The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, March 20, 1895, Image 4

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    Rsparl of Dlrectars of fe fossil
House of Employment
Somerset County, Pa.,
Court and Grand Jury for the Year
Ending Dec 31st, A. D-, 1884.
Tithe Ilonnrahle, the Jmd'je of the Cunri
f Quarter .Srjwrji of the Peare and
t.rafl Jury of mtid County :
In (Miiii.liunw with the Sixth S.f
t ion of the A-t of A-wniMy tqiprovt-d
t lie l'.lh l:i f April, lsV,t provi.l'tnff
f..r the Teefhii of a "Houwof Kmily-iiu-nt
and Suiirt of the Poor of said
County," the umlerijriietl Directors
li-n-vitli rt-sjHft fully wil-mit ami lay
lK-f.ire yni their rejv.rt fr the year
aiding IWiiiUt 31, 1S"4, showing the
number and x f a11 iersons
luaiiitaiiwd and employed in said
House of Employment and Pupiorted
cir assisted elsewhere, as well as the
names of those who have died at said
House of Employment during the year,
and of the children by thesa indeniur-t-d,
willi the names of t!u":r masters,
their oecuia;itt!is and callings.
We, also, herewith submit an ac
count of all wiles, donations, devises
and Inquests, and moneys retvived by
or fur tliem.
In addition to the information re
quired by the Act of As-embly, the
11 lard of Directors herewith furnish
under suitable the names of
those who have 1kv:i asistel else-wln-re,
and, als., the children who
were maintained in private families
tinler the A-t of Assuibly aj'provtil
l:t!i June, lss-t, and the amounts jaid
for their maintenance. Also, the
names of all persons removed toother
institutions for medical treatment and
We, also, fjhmit an mroant of the
repairs made, description of buildings
erected during the year, condition of
the farm, ppahiets of the same, mate
rials made and ni:in!ifa-turil, improve
ments made or added, togetiar with u
i-liort history of the House of Employ
ment, as well as ail oilier hems which
nifty U- of interest to the Court, t rand
Jury and the Public.
All of whii-H is rcsiiect fully submit
ted and certified this Slst dayoflK
cemlier, A. I). IK'ti.
Atu-t : ) JosKi-ii 1 Millki:,
J. ". Collmrn Josiah I. Vi:k;lk,
Clerk. ) J.U111: M'i-i:;nu.
Director of the Poor.
In submitting tiiis our annual ri-jxirt
of the ln-twe of Employment of Som
erset County we are reminded of this
Mgnilicaut fact: In April of the
jtrcscnt year, we will vlebmte the one
iiuudrcdth anniversary or centennial
f the constituting and establishing
f Somerset County. In April, we also
-aa wldjrate the fiftieth anniversary
'r bi-t'eiiteiiuial of theestal lishing ami
constituting of the Hou.-' of Employ
ment of Somerset County.
Our county we all have reason ule
proud of. She ranks fifth in number
sis to territory, uud first among the
tuntin of the siate tt to the produc
tion of eminent men. Her wealth is
1: tit old and undeveloped, but it remains
a fact that almost her entire surfaeeis
underlaid with coal and rich dexn-iU
of ail other minerals.
Her grand old mountains, lofty
IH-aks, iH-autiful valleys, wide spread
ing table lands, and fertile glades, give
Jar sujfior and greater advantage
over many of the counties of the state.
Her citizens, mostly deMvndeiits from
the original Pennsylvania Dutch, they
arc industrious, intelligent, thrifty,
christian and patriotic. No lace in
ilie world do tiie eople live In-tU'raud
Joiigi-r, enjoy life more, and at the same
lime have a higher regard to the duties
they owe to their tJod and fellow man
than in onr grand old County of Som
erset. At the first call for troojw, when the
nation was in eril, company after
company volunteered and were march
ed to the front ; many f them having
I lid down their life in defense of their
country, while sx-ores of others ret urn vd
tua' and wounded, telling more
eloquently tlian words the struggles
and hardships they endured.
While we rejoice over the extent of
our territory, the wealth of our county,
the jK-ai-e, thrift, iiitelligeiiep and con
tentment of our citizens, and the pros
!Tityof our -.ui:ty, yet there is one
tiling alone that her teopiu khould U'
proud of more than any other, and that
js the provisions she has made for the
i:r, unfortunate and in-atK. Fifty
v-ars ago, ly Act of Assemby, this
county wan constituted and formal into
n sejHTate l'oor District.
The thousands of jKTsons that have
ecu eared for, and the thousands of
loliars of charity she bus clisjiensed, as
v.-e!l as the homes she has relieved, the
orphan children she has carcil for, the
deaf, dumb and blind she hasi-d'.Hntod,
and hist of ail, the most pitable of all,
thosi- who have lieeti U-reft of their
re:ison, who have been maintained and
treated in hospital, many of whom
v ere restored, is a monument "to our
fflory more enduring than granite e-r
marble, and lasting as time.
Twice the Supreme Court has ren
dered formal decisions that Pennsylva
nia is a Christian Comuiou wealth ; but
iniortaut and authorative an are such
judicial utterances, far more convinc
ing are the sjileiidid evidences of Chris
tian spirit seen in Pennsylvania's no
ble provisions for the ioor and unfortu
nate in life. And when this work is
considered in its character, its spirit,
its magnitude and its far-reaching re
sults, we may well ask, "Is not this,
r.fier, all, the chief, the crowning glory
..t mir I. I. M- I..
I hat the soldier and the enthusiastic I
nu'iiiH m iiiitiutijt iiisiiiry witiitvi
pri.L' in the fact, that when in the
dark days of the KeUllion, the fearful
tide of war rolled Northward, it broke
in fury against the hills of Gettysburg,
only to recoil in defeat and shame. He
u ill remind us that on the memorable
fcnd bloody field, with a son of Pennsyl
vania in command, when one of Som
erset County's brave sons fell in the
thickest of the conflict, was fought one
of the most momentous battle of history
as the pivotal battle of that long ami
terrible struggle, on whose i-wiie leing
the fate of this great republic; and in
which struggle, Uyoud the interests of
a single nation, the great cause of hu
man liberty and high concern.
It aecnis glory enough for one state
thai such an achievement was accom
plished within her lKirders, but we re
tuemlMT that the very name of our Com
monwealth ints us lack toil's great
lieartel and noble founder, William
I'enn, wliose just and humane policy
toward the aloriginal inhabitants,
Viio'ii he found in iKtssessioti of the for-
ests and valleys, wits desijrtitHl to avert I
var, an.I by any and every means to
es un i rasa peace.
.... , . , . !
It IS in accord With the Stunt of pe- 1
Hius, of that magnanimous and heroic '
tsouL the tieaccful and peaee-Iivinz 1
i - ., . .... '
I'enn. who in the mornini!' twibcbt of
our historv, laid the f.-undatioa of thl i
v.r.-l K yM-'li- Statf, tSnl f J:r- t
l-tri of j-if ra'.ln-r ttiau t ! -
Splciidil h.'is Nvn our military
aclik-vements! tin-sit our industrial
mid commercial developments, and our
eilin-atiojial cnt-ririses, with their I ie
nifieeiit etTw-ts Uon sm ial and doiiM-s-tielife!
Put higher than all these,
and approaching more truly the ppirit
of her great f.wnder, interpreting more
faithfully the teachings of the divine
Master and fulfilling more nearly the
noble works of charity and christian
U-iievolence, t hief among these areour
places for the care of the poor and in
sane. Therefore, when we come to celebrate
the centennial of our county, let us re
joice together that one of our wise and
human ac ts in early years was to prn
vide for our or.
Nothing has transpired at the Home
out of the ordinary routine. The 1 lome
was not visited by any serious accident,
neither was It visited by any conta
gious disease. During the year new
liath tulis, improved water closets with
cold and hot water, were placed in the
main building; which was an improve
ment long hoped for and badly need.'d,
and is quite a comfort to the aged and
The buildings are in good repair and
condition. During the year the old
sitting room for the men, attached to
the end of the White House, will be
torn dow . and replaced with larger and
more moderate ones; the one now in use
licing one of the original buildings on
the farm when first lnuight by the Di
rectors of the Poor. The same having
leen condemed by the lioard of Public
Charities, and the building of new
ones recommended by the Grand Jury
at their last visitation.
