The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, January 02, 1895, Image 2

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    The Somerset Herald.
E'.'WAP.P SOriX, Editor and Proprietor.
Wl.rNc.sI AY.
..J;m. i I-.
ISK careful how you make resolutions
fir the lifwyi-ar. IU'i-H'io'.tr the al
aire that "S!ko1 U paved with kwh1 in
tentions.'' )t kin: this Christina. -ason tin-re
was money orders wnt from
this t-oantrv t the Old World, mainly
as reineiuliraiuvs to the "old folks at
Kkpkeskstativk Henry F.Walton,
f Philadelphia, lias lvn unauimously
nominated and elected r-Rakr of the
We enter upon the new year with
the co:nfortin? kuowledirethat there is
only two months more of this incotii
ji.tent, laundering, misi-hief-iiiakiug
): i::.v; tlie la-t r-:x months the es-p.'!is.-s
of the National Government
ha vo oxece-.l-'d its r-eipts jS,tM,.'):NI.
Another evi leiic of Ik-iiNK-ratio in
v;:iivte!lcy. With the n-w year a new Lt gisla
turc enters tip il itsduties. 15 th hous
es are htr.'vly lU-puhliean, and upon
the s!iou!d-rs of the dominant party
v.i;l rest !!:- r.-p .n-ihility for all the
Icri-lation envied.
Titrro-Ji-'.ri.-tinof the State into
Ij-.'islative districts this winter v. ill
pro'oahly e.Kt this eounty one of it.s reji-res-.-ntatives.
Tin ratio will !. silare
and the (M.inty'.s increase in popttlatioii
ha- l vli so slw that we will .r'!ial.!y
t.' etititlfl to only one ineinUr i:i the
Thkuk is much talk anions the ioli
tiriansand newspaper e .ire-iHnd nts
alMtit tiiis s.-s-io! of the I.eiri-iature
iH-insan unusually short one. If this
desirahle ohjeet is to If uee'Vtipn.-hed,
a lare amount of the prop;sed lciri.-l'i-t
ion will have to he placed on the re
tired lis!.
The D -iii.wTatie orfnms .lir-.iitjrhout
t:e eo;i!itry have "let up" for the pn-s-eiit
oil MeKinleyisni, and are uinfr
their K-st eliorts to belittle "Tom"
II Aectrditig to their present out
t;ii i lirs he is neither a statesman iur a
jMilitieian. All of which means that
they have lieo-onie panicky over the
fertainty of his Itcinjr Sjx.'aker of the
next House. They fear Itecd as luudi
as th.'v lmte him.
Tm: Carnegie C-iiiipany have made
a rtil of fifteen jht cent, in the wajres
of their workmen, to take ellV-ct with
the new year. A similar reduction in
wa-s was made shortly afterthe Dem
ocratic panic eanie upon us. The Sher
man hill has lecu repealed ; the Dem
ocratic tariiF is in full svvinr, and the
workmen who were told that under a
I k-mocratic administration their waues
vou'id lie increased, have liven reduciil
to the mve-s-iiy of accepting a vM of
thirty jkt cent, in their daily eamiugy.
II avinu repealed the tariff enacted
by the Ilepuhlieaiis, and thereby pro
duced a stagnation of business and a
reduction in a;rcs, this Democratic
Congress is now endeavoring to over
throw the National currency and sul
stittste w ild-cat liank notes in it-s stead,
if sai-cessfd! in this etl'ort these prole--.-
1 friends of the worktnjrnien wi!!
m.-l tln-m not oniy lo s'jbmit to a
r.d jciion in wajres, but r-.-ceive their
p.-y in a currency that they will be
constrained to have discounted at the
largest per cent, the brokers and money
.-havers can wrinjKcjt of tl.ciii. present indications the I'res--l-.-nt
will be constrained to call the
next Congress into extra session Ix-fore
mid-summer is ujm us. There will Ik
made a determined t-f!brt durin;: ti;e
two reinainius months of this session
t' pr-vent the passjisre of an appropria
tion to defray thccxjK-nsesof callectimr
tie-oiFensive income tax, and the b.ll
will le fully discussed, consuminir
much time, and may Missiby ie di
fcatitl. Then the alxurd anil unpopu
lar I:'.l of S.-en-tary Carlisle, intended
o de-troy our Nations! li:inkinr sys
tem and s-.i'otituie wilil-cat currency,
will lead to acrimonious and protracted
debate and end in probable failure.
Meanwhile the Treasury is threatened
with bankruptcy; the revenues under
the new taritf bill are Kteadily fallinsr
of! ; the Told reserve is daily diminish
ing, and notwithstanding the late is-
jiies or MM,n.iit,im new Ikhhi with
v hieh t replenis'.i it, it is now m my
iii":!!ioiis b -l'iw its stipulated amount,
und if liie (lovei nmciit is -iniH-IU'd to
resort to an ad iilional sale of l)tid- it
will larsrely aid t- further fiuaneial
tro-.sbles and there will be absltite ne--.--!sity
for sp.-edy relief by lefrislatim
to supply the necessities tf the jrovern
i:i'nt and maintain itn credit. The ut
ter isico'iipetcncy of tln presv-tit iK-mo-ratie
Congress and its inability t
rra;p:e with the situation, and it
jv'ndiuir attempt to destroy our prcxeut
-xc.-lleiit cim-iicy, which has -arrit-l
ulan.i l!i roil shout the monetary world,
will force a;i extra session of Congress
or pr-wliiee a -!lap-' that will carry
dis'uav far and wide.
Tie Papular Tote.
From Vh? Pitt'-ars C'u:arn reiul !.i7.ettt.
Tli- lisure of the NovemiH-r elections
still furnish an interestlnjr atiJ instrue
tive study. The vote from fny-tuo
Mates ha-s lieeu receivetl and UtbubUed.
t-j:ether with the vote f the territory of
I'lalu The ite is not ofticial, except f-r
a few sUIch, hi'ie tii.rse of Florida and
Nevada have yet to I reiviveL Ix-avinr
oat the two states named, ami Tediti:it
tli? fusion vote wholly to the Populist
party in AlalKtmaand (ieorgia. and to the
itepuhlieaiis iu North Caroiimi, the fol
1 twins; totals are olrtaincd : llepubliean,
Vts-S't:'!; lXiutN-rali-, i,14- 1.V5; Populist,
l.tii.Ti; ; Prohibition, 21!,S4 1. It is esti
mated that the t-Ul vote, when all the
C.ires are in, will probably reach ll,.Viii,
. Tli Philadelphia t'rf wliieb gathereil
tic lijpires, iiiskes some vnr aupgestive
oemuents thereon. The first gtrikiug
fort is the ni of the vte. Ther were
1 L,i!,377 iKillola cast aiid nmuted. as com
pared with the 1.M,h vast and counted
in the presidential ehtlion of lS;ii This
is ihe largest vote evr in u ff
yt-ar, the falling off from the vole of two
years ago Iwing only fc;i,su This is suf
fieint to show bow profoundly iuteriwted
the people were in the election, and to
lisprtve any claim that the result was
due to indifference.
Another significant feature of the re
turns is the great increase of the Ite
puhlican vote over l-i In that year the
total Itepubliean vote was 5,17.,itl, while
this year the Bepuhliiiui vote Ls 5.5s.-s,3LS
an increase of 41-tt it. This large increase
in party's vote in an off year over the
vote the same party east in the previous
presidential election is probably unupie
in American political hist ry. In the
weeps f
rm '
p-il jo
swell increase was apparent. Tlu fieunv
craiie victories were due i:i Isjth rases t-i
a falling off in the lSepubliem vote. Put
this year the Pt-pubiii-.tii viitory is due
t-t a Urge increase in the P.epubliean vote
the party having cast not only the
largest vote it ever h.1!c.1, lmt also hav
ing cast the larRet vote ever H!lod by
any party in this coin-try at any election
ever held.
This year the KepuMieans cast 3-1. Hi
more vot.-s than the Itetu.s rals did when
they elected Cleveland, and they have a
plurality over the Jtoniocrats of l.t ,sTo,
and only lack l.7i; votes of having a
popular majority. The D.-uckt its polled
only per cent of the total vote two
years ago, and called that a great popu
lar indorsement. The Kepublicam have
just s-lle 1 almost ler -nt of the vote,
and can justly claim the highest measure
of approval ever accorded to any party.
