The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 30, 1895, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald
F.mV.UM) S.TI.I, K.litor and Pr.liriet.r.
...Jan. SO. 1S9
Jv Smtlt Carolina they marry 'fr
kivjis." Siif Ls lite oiily state in the where ili'onv, for any cause
whatever, is alisolntely refused.
Is these hiysif rofniinl K:ue ami
l.-tnT:it!e "reform" the man wini
l.-.-n tn:iu ite sii'I nileiit must
2:iy a i iiahy f ir vnt. for Wing
for. ha!ilel. The Ux pitherer w ill
s Mil U around deiuamliiig an account
u your euniiiiirs.
Ix China they an? helieading their
.reiRT.iIs Ix-ctuise they are unsuccessful.
If that ni!e was made aptd-caMe in
this country to unsuceessftil statesmen,
there wouM !e several -fores. f Denue--r;H;c
(Viires!iien now marching on
their way to the ehopjiins block.
TiiF-KE is every indication that the
necessities of the Treasury will compel
the issuing of another batch of bowls.
Tiiis tiling of issuing to ujihohl
the credit of the ioveniinont is similar
i:i (-fleet to a fanner placing a new
rnoiitfag..' on liis farm, every few
isioi'.ths for the pisrp-'is. of upholding
hi-" credit.
Th;: National Treasury i running to
"eiiij'Tyins" and at the present rate
will soon he hatikruirt, and the iiico:n
p'teiits now CTntn!li'i the govt-rn-tiient
do not know how to lil! ii. Tl:e
im pie ji'.an is to increase the tariff l.i-lie-,
whi'-'i will no only fill the Treas
ury, out at the sjiTiK time protect
Atiieriean insieail of Euri.-aii indus
tries. Two onipulsory educational bills
have been reptrtl in the Ilo'irv at
H:irrWurg. Tliis is a subject on -vhich
there is a wide diversity cf opinion
throughout the Strte, and action n it
should !-e well considered ill advanev.
The d'llh-u'ty and expense of nfoniiig
s'ich a law, partictlarly in the rural
districts, is not one of the lnst ohjee
tinis to it, and a law that is not rigidly
onf.Tc.-d is an injury and a stunil liiig
il:ek in anv coniniunitv.
I! to da'.e bills hnveUvll introduced
into our Sta-c Leirislalure calling for
apir-priatioi:.- aiii. mniing to $:V,t
m I. This va-t sum of money oxiveds
the revenues of the Stale and of course
will not Ik- appropriate!, hut it rei-uin-M
a (inn hand to prevent extravagance
when tlie treasury is full. We believe
in liikRl appropriations for proero!-
jecls, hut these le hard times, and the
I ople are a-weary. Kemiomy, not
jeeiiury-, should control this legisla
A ii a:j-ii7.!:. public building bills
were passed by the House, hist week,
but we do not observe the much longed
for one at Altoona in the tcitch. Cou
grosmiui Ilieks had U-tter look to his
laurels, or rather to his head, as his
A!ho:i:i constituents make their poli-te-
si;l .servient to their desire for that
puViie buildint;. However, they have
1:0! b f-a set luick much this time, as
l lie hills passed did 11-t carry an appro
priation with tiieni. S far they are
literally "castles in the air."
Tin: ever hojieful, airy patcd Spring
er, of Illinois, who is chairman of the
Committee on Hanking and Currency,
still insists that the Carlisle banking
biil, "red-do::," "wild-eat" currency
mid all, wiil liecniii- a law b-fore this
s -s-it.n -loses, and yet he cannot rally
two-'ore ni"iulKT in favor of it, and
se.:.-tc a day passe- that d-tcs not bring
with it a new bill which some Ih-nio-er.ttic
statesman thinks is a I letter pan
acea for our financial ills than the one
that now holds the leoards. It is won
derful how many great Democratic fin
anciers there are in the present House.
TllK life of this Congress has yet
twenty-seven working days to run.
Suppose iu that brief in-rind no bill
can lie agri-isl upon by thu ItVnioeratie
i.iajority that will place our currency
n a Miund basis, and supjtose, also,
that the President is compelled to call
the n.'W (Republican) Congress togeth
er in extra session, what then? That
the Republicans will sp;edi!y formu
late a proper bill is not to be doubted.
J'.ut will the President, with his well
known stubborn tenacity of purKise,
forego his present views in favor of the
'arlisle scheme, with its troHscd
currency, and asttetit to a biil agreed
ij,im by a Republican Congress? Ah,
there's the rub! It would require a
complete summersault to do so, and
tir.iver is entirely t heavy and bulky
t-) gracefully or readily perform the
feat. We can onlv wait and si v.
Dri;tNj the war I'ncle S-iiu was
able to Imrrow billion-, and his credit
w as world-wide, although multitudes
ij.eiily dtvlaretl that "the debt would
never In paid." I'nder Republican
-,mtrol it was being pai'l with a rapid
ity tiiat excited the wonder of the
world, and at the same time the coun
try progn-ss.-d ami prosjered as it had
never done liefore. Within a jieriod of
l.s than two years of Democratic con
trol we have stopped paying and gone
to W'lrowing, our credit has been so
impaired already that the country is
licing drained of its gold, and direct
taxatiou of the people has Uen resort
ed to to meet daily exicnses ; our in
dustries are prostrated, many thous
ands are out of employment and prt
gres has lieen halted thnmghout the
land. Cotujiare the situation with
wiiat it was three years since, and ycu
Slave the difference U'tween Republi
'.iu and Ik'inHratic control. The iho
ple, like the ass of the STijitures,
"waxed fat and kicked," and now are
p:yi!g the penalty of their folly. It
will take years to restore the country to
the condition .f prosjierity it was en
joying when this administration came
into power.
As aliticipatttl, the l'rcsident on
Monday sent s special message to Con-irr.-s
on the financial situation. The
jii-'sT.-re is etns rvative iu tone, and
f.-ankly admits the anxiety of its nu
t!nr over the deplorable sidititiu of
the National finances. The salient
p ii;t of the message are ax' follows:
An issue of bonds I tearing 3 jkt cent,
interest and running 5) years, redeem-
iii.h' principal and interest in gold and
in be Mold for gold only or its ctjaiva
ient, the ltonds to lx in denonii nations
f fJO and f0 and their multiples.
With the proceeds of these binds a
tstifticicnt gold reserve is to W main
l lined iu th? Treasury and the treasury
s icl legal tender notes are to lie re
iecuisL The Secretary of the Treasu
ry to have the power at his discretion
to r tvive 'gold notes in pavnieiit of'
lionds. and when thus redieme.l to
cancel them. It is sinrgestiil, also, that
these .inls-:iii le deHsitil as sccuri-
tv for the circulation oi national
bmks. tlint the banks In- restrictel to
the issue of notes of a not les' denolili-
11.1t ion than f-10, and that the silver
certificates of j 10 and upwards In re-
iilaeed bv CerlltlCates under IU
amount. It is also suggested that the
duties on all imports lie made payable
in cold. In the present tuklisii situa
tion of the Treasury and the umlouht
1 impairment of the tbiver.iment's
credit it is a jwtrintieduty to adopt any
means to sustain National credit ami
honor, but it i? very d.iubtful if the
silverites w ill accept the sop offered
them in the proposed increased cin-u-
lation of the white metal and assist to
rescue the cuiitry from im!eiiling
bankn:jly. It is ims-1 deplorable that
the tiovcrnmeiit should thus liec im-i-Iliil
to add liianr millions to its
debt, when by a slight addition to the
duties on imports its coturs could be
lil!el ; but of such are the ways of our
present rulers. Democratic tinkering
wilh the revenues and finances of the
nation has brought us to that condition
where our income falls below our ex
penses, and the only remedy left is to
further mortgage n:r property for tem
porary relief.
A Tile of Penneyl7&aia in 1391.
Frcii the liit-igti Kx-unt.
It was a bright and lcautiful nioriiing
in one of the loveliest communities in
Pennsylvania. Afar the distant spires of
many villages could Ik- observed, and mi
the broad highways an animated scene
presented itself. Carls and carriages of
all descriptions were in motion past the
thriving town, where a stranger situ id
taking in his first glimpse of Pennsylva
nia life. Presently a fanner w it!i a kind
ly expression of emiuteuaneo dmve p:it
uiMia a loal of farm produce.
