H: Somerset Herald. -r.r-7, '.,. s.'l'i-J- J--'-'"""--"- i.t. i', ki. ..-.:VV. , - f.-r s-il :a l.irpv or '' :". ' . i;.niiiT I'Miiijins from ' ' '", ,ii 1 ' in l l" ('''Iin!v v ' '" ' i ;,;!. -y's. ,, ,.': -is ar- hav , ..ii -.i ...-.Msiotts i-aeh . :V ' ', T ..f t.lo.-'S t Scll.Ktl .; :l MVl'.t-i ! the do- ;., '.;'..i !!L ; .., ii-i-i t-oi jrr).ir"il ......i.'-..-r f the Wet- '....ii,r f. r t ;ss:i of a .''''' i. ifir. pro iilinjr for " "' .'. , - :i 1 litional law ! 5' i th.it e. unity. . ( . . . r;,.s, l'l.'ur and Kee-l "'' '-, s!.'-ur--k and have thrtii de- A;c " "' ' . ',. Niiif-xsh trtJohiw .:'f whieh N estimated at j- ' , iti'.i'- i t. lo raised ' V' ., u-.'-.n person livinar ' . i, -i ts of the proposed . ,v- ( l:rit!il:is novel- ,'-r':;"-'V.lrr;-. at Kd. H.CotVr.-th's - jr' ' . . :,?.H i rv -,nl eonfoelion- 1 tlau'iit'T of r.ii-is ' r ,'. . :!!. JtedforJ Comi- v k ;i!'-d on Tuesday, l-y s i - i ii:irir. oi a pun ner s". The e'iiUeiits ol k v..mij.' l:idy full in the ! r 'i.-tVil holiday pres .!.'!ni St enter's, in , ..' l -i-1 iniv tliftii. t , ;.: tii it :t rail!o is not a v i.sw. 1'rank 1'Ut-4-!.i:!!i .: tit y, was of ;. v:i!itfd to dijKNM.f , i ! a lit of tickets riiiU i :it : s:ijnl:iti! ri-e. w t-re s.-nt through the n: i. r !.",k' i-aii forliis l"ir.U"l Sintes Iis- , ... : y ; a:t-il:ir toys and mi-..-.ii-. KtNkiliT until tl? ..:.:-:t!iit;s when stores are ,":...; .:.-.-are busy, but p at ". i:i !' I'otl'r.ith's and Rt yo.ir , ..:-. 1 ! 1; :s a hirjie and -oiii-' the l:ltei n ivellies V..::'. r. of fatiiria; lty. of . ' ! 1 U-tyhtini. of Ann- ... i.t v.. -k d-:siate.l l.y 4 v-i- tidaet the oo!it'.-ted , , ... : . x-.Tii.lsre !!l:;ir and Judire , U'ii::. i'i Iixliau eounty. The !-!,:.:: f.'uds"- Whit w as V.led i.;v : ;t lif Atloriiey J. ucral saw . v. iiv the I'me.-ipe should not . v ;i v :!.: to buy a fir-i 'ass inusi .r:'i. ' " :'t s morler.ite rrire? Go v.; ,!m;' store. in the state t he c en- . ar-- j- ivinjr a hihor jirh-c fr : Ii.!. .: : !! than is o;f. red in . r , n." the new t iri'.V l.iil was - : I: ! - r f. t farm-Tf to have their .:. i -y '. than to take th'Mii to . i ; I- -ir" tiiis ison'y n-lioni-e . -. ;':'! - ':i!!iiisioiiers, or Kid : "f tii' i.'V.t:--.. H t:.! ;nj-l--n ... : - f .,:! dt-s -:; ;:"!s v. ('..tTrot'i's rv. v l' i:rl or t .;u The l-st .-in -mi to t.iiy trv.i.s : -r iiti'lay . . ha- n.-ar--r titan m.Kt states s ; j li. r -i:!ity eats at theg.".) ... u -liter of the oumie-. 4'oltl!ll- -.. ; :t-.I. is alia -t osat-tly in the - "f i'rankiiii coiinty, a;id theonin r. .ry is. lv. is cl.i-e t.) tiie gs-:.-..-..i - liter of the state. There are r -- '.ii:ti tneiity eo-.intie-. ea li with its vty t.'v. :i in the -t-:it-r of the -.unty, i i ,l many more with county towns v a f. -.v in"os i"r m theeetiter. P.-.1-N ...'th II ks v:. vtM n: for : : : . i: j. N. h-r, the drujfs.'ist, can l: :r y. v itli s';a A -i-s.'iar a -ei h :it cans-1 the destnie-::yii-,-..f:heh:5rn of Il .n. J..!iii M. - ".. a: i rt -.ve'.l Station near Ho': . - .-! s e;ir lay last. While tiie i " ; ' r thr her was in operation on :. ''j-ti : .. t, a -iinill stone lw-eame L' i tita-'hittery arid the iMie . '.' : It. .' to the material in -:.-r. Th- th is.in.l of iUtatingr I " - ..f .:.-.! -,v i-'.rrie t!e sLiiikii to i ; i ; : ; i - irti. The 1, mi and its .-. ;-t ii r- -s, w-re destrov- '. : f irtiiture at Ik'V- : . I'r.-'.Wi.ti s:.. U':n Auj;. i - ' - a; .'.-n half i rii-e. t i:r '. niiis g;v,-r is 1 i --..IV! I'.-tiiiater i ! . . .i: : .-u: to the ' - .. i;. are s.ii.j--t ' . .,. th.ci th.- hie! : - . -. ii ..f 1, n. r-. Thv . '.i.' -taoij'- ii! . i. t . v j.r- t J.a. k- v.- .1 -. 1 .f.-r ..tr..-.-. r i !. i i. i;nr ... .n y. Kwry r . - .. t :i i -nd- s!i r.l :i4 i- ''.-oi -'loo Jla-. 1 ! ' .!ae,.. !:a ae- y f lih'ilra 1 1--I'iijj' N ' -. i : ot.e of the larg.wt . ; ' ' -' i. ijes in e:te:nv. ' "v -it .i ! jr. ia red to 'i ' r.-' ii'. "r to ttirnish ' ; - ' ': i i ;i .us '('iimax" - ; r-f:t: hi the ' i . :-:e-r of Mere.