The farm is in an elegant state of cul
tivation ami produces well, reference
to the Steward's report King had will
fully show, as more grain was pro
duced the p:ist year than any previous
There were eleven deaths in the home
during the year. All of whom, with
but two exceptions, were old ami lived
out their allotted time. Some were
sick for years, had suffered much, and
death was a relief.
Itegular religious servurs were held
in the Home oikv each month by El
der Walter, who aho oMUiatcd at a'H
During the year there were a great
many visits made the Home by citi
zens of the County, and we were gr.nit
ly pleased at their approval of our man
agement of the same; and we invite all
persons who areintertsted in the Home
to visit it and make such suggi-stioasor
criticisms as will tend to improve or
correct anything for the le tter in the
Pvr House.
The office of Director of the Poor is
one of the most responsible of any In
the County, and should lie an enno
bling one. They have not only the
care and wise exjienditure of money,
but the care of suffering humanity as
well. Their's is a duty of love, and he
who has not that virtue to a great ex
tent dwelling jii his soul cannot satis
factorily discharge the duties incum
bent upon him. They are duties that
should call forth the noblest prompt
ings of the hearL iuch dejH-jcls upon
the t-cjcctioii of a good steward and
matron, in order to secure order and
discipline as well a the yood manage
ment of the Home.
We desire to express our regret in
Mr. J. C. Miller leaving the Home. He
has made an efficient, industrious and
painstaking steward. Much of the
siN-ct ss of the Home L, due him and his
wife for the fine appearance the build
ings present, and the high state of cul
tivation the firm has Itccn brought up
to; and we tike this opportunity of
certifying to the public our apprecia
tion of their ttcrviet-s j steward and
matron of the Home.
We, the Directors holding over, de
sire to say that the thanks of the jui
lic are due to Joseph L. Miller, the re
tiring Director, for the conscientious
m:nncr in which he discharged the
duties of his oilh-e. Much credit is
due to him for the improvement of the
farm and productiveness of same.
We regret his leaving the County,
but hope he may have the confidence
and est"cm of the people of far away
Nebraska as he had of all the people
During the year we have Ik-cii great
ly aided by the Children's Aid S tciety.
This s:ciety is founded to provide for
the welfare of destitute and neglected
children, by such means as shall lie
!et for them, and for the c-mm-iuity.
And it is with pleasure we commend
their work to the cittiens of the coun
ty. They seek to raise the child from a
state of destitution iiid pjujK-rism to
that of self-respect and self-support, and
fit and prepare them for a useful place
in society ; while t'losL- who are feeble
minded, or deaf and dumb and blind,
they place 1:1 iiis;ituUo:is whero they
may be trained for useful employment,
and ed ieated s i they may earn a liveli
hood. The work the Children's Aid So
ciety has liccu doing, is to he commend
ed, and deserves your earnest support.
I, ittf ia-7 if'lhihlin'it awl Taltf.ep. ,tf
Ae A5? AbMiTTKii ii:sciiAia.t.i
Alhrifht Km'l 52 Feb 21, li
II. -rkH Kdward 2 K't 11. s..i
I!-rkK Sherman 4 V II, in i
Krion Uivid 71 June . lc Sept 10, lw'4
Hinlmm Jam 7) In-e l i, isttj -Vaivb i. In l
HnN-kway Frauk'tl Feb 2, lv4 Feb 7, lS:-4
liail. y John -Vi Apr 7, ls'M June lt4
4'.Minid Jaeb Ul Feb 1. IS77
'mntroiMii Ax JuneW. lsri
Cnw Milton :1 s.-p!M,l7s
Cu!er Adam lK- SI, 1-CS
Custer Frauds lec 27, ISM Klop.M Jan
rai J,;,,n m Novum Apr :, ii
r.Miiier Jam. - l i. ISO J;m l-i.
Cavs v John 47 lsv 2.i, Is .4
l'avault AIIm rt S Feb 7. I:4 Nov 1. K14
M-iry tirillith eare Child's Ai.I
Fx'kliart IiiM 74 Apr2,t,ls li,-d Julv :(.)
Is: 14"
K'lwar.l J.ieob 24 July !, lsvj Ami.;. ISIM
Kirs ma 11 Haiu'l 71 S-p 17, sji4 lt,v 2, issn
FtslurJobn '.7 Nov 2n, 1st.",
Fllek Jese 40 Apr 21, l4 K.-turni-d to
p Home Mav 7, ls;J
i.jlhn (onnid t May S. lr!
i.ull Jeremiah 77 Jau 17, Is: (J Iiisl I). 22,
fiiKHl Holw rt Apr 2, l-.4
Huiuiuel lii'iij'n t7 tni si, lrl IHed April
... -i, ls.14
II..lllf Will 71 tk-t 2a. llr
Hook I" riah 3 Juic- J2. : K!osl aIIj
Hamilton A n-h'd 4a Mar 21. l"t IJay 7, If.4
Hamilton John 4 Sept lu, lsn4
limes Samuel 57 IS pt hi, 1sji4 Iii.xl Nov Irl,
, ' . . '
Jnnex S.imn.1 74 June2T. lsVI
JobtiMKi Win 72 St. Isss
Jackson Arthur 21 Jan 3, ls;i Iiied April
2, ls. 4
Jonrw 1.1 ward 21 Jan 3. ISM Jau li, lsj
KonKerJax K 4:4 Apr 1. isi
K liable Tti.tKionl'i Apr 1, Issil
kooritl Henr' 4S K.-b 4, 1
K: istiT Henry :il July2..K l
K el ley Andrew n't Iv I. ls
K.-iutftuan A'lam l Feb I, Ist;
Kinimel Th.Tid'eW Nov (i, lxii 4 An;2!.m
Kejstx Jaeoh 1;( F.Ji 22. lti Indentured
Ui Juob iles-.uer Man h 3, ls:,taken by
mother June 1, ism
K.yer Kaiii'l y Feb 22. !l
KiiiiU rly llinimik.' June 1, 1.J
Kauttmati A (I'm J im 24,
1-phart Henry 7il Ihv 24, )
Maul Mu Apr2-l,l.W !d Nov 10,
M Naliy erne' -vn Nv3i'ci April 2, js4'u S jun K ?t
.1K-1 1 1 nun si n 71 July n, IKSI
.ieeeiyrus .-c i--i i t, issi
M's-rl.:iiurh Jno4- let 7. ls.W
Meyers Hudolpn 7t Mayli, M Died May
vi'ier Wiiim 17 Oct 22.1s.' 1V4
Miller John 4 Mayl0.1-Mi Taken to
Dixm.Mit Juii.-e. si
Ms;inni John t i,nn ii u ..t. -.j
Maunin iiaiv "s11. 'VJ -"s
"(11 1 l
M . J. !i ST AKi.l- l H.ft t, Kt
.!-..-! Solium ' t -i, M-
I'.iiuhi II irt- W.iy-T, ls:
:..ll..rir 4 M;irl i, lTI
Kvjh l.ti 4.' Julvi'i, l7
S!.iitinlit-r itS Jsi'l Kiow1 Tk-o
Si, lf
K hl-k ;:, J S.-pt l, lt IHeJ -it i
Khntvi-r M tvinll. Ht
Sn.l. r Knil. o k T; Apr 4. ivv!
s,.nz. n:nit. r I l.-r -.'1, Issl
Swi-itj-r Win :il Apr'lsTS
nw.-ii " T John 44 Ar'ls7s
skeiir K'lS.He
siiv l- r llirain
SU.iU't" lMIII' l
1 on alrit-k
Smut. (In n-m-e
MiaUer Win
Tbonuts Win
:.7 lis is-j
4.1 4K 3, 11
'i si, l-e-t
.VI Nov M, li-i
17 May 8, f.'l
li! isep 4, I! Home by
periiusslim Nov 2. IshI
M Apr K, litri lK-a Feb it,
Tresslrr John K M Nov 7. tsS
Tl.m-. Jowph IT IhT 17, is 4
VmiM.-ter lUil.t ol JuiieU'
Ware Joseph 45 Apr 5, I'm KUpI July
i, 114
Walker John F ! May 5.