With a fair election in the South the
total Itepubliean vote would have Iwn
over (i.Ono.OH. and the lb-publican plural
ity over the Democratic vote would have
lieen nearly io.iM'
The big majorities wero noticeable
features iu someof the states. Pennsyl
vania heads the list with a Hepublieau
plurality cxt-eding J .'. New York,
Ohio, Illinois and Michigan each gave
over lmi.iMl Republican plurality. In Mas
sachusetts, V.'isi-oiisin, Minnesota and
Iowa the Republican plurality exeeedi-1
.Vi.uit, while in New Jersey and Indiana it
fell but a few thousand U-l-.w this tigurw.
The vote would have shown better for the
Republicans had not tho opisisition in
several states ljeen eotif:ilratjd on the
Republican ea:ij;lates fir governor
rather than on mcuilfrs of e-mrcss. Tho
loss from this cause in Miniu-ota, Ne
braska and California Is n,i down at !.(
vots. The i';-t. concludes its ci;iiari
son in these worlds : "The vote, impel !"ct
as it is, shows that the election of this
year was the most tremendous political
upheaval this country ever witnessed.
There is no parallel lo iu The voters rose
in their might and sni"te the lc!iicra--y
hip and thigh, and literally massacred its
hojieof future preferment. They also
placed on record their -condemnation of
the ridiculous incapacity and puerile
blundering of the present administration
at Washington, an administration thit
begin its car.-er wiih such jtoinpms
lamations of prop-sed r-jlorins. IT any
oic- wishes to know the Aiiierie in ;,io;b-'s
opinion f irocr t'lcveland and his, let him read the story of the
Ciarkson oa the Presidency.
(Jen. J. S. Clarkson. of Iowa, who is
now on the Pacific coast, has recently
been interviewed and gives it as his
opinion that if the Rcpuhlii-an national
eonveuthrit vw held this year M'-Ki!i!ey
would Ik- the I!L-pubic iii ch.i-e, but two
years are to intervene, iu ihe
tiine Mr. Clarkson thinks Thomas IS. Heed
of Maine, will come forward a a power
ful candidate. He thinks Mr. Reel the
strmgest Amerii-an, intrlle-.-tually, and
that he would make a great prrileut.
He also sisike if ien. Harrison, Senator
Ciillom, Roliert IJiKMln, Senator Spini
er, Senator Pav is and Senator Allison as
A Orsst Outrage.
The TrOnuf' has fr.v.iciitiy warned its
read- rs against investing in any of the
many ways sug-;i-t-sl 1 y interestt-l par
ties to make money easily.
Hizens of se heaics have !.t-n presented
within the past tw or three yeai-s t iour
ntrighihirs, iu theinosi pi.asibb? mauin-r,
generally toth'ise not we'd versw 1 i:i busi
ness affairs, and lii-xt of those who have
invested are ligiiiniiig t- realize tU;:i they
have t n swindled, principally ly for
eign s'-t--il:cd "liuildiog V" I.-an Asso
ciations,"' Tiu-y obligate the:iiselv-s t-
pay certain sums at stilted periods, with
the promise of getting ba.-lt twoorthree
fold at a long inturval. Tiiey otitiii'ie to
pay their cash, and th sh irks live in
luxury often in eiitiie m lh-) money
tiius e intriliule !. and when lii. time
oines for ihe capit d invested by th--n f
!h? returned, with a big addition, both
will fail to materia! iza.
We understand that from one township
in Somerset County, where farmers have
ls-en paid within the la-t year or two a
gre.:t deal for coal lands, sl.s r a month
g'tes tul t-t coin-ems they know nothing
ahiiit, and from which they will net like
ly ever get a'lytliiiii f conscpjenee
only probably a tithe of what tie-y put i i,
as a bait to induce then 1 1 further invest
or to get th--ir neiIibors to do so. Ifth-y
refuse to put more money in the hole,
what they have put in is summarily ap
propriated ; if they put more money in.
they will b-so much mors out.
We have no adv ice to give us lo how
tho, who are now in should act, but o:r
advice is most e:nphaiieai!y f r no person
t i obligate hims If further, :.i; l itoas'di
lional persons t-i g i into m hemes iJi-mane-gein'-nt
?f whi -h they can hn .-w
no'.iiing aiHiUL. Jo'msf't.Ttt J. Hf.tnc.
The Scaosl Directcre.
Regarding the orliee of seb .1 direetor,
State Superintendent S -hjc'Ter in his an
nua! re;ort says :
" The franters of our sell t:d lav leened
it unwise t-t attach a salary to tie' office of
sell i:i dircetor. Their aim v. as to secure
for this imo ertanl office the m- s'. uii-elf-is!i
and public spirited me:i in the ciiii-
munity. Ilct-e. iiideed, we touch the
most I' -nta: ipu-stioii ia t h-.- s i,.i n ;
of our public schools. In namiiiga guar
di.:u f.:r his children the ic.-tator sch-.t'
lh-. best man who i;i his ju lament is
availalile for tile purp se. Seh--il iire, t
ors ar tl.-e guardians ;f the child's edu-c-.tioiial
interests. Do the prop!'. always
sele -t th ! in a available fr tliiof-i.-.?
Ibre, if atiyu here, there is r-s:.i
for til-: ever.-is,- of the i.i i-t exalted patri
otis r.. Tir future prosperity of the na
tion d pc!j Is upon the ed'Jcati-!i -f th-tse
vh tyre lob its citixens auI a true pa
trio: wiil vte, rcgariiless of party, s ,
color or creei !', ; he pcr.ous is--t piali
lbl t select the tc:u !tis and to manage
the schools. Iu the domai-f uf pn'die in
struction the several boards of directors
levy the taxes, Oisl-jrsa tlis fun is, svilest
the sites, bail 1 the h iuts t'4 -v isC- tip,
furniture, furnish the text-lst ks, adopt
the c.iurses of study, e.npioy t ai herti,
elect the superintendents and dtermiiie
during liow many months the children
shall have school facilities ln rond the
minimum term fixed by law. Tin: J'er
sons am willing tt aei-?;it these manifold
duties at tht risk of criticism, censure and
abus , receiving uo pay and often leaving
their business iu the hmds of others
while they atten I 1 1 tb jso d itid-s at an
expense to themselves, is one of t!:e hope
ful signs of tb-! age. Therefore bt the
oflice be magiiiiied at h mie and at the
pills ; let the man le elected an.J re
elected ; let their efforts for the impiovtt
ni -.i:t of the sclntols ! lauded and sec
onded by all classes of society ; an 1 there
will continue to be just ground for loast
ing of oar glorious system of public in
struction." Tax oa Officials.
Secretary Carlisle has issued the follow
ing circular to p. -t masters and ilisliurs
ing officers: "The regulations relative to
the income tax provide that all salaries or
t-oiupeiisa! ions paid to otlici-rs or jiersons
In the employ f the g-verniiient of the
United Stati-s in and tor the calendar
year!s54. shall ia included in the annual
return to collectors of such officers an 1
persons, in statements of gains, profits
and income subject to income tax for that
year. As the incline tax on such sa'.nri s
or roiueusa:ion il!be paid directly to
t-ol lectors by the persons nveiving the
Kane, you, w ill. therefore, not tied net and
wit bold the cfors;iid tax, or any part
thereof, from the salaries or compensa
tion of any such ofli-er or employe in
and for the year You will inform
all such officers and employes to wlioiv
you may make any payment for service
rendered iu the year ism of the method
prescribed for the return i n I payment of
the tax on all taxable salari s ai d com
pensation paid by the government ia ai.d
f. ,r snid venr."
VFalloa ef Philadelphia for S-ea'kcr.
Harkisiuro, D-r. 21 There were
more in end ers of tho House present at
the Republii-an emeus to-nigl.t than were
over ls-fore ele-led to that Isly by ;iiy
party in the history of the Common
wealth Ht a single ele-tion. The iaun:s
was held in the Supreme court room,
which was crowded to the very doors.
Kx-Auditor ib-nvral Niles presi led. H.