--reunty, Z time killing Ue re- ' K e-c;ieri. nee he will not "-" .. H.- l r .'iht the water to a " - ' ' 1 -I" "at a re y ii-,.iin larfe ' 1 tt.r A.i.ji tln-iu iu:. the larre! "r- " 'rke 1 very well until th j - i :: 5aider, eotiitnon- - ' i. -r h- a 1," ne.t.lv nsj hot, at.-r.-..- . :. .jiMied, lireak- y '' '"' ' ' 'r'' A "l t'u Water OMt " "" ,,r" "' 1 s-al I n-; hiui severe- i ; . : t.;.. jjl(T he was Iiauling. ' ' ' ' als.) !;iraed and hurt j -.' z ir. --.ii-.. l.-.it th-ir injuries are -- ai .,r -1 1 , thv-e tifMr. lireesi. a I'-vUifs r.russi-ls Car- I't-r yard, in any jiattern ? l ' er iiian jol.K-r's !riees. i en any artiele, f-Jand . -ioiiii-towii. Pa. i'r i-r.i!. -s"i' ' f's"'' ' '' ,,!''"'::i2 Iin and then "' "" eiiairor lx-neh ko that i'"'! i- u;.ri-Ht. i-a triek that should i.,., j ' i -a -.i vl ani.injj the young h' -! ""!"-llst.wn school the a one of th'tst' danger ; ,"J' : !l h K-ii;.i-d liy Iluiill 4 ,'" :' J'-h:i-n i-aine to wluml r.'!"-v l d.-k. H it he had no t : ' l' ' " than he j.nin;' tip an.) . - 1-t t:, w ;, w lK1ri-J di't : ' l'i:h- l it out and hen : . , " " h' 1" htirt him ! ld - T.' ! - -''-' waikand tho n-t "'' ' ' "-ire that he Wjjs 'n un.l f rr thinjf w ' .in.-rii!ir-, ir.it n h- f iief. I ii,:.:!v I'.oh I cr ..ind t'.i- n.Kind an 1 ' '-... . ''-for "t 'i I a 'I'.ianlitr f .;j- l ie 1. t .!ay sii.-j Unj.'.-r of hi. lxM- ni t ti.i-l'csi and Knsii- ""sW. a ;,... f - lit sfir ( i.i run aAinsi any '''',-. A,,r 'lie n killing a lir-4 eii c-t it from tnf, J. M. Fiat, i:.;i-s i'i. A merry ClirUinas tu all our rvadent. Welister ;,k1 and AtCM Ix.mlicr, students at the tiettysl,nrg College, are liotne for the holidavs. Mr. Carl Scott has returned home for tlm Christmaa vacation from the Mer eerslurji Aeademv. rrcthonoti.ry S:iylor nnd family have taken possesion ,,f their coutf..rtal.le new home on rairiot street. Ksiniirel.. M. Iiieks, of this jdaee, lian tHH-n a tmittcsi to ira--tico as an agent be fore the Tension IepartmenL i- . . iiiiii.er- .t:n:i:; Institute next We lnesday ami Thursday. All indi.-a tiotis jmint to a lare attendaiiee. 1 lie I.hmI order Ivnights of the Golden Icicle, will (jive a lwiHi-.iet in their hall, in liner's P.lock, on the evening of Icc. LVitlu The managers of the It.K-kwoHl Elec tric Light Company exjuv-t io le aide to furnish their patrons with illuminating current nest week. The V.. Ai. authorities have declined to establish an ag-viey at Frhslens, much to the dissatisfa.-tioi of tho patrons of the nad at that suition. Theodore lSenson, of Connor istoflice, has lieen granted an original pension, and John Glover, of Meyersdale, lias ln-en granted an increase of pension. At the Presbyterian Church next Sal bath, lien a "v'hristuias Sermon" will le pn-ached in the morning by the ias t r. Servh-os in the evening at the usual hour. C'oiiif a:nl welcome. Kev. Hiram Kitig, of the llefoiiued Church, ill hold Christmas services in tiie different churches of his charge as foll.Avs: Glade, Saturday evening, I'ce. '11; Nhanksviile, Sunday evening, lec. it; Somerset, Monday evening, Iec. 2i; I.a vnnsville, Christmas evening. Miss Nannie, daughter of Captain and Mrs. William H. Saiiucr, was solo ist at a con.-ert given in one of l'iits burg's Iciding churches, Friday eveniiig. f-r the Is.-iielH of the Kworth League. Miss Sanr.er is a student in the M. IX College, that city, and is paying special attention to voice culture. The protracted meeting at Pleasant Hill Church, in Somerset township, is still in progress. I'p to this time forty p rsons have K en at tho alter, thirty of whom have profcssi-d conversion, and t wenty-fotir have united with the Fv.m geliiiil Church. The attendance at the meeting is large and interest in it is in creasing. President C'.evehuid Ills promoted F.n sign Chiitor M. Kncjiperto be a I.ieulen aut in the I. S. Navy. The Lieutenant is n .-.v on duty aluard the svpindron fiag ship -P'.iila delphi:!," at present guarding the interests of the I'nued State in the Japan-Chinese war. Lieutenant Kneppcr is the elde.