' a ! J 1 - RsDort of Directors of. the Poor AM" House of Employment Somerset County, Pa., TO THE Court and Grand Jury for the Year Ending Doc. 31st, A. D., 1S.O-L T'tl'he II-.Hitrn'ir, the '' ' '' Court ,.f tj i trfrr .SrxxivH tiie i'ener ami ;rix'l Jitry nf X'litl Comity : In i.iiiiiiaiiee with the Sixth Sec tion of tho Act f Assembly :;iimvisl tin- rt!i day f Ai-rii, 1-4-"., providinjr f..r tin erection of a "Hon-of Knij.Ioy- incsit and Support of tin Poor ofi-siid County," tho undersiijTieil Directors herewith respect Tii'ly sulnuit and lay In-fore you their rcjiort for the year t-ndiii-r IVevml-er 31, 1 showing the mnnIT and f all .tsoms maintaini-d and employed in aid Housi of Kmploymeiit and stipj-orU'd or :isM.:-d elsewhere, as well as thy names of those who have died at said House of Knii'Ioyiiifiu diiriti-rtlicye-ar, and of the children hy them indentur ed, with the names of their masters their occupations and callinirs. We, also, herewith :Iiiiit an a ;iit of all suh-s, donations, devise and leottists, and moneys received liy or for tiiiin. In addition to the information re quired ly the Act of Assemhly, the Koard of Direriors herewith furnish under suit:: -ie headititrs the names of tho.v? who have !nc!1 :isited el wiiere, and, :;Isi, the children who Were i:iii:!:iiiid i.l private f.iniili-'s liisi'. T tiif Act of Asx'iniily aj.j!:V)ved l"Lh June, Ist, and the amounts ia:d for their maintenance. .Ms.;, the names of till person removed tootiier i:i itu! ions for uniiii-ai ireutiiii-ni and te.icl,i!i'. We, also, suhniit an ace unit of the repair made, d.-scription of l;ii!di;ijrs i-ri-et'-d darit: the year, condition of the iann. prnducts of the t-amc, ni.tte- l ials mad- and mair.ifacf.ired, imprivv l;i -ii:s made or ad led. toother i:!ia short history of the li a;' of Kiiinioy Jilelit, as well as all ot'ier iteliis which ;n:iy ie of interest t the Court, tirand Jury and the I'ui.iie. All of which is res;).ei fully syhniit tedaad certified this Gist day of 1k- ccillh; r, A. i. 1 :". Attest : 1 Joj:f!i T,. Mri.i.Ki;, I d - t o ....... ' Coilioni VJo-ivii D. Vi i:nii.i:. Clerk. I .J ii: Mi i ;;i: .u:. Director of the 1'oi.r. In siii'iitittiii liiis oar annual r.'iH.it of tUe hotis,. of J anployment of Som- erx-t County we are reminded of this s:i:iiiii-mt fact: In April of tiie pies, lit year, we V ill ceh oral- the one l u:iilr-i;ii t.n'dvcrsary or centennial of the coii-iituthig :;iid oia'iii-h'.n of Soiner-et Cotmfy. Ia April, we a!-i can (ilchrate tiie liitieth anniversary r lii-ceiitcmii;;! of t;iee!al l.shing an-l constituting of the House of Kmploy in.'iit of Smicrsit County. ur county we all have reason to lie proud of. Siie ranks fifth in iiuiuIk r as to territory, and first among the (utilities of the state as to the produc tion of eminent lien. Her wealth is untold and undeveloped, Imt it remains a fa'-t that i.hnost her entire surface is underlaid with ci:d and rich de'xirits of :.ll oilier minerals. Her grand old mountains, lofty jM-.iki, U-autiful valleys, wide spread ing ta'-le land-, and fertile fdades, give In r sjji r.'or and greater ailvai.tagi-s over many of the (Mitnties of tiie state. Her citizens, nio-tly di-si-.-n h-nts from The original IVntisylvania Dutch, they are in.-lu- triou-, intelligent, thrifty, christian and patriotic. No place in the world do the jHi.p'e live h.-tterand longer, enjoy life more, and at the same time have a higher regard to the duties they owe to their tod and fellow man than in onr grand old County ofSim- orset. At the first call for tr.xijis, when the ir:tiou w.-.s in ji-rii, company after ni;npa!iv voluntecml and were mare'n ed to the front ; many of them having lilid down their life in dcfcr.se of their country, while scons of others returned maimed and wotinded, telling more liiieiitly tlian words the struggles and hard-hips they endured. While we rejoice over the extent of our territory, tho wealth of our county, the K-av, thrift, intelligence and con tciitna nt of our citizens, and the pros jicriiyof our county, yet there is one Thing alone that lu r jHi.plo should Ii-jiro-id of more than any other, and that is toe provisions she has made for the p r, unfortunate au 1 insane. Fifiy years ago, ly Act of Asseiuhy, this coiiniy w:is const it uted and fonned into a scperate I'.ior Distriet. The tliotisji'iiis of p.-r-ions that l'.ave Im-ii cared for. and the thousands of (lillars of charity she has disjieiiwd, as well as the houii-s she has relieved, tiie orphan children she has cared for, the di'if, dumhand h'ind she hasih:eatcd, an i hist if all, the m.sst pitui'le of alt, those who have livll liereft of tiieir n-.i.soii, who have Uvii maintained and treated in hospitals, many of whom were n-tored, is a monument to our glory more endurimr than granite or marl ile, and lasting us time. Twice the Supreme Court has ren dered formal decision- that r iiu.-y!va-nia isa Christian Commonwealth; hut important and authorative as are such judicial utterances, far more ca.iviu.' ing are the splendid evidences of Chris tian spirit seen in Pennsylvania's ins ide provisions for the p:or and unfortu nate in life. And when this work is considered in its character, its spirit, its magnitude and its far-reaching re sults, we may well ask, "Is not this, after, all, the chief, the crowning glory of our Common wealth." We know that the soldier and the enthusiastic student of iniiitary history will feel pride in the fact, that when ia the lark days of the Uehellion, the fearful tide of war rolled Northward, it hroke in fury against the hills of I Jettyslmrg, only to recoil in defeat and shame. He will remind us that on the liiemorahlo and hloo.lv field, with a son of Pennsyl vania in command, when one of Som erset County's hrave sons fell in the thickest of the conflict, was fought one of the most momentous tialllcof history as the pivotal I Kit tie of that long and tcrrililc struggle, on whose issue h.-ing tiie fate of this gn-at republic; and in which struggle, U-yond the interests of a single nation, the great cause of hu man liberty and high concern. It seems glory enough for one state that such an achievement was accom plishcd within her Imrdcrs, hut we re memliiT that the very name of our Com mon wealth points us hack toil's great hearted and noble founder, William Petin, wlioseju.st and humane jxiliey toward the aWiginal inhabitant, whom he found in ptissession of the for ests and valleys, was designed to avert war, and by miy and every means to , I compass peace. " It is in accord with the spirit urge s' tiius, of that magnanimous and hemic j j soul, the jH-aceful and TK'aix'-I ivillg ! 1 I'.-tiu, who 111 t.ie morning twilight of, 3 cur history, laid the foundation of this 1 I ;:rcut Key .-tone Slate, that w e a.-liirc to the victoria of peace rather than tho.