The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, February 27, 1895, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald.
E1WAUD KiVLL, Editor and Proprietor.
...FEB. IT. 1S!1.
tT of the thirty-seven vvanU in
r.iila lelishU, ratlison actually earri-etl
Oxk vv!i lu.irj of this ('onres,
:tiil tlit'ii tlu- ilel litre. AIr.-aly the
i 'in kt.iH are and refuse
M lie eniiif rJel.
T:1K ovcnviiciiuinsr defeat of cx-CSov-i-nior
PaUis:i:i, for Mayor of Philadel
I'.i:a, la-4 week, lays another Presiden
tial candidate on the shelf.
PiTrsjii R:;, last week, voted to issue
li to tin? am Hint of H,7-0,00.) for
street and juri; inipTovvni 'iits, water
steii-::i, and a lielter wweraije y.-t-.-iii.
; VKKN:t H.vsTiXn.s has cjm:uene
t I lijsiue-is with a brunl new veto ax,
tin 1 has sent i t two hills creatinic
is.'diiional jude-hos in Washington
:md Weiiii'n-!and tin!ifs.
!rvr:u ! tir.ivt-r! the two years
jst of (i rover, ha cist the country
over one litm Ire.I million dollars.
What the re:inini:i.r two years will
st, Heaven only k lows.
TiiE raill S:atv. annually coins
in re jr ld t!n:i any c J:itry u; n the
frloh.', an I yet is l;-.i vi:i, it fni.n Knjr
l:i:id at a heavy iremhiui. Xj c-.iiijx-t.'iit
d-.'aler w;iuM c-Kidjyt lu-Ji.'ss in
this wav.
A kksomtioX has li-fti passed and
approved tiy the i tvernor, j.rovidinsr
for a Legislative i:ivesti:itin as to the
liMiniier of unnattirali.tii jkt.-o:is in
t he ji.-n i and c-i.irii.iMv.' i nt it ut i;n s of
I'll Stat.i.
As t'.ie returns of las! week's election
f):n;' i;i from all jr:s of the State,
they h v.v that the m ijority of S , M
riven th? II 'ii.iWic-.iii ticket la! X..
Vcinher still :il:des with us. It Iitt-i
:ne to .t j v.
Tmk U-ii!.li-a:n of Philadelphia
wip d tip th-eirih last week with the
iin, Harrity and MeChire -m-line.
' After all their 1 lasting aiwiut
e -.rryinz Hie city, they were lieuti-n ly
."!. ) in lioritv.
Now firure up your income for the
ut year. The Fe-leral tax gatherer
will stxin Ite around nosing into your
business and deinandin-r an account of
your car:i::i"js. I) n't forget that hon
esty is the best policy.
Tiik peopiv of this country will not
onlv have occasion to reiu-eni'icr Mr.
Cleveland fof the in crease of the puhlie
l"bt to the amount of more than rliV
n t i,n t I I Kinds sold, hut also for the loss
of at least l-"i,i!'i,it'ii the premium on
the las; loud sale, whieh was absolute
ly presented to the foreign syndicate
that negotiated the transaction.
Kvi!i:s-::s are multiplying every
liy that our Democratic brethren are
not dwelling together in unity, and
there is a probability that their un
seemlv wrangles will bi s:i jK-rsisteii in
that several of the important appropri
at ion hills will fail and the President
will be compel!! to call Congress to
gether in extra session to secure the
tieces:iry :ij)iroria!io!is to keep the
government ru lining.
i-iA -i.v is uiierieiiin wiiu a i:ia:
sMveniiiient. Kolb the Populit, who
claim, that he was elt-rt-eil tJovernor
last fall, and was counted out, tlireat
c!is to set up a government aiiainst tin
present one unless the Legislature ro-
idcs for a c nte-t by law ti d.'iormin
Wiiother neirtlie incumbent (tleneral
.ttl w:ls duly clecteL i vernor ats
is a grim obi Confederate P.rigadier,
minus an arm lwt in battle, ami there
will !: no end of trouble, ami jxissibly
lirxiiished, if lvolb attempts to earrv
'.:t his threat.
Fit!:iKi:icK Ih;l.vss, the famou
C'doriil orator, ditsl sudtlenly, at hi:
Iio:ti? in a-hi'ig!oti citv, on Wed-
liel.iy last.
M r. I onglass wa-j lioni in Virginia.
IVbruary, lsi7. ;., muther was a
slaw and his father a white
man. He was a slave until September,
is ;s, when he obtained his freedom by
tlight. II obtaineil an -duejti.n
tijrough in iiiv difli "ihies and trials,
an 1 a- a lecturer and orator decline fa
in us b ith in this country and in Knir
I :i 1, wliere iie p -ut several years. He
decani a recogniz-d lenler of hi- peo
ple and during his long career held
iiiiny important p litial olliees. He
was an assistant co.'iimissioner to San
I imingo, was ap linted by Presi.lent
rant me of the council of the District
of Columbia, wasa Presidential elector
i:i New York, was appointed by Presi
dent Have-marshal of the District of
Columbia, was afterwards made record
er of deeds for the District, and conse
jU 'utly was Minister to Hayti by a
p iintmentof Presi.lent Harrison. He
was als i the auiheTof numerous books.
Mr. Douglass was the greatest man of
his race and was always on the side of
It is hard ti reconcile with honest
motives and ordinary buini-ss sense
the last seT-t sale of 4 jier -cnt. Uiiids
by the Presi.lent and the Secretary of
the Treasury. Tnese bonds having
thirty years to run, were sold to an
1-nglish syndicate at f l'Ji, u hen on
that day similar Umds word for word,
that will fall due twelve year hem-e,
were selling in New York and else
where throughout the country at fHlU.
Here was a dill'erelice of 7 jkt ix'Ul.
thrown away. P.jt this is not the
in ea-ureof the loss, for witniu tweiity
f o-ir hours after the negotiation was
clost-d these bond were place.1 up in
t!ie market by the syndicate and with
in just twenty-two minutes many times
in .re than the amount ($.iMi,(KKi i
were subscriled for at flUJ. The syn
dicate Uiught the bonds from the Pres
i l nt at f lo-;: and M-ld them at
liius in the sjiaue of u few minutes
in iking the snug little profit of ?4,SJ;i,
4 1J on the total issue. How are we to
reconcile this transaction with the rules
f common honesty and common bus
iness tact? Why were not these Ikiii. Is
placed upon the market by the Secre
tary and the eopc at home given an
op irtaaity to take tUe:u? Is it pre
n'jmahlc that a foreign syudieate of
linkers were better able to sell them
than our own Secretary? The Pn-si-deiit
and his SeTetary kuew that sim
ilar Uiiids, with a much shorter time
to ruu, and therefore less valuable,
were held at f 1111, and yet they secretly
;ilJ these bonds at much lower than
the market price.