-t son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Knepper, of this ph-.-e. Saturday Sheriff Hoover le ied upon the printing materials of the V'-I- Hr of-fi-f, and as a onsisi'iem-e no issue of that siiarkling sheet was pr.trii out hi-t week. We hope brother Tredwcll will have no ditlieulty iu arranging matters with the creditors of the IV ." Compa ny, and thathis paper will resume pul-li.-.ition with the new year. n Thursday evening, at S; it P. M., M iss Sadie S. P. Bri.-ker. younge-t daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. s.tmuel I'rickT, of this place, and Mr. Joseph Snyder, of Hockwood, were united in m arriae at the :ii:ne of the bride, lie v. T. J. I'.ris tow, of the Presbyterian church, per formed the (: retiKiy. uly the iuiuie diate friends of the bride and groom were present. The Herald acknowledges the re ceipt of an invitation to the annual banquet of surviving comrades of II. P. Cummins Post a. A. II., to 1 given in the Opera House, Friday evening. Iee. Js;li. The comrades will meet in ti. A: II. H ill, at P. M. sharp, for the purj-.se of cl osing up the untinisiie.1 business of the Post for the year ls-al. Following the banquet a cai:i;-i':i-e will be held, for w'.ii.-h an interesting program has Isi-n arranged. The Ministerial Assoeintion of Somer set met Monday afternoon at tie' Keform cd Cii'in-h pars .na-v. It was d-ided to hold ur.ion m - titigs ej.-h eiening ex cept Saturday, during the We.-k of Pray er in January, ls:r. Lev. Hiram King, Set rotary, is to prepare a list giving prec edence in the arrangnKMit to those churches who did not have the meetings last January. Mr. King gave an address on '-'.I.-ligio!!. What is It?" which was discussed by the meniiiers pre.-eilL The next lii.s lin g will 1-c held at the Lutlier a:i pai-s oii;ig.', Morelay next. Th" Grand Jury l.s-t week concurred in the finding f the Grand Jury at Septem-h-t term in re--.immen-iing that an addi tion U- l. ii'.t t- the Sheriff's rt-sidetn-c, in order to ;rovi lea suitable an 1 conveni ent kitcic n f r the Sheriirs family and fr th" jail, and that Kth the Court II -use and Ctinty Jail lie heate 1 by hot w i-.-r or s.c ::n h.-at to be furnished from one K-iier. P, of tho ah v.' itnproveui; :it t the e -lntv ! ui. bnji are badly pecde.l and wh tiinal" v.oll t render them in .re c i.:if..rt.-ib:e a-i 1 safe. la id Weig'e. of Stoiiyereck town-hip, his .is.-overe I what is Udieved to K- a very vabi ible vein of iron ore on his farm ne ir ii inksvii! i. A sen;.!? of the ore h is Iwvn analy. ' l by the chemist of the l S. Mint in I'hiiadelphia. who p ro il uiii-ed it to b. of the lin:-t quality. The vein was dis.-vere l several weeks ago while Mr. Weigi was engaged t bi.-eing for c al along -WeigleV Hun." alotit one-four.h mile from the stony -creek. Incisethir.re pins out in rich pavin2nu-m:itie, it will furnish an a 1 ditional incetitivo t the Pennsylvania Ilailroadto btiii l a branch road from J ihn-to.vn i it-.the ol an 1 iron Ji.dd, of this county. In another c .l.ft.iti we punish a eom munioitioti .n.ui C anty S lperintend. nt J. M. Iterl.ey. which is earnestly com mended to the eirfui consideration of Vs-scssors through it th? county. The question raise 1 by Superintendent P.erk ey is of vita! mi;) .-t in.-j l e.e.-j tax pave.-, ina.sm.ich as u pom the road t. .-ir.I c:irinT i!lc.-e.Ls.-.l revenue for the several s -h nd districts of the county. In s cnerset "r .ig"i, for iii-'an th -rt? arc- perh:i-! fi ty tax payers, who con tribute to tho revciitte of tho .Nimmon uealth. b it who do not pro rate with their fellow citizen in t'.u nutter r re ceiving a flnre of tha State appropria tion for the maiii:e:iane' of tho public schools. It a.-v-ur- to us th it th- point raised bvS:iperint?n lent Herkey is we'd taken an I th it !? a.l ;)tiu- his sugg.-s-tion the Ass.sors of the c unity will sao cocd in se-iring f T the several wh .l ditri.