u jhe Somerset Herald. ESI AI'.I.IMIEO l-cr. Term of Publication ...xl eery Wednesday morning at ,, if uilJ iu advance, otherwise ,4,.,:, invariahly l .liaised. lw,.ri.ii.ii wiil discontinued until ,-irif 1,v I""''1 ,'s----a-'"u'r - ui notify us w lieu subscribers do not " r naper will be held respoaBikle steo::t n-'' l-rirllm. , niK.: removing from one rxjstofflc to l r .li.xi'.'- " vt" "s ,1!""e " t,,e t"nam a 1 r,-w'"1 -'--'- Addresa ' XHK -st.at.HSKT HERALD, so KKsirr. l'a. I 1 1 I lV.lV a' i Xt'TAKY 1TBLIC. v. - Somerset, I'j t !'vv t elire-tu 4 Kill pel. litis l' MKYKKS, V AlH'U.NKV-AT-l.AW, -,, .-,.'t's Somerset, l'cu la I'-ii'""1---"' u. 2d rh.r. ,,. i tcrti-I.d to his rare w ill be it- A '1' '.. . .. .hi n.- and lldcllll. 111. v'-"l-' " . . : i . i 1 . ...i- i . w n I .t t-.it nAV i WALK Kit, m . FYS-AT-I.A W. and M'TAKY I't lM", sonii rst t, I'a. ,v-.;. i-mit House. J "H p.. s I'LL, X... IT;. Fount. St., ritlfburs, la UV l.l.l.n i ' AliMl.-NEY-AT-LAW, . Si. .. IX. .. -i . i - i. v ..raU-vi-Ki-lier Store. hi UIVLV M. DIIKKLLY, til A 1 iVUX rA -a l -la W, I Somerset, l'a. v in Ki i t National iiaiik. A. C. HiiLPdlKT, . i-i. ...x . V.1T.U W , J..lm 11. Vbl. GIVKCK K. SCFLL, .MIuliM-l-Al-UW, Somerset, l'a. i-i:n. w. kikskckiik, ' An..i:M-.-A-LAW, Somerset, 1'a. . ,- :n r.-iiiunt; lleux- Kw, iMte Court Haii-e. T II. SCOTT, J , Al iVilNDY-AT-UW, Somerset, l'a. j. Kttosr.ii, All (.'li- fcl-AI , Soiiiermt, l'a. II. K''NT J. U. OOLE. , ,iV!7 A- m;I.Iv. jV Ari'..iit.vs-Ar-L.w, ' NimrN t, l a. W -r.i- jir.:ul! atti-iitiu to business eti-u-ttii't"' In. ir ;m in somerset and:iUjoiiiiU($ nl::."-- ' 111 1 iii ii. . . .... ..v -,'i iv i...uri ii-iui. "ALKXTIXK HAY, Allvlifc-Al-U., Somerset, la. , Ik-il, r in K-5il Uite. Will tu-iid to i.ii.;n-- rrnrw-leJ to lu4re ita irouit- LT. ih.i !il. ill.V. TiiHX II- I'HL, tj A i lotKY-AT-L-W, Sometx-t, l'a. W:!! j-r. ii.i'T i v nlteii.l to all buim-s en--i i linn.' M-iiiey uOvaiH-it mii colleo - . JL-'. IMlii-l- ill .Miiliillliritl llioek. j' UilN O. K1MMEL, All UI i tl-Al S f V i'A ;.T-il t all Hutiwsri i-titru-U-U t hit JAM KS I l'l'till, 0 Al'ioi;MuY-AT-LAV, Somerset, l'a. "Siviii Mammoth l'loek. up Miiirs. Kn--i;i.i en Main i.il'x-t. t'iilix-tillf Hfi i. . i-it7. -Kieit. tli ie -Xalitilled, and ult :-l-;:i-- ulU-Ud-.il to Willi prollipllioi i l i.uli'.v. Lv. j. o i.i:- ::s. L. f. oji.isJitN. j vtl.KtlUN A ( tHJM)llX. jV a n t ys-a mw, 1 A Luwii.M entrusted to our -a!e ill be 1 -ill!; .. and ta.iiiiuiiv ut:.caded Ui. t'olUxs 1 !. Uu..l ill SollielX , -lltrd 11 n J MtJOIIl- l i-ow.iiii-. siirwynij; aiiil eouvejaneiuK a vli rMMiu.ili.e telUi. I ItAKIi, Ai n. .RXEY-AT-LAW, Sllllel, l'a. W.il i.r.KMi.e ill Soiner t and adjoining j:i;... AiMiitii- nirunu-o 10 uiu win i-ii -r.-'int-t un.-uiiou. li. ( rH;i'TH. V. II. Ill Tl'KL. r ti iL'L'lu l'i-II C. lt'IIl-'l 'I I 1 '111 tX III A 1 j An.nM:s-Ai-uv, s.iinerwt, l'a. Ail t.uiin-w eiitni1ed to their eare w ill lie i-i -A ali.l )UUt-.Uaily ullellded to. liiiev M.u t iiim. h;ix-t, otM-ile MaiuiiHiLli W. ( AlIOTHKIiS, M. I., I'lllMl'IAX ami si lUiKoN", Soiiu ix-t, l'a. t' on ratriot Street. ur.ir H. IL SLatiotu w iil c:! at oltli-e. i y.i r. f. siiAFrKii, AJ l'lnHlA.N amiSI"K;KOX. S,mieri t, l'a. T L.i.!x In?. pruf.-sMonai jM'rieif- ti tiiu citi ii. u; ..iii.-:, ; kiiiI lleiultv. x'lliee llet jrUM i.'liilia ; ial Hotel. 5) l J. M. LOUTH 1 11 Yit IAN ash sl'IKiKON, ii .via llain tn.-:, rturof Irug More. yi II. S. KIMMLLL, 1 T. i. !! lis r..r.-i--i..ual wrx iy to the eiti- hi -.iiierei ami vieiuiiy. I nl ir - .:.. ! y Hi .i.'t-i h'- -a:i t- found al Ilia of- ila.u t-i-l of iiiamoiid. T)'l J. S.MfMILLKX, i;i atti ntinn to the preservation "- '..tr.u !-. :u. Arlitu-ial -ti iliM-rliil. " nli..!i. -a;,rant.-d wit iUetiry. 'lhee ''!!! mer I- II. lul Jt 'i'S lor-, 'a.r il.,m r.... I'atriot i-lreelit. x. . II. OjFFKoTII, Kuneral Director. ;:ha-inj Main Cross St. IU-siileint', 4l Pat riot Su y i' !"" iu. r. J. F. IV-aeev. Real Estate and Collecting Agency. Vn.j: to liuy or m 11 fannsortown i.erv'-t eiiuiity or eisi wliere. ar, 1. at .iuriiill.1- in kn. 'i--r t.o-k. 1. 11. .11 will l, Ch,ii to ail uuiil lii idn.tf im.-e- ami l.-alli.i o( .ro- e e'tel.e H tmim-tlt ..tklll). to re- sW KMV.K1: A llrOM II Y, KueiM-r liliH-k. SollKT-et, l'a. I- r- . r. r:, lie... lil.W i-r. Oils! Oils! o ? ;"' V!'aiiltr If. .11. .!.... .... mi:.. t. ' i'"'i.irv. fa., mat.. a M-eiallv rf 'iai..i:aeliiiuit f,,r tl. In.huuc trade in,- rim-!.t brand of laminating & Lubricating Oils XapMha & Gasoline, m:m.iiii.iriNi,iili every known Product of Petroleum f yu wi,h the most uniformly Satisfactory Oils IX T1IK -A-merican Farket, ftuurs. Tmdr for Somerset and vieiul- ty suppUeil l.y "'K A ISKKKITS and .UUt KUOSKH, bwoicriet, ra. 1 he VOL. XL1V. NO. -The 'First National Ml Somerset, Penn'a. Capital, 850,000. Surplus, 518,000. OEPOSITS RECCIVCOIN LARGE AI0a1Ll AMOUNTS. PAYABLE OH DEMAND. ACCOUNTS OF MERCHANTS. FARMERS. STOCK DEALERS, AND OTHERS SOLICITED DISCOUNTS DAILY. BO A I ID OF DlKIXTOli-S. LAlirK M. IIU'KS, (iEO. R. St TI.L, JA.MKS U l'l till, W. II. MIIXKlt, JOHN 11. St OTT. Hoirr. S. St l LU FKKII W. lUKSEx KKK. KPWAnn scriJs : : rui-iiENT. VALFXTIXK HAY, : VlfK I RiU KXT. HAUVKY M. IIF.UKI.KY, . CASUIEIL Tlie funds and securities of this liank nre e- eurely initeetel in a eelebr.ited CoKl.lss Ul'K tiLAK riciMtr SAt- K. The only safe made abso lutely buiViar-l rout. Tte Somerset tetv Ife OF SOMERSET PA. x-.- EttabibM, 1877. 