r . The Somerset Herald. EPWARn SCl'LU Editor mid rropriet.tr. .if'?, WKIiXESPAY April 21,1 -Wi DKMtH-KAt'V, oil. ami Iwf have all p.? up :ml brem! is starting. Vit.wH5KI.ax! comity hiis thirty o.iinIi'l:tis forlu rlil" on the Kt'pulili can sitle of the house. Cattix on hoof and dressed lieef are s wide apart as to create a suspicion t'rit thev are not friendly. Thk government is now paying "t oaly fcM'J.OJO per day more than it is taking in. Thi9 is the way Democrat ic reform works. "Tahikk reform" as, undertaken hy the Democratic party, has proved the most tvistly jolt ever undertaken by any party in the history of the nation. The Kansas City o'f:7 says: "The II ; k Island iliiilrtwtd w ill this year send out to the drought districts six r;iin-iii:.ki!: cars." Will they make rain? Kx-Mavoic Smith, of Philadelphia, was last week awarded a verdict for icVi.tn) agaitist the "Thar'' of that city, in a liltt-I suit tried ln-forc Judge tiordon. If the present s;t."culative prici-s for cattle continue for any length f time, lalioring men will begin to talk of "the g.; 1 old times'' !v. !i they had livef for dinner t-vcrv da v. Six uktahv Cahi.isi.;: wants to go batk to th it is said, senate. U would have Ikvu well lion had lie remained retary of liie treasury g'j';hed fa 'lure. for his reputa thcre. As sh: he is a distiu- Thk KepuMican parly will go right along arid run the governnient as they have fr thirty years of prosp-.-rity. The p.t.j.!e with th" r.- would turn of u p'-r! h" canteli the go -.id times they iijoyed l; fore got a ; t:;ri. 't'leviland and reforn Tin: JiradTorl c cmiy l-p-il'.i.-ans have c !nsiiiud tliciitscives by often resolution airainst any d.-ciuniion in favor of free silver coinage, and have iiis:riic!eJ t!)e:r de!er:ites to the State C-onvention to work and vote against the I'opulist fiisaneird piKcy. 1;:m:h hatk- Smat'srs propose to e-Hitm! ilu I'nitel Stat.-s S'-uate by C')inbiiil..g Willi the Populists. it won't matter much for the next two years. .';' much in legislation can b. f fleeted while Cleveland is ia the Pres idential chair and armed witli a veto. Sr.XAToit Kansxim, if North Caroli na, who was appointed minister to Mexico, on the death of MinistertJray, is iiicligiiile. The salary of minister to Mexico-was increased while Mr. liit:)- so:;i was a nieiiiU-r of the senate and this fact lakes his appointment iHe gd. The rcj-.ort made by Commissioner Miller, of the Internal H.'venne Rj reati, to the i llVs't that the total gross receipts from the income tax would fall s'mrt of sl-i.tt l is cuifirimtl. The "surplus"' ahijiit which Mr. Carlisle talkisi so glihiy a few months ago has turned into a deficit of alviut 4 l,(K;, Ott. Ax Kastcrn DeiiUH-ra'.ic organ cx plains that the I.-i!i erar:e party di 1 n t origin it tho i;ie na? tax; they on ly Mibmitted to it. In other words, it was a sop thrown (o the Populist whale by Iiomoeratie lir-hermen, ami the wiiale too!: the bait, bull, and sinker, :;!i 1 pulled ia the fishermen iti the bar it'ain. At l'ort Worth, Texas, Sunday, Mr. Moady made a fervent prayer for rain, and a few minutes afterwards a storm came along that lifted the roof of the auditorium and literally soaked the big audience of S,IK)0 -ople. Fortunately nohady was seriou-ly injured. There is such a thing as overdoing the mat ter. Afteh all the loud clam-.T of a p ir tioti of the Democratic- press of the Stale, against llarrity's man, K ih. rt F- Wright, he was last week elected t'hairmau tf the State Com ml: tee by a itaanimous vote. This is claimed to le a irdial indorsement of the Presi dents financial pi'.iey. T'ne tri-th is, the light was against "Iluss'' Harrity :tnd his domineering inethKls, a:d the i.jss won. Tut: M.-Cook hrotii- rs, t-f t)!iio, wot: Listing fame iti the civil war as "the lighting MeCooks;' and none among them did nr.re for the family renown than Major (Jetur.il Alexander I. Mc- ",uk, w".ii was breveltel n le- iaii live times for gilla'itry, whiiiiug iris lir-t brevet :tt P. ill P.jn and his last in Isij-j. Cetieral McCook was placed on the retired list last week, he having reached the prescribed age of CI year.-. The law aaraiiist the luauufavtnie and sale of oleomargarine was passed at the instaiK-e of our friends the 'rangers for the protection of their lairy iuu-rests The attempt to repeal it mosi Mgnauy latttsi m tie Icgisia- ture last wex-k. Having prevented the repeal of the law, it w ill now lie in or der as It bus Ihv;i heretofore, for the irai.'gs, und itiier parties in iaten-st. to fold their huds and rv-st contctit while tin? law L Uaili- violati-d under their eyes, an l their Market ruined, through cotiijK-titioit witU the bogus itrticle. The law will not xevute it- fh lf, and if farmers will not loak afU-r ,ttir own interests ami see to its en forcement, they ought to quit coiu- filaiuibg. The law is virtually a dead letter ua the statute U-Kiks and will re main so, vutii a determined etlort is made lo euf-irce its iK-nalties. Kvf.ky tu in a while sonichody ys t'nat the early laws of Pennsvlva- Jtia made a husband, who had married a widow, responsible for her lirst lnis liaiid'e debts and to these laws is at tributed an occasional curious mar riage ceremony when the widow left Iier residence and Ifehind her every thing with which she had liecn pro viiKsl by the first husband and clad uly in a smock was married on the highway. The Honesdale Citizen Kays hat no lawyer, legal reporter, lcgisla or or judge is on record as ever having .any knowledge of any such law. Down