-.salirgT prop 'rtio i f th? State appropriation. m V Cotin -llsviile dispat -h ay : -John Miller, who live n.-ar here, we;.t up into th ni .untaiim two win-k A and h ih4 b i h ard of in v. The ostensible ob .s-t of b exp-sl li hi as hunting. !.ut l.is friends here b lieve that l.e.asoii the tra. k of the m , .iishincr- along the F.vettc -v..i. r..s; li.ie and tht they have murdered l.m.. Their suspicms are strengthen.! l-.v the fa -t thai In two have rc urmsl h.-ne. S.rtne time ago Miller ere!-I en -.11 ie ' the lllie.t disti'lers I t att-oi;'ti" to hunt them ... and it ! said that th.-y then thrc.t- onedu. hue revi.ge uj-.n him. Tl.ey ar Jiead-I 1-v the n-rfori.-i Pritt-and.re k.i ..n to le a de rate Pritt. must ind.s-d t- a red.l.Uble - s,ndrelifheis r.i-iMe Ux .me-ha.f of the -lakes" gotten up at his expense. REWARDED FOE DISi:KGUI8HD GAL- John W. Hottoller Eeccirc a Knial fcr Heroio Conduct at the latt'.e of Lyaoh barg. Va. In tueiiiahoning township, this coun ty, there resides a veteran whose inato m-idesty had up until a short time ago prevented his ns-eiving the rc-ognition giiai iii.tecd by "Fncle Sam'' to nil sol diers who distinguish themselves jn fight ing for the Union. The veteran's name is John W. Mostoller, late a private of Company Pennsylvania Volun teers. His surv iving comrades have fre quently referred to tho heroic conduct of private M.ist.illcr, but only recently was he prevailed upon to permit his friends t present his claims to the Secretary of War in order that he might receive tho distinguished honor differed by Act of Congress iijxin soldiers who have render ed similar service. The following letter, which explains itself, was received by'Stpiire Gardner, who was instrumental in securing tho evidence required to sustain private Mos tolier's claims. Washington, Nov. , IS.4. Mr. flen. I!. .ir.er, is.'jp, nt:nrn, J',i. Sn:: 1 have the honor to inform you that, by direction of the President and in aecordam-e. with the net ofCongress ap proved March :i, lS'C providing for tho presentation of medals of honor to such otiii-ers, iion-iiimuiissioiicd otlici-rs, and privates as havemost diMinguisiicl theni setves in action, the Acting Sts-retary f War has awarded a medal of honor to J.-hii W. Mostoller, late privateCoiupany It, l-'ilty-fourth licginiei.t, Pemisyl vnnia Volunteers, lor most distinguished gal lantry at the Jtalllo of Lynchburg. :l, Jr.nc Is, 1M,4. Please ftiinish this department with the )..-t ilie-e address if ..tr. Mostoller ill order that the medal can lie forwarded to him us soon as suitably engraved. Very lepis-tfuliy, F. C. AiNswoUTll, i'td. I". S. A. A few days after the receipt of the above letter Mr. Mosioller riss-ied a ltcautiful gold medal, similar in shape to the (. A. IL badge, with the following engraved on i-sfi.i : -F.S. Mclalof II mortojohn W. Moiitolh-r, late private. Company P, 54th II Miniei'.t I'cun.-ylvania VoluntisTs." Tiie gallant c induct of private Most 1-l-ristlms di"-ribed by one of his com rades ho was present at the battle of Lynchburg, Va., on June IS, "t'om panics i?, and tS, liecamii acpa rated from the rest of the regiiiieiit rarly in tho action. Company P, had ni'-t with terri ble loss. Captain John C-ole had been wouiiiiej ams alto! ilie remaining oitz vrs of the coiupany had lieen ei:hvr killed disabled, so that only nine soldiersof th? company were lett when they got in front of a reiid battery station. -.1 near a log h nse. Mostoller, who was a favorite with his comrades and was looked upon as the most courageous man inthecom- p my, leape.1 in front of the remnant of C tmitanv H, and shotiti-ig "Come on b ys !" charged the rctx-1 battery and put it to route. 1 he lottery was supported l.y i afantry and smu re -overe I, and taking a n-w po::i on opetied a (ire of grape and catmasteron Mostolierand his li:'!,' band. who by this tint. ha I Ixs-u rcinfomsl by Company G. Tho lmtteiy was a s-eo;i(l t;i:ie Ir:in In m its po-t-tion and Most'dlcr and his intnimlis were pursuing it far int i t!r cnemi.