At. The Somerset Herald. If I WAR H CrLU F. l and Proi-rii-lor. wri'MrAY iy ". Ir h lnr.l t t'i? risiz of the "lttrv im-lsl'' out of a V-jJt-!it-:iii'' .:irly. It U I.'c.iiii'iil' Jutrii.-r tvifv day fr any iiiUlllsi-nt ati'l t'if-rfjis-tiii:i to rotiiain ii t lVnicr.;ti' j:trty. TilE IxM iMitotTnt nowa.lays is the wit- who looks w ith iiio.-t favor ujxni the iil.a of voting the IU-puUicaii tiek- t next y nr. Thk i-art that South Carolina took in splitting the Democrat ic party in W-0 Illinois iran:i.-s to take in dis rupting it in lv'i. The j.-re:.t tlrawl:tk to Seen-tiiry Morton's jtuiilie u--fulnes lies in the fact that lie lia.:. no sense altout tlie tiuie to cat a vati-rttieliui. Tin: jiii.ieipal use of Democrat if ConveiHi'Ci-i tliis year will le to xhov Jinw liM-lly the pany i- everywhere vi!. :I on the silver i'!et ion. Tin: ine 1111 tax is ! iti. to yield as lil'le'a revenue :is vu-i :i:it ieipateil, l;it it is gitlng to cuine fully tip to the liiirhest expv eialioiis In the way of Ittikitig IX p i!iieau votes. The IK'ino.Taiie pan y, lifter all, has the s.-tisfa :i.:i of certain know it-..te;e, that times cannot I nia.le worsts Do oMs what happt'iis, ainl therefore any (-hutttri', iiui-t in- for the l-tur. TnKcityof Xt,v York has a ri p-'rt-tsl pi.jrilation of i.i'ri.o.ti, an yet o: ly a hare i iii ike returns of taxa M.' incline-, all of whieli govs to show what a far.v the law is, ami how it is t-vai'i-'l !y the unscrupulous 1 -- --"rs of weiilth i:i that cliv. K..i.ani.V c-nd-ict in the N'icara fru.i matt, r i t.rroaiit r.n l eowar 'ly but it is characteristic. It is the course .-he lias a! ways taken in dealing with shu'! nations. S'.o is a swa'rtferer ::i:d si Ltdiy i-xet pi when the otlnr :irty L 31 -oti!:trv ef r o'.v!- sl.e. i:t:i:! KiN!::Jsi.' the n r!felous, a:i no'iucis; i;.;;t he will reenter po:itie 'l jet eve::." lie ha-- a biir job lx-fcv him, to ciiinii t'p to tlie p!:e:J from M hi li lie fiil, and if he should succeed iti ti:at, lie v ill never jr-'t even v illi Jiicji of : -vralitv ami h. nor. TiiKitK is no longer any oecaion for 1oubt as to what course the Democracy will pursue i;! regard to the pri-scnt oc cupant of the White Whatev er else the future may lia ve in store f..-r Mr. Clevciaud, it tl.KSi not embrace the promise of a third, term in tlie Fri-si-liency. Sj-rinfii: ' I'nit'n, J'-ji. rsTiK Jackson, of the Sjj.retiie t'ourt of tlie I", .s., h.vs eicra notice that tl.e improvement in his health v ill enable him to be present at the as toNihlin of the court on the sixth day f May, when a re-arraineiit of the income tax' case will .V had Iwfore a full U-iich atid wiil be dtlinltely il. tcrmiiied. Ii:!k kats :ill owr the co;!!i!ry assertiti an.I frying t niuke thi-m-Mdves !e!icve that the "ro:e'. lio!r is-f-ue will play but little part i;i the licit "Presidential campaign. Ju-t wait atni rse... The millions of working people Ihroiiirhoat the country have had too S.itUra taste of D, mocratic "tariiT re form'1 to forget it very :-oo:i. Japan au-1 Chiau havli-g agnsil upon a settlement that is sat wra, try to themselves, it is hard to understand by what right, li.ts-ia or any other -oiittnental pawer tan interfere with it. It looks as if a pretext was lining r--jght by th.e great r to buiiy the Jap lecau:-e they have lheni-'!ves kucIi gallant lighters ami dangerous fios. Me. Ci.i:vi:i.xi has in-istcl, In spite of all protests, on rctnovii.-g the widowed sist-r of Abraham I.iiicoin from the little Kentucky posu.Uiee which w:ls her sole support, and has t a Dciii.H-ratic pelitlcian of the neigh borhKd. If this is not the very smallest an J meatiest bit ofp a Jiut polities which itti American Pres ident was ever guilty of, it conies very li ariL Il't''H JviirH'i! 7. ... TllK world Ao move! A few days since a Kentucky "gentleman" was art1. tally sentcned to pay a fine of s".!, and undergo :ui imprisonment of te;i days, forpul'iitg a jdstol t,:i another. S. great was the stniazetneiit through out the State that the (Jovenior ttu-iimiii-es that he v ill remit the impris onment part of the penalty. It would never t.j suhl tj set:d a Ketituekv "geiitieliiuu'' U a couttnoi! Jail- AitttAM S. Ii:w!tt says that the leii..-i'a; ;c party d.--s n-.t ti-,v-d r.-i-irttnizsiion s. lutichas it needs a new I'irth. N. wimiiiit of organizing can make the present Democracy clean er lioncst or capable of upholding Amer ican interests. The party m-isls to the character of its eonstiiuctit elenieni.s t- cease to n-ly on ignoruiue and class prejudice :ls the main props of its strength, to throw overluri its false ami dishonored prit'.ciph-s and Vj Ittirn the meaning of patriotism. TllK fiz.le in the is.!:iiiateI revenue from the iiuMtue tax, and the small amount received fr.-m duties on im lorttsl gmMis, makes it certain that tliere will lie a delicti of Hot less than K0.5,u for the current f.sml year, and the jr.drab:lities are that a further issue of I m, iids u ill have to U resort, d to. It is c"iisidcreI jirolciic that, ttot v itlitanding the President's r-Iu.-tance to call an extra sesou of Con prcss, that lie will W constrained to d; j for of dealing w ith Jlw revenue proJdc-ni. The war in Cuba Is still progtvssimr hut with what results '"something that "no fellow oa find out. m find out." One day we Cu!ii itisurirei.ts i:!.e i hear that tlie I-ts n bad!-defeated and their Kders -aptured .r killch The next dav wc I ,:,.f.. , ., ,. . , I are lulornied that the Spanish tr.x.iri iiave lieen routed ami the insurgents ro increasing so r.-tphlly that more nKs have lxt-n called for from Spain. There is evhleutly some very ai.h IhHlied liars furuis'tiing Cii'uii w:tr news Weau only say, ss did the frhowmat!, when asked by the ehildr. n which was the lion and which the ele jihant. "My little dear.-: y.j p.. id your money, and you can take y.ur choice." Ts Secret of Hirra S:et. It isiin,lersl.-.l that t!.e l("i -I'.piiirn; tiia tar ni.-nie in the inveti-:ioa of the (lnc-tic-ii li-ive H'oiit convince.! Si retary Morton that a has lvn fermeil for the purpose -f i'.:t!in ap t he price of leef. The Secretary early in the history of the r.