0'sz Rsttor.ii, 1890 a j CAPITAL, $50,0001 SURPLUS AND UN- j DIVIDED PROFITS S1 6,000. ! Chas. I. Harrison. Pres't. Wm. H. Koontz, Vice Pres't. Milton J. Pritts, Cashier. Directors: SAMI F.I. SXYMJl, AVM. KXIsI.:Y. JusIAII sI'Kt MT, Jo.NAS M. K, JUllX II. SNYI'Klt, JtiHX STl'I Kr. ''ri- MII.I.I.R, j Jllsr.l II li. 1.I. .iiaii ..ai.l.r.a, j HAKi'sISiiX SXYl'KR, JKlii M F SHUT, SAM. It. HAKKISOX. rustoiners of this iciiik will ri-ive the m.Kt ; liin-ral in-at titroiisistent ilhsnieliikiinr. ; I'arii-s wishing to miuI mon-y iist or -st run BtoiuiiHMLiU-d by draft for any n?i.oiit;t. t. n. -e . ml x-ii 1 ii.ilil.i s. ell ixit 1.V nilli lT I lux. liold's eelehnileil sah-s, Willi most improved i II I lie iv . 'oll-t!on made in nil tKtrts of the I tilled Stales. I 'hiire.-s iniNlenti'. Accounts and UeMistts .olH-:toi. Wild & Anderson, Iron & Brass Founders, Engineers and Machinists and Tnin Builders. -M.iiiufa-lurei. of- COAL CAR WHEELS and AXLES. Xev ami seiil-Ii:ii'l Maeliiiiory, Shuflinj;, 1 lungers ami l'lilieys, ItijiH-tors. l,u'.ri-ators 'iite. ILte. ERECTING OF MACHINERY A SPECWUY Strictly First-Class Work Guaranteed. Shop on r.matl SU, near IW'i.t Johnstown, - - Pa. TE ART AMATEUR. ! Eeit and Largest Practical Art Magazine. (The only Art Terlodieal aTaidl a Mrdu! at the Inw!uc.-u In nil n.i ih ! "ir I'.r.'iii nrl v: 1 1 MUls f.Vl'r ktrvir b u..f"l rUn lUC, wewi'lwndioanTone a fC uieiiib lot e lhi 1 rilioii a sjni-i J I I PH-n -oir. with f.tti ro'or pia' III !f.irco;.v'iiif o-lrmnine and suwle A S luecury se bbi(H 1s' S.VJ. Or rnn OC will send l- "Painting j lUn ZDC. 10r nedirinorw 'tncges). J MONTAGUE MAPKS, 23 Union Squar. j New York. inform mo nonnwn HnllOliU UUU f ill ti I in l i A SPECIALTY. IIAHHV 31. BEXSHOFF, MANUFACTURING STATIONER -AXI BLANK BOOK MAKER HAXXAM HLOCK, BANK Johnstovrn, Pa. 2. Jl r. A. . lfacrnport Impure Blood CaascJ tire Itil mn aay fare d acrk. 1 was told to take Hood's Sorsaporilla faithful- -f ood's Sg- h par Ilia It. And after using 3 "V- r. l-ottlcs was liffo from m U.i U eruptions. I am pr- fectly cured aod in f i- VSr eelleiit licalth. A. J. T)Avr.M-onr. Milton, X. J. l'Hood'S Pili3 are purely TcsetaMe and da But purae, palu or grij. Try a box. 25c. Campbell AND Smith Po you read our aJveitisc mcnts in all tlic I'iit.sbarirTi Daily raj)ors? If not. tl-j so. It will jiay you. and llic iadaoeiiioats olToreJ will icr.-udJc you either to visit our Great Pry Goods Etalii.-h-mcntj or order by mail. j You will find we atuav lave I the good just as advertised and at rcc named . We hare i9 PKIWRTM FAT.S aii up to date in si vie, and coritain- mg goodi at lower juiees than you can find them eLcwhere. Departments: i Carjicts-, Wash Gojd--, Linen Good?, Pomostios-, Jlillinery, I.adio.s' Under wear, Curtains Funiitnre. Cloak l,,ah- , MIKS i Pre.-s Good.-. n.Mitj" Piii-iaJi T oKov" Iln "v.no ......... .....x. nigs, Triinir.ii!";, Lining?, Infant's Wear, Small Ware.s, IaCC Goods, Ait Gocd Neckwear, : Croeko'y, Umbrellas, ; House Furi: Mi- Parasols. ings, Slices, Toilet Goods, Corsets. Our NEW THUftK DEPART MENT is a great Success. 'Why? Low Prices. FIFTH AVEKUE, Between Wood & Smithfield Streets, PITTSBURC. PA. Jacob D. Swank, Watchmaker find Jeweler, l j Next Door West of Lutheran Church, Somerset, - Pa. I Am Now lrei.:ireil to Mil'ldy the jdiMic with fl.K-Jvs, Wate-htu, an.l Jow t lry of till ile. r:iili'iw, as Cbettp as tin- Clieaift. UEPAIIUXO A SPECIALTY. p1. IX'k almy rf.M.k iH-fonMiiakliipy. jiir-h:ii,s J. D. SWANK. A. H. HUSTON, Undertaker and Embalmer. A GOOD HEARSE, nd evtrjtlting jicrtainin? to fi'iu ral fUru- SOMERSET - - Pa J jl JL J v Jl k3 vy li SOMERSET, Whea I Tuck ia Eeautj's Shevcs. I, ul-.oofl nt fr.-aks of fa-hion, A! the marvels: la mode. Have iiivei'hetl iii prixM-:iud vera-, t.jo, Xo-.r iri frra rili-i.-Kl-; I who've shot at Folly llyiii". And jNilced f'-:i at nil of Fve's FiKiiish d.-iinilo- r, pry ''-e-ivi !" Win n I laelv iu ikauty's ..l.x'V.s. Tho' t!w- wor-t of all the hij'i-i-rs Fwoliioii everdM dt sl--n To!is!ert lla-falr ir.i;iitio!ii I if the liiiiitaii form divine Ti:eM.-tn!oousiiliit lees of lnt;t!on l ji-!i exen-s.-nee now reeeivi-s S"ot;n t!iiiu liken i-nislii-lioo. When I :u. in !:i-iir's v.s. '1 !:o" I've Viiv.-iil fh' Rr,.";i i:t:N-ii:i. e Wi n:nt in . tin-, . I ia'iit. -tirowin evts 's-nitist whose im lim e W e W.-ie la li:,i to lcosj.tle Now that Ilutnor s,iy I'. -y'.e s. r.ti m-i-d, le-:if!y liiMiniv-.!. lov in-.iri 11 1 ri ves l !:o-li !! r. t oil!. ;-i:iT'-.;-ii ini- r, Wle-ii 1 tu.-li in I' s sleevs. Y.'in-n s!ii-eries on! : n I. y'.y lu-li lne f A-. s!ie s? r'l-.' Ii-s hard within One big si. .-v.- io lack another Ami I try to I 1" -In T'O'l" how I've Ik VII In-;'! ieli'h-'I I!y the fashion. l,v. W.U M s They v.ere made for him to hi U in. Vv iaii 1 tu. k in l'--;ul "s -! i v. s. I'iessV. evi-rhej-r, I wond.-r, lb i my h..M-t .'. i-;t-n-i.it Win ii I si.u au.-.y lli-. ti.ii." Of l.iT-i.;s an.! thi ll timtr 1 s.- ie.-r own In ai : t er v.--i ni h. r What loiid dnaiiis n.y f.im-.v weaves, IIom iry i;n:is just aela- to hi: h.r. Win n I uicii io l;;au'y's s', -ei-s. .'!' :.! t.l'Jtr. Ml VERSUS AMBITION. J::ck llali.'ts i:ev r was -o;triil ivd :t Ii;i':t!o:tio I. mil, j.s li:'.inlso!iie !l!fil .., I'dt Vt ry'mxly, !1 ii:t'l y.niiijr, i;k--i his iri:'!t id '.it- t.ws :iml s.iiniy .--iiiie. ii..' 'o;i'nl lie, ii.,st of iii;,-h wt auil, ami tiiis fart wa.i .!.' of Iih scMsUIvo jHiiais. It sf.-mol str-iu;;.', lm, thr.t of till Uiv irirL-i in the wirll Iu- s'.ioui.l fail in low wltli lioi-oiliy ili!!. Ni.ttn.it siif a- :iiiyliiii) i.'.if U wi'vljljily i'ivtty, :i;!'i woiiliy Iiis a lurnti i:'., l;it sho ;:ul Ikvii t.iWi n fri i i iief .!-elliV iio'le.' t i T.:!-.' tiif .t!ati:tl o.K'nfa very v,i -:it!:y :ui! t, aiol l'.iis aunt rjTu-il Doroiity i.i i.mko :t I.iil liaut ni.iriia.', :i- a-..rt of return fi r :i!l tlif j.re f-.-i kiioiiu--. That silf Wo'.lI.J il"! was the- liri:i t-.iiivictioii .f ail l: f fl it ii. N, c,-t Jack Daila.s, h, i;o: .viilistaiulin t he? nniiiy warninrs fr.sn 1 Hirotliy's rejee! fd suitor-, ::!'