-e of war. Splendid has lavn our military achievement.! (Jreat our industrial and commercial developments and our educational enterprises, with their U nifieciit (ilccts upon social and domes tie life ! P.ut higher than all these, and approaching- more truly the spirit of her preat founder, interpreting more fait hfully the teachings of the divine Master and fulfilling more nearly the nohle works of charity and christian liencvolciice, chief among these areour place, for the curcof the ir ami in sane. Therifore, when we cometo eilehr.ite the centennial of our county, let us n joice together that one of our wise and human acts ia early years was to pro vide for our jxor. Nothing has transpired at the Home out of the ordinary routine. The Home was not visited hy any se rious accident, neither was It visited hy any e-onta-gious disease. During the year new kith tuls improved water clcts with t-.ild and hot water, were placed in the main l.uiMing; which was an improve ment long hopeil for and hadiy nvded, ti'.d is quite a comfort to the agi-d and ii:t:rm. The lrjil'lings ai' in good repair and condition. During the year the old hting rooms for the men, attached to the end of (he White ll mse, will be torn down and replaced with larger arid more moderate ones: the one now in ue . . , . , . . ... , I.-,,-. iK ingoneoi uie original oun-uiig the fann when first l-ought hy the Di rectors of the I'oor. Tho same having ieen mndenied hy the Hoard of Tutihe harities, and the huilding of new ones reiiiinmendiil 1-v the IJrand Jury t their last visitation. FAKM. The farm is in an elegant state of cul- tivaiion and produces well, referi'inv to the Steward's ren-.rt ln-ing had will f.illy show, as more grain was pro- iuivil t.ie p:H year lliaii any iwoiin vious vtars. UKATIK There were eleven deaths in the home- .l'lr-in.rt'r'.tv.i.lP Alt .kf llt.LMl lltlt ' hut two exieptio!i, were old and i:e l out their allotted time. Some were sick for years, ha 1 -i:l!ercd much, and death was a relief. ni.i.K.iois sKitvii us It- gu'iar religious services were held i:i the Home once each month i v III ier Walker, who al.-o oxidated at ail funerals. During the year there were a great many visit-made the Home ly citi zens of the nnily, and we were great ly p!ea-ed at their nippvai of our man agi iia-nt of the same ; and we invite all person- who are interc-led in th-- llont. t- vi.-it it and make such suggestion-or criticisms as will lend to improve or i-.rrcct anything f-r the li tter i- the P.ior Ho-.l-e. Tile otVbi' of Director of the I'oor is one of the most r-. spmisiMe of any ia the ('-..anty, and simi.ld ln an ciino hiitig iiie. They have not only the care and wise expenditure ofn;o;iey, hut the care of sati'ering huinanily as weil. Their's is a duty of iove, and he who h:ss not that virtue to a ent-.t ex tent dwelling in his soul cannot satis- ractorny lis-,:irge the laties i:i-;im-U-ut upon him. They are dutie- t'nat should call forili the lpii'lest prompt in 2 of the heart. Much depends upon the sehi-tiou of a good steward and i.iatroii, in order t sn-ure order a;:.l discipline sis well as the good mae.agt-m-.-nt of the Dome. We desire to express our regret in Mr. J. V. Miller lcavinglhc Horn.-. Ih has made an i-tlieient, indu-trious and ii iin-takiiig stewar I. M "e.-'.i ;" tin si . us of the Home is due him and i.is wife for tiic tine apjn -aratnv the ! liid- Ufj jin-sent, and the l.iirh state of ei;l tivatioii the f:-.I"i;i has i .H-tl hrought ll t- ; a:id we I ik-- this opp. irtunity of certifying to tin- puMic our apprecia tion of their servi'i-s as steward and Matron of the Home. We, the Directors holding over, do sire to say that the thanks ofthepuli lie are due to Joseph Ii. Miller, there tiring Director, for the conscientious manner in which he discharged the da tii-s of iiis o!l;eo. Much credit is due to him for the improvement of the farm and productiveness of same. We regret his leaving the County. hut hojie he may have the confiileinv and esteem of the peoplo of far away Nehra-ka as he had of all th: people here. Daring the year v.e have l..i-:i great ly aided iy the Children's Aid S H-i.-ty. This society is founded to provide far the welfare of destitute and :i"gi-.i-til children, l y s'.'.eh moans as shall lie iiest for them, and for the c.iniMUiiiry. And it is with pleasure we commend tiieir work to the citlhvns of the i e.in ty. They seek ti raw tin" child from a -tate of d -siit'.ni-in and p r.iperi-ni to that of .-.-lf-respect and s.-lf-s,ip; it,a:id lit and p.-i pare them fir a ust. plaee in s x iety ; while those who are fe .-Me lain. I'll, or ih-af and dumh a;el hliiid, l hey p!ac ia institutions where thev may ! ' trai'ied I'-r ds -fu! cmpl lyi.ieat, .... I ........ ... ! . . .1 l:-- i- oi i ..it .iiv .i s . in-.- i:i.i e:ir;i ;i n veii- ho.!. The w.uk t!ie Children's Aid S ciety has h.vn doing, istohec unnioiid ed, and deserves your earnest supp.irt. JlKitl I.K A. .!- .if iHIHVtt if ti,t!'i;eil (fit I: ,,;,!,,,, I ,, t'tr t:i-r:-n-M uf th- I'i,r J)::rinj t'f Y (tr J-..'i. v hi.v wuks Ji ioiw SUi AliP. AIiXII'TKIl I s. HAIL. t il AlbriL-a! Fau'l .".' F'. l-i'l, 1-ic; Berks Kd.ird - fc-.!l, lii Ili-rkssliiTiiun 4 lit li. In! ltrioii Itvivid 71 June's Kit s -p; l n Iihil-Ii mi Jaaies 7:1 i ?- I i. IS' 1 Man-hit Im i:nn-kw.ty F rank li F'.-b i K Fi b 7. In !'. oley .l..h,i :n Apr 7, 1- M June St. ISsM I Onrad Jitiuli ! Feb 1. 1-77 i oiiui r inau A X ii. Junes, s;ii Cni-s Milton :tl s pi l.- i-7s I'ustiT Ailam I ii- .11. 1-7.1 t'u-tT F'raneis, :il !. 7, ImI K!oxit Jan ; . t i--ii Craiif John in NovlJ.li.1 Apr J. !m 'aiii-r J:mie i! I i.i" I", Kci Jan yH Kd i iss. v J.ilni 47 I.v2 Is) l'n.auit Ali-rt :l Feb 7. 1--4 Nov 1. Ku M.irj- i ri tli ; ii cm re i bild's Aid FUha.-t Iyou il 71 Aprsls-ii I'a-dJulviil l-.l" F.dwards Jaib L4 July lii. Ki Au pi. 11.il F-11-siii.-iii K.ui'I 71 Sep 17, K4 lvJ.K'1 F '-la-r .lohn .7 Nvlo. -7. I ink Jesse 41 Aif Iteturmil to Hoiik- May 7, lid Cillen CoMrad 4i! May S, KU liuii Jereliiiall 77 Jail 17, KO Iiiisl I -c J, Is I. iJ'o'l Koli-i-t H Apr J, 14 Hainiiie! lU iij n 17 it-.-t lii, Iwi April Is 14 H. -isoii!: Wm 7:1 Oct i", K Hook 1'riali a.i June IJ, '.; Fllopt-d mid reiuriie.l II oinli..!! Areh'd."i Mar'JI, Kd , v 7, ism H omiton Joint 1 Si. pi l.i. sii il.n. s Saue.iel .77 1-. p! M, Isi) li-.l Nov l.'s KU. Jom-S Samuel 7 Jiin-"sl. Jol'.II Jlll Will 7J lh-1 lui Jaeun.n Arthur Jl Jan a. l.s.i In -d April in I"ii F'dwMrd Jl Jan S. Is.i Jail im KooserJ.i.s K 4--; Apr l,li Kiiab!i-Tti-ii!orca.f Apr 1. ls-l m Koontz Henry 41 F'.-b 4. ls.i K-i-b-r ll. ni-j- July Ji. Ii-I Ketl. y Andrew Io Iin 1. l-'il Kauit'iitall Adam'Hl Feb !, lsr-rt K oiinit-l Tiim J'tiJ Nov ls;r; A iil' - I. 'i'l Keyser Jaeob i.i Feb Ji In-1 Imb-inuri-d U. J.i.-ib (.li-sie-r Marea 3. l.N'l Liken bv mother J uue I, K- Kpvt s-aln'l V Feb ii Isji) Kiiiilx-rly Iliraiui.J June 1. K-l Kiiiirtm m Ail'm .i ii.-t Jl. Kit I. i pliart H-. nrj- 7a lM-Jl. lui .l.:u t k. s 4.'