to ls4S the husband was liable for debts contracted by the wife Ik-fore, marriage-, h-Jt he was never liable for a previous Jitisliuiid's debts.mid consequently there never could have U-ea any foundation in thi? law for ths? curious uiarriage re tvtrn J t o. HagniSeeat Juetice. .Speaking of'tlu; Income tax law an the supreme court has left it, the Philadelphia Iitquii rr s.ivs : If von are an investor in real estate ami derive your inc-mie fro:n the rentals you are not obliged to pay an income tax. The supreme eourt lias declared sueh a lax to 1 nnoonsl-tutional. P.ut if you employ a clerk or private secretary to look alter your interests and think enough of him to pny him a salary of more than $t,0o), his income almvc that sum must bo taxed, for the court has declared its inability to decide whether sueh a tax is uneou stitutional or not. If you are an investor in state, county and municipal lmiids, no matter h iv large your income may be, you have nothing to pay to the government.- lint the clerk w ho looksafioryour bonds iiiiin settle with the government for the privi lo;rp of lieing your employe. This is how the iiuvniio tux works in brief. What magnificent justice! What great I train jiower must have lieon ?x pendisl in the supreme Court room ! What sleepless nights ! Wide Wagon Tirei. The agricultural department, Washing ton, has issued a bulletin, compiled by tSeii. Koy Stone, if Pennsylvania, special agent in charge of rond inquiry, contain ing information concerning tho uc of wide tires on wag-'-n wheels. Mr. Stone regards it of special importance in the maintenance of public highways that the vehicles used on thcni shall have tires of greater width than are now in general use. Extracts from the State laws represent ing Hie width of tire to Ik- used on vehi cles are given, some of which offer a re bate of a portion of the. highway tax on wag ms with rims or tires not les than three and three and a half inches in width. ihio makes it unlawful to trans port over macademized, gravel or stone roads, in-any vehicle having a tire of less than three inches in width, a burden of more than 2.tt pounds. Indiana has a law against hauling on a wet gravel road a load of over 2,o--" pound on a narrow tired wagon or over 2,-i pounds on a broad tired wagon. Kentucky makes a distinction in favor of broad tire 1 wag ons in fixing toll rat -s. The njsuits of experiments w ith wide tires in various states are also given. SIeycrstk.le Xoriaal Scfcco', April 33 to Juiy 3, 1S93. Profs. It. K. lioyeran l M. J. Phillips, assistants in the teachers department. Miss olive lie'i'.i-y, Mi-s P.yruie S. hultz and Mrs. 'dirge McCarthy, teachers of instrumental m.jsi.-, voice culture and painting and ilrav, ing. r-ste-;ivf ly, J. C. Sl-HH II K!t, Mcyersdale, Pa., Piiuc: April l't, .1 The Form Cf Cdt'a. The act to amend the lW section of the. a-t of the twcnty-lirst ihiy of Mar-h, f-ne thousand seven hundred and seventy- two, entilleil "An ,"..-t f-r the rcuof el su'-ii pi rs a:s :is conscientiously .scruple th taking of an oath iu the common torin,' by changiiig the (vnmuon form t here if. Section 1. P-e it enaetc-,1. etc.. That toe t:;vL secliunof the act of the twenty tirs day of March, one thousand sevm hen dretl and seventy-two. entitled "An act l' -r the relief oi such persons as e-ei'.-M-u ;i- tioiislv scruple the taking of an oath in the common form," be and the same hereby amended so that the same shall read as fellows : All and all maimer of crimes, '.tl'e.is, matters, causes and tilings hats icver to be inquired f, heard, tried and dcter- iiiined or done, or performed by virt'te of aav law ol this t oinm niwealtli, or ot'.ier- wise, shall and may lie inquired of, heard tried and determi ued l y Jadg'?s, Abler men. Magistrates, Justices of the Peace and such persons as may by law bo an pointed by the proper legal authorities witnesses and inquest, and all other per sons qualifying themselves according to th ir conscientious persuasions respec tively, either by talcing the solemn atlir matioii or any oath in the usual u- com mon form, bv laving the liamt u'Kn an open copy of the Holy iiible, or by iifltin; up the ritit iiau-l una ltronouncing or assenting to the f. -'lowing words: I, A IJ do swear by Almigiy 'io.l, the s ar-h- crif all hearts that I will , and that as I shall answer to (i ,1 ui the last great day. Which oath so taken by person . lio cons'-ieniioo;y retuse to late an oat "a in the common form shall be deemed and taken in law t have the same etVei-t with an o.ith taken in e innuon form. Approved the 3d day of Anil. A. I. ls'i'i. IANirtl. II. llAsTIMiS laosght Actioa. I'ntil there be correct thought there cauimt be riht action. Therefore, think rigiit an. I buv the Cinderella Pange, and right aetioii is assured. Sold by Jam;:s IS. IIoi.i:-:!ti:.l M, .S.mer-:ct, Pa. Candidates for the Ga!!os. At a larinaouse aiHiu: nine niiiis west of t'oiry, Krie county. Mrs. Iliittlihi-n, aged eighty-live years lies at the point of death from injuries leeched early on Tuesday morning. i;e part of the houso in which she lives is ors-uj-icl by a family none-1 t'al r.h:ii:e. Short 1 v aft r - i-loe!i Monday nig lit f'iri masked men entered the house and demanded her money. She prte t ed that shr-. had no money, v.-hereupon the rutiiaiis assailed her with a club and licked the poor old wom.-.n :dmot ti death. The family in th ; other purt of the house, who had itecn a-.vake::eil, in terposed, but they were, frightened into submission. 