-cont rise was in to attriimte it to the natural scarcity of cattle. -'"'. ithsian.'.iiis the miasiiisl Ivanep in lrese,l meat, t-jt'.tio on the li K.f sliou- a very jn wlerato in crease in value, even less than it woul-l set t-i natural to expect in view of the small rvipu '" i-oinjiar.soti with a year 1 UiO. Kiynri-s rc-eive.1 at the Asricultnn.l Itepartsncnt that the estimate.! receipts of cattle at the t'liii-ago yards for the week eidinR April 111 were :!, h.-a.i ; the nfii.-iul !i;:.ires for the previous wck were:;7,r)'7, wliil-Mlieeorrespon.iinj; week of Wt hnuight ::i M.'fw head. A siniil ir il'vnw is manifest in the supply ofh-ijrs. Fertile week ending April P.' the estimate is M7,mw ; for the week pn vious, ..lli. ial, !C,o7. and f.r the i.r rspoiiiliiiK jeri.d of Ifl, 1 12,."1 , Tliw tlir'.irt-s ouht to indicate very inu:-U larger prices to the raisers cf cattle. Tlieprieo of cattle on the hoof, as inni j.ared wi;h six months ajf. has increa-e.1 Vi.m to ."yi cents per pM kuiiU only. iiav an increase ot j ee:us per upward. This increase appears to I entirely disproportionate to the increase in the price of cattle, an.', the department of Agriculture has been forced tolhe con clusion that a combination bus been formed to work hot ii ways; i keep the pri'-e down to the priKlucer and fjn-e it lt; fortia (ni;siii,ler. Inasmui-h as all data, sought by the inspectors must cuii.e. fi-om tho packers voluntarily, the department has little hone facts. gelling at the lit;om of the Japia Asl3 Help. The attitude of the 1'iiited States will r,ro!:iliIy decide the question of the rulhieation of the pending treaty of peace between China and Japan. The alarm in dij loiaatic circles in the capitals of Ihirope which h:.s found es- prc-sion in the protest hied by KussSa, ib'nnany and Fraa.-e, is due to the fact, whieli tl.err is now little attenijit to on ce.., that a close nieicrst.indiiig has r-ist-sl for several weeks between Japan and real Iiritaii-. It is not generally known, however, in diplomatic circles that I'th Japan ami F.ngiand are Usiii2 strong endeavors to persuade the American .ovnn.:iei:t to bc-ome tiir- third member of an informal ii'il.aii.-e hieh v, ill resist any atteuipt to interfere with the t"i ms cf pra.-e rgr.-td upon by the bcl litre rents. The pr..t.-.t of the c..itiu. :;tat powers N now aimed really ag.tiiist l"; ;'';.e,d, sad it In eone-s of gi. nt sittui'.i-ain-e and i:n j. iilai:.-.' on ti...t ae i;e,t. J.tpan. under ll; chv;:t;!s::;:iee-, is :ii:!tt l ee:"ta:n to r.s-i-t icicriercii -e, and it is :;ow g. -ner.iily believed that any f'l.-ble me.ldoi.u Moiil .1 promptly lciitcr Kiil-m 1 to the a live si.pjor of the Milkado's jr-rn-liient. A v.; !1 1 .iiplomatie authority voiiehed for the stul: lii. iit that Jaj au's v. oiidei e.tity s'.r.'vv I phi!i iias from the 0. 11-.'t iisebnied tee uri-t utr- nuous ef f..iis to iad n o the I'eh.e i States to fcrc :;erat Ka-t moral support i:i s.s-uriii(i reasonable fruits of her victory over China. Japan ln-li.:ves that backed by English and American support shn could defy all her other criti' s. eve.! such a strong i-om-bitiatloii as ilu-si;!, ( ierma:y and France. It is well un.lcr-t'.d thai fierimiiiy's v-ii--is scarce!;,-more than formal and that she refuses to pursue ths farther than she has :ilre:tdy gone. Uussja, f .-...iis-e, is the power most direcily .-.M-cn-.e 1 in the prop-ise d -es-sio:t oft'hhie-e territory t .lapa::. -o- 1. ;.!y tin lertakestosHV how far cue will .-irry her exore--.ion of dis.ippiova!. If she resorts to any form "f demonstration of force the situation will iusf.rr.iy be s. me one of the rave--t clanger to the jica.vol the won i. Siby Carrnge3. The ph'.' f-1 i b'.iy baby carriages is at Fisher's U ok M.-re. Tiese Kay t? FiTcas. The K.ehier twins hid fir to become as f.imoiis as Chang and Kiik and Miiiie Chrisline, the "doubled leaded nightin g ile,"' for they came into the world last Vi i-k hi New York city joined together by a iifc.'.meiit of both ih-sli and Ikhic that r.-.t:s irom tits M i,, r part of the pel is lo the ti.e spins:. Th's- b:.y girls wi b rn i.i the wife of J. Ko iiicr. They weii.v J at b:rth about rmrteen s.ntd.s one ah ut s pound heavier than tlie other. The connecting band is ilexi'.le. so that the chi Iren fac ing p-irtiy away fr :n oa u :t!c-r may be h id o-i th. ir ba -ks witli .ut discomfort, ari.t may even be turned s as partly to face, each other. Sil.-cr Party Candidate. tVAsui.jt.;y. April 2'-. Fs-Ttepres. n lalive Sibley b f I,.), home i:i IVunsyJva n:a yesterd iy f r Cahfoi tiia to ep.-n his campaign as ti e nominee for the new sil ver party for the presidency. Kxtensive preparations have lieeu made for his ro cej ti'.n and ls will address meetings at a ;:niaber of ple.ees along the Paciitc coast, u.'iiator Stewart is arningiug Ids busi-ue.-s liii.iri that he can join Mr. Sibley 1th t:t d. lav. Ex-Judjs Tay'or Gscs Tree. Fi:nki.ix, iA., A:ril S. fix-judge ( harl.-s V. Taylor will not is tried for bittcry with ir.tetit to kill. The i:: hrp.iiei:t :: 'ahr-t hi:n was dropped. The .luo resigned from the lneh tbtr ie.g the . inter the result of a concerted nio einciit of tlie lawyers of Venango Cs ,;t-iy to inuwaeh hi.n. lta alh'ged is their petition tothe l ivelier that T l.r as a !l;an unfitted for the hih 3 j'.ies t.f iu 'gs-. Street Cleaned ij Votren. liovi.Ksiowx, Pa., April ST.-Cleaner streets is the order that has gone forth from a r.ew . rgauii'.iii.iii of women. At n m.s-ting iii-ld last night it wis alnnit de cided ijmt the new society shoui l le etiih 1 the Vi'h.fre Improvement S.H-iety. All the members ere women, smd each will give h pledge that u.; refuse cf any kind will jr i from her Louse te'o Ihe stn-i. livery Woiuan in l)oyU"tow. wij; h.k.-i to join, and it is oxpe.-icd that n.u.-h wiii Ik- aee;.mpiisheL Eliadel by s Wasp Sting, IIkaiuno, P April it. Years when he w as a loy. ieorge Ivoycr was stung iti the eye by a .wit-p. The sight Ix-eame grad-'ally iiiip.