F. James, of Venango, paid a neat trib
ute to Representative Wslton iu his
speech naming him for speaker, and C.
K. P. .lbs, and V. F. Stew art, of Phila
delphia, seconded their colbMg'ie's nom
ination. Mr. Walton was noininateil
unanimously, and briefly thankisi the
caucus for the honor conferred upon him,
but reservetl his speech proper until the
organization of the 1 1 oust to-morrow.
Mr. I.ylle, of Huntingdon, offer.-d the
rcrtoluti on for a slate couimiitce of ail, two
at large and One from each congressional
district, to seUct the ohVi;ds and employ
es of the House.
Twenty-six of the Democrat of the
House held a caucus i:i the Supreme
court lilirary Mr. Fritz of Columbia,
was iiomiuali-d for Speaker.
The seven Democratic Senators met in
caucus to-night Senator (ireon, of Porks,
presiding. Senator I'. II. Iiuluch, of
Northampton, was nominated fr provi
dent pro tein.
Samuel I Hudson, if ihe Scrrniou
JVio-.v, and (osirge M. Watibaugli, of the
ilarris'mrg VcV.-.', were nomitiatisl by
a-e!amation for chief and assistant clerks,
but for residing clerk and serg-ant-at-ariiis
ballot wt-ro had, resulting in the
n imin-.itiou of Alla-rt Williams ofVoikt
and Henry W. Rower, of Berks. For
p.Kiding clerk, U. lt. I'atri-ek, of Clarion,
and Frank McCube, ofMi!l!in, had one.
vote each. Tlie minor officers were nom
inated by ncihunatioii, H. J. Fosnot, if
Miillin, lieing the nominee f ;r doorkoep
A resolution w as adopted providing for a
cdl of the i-ateus at the re met of live
The contest for several positions in
the House has ltee:i warmer than any
in years past. With 17 R-iub!ie:-u
I'Ic.-iiIk-is, m my of them representing
cumii's hitherto strongly Democratic,
the dema-iils tor rec g::itioii and the
iminls r of aspirants have been greater
than ever before. There are but oj
positions to Is tilled and it was impos
sible to satisfy ivcryltody. F.ieh
county want-! ;i j laee i:nd was just as
jM P-istcnt iu its cj.iin.s w lieru it was
rf-iireseiited ! ;," only o!!' member as w here
its delegation nuuiber-d tv.o, f.ur or
even six. The eonnti".s cajiturJ-l frru;i
Democracy elaimeJ that tho vii-tory
enlilled them to re.-ognition, while thos-e
always R. pui ii--m urg'-d that lh-y should
not is stood aside for iit-ucomcr.9 in the
Tiie Senate Slate 'si:nmiitee agrecsl
i"po:i the following; I i--t of o!; Chief
1-lt.i-k, V. Sm-'.ey, of Veu. ingo; read
ing ejeik, J. Carson, of ; jmr-
n il clerk, .l.:iii-:s
Voang, of Philadel-
phia ; m.jssagv ch-rk, V. s'
Robiuson, of
Fric; .-xeeutivi.' cb-rk, H. R. Tliorpo, of
Meiivr; s-.-jjeaiU-ia -anus, J. Ib Har
r.ili, of !;.-.iver ; d-mrkeept-f, A. C. I.ittle,
of Jeil'ersoii ; assistant, Levi Knoit, of
Rlair; j, John W. Seiders,
of Franklin ; chaplain, Itev. W. I. Har
dens, Ta!s-rna-le Paptist church, Har
fisburg ; ti.msi-ribing clerks, Kdward
Millik-.'ii, of Allegheny, and T. S. Crag.-,
of lireetiu.
Hid-Wintsr Z-cizUiat t Washington, D.C.
The 1. A . Railroad Company wiil iur
a-.'gurate a s risi of monthly excursions
to the Natio'ial Capital, from Pittsburg,
Win-cling, I'arkeislairg. Lexington, iia-gcr-i-iwn
aio itiier!.i:iia-.e points along
its lines a. s":r ea-t as Washington Jum
lioii, uit'or-iiiig ::! es. eliviit -pp'ii;iiii-.y
f-.;r a mid-w in i-r Jaunt !o the National
Capital. The first cM-uraloit of the serii-s
is ai'.no-.iu-ed for Tiiursdity, January bnh.
The rates are remarkably low and the
time limit ample n-mjli lo allow visitors
an oj p-iriuoily to visit all the Public
Puil iiugs and Institutions in Washing
ton an-l luakv siii-- trips to pointsof inter-e-t
in the. m ar vicinity.
We giv e K-i'c.v n iist of stations show
ing lli- tin.o of trains and rates of faie:
C!o!ii. tl l" a iu , - $.;'
rs;.i !i ..1 , ;
M r kwixi 1 .! .'.' pm ;:.-i in i
.loii.istew ii i :'r a 1.1 - '-i' li in "
s:..v.s.,f!i 7 3 2". "
Soiii-ri T V) : Vi :i
.".! . rs iuit- 1J l i p in .'iT la ii t. -
llya'tiitriii I A'r I -ti ' I :-i
t iiiiiti.-i i.oi l ;:d Ji - t '"
Parlor cars on thn dey exprtss. Shs-o-
i:i; cjr on he nieht cvprcss.
C-rrespo:id-!ig!y io'.v rales from other
Ticket vvi!l :ie g o ! leu days, and wiil
he valid for passag from Was!ii;gton t;
Raliimote at any time .vlitiiii the life of
lie ticket.
F ir l'aiimm cr ne i:ij:ii i ! it; .:is and
guide to ".mints of interest i:i Washing-t-
n. ad lrc--s nearest R. v O. Jgcnt.
SiTi;)'i Jlsasure for aa A:re.
Here is a sim, ile an 1 pra; t:--.:l sugges
tion to theagri; thrown out by an
a'i;!i I'-ity. as t the i:i-.isiiring of an acr"
of ground: U-t a go 1 1 cotton cord, J7
feci !-:ig and 1 im-li round : fasten a ring
ai each end, and m ike these rings pre
cisely Ci feet apart. Tiiis Is four ro is.
Tie a piece of red rag in the center. line
aere-.Tgroun I will !e a piece four of these
ordil'iig. and two and one hi'fwide,
e pial i i sixi".i by teil ro Is, making PXi
s pi ire r i.Is to an aero. The a vantage of
the rings is ih it one p-rs ui can measUi"
als by driving . suke in the ground to
h dd tin ro;c while Iu stret-hei it out.
Tic r p- s!i .i! 1 be si iked iti t ir and
taeu dri-el. Tiiis -.t ill prevent iu shrink
ing. S ime time ago Mr. Simon Hoi I! -.m in, of
San Luis I!-y, Cab, troubled with a
la'ii ' back and rheumatism. He Used
Chamberlain's IVin It.i'.m ao 1 a r mjit
cure '.v is e f - led. Il!sysh ht s!iii
advis -1 many of his friends t i try it :md
all vv'o have done ii h :ve spoken high
ly of it. It is for s ile at iS .'nford's Pirir-m.i'-v.
Aa Old Sj'.dier's E.ss3-n.n;niitio2.
In the late war I was a soldi-.-r in the
First Varylai I Volunteers, Company
Dutiug my term of s -n ice I cmtra -ted
ciir.itiic diarrh e.u Sii-e then I have
used a gr'at amount of tiie lieine,
when I foiiTid any that wo.iid give me re
lief it would injure my Momache, until
Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhu'i Remedy was brought to my notice.
I use 1 it an I will say it is the only reme
dy that give me permanent relief and no
bad results follow. I" uike ph as-ire in
recommending this preparation to all of
nty old comrade, who, while giving their
serv ices to their country, eontiaettd this
dreadful li -v? a. as I did, from eating un
V hob-some and uncooked food. Your
truly, A. F- Rending. HaWy, Oregon.
For sale at IJenford's Pharuiacy.
TL Trealieroa 0Ua8.
While liiting a gasoline s-ove at the
h me of ii-.-r daughter, in Roll wood, Rlair
County, Thiirlay, Mrs. R. s. Vandeveu
der iieghs-ted turning the tlameotit lefore
tilling it, and an explosion followed. Her
clothi ignite:!, and in a in ;miil she was
tlames, and lsfire thev
were- exting.iislied by a Uiardcr in the
house her body was tsi frightfully burned
that death resulted shortly afterward.