'J'!:! fiends then took a lighted lamp and set her hair on lire, burr iiig her neck, face and head in a ter rible manner. One of the men also as saulted her. Meanwhile the other two searched the house until they secured While the dastardly work was pro gressing one of the Calahane family man aged to escape and the neighborhood was soon aroused. The masked men then made their escape, firing their revolvers asth.'yr.m. Tiie old woman was found almost dead, her hair burned from her head, her tooth knocked out, and several ri! broken. AVeut two hoars later the rol titers appeared at this bouse of Thomas Moore, at Leli.tcuf Station, and fiVut ensued, in which Moore was almost kill ed. They secure 1 PS, there. The hole country is up ia arms, lint no trace of the rohliers has been found. Baby Carriage. The place to buy baby carriages is at Fisher's liook Store. Koonsbiner Under Ground. In the raiding of an illicit distillery neighborhood a strange contrivance was found near Pleasant Valley church, Hx. The moonshiner bad gone iuto the mid dle of a field and dug out a room ulsr.it 1'J feet square, sot in stills and covered U over with planks and dirt, over which th?- had cultivated. The imdd of entrance was by a trap dsir, which d-xir was concealed by ia!t bisU and a cedar tree. They went down a laddvr. Iq tijin bojs jn the ground they had the barrels an 1 h-?iis ia which the mash was mada. The furnace was iu one corner. The smoke stack projected ouly about two or three inches alsive the grouiv.l, having the apitearance of a Penn ing slump. Three men were arrested. Woaea tynchel in Alabama. Ge:i:xvh.i.i; Ala April il -Three men and two women, ncgn-es, were lynched on the Ituckalow plaiiUtion. three miles from here, Saturday. The Sheriff found them hanging to tri es this morning. They were accused of the mur der of Watts ilarphy. a voting whius Juan. Hirntburg tetter. HAiir.isiuT.o, Pa.. April 2, l- 1. tli.i If iiu. . v.w. Jut i.m L-!i fiirrnit til J . '; . . , . r -'" -y red to tho proper committees: and yet in any of them are marked "lie on table,' and those that are referred to the "prop er committees' never get ltcforo any committees, but are pigeonholed. A resolution to place on tho calendar the bill prohibiting railroad companies from charging more than two cents per mile for passenger fares, negatived by tho Committee on Railroads was voted down. Upon a reeonsid-T.-ition of the vote by which the bill authorising township su pervisors to erect buildings for holding elections, and storing road machinery Ac, was defeated on socond reading. The Farr compulsory educational bill w hielj passed the House March Titli, has been reported from Senate committee with amendments, one of which provides for a truant room in each school house, and another changes the name of the truant officer to attendance officer, and gives him 2 per day. The Senate defeated tho bill providing for the appointment of game commis sioners, which creates six new otllcew but gives them no compensation except trav eling and contingent expenses. A mo tion was at once made to reconsider the vote by which the bill was killed and this Is-ing carried its further considera tion was posttHincd for the present. The House bill permitting cities and Iiorouuhsto appropriate money for memo rial lay servii-cs has leeii reported from the Senate committee with an amend ment toiududt? Independence Kay. There was an exciting scene, in the Ibeise when tho Muehlbninner bill pro viding for the unconditional repeal of tho oleomargarine law came up on second reading. Owing to the confusioirwhieh prevailed the clerk could not hear the re sponses on the roll called and the correc tion of the record was the (tceasion of much ill feeling among members who crowded around the clerk's desk. The bill was overwhelmingly defeated yeas :i', nays 11 J. The act to restrain and regulate the sale of dairy products was fought by the (Jrangor clement in the House and the bill was iiideunitely postponed by a vole of 2i.'2 t-i -10. The bill.4 preventing cruelty to animals and prescribing punishment for the same; prohibiting the sale of vinous or spiritu ous liquors by wholesale dealers and storekeepers in less quantities than oii gallon ; prov i'iin that public funds shall li .t be appropriated to institutions coii contioilcl wholly or in part by any secta rian s.k iety, passed second reading in the House. The Chairui:::! of the House Committee on ilaies :ii re 1 a resolution, which was unanimously iigrcd to, fixing Thursday, May 'id, at noon, as the hour for final ad journment of the legislature, if the Man ale concurred ia the same. Pi rc-pouso to a resolution front Ui3 House, state Treasurer J i-ks iii re; irw the f !;- ing balance in the Treasury March .;i--t, IC., less advances made to la" legislature, y i.issno.jil; the amount still d e.e on a--count of appropriations for l-',, and which includes the common School apl-reprhitioll bal.meo tor b-SM of f"i,1'',(i"-J amount to ."TO.'tl.il'J. In this total sain th'-re are aoprop-i-.iti-ms 1j live charitablu jeiations and to the S tl diers' rphans Industrial S,-hoo!s, of whi'-li no pirt his lteen drawn from the Treasury, amounting to f'KS ;,.Vt). The estsiilale of t'l? or limry revenues of the Stato fir the eirreut year ending November .'i-ith, amounts to ?i,s",,- 1 e. Fro:, i tliis is to be? de d ieted ?ti-!l,-:J71..", trmisierred to the sinking fund, leaving an estimate! revenue of t, IVi, 2'.'y), a t.ital for the two year., en. ling November li ldi, ls i i, of slS,:ll,I"'j7. Iu reply to the