. li-i".i-voil lliat l..vi- was t'Verythitijr in this wtu'il, :t:il that I;;r otliy v.i'til'l think t lit- s;it:v as hf liil, iievt r ri'f'..iii:n;4 u;Miia woman's ani- hilioll. lie asvak'.' from liis irea:njivi!ii kn-n-t-st iai!l. It w;ls A iv of Dorothy's K-jart-ure f..r llii sJ-..-!nre, :t : I Jack call fll to rxiy t; i . !-iy. n.'foiv l 'avin ills r -ins he i;: l i:ia-le t!:v ir::i r-o!uiin to k.f his 1 v locke.l safely iu his own l;c:;rt. Int xomvh.e.v he cii l.il i:i a-k'e-.j; Mi-s I -r-othy to U-i.mc his wife. Sho s...-.5i-.J his fat.' wi'It twocrih l Ji!t!e w.r.ls, "I cannot," '-.it '. tiv-l n -t iv.;ii tin-ih-j:.ir in liis face. It was a jH cali.'ir aiisv( r, ami -t- t:i-. ill iii-;.iisl that it Was iheolily IVJ'Iy she iii- ant io :u::kc. If s,niio on,' hal st rack Jack an tin-osjKi-l-.il Mow tin- oli'.-ct coiih! not have 1ki :i ni-.r.- utterly ra-iii;i:r. His features tw iieiu . sjann lieaily f r a moment, an.l tin-it horn-ovor.il hin:- If sufficiently t;i hi.h- his hitter (li-a;.;siiiitineiii. "I tiiank you f..r yo'.irfraiikin -s," he s;:i. to her, while she t;a..il o-iti-ftlic win. low, ami l:o i:.l not v t!ie utu-r t J.-Sir in h r t.rnv. ii cyi-s an.l -.;:iin-iie.1 iii tlH"-a:ic- tone of oie,. ; -if yon ha-1 li-e:i h-ss cpk-I ii woahl iiave l.et-it har-.iiT to l-.-ar. I sij.is- there is ii-.thin forme ! K'.it to .lej.art r;:.vfully an-1 inako room for-miic other jeKir f.'l! iw or, ratlu-r, :i rich one." A iliish of shaiiic coloivil hcrfaivan.l she turini! t him with a pair .f il !i alit cyos, hut, stt-inur i;is fa-. s.i full of sorrow, lier 1 x-k sofu-nni. Smio i;iil j.roniidc'l her to lv a little luoro h'.iniaiie. 'I know vi',at I .-ia thr-ni iiij: away. A heart of i'..M f-r :iiiiliti-ii s iiu-re.-li.try lis t I shtal.l. r to ii:"i:k of ii. out Jack, if you knew how I have livcil in poverty, ati-1 how I lir.vo l::'.tel it, you o i!il hav.- some pity for in.'. My at:nt, after an a;. peal to her jkm ki-t-Ixvok, ttr.-.i!- ilmvil t.i jn.esliuaie o.ir true (iiiuliii-m, an.l, n-.-iii my face, tho'i-ht it w.u;ll he a pr.-tty or:ia::ie!it fi -r ln-r ir;iv.iii;;-iiwim. Iain cxi'n-te.l !o s, ;1 it to the iiil:o-t 1M.I. r. l-'or.i'- me, Jack, hut yo-.i are not the highest l.i.l-ler.'' A siifiht .- iif r sjs.o.il t!.. '. ea'dy of her nioiith, iiu.i she pii.-he-l hack her hair witli a jrest;;re that t'-Mhisu j.ia::i or than wcrls how much she hatcl lursilf. If Jack l-.:.-l Inn a little more oon oi iicil ho r.iight have known her in tense love f..r him, lust uicii ares.iia. tinies wry .stupM. He took her hanil an-l hci.l it gently in hisan 1 j-riK-ei-.l- -ho r ;cl h- rac.irtai:) lecture, when he o-iL'ht to have cla. piil her in his arms r.ml il.-;ii:.i!l.il the prixo. "Dorothy, many women have luar rini jist as you are ooim; to iio, eri vin to the Werl! a greater share of ini-ery titan it th-serve-.. lon't 1 it, li:lle one. ! il i not wish to prophesy any ill wi'i.ls, I-tit I ! he'iw you will crave sonicthin-j; nmr.' than lucro wealth. You may not l-ive nit', hut when you J. love you will forgot all a!sut t-iis unihi'ion, :t:nl U- what i.nl inten.L.l you a lovatdo woinati. 0,1 may tniiirv now that money is everything, h-tt when you jirow uM, w!i:.t is :u -re U-a i tiful, more jirccioiis, than to know there is one dear heart that has l.atileil l!i worhl for yo:ir ako au-l loves yo'i to the t-ii.l? Tlien, too, .some tn-ci.kiit ini'ht mar tho lieauty you ar- s-ijimu 1 of an.l t-ii'l forever your juans fora hrilliant marriairo an-l yet, oven then, my love- jiui'.il ncv-r change.'' His voic- liit'.iiiie htt-ky, anil not trust in;: hiin-'elf to say ;-.ny more, or awaiiiii!? (in' eH'cct of his wor.Is, ho hiinied from t tie room. He lil not ln-ir his nrime eul'eil nor tho t-reat soli whi.-h foliownl. h-..t jias t .1 ilown the hail an.l walkol out into the siiinnn-r .-uiisliinc Dorothy, as if ti-iiijuii'.st f.ito, onl. rc.l Ler carriage, au.l, iit hoxilingol.l IVr- ESTABLISHED 1S27. PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2(, 1805. kins's caution aliout the horse, thove down the avenue. Tho horse, like all knowing ones. f.-'t the recklessness in the driver's heart. Faster ami faster he went, until with a taste of the turf in his veins, Prince put Dorothy's life in jcojiardy. She tstw tho trench iu tho road too lalo, and, with a pSori-i:i cry, she was dash out iijio!, the drive. Alas for a worldly marriage ! to :itle hands arr':ed her home, and Dr. Morton ti I t;ji ti-,e l.rui-ml he.-.-l :v.Ti ra.-hut ilie I.I khI from the cuts UjHUi her fai-e. lK.rotiiy was hroaht to conseio-.i. ness l.y tiie severe pain and startling wor.Is ; '-.-'earr.il for life !-' Did sin- di'cam it ? No, f ir wh-n she asV.t-1 f.,r a mirror she was H.-it ly n-f-t-o-!, an-l that was co:ivi tion of itself. Jack's W011U had cone; true. There she lay, .shorn of her h ao.ty, and Mr. YYyvii'.o, tiie niillionaire, wailing for hi aiis-A cr. Then !.ke wini' ci'Ui'slmjthr.uieh her veins eaiiie Hie yro:t and ovc'(owcriii: love of her life. She tri.-.l to kivji it l a:l:, I t:t it t'i.ole.l lier ii.-ai t Mid .sold w ii ii s;.i-hir.o. It dr.iwsicd the npiisy of her wotiinls, and slie sank into d. !i riiim, front which she did not wake f.r m:i!i davx. It w:is tho third wetk after (lie acci dc!.t. Dovtthy was sittiii near the lihrary v. iml .w. Now' and then she dulieod at s !-'tU-r lyhl ujoti In-rlap, and rea Mime of its p-avxt-rejiwith 00:1- ! n-i.Mit. ''So sorry i ;.r of your sad acci dent," was one, and another: "Int Jio.tant lilii:i. -s ea'ls Ilie to Paris.'' Not a word aUv.it his devotion. Not a word tilm'.t his w ild de-ire to make her ids wife. II. r li-a'.ily was g .ne tind with it V:.!':;ce Wyvilie's love. Mveiy day Jack Dalla. had iiiipilrod at the imii-o, and w ith 'ocylsh eiiihar rassineiit left Ids l'.owcrs. '1'o-day Dorothy h:'d t-ciil word he i'.iiht see her, and i.itt- t-oa'd haidiy wait for Ids eoniiiifr. At la-t s!e- I.enrd his v-iiee sj'.yili 1; s.iiin -thing uurry too!.! lVrkinir. Then t!, .