The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, June 12, 1895, Image 3

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    jk, Somerset Herald
Juik- 12, I".
. . . Imv the Iwwt ma-
Frn'?l..est .ri.w "'""U A J-rh"",'ll-s
n.lvrrti.nout in Uiis 1i1ht.
, 'ha,a l. of now testimonials
'in.lvinont thi- You
' rrirl.lsof ".atonal wore
i.t'li.' ron-vlvnU Mi.lUn.l rail
uik,,n j.iy Kut 1X1 liiUrers from
r-'' vTk'"rrivo,l l.oro the nam- .lay.
S'W i,-if..t!.o r.l have been
he iv-iipl- -' -i--Jin.
MHa..lis Guitars, Banjos
dniC st"1"5
... ,.r iu. cut worm is tut at
Tin roii-i " i"-" ...
i anJtlie fanner- are reioieine at
e" Lis of a ocssalioii of their deva-
u'l t.. -" ,,a ii is now ur
. r i.Wi't- Sitio of the farmers at-
Si tint very '"'S w Ja,,e UU
jilWe in the
,.ur v.,.r pi-i-eerie- from .
svhr.Vkan.l save ,,,lu-r-'
Klrr, V.lU-r, son of Jonathan Weller
0.4, M ilK Saturday evening white
1 " fr-'ii relisi.- mcetiiiB
',.,nv Willi bin U'l.V frion.U a.videnUl
nXris,, the ballet l-Jr-
iinhisriaht log, circling ar.unJ the
;P ImtnotshaU.-ring it. Thus far h.s
' n ha n. l.n able fc locate it.
L'snite oftlie extra lead in his system
lh, V.mng man is getting along well.
Wt 'alvise him to lot istola severely
;,me. they are no good, and we have
m.ver'een a man in this country who
n.-e.KJ ""o. Carry club. Meyers-M?
itrivou into a corner ly the auditor".
invetipti..n, County Commissioiiers
Jam.-? Funk and John Hurd, of lllair
.auntv, have appealed to Court. They
vre iicharired with ?K for alleged il
l, expenditures of the public money.
Xht-v charge the Auditors with according
thorn unfair and despotic treatment in the
investigation, and claim that the Audit
ing B,.ard exceeded its powers when it
exonerated Commissioner M. II. Fagley
fr.uu all misdoing and saddled the costs
oftlie mismanagement of the county's
all-iirs upon the two appellants alone,
Tlieaiioal will be tried before a jury.
IK) you want to buy a first-class musi
cal instrument at a moderate xrice? Go
I, ) Snyder's, dnig store
Tiie ladies having the interests of the
Sjtinner Music School in hand have se
cureJ a large number of pupils and we
arc able to announce definitely tho
time of the Institute, which is July 8 to
August 2. Circulars giving full particu
lars will lie ready next week, and can
hi had of Mrs J. A. Lambert, Miss
Anna M. Walker, or the chairman, V.
II. Kuppel, Esq.
The Institute w ill be under the direc
tion of Mr. J. W. Sufferin, of New York,
agisted by other teachers.
The amount of mail carried on the S. Si
C. r.rauoh is much larger than is general
ly s:iposed. There are fourteen post
oiVuvs on the line of the road between
Rk-kwood and Johnstown. Twenty-five
ail iiiional otlicesarc supplied from Hol
sa;p!o, Sfyetown, Mostoller, Friedens,
Somerset and Kockwood. The local de
livery, cxdur-iveof the thnigh mail av
erages from six to seven thousand pieces
.f mail matter er day. The through
null fir points south of Ilockwood is
heavy, and a large amount is also receiv
ed at the Johnstown office for eastern
points. When it is considered that one
man handles this amount of mail it will
seen that it requires prompt and en
ergetic work.
Country prodiu-c taken in exchange for
C.r.Ki-ries, Flour and Feed at
Mahixix St'Hno'Ks.
If music hath charms to sooth the sav
age breast it has also power to arouse the
savage instinct in the festive honey lee.
An itinerant musician with an organ ac
companied by a little girl, w as doing his
best on Friday afternoon to entertain a
large number of citizens who had gath
ered in front of the residence of ex-Kop-r-iiu:ive
Alexander Port, at Hunting
don. I'a. Now, Mr. Tort is a honey pr
d.uvr, and a swarm of alxtut 5,W liecs
iiiide straight for the organist, who lieat
a histy flighU The crowd lied also, but
the lvs overtook the niusician, and he
s!oj.ed in terror. The honey makers
ligiitcd up u the, and remaimsl
until Mr. Tort pat lii.-m !a.-k into a hive.
Xo. me was stung, and the organist de
clares that his music charmed the lees
and ma te them harmless.
Readers of the H krai.P should not for
g -t tliat J. X. Snyder, the druggist, can
lit their eyes with glasses.
Fifty years ago, Kuianiiol Rts-k and
Miss Sarah Irwin, both resilents of the
I.igxiiier Valley, united in wedlock.
Suliseiiuenily they removed to Wiscon
sin, l'.c-k served thnHigh the war as a
incniiicr of company 15, .1rd WisKnsin
regiuient. They next located in Dakota
anJ t..k up government land. Later,
ltc.-k went to the Iilack Hills to dig gold
and a few years afterward his fami
ly re.-eive.l the news that he had lceu
foil ii 1 miirdereJ in his cabin near Head
wo c.L Mrs. Reck applied for a widow's
ni.iu, but the matter got into a tangle
of re 1 tape and the years rolled by. Re-c-ntly
she was informed, oiiicially, that
her application was refused, because her
liusLtinl was living at Montrose, Colora
do and had asked for a Immisioii for him
s'lf. Letters Is-gan traveling to and fro
and last week Heck returned to his fami
ly :iu,l there was forgiveness and rejoic
ing in the htmshold.
Crock and stoneware at cost at
MaiiijiX Sciiius-k's.
Friday moruiiig Justice tVxik sent lbsik,
tlii inline man, to tiiec'tunty home. This
is llie se.iin.1 time he has liecn sent there
fr :n here, and it is time they kept him ut
til.- Ii :iie. lit wa found o:i M.:n rial
Iy near San I Fat-U, naked, hiving
tiir.ta it his lotli;-s away in one of his ills
f lunacy that overcome him at close in -t-riais.
Mr. Frttik V. Daugherty lad
1 t tit clotiie.l and brought to town the
Kaine evening for commitment to the
e ;:ity h u.-ie. It is said Hjok, fr lhri-e
weeks, was at times s-vn in t lie woods in
llial vicinity, and it was well known there
that he was insane. That he was allowed
to remain at large for such a length of
time d.tes not reflect much credit ujton
tiiat locality, but what is every one's bus
I'ess is no one's. This man Hook should
iit lie allowed to roam at large, as he in
at times dangerous. His mother is now
living at Jesse Uaugli man's, !mt fche is
n alile to -are fir her unfortunate sou.
Keep him t,e U),nie, yieyrnulnte Com
'rrinl. The only renusly in the world that will
at once stop itchiness of the skin in any
1'Hrt of the UhIv, that is alwolutcly safe
and never-failing, is I loan's Ointment.
et it from your dealer.
H. S. Itarsie of Church street has receiv
ed a Mstal card from his brother, Jeorge,
f Frankfort, Ky., who is in the Holy
I-iitl. Mr. Darsie is a nieiiiVier of the
rienul tourisu party of Roston. The
!iiul -ard was written in Jerusalem,
April 3 and was consequently nearly six
eeks on the road. It bear ail cent
Turkish stamp. The card is en!clished
ith a large colored picture of the cityol"
Jiaajsalem. Mr. Harsie says they have
bn there about a week but expect soon
to start on horselnu k for a ride of W
"iles. In a previous letter he stated
tunt while one of the party was preaching
to i crowd of Turks, a supposed "heath
a" relie-ed him of his watch, handker
rliiefandall other lob articles about
ii clothing. He got away alive, though.
f hivHtiim AVtr-.Vfirff.