fourth question as to the probable amount of revemio which could be derived during each of tho next two years from a taxation of sixteen cents per barrel oa malt liquors brewed in the State State Treasurer .Jackson says : "I desire to say I am not in possession of tho data necessary to make such an es timate. Tin; uumltcr of barrels brewed in Pennsylvania annually could pruhably be had from the Internal Heveuue De partment of the general iovornment." !ly a resolution the "lireater Pittsburg" bill was made a special order for second reading in the House next Tuesday, and final passage, on Wednesday. Other special orders were granted as follows : iiR-rea-hig the salary of the Adjutant (ieiieru! from f'!.jj.) to :V,,ail; Senate bill providing that scho.il book shall not lie : changed more than oneo iu live years ; provi ling tor the taxation of aliens; the Smith bill providit.g a new method for the distribution of the Statu school fund; and a number of othurs dbiirtocii in ail .iioi t than can be rjaeh-j 1 on the dates -peeitie-i. At a meeting of tho Democratic Statu 'oiii;uitleo last Wednesday, llobcrt K. Wright, of Allent own, was cc -ted chair man by acclamation. Score another for Harrity. Hon. James Kerr, of Clearfield county, was the candidate of tho "inde pendent and nub f-sed" Democrats. ii-e.j.imiii F. Heywoo-I, the present cashier of the Treasury under Colonel Jackson, i.s a prominent candidate for State Treasurer, and his nomination by the 11 ipubli.-m c invention which meets next August, seems to be almost a cer tainty, Messrs. K. M. binion of the Somerset f mi -; f', V arren Worth Iiailey, of the Johust i .vn :.!: .-,- r, Hon. U D. Wosl- rutfand F.J. O'C miior. of Johnstown were in the city during the session of the Deal ti-ratic State Comuiitt?? I:: the Sen ate the f tll.nving biils.aui ing oiiiers i iie I finally ; difmhig t!i3 sev eral :ii et!i 1 1-i of life insurance authorized by i i-.v, and cxi?!i-ling protection to, air, punishing fra i 1 upon foreign and domes- lie life, accident au I casualty indemnity msaraicc? eimpanies: re! sting t the l-.K-atioa of bifrial grouti'ls by cemetery co.np.tmes; cxtenoing the tinia lor tin? co:!i;i!eti--ri cf raibvays a'.rea ly chartered; authorizing tiie) Fi-h Cj.uuiissi..:i t i ap point thirty ti-ih t.tr-Ieii4 at $;tliieran- ir.iin cacti ; to prohibit p: ize llgiiti-ig and to regulate Pjxmg with cloves: to pro vide for tht punishment of bribery at nominal lag, primary au i general elec tions ; increasing the charge for mainte nance iu the Kltvyn Trainiiy: School for Feeble-M inded Children from 10; to ?17.i; Iir.ivi.ling th.U one burial permit shall lie asutlieient authority for interment in a cemetery that is partly within the limits of two or more municipalities; to com pensate lie? meinUrs of the National liuarj who contracted typhoid fever at (icttyshtirg encampments: (the amounts will aggregate almut four tbousaml dol lars :) ritiiiiriiig spixiii-.-atjons for works to lie furnished and a proper temperature maintained for employes in factories; supplement to the act relating to the com pCieney of etnessiis ; regulating the hours of employment of minor children: to provide for the appointment of counsel an. I their compensation ; declaring 2,210 pounds the legal weight of a ton of coal delivered by retail dealers ; authori.ing niumneipaiities to establish and maintain ji imie noraries ; auinori.iug roaa super visors to put up wire fences to prevent now from drifting. At one afternicm session of the Senate the past week, over sixty bills passed second rcaonig. In the House the following bills passed finally: providing compensation for Judge who shall resign their office after twenty years consecutive service on the ls-ncli at the age of seventy ; requiring tax collectors to give a numbered tax re teij.t ; Senate bill regulating tho erection of county bui dings, and the hill to estab lish a department of charities and correc tions ; limiting tiie forfeiture of policies of life insurance companies and regulating the issuing of the same; to increase the salary of the Superintendent of Public Printing; to authorize cities boroughs and townships of the State to appropriate money for Memorial Day exercises ; au thori.ing and empowering trustees of Slate normal schools to enter into agree ment with the directors in school districts j so that the pupils of any school district may be instructed in State normal schools; to regulate the advertising of salon by county commissioners of land-l bought of them for iion-payiiumt of taxes. Tho Senate adjourned on Thursday, tho House on Friday, to meet on tho coming Monday. Hypaotized Inti Harder. D.u.timor k, Md., April 20. Tho ques tion of hypnotic influence- will play a prominent part in tho coming trial, at Demon, of Marshall E. Price, under in dictment for tho murder of Sailio Dean, a thirteen-year-old school girl. Tho physicians who examined the ex humed remains of tho girl were unable to dis-over any indication of criminal assault before the murder. Theautliorties are accordingly at a loss for a motive for the crime, To-tbiy Dr. John Morris, a noted ex pert on insanity diseases visited Price at the jail and had a long talk with him. To-night Dr. Morris and that he felt confi dent that the State would be unable to show any motive for the crime. Tho physician also made this remarkable statement : "Pri-es lK-lief may lie tho result of hallucination, but it is, nevertheless, firmly fixed in his mind, lie was led to say and do the things which have laid