While Maiuucl 10 Jau lw Eloied Feb
L, lsiil
Wofzcnnan Aug i Feb 7, ltil Mun hai.TH
Yimns I.mlwiii i7 M.iv 1, lsssi
YowLtIakUt 1 NlMfl Taken by
I'hii.lrens' Aiil tsiK-loly
Zimmerman ioo71 MaylT, l;'-
- Irvut 17 Aprii.s:t! Indenturnl
ilh Alr.on tterkrv Ann U, ll
" l'.trk AprJ,li; Taken 10
Morjjania, June (1, 1-iti
W II EN w H :x A now
BoyrKllia 9 NovltM Imlentumt
to Harvev Kivlor Ifc-c 1, 11
Hittner Iliillnda 41 Mar 17. lsl I iis-liMr.-l
iiriaii I'luelie S JuueKJ JJltU July at,
Hinlav lUlin'la ni Au 17, KJ
tilaek Kliu 17 J in 17, 1-vl In 111 In d
Sehool Kfl J,
J'.nrks Aliee 3) t t ll.lX 'l
liurk Unt- V K-1 II. lwl With fJmnt
l:ril uum Oct i lH
UurkN Florence 7 et 11, IM'I
I'Ust.T Kli4iletbKl lhv 31, 17
I'likliTMarv Oet i), 11
l onii' lly Harriet HI li-- 2J, lvt
t'ro K Kmiiia 2: MarilK-t
4 HMer : Jmiel''ul
F.iiK-Hek Ma-.'ifie.fl Apr 10, IsTi
Fair Kelxvivi 7 Aprlo, 1S77
Itnlon l alliarilie.'.l AiiS 1-', lstK-pt IK, 'fll
liull KliwlR-Ul 7S Jan 17, 1W1
UrasMf Jimiie, 3S Jlay, 1n1 IMxiuont
May l;l
Haiiif I :i!hnnncJb ten 7, IS!1
UuUord K:tiu
V Oet l-s Inilentured
to Kli 1 oiinkiu Nuv 1, l.-JM
. -t l:t, (sj
41 Feb ii, IVM June I, 14
IJ Feb 1 I.YH l l.l. IHlired
to F. frexel Mareh 1, SJ
5 Feb -Zl, lti Ta k v n by
mot her June 1, JmI
6H July s'i
o7 May .", lsl
:t Apr lti, 17
Kef T Ii-iiii
Keyser M iry
Ki yser liertua
Keyser Minnie
i-uulls Snr.iH
Miller Judith
Mix'k liarilael
Morro-jr Manpi't Id Mar 14, ImW M l.-c tfV, 1
K:v StiNin J7 Mar-l,lV
liint'ler Hiki 17 liet l:i, lvcl
Usii.r Mariali w tvt 11. !s:t Taken to
liixmont Jan 1. 14
liu-; Man- R S.-pt 1. 1m 4 Haced In l
li s"hn.I by Children Aid isept ti, 11
SiiyaerCatluiriV'Vi Jtiiy : lsV4
filmtilis Nanev 10 ss pt I, l"t-4 I'laee.1 In I
It .s. li.xd by Children' Aid !Sept 6, lSl'J
Slllir.e S.lsjlll ii'l Oet ai, ISOl
.shauhs l.v..i, li-' lh-t :, IS ij
Savior Mary 4(i Nov !'. Is'tt Taken to
I'lxii.out Jan l!i, lsj4
Trvss!-r Susan ill i-t 1 1, 17:1
Thomas Kate 17 M irlils'4 Mar 13, l!CU
Weller Mar.Mn't : June hi, 7
Ziiiiiueriiiiin rim X Feb il, lss7 Iied Alls II
Is. H
Whole nuinlivr lu ttt HM during the year,
M.ili-s, Fi lllailes, 4i
Iiivi.i Humbert wife A- four child ren ...J 1 t
Welirblmali Silvan
S;i!ii'l Marleeii.v, vt v fourehiiilnn.H
li.irif.ra Kiaeier ami ehpphsl ehild
Josephine Lii'iuigaiid Uve c iiiltlreii....
M.x.s s;ra
A Iill S.iuijs -
J' -Mil .Ki-iKeii A Wile
Win Shall er. wile and firee rtiiMren..
S:ear ! i'u'.iuau, iie!k four eliildren.
F.slher . -
Nanill Sise.....
l.rl'Mi.i aUy.i daughter ....
rineia- V Yuuiikiii Hiid ( ill r ehild reu.
Mom Kins, ile and daughter ,
Joliu ..! ior, wile and iUr.cllidrei.
Si uiou I 'h i : ii ppi -
Kll.:al-'f!!! SS ii:Tii4- -
Kebiviii M:eu-rand four children-...,,
Joa iliian Konit ii wile
Mnx-'ial. il." Kike
Ciuiuntvr I'ntta. wl ei 4 rhildri'ii....
Matilda i'iferaud live children......-
r:.rlMRi Frots
il.-st. r Fr:eliiiie
I'iiarh-s Will, wife and child
Naiu y I'iieraiid three cliildnu
' SI, a tier
Simons Coyer, wife & three children
Margaret Sliaili-r . .
Mary Koont. and dallniil.T .
i'eii.lMirary outii'Mir relief granted to
various persons
.0 ol
ji ei
a tii)
vu mi
::j oi
:52 on
: oo
3.' u
a oi
3 2 on
J Ul
Ii.' till
:t w
:u to
.i: to
J) M
-J Ul
o 4k
s on
Til !'
Tobil ain't of out- l.M.r relief nRnlellli 1m
Whole iiuiicx r n lievetl. V:t: Adult imiK IV
Feiuabw. : Children. -VI. Whole humUt
of eb.iriiies, ."IS.
Win Tiionias "vt Aliril S, l-Cr Feb it,
Arthur JaekMMi 1 Jan I. ! 't April , s!'4
lanj'ij liemiuel 4'. Nov lssl Aplil-SK'4
It'idolph Meyers M.e y i ! 'i M l'.
I'leeU- Itrioii i.7 JuiieK, lrs.t July 2i, U 4
laniard Kekart 7! -Vprl, hvi July Isi4
Km iiiiiii-niiuii 2s Fen ls7 A us
i-MP'e s. b!n.-k .1! S i.t 1 i. ls'4 IN I ai, lM Vaut 4.' Apr J , l'7 Nov hi, i"S'4
Sansin I liimsi -.7 Sept in, K'l N,v la, l! 1
Jeremiah wull 77 Jau 17, Js-.'.' Ive 1114
r..tal nua.lK-r of deaths 11. StaUs, i!; Fe
males, '2.
S' llEhCHK It
Vhiltlri-n tit J'lirutr t'ltmUim: .Vrimr, Atraml
bv Whom .l'li'wiiiiffl.
M.i-le Mast, rs , Feb I. ! A Hoover 8
Lulu s Keliev 4. Aprl. 'id 1" WTrimp.-:
Kelll'll llilldwill V Feloi, J V.z Wei'ley : Oil
AIIh .1 Imvalt Novl.".'4 Mr' iritlit!i
Ui-oi-v'' liiiey .i, Julyl, -rs J C Aimer -J
Total ua-oant paid SI1) 30
Total tua:b.T out in private tiniilies,
Males, i; females, Z.
H lllilVI.E E,
CJiH Iivh 1,i Fuble Mi.icl-tl .V A-..' E'.tfjn, Jt.