The Mr. liarsie referred to above is a
"on of the late Elder James Darsie and
a former resident of Somerset.
w -
The first Lome-grown sra Ix-rries of
the sojison were gathered Monday by Mr.
J. I. Swank, of this place.
Regular sen-lex's will lie held in the
Somerset Presbyterian church next Sal
bath, June In. The pastor w ill preach
morning and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Abner McKinley and
daughter, of New York, arrived yester
day morning and will take up their resi
dence here for the summer.
Henry King, of Confluence, and Miss
Mary K. Weimer, of Casselman, were
united in marriage on' the th inst,,
F.squireO. ti. tirof, of Confluence, of
ficiating. The pension bureau gives notice of the
issue of the following certificates: Sup
plementalPanic! Infancy, Sloyestown.
Re-issue John Hay, Glade; Jonathan
Brindle, Kdic; Perry Rrown, Confluence.
Congressman H icks has invited Captain
W. H. Sjinner to Lecnuie a member of the
examining ltoard to pass upon the
qualifications of the aspirants for the
West Point cadetship, notice of which is
given in another column.
County Suieriiitendeiit J. M. Rerkey
last week delivered a lecture on "The
llream of Lire" liefore the students of
Juniata College, at Huntingdon, Pa,
Prof. Rerkey is a great favorite among
the teachers of that county.
Childreus' Iay will be celebrated hi
the Reformed Church, Iavanville, at
10 A.M. next Sunday morning, and at
7:.' P. M. in the Somerset Reformed
Chnrcu. Specially prepared programs,
consisting of recitations, songs, ate, will
be rendered. The public is invited to
A large audience was present at the
Children's Day services in the M. K.
Church, Sunday evening. The decora
tions were on a more eloborute scale than
any heretofore undertaken in Somerset,
and reflected great credit uism the ladies
and gentlemen w ho had the entertain
ment in ;cuargc Tho program w as w ell
The writer of the very interesting ar
ticle headed "Muster Day," which ap
peared in our last week's issue, calls our
attention to an omission by the composi
tor. The article was written, and should
have read; "Of the memlers of Addison
Infantry, three. Major Augustine, Gen.
Ross and Lieut. Kndsly, in the order of
their election, served their County in the
An Allegheny township friend sends
us an article describing a barn raising at
the home of Hoiu George G. Walker, in
that township, on Tuesday last The
structure is lOOxW feet and all of the frame
was up liefore noon, and by night the
weather boarding had been nailed on and
the rafters lathed ready for the reception
of the shingles. About 130 men and boys
assisted at the raising, and thirty or inoro
ladies assisted in cooking dinner for the
workmen. Watson Deal is foreman on
the job.
Venerable A brain Ream, w ho died about
a year ago, having made no provision in
his w ill for a monument for himself, the
infant class of the Ream's Church Sunday
School, in Lincoln township, decided to
erect one to his memory. The necessary
fun. Is were collected, the monument
purchased and it was dedii-ated a few
days ago by the memliers of the Sunday
Sihxl, Rev. I- T. Ijunpo, ofticiating.
Mr. Ream was always deeply interested
in the welfare of the school and was dear
ly loved by all of the pupils.
Johnstow n should join w ith Somerscj
in the celebration of her centennial. We
lielieve that ancient borough has not yet
formally invited this city to participate in
this great affair, but she will doubtless do
so, and as a good neighbor it will lie our
part to accept any invitation she may of
fer and do our best to make the occasion
all it should be. If proper effort shall lte
made there is no re-ison why Johnstown
should not turn out in full feather and in
large numliers to do honor to the hun
dredth anniversary of charming old
Somerset. Juhaxtiura Ih iiwcrot.
Mrs. Renjainin Stull, of Stonycreek
township, was removed from the County
Home to Dixm n". Insane Asylum Mon
day morning by Steward Dickey. The
unfortunate lady was atllicted with a
severe attack of grippe last March and
has since been deranged. L:ist week she
became very violent, threatening to kill
several of her six children, when her
friends reluctantly consented to having
her committed to the Asylum. Mrs.
Stull is alsiut forty-three years of age ami
will proliably recover her mental
President John Murdx-k,of the Som
erset Stone Company, met w itli a morions
and painful injury at the Company's
quarries, near Milford Station, on Thurs
day afternoon. Mr. Murdock was stand
ing on a loaded car when it was lieing
shifted. In coupling up the car was
bumped hard enough to dislodge a stone,
weighing several hundred pounds, which
toppled over on Mr. Murdoch's right foot,
completely severing the great too at
the first joint, and crushing the sec
ond tae in a serious manner. The in
jured man was removed to his h::no in
Johnstown the same evening.
Word comes from Johnstown tint a
syndicate of Pittsburg and Rradford
capitalists have for some time lieen look
ing over tho territory through Somerset
county, and have lieg-.m to lease land,
with a view of thoroughly testing that
territory for oil. A large amount of land
was leased some time ago in the vicinity
of Confluence, ami tcts are now in pro
gress in that locality. F.xcrts who have
examined the geological formation of
Somerset county give a favorable rcHrt
and Ix-lieve that oil exists in those strata
in paying quantities, and it is confidently
expected that the territory south of us
w ill lie developed in the near future,
Ivi Ringler, of stonycreek township,
is the owner of a double set of harness,
made forty years aj, tint are quite a
curiosity ami should de placed on exhibi
tion among tho obj.fcis of interest at the
Co:i:ily Centennial. Seventeen sides of
leather were cin-mtiu;! i i making the
two set of harness and a wagoner's sad
die. The brc.-.-ah-ands ar.- seven inches
w iilean 1 th;o::i.;r pio.-.'i i:i propor
tion. The har.iev is s;ill in excellent
condition. Mr. Ringler says that ho paid
fl'lJ f or the making f the harness and
saddle, while the leatli.!.- d ijb'.Iess cist
as much more.
A fight took place at the Middleereck
church in Miiford township last Sunday
uight in which Wesley Hochstetlcr came
out second liest. Rumor says that Wesley
and his "gang" went to thd church for
the purpose of meeting "Rob" Miller,
and when they were unable to fiud him
they picked a quarrel with a young in in
named Shaulis. Shaulis dressed the 1h;
ligerent Wesley up in good shape, w hen
tho "gang" came to his and put
Shaulis to flight The row is said to
have created a great deal of disc-.mifort to
the g'ssl people w ho w ere worshiping in
tho church and it is more than likely that
several arrests will follow.
A Davidsville correspondent write
that a meeting of citixens of Coiieuiaugh
tow nship w as called for Saturday evening
when it was projiosed to take some a-ti.m
in regard to the part that township is to
take in celebrating :he County Centen
niaL Henry Wol ford, S. W. Uvingston
and F L. Swank w ere the only citixens
present at the meeting and they have
about made up their minds that the
people of their township are disposed to
wait until the county's second centen
nial anuiven ary rolls 'round before they
will be ready to enthuse. We trust that
the gentlemen named are mistakeu in
the conclusion arrived at and that Con
emaughers will turn out in force on tho
3rd, 4th and 5tU of July.
WUlii Pugs Foand by Eii Wif Hanging
in the Barn.
The quiet little community of Scalp
Ievcl was start led Wednesday evening
by the announcement that Willis Pugh,
a well-known and respected citizen, who
lived alsmt one-half mile northeast of
tho village, had coinmittod suicide by
hanging himself in Lis lmrn. The Johns
town Triliuttt says the discovery was
mado by his wife alxxit 7 o'clock in the
evening. Mr. Pugh had not lieen very
well for several days and had lieen at
work aliout the lmrn during the evening.
