -- ieiiia..rtl1is year a fine calf was ' M f,,r Ui" the field, and taken "ut on.- hundreil yards to a more con- " 1'iact, w here it was dressiil and 'unci lora. X- .-. .sow, who will assist in ringing tiJC enily to Uie ,i(r? Mr m"i' a good, honest, upright citizen 'lloulj , - -s. uimj bo.. ' ' VCll Of lh a ... I ll'.ilin r or.He.-tnL The man who is this iK an en. ..r !... i.n i... l oo. ieraswtn. Ferret him out and -i huu where he Wlongs-to the pen. i'(wij.-r at. w..'l JoM-jdi fipe, a r.eilin veteran, has lieen irraiitetl an original tension. !r. Frank V. Tapper, son of John M. Toier, li:is Ikh-u aiipoinlcd H-stlli.lUT at New r.a'.timore. Iist w eek K. II. Iilougli and S. V. llielianls Uni-ht and shipped forty-five cows to Montgomery county. Pa. Se-era! interesting eommuni-:ilion.s are withheld this week owing to a press of other mutter. The SaltKilh Scltotd of WelK-r's Chur. U --h-liral-. Children's Iay Sunday even iiiff at Husliand. A large and appreciative audiem-e w.n iresent. The many friends tlironh.uit the ii uni ty of Hon. J.-oigf I . VlkT, of Alle gheny township, w ill pained to learn that he is seriously i. k. Kishop, 1. I. U 1 !., oflhc I'nited Evangt-lieal elmreli w ill prew-h in Salisbury, Momlay evening July 1st, and in Confluence Tuesday evening, July 2d. Children's Day servies w ere held in the I.nlhcrau Church Sunday evening, when an interesting programme was rendered. The church was crowded to its full ca pacity. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Herr, and little daughter, of Oil City, arrived in town Saturday evening, and will spend two weeks at the home of Mr. Herr's brothers and sisters. The centennial issue of the VnU-tle was pul dished on Friday last. The pages are tiUed v'.li well written historical articles and advertisements of Somerset and Johnstown business men. -ii June IS, Kc-v. T. J. Kristow, olii' iat cd at the marriage ofM. Charles I- Klota iiud Miss Maggie Andrew, ayoungcouple from McKeesiiort, w ho .-ame here for the purjMise of having the connubial knot tied. Stpiire Jtwejih 15noks of Kockwood, was throw n from a hay wagon one day last week, and sustained fatal injuries F.ver since the accident he has K-en un conscious and his death is hourly ex pected. M iss I'.etsey Parson, a venerable maiden lady residing in the west end of tow n, Hccidently tripped and w as thrown down a pair of stairs at her home one day last w eek. She sustained a dislocated knte and other painful injuries Mr. f.eorge C. Pile, a former well known resident of this dace, w ill join a arty of Johnstown friends on July Till for a two w eeks' tour on tiieir bicycles through esistern Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey. Mr.W.A. Coliaugh, a young gentle man hailing from ltcatrice, Neb., was a caller at this oiVu-e. last w eek. Mr. Co baiigh has Ireeu visiting at the home f his uncles .eorge Cobaugh and tJeorgc C. Liclity of Somerset township. K.inicl A. Weaver, alout 70 yi-ars, died at his home in Conem.iugh town ship, on Saturday last from I.right's dis ease of the kidneys. The deceased was a leading farmer and an aggressive Uopuli lican. llis wife died wveral years ago. Next w eek Somerset w ill bo called up on to entertain the greatest nuuiiVr oi j.eplo sini-e the town whs foumled. All residents should have stitVich nt local lii i.le to m-o that it presents a brighter and handsomer appearance than ever lc- At2o"-lH-k thisaftcriKMUi Mr. Charles!'.. Walker, postal route agent on tiie somcr- t A Cambria llailroad, and Miss Minnie Woy, ilaughtcr of Mr. and MrsJot-ia!i Woy, of Somerset township, w ill lie unit ed in marii age at the home of t tie bride parents just east of town. At the morning services in the Presby terian Church next sunitay,, "Cc.ileniiial" sermon will be pi-ached by the pastor, llev. T. J. P.ristow, from the text: "Ami for the chief things of the ancient mountains and for the precious things of the lasting hills." Harry M. Jordan, of Uedford, -iiueout first U-st in the i-ompetilive examination for the West Point Cadetship held at lled ford last w eek, and will 1 duly nomi nated bv Congressman Hicks Fred C. Pfahlcr, ofMeyersdale, the second K-st examination, and will 1? the alter nate. Tickets are now on wile at Nelf A Case-ie-r's for the Perian jnrt-tte Cons-rt to h given in the Opera House, on Thurs- dav evening. This will le one of the finest musical entertainnients ever given in Somerset and the music loving uMic honld lie well represented. Tickets 3.1 and cents Much interest is being manifested in he erection of tiie electrical fountain n the public square, and should it prove a glittering success and there is no good reason w hy it should not, an etVort will made by the people of Somerset to have it continued as a memorial of th Countv Centennial. In Kvans cemetery, P.road Top town ship. IWslford county, is buried the InhIv- of Thomas hite, a niemlr ot the l.n- ton Tea Partv. who on the night ifle- cemiKT bi, ITs-'l, rmptietl the contents o; 3h chests of Un into the sa. Mr. White was married but on.-e and was the father of twenty-one children. Monday morning the unsightly win 1- en awingns in ironi oi ine .via mo lock," on Main Cross street, were torn d iwn and removed. Owners of other proiterties on the same streat should fol 1 iw this example, w hen that thorough fare will present a more attractive iip- p?aram-e than it has in ycsirs past. Puriiig the past three months the Ilti: A has published nearly every week o le or more articles containing muoi v.hiable local lnstorv. These articles il Ikj continued from time to time dur ing the preset it centennial year ami we s-igest to thse of our readers who tmd th. nerusal of them interesting that they presi-rve thctn for future reference. Much time and la!r have Itccti in .arimr the arti-li! referred to and pre th.'V w ill Ik.