N.rih Kookman 12 JiineS. IsjC
FtHe IVans- t I May a. 1-sS
I 12 7K
Win II Saylor 1-j CK-122.1KO
12 7X
Amount paid
is :it
srilEDUl.E F.
t'."i.7(.v n tit P. n,.i;ilrix-t & !in.J, .Vor-
K.luar l H-mpe !2 Nov 1 1VO
i'ark .imm.-r n ID Junee, ls:4
Total, 2. l'ald by County CommisMoners.
iliibtnn in . 1 un'I luuh K hvi at Edyr
tr'KW, P i.
Marv s Kul'2 S nt to school S p fi, 114
Nauey Shaniis 1) " "
Fiaeed a" Sehool by Children. Ai.I Soeietv.
Ii IViii-l Sr'i'fif, PittsbHry, Pn.
KUza HiaeU 17 I'lae.-1 in Blind School
by Chiidr-'iis' Aid s,ei.-ty, Feh.'n ls4
t w:in le 0.
Jn'ttt! f-tf Twitiufrlt.
vt HFu ahttti::i
Ai.K TO C. II.
TO ll'l-CI 'AL
N A it K
M:n- Miller
Irvin stain
Caroline Woif
e O Ij-
Il:in-y Hart .tell
Sam"! Polemuii
:a Fitzgerald
Coiir...l on!r
Mnrv S
ss Mayl l, Is-it June Li. K-1
2s M:ir2lsnN 2 jsss
4d Auiilt.lsss Ails Is. isss
.".I s- jit il. .n-c.i s, pt i, lssti
2i S. pt I, It 1 S l.t K. lsVl
Ju'v s, lr .,r 2a. !sr:(
:ii Aiu'U, lsTt s. pt s, lct
17 Nov 2!. s-.r2 Mar 14, l:i
1 Nov 1', Is-a J:in Id. lv
Marian liimr.T IIS x-t 11.
la 11 11. lx 4
-Illli" I .nisser .ts iMyslSl l
May 2S, lsM
Johu Miller 411 Muyl-I, l-etl June (i, sti4
Iii th? If iHf'tl for fhrotiie .otfiae at II.i.t
t ;7.V, .
John Fritz 7 K. pl 5,ls-c; s. pt 27, lt
.Saiir'l Swank :t Jun 17, ls'il Jlme 2V, l"i
.1.--tjimil .Hi Nov21,lr2 Mar 14, ISitt
KMcritehlMi St May I), is-.c June , lsitt
Total No in bitb Hospitals, pi Males 10;
Foinalea, .
Total mn'l paid to llxmoiit Hospltnl12l2 In
" " . " Wertiersville " ... 52 ai
Total cost for maintenance at liotli
Hospitals ..12i'4 X
X TK Mariah Iliiiirer di.-d at hAspttal Jan
uar 2-. ls:4. John Fritz. J. s;,. Iunii, Kaia
uel Swank. and F.lie M. 4'rilehlield wen- r.s
movti from the hospital at lMxiuont to the
new t hronir Iiis iue Hospital at Wcrnemvillc,
I'a., AiiKii.-t 1, ls-1.
ChiltlrtH InttinturrtL
inio ntkkh wnrv
WIT'.t n:i K
CharUs! Scott 1 ItoU rt IU-hi FiJi ill, VT
Chan.- Mi-Clcllan 17 A J Cromer Nov 1,1m
Alliert Nieklow 17 M F Latlerty Mar S, Ki
William sumiiiv 14 s I. Koms Mar 1, 1H
jn,iti iaciiiiu 1 r nii r-w.-arn Jiiivi 1ii
Frank K Witt is J J lh.niels Julv 17, 14
oab Witt 17 J ie Ari-man -luiie 1. 1i
John Cnmiep 1:1 Har'n -rfs Marti, hem
M in li li tllaa 14 I lias Kn.jiperMar 4, ':!
Fn-d tat;on IV Jim Miller AusrH, Us
Charles I laiUi 15 J il Swindell Nov 1,14
Thoiiuis Jainis.m 15 It Younkin Apr 27. Us
Jas K M'S'linbick 12"l A Mus'rJun 3.l!ii
Will II lt'Mrids 10 Jo-ii-h erfossjlin I LI Ol
John K Nieklow II F N Simpson Jan 1, l'.l
ChnrU i4.l s K M Ib-rkey Janl. I'e,
Jos ph Kiltl jrin 12 SHep.hliertri-rMarlH.lKH
Norman K.i lwin 10 J H Morrison Jan laJKiV
Kicii ir.1 1 1,1 I.I ia liniR.,. n:,v i,ir.i n,i-, Miller II 11 c Hubiiaril Mar3l.l:i2
Am.. MiS ! M I. l-iwninn Julvjn.ptii
Fhza Fis!-r IS F Nciderhour Feb' 31, l.s.iv
1 ihie K'dle 17 J M Hummi-I S,-pt V,Kii
IsalH-l Harrison II J o Knnmei Amr !!, i'Ol
Klia leilty i-VJDItluKids IK-t I, 1sm7
Corn Kline 14 W II Vann Apr2,Kti
Lillian V ihillas I tCl' Mar!'. 1
Ar.tminta Hutu'l 12 Yi H.aiver June i. 1ml
F.I la Master 12 J S Itowscr Ncpt 22. I'i
Maeirie M.slint'k 10 C J Mill, r Mar 17 l'
Malilda Mili.-r II Peter Heart June t' ,
Annie 11:, ili y 11 Mary Zorn M:irlV,l:o
Austift Zim rinan II J c limner t nr ' I'm-'
ll.-orje ikiitey 5 J.r'n c Miller Auj , 1-17
r.ii7.-i i.yeT
F!i:h Hartord
11 H W Savior Mar llw!
10 Kli Younkin i irlO. lucj
iar- 1 r-sii-r l Km 1 HrVfnc im A Ion
Ira 'iala-iier Pi X B Cramer Marl, litfl
Thi followinz children m-ere placed br the
Children' Aid Society, but articled with di-n-rtors
I. y ilia Kinitlcr Conrad fir.atcy July 4. 107
h-p Jueob vK:ht Ma ii.i oj
- rtha Keyser 11 Ir red Trexel Juuetl, i'AI
Thr follow Inc have la-en In ken uni placed
In home by ilie Children 11 Aid Society :
MarTie Shaffer 14 rt II Scull. l"-sI
Mary s lliincler 14 Henry Shatter
K.I:iIiUt,I 7JIIt!rt.ker
4.inre steward 12 John Mil. hell
Iwler Yowh r I MraJstiies
AI'M-rt Ik-vault .1 Mm Marv lirifflth
Wlwde nunilwr Iml.-ntun'l by Iiireetoni of
l ixir, 4i ; iiuiivk. ; lenail.-s, is
Whole number In cure of Children- Aid
In addition to thoe p!a.-d In hotiien hr the
I tiilil nn Aid Stu'iety, Alary M. i:us;k and
Nanev ShauliK, two mutes, were runiished
ward rotK-n complete and placed In the lienf
anu numb school al raluewiaxi, aa well a
furntshlmr all books and suiipliiii at wbl.
Thev also placed Kiiza Hla. k, a blind rirl
In the itlind School at I'lttsbuiv, Fa the Ul
reetoni payint; the tra valine expenses in nend
inc them to the whools.
We appnrlate their work, and hope each
veartluit we may oeame to ciwiperaio witu
them more and more in the care of orpluin
ana inui'io eioiureu.
Kf -II El) CLE I.
lirt nf Sturk ami Imiilrnirnlx on thr Vrrm,
A A a ArfmnJ tf nti A rtirlra MiinuactMrrd
in thr Jfome antl I&tiwit on ttr Enrm, a lir
fyrrtr.l bit thr Nlnvartl, Jur Utr yrar Emiing
January I,
NiiinlaTf horw .
" nwK II
" i. mi
" tbnsyiiiiMihl cattU' 1
" " two-venr-uld rattle .. 1
on.-ve;ir-old eiillie........ 10
tiiickiiii; calves. ........
" ahteu l:l
" rhiekeiiM 125
Xumber rf shils
" " I o kIihN
" one-horse hhils
waeona ..
mowitiK niiehiues...........