A shower of rain fell aliout 7 o'clock
and Mrs. Pugh, thinking that her hus
band would Mrhaps expose himself in
the shower, went to the vicinity of the
barn to induce him to leave Lis work and
come to tho Louse, She was unable to
find him w here he had lieen employed
and then went to the barn in search of
iiim. When she opened the door she
was horrified to see her husband hanging
from one of the cross lieams and appar
ently dead.
She screamed and nttnu-ted the atten
tion of the family of Mr. Harvey Wis-
singer, w ho live near, and llieu rushed to
her husband's side. With wonderful
presence of mind tho plucky little wo
man lifted the Issly and hiosetied the
strap from about her husUtud's neck mid
lowered him to the floor of tho liarn lie
fore Mr. Wissinger and his sou could ar
rive. It was found, however, that life was
extinct. The rash deed had lieen com
mitted by fastening a long hitching strap
to a cross lieam ami making a loop in the
other end, which was placed about tho
neck; then, dropping from tho beam,
Pugh broke his neck.
There is no apparent cause for the rash
act, Mr. Pugh was an intelligent and
respected citizen and showed no signs
that his mind was in tli3 least unbalanc
ed. His domestic relations were of the
happiest, and there was no other known
cause to drive him to the desperate deed.
A few days ago he had entered into a
partnership with Mr. K. K. Rauingard
nor, of Scalp Level, and the two men had
lieen to the vicinity of Ashtola together
and Uuight some cattle, preparatory to
going into the butchering business next
week. Mr. Ranigardner says that Mr.
Pugh was in the best of spirits during
the day and betrayed no signs of a trouli
led mind.
"Squire J. P. Stallor, of Sialp Level,
impaneled a jury, which found that the
deceased committed suicide by hang
ing. The deceased was a son of Mr. anil
Mrs. James Pugh, w ho live in Allegheny
township, at what is known as tho "Stat
ler Stand," on the top of the Allegheny
mountains on the Stoyestown A Chani
liersburg pike. He was age.l about thirty-five
years, and loaves a wife Kllcn
who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jona
than WLssinger, of Richland township,
Cambria county, and two children.
A Eire Opportunity.
The rare opportunity of becoming a
soldier boy and securing a liberal educa
tion at the expense of "I'nelo Sam," is
' open to some bright boy of tnis congress
ional district. The following notice from
Congressman Hicks is self-explanatory:
The Secretary of War having notified
me that this Congressional District will
have a vacancy ai the Military Academy
after May, IK;, and requested me to nom
inate to hiui two persons one as princi
pal and the other as alternate to fill said
vacancy on or before the 1st of July next,
I will, therefore, in accordance with the
custom established by my honored pred
ecessors, hold a competitive examination
before a competent and disinterested
Roard of three persons at the Arrandale
Hotel, Redford, on Tuesday, the 18th day
of June, inst., Itween the hours of 10 a.
m. and 4 p. in., to which examination
any young man lietwecu the ages of sev
enteen and twenty-two years, a resident
of the district, and desiring to liccome a
student at West Point, is free to lieoome
a coiiiKlitor. The two young men pass
ing the liost examination and physically
qualified will lie certified to mo by said
Roard, and their names will be designa
ted to the Secretary of War as the proper
persons for apMintment.
Persons desiring further information
w ill please -pply to me at AlbKiua in per
son or by bHter.
J. D. Hicks.
June .'5, lsH". Alloona, Pa.
Recent Ceatai.
Irvill G. 11 ills s. ill of llie late Joseph
Pritts died at the home of his step-father
Mr. Abratn Masser on I'nion street,
this borough, at " o'clock Saturday
attornMii, after a lingering sickness from
consumption. The deceased was in his
twenty seventh year and was formerly
engaged in the stationary business.
A I suit three years ago he went west but
was forced an account of failing health to
return to Somerset. His mother passed
away several years ag- and he is survived
by one sister Mrs. Walter Hetlley, of
Somerset township and one brother
M. J. Pritts l-s'l-t cashier of tho Somerset
County National Rank. Interment was
made Monday afternoon.
Lulu Pearl, the nineteen-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. F. Reachy,
died at the home of her parents in this
place Saturday afternoon, from consump
tion. The deceased was a very pretty
and Ktpuhir young lady, and while her
death had !oen anticipated by her par
ents and friends it still proved a severe
shock to them. Miss Reach y realized
some time ago that her days upon earth
were few and with heroic courage sent
for her immediate friends whom she de
sired to bid farewell.
Caroline, wife of Samuel Weyand, died
at her home in Rlackhaw k county, Iowa,
on May :flst, aged 1 yean, a months and
1-ldars. The deceased was a native of
this county. She was a sister of tho late
Herman L'm lierger, of Jonner township,
and of Perry I'mlierger, of Nipesville.
She is survived by her husband ami four
children. InlSsJher husband sold his
farm in Jefferson township when he
removed to Iowa, where he purchased
one of the line-t farms in Rlackhaw k
Isaac MiltiiilK-rg.T died oil MiV 1'kh
at his home on Williams Creek, Josephine
county. Ore,, The deceased was a son of
the late 'Squire John MillinU-rger, who
was appointed by the Governor of Penn
sylvania to Iks Jusli of tho Peace of
Couemaugh township for life, and who
was sulisequently killed by a tree fallinj
u is in him. Miltinlierger was married to
a daughter of the late t "arrett Ream, and
in 147 they emigrated to Goshen, InL,
w here Mrs. Millinbergerdied many years
ago. The dt-ceased was born May 5, ISIS,
on the farm now occupied by Daniel
Harshiierger, in Couemaugh township.
School Sireetort and Teaekeri.
The coming County Centennial, to bo
celebrated on the L 4th and 5th of July,
will bring to Somerset a larger crowd of
people than has ever assembled in the
county. Under these circumstances you
will want a pleasant place to resort when
you desire to rest and get out of the
Fishek's Rook Store
Will lie headquarters for school diretors
and teachers, and you w ill receive all
courtesy and accommodations at this
store. New ly elected directors and those
w hose faces Lave slipped our memory
will please make themselves known,
Rringyour wives, relatives and friends.
Chas II.
My English Shire Stallion will be kf pt
at my farm duriug the entire season, at
$7.00 to insure a fwl.
ti. V. llEFFLEy.
lTo Primary Election.
7V the Ri-pnhlican Voters nf S-tmrr't
There Ixsing no competition for the sev
eral nominations to be made at the regu
lar June 'primary election the necessity
for holding such elei-tion this year is
obviated, and none will, therefore, le held
The several candidates regularly an
nounoed will Ihj duly declared the party
Oko. K. Sci-LU F W. Rikskckkk.
Sect'y. Cli. Rep. Co. Com.
Mr. Miller WitMrawt ai a Candidate for
Poor Director.
Somkuskt, Pa., Juno 0, ISM.
To Fkkd. W. Riksixkkk,
Chairman Rep. Co. Coin.
Dear Sir:
You will please withdraw my an
nouncement as a candidate for Poor Di
rector at the primary election, June 22,
1385, for the following reasons:
1st. There is no opposition for any of
the olllces to bo filled save that of Poor
2nd. As Mr. (John, the other candi
date for said oilier, was defeated last year
for the same oTllco by a small majority, I
am w illing to concede hiui tho nomina
tion. It would lie ts exeusive and
troublesome to hold a primary election
for the pursso of contesting as to who
should lie the regular Republican candi
date for Poor Director in the fall.
A h am S. M 1 1. 1. Kit.
Of Interest to Houiekeeperi.
Indies w ho value gssl cooking should
exajnino tho Cinderella Range. It bakes
light bread and roasts meat tleliciously.
Sold by
Somerset, Pa.
Tint Han to Respond.