! Ajrii.Ki7 I liisl Nov Id, I sal M. - (1i:il - k M il 71 July S, Hi.; JUe.NMliV I one- s . Novjti. Il iii April i t-1'4 Mi-Curly I'litrii k M Jan li Kii Mir Christian "" Ji:i: b., 1-74 Mew Cyrus ." F". b 11. K M.-s-. rtMiili Ji..i , tt-. i 7. kci Meyin Kudolpb 7il May 1:1, ';rj ln?tl May m;i'. - r Wsi'iim 17 vt Kl l'ilvrJ"l'u 4- -May bi. K! Taken t ; 1'iimimi .11111 - fi, is 1 M uiniiii J.,1,11 j,. n. k., m ir, ;, i.4 . Jla"ul" Jam " A j3 " K:,r'LV"r i IJ,'1 . M J..-. pl IT AiiE-t. I-' I S- ,l 4, Kil r.ilem 11 irvev :i7 Mav.T, fvrti it .k i-irs.'i' " 44 M:ir l.i. lvt Ky:oi (i:-o:v" - Jul-J 1ST suii'n iliv. r !11JS, Itl Klop.il tV-c S., lt'l Si-h!.wk i.-oi ."i St-pt 19, l-OI IU1 rt JR. Khrovcr I.oii.-l .".! S.-itl' lft Mi.l. r Kr.-.l.'n.-k 77 Apr 4, I sri niriiti'r 1 : ! -1, sw-i:T Win .;1 Apr -i, Ivs rwWtr John 41 AprlHKS Skeilf Kua- ii- :i S p !, lv snvil.r llino.i U .l sii;'uiii- liaiiii'l 7.' fc-t 9ll N-..ln Cttirii-k .V Nov -V. 1'. :1 !(aiil hireiiee 17 Miiy N IV'I a.ul. r W in tC s.- -4, 1"'4 Home !y permission Nov i IssU Tin Unas Win Si Al Nlsy lied Keli 1S4 T .-. Irr-Iiilin K "1 Nov ".I TIjoim ii Jim pli T, lnv 17. ls -1 Var.Mi ter li.ilt "1 Juiieli'ti Ware Joseph 4i Apr 3, lx4 Klojil July W;.Ik rJ..lin F :K Hay li Whip-Siiniu.i lii Jan lM E1ohi! IVb JJ, 11 Wi iz.Tiii:.n Ann 4-i Kel. 7, K'l Jlureli Si, "M Vikiks i7 M:iv 1, 1-4"-.! oai. r lAk-r 1 .i pt s. I1! Tnhcn l.y l !n!.lr. t:" Aiil Siciety AllllllH'rlll:OI i1 . 1 Mti.vl., IvfJ lriii 17 Aj-rilvi:; l!.it"iitnrc! witti At.Hiin li-rlny Alia 11, l:r! Turk S Apr'Jilw; Taken to Morunzii, June ti, ls'3 uv.i'i i.t: -i -I'litHtU. WHKN WIItN . HoW NAME AOS Al'Xl 1 1 Kl Iil-SH.l ILli r.U lloyir Kliza Xhv l, 11 Indentum! 1n!l:iniySi;li,r Infl, i4 r.iituer Ikiliuda 41 M ir 17. !-M IMielutrj;"! liruoi r;eelo i.s June i, Is -1 lhil July 1, is: 1 U ir.-!av iVilinda :il An-j 17, H3 tu.i Kli,j 17 J.ui 17, l-W In Itlind s. h.H.l IVbo, lsl r.urksAH'-e :S) M 11. Is 4 H iri.- i.nwc V let II, lisl Willi linoit Hrid'-.-uin Id1! V, K4 Iturks Kl..reiie." 7 .-t li, li4 'ii.-l r Kliiii lliid vt SI, 1v fuller Jl. i -v .V.i ).-t V. lsij oiiui'ilv Harriet d ! ii K l r.. s K.iiiua 21 MariJ. I'.4 ( u-i r l.iit :v! Jiinel's':M Kin -: i-k ii iv:vie.:i Apr ! l, ISJ7, 1 air 1: U-.-. :i :;7 Apr 1", !. m i iiliiar.nc 'il Au li 1 t A Sept IS. I'l M-iill YMAn-n 7s J.iii IV. lirawr J.-i,i.io, S. Mnv lss l.ixni.mt is May ISM Hans- :itli:irine4; 1-J liuil.-rd Kllie V h t I -C' f Indentured to Kli Voimkiu Nov 1, lsj'1 .".1 N-t II, ls.s.i 41 F'. h s:'l June 1, KH 1I Feb i.'. ivl Inil.'iiiiireU to f. Tn-vt Marvh 1, K4 i F eb i.', Is'il Taken by uto'hiT June 1, 15'I .'. July i Ini :-;7 May lss; To Aprl'i, Js7 Kn-f'T I'ie.i K. y. r M irv i'.e.T lli TUia Keyi.-r Minnie I.'OidisSar.ih Miiii-r .I'l.lHh Mil k lLih:i'l .'bene.v M.ir-.'t i Mar 1 1, Is.'l M- N.-i! M iri.Oi lfcv l;:"i Sii.-;!ii 47 M-irl'l, Imi K.nirirr K'iv:i i7 i 1:;, i:i!iri r -M.iri.iii i.i lel ll.!s :l Taken to 1'ix'iionl Jan 1 '. ls'l llazz M.:ry s S.,,, j , j,t, Ji A li SiIkm. b fl Herein" Aid fr. pf i, lsi'1 Snv'i.-ri'.iiiianV. Julv Ivtl s-iiiiues Natuy I I s pt 1. ;v. I"l:i. . I hi Ii .t l St'iiool by 1 'Ii i !iiriis Aid m pt (I, Hid S:;ii,-i.-.isau : ', el !'! Nh-.uli-l.vi.il 1.2 it-t -i; isct SN-v,...-M.-y 4'i Nov :'. Is::; Taken to j " i'u u Jan i: lsvl ir."VTs:;n .i i., i. Tholli:,s Kal- 17 M-ir li I Mar l's 1VH V eeer Mar-'.ir. Je.i, .iiiuueriiia.i l.ai Ji F is is-7 Ilied Alltf 11 lt-4 nuuiber i:i tin; Hou (luring the year. Whi! i:d. .M.i'es, S '; FVin.-il.-s, 4i .' l:.u:tt ler ll'-li-f. N M E AWT I'Alb I ' i id ii wife i: fourcMMn u.-.J V. ;-:eiit 'n.-oi r-u-e n na't i-tr: -e:e.-. v.ile.v i.uireli:blr"ii... li.ira.' i- i lu.' e-r ioi.i e.'ieple.l eh il. Js -piioi.' i.u.itt -,e a nil ti ve eliiilr--u.... Levi s. ,1:, Aiei si.ii, ;.,k .l-.ii!l ". o.i'lsk- il A wo.- - Win :i:::. r. wii'i an. I l!n" i-Iiil.ln-n... S: e.v.ru i'u; in. in, uia-.V lour ei;ildri n. i-:-ii. -r 1-ipi- s-.o -h l-irt .. i-.i Ii-iraM-! daiiir'ibT l'iiu-V- A "i i-'iMkai and imirebihlii n... M i-es Kiiir. u in .out daiiiihier .I i.'iu s..iy ..r. wif. and iiin-e eloliir. n. Simon i'ri:i:ipp: - Fialn :i s-lirih-'.: le ineea M i . r an 1 mar i-li:;iireii .ln'.lieiii l. -ii!z A v lb- Ml' ::.leli:i F'iKt- I "lliilllieey I'ri'.'.s, w i i iV 4 ehil.irell 'l.iiaila I 'if, liind rtvf eh i Mr. ii li ir n.i i'rit-.s li o r F .!::!' 1 1 til rlisi Wi'i, yvif.-niul eiiild N iii. y I'a. raud tbn-e eiiiido n enr.i.l siiaiier - sianin i.-i er. wie- A t!irn- eliiidren !:ir-j.iret s,n;i-r M.iry K'.!:i'.. :-ll-l daughter ! ;:i.iii.o iiiiisbur leln f .-noi'.ej io V'll'ii'il Ji fsiills . .0 ll ;:j oi :u (o Si! io :!J in i ol "I 1:1. oi Li IO :; i in li to lii ll in aj in :ij i) lj o LH Ol hi L'l io pi in 1- in L'4 (' :.' I i ... u Ll Ol iij Ol .". Il Jl O l 7 !' T.iUtI ain't i f oea-bx.r n-i; f i;r.:iite-!?.:li ! ' lent- nuill r r- !i' v.-d. v.; A-lult limb's, I 1 eei:'!.-., I 'h.ldrv'li, "ill. of t .'i.ll'l'.a s, ill. iiolo nuiiili-r .v iih::i i.t: v-ih u:i V. MVS x.m.; a;k AbniiiK.n mkh Win Th, ins ..i Apri'. , !- J F'eb L'i, Kd Anhiir.laekson l! Jaa 1. !-'4 Api'il L'. K I 1. I'll; 11 1 1 .i lii Tin 1 I I .Nov L7, April L-s, 111 li l i.llp'l M. vel s 7 i M IV l i. Is-'.' MnV L'U. IS'l I'lm-i.;- iii i .iiiiie-. I-.a July LH Ik I-oriird l--.:ir:71 A e -'-, ' July K Fall I .illlerill.lll .'- Feb ii, ! 7 . II. Is: I ..sr re s..,e.;; :, . pi p.', is I h-t si, l I i,,-e M.ei-l iJ Apr.n. 7 ijov In, 1-4 .s.ilnuel Hei.-s .".7 S. pi I'l. l-.'4 Nov I I. is .1 n-mi.ih i.iill 77 Jan 17. I- J i 1-: I Tolal iiuniber of ti'.-ah, 11. Jiaie-s e; Fe- III;.!'-:. LL I 'r.ili'-it i'l Vi'ViV ymt,U k: .V.o.ie, A'J" f!itf li HV.'.frt .V.liiil.'e'if. i.iu-ie M is't is f. Feb I. ': A Hoover i l.ui.i s. K.-li. v 4. Ai.rl. -.'I r W Troupe?! ) ; io n Kublwin .7. F. !!. "' - V-t. Wn;n y :ai w Ab rt l'!! alt :i. N . !.'( Marv iinlhlh . ore iLiil-y i, Ju yl, 'hl' J V Miib r Total amount Paid 1W " T.e .l liiiinb -r oiit in pi'iiale lamilies, Mai.-s, :i; F'l-lilabsi, J. ,S' ikiu li: K. f !, n in Ffblr M inlt t-M liihiiiit l'.Urim, tit. V. ilKV SKM NA11K Al.R To M IIikii. Noah r..i.ikiu:iii 1- .liiiu-:, K-7 F:ilie r,i:ois.. IS May .7. Ins Win II .Savior ii l.-t LLUIsi'l AM T 1'AIH $ IJ 7 IJ 7 IJ 7 Total, Amount paid Si U i.Ul l.i: F. ;t:tr:?tv! niil ttti-nt K'iv..', -i'i--Villi. WMKXSliST AliE T'.SilliMU. mii; F-lwarl l.'e.tiji- !J N..V 1 Is'. l l'.irli .:in;.ier ii 1.1 Juneis l.v4 Total, J. I'.sid by 1'ounly I'oiiiiiiissioiii-rs. 7if, ,1 .i ln-.mh St !,.;! tit F,tii- M .rv ii'vl Sent In sell:.! Si p C, IS.d N.i i.-v :i.niii- I'laei-d i si h-jol t y ("bildn iis Aid iclet v. 1 ;' J'itt ..,-, KM'-; i::.i-'- !7 l'l:. I.v I'l.iii'M i'.s' Aid S'i:-i it in I'.'iii'I : y, Fe!i "N K I eh ill S' UF.itri.i: ;. li HVi'Tl f'.'t'lStlc ttlitt tf-JU n'-l' f-.i- Tt.-f!t;irnt. WUKS- II.ITTMI WIIKX KttM'SJ MUE AOK io I'. II. To ll i-l'l T.I. M. in- Miil. r :'.s May I''. Is-.( .tu ie L'l. K;l Irviu si;i!:'( i MarJs, Isii M.ir L' I iss i';ini!i'i" Wiif to Auul l. li-- Aiar 1-. ln-i (it-ilx-idi "il S. j-1 .llsl Sept :. Il-'.l Ii::r!