Mrs. Vandevender's daughter Mrs. I J.
C. Mo!!i:t w ho was sick in a lcd iu the
room, having given birth to a son Christ
mas nij;ht, iet-.ime terribly frightenetl
when the accident occurred, and, taking
up her infant, ran down stairs, thus
escaping a probably similar fate, as all
f he bed clothes and furniture in the room
w ere consumed.
Chamlierhiiu's Csigh Remedy is fa
mous for it cure of bad colds, lt ojn-ns
the secretions, relieve the lungs and
aids nature in restoring the system to a
healthy condition. If freely used as soon
as tla. cold has bien contracted, and Ixj
fore it has bocom settled ;n the system,
it greatly lessen the severity of the at- j
tack anti has often cared in a single day
what would have been a severe cold. For
Kile nt Itenford's Pharmaer. i
ArrcedUiaa iy tha SiVs Tax Cosferiace at
slate lax coiiferetK-c, w hich has
lieen gathering data fir thiee years fr
the purjtoso. of fniming a l.i!I that will
opialize taxation, l.a.l an inletesting and
animated locelTCg ;in Harrisburg last
week. The measure ".vhicii ih'-y proposo
is now almost ready for pr-sentatio;j to
the legislature, but the members of tho
conference are very reticent wiiii reg.ird
to it, and refuse to divulge its provisions
until all the amendments made are iu
conorated iu the printed bill. From
v. hat all the reporters have gathered, j
however, it may l stat .-it that tho pro
psed law is of a very moderate and con
servative character, giving undoubted
relief, it is said, to tlnr-i who hear tiie
burdens of local taxation, but at t he same
time dealing fairly and e-piitahly with
the manufacturing, transportation and
other corporate interests of the dale. If
enacted as it now stands all of the state
tax or money at interest ami vehicles for
hire will be turned over t the counties
instead of only throe-fourth of it as at
present. The mercantile tax and tax on
writs an I f-es of the county othc.-ra v. iil
also go to ihe ooa.i'.y treasury instead of
into the state treasury.
This will amount to several thousand
dollars per annum in the county of Som
erset, and in the state at l.irg? will re-nil
iu a million dollars ln-ing diverted from
tiio stato treasury for the relief of local
In addition to this ail county taxi are
taken off h ie.i and cattle, and that class
of por-otiid property is ma lo subject in
townships t-i sch'H-1 and r tad taxes only,
a:;d i:l Inroitghs to school and borough
taxes only. The important changes made
in !nr-lhids of taxing corporations aro a
tol tows: l n) levying a mmag'a raio oi
taxi.tioii on ih.u valua of oompaiiic in
stead of a Lix on capital st.x-k and on
ltonds hold in the state and on gross re
ceipts if a trauMtorta'doit and tr.msmis-.-;ioil
c )npa!iy. At i mill under the new
bill it i estitiiated that the tax;.- on these
orporations iu lsiL whi'Tl this bill i-ouies
into effect, wiil be the same as iu l-s;i, 1
1 .v ir.g lot'iing for the natural increase
in srporatious and the improvements iu
values, wdiich it is hoped will add atb-ast
lit per C!it. to ihe roi-e:p!s. or s.Vl".,iHi.
The option incorporated banks now have
of paying s mills on the par value of their
stock is abolished and ail are taxed alike
at i mills en actual value, which will, it
is estimated, increase tho revenue s'.M.uo.
A tax of t mills is also loviu t on tlpi (Msh
premiuiii of mutual insurance compa
nies ; a lax of Jin miil on va!m of stock
of building and loaii ass-,e;."tloiis ; lax
of o:u mill on tin vabi j f all other or
p ;-:; io-is, i:i -!u ling liianut.i -turor, or
giaiz -1 f.:, that do nol n i-.v pay
s i--h t.ixe.
Cars in Taking Ktiiciae.
The ce.rele-sne-s with which medicine
is frej-.ien-ly h:t:idh-d in the sick room
w.;s forcibly cxemjililicd in thedeathof
Mrs. Alice La rly, of Clarion, a few days
ago. Tlie liltie ir! had been r ick for sev
eral days w ith i tjcumonia, i,n i w..s also
suffering with rheumatic affection in con
nection tht.rt-'Witij. i in Saturday evening
after supper, th attfiidiu physician. Dr.
J. M. I'iUgerald, called to see bis patient
and found iier getting along nicely under
the treatment. Iu his livMmctit for ihe
rbeUi.ia'.isii. ihe iiiiysieian had prepare I
a bitlle of beila iiuiita lin.imeiit, and
p! lirdy lab. lied it "p--is.n," to be use, I
for external Hpplicnion. ile in-1. i it' ll .i
111 se ho were atieiidilig the little giri to
ii earef.i: in Iriudliug this battle a ii.
content were A i-hoittinu
a!':er he had visitt l il-patient tin- physi
cian was hastily su:riioi:,-1 a. id t Id ii: at
a d se of the pois..n iu- iio:::o id had lit i ii
a lmiuist -red by mi--.:o.ij, but. by the
time he got to the house it was found to
lie t.Hi late to save the lift! of the pati-!:t,
and in two h jurs from ihu time th" drug
had ! :! a iaiini-tere I the li:'.!'; irt was
a corn.-:e, although every effort wa ma.h'
in the me.unime by Drs. Fitzgerald and
C. C. R oss, to out ii tr.-vt the eii'sisif the
it list: n.
Dr. Sadler's Holidsy Pro;ositioa to Thcs:
Siicd Trcra Ca':itc:.
You S:g:u
l oar .tjonev:
In every ce.-r of Cat.-.raet be operates
upon, he v. ii! testoro '.ist.f'ui siat or n--fiiiid
tiie fee, v iii-U in no t s!i ill
greater than the usual fee of reputable
iH-ctilists. In I,; 2i yens of extensive
praetiec at -ll !'--::u avo.. I'-its'iu-g, bis
( 'alaraet ope; ati'-us have Ins'ii steeti-.fu!
a'.Kire Ihe usual average, '.--.p.-. iaii y i.i ti.e
last live years, he has li.-t !--st a siub.
e.ise. everyone up to s i years of ago
iia't dug .-i-en to r- ad. He pr. ttive
;be b- ,ie!it t.f ti.-il ski!! on the
terms, to ail who are r-.ady, and :i.ike s.n
engagem.-nl with him b.fert,- l'e!. 1st.
Is-'",. If you arc umic-f. taint. -d v. iiii bis
work, send for list of names t.f t!i -e w ho
!i ive had experience, also pamphlet of
iiilbrmation on I'alara-t. He is glad to
!i ive his results i-omiiaretl with those of Please scud name and address of
a'i vo.i me-, know wli i have ataract.
a Tall iisji 0r Slaa-a
by tint tremendously d-
I gitlierel
str.iciive engine, me.l.irl.i, j.e;l oil tie
brakes with I lost, tier's Stomach Litters,
which will ch; -k it progi-e.i and advert
tL-ister. Chill and fever, biliio-.s ie-mitl-r.t.
dumb ag !. and ag :e cake are
pro.uplly relit ved and til;i:ii.i!e!y .-:rcd
b tiiis genial spti-it'.e, which is also a
C) uprt hensiv... family medicine, speedily
uofal iu ciso of dyspepsia, biliio lsness.
c tnstipation, si -"; head. .-. he, n rvo.isicess,
rli.- imatie:'! a id neuralgia. Again! tin'tf.d eli'e t i of .su l ieu eiu-ig of tr ::i
per..t.ire, exposure in wet weather, close
a'i;Iie.i.tti.n ti laliori.ius mental pnrsiiit,
a-id other inll ien.-e prejudicial t-i health,
it i a m ist trustworthy safeguard, it
f u-tific-s the sys'eui against tiise.ise, pr -iii
tes r.ppt lite ar. i sleep, ami hastens
t-oiivalcsceii't after debii.t.Uing au'l llesii
wasting disease.
A 3s'um.j Colaay.