the foundation for his indictment, by a plan conceived and executed by wills stronger than his own, and when under inlbic-nccs to which his physical nature was unaccustomed. "I am inclined to think that his trial will develop some very important, not to say startling, circumstance connected with this case. "This question of a person subjected to the domination of a stronger will lie lieving a thing to lie true which has no existence in fact is not new. The med ical liooks are full of such cases." Sallie Dean, a girl, was murdered on her way to school alstut four weeks ago ut Teuton, Md. Price, the village black smith, was arrested, aftr he professed to have had a remarkable dream, in which he was directed where to find the knife with which the girl had U-en slain. To save him from the fury of tho mob he was removed hero for safety. He then made a confession, im which ho im plicated (irant Cock ran, school teacher, but against whom there is no evidence up to this time. Cockran is generally le lieved to be innm-enl. The Case cf R7. J. C. Woai. Po!M !.ANl, ni:--, April 2a -The reports of ins. A. F. Johnson, I tarry I.uno and A. C. P.intoii, the commission appointed by Judge Mcciison, of the Mate Circuit Court, t i inquire into the mental condi tion of i:.-v. J. ". Wood, th" P.a.itist min-ist-T, ii i v.-i found g lilty of holding up :m Fast Portland bank, on the ground of iusanity, has been made public. T.ie re port, after stating that the revrend g'n tle n:in was in the habit of reading dime novo! literature, says: "He is a man of i t years of age, with the impulses and judgment of a '.toy of l-'l to 1-1 years, who, with his head stuifed full of tha garish liciiou of dime novels, emulates tiie conduct of the heroic Seven Toes Peter, and sallies forth armed with a sharp east-knife to lift the caps o:f imag inary redskins in the persons of inoffen sive small children, and the degroo or his yriminaiity a, the timo of tho robbery i.s l.j lie measured by that of tho lioy. He occupies the b;rder lino of mental sound ness and, conceding the commission of the robliery, the proper punishment, or raiher .treatment, did the law permit it, would be a long term iu the lb-form School." Bittle With Hors TUevei. KiNowtion, W. Va., April 1!). Sherid Shaw was shot through tho right lung late last night, while he and three special tl-patics wcrearrestingfoiir Drownsville, I'a., horse thieves, one mile cast of here. As the sheriffs ptse met the four thieves on three horses the sheritF demanded a halt and grablied tho leader's horse, and as he ditl so the rider shot him. Fx SheritT Jackson fired at the man and the ball struck a pack of cigart '.to photo graplis in his vest istckel and glanced down tiie rider's arm, burning it, and entered the horse's neck, killing it in stantly. All four of the horse thieves were cap tured, and at a preliminary hearing this afternoon were remanded to jail, failing to give a lund for !,( M. Sheriff Shaw's condition is serious. Belies Of The Confederacy lliciMoxn. Va., April 2o. Theold Jef ferson Davis mansion, the White House of the Confederacy, which some time ago was turned over by the city of Hiehmoml to tho t'onf-iderato Memorial ami Literary Socit ty, is som to Iu converted by them into a museum for Confederate relics. The property, until turned over to the society, was used by this city as a pubiie school. It is now being put in thorough repair, and the ground and second floors will bo made tiro poof to insure the safety of tho many valuable relics which it in expected will lie placed in tho building as soon as it is thrown open as a museum. Died of Poison in hia Falpit. Having taken poison in his pulpit, 1'ev. J. M. Jessup fell to the lbior and died in spasms before his startled congregation, at Sandy ltidge, Alabama, before he had finished his sermon hist Sunday. Pastor Jessup was a venerable Primi tive Iiaptist clergyman. An investiga tion as to his shocking death disclosed the fact that he had taken a lot of strych nine which he carried in his pocket on brcad-crumliS topois-ui Fnglish sparrows that infested his yard. He was also in the habit of carrying sugar in his p-wkcts Sundays, to clear his throat for his ser mon. lietooHtlie Ktrychmno by mis take with his sugar. A Hecsrd-Sreakisg Ren. PuiLAiiKLiMHA, April 22. The Penn sylvania railroad line to Atlantic City had a record-breaking run yesterday. made by the spc-ial newspaper train faom Philadelphia. Fifty-one and a half minutes after starting the train came to a stop in Atlantic City. The actual run ning time was only 4."i2 minutes. The distance is .Vs 3-10 miles and tho average speed was 70J miles per hour. This is the fastest time ever made by a railroad tram for the distance. From Winslow to Alsescon, 21 !-!) miles, an average speed of .N' miles an hour was made. Poor Indeed ! Tho prosiKvt of relief from drastic cathartics for persons troubled with con stipation is poor indeed. True they act cpou the Isiwris, but this they do with Violence, and their operation tends to weaken the intestines, and is prcjudicld to the stomach. Host tier's Stoma ji Itittcis U an effectual laxative, but it neither gripes nor tnifttt.