" Want a lift, stranger?- lieaske.L
"Thank yon."
The stranger ciimbed into the vehiel".
-if . 11.
As the cart in which the stranger had
seated himself progressed on its journey
it was aceouipanied by an ever increasing
caravan of vehicles, all Wearing crowds of
iMiiutry loik in Ilieir liolMay gr"n. Iiook
ing la.-k, the stranger si:!lil se that the, gradually collecting from all
M.:nts, stretched down the roadways
further than tiie eye c inld reaeii.
-Yes," said the fanner, in rfsM,nsc to a
jn.'stion. 'there's a lot m "c:n. They
come from jifetiy niueh every v he re with
in .VM niiles."
ii.vrri::: in.
Mid. lay. Tin burning srin sh ir.e upon
the vast concourse of pe.ijie that h:il as
sembled liefore a mod---! d'Aellitizi-i-ilate 1
half way l-tveen two towns. Kvery-
here was excitement ar.d the i-igns of
feersh interest. Tin farmers, as t!e y
-A tiieir vehicles, stooi: round in liiile
groups, talking i;i low oii,-s of :!pi.-es-;sd
woinb-r. Some of tle in had Iwn 011 tiie
piad for many days and were half worn
out by fatigue, but had 1 I a:l sense of
Sudiieiily the crowd of Peimsylvaniaii
was siilhst liv a mail shout.
CHAI'll!! IV.
"What's the matter? What is it?"
asked the stranger, whose own feelings
by this time had I ecu wrought up to a
high pitch.
"There! There! That's hhn ! That's
hitil !"' chorused a dozen voices, hoarse
ilh excitement. A man of ordinary ap
pearance had emerged from the dwelling.
"Well." asked the stranger, "uhafs
Another shout of wild interest ans-wer-jd
the (paestion for him, and a father
at the stranger's side raised his child
high in his arms to see, and joined in the
wild chorus :
"Thai is a lvnis-rat !"
Tie CoU SiiipmcU.
The withdrawals of gold for one d;.y
hist week from the suli-treasiiry at New
York aggregated s,i,Tii,Oii, s,J;ti.i:io coin
ami .,') 1 1 bars, and from It istoii
.UM, making a total of So.: , v. hieh
is Is'lieved - lie lie largest lilt of
gold ever withdrawn i:i a single day.
This leaves the reserve ?"-'i.7si':'(s. I hir
ing the month of Ii.eciubr the w ilhdraw
als aggregateil ?;i, ' iji 'l : s far during
tiie present month js.Jo;,."i7l. making the
total withdrawals during the .i days
s-Vi.4 i,i:i."i. Tie seen !ary of the treasury
aiithor:ztd the:-si!e of gold bars for e xport.
Tin piirehasers jiay a prenii.isii of one
eighth of I percent to cover imki i-f niaiiu
faeture and transKination. This ouoriu
tius tlra'n i'i the g ld reserve has niouse'l
many itic;nlicrsof fongress to t lie neeessi
ty of some financial legislation. Persons
in a position to know the views of the
President s:ui leatiers in ( 'oigressepr-ss
the'oeiief that a H? ineaeire will lie
intniilai-ed, ir thai one of tie pending
bills will be so 111 1 lined as to e;nb wly
the same general features, authorizing
the secretary of the treasury to issue
not iiiorethanViiC.OKiiiiinjii.-if :it b mds
t!i pr H-e:-ds of w hieh are to lie t:s :l to re
eo;p the gold reserve. miH-t government
obligations and redeem l'idic) S.-.atis
notes at the"s liTctioi, the
contractions of the carren-y, ei-.Lsj.;i si
by the redemption of Pnile 1 Siat- notes,
toN'olfset by allowing natl nial baiiks to
increase their circulation to that amount.
The Kicaragua Caaih
The biil pledging the faith of the Tniled
Slat-s t il l the construction of the
Nicaragua canal passed the Senate by
.'!! yeas to L'l i.ays. The '11, iu brief.
directs til e isiie of ST i,o; ,.f N--,r.
ig::a I i:ids. l.'aeh of these is to !x-ar
the foi!c.ii:g js'ijrati'.fv: "The I'nited
Stales of America guarantees t. the law
ful holder of this bond, the payment by
the Maritime Canal Company of Xiar
agua.of the principal of saitl lviivls mid
the interest aisTiiiiig thereon, and as it
accrues." An additional .i.:.rt."ea of
lmtids is to Ix issued without the I'liU'-d
States guarantee. The total ?! ',01:1,11.11
thus issued is to l? Usctl in const meting
the int'-r-oifanie canaU The sfs-rctarv of
the treasury is to have general super
vision ot the project. A lard of l.'i
directoi's is t.i have inline bate charge
of the work. if this Iwiard the Presi
dent is to designate 1" memliers, no imire
than two from any one State. The
Cnited tat.s is to receive fT.l.ori.iiiO of
canal company st;ek in return for
guaranteeing thelKinds, and is to hobl
a mortgage lien 011 all the property of
the canal company.
Broilya Trolli j Strike Over.
ltKoiKi.vx, Ju. P.eaten at every
liiiil excejit tUw on douiytful victory in
the ctMirts. the strikers .ra'ieaiiy sur
renden.d to the trolley railroad coiupan
ies this afterntion, only to 10 told that
their plass were filled.
President Norton of the Atlantic avenue
system iinteiiipt'.iouly spurned the offer
of his old men to return. President Lew
is of the ISrooklyn Heights company sent
a formal reply. President Wicker of the
Queens County and Suburban company
replied also, offering his men as individ
uals what places remain on his lines.
Strike leader Connelly dej-larcs that
the strike is not over by any means and
that the men tendered their services iu
order to remove all piestioi;s f fa-t as
to the ability of the roads to tbtain men
and thus furnish a new liasis npon w hieh
ti apply for iereuiplory luatidamus
against the eompauiis. The men kiv
they have funds and will light the com
panies by of court an d by b lyeoit
until the c.i::iiianis give iu.
The strike is practically over as the
companies have gradually resumed the
operation of their liuesiiutil to-ilay every
iii:jKrtant one is in operation. Acts of
violence siili continue and the n storati-ni
of the Usual jieai-e and quiet of the city i
1et t'l 10 esll'ilisl;
HarrUbarg Letter.
II ARRisnrno, Pa., Jan. 5,ls:i."i.-Accord-ing
to the testimony of some of the older
mcm'iers of Imtli Houses, the work of our
Ia-gislature is further advanced at this
stage of the session than at any previous
one within their recollection. Four hun
dred and seventy-four bills have leen
read in place in the House, ami almost an
equal numlier in the Senate. Sixty-six
petitions and remonstrances have been
presented in the House 0:1 a variety of
subjects, principally on "Greater Pitts
burg" and a Pish and Uame Commission,
fine t of remonstrants are dead set
against "a salaried Game Commission
ami the farming out of our game and fish
to the sjHirts of the Commonwealth."
Perhajis thse remonstrants never could
get a bite nor draw a lead. Many of the
bills have Ihcii bnught out of committee
and read the first time ; others will sot 111
Ix- ready for the action of the I Governor.
The bill for the publication of the "I'.ird
Iiook" is likely to pass loth Houses in
spite of l lie fact that it ill cost the tax
payers the snug sum of SltfO.Oou, Twenty
four thousand copies will be printed
twelve thousand for the use of members
of the House and half that number for
the Senators. liesides being a revised
edition of the firmer publication known
as the IJird llook, giving a description of
the birds of the State, their "manners
and customs" and whether or not the
farmers' friends, game, or predttcious
there is added a description of the mam
mals of the state. This will include all
four-footed lieasts from the nxlcnts to
ruminants, and everylxxly will know
what the ground-hog Las to do with the
weather. The only thing wrong aliout
this business is that there won't be
enough to go rounL
The appropriation bills now iu the
hands of the House Committee 011 Appni
priations aggregate aliout !7,Vi, and
more to conic. Two years ago the esti
mated revenue was &I,mi,0ii) and it Is
not jMissiUe for the committee to go high
er than this figure. This session the rev
enues will not exceed the total amount
of the last and it will lie necessary for the
committee to make some horizontal cuts
in order to keep w ithin Imunds.