-.ired. as a white sjHit app.-ared and remained near the pupil of the rye. and he b-raini' lilind. A mouth ago this spot shifted, causing great pain. To-day a surgenu remccd the hns of the eye, which had become as hard us stone. Ecverts ta the Eeir. Cnnki-Lsvi! i., Vn., April Cs The j estate of Joseph Freuch i Jersey City has 'averte 1 1-ack to the heirs, a vs year lease having recently expired. The estat i Vi:"'vi ?'"""-ft'"- Ti" 1" i'' T.1' Z""? " the Su"!,wa3 I r.-nch fatntlies. The fonner are direct thcendants; t-u- I.-ittera mllateral branch, Joseph French owne-1 aU.ut 1 V.a.-res of ' j s j land on a site which Is now the l.-:is:n. ss portion of Jejicy City. rr-i I 1 uc property was .x ...... 'i.A-.(,k. o ij tijf lease tifWi years r-xjiircd the land Would! revert to tlie heirs j 1 Rar.lock Rl xsl Ritlers is nature's true ' for t oust -pat km atid kindred ill. il a -is dir.v-t'iy 0:1 the liwels, the liver, ; toe skin, and while eleaiis-ng the bl.ssl j imports etrenjfth t- the digestSye orgsn , i...:,.,,,,,, ., fr i for tlie appointment of a State t oiiinns- an-t as eouilarel with one J ear no, iroui . ... . ' i,. -1,,ii,iaui.nll sniitoiirpiwrefir Pennsylvania s repre- !i s'iit:: to H.M p r ltL lk-siiie this small , , . ,1,..ii.! t,. UenUtt oil at the Atlanta Kxpowtion in increase, the consumer is eompelli'a lo I Sentem x-r. tk-toler. Xovemlier and Ie- HIITltl Mill! ! llAiMt'snrno. I" a., April '7. l'V r..;!i Houses got down t' laisiness on Monthly evening, and a jrreat many l.ills were dis;:-s.ed of. There is yet jiiech woi k ahead, :!!id if the se ssion is to close) on May TA, lt l:'te :inl illhitory motions mu-t le cut short. The order for two sessions-; on Fridays w;i recinded hy tho House one session from M to 2 o'clock, iK'in;; the latest fir that day. Yesterday hiisincss aftir spcehd ordirs, was the eoti si deration of Sctiate hiils f wliiehthero were 117 oa the calendar, and although was agreed to ir through the whole of it hefori a Ijourniuent, l-;it 41 were dis posed of. At 2 o'clock adjournment look da-c. Jitter much eoiieem as to lunch, and other comforts and the suspension of the rule against suiokiiij;. And they MIH 'k'-"L The hill for the ertH-tion of risk baskets and eel wein in the rivers at certain times in the year was defeated in the House, and amotion to reconsider was not ajjroi-d to. The hill to prohibit change in school Ihhi'ks c ni-nerthan once in five years was defe ated in the House on final passage, having hut M votes in its favor; recon sidered and p-stponeJ for tho present. In the Senate a resolution was adopted ccnilK-r. It provides for. the apjiointment of three Senators, live Representatives by the presiding officers, and that the Jov erurr shall appoint live leading manu facturers, live millers and two agricul turalists; the Coventor shall lie president oi the State Commission, the Lieutenant liovcrnor vi.-e president, and the State Treasurer shall lie treasurer. Tho liov crnor shall also appoint a secretary and two clerks, and appointments must be made in two weeks, and an organization CiTected ill four weeks After being amended so as t include the president pro tout, of the Senate and tlie Speaker of the House on the commission, thcresis lul! u jiassed the House. Tiie Fxcciitive isuiituittee of tho State league of Ilepubli.-an chiljs will niw-t here Tuesday to arrange for attending the national convention at Cleveland in June. They will also tlx the date for the State convention at York in September. ov, Hastings will givu a reception to the com miltee Tuday evening. The Judiciary (ieueral .committee re port. -1 with nctfativc rceomniendation the bill creatiiig a new county oil! of por tions i.f Iiekawanna, V.'ayneand Susque hanna, to !;.. called Anthracite Friday being Arlsir Day, Oovemor Hi-tings planted a treo ju front of the Ilx.s-.itive iiiiiidlng. It was a line Xorth Carolina poplar, pro Med by Superin tendent Dchiney, and the Coventor han dled a shovel with great skill tothead initatioii of a large number of spis-tators The I'.llov. i;.g bills were read in place in tie- House: Fixing a penalty of fr pla-.-ing dynamite or other explosives in si reams to cat-i; lisli ;to raise the penalty .r violation ef the Sunday law of 17;K from f4 to ?i"; to pension William Tid ball at the rate ol jij per month. Tidlicll Jos: at; arm some years ago while firing a sji tte on Wasi ingt n's birthday. The act relating to the reading of the Scriptures in the public schools as re ported favorably in the House. It pro vides that every teacher shall devote not less than live nor more than fifteen min utes o thu r-ading of the Hible every day of the seho! tenii. In the Senate the HotjhO resolution pr viding for lina! a djourimient on May i'!d wa-i jvterre-1 t the Committee on Fi nance, The Ilou-m Congressional pwriioii m. nt omii:itte i;l rejiort a bill next week. The two additional districts, now re;i i sent. d by Cojigressmeii-at-I.arge, wili le given to Philadelphia and Alle gheny. Clarion and Forest have len taken from tho Twenty-eighth, leaving Fik, Cb anield and Centre in that dis trict, and put them into the Twenty-seventh district, w hich w iil then consist of Warren, Venango, MeKcan, Forest and Ckirin; tho Twenty-foutih .iisirict loses that portion of Alh-glcuy now attached to it, and is now e o! Washing ton, Fayettee slid Cr.-eiif. Tiif other dis tricts of the State will not 1k changed. Coventor Hastings has appointed Thomas Koliinson, of Itntler, (Superin tendent of public Prinking and liinding. The Senate has eonlirtmsl the aitsiiit The religious garb bill has l-en reported to the Senate. Senator Flinn's amend ment v included putting the penalty upon the si-Iptio" Inwards instead ofujxin the I '-aeher. The Smith hill, providing that on and a tier June 1st, third of the momy appropriated for common schools by the State shall be distributed on the basis of the nniiilxT of paid teachers regularly employed for the fail annual term of the district, as shown in the last annual re port oftLc sin ( r;ntendents of the various c ftir.tLs a ijil b-.:ro ighs ; thai the remain ing two-thirJ of the mot-ty Miappropri-alt-J shall hs disir;bu!e.J n the basis of iho nuiu'ier of taxabjea as reiurned by t'je li triennial assessment, ws d-fe:U-e.l in the House, after .