done? Thai the credit of the govern
ment was not aiT.-cied abrud is shown
by the fact that more than four times
the amount of these bonds was suli
serilied for in London within forty
minutes after they were placed on the
market, ami the day after 4 per cent,
premium was bid for them, which
made their value $117, and ?lb has
ix-en offered and decUm-d in our own
home market, tw the difference liet ween
sll'5, the amount secured by the syn
dicate, and the 5117 sin offered f r
them, Ixing 5 per cent, on the total
amount, is an additional Lxs to the
The claim, and the only excuse we
have seen made for this wretched and
humiliating liargain and enormous loss
to the government, is that the Presi
dent was forced to appeal to the for
eign syndicate to save our National
treasury from bankruptcy. Th- ru-h
for these Ixinds, Ixith here and in K i
rope, given the lie to this pretext, and
clearly shows that they would have
Ivcn eagerly taken if offered to the
public by the .President, but lie chose
to demand of Congress gold Imnds,
while he was negotiating with the for
eign syndicate for these Ixmds which
were so eagerly sHiglit after. That
these bond for whieh Hl'.i is now n--fuse.1
should have lx-eti sold for KM is
not only most discreditable, but de
mands a thorough esas'iinatioii. The
Sei-retaryof the Treasury should lx'
called up-in by the next Congress to
explain, if he can, why the people's
interests were thus sacrificed.
George Wishingtoa.
Froai i!ie New York Sun.
We think that the Amerieans of litis
generation have a beiier understandinz
of the character of the man Jeorge Wash
ington than was possessed ly their aii
eeiors of the previous two or three cen
erati.ins. Tha ciiconiiuins proa vinee.1
iiMin liini after the war of the Kevola, Hiid f.r m iiij yeai-s after his death,
we.e not only uimicasure 1. but were in -distinctive,
unjiidieial, nnerilie il, and
larg"ly untrue to ham in nature, lis was
often re:re-e:it:'d a a tlawless eharaetcr.
as a ejmplet? e:n!i l ihnnt of every per
fection, as one separated or set apart from
all the rest of m iuki:i 1, and even, in lee 1,
as a supernatural being, lie camel olook
like a sculptured figure chiseled by the
hail 1 of genius from a block of maibl-.
lie seemed to !' too eohl, t i serene, to o
dispassionate, :'.iel too high for this earth.
A s'lisgiilar iiij.istico was thus done to
Washington, who lived as a man among
in 'n, who was to n.itiii'e all his lite
long, tvh'i was .var;u-l:ooded and impul
sive, who possess ' 1 tin ordinary trails of
otir sp. ies, -.vii went thro.igli cxp 'ri-en.-es
like thosr of other people, who h i 1
in my of the ways of a Virgini a pla;u t
of his tim i. whieh was in high sniriisor
l- u iri I Iii.i' 1 r.n I n-.t ! Hi't !l'l l ivito I
happily, was altogether fre- from the
foibles which lielong to hum ini'.y.
In view of his person and his life ami
his achievements, how much more con
genial and attractive is oar Washington
when thus understood. Ho is of us. He
is a man of our kind. He is one whom
we know. We ran b? his friends, can
look into his noWe fa-e, can grasp his
hand, can listen to hs words, can ex
change thoughts with him, can love him
as w could not of he were !' another or
der of creation.
We of this generation have come to
know Washington better than h was
known lv our grtsndsire-, though we are
ski much furtheraway from him than they
were. We think he. is to us m re of a
man. more of an American, and less, ,f a
demig.rtl, thin he was 1 1 them. h
is exalted i:i our eyes. Thus he s-.t.iud
higiier i;i our a:fe -lioiis t!i an he sto 1 1 in
those of the American youth of fifty ami
sixtv vears ago. to wh mi lie was as a
statute.'f Penlelican marble.
We have come to know him the better
through the revelations made in his own
le ters and in the letters of his contempo
raries, whieh have been printed ; through
the reminiscences of his acquaintances ;
through the perusal of d.x umeiits and
reports that can now be obtained; llmmu'i
the publication of more satisfactory biog
raphies of Iiiiu; a:i l througli a clos -r
study of liis p Ts 'iialily and .h'e Is from
his early days till theepise of his life, it
is thus possible t gel a m re satisfactory
e iinprehension of his re t; nature th tn it
was in other times.
He grows upon his country and the
worhl with the procession of the genera
tions as he is seen the more distinctly and
truly, lie is the noblest national hero
seen in any country of the earth since the
creation of man.
l he revival ill tnese ! ays .f what we
tnayciili Washington is mo-.-: '. '.isa:it to
contemplate. It means tin str. egih- uing
Warwick Defeait tTie Ei-Governor by Ccr
Kx-Jover:ior lx'rt V Pattison, the
Democratic candidate fr Mayor of Phil
adelphia, received an overwhelming de
test aHiie eks'tions last Tuesday. Charhw
P. Warw ick, the Kepublieati catididate,
is eleeted by a majority of l,ifc).
The light . was one of the hottest
and bitterest ever waged in that
city and the vote was heavy. Tho Hepuli
lieans had their forces well i:i bunds, and
thev have secured cery city olllee.
TrciJ. Dovgbss Dcsi.
Frederick Douglass, the noted frecd
inan, orator and dijdom it, (lied a few
minutes Ik fore 7 o'd.x-k Wednesday, at
his resident in Ana.vistia, a suliurh if
Washington, of heart failure. His death
was unexpected, as he ha. I Iwven enjoying
the Ik si of health.
Ihiriitj; the afternoon he attended the
convention of the National Council of
Women, now in progress in Washington,
and chatted with Susan IS. Anthony and
others of the leading nicmlxTS.
When he returned home he had no feel
ing of illness though he appeared to be a
little exhausted from the climb up tho
steep flight of steps leading from the
strts't to the house, w hieh is on a high
terrace. lie sat down and chatted with
his w ife about the convention, telling of
various things that had Ixxm said and
done. Suddenly he gaspe.!, clasped his
hand to his heart and fell lia'k uncon
scious. A doctor was hastily summoned and
arrived w ithin a few moments, but his ef
forts to revive Mr. Iiotiglass were hope
less. Within twenty minutes after the
attack the faint motion of the heart ceased
entirely, and the great ex-slave stulc-s-inan
w as dcaL
Clieudl6r't Hints.
In a speech in the Senate Mr. Chandler
gave expression to views which are con
sidered significant-owing to his promi
nciice in Republican councils. "I am
most hopeful." said Mr. Chandler, "that
the President will call Congress together
in extra session some time in April or
May. It vi:I, iiti doubt, assist in bring
ing back the stability of the country to
assemble a Iiepublican Congress. That
Congress w ill undoubtedly take up tho
Nicaragua canal project and pass a bill
for the building of the canal, not by a
private corporation, but by the Inited
States. I lx-iieve the next House of Kcp
reseittatives will take steps to bring
aitont the certain and ultimate annexa
tion of Hawaii. Moreover, the next
t oiignsis will inaugurate an investigation
of the recent purchase of gold by the
Pres? h ut of the I nited Mates. That
transaction is one of the most remarka
ble in ear history. The rites at which
our ln-n is were sold involve a loss of
e,!li.(so, to the people of the I niled
States, l!" ever a financial transaction of
n:i administration needed an isivestiga
tloti it is this gold purchase. If ever a
tr-.n-taetion needed a searching and severe
committee of investigation s.i; h, for in
stance, as the Senate conducted against
the Sugar Trust it is this gold purchase.