- di.r oH-:;ed, and Ja; k, in h:sha--te to n-ai h her, npsi-t overs thimj in Ills v. ay. "Wi-ii ie.' lin k, I-oi-othy r ht'tri.sl. "Tu-day I have entered the firinof Dal las i:c Dallas. I'liele Dick has taken me into the linn. We are- to have the I-.-Li-c- in ilaU r si j! 1:1 re, an-l y.are to fiiri-.i-h it y.K ts you like, and d-i with l.K-just as you -'..-;'.se. Only stiy yes, my darling." ly this lime iie was ijtiite out of i.reath and waited f.r lit r to sjK-.tk. di-.-W the lace el-i-s-r aho-jt her face and hi r Voice faltered : "Did you tell him my accident Jack'.' Did you tell him Iwnsitjjy au l no lit w ile fcr yoiiV"' 1'i-r stiiswor ho kisseil ;!o laeewhere in- thought the soars miht If. As if l.y maie it siiiiw.l from its piaoe and he p.z-d at Dorothy in -j'l i-chlcss a-loni-hliif nt. A fa--e as '.K.auti:"i;l and sw eet as a May m.-rni:iir, and a jair ot lau.-Iiiiijj hrow ileves !-iet his own. Come, lift me i!j," she said, "I am tired of .layiiithoinvaii-l. D-m't l.u.k !iketh:tt. 1 1 was a trick, Jack. I have no s.-ar. Can't yon tiuderstar.d. The .! k tor and I f.K.h d aunt, then M r. Wy- ilie and yo-.i. "And hi I mean WyviUe?" Jack ii::iliaed t- :.sk. 'lie ran :tv;iy! Well, are you not ;';ad ! Aro you not delifjhled No one sii-ms to can- for me imw." Her voice trvlul.hd itwei-n tears and lau-iiter. "Jack, ! -ay Mrtiieihlti.t;." She was l.'.oomtr.; hy.ti rie.il. "Mv d.-iirt- t. the one-; i' ui is, can you care ( ir i.i;-'.' hid knows how" 1 1 ve urj." Two arms -teal around his ia ek. A kiss, iji.iek !ut sure, he feels lii'on his .'..-.!:. :.. and the sWii-t.-t toiiv in the w rid s.iys : "Jack, it was Jove wr.-us aml-ition, and lr-vo (,;i. The Great West. Wh'-ll we ihiuk i-f tho teomii: popu lation w hich n.iv.- till :ii:i::3' jiorti: :is of our coiii, try west of the Kooky Moun tains, i.::d n li:cn.' r ho-.' fame-tis, all ov-r the world, is their singular U-auty, and their noomp-.-.rahie value t the tot.ri.-t, the In tilth fit ki r, tho arlelil tarist and the liorticidtiirisf, as wt 11 as tie- miner, it is intcrc-timr to read what so jnt. -iiielit U : f ateslu:'.!'. as D.i'iiel V- list-, r tho i-ht if them just fifty years a-.i, f.iid to know that his views were s!;arid. hy many other prominent puhiie men of ti-.o tiiiie. I:i a spivch ileiivered in the l'nite.1 States senate in 141, with reird to the j-r-ii'-.-al that a mail s l -iiv should In' cstahli-hcd l-otwooll Mis-11; 1 : and tho lV.cilh- tn.'-t, W'el ster siii i: "What do we want with this vat worthies, iii-.-ii, this region f fava-ros ami w iid U a-l--, of dox-rt-s, of shifting sain Is and whirlwindsof tlust, of caelus and juairie doirs.' To what Hsot-msld wo ever ii-tiK- to put these -;ri -.'.t desert-, or thtse endless mountain ranges, iie.jione-trat-l'-, and covered to their liases with eternal snort ' What ea!i we over hope to do with tho wesN rn mi.-t, a coast of three thousand miles, r.H-x-Uminl, c-ieerless ami imiii vitiicr, with not a Ii:.rl.ro:i it? What use have wo for si. eh a country? Mr. rresideiit, I will never vote one cent froii tho puhllt treasury to plan' the Pacific coast one inch near r IVMon than it is to-lay." Four Big Sacc23sej- II:ivin. tilt IKf l.-l 111 'rit t nioro than make -.-ood all tho advert ism i claimed for thorn, tho following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale. Dr. King's Now Diseovory, for consumption, Coughs and Colds, each Initio ,'iiaiantiiil Kit etric Ililtors, the c.roat remedy for Idver, Slomae'.t and Kidneys, r.u. klcn's Arnka Salvo, the U-st "ni tho world, and Dr. Kind's N-w Life l'il!s, w hich aro a jurfeet pill. All lh"se relii'-ilics tire'iar.intivd tod-i jti.-t wi.at is ch'.I::icI for them and th; d.-al- I er wlioso naiiie is attached herewith ! .... 1 ... 11 - . 1...... w ill Ik' -.ia l to ten yoj iiioie -i iiiem. Sild at J. N.. Siiy.L-r'H dru; st ro, S miers, i, I'xf r at Urallior's dru. 1 tst to, U.-rlin, l'a., A DUTIFUL (ilUL. It was romantic, hut imjiossiMe. She was tho fifth daughter of Dr. Pi!iii:' h:in, t.f Cnra'.i str-i-t, Mayfair, and in the third sail of th- Ivirl of Kroaihnoor, with an aliowanec that kept him iu net-ktu-s and cigarettes, together with a Uilroom and "tho ran of his tn-th" at the family miiisioii in ( ir-isvi-'i ir MUat'e. Lord I'roadncMir had int dow n his ,'oulii-st fo.it as hetivily as he dared and thundered "No!" And as, in addition t his lord-hip. Da. Id lh'oailmoor el.iiio.-d Dr. PiMhivr-h.-im's atten.hiiie,- for live minutes every morning at a guinea a visit, they were not patients to he olli'iided rashly. Si Mi.-s l)or..ihy l'illineham and tho Hon. (!uy do Woki!!, had one mooting to say "t ioodhy," aft-r w lii.-li they were to luoet as strauri r-'. No oik ijtiite know how they had ever met at all. 'Vou w iii licither write to him nor hear from him,'' said Dr. I'illini;!r.i:ii, st'-rnly. "Father, I cannot proinise," said Dorothy, fa,hhin. "I tlon't care whether you do or not, "I'll see to thatl" said Dr. lilliu-ham, and from that day every h-itcr into and out of the hou-e wns M-nilini.-.il, and every w:dk poor Dorotiiy took was in the coiii.any of siiine one stem and m- VlTe. "If I hear of your co:ii:ii-.inic:ili;i with that nirl, v-m jjo witii a shilling," said the K:irl of Iro:dm-or to his son. "All riicht, governor, lit cji your hair 011. o'l ve ir"t to near ot it Iir-t, ' sanl tiiiv h- Woking iind.-r ids I.reath. Hut his father fortunately did not hear and mx.ii after sound, d Dr. Dilling ham as to how parental diM-ii.iine worked in tiie case of Dorothy. "A charniii! nature, Lord l'.!'o-,d-moiu','' said tiie old doctor, "a charm ing nature. Our atl'ectionaic iiitor eonrse is uuiiiterrtijiioil. Kvery m-.m-ing she hi-ljis me on w ith my ovcrei.: !, jus! a- ti-tial, l.rushxs my hat, s.