-oasi.ioialilu diir c-.ission, motions to postpone, amend,, yeas !tl, nays !'!, less than a constitutional majority. Mr. I-iwrenee wiil make his overland trip to Washington county in carriage, instead of on horsclKi'-k, as stated last week. The Sene.ij has been asked to appoint a special committee to investigate the city government of Philadelphia. Is it the intention to Lexow tho good i Quaker City ? The resoluti on was referred lo the Committee en Judiciary Cencral. The revenue bill has lxx-a reported to the Ho;i-e with amendments the provis ions iiiposjug a lax of one mill on manu facturiug ,:, ou;lioi s, building and loan ass oeia.i. -n and purely tu'jt'.iai h's-.inmce .its with. .at ca;ii:iiJ stok 'or tu i i ilativo reserve, the la'tsr :iai ctuhrav Farmer-.' mutjal tlra itMaraiiuc e npanies h.ielng I.h :i stri.-'ke:! out. The following bills passed the House tii.iiy: To a ith -rizi jus,ieei of the peace l. l.:r and determine certain crim inal oM'cuees and luisdeiiieanors vit!i the at I ofa jury of six, and to itnp.isa sen tence up in cmvieied persons ; j.rovido for the assessment and tax. -it ion of aliens, ihb !,i's known as tho "Creater Pitts burg" bills yeas HI: nays, 42; the Uouth'-U biil t.) oigaeie a Slate lioani and provide fir ths p-.irchs of school iK.ok-i throughout the Stats at tk-j lowest prices; providing -for the release nnd dis charge of encii'iibrariee on land in all eases in which t!uperi ! of twenty-one tii k;ts elapsed a!ter the principal has bl-eviue 4uk; e ci'ity c.m-Uiis.-ior.ers t sell tv i, -t ial settlers and convey unseated lauds bfeitirrcie.g t the everaj counties 4 Tsrrible Visitaat. Pain is always a terrible visitant, and often domiciles Um-ti itli one for life. This ii'.llietjon is prcvniilij, jtj i-ase of rheumatism, by a timely reort to Hos teller's Stomach littler, LSch checks the encroachment of this obslluate and dangerous malady at tho outset. The term "dangerous" is use.1 advisedly, for rheumatism is always liable to attack the vital organs and terminate life. Xo tes timony is more conclusive and concur rent than that of physicians w ho testify to the excellent effect of the Hitters in this disease. Persons incur a wetting in r jiny or snow y weather, and who are ex pvtst'd 0 draughts, should use the Hitters as a preventive of PI etfets Malaria, dyspepsia, liver and kidney Rouble, ner- vousi.ess and debility are also among the ailmciits to m hi li itiis HiMi!:ir ineli:ino i RVi;-tttL Tor the inf.nuitifs, t-rciuKH 6,j j sijifness of the aged it is highly bene ficial. -- Thocght and Actios. I'ntil there be correct thought there cannnt be ri"ht .t.tion, TherefoM. fliiiiL- right and buy the Cinderella Range, and right action is assiircL Stdd by Jaks R. II0L.1.KRB vfM. Somerset, Pa. Items ef Interest. A drop of castor oil in ihe rye t remove n foreign Uxiy is as cllhiu-ious mid often more mauageablo than the frequently reromniendcsl l! ax seen 1. They say Mr. Armour has ma.le OoO in three days by tho rfse. in wheat. Meanwhile, the price of leef kecis up, and tho chances are that tho King of Packers isn't losing anything on that end of his string. The great Hourly dyke of the Kpinal district ot the Vosges, France, burst at 5 o'clock Saturday morning. A great nish of waters and much hns of life and prop erty followed. It is estimated that Tp ple jierished. A. J. lUackwcll, tho rich and erratic Indian, who owns black well and David City, in the Indian Territory, announced Sunday that ho would build a temple at David City, Oklahoma, to cst tno.nmt, for the perpetuation of Indian religions The notorious "P.ill" Cook, train roblier and desjMT.ido, arrived at AHmny from the West Thursday, to serve a sentence, of 43 years in the Allwiiiy penitentiary for general outlawry. The prisoner did not -oine alone, but had 31 companions Returns of the votes on the selection of a State floral emblem have lieen received fron all the schools in the State of Icla ware resulting in favor of the peach blos som by a largo majority, and a bill will uow be presented to the Legislature legal izing the selection. A letter received at Haverhill, Mass, on Monday, announces that Frank How ard r.ior, who is at present serving sen tence for forgery at the Massachusetts re formatory, at Concord, is heir to alxmt ?l(i,(ii,uuO through tho death of Frank Howard, a Nevada uiineowner, for whom Poor was named. In a will contest in a Camden, N. J., court, involving $H),ii, a chunk of wood two hundred years uld was the chief evi dence. Kuhannah V. Creesso brought suit against the Security Trust Company to foreclose a f 10,0m) mortgage. It is claimed that under the bark of the old tree are surveyors' marks. Farmers in the vicinity of Reading section are now asking eight and ten cents more a bushel for wheat than two mouths ago, and consequently Iierks millers have advanced the priieof new Hour from thirty to fifty cents a barrel. Millers are now paying fanners sixty-live. ccnLs per bushel for wheat. There is said to lie an anlnrpriitig no tary in Cambria oouuly who induce. forty-nine people, whose salaries ranged front 'ft,')!) upward, to make affidavit that their ins-oiuns were not big enough to mnko it interesting fir the income tax:. The notary has $t.n which says that tho income tax is a s;in,tjss, Mrs J. M. IP'istjl, whose mind had lieen uiibaianeed for Hcvtral weeks, com mitted suicide at her home in Alvr-rton, Westmoreland County, Friday morning, by sending a huil-it into hr right temple with a thirty-two-ealibro rovoivor, hih she had surreptitiously taken from a locked trunk. She was oliont forty years of uga and loaves a husband and four sons. Chief Justice Fuller annoumsvl Tues day that the consideration of th two petitions for a rehearing of the income tax casts were reserved until Monday, May ti, w hen a full bench is