-s lines icn the late Colonel F-. li. Yuly, of the i14.ii. came dashing up on his horse and commanded the ntt;i ui.i,: 4a ' to f.t'.l i- k insi ie the Fcderrd lints. i'r....i that lay to this M.st.l-r has Us-n know n to h:s is!!irad.-s as 'General." He was o:-.e of the tiie lirst to enlist on the breaking out of the Lels-llion, and rvol iu tiie campaigns of Generals igle. Hunter, Kel'ey, and Sheii.lan. lb- was captured by the enemy and eon- li tied in L: i -by Prison on NoiemU-r oil, where he remained until exchange.!. Mr. M.isioiler is tiie first resident of this eor.n'.y to receive a medal for dis tinguished service rendered the Fnited Uios, and so faras ot;t knowledge goes he is the only sddier in this or any ad joining county to be thus honored. 'he m-ipieiit of tho medtd is justly protM ol the ingti noiior c-onicrre.i ujx.n !i:;i and every man in the c unity should rejoi.s?at this ofli.-cil re.Mgnilion of Ins gallantry. I'.t.master l'h!, of this place, was one of the niiie men who followed Mostoller on the chitrge referred to. Tiiiies Coaposs, Good as Kcacy. Tiie Pittsburg T.:i: is going to send the Prea.-le rs to the Holy Land, iou cm sell Pr-nchers 7', .s-.ipons at FISH Kit's P.. i:c SToKK, for f. -cnls per do.-.en in cx'-haiige for H1 i lay and ot :er go ..Is. Save your t o.iion and take them to FtsiiK.-i's P..M.K SroitK. X Kd P.. Ii .'froth's is th ! ;: pla tobtiy indies and holiday goods of all kinds, lis goods are the freshest an 1 his prices the chi .i;H t. Di&Oi f Bsvil Esiert. Iav". J J. i'ni-rt, on." of t!:e leading .-.ti l most prosperous farmers of l.inii.ln township, died on Thursday veiling ln-t at his home near ( od.s'ii p.st ofii.-e, from heart trouble and dr -p-y. He had 1-n i'.lf.ra peri.sl of three or four mouths and his death was r..t uiicxpts-tcd by th-ise a-iUaiiit: .l with his condition. He was . years 10 months and M days old. Th - funeral took plai-e at K P. M., Sat urday, whi n interment was made in the Liehty Church Cciiictry, Itev. William Hoiipt. of the Kxangelieal denomination. officiating. The decea-e.1 was born on e farm adjoining the one on which he has lived f.r many ye ars and on which he died. When a young man ha was united ill marriage with Miss KlizaV-th Walker, a m?m!er of a prominent P.rothersvalley township family. Four children resulted from this union as fol low: John ;., clerk to tho County Com missioners; Kdoiiitid, who lives on the home-stead; Mary, wife of Frank Sehmncker, and Annie, wife of J. W Gary, of Liiu-aln township. II ive you sen tin Hi'.idiy G1 a i:.L H. Coffroth's? If n t, you should -all thereat onv. It is not always safe to wait until the d iv before Christinas to make purchases for the children's st.s k ings. - The Wife's Share. A decision of interest was handed down a few days ago by Judge P.arker, of Cam bria county. It was an action brought by Mrs. Susan Gannon to recover on claims made by her again-! certain real estate in Johnstown. In Ki h?r first husband, Kmil Young, made an assignment for the lsnent of his creditor. Several pieces of real estate were included and dispos. d of by the as-egnee. In the transfer the signature of Mrs. Young was not attach ed. In March last she instituted pn ceedings to recover her interest in all the properties. The decision of the Court is that she is entitled to the wife's share, one-third, on one of tho lots a business h u -e has since lcen erected. The Court decrees that she I paid f 110 annually as a ground rental from that projH-r.y. Mrs. You iig was a forni T resident of Iter! in. This is the season of the year when all th tught is firued towards Santa Clans. Grocery men, as a matter of course, hate b.s.