- ofgr-:it value to the histo- riaus of the future. The Jdinton 'Cycle Clu'i have per fei-ted arrailieineiits with the It. .til. l'.ailro id Company for a spei-ial ex-nr sion train from Johnstown to somers.i on the evening of July 3rd. The train will leave Johnstown nt "o'clock P. M., and the excursion v ill ta!l w In mav wish to Uke advantage of it to sec the fantastic parade atid fireworks or at tend the rrand ball to U' held at the Somerset Opera Hous? n that evening The 'Cycle Club w ill lead the gran. parade on the 4th and ah at seventy-live memU-rs have already expressed their intention of participating. Juhi!iH Steward Pickey, of the County Home, on Monday took John Woy to the State Assvliim for the Insane, at lixin iit- Woy, w ho is aUmt fifty-five y ari of age is a veteran of the late war and a pension er. He was married attout a year ago and has since resided near I.istie. Koine time ago he In-gan to act ita very strange niaiiner. and shortly afterwards his friends realized that his wind was atTts-t ed. He was very tra4able, however, until a few days ago w hen he lighted a lamp, and wrapping it in a blanket ph-u-ed it under his lied, presumably for the pur pose ofminittingself-destructioiu For tunately the lamp was discovered and re moved from its dangerous position liefore it had done any damage, A few- days af terwards Woy managed to s-eure a razor and eouoeiled it under his pillow, where it was afterwards disovered. A few days ngo hia condition liecame so alarmirg that hU friends concluded that he had best be eon fined. Much sympathy is felt for bin distressed family. WHIZI WHIBIUBANGI BOOM! All Arrangements Complied for Cele brating tie County Centennial- Th Crowd Will be Unprecedented. The Diiplir TJnriTaled. And the Pleai nre Untsrpasied. Kverything is now in shajvo for -de-brating the me hundredth aunivcrsary of the county in a manner betitling the h--casjoii. From every dl-triit rtdiies the same encourajpng reiort in regard to -ho grat interest itwakeiie.1, the iiumls-r of e..ple who will participate, au.l the gloi iti.-atioii that is projected. It will not l.e at all surpi i -ing if lhr e-lourths of the entire population of the it unity asseuiole in Somerset on the 4ih July, in addition b the multitudes from other Suites and Counlit-s who have aniio'.iuced their intention of coining here for the purpose of joining in the festix ities i" honor f grand old Somerset. No loyal Somerset countiau will allow the occasion to pass without contributing to the general hilarity. The people of Somerset have with com mendable generosity i-ontribiited largely of their means to tho general fund and w ill in addition deturate their homes and plan's of business until this day a week the old town will present the most daz zling and brilliant spectacle in her hi.-tory. Ke.-iutioil arches w ill span the principal streets the public square w ill jircxMita H-ne of oriental spdendor with its grace ful fi-stHns and eki'trie fountain display ing myriads o f brilliantly tinted lights The public buildings will cast off their a vustomed sombre upect and will ap pear rusplendent in their gorgeous attire. Long la-fore dawn on the morning of the Centennial Fourth "the hills ol Somerset' v ii! re-ech the Ikxiiii of cannon fired in honor of tiie advent ofa new born century. The day w ill be lillctl with music and patriotic demonstrations Orators will deliver historical and biographical ad dresses and residents from all sections will exchange friendly felicitations and unite in general rejoicing. The curtain of night w ill le punctured by hissing rockets and roaring lxuiils, balloons will 11 oat gracefully in etherial heights, and the surface of the earth w ill lie irridescent Itcnealh the glare of colored lights AKItANOKMKMS A letter from lienora! Passenger Agent Chas. t. Scn'.l, of the lialtimore V Ohio Kailnmd, addressed to the Chairman of the Transportation Committee, says that the company will provide free transjiortalion for all of the brass bands in the comity to and from Somerset on the occasion of the Centennial celebration, and suggests that the leaders of the bands rcjiort ini luediately to the Transiiortalioir Com mittee in order that printer accommodat ions may 1k sec;irel. Kxcursion trains w ill be run to Somerset on the morning of the -Ith from Cunilierliiiid, Maiiorlau.l, and Johnstown. The schcbil s; have not yi 1 been announcetl but they will be ar ning.xl in order to have all trains arrive here not l.i'.i r than !l A. M.. au.l t depart ii'ter ihe fire works in the evening, i Hi tiie .'li d and "tth passengers will have to use the regular tiains e..:-.-j:t on the ev. iiing of the .".rd, w hen an .-...-.-ioii train will run from Johnstown, for the ai-i-.iium.i.laiioli of the bicycle club of that city, and lor passeiigi n ho may wish to (Mine here ;n that evening. The usual tth of July excurio;i rat.-s will prevail. Tickets n ill Ik- placed on sale at all 15. At O. stations on the 2nd, and will lm gHd lo return on the .1th. AX KUIMXRors N. l erroneous impression has gotten road in several districts in the county in regard to the money collected for the "ente;:i:".l celebration isto iK-cxpend- ed, which the committee d.-sire to -orrts't through the columns of the Hkkai.h. Kverv cent contributed will lw .roperly xpeiiile.l for public decorations lire w ji ks, eie -ung ar.'l:"s musicstan-is tve., and an item:'-1 stat-.-:ne:it f expendi tures will Ih? publisiied at the conclusion f ihe The people of the lir.nigh of S .morsel who have ciitribu- gencroiisly to tin? general fuml will lecoratc their honn-s and business houses it their individual expense. otTll lAI. l-iKHiUAVI. July .'!--7 o'clock p. in. Kev. li. Kr.ciM-r. 'cnt-'iiiiia! I'horu . i-riciilnire jk Live St.K-k, (. I". Sii ivcr. Minerals ami Mining A. I linl.iiH-rluni, Ks.. . ... '.lit. n : i Lil flioru : , llench am I l'.:.r. H.-siy.T.... Music A.Mr.-ss, A.Mrt-s.. Music Ad J res. J. . Kiiiiiiiel. S ',) J, in. Fantastic P.-irad.-. V:iO p. in. liect.ratetl lii.-ycl. Para2e. !.'SI p. in. Mi' Wt.rks Julv 4 1) o'cl ck A. IMRAHS. M. July I- o'clck P. M. Pr.iv. r . IlisiiopC . IJiit. lt.