expected; This does not mean that a rehearing of the case has Ixs-n granted, but that on May J the supreme court will hear counsel upon the question whether or not a rehearing shall 1 granted. The Iht.i.hc star says: "At I ho Royal Amphitheatre, nothing so enjoyable as Rob Hunting's Rurnslikc witticisms." Trcmps Seize a Train. Ht "stivjiiox, Pa., April 2o. The west em train bandits' methods v,oro enacted on a p.uslitied seabj in tlia Juniata Valley to-day, Iite this aicrii'Hin 4 gang tif gs tr:ituiis assumed control of a west bound freight train on th-i Pennsylvania railroad. Several of them w.iro armed with revolvers, which they did not hesi tate to use against tho train and trackmen, ho endeavored to put them off. The train hands were virtually power less, ii: a tejfcgranj was snt to tl) J Chief of Police l...rrf f.r assistance, A large jmsse -if citizens, lje.i t . .1 1,-y th police, met the train ono mile east of this city, and after a desperate tight, in M hieh many shots were llred on lsth sides with out elFoct, five of the train bandits were captured and brought to jail here. It is lielieved that tlr'so desperate tramps are responsible for the iitniierous recent roblories that have iwurrcd in the Juniata Vallev. XThe f ..-- A'hrif.A.r says: "At the Circus we saw and heard an Irish-American Clown, Rob Hunting. He makes one's sides ache, but his wit is a t-inie."' As Largs ai Hen' St. Iifis, Mo., April 2V A special to the iVirunirle from San A 11 ton hi, Texas, says that meagre particulars have reach ed there of a terrible hail storm that swept through adjoining counties last evening. A courier arrived this morning- from the town of Lytic, twelve miles of taa Antonio, and rejx.rts that to. vh itu-i a M'ij f country live mil.-s wide, extending through WiUqu, Uoxar, and Medina counties, completely duvaa- tate-.l by the storm. The damage to corn and cotton eroiw alone is estimated at S-Vl,0oO, while the damage to buildings will amount to not less than $l.VVt. The hail stones were as large a hens' eggs and the Interna tional and Ureat Northern railroad was blockaded with them. Section hands had to clear the track before trains could be run over that part of the linn. There was 110 loss of life so far a reported, al though many persons were injured. Hsyersdae Kormal School!, April 30 to July 3, 1895. Profs. P.. V. Rover nr. J M. J. rhillips auaps ju the teachers' department. Miss Olive If cljley, .Afiss Ryrdie Schultz and Mrs Ueorge McCarthy, tf-aehew instrumental music, voice cuiturti and painting and drawing, respectively, J. C. Sl'KK'llKR, Meyer.sdale, Piu, Principal, April 10, ISIj. SEED : : : POTATOES. I am now prepared to furnUh, at rea sonable, the liest SKKR IN TA liLS an.r.SWEETCORX that the mar ket can p rooms'. "I bought last yr the highest price and lest"iotatcs'iii the slate of "cw York and tested tlieiu. Tljoy nil ilid well, with the exception of a fw kind t!;aj (.vul.1 pot stand Hie ter rible drouth, which 1 t ijl ip 4 nut on lie market. My crop waa niimepHis a4 year. From ) pounds I ntistsl 15 lsisii els of Magla Murjihys, an average of ia bushels from 1 bushel. lean furnish the following kinds all pure varietUw! Maggie Murphy; Everet; Early Pride; Keystone Favorite; American Wonder; I .ate King: Early Puritan; Whiter Than Snow: ICarly Shamrock; Early Perfee tBn; Irfsh Raisy; Hose of Erin; Dakota Re.1: Pluiiiuier's Iteauty; lleiple's Fav orite; Six-Weeks' Potato. AH orders wi'l be promptly filled by mail or express Address nl' communi cations to THED.'blllPLK, Eoacher, Fa. I also sell the Gc-i-K-r Engl no nnd Thresher and Saw Mill, and 'am also j srent for the Monumental i5ronze Co., of lsri.lgettort. Conn. ' SHERIFFS SALES. llv virtae of Snnrlry Writs of Fieri K..rU. met l.eM.ri l-Hclits isMicl out ot Hit. loan ( omnem 1'l.tis of (somerset county. Pa., lo me din-ctcd. there will tx?w-l to isil.iie sale, at 11k- Conn IttNiKO, iuborni-rncl U.royli, oil Friday, May 24thf '95, AT 1 O'CIOCK P. M. 111. follow lint ttfs.-rilssl reul estate to wit At! the rielit. tllte. Intertsit. e-lnlm and le maiiii of Klia.lx-lli 'vert.-y. of, ill i.n.t lo n rertln lann or tniet of land si nunc in Jenn.-r lou-iil.ip, Somers. rtuinty. Ilk, Im-hik tlie un- Olei.lcl l.ll.-resi, IIJ ncr.-s Hrtjoinins Ian.: of iMiil.-i sunlit, J'.l.n ltlsli.-l-rser, Knsl Self. Janim, J. t ..v.Mle Hii.l 1.. . ii let Slmu.-r, lmvMiir tlf-n-on i rvtnl u lw.ssn.ry fntnie .iw.-tiim; house. Ki.iail lo.rn nn.l .Mlier outliiiii.liiiKs U'ill. tl.t'li:ill.-.-s. Ti.k.-n In c. -cut ion slid to l silit the r.M-rty of Klltilx lli Ov.-riey, al tlie suit of A k roil AiiK.-ny. AI All 111." riht. lille. Inter-st, claim and dc- iiiaiulol r.iiiiiin hiieKtiif.-r. or. 111 nun 10 n c-rtain lot of croua.! siunite In tlie villi. (re of hair Hoik, rair Hope township, Soinersel .s.iiutv, ri.., u.1j4.iniiit; lots tl Aii.Hiiua, 11 1 icy on the soulh. Main stns-t on tlii-cnsl. un.l 'lot of II. T. Wel.l oil the north, having tlier.sin cns-tt u tlwcilliiK liouse. Willi ll.eaeKurl. nali !-s. Taken in ccccutimi nml to Is ns 11m proiM-rty of Kliiiuu Fli.-kingt-r, at the suit of t . Horn. AbSO Ali the rij;lit, title. Interest, claim and !"- liiHn.l 01 Sarali J. Sine, ot. In ami to u cei tuin Intel of tati.t Hiiuatc in Simile township. S0111-Frs.-t county, I'u.. n.iilainlni; 'J.iU acres hImiiH 1"i iteres .-liwr, Iwliiiiep IimiIht, udjoiniti land of K. K. ttn.t.-r. Henry Siiutli. Martin heirs B. F. lieiiderund others, hitviiiifllicnsm t-rts-t- ed h dwnllni h.siiK', Htulile an.t wuUr M.wt-r niiw mill, Willi tlie appurtenances Taken in execution mid to be wild 11s the roM-rly of J. Kiue, al the null of Val entine Hay's Use. AbSO All Ihe rinlit, title, interest, claim and (lis maud of I-vi Kri.-dliue, of, in and to a cer tain tract of land situate ill Jcnil.-r l.iwnsliip, Soiu.-rs.-t county, l"a., nintainiiiK lut ucrea more or less hImiiiI W't a.r.s clear, iKilancn liiutH-r.ailjoluiii lands of John KUhcr. tlie I'ickinif farm. Charles i tea in. Jacoh Kline. Jonathan SI11111I., Frank lierkey and l'trry llruirh, liaviin; lliere.ui crts-le.t a two-Htory du.