-n thinking alvJt that sly old gentler men for months and the farsighted have lieen preparing for his annual visit. Kd Ik Col fr 4 li is the fon.iiiost of the enter prising gpss-rymt n in this rega rd. He his his stock of holi.lay g-sls o-ncl up and ready for i;isjx-tion. Santa Claus will find a cordial reception at his Main CrK street store, and sufficient toys and nic nac for the dear little ones to re plenish his suck as oftea as he may choose to nll. Pure Somersot t'ountr Applelsitter for ae by M IIUX ScllKoCK. Winslow S. Cobb A Co. are paying 4 ntsp'r ! for bi.his, weighing from .' o 41 1s, delivcrtnl at ContlnelH. Xaiieal IattramenU. Vi.dius, Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos and other slringeiiiistruiueiita at Snyder' drug storti. CUiMIXAIi COURT. A Lous' Lilt of Cases Eipo:ti of. lb Grand Jury Concur With the September Jury in ETtsmxesdisg Improve ments and Repairs to tbe Court Eotise and Jail. Criminal Court wiu in session up to Friil.iy night last w e-k. Following is tho disiMishioii n:aik of tho various cas.s on the calendar simsj our last week's rejM)rt : Common wealth vs. JoM-ph Thomas, rae; Polly Thomas, prosecutrix. lefend ant aopiitted on the ground of insanity and ordered confined in the County Home. Same vs. William Austin, rape; Flor ence V. Zimmerman, prosecutrix. Tho jury returned a vordh-t of guilty. Tho defendant's counsel filed a motion for a new trial and in arrest of judgment. Same vs. Alexander and Charles lbxiv er, selling liquor without a license and to minors; Peter ami K 15. Shoemaker, prosecutors. Alexander was convicted in manlier :.nd form as indii-tis and Charles was convictetl of selling without a license. The Court sentcm-ed Alexan der to pay a tine of tjooo ami undergo im prisonment for lliieo months in tlie.siini ty jail. The ftauie sentem-e was iiiiiscd on Charles for selling without license and for silling to minors he was 'a-iitcma d to pay a tine of &V and to twenty t'ays iu jail. Same vs. liritcc K. Ionald.-en, carrying conci-ab.ii weajious ; Gi-orge. Mitchell, prosisnitor. Gmnd jury return not a Iruo bill and the prosecutor to pay the costs. Same vs. Peter ShK-maker, A. V 11.; Hmce K. loi;.-i!d.-:on, proswuti.r. Gran I jury return not a true bill and the prose cutor to pay the o.st.-. Same vs. Kobert Fiurey, '. a!., riot ; John J. Hanger, pror.ccu'or. -V'..' jx-rv ent rtsl oil pr.yiiit nt of C(ts by the de ft ti.i.t:.!. Same vs. Kdward Jones, larceny; II. F. Sin-ppard, ju.-sei-iitor. The defendant was convicted and sentenced l the peni tentiary for sixteen months. Same vs. Joseph Silva, false pretense; G.-orge Snyder, pros.s utor. The defend ant was acquitted but mad" pay the costs. Same s A. McF. McMosters, praeti-ing medicine and surgery without having registered ; Wm. H. II. Vann, prosenitor. Tnere were four iuwhii. inea.h of them the erdiet was not guilty and the defend ant and prosis-utor ea h to pay one-half 111... i-.sts. Same vs. Ira, Frank and William Walker, larceny ; II. 1". Shatter, prosecu tor. The defendants, three young lsys entered a plea of guilty and were seii timi'.i to three months ii: the nimty jail. Same vs. J. im Winters, A. .V P., James Cummins, .nsiii;!nr. Grand jury return not a true bill and the prisi-cutor to pay the issts. Same vs. Jam.-s Cummins and Samuel Savior A. A it. John Winters prsi ent or. The defendants weje found guilty and Ciiuimins was sent.-u.-c.l to thrw and Savior to f. ur montsis iu the county ja;i. Sa-neis. Lni.s- K. I ioii.ihls..:i Sun ty G.s.rge Mit.-lc l! pros.-;;tor. The plain tiff and dc f.-nd.uil v ere each ordered to pay omlialf the n-s. vun.. vs. p t. r Shoemaker Surety Priiiv K. Iioiia! !i it pro.-.s-i;t.,r. The ists were -ii ided it twecii the plaintiff and ("i-f. iclani. Same vs. William I.ng I.-..-i-t:oii Louisa L..ng pr.sceiitor. I icfen.lant or dered !) pay the costs. Same vs. Lewis Piicr Surety Ianicl Showmati pros.-cutor, : !. j-r it. entered on payiu ?nt of c .-Is by ill.' defemlant. Same vs. K. A. S;.:ing!er False pre tense s;. P. Meyers prosecutor, ;-o.