Samuel Custer, of Stoyestown, has the
honor of being the first man to rescind to
the appeal aant out by the committee ap
pointed to raise funds for celebrating tho
County Centennial. Tho Committee
have sent out IS) letters addressed to
the momlicrs of the general committee
asking each member to contribute the
stun of SI. Following is a copy of Mr.
Custer's patriotic letter.
Stoykstowx, Pa., June 6 lsfCi.
Mr. H. M. RiiRKi.KV
Dear Sir: Ry request of J. C. Lowry,
Chairman of Finance Committee, please
fiud enclosed one dollar to aid in the cele
bration of the one hundredth anniversary
of our county of Somerset, Wo may all
bo thankful that we have been spared to
take part in the grand celebration, and
should I be called on to give another do
nation for the same pur is is will gladly
do so; leiiig lmrn in this county and
reared near tho county scat, I feel proud
to say so, and to do my share.
Yours truly,
Samuel Custer.
Centennial Dance.
One of tho enjoyablo features of the
Conteunial celebration will bo a grand
ball to lie given in the Opera House,
evening of tho and afternoon and even
ing of the 4th and ."itli. Music will I
furnished by the celebrated Ot ho Orches
tra. A Yonng Farmers Tragie Death.
A Stoneycreek ceresiondciit furnishes
the following:
A very sad and distressing accident oc
curred at Alliert Glessner's, near Roouc,
on Wednesday morning. Mr. Glcssner
and his hired help, Russel Gletsner, who
is a nephew, got up early and they started
to take tho horses to water. It appears
that Russel was riding a Lorso with a
halter on and had jumped on" its luck to
open the large gate. In a moment the
horse came running to the barn and tho
noise attracted the attention of Albert
GlesNiier. He looked up ami saw Russel
lying in the road. He immediately went
to the assistance of the young man and he
was carried to the houso where ho died
in about 5 hours. It seems that ho was
not hurt much aliout the head but his col
lar and breast bone was broken and an
artery was ruptured causing death from
internal bleeding. The supposition is
that the horse jammed him against the
gate pout. This tragic death ha cast a
gloom over the entire community as Rus
sel was greatly esteemed by his com
panions. He was the sou of Daniel K.
and Maggie Glcssner, the latter being
dead, and was altoiit'JI years of age.
Thought and Action.
Until there Is! correct thoaight there
cannot be right ii-tion. Therefore, think
right ami buy the Cinderella Range, and
right action is assure!. Sold by
Somerset, Pa.
Many Were Soldiers.
Stoyestown and surrounding country,
within a radius of two miles contains a
population of about five hundreJ
The numlierof pension. which arc re
ceived in this community is perhaps
larger than any other similar locality in
the State, Forty-six original pensions
are paid to survivors of the late war,
twenty-one to soldiers' widows and
eleven to deienleiit parents and the ag
gregate amount of money which is dis
tributed in the community every quarter
makes jieiusion day at Stoyestown an
iiii-Hirlaiit event,
I have completed a new warehouse at
Somerset Pa., ami will at all times l e
prepared to furnish tho ZjII Guam Co.
fertilizers specially prepared by them for
the different crops ami in any quantity;
these gissls have Iteen thoroughly tested
and prove to be of the very liesf- Per
sons desiring any of th alsive goods can
bo accomodated by calling on H. L. Sipe
Somerset Pa. A supply of the same goodi
will also be kept at my Sipesviile ware
house. Peter Sipe, Ag'L
A Surprise Party.
Mr. and Mrs. F.dward Lambert, of
Ruckstown. were the victims ofasurprise
party on Juno 1st., the occasion lieing the
sixty-fifth anniversary of the hitter's
birth. At an early hour on the morning
mentioned relatives and friends of Mr.
and Mrs I-amls-rt assembled at their
home. All brought baskets and after
congratulations had boon cxlonded the
ladies of the party repaired to the kitch
en where the baskets were opened and an
elegant dinner was spread. Tho day was
one of great pleasure to all present. A
number of valuable presents were lie
stow ed mon M rs. Lambert,
Wanted Lady representative, genteel
and lucrative iosition for lady of refine
ment, to act as agent for the Palm Christ!
Hair and Toilet preparations Most per
fect article known to science. Liberal in
ducements ami exclusive territory. Ad
dress Palm Christi Co., Philadelphia
Rranch, UJ1 Chestnut St,
4 Shafer-ZafalL
Mr. Clarence W. Shafer, eldest son of
Matthew Shafer, a former well-known
resident of this place, and Miss Klleu A.
Zufidl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Aarou
y.ufall, of Somerset township, will be
united in marriage at 9 o'clock this morn
ing at the home of the bride's parents
Mr. Shafer is connected with the com
posing room of tho Johnstown . cni'
and w ill take his wife to that city w here
they will make their home. The happy
young couple Lave many friends in this
place who w ill join with us in extending
Flags and Fire Works
This is going to be the greatest 4th of
July in the history of Somerset County.
is prepared for the rush. Out of town,
country and town merchanU are inform
ed that I have bought Fire Work and
Flags from New York Importers in large
quantities I therefore am prepared to
sell to you at Pittsburg w holesale prices
Send me your orders
Chas II. Fisher.
Kasidly Taking Shape.
The County Centennial Celebrution Is
bound to lie a glittering smvoss F.vory
liody is interested and hundreds of citi
xens are actively at work looking towaid
this end. A iiumlM-rof patriotic Somerset
jmopln have laid personal business aside
and from now on until after the celebra
tion has closed on the night of July ."tli
will lalsir with all their power to
make it an event that will ret low n to the
credit of the county.
During the past week tho citizens of
Somerset Kirough have contributed ?"
to help defray the ctpen.-e of the celebr -tioii,
and several hundred dollars ad
ditional will be forthcoming from the
same lilreral people IsTore tho close of
this week.
The liimnco committee have s -iit out
Uoo letters to residents of tho county
asking for SI contributions to the Cen
tennial Fund. A number of responses to
this appeal Lave already been received
and it is confidently exjiected that a large
sum w ill be collected in this way. Cer
tainly no loyal Somerset countian will
begrudge a paltry dollar to be devoted to
defraying the expenses of celebrating the
mo hundredth anniversary of the laud of
UN birth.
From Meyersdalo comes word that a
.meeting of tho Roard of Trsde and citi
zens of that town was called for last night
at which steps would Is- taken for having
the south-east end of the county properly
represented, at tho Centennial celebra
tion. All of the other towns and districts '
in the county should follow this example
and arrange to have their sections
Chairman Rupple, of the executive
committee has uppoinUsI the following
additional committees:
On Invitation: L. C. ColMini, H. I
Raer, A. J. Hileman, J. H. I'hl, Geo. R.
Scull, J. J. Stutzman, George R. Parker.
Fire Works: J. M. Cook, J. N. Snyder,
James R. Treadwell, A. C. Postlethwaite,
J. R. Holderbauuu
Amusement: J. D. Swank, R. K.
Meyers 1. I- Caselieer, K. O. Ksser,
C. F. Uhl, Jr., Lewis T. Krelw, R. S.
Islging: ieo. M. Neff, Frank Gilbert,
Wm. Gustin.
Added to Transhortation Committee:
J. W. Rrown, M. F. Riley.
Treasurer II. M. Rcrkley furnished us
with the names of the follow ing gentle
men who have forwarded ?l in res--onse
to the appeal for contributions sent out
by the finance committee: K. 1. Miller,
Dr. II. Gary, ('. J. Miller, J. J. Rowman,
C. R. Moore, Rev. C. F. Gcphart, Geo. C.
Lichty, H.Snyder, J. II. Slicer, John II.
Gumhcrt, John Stein, D. II. Wolfers
lierger. Centennial Committee.
All members of the Centennial Com
mittee for Somerset township and Soui-sr-sct
borough are urgently requested to
meet at the Court House on Saturday,
June 1-s at 2 P. M.