-hlcs. Further more, it promotes digestion and a regular action of the liver ami the kidneys It is an efficient barrier against and remedy for malarial complaints ami rheumatism, and is of great benefit to the weak, nerv ous and agetl. As a medicinal stimulant it cannot lie surpassed. Physicians cor dially recommend it. and its professional indorsement is fully lmrne out by sipular experience. Appetite and sleep are lioth improved by this ngreeablo invignrant and alterative. Senator la:koara Talks Lorisvn.F.K, Kv.. April 2). Senator Illackburn published a long interview to day, in which he threw down the gaunt let to Secretary Carlisle ami the adminis tration. Senator lilai klmrn unreservedly fill Coe-'lffsj t hi flW l,illl:l.-. nf.ili-nr lO flliA 1 ratio of Pi to 1 regardless of consequences. Constipation is the cause of all sorts of serious disorders of tho blood. Strong cathartic are worse than uieless IJ.ir- mk KIo.kI Bitters is Nature's own l etuedy for troubles of this sort. Itsasi of Interest. Ten thousand Mormons will cmigrato from I'tah to Chinuahuaf" Mex., and establish a colony. Dr. Xanscn has found tho north pole, a Paris rumor has it, and nailed tho Nor wegian flag to it. During a terrific wind storm at Pieree ville, Kan, (Jeorge Wright, a busini-ss man, was blown under a locomotive and cut to pieces. James It. liarfield is a candidate for state senator from the Mentor district. His distinguished father started in io litical life as state senator from the samo place. During the mouth of March 17,047 im migrants came to tho United States, as compared with 10,.iil in March, 1S!H. For the nine months ending March . Istif, the number was 21-S72I, while that for tho nine mouths ending in March of this year was l.Vt,177. His Imagination killed Kli Haumgard ner, of West Mauheim township, York County. Ho was sufTering with tho mumps, when he read in a medical jour nal that mumps sometimes produced in sanity. This so startled Itaumgaitlncr that ho soon Iieeamo insano and died shortly afterward. Reports seceived by the Pennsylvania Kailroad Company from its representa tives sent through Delaware, Maryland and the Eastern shoro of Virginia to examine into and report as to tho proba bilities of the peach anil berry crop for this season are very encouraging and in some sections tho indications are that the peach crop will equal that of l-str, while increased acroago in berries will help to swell that crop. Tho Japanese Legation at Washington, was otlicially notified Thursday morn ing from the Foreign Ofliee at Tokio that a treaty of peaeo between Japan and China was signed at Shinoski Wednesday. This shows that the reports that the treaty was signed tin Tuesday last were prema ture. Tho ollieial dispatch received at the Legation contains the further an nouncement that a ratiti'-ation of tho treaty will lie exchanged at Chee Foo within three weeks. William X. Moore, u ho claims to have lioen stolen by a gypsy twenty-six years ago ami taken to Mount Pleasant, Ohio, relumed last Mondey night to visit his aged mother and two sisters at Shenan doah. It is alleged that a year ago the gypsy died, leaving to Moore property worth s-iimi, m lore wa taken from home when -1 ye.irt ni , anu knew Both iug of his family iiiuii ;.is captor revealed the secret on his deathbed. Circulars of warning hive ben issued by Chief ll.i-.i-n, of the I'liiied Steles secret service regarding the issuing of a new counterfeit live dollar treasury note of the series of lsul, several specimens of which have he-;!! tleti:ct!)d in the s o;k!j and eastern part of this state. Thti coun terfeit is a photographic, repr.hlu-ctioii touch"! up with pen and ink and bears the treasury numls-r 15. .',771,721. The counterfeit i.s a g.sitl ono and capable of deceit ing the most searching eye. The suit of ox-Mayor Smith against the Philadelphia Tihtrs, for Iliad, ter minated on Wednesday with a verdi -t of Sri" for the plaintiff. Tho verdict is universally regarded as excessive, though tho opinion prevail.! that a moderate amount of damages could properly havo bitm awarded. The Tiiurn had published several articles calling iu question the financial integrity of the ex-mayor, and this hail boon done in a manner indicat ing a considerable, degroo of malice. 1 ems: the suit. Mrs. Mary Drown, aged M, of Kno.x ville, Tenn., wife of the late Joseph I iron n, who served in tho revolutionary war, and one of the nino widows in the I'nited States whi are drawing pciish.us for their htislmud's service iu the revol ution, died Tuesday. Her husband has been dead llfty-ono years. They were married when she was 20 ami he ni years old. She drew her last pension of 12 on March 12. President Cleveland Sayt He Can Speak for Himself. Wasiiinotox, April 22. It i.s stated that Secretary Morton desires to have it understood that his utterances on finance or any other subject aro inspired by no one but himself, and that in making them he gives foith his own ideas alone. The interview with the Secretary, in which he proclaimed his belief in the single gold standard, was supposed toU- an echo of President Cleveland's views but the President said this afteriiioii: I am in no manner responsible for Mr. Morton's interview, and knew uothiii of it until I read it in tho newspapers. When I have seen lit to say anything t the pewpie on the money question or any other subject, I Jiave thus far found quite etisy p ( so directly and on my own account. In the tigljt against free silver it lias l-en found that the impression that Sec. retary Morton spoke for the Presitlj n was dangerous lotno cause of sale cur j-ency, for which Mr. Cleveland is cms testing, though he has never stafed cx piieitly just w hat he means thereby. The free silver men use it as au argument to show that the President is a gold mono metailist, and Secretary Morton is appre hensive of the effect of such