-y ii irt.ell L'i Sept 1. Is I s. pt :t, li'-l M ini'! !"..! -in i:i LM July s. I--IJ Apr ii. 11 t V, in F'i! e-erai j :( ' An ;'.l, li: :1 s. pt i. K it Coiirs.il iiuiT J7 Nov Jl. K.J Mar 11. K i Marvs.ivi.ir Nov . s : J in 1", j:t M.oiali Itia.'i r iii I let II. i- t .1 m K. K-4 Jennie i in.s-.-r :ii MavL'i, ls"-4 Mav ls, Kl Jolui Ml:l r 4 Mayl.i, KS June ii, Isel I.i Hi- .;.'.'.:' tr VJtnmic Ihs ihc tit IVnn-t t-i7-. F,i. John Fritz -77 Srp 1 ',, !- i s. pt -.7. is : SuMi'l s-.Vi.uk Junl7.ini J:me J . Kd J. l.-iii !.s :- v,iv:'!,lJ Mar 11, Kc! F: M Cnteliiii ld Ji May l.i. Kit June , Kcl To' nl No in Ih.i.U Hospital. I'L Male FVnial.-s ii. '0; Total ain't i-ii.l to li;nont IIKjiit.ll.'IJ Id " Weruersviiie " ... .V! ii To'al Mi' for liiaii'Vnapc, Illlspililll lit lOlil 51 J!- -tl N iTt;--Mnrt:i!i Kinder di vl.it lin-pital Jjni-Uar-Jii, KM. .IiiIim FYiTz. Jii-. Iindii. S.o:i in'l Siva nk. nml FIlsl " M. r,;ehl:eid were r-tuovi-1 fnl:l th - hospit.d a! Ibxuiont to the i:en- Cb:oii:c- Inn lie ibi-pital at Werninvide, l'a., Au;i:-i I, 11.1. SrtlFlH t.K Jl. Cliil.irtH luilen'iiritt. SAMK . iM!isiiti:ti t hi:v wirn mn.: Cilari.'-i S.1.M bi !:-). n l;. bis F'eb l.i, V7 Ciiane- M.l'lillnn 17 A J Cromer Nov 1 ':( AlU-rl Nieklow- 17 M F" Latterly M.ir "if, Wiiliain su;iiiiiy 14 S L Korus M:ir I. IX I'avid Claveouib KFi-.ilSVi-.ini .lulvl'nv F rank I". Wilt Is .1 J 1 n.i. ls Julv 17 m .v.nh'AII! 17 -l ie An-ui in June 1. '! John Cnuuer l.t ll.ir'n Z. rfoi M irK, PHI Win K I i-illas II CU( Keepper.Mar n. ': F.r.-I liaitoti 17 J.. It Miii. r Aui; II. "!H ciurle.-li.llas l"i J H S uidvll Nov , ij Tlioina-.l -.iiii-on I It Yii'.iiikiti AirJ7 'tis .ia- n M. i :inb-k I.' ii.in - A .Mus'r Jim 3. 1'Ml Win II Lb. M1 IJ J.wiaii i-rliwiJun li'l't! John F: Na-ktow 11 F" X Sim-.n Jan 1, l:i Char: liatr.l s F M lierio-v Juri I. -i", .lo-eph i'.al.lw-in IJ s H. rshli-rirerM:irl;i,:-i Xoriiiaii ii.il.;uin Hi J ii Morriniti Jan ii.l i7 Kii Irnnl Roiiwiu s innr.v liar Mar PU:ii bnitvi- MiiIit II II c lltiiii.rird Mar Ji ri' Aluos Me. Pn.il' M I. Kowuiiill Jul-JO iT K:i:i Fi-hir K F' XeiderlnHir FVb' i. s-e, Tillie K i.l it- 17 J M Kuuiuu-I s.-p Jii Is.lil Harri-oii II Ju KiuiuiW Au V i'i F..:a li.i.lv I'.JIiKhoHdi m-i I. - c.ri Kline llWHVaiiii Aiiri vi 1 .1 : i in i Italia I i ( ..l., r MarH. Imiii A"aai.ni.-i Huin'l IJ F" i Homer June i. Tail Kil l .'.ia-ten IJ J s li.m-.-r Sept ii ril Matr-ie M.-Clint k in C J Milbr Marl7 pf.t Mani la .Miller II I'.-t. r luirl Jimp :, pi Amu.-I'siii. y IIMHU-Zoni M.ir l.V. FdJ Au-tin ini niian II J c Hum .pr i i-ac ii.iinre Riil. y .V Jo'n C Miikr Auir . P.7 F.lia r-.y. r II H WSi-v)or Mar J, poj 1 .-. inn nullum in r.i ounkin M irl". I;H Vary Tr.---i.t - 17 F'.m'l FirVCnt Nov .V, Ki Ir.i i:.l.:b.T bi N B CruiiK-r Marl.lit.7 The fi.pow'ins childr. n were plae.-l by tho 'iiildr. - u - s Aid Fsn-iety, but arueliil with li- ""-. r v,..a .,ns,,.r fi r)lr., ,-n.)iriv liH .? J v.bi.i May 11.1 ..i bcrtlui Kij-iser II Fred Trexel J uac II, I All Th-follow Ins leiv.' Imi'ii I.ik.-n nml p!ail In lnem-ii by Hie I 'hiMrrn Aid Stielelv : i MarieSluiin r 14 li Sftill. K1 Inry S Hinirli-r 14 1 l-lir- SIihIIiT Kililh ICiil 7 J II Hrl. Kf r ;inrr steward 1 John Miiehell 1i1it Yim-lcr 1 MrJsil.-s AHmtI m-THiill 3 Mr Miir- lirittlth Whole numlMT liKlt'iitured lv l'lm-lors f I'oor, 41 ; nuiH-s renmU-s, IK Whole cumber In can? of I'iill.iren'n Aid In nd'llt.'on to thoso phl.xd In hoinm hy I lie i in hi o n a am SiK-ir ! v. Alary n. i :uu-ir niel Naner sliaulls, two Iiiuui. wi n- furnUhed war.lrolxveompli'le and plmiil in tho iKiif nna I'uliiU r-eiiiHi at Mtriinii, a well an funilsliiiiif all links . iin I MippllnMit whtiol. They niso plain! Kliza lll.i. k. a blind itirl. in the Uliml .s-hiMl at IMttslnin:, I 'a-, the ili- reeiors jmiv ine the travulin txieiiMi In w ml wz lliein to the kcIiooIm. We nt'iimaale lln'ir work, and hope raeh yitir thai we limy w nhle to eMierale wilh them more and more hi the ran- of orphan and indigent ehiUliv u. scunn i.E i. Lis! tf J.h ,VNmH" attrf Itititttinrnt-t in th Farm: .4 jcm, A Armnt alt At'tirl'1 J'tnufwtHrt-tl mi the ihttne tm't llttirl un the f-'urm, urn 7.V jtrirted f.-y the .Vflrdlf, Jur the Yettr J-JnltMJ J'iniMry 1, lxi. NuiiiliTof li.irs.-s A " coirs II - bulls 1 " thni'-yinrsilil eattle 1 44 two..vir-or no tie IJ on.syiwr-old ei.ttie Id " saekilljj calves sh-i-p pt " piu-s " ehii-keiti .. l.j HII'I.KXKSTSliX I. IKK. NuiiiIht of sluts . n loif si. ill 1 ouishorse leds I " wa-olis 3 " " mowm-; iuailiiu-s 1 " " binders 1 " " plows 3 " sboVel plows J luirrows 2 iiirn eultivators I " ii.rn ilrilli I " " s.i-1 drills. ...t.... 1 " " buekliKirds " tbres.iiii-j liiiiehines 1 " f.iil enlters 1 " " iiaiid raki s . II " " pileli lorks Id 1'Klilil l KIHiX r.lltM. NumlsTof tons of liay M tons of straw . :;s " ton-of eorn f'Hl.ler 4-1 " bushels f w heat J"! " " - rvc a". " " " oiits j.7i " " " Inn k beat I'M " " " oru lim " swii'l eorn L.V " " b.-aiis i'i " " " p.7lS 17' , " - otatoi-s lio " " onions 41 " Uiriiljw J.'i " " kohlrabi 1 " " earn l.i L'l " " onion si ts I " " hesids of rabba-e IK 0 " barrels ol'drh-d eorn 1 - f f snierkrriiit li eueuinliT pa kli-s J it. tt of. simp Ju pallons of dried eh. -rrb-s s " " " dii.il ld. rli'riii-s. U " " liri.-iliippl ;j; " " " dried lians I t " pounds of butter Inn " - bird 'it 7 " " - tallow l7 " " " li-f ki;l.-l Is.s " " ji.rk kill.il 4i4! " " vl kilb-d LM " rol (. AUTICLKS) M ASTKACTritiai. Numix r "f children's ilnuses. ...... IJ skirl- 7 " " " shirts and chemise la iipri.iis 7 p-iii-s of i-'uilili-et.'s stH-kln-'.s la ' Irttx s vai-ts S p-iins :i " shirts ii " " ti-1 ii.iiiforl.s II " bed i;u'ili-s ! " " dishcloths - :7 " " lialullonbiels " ' kiaiid .Old bun au ' " " tdlM-ts - II " p:llo-ea .M " I--.I li.-ks p) " UiWiti-jis 10 " " lon lirtveis 1 shrouds .V woiiK-n's dr.-s-isi Xt " - .t..-i.!is :v srliiU I I i-tj.-iii:-. s Li " skins 17 " ' drau.-rs 17 " " cais .V " " iHinnets , !.; '- " " st:-knj-;s L'V - " " - fooled II t riithi gowns i " " tn. n's shir:- ll-i dm wen i " " iniileiis 17 Mi-ks i'.i f.K.ted , p:iirs : lii I do b. rebv c. rlifv that the alsive is a true find i:r..i-l li-t ol the anils !ii:oiiiiaelunil and the prodii'-ti r.ii-iil in tin- f.irm, and implement: oil Ine same Ji'HX C. mii.i.fi:. sieuartl. srHFin i.K J. Munehx X-rrirei! 'ill llif o-ee.'.,r ml .V,, ."'if' tllltt Jtr M'ltllti 1liee, ,tv. DATK KKOS Hiil AMT Jiin"y 1 Ancus 1iuIh.T sale of sheep J L7 iN-ars.n ilealll sail' of sto..- i' " i 1-" si b ill ueker .-;!' of sto e " ' Fi small sa-.'.u liid.-s :t ' JliSlllIHT Kll.'.lf CIWS 111 1 Il F II uiiiuiel in.iiiile;i.iin-e IJ i F'.-b'vl .I r l Ijiii.Iis vile. . I stove 4 m Il.-riii-iii liiltie on i.iaitit iiaui- IJ io Al'.