V. J. Wright of Connellsville. in a
lengihy e imumiiicatioii toiliel Ireensburg
In ! ; ;.-.'e.-', adv n-ates ihe establishment
of a Lellaniy ctiloiiy in l'i iis;ylv:i:iia or
Virgini.u IJis idea is this; "lii t jn m -i:
win bcttveon them c.:i raise s."k),i.i. This
will lie but tf-'iO each. Sime can give
more, or less, and some nothing at all,
but have it understood lliiit those will
have that amoimt to co::ti i! -itt later on
and they may do so by work in the colony.
I will giv o td.o-kt, n.i I ,-on o,. tve uther
men here w ho wiil givefn.m 't.ui
e,i--!i. Then buy a tract t.f !,oi acres of
timber I.m ! some whero i;i the moun
tiins ; etanmem-e cutting your timls-r;
have a saw mill ; build h-iiiscs as fa..t ns
I'-.tssible; put up a building in which w e
ran i-j.tiiufaet.ire furniture anl ;;!l kinds
of fine oak i.u.iers, b :rs, ! tors, fancy
Su-roi! and fref.v ork. We would lind a
re-ely market for our rebtse in the s!,a;..
of inrdwood, p:t ties, cross ties and bark,
which would iiriugiua handsome revenue
from tlie start. Residu we would liavo
lots of building stone, and :ir
el.ty. W.irk it all anti a fint a the Janti
is cleared pi nil it in fruit trees, etc. Wo
can iissit u-r ow n inotji y, in the colony,
I think. Rat if the law won't allow ns to
do that, then let us in . est our s-iu.inu iu
I nittti States h. nds, t-tart a national j
hank, use the f 4.1.0 M that the (uvruiiii:t
will print us to carry on otir colony, and
to do hits-lit- with." i
Casi Knst Ac:om:.ay tie LeiOa. "
Krister and Kecordor 51 iller li:ts adopt- :
ed the c:tsli system in his oiUii. Nn diiil
wiil Ik entensl of record hercarn-r mil.-s
the clianj; for rei-.miing is paid
Mssisal IcitrniettJ.
Violins, Mandolins, (.Juitars
atidothcrsirit'edinstniineiitsatSnyder's ,
Cras sU're,
Ez-Sesator Fair e&d.
Ks-Senator Jaun-s I. Fair, the b ma:i.:i
lnillionair, dkd Friviay night, at ths Lick
House, San Francisco.
Cansel By the Svdien ChiBgei of Ism
Riirtiiiiatisui is more prevalent h--re
than ever l -fore. Whcu this disease f:ist
eiis upon an individual with Its orciiess
and pain, swelling the joinis, rendering
Iiim lielples in bis movements, he is in
died an object of pity. Tlie slight pain
in tin; b.v.-k, joint or muscles, is a warn
ing indication of an im;ovcrished condi
tion of the blood, and if not attended to
at once, means rheumatism.
Since, the introduction of Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, there have
'.Ken fewer rheumatic sufferers. Favor
ito Remedy drives out rheumatic poison
from the hi. tod, restores the circulation,
strengthens the nervo power. The lest
proof of it.s value, is the g .d it ha done.
' I v as alllieted with inilamuiatory
rheumatism for fifttH-n year, writes Mr.
F. P. T iyer, if F,ist Nassa, N. V., "so
severe that I w .is supjHised to lie a crip
ple for lifo. Und-T physieiaas treatment
I grew wmms. Dr. Kennedy's favorite
Remedy helped me from the time I first
used it, and entirely cured me."
Tiie iieuji:;',! daughter if Mr. James
?.IeFarlaud, of Dc. Moines, la., was help
les for months with ie rheumatism.
After a few doses of Dr. Kennedy's Fav
orite Remedy, she li"gan to grow better,
and continuing ji use was cured.
.Mr. (i. Lansing, f T.ny, ,N. Y., liad
rheumatism m ba-l thai he had to l.e
tnruol over in lied. After using Dr.
Kennedy's Fav orilo Remedy bill a t-iiort
while, was rc-siored t-i heallh. Why then
suffer with rheumatism or neuralgia?
Tha medicine wiii help you.
I term of Interest,
Forty four Jis were saeritieed by the
explosion of a lamp ut a gathering on
Christmas eve at Silver Lake, Oregon.
The Dtlavan House, Albany, N. Y.,
was gutted by lire Sau-lay nighL 11 em
ployes of tie hotel lost their live iu its
d--s! ruction.
A movement is under way, and iu
fair prospect of being carried out, for
ihe shipment of a solid train of corn nil 1
meal from the South to tho drought suf
ferers til Nebraska.
Ry mistake Mr. James Kehh-r, of
F.nglish, Intl., burn. si up for waste
paper sj,: in bills, ul Ijer husband
possessed. This happened on Christ-.
Tip) birgost tr.. In tho world is on an
i-iand in the rivvr t.f Svti'hudda. It i
capaiile of sheltorliig """ Icetl, and its
trunk is ' feet in circumference, so
says Ilaii'our's ', t'n.uj.
J. R. Jray, principal of the public
sehtsd at Pieton, Tax as, and V.'i'imar
Ra'idolph, a ptijiil. fatally slatibe l each
oilier, on Friday iu the school r.sim, a
tin result of an attctnpt on the pan of
the principal to discipline the loy with
a bisii.
The ib faulting bookkeeper of the Na
tional Shoe and Lt atber bank, Samuel
C. Sts-iy, w iio aided Frederick Raker to
loot the btiik of, was en Mon
ti ay sentencud by Judge Rt nedict, in the
l'nitel Siatcs ( ircui ooun, to I hi im
pris oned Iu the King county, N. Y,. peni
tentiary for eight years.
A dispatch from Kliwrton, llinirgia,
says that the t hiblreu of Isaac D. Rrown,
li-is-i-.v a public exeiaiti.ei rts-eiciy,
ware pl.tving at hanging on Saturday
evening. Tom, the lj-yt-iir-old son, tictl
oi.e end of a rope around his neck and
the oilier around a limb of a trie. Then
he jumped from the li nb, thinking his
fe t vt onld hi! th" ground. He died of
L'-.-se.-.-ft. iry of state I'oster has 1st n
rt-picstcti I y the Chinese g iveru:o""t to
go to Japan and inert the I'ici.ip-.-tt
'iiaries of ihe former government to
aid them iu their negotiation., for p' a.-e.
He bits accepted invitation and
left Washington for China la-t week.
Mr. iV.sicr has no authority to
represent or speak for tle government of
tlie l llite l Statu.
According to a dispatch from Hartford,
Mrs. Lmily Ib.hhirs Talcott, of West
IL-rtfof!, th- oi.iir.i resident in Co;:
i"' ti --it. reaehed h.-r one hun lr.d a'ld
i'onnh birthihty I'riday, She v. as :::::e
ye.:r. o! ! v.iieii Prosit! -nt Washingtoii
bed. She was bun at W.:b- .tt 11:11, in
'A'. ! hi rsti, Id. and was married, at twenty
Viars, to A.ise! Tale It, vv'i itlied iu I! 1-;-I'o.-d
a fe'.v ;. :-ai - . Sir- h "- fi.'ir cln!
dn -u !:-. i-g. iind grant! aud yeat ft rand
.i.ii.betl. Tin citixuns t.f Port Huron. li.-h..
w itne-sed a cry remarkabb; mirage on
Wi-di'.cs-.lay morning, show ing the Can-a-iiio
bank of St. Clair river for abn;t
! ". miles io-.d Ustli bail's from Marys-viiit-
to what is kuv.n as Mei Ire-fir's
i' a m-Ie below the Oakland Hocse.
port iluroii peisile i-ud'l sef? Sartiia re
lb'"!,sj in ;!ie el ouds, and even the ferry
boat as they crossed Ihe river. Sf, city was clearly oiit'inu-l upon the
sky and smoke could be seen ascending
from tin tops (lf several smokestacks.