a belief. That account for his denial. Thanked by a Dead Kan's Wife. CnicAoo, L!., April Is. The dramalk scene ol a murtlereil man s wife giving thanks for the conviction of his murder cr, was witnessed iu Judge Stein's Court to-day. Sdviero Iiarelli had been on trial for the killing last November of liomiiiii Parento. The c idencc showed that the shooting occurred bis-ai:se Parento h:i thrown liaiclli out of his house after the latter hatl struck Mrs. Parento with his list. The jury returned a verdict of gnii ty to-day, recommending the death pen alty. Mrs. Parento, who had been a constat-, attendant of the trial, fell upon her knees and jmured out a fervent prayer oi thanksgiving that her husband's murder er was to meet death. Sho called tlown blessings on the heads of the jurors, am then, turning to the Judge, passionately pleaded that he would sec that the sen- temsj be carried out. Sullivan Acted the Hero. ItosTox, April 22. John L. Sullivan, ex-champion pugilist, tried to save a life yesterday and iu doing so was badly burned. 1 le was staying with friends at 51 iKiver street. The cook, Margaret Don nelly, set tire to her clothing while work ing alMiut the kitchen stove. Her shrieks called John K and others to the room. Sullivan looked alsmt for something to wrap aliotit the woman, but finding noth ing he endeavored to extinguish the blaze with his hands After unusual ef fort he was able to do so, but his hands and arms were very liadly burned, ami his face was badly scorched. Mrs. Ihin- neby was sent to tho City hospital. where she died to-uight. Sullivan was put to lied in the house where he was staying anil doctors were called to dress his wounds. It will lie some days lie fore ho can get out of lied. Big Oil Hspea Blai ted. Vmostowx. Pa.. April 22. The Ma- sontown oil well has turned out a big dis appointment. After reaching a depth of 2,210 feet, drilling was suspended and the well is regarded as an eight-barrel pro ducer. The pump has liecn working five days and there are but 180 barrels now in thetank. This includes the flows of 1 to barrels and also the surplus which bad accumulated in the well. The Forest till company will drill several other wells soen. One will lie put down on the farm of Josiah Crow, iiear McClellandtown. A report was circulated that tho ilow of the Hoover well was ) barrels. This is ssid to have been given out by scaljicrs, who have some territory leased on short terms nn.I want to get rid of it. SEED : : : POTATOES. I am now prepared to furnish, at rea sonable prices the best SKKD POTA TO KS amrsU FHT COItN that the mar ket can produce, I Im night last year the highest price and lnt potatoes in the state of New York ami tested them. They all ditl well, with the exception of a few kinds thai could not stand the ter rible drouth, which I will not put tin the market. My crop was numerous last year. From 2 pounds I raised l i bush els of Mitgie Murphys, an averagi? of Ci bushels from I bushel. lean furnish the following kinds, all pure varieties: Maggio Murphy; F.veret; Ilarly Pride; Keystone- Favorite; American Wonder; Iite King; Karly Puritan; Whiter Than Snow; Karly Shamrock; Farly I'erfifc tin; Irish Daisy; Koso of Krin; ' Dakota Ketl; Plummer's Beauty; Heiplc's Fav orite; Six-Weeks' Potato. All orders will lie promptly filled by mail or express. Address all communi cations to THEJ. HEIPLZ, Boucher, Fa. I also sell tho Oeiser I-lngino and Thresher and Saw Mill, and am also agent for the Monumental liron.e Co., of Bridgeport, Conn. MrsAL Having completed the repairs and tlic enlargement of My : : Store by annexing; t!.c adjoini'1'.r rooms, formerly occupied ly Mr. Frank Shivler, I tun no-.v fitting it tip with NEW GOODS and will be &h; to much better serve my ftieud.- than heretofore, : My Stock : : will comprise : : : a complete : : Dry Goods Store, A complete - - - LADIES' RTRXISIIIXG GOODS STOKE And a complete - - MILLIXERV STORE. - - - Ladies' and Children's WRAP -VXD- Children's Outfit A specialty. Mrs. A. E. UHL W A N TE D-SA LES M E N .":.."-.' fhnir- Line of Nursery Htock. We cannot make von rich in a iiionih ut t-iin eive you steady employ mentuml will pay you well for it. our prVt-s ctirit-sMiini with iiiu tniii . write for fi-rtns it ml tri itory to THE HAWKS NURSERY CO , Rochester. N. Y. The Warm Sun Throws a jew light on fin old sul.ject HATS. Lots of men don't realize that they arc wearing a shabby one until they come in contact with men who arc wearing new ones. The tew bloets are now on sale at Jonas L. Baer, "The Hustler." 617 Main Cros St., - SDMKKNET, PA. Uh Facts About : MURE We can inform tho trttdc nnd pnMic at large Hint c have nunc out ict-.ri-oiis in !ir dr-nl w ith the fitrnittire manufacturers of .Michigan. " il allwcasketl for in the way or l.:tr grtins, csnisisin'iitly all we cxpcct'-il, what more ilo wo w aiilT We only w ant the tr.ule to know t's-t ir line is lct ter in every rticct now than ever le t'ore anil that we are Kiig to contin ue selling Furniture, mi a very low lms is. $25 and $28.00 win i..,y a ;id hik Suit for the IhsI room, containing nix piece, mailt) and tinislicd in the very latest styles. $13 and $20.09 takes from our floor a nice mit, either in Antiipic or Im itation Walnut finish. $28 and $30.00 pays foraniceovcr htutl'et! orw ootl-frame suit for the par lor, upholstered in Kroi-alelle, Silk, Taiestry ami Plush. $15 and $20.03 takes one of the same stylo suits upholstered in Tap estry. $1.80, $1.90, $2.00. Xiif ltced Ilock crH 1'ith conttiry finish very orna mental for the porch. $9 and $15.00 huysasolidOakSid. loard. G. H. C mi 1 6C6 Main Cros Street, Somerset, Pa. Shaver ha.s Them. THE NEW STYLES IN SHOES. . . Novelties in . . EASTER . . . : GOODS. OXFORDS, TANS, PATENT LEATHERS, Etc. XT 0 matter what may be sttid ' about Footwear, my lines invite your attention. Leiitt basCil upon the tread of com fort, with qualities hih ani j,ri-e.s l.w, and IT-TIMUTI A very nice litte of Ladies' H.oes in all St vies at h n -.1 ' .. I f . SHAVER, 'Successor to Shaver & Gocd .1 703 MAIN CROSS ST. Somerset Pa. B. & B. Black is Fashionable. Black is "Becoming" ami clioice Mack I'rcs.s Falii i.