-es i.hat my sfeth.cojv is iu its jilaie I u-cd io i-e continually for.-tting it and thou rh I'il lie Imiiinl she km ws where I'm g.-ing, says i:-t a word." "I am delighted to hear it, ".-aid Lord IlrottdiiKKir. He had rot watched his son's eorres-pond'-no..-, tnistin- rather to the watch iitir "it th'-orlier si le, aii'l also to the fact that he had never seen C.;iy re:-.. anything hut a sjiortiug pajM r or w p'.c ;:t all. x.-ept under comj-iil-ioii. "Very satisfactory," -aid L.r.l Ih-oad-moor, ri-ciilTing to the suljeet t-n :.iontiis later. "Ai! l.lown over ami end.d." He o.i.l 'ni-n ti-Hing Dr. I'iiiiiv.'ham of an execll'-nt aj-pointniont in a gov- i"!!!ient ol'ici' which he laid oht.iucd for iny. "I . !io,;. l not have got hnu a mil I.oud-.Mi," c -ntiii-.n- l his lordship. in j 'Ifi they had not forgotten one anoth- r." I Iiojhj ho likes liis w.rk," .-aid Dr. I'illiiigham. "It'.- the lir.-t tiling he hi- eerpt-r-i-ver.sl w itli. There in- o-.vs to his ol tiee," said Lord l'.rn.t.pn.ior, as the front door httnged loudly. "j.Ut he ought to he eaili. r a'.l the same. late i' i-1 You, tin., nilM he later th:tll li-ual, doc tor, I think." T fancy I am," -said Dr. l'il!ingham. "Is her ladyship ready to mi- me'.'" And he followed a powd-rnl footman out :' the r.xim. When ho came down stairs Lord l'.roa.hu'Hir was -tandiitLr iu the hall. 'T s!io lid U.-oi.iiged, Dr. I'itlinghani. he said, if you would take a hurriedly wrilt- !i line from me to Lady Il.e-.i.r.a haiicr.K ha, to condole with her on Sir 1'at tick's accident." i..- : i t- dim;.. ,i ..... ver.amiv, sail in. i i.i 1no..o., j into hero w iln one corner proj.-i not forget it then." "I'.y ihc way," sai.l his I-.nM.i; hojv Mi.-s Ikiro'hy d.ies let regard mo as a ti rriMe ogre." ..... . . r i t. Sir:::.. 1 i.-v . "idt, tai, fi.ii in. i nungiiatn. .-at- has forgftU n everything -tad we -'ve rist-Tod her liUrty. She lt.is l -.-.-n I otiiie civil lately to yoinvr Dr. Mel -'reg- ! i ii i. . .. i. -.. i.. I or. .-iie nex. i .01:... i-,-,.. ... u.o. .s- ;..re. In lael, 1 rn.liy liej.e ; 'uiteso. Avery suitahle (-niiec- ; tion. Thank vmi,"' -aid Lord I'.roa-l- moor, as he reach. -I his study, while the footniaii closed the tl-mr on the A m -t-.r. "My dear I-t.ly Hon.uia," said Dr. l'iiiingham, "a note of condolence from Lord r.roa.Inioor the sympathetic nut jHiuring of a kindly heart." "Dear Lord Lroailmoor!"' s.ii.1 Iidv Honori.!, smiting at tho old doctor gr.i- ciou-iv as s!ie oiienod it. "How uid't r-1 out tho courtly grace and dignitied st !e of otir il iy from the slangy familiarity of tin present lime." Then she (gave a .sudden g:isj and sank hack UjKin the s.ifa. "Tills frui Lord I'.roadiiKKirl" she moaned. The note fell to the floor. The e..m- . . I nteiieeniont, written large, caught hi. eye :it once: "My own little IkiIIv Daddl.-oinns." 'To ineof all pg-mler g.-p l her l.ldyship. "Certainly not," s:iid tlied.K t..r. She wo ild have turned the scale at lu stone, so "little Doily Daddlec'.ims" wa.stihvi- ousjy iuadotruutc "Written in a foreign hand and j meant for whom I know not, groaned. "Poor Lady Uro.i Lnoir; hut stay, you must not read it." "I have read it, "hi- said, putting ii in his pocket, "and you may not take it from me, Lady Heiioria. It was not meant f-T you, and it was not from Ijord Droddiuoor," and Le Lowed hur riedly and left tho rM.m. "Take this to your mistr.-ss," Ik' s ii.1 to tho Ltitler iu the hall, putting 0:1 his hat, "and say that it is tho note I should Lave given her," an 1 t his cat-hill in he said sharply, "Homer' Ten minutes later Dorothy stood 1k forg her father in hise insulting ro ni, pliant iiii l suhmis-ive, her hands fold ed together. "And how long, uiis," he exclaim ed, "lias this attachment Leon revived? 7 i tie lit, says t!io I iiiciiiuaii f o,;n:e i-i e.' i j . .: :a :; t .v.- I,,;.,;!!; -, li.en new .i r:.l ItlVingthehttiethrtv ,i.rnered note j , . ni (Vf u Uv:i.Uii u. k).rs. .k,i;:! !:,;.,,,.,, t.k i; !l!M,.riJ ntothe'i.nngofh.shat. "I will fat tt j .j,.,.., h;H 1vV,.r ,;,., ju W;jy ih, -M,.t.iu Fr.,-., ,h,. U.tlle he lillol :ero w i'.h one corner IToi.-ctmg, 1 can- ...... -ri, . . i i . . Ho'.v niaiiy of tiiese iiif.itnotis missivt-s ; tion and liver trouLle-, and fortunately 1 t'e--.Ks had h'.en interfere., w itli, nn.l have I Uirne in my hat toe.nd from my ! she has a very valuai.le a-si-tat.t in Dr. the su'istaiitv proper of various vital psitieiit's house?"' j l'i.-ree's l'leas:-.!it relicts, which, small j organs had undergone- the same kind j "It's a vear since yo.i said wo mu-t sis Lird seed and Kigar-ooated, never of d-geiu ruion a th d Lniught alxmt 1 LroAk it off, father, "a you' yewrday. 1 fail t ai eilVetively though s.-.thin- Ly phii-phomus or the ger.ns of iufet You ruust haveoanlel sxaetiy,"' und iy. tioiis disexsg. I in e i she tii.id-a mental calculation, "si'i. traeliug your month's holiday and toe day you wore your while hat ?mo.p.i,t o.liy, and allow ing for leap year, H7 1." "And this" hetxeluim.-d, "was yr.tr filial solicited.-. You have dis -;r.fvd my ii.'iine " "I ehitngul it ye-terJ.y." "What." !"or the first time for twelve months he saw her smile. "Allow liie," she said, "to iiitrod.l'-c 1 the Hon. Mrs. liny i!e Woking, and at I-.-:ist, dear father," .she added, "f"'.' a w lade yar you have never gone on! w ii hunt your sit tho-aipe."- - :-i".:hi.i-i if", h jru.ii. His Kajesty wa: V"ililnif to Please. IDs siitanie I'laiesty sat iijdii his throne, fanning the muggy air with his ll.niihoyant tail. I'r-st ntly a now arrival in tlose .arts was auiiotmced, and he was fortliwith ushereii into the devilish domains. lie snill'iil the hetivy air as if it were u familiar dose to him, and h-cving to his majesty ho o'-served tie- peculiar mot ions of his tail. " l'lii'i v -triki s and out," he said after eo:it-.