There appears to lx? more le!ow the sur
face concerning the transaction than the
country is aware. It is not a transaction
that Congress can allow to be uninvesti
gated. It is sure to be investigated by
the next House of Representatives. It is
hkcly to l investigated by the Senate.
A nd so, in order to see that investigation
th orottjjh and deep, I hope to see the ex
tra session railed."
Taid $103 to Get Wife.
McKkksc out, Pa., Feb. 22.-A novel
way to pay a debt was revealed her
to-day. Henry 15yer sold a bidding lot
to.iieorgc K.x-11 for The latter pai l
si in cash and then learned that Ilyer was
i.i l.ive with Miss Kr.tie Bowers, who did
not reciprocate. liver in despair went to
K'V li, it is alleged, and tol I the latter,
whose family was friendly with Kate,
that if he would get tin-gil l's consent to
wed him lie would cancel sjmiof the debt
owed to l'.vcr. Accordingly, the K.h-IIs,
it is asserted, worked upon Katie's heart
and in June last she married F.yer. Now
tiie latter wants his ylOl, but Kocll d.
clares that he procured a wife for liver,
a. id refuses to pay the 10l. Tho e lse h is
Lveu taken to Court.
Dag Oat t Jlorse cnu Sleigh.
A Saturday j ttrh from Altoona
says ;
Workmen tinder tho direction of the
Township Supervisor were cleaning a
huge snowdrift from the public road to
day between Chost Springs and Carrol
town, Cambria County, whan they un
earthed a horse and sleigh. The horse
had been frozen in the drift on the first
night of tho recent blizzard. The Ixxly of
the animal was standing upright and tho
rolies were found in tha sleigh.
It is lx-lieved that tho person or per
sons who occupied the sleigh, finding
themselves siiowlxmnd, started on fxit
to a farmhouse aliout a mile away, and,
l.ising their road, perished in the storm.
All the people living along the road say
that no one sought shelter that night.
No one knows to whom the vehicle lx?
longed. If the victims were frozen,
their Imdies lie buried beneath some
snowltank in that vicinity.
Sound and Gagged by Eobbers.
Zasksvili.k, O., Feb. 2"!. Six masked
robbers broke open the door of tho resi
dence of Miss Jane Momson. an aged
spinster, seven miles north of the city,
Lost night, using a fence rail as a bat
tering ram. They tore up sheets and
Ixiiiud Miss Momson and Henry IV.iwers
and wife to their lied and gagged them.
They searched the house, overturning
everything, and secured fJl in money,
a certificate of deposit for a large sum
and a geld watch. Mr. liowers, w ho
otfercd resistance, was hit over the head
with a wagon spoke, but not seriously
hurt. Tho burglars said they would
post a notice at the gate, telling w hat
they had done, In order that tho pris
oners might lx? released in the morn
ing, but they failed to do so. Neighlxirs
noted the a'osenee of signs of life atxiut
the house, and on making an Investiga
tion discovered and released tho victims.
Trastarortb.7 Witnctt.
D. F. Shaffer, of Centre township, testi
fied, on Thursday morning, before the
court, that he met John W. Il.oks in
town before tho election and that ISooks
showed him into Judge Blair's oliiee ;
afterwards witness and tt neighlxir went
into ISooks' ofllce and llixiks give them a
drink of whisky. After Shaffer got oil"
tho witness) stand Mr. Books met him on
the street and asked Shatter if ho knew
him. Shatter replied that he did not
know iiim ; had never seen him ill his
life. IiMks then informed Shaffer he was
John W. llixiks and that he had testified
falsely. Shaffer acknowledged that he
had, and that made Hook angry and he
choked the perjurer severely. In li i.i i
Mrs. A. E. UHL.
Clearance - Sale
. . Will be . .
continued until
March : 2d
In order to reduce my stock to the
lowest point before
My Store.
Receipts and Expenditures sugar makers supply
Directors of the Poor
Somerset County, Pennsylvania,
- SOMERSET COUNTY, in account with the county of Somerset,
Pennsylvania, f-jr tr year fr.dins the .'51st day of December, A. !., Ic9 1.
To amount of H.ili sand rit'i;ts at the x-r house ls(if
ToSoiurrxcl c.Miiily f.r..r l- r .Vo ! Miivsclmaii fund
To Sjuiiirrm-t t-oualy lurordcr . 1XU l Uilu;i-v account
Carrlid forward
f rTIiO'tt A-.Y'A'-VVAX
Ainouot 6ir"
lly Hinouut fiiid ftr out i.xr r-lii f Hi
li;ailil4-lii(IH' ciiililrt-ll Art 1M 7
" out il;ir lvt :t
vi.-itors' tnit 'i:ti; cr jm-iu' -i7 M
Ju.iM-i n jtiid ii-'!alli-! f. -s -! I"i
cou;- ici: litMtr o!ie-rH UIMi
" M .'.1. .J ;it-l.'l .i'.-.-iOl iloor IHK1JKT3 L'll.
cifliis mi! l'Nr i.!4:;w-ix !;
railnut:! I.r et li.r iniiipciM :zt in
" : lit- l ui ti t- m 1 i : 1 1.-5 ut I'iMi.olit U'l.' I I
liialijtcii:kii4-.-,(' (-l:ildrt-ll ill i-owr'li ;ts
Mi-iiranii '
" " M'ltii-IIH lit f Milt.-i AC III
ilifcctors Ir.ivchiiz cx.'iisfs .l
" " luuiiitfiiaiiiv ol liiusilics jit Wcriicrsvillf ... J!l
oilii-r coiintii-s Kiuicrs -j; e." f :w
A'.v';.v.v. v y runii norsh: rnuviii;.
Siri:i a;
of the repu:i":ic, the renew! of ii-; pri-iiii"
spirit, the p.iriiic.iti on ;f poliii.--!, and the
ariini ttiou of patrioiisui. The n.i'iirt of
Wa-hintoii is synonym :i ilh all th ;t
is d":.-.!ile an 1 i;l'rio:is in Aiiicii.-;m
We are especially we'll p!ej" I t i kn i t
tlcit the school children :ill over ih-
I'nited sute will to-tlay eele'lMie t!i-
birthday of our ";ih:iit on as th -y nev-
T eelehrati'd it before, l! is :i:i excellent
itlea to furnish a poruai: of him I every
si'hool ii i:se hi city. T.i" iy or the
girl who In';-; :; 1:1 th it p .r; will f
better A:iic;icin fliri:i;;',i iii'v. It is an
ciiiirni" lesson in tra:li!:'i:i''s-i, li iior.
an-! gra-c'utiness. It is an ill i-;r.i;i n of
the highest ami best pia!ities of the h'.i
nian mind.
Honor ever to the nan:? of the l-'aihcr
of his I'onntrv !
Waraiag To All Lsrer.