- u b'.ndera
shovel plows
com eulti valors .......
" tHirn drills ,
" aei-d drills
thnslilnir maeliin.'s
f.--d euttent
" " hand r.ikea
pitch forks ,........,
Number of tous of hay
lima of straw
" tons of corn toddcr
bushels of wheiit...,
- " rye
oats . 1.7
buckwheat..., I'i-i
H H t p,,,-,,
" fcwi-et corn
Iv-atls .,.
tut iMilatoea
" onions ,
-t- kohlr.ilii.-s
u u carrota 31
iiutoii wta 1
heads of ejiblcip- 1KW
" " barrs laof dri.-d eirn I
" " " Kauerbnuit W
t u u rueumU r pickles
" aoftsoap 31
gallon of ctierrb-s
" " dried eliler'N-rri-.-s.
" " " drieil apples . :W
" " " tirieil l ans I I
laiundsof butter 131.1
" " " lard I
44 tallow
" " " Ihvfkiih-d 4s-JS
" " Hrk killisl . '4l
" tt u venl killed "-si
" WlMll U
Numla-rof children's dr. ss.-s 1
- - - hkirts
" shirts and chemise l-'l
e iij.nms
" palp- ;f nliildrt-n'a l'Kikin.
" ll' Will-IJ
" " pint .............
" " khirtK .
lied eim toils.....
Im-.1 llllts
" " dish cloths
" " haiidKen-htels
" stand and bun-au...
" " shscts
" pliloW Ills. S
' " 1,1 ticks
" " lKlslerc:iM-s
" " loin; towels ... IS
" " shrouds
" - women's dri-scs
14 nproiiK
" " " skirts 1
" " drawers 1
K f lM
e iKiunets
HUH hl.K-killgS
ri H ' fiKlted
.... II
ni'llt gowns
" ineirs shin....,
t f h i.iltieli. 1
" " HK'ltH X
' fonted tiuirsi - 1:1
I do hn-hv ccrtlfvtltHt the above 1 a tnie
and s,rns-t list of the ".Mts mamifaeluretl
and the pnxlue'.s raised on the tirm, and
implements on llieNiuie
HfllEhl I.E J.
yioneyn IiwirttI by Ihr Iirfrt.rJt on Salea Matte
M i'tr MaititfMttnif. lr.
Flto Fok
Amrio l-outher wile of sh n :
Fi-aron K.iim saieof st.ive Son
" i K s. Iimileker aalc of vtove il i'
" Kd Sufall sa!e of Ii!I.h 3 -il
" JiiSoin.r Kaleofcows III ti
" HF Hummel nuiinti-naii. v 12 o
Feb'y 1 Jo.1 Uoidis saleofi-tove 4 In
- Herman Untie on main!- .utliee 12 to
April 1 lit' Aekeruuiii on muiul. r.n.-c
' .fAs..rUf .i0
Sani'I F'itk hit en A a t Kd Hal
la jrfier
" Levi KoohU Oil iiuiiut of
40 00
Henry Ki:itz.' An
Mav I H F Hummel on maintenance 12 to
June 1 I I) lirauehcr sale o! I.uekwh't lot
Julv 2 Fred J Swerner on Az t li.oib-1
l invcoino 1 un
1 Jonas I Aukeny oa As't l-eroy
o" ii
Sept 1 Jon'ln Simngh-r nale.if pl-s
A ! Vill. r
Kile of pi-'s 1
Irinrste Auitmn
Charles Trent
let 5 A J Sterner
" M M Savior
telle of i-i : l-li Uli a
sali- of com
Mi nab Kinverlh! ii
A.lin r of Jim
Saylor, nuiint
Man- Cl 0)
In in Younkin
on As't Susan
Henna- 15 (10
Nov 1 Winters. Diets mile ol buck
Hunter wheat al 22
WhfIi Custer mile if plan jj'
" J J Miller Siileof piL-s 17
- Maivan-t Miller sale of calf I i
Ive 1 4 -or-e Auntiiii Kiile of hide
" Henrv ;Ustier on As't liciiccca
liailey lit -VI
Ik-c 15 Herman Hittie on treatment at
hospital 12 00
II J llruliaker Cum of Jesse
I.-oiIis,maiiit 100 Oi)
Iiee 29 Michael Swank on inmnl of son
in hospital .77 00
Dec 30 Hiimene-t Co in: on Mussel-
Comr nam fund 30 00
Whole niimla-r III Home Iec .11, !.5 art 3i 2
Wimle numlHT nv'd duriiiic year VI ::l IS 4'.i
87 41 111
Number died during year
2 11
7S 42 13)
Number placed In private families
and indent urcu
A 2 tl
71 40 114
Numlier removed to hospital dur
um year i 'i
14 5
73 i Mi
NuiiiImt removed to blind and deaf
and dumb hcIkkmiU
7.1 .7!
Nuinlx r Uisch'd, got well or eloiK-d
a 4
Numlier rem'e In Home D.v 31. T-4 .V) 2
Miimlrr reeeivimi out-door relb-f 40 .I W
Noof children in crivate families H 2
Noofchildn-u indeiitnnil 7J IS 41
No of children at Feeble Mind
School. Klwvn 2 18
No of child n-n at reform school 2
Nil of children at blind school 1 T
No of persons In hospital at Idxmont S 4 12
Noor persomi in lar-intal.w cm vile .114
Touil No of ix-rsons under care of
I'mir IHIW-tnni liil ll 240
Total No of children in charge and
rareof Children's Aid 2 2 4
Total in blind and 1) A- D schools :( .1
Total indentured anil in free hom 1 o
S 10 1.1
Out-door relief fl.Oiw jt,
Ma'nl of children ItndiT act of 'st . 100 -VO
I iotlnnir for children in fi-eble-mindi-d
w-liool :!S Si
Maim and t tint men t of patients in
nospitaiH ij4 W
fliildn-n indentured and now free ir2 -V)
otlins Toront-disir paupers jt tRiniM I2.V -io
Italiroad litre and conveying out-door
paui-cr. arc 137 82
Justice and constable fees, and to oth
er colonic 51 73
Maliitenaiu of out-dixir n;;uen and Nl leu.taiiev CH" .l
Total ont-door ex Dense SS. V1 KS
Total expense of maintaining' Inmate
al. tile Home, larin exH'iis-s, im
provements, extraordinary expeus--.
salaric anil wiise fi.iclit ?A
Receipts of Home during the year Id'.l 7
Total current exa-nses of Almshouse $H,01u .511
Whole mtmlier of day iriven miiiport
to inmates during yr 2S.S:ri
Avemce weekly isst per raiita fl .55
Average number ill home during year 7!)
C'taMmifit-ation tf Inmatrg.
1 inland dumb
Tolal 5J 3) 711
Jiatlve, 02; foreign, IS
Males. -V: females, H; meal furnished,
1020; lodgings. otiV
Appraised value of personal pmperty f 4.S7.I 00
hstimated va'u. oi l.uililini's a fanii :5-,o'o ul
Iusuram-ecarri-.-d on k-rnal pni-
erty au J building 25,5 ) J 00
FIlisJ i,th day of Februarv, A. D.,
F. P.SAYI.11I,
Pr.-sent.-d to the Court and ordered to be
laid l fore the (inin.I Jurv.
liy the Cou rt . " F p. SAY I 'It.
(Tel k.
We.themernl r;of the(;i-aad rough
our for.-man. do hereby ci mfv thi't we hnte
examined tiie within and forcs;oi;ii report of
the Director of I be Poor and House of Kui
pioym. nt and do approve the Kame.
Feb'y2ilS;i W.P. KUOSER,
Peliniary 2Mb, A. p., VR the Court concur
with the (.rand Jury'. liy the Court.
We do hereby certify that we have exam
ined the within report, and do concur with
the it rand Jury' in approvim; the same.
S. C. FtX,
Wm. W. HAKF.R.
County Auditors.