-nij.Iating them for alcut n i:.in Ule. "What's that?,' iiiijuirad atan, r.-t-ing I. is cau.ial apH-nd:igo across his leg. "Ah, tliere, sate, old Uy," gr.-i te-l the visitor. "I was so attracted l.y the way you handle your.-clf over the home plate that I didn't see you. How do joa do ?'' "Who are you'." thundered his ma- i--'y. "M a-k- d the visitor, witii gt.ih- le -s gran-. 'V. s, slave." 'Come oil". I'm no slave. I'm an American citizen." "Li those il.'iuaiiis, sirrah, you are my slave." "Ves, I run, I don't think," and tin- visitor .-tuck his thunilis in his v-t j arniholi-s and stnitt'-.l i!j an-l down . f .re the throne. "We shall see," said hU mr.je-ty, with a:i oniiuoiis shake of lick-. au-I U-ckoned to a host of i I : t : x-. The next minute the Amerii-ati eiti zen was woiid'-rir.g what Lad I undue of tho . Monroe doctrine, and he threw uji Ids lai:-l-. "( live a man a chance, won't you '.'"" he -aid hotly. "AliaWer me 4i thundered his majes ty. " Where are you from.' ' "Chicago, oi" cour.-o," re-poll led the visitor. Ills majesty r.-sL- to hi- cloven feet and ! -owed. "Ilvgyour pardon," h--sai 5 h .--i-Iy. " i.'ni' a;d t.-ke a seat Ly me.' I'm afraid vntl will find it tame le-re after what voii've Inn 11 lssl to, n:v dear fel- low, hut don't U- hard on us, aiid we'll try to make yoil find a- intieh at Louie as our f.i.-ilil'.es will jieruiit." ."-eating himself N-side hi- i.i..J-s!y, the gent from Chicago kindled a cigar ette and waved Lis hand f.'l' tiie jkt formauee to iie-iu. A '. .i.'.-i. "I was ;r..ul.'i..'l with .uiny f..r live Je-irs. T'!im:is' Lelectrie (lil -.:;'ed me. My wiie and child had diphtheria. Thomas" Hcl etiic Oil enrol them. I would not lie without it in the hoti-e for any coiisid.-i.it;. :!." Kev. II. !". Crane, Dunkirk, X. Y. Nearly a ililiion for a jok2- S-.m'.i.-l I. Sehiiokci- died r.i-ently at Woostcr, . He was a hrotio-r of J. W. Sc!n:cker-, private secretary of I .s-'ahui.n P. Cli.-ise. and l.i'other-in-law i( f J(jil u ,vTiyt ex-Civil Service ; Coinnii-sioner. An iutcr.stimr iu :- .,, . ... , .; .,. - ..,..., newsi-aj-ers. t ne -n. i-a i.t occurred a ! iiiniiiK-r of yt.irs ago, and tltiring the U.l. .f tile s;-.h . i i.. . .,- . . r ..i x ..i i. -h Te Kaili'oad at Cleveland it haj.jKne.l that ncivi-rs aiiil Ji nn .Mc-weciity, tue t.ri.j1a, !;lwvcr, met at tiie s;de M.-Sw.i-i,ev had l.nl :i shot! time !s- fore made a great hit Ly Lis J- lit.-j -J-. .i hesat Cleveland and l'hi.a.'.e.jeM.i wa ..i, illeiitio-.t all over the inuntry. At this particular lime lie was trying a ease ai Cleveland. Young Sehnckt rs was in t!u-e tiay.s a veritahle d-.;de and w ry -pr-.icy. i le went to Clevei.rn.l to iiave a tin;-.-, lis ho always left Woo-t;-r to cclcLrate, and was ha ing a 1. g!or;-..is nine on this i.artieular occasion lie Was small and wiry in stature and al ways carrhd a silk uiiil.rei'.a- It luij'i ned .1 ... . e - ... :,. .:. . .. .......I.. inai i.e inei ..i eciit-y in ti.e e'i.i:i'.:i j ?.. . 1 ... 1 1.. 1 j-i-l .s ISO nan Hill-lien ao ;.utniii-.a , ,-,;j while the .-ale of the Lake Shore l.ihoiel was -going 0:1. Tn.-v sloie.Ksl 'Pi" for a moment at the edge of the excited ci'ovvd Lidding 0:1 the mud. Tie. re were a numVrof svudicatcs r-j.resent- v,.i.,f'.;iiJ i l , X ivrill.ll. . .ileal. 1 .71.,.-, .... , , . 1 others. 1 no Lidding had rcacilcd .-1 , - v. , , .,. , lun.niK). In a sj.int of devihshm-ss young Schuckers Lid :,V-..,ir.i.i. Ina - - luonieiit a rush was iii.ule tow.ir.i the new Liddvr ali.l a ti.-maud was made I . 1. . 1- .. . -. .... 1 10 Know w nat s iiiiicai.-i:e ici.ie-,-:i-.t-ii. ... , , " ... , . . I lis oniy relay was, 1111 a ,nr m- . ,i " .... . .... , ,. 1 1 IX II i 11 "I t .1.1. l.-J .1 1 .ijl ll.r.ll III'.. Tile excited representatives of the other syndicates asked for a recess, w hich was gr:iittil, and in twenty minutes they came Lack, w lien tho Lid was rui-ed to l,in,uii and s-ld Mr. Sehuckcrs' sjinicy upjKiira:iiv aiol lK.ing iu ti.niiiany with the great criminal lawvtrhad led them to U-lieve ho re Tt --..-lit', d Milne st t ret syiidicate . w hich was trying io gain j-0-sis.s;,..) .f ; tho val'.iaLle rail road j.rojietiy. m Said Xature to l'ha-"wliai .ii;i!i:.t.v Whooiisiit to Ik: friends should so .-. Idiini My slr. iii.-iii is .-li::iistsl. my i-m-riy ! I'lma the voll. y of l:iu:- pills tti-eharged i-i I mv head.' It is not strange that Nature should remonstrate against tho Use of those grindingand drastic Lino inarLlt-, with which old fogies of medicine jK-rsl-t iu dosing their patients. They are nt only revolting iu ajijK.iiranco, Lut oft tiin.'.s actually injurious in their effects. Yet Nature needs muiio help in ovt-r- coming ol-stinate do-i-ei-sia. coiistit a- CA WHOLE NO. 2201. By Ba!b',nt3 ii3 P:h. " Til plan f r .-.I'-liing the North I'oie l.y hii'IiKio i-, in mv ooiniori. tin- o;ily practical,!,- one," -aid I'fi.r.ssir II. A. Hazen, of tl-..- Weather Unreal!, to a Ne- York Il'.e-' e.-rr. si..-.:i l-.it. "I s.'.- lll.it King 1 Israr of .s-.ved- n hits ii;n- li'ii.iit-ii :;,u u krou. r to l,-lj out th" pr:j-.-ct of M. A-.i Ir.-e, wii: prop.v.-s to st.ir. .1 i Lis : .-'..d jo irn-'y fr :u tic i-i iii-l-i t 'lie northwest f.-jiith -rircti. ii vr:x w v r T r:: 1 '.'. (Mr j-r ' leiii," c.iiiiinu-sl Mr. Iln en, "i- in r.-aeh ih-- j le hy lulloon. It i-a pr-.j-i-iiion w liolly di!l'eroiit fr.!ii what ii would have !m u a fe'.v years au . Wii it would have Iks-u a suicid al J.roj.et liieii may In considered ! jiraeti. alile no .v simply h-.'a.iM- w e h tvi- learii'-d h'.-v to make gas h:nrs whi'-h wilt not leak. To sjnak more aeeiir it.-ly, we know how- to make lial l.x.ns s-i near t ah.-ohite tight;i.-s as to l.'.s.