-s never s, Id in this store at sm-li r:ipitl rate as at prr t-tit. Biack Goods Ii2ni3 that will pay immediate invftiatioii : Nav Black Twill iV.ohairs. I-'.U-irint in apiieamiii-e, rilit in avcis'Ii!: !u;!it at a sacrilice several months no, licforeit was settled th;:t Ithu-k would !.e the fa.-hionahle fad as to color I) inches witle, .Tit cents a yartl. Mohair Sicilennese. Specially adapted for siiits, sep:ir;ite skirts or petticoats W inches wide, ?,"; 12 inches w ide, .'n- ami "- ; ."4 inchi-s w idc, ?;.' ami Black F'sured Mohairs. You've paid tlouMe for not Tti i;. in- ' so good and line J.i;id-i witle, :iV. iis t loss -J Tl S'ack Crepons. Xew and stylish eifc-N, tlir.-.-t fin Taris 7.V-, fl.n., S'l.J'i up. i.tKMi litacK I rejions, 4 i cont.-t, f. finest im;iorteil at ?:.k) per yard. .ll-wooi, ncjif Check Snilicgs, stvlish mixtures inches w ide, 1Z cents a yard. I.arf;e asxirtiiients of stylish, up-t.i-late lrcss itsls and Suiting at iV, .'ate, Itlt.-ami ."iK-, that w ill prove m-Iiisivt-ly we imenti m:ikin; it an ottj.ft to you to do your Imying here. ("tune, or write for samjiles and our new ls!i spring and sunmier c-.italo-jne 'twill cot Von only the postal containing your refpicsf. BOGGS & BUHL, Allegheny, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED OH SAlARV. To sell I'cniwylvniu'anmn Ntirs rv stia-k wliich is Hie Bsl in the worm. All liie new si -ciitllics. ns well as the s::unl;inl varieties of rriiu ami iinii-.iiieiital I nit, .-hniiw. ttos.H. t-lc. A Inie i.ultit flini-li -ii ;ui l all tnv. li.i; exi-;iM-s Kiii. mi oil, r st.-auty t-iitploviiicnt. w rile lor terms -Uitittx a'c. HOOPES BRO. & THOMA. Maple Avenue Ns-i, - Wjit Chnter P. STEEL ROOFING and SIDING. (SKccodorya' Patrnt.) LIft!niil.7. Firs and Siorm Prccf. !VrJ f-r I The !'f fni Tto(1n nni Cnn-a. cutul-i-r ii-1 cnuiw !' I nl. Pint., ru., cf i.rt---s. f.u;j .lir. Kv.ti irf-r- it.r t'vn:.inniic:i ; 4y fn uUt I - tb vavi H ua ju;'- 1 r. - -j E 141 .-. h4) fyir-S vf fcir I VI cuCj-Hviit. Ui'iiir r.KKtti r a HOtW v Hlw. tu ..l $33. W. B. rrMt, IMiit, U4. OFFROTH 2 Car Load Vehid Ju.st ariivel, the fi ic.t nr.-l hin.-t coinpli: I'liaetOD-s in' Va't"r;s, Hpirn!!-; Y aii'l at j ricLS inter than cv r l.'.-Ut 'l of Brewster Sidc-3ar Spring, Coil Concord - - -Dexter Queen - -American Queen Ferry Queen - - And the improved llnd Spring, the lio.st A fine lot of Double Dusters, Whip:-?, tic. Call and see the reaifst li.-play of Vehicle to - lav at E. L. IMMENSE V Patriot St., - - - GOOD MEWS liiukcyc Macliincs tho 3Iodel of ini;;li(ii' flits I.S I ..-1. it.i'.i l t:l r cfVllcJ U. r- i: I i THE BUCKEYE JNt C:!:iv':t .-levator oil t Oil flic r.t.l (. -t Ilillsltl.' I ill m Ti.c l:it llltKt Cii!lll! 4 t tiiotlt-I of tht-s, fclcltr.tttsl m;ic!ii!it-s is selm!' A-tc la;ii hi:i,' t-vcr Iiiailc. f -ct :i llll'-kcvt ;uiii v Norti K Aiiltin;!!!. Miller ,V l., tf Akr.-ti. t iiiii, arc th- i::v -.oi tiie genuine lini-k'-ye nia.-tiine. t.i-kcve ineai; t.iii-rel a it it tin el cttll'l the Itii.-keyo. Let licule in simic tie-r t ;trc it.it tie" rent!!; :-. " ;!.,( ti 1-:i:-:i;cr" w:i-s i.-n h nut. Se!!'-tt;iii:i liav Kaki F. J. Binding Twine Fin-'t-'y r.u-k..-yo isi jirii-cs. t.akc l'..ie Fro -ill linano, tho lest foitiii.r on e: lio-.f or l.or.i." 1 ais h:m- -ii,!i (.ti-t-r tiran is oi' !': f ! to const.imiy on li:i:el, ' SUGAR MAKERS SUPPLIES VE CARRY A LARGE STOCK OF - - - - Syrup Cans Sap Euckets, SpouU, Gathering Euckets - ougar Pans, Etc., at rock bc' torn prices for cash. j WE K AN OLE THE BEST j Maple Evaporator on the Mar- kct at less than half the price asked for sonic others. It il ""pay you to get our prices beicit bayins. Main C.-os Strett, Great Inducements, Goods reduced in nrice in cvorv Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lace Cutaii f Ladies' Coats, etc. Xow is the time to buy tf save money and get something good. CLINTON STREgT. YOTJ ... AND YOUR . . . KjRIKXDS Who :uc ii-.terest.si in h.niM-kiViin;i slitml.l examine the ( iiulcn il:i H;iiiKch Iwfiire yo.i buy; they contain all the lat est iiiiprovi-niciiis, nre (tchkI Inkers, ami porfect masters, ami are sul.l w ith that iimlerstan.linjj. Mistle in all styles ami sixes to nit ct every re.juireiiiei.t. it,ieli t :u-t easy to liake. THEIR CLEVNLINES3 LESSENS LABOR THEIR E ONOM r SAVES MONEY. JAMES 15. IIOLDERBAUM, Somerset, S lit.. -U."t ''i. n a 'pr:n-.' 8 and ."'iiiil; Hatii'. Ilave a fiiii lino of S Heavy or Light. It! AltKIiOOMFS omerset, Pi FARMER SIMPSON'S T',iZ EUC.-LEYE FRAME LES 3 GINDIFi ir it! ;:.;.k- -til rrl ' '- srl- --v--Vi.-,'?..-. Biii'DER. i:i;i' :,i!tc. 1-1; : tij;in ovi-r. ana liih; j Ju-: I ?C I. 2'C5 'VjL-rff. 4 ' J "if )' : i THE BUCKEYE MOWER. I 1 Hi . t : ai.u rm;i. x" Si. tin ' . ; li i H37FMAN. Acent. Somerset.?! rip. BEST FERTILIZERS ON EARTH ! c:!t:i::. . raiiifii 'F.MAN. rti!icr J. If i SCHELLv SOMERSET,? :JAMES QUINN -at JOHNSt'J'S HUE-EN i - . m