A Good Testimonial,
(From Haverhill, N. 11 Courier.)
"I have hud for 27 years past a badly
diseased ankle Ikiiic. Dr. Iavld Ken
liisly's Favorite Iteinedy and his Salt
Rheum Cream healed It when all other
medicines had failed, and medical au
thority had Haiti the limb could never
Ik? used again.
"A sore broke out on the ankle bone,
and for 10 months) the aged writer suf
fered day aud night U-yond the power
of words to express. A friend advised
me to try Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Itein
edy. I had no faith that any iinslicine
would help me, but sullen ng as T did
I thought I would try it, anil purchas
ed some, also a Ikx of Dr. Ihivid Ken
nedy's Salt 1 ".Ileum Cream. I used
thi-se medicines but a short time when
my limb la-gall to heal. I will further
add, among the many medicines I have
tried for a diseased liver and kidneys,
none has ever proved so helpful to me
as Favorite Ileniedy. liy stimulating
and strengthening the enfeebled organs,
even the encroachments of advam-ed
age seemed to lie checked by its invig
orating Mvvr.
"I have thoroughly tested its true
worth, and I know whereof I allirni,
hoping all who read this will profit
thereby, as the aged writer has, by
using Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Keniedy,
la-en given very comfortable health for
a tierson "it years of age. Favorite
Remedy is an invaluable medicine for
children as well as adults.
"This testimonial is given from my
own experience of these invaluable
medicines." Mus. Ukuxda Hudson,
Haverhill, X. II.
Xo tribute to the clllcacy of a medi
cine could lie preatcr than these words
of Mrs. Ilodson, who voluntarily tells
the story of her recovery. Thousands
of men and women whose daily life is
making severe draughts on their vital
it y, need Dr. David Kennedy's Favor
ite Remedy. Xone are too old to lie
helped by it. It permanently cures
dyspciisia, rheumatism, kidney, liver
and urinary troubles, and lor the ills
peculiar to women it has no equal.
In the fall of 18b.' a son of Mr. T. A.
McFarland, a pr.::ii:icnt merchant of
Live Oak, Sutler Co., Cal., was taken
with a heavy cold. The pains in his
chi-st were so seven that lit-had spasms
and was threatened with pneumonia.
His father gave him several large doses
of Chanil-crlaiu's Cough Remedy which
broke up the cough and curcil him.
Mr. McFarland says whenever his
children have croup he invariably gives
them Chauiia-rlain's Cough Remedy
and it always cunn them. He consid
ers it the liest cough n-niedy in the
market. For sale by Ik nford's Phar
Extreme Rudeness.
As the tramp was seated on the
kitchen steps eating the breakfast he
had asked for, the hired girl stood by
and watt bed him curiously.
"What ycr' at me fer?" he 111-
Uin-d nervously. "J'ou think I'm yi
long lost bnither?''
"o," she replied easily, "iiut you
somehow remind me of a man I used to
"Sweetheart?" inquired the tramp.
with charniiiig naivete.
" "Xoue of vour business. Something
hapH'iHsl to him, though, thut won'
ever hapjH'ii to you."
"What's that? Died a millionaire?"
"Xo. He was drowned while bath'
lli'iiford's J'harntJicy desires us to
publish the following extract from
a letter or l.lias. tiutlehl, ol
IUvdlcv, Fresno Co., Cal., as h
handles tbe remedy n-fernsl to an
wants bis customers to know what a
splendid medicine it is :
"It is with pleasure I tell you that hy
one day's use of Chamberlain's Cough
remedy 1 was relieved of a very severe
cold. Mvhcad Mas completely ti-
jied up and I could not sleep at night.
I recommend this remedy." A
cold ncarlv always starts in the head
and ::ftcrwards extends to the thntat
and lungs. Hy using this rciiiedv free
ly as soon as the cobj has N-eii con
tracted it will cure the cod at oiiiv and
prevent it from extending to the lungs-
Her Understand inj of It,
A lady living In one of the fushiona
ble avenues had a bit of statuary bear
ing the inscription "Kismet." The
houscmaul was dusting the room
one day, when the inistn-ss appear
'Sure, ma'am, "what's the manin'
of the 'ri tin' on the bottom of this?"
asked tiie maid, referring to the in
scription on the statuary.
" 'Kismet' means 'Fate,' " replied
the mistress.
Rridgct Wits limping painfully when
she was walking with "Pat" not long
afterward, ami he asked :
"Ph wat's the matter, Bridget?"
"Faith," was her answer, "I have
the most terrible koms 011 me kismet V
X. Y. JtruM.
-V leninrkahie accident happened to
Soloaioti Kcntz .Saturday nioriiitig as he
and his wife were driving to market at
Willi:iiusMirt, l'a. IIo was kiiH-ked from
his sled by a ladt of lightning. The horses
Ixt-ame frigiitencd ami kicked thedoultle
tree to pieces. Mr. Rout, was only stun
ned, and, with the assistance of his wife
got uacK into me sie j. lie was yet 111 a
dazed condition when they arrived in
Tbe Countess de Castellane, nee Gould,
has a fortune of f I0,0iX,xt0 in her own
right. .She has the use tif the income,
amounting to atxnit SodO.OHO a year, but
cannot touch the principal. She may.
however, lc:iie:ith the principal by will
to her children in such shares as she
may like, but if she hits mi children the
money will revert to tha Oould estate,
to tie shared liy her brothers ami sisters.
Since sho came into possession of her
prineely iiieoiue there have b?an largo
nc.-tt 111 iiuiiut ions, and it is said that she
has Sioai.tioj which she can do as she
pleases with.
Be Your Own Doctor.
For one dollar get a bottlo of Mayers
Magnetic Catarrh cure. It will last for
three months and is alisohttely gtiaran
teed by your druggist.
iKM-tors say the only way to cure Ca
tarrh and Hay Fever is by inhibition.
Ve have worked for years to accomplish
jjo.n1 simple ineth sl for inhaling inedi
ble, and olVor Mayors' Magnetic Catarrh
ure, which Is used by this new method,
to the public, and guarantee it to cure any
case, no matter of how long standing,
tine Kittle is all you need to accomplish
cure. It will last for three months.
sk your druggist or address
T11 is Mavkh-s' Irco Co.
Speech Restored.
For five years I suffered with pain and
discharge of the throat, hacking cough,
frontal headm-hc, weak eyes, etc., at times,
could not talk aUive a whiscr; .t
weight coiitiiHiallv. and not aide to lie at
work. I was treated by the lt physi
cians in the country, but received no re
lief. Alter giving up all hoe I was rcc
oiiiie.ended lo use a bottlo of Mayers
Magnetic Catarrh Cure. After using it
for 41.ur weeks my speech retunictL All
symptoms of catarrh have disappeared
aud I feel like a dill'erent person."
Mrs. Elias IIaxiiwerk,
Elk Lick, Somerset Co., Pa.
NLTP I I lC, CTt . IT, Cr7 fr fl f I
Famous Fac33.
IMtt had a ticry ml faie and a terri
ble iiL
Philip the Cn-at, of Maccdou, liad a
large mole on his neck.
Tasso's featuns were rcgubir and
pl.tLsing, but he had a wild eye.
Haydn h:idalonj; nose, an almost
invariable ietuliarity if genius.
Charles I wore a ioint-d U-&rd, in
the style known as the Vandyke.
The Duke of Wellington had a great
Roman nose, and a stem, forbidding
Addison had regular and ipiite pleas
ing features, unmarked by dissipation.
Chaucer looked like a dandy, the ini-pn-ssion
being intensified by his dress.
Vitcllius bad very gross features.
HeisKuid to have weighed over i0
XaKleo!l III had :l dull, tslifto-t stu
pid face. He gi-ncre.lly seeii:-d half
Pojie's features were small and deli
cate. All his life he was very pale and
looked sickly.
Rubinstein wore his hair in the 15ct
thoven style, which has always been
popular among pianists.
Wadsworth had what would la-lulled
a negative fai-e. It was a colorless
asimich of his jsK-try.