-:. entcrisl on payment of -r-ts by the de fendant. Same vs. Jauuw A. Peters F. A I!. Pli.i-lio Nicholson ent rel. .ro-ecuor, no!. j,i,.t. Same vs. John M. Wri N. Ik Keiiu prosecutor, ; ht A. A P.. . jir:t. entered Same vs. Lewis Pifer Adultery I an icl showman prosecutor. The defe ndant was acquitted, and tiie oi-ts (tpiallydi videtl U-t ween the pro-ectitor an I t!u de fendant. Same vs. Loyd Kaveuscran A. t it. Chauni--y Lo er prosecutor. The verdict was in.', guilty but the defendant to pay alleys. Same vs. S itinicl S.vanier L-.r.-eiiy I 'avid Gildner prosecutor. Grand jury return not a true bill. Same vs. John Walker Ite.niving stolen g;ods W. 11. Savior prosecutor. Grand Jury return not a true bill. Same vs. Milton II. Walker Assault wi;h intent to kill M. li. HuiiilH i t jiros- l-.-.ltor, ''. ))itlK,;l. Same vs. S. P. Swi-itzcr Selling liquor to minors, Ac, James Cummins prose cutor. Grand Jury return not a true bill and the prosecutor to pay the i-kis. Same vs. James McIIratuey larceny C. C. Tissue prss.Mtor. Verdict not guilty. HKl'oItT or I.IUMI jt nv. T't !! JIoiiiH-itlil-; ' Jin!.! x ! I'jurt " (J-i'trt'-r .V x-i'iitM S'nitrrwt r--iin.'i;, 7Vn;.o' oi.'.r; We, the meniiiers of the Grand Jury, through our foreman, m.ist rcsp.tct fully report: That, iu obisiiencu to the in.-tnictions of your Honorable Court, we Lsitcd and ii.s.vtol the county jail and outbuild ings thereto attached and would recom mend that the following improvt inents and repairs Is? made: 1st. Th'tt the County Commissioners do see that the public water closet at tached to the jail building be cleanse 1 and I kept in a better condition. 2 i. That we do also concur with form er Grand Jury in regard to addition to jail building, to be used as a kitche.i, passed UMn, Sept. Term of Court, Istd. 3rd. That we, tho Grand Jury, reoom niend that the court house and jail l e ln-ated with a steam or ho! water heater, and utilize all material or applian.vs now in use fortius purpo-e in placing a steam or hot water heater, if it can lodone. The Grand Jury are of the decided opinion that it would lo economy for the utility to use but one heater for both builuit.gs. J. i. K I M M KL, Somerset, Fa., Ioe. 1.7, 'VI. 'v.;ioi. Kighteen violators of the law will eat their Christmas dinners in tho county jaiL rniferatity cf Deeds in Somerset County. Register and Ues,-dcr M iller has adopt ed a new system of recording deed., and hereafter all deeds so far as ossible, recorded in Sxuersel County will lo uniform. Mr. Miller will exchange tho new form fr old style deeds with all Justhsfs of the Pea-e, Attorneys, Notaries, S -rivernors, -t cetera. He will, also, ar.-ange with dealers :a blank forms in a I parts of the county to furnish the new blank deeds at moderate ost. Tln plaintiff in a criminal prHveding triisl Is-fore the eo irt last week, testified that she had named her baby Ky "Iticy cle," in honor of the child's unknonn father, allege ! to Is-anexpi-rt whethuan. Cmfc Huit Accotsrany th Seed. P.j-g'wter and Kssr.ler Miller hasadopt ed the cash system in his office. No hs-il ill lie entered of record hcrif!cr nnb ss the diarge for recording is pnid in ad vance. California, Pa., State Norma1, Our Own Normal School. Winterterm ojm-hs IHs',21; Sjuingterui ( March 2V, S-nd for catalogue and cinn lars. New I'ymnasmiii. New Kits-trie Tight Plant, New Water System. Health record almost -rfe-t. ( Never a death at the school). Advantages not surpassed, if equaled, in the State, Somerset coun ty students ill obtain more help at their own Normal Schd than at any other, and save money ln-sides. Thk n. Nibs, Ih. !., Principal. Highest of all in Lcavcr.in Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Tho Triennial Assessment and the State Appropriation to the Common Schools. Ki.iroii Hi:nALf: Permit me, through the columns of your paper, to call intention to the trien nial p.ssessmer.t now being made and its relation to the stale aid to the common schools. Although not any part of my official work, yet a desire to bring greater good to our schools will, I trust. Is) sutll cient excuse for writing this article. The