Although tiie hall of the House is a
thing of Ixiauty, its acoustic pniRrtu
seem to be defective ; at least, that is the
plea gjven iu liehalf of the rejiortcr w ho
made Mr. Pauibly, in his eulogy on Rep
resentative Taggart, say : "Custom alone
sanctions kind words and certain death,"
instead of "Custom sanctions only kind
words concerning the dead." Many oth
er blunders appeared iu the Re-ord, to
the chagrin of the memliers "rising to
remark." (n Saturday men were at
work stretching wires across the hall in
different directions midway Viet ween the
iloor and ceiling, with the hope of ini
pr.::g a moiulKr's chances of being
hear ) froiu any part of the hall. Monday
night wiil de-vjv for or against the M ires
as :iii improvement. Tlia filigree work
ar h'.:i 1 the t ips of the d'-sks hi the lower
house "n:is hecn by a solid piece
of hard w:od fastened w ith long brass
.-revs, so that, should any one chance to
e :iiic into contat-t with that part of it, no
d.m:.ig. wili rc-salt. A railing h is been
placed along the front r.iw of d-sks to
keep ctr iiitrti ler.i. Many other improve
ments for the co'iifoj't of memliers have
been suggested, among otljrs a storm
d fr at the entrance to the post-otUco.
Governor Hastings accompanied by
Secretary of t ho Commonwealth Itoedur
and Adjutant-General Stewart, wtiiit to
New York, on Friday last, to attend a
tin-cling of governors called for the pur
pose of considering the tpiestion of mak
ing military instruction a part of public
school regulations.
The grand-son of Cornplanter, the
great Seneca Indian chief, accompanied
by an interpreter, was here a few days
ago, seeking assistance from the Legis
lature in ppisecuting his claim to several
li Jiitircd iicres ,f land in Venango coun
ty, on part of which il City is built, but
w ithout success. His claim had been re
ferred to the Judiciary General Commit
tee, which deeideJ that nothing can be
lone for Lis relief. His name is Solomon
ii;a:I and he lives on an Indian reservation
in the northern part of the State, being
short of funds Mr. Fow, of Philadelphia,
raised an amount from the memliers suf
tieieni to carry him luick to his reserva
tion. He returned his thanks in a few
words for the k:ndiie.-vs showji him by all
w ith whom he came in contact.
A bill h:is lieen introduced, making it a
misdeunanor, punishable by fine and
imprisonment, to give a rojsirter mis
leading information. How about a re
porter drawing on his imagination? No
expense w iil le spared in stamping out
ami eradicating tubercultisis among cat
tie, and the oleo question is going to give
our legislators no end of trouble. What
would our young law students think of a
s:ate Uiar.l of examiners on their tpialili
catioiis, lie.-itlcj an entrance fee of JJ) and
a trip to Hari islmrg? An effort is Iieing
made to repeal the law preventing the
c iiisolidalioii .f competing pipelines,
but il is s ii I that the opjionents of the
Standard iil Company are on their
guard. A bill h:is lieen intmdueed fixing
the standard wcighlof a bushel of onions
and requiring eggs to lie aold by weight.
n Wednesday evening, February B,
from S to II, Gov. and Mrs. Hasting! will
give a reception to the meni'iors of the
Legislature and State officials at the Kx-e-utive
mansion. Tn March they will
receie their Harrisburg friends.
Sheriff Shelhiilierger on Friday sold
several presses, cutting machines and
other mat -rial leloiiging to the Harris
burg Xiui'l -y T'liyrii.ii, There were a
numberof purchasers. The amount re-
ali nd from the sale was less than 1,3'.
rertonuIly-CauducUd Tattri via Peaa-
tylJicia Biilroad.
Ii is at this season of the year that
people's thoughts turn to some method
ly w hieh ti: rigors of our northern winter
climate may be escaped, arid a trip to the
La no of Flowers" if only for a short
time, olfers the easiest solution of tho
In order to u'.t ti, pill. lie an opportuni
ty to visit Florida at a very r i-x-iiable
sist, the Pennsylvania Railroad Comnanv
has arrange! !ora series of tnirs to Jaek-
sonvilie, ami the well-earned reputation
aeqninsl liy that cimpany for the
superiority of its pers inally-4iin Jaeted
tours w ill be maintained for this year's
series. Since the system of personally
couductcd tours inauguratetl by that
company has lieen in effect, none but
wonN of commendation have been re
ceived. Its uiiexcelletl train sn ie5, ex
prieneetl Tourist Agents and Chaperons,
and above all, its moderate charges leave
nothing to lie desired.
The tours to Jacksonville, allowing two
weeks' stay in Florida, will leave New
Y'ork and Philadelphia on January "it,
February 12 and 2i, and M ireh 12 an 1 gi,
lsu. The rate, including transportation,
meals c cV, and Pullman berth on
special train, is $io.i0 from Neiv Y'ork,
and Js.uifrom Philadelphia ; proportion
ale rates froin other points.
For further information apply t Ticket
Agents or address Tourist Ageut, 11!
Hroadway, New Y'tirk, or Kkhu 411,
llroad StrtHt Station, Philadelphia, to
whom application for space should also
bu iu l ie.
Tuberculosis ia CatCe.
II auri-ri ro, Jau. gk The principal
ail dress at the meeting of the State B ard
of yesteiday was by Dr. I.
t". Salmon, chief of the Ituroau of Animal
Industry of Washington, I). O. He said
g per cent, of the c.iws in tha eaautry
would he found by prop?r investigAti m
to Ik alfo-te I with tubercultisis He esti
mate 1 the number o&cows in the State
at An attempt to eradicate
the disease would, he saiil, involve an
expenditure of ?i.0 ,)!, valuing cittlo
at ?J p?r hoa 1. "If the farmer is given
but haf value for these," said Dr. Salmon,
"he wo ild le taxed practically 82,5'X).()J0,
iu addition to his share of taxation for the
sum which is actually paid to him."
In his opinion, tha owner of diseased
cattle would find it ti his alva V.i;3 t3
era licit it frjni hi own herd without
compensation from the State.
Smoking Kill a Baby.
CoNNKl.l.vil.I.K, Pa.. Jan. iV Michael,
the 3-year-old son of Anthony Riidak, a
miner at I.eisenring No, 1, died yester
day from nicotine poisoning. F.versiuee
the lxiy was old enough to hold a pipe or
the stump of a cigar in his mouth he has
been an inveterate smoker. His father
taught him as a joke. Karly attempts to
use the weed made little Michael sick,
but iu time he liecame accustomed to take
a smoke" after his meal just the same as
his father.
It was great sport for Kodak's compan
ions, who were wont to visit him. They
would all sit aliout the room and the liov
in their midst would vie wilh them iu
sending out huge puffs from a strong pipe.
Aliout a year ago the child liegan to show
a strong appetite for tobhaeco. Tho
strongest brands did not make bim diz
.y, and one of the viiest pipes in his fath
er's jiossession was his constant compan
ion. Six mouths ago Michael began to
1. xse flesh rapidly. Ho lost his appetite
for everything except tobaifo. He was
jieevLsh and fretful. The parents leing
ignorant, humored him in furnishing
tolia co on all occasions From a sturdy
child weighing 50 pounds Michael fell
away until he was a mere skeletou.
A few days ago some American neigh
liors learned of the Rudak boy's serious
condition. They advised the parents to
call In a physician. This was done, but
the physician was unable to save his life.
A few hours before death the little fellow
pleaded with his mother to fill up his
pipe and give him a smoke.
Washington is at all times a place of in
terest, but it is particularly so and is seen
at its best during the winter months
when Congress is in session. What Pome
was to every soldier of the F.inpire, what
Athens was to the Greek, Washington is
and should lie to every citizen of tiio
I'nited States hii glory, his pride, his
inheritance, his estate it belongs to him.