W. II.Rcppkl,
Buckwheat Fertilizers.
I have fertilizers, in stock for delivery
and shipment, from f 10 per ton up. Rest
goods for the money is my motto.
A. C. Davis
Somerset, Pa.
location of a Famons Battle Ground
Deflnately Settled.
KniToii Hkrami:
In your issue of May "iith I notice an
article, relating to the Hanua-McCliiitock
buttle, of ism, ami a controversy as to
where the liattle took place. Today I have
obtained the following diets relative to
this matter from one who was on the
ground tho day of the fight. The buttle
took place at theresidence of Jacob King,
a farm residence built of brick located a
short distance aliove the present town of
Ursina. At tho time of this liattlo the
residence was occupied by Jacob King,
and Jacob N. Hartzel brothers-in-law
also, relatives of the party who has kind
ly furnished the alsive information.
Mrs Wheeler, a daughter of Major
I anna, now a resident of West Liberty,
lows gives me the following additional
information. She well remembers seeing
the bl.nsl stained liattlo field in front of
the King residence after this brutal allair
had ended; and further says that during
the remainder of the life or her father he
always credited Mrs. Ja-uh N. Hartzel
with saving his life, stating that she was
tho only one present that had the nerve
to give the dangerous wound in his bow
els proper attention till the arrival of a
Ruck Alex McClintock, win received a
dangerous wound from the hand of one
of his own men iu this battle, was known
for years as the champion tighter of S:u
erret County, but he never fully recovered
from this injury and as old age grew
iiMn him he found hiiuseif like Sampson
shorn of his locks and as a champio!! he
was no longer in it. The wheels of time
forced him form the ring and in later
years he "got religion," as ho terurl it,
and attended many of tho old fashioned
revival meetings held in those days in
Addison and Turkey foot township
where he would remain as a guest among
the brothers anA sisters ami for days
would feast on g-xid home cured ham and
yellow legged chickens never failing on
all occasions to tell us what a bad-b il
nian he was when he was !a l. Judging
from the frosty locks that adorned his
h sul when I left Somerset County many
years ago, he has no doubt long ere this
passed over to the happy hunting ground
where, I will wager lii to I, tho free silver
question w ill never lie sprung.
Bellefonte's Hundredth Tear.
Thousands, cheering, steam whistles
blowing, liands playing and a general
din and racket at the noon hour Friday,
was the signal that Rollcfonte was pass
ing its century mark. Fully i;o,nn people
three-fourths of whom were visitors, par
ticipated in and viewed the ceremonies
which marked the close of the centennial
celebration of the home of governors
The parado consisted of a:ly decked
military and civic organizations, of this
and adjoining counties and an exhibit
illustrative of the progress of the past
In the afternoon ex-Gov. Reaver dcliv
ere 1 an historical address to a largo gath
ering iu tho court house, und with a liar.d
concert ami fireworks at uight tho e.-le-b
nil ion came to an end.
1,000 bushels of Rye. Will pay tho Ligh
e4 casL price.
S. P. Sweitzkr.
Died in a PitUbnrg Hospital.
Mr. Cyrils Lohr, of Hooversville, who
was removed to a Pittsburg hospital for
treatment last week, died from the cireots
of au operation there last Tuesday, and
Lis remains were brought to Hoovers
ville for burial. Mr. L:ihr had lieen a
great sufferer for many years through
diseases contracted iu the army, and
lately had lieeu entirely disabled from a
sore leg. The hospital physicians found
it necessary to amputate the memlier iu
the hio of saving his life, but his physi
cal condition was too weak to withstand
the operation and Lis death resulted. Mr.
Lohr is survived by bis wife.
How for Trout Fishing.
Refore you go fishing call in at
Fisher's Rook Store,
where a full stock of hooks lines snoods,
corks sinkers lskets, Jointed rods
reels flies and all manner of fishing
goods Wholesale and Retail are for
sale, Chas II. Fisiieiu
Base Ball Goods.
Rase Iwll goods of all description,
wholesale and retail, at Fisher's Rook
Lot riain silver shoeclasp, marked C.
R. S. The finder will be suitably rew ard
ed upon leaving the same at this office.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. I.ttcsl U.S. Gov't Kq-ort
Asssoi.rjTEs.y poke
Addison's Military Hecorl
F.turoi: IIi;rai.i:
Dr. Mitchell'- iiil-Te-tnig aiti'-le in last
weeks' H :r ami on miiMvr dy and mili
tary organizations iu .VM;:-o:i township
is suggestive of a few facts that linger in
the memory of sonic of us lluil his nu'oi-
ory does not reaivii, an. I which may be f
interest to the general reader. While
endorsing all the favorable things he says
in regard to Gen. Ross' fine military com
pany, organized, in 1st"-, the Ioctor hard
ly does justice to some remarkably lino
companies that reflected great credit on
Addison township liefore that time, llo
says "the military organizations of this
county, firthis part of it, were of rather a
primitive character until l-l", when the
Addison Infantry was organized." Just
w hat he would have us to understand by
characterizing them as primitive in char
acter, is left to inference. If he means
they were not drilled, uniformed and
armed nccordiug to tho most approved
toi-tics know n then to army regulations,
he reckons without his lost. Tho milita
ry spirit that prevailed in Addison town
ship as early as lss led to the organiza
tion of three as line military companies
as have ever graced l'euiisylvaiii:i,
and neither money nor lalsir was spared
in uniforming and equipping them in ac
cordance with tiie military code then ol
served. Col. S(-.iright'.s late book re
fers thus to tho Addison Rlues, under the
command of Capt, Thomas F.iidslcy :
"At all the old batUilliun parades iu Som
erset, Redford and I'nioiitown it bore oil'
tho palm for soldierly ocaring, a well as
for the stalwart size of its rank and tiie."
The company was organized in 1 S
wilh Thomas Ktidsley, as Captain; John
Mitchell, (the Dictor's uncle) as first
Lieutenant; James Johnson, as 2.1 Lieu
tenant and Andrew Cring, as orderly ser
geant. The uniforms w ere made of dark
blue cloth, adorned with white braid
trimmings and bright brass button.-, while
tho Jical gear were black leather hats
with white feather ojckados lipped with
bright ml. The company was fortunate
in having a martial band thai attravted
unusual attention in all bntaiiion parades.
As an infantry company their anus were
oftlie approved United States muskets
with bright steel bayonets.
About lsil Alexander Iv.ving, also of
Somerfield, au enterprising merchant, as
Captain, organized w hat was called the
Jackson or Youghiogheny Greys, a ritle
company, with Joseph Roy So, whosnl-so-quently
liecasno one of the most popular
Methodist preachers in the South, as iirst
Lieutenant, and Thomas Glisoti, as ".'nd.
Lieutenant. It was also, a weil disciplin
ed company ana1 w ith its neat grey uni
forms, trimmed w ith Hack bra: !, ma !:
line appearance, Roth companies mus
tered HI to s men.
Iu tiie same year John Har.n.i, as Ca:, with John U. Ki::g, succeeded in
organizing au I equipping an artillery
company. I think they had only o-;e.
cannon. Among others that drilled the
company was tho late John R. lvlie, a
West Pointer. Tiie uiiiibrms wereoftl.j
stylo then in vogue among artillery com
These three companies were firmed
into a brigade, when Win. Piper, a merch
ant at Somerfield, was elected as Major,
Hugh Connelly, of Paddytown, Adj.ilant,
Dr. Wm. Frey, of Sonicrl'i Id, surg.-ou
and William Kbbert, of S-iiuertield, quar
ter master.
On tho retirement of Lo L-ley,
John Morrow, was elected and coiir.nis
sion vl Captain of the Rlues; and
Glis.ui succeeded Capt. Kwin? as Captain
of tho Grays
AslateaststJ George pringly 1-ccaiue
Captain of the Arlilb ry company ami A.