-ailin of 1 n-larati.m ..riaJcp 'iiil'-nc.. 1. J. .Miller. H nolo. of A.-l iii.nri.nilini; Ssim.-rset countv ...'.. 1. 11. 11. liari.t.-. Ccutcuniai 1'o. iu Miss Nell Ilulter. VMrvs riiiyand Navy, J. li. Iv'ic, A.IJr. s--s By V isitors. Julv 4 "o'clock Prayer Kt.Ier llir.oii Ilnrtzell M usic . t'.'iiu an! il I 'horus. Ilictorical A.blrcss Hon. V. H. Koonlx. JJ usic I eliteiinia! ( Iionis. A'l.'r " n.Inisi-eiiis's ..... "nainuel 1'liilson, 1-.4 Fire Works Mitk : The program w ill lsj subject b m idilicit ion or eh inge as ovisioii may require. AMtSKMKSTS The AniiiM'metit Committee lias ar ranged for tase ball games, bicycle races foot ra.nts. Ac. Ac. liold and silver med als will 1m? awarded to the w inuers OKI.KK OF PARAI'K The viu ious townships, lioroughs and organizations will Ihj formed for the pa ra le as follows: ( ;. A. It., Jr. . I. A. St., Johnstown Fire Companies, on Main Cross Street North of Public Square, right resting at North side of same. Milford, lt.x-kwood. New Centreville, lllack, rpierTurkeyfst, IxiwcrTurkey f.t, Cass'lm tn. Conlluein-e, I'rsina, Ad- ilison, Somertield, on Main Cross Street S nit li of Public Siiuare, right at South side of Meyersdale, Summit, Elk I.iek, Salis bury, Pr.'thers valley, Herliu, Stonycreek, on Patriot Slns t i-.ast oi .viain v nw Street, right resting at same. Middlccrcck, Jefferson, iiomahoning, Stoyestou ii, Northami'ton, Southampton, Wellersburg, Iirimer, lireenville, Al leghen v. New Halt imore. Fair Hoks, on Patriot Street West of Main Cross Street, right rcstingat same. Jenner, Jennertown. IJncoln, Paint Shade, Coneinaugh, P.enscin, Ogle, on F n ion Street West of Main Cross Street, right r sting at same. Somerset township on Main Street Fast of Public Square, right resting at same. Somerset Uorongu on I'nion Street, Fast of Main Cross Street, rigltt resting at same. Note : Any organizations not named above will Ik properly assigned in the parade upon reporting to the Chief Mar shal, whose headquarters previous to the parade will lie at the smokers' stand on the public Rqare, Chief Marshal W. H. Kanner. Aides Jonas M. Cook, O. J. Harrison. J. C. Ixwry, Isaiah (okmI,- Chas Holder- Ikiuui, Sheriff Hoover, William Tayman W. 11. Parker, II. M. P.erkley, Freeman Hoffman, A. C. Havis j. It. StmlL JOHN STOW JI WILL KKKKPRKSKNTKU. Mayor Boyd, of Johnstown, who by the way is a native of Jenner township writes in reply to an invitation extended through him to the people of Johustov n to parti.-ipate in the celebration, that In will use ewrv effort to have as many of the citizens of that city as Missible visit Somerset on the 4th. He has also offered to send a fire company and a stain tire engine to take part in the parade on the morning of the 4th. Mayor lJoyd's offer hxs Itecn mn-eptod and this w ill be the first steam lire engine ever seen in Som erset. The Johnstown Wheelmen's Club have chartered a train to bring Km members of that organization to Somerset on the eveningof the 3rd, wiien they will take part in the bicycle parade on that even i"St which promises to Ik? one of the novel f-aturef of the celebration. Tho Wheelmen will !.e accompanied by a Intnil of music, as will the Johnstown delegation who w ill" come here ou the morning of the 4th. Somerset county people living ill Johns town number several thousand and from information at hand it appears that a large per rent, of that number will be here. ISKRLIX AND HROT II EHs VALLEY I XX' ATE n. Tin Saturday arrangements were made by a representative from Iterlin whereby Tayman'a grove, on the hill top overlook ing Somerset from the west, has been reserved for the people from that town and ISrothersvalley tow nship. 'KN TKX MAI. NOTKS Kaeh district in the county is requested to select a marshal and us many as sistants as may be deemed iKs.-es.sary, and to arrange all details for its own part of the parade. The name of the marshal of each di.stri-t should le sent nt on.-e to the chief Marshal, 1'itpL W. II. Saniier, Somerset, Pa. The coiiimiltec on hslging has secured a numl(er of groves, fields aud unused streets w hich can be assigned to delega tions from the different parts of tho coun ty. Also a iiuiiiIht of vacant rooms for sleeping, but persons must provide their own blankets; persons desiring to avail themselves of this privilege should com municate nt once with the chairman of that Committee, Oeorge M. Neff, Som erset, Pa. The Uirough ordinance prohibiting hitching horses in the public strei ts will not Is-enforced, excepting on llie .prin- ipal thoroughfares of the tow n. Ample acinimiiiodalioiis will he provided for feeding and caring for horses that may 1st here. S O. V. ItKMHjrAKTKItS. Ferner Pros, store will lie headquarters for Sons of Veterans during theCeiiteiiui al Celebration. The committee in charge are desirous that every camp in the coun ty shall lie represented by as many as can atiend. Hurrah for the Fourth. The place to buy fire Crackers Koiuan Candles, ltockcis. Flags Hunting of all colors, Uallooiis etc., is at Piscl s A Valuable Buck Sheep. A correspi indent, writing from licit, says: Mr. Jou-ph Manges who lives near this place, has a buck sheep just twelve mouths old that weighs one hun dred and sixty-eiglit pounds. There were ten and one-half Muuds of wool clipped from him a few weeks ago, and he is the irogenitor of two pairs of twin lambs. he first pair are eleven weeks old, and one weighs sixty-live and the other sixty- ty-cig!.t pounds, the. recond pair, six weeks eld, weigh forty-two pounds each. Fertilize:!. I have niinplcte. a new warehouse at Somerset Pa., and will at all times W prepared to furnish tlu oil (aiiano Co. rtili.ers specially prepared ,y them for the different crops and iu any quantity: tliisio goods have lieen thoroughly tested and prove to lie of the very Is-st. Per sons desiring any of the altovc goods can ls accomodated by culling on II. I. Sipe .Somerset Pa. A supply of the same g.mds will also Is-kept at my Kipcsvillo ware house. Peter Sipe, Ag't. Horse Stolen and the Thieves Attempt to Fire a Sailding'. Sunday evening John F. K iyinan, son of John N. It lyman, of Sionvereek town- hip, took his father's horse and buggy and drove to Will's Church. S imerset township, whore he attend. il singing si-hod. lireatwas his suri.rise w hn he Wis ready to return h mho to find that s-viicsiniaiidrcl h id stolen tha Ii irs.