- oidy onhalf of I jx-r cent, of their contents j--r day. I 'lit i! recently a silk -!i c is i,:ig f.iriei'ial navigition was niii- id'-:' -d to Is- well ma d" if it lost only o -r -nt. J.iT dic.u. Tho im j.rovemeiit has Ik-.-:i hroicot a'xitit l.y emj.loying go! P.eaters' -kin, wliicii is o'-'aincd f !'-..: I the iutestin -s of t!ie ox, :is m.iieri.-.l f r the envelop:. "L-t some ri.'h m.iu furnish v,r. fr ih p;rp-is.-, and I will gtiardittn? to rv.tf'l the J" le. si is xw i: v-v. "The tr-iuendotis stri.h-s reivntly i.i:.-L iii ihe s-. i. i.ee of a-roiiau! it- lire not generally reali. -d. We have learn- elf.,r the lir-t time how to make a j gas-light . 1 all. mit oiiviou-Iy a prim j rn-.:.-i;e i-ir su.-c m navigating tiie at u: -'i'e re. Nest we have d.-m in- slr: '.! i". r.e tiea' ilily of i.rejK-liiiig j th-- air-shh-. i'ro.iulsion omv noeoiu- j!i-l:td, there .-t-iriiig. Y! that i- lu-T 1. f.:1 rents. 1'.. l.lil.."ii eXi'i'.-i- tr! .a a ho.: i- no dii'ioejp alxiiit e.ioiiot -teer a i.all. ion o-ii'titig with tiie air ii s ;:ne ill, :.U with ii rudder any mi tliat is drifting with j tie- eon ni of a str.-am. 'i'.it -sivt- to tto- 1. ..it even a little jK.w er of j r -p-.l-i u. ;i;t.l y.r i can -t-.vr. I'he same .r . -i! ion aj-pii. s to an air s'iip. For want of Utter mean-, I wii.l c.juip my jk.I.-I. ii:;d l-alloon wiia .roelii r which i-u!d !.e work- clw;t!it:io feet lute a ideyel-. logo; tr.iighi ag'thlst the w ind Woiil-1 Ik-too ' la'ori.... .. h i: I cul l tack, if I c.-ild ' only tw n.ih-an I tour, my rudder w e-.! 1 ai !. "T.-io di-ti'iio" to i-o tr.iver-.i from the -!; Ild-od'the a H;i Ifc-ltti t- tho j..;..- Is only a few hundred miles, (in. i.ngai li.-.- rale of only two mill-.- an ioiir.it would I"' praetieai i:- to reach iiied -: iuali"!! and return within thirty day--. !!ii!, v. itii :i strong and favoring wi't-1, w- might ge tie re in a cmiple : day--r even ' --. Having attained li;-- .go;:!, any wind would carry ii southward, i'..r w-- -lia.ii.l le ohlig.-d to go hack to ear original jmhit 'i tlej;:rt r.re. SlnkiajLrCcli Water. ;"n.:ii 'i ( 'air. From lie- si, ;.-n launch Kr-iie, ;,t a ;el, Ton Seh.-e Lake l:i-t A'.lgti.-t, -aid la .cv i..;.; liiau, t iling ot some ... i vents of his simiiie r vacation, wo w. r-- sinkiitg f-.r la ndl-K-kol sufnton in ! a i.iii drol f.n-t of water, .-sinie of our p.uty. uig tlnr-ty, ci-iiij..iiiiied tl.at tiie lake water was ts warm f-.r j-!ea ant drinking,. "I on:: eissily get yo.i water as i-ool as y..u like,,' said the captain. "Just .-tv 1. .w I do i:." He took from tin- looker a heavy oUar; l-.tth- tittit Lad out. i; nd ginger i; . ! i'o-1 a stent ti-iiiiig-iine to its lit ck :.::d lowt red if, tun orkde, to the ! ttom . f tie- lake. Tiiei'e lie ;:!i-e.ved it to rc- i a gla-s atcl Ta--ol it to a pa-sciigcr, j wh f.-iid the water as e!c:r and nd Id spring wat.-r. Ling could nut hav proved it t the taste of j : :i:ii;,lvri'i luo i.ariv. "It's a trick whi.-h every fresh-water ail. ro.ii.rL: t kn-.w,"' sai-i theeat-ialn. "an vet j;-ipie who have sailed on . hdaii-l w aters all thel'' life haven't j , ,, o.n. Tiie wait r at the Uittoi:) j i.i tin a lak.-s is always cold, and on j rot k r clay or -ai:iy U:tt"i:.s is clear er and ji'.in-r liiau at tin- surface. "A- the Initio I lowerol, the air i::-;de kt . j.s tiie .--.iriace water out, and ot -!o iy at tin- Iaiic s ls;tom. As ..itiv ii Iiaaled ttj, the warmer j j'; wat.-r near tin. surfa v c.r.i n t disnlee j t -u. ,. ,!,ior .len--r water which it I .-.utains. With iK ;h of water. ov, r a I 1 hitioni, Hilda heavy Im.uIc, n. ht r.nen m. d 1. !: pure ceM drink- ! v. jt.r in ativ iidand lake." medical authority savs that grief! 1 ui.!.-t U- treat-.-.! a-such. 1-.... ( . I '.I -.1 1 It tan not he ig:i r.d, n.ut.ur etm it Ik.' , , - . , . con-o led :i:'V. it mu.-t Ik- atn-jtts, , -,. ,." 1- ""V'""' ', l ' 11 . !i....r.il.l - i.o-..io-s--.,Viv- S-- ' ' ". , "" , " " , . row, gr.e: auu toe em i.'..i oaa-e i oy ' :" 1 !',-;it misfortnn.-s nlioitld ' e re- I gar.l.d is a.sin to aeiii infectious tn , ... . ,, c.s s, which tn-y rs-.v-mMe iu r.-silt; Mid 1 a- convalesce!." ir tn di-s-a-K-s. In this e!:t-s ef illit -si, seehl - ion, r -Lvp, apjirojiriate f- l, lVe-!i air, siiti-liiiio and intere-is tiiat tax iieitlit-r miu I ii r L ly, are re j iired. After extreme -.rr.i-.v, the n.-rvo-.is sys tem in.-. 1-, ah '.' everything, complete ! re-:, i in- j. i,s.;i ot grief is m re liiau a n un -. Ti tirg- w .ik, sta I , tr.tv- . 1, the vain setirc'.i f-r :i:iuist-m.-ns, isNiih u-e!c-s and dangerous. Fora tine- the wii.de oranisiu is overthrow n ; .... j and toiiipor.iry s-rlieli"!! is imperative 1 ',,r proJitT readjustment. K vent luod- ioul o! rvatioiis sh iw" that the physi e.il results of d-'i.res-iiig emotions art- j similar to tho-.' e.cisod hy Uidily acci- ' ! leiit-s tatig'.to, e'.iiii, j. irtia! starvation , and !.--s of !:! .1. I'.Iris in.l tl.gt, whi.-h aj-piivntly tlltil iu eon- stip.icu.i-- t.f cjjiiiire and front e ndi- j tiou.s that turrcsjKiud in human lK-ings . to tictiie lu.-tiilgia aiul "hroken heart,r ! were examined after death as to tho j condition of their internal organs. It was found that the nutrition of the 1 Eiwin Forrest' Indian Auditors. Kmni th Wnshlmrtfin 1'o-t. "That jiict'ire reminds nie of ntv of tin-most tl-.rilling incidents of my life," said a veilcrai.Ie wliiti -haireil jx-ntle-m-tn, Mr. Ii. 15. Siiums, of South Car olina, jMiintiug to tho Iiiaguilic. nt and iiiiieii udiiiiml jvortrait of Kdwin Kr-n-t that tulorns the walls of tin- Hot. I I 'ago. 'Tt it-rtaiidy is a sjden lid like-mi-ss of the great a'-l-T, and carries mo ha-'k to a i-jjtain uu uioraiile iMi-asioti many year. In-fore the civil war, when I - v. is tVArs an i:--n? m 'I. n!; -li--., phyiog nightly to Ltr.-o ..ii-l et.'uu. l.i.