J. Colborn 1st Lieutenant; and in I.; A.
J. Collsirn was i-omiiii-sione.) :n Major.
If there is any other township in the
county that can show as proud a miiiiaiy
record as Ad Ilsou, trot it oat.
Nearly all the original iue:i:'.er oft'ie
celebrated Souicrtield companies have
passed away. The writer knows of only
t.vo survivors namely, Julius Kemp, of
the Addison Rlues living at Meyersdale,
and Thomas Kyler, of the Jackson Grays,
a citizens of Conductive. I.
Mahlon Schrock is headquarters for
mill feed, grain, bailed hay and sit aw.
UDiroR's soncE.
Iii lte-tatc of J.:'.U iiol.i.T. late of Jciiuer
SoWli.-ll!-. i 'ii.
The lllu!eri; auditor .?iMtii:te,I ! v xiiil
Court lo Uii riloi!- toe lainN i.i 1'ic it:ci:s
of tin'oi; to :i:ium 1!:oc
hiraPy enliili .l lliertto. lirrely tives noiicc
tlitl iL-will niHftuI! parties infer. !el forliie
iii,se ! his :i''Ninii:i !it. e.t his oi'irc iu
lie tsirouii of soiuerset. Pa., on 1-ritlay.
July f.'lii. i-l-'s w li ii i:ml liere :.ii -rsons
t'ltcrc.-iifil in iv atten.l.
J. II. fill,
Mary .Itiieiiiiinn nd "i la llie I otirt of ( -om-
la llie i otirt of Ciini.
loo-, of Sim-
f ersf 'olltjtc, I'.!.
) Xo. I J, Kcli. i, 1 ' I,
."saiu 1 i'uci;ii':'ii
Isuialr 'ioo 1.
Voluntary A i'inn in.
Tiie ui!.ler-i-'ii-l uuiiitor. ap-Hii-itcd I y s:iiii
i'ourt lo in:tke a di:ri!uui:i :' the lcnits in
Hie hands of rhiis,tuie It aed unions tho-e
liirally entitle I Ihcrcri, fiereuy i.-ive- n !:
lh:i! "i'l alteiiit f.r the inrp-s. 1 . i
nNiiiti: Ml. at hi-o;ii-i in ite i:o-e.::i o;'
"somer-iei, pa., o;i Til.- ley. J'lly I If'i. ivii. nt
oYI.n U ii. la . lea ami wle re ;nii in
tereslcil c:in atteiul and Ik- heard I ' ibvy .r
It. K. JiKYKI'.s,
i-siKiaioll J. It: I : : :li r .t In thei'ourt of I'oin-
Istmih I. itiTIm r. Ins f iimu I'ltits oi S.101
Wile. J 110. I L Kl'tllcr T ITel o;
A Alhert A. Itittucr ) No. ; 7, is
ITel I'olinlv. Pa.
i., l.i-i 1.
Martin li. Hart.. 1!
Vo!nnt.i,"y As-ia;;ie:it.
The iiui'ersi-ne:! i!i;
f'onrl !o lui'ive 11 t,i!niea io;i to'
the it in i of l iv a.-.-!l' lo a:e.
Ie)i!ly ctiti;!eil t,t. r o. I.e! i
lua I li . U'iil In a t :.H ir ' -i ioN
inSe l ly s:
lie fili!l!s
e:.M: th
,-.t !
ptiri- of h s :t;.-oiotine:(4. M tl.e ollire 0:
llay t V.'alker. 111 I'.e Imi.iik'i ot so:ii,r--. !,
Pa.011 Tlilipidav. Jaly !s;Ji, iv. ut 1 o't-i.ieic
p. lit, wlieii ttiul iiere ali i;,rt it s lain i.t.etitt
unit he h.uril ii t! y s,e prop 1.
A. I S. HAY,
UMTOirs NOTlt F-
Joiiatlian Siniili and ) la 111 ' Court of C.
Ii and la Hi ' Court of Cm
f I'ioa r.-:e: of s'ioii
f ei-s -I rounly, I'a.
riaai:. J
J no 1L aimac
Vii!n.i!ar- A-.-ejniiii lit.
Tie iinders'cuisf duty np;sii!i; il nu li:o;.
Iiy th- Court o! 'I'ii im:i:i 1'i.a of Si::u rs.-l
county, lo iiistr,hiite tin lands in the lia.ielMif
the usj-ltrti'S tt mid atiloi: tiiose li -iaily eii
tlist Ihervlo, hcrchy .ives lolice II1.1I he Mill
nuclei In tiie dutii-s of said Hii.iiiliiie!ii on
Monday, July loth,'sat his o'tiee iu ..ui
erst Isiroii'fh, wlieii and where alt a-rsiiiis
int . rested liny ii'tcnd.
C. W. WALK Kit.
Mins Si hns'k
Ii: the ( oiirt of l oin
I 1:1110 Pleas of 10111
f erset countv, I'a.
J No. Sept. i, ls.4.
Kllas A. Yodcr.
Voluntary AsiKiuiieut.
The iindersitriied ainiitornpp olnte-.l ly s.iid
Court lo liislnlHite llie ntn. Is in the h im'.s of
fhc ns-ti'Tiiis" touiid amoa those finally t ati
thsl tin reio, luTehy itivi-s iiolii that lie will
sil ut hisoiiiee 111 the l-ni'i'-'li of xn.iers. t,
I'a., 011 Wislm-sday, July 17th, A. 1., i.-'"s at
I o'clock I'. M., for Ilu parHMo of litti-udin
lo Ihediitiesof lid H;oi!iiiiien!, wlieii and
where nil persons inlen-sied nmy nfieal.
f. V. ltilKCKKIt,
In K'Msitate ) In th. liiphsni'Court
of - Soiai r-M-t Co.. iViin-
O. II. Ijinils-rt, di-c'd. ) syl vatila.
June it, s-titlon of Jaisiti MiSir.-aor,
silmiiiisimlorof H'sirji II. KainUTt, ih-c'd.,
tin Court appoint ' 'ori.'e li. "iiil, Hiiililor, lo
make l;sirilnlim of Die loud In the hands
of said administrator lo and union;' Utust le
gally entitled therulo.
K.xtmct from the Ilcisird
Ceriille.l this tith Jun. 'Ui
I SEAU I J ACtU H. Mild.KI-.
Notice Is hi nhv clven Hint I will sil for tho
lunuM'ii'iiis'luri.'iiie theiluiicsof t!i. tM.e
ipi.inliiicat,iil in olhVo In Ihi. NinMiah or
Soniers-t, P.... n Tm-s hiy. July 2d. Is h. n
n,l whereail us-rsons tu'ei-ested r:i iv in n n.i.
GilO. K. s.i"fI.U
fi.'DiiiMiij :oi:c::.
In !l. In Iff !:; ': -' t mi'l
i.r f lllfrl 1.0 lia- .101-
f:oio:n-i.i Vul' r 1 t o: .veie t i'a.
l. !. J
T!f uie! rlti!l Auditor, iltily iipionidrd
ty tin' said 1'ieari. lo liiale i -.Ii.'r'iiu.iori of
Hi.' ulilou'a in suld i:ate to it it I
anions lmf i tr iily eniltii d then to. Iter !
Kl v.-s nolle i- Hi .t It-.- trill attend to tiie ilntii-i
of hi! fippoiiiiini-nt on Ihe d day of July,
l""i,ut his olhee in llacr's 1 :t -k. fioineis.-i
lsr.Hiih. win 11 and when all rs-te IntiT
estetl nuiy a lout.
II. L.
A an 1 1 or.
K-tnte of Simon I'll.-, la re of Milford town
ship, i!is''(i.