-iliiii; house, lutnk Imrii, suirHr camp anil other tint tiuililiiii.'. with tlie appurtenances. Taken In t-xeciuioh unit lo he ..ld as the niieriy of i Fri. dline, at the suit of Kc v., et. al. AlX All the Htflit, title, iulen-s, claim and dis tiiand of Joim K. S:aut, of. in and lo a certain lot ot j; round siutateiii Miy.-rs.Liie Isiroitgli, Moim-rsei isiunly, I'a., on the inirth side of North stns-t, adjopitni; lots of U, Mi'ler, William I lot. 1. nn.l Ihuih11 l.y slrts-l and ley. having llier.-..!! ers-t-l h Iw.i-story dwelling liouse and a oiest.iry store hot.. l2St witii the iippliri'-iiau-.u-s. Taken iti execution and l. 6.- sold as the Iiropcrty of John K. St.mli. at Ihe suit of s. I. biveinr sl and Willi. mi I. M--yt-r., cxccii lor of Peter C. M.-yers dcc'4. I.Si 1 All the ri'lit, title, iai. rst, claim nud ! man.l of II. II. lini'ly. oi, in an-l to tlie fol lou ins resl estate, lo il: o. 1. A certain lot of jrround silu-itc In Ihe lou of SiiaiiliAVille, manly, P.... I liiji 011 the mirth side of iain t reel, u l-iiiiii- lots of I', b. Ililt. r,;.li Walk.-r. an alley on Hie no.tli. having therei its t.-.l a i.-s;.iry iluvlliiig Iioum, staL-leami otheroiii lu:iinnrs. No. i A ccrl-nii tr.ct of land situate in Mrnyei-c:c (.ovikIiiji. county and slate afons said, e..:e..iii:o: :t w-n-s,; l.neU of It.-.-, l.ui heir-", euMic roa.i ,.u.l all. y, having a te.ary U'-: lu,-r.nerei:t-.l. No. a. A ira.-t of ituntca afor.-said. mnt.-.ii.iu-r 2 !..-p-., lidioinins Ltn.U of l". Al, ami puMlc ro .id. No. I. A certain tna-t of laud, situate n ,, tsuitaiiiiiii; la acres, 4 acres -'iir, l.aiauce t;!iiv r, a.ijoiiiia lands of Jacoh l! sst 11. H. s.-iiro-.':, ami tie ptihtic nrid. No. .1. To hit" of ground situate in S.trinksvilie, county and stale al' m-sj.i.1, lylin; m the Mini.. si.!e .if taiu hini ij a. tj. lining ion of .'. A. lt ss, b'. njauiin K.-cl. r a;.T Is.iind.-l l.y an ail. y on Hie south, vitii ilio uppurtcnauc.-s. l.ik. II in r -. 'Itien nud to lie hs ' ic pnp-rty of 11. H. ;r..dy, at thes'.iit of Nich olas IL. jvt', et. ul. -AI-siO All the rlcht. title, hitep-st. clabn nnd .1-s innn.l of ieor.'e Ta vmaii. of, in and to the tol lou iiit! !.-s-rits-il r.-.i! csiate. to wit: No. I. A certain tm.-t of iioid. situate In Ailevheny township, s.ijpj.p,. .-ounty, la., c.iiit.iiniii iteres more or 1. s. 7- aei-.-ji cln.r. halniiee tiiuls r. a.tjoiiiiii land-. .f A11 srust Tayinan, lb nry Hittic, J w.s Knitli-ka, P. t. r liri.-:i aiel oilier.-, Iiavins: tiienm nt. :l 11 tw.i-ttory .l'.veliiiij house, Iniuk Isirn, sa sarcaii.uaii.i other ouit.'.iil.tins No. A tract ef laud situate a afor. s.ii I, .-ueiiiiia :'i a. n s, aeris cl.-nr. liaiailce tiuiln-r. 11 .joiuiinr No. 1, nlove. Peter itriek r.Illll swci.:-r nini t.nii:.nne .n.-; tlicn-ou er.tte.1 a Ji.j tuhle, witlj t!u appur- Ta1;. !! in ex' and In 1- sold as Hi. roller' y ..1 tj-or.- Tayniaii, at llu suit of ii.-iiry v.. ..:i-r, i.uar.uai). -AIj..-r Ail tie- ri.'lit. tit'e. intcrejl tlaini and de mand of Henry r Mil', r, of. m ami In a cei tain hir:ii nr trirl of land siluale 111 N.irMi uiniiton tonsuit. ftouieiset lountv. I'a.. ma taiuins 1 II iiton; or !!,., hIk.u) i acr.-s i.tiau.-.' in:p.-r. ailjoiiitu lands 01 S. Hively. S. s Savior. A. tolnh "Walil. W. II Hillie mid Lewis Kimiek.i, Icitln- thueoa er.-c-t.-l a nriMtiirj- Iioum-, hank and 11II1 eroui i.une.ins nn ll.e atuiurtenan:... Taken ju mi. i to l- Mild as t!u- proi.nv 01 llenr- K. .;ller, at thciil of 11 M. Is ike-y, casi.icr, ct. al. All tlie rltjlit, till... Inleri-st, claim and d.s III:. ml ! .-..sin . Ituslleil and Wi lam A bii-hel!. ot, in and to a .-. iitin tract ul land 111 jeimer lowiistim. Somerset eoiielv l'a eontaiiiliiK alnnil WI n.-rtr, utsiut 4T ucri-s clear, Italians- tnnis-r, ndjotimii; lands of .I11.1. ss niiiu. Ker. ix-wis .souri, rower. J. J. .ir-.ttiili. It. s. M.-k and others, hnvini; t'ier.Hn eni si a grist mill, two dwelling housi-. Umk inrn. water power saw i.uli and other out '.Hidings, with tlie at'iiurteuain-es. Taken 1:1 eveeutlon mid lo lie Mild ns tin' pro rl of Susan W. ISu-hctl nad Witliani A. liusiieii,at the suit of Ihiin. l C.:uili-l l, -Al.sil- All th-rt-lit, title. Inten-sf, claim nnd de- m imi 01 r A.Mp'inier. of. tiiand to two lots 01 k'roumi situate 111 it'iekwood iHirou.-ti. Sojii.-rset m.mty, and known on the plan 'i on a .... ... ami i.Mai.-i on 1 w.sit ideof Main stn-ct nnd Ikmih le.i .;. s.u-1 s.'rs-;, ala-vs anil lot or .-on.fe Kiden our. Lot No. .-' Ii.tviii-' Diereon er.i-te'l a tw.s slory fi-imc dwelii.'iK liouse. .stal.le and oilier out liui!lui;s wi'h tii.-a.tun-:iain-.. - Taken in cxecul ion and to Is- sold us the pi.pert- of K. A. Sp.nnrl.T, at Ihe sell of J.-s- i..- isiu. nak ii. A !-. All the riirlit, title. inlrpst. claim and d.s ma ml ol harlesj. Herriniftou. oL tn and a 'certain lo! of irnmrtd silu.-ite- in Mev.-rs.lair l.jr.s.j'l,, No!i,crsvt munty, Pa known on I tie pi in ot said iiroie.'i. as ).,t N;. I srtind.'d .111 Hit" west l.y North sirwij, on lite ea'it hi itaie sins-i. 011 ltiesouui iiy iiniiHry ot V.-nl. Ikit-r, and lot of , . 011 the north, hav- 1114 tlien-oii eivel'.sl a oni'-toTr frame dwell- li:K house and oilier out iniildlugs with the ai.'.iirtcnnnn-s lak'-n In exivtttlo'i nnd to lie sold as the property or I'tiaries J. Hi-rnns';.)n, ut the suit of I- red Itowe A Co. AL.SO All the rllit, title, iiit rest, claim nn.l A liiand of II. A. Werner, of, in and lo the fol- lotf'iui! dcM-iilssi nil I i state, to wik. No. I. A t'enulu lot of ground situate in ' W lv Itiuior.' iHirolmh. Somerset eour.fv I'.t., frontiii Hixty-cihl fis-l on Itaittmore sin-et. i-M-'i 11:1 aloa fUun'li farm atiout 'JM l.s t, tn.-ii.-c hy kind ot It-marl hoMIioih' :tif.s-t. thence l.y lot of Mrs. Harlii-iind to Itciitmorc stret. t-ont;.:nin- aliout acre. No. A lot of cro.iad -.tu-ite as aior-snld, fronrimr tn fvt 011 Wastiiuton str.s-t. ex ten. line lo Hariiutn's alley iiImiuI loif-et ntoniii lots 01 Mrs. Sut r 011 ine cast, mi tot et iMiain Staller on the west, con in in'.'Mlxait ncre. Noi .1. A eeriain tnn-t -f land situate In Mtct-iieny townsin, H,.ns'rs.