-il I 1.1 Aekermall ell IllailllelialKl' of A Sorb, r "ill (' Srinri F'voek L-st on Ae't Kd lial- layb-r 4U (HI " Levi KiS'iitz on luaiiit of Ii. i.ry Iv.Mintz-'il i Mav 1 II F IltinuiK 1 on neiiiileiiaac IJ (o June 1 F li r.i.iueher sale of buekwh't 1 ' Juiv 2 l'n J J ,-m nur on Aa't lLiniel Cl-ivii-nib 4'J (K) Au; 1 Jonas I Ankeiiy on Aa't Lcn.y Nieklow .VI (t) S-pt 1 Jon'in Siangier sab-of pis.1 7 A 1 '..ilb-r s-ilei.fpix-i 17. (iii.riie A'.mian saleof cali-hidea 7- Charbn Tri iil vile of corn i (V-t 3 A J sterner Coiiiiiiittn'of .V.tnah KtniteruJ h' " M M Say lor A.lm'r of Jos Savior, laaillt Mary ki (w Irvin Younklu on A n't Susan liemjs- 15 u: Nov 1 Winters. IiieUtii sab ol buek- liunl r vh-it 7.1 JJ Wus'li ( usier Kilcol purs a lm - JJ Miller salcor p;ei 1 Mansan-t Miller s-lb-ofealf 1 II.-C 1 imnre Aunuin sale of hid 7 ' lleniy l.lessiier on As'l lU lm-iii lll'.lley hi ."it1 lk-c IV Herman Hit tie on treatment at hospital 1 J ' Ii J llrulwUi r C om of Jesse I.-iiiilis.iiiaint bl l I in- il Michael Suank on maim of sou in hospital -77 IX lk-c ltd Somerset Co iiit on Musiel- Coinn mm fund .'id (Hi SIMMAKV. MKT .; lii sj l :;i is 4-.' 17 41 1 I !l J 11 Whole numlier In Home IH c .11, '!:! Whole uuiulN-r rn-'d during par '!' Total N'umlii r dbil during year 7S 4J 1J.I Number placed In private families una iiidentur.il 4 2 6 71 4.1 114 1 4 5 7:i :vi i.ei 3 Tit :a li Lit 4 J7 Namb: r removed to hosjiitals dur- Iii2 year m NuinlM-r removiii to blind and deaf and dumb m-Ii.mmiIi NuiiiIht discii'd. got well or eloped N'.iii.li-r nanV' in Home meril, l'l .VI Jii 7:i M.imU-r n-c.-ivinx nut-door n-li f 4u -i Xo ol 4-hildn-ii in I'rivale families a J V No of children iiid.ntiinii 7 K il Xuuf cbtldieu at F'.i-ble .Mind si hoi.i. Kiu vn J 1 a No of children Ht reform M-hoid J J Xo of children at blind sch.iol 1 I No of kTsoiik ill hospital at liixmollt t 4 IJ No ol p -rsons in hospital, Wenrvlb: :t I 4 Total No of persons under care of I'oor I'lrn-tors I .1 liri L4U Total No of children in chameand care of Childi-en's Aid 2 2 4 Total in blind and I'.V lis. bonis il .! Total iiidenturi-d and in free bom 1 5 ti Total il Id 1 1 3IOSKYS I'AIII. hi til i tor relief Sl.ons ft", Maim of children under net of 'SI lici . Cloiliimr for children in fivhlc'iitiudcd si-ho-ii lis :tl Maint and tn-atmeiit of patients In tlo-ptlals i.l-. .11 "l'.ibln-ii iiidentur.il and now fni ;2 "ill "otlins ..r out-ibsr iiii:.ts jt tram in 1J.V aO lt:iilnKtd fare au J i4iuvc int; outdoor liui-rs. Ac S7 KJ Justin- und iniistable fees, and to oth er oHinties .VI 7:1 Maiab-nami of iHit-door puueri und iiietiu-al alien. laln-e aiti i Total onlst.iori-xpi-nnsi tsvV'J ss Total exiu'ii-' of maintainim: llimali-s nt the Home, la mi cx.-us, mi. j.nveiiieiu.s. extraordinary Xi-iis-es. s.ilun.i and uac '. "S Lii-eipu of Home during toe year M J ?.i Total current cxiienscs of Almshouse fr,('lS Whole numb r if days civen sup.Hrt t.i inmates duriut; year JS,S".V Aepje wn-kly ist -r c.tpit.'i jl .W Average numbi r in home duriu-' yiar 7M C'ttitAijit'tttiitn itf tnniateM. M Sane LII Inline Idiotic s iiliiid 1 ln.il and dumb 1 T 4li H IJ 1 La Total XATIVITV. Natives. IC; fore-ten, is TU.IXI-S KKI.IKVIil) Dt ltlN.i YKAK. Mab-s. Mi; f -nuiles, SI; meals furnished, lAti; bsU.-ll.s, .i'. VAM'ATION. Appraised valtieof personal pro-rty J 4.Cf i) K-tiiiiat ,1 value of buildinus A l inn ijs.um li lasurancecaTk-d on x-rso:ial proj- i-rty and buiiJiiitf 2V"M M Filed ir.tli day of Kebruarv. A. Ii., ls. V. K f. SAY i. dt Clerk. Pn-iented to tin Court and ordered to be laid . tore the l.nmd Jurv. l!y the lottrt . ' F. r. SAVI Ut. Ci.-rk. V the nieiiil r-of tlicltmnd Jurv.throuith our foreman, do hereby certify I hat' we liavt cxiiinin.it the -iiliiu ami ir'i;oi. report of the lir.- tors of the l'o-.r und House of Kim plovmeiit und do approve the same. Keb y L.V, ls-V. v. 1. Km isKIt, r orenuin. Fcbraary J;tli. A. It., lu.v, thr ; Court concur With tllf (iROllI Jul' llu ll..l'.... I We do li.'rvl.r eertifv tln.i vi-lmvupom. imiltlie within r, Krt. nnd do concur with the Uratid Jurj' In inviiur the sjiliie. t. C. K.i.X. WM. W. HAKKIt. Couuty Audi I or. CUE EN AND PAUPER. I Kti pdd a pi. ntT. and rich xtomlng. I ord. r nil thu.gi to my wish, it Beeiua. And T 1 1 act Let creature mourning A broken life end vnnished dreams. Ifcun. friendfi end I'vrera anil kindred t-pdw. Thry watch and ard wh liairof my heou. And yit In tho midst of all my splenuor I wivy a trumaa who aks for Lnad. That ln-psar who wnlks with her rosy ha.br ClasiKil titht in arms that sre worn and lcall Bh covet! my comfort and wealth, it may bo, Tut I am a jumper, and una Li a queen. liuth Hall in Good Housekeeping. TIIE QUICKSAND. Etouer had been a Tosan ranger and could hold his own extremely well in that rou;,'h frontier ccnutry. He had carried off a pretty Spanish wifo from tho Cliihnahua region years before, laid brought lur to tho roeiy Californiau cojist and had purchased a (settler's claim and an old adol o houso built by a fcpan i-sh hidalgo half a century ago. Here he farmed, raised cattle on tho unused government land's nad kept a ort of rude hotel, fur mvcral Mountain trails joined at that point the broad highway which lid from the county seat, 20 miles Fouth, to tho northirn Settlement.) in tho pineries. He had Cvo daughti rs, too, tho youn-rest, Theresa, known as Tessa, a girl cf 17. Thai ad.l el to tho attraction, and almost every night the dark eyed, half Spanish girls sang and danced, an 1 eld Sfom r man aged to hear all tho news that was afloat, and somehow most of tho looso coin of tho region ultimately found its way into Lis pockets. Ho was a deep one, that samo Ephraim Stouer, quiet, Ely and patient, secret iu his methods and deadly iu his blow. Stoner's wife and his four elder daughters were uneducated and iu complete Milijwtion to his will, but Tessa had moro brains aud energy than all tho others put together and quito as much beauty, so that tho old Texan ranger took a certain pride iu her and had even allowed her to attend a dis tant (school f.r two years. This midnight, when, as I have paid, tho Btf.ry begins, a person of a prying di.-poMtioii might hnvo discovered sev eral interesting performances in progress around tho Stonrr adobe. On tho north bide of tho house, qr.ito in tho shadow, Tessa was leaning from her window, conversing ia low tones with a blond, fair haired and sturdy young man ou hoisehaek. "Tom, yon (! in.fc know my father. Ho is not tho careless, warm hearted man yon eupiKise. 