Ia-llers of diniiii'!ratioii. oil lie' aliove es
i it., havin- Is- 11 -;r.itil-l to tin tirider.i-'iii'd
ly tl.e proMr mil hority, eoiiec is in ivhy i;i
cii to all pei's i tr i- ":-1 lo said citate 10
ma iait.e-ill ite Eiy ineiit, and Uiom- liavl'.tf
claims ''alilil thslllte !o pn-s lit 'lelll hl.
:ilitie-ti!i-.iti-l f'r s. till !il ail, on Sa'nrilay,
Jnl "Jitlt, i!l, at tie !.:e re-i'denee ol tae
(1i-4-'l ill i;ild tovillship.
A M X 1 1 Vll.K
K. V. lthsinkT, Adiioiii-lritri;.
1 ).M I N I STI iAT )! l-i' S ( T It'll
In Ue-estiile of lt-itry Ci.ier. lnle of Ilroih
eriValley t(vl'll-hip. d'-e'd.
I"tters of Adu.iio-tr.oioii ha'.iiitf l-n
i-rauti-d hy ihe pmji"r anllinniy. ioih" uii
ilersineil itotiis-l.i li-ts-hy j;i,,ii to iill -r-jmiis
lildebt'-d to u ld pitete l. l.iaK" ll.ilii'ili
ut' wyinet!l. i'ttd Tiioe liavieg iitiisaLaitut
tii'J i-lale oil pn-seni li.ein il'ily uo'li ai;
ilcd lor -e'.lleineiit. on .-iii'irili.y, July "J7th.
IsXt, at tiie late roidi nee .f liee'd.
J. A. ui:KK.
PJli KK M. CuilKIt.
K.taU ofSi.rdi A. b'uhaiuli, l.-ue of Soal!.
aiiipiou townsiop, i:-i-'ti.
lai:Ts tcst-ite.i ill:' ry 0-1 t'le iire.e it:e
liavin j hc-.i z-ii.t-d to the uinl. isiiin!, l y
tin piojs-r a iliiori".', notice is her.-: y K'V. a to
all ;.'1. I!S ill' ll to said eit',lle to lli.lkf i
naiil.ile x loent and lu-.;e l,::v:n e:,iio,s
ii'aiest l!ie viiti wiil pres-tii tli. to oii!y ati
lln iiTa-ai. it lorsi-oieinciii to ihe K-os tirm:- at
Ihe lah- reslilen ! Kiid ii's '!., ea Siitar.lay,
July 'itli, lse wiien ami where ti: ' wiil at
Ullil fur liial purisne.
.sM'N O. llf.l'i: Vl 'iii,
Wrilers'itinr, I'a. l.Meator.
All j)4T.ins ftr li- r ! n'iri. ii m-l tih..r
lwr -r truf i.iy it-. M.ry .I-iii l'vli,
in V ;ircm:t, im virtu 11 t V Mt:l
lM,'ni uittumt ju-f (j-.u-i. I niii iti r
sjMiilK lr any ti lt- f Iit :! n-tui.
M:i -Tlht Kii. .AMI A UI A
I.M I N ISTi: ATOK S NuTi 11
11 tuR -5 Jwhn ilfurt ls. Lit' cf S.:i !l- t)vn-ilif--.iMtii.
1 t! ri of aliilii:str.iti'-:i i-ii t ii- :tlv- s
uu inu ltt'ii r-.t i il -ii to ti.r rH'iit l
l-y th' T(rauT i:r.:y, n- -t-i - t. r--y -.-iv
l 1 i roiis knti'Ain ;ln m-:v-s to tn-i-!i
i to vi i I i'i!i- lo lii.. I; L.tiii.-fJi-it" .y-rn-!(,
tiio-s4- h.i ii ci.ii ii s. nr li' imii-N
u.'-ii:-t tii- vii. ir i'i.-t ui I tk -iii f.r
m--i:t :tt tii-' r--Mit iu- ot I'm- ilit-i a
(j, i:i vit uii t'! j. n.:,h rvl c.-tiuty, i'a.,
oil .!u: t J ua'. tii, iMv;.
J. V. i;VK.LV,
i.. K. ANKKKY,
to;-: UNiVtsi'rY.
l'r- iit-iiii .ry 1 V. t! iMh: .r-i' f.r u
lr.,in: U Ti k t-- in-: - ; ;iiii tiiioiinir
r:;t.-i-;- l:i n', rt f n-r: un-l r misj n-t
tii-. ITtTi' lo-i tt mi 1 Vim -,.
vi..; !. iu ittbur,:, i'a., i.t tii.
Central Board of Education,
l.. .':;in::.u Tfiu:- lay. J:imv I.;th. at l- V. M.t
ait ? oorUiiiuiiiL; t:-vtii:;i t ai . t:: k-iJ -C 1 : i
tl;.y. 'i Vrlw i "oil Culi o;r r pri- , of I'-. H
.!:l n.'l'lll'i'.f i tl:r ix-i -;tltii!t.i-
t'oti ftr tin- Ar.itit-in!" i ! -si!i..:i I las 1-y-iittf
u ;i iuari ula-itu iu .-i-t-iiiU r.
Ap!i-.t:oas s-iouUl o ti ii. aiil ir al
I:tio::ai ii: U -rii;-: io:i. ;:-i'ir:
JosKi'li k itl.'KfKV, Srr.-t try,
. .1 Kir. Ct'.dii-L'.
i'!;tt'i!iVr. I'a.
Goods. : :
Do you know that every slici?,
counter; table, showcase anJ win
dow in our I'ry Goods Peparti.ient
i.-i crowjel to its uimo.-t capacity
wiih cverytiiin t!io market aCorJ-?
iti the way of new spriiii' goods.
V.'e have baiu-it tho larc-t and
be.-t ai?ort:neut of
RUGS, and
Ever scea in Somerset.
Carpets and Iieo Cai tains are
now on exliiliiliou vnd we are con
fident tint our style- and prieesare
such that lookers w id beconie lny
He .sure to fee our row Carpet.-
and Curtains for .-p in.-r. Wc will
take p!oa?uie iu sin) in-r you a l-i
range of stjles in all the diJercnt
grades of Ingrain?, Taw-sti ie,
Cody Hrusscl-i and Velvet Carpet.s.
In Lace Curtains
- Our -
Prices Challenge
the County.
In this department wc are showing
all the new rich stjles.
Everything New,
Call and gee us. Everything ful
ly stocked and cipiipped at
Parker & Parker's.
Have a Comfortable Ride.
Wc have at our wan hoiio-s the fnet
Farm Impliments,
James B.
Farming PVIade Easy
'JixL. s L
C BE 11
The Buckeye Frameless Binder
Cuts a 7 fjot swath if necessary; is the lightest dtaft; has fewer parts
and will stand uiorc servieo tha;i anv o;her niako of nne-iine.-..
Buckbye Banner Binder.
Xo carfvass elevators on this macliino. Is low down avd will harvest
ri ain on the steepe-it hillside wilho'ji tipping over. Ju-t the tiling
fur a .-mall farm.
The latest modi I of these ceh-hrated machines is admitted hy all to he
the most complete machine ever made. a Ducseye and you
will have the best.
Xotice A nit man. Miller .t Co. r-f Akron. Ohio, are the inventors
and manufacturers of this zenuine Cm-key. Machine. Huckeye nieans
Ohio, and if machines are offered and c died the Hekoye, hut made in
some otiier town or Slate, depend on it they are not the genuine.
' Golden Farmer" sfclf-dunj) Hay Raks and ' Banner" Spring-tooth
Harrows always on hand.
Binding Twine hnkst n-uiitj nuekeye n;udinS
Twtr.c always ou hand at Juwc.-t prices.
r;:ysu: J- I U Leaver in severs!
:v.V.- :-;:;:'. i MMM c; e le.i XcJ.