All its magnificence, all its glory, ail its
fame, its public buildings, its paintings,
its statuary, its monuments, its gardens,
its libraries, its museums, its stricts ami
its parks. Y'iu have no doubt often prom
ised yourself a trip to the National Capi
tal. Why not avail yourself of theopior
tunity to do so, now ; the next excursion
is announced via the H. A I., for Thurs
day, February ltth. The rates are re
markably low and train service the liest
the Ik At O. has to offer. Its Veslibulod
and Li mitts 1 Kx press Trains can lie used
011 either the going or returning journey
as liest suits your convenience.
We give N'low a list of stations show
ing the time of trains and rates of fare:
Confluence t'l Ci a m 6 .V
Crsina - 11 " t"i
It.i- kw.Hi-l '.m p in U aoa in ti (i
Johnstown H a in 1 aipm 7 :t"
Soivesiown 7 'Si 3 ii -V,
s.,;..Fs.-t 7 .V. " :t .V. c. :ti
Mevorstt t!e t-i t m 12 .".7a in ii lii
liviiflinaii 1 " I t " f "
-umerl:ind 2 :W " 'i i't " i -Vi
Parlor cars on the day Kxpress. Sleep
ing cars on the night Kxpress.
Correspondingly low rates from either
Tickets w ill le gioil for ten days, mid
will lie valid for passage from Washing
ton to Baltimore at any time within the
life of the ticket.
For Pullman Car accommodations ami
gnida to p.inU of interest in Washing
ton, address noarust Ik A O. Agent.
Mexico ThiriiU For War.
City ok Mkxico, Jan. ii Nothing is
heard her but rumors of war, w hich
seems Inevitable. All the opposition
papers are sitting wilh the Ilia Govern
ment, and some extravagant proffers of
aid are made from foreign resident s. K. C.
Ord Grand Army Post has passed resolu
tions of fealty to the Government. A
numlier of t'nioii veterans, including an
American general, have s!gnifnd their
w illingness to go to the front for Mexico
if their s r vices will be accepted. The
memorial will lie presented to General
Ria Tuesday by a committee from the
post. -
Captain McDonald, of tho Texas Hang
ers has tendered his serviis to Colonel
R.C. Fate, with . scouts, in ease of war.
Colonel Pato served with General Joe
Shelby in Mexico at the eloso of the Civil
War, and at Lis call thousands would
cross the hue.
The President and several memliers of
the Cabinet were Iu secret session all day.
It is said the Government is now studdy
ing the treaty of 1SS2, which Guotcmalu
ignores. Article 4 in the treaty rails for
arbitration. It is said that Mexico w ill
not arbitrate. The feeling is general here
among Americans that Mexito's cause is
State Board of Agriealtare.
IlAitp.isiu r.ii, Pa., Jan. 2X The State
board of Agriculture met this morning
and elected officers for the next year.
The new vice presidents are N. It.
Critchfield, of Somerset ; R. S. Sirle, of
Susquehanna, and W. W. Met'allougii,
of Allegheny. Thomas J. Kdgo was
elected secretary for the nineteenth
time. The executive ltoard will be madu
upof Louis Piollet, of ISradford; J. II.
Herr, if Clinton ; G. I leister, of Dauphin ;
A. Fague, of Lycoming; Jason Sexton,
of Montgomery, and John 1 1 oil' l, if
Northuuilicrlaiid. Mr. Fox. of Perks,
read a paper upon the San J.isc scale,
which pest has developed itself during
the past season.
A Constibie's Conscience.
Johxstow.v, Pa., Jan. '27. The pangs
af a guilty conscience caused William
Hums, a constable of Morrellville, t g)
b.'fire Ikirg'ss- H irnlK-rger ami plead
guilty to disorderly conduct and pay the
imposed line. Th i guardian of the law
had an altercation with another citi
zen, and, it is alleged, used terms more
font'ful than elegant. A minister of this
city, passing, he.irJ th3 lmg.iigj an 1
reproved tho oflicer, who at once began
to abuse tho reverend gentleman. A
fuw days later M r. barns appearu l bo
fore the burgess and paid a tine and
entered a plea of guilty, although no in
formation had lieen against him.
Tilt Preiiieat'a Flan.
Washixotox, Jan. 2X. Mr. Springer
(Dein.) to-slay introduced in the Rouse a
bill designed to carry out the recommen
dations of the President in his message to
Congress. The bill provides for the issue
of three per cent, binds payable in gold,
fifty years afterdate; for tho redemption
and cancellation of legal " tender and
Treasury notes; allowing national lianks
to issue circulation loan amount equal to
the par value of bonds tleptisited ; for the
retirement of silver certificate of less de
nomination than ten dollars ami for the
issue of small notes in their place, and
requiring the payment of all import du
ties in gold..
Heary Sentences for Arton.
New Yohk, Jan. i"i. Convictcl of
arson in the second degree, Sarah Sillcr
ineistcr was to-day sentenced to State
Prison by Recorder Goir for i years.
When she heard the sentence the woman
gave a shriek that was heard all over the
fourth floor of the Court House and fell
in a heap unconscious. Court officers
rushed to the woman and dragged her
out into the pen.
Directly after Mrs. Silliermeisler was
sentenced, Iew is Rothman, w ho was her
accomplice, and pleaded guilty, was sen
tenced to l. years in isiale Prison, If
was said that he would have leen sen
teiD-ed for life had he not pleaded as lie
The pair were indicted for setting fire
to the house of Icwis Weinlierg, ITS
Canal street, on October 2s. This crime
Ls regarded by law as only next in de
gree of heinousness to that of murder
itse'f, as it consists in setting tire to
house used as a dwelling in the night j
time. The fact that no live were lost i
in the case was no fault of the prison
ers, i
Item of Interekt.
The Nebraska legislature will in
vestigate the lync hing of Parrett Sott,
the defaulting county treasurer.
A .Vyear-old son of William Fisher, of
Waynesbiirg, 1'n.. shot a hat pin from an
air-gun into tho leg of Mrs. Huinlret
mark, inflii-ting an injury that may crip
ple hei for life.
Arrangements are under way for the
establishment of a shirt factory at P.cllo
f.mte, to Is operated by a company with
a capital of fll.(l. and to euioloy oft
At Coketoti, W. Va., a little girl named
Albright put a dynamite cap on her lead
pencil as an ornament. She lost three
fingers from one hand and had the others
badly injured.
Isaac L. Hall, poor director of Fay
ette county, Bflcr a hearing at I'nion
towu, was held iu ?-"i"il bail on a charge
of violating the law prohibiting pior
directors from furnishing supplies to the
county home.
At a meeting of the State Kditorial Asmi
ciation at Harrisburg, Thursday, a resolu
tion was adopted asking tho Legislature
to pass an act requiring that all the laws
be printed as soon as passed, in one paper
in each county. After the election of
officers, tho Association adjourned to
meet in Harrisburg April loth.
The grocerymeii of Y'ork, Pa., are hav
ing a regular molasses war at the present
time. A few days ago one of Ihem started
to reduce the price of tho fluid to 3 cents
per quart, in order to compete w ith his
nciglilwir. Saturday another reduction
was made, ami now molasses is selling at
I cent a quart iu Y'ork.
Mrs. Margaret Mcitournie, of Itostoii,
drowned hcrtwo children in a tubof wat r
Friday w hile insane from drink. She then
walked to the Roxbury Police Station,
told of her crime, and was locked up.
Officers went to the house. No. li7
Harrison avenue, where the lsslics of
the children were found in a cheap tene
ment which had lecn occupied by the
family for some time.
Mr. Stiiieman's bill to prevent high
ways from Iieing blockaded with snow
was reported favorably in the Rouso on
Friday. It provides that if blockades nn
Ik? prevented by the removal of Iwmrd
fences along highways and the sulistitil
tioii of wire oiees, the wire to lsj w ithout
liarlis, the Super visors are authorized to
pay the owners a sum, not excoetling the
first cost of the w ire used for making the
Robert Schall, of Y'ork, Pa., was arrest
ed Thursday and committed to the coun
ty jail for the murder of Kit-hard Jordan,
w ho, on Novcmls r2S HH, was shot in
the back of the head at Lis home.
A reward of ftsno was offered for the
murderer, but the affair remained en
shrouded iu mystery until Schall, it is
alleged, trusted his secret to a woman,
who betrayed him to detectives. Schall
is about 4o years of age, ami a carpenter
by trado.