-and tigiy. The stolen horse is a dark bay. with small w hite ss.U along his breast and si lesau la white star on his forehead Die animal h i. I n?ver been am1 weighs alnint I ill lbs Mr. Itaviuan offers a r.-ward of fil for the return of thestoleu property, and an additional reward of Si' for the arrest and ouvictioii of the thief. I.Al Kit. Tuesday morning it was learned that the horse and buggy had lieen found tho irevious evening and returned to the owner. Alexander Shaulis who lives (out two miles from 1 layman's, was lining .Mommy evening when lie ac- eid uitly came across the horse au.l buggy c iii.-ealed in a dense woods He im mediately went to the home of Moses Yodcr, near by, ami told him of the dis- kery he had made, when Voder and I J. W. Schmucker accompanied hint to the scene and assisted in removing the stolen properly to Shaulis' Uinu In order lo reach the pl.lec where the horse was found il was ini'.issarv to cross three feiv-cs and through a lot of heavy under growth. An examination failed to show- that any of the fences had lieen torn down and it is a mystery how the horse and buRgy came to lie there. The buggy was without a scratch. Monday night Mr. Shaulis detected two or three men attempting to set lire t his house, mid he is under the impression that the horse thieves determined to burn him out because he had discovered tho horse and returned him to his owner. The rascals were frighteue J away lieforo they had tints to fire tha building, b.iL left a lot of shaving and a h m lt'ul of ULitches behind them on the porch. When vou come to Somerset to cele brate the County Centennial don't forget to call at Wellley's Photograph (Jallcry, opposite the Post Office, ou Main Cross Street, where you can gets dozen of the lest Cabinet Photographs for a dollar for standing and one dollar ami ten cents for I; 1st Pictures. It is true you will have to walk up stairs, but all the same you will save money. All work guarantee! to give full satisfaction. Wm. II. Lithern Sunday School Convention. The Lutheran Sunday S.-h jU of S m- erset County met in Convention at llerliu last week. All of the sessions were largely attended and much interest was manifested in the proceedings. Fol lowing is a brief summary of the pro ceedings: statistical KKI'OHT. No of schools reported 51 " "Teachers " .Ml " "Scholars " 47-T Average Attendam .'WTiJ Amount of i-.mtributions $Sl:ll,'J'i " Paid to Missions frJlTiU OFFICKIIS FOR THK K.SsriS.I Y KA It. President W. II. Kuppel, K., Sini erset; V. Pres. Itev. S. J. Taylor, Iterlin; Kec. See. J. H. lloose, K rliwuoJ ; Cor. Sect W. A. Weaver, Scalp Ixivel; Tress. Kev. J. S. ilarkey, Somerset. Flags and Fir Works. This is going to lie the greatest 4th of July in the history of Somerset County. FISH Elt'S 1SOOK STORK is prepared for the rush. Out of town, country and town merchants are inform ed that I have bought Fire Works and Flags from New York Importers in large quantities. I then-fore am prepared to sell to you at Pittsburg wholesale prices. Send me your orders. Chas. II. Fisiikr. Of Interest to Housekeepers. Ladies who value good cooking should examine the Cinderella Range, It bakes light bread and roasts meat delicious!-. Sold by J. IS. IIoI.I.ERBAUM, Somerset, Pa. Mahlon Schrock is headquarters for mill feed, grain, bailed bay and straw. "100 Cheeri! 100 Cnner Uaytos, o., June Ji, IHtn. 1 C. Col born, and others, Committee ou Invitation. 1 e a r Si ils: Your circular inviting me to be .resent and participate in the cele bration of Somerset County's Centennial ou the Ith of July was duly re-eived. As long as I live I hope b keep in w arm reniembnince the good old County of .Somerset, and, if spared, an.l my health permits, w ill take great pleasure to lie on hand to enjoy and participate in the mim ing glorious celebration. ne lliin licd Choeis! One huii.litni loins !'' May tho 4th In Somerset far eclipse anything that took place at the World's Inhibition iu Chu-ago. Enclosed lind ?V which dace In the treasury to be iiho.1 us the committee , may deem advisable. Sincerely yours Sisios Gedhart. Mr. iebhartisa native of Milford town ship, aud in his early days was engaged iu the mercantile Imsiness at Uebharts, and it is not improliat.le that he w as a mem lier of the famous "Milford ltitlus" For the past forty or fifty years he has been a resident of the liuckeye State, where ho has successfully engaged iu banking and manufacture. Hack in tho forties he was a member of the lavv-tirm of tiebhart it Forward, in this place and enjoyed a lucrative practice. Somerset County Centennial. I'o all our old friends who have gone West and w ill return to help celebrate our County Centennial we would say don't fail to go to Pisel's for a glass of good, cool ginger lieer and tho big ginger cake; it will remind you more of your youth than anything in the world except the old homestead itself. AnyUsly in tho county can tell you whero Pisel's is opjHwite the courthouse, in First Nation al Uank building. We keep everything to refresh man, woman or child. We don't deal iu cheap truck; our things are first-class and will give you satisfaction. Ice cream, cooling drinks of all kinds kept on i.-e; cakes, pics, sandwiches and bread, all linked by ourselves We ran give you a lunch of hot coffee, bread and butter and pieforl.i cents and up to a square meal for ii cents. We have large parlors up stairs w here you can bring your wife and sit down aud eat w hile resting. Don't forget the place. A. P.. Plski- Back on Their Native Heath. Tho Committee on invitation liavc ns ceived a laHro iiiiiiiIst of letters from for mer Somerset coiintiiuis w ho have prom ised to Ik here and participate in the Cen tennial celebration. Among tho promi nent gentlemen who will lie here and w ho will deliver short ad.iress.