-tie au'li'T.'e.. I i ... mere lad, and was wild w ith d-li;-,ht when the n'crlit cam.- thai I could '. to hear him. "Ill too an liciei- v.;f the -i lcl.r.iti d I odiall ehi.-rtaill, (sw! i, ill half it doa li i-f his hra'.es, w !ei Were then calive-s. Tney had Ki-n pining in confuiem-.-u;, and, j.rotnj.tnl hy the humane motive of air..rding them some diversion, the itutlcritieH took them to heir Forri-st play. His grand l.niks and maj.-.-tie figure caught the coj.jM-r-hiicd au-litors at oner-, and they ;.;jK-.:red ciitru!ni-d from the very otr. st t. I''o:r-. sis.n o!i rvi-d the strange groupaiid iuiiii-- iia'.-ly form.-i a desijin to i'lten-st tin-in j...rt-.'iilaiiy. fr sudden!;,-, in the mid-t of a stirring scene, he emitted an Indian war whoop. It fairly elect ii lied his and', nee, and lie etl'ect on t--eo!a and his party was magi.-.d. Jiniiping to their feet iu stai.t.uni.i!y tho-y gave liack an an wiring whoop that rent the air with its iiti-'hty roar, and fairly chilling the Mo. hi of many a nervous hearer. Two or thr.-e ladies faiutnl. "The whole thing was so stlddeti, s- strange and startling, that it made a vivid and lasting hiijin-ssi-m :i every soul in that assemblage. Forr.-st was friiplelitly hotird t- m-i!l the ej.isod.-, aii-l ho was wont t declare that the action of t!nso untutore-l warriors was the greate-t t-imi'liuiolit ever paid to his j-owers as an actor."' Mini and Matter. Di:. Hkinkh ii IIkn-hi ;t. One of tho greatest triumjihs of tho human mind, and U-yond ti)ii:jariso!i the niit imHii't.tnt steji l-.itherto taken toward the s..l ition of the world enig ma, was the ili.-i.vcry that an oljot imjdics a suhj.i-t, i. e., that any given olij.-ct, for insian.-e a tr-n-, can not Ly any jsis-i!.!- stretch of imagination ! sai 1 to exist, tmle-s there K- at the sane-tiiiio an eye to s-e or a h:ind to touch it in other words, a mind to conceive it. In xtt-nsi ui this dis covery it ea-ily follows that the entire "external world'' cm h ive no iml. jH!id.iit cxist-nce, viz., can not In nnil, exm-j't as a tn. !i'al phenomenon, and that if min i should ever Ik- de stroyed cr cea-e to .-ii-t. tho world, a a matter ot course, would oetise to exl-t also. This di-covery was r.i-ide thousands of years :igo Ly sul-tle reasont rs iu far oi!" Hind-Man, and iis dolu.-tioiis :-ro given with marvelous aenne!! in tho l"p uii-lia l-, which are philosophical treatises apjK-ndol to tho Vedas a -tt .l tiro house -f wi-dom which has 11. .i;".i:d, and iu i.mparisor w ith which the logie of rjur f.rein.-t modern lu minaries sounds like the veriest child's prattle. In those glorious treasures we haw an ej.Itoriie of the wi-loni of sag. -s w ho js.nd. red over life's riddle long U fore the lir-t pyramid was huilt, long lvfore Ahrtiham rotinied the plains of Chuldeu with Lis cattle, a treacherous and savage Uolmim. And, Iiki-a gold oii thr.-ad r:i:i!ii':g thn.ugh the I'pan-i-hads, i- ti.e cver-ro'urring lcs.-oii: "Matter i- an il!;isi..!r, min i alone is real I" Ee Callosity Aroused- Clarence is an acute and olscrving little fellow. He is full of curio-ity ami is continually asking the why and who re fori- of all ho sees and hoars. His usual ipiory i- "What for."' and this Le will lejK-at until he he receives ail answer that ::j.jK-.ds to his sense or imaghiai ion. He has frtnueiitly svli his father de capitate a chicken, and "to kill" t him meant the same as "to ehoj. tho head off." Keceiitly he cun.o to s.n- us, Lis nt ighlairs, w hile a trunk was U-ing patkol, and tho following dialoue en-i:-d: Dig l.xl What f-T.'" "To j -i. k in u:y clothing and Uioks." "'W-iat for?" "To take it aw ay to a hig city." "What for?"' "So that I can u-e the things in it." "What for-." "To study." "What for?" "To I- a d.M tor." -What for?" "What f ;.' Why, isn't that reason enough?" Ag.ii:i Le reii ated Lis "What for?" and humorously someone replied, "T kill Jls.,le." Tln.t sttiltd it. That was the ali snticicnt rea-n. He look.-.! uji know ingly, and naively remarket!: "Chop their heads oil"." n.'i'.fur,-o'."- .V- .ri. A j.iece of irlin ( i :Klin tajxtiy of the seventeenth ti ntury kept iu the Hohcii.iilleni Museum has just Ni-n rej.air-.il and hung in the K yal l'ala.v. It r j.resent.s the (ireat Kleetor at the sic-ge of Stettin, is 1" ftnt l y 1-and is vaiiied at T.,n. The moth-eaten pieces wire replaced Ly new ones, and tho ti-.rnish.sl -iiwr Uy now, in the Deri in factory. A plow in (iermany la-Uvii worktd siimsx-ntliy with electricity and iu this country ati electric Weed killer has Iki ii tested w hich kills the w ee Is, th- cur ivnt U-ing generated on the car, jiassing oiit through a Lru-h and from Ihoti.v it is Lrought in contact witii tho wetils. Tin- circuit is completed through tho wheels of the car and the gr U!l-L Di'iio: o.-rI k In.-Iovhcat asa.-um-mer crop. I: grows tu jkkt lan-l, Lut yields in ro largely if tho land is rich. It is e insid.Ted a pmtitaLlo eroj. for plowing under in tho fall, U-ing u-ol f.r renovated -r land. Its LI.isstMiis afford exc.-llent forage for Un-i at a time when they can fin.! hut few ho:i-ey-pr sLt.'ing jilatiis on wliieh to wotk. All the -i.vk :i a farm m l-t Kc.r. fiilly o'esv-rvetl. Ivu h animal sh.Kild K k.-pi u:il.T enrefiil w.itc! m as to guard ag ilnst disease or a reduc tion of il.-sh or product. Tin- liws of apjK tite Ly one animal may Ik.- due t some calls-.- that '-ui effect tho w hole, and Ly at; ciding to tho m ttt-.-r iu time there may Ik.- a great saving in prevent ing ailments among the other meinliTs of the ll x-k or lien! llolso:i What tlo you supj-e a dog's pants are made of? Wigwag I'roUiLly of a sort of very light Lark. That scrofulous Mint which ha been in yojr LI.mkI for eurs, will be expel led by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, th great U00..I p'oritler. 75"