M Kkk-ivht. Pa., Feb. t. A warn
inji to lovers was given here yesterday
by Alderman McM.iriiu. Sexeral days
a'n, A. Iel:ie :ir. a gr'vur, niti'l j infor
mation apiinst Trank Morrison, appn
lar yiiu n vocicty centh inan. ehargins
him with the brcakiini'if a rockinj? ehair.
At the hearing it developed that Vonnjj
.Morris; hi -lli-l at the li.-laeour residence
! a week (r two a.) to see Mi.. fie!aii!ir. a
j pr.-iiy lit;!e blonde, and darinj: the cven-
ioj iiUcinpted to seat himself on the
arms of an idreidy oce.ipiel ns-ker.
The rocker could not st.-'.iid the addi
tional weight and broke, ii -i'-o the suit.
Miss p.-laooiir did not think that the
dam ijj-e w is suit:, iently i' .r astiit,
and so tesiii'.'l before the Aldcriii.m.
Mr. I-!ai-i:ir, however, eoul 1 not see it
in that l'iit. and de.irel th it Morrison
lie p.isiisiicd. Th- Al lcrmm assessed a
tineiifsi e.!id costs upon til 3 defendant.
Olde.i Mil ia tb! Sute Ptal.
At the Home fir Ajed uinl Inlirin
C'olorel 1'inple, i;i-.irl and lU-lmont uve
mie. on '.Vedncsihiy the oldest man in
lYmisylvania, John ;ilsoii, i-olored,
ili.'d, alter a linerii'2 illness. He was
buried at Olive Cemetery Friday af-te-nooii.
lie was b.-tler known as
"rather"' ttibson, and wl-.en ho entered
the Home, 11 yt.ars ago, he said posi
tively that he was lift years old, which
would make him 1 so at the time ol" de nh.
Klier testimony as to the olorml jia
triareh's agv varies as fo'.low-: An
adopted de.uhter s;iys ho was 12 h.iv
iii' bee-l lorn at Snow 11:11, Maryland.
January J-i, 177i ;he,-s say he w:vs l,i:t
1 IT years old.
1'iitil the war of the reiclUoii "rather"
Cibson was a slave; but dunn-; that
stru-rijle he esmped and came to I'ee.n
sylvania. subse.iucii'.iy setlWuij in North
Pcnn village in lxSt In that section of
ridladi lpiiia ho founded the first colored
church, and was long one of its exhorters.
He has a son years old now livinjr in
tSie South, and one of his daniitcrs lived
to the ii'e of 7 'it'f. .'yi.' or ;:-r,,,-ii.
Hops Crushod io Eirth
Will rise ajjain in the lios-im oi a dyspeji-tic-
wiso enough to siibslituie lor the
peudotenies, which ha e bamlMvozlcd
him out of his belief in the possibility of
care, the real invi;;orant and stomachic.
Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. The bilious,
the nervous the dyspeptic, the rheumat
ic alike derive speedy ln'tieiit from this
helpful bitanie medicine. Persons suf
fering from indigestion will gain no pos
itive permanent g:sid from the li'-ry, nn
liiedlcated stiiniilaiits if commerce, too
often ustl ris'klessiy. The Hitters Is im
lneivsiiraiily to lie preferred to lh"se as a
tonic, sincp its pure liasis is luiMliiie,! by
the conjunction with It of vegetable in
gredients of the l,!ihe-it remedial exe'l
leiice. Malaria is provenltI ami reme
died by it, ami it infiisirs vior into tie
weak and sii-kly. A winoiflassfiil thnm
times a day is the average Im.
. - The -.
will be continued and Lower Piic
cs will made.
Many floods ill lie sold at a
It will pay all to take advantage o
tliid ofler.
. A. E.
Siisrssaa'a Way aal Carhs'e'i.
I"ro:n the lli;oa Herald.
SeereUiry i'ar'iisle in his baroiin with
the preseni It tlise!i;M sy:idie.tti sold
them bond at l'li at the very iiionu iit
when a much less valuable class of t.ov
eniuient IniikIs was worth I Ml in the
open inarKet. J :ie thirty-year t per tvnts
which he placed with the syn licite at
b'4;, should have broiijjht over 1!', ace or-
dinc to the current ('notations of tie'
Imnd nurket. Secretary Sherman in
l"s sold to a Kotiis hild syndicate $Vi,-
(ii).n.m Innids at the f'ill market price of
the day, and the concession which
tin; foreign bankers obtaineil from him
in tin transaction was a commission .f
one-half of one per eenL paid them for
acting as agents of the government. There
is an inijiressi ve (Miitras; lK-twccn the two
operations. It measures tne tremendous
iliifereint between a Siieruiin a:id a
Mare X&vil Vessels.
Th- House pussKl the naval apjiropria
tinn Mil, makinz provision for the con
st nut ion of three tatlie ships and nine
torpedo Utuls, after having refused, by a
vote of VXt to tij, to strike out the item for
the building of the battl. -ships. ,u
amendment oilerej by Mr. Savers was
:ireed to, providing that the socrclaiy of
the navy should not contract to pay a
higher priv for armor plate or gun steel
than is paid for the same article by the
same parties or foreign governments. It
was also provided, on motion of Mr. 1M
liver, that two of the nine torpedo lmal
should lc coiistrin-tcd on the Mississijipi
river. The Senate will undoubtedly con
cur in the action of the House.
A Body Within Baiy.
Nk.v Yoi:k, l'cb. 1. Three months
ag.iayoung man of splendid physical
development was adinittisl into the
Mi.ihodi't hospital in Jtrooklyn suirer
ing fro!,i pains in the ls of the spine.
The do. ! rs operated on him for a sup
pose I a' ices, biit none was diseovensl,
and his pnhis increased. They then le
terinir.'sl to expose the loner portion of
thr- spiiie and remove any foreign or
diseased matter which might l found
there. Tie operation r-ultel in the
distsivcry of a miniature human Ixxly,
the hair upon the head lx-ing visible.
The tiny form was rem ive'l, and till
patient will probably rc-over his health.
When the result of the operation lie
eaine known among the man's friends
they weie astounded. Many of them
said the thing was impossible. Physi
cians, however, say it is not. The case
is one of those strange things that have
isune to light in the form of the Siamese
twins and other wonders tiiat have lssn
exhibited in museums. The patient was
one of twins, and the form found in his
b oily is what is known teehuiealiy as an
arrested development. Prior to birth liie
other embryo enveloped in his organism.
The circulation was m lintaine 1 after
birth, and the smaller !ody became a
jHirtion of the larger. So it retnaiiie I for
''A years. Tie-n, in some way, circulation
was c;;t oil', and liie arrested develop
nient became a source of trouble.
Got tlie Wroug Girl.
M akysvii.'.k. Ky., Feb. 21. A divorce
suit libs! at Mount fdivet, It-iliertson
co-.iuty, Ky., h-is t'jused a sensation.
The piaiutilf is Mrs. F.dna Wishlwanl,
aged IS years, and the defendant Thosi
as Wisslward, aged H.