-s are the fol lowing: Hon. ChauiH-ry F. I'.Uick, of York. Ph.: Hon. tieorgo F. Itaer, of Heading Pa.; Hon. Cyrus Fidcr, of Johns- to'.vn, I a.; Jacob lirovvu, I.mi., of uiiii- licrlaud. Md- Hon. P.. F. Meyers of Harris! in rg. Pa. Other distinguished gentlemen who have signified their intention of being here are Judges Iuigenecker. of lletl- ford; Parker, of Cambria. I My, of West moreland; Slake, of Hitgci-slown, Md.; ugrcssiiiaii Hi.-ks, of Jllair; Hon. Jose.iii K, Tlir..p, of P.nlfor.l: Kx-C.u- gressnian McKaig, of Cuiiilierland, Md.; Simon Uebharl and John II. Snyder, of Dayton, O., and many others Centennial Dince. One of the enjoyable features of tiie Conteunial celebration will lo a grand Uill to lie given in the Opera House, evening of the and afternoon and even ing of the 4th and ."ith. Music will he furnished by the celebrated Otho Orches tra. Kilford and Iew Ceatreiille Getting ia Line. In piirsuam-c to a call, tho centennial coiiiinissveortlie townsliip ami iMirougli asseinbleil in the Hcliool house at .el- harts, Wislnesday evening Juno l!th. where an organization whs r Heeled by Peter DumbauM W.-iug selectetl chair- ma:i and J. C. Wi'ller secretary. An en thusiastic meeting was held. Committees were iipH.inted to gather ancient relii-s and to select such arlichsi as would l e desirable to have at the celebration and to arrange transportation for the same. All presenl seemed interested in having the display from our districts a gtd one. and, as every person is going to the cclt brat ion it was decided that we go in a IkkIv. Another meeting is called for Thursday evening June :!7tli, at the school house In New Centreville to arrrange more definitely. A g-sid nttcudatice is desired. Skc Teachers Wanted. due lirainiiiar and nine Intermediate and Primary teachers for the Meyersdale schools. Applications to lie in ls-fore the IJtli of July. S. S. t;s.i, SKt'HKrAKY. Attention! Comraies! Will the different Posts lie kind enough to rejvort at once the iiumlier that we may expect to Is? here and that will partici pate iu the parade on July 4th? The Chief Marshal has arranged to have the tJ. A. R. lead the parade. Now let the boys show themselves. Kvery one come. A-t promptly. The time is short, and we must know what we are doing. Tiie parade w ill last al out one hour, this is a short time, and we can, nearly all of us. endure it. The lsiys in blue prefer to inarch on f.sjt as they used to do. However, if we can get up enough horses, we may have a cavalry company. In the afternoon of July 4lh at 2 I. v. the old veterans will meet in the Court House where J. (J. ogle r-sq. will aii dress the audience on the Army and Navy. ISe sure and I on hand at this service. Forward! F. P. Sayi.k, Cii AlttMAX Com. West Virginia Farms. Choice improved farms along the West Virginia Centra! and Pittsburg Railway, for sale cheat). (I.xkI home market lor truck and farm products. Profitable in vestment for Pennsylvania fanners. For prices an.l further particulars address. N. O. Kkim, Ki.kins, W. Va. Somerset Township, Attention. The Centennial Committee of Somerset townsliip is urgently requested to meet at the ollice of Coirroth A Ruppel, in the liorougli of Somerset, on Saturday, June sEUli, at '2 p. m., for the purjxise of making definite arrangements for attending the Countv Centennial and for making a proper display. C.J. MlLLKK. Sice Point of Law Involved. Sheriff Thomas Oaks, of Huntingdon County, was liefore I'uited-States-Com- niLssioncr II. Price Oralliua iu Altoona Ttiesday, charged with opening the mail ofa prisouer Albert Greenland. He said in his defense that the rules ot the prison were to open correspond eii-e. He deemed it necessary to ojien Oreenland'a mail, liccause he bore a lad reputation. He also had in view his own protection and the safe keeping of tho prisoners. Attorney Oriilith asked that the defendant Ik held for court, aud ad vanced a number of reasons why he should be held. Attorney Orlady made a strong argument for the discharge of the Sheriff and cited several authorities. The Commissioner reserved his decision for a few days pending a research of authorities on the rather nice point of law involved iu this case. A great musical oportuiiity ia at hand for our young people. The Musical In stitute under the direction of Prof. SutTerin of New York, opens July 8th, at the Lutheran church. Cin-ulars giving full particulars of the course of studies i an lie obtained of Mrs J. A. I-amlrt or fwd InnaM WitTker r.r nf IKa (hflir- 1 man, W. II. Rupind, Ksq. The Institute ' opens July Slh, for four weeks. Highest of all in Lcavcnin ABSCLTES! PURE Bpubli:an County Ci'svtntioj. Tho memls-rsof the Il"pii!.lii-.iii "miii ty Committie met in convention at Soin erM't, at one o'cl.s-k . m., Tu.nlay. Tl.e convention was called to order by Chair iran On motion .f J. F. Nau gle, of Mey rIalc, I ;.o. II. S.till and A. J. Ilib iii in were 'li-Hd S.s'r. turies A call of the roll disclosed that thiity-cight of the forty -two precincts in the county were represented. A.J. CollMirn, Ksq., of Somerset ! tr ough, was dix lared the party nouiins for the ollicc of Distri.