Victor Hugo's face is dcserilied by
those who knew him as far from kind
ly than his pictures would seem to in
dicate. Calvin's face was bio strongly mark
ed to lie called handsome. Impressive
and stern are the words that liest de-
scril-e his features.
Dickens' face was not riisagnt-ahic,
but his manner with strangers was
not hIwji3"s plea.saiit, and sometimes
was quite offensive. .SV. I.tniU f ;,',,.,
lh invert tt
Two Live3 Savel
Mrs. Phncbe Thomas, of Junction
City, 111., was told by her doctors she
had tsinsumption and that there was
110 hojie for her, but two Ixittlcsof Dr.
King's Xew Discovery complctcly
cunil her and shesavs it saved her life.
Mr. Thomas Kggcrs, !:?. Florida stni-t.
San Francisco, Mill", nsl from a dre-nli'til
nld, ajijiroacbiiig co!tsi:mp:ioii, tried
without result everything cl-s-, then
Ixiught one Isittle of Dr. King's Xew
Discovery, and in two weeks was i-.hvd.
He is naturally thankful. It is such
results, of which the' are samples,
that prove the wonderful cil'cacy of
this mcdieine in i-otigiis and Colds.
Free trial Isittlcs nt Snyder's Drug
Store, Somerset, l'a., or at Rrallit-r's
Drug Store, IW-rlin, l'a. Regular sizes
oiK'. and jd.'.
One of tbe most sing.ilar aeei.letils
that ever happened on the Pemisv l atiia
Railroad occurred Saturday morning at
Cove Station, lrt mib-s wi-st of ltairisliirg.
A liM-oniotive at full specil, iittai he.l to
tiie Pacific Kxpress, liK-w up, was c :n
pletl y overturned and the mail and "luig
gae cars ileniilc-l. Fireman .lo!i;i II.
Pailley, of Harrislitirg. was kiileil, and the
engineer, John A. l'uak, was seriously
injurei I.
A bi-; skunk farm b:is lecn i-siaMjsbed
in Toiiijikins coiinty, N. Y., wljieli c-pis-ts
next yitar to bavo a sto- k of .V,m.i
aniniiiis. Their f.axl csuisists mostly of
milk, water and bits of in. 'at, while their
lasts are of eheslnut leaves and dried
grass in a large building. They are
seldom seen during the l:iy, but eomc out
at nightfall mid (ramlsil aUmt the yard.
Ili-ginning with the "kitten, they ran Ik
itisi'y tamed. When killing time vut-s
they are plaivd in a t:j"!it Imx and chl-ro-fortaed.
thus renderiitgtheir fur free from
alor. Jlesides tin) fur, a fat animal will
yield nearly a pint of oil that is said to be
an u:ieUiilted remedy for si i If joints, etc.
Kote From the Century Co.
The Century' Life ol Xajioiin
c.ui;tit the ul:ir li(tiey in a i;.t ser-
prLsiiijr way, and ei.,i,jj of tbe tiiuiiiine
have buen liut.1 to yet unless pur
clutsi-il within u few days of issiui. "With
each instalment," sitystlsu t VtVi'.-t.f Mureli
2, "t!iu vulue aud thoroughness .f the
work Ik-oiiu nioro liianilVisl."
The present rc ival of interest in "S'a-
poleon has only a lucky eolncidem
for tho t'eutm-y, as X'rotixsor Sluano's his
tory wits projected, and its publii-atioii in j
ls!r decided uixin, loni; Isfnre there was.
even in I'ranee, any unusual interest in
the character if lSniuiparte.
Two Valuable Fiicnd3.
1. A physician can not always Ik?
had. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains
Rruises and Hums occur often and
sometimes when least expected. Keep
handy the friend of many households
and the destroyer of all pain, the fa
mous Red Flag Oil, i" cents.
2. Many a precious life could lie
saved that is being racked to death
with that tcrribje c-tei'i. .Secure a
good night's rest by Investing "j cents
for a lsitile of Pan-Tina, the great rem
edy for cough, folds and consumption.
I'Hittles of rail-Tina sold at (J. W. lVn-
ford's drug store.
Wc are now reaily with our new and tare In
voice of Kim-Cotifi-ctiotiery ti.Is, popular
brands of niis uits unil Cakes Fancy liiKKlj
of all styles and everything else pertaining
to a firsts Uss house ti( fill unlers pnimp'.ly,
and to supply resident CmjilU-s tt any n,
UnU (mhi-U alwaj-i fn.ll, and always tilli f:
ed at lowest lljturea. Cull and tf one of t lie
finest asHurtmcuU ever carrli-d.
270272 Main Street,
Johnstown, Pa.
Johnstown, Pa.
Tho cream of the country ropers is found
lu Remington's County Scat Lists. Shrewd
acvertiscra avaa themselves of thwo lists, a
enpy of -mch ran bo had of Eemingioa
T- - - T- . TV.. 1
i-rva oi jsew lurn. a. x iiwuui.
vnn patj vmr
a lie in Pittsbcii. h nt Ot Alt khi? lit.reau oi
our nthor- OrifTI'.Trf ATT
Uo iii auiu-4 Utt advH4iil at kii tax
Baltimore nd Ohio Railroad.
Somerset and Cambria Branch
Johnstown Mail Kxpnsts. l?oekirol ?:r50 a.
111., SSltllerset 4:10, sto-, stoi ii 4:.J, lliaiv
crnville o.i. joiiiiHioH 11 o:iu.
Johnstown Mail Kipn-ss. Iloi-kwisul 10: VI a
11., isolllerset IIiI.'k Stoyetowi! IliCi, iIMV-
crKViilc ll:-rf, JohnsloM 11 lJ:t.i p. 111.
Johnstown Acnimiiioilatlon. Ilock wimI -Ii-Vi
p. 111.. s.ners'l rt:Ji s.toy.-.ovi n 0:1s, lloov-
ersviUt- liiii, Joimstow 11
sot tii w AUD.
Mail. Johnstwn :.i0. 111.. llooversvilh-Till
so)tiu,o s Souiemet 7:-"i, lt' kW"jd
Kipnu. lohnstotrn tui p. tn.. Hooversvl!li
.i:ll, stoy .-J.IOWH .titf rs.uiersi-i ei, i;.n-ii
Hun-lay inly. Johnstown S.itih rs- t I'W1
Il-M-RWo.j.1 V.I.-U
yy kxxs vlva x i a rai lroa d.
IN EFEGT JAN. 21, 1395-
Tmlns arrive ami depart from the station at
Johnstown as loiiows:
Western K.vpress 4; a. m
S.itithw.-sl4-rii Kxpress....i -
Joliustowit Ai-eoiiiiii.Mlation li: ,7
Paeitie Kxpn-sa H.i'l "
Way Paseiif-er - :'::rj
Mad W.t
Fast I. in.- t?w p. in,
JolniMoA'n AecomiiKMlalioii K.W
Atlantic Ktpn-ss -,-o$ u. ni.
l-.ii-Miore r.xprsw .":i0
Aitooita Ais-oiiiiiiiMlatioii. sn'l
lay Kxpress lnil". "
Alt.Mina Aii-oiiii:ioiiatioii l-'srj p. m.
.11.111 r..iins 4;
Jotillslowil Ail-oillllloiiati.lll H;.Vi "
I'hilaili-lphia Kxprista 7. j.i -
Ir'aMl Line iuiio
for ran-, m:ips. Ae.. eall on T-es.-t Aai-iit or
H.I.I re-it Hum. K. Watt, I". A. W. !., IM ruth
Av.-ini", 1'ittsi.unr, l'a.
. M. Pn-vocl. J. IL!.
Ueli'l Jlaanirer. I., u'l Pass. Agt,
ELY'S Catah n lml
Cream Ba
quirk !y
4';.nrr the Xas:,'!
A'!;ivs I '.-, . : , mi l
lull. -Intention.
lli-als I III- "ores. k'Srf ,t
rt'ii.i t.s 1 1 X t.