The plaintiff says that one night last
June Woodward arranged to elope with
an elder sister of hers, but as tins time
drew nigh her sister, Miss liui'na
kins, was on the eva of ba- king out.
I'pon hearing tho story Miss lidua, who
had considerable, roniaie'e in her na
ture, said she woubl take her place an I
marry young Wisslward, as she was
"'.state of Ikiniel Ikiiiinaii. l.-itc of New Cell
tie llle iMirotiijli. Someiset county, I 'a.,
I-tt-rs t-utmuentiirv on the nbove es'uti
having iNs-a unnitcd to Hie uieti-rsiunisl liv
1 Ii.- proper authority, notice is hen-liv iciven
to a!i s-rsous imleliNsl to said esuil.r to make
imui'sfiate p-iyiuent and thost' having claims
against uie s.ime io iin-sent them ilulv mi
tlieiiili-TilisI for settlement, on Saturday, the
liMl (lay ol Apnl, I '.. Hi lilcolllee of tin- I..V
iftittir in New t'cntrcvlUe tMiroimh.
J. 1L ss:i, Ali'y. KxM-utor.
Kotnte of Kiinh Kllck. late of J( ITerson town
snip, Ssiinerw-t tsiiuity, 1'a., br'd.
lo iters li-sti.aientary ii the :inv stale
liav 1114 tiis-ii uru:ilsl Io the iiiiilersiiiist. Iiv
llie proicr authority, notice is l.erehy i;iveii lo
all p;-rsous imietiteii to Hal'l estate to make liif
lin-illir.e payment ninl those luirim; claims
aiiusr liie s.Oiie will present iiu-ui uulv aii-
thcniW-atcd for Kcltleiueiit to the Kxicutor it I
tin- lute nsii!( ni-e of said iii-c d on Moiiiiav
.Man-!i I Ith. IviV t l' o'fiot-k p. in., when liie!
where lie Vili alleiM lor Itiitt oiiriNise.
the same size and looked like
her, and
lie easilv
in the night Woodward would
On arriving at. Miss Itaukin's house
the younger Miss liankin lost no time
in getting into tho buggy, and Wood
ward noticed nothing wrong, but ro-
eeeded to i! lisle, arriving tiiere before
He had the knot tied before ho dis
covered his mistake. Having great faith
in the old proverb, "one of the name
was good as the same," he proceeded
on his way home, saying that no one
need know but that everything was all
the couple installed themselves at
tho house of the groom. All went well
for thn-e or four weeks, but Mrs. Wood
ward be:timo dissatisfied and returned to
her own home.
Uoth of the young people are of good
families, and Woodward says he will
not in any way interfere w th the pro
ceedings for divorce.
Tin foliiiv.'inciH-eounts have Ihs-ii filed in iiiy
omci'.nmi nonce i nen-ny eivi-n mat llieiin
ill lie prcscnUsl to liie l our! for coiiflmiar
tlou, on
Thursday, February 28th next
First nnd final acen-'nt of K. J. Wehf, trus-
l.s- ol elil , ltleriilall.
First ninl liiuil neemnit of V. T. Ilortoa, :is-
kiiiics-i '1 hotiiuH Klanuian.
Kirst and liual netsiun of I. W. Will, as-
sims-oi ifitiivt- A . 1 uileppi ami wile.
K:r-t iiii-1 liuul account of Valcniine llav
niel V. J. l' Hay, ns.ii;iK-eK of J. o. Hay mi l
w i;e.
hirsiiinii nnal m-eount of J. K. Ssiitt, as-
si!;nis-t)f w. I). ISaer.
Kirs! ami final iiccoiinf of Valeiiflnc Hay
ami .Mi lion J. Sic.iih, hssIiksk nf AmiieO.
First and final account of Jacob 11. Swank
u-li'iicc of Israel
Firs I mill final aiinunt of A. I . Hnv and
C. . alk.-i-, usances r V. T. Hay.
Soliifrset, l'a., F. I. SAVUUt,
Feb. litis, VI. ) Frotlionolary
Fanner Shot By Barglart.
Yokv, Pa., Feb. 2J. A hard fight took
place last night between three burglars
and Adam Albright, in the hitter's house,
in Codoms township. The roblicrs broke
in his home after he had gone to sleeji.
He was awakened by their presence iu
hi room, and a hand-to-hand encounter
ensued. Mr. Albright was unarmed, but
the strangers ajj fcad revolvers. They
tired a half-dozen shots yf tbeir antagonist.
Michael Albright, a brother, who was
sleeping upstairs, came down with a
shotgun anil seared the roblicrs off. They
seeared no bootv. Adam Albright sus'
We do not wish to ascriiv dishonest i Iaiuea in the niI"Ut , ,-rusbeJ fovt, a ball
inotivt to our rulers, but why as this I ju vue aril) and a battered face.
A College Burned.
TheDcavcr Female i-oilege h-a!sl at
Heaver. Pa., was destroyed by fire at 7
o'eliK'k Saturdav morning. The students
all escaped and uo one was even slightly
iiijuri-d. The lire was first discovered in
the attic imnnsliateiy above ife class
nsmi and o'ilege hall aud is supposed to
have originated fiom a defective flue. At
If o'clock the building was a eoinplele
wreck. The students saved nearly ail of
their ejects and much of the college equip
ment was also safely removed. The water
plugs wen) J'io,cn and nothing could lie
done to save thu structure.
The property destroyed was valued at
?r,K; insured for 2,Hi. The college
was owned by a stock company and was
under the immediate direction of the
Pittsburg Methodist I'piscopal Confer
ence. The trustees have determined to
rebuild at once on a much larger scale.
Arizona legislators have sent a
memorial to Congress requesting that
the lands covered by the in-trifled forest
le withdrawn from entry until the ad
visability of making a public park of it
can lie settled. The lands are in Apache
county, ixm ten miles square, ami are
covered by trunks of trees some of which
measure over 2H) feet in length and from
seven to ten feet in diameter.
Looking For Cold.
Coxski.i .ivh.i.k. Pa,, Feb. 2i The
foreign coke workers in the vicinity of
I.roadford are wrought up over a legend
which some ono has told them, to tho
etrect that two chests of gold lie buried in
that iicighiiorhiMid. The legend is an old
one ami has I teen handed down from one
generation t-i another in Fayette county.
According to the story lieneral lirad
dock buried two chests of gold on the
Narrows hill just aliove I'roadford on the
retn-at after he had lieen repulsed ami
Mortally wounded at the battle of lirad
d s-k's field by the French and Indians in
lT.Vi, the work Is-ing done at night by
blindfolded soldiers. The intention was
to return at some future time and reviver
the hidden treasure, but tJencral I! rud
dock died and the remnant of his army
never gut back over the ipute of the re
treat. Iiiligeut search has lsen made many
times for the hidden wealth but always
without success. Not until the Hungar
ians were told the story, however, has
thero lieen such a thorough scouring of
that section of the country. On days that
the coke workers lay off squads of men
and boys can lie seen digging among the
rocks on the steeji hill Side of the Nar
Ca7 hit Wife as Security.