!::s s';:j::-JU- --7f L .v.-'. Cegcs, s.xJ
':-v, :ke Eye, 't'M "r"J S"-'
Dr. MORRltf SALM, Specialist.
Wor.derfu!'y Successful ia all Chronic and Diseases of tie
eye, m, m, mm, lukgs m fasal catarrh.
All Eyi Operations Successfully Feiforircd by him.
.Vai -1 t.h' t!tirr'l t':rri'
Iff 1 . . .'-
K;r :i li.nir ti .). I n1 ,1! I tv-.:i,i
Li':'hi. i;y ii-.r.ii r :iui :iai-Ji-r il" !:;ira
f.;t',:. ma- - . niiv iit iii- i-'.r r :i v
::li'l 1 i iili.' Via y l.i;iiti :i.:ir:nrii. I WtltT
t lr. ;iliii si:i Cat in - if iio r iii- cr-.
mi. I t.v-iln y. 1 m:i s.-r.i nil li t r.i', an-i Mr ia.-!s-!i'it
i! tjtiis- vliii :n.iy u:!i'r in a !. l.u: a
ti. r. i'1-ii l: h-ir r.zuiii :is Nt as i v-
r. t H;:ii- im s luiv- -; r-
il. ait ho'.it U ! niii !i..iTiy y.nrs it srr. it.
Sii!:. i ..!.! i.ii .'i it '-s c.ittU '' '".it-ii rii.
M. 1". lu.-K,
Ajul'. s,i: Milis, ( 'i iitrv l'i , i'a.
I O J. I
; I'll ('.-..,' IU:::;!. ,iil
" : ...
yt-irs :!: I M!trtTt:! r.i-4;irr, ;irv! it
in I: M -.: r-. i f r..i;i:si:y I ii -i - - - u tr-
:i. v ri iu ! I. i s;' w !: t ::i;i! I t-"-.t 'i:t
kt r ;i!:tl vr;..Ut r. l.r.t I w..s ;n-:-- ;t
u.xii. I :ri-:.i::ifi.: ?:!: M-v r.:l 7 ?.r
i -.!! i'i tm- ii..iy, inv .'iiii'h:r t;it-y
1". .-:.i,a; la- .:. niussl !. .tin- I.... ant. 1
.1. .. s-v. i." lc-1'l Lis w.u.i. for t-.!;.v 1 aa,
.on. uti -iiu... i..-.,ahx . .'..i.i.i ho . t.Hvt. ii
, ii.v .r;, i lin.t
...ti ViJlK-WiV,.-, til. .:....'
,,,,1U U" ,1,r- Mrs.'i I. Kin Ili-y.
May 11, V
i::u-ii Valli-y, l:nliai I'u., I":
T:.uii-j1U Hit Tiiiu- H iil f-.:ir Ji ll W.r i i 'jf. i
bj !: .M. '.-M.
Korsium- y. :n I li:.v. I.n ut'i-riai: wilh
.ariniis ail. iii-iiis n:nt iirnu,- lUiwri at I
taila-rvst na-l i-i-riiit.liii' ::in :riii taul t
Its-'t yil tin linn. yy s.oiu. ifti tmaoii'il an' a
l.shI il,-..!: ls . r aiiil kiilia-ys us -i-il wi re out
..foi-l.T. in tM-1, I tlmiijlil my liail
nil'. 'i'Jli' it'H'lurs iil'illl'l ! ilif :iny 1ikk!,
ii. ii! in1 i;ii-!ias l.aI ia i Hi i'i. I ' at hi
iat t' I'r. Nana, ami ui!r u ciiurs.' n" tri.t
iMi-iit. I am itnw liquid ms ii;il. lu-arty uml
strung as tver.
K. I C.:.iVr.
Waniiws M".r;:, lluutii-Unri Co., Ilu
Our Advertiscmsrit Will Appear twica Defore Each Visit.
Tutt' ii
Mar A i'i
Miiiiii-l i-iii rs't 11"
l iiiitia-ias' i IH1.N II. m' h'ri.tay
lstUn subjivt to clianjfv of wlilca i-ii!ar
LI'hfnLi, FJ3 and Sfona Precf-
P.t)l fvp I T"sT r Tr Tf afl 4 orrm'
Ciit!.- 10 I CiUUW ' ' 1 -'.' .'-i- "
U risv. I '- Mln.
lino of
" CAIUUAGEtf, and
at the lowest price. ever cflered for liic ftaJiiy.
and Wigons.
USE Of-v
Still t'itiff fV.'l.
Ki.r tii" !i.-t y is I ha v. In I i:iiful!y irro
I:iii! s: iii. v "'f.ulil i. ln:(K n ii nil tun.
i::. ii'i a.- a ir i! ! t: ut !-. :.i il laakirtf
mi- r.i' lit :'! lay iti.-i'.v Uitor. I hue hul I
il'.i-ii :s r iair i i;r-ii:r. but liny s'u!i!n'i
i:o:r. .V: !i.t I win: ii Ir. al:i, win na.iN
;. n r:i i I I la! li.(.!. Ii- an-, ;mJ 1 ti rl il t
u! i UTi i a i ua-i-i.
K.:i!!i V. Cutlirii'.
: Ni.v. s. ;. Kittar.i.inif. A
tiil: 1'iK, I'a.
;''.".'.'! .': .14':.: :l t'.'.j.t i.'il -.'.. .7 Lit I r.
Fur ;.' v. : i - i.'.y wlfi'. s;:vii.n.i. h.ul si.m. -
i ' 1 ''i:'' ' r ;' ' J' "V" "'r "'"
t.ii:iii-i m:i' :i y r: U; i t , us tin
mh : i-niiti titn: ti tin- irn! n- n.t r;-l
j i. -l i- i-il. in r ry - tj. t:ot r:i- :r
I Ji)tM lu-tst n,
j i !. :: ix. I h;ii: ,
j -'. ttn't? - i .. s ,( f h$ iv. V;'.
"r :"" ': t i' ' ,',n ""
rv i.,,a h villi urn .i'a:.-,! . y-'liis; It i.rt..v
';"" ""; . ;'' '"' ,.,:,;"".fl"",''I '
!? s'.. .1 S :. if. ,'t my s. -'.; h . Il b. Ir.
ti xl!r W M'U-U
iutiiana, l':.
.tt.r Tiil Ju's.f m M.i'l-.,.. by Pr.St't.
VlMint I ;i. niy lmt!i.T :iis-iiicntnl!v
iiil iiir ill my Ii ll il U n Ism-vmi. I .
una Mv'i liiniit nipltily in !, ami in a
liurf tmii-. niii'ita't s.' anytliiiii; imc ut il liiiniliii'ss wti'1 ly lh hurt. I
ln-i.rl nuii'li uf lr. :iiiu's m mi4!i-rfiil -ri-'.
in li.s ji' iiK'niiiis. 1 uiiit to li;b '
:t ii.l la !i:is in't i:rr ;riivii his wiiintiTml
sicili nit my ryi, Kr lsa.:y, a!tir ti;ivi:K 1 n
tn;:t:iy liiiu.t. 1 cult st a-ia''.:'y uul wf ikv
.'i:u' ajiia.
J.iM'lih H?nry.
i J!an lii;,Vi SH't!ton, SuU'WTit'S l' I'a.
May J'un Jaiv A'.ii(Siiivt Ni.i lv
RS Ann
; iMbrimtd.
1 is iii i:i 11 ''t -H :r '
s j:. i ; -t i !" i-' " ' Tiiitp.
7 " --.' 1M '' i II 4 li P.M.
j 21 -- i- it it ti 1-' -;:..
:-s .1 -I i'i l: It 11 r I
pntit-nts will W fti-uiy-.y autittttl.
ive n no AGENTS
but sifiT1- f u t4.fory p-t
. . 1. it.i.iMihka : fmy
t1 ".T,.c---i