Tin mirage was visi'.l" f..r m ire than an
When Lx-Steivards F:jah Lnierl.k
:tnd Louis I'.rovvn were examined in t!m
inve-.igaiioti now g'ling on into the
Schuylkill County Almshouse!
b tii ti-sti! 1 thai the Sit ward.s'dii wa
usually st .1,1 to tin- highest bidder. Rrow n
so id that bti hid beard that Toll had been
paid so that Hartmau could hav et!ic p.i
tioii this year. It was also shown that the
s daro-' and w hisky bill amounted to
m-.iriy li.'ti:l. or nearly one half of the
total :-:un pai l in the running!, r tae Alms-
Superiiibndent P.vrno, fif Ihe New
Y'-ik pi!iv fort e, furnished a gen;:bui
surprise Seiurday, when, after In had
i -t -i exami'u-l by tiie Lcxow Investiga
ting en:ii:n:tiee, be amiou'toed that h" had
tendered his resignation t- Mayor-ilcct
Strong. Supt. Jtyrni titil':cI that th
police lorce v..; bicomprtetit and could
I. ever Is made efficient until it was re
moved from polities. Ho said that be
wa-: worth nearly a halfmilbonof dollars,
w Ltt-L had It-en made for him l y such
fi lends as the (iotilds and Vauderbilts,
spi-e.da'.ing in stoeks. The invtstigating
cuiimiitee adjournt-l fitialiy Sat unlay
. A man giving hi name as Frank
Adams, and his residence as Philadelphia,
has l-cii swindling hotel proprietors iu
adjacent towns. Ilis scheme is to stop
at a hotel ami call for a letter addressed
to hiui in care of the pn.priclor. H
would open the letter in the presence of
tlie landlord, and ut the same time trim
1 lain of the difficulty of getting banks
to cash cheeks, after which he would
hand liie check to the landlord, who
would give Adams tiie cash. The clic ks
were drawn on the Chestnut Strei t
Nation: ! Rank, of Philadelphia, ami $
was-tin amount of tach cheek cashed.
The Imgus cheeks are all coming liack
Aaron Randall, of Portland, Me., win
died Iter, lethal the ago of eighty-six
years, w .-is a well-know n ectvntric i harae
ler. Several year ago he h i J his coffin
made, ready to In used at hi death, and
paid for it iu gold. Ho also made ar-
ran,'e:iie:iLs ah-mt his l.nrial, stlei-ieil his
U-arers. also a man to di his grave and
bury him, an 1 left in the handsof a friend
si'ver dollars to pay the b -:irers ?1 each,
Jt.;to lln one that dnjr his grave, fj to the
,., i,:,,,'! .rs KHy tothe vitictvry,
and als to pay tho miin w ho took charge
of hi imrial. lit left a s'M-cial reijuest
that no prayers or prcaeliin;i lie allowed
over his 1mIv. He was buried in the
buit of clothes that he was twice
iil, and tltat he had for li!ij-tive,
only wearing them three times iu all
twice al his weddinjr-i and once to the
funeral f his son-in-law. He was
Ieui!M-rat. He had his colli n made of
pino that grew on a l 'niocrat's laud, and
that was Raw eil at a mill ow ned ly a
DetniH-rat. The collin was iti:idi) by a
Dcniocnu', and he st h-eted I'c n;H-rats to
d all that w as done to bury' hi:.
The Wise Mn
Profita bj t!i? vltiirly l.-ouglit
exjrPi'K'iiPc of (dlitr.s aii i .SUC
CEEDS. Tha ! Utyvvise
Kxjicriiuet.t-j atiJ FAILS.
The Wise Man
That ia llic j ai e l.avc
etooJ the le-t and Lave not
beco foutiil watiting in
Sloc!t, Quality or Price, :
: He Follows and Grcw3 Rich.
SOI! l I'atroni.e t!io n;aa
wlo looks Cxclusivtly After Your
Wants, anil not foster th-i 'i'lu
line" and driblet" store?.
Very respectfully yt urs for
Everything for Gcnlbmen.
as L Baer,
The Hustler."
Red Letter sale
Parker cV Parker
' VM.'.U.Y 7-V'
l-,;, ;',,,. ;,-A -III l'i!i!'i,'ii,4tj
t'liftl 1 1 ji .i m', .'.;.
All pkhIk s,.M rnirlS-ss nf tr.i. Con
sisi:iiy; ,f liresi CihhIs, .vjlKs, Vi ivels, ,Ve.
l-iii( h all wiml ser'i-s .sulil j-.t In ets.
I.v.I Letter prieo Si it-itts.
1 illel, nil wm.l scrp-l Mil l ilt .Vi ets.
KeJ Letter ;riii- .'" et nts.
.'-irieii Ciisiniieri f-.i.! ;it S, cents
K.-il Letter j-i'iis i.iei-iiis.
.'rj-ineli In-s ;,.-!s s:.:.l ut 2.1 ce.iLs,
Hsl I-tter Jiri.-e lij eei:ts.
An Kn.iless: Variety of Al! Kin Is of
l!l;iek :tl!cl Coliireil fihiuiris,
SKLtJMS. Niive!tiis in l.'ii-ss ; .,h:.s
ut jiri.-es never i;e.,rt. o!!';-rcil.
In.sM .in;-!;.iiim M.i.i ut 111 cei.'i-,
Ueil Li tti r iri. e 7
Jf.t y:rd-i of 1-iin-::-1 r ;!:;!i;iri:- P-r
St ya.-iU i.f '-hhI iiuniity liiii
h.iiii fur !..
A few k!i!s iin.l in ( ;iii!:i:ii.j .-t 2
cents (.. r y:iri.
liit l 'nut ii s'1.iii:ii;N. S!..:rtli,f ns'
Jitr.Ts ;f Ai'ii ri-iii In li- i j:Ju,.
iilii-u fir l.t.
l i.f '.ilir,i f. .r s'l.iki.
M y:ir Is i.f .Mei iiin;i.. ('.x-hiii r:;!ini
'St ,f (i.ti. ,n i i.i. ...Is f.jr s'i.i'.
tliilinjr tUiin-.eis! at M ami 7.
Ite.l Letter j.riee In. -.-ti,i
i.'! :t.;.s ef e.SNl ;.,.., n .nii, I f, r
vex;r re.l..- c-1 t. e.rst.
A-i I!is,I:i't. U;e:ieisl Mns!i;i. f.r!ier
I-riee le.-i,t-, K. il Letter 7 c
14 K.-iiit i f tin Lo .:.i Ilii.i. -Le I !!-ii,
fencer pri -e I'lr l-' ii Le; t. r S.ile 7.
4 I Hi:i n:.M. :.- I Mi!-;., f..;-:iKr j
I:! cents, V.v I Letter -rie 7 eee.;. j
-J 4 Androsit.iit ;i.-li.-,I Mii-Iiii.
former in i.-e !'( -.i-nls, i;( ,1 1.,-ttc r jn :. 7.
i-i Iins ( ':ii:i!:i ;e, f onm r j i ':. e IZ .
ei i:l.s, IJeil Leii. r r:.v in : nis.
-I I ;i!t V.:.- K--j. !.e l Missiai, .rme:
priee 7 t : i:u, !;.sl Letii r j.riee T, .
4 N-: j.:irei! r.le.i. l,-. I Miisj;:i, f.-rmer
jiriee 7 cetit, II j'I !,(.!;t ,ri. 1 .'. ,h n; of fcoo.I Co'.iv .! :ii!s!i;.
for sl.Oi.
.'yar.Js of extra heavy Mu lin ;' r -!.-;.
4 I Ajii'IetouVs A I ti . ii:iele.,i McsJin,
v.".l :it S It llt-, IJe.l Letter j-riee ti
4 lir:::it Falls 1" l'ii',Ie:ie!ie.l M-.i-iin,
!! at .s ti nts, !,.-tt. r ii i e i, eetits.
4-4 I'ieilmei.t fniilem he.l Miislia. sold
at - ci-nts, Ki ;i Ia Iter price ; e.-nts.
In Tali'e Lim ns-, N:iji.iiis. T-'ivcN. Pel
S;-re:i.Is, J ;li-ie;.. .; anil I ii!-!e..e",:c.l Sliirt-inUSTi'ikllljf-:,
I'.et .:i':s, :t!l.l skills, WO
arc- l-rrjiared to sell at -rri-at li. KiA I."S.
L.lili.-s' line Cap.s and Ceais. 4 '1-21
In n's Coats sold ri ardii s -.if e M.
I'.fs-t f!ve-.ii:iti r t:!i oil eiotli that
k-i!d for IS cents, !:,..J I.citer price 1 !.
Wool 1'arjiet Chain :;t ee:;t.