1 iuu-t admim Lia ability, but that is all. I warn yon, Tom, there never was a moro dangerous man. He may lo whero ho hears every word you say, but if he is ho will not speak to you or to mo about it, but if ho knew that you cared for mo ho would be your enemy. IIo has other plxus for me. Ho wants mo to marry for money. " Tom Warren had once boon tho school teat her in tho mountain district, miht) away, where Tcs.sa had been ono of bis pupils. Thmwu upon his own resources from his childhood, ho had developed a strong, earnest character and was al ready so popular in the county that ho had ja.it been elected sheriff, although tho youngest man on the ticket While Tessa and her lover were talk ing a scei:e cf a far different nature was being enacted 0:1 the SL-utii side of tho old adobe, which overlooked a diep ra vine and a can.rt of fivo cr six men iu a field below. For several years these 1 ! men had spent thiir summers there, os tensibly hunting, fishing and exploring the country with tiieir dogs and guns. Every erne knew them, and most persoi: liked them. Tessa did not. Stoner, though it was midnight, sat in the moonlight on au old rawhide chair, outside the door, snu.kii.g his pipo and mniitating a tocgh, siuewy, grizzled night owl of a man. "That inft rnal knuckle head at the camp ought to have reported beforo now," ho thought to himself as ho smokeiL A man caino out of tho brush and spoke deferentially: "C.?ptn, good evenui!" "You'ro late." "Dick was shot" "Well:" "Ju.-t as the driver throwed of? tho box. Shot by a passenger in tho neck and slionlder. "Ho mustn't stay hero to get us into trouble. Take a boat and carry hiia to tho point and h ave him in the cave there." "Yes, capt'n." "How much was aboard?" "About $2,000 fur the Josephine ruin exs." "Send it over the cliff before morn ing, and I'll divide it up soon, but you bo extra carefuL That new sheriff is a smart one. "All right, capt'n," and the man went back to the camp. A moment later, jut-t as Stoner was going back n:to tho house, there was tho slow thud of a horse's hoofs, mid Tom Warren, the young sheriff, rod down the trail, around the corner tf th' old adobe building into tho mafn coun ty road that lay to tho west- Ho had at hist yielded to Tessa's entreaties to "go. go, this minute, Tom. Impassible as Stoner was, ho felt a little) startled by the sight "YA-hore in the devil did you como from, sheriff? Anything up in this part of tno country : "Oh, no, not a particle. I'vo bocu visiting my old school iu tho mountains and to. k tho short trail liou.v down Cavucos. This was plausiblo enough, for there was a blind trail that entered tho can yon just east of the angle of tho house. Stom r felt a little relieved. "Won't you put up and stay with us all night?" "Xo, Mr. Stoner, I must go down to Jicstral to sec friends there. It's only aa hour's lide. " "That settles it," thought Stoner. Plenty of stout fellows to uso as sher iff's deputies there. Ho has probably stumbled on traces and is coins for help." no sat and smoked and slipped bis band back under bts coat. "Easy Shoot tho fellow," ho said to himself. Well, goodby, Stoner," said Warren suddenly. "I suppose the beach road is as good as ever?" "Perfe-ctly safe, only when you cross Toro creek keep ou the sand bar. It's as bard as iron. I cros-ied there todar. " "Thank you. Adios!" Simple, smiling speech, these words of Stoner's, and yet they were intended to send arren to his death more surely and safely than by bullet of pistol or pellet of secret poison. Stoner took an extra swig cf brandy and went to his rest Warren rode down the rugged hill to the bottom of the ra vine, then turned seaward, and at last tho wide gulch cpeued broadly to the shore cf the Pacific. The cliffs were from 50 to 300 feet high and full of waveworu caves. War ren drew rein on tho beach, and for fully teu minutes watched tho ocean sway and rise. His thoughts throblied with dreams of Tessa. Ho wonld take her away from her narrow and hurtful surroundings. Ho would lift her into happier and better circumstances. He would force Stomr's consent marry her and make her happy. He rode rapidly south, aud ia half an bour the mouth of tho Toro appeared, in the midst of sand dunes, breakers rolling in and tho steady river flowing out Here was the long sand bar, ten feet wide and stretching across hardly an Inch higher than tho watery surface. Y" arren was beginning to have some suspicious of Stouer, but not such as to lead him to doubt the simple directions ho had received. The sand bar looked safe, but within a few days the sea. as Stouer knew, bad swept it mightily, torn out tho lomr compacted bar said placed iustcad a quivering mass of r I quicksand, so treacherous that not e-ven a light footed rabbit could cross with out being swallowed up Slid draeLted bexlily down. Warren rodo 6vvift!y forward. IIo had crossed sand bars huii- r .' ' " 1 rii'nn (lredsef times. Some horses would have been wiser, but tho animal ho roda bad been bre.l ia tho valhy. The approach to the b;r was hard for a few reds as ho galloped on. Suddenly, in ono m-nrtbreakiug, breathless de scout, noiseless, but unnttcnibly dread ful, Tom Warren's horse went down, down, aud tho soft, slimy sand came up to bis inane. He shrieked out that ghastly cry ef appeal and agony that a de-sperate, dying horso will sometinics Otter. Tom knew tho peril. Ho had thrown bis feet from tho stirrups and drawn theta up at tho first downward throb, but tho sand began to grasp him Ho threw iVinself flat on his breast and tore bflbself loose from the p.or animal, over whose littek tho mingled sand aad water wero running, as it rolled from sidotosido ia ineffectual strueghs to escaixv Tom spread himse lf ontover as much surface as possihle, but slowly, resist le.ssly, tl.o mighty force drew hiia down ward. Tho hard beach wa.4 only f- n fe-t distant, but practically the c'i a ia w.is iiupassal.'hv. He felt the horso sin!: out of sight. Tho sand gripped his own kirn s aud arms, his thighs aad shonldi rs. Two inches more, and the end by suffo cation was inevitable. Up to this time ho bad not shouted Only his horse's wild death scream had told of the trag edy. Vi'hat was tho use? Who would bo passing along that lonely road? Then ho thought oj Tessa and of life. Ild raised his voice in a clear, strong shout for help, again and again repeated. Far off along the d- ep rnviu.) caino a cry in response and a horse's hurrying fee t, and hc-rc awoke in his heart, u ho margin eif life was rive minuti'S n w not longer. Faster, fat ter, oil, fearless rider I "Tom, where are yon?" "Here, Tessa. IXm't come too near." But tho mountain girl knew tha dan ger. Creeping down stairs f.r a drink cf water, sho'had heard her father's words to Warren, had thrown a shawl about her shoulders and run to tho piisture. Then she canght her pot hor.-o, sprang upon Lis unsaddled back, seized a riata as she passed the stable and galloped at the utmost spen-d down tho ravine, hoping against hope, for many minute s had necessarily elapsed since Warren started. She sprang to tho ground and tos:-.ed tho rawhide ropo to tho one arm bo he ld abovo the saud. She folded her shawl and put it ever Ik r horse's shoulders and tied the riata around like aoo'.lar. Then 6he led him slowly away from tho quick sands, and Warren thought bis arm would break, but slowly, reluctantly, painfully, the sand gave up its prey. 