Wilkksbarrk, Pa,, Feb. 2L Having
given his wife to Stanislus ISolktis as
security for a loan, John Now hock now
finds that he no longer pissessc-s her af
fictioiis. He promised to redeem his U't-
ter-half at a certain time, but could not
raise the cash. Mrs. Now hock aeeuis
contented to remain as permanent se
ciirity and will bring suit tor divorce in
order that she may wed liolkus.
fVtate of Chrtsienn Trexel, late of Jemier
township, .vomer. -I eotiuty, l a.
Ietfers of mliniuistratioii. on the nhove ti.
tnte. havim: Ih-cii trninli .l In the unilcrsiKIi'-d
liy liie pni-.raii:lioritv, noiice Is tien-liv iriv-
en toall persons lieli blnl to iiil eslale tn
inase liiiiiesnate iaytiient, an. I those having
Cljiillls le.tlllsl l tie katne lo present llieln illlly
iiiillienlletiti-il for settleicent, m Friday
March loth. lw.lV, nt the reshleuce of the ud
iiiinistrator hi isihl township.
F. W.
ltn-s.1 k.
Notice of Appeals.
NOTICE Is hi rel.y tri veil that She under-
sluii.ti I'tiuiily I 'omiiiissitiners of ssmierset
ishiiiIv, l'a., will hmr npp.nils fnim the. Tri
ennial As- ssineiit of 1"(.'. in their oilier in
the Court House, Somerset, l'a., as follows:
Aih'.isoii and Paint townshi.s, March 11.
stovestown Uiroinm. I'rsina iNiniuirh. Jen
ii. r township and Jeniiertowii isimuh,
March li
( oiieinaiiL'h ami Fpjier Turkeyfisit tnwn
sliips, Mitn-ii IX
s-liaile and liwer Tiirkcvfoot townships,
March 11.
ijueiiiaholiiii? township, Itockwood Is.r
oiii;ti itml New I 'entrevhle bontimh, Mareli 1-V.
r.nilh.Tsvalley lounsliip ami lierlin bor-oa-.-h.
Man h Is.
Klk f.iek tuunshlnaiiil Ssilishurv boron-'h,
Man h 111.
All.srheiiv township and New Italtimore
bomiiKli. .March ai.
l'airiioM tivii.!iip, Northampton towrishii
ami Soiuliaiuptoii township. March 21.
I.irinier township. Uns-nvUle townslilp and
Wellersl.uru Uinmuli, Man h i..
Jelterson township and Miiltitccrcck towu
sliii, March I'o.
stonyenvk townshipand I.imviln township,
.Man h Jk
lilack township and Milfonl township.
Man h IT.
Summit township, March '.X
Somerset township, March "-51.
Meyerstlale Istroimh and tsomcrfield Isir
oiitli, April :t.
somerset Isiroimh. April 4.
i--le township. Ilensoii Isirouu'li, ronfliiciice
boroiicli and l asselia an lioniuuti, April .j.
We w ill also hmr apM-a!s from owners of
mineral laiiilsauil rights, an fullows-
Klk I.iek ninl Summit townships, April 8.
I'Hint ami Shatte townships, April V.
tjui'iiullioiitii)! ami si. invent k townships,
A pril III, ami the n iiiaininii tlistriets on April
Attest: SAMl'KI. CsHnllKK,
Clerk. County Commissioners.
Commissioners' ilffiee,
Somerset, I'a Feb. IS,
Ih te (hurt of (Aim men Ilea of Xmirr-Mt-t
Vuunty, ltt
Notice is hereby jfiven that an application
w ill Ik- ma.le In the nlsive Court, on M.nnle.v,
Van'h 41 h. A. !., lsi miller the I'erponili.iu
Art of IS7I. of the I i.iiililonwntllll of Penn
sylvania hiiiI the supplements tlM-r.-to. for tlie
charter of an inti-nili-tl isirporalmn to call
ed SIhIiI luslri.t Meiilioiilte I'emelery A
ms ialioii. llieehar.teter ami ohjert of whieh
Is tlie maillti-nHliee of a public cemetery, and
Unit ptiri'o' to luivc, ossess mid enjoy
all the rii'hts, lienehts and pri ilexes of said
Act of Assembly anil Its stipplciiiciils.
"'W.--. !N3. 5Q8 Smithfield Street,
riC, :ti
S Sj
1 IS "7
7.1 1,'
:vj ii "
;i 77
"l sj
1 i 1 1
l. 74
1.1 1 sj
:;7 :.
' i,f
I .i :u
1.11 to
: id
ItyaiiMiimt paid fon-lothit.r ant! ili v
shot-sunil l.-aluir
" " wlciil. Hour and mini
" su.'ar, mulitsses ami apple hiitler, Ac....
si!!.s.;.,.I -e-a
" li-.-f, li.teoli and t;sh ,
rii-ean-l ertekt r.
" irr. K--ri. -
" " ia:i, but;, rami s'.p
" " tarnips. iab!i.ti;e, Mi:aiiH-s, fruit anil x
coal iili.l oil
" " Mis;,i;e, Ij.v r.-iit ii in I slaliohery
" " justices' . -ill.t eoiistahli-e fit s '
" " itruv'4. mi ilieiii. s, Kx. nii'i Ct r'ilii-ate ...
" " citins
" viat:;.r. u ea imr mid citrilinz
priii! iie' a nd ffir.-etors' r-Mrt
na i ii vt .i re ami iirooms
- " ' s-'lassuaif, ipii-iiswar.-und tinwure
1 l!y amount aid for farm iiopli bients
- " siiiiihi!i aid ha.ilv4are
" " lertili.i is ami lime
4 ' iilTlllier ala.l fence IKr-ts I'M'.'
i- d s s
" " " s-i ils inid plains i
7 " thn-shin pi o
I " P-pairs arid s;4ib:iery sj
i ' laVirand!:ii:e 1'J
1 l! aioo'iiit paid for repairs niel h.lMir 77-,
- Water elosi-t.s, li.i!hs,.V;-
A'.v 77.'. i ::ii.x. ! . i:.xi'i:.x ; ,
1 I'.y ninouht Kiid for funiiiiir.-
- " " he sl.w-k
: ' fr ia!i and pn s "... .""""'
f piir. hase m.iiii y tr.-isiin r'sriie
" elis-l.-li l!ht
j '" " oil b"l. I. lilies '
" Pi ..I l :-.i;d e-erk .it vtlh nient
" l.-val notic-s...
" money pml el:itilr.:i on a art t num..
Musseii.uui fiin i lilmtrv
::iij !!
lis 10
, :i i7
Svmn Cans Rnr T?.,,.t..
r i' -"-";.. rj 3 c
" Spouts, Gatbcrin
.Sugar Pans. Etc.
torn pricc3 for cash.
rock tf
IvTaplo Evaporator on the
-Let at les3 than ha7.f tho prjr."
"asked for some others, it ?
nnv vnn tn rrtt im ,
-P. A. SCHELL,!-
Main Cross Street,
Great Inducements.
Goods reduced in price in evorv y.r.
Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lace C:irt;i ;'
Ladies' Coats, cc. Xow is the time to buv
save money and get something good.
;";;!! the lntraiuM "
i- o r oft'erei!, w e 11 o-.- oti'i r tlie !-t ;
'. I..-t - - 1; J 1 1 pit ci s .!,'y 1 'o .-rt. i l-.ths at the low price ,,f ;
In ti !i r their eari'i i'i ill' ies 11 nd el ii:in-d iy liie tuai.u: 1.1 1. r
s ;i i I ii is in wash'i:, di-;!.iy it: sjio'.v vi:ido'A .
'i ie :i l iok o -,-r oi:r t'urn'n I '01111'er i' .r odd piee.-s . f .' ir.-.s 1 ;
".!-'-. t :,! p: ice ii;;s lei :i eat in two. TI: .t j: 1-t !ia! f j. ice.
'I ii" is we o-Icr a let In r lot of f i x I 1 1-tiis, some of t;n 111 :
In our Vi-i:ii !i I lotiis ,ve -ho'.v sinni. new s;,rji,. sha I, s a! ."'-.
as you t'oino-ri .' io'iiit at 7"e. We have them ai-., m .;.e i'.
t In !) you '. aid "-l.-th f..r a i.ew Sj.riii-; ( 'ai.e.
Tie 11 v. e liavc a ifon-i I : r o- in ( I.i.n-k onlv Iiia.'oiials for Sjirlii '
and s'.:.i-o per yard.
Ii" Von Ii::c but ln-tiifl.t a
i ? -.7
i :i 11 .
I-,' 'Ii
you ea:i !n.y .ii now of v. ft ii v iiave It il at a ridiculously i - r.
tie iii !. 't a:ei if price w .:i s. i! tlieiii tli" y loiist
Nee I):n ks. for sni;, i,r iiys" '.vai.-ts, Nt v.- ( i i:i.'ha:T;. m- 1 ; , ,
so ! t rs. N.v roiderii . S. n.e -i-ii ial Mut values at :r--::t .".
velii.-s ti Itand !i-I Sh'-i t:ii ut lo, I- i-tj.J Ji:.-.
i he 1:1
v. I . . 1 ; ks AX n.u; ax
I!y nmoiiiit paid to director Jos. .'i I.. M!i;,.r
" J.i- i.iii 1. Vi-lc .".
Jaii.ii .M.i. 1. -..r
" " I'.fiormy a:ei el.-rii I.. . ( oiUn.i
" pliy-ie: in !. K. sn-ill. r
" " ', II . s. K limi i. i I
sb-.var.lji.hi, r. Mil!, r
" " tn-asarer Kimer K. l'u-h
-o.ili .
junbireii t i.'ii-s
, tiiitsiaieh!! ot.h r b.r ls:; !..".....'..'
. ;o
-Vi 01
. I 'i in
.. tun
. !) 01
in i.j
''. !'! 10
in aii-oiitit with SoiiK i-s, 1 Count,;,, IVp.tisyK.tiihi.
1 To amount of tMiiitete for -ji -ris.
2 lo am., nil .f ni-.-ip;s fmin v.- ...V....... V
3 lty amouni over 1 ini! stiiii:ic...."!".i.7"!'.".""!!!."".'"."i.'.'.'.""
ile.-i from I'.i. Cor.inrrs on m-ili r.
Account of C. C. Mmtclmati Bouation U-c.1 1 .!; i,:, u.
1 To .1111I. r.s: -J from o. 1 'oiiim-rs. hit. t.l M'lssehiKin ls.t
- l!y UMolllit eXHinitsi to: i;. ; .i u rs, Ac
: Hy amount mu x j i cndit of Inwrii to h tiitiiee aeJ-t'.iii.'iV.'.'.'.'.'.'.
t It
Ml: ". Ji
I ::.
Joseph L. Miller, iotir Ihiiim- I-rwtor in tic.-t. with Siincrsvt Co. i.j:.
1 loiimouni oor lions.-oroer .o.
i". ill
.1 l!y one's salary as director ; ;i 111
Jo-iah D. Wcigle, jimir house- tlint-tor in acci. with Somerset ' 1. id..
1 Ttianioiiat hmr house onh-r No. M -, t
f S ;' ' "' "','
3 l!y one year's salary ail director
Jacob McGregor, jHmr litm-v tlirct'iria acct. with Somerset (
1 itiamoiiiil Mior lioiise order No. :.
ui t
.i i
ii o)
t it.
3 l!y one yir's salary as director
to ID i
Is I
To uheiii i
I.;vh;a i rsev
i harles i r-i.t".
J. M. M if .. ..
K. !'. M.ll. r
.1. V. Kike
Saloil.-i r.itlu. r
J. it. I: in
t C
! it
::s :; 1
U en
Is an I! ,r.r..7.
A Poor One
kih l of Kt.-v.;;'::
Il'-niein'.. r '.; . '. - .
1 -it- . . -
New Stove,
13 WHAT YCU Va:.T.
ll. -I I
if. ail
It ban o rt'i:ila)
a Healer.
ii' il
We, the un h rskon .1 i.f t!
sylvania. tin lien-!.;,- certify thai in 1 u:nae.-e .'if the iTih s.s ii.'.i, ,.r 11,.- .-! .o'i.L'i j.''
latmt' to ismnties. l..u nshifs. .Ve.. luis.. ,1 .. i-,i. ....... .t x ,1 t 1. i.- , . 1.
if jtisiiee In theis.nmv 01 .ss.m- i-ei. on Hi.- 1st ,!av of J n'man" ! I" is',-," ,.,.,1 .'.Vi..,'i- o. .
ly ftvorn. "Iitl ainlit. mliaM ,) P . 1 ; U- i. several iits-ounts ree'iiir. ,! ..1 ns l.v l-.u" .i.r. '. .
-..t..r . w i.i. 1 , . .. ...
. ... . , imin .1 i.-t s.;..,.-iii,-iit nii r. aeeori.ln
I.i 111.- l-sl of .mr iu.1,.1... .it
.... .ti.. 1 01 it-ei st. ti' meats 01 ;ie loi'te.vili:
ami Hiiihly met thai liie forerun
viz :
11. KlmiT K. I'nirh. Ksu.. .-e:.s'.in r of the 11.1t.- imuo ,..-.i 1,....
ersei "sxinty. with sni.l eoimtv ot Somis-t,-t.
1,'it. i li,- tt ..iiol ,if n,eC. i'. Miissclmaii tlonati"i:i.
:tf. The i.:,. areomil
41 St.. 1'he iliilivitltlai ae-siinils of lti. .;:r..-t..r.-,.f ..... .,-1.1. i
w ti. -.-. iM-j ...1 1...-.1 . "" I,n. ",i"i! " ners i
The treasurer a !cl the il'ln-elors u.-n- .liiiv I 1 '. 1 '. "
IlK'ir tssiks an.l l-aiN-.-s.aml tht v .li.i sn i.iir ...1 .,n,.ii.. .1' .1..'.. 1
voui'hers ami imie rs. "
111 wlicn-oi we h.. .- hi r. m:to set our liaii N am! s.-als, tics :'.)th ihiv of .Ian:i n-v
" . 1 . I il. t ! I V 'ft.-
f." V 'liAKKlf, is;: VI
A.NlOsi WALK Kit, 'st.iL
A. J. a jt .'fit rk.
of t :ni:oyment of s.iir..
to lie eorr: et.
itu.titors with
oruers, I, ills.