A lie is Itroad water, of Gurrctt comity,
who married Miss Kliza Warwick, of
Frost burg. Md., was In hist'lst year. His
first wife, ith w hom he lived i years,
died II months ago, tiie only death to
vur in his family. Mr. Kroad water has
2 children, '.'. grandchildren, liti grcat-grand-ciiildren,
and one great-great
grandchild. He is hale and hearty. The
bride is iu her "1st year. Mr. Proad
watcr is the oldest mail in Garrett county,
and is quite well ti-do.
John Snyder and Hridgct Murphy,
while walking arm inarm on tho Haiti
more ,V Ohio Uailrtiat! track at Coulters
viile, Allegheny County, Sunday evening
at s o'clock, were killed by the New York
.V: Chii-igo Limited, west ImmiikL They
tried to escape death from a train ap
proaching from the West, ami stepped
directly in the path of the express. 11 th
were knocked Into the air and fell aliout
thirty feet front the track, mangled cor
pses. The engineer of the express applied
the n!r, but failed to stop in time. Rela
tives tsik charge of the liodies.
Liquor selling in Mercer county has un
dergone a complete revolution since the
recent ruling of the lately inaugurated
Judge Miller. Tho sale of whiskies in
quantities less than oiio quart is entirely
prohibited. Peer can only lie sold over
the counter and not iu buttles. Iafuig
iu the saloon is forbidden, ami saloon
keepers must close at 10 I. M. Tho judge
has Instructed the i:it.tbltj to pull every
gambling place and room where llquer is
sold. "Get an ao if necessary and break
in the d sir if refused admission," said
the judge, "I will stand by you in ail
these cases"
What are known as tiie "Llsic" books
are probably known touhu.tst every Sun
day Sch. hi! schollar in the laud, and to
many of maturer age, who have found in
Klsie Dinsmore's adventures. Loth enter
tainment ami instruction. It is not gen
erally known probably that their talent
ed author Miss Martha Hinlcy at one
time "kept school" in a neighboring coun
ty, at the town of Bedford. This was lie
fore the War, w hen her first series of
juvenile bxiks failed to pnstire her a
living, and she entered the teacher's pro
fession for that purpose. She also taught
at Philadelphia and Pho-nixville. Net
until ls7idid the first of the "Ksie" Uioks
appear, and sinea then sha h is written
over a set ire of volumes of t hem.
There are now eighty-live common pleas
and eight orphans' court judges in Penn
sylvania. Thvre are seven justices id the
supreme court and fifty-live assis-iate
judges, a total of lull judges learned iu the
law and fifty-five not learned in tho law
for five ami a half million people. Kug
land, Scotland ami Ireland combined,
with a population six times as large, have
not nearly so many. The chief justice of
the supreme court receive $s,.:il and the
associate justices s.hi0 annually; the
judges in Philadelphia, sT.lKin and in Al
legheny .. Judges Simonton and Mc
Pherson, of the Dauphin cv.inty court,
wh i try st ite cises, ),() ' each an 1 J?1,0
anmialy for employment of clerical as
sistance. All other judges receive l,0iHI
except those iu districts with over !M,M)
population ai;d only one judge, the salary
being s.o.unl. Westmoreland is the oiilv
d (strict which conies under this prov ision.
Tho associate judges receive S-i a day and
tililcagii. Tho total appronriation for tho
slato judiciary by tho last legislature for
the years 1S.-I5 U was ?l,:!'fi,l, or almost
as much as the combined cost of running
all the other branches of the state govern
Jerry Simpsoa't Bine Talk.
Nkw York, Jan. 'JT. Congressman
Jerry Simpson addressed the Manhattan
Single Tax Club In ('bickering Hall to
night. Although introduced as a Popu
list Congressman, he denied the classifi
cation, saying that he did not Itclieve that
a man should belong to party, but the
party to the man. Moreover, whenever
he found a party more nearly suited to
his views than the "Calamity How lers"
of Kansas, he intended to join it.
All the trouble in the country, accord
ing to Mr. Simpson, is due to the rapid
concent ration of wealth. Congressmen
are the paid attorneys of trusts and the
system of government is one of brigand
age, Hcpredii-ted that JO per cent, of the
next Feneration w ill lie criminals, and
exprcssi-d the gravest fears that his own
might lie one of the numlier. He had j
no fear for himself, as he sai.l, he could .
not sink any lower than the level in
which he moved. i
The millionaires made all the crimi- j
nals precipitated all the strikes and call- j
ed out the militia. Self-government by
the people he despaired of, as the people
would not be educated in the only theory i
single tax on land values which would
redeem the Government and make every
body happy.
Casu Must Aooomptay the Deedj.
Kcgister and Kooorder M iller lias ailnpt
ed the ca-sli fystem iu his olliee. No Jw 1
will lie entered of record hereafter unle s
the eharge for ree)rJing is paid iu ad-Vl-Uce.
Before a Full Haal of fteam
Is i;.ith'rcd by that tremend n.sly de
structive engine, innl.irii, put o:i lh
brakes w ith llosf ttei's Stoniaeh Hitters,
which w ill cheek its progress ami advert
disaster. Chills and fev.-r, billions re
mittent, dumb ague and ague cake are
promptly relieved and ultimately cured
by this genial sxviii", which is also a
conipn h nsive family medicine, speedily
useful in (Uses of dyspepsia, Lilliousm'ss,
constipation, sick hcalaclic, nervousness,
rheumatism and neuralgia. Against the
hurtful ell'cets .if sudden changes of tem
perature, exposure ill wet w-.ther, cloSH
application to l.ilsirious mental pursuits,
and other iiilbieni-es prejudicial to health,
it is a most trustworthy safeguard. It
fortifies the system against disease, pr
n idles appetite and sleep, and hastens
convalese-ence after debilitating ami flesh
wasting diseases.
This being the last
week of our
Red : Letter
we will offer goods
regardless of
All Wool Dress Goodj in PlaUs
and Mixtures at
will be sold this week at
23 CJKXTtf.
G rcat Bargains in
Good Yard VVid-3 MUSLIN
at 4 Cants.
Special I.arif.iii..-i
this week, it living the !a.-t week
of our
Ti n l T i i i f t
JLVV- il XJL. I-11
: Sale. :
IU-virlu Jf Sun.lry "riw of Ki-ri K...-i:i
ti ni Vt-fulilioui K(ni;kih ii;m) I.i-v.iri Kiifi.i,
uc! .( of lii" "utl of 4 it:ii::i.:i I - f
Somrr.;-! nullity, t nn uii' el: ;l. i!mt.'
h ill Ih-rMNi',l lo .;tl at tlw V.KUt
HUS4 ill SoiiHTSi-t lxro-,ih( on
Friday, Feb. 22, '95,
Hie ftillfiwin J.erili.-tl esia: -, t.i-wi::
Al! I he ri'-'li!. tit!.-. Iiiii-r -il. i-!:iiiii si.i l ile-m:in-i
til" Aii-lri-w Kenne!l. if. in an-l l. it e.-r-tain
liirm ir Intel f.f l-m-l Ml-n.-.e in soutn
iti:i.ltti t.ivnsiii., s.tfini.rv.-t tsciiiTy, l";i.. e.i.i
l.iiilii!! IsT ni-r.s i.iore or less, re j.iii :e-r.-s
elmr. l.:ilaiitsiiiilti-r. Htljtumiii; I. m. is -f i' i
ley ShiteiiiaUer. Siiutiu l.e;i! y, s-autii.-l I '.
i-'is'lltt, Jlltsill KlIliTleU, .lat.ll I.. K.-Iliie'l
Kiel others. It tviiii tli.-rtsui er.s-iel a .Iwil
i 1 1 : litUM li:i!ik ti.irn iiml tiliier ftutlitiil. lilies.
Wil II Ille Ml'lllirtellilllt't s.
Tak.-n in eii-u!itii an. I t- le s.ii-1 ;ts t!i
iiniii -rly ft" Ail.lrew K niiell. at the sai: t.f
K. J. Wel.l. a.liiiii.isi.-.ilr . t. a. of ii. T.
Welti. U. e el.