-i muiuv.- I'a ciii(t.1i:mnr ahont 4.V acres 1 1 acres clear, mu'c ittnocr, HCjomin lumis of Adam I in urtimi, i.e-is neipi-iia. Will, i-nin.-is ... ..... t'.,..;,...,.. . . ... .. ,'iiiin.-, niu ...i.ijr o ji nofrc, i.j..ij, .it-r?7 on er.. lcl a one nnd a l.ali-au.rv nla-.k dr,-elli!i house and frame stal.le, uith tho ai.iiiin.-n.'inces lak. n in execution nnd to Ik-sold ns the .r,.K-rty of II. A. Weruer, al the suit ot Val- cnuite Hay. -AItO "All Hie ri'.'ht, title. Inters.!, claim am! ile- l.nnd of Kduar K.vl. ol, in. and to, Ihe follow- In .lescrilMsl rial esLtte lo wit No. 1. A lot of ffmuud, situate In Somerset honm-h, Sutm-rs-t couaty, l'a iMMind.rl 011 Tin- north l.v str.s-t.ou Hie west liv V4 4,trtini tlie south l.y Patriot street, im It... it 1 y lot No. III.. 'l.t.iniMliftl lu-n-ln-sstiii't r?,Misi)r... nnd1 knoWW on iie ir. neral plan itt M. tair.,ii'.ti a loi -o. Ji-k r-t.iiimir ti J.t-t ou Main tni-t. and tt.ii.i:i., or saner l.rtwltti in l-uirjol si ri al. r Nn.l All llsit iiartsl orpins? t.f t.r.iun,i sitiLite as aforssild. and known on Hit- ueiier. nl plan of Somerset Ooroutrli, as strt of lot No 111, a.lj.tiniiie l.d No. lia on Hie west, Main street on Hie North, anil p.rt ol lot No. in ou the tjst. and Patriot sir.s-l ou thf-Stiutli. N. a. lu-ini; trt f loi known on the f.-n- erni-ptanor Niinrrmi iMiitHiun, ns part ol lot No. . 1 1 .3 tn.i!ti.tsl and tleseritHsl a. fllows : CtVlnni its ti.e xnith Hide of Main street, nt ir r"s. tie-mt- fy h.lot II. -mum K Ita.-r.Souiii 1tr-n hes ! 1'atriot'str.s-t, thence t.v sam,. w.s-t orty-slx 'frt-l.' 1l.en.-e north lit perches ) Li ruti 1 1) N'o. 114 1.1 Mirin-tr-et. thence l- same nnV-i f si to Ihe pLiCe of-.l.('!'iiiilns ijcinx tlie last InilfofM No, IHand'il frst tr of Hit- w.-Btcni lirt of lot No. li t, U iuy Iht Somerset Hou . r. iM-trinniiie n Sc property as 11 now e'sl 1, e. is-triiMimv nl ine .-orner m est and Jain mrueis, anu t xienning r.isi 10 ine iVM.ien.-epf ). In ltacr. 1-s.iand fn-nn tlience MHlth to Patriot tr-et, ulong the pmperty of said II. I-liner, and H.iii,h- aloiiK the north side of truetsand rxteiidiug K.tsl to Hie iv-i.). ii.-e pf Patriot tni-l to corner or et k!n-t, and along mid tr. t, lo the place of lm;inii!lli, conn.iuiii-r and t'ln'.niciii-.' th'-tlir.-e lots or fsirceht ot k'nuiid aliovr Ueucnli st. and liav. il'.' tliersm a btrtre thr-e-s!orj" hotel with stal.le and other out bunding with the apturtenaii.-es. I ik. n in exis-utlon A to besot.! as the prop erty of Kdirar Kyle at the ult of KlizaA. Tav- man et. al. -AUSO- All tlie rll.t, title, fiitcrsit, ciim oml d.s luand of V. A. Wt m.-r, of, in and lo the foU lowitn; described real estate, to witr-- No. I. Two c;-rtnin lots situate in New Hal timore borough, Somerset county, I'a.. know n on tlie plan of sai l l-orouch us N.. lit and 17, tw-li fn.atini; m fevt on Wiisliintrtou street, and runiiimr norili i leer to ater at reel, luivini; uivrcoll a twostory j (lwt'iiinv housand oilier out l.uildiuirs, rud j "),,,,.V 1 "uU ,lv tr,jH"1 tm Uie j l"soi SL'Tlieisiem half of lot So. II. ltu- me a for. w. 1.1. on corner of Wa-htnr'ni n.l Kimlt.'V stn. 's, fi.eit'.i ; CI ls l n Wnhins ton K"rt-ci and runnln-' Ji f.s t i.l.enr I i...liy : r.-1 to Water ulr.-.-t. tiaviu lli.-r.s.n ere.-t--d a r.ii'i sln.i and a ir.i'ue st.ihte, witli the i.t.nt!rte:cin.s-s. Taken la i-tt ci't'on and t' m -.t.l as I lie prois'rty of I . A. V t ruer, al tin.- suit of Arte loins llvVUT'S MM. -Terms : NoTICC -H iersoii puretiasiiiii nl tlie note s il.- w III pii-usc l:k.- noll.-e ii.av r n-nl. of ihe pun-tut: money must he paid when .miM-riv is knocked down: otherwise it wiil ucain 1h- i--t.:rsl lo sale al Hie rl-k ot the! 11.1r. ln. j-r The n-ldlle of the l.ur-hase liion.-v must lie on or hefore the .lay ..I -ntiriiiatioii. It: Tiuirs.lay. 1' iirnarv is Hi l-t'"k No will lie h.-i-.iiowI. until lite pur-hase money is paid in 1.1II. ShcrlH-s rttllee. 1 KliWAKIi li'HI f.'.l, May 1st, iSfi.) Sli. ritr. SPECIAL SPRING SALE f 2V) Fine Hoisu-s nt Hi- Ktahl.-a of Ihe m lieiut Live Sl.iclt i 'o.., oftiee No il Avenue, I'ltlshunr, 1 ii.-Ml.-iy, W.slm-s- lay, I hurstlay, r ri.lay and Satunlay. 3Iay . S'.i. and in. A vrand t'liiv of Pacers. '1 roi lets Kentucky Saddl.-rs, lt'.dsters, I'.tnadi- u I ol. Hili s;ciicrs I arrui!. rt..r-s su.l roll!:. Wriie lor fata Auet.0.1 aalea every A tslm sday. I.VXIKf, AltXIIFI.M, Kcc'yaTreas lrs.A.E.0 Having completed the repairs and the enlargement of My : : Store . . Iiy annexinjr tl.c adjoinino; rooms, formerly occupied ly Mr. Frank Sliivler, I am now fitting it up with NEW GOODS an l will be able to mucli better serve my fiiemh tliau Iieretofore. : My Stock : : will comjirisc : : ': a complete : : Dry Goods Store, A complete - - - LA PIES' FURNISHING GOOpS STOKE And a complete r - MILLINERY f-TORE. - - - Ladies' and Children's WRAPS, AND Children's Outfit A specialty. Mrs. A. E. UHL WAHTED-SALESMEH. We want a few to sell a Choice Lia of .Nursery ist.K-k. We cannot make you rich in a month lint can give you steady employ ment and will pay you well fjr it. our prices correspond with the Una. Write for terms anil territory to THE HAWKS NURSERY CO., Rochester, N. Y, The Warm Sun..,. . Throws a acw light on an old subject IIATS. Lots of men don't reajize tlat they are wearip.'' a shabby one until they come in contact with men who arc wearing new ones. The tew blocks are now on sale at Jonas L. Baer, "The Hustler." M7 Main Cro St., - SQMFFtsKT. PA. Facts About FURNITURE We t-.'ti inform t!m tra.Ie nn.l puMii' nt Jarijr Unit wo Imvo citnr. tint i t.iri ohh it our il- .1! w itli tlio fitmituro nianufaeturt r.i of M i.-liitjiiti. Wc Kt ullwcuvkril i" r in tlie way of fCiiiiiH, i-.itiset(iient!y nil wc i t pf te.I, h::t ni'Tt'.lo wo want? want tlio trail.' to know llmt otir line lt ter in very re!M--t now tiian ever M foro aii'l that wo arc Kniti"; to cutiil noKrl!in Kiirnitiire on a vory lnw liaj-in. $25 and $23.00 ill I tiv a sIi.l hi!c Soil for tlio Ik"1 room, oont.iinin!' xix pieces, nia.lfl anl liiiir-ln-! in tho very latest stylos. $id and $20.00 takrt fpim our llimr a nice unit, c-itlior in Antkiue or Im itation Walnut linisli. $28 and $30.00 pays rorani.