-t Attorney and Harri son liohn, of Somerset tovviiship, the nominee for Poor Director. Ocorgo M. linker, of Somerset liorougli and . T. Kiiumel, of Perlin lKroiigh, were elm-ted delegates to the Stato convention which convenes in Harrisbnrg, August isth. Jl'IHiK I.ONI.KNK. KKfl KS The following resolution, endorsing Judgo liongeneeker for apiHuntiiu-nt to the Superior Court liench, was unani mously adopted : l:rxi,(rrtL That we hereby recommend to His F.xectleiicy liovcrnor Hastings, lor aiiiMiintmeiit its one of the Judgmof the Superior court, Hon. Jacob 11. enecker. President Judge of this judicial district. We know from ol nerval ion mid experience the eminent qua!iti-:dioiis of Judge lmgems-ker lor this p.r-..lioii. an. I we most minlially and earint-tly urge Ins appointment as one thai would Ion.) ability, industry and uignily to the ls nch ol tho new court. The ins-eedings of the convention w ere harmonious throughout. A iiiiiiiUt of representative Hepublicans from different sections of the county, not Is'rs of the convention, were present and interested spc-tators A mpy of the resolution was for warded to t.ovcriior Hastings immediate ly uiHin adjournment oi the couv i ntion. K Fashionable Meyersdale Wedding. The principal society event in Meyers- dale this spring occurred last Thursday evening, when A. L. tdessner, pastor of tho Cumlsilaud, Md., lieforiiusl Church, and Miss K.e, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs William Appcl, were united in the holy Winds of wedlock. The Meyersdale Ucformed Church was crowded w ith the elite of the town when at promptly '.'v. M., the bridal party entered. The bride was attired in a Is-aiitiful gown of cream satin, with veil, and carried a Isiiioiiet of w hite roses Tl.e maid of honor was M iss Anna Appel, of Pittsburg, who w.ue a ;nt:y pink India siik gown and carried a 1h.ii. pi. t of pink r.s.s. Misses Aiui-i Naser, of Pittsburg, Delia (ilcviK-.-, of Mi-ycrsdale, Mamt 1 Setts, of II.igcrsi.owi, Md., and Mary Neff, of Alexai:.!: I t, Va., were the l.ri'ii-stiiai'ls. l !ie lies' man was Uev. I'.. I'.Stvk.-s, of Vo.mNo. 'k. Pa. and the ushers v. ere Uev. 1.. C. Ib-rnii-li, of Cletirv ille, IV.., Pcf. C. II. I., l'.-v re, of My ii'liuaii, Fred. . A;.i..-1, of Pittsi-ai -g. and A. I- . II-.v, Ks., if Si. met -ei. Tin- bridal party was met ::t the u'.i.u: by llev. F A. Tru.val, D. D., who performed the sacred t ii i.ioiiv, as-isi.-d by K-.-vs. I". A. Hay, of Mil to w n, P. i., and S. C. St.-ver, of Ces.sna, Pa. Immediately after the ccremoiiv a rus-ptioii was hel l at the home of the bride's parents to which alsnit Jun invitations had Ihi-ii issued. A large uumlier of tho friends of the happy yoimg in.uple from tlilferent purls of the ouiitry atte!iiled the vveilding ami the riH-etioii. Governor Eastings Wins His Suit Against Frank 0 Co j nor. iiiv. II listings ou Friday got a verdict f-.r .,.1.1.1 iiainsi i uv .-'.ii. i.-t i i (..iiiv ... Connor, of Johnstown, for slander. The whole case was disiiosed of in about live hours, an.l it was devi id of any : i t'sa- tioiial interest. U was rumorc I th it tl.e action of l Jovcnior Hastings against the i.'hnstown attoMn.y woi.Id not mciic t rial , and lucre was talk ol :i:i aiiii.-a ;le arrangement outside of court, an.l sab-e- itllent proceedings showed that the ru mors were not entirely w ithout founda tion, although Ihe case was actually call ed and the prosin-utioii br.nght in a lot of testimony in viudit ;;t:..ii of the complain ant. It is now understood that a practii-d uudcrslanding had Is-en rca. Iiml, and thatOov. lla-tings did not want any thing more than a vindi.-ation. This he got in the verdict, w hich the jury n turn ed without leaving the box. Death of Mrs. William Belt. Mrs. William P.ell. of Jenner Town ship, away at the home of Mrs. Itelle Oriilith near the lilcssner post- oiiict?, at i'SO o'clock on Tuestlay morn ing. Two weeks ago to-day she left her home and went to the lSa;tist Church graveyard, which is live miles sauth of where she lived, for tho purpose of fix ing several of her relatives' graves. While iu the cemetery shodisik sick, and started for her home, but was compelled to stop at the home of Mrs. Oriilith, w hich is near by. Her condition grew gradually worse, and, within a fe.v days Is'fore her death, she Kn-aine so delirious at times that three men were required to hold her In lied. Mrs. Rell, who was titty years of age, was l(orn and raised in the house iu which she died. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. John Oriilith, whose remains lie in the Reformed Church Oravcyard near her home. She is survived by her husSaa 1, one son, Jacob, of Jelu'rsoii Township, ami three daughters Sadie, wife of Charles tJregor, of Allegheny County; Annie, wife of Silas Ream, of liixon, III., and Maggie, w ho was recently married to a young man from the latter place. School Directors and Teachers. The coming Cuuniy Centennial, to lie celebrated on the Si, 4th an I alii of July, will bring to Somerset a larger crowd of people than lias ev er assembled in the (nullity. I'nder these cir; uiiislan.-vs y..u will want a pleasant place to resort when you desire to rest and get out of the crowd. Fish Kit's 1S.M.K Stouk Will lie headquarters f.irsch.s.; directors and teachers, ami you will receive ail courtesy and accommodations at this store. Newly elected directors and th.we whose faces have slipped our memory will please make themselves known. ISring your wives, relatives and friends. Chas. H. Fisiikk. Wife Deserts 43 Times. The Monroe County, Pa., Court has up- (ointed a guardian for the estate of Isaac ISrewer. This is the climax of a strange career. Hean.I bis wile, Alice, have had ups and downs with the most alarming frequency during tho ii years of their wedded life. In that time liu wife has, it is asserto.l, dserted her hus liand exactly 4 times. Forty-one times Isaac was able to coax or hire his better half to return home. Put the forty-second time she refused, and is now living with a daughter. They would hav e a slight disagreement and the wife would leave home. Perhaps she would I alisent several days ami then ISrewer would go iu search of her. The twenty-third disap pearance was caused by a custard pie, and it eost the husliand just cash and the deed to a house to gt his w ife lan k. It seems their tastes differed as to cus tard pie, the husliand seeming to have peculiar ideas almut its make-up. Now the wife says she cannot lie lured to go lck home, and the guardian h:is lieen apKiinted. Backwheat Fertilizers. I have fertilizers, in stock for delivery and shipment, from ?1B per ton up. IWst g.iods for the money is my motto. A. C. Havis t-oaiersA-t, Pa. Tower. Latest U. S. Guv't Report m Teachers' Eiaainations. County Sum riuteii.leiil J. M i-rkey has fixed lip-.. 