'lour father told mo to take this road, Tessa," said tho young sheriff. "Yes I know that, and I heard one of the men t il him today that the bar was Ewcpt out There was a long sileuco between them. "Tessa, go with me to Saa Luis," said Warren, "and let us be married." And Tessa went. Old Stoner heard the news afewdavs later. Within an hour he had "retired from business." The camp was Ir. k- n up, tho banters disappeared, niy- t.-rious lights flashtdat intervals all night from i the points of the cliff, and the next day old Stom r himself (iisappe-arid, leaving bis family, tho ranch and the live stiv. k. It was said that ho made the bo.-t of bis way t j Mesieo, and finally to S.iufh America. The world is large as yet, . and men who have money can ramble over a sc.d deal of it without limling a past they wi.-h to escape from. L'at Tessa Hits' in he r San Luis Obispo cot tage, with orange trees ovtr it, and La Wareiuo r.-ses 0:1 tho porch, and she thinks hersi-If tho happiest wnnitm in California. Iiilford's Jlagaziue. When They Kzy WeJ. I a U'.iiijr.iry a man n:ay marry at the itgo of is, t!u j;irl at hi; in Sji.iin. I'orta- -:! und ( irriir llie r.-speetive s are miiy U l'.r the mailt?) an! 1 !" r the irosMt t:v hriile. In Kriii.ee he iioisl 1 ! IS niiil she 1". In Ktissiu the laws vary j Iietwi-eii Is nml Jii f.,r the men ami r:nl 1'ifi ifor the women. In S iterlan.l the arions eaiit'.ns have dilVeretit la -as, and V the ininiiiitiiii ages for tiiarryin-i ate Is to l!' years for the Mien ami from I'! to !7 for Kills. In Austria an. I Cenn.iay laeu sel dom man y if under til, aHh.uieli the law allows il at IS. (iirls may v,e. at I'i io t . ... ., . .. . , .... i i hat I will s. It. until f.irt!. er ti. .:.-... tncseeoi'iitries. In I.-yid Uiys ot 1 .are ; follouhit; .'.! Is at the ol.l Mi.-es. r.-.';.nl-olleii marrie'd, and hriiles of In and l Jare l.-ss of tiie advanee of l.':'.- ier n tax not searee !y any means. Il.tt India eariies olfthe palm. Here marriiisesare closed in infiiiu-y, and a girl of J is -n!.e-times married to a groom of 4 or ." yeais. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. TI,.,l,-ts.,lv..!il.u,U for ..,.' ..... ............ ... ... , lirtilses, sores, Uhvl's, s;ilt rlielltti, lever sores, tetter, e'h:ipi;-l hands, chill-huiis, corn.- and all skin eruptions, ami jssi tive'ly e-ire-pile's or n- pay n-iiiiired. It is jxtiaraiitccd t j.-ive jierfeet s:i!i-- faetioii or money ri fiiti-led. I'ruv li iviits per Imix. For sale hy J. S'iv- 1 r, Sii-nerset, l'a., or at (i. Y". i".ral- lier's, llerlin, l'a. IlesMenl.. if suite of the counties of the state are lein kvvii:iI;.iI liy an alleyeil eye specialist, vvhoe:ills iijMin a f.nr.iiy Hid K.IVS that ho was sent to ean.itie their optics hy the family physieian. lie titiiiily persuades his victims to either purchase worthless Rhtsses at e xort.ilaiil prices, or else performs a pretended op eration upon the eye for the tronlile com -plained of, for w hich lie collect :'. sx"l sum of meney in advance. JORDAN & HINCHMAN. We are now nnuv i!!i our new and lare in voice of Fine t 'ouf.viioiierj- (ioods, -.iiuiar l.r.mds of ltiscuiik and Cukes, Fancy IommIs of ull styles, and verylhiii:' else iN-rtaiuin-; to a first-cl.".- lioitse to fill orders protupily, and to Kiipply resident families to any ex tent, (ioods always fn-.li, and always ot!'. r (d at low.st llun-s. Cull and see one of the linest assort men Is evircarri-d. JORDAN & HIKCHHAH. 270 -27 J Main Street, Johnstown, Pa. 4RTSTC JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. 1IARKY M. BEXSIIOFF, UAHUFACTURING SJATIOHER AXIi BLAXK BOOK MAKER IIAXXAM HI.OCIC, Johnstown, Pa. IMPORTANT TO ADVEItTIs.tK'". Tiie cream of tho countrr papera i. i-iarnl X Ilomingtoa's County Scat Li-st-i. Shrewd tulveru-scrs avail themselves of theso lists, a copy of which can be had of lteaungtua lima of stew lorlc 1 itt-siKjr. YOU CAN FIND TH13 n lli 'n rtTT-Bra h -t t'i- Ai',i nui Hnij 01 SKEiaGT02T BROS. wtio will mijirKl lur aumrUniui at l..wet tdie i.i nfiwin v ft : r ' CONDENSED TIME TABLES. Baltimore and Chio Railroad. Somerset and Cambria Branch KOKTIIWAKP. Johnstown Mail Ktin-ss. ltockwoo.! a. 111.. soiueist't 1:11. Moy. -1..W11 -li-VLV ll.iov-i-rsvilb .V.-W. John-town lirlo. Johnstown Mall Kpri. H - k wo.il pv'ii a. IU.. s-lnel1.'l 11:1'., S-bo-e-iown 11 i.l, Uoov eisville li;.l, Joan-tow :i lLrip. in. Joiinstowii Aee.lIU I.Ul i.i (ion. - Ibl-kwilHl-V.-VV p. 111., f-.nii.-i'! I.: ji .sf.iy.-stow 11 li.l--, lloov- i--i ilb- ifcVo, Ji.hnito.vii 7: in. I inly. Sol I i w KU. Mail. J..hn-rov. n fc:s) 11. m.. Ilu'Versville 7:11. .;.. y -stovi n nbh. m 1 7;i, lin kw.xsl Kxpn-ss. Johnstown -iifl p. 111., It... r-vi!ir .i:i I, stov.itiiwii rs.iineri.-l iii.Vi, IM-k-wood 1:1k .Siiin'ay bil v. .loliintow 11 S:.a, So.m r-' t lOi't lii-kwiMii liiii. NS YLVA MA IJA I I.KOAI). CASTCHN STANCARO TIMC. IN EFf EGT JAN. 21, 1895. COXIIKNSKD SOIIKIIC1.E. Trains arrive and dejiurt from the station at Johusttnvn as loilo.vs: wtsrw'.ki Western I-tpn---j. :: Koulhw.-s'.-i , l:pre leisi Joilll-tow .i il.l.o.ailal it. Il I,;" A.i-oil.ni.Mlati.'Il V.!1! I'aeltle lixpr. -i .- - W:i-. l'a. . i.. r M.i.l .Vi.; I a-t i.in.' Jo.'.li-to',vu A.i'oli.ii.. -iatloil p. in. E '.STIVAKII, Atiantie Kp.-.-s Ss-;.-i.or. K.ir.'..s A iisi;:l Ai-iiiliLIri.i.:i n.:i , liy i.xpr.s- A II".:;;' Ai-.Jalil' t.tiloil Ml.ll l'pr.ss loiill-l-iWl .t iii! llui si it.oli.. I'llli.el. '(.MM K.'.j'l-i-.- r'ast !.:ie : -1 a. in. VI'i ' i -l ' :.:'V " I'- 'il- l.i i .-') For rates, tua :-, ,t call 01 Ta !: t As-n'-nr Tiddr . Thos. !L Vi'.-.it, 1". A. YV. !.. i i j jr.itii Avenue, l'tttsi.ur", I'u. .S. .M. I'.. v.-:, J. It. Wood. i.en'l 11.; miser. ; n l I :.. Aft. i L'v U-& tl..- .-.n-ia us-.;-., j i ';icf.r Ali..;.. l':ii:i::ndi.,- f'lr. X - i 1 V m I tl.ii.lari hi. I!: ;.Is t!: s.ir 'r i ;,. j.,. .... I.r.ia i,,i:. i i ..l is. l;. s r, ,.f ta-te and m.. !l. The ii iil:! i- .,i i Uiv ::iT.n 'l :i!id i!!.'.. n-lief a! o.iee. l-.e ,S e a:- a! lruS:.s or hy lu.oi. KI.Y i:i!"TI:Kl:s, M W.irr-ri ST. . t. . Y. "llARTiiA :-i.: aro:i iss? -st? V? i-l. jfinrJ vi- IS - A. Z , f "3 tl I'lfi ( I -1 r - f r - In -F.zc : ;::.-. for TO i Z01 BEADS c. t Jr..- Lie a tv:,'?vr-i-.-,-.' (.a t n, i-c-i t r i.-;-. V.'rl'e I r il f ...i. ,'n s J .;: - .' r-j tisie i::.ip -v-.'..tr t :. .a:.-, a.... i i . i..,; .. : . r. -l.v ' : f .: J U'pfl' vfiV: Oi'lTT fp 1: '", n j UviLlil!:! Oli'.'C U'jl jy.lJl':.ii. SPECIAL NOTICE. ny ine coveriiiiieni: AA. juire rye, years. Suo per tralloti; 'iippeeani.e, Z years. frj S,; I H:l i aliinet, 4 years, Sl.",i! e. r ir.illo:.: Iirnlvr"P'rt and TiioiiO'son"- pit re rve, ." years. Sioti per ;:illoti: ritu-li, ioi den VtI!iti'.f. litlison's. Koi-ittsoti '., l'.-.iii!.i. S4..-4I p, talloit; llitntiisviil", I'l.-UIu'lly. .Moliliet lio. 12 Ve irs. ?."i.."iil per 11:11:01.. i aiti.'r.ii.'. v. tie s .it v ami et, ! !r tn 7-j.er trillion to s!. IJ di-ti-u t oraitos; my own itn:.itai;.i!i. st:. rrv aiei l'.: t w ine Irom .s.."i to S.1..VI p,-r j.