."-ply Cott-ni Carpet U:th ::l i t o-iiis.
.Vply Cotton I'arpet Clia-n ut 1-. ceils
in y and P.Sae!; Si H-!xiir Yams, ."' per
pii:t:d or ft it Ms cut.
Iti oiir np-stairs ih-parlmeiit we v. iil nf
firsjticia! pri.-s in Carpets, portiers.
Kues, Iji.v Ciir:;ii!s, Llankcts, Conia-tts,
Ciiii.:! , TaMc Covers, Tn;nks Sati !i. Is
nil Cloths ve.
?. i Iur hiis hcen reduced to he r.t
tia r.ew tari'l" v hieh lakes lh e the tirst
of the year. Com,. riI,t :.lo,lf; and make
your whvtioimi-.iorc stock is I n.kcn.
Parker & Parker.
;. k;;v r-s Sfs.-aaiai"
f.- j -: nV'.Xs.' JUe 55trt
c : t -
I' 5
Y sjf. i-hd arrai'trcim nt with the pii'
N KU'S MAGAZIN K for lt", u:il
FOR $4.25.
If Purchassd S3.Kiri.ely Thsss Pcriodica's Would Cost $5 00.
IT IS THi: I'l.AX OF srnn'AKK Stooivi-itsrcr.ikrst.cxtyear a history
if t!:i 1st 'Si years in tlie I'liited Str.tcs. , Jsi ;:-',",. ) Tli- years have
I hi-M uiiji:ir;:!!eleil ii t he !iis:o.-v of tin world for national h vclepnu-nt ai:il
materia! pro::n-ss. The narrative w ill K urittca in a i;r:i;.hie na 1 p-cttir-.-sotie
style iij-I'rcsidetit Atidrews, of IJr-iwa I'nivi-r-iiy, ami e.:j i'.!. arti-is w ill il
lustrate it.
ROI'.KUT f! HAN'T, v.hi's.. "Keikctions f a MarrK-d Ma:," will l-m? v r.--im
iuls-nd, has written a scries of rt;, !,.s n;i "Tin Art of Livitiir," in
Vi hieh lie wis himself to -lvc, as far 11s such pro!.!c!i ea:i U-solvcd. 1411,-4-tioas
which k -set c-wry well-t i-lo family: The !nc :n. Tlu DwdliTio 1 1 i-hs
hold Kxk asi s IM'ieatloji of 'liihln n Married Sialic I.i.'. Tin Sttin'iie
Prolilt ai, etc., et-?. I.-:iiit!fii!lv iliii-trutcil. r
GKOUUKM KUKDITI I, whom more lliaa one -riKid authority has pronounce.'
the grtitest of living iiovcli-ts has written a .-troa ; .serial, "The Aiaa.tai:
Marriage," to liegia ia January.
f I). HOWKLI.'S wi!! coatrihtite a a vl enli'.hil "The Storv of 2.
Jn'THK LAND OF HON QriXOTK will U a scries of thr.e skK.ihes
illtr tratcd Ly a ii:nii!n-r of Daniel Va-re's woialcrfal drawing.
XlN'tJLE ARTICLES ia Tc:it variety h ive liocii arrant-it for and tin il'.u.s
trations w ill In. elaUirate.
If you desire only SCRI USER'S
tlie Publishers :
A stili.!i .-!;r.o wl'l add more to
onc-a opjiearubc: than any ether
s.ii-lo articd-' of Ilre.t-J.
Wo have a large-'supply of the:n,
and will svc cu.-lotnerj
Lace, Congre.1-?, liulton, lyncher
and IJIaehcr Contrresy, with
tlie Frencli, Yale, l'icka
di'.ly, Imperial and
Glolic toe.
IJutton, Lace, Congress and ImucIi
erette, with the I'liiladelphia,
Ope! a, X. Y., S'pnre, Ka
zor end Coimnon
yen.-e toe.
: Shoes for Boy's :
i Youth's and Clii-drt n of ail de-
periplions", aI.--o
a fuU line of
Loots in Leather, I'iiLher it Felt.
An iinnicnse stock
Of Rubbers
To select frbiu.
AH at riMCKs to ?uit the TIMES.
Shaver & Good,
SI CC:si;s To
- - Pa.
IloIM.iys arc- -.vcr, l--. s ar !' tie. : !..:i st
I.e many ! r.-keii Ir.K-s iu (.' "'- fivcry
u. ;iart:iit-:il not i-'iiy in . -i.-.i i.eii.i; v
!;: is. hilt staple T.Oes M .t '! io.
is tin 11:11." I y t tiie ; . p-.. 1: :::.
ii.!;- iil 1 -r-c-s .- sis, S.i Met SnUii!;t.
Lot s.spc. i r.'i' im:- '. .1 s::i;::--. s.:!-i-l
o lor and cii i-" slia.i s, 4s inciiis
w hit. M.'M a ya.-.l.
liiinli Ali-Wn.! fid y.'A-'i
Chek S.iitpies, ty li-Ii. and i:i wot .! i-olor coTii' i:i. i;..:is m.iS.- JC -t-y
and l l-i. , !;. 11 an ! i iae, in:ilio..iy : i.d
Iil rtle, l.ltl aiid IT . "VII, eiive :;!!.! ! ITH-,
e i h ; a:e! r-y, liaht .::.d !ari. !.ro-. 1:,
etc.- '-.iiuiiiv- dollar '!- ;.t Vi.-. :: yard.
VVooi Suitings.
Kiht !;!: ri-i.t ci.j .r .!.. i:::.ti--.iw in
-ty!i-ii i-ii- ek . ;:':! v. s I t::;. i 1 i:e -v.:i .
that iil is-a !ii:ii:e s:.i ;ri-L- to -. i rj
uo:.i.t:i iviei m-i-s I'li-m- ir.ciu's
a yard.
L.Mra s 1 al!-n.:il Miseil Suitit.vs
.Vi-ee!ii vahn s 4"i iil. 'n; s w Me, till, a yard.
J, yards of aii .V.--1 4o-. L.eii. -
('! th '-. d ij'iaiity, ii! Ii j i L ::. v.
ijahlia, ini..;-!, i:i-u!., cie., ii ii!.ic
H tilth, ' ;re!u s w: le, J:..-. a yard.
Laci:s' Hisses'
and C!.:iJren's
Jackets, Coats, Capes
RaiiSy-ftatfa Garr.i-3nts,
F-irs, Etc., Etc.
To 0 i.i . ; ri. e s v. iil si:rp; :s. t-.i
luo t i-o!ei:v.:ii; e t.- iy-rs. W rin- ir
Mail . 'n-r lep-.rt.:Ki:t for r..i:ni !e:. of
BilV piece of nj s.ds ye.-i :.iay wNh. Co:
part' iu:iii' v a;.d prices '.vith tiie l e.-t y: -,:
,"'1 A, h-n v. e'l: atiiile ! y oi:r
llC'e s Mil.
R OGG 3 & R 11 H !
W wwl lu
1 Allgheny, Pa.
. . ,--, fc,
- lisln r we iiall .1 to ofLr St'Uii:-
a full ycr's Mtlcriptina lo
153-157 Fifih Avsnuo, N. Y.
Wear !
Syrup Cans, Sap Buckets,
: ; Spjuts, Gathering Eackd?
Susar Pans, Etc., at rock C
-:P. A. SCHELL,v;
Main Ctom Street, - SOVrprr
Great Inducements.
Goods reduced in price in even
jDry Good.-, Carpets, Oil Cloths. Lace Curtain;
Ladies' Coat e. Xow is the time to buV to
save money and get something good.
11 rTt
R E Wi N A
a rv i
Dt 'l' 1 i ; ! he at rush l ef. the II. i:-l:'vs a great u;:tT: v I;. :
i ii.;m..t- !. .vei. Ji a !-.. in. i'.stiriil no ati'l mark s :u j r:
K- vry ie:i!j,U:.-4 t-. Iiarai!i-hi::.ter(. The:.- ;re a!s. n. my
u iie-ii i': v e --s. l
I on o ;r Ki:'. :o".
'!,: we waft :-i'.v- is to c! :i 'it o ir st !:, to n nji to sj ri::,' I ; ,. , .
i :.;'.v I-. .-. si.H 1'. Ti;-;-; -!, n:l I tn'-i a-Ivan-. W ' ' - - .