All Ihe ri-'l:l, liile. inter, r l. rlaim an I -!.-maiiil
tif Wit.iaiti Tiitimas. ti!'. Ia antl In a t---r-tain
lul ff i.iiiul situate ;n M.-y-rs.l-iie 1. r
oiii5h. stmierset esnniiy. Im., 1ikiIs ,i t.i.
ntirlli si.le i.t linre s;ns-i. ImiuikI-.-i n.t ii.
iitirt h liy ar: niN-y. ast l.y inin:.' st r-et. s...i : h
hy l--ire str.-et. an-.l tin I lie west l.y (; Nt.
lV 1 . tiutl is in tii - M.-yers a l.iiti.'ii
It, siii-l tNir.iiiili. us hit N.i. 7 I. h tvi.i th.-r. tm
erei-nsl a Iwte-stt.ry frame .iweilin twit- - an. I
itit rfiiitlitiil'liii'-'s. v. irii the Hi.nrs.-i:.:iH-.-s.
' Tak'-n in '-seentitiil anil li s..l-i as t!i -itrlijier'
of Wiliiam Tli.:iias, t fi;.. sei: t.f
'.1. A. It'tllJ-r, ltssii!('.s..-lS I'riee.
AII tiie riulit. title, int T-sil. f',;.i .,i ..s
in in I t.f l!in li'e.els. .if. in an-l ! -t
oei laiti fctrm fir Intel tif iainl si:ir'te in l.iii-4-iiln
tfiwitKliip, Stititerst-t, l'.i.. t-.-niain.
inu ' atiii-s, iiitirv or less, almtii Si m-n s ei.-;. rt
Im la ins- timlHT, ii.ijiiiiiin heuN til Ailain
Arismaii, Joseph itiionla, .lac.ili . is.-l .-nui
olhers-. Iiavinjf Iliensm ereelfl a 'eiiie
anil stahle, Willi the Tie r- is
Hlitfi a line 'tiiit tiretutru ol eh.ii-e f.'ui: tr-s-
(III the prelllises.
la Ken in fxti'iiiion an-l lo in1 sola its ii r:y i.f I-r.iuxiin ltlio.i N, at tile m;i! tn"
aeob sia.tnk.
All the ri-ht, title. Interest, claim nil. I ie
lllallti f.f liiissiiiiiall l'l'teher a.l 1
1'lett-h.T. nf. iiiuntl tteitll thit certain tract t.r
.iece tif I. iiel siln it- i:i s-ni-rset .iu-:islii,
S-iiiiers.-l coiiniy, l'.i.. ctiiil-iiiiirii aen s.
more fir iss acn-s ciiar aiei li.tiaitee li'n
li -r, atlj.iiiiini; laii'N t f aiUa-i Ko ial.. 1'ilh
nrine Kif .at., John Welier. I! I.i'ji'i ll.iiver,
Inivitl H.-iple. NmIi llols-rts an.l t- r.inti Wal
teran.l Henry lS--rl, Irivim; th -nn.i
two flwcliiiii; housist, a lart- hauk ltni. Iiorsc
Htahlc ami oilier outliuil-iiiis wilh the h"
Taken in cn-ciil ion in IU" pr.ii. 'rly of i!i
siimah I. etcher nil. I J ic. i l'l. teli.-r, at the
nil oi Ailtln-w l'.irker us.- of Vai.-ntine
All th-rii;ht. title, inter.-i!, cl iini aul le-ni.-intl
f aviti Kaiilit-y, of, in ami to a tt-r.
lain tract til laatl siluate in l"i-r Tarkt v
f.Mt towiisliiii, Somerset county, ra., contain
ing tei Hcres, about .irt acn-s clear, irtlane-- tlia
r. ntljoiiitiii; of Kphr.iiin s -liro-k.
K'lhr.iiiti Miner, A. W. Kai'lley ami others,
iiavtin; thereon ercctc.i a new J-storj- tluell-ln-;
hell , wilh lhMiiirtfinsnct-s. m
Taken in cxts-ntitm ami to !n' noM as'the of Invi-i Kai.llev, al tlK- suil of I,
i . , illinni'i, 1 1. nl.
-AI.S -
Ali the ri-.'lit, title. Inter.-tt. cl.,iai -m l tle
manJ of S tinnel .ell. r ami l-.liz.ili. tti . i
ler, of, in mid lo the follow in; (iescrllie l real
csratc. to wi;:
No. 1. A c -rtalii iiitv-ir pir.-.I of Ian ! sit
iiu'.Cin Soin -rst-t towiishiji. st.tiuers.-t eoiiniv,
I'a c iiifil'iile-' H nc.-.-s, iiilj.iiiiia Ian. Is i.f
K it innel iMc and John I'oienian, li.e.' on
c i.-li si.le tf the s. .t i ', II. It , hit vimr t it. i
cm t sj tw-. dwell: na houses si.eiit ami olaer
tc.itiiuil l'iizs. wilh the :iin.i--:eii-inssi.
No. J. A hl fif srsiiiii.l siluate i i the vil
1 nj-.-of Lim.-rlsvil!e, Sfo:!yei-s'k to-.t ri-liij.,
c mty an I state nfore.t i.i, cml.;ltiinir acrt-s,
ii-ljoiaiiiir lands of Jain.-s I.:mi!i r , Satnu I
Wilt and I jiintici't, iriviim tle rtou
er.s-ttsi a wo.-tury dweliiin: ho. is -. siaSiean l
o.'.'l T fi'.ltle'lilillllif wilh to - :-.;li.litrti ii- s.
T hi in exw iti-in and i.t s..l t ns trie
P ; erty of s.iaiu.-l ZU!.r n I Wlih.-ta
ler, al the suit of Julia li. Mo-iioider's
fx I -
All ' f'.'I't. line, u tt ris!. c'siai i l i I ib'
Iil.ui l of I'.. I'-. Kim:, .la.-.'i K. K. H.V nl '.
Ii Knutx. A Jaeo'i ! . Ke.'i:'.i ''
A. II. Kaa! A r soa. tr. :.i .o. l I l.i tollow-iii-
tl.wtii- d p-al :.!. I i if.
Nt. I. A c. rt . in lot of cr.i'i-ni -!!:.. ! In
Jcmi'Tlowii toro'ii:li. seti rs- I cotmtv. Pit-, 1 tei lie inriii lit it a nT'-v, ei a o.v !''.
l.l' II iil'v ". s!i iT r. st.tilli lp i!:. .l tc. v.vl
l.i tl.itrv W M tvri. hit but lii.-r--.iii
,-r- -iff l".o 1 -ii-iif .wi-:M:ei leris si.ilUc
e -I'-r tm:.'eiil'lin i h in.- :i-iii;-!--ii ii"
N'.l A e cu-ill it.' or i-ir 1 1 ! r.oo
nte lit .1. Il i- r to.vnii:. -ore r-' I .shoo
otilitlnee' ilve le-r. .. :i ltt-eiliitt -.tels t
Ilia K U.K. --li lie-A-! no K. ,i:,r!
ii... ' si ,,-.. i so. M.l It' to v :-
. V.
on Hi- i-l mi I ..a Iht norili ly m-I;.I
loi .:iel ee.. I rv.
No. ::. A lot i.f Kroinel si'iri:-- I i J' lin. r-
l-o-. ll Imh-oi..;0, Jellllt-r KCHl-lll !. "" '' "''
.'i.le :i!or.-s o.l, :i.!.inilu i.OitU oi' J. J- '!
l::ho i r'.e-cii-l. s.iie r-.-l reel on tl. s-.iuli,
l.i! of r-Voi.ief on Hie w. sl ami latfi-
uriii.' i;l:.MM.orl Hie lion it.
T.ik.-n fe t-mion nod to ti"
.11 :i I lie
.rolr I 'V o! r.. II. K.-lU'. I lt " r .
I K.iill J i. tr. K;itil, tl.nii,' i.n-itics as
A. It. K:ii: t. ii S.,.!, t tiie sm.i of Soiorti..a
Ilowiniiii, it. al.