-oovt r KluO'e.1 or w.Hal-fraiim unit for tin- par lor, upltoNlere.1 in Ilroeatellc, Silk, Tpotry ami I'ltinli. $!5 and $20. GO takes ono of tlio Mime Mtylo Miiit.s njilioL-terttl in Tall est ry. $1.80, $1.90, $2.00. Ni. e i:e,i k- ers ltith century linifh very ornu inental for tha porch. $9 and $15.03 IxKir.I. C. fl. fill 606 Main Cross Street, Somerset, Pa. Shaver has 1 1 11 a i. THE NEW STYLES IN SHOES. . , Novelties in EASTER OXFORDS, TANS, PATENT LEATHERS, Etc. KTO matter what m.iy I .e said ' aho;:t Fnot'-votir, my invite your L: iti j based upon the tread r.f eciit fort. viitlj ijitaliiiiw Iiiixh nnd ri. to low. and UI'-TO DATK STYLE?. A very iiifc line of Iridic Sl.oi-. i:i ttll Sulcs at !.: l .. I II. . iSu.ceiior to Shav?r o. GxJ.' 7C-3 MAIN CROSS ST., Somerset. - - Pa. B. & B. Black is Fashionable. Black is "Becoming" mi. I clioi.-o Mack lres Kaori.-s never -:.l in this store at sneii rajiii! rati ns at ir s- ent. Black Goods Iienn vn! j.ay inmii'.li.ilo inveti 'ati'in : Naw Clack Twiil Mohairs. . Klt'gittit in :iiiearat-.(f, riht in wfitjht: Untght tit : s:n-ri;i-(? iiioiitiis li-for it was settled that llla. k wotil.l 1 tlio fa-'iionali'n' fc ns to color U inches T'iile, .Vi co-tit a 3-:ini. ,; Mohair icilennese, Sprt-ialty; i,..t for hittts i-epari-.te skirts or Jit'ttieoals H ini-lies w i.le, 12 inches wi.le, ami ;.- ,M in.-h' s wiilp, ?1.'K an.l l.i".. Black F'gured Mchairs. You've pai.l for ttot neatly s.i tj.xi.t iiml tint' g.Hwlft :is tht'-ic 'S iit. hi's with', i'te. Brack Crepons. New mnl str!ih lei-ts iliroct iVi'tn arts T."', f l.o, $;S iiji. IJootl Kl tek t'rrjHtiiit, -l"i eeiit, to tineit iiiifHirt-.-d tit per yard. All-wool, neat Chts-k Stiilit:", stylish lnixtun-s :i;t inches wi.lo. t-t-f.t.-t a Ijirtre iissortinei'.ts of stylish, nti-t.t- atf Irps tiols an.l S'litinjrs at 'Sv, '''' 'n ailil tl.:lt wi'! j rove t'o.e!t!M y Wu i!lteii,l ioak'.n it a?l o!:jm t to j i. tlo yottr liuylng ht.-ro. I'oine, or writo for s:iiii'li-s an-l our new ls;o spring an.l summer 'twill cost you ottly Ihe cistal containing your rcjutt. BOGGS & BUHL, Allegheny, Pa. SALESMEN or.'Uf.'?. To s-Il reiinyivaiti:t-;rott-n Nursery stock, tt lii. li i tlie Best in lh world. All the m w t.Hftalttr. an ell its the iiiinlaril vari. ti.sof Trees, slmilis. It.s t-lf. A linr oiittlt rnmislusl un.l all Iriv.-lin fxix-nsi-s mi.l. fnu oil.-r itely t-m'.loy.ii. nt. Wntf for Utiiis, Uttiii4 atrc. HOOPES 8RO. &. THOMAS. UifU Avenue Nrerie, - Wat Chester Pa. ROOFING and SIDINC. (Sacenderpk Patent.) Ll2hfn!.i, Fire and Slorm Protf. Peril f .r I Tbc Trtui Tn Ttoofins and farra. a-'"-:;i I aliu t o. l a., i. I kit., ta., of viUxt. halj .ir. 1 i i3 V--,J,V V...'!-a! :ti. VvOt t'.'' ii'.;. ii. air.-- --' vj.'A V.1"' " "- Y 'V llKIHIo. St..t 4M ' MCJr- It .K l-s .t. t.. OFFROTH GOODS w mm t"H 35. ..tiwu,am j, tlkkart,Lrf. 2 Car Load Vehicles, Just arrived, the fl ivt an l u' vt l'Lactoit-S Hj-ri;' Wa : have vc!ii :! -i ' Itl.-l :it J r-t a. i '. .1 Hrnvjr:i i.r . I ; ' t Coil Concord - - -Dexter Queen -American Queen Ferry Queen - And the iinjirovcd Kifl ."'jirin'.', the lio.-t .-i-riit . ;- i....; ,., .. A fine lot of Do'ih-Ie and Uvila I1j: i.---. i'.. ,, 4 ... . i Iliictor.-i, 'Whip.-, :'(.. Have a full ii:.: of Hoavy or Liht. w' Call and .see the greate.-t il. - E. L. IXIMKXSK Patriot St., - - GOOD MEWS FARMER! Tuckc;,c 31ncli!eri t lie 3IoIel i i' Siuij:li(ijv. . ' 1 . -! It ' i - - i . - - . ' - r - ir.- Lvu:li- - f :..! iu I iu in- St.; t" . -r T V--., ' .--:- - thu EucKeYC I l 1- ; -- , No I : 1 ' V .rs oil !:li- ti: ichittc. J I. u- it e.t'ti ;;.'t .. ,:.;: , on Ul.- -..i ; .-i iiti!.-:tio without tlii;.lii ovtr. J i t ): t:,;i;r ,'.r -t -itt; .! ... f 7K: BUCKEYE IV!OWR. Ihf laitst it.iticS of ;'u'-c l-. i. V't-.tic 1 V.iM filMJ It-to !!:;: I.iltf t-.'.r ' t it I't'.i X..ii i: An t. Mli'.r.t- l'o..ot" A, !.:, crs t f tiie ii::e ;ic!iy titit. iiitt.-s. ;;i ;; oi;. re 1 nttil .-.i::-.! the l-n. kt-ye, i.-t.t i.ia-i.' :.i r on it th. v are not tiie .-t.n.iie. 't;.e-!ei t':'.ri:it'r" t-:f-uuini Hay Ka'r wavs on lia:e. F. CIndina Twins -K:'; -1 'i---y Lt:.i:eyc t-sl l-l l.--.. BEST FERTILIZERS ON EARTH ! Iiko Krie I-'reii fitiano. tho let f. - rti ho..;' or horn." I have l ijjht other f!J to ?'.".. pinst:ttit!y on liatnl. SUGAR HIKERS SUPPLIES. WE CARRY A UASGE STOCK CF - - - - f Syrup Cans. Sap Buckets, SapJ " Spouts, Gathering Buckets Sugar Pans, Etc., at rock bow torn prices for cash. I WE HANDLE THE DE3T Maple kct at "asked A. l m Main Cross Street, Great Inducements i Goods reduced in price in even Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtain LadlO' (tinfs: Sro Yntr ?j l,r ii'iiin tn 1)IIV tOi , , 7 , j i o ii i.-j nit,, iiitiv save money and get something irood. JAME3 CLINTON STREET. YOU . . . AND YOUR Who aro interostcl in k.khI '.loitsektt-i-lnit shoiiM t-Mtniino the K.m-is l-f..ri'y..(i l.ny; t:iiyet.i:u;n all the lat est tu jirovi-.tit-nis, arc g..l Kikers, an 1 rr." .-t roasters, Htt. 1 nrc I with thnt Maiio in a.l styles an I sizes to im . t t-v.-ry require:! ent. iiii. k to :i. t -asy to Imlio. 9.. T!!E!R CI tNL!oKSS LESS LAB3R THliR FO'OJIi SAVES JAMES U. IiOLDERDAUM. Gmcrsetj: ciiM:.! lit- r,f J; it;-, r-j-iriili-; V a''ift.-i ar.-.'iv'u.-i if every ij, I -;W ( : t!..t'i t .-f I..-,', !..- i:. n' I). t'o jla v of Veli':;.. -- i t to - Iav at -t 0 WAItKIiOOM.S - - S omerset, Pa. - - - r, " f r- i - . - - - .tvlr - iC.vj j -sliH.D.t-j . : i : I.i il: . " ' '" - . r--; -i r E?Arrcr? ginder. ,t Voti w;:: ; - iiiveTit- :is i .-..! -.l.t-r t-..t i: an I i l 1 J. f!3"FMA?l, Aneni omcr-et. Fa. i r. !! !;at.. - ier on earth. I: e,.tit.;ii:s ;:: I.ran ls ol" t'ertili. rs. rii.'r. i:i ; F.J. H iKK.M AN. ..tne Evaporator cn the Llarj less than half the price j for some others. It vrilii SIMPSONS pay you to get our prices Deiore buying. SCHELLY i QUINN -JOHNSTOWN