-:il- l.'ii; a:-.) tiie linest In.-a aial Si.te!i wins!.- at iiiwist w holesale raies. or send for special price list at fail A. ANDRIESSEN l-vs, Feder-il St., Allegheny. Ail orders l-y 1'iall promptly altended. No extra cliare lor pa.-kii:-;. ' Telephone YOUR EYE ! We want to catch It! Kvr.nv kai:m::u itisoiners, ! r...i:.:y win. lias aiMid o!' IletnlocU r.ark or :i Hide to di-pic of w iii litiij t li-t t'.e )"" l i.l KNCKTANNI.KY Co.. will payi:.. lii'liest c.isii prices ior tiie same. Wri.e lor miol.iti.iiis to IX. i I.i YV S. Ciitll .V Co., t'onliiietiiv, l'a. 0f DOLLARS PER u?j Your Own Locality nia.ie easily ami honorably, without capi til, (luring your sarc hours. Ativ nun, woman, Imiv. nr .sirl cunJothe work h.-.iiil-Iiy, without ex-icnce. T:l!ki;iir lin-iieces-itry. Xoiiiiit like it for lt.oii. v liuki:ircver offereil l-cfore. ();:r worker alvv:iyi rr"i!er. Xu time vv: std in kaniini; the bushtos. We teath you in a r.ii;l:t how to stn ceej from tiio lirst hour. You can make a tri-il vvitliout (x reiio lo yourself. We start you. furnish everything iicileil to carry on the busi ness siiccessfiiiiv. 6.ii,l jjiiarantcc you against failure if you but follow our simple, plain iiistrueiioii-t. Kcaiter, if you are in itec.l of renly money, and want to know ail about tiie best paying lmsines Ix-forc the jmlilie, semi us your adilress, and v.-e will mail you a d'ocu incut -jiving you ail the iiarticulars. TRUE CO., Sox 400, Augusta, ft!aine. copyright; CM f OBTIIS A PATFXT t Tnr r-nniTt answpr anil an boTni.t oi.iriion. write to Ml N X At I II.. who tixrr h.vl r.-arlr nor .-nri etpntnc in the pittent btu-inw. si.raiittiiiH'u ti..n .tnctlT svnrt.lnu n. A Hawdhm. ol 1 1 foruixlliMl rotH-t-mioir I'alr-ala an.1 bum tn ol tnin Uii'tti pert Trv. AI-o a ruialoyuoot awUian. !e:.l a-n.l ici.ntirtc honk seat n". I'aifiit lrn Ihn.ucb Xunn A Co. mvirn txsial n.ti- lathe -Orient iiir Amfrlmn. i. IIids are brunulit wirl!y bct'ircilm pnl .tc witu. out curt to tiie lnvTitr. Thia ki '.-ilIhI nap -r IssihsI weoklT. eleKantlr ill out rut ml. hns by tirlhi larrrit nn-ulatioa ot any acientitk; work in tiio wr!.l. .l 1 mr. Sample onm acnt trow. MuiWini K'litiuD, monihlT, tiM ear. mnelo ripie. ccnta. Ktctt nmutM-r nitnina beaii tltui pta:e. in enlori. anil photnaranba of ti'-v taoiues. witb plana, enabling buildun tnxliow tb latent i'..;sU.im aiul eeure o otrnlx Ail.ima Ml.N.N . CU St.w Vouk, 361 BiLWA. 3 DI K!. i i i.S ,fA , f-ru-.i.i,- -j ..rj-z Cream Ca!n. f :yS&.l ! Apply .-, !.,r: :!. - f i'.'.''-0. I i'l'o ii,-- iio.tn -b' " , i-. . i AK.r a u..,u,JfW.iVft.-f ur.i'v -r;-o : l,r.-.:. J -v l "'"'I'-fi 'ii- ii-i.V,- ; -v e ?. ! - i ,n- ii.,.- s ' --J I .1- vvift'-rtii'-:.! in.- - --.'i 1 f' i aiei la-loo ajis-r- I f.r '.C" j , 3 i Kli.i.M I'.il i.fe f-'N.v, i V.v i ii l' iis and iH1v.e ' J S. I '-.-;: . r-'i I jj : ! i.LLri; ,.X: c ih) i J r.;'.';-,.. ;, ? Oi'i !' .: I . : .. .. THE 'Is None Too Good When You Buy r Ii: D LC I X It is Ju-t us Important to Seeur? FRESPI, PURE DRUGS, An it in To Have ConjUlenre AT SNYDER'S You are always sure of getting the fre-she-st inedieiiie- pi;i r -,,, I I'i'. Carefully Coinjioundeil. TIRiU All of the Jiest ami Mont S-ttixf'irl OPTICAL GOODS. GLASSES FITTED TO SUIT THE EYES. CALL AMD HAVE SIGHT TE3TED. JOHN N. SNYDER, Somerset, A - mm GREAT VALUE LITTLE MONEY. fill lie HEff YOBK til a !'-., p.ty-i . j.V.irit ii, is th.- hiiiltPL,' l:e(.i:!.l:.-:iii family .aj--r !: .,. Tinted St;.te-. It is :t National Family Taper, and trive- all tiie i , r :i li '-.vs of the I'liiti .1 Sia'e-. If -.ives tie- Vents of foreiuil land- it; i ti ;'- -.- :!. l-s "Acricultyril" d. i.nr.ittetit h.n :i. su;-eri.r hi the ".i.i.:. -v. It-'"Market reports" are ne-ouiiied aitthority. .S jvn.t '!i p .;-u.. t s forThe Fentily Circle. "Cur Ycurg Felts," ;ui.I '-Science and Me char.xj." Ir- l!cme urd Sccitty" eoloti n-is iiiiitmid the :e!ti;:r:.ti. n , f wives an 1 i!.f:s-'loers. lis o, llt r:ll jHilitieal new-, editoria!- ami ii.'-i :; siolis ar' euiiij rel.eii-is e, ,r;l!:ai.t and exli.-tu-tivt-. A l'i: IAI. Co.VTiJAt T ciiaMe- t;s to ofiV r tisis -j l. it.li.l j..'irii :; :i i The , Somerset ., Herald ONE YEAR FOR ONLY S2.00. CASH IN ADVANCE. (Tiie l". L'tilar su!-oriitie!i f.r the two i.;ij. r- is '::'.... SLB5CRIPTI0.NS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. A.l.'.ri-ia-.lei'.l rs f. TIIE IIKKAI.D. Writ jour name arJ aili!rtH oa a jic-la! eard, sentl it tot.'eo. W. Iffsf, room 2, Trikune lloiliiii?, .V York City, -iij staple copy cf The w Vttk Metklj Triljiiue will lie Maiieil tu joii. Louthef s umv Main Street, This Mcdel Dm? Stcrs is RaTsidIv e::nin? a Great Favorite vrith Pccsls in Search cf FRESH . MB . PURE . DRUGS, Medicines, Bye Stuffs, Sponges, Truscs, Supjiortcrs, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, &c, THE I.(-r-K lii VB I'KHsoNAL ATTENTION TulilKum lor NMN.i or Lcnllier's PrescriptionslFainily EBcelpfs GkKAT CAKE IllilMJ TAKES TO fSE ONLY KKH-II AND PI HE A Kill Lis. SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, And a Full Line of Optical Goods always on land. From ?utb large assortment all can le suited. THE FIHEST BR AIDS OF CIGARS Always on hand. It is alwajs a pleasure to display our good to intending purchasers, whether they buy from us or elsewhere. J. M. LOUTHER P.I. D. MAIN STREET Somerset MAM lAlTlRKK AMD IKAI.KR A S D W lli.l.l-S A LK AMI illTlltlK nr Lumber and Building Materials. Hard and Soft Voocls. Oak, Poplar, Mdingii. IMckrlP, MeittJirt Walnut. Yellow Ilne, FSooriiiR. Sali. Sir K nil's i'htrry, MiiiiKleti, Doors la!aiter. lie-.lniii. I.alh, - M:e IMne BliuilK, .Venrll,uls l ie. A . iienl tin. of ull nil.-sof I.umlx-r u:itl t'.iul.ii M:it. rial tui.t Koorns -.:'! k' ! ! iB tu-k. .ls.,i-.in furnisli anvihina in th- line i.r our l.iisi!i,-.s loonier wilh rn "!--bit- i.roini.tm-ss, such us Uraekcts ixMized work, etc. El aas Cunningham, OEce auj Yard Opposite S. St C. K. R. Mation, M)JII IlT,r.l IT WILL PAY YOTJ To m y Yen ii 3Xciuorial Work or WM. F.SHAFFER, SoMKItsET. PK-XX A. Jlanuti. tuiTr of ami IV-iK r in Ki.tcm Work Funiislied on Sliurt Xoliv. 111 eSASITE Mil. Also, Agent for the WIIITK BItoXZK ! IVrxon. in n.-1-.I of MomitiK r.t Work will ni.-i it to tli.-.r int. n-s, ,.. .U !lt n,;" sli.-r.-:. i.n.'.Tsliowiiitr will W- Ktv.- then,. -sit :st:- 1011 ciMRiiit.l in fvcrv .-as... , J,''" Vrr' ,uw '"v'-esixvUil aiu-ntiou to Wiile Bronte, Cr Pure Zinc Mtnum.rt l!itn.le.,I ,y IVv. W. A. Kintr. in d.ci.l.st iiii.r..v.'i.i-i,t ,-, f,c ,.jllt of M.terii.l .mil sMil..r Vl.,:,,ii.i. i.t f..r our cliant-.-abie l li- BEST in the J'hyUin ft ho j Them. SSES nITTKj. Approttd 'i'rnse Krpt , t,Hf, ion (S tin rti it It.-rtl. - - Pa. ITEfiTAIIlii! ! WEEKLY NEWS CF TjHE V, Q' l: f Oft A TPJfLE. WEEK11TB1B0 HP Store, CD Somerset, 'a. - - jOMEESET. PA Lumber Yard 3 n fnp-Tin. r--k-s, rvrri it II; Over SOO Ceauiiful Designs. Jl a . 1 I oiw ' P-ir L I til n