;i()lN STKNG lull.
5 lis
, . 1.---.: VV
lvr- Vj 'jj .I;
Zgggp ai-!.:...-,! v...
f;i i a J f7--'ih i,s" " -
&&sm&r a ..MEM -m-
Vf4 . - C0i.D VftAfe.
' tssi . sv . ; -:jyr ..
N'-TilIVt; ?.-;t t'u-- l ist ;:i !t. ;:: .i!i. I v- T-a i:: hip enters ;t.;., ti.
. f il.e i-IM.KKLI I A .-sTi.Vl S ;...,! i:.M.I.s. Tl. ir cU-.-al:: --, s ;..
'I heir .. .; r.-..y saw- sioi:. y. ' S..M in-! gcnrantccil l-y
JAMES B. ilOLDEUBAmi, Somerset. Pa
i . - - -
Wor.Jerfu!!y -uccc..-f!tl ia
rait, iijD, lUtluni.
, ;..- my -A wa
, . ' '?'.'-;' s . ;
Ai Eya Operations Successful- FerfarmsJ bv lii:n
.1 Oiv f I',
r t
i V. .-...!.
S;ri.y,iir...-ai..-.. jay hiii.-lnL' ti is
i!M. r !-. S:;i.' r.-.::,.-i.r for Ihe i...
'!le.'"lis. ilM-l 111 tl' : I ILL; l.-.S l.l-t H V.-IV
ly in:-r..... ia ! ia- 1 1 .ne i."
"" ''. I n in s'i'i are!, r sre.iSiikn:
Ihv forioi ciuircciiu-. lii'e.'i.l'.v
" lsii;:.- Ii.
S. t. I!', t-t. lK,1..r,l. i t.
ii ::.-.-.-;::it ,,f fu. vir; v;i.u .-hi.i
Of I fie ill
-. i. I Me tiie l.istny i.r U,c i
A! :i y. :iri:.i. Mr. I'i. r-..!. i.n t
of aijsrrii. trnviiti- s hafl of l-.n:n.r in his
let! . :ir lliaf 111." silln:- liiii;!.: not Uivc (,.
Ill iv ft for tin- s. r i ,n, ,,:.,
I In- ri'ht one fur Hi- si u v.nrj 1-- -am
wnrv.. ;,m. r.ii:u; ii took sonic vi r l.-.nt
. ilUie ..r tiiai to c.'i rsi:i!i.: nf.
r -, illlllltl.'l li.llillc !-.t. lie can .u-i :n !..-.,r
i ! tiie toui-iy lis,. Us.-: t-.i-. si. !,i say :!.;-f f..,-
i r.i-n:.-..n .-..ti,. r;, ,A,. i
i ,s rs ,:k-:sii:. 0i!t i!s rUiif tar Is Hi,
, " - . ',-l, ,s Wll.l
iaw kaovni hiui v,. lis::.,, to t;,.. ci,rn,.
-si oi lay statement. l"i JI. Salm.
' '.' I.k- h .0.7 Itn hrr flum .' S".'.n l i,'t- Ay
ny M,t l.;,ijrr, tint ir u t"iir-. e r.
Kor.-j ji-irs I 1; ivi' h::,l kill.), v. stonm.-l: u...l
INmI IIHIIRI ITlSMl .-, T ...... 1.1 1. L......I. ....... 1
iiv.-r tmaliic. Tli- f. arf:i .-ua"s in n, ..,, k j
... . : 1.1,.. r 1 c...i .iuri:i- in ii tin,,. iiui,i,. .
..a. 11 wi.'i 1 .r .-.-..lh. 1 cetii.l hunllv .,h.iHii:,i i.-it rnjaL-r'v iv-
. rj .iiv.ii i..,.r ..r live i.n. 1,, v. i i. 1
m..l har Uy tut ami when I trie.! a ll'tle of
l.e lliOT...' 1. 1 net., in,, ii., ai.-l alt-r i 1.1 ur
l'1-..Vs., 1. 1 c-.ll. lee. I
ItlollL-Ilt it
IHHU tic:. to Hie. S.,..,,. ,....
, I.oW.
U-lVIS-tl nit c,, t., I
Im. lut ImiI s-rf..!nie. f:i:inv i.n.l..rl
ia.i-iir.-s in tins rl f tl,.. .-.Mintry. After I
le J;!, " "'1r;",.""'", 4 ':, ' 1 "
,"e;:,,,'s"-'. I li iv- laic. 11 Ins rcHtment
now l-,ri ii..milis.a,,.l I CHI....I..V 1,1-.
nor.-, an l 1 would adv is. utl my'lricii ds n, i;,, 15 : '
Ou.- Advartisement Wi.l Aansar twice Before Each Visit
Tow'i 1 H.i.el iHiy Juii Keti
f :Vn- o.. r:,-Oa!, It -JiT-L-s-l ,v ..-.i,
se.m rs ( i S S,,;,.! v - o .,
It- li.ii. - if, ns.. Til . . j
II. Us.. Til ; V H S .t'
:.;.n..i i:a I'oii-.m, r ial lui. iav
fates ul.j;t-t tocUa;sf wli,.u u ...,. 4 ." ..-,.,,. - ..'iKd,
prices for cash.
Evaporator on theM,
kct at less than half the pr;,e
"asked for some others, it
"pay you to:go-t our prices be:Q?B
siOHNiTOV.'N p
ii:,ters. ai. i
o .. I' to
loan v :ii -: ;r.
Is an !"
A Poor Ons
ta? VO."-1
kicl of I.'.::. . :
Kv;a.-:aS-rt-.;s . : .;
t r .v-
New Stove.
a IIRltr.
K -X vV-S
. ;. fe? -r 9 fs -v .
I.- , K
t ..
v .t si r-?r )n
:ft::': 4
SALM, Snecialist
dl Cbronic Ii.-ex-cs o; t!.e
liUiVJU aiiU i'AOAJ
tO tills ; !
si:--..:,., i..
( i:
i .
t .i ;
I f-ii.-n .'.,. s..' ni, 'i t- ..'
J I'.'ll Sllft' J l-l'.. ' I'
j For o i i- 1J v.t: rs s, y ,,-.:.
1 in. :.;i-l isiiis-la.-n .
I lie e. -l. il'. k-s-j-i.i,- t!i.- .1- .
I wl-i'i-l v.-n iiuiar;;!. In
; n Ii. f I h u I'.wv i'ii- -I
1 rv lew .las. As 1!. r.--: i
! l.-ii .y.s-. i: t. .!.-:.. "
w.-is ..iiil: ih- same nuy r.j-.-lf
1111, li-r lh.,-cure ef It. i '
liln t;a;.y t .ra!- .lint I
Wi! Ii Ti:.- "l-isliis t:iv ii,--!--.
lin ir iiorm:il .lir.-t :i.-n. :im-1 ;
ri'-!il e)e lias i: :;.r..i ii i" '
aiii wi.u.a rtullv cnn.1. J
I !
Juwt, it Trftu : 1 i
I hrive sillT n-'l il!l
troillile ll -if HIV IM-'. Iiel ' '
Uu:t I'r. Svilm luis entirely . .' -
July t'L M-
fW:ii-rH 1 Ltir.J 7V..-.'
K..r nearly S yt-ir I h ive I
.1 1 !!
.' Im,v ir..M.,l.. i.:..l eatai 'I.. I :.
I of l-.t i.hi.:i-ia!i nt
! ,.s.,il uiis.- until I H i-
1 ,. . I,.. ,,.. ,,i ,. 1.
I 1... 1 ....... 1 ., K,,,.,:.,r 1 1
1 J..
1 '...o-.'.. . il I. --en. ! : :!. '
T.-'ar I s.i.1 lluiiiknil I l-n! f ' ''
! tr,-.,tiiient. for 1 .-.. '
i.lcsurc and am -' -I m " ' -"M ' ?
I a.i- art, .11111 .1111 - j ; NX
Mar" Ai-P M.,y Juii July An- -1"
'.K .1 ;s ;,; i t '
y. a :
M -r - ... . - ; 1
L'- y :S
" ' 1 (