A'.l lltf fU'li!. title. Iiit.-r.v-t. rlalm u:el t'
of li.-lirv I-'. troUsl. of. 111 :oel lo Hie lol
It. -.villi tl -s.-rilsl rul esl .It-. Lit !!i- p.i.p-r.y
of It. pry l ousi. .I.e.'.., .. v.ii:
No. I. A e rlain tr.i.-: oi lan.l si'i:..e in
lit in I township, r t 1'a.,
tatlllilT I. I ut-r-s, u IhhiI t'H.-nsri.iir, l.olnliee
w.-il I itiiii- rt .1. ii.lj..niiii l-iii.l-. f t'
ltc I iv fcir-ioii. Josiuii t ' ls .-r. i::niiiK--r
li. irs. Ik.v i-t I lvin- .on, Pinh M y-rs ui.l
oilier-. Iiavin !li r-sei -nvt,si two "i-.v.-loiiu
ln.ilsi-:. a sio.e house, n ;.p;.. tiritk -.-rl-r tip il.
Ititnic I..; ni. s-iL-nr fiti:.;. iii. -I otlit-r iuiI.uiM
les, w i:!i lie ni.ti:rit HHH.--S.
No. 'J. A tmci l.l leil'l. si'iCiTe m i-fon-s..
et.i':tillii a. ;u-r ; more or It s, all ll'elx r
lan-l. ii'lioiinie; No. 1 uUne, ulel l.itnl of
t'rifh irne l.i'. .t.'sr.Mi.
No. I. A tr.ti-t ..f Lia.f sii-.i:.!' .is ul.- !!. is ..- r.- or ! s, iinj -nnn
No. I.o-.x", Kiiii:iK-r in .rs, .M:tiy TrtMnrow
Him oiht-rs.
All of tli-iilM.v liiii !-' ar- ua-1. r: sM with
i inl lini- s-on--, r.inl are . isn-nt of
Hi . ess, lylntr illona liu- I'.IH- of Ihe -V I'. It. It.
'I'.-ikeil lil .'X-fO'ioli :ilt to I. - S: ,i : I :;s Uie lo-t.-n-si
f.f . nrv t . rousl.;il tiie si,u of i.--,
s.,111. hlue A I o.
-Terms :
N OTIC? A I! jsiw 'unl::ivi:i- jit th
li-Htv.- s;iiu til p! ... t itv- inlnf 10 ht
f.-iit. nf tl' nir'h:it iM'n'- uni-r !'
i n t riy is kJHM-k.--i iieevri; uilu r)-'- i
will it x tin -xm-ihI tit .tii ;it i nU t tin
flrI iiirrK:tsi-r. 'i n -iitn f llif iturt-h.--lmii
y iiin.i 1m p-iit! n -r :iy -t
cuiUiri'iiiTi.-Ti. vi: Tht.n-.!;t.v, Y' Untarv - I'i,
Iv-'o. ..ii!tii wi'l tf itil.-d Xi
tir'ii.i'M' iiiojm v is niti in ft;!.'.
Mifri:r orti.-Hf ) KIV.Iil nvf:i:.
J:n. Mt9 yXKi SK.-ri.r.
California, Pa- Slata Norma!:
Cur Own Normal School.
Winter terns opens I . il; s-j-rii tjo rm
M ir-ii is Send for catalos; ie ai.-I . ir'-:i-l.-us.
New ( ly l:in:is;.;iii. Ne.v l;!e. ;: ie
I.itflit IMalit, Nev ':it- r System. Il.-ni-ii
reis.rd almost iei-fe.-i. ( Never a fientli :il
the seiiiK.l i. At'-, .ii.t i--s not snrj'.sc-l.
if .-tin il.-d. i:i!!i;-s'.,!". S e.ier-t eo 1!;
ty stiei.-nts w ii! nl.tnin move 'e !;i :tt tii ir
ou n or:i;:d S. li -.l tin.i any otii-r
and s tve i.ioi.ev .esi'!e-.
Tut: i. U. ..
i'h. !.. i'rineij a!.
"rlIK C'iowa has i'iit win!,ir, i! ;e
other eve ia t!;e w iu(o-.v of
imt the p:oi'e are s'.iii !.. i r ih::
at the . i!i:e ji!;ict an 1 ero .viJs of
pcr'!,1e cr"AU-0 ver-v ,! 1 lI:"-v arc"
! conviaeeJ ihwo U t.'.e j.'ac t-. lmv
to kec-p their fi-.-t war a I !i.-.-o coM
ilivs ami nights when llie an; oat
s-lei'.'Iiiii. Also,
13 libbers, J3oots.
ia all sizes au i ?nli-s
All at
I to suit In?
Shaver & Good,
iir Ma;l lr !- r Ie:-irtnn til I'.r .uii-!.k
if Vi:I:ies in
Dress Goods,
Silks, Sj!:!::33.
-is inelt i.ll .u.l Novelty Se it i - r...;t
c!e I'la' l ctV.-.-;. in ,p:t--t li r.n.'.ii :.n e .!
or I'lemlins -slylisli :in.'. elV.-. ti-, e,
'I.'J."l Villi! ', Is' ie.elles i:i
C5o a yd.
I. il of ail-w-s-l
Novelty Mixed
:i !:.. n tlilt'ei etit eol ir ::::!.ire ;- s;y;l:i.
Hj-l.e-tlatt' j-ri is -.Vl inelies v. i-le,
50o a yJ.
i:r Iirts-s ii sitelves wety r,e er at sneli raj'i-1 rat" as ilnrii- tMs
saletif tine t;..f Is at !;ef.irt-Si..-!i-i:tkiii-;-
liriees. Sneli v.ilueji never In-f.-re ill' r-'-l
for like iinalilies aiel siyiess ae -mnts for
Kvery ni-iil oriier i.lro!i i-m li:n e -j-i:il
fieiortatiiiy with liotie. cnstieiiers f..r
jreltiiiir llit-c s-iiiio sre it aim s--;:J5 tii:-.;'.-;
iiceess;tr.v is i.iiiek ueli-.n. Tle.y do!'.'!
stay with its;!
I.nt All-wntil
French ergos,
r.!ae!v, X : nml f'arciiiial SJ ami
indies wii'e,
25 Cents.
2.IHH yartls lini Importeil riain r.I-n k
Mohair Hrilluntines iiisu-o:is a.s si!U, I'A',
in.-lies wi.U.
25 Cents.
Sen.! for foil lt:ie samjiles of o:tr new '!"
Wash GodiIs, Embroideries and
. Tho intist i inipl-.'te im rti:i- !i f !r-st
oxatnj.les from t!ie le st maker-, !th
Atnorifum an 1 ( irei-en at j.rt. t i tin' -w-tst
i.)ssili!e ti) Iiml.
You write its ati l nnr neiliiv to
sulestanliatt the stat-tne.i.
Allgheny, Pa.
Syrup Cans Sap Buckets, Sap
Sp juts, Gathering Buckets
Main Crow Strtet, ...
Great Inducements.
Gools roducofl in price in every lirit?
Drv Gools, Ciirpets, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtain;
Ladies' Coats, etc. Now i.s the time to buy to
save money and get .something good.
Lead Pencils are thsap, and it is a good thing they are. Hie have Leer.
L'stnj bath ends of the pencil freely during
t!;3 last few tfays re-marking:
'i lie lit-, s, i is .-s(....k has n c-tri:ir its sjiare. an-i -; e-iaijy
fc.. is. '":- i- not lietiiioiis. 1-n1 itetiii'l t.e:-. I'i.r.-i!i ! .e ss i 7 . "
:i!iy in. .l ie I ti.e.ei, 1. 1 .'.. 'i I. s lie' .I.- a I. ear v l. -s. 1 tit ha. ' ; . , .
:ie-r i: ..s :e- i .i t i f-.rri-sj-i.n l;! .!y !..' 1 -;s. S.i.ic t. . -. ; le i...: - , .j ,
:.Vr-i i.t ! ". .in ! - ei-nts.
i I. . K ..; rr i: s. I :i f. - i i::t-ri st -i? lie tf v.-.- .:. ; i J
y..ri firi--! s ...i ;li.-in s:iiisi';.et.irv. nr : i-k nins: l.e .-leinieil nj. t" leni.. r- :. ; -!:".-.
s;i; ;n -ir.-.v s, iii-ii we v i.i in i . t:-i:-.
j I. is .t l.l-. i-l e i.!t t !:'--r y..:i
I i-!mj-i y.-i. !.. a 'i.iiiii 'i i:y
i s.. ! i; ... ..i i .i ; t!-t ni .,r se.;,.-:,.