A.tiluional t'olilPW
Iti .Iiiri is.- t -.Si 1 1 ifc - r"
S.-iis.- of Taste aii'l
A iirirMi'l i a)ipthwi into nrh R!ril n! is
BtPii-aiiif. iri:r . r. ii:- at lru,'iI.Hr Iy o
KI.Y lill TiIKI-, Warn ii, X. V.
If p
- txssifin' ivvt
That I will s. li, until further itis the
fiiltnu iiij "i-wuls a tiie o. prii-cs.
les;4 n t!i. ;iivmikh e.l" 'jii- er jiil"!! tax
hy tliu ic'Vei'iiiueiit: A A. pure rye, '1
y.-iirs, sj.ii.1 p,-r irailon; Tipptsniiiic, 2
years. ?J Si; id t'al.ittel. -I years, 9Z'i per
vr-i.i' i.rinip-iMin aim I iiiiisn s pure
rye, 5 years, Si Vi per srnil.-n: Kitieh, ;!-
ih n 'isii!injr, (;ii.s.,ii's. i:.i.his'ii t'n.,
Ilniirlxin, J?l. "l per trallnii: llaiinis ii!e.
IMiiSlicrty, .MontK-cii.i, u years, ??.VV per
riiiinii. . aiUortiia wines ury ami sweet,
from 7.'ie per gallon t: St.. Tii; 12 ilistinet
brands: my own intjM.rt Sherrv
and Tort w ine froin $'J.."in to 5v:.."il per gal
lon: also tii? finest Irish and So,..-)
whiskies at lowest wholesale rates, fall
or wnd for special prii-e list at
1SS, Fvtleral St., Allegheny.
All orders by mail promptly tdtended.
No extra chaise for paekiiij;. " Telephone
We want to catch It!
KVKUV FA KM Ki: in Somerset County
who has a curd of lleml.H k Hark or a
Hide t-i dispose of will ninl th.ii the Ct )X
FLFKNCK TA::X!-:I:Y C..., will pay the
hivlii-st -.vsh prieis. for the same. Write
for limitations to
WIXSLOYV S. ( tibli A CO.,
C'oiifluciicc, Pa.
i.M Your Ow: ILccality
made easjiy au.l liononibly, witliont capi
tal, th.rius your spare hours. Any man,
woman, Ikiv. orjiirl can do the work l;;.iul
lly, without experience. Talking un
Ueocssitry. Not liiiis; like it for moncy
niakhi; ever offered before. Our workers
always prosper. Xo time v:isu, jn
learning the litt.-tncss. We teach you in
a nii;ht how to succeed from the tlrst
hour. You can make a triul w ithotit ex
pene to yourself. We start you, furnish
everytliin needed to carry on the busi
ness successfully, and guarantee you
airninst failure if you but follow our
simple, plain instructions. Header, If
you are in ncnl of ready money, and
want to know all about tiie best paylns
business before the public, send us your
address, aud we will mail yon a docu
lucut giving yea a"! the particulars.
TRUE & CO., Box 4C0,
Augusta, Maine.
SmwA nwir an1 an hrawxt orinion. write to
. II S Ar 4 .. mtKt bf miarlT flfir 'est'
experience In the patent bni.inei. CofnipuTirt'w
tloiu ?trt.llT oxirMmiiii. A ol la
fimis'ii)n cxKVTniox I'atriii. awl Bow to r-t.
tain itwm 4.nt fns. Alto a mmlrmtunoi m. h1i1.
Icul ami wiicnltMc bor-ka wot rs.
Patents taken throuxb Munn ft Co. reretra
peciai nutiraiatbe -leatilie Amrrirm. aivl
thas are brcireht widely tMrtoreiii. puolicwitn.
out rout to tii. inventor. Thip npietiiii.l miut
li.ued veeklT. eNieantlT!. his bv far
laivrat rimi:li..a of anr aciertitlc work la ii
url.L 3 a year. 8tr..e enpiec sent free.
Hnildina tl ti.iu, moniblT. fl. io a tear. snrl
enpim. 2- cents. FverT nunitr beau,
tilui pi-e. in rolura, antl ptiotrmrapha 0f Dl.w
hoiwea. wita plana, enablint bnidr tonhow Uf
laiet dpirn auti secure enTitnrta. Aitdrt
4 CU. hiw Voua. 34ti fikuuvi,
Is None Too Good When You Buy
jsrKDic 1 :s. ,
It Ls Just as ImjHirtant to S.-,-urt;
Am It is To J fa re
Con hi nice
You are always wire of getting the
All of the liext antl Mont Appwretl Trutsen Kept , s.
St l iff net ion Gunranteeil.
a tveliy-i..-ige journal, is the leading IU jmblii-an family ja's-r
I'liitisl Slates. It is a National Family Paper, and gives ai; t;.
news of the I 111N1I States. It gives
shell. Its Agricultural" detrartmcnt has no snj, ri..r in th
lis "Market r.port" are rcii aulie i iiy. S ;.ar;ire .rtn.
f-r ''The Family Circle," "Our Young Foiks," and ''Science and Me
chanics." Its Hcr-e and Society" ! iiu:!s . 'iiiii!:;!i'l tiie aiiini.-:.;i"n . "
wivis and daughters. Its general siiiti.-a! new s, editorial and li'.M -i-sions
are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive.
A Sl'Kt IA L t ONTliAtT enables
The . Somerset . Herald
(The rcirular sul-scriptim: f'-r the two j-afu rs is ?:;'. )
Address all orders tl TIIK IIKIIAT.D.
Wrile your name and address on a postal fird, snid it to ilt o. IV. Vrt, Fo.a i.
Tribiinr, "tw Turk lily, aid sjiitple crpy of Tbe . Imk
Het lly Tribtine will be Dialled to jon.
Main Street, Somerset, Pa.
This Hodel Drug Stasis Rapidly Bsccning afe:i
Favcrits with Peorls ia Search cf
Medicines, Iye Stuffs, Sponges, Trusct,
Supporters, Toilet Articles,
Perfumes, &c.
THE t-OCTOR GIVES PtRSiiX.lL ATTtSTIoS TO TUE ruarur ? r: rs or
And a Full Line of Optical Good3 always cn 1 and. From
large assortment all can Le suited.
Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display onr coed
to intending purchasers, whether they buy
from us or elsewhere.
J. M. LOUTHER te. D.
Somerset Lumber
Lumber and Building Materials.
Hard and Soft "Woods.
ak. Poplar, Sidinci.. Pick!, !'' t"
llnlniit. Yellow Piue. riooriiiK. fcm.Ii. MirK""
C berrj", tSlilngleti, Dixins ltaln(r. hrtnt.
Lalli, Alil eIMn ltlluln, Aewel Poxtr, 1
A si-tii nil Hnnofall t;rilis if Lumtx r ami Uiill.linic Mat. rial ami l:..ninr t; :
fctix k. Alss enn funtbth anythiiur in the line of our businrss UmipI. r i'h Tt '--ble
pn in ipt ness, sueh as Brarkets, tx!uUeJ r!i. et.
Elias Cunningham,
Office and Tard Oiiposite S. 4 C. K. K. Statloir, 0Jin:MT,ri
3Ieiuorlal Work
Muiiuti. tun r of an.i iHuler In
ljintern Work Knrnishnt b.
. .. ... -i ..IIHIT,
.s, Agent for the WHITK HUONZK !
p.-r.ii in nee.1 of Monument Work will
Hl.ervi pr.. vr.lnwuK will 1 KVen thnn'.Lietion ,:.,:,rui,t.,, in 'rv s.'. i i
j nees very low. 1 iw,e ,U.l uiuntio,, to
WMita B.nie, Or Pure Zintt Konu-neat
Itiiprov.-iii.-iit i iv. v. " !
in th.
freshest iin-dit in.-s j.jj,
? r,
f OR A TPJf far
ifi ti- r
the events of f.ireiirn land- i
111 a
us to olTlr this s'.h ndid journal an i
J El
Over 50O
. -re
Family m$