Xi TtIIX.; Lilt the ; st iii..tcri::I r.e. l w. rkimti.-!.:P niters int.
c.f the i.MH.IJKI.U .-Ti'YIX ami KAN. .Is. Th.-ir .-l.-anlVm
Tlicir ecetioiiij- s.ives money. So!.l ami "Uiir.intee.I v
omcrsct. Fa.
& B.
Cents a Wetk for th Daliy
... .THIS IS
l-icljii-.g ths Sualiy ls-j
Twelve i to i Tweoly-foor i Broad, ! Bright i Paps,
All of thft News! All of iha Tim !
Fashion's iavorite ,I.-i;i !
! Silk, Wool or Wash (ioods
Xot only for entire
'X'ilL. Clown has iitiit winking tLo '
A her cyo in the wimJow of
hat the people are still liuyinj: their
Soine rcct nt i vnai r ii'
i il.n -, ,1,,, ,i 1 r will cive von uiuisual .t'
a. tt.e same .Iacof anl crowJs cf ,imi u Xnix
people come every day, lor they are M-e i.evcr h. r..rc a::. :.
convinced there i.s the phieo to Imv 'n'Hti.-s an.i -tyi.-s.
tor separate
ith txii! ski
-kirts an-!
.1 1...
i'-y i"
i:'-I?ooi.s and
Xo pajH r within liuiitlrctl.-i of miles of rittslmr" luw stidi f:iriii:hs for tht ":it!i-
eriii.; ami ircs-ii(a!i.)ii of inUliifrcinv. Tin- rcaiU r is -.-rtj: i n of ttiii" evi rv-
tliin-r that i-i pin;frtiiii an"- a.'ejtiut of a imt-ti:i ' tn a irr.itiliic
It -scriiilioii of lln latt'st liatilv in the OrK-nt v. rittcn lv a -orri-iiniiiK-nt on t!i
TUC 1 ICDATTU ,U!t wIiiKtliliveiicwsioftlii'il;ivis..ftholir-t iin-
I II L UIOI M I til Ionan'' iir.-s in a isjriii. r vein n:akc an .'irifal.U vari-
iit, uiiu in ui.a i-iiii au;ini;i-iiii-iiis navt' IKt'll tllailc lor a
Hy tlio irreatii-t antliors of Imth cuntinetils. The list of eonirili:itor iiu-liitl,s
fUfli iiiiiim-x as A. ( '011:111 Ifcivlt. Harriet I'rcscott Snofrnnl. Julian Hawf lu.rne
tatilcy J. iWynian ami a host of oth.-rs tiitially note.!.
No such value ha ever lnt-n filaccri In-fore tlu jHiipU of tht thrci Statin of
vvhii h I'ittslitirir m tho fvtitcr. Xot a lioiisehol.l can afl'onl to In M itlmtit tht
inntiist Nowi:iht U-twvi'ii New York ami (.'hutiiro ut tin t'nruri'M natiKtl :
Cents Week for the Diir
Including tht Sunday Lvje
John R. & A. Murdoch,
tn L-fln fliele f,i..t n-.s 1 1 I
. ,isi iv vi . i,hm, I'UlU I
days anJ nitrlit.-i when tlny are out '
l -
fieitriiin!;. Also,
Note a few sj'eeia'is:
I'ii.e ail-wtsii in. !i
iiHsliiuii-sii tl i.lai.l i!
j tsi'nl. illations, all n.-vv an
i values at s". cents a v i' -'..
All at '
Fine Silk an. 1 V"..l
S tlilVen i'.t ct!ii!aiiin. I- i:'--!
f 1.1m value. To cents.
' t'iloiiv, tine Import, i !'
j Xavy, Garnet, Tan. ilrn n. 1":
j etc., etc., Iiarrctl in iik !".!'
. j atnl contrastinii inlur ''
in ui anu My ies :m !,.- w;,k.
Shaver & Good,
m- lot all wool French i".
mil iin.I tlai k ii-lorinc
oo ti nts a yartl.
Silk Mi ms I!i,'ui. i-i
tlark colors "Ji aii'l '" iie ;''
cents a v.irvI.
,, i-.
, V.
- Pa.
Tlie ln-auty of these new a
.sttiiTs can only I'C a ireei:.'.i
t'onii. or write our Mail i'i :''
incut for samples of th. m.
American Iress limnis a". i :;:
lot'. an. I A'is.i 1' :. ' ' ' 1
Sllitilles;, ."n- to s "K
All orilcrs reci-ive prom'-i a:: e-!:'
Allgheny, Pa.
Kstateof Sim.,,, IsinU,,,...,. late .,f s,,rhamu. i
ltn township sl,.r,., rtlIltv s, .
.!'! i'''1"'' ''T!:'""'",1'r" n the es- !
;' i' vn Kraattsl t the uii.tersiune,! i
tnr iniiieraiitfiority. noiiee is hen !.v Jiv. !
. nl.i it.i is-rsoi.s l,,....s t ,-siate i.i
l.cikeim,,ai.. 1-ay nient. 1111.I t wvi J
claims nanist 1 ... nnn. u lll . - K
-III.-,,,, ,,, "liilv anihentieattsl. , tht- lai,. res. J
I II life Of .,-.,l,.t. i .SsmHI, ,,..(, , ..
"lull, n sat unlay. March :m,.
si vit in; 1
Notice to Contractors and Builders, ! Ksuit... .f n,.ii. i Hois .,.,,!., i
T'.i, of .,...,,., I to ash.,., xm. rs.',
!'.-. m . iv:ll rs'.-ive s..l.,1 .,r.,is,... '. i Ij Iters t.s;tiim. ntary ..n Hi-
cni-; a Irani .1 I. r, ... ..... ,.. .?."' h t 1111; Ivsn .-raii'.sl to fie 111
In. 1-0 1 t!-.e ,r f ,rm ., , , . - M ' , the .rt.s r am .ri:y. notice 1.
I ' M. rue 1.1,1 ,.!, u. ",!!r L '.' ,?ire i ,K r-",s " r''1 '"",
at ..f.Vl '..r ..... I . 'T " K:il list I he sit me lo pn -at
s-.I .. " ' " '"'"II, fsoIlMT- i ,1. 1 , ...,i. .,1 ill
. v ;ri ; , .r'r'rv:,,l".ns'" . ; vv.." .v:t:' ..7 v.... r-
I'I I'M !';l
i I'cls. onlerof
MltKeTi.lts OK TMK I. mn, j
lor vim.-rs-t County.
-Map-ii sih. Is at Hi." in sai l township. ,.i i-i".
K. W. lii.-stvk.-r. J Ai olt H"i '.' v'ulr.