.'.,- ! f.-ir Wiiilf ;.i"'i lis !-iy. i ..n t'.. - Ie!i J.. s ',t -Ki.:l v - :;. !.
: ill :! i y.ei ie in . i-n. ' it'r-. S. ;.; i - !-;; -i:ei v.uu ;' i :i"t e-i-t fin.-!,.
e t )', r s..:i;e , I Y.ihe s ;.i V.',tri II -seet.lie. Tie-s.. ur- i,.ir i.:..
J' iss-i" si ... -; Tt.- -5
, fa-ate. . iiLi ?2F - -::-'J? -
X' iTHINi i 1 tit lli- la s; in .t- i- ;.I ::i 1 -.v.-rkm in-i.;,i out- rs into ti.. .:.:.'..:.
cf ii.-- IXl'ri.U.I.A STuVi S .,t..l l:.VX.i:s. Their el.aiiUnt -s i, ... ... ,.. . r
Tiieir t-f:;oiny sav-s tiamey. St '1.1 an. I iptaranleetl I y
. K.-5.'iVtV.
. c
:: . ;. :
s.' 7'"--i,ri
1--" : -- V.
Dr. MORRITZ SALM, Specialist.
Won-ivrrfaily s-'itcces-fful ia ail CiiroiJe rLsoaj-o or t"t.
m, m, m, throat, longs as nasal caiabs
Ail Eye Cpsraiicns Succcssfu-Iy Performed by him.
Kiir'.1. ,r iinrt- !, It urtr-r h i - "m
". t. Mv I-:t -ir :i'!ini I !,-,v,- n
UN ! r 1 r. n t!iti lr :.;? :.; N.r liv -.i ii
iMtit It-, nml n t v h .M ii.iT u:-i I i ri :;t
ly intin r, ..!, t:i ::!: ; in lu.. oi-ti n-
i;i.n U;-t'U. I ;t:n siiii utii.-r t r.-,-: :m :i untl
lt.j- ii.r :i:i i-rttir''titi. tr.iTvTiliy
!:. 1 U. u.i.rJ. l i.
-i : --k it .f tV- irv ;titi Ti:.ntalim
- V ' ' ,r; :'T . ' ' ' " '''
..I -.i-errli. I... i.iii -s h:.r.i m Ii.-Mn.i2 in his
t . .... . m in .
In.-ii-.-..' ..mi- l..r t.r- , ,.st M v.i.r. l-s-.tii,.-
:.u.i.ul..r i in :..i:-i.e-rs. v...,. N.e.v.
er ; . .....;;,r. ,,nt:n-i.l. i.-- ei... ,.a..i
:n v. iii-s, rueiiii-.n i i.n. rsi.ti..ii ;,n.l , v, n
liis-.H t Miiiiii!, ii'nl his re-lit .1' r i- iiliiit.; as
usl a ar.v tr:sl . 1 1 : i . I tw. l'ri.-iid w'eti k ln. li him w.ll tts-.ity t-i Ih- e..ri.s-t-i.i
s vf i:.y state;. t.-n:. It. M. Svlm.
i'l: l.i.'.r - .;!. K'l h-r limn .V'.i,., tSr Ay-!.-
-l.rr.'. 1..,,ij.t, .( Cili eil I,.) r.
I-..-.I I ti..l iiele. v. si.nnm-h ai.-I I
liv. r ir. .ii l ie-;.-.r.:. I ,.-e. i. i:, eiv l-;!, i
.ii. i i.i...!.i.-r I ii. ii .iiiinv !!i -: time i:i.t.!.- m.- !
-.1. .1 v. i-h f..r 1 eon : t hi.r.iK- w.r-i. I
-i. (.. ns i I iei.i f.ltl r - I
eil-t f.,nr t.r rive tlm.-s ;. i I :;i!,:!
nar.l'y i.n.t wh-n 1 tru .i h little ..f j
.n,-:l. Ill- It in:.... ,v ,,,,.! a!t. r 4 imr j
-i -! .t:si as h:el Lf.l tl I. i-en- m-, 1 !
' '' -- '' I a.e t.i (lie. s,.-,e t.r tin- ;
Ir -.. as. lie .1 i v -r. r. Is m,. ,, tf .,, i,i
i.i. ii. li.i.l '. r:..r..u I t.-..i,v ..n,:, r-
tui -ur. s ti tti:s
f the -i.:trv. A:':, r I
lia. I I.i k. n les tr.T.'iii.-n; 4 .! I tt.nml it .li,
in-- .in.. s--k !. J li iv.- Ukm iii ti--:. tin. nt
I...... t..rsi :u..ti.s, :ii. I .-u? , n...v life .tm ,.
l ..! t;':tu j;.y ine-IKlt toe- ,
G-r Adv-fiiseasat V.ill Appear tv.ica 3efore Lach Visit
l'..y " J.m IVI,
Si. i,, .
i. w
I .1 fi-i.;:-,!. !'. n Tn- s.i
"-:'t- s't ti's ;-'-i'ui-l'
.: T..s.: .
i nt. i. -r.'ial Tie-s i.-'
-:i .M :r,
l'.;U .u' j. nt tie i-liiin-e of whieli iv.:titnts wilt be ro:up!y nutiSeJ.
Fans, Ltc, at rock bo
prices lor cash.
Maple Evaporator on the Mar
kct at less than half the t)rrA
asked for some others, it
pay you to g-t our prices belorg
I;i ii, k : -. : 'i:t ( ;1:m;.s ). i ; .. , , .. . j
.' .mr . l.i.u:k-Ls i-u. ;.., '.
: : FA
Is an Ko'i.o:;:;.-.
A Poor 0.13
the w,r-:
kiu'l of Extravu.'L;
K -ni.-nilK r t!:is w ... a
New Stove,
It w:;i !:..i l ;-;r- ,M.
ni:::. ;.:!! w ...
: i
It litis .o F.iaalai
a Heater.
. (,;-i: .-r.-'.-i
-; '' 2 , i!; ft
' y
to ili.-si . TniiH Mt Ir, t- l' T . ur. 1
1 'fir's S:-i ,.;'. ' "l-
K rv.T 2 v.nrs. in
fti:iiii:'j in. runwi'if!; ''
X !'( -Im.!. k. t j-i 114 i h.- s. ti.
vt-rv p:.i.;!ul. ir ri- r :
r i...r 1 I. . t S .v. lli.. ;. - i
i ; : . ". . ... . ... i.
-li. It'll UtMy .A III I i
!' " .-. t.itailv I-!.. ei. -tii ' i
. .:,,;.. ,,. . ,. ,N r.i ;:i
,, ,.,'. :.nv ,.,..r.-. :. M..J i" ..
1 ri ,,, ,.Vt. ,,.1S , ,1 ,.. a ..: '
, , , ;,!. Ja.-U KsK ' .
I tiexe sit.r r-sl with ii v.-.. nl : :- ."' ,.1
Ir.'lllM -.l!! of in. iile. I n; .nil ii- : i ''
Ilia: Ir. s;!m lias , mir.-.v . nr. i-
J..NM'. ''; r ..
!ul i'.', -JI.
f:tf.h in u! I.uhj 7''- i.e.V tie-ir'v .' vears I live !eel : ' : l '
nlni tr.m!.e an. I .-atari !i. 1 .."' "
.H Is-.t .li.i. lslis I. lit r- 1
i.inmii-i ..r--, until I r.e-'i '
trv l-r. rsiiim. hv ..U--..I In I-i !-, "
,.;,i ..,,-. ...,.".,.,. i . r I r..u''i. . 1 ' '
I ..r.-vi r -. ttin will :U.ii'!. I ' ' '"
I l,t-.v I ..i.t t! .ml 1 put i
I J, t'r.-..t eirtit Mr 1 .tiu :; ' :1 ' '
I j.imsiire, Kiel am i:! el a' ! "' " ' ,
' ' i.s,)!iv !' . s,.
J4r A;.r y. iv J.:n Jniy As- 'T -"'!
! -i is n i ; i
. i : .- '.s
i 1 s) in