'I the following lan.s and dates for holding the annual examina tions of public school teachers: JohnsV.irg, for Northampton, Tuesday, July 9. Salisbury, for F.Ik Lick and Salisbury, Wednesday, July 1-1. Meyersdale, for Meyersdale and Sum mit, Thursday, July It. ISerlin, fur Iterlin and ISrothersvalley, Friday, July li Shanksville, for Stonycrcek, Tuestlay, July lii. Stoyisitown, for tuemahouing and Stoyeslnwn, WisliM-s.lay, July 17. I Jens. -ii, for Paint, IScnson and t'gie, Thursday, July IS. lSuekstowii, for Shade, Friday, July pi. Davi.isville, for Com inaugh, Tuesday July iJ. J.-iuiers, f..r Jenner and Jenner .own, Wedm-sday, July l. Sipe'sville, for Lincoln, Thursday, July ii. Stimersi-t, for Somerset Township and lSorough, Friday, Julyifi. lSakersville, for JclTtrson, Tuesday, July:. Kingwo.i.1, for Fpper Turkeyfoot, Wednesday, July .'SI. New Lexington, for M id.llecreek, Thursday, August I. New Centreville, for Milford and New Cintreville, Friday, August i Petersburg, for Addison, Tuesday, August ii. Continence, for Continence and Sc.mcr field, Av'eilin'sday, August T. Frsina, for I'rsina and Iivvcr Turkey foot, Thursday, August s. K'M-kwiMMl, for Plack and Pockwotsl, Friday, August U. WiltenlsTg, for Iiriiner, Tuesday, August l 's l'iK-ihoi:t:Ls, for tireeuv ille, Wednesday, August 14. Ken ue! I'd Mills, for Southampton and Wellersburg, Thursday, August I at Mt. .ion, for Allegheny and New ISal timore, Friday, August Pi. Country produce taken in exchange for l iroceriis. Flour and Feed at Ma ii i.o Sen itis-K's. A riHTOit'S XOTICK 111 lte-esia of ill Siiatf r. of ti: -in .:- 1' ! ( ...iri oi' fi V, I i.e olll-l .' t l i.i a ic-i-of l. .. II. no'.ii; !?..s." !'. i-i ti. r.-l.v iriv !: Uc r'n.l : v I'ii . ..Ill JlOl- .1. l:..-rcu.t-i i in th -1. .valor, to -in , I- I'J-oli '.It. 11 V llii.' P. Se-.V.-f. c- ; ,;iy ciitit!. .1 To .-n lo -ill lii.r'i'. I .Viii all. -ii. ! lo Tiie S li'le. Itt'iit i inter -n-i 1 t I.;- .line s-. ea.iie o.i July I it Ii. t-a'.. eri'er-'.ui.' , ai i.i- ..ll.'S-in sh.iii.-i W. i. pah: A'.ll.i. Goods Bought at Ruinous Prices I to bo sold out during JUNE' and JULY. Lane lot of I.a.llvs Siajify M.nt Waists iust roceivcii lliat liavc lioon liotiolit to sell at G."I, 1 aud i: cents, tormor jd icc was JiV, $1.00 antl $1.25. Elegant new line of Silk Umbrel la?, bou-lit to sell at 1.2.. Former priee was $1.G Xew line of t-ilks for aists at 3.), 40, i0 and cents. .lii-cial prices to buvers oa Lace Curtains, all new patterns. New line of Wash Goods just re ceived. Press Goods, tc, at redaced pric es. La-lies" Capes at half price. White Goods, Itce?, Hamburg, Gloves. Hibbons, Ilandkercliiefs, Stoekinjrs, Underwear, ic. Gentlemen's Underwear, Shirts, at reduced prices. uent emens sweaters at ecus. Remnaats of Carpets in Urussclls and Ingrains, at half their value. Our .tock is all ntw and bought at way-dowu prices lor June and July s A Parker & Pate. Make Cows Pay. tsp What is the use OI Keeping cows unless you can mate money with them? No other jjjJX business would stand a waste of from 25 to 50 per cent, and the dairy business will not. Yon waste that much butter by pan skimming. Get a Safety Hand Separator and save it. c P. II. Soabtles. Wt Chester, Pm. Rutland. VL Have a Comfortable Ride. We liavrt at owr wanliousos the finest iSEE OUR $5.00 SINGLE Head quarters ibr Hardware, Farm Implements, James B. Farming IVlade Easy BY THE USE OF--J- UCKEYE : s"--ov T2ie I5iic3iry I'r.'iiiielcs ISkhIct. Cuts a 1 foot swath if iieecssarv ; is and will stanil more service l!:.ri THE BUCKEYE N"o canvass elevators on this luauiiiit.'. irrain on tiie stcejiest hillside w lor a small farir. TELE I3UC1:EY"E: slower. The latent moJel of thee celebrated the mo -t i ompK to machine ever will have tlu Im st. Nollt K Aultman, Miller A Co., of Akr. eisi of the jji'iium.' r.uek-.'ye nia.-hin.-s. Lin-k.-ye int-ai s Uno, ami 1! ma. ar oltt rsl mi.l calle 1 the lUi.-keve, l.ut ma le in other tuvvn anil SLite, ilejien.l on it they are not the genuine. Golden Farmer" self-dump Hay Rake and ' Bmner" Spring-tooth Harrows always on hand. Rlmlinn Tiuiim l'inest Onalitv lluikeye Mui'liiiK 1 wine ahv.-.vs on li:iiul at low UinLing IWlIIU Vrmim? ini:It!::i'it.H of all iin.K. A rniToirs notich Mi ss-liro. u an.l Ia tin-1'..iirt of l"o:.i- uifr ' inoa 1'l.t.s of ss.iii- lo i . rrl .-otmiv. V:i. lliias A. Vo.l.-r. ) No. S.X S, j.t. 1 1'!. Voluntary. A:;;iitii. it. Til tnnl.T-ilaii. ! atiiiilor apjxintitl hy siiitl -.ii'it t'l.Iistrii.i:'..-l.M-f;iu.!s in tin- Ii ni'l fl ii-iiiu'ii.s- i.ian i tlioe l. aliy t-n;i- t..l iti r. i... h. ii'i'V siv.-t noii.s' inai in- n. ..t at t:N ..lii.-. in I:..- lHr.".isli l t.i?ifis-i, l .i..o:i V".li..s.l iv. Jiiiv IT'.li. A. 1.. I'WV, al t ... io k T. il.. It.r Ihe .U.S'se of I.H.Il'illl.- t tiie .linn's of s iil :i'j.iii!;ii. iii. wn. ii ana A livrt-ull i-rso:is iaten-t.-J ioj.v iiit.-ii.l. r. vv . i.i r-r. s.r.i., xV I'LUTOlf NOTK I M.iry liii. kmau and V In the I 'our! of Cotl!-SiMU- IS ' I, s.llu I Ilu. itlluOl ' :.. 1 ! to i t-rsct "oinily, Ut-.ii li.i...!. ) No. tV!.. i'., r Voluntary AsMnniri::. Th mi l. rvi.-n. .1 :iu.!i:or. :.p. -i n ;.-.l I'.v s.'.i'i 'oart lo in ike a i!islr'i'it-it. i ..i tin- fin.'i- in tin ii-;iitl-ol In j.siuf-to nii'i a i.i'tiii; i.i.t?-,' it-j-i!!y nil"!.-! Ih.-i. '.. li'-it io viv.-s n..!n-. thai in- will nil' ii'l lor tut- 'U.-" .1 ii i.,s.iiil.n.'iil. i.l ln ..Hi. -e in the i.roii.ti ol :ii.-is.-t. I'.i., on I '.if-aav. J.i'.v i"ia. i-t. ... ..Vl.x-K a. in . wht-ii an.l win-TV all iri I. s in- lfn"slt"l eail u't.'ial a.l-l In iieurl il til.-y see It. K. XKYKUS. Au.tii..r. l I)ITt)US NOTK'K .l..;....:i I. r.ilitn.T A i In tlir trt tf ioni- Ma r.i It I. Il'lln.r. hi i. I laon ll.iis ol s,:ii . ii.-. J mo. It. Uuiii.r i . -'set is.uaty. i i. A Alls rt A. t;ittner J No. :-7, T., is. t. -rs.-t is.uat v. i to Martin li. HarUi II Vt.iuiirary A-.-ii::iiti. lit. Tin- r.ii.l.'isit-a.'.l ainlltor. a'oiiit.-I said I'otii-t lo iiu'k.- a .listriiiiiii..ii l the n;i:.ts in the Imii. '.! lii.- jtsvisiur t;,ii jiinoim ti.tB.i-I.-jillv iiii ii letl therein, I.en l'V siv.s noli.-.' I. .! lie will meet all iani. iiu. r. It.r ll.t- ;.nl jHisc of li s :-... mill. till, nt Ihe talii-i ol llav V. alker. Ill TIM- l in .US II OI ,-omer.ei. 1'.... on Thurulay. July IMIi. lfk l 1 o.-..k'K Ii. in., wlit ii iiiitl u here all itrtl.s ran utlelnl itn.l tie lin.fl il th. y sit- .rier. .V . 1 . . II 11. Au.inor. l'D1T,l"s NOTICE. hull Muiith and to I. Zllinileriiia 1. ) la the 1'ourt of t'om ni.iii fleas of S0111 t rsvt county, J110 II. Volunury Assiiiinent. The duly aiMiute.l auditor, by the I'.Kirt of t 'minion rt 'f St.merst l rouiitv, totllstrihlile the 111 iiw iiaii.ii the axsiiiiiev lo mid anionif lhite leyiilly enii thereto, hervhy sives :ioiie- Dial he will n!l 'lid lo Ihe. llllitsl tf is. til u..illlllu-llt oil M.HiiIav. July l Jh. iKi's at his otli.-e iu Snin- rs.-l tsTtMiKh. alien aud where all .eroiis interesti'd iu iy attend. C. W. WALK Kit, A .nit lor. rurroifs xoricr- In !Us-st.ite I 1" the Ui-J.liaiis' Toiirt ,.f ' SiiHTs t l'o l"enn- G. II. t.aiihert, d.-r'd. I nylvania. JiineH. iHtVam a-tilhm of Jneol Md!ni;or, admiiiMntlorof sre H. Ijiii!h'-i. tits- .1., the l i.iirl a.Nilnt et. me IC. ss itll, uiltlllor. i. nuike ilistrii.utioii of Ilie fund 111 the tiaii.N of siiid uiti.iini-lrMlt.r toaud aiiKHiit thune it- 1:11 1 ' therein. Hxtrael fi-oiii the KMiirl t this nth June., 'S.1 I I JACOB ss. Mll.I..K.k X.rtiee is lieirhv Eiveii tliat I will it r the i.nris-s-of h-s h ir.'lns tin- ilull.stof niiinli.ieiit. ul mv oitiee in the bontusii if .t ... it.. I . ...I lu- u ...... ?s.ll.'rs.'l. I t. on luesMH. j,.. .... t-ws ... .. and whereall H-rsiis Interested may attend. j aw . -v .... Auditor. lino of BUGJIES, " PHAETONS, CARRIAGES, and ROAD WAGONS, at the lowest price? ever ofTered for liic qualilj. DRIVING HARNESS..- and Wagons. Holderbaum, SOMERSET. PA. MACHINES. t!io h-hU'st dralt: nas l.-wcr piit-i any .t?ier tsi;tk of iii n hiues.. BANNER BINDER. Is low down at-d will harvest ithout tipping over. Just the thin machines is ad-iiitted by all o be made. Get a Uuokeye ar.d yott n, Uno, :ire the inventor an.l iiuiiintiH-tiir- A. J. GKOW.VLL, Kot kv.ootl. Pa- ; IiMtNISTILUItlX 1 Ktate of Simon I'V- !. f Jolfortl t.iu n- shi ... .1. '.-M. la-tfer f n.ltiititt ration, on t.'i:- aU.vr t in-. Iiiiviia; Ik-, ii raiit.-U to tiie r-.-iia 1-y tlii-n'-. ruuiii'-ni.v. n. ii.-e ln-rehv iriv- Vll'.lil P'.-SHM lal'.l' l tO Si, l.l t-st'il.. t. ma k.'" (s.v ii. r-.r. aiul ll,v Laving elill'il-. :ii :l'l-I !.'..' villi lo ;n -.l U..-I.I llmv nuth 'atieul. -i lor s I;).' i, on Sa'imli.j. .Iiiiy-Tt... !ms nt In,- Uilv rt -i.i. u.-e ol the 'l.n 'tl.. in lltt loll ?lllij.. .. ... . AM A XI A III K, A t . v. DMixisruAToas' Noru ii Iu U estate of H. nry I i-rsv.i!ie- hovi:- .'1st, !:l.' ,,f i:rot:H hi., il,-,-'.!. Iit TS .r.:t -,: i ler..i-n. .1. sm 1 eh 1. I ui;:r:i:ioii haling t,v:l ii - 'fi ( 1 ;i -.ii !i-.ri t v . to Hi.- uii- !.!:. 1- er,.,y j. l , , , ST- il t. sil'l 1 .t i.e lo m-.!ie imiii.Mii- ai- . 1 Mieiti, .01. 1 i;ios.. l::iVl', l iaillls amilll-t snirl . u,t lii :.i tneia :,:.y aa:ii.:iii--ti!.' t -et" . 11.. a'. xitnr.lav." Juiv l.tlu IN ., i.1 111 late iv-li!t a. v of i. v .i. I. . 1 1 ii:m:. i Kf;-:i: m. - ir::-:n. Ailiiiinistrutort. 7XKcitoi: s Noricn K.'.ati' i"fS:.liil A. It; nt. i.!.-'i. late of South anl'.oll to.v ;.,', it., it,vtl. Lett.-p. tM.1ii..-i.i..ry 0:1 1;,.. estate having l- .-II ttraar, ; t t;.,. i,in!.-rsi'ji:,-,, l.v the .rot Ti.ii:!ior.:y. iioCi.-,- i i,, r. i -ivn 10 all isoas iiati-iit, . to mhI eniaie !.. nuike ii.i-m:i;-te :yu r.t ami tla.... haviiic elaiiiit ajiiii-l tin-s;. iiie mil .r.s. nt tli.-m ,!uiv au lle lll'.al'. .1 tors, i;i, nit 01 tolliv I uruiiilnkt Ihe late r.-sai.-tiet of sii.,1 .l.v',1.. s,iuriluv, luiy i-th. 's. u h. 11 ami wiure liiev uiilal-t.-uU lor Uiiit j'Ui hm... S.1.M..S o. i;i.I I;ai i;H. " e.a-rsUi.-v, I'.;. Kxii-uit.r. A D.MINZSTICATCU NUTU H UlhC of J 11 111! Ilia.iN. U.t' ol siuule tow ii- sl..I, u. a-.,s,-tl. I rlti rs of ai!:iiii.i:.-..t l.'ii 011 the fc.le hav ilti; Ist ii s::.nted lo the un.lersientst hy the pn.H-r aiiia..rily. is ht rei.y mvt 11 t. ail ft-rstni kia.u iuii theiiist-iM-x 10" 1 in to ui. i-tale ... ilti llit-tl lit te )l -l.lelil. l.ll'l liitK..- Il .v i:; t ii.lllis or ten.' .f i:it the s.luc ti ,li 1 t.. ul ll.t 111 for settli in. 11I at the late -mv ol Die si. i.l ih.s-us-etl. lit .-lui.le t.m ii-lii,., .s,,m.rst t county, fa., .: satunlav .June .vin. In.".. J. I!. IUVKI.Y. r. K. ANKH.NKY. Atltnimsuulois. Iu It- - sle of Solomon V.Kl.-r dei-'.l. In the 1 irpliaiis' t'.airt in an.l tor the couii t of isomers I, l'u The und. rsiu'i;. .1 Auditor. (July .s.intttl ly tiie sai.t I otn-t, to n.i, kt a tli.-tn l.ut ion .f the wiiloiv'a tiow. r in vii.l estat to and ai.aiin; lii.-ti. I.-irst 1 : y entitled thereto, ltt-i l.y i:tvis not its. ttui: lie will Mttt-ii.l to tlu- duiit-t of Iiia :ti'oiiiimt-iil 1.11 lite .'.I day of July. !i",al his ttilu-v in rsttr' Hlot-k. U.rou-'li, hen mi. d where ail M-rsau iuter esttsl may .it:, u l. II. U B Klt. Auditor. UDIT0R"S NOTIC E In He-estate of Ju'.ia Holder, late nf Ji lin.-r tow-iishi. die'd. The uiidersiifiicd auditor appointed by mi.l C.nirl to ttistrit.iiu- tue fund Iu tiie rrau.t of the u.lniii-isinitor to uud uinonir thou I. u. illy en til let! Uier. to. hen hy civ-n liota-e llutt he will meet all patties li.iereslvd for the iurHe f his a(nintment, at his office iu Ihe buniuieti SHuit rsrt, on t rtday, July I "Ui. IstiV, w hen aud where all pviswuH Interested niav at tend. J. H. I HU Alldltur. o