law in tho matter is clearly set forth in the following: "That it shall le the duty of the com missioners of inch county to ascertain, trienninily, with the assistance of the re-spoi-tiva assessors, the exact numoer of taxable citizens residing iu each schisd district iu their several counties, and to certify tho same under their hands and seals "of office, to the Superintendent of Common Schools, w ho is hereby directed to adopt the number of taxable thus cer tified to him as the basis of distribution of the state appropriation, which saideer tilieate shall U- prepared and transmittisl on or I n-lbre the lirst Monday of Juno in every third year, commencing with tho lirst Monday of June, A. I'. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five." The assi-ssors are rp.iireil to report to the -ounty c'unmissioners, along with the assessment, the numljvr of '.;'(. t i ritfih fur Kchtuil jiHrjiiwx in their re spective districts, which rejiort leconics the Uisis for the distribution of the state appropriation for tho next three years. Where districts are divided or changed in lsundarics, thus affecting the mimlicr of taxable, a special report shall Ik-made at the next n:iHti'tl hssessun-nt. From the present appropriation of five and one-half millions, each dis!ri.-t re ceives alioiit for each taxable rc;ort ej at the last triennial assessment (lit,'-. As the ituiiil.er of taxable- in the State increases the pro rata, as a matter of course, will Is- oorrcsjonding!y h-sn. l!ut it is very important that the lull numls-r of resident taxables lie properly i-nshted to each district to the end that all may re ceive the appropriation justly due them. The attention of assessors is especially called to the phrase, " r:i,lrit furii'it,." This I understand to mean all citizens of a district male and female w ho pay tax .ljMin property, occupation or money. It also incluiles, I am l.g:dl.y advised, all resident taxables through ecfo rn ttt.x. For example: John Smith's estate isttixisl but not vet divided. There may Is? ono or more female heirs who, al though not taxed in their own right, are yet taxed through their undivided share iu the Smith estate. All such who liir ir.ljii.i thniixfi n t ar.daie over twenty-one years of age ire t- !-e counted as taxables for si-h.sd purposes, and tolsjso reportisl. A personal investigation in one or two districts has revealed the fact that there are quite a numlier of such eases, and ius i ill readily Is? sis !i, would inati-rially in-ei.-i.se the appropriation to such distri-is. It should Is? reniemlvred, however, that the estate, as s-t.-h, should ne crl; .s.unt sl iu rcsrting the numlsTof taxables. We seek, of course, only what is rightly due each st h.x.l district, and not, with any mi rccnary spirit, to tako advantage of l.-g :! idintMsilogy. I have soiiglit reli able iiiformatioii upon the alo e inter pretation. If I am wrong, I ask to Is over-ruled. Hut i:i view of the fact that tiie rural districts do not, under existing laws, get a fair share of the munificent appropriation, it is especially urgent that all shall get the full measure of state aid to which the laws justly entitle them. KespeC.fully submitted, J. M. ItKKKKV. Hcrliii. Pa., iK-e. 17, l!'i. C'.carancs Reduction Sale, Mj eleventh annual Clearance or tteiluction Sale will begin on Dee. 2(itli. I lave an immense stock of goods that will be sold at the low est iriee.s ever made in Somerset. An agreeable surprise in qualify and prices cf goods will await all my customers. Come and see my prices before making your purchases. Mils. A. E. Uhi- ITrsiaa Jottings. The Christmas entertainment promists to Is' good. All should attend. Kce For oner has a sample of tho first cotton that ripened in Somerset county. He lias quite a coll.s-tion of reli-s of yore. N.iah Scott has done considerable plow ing for the spring crops. The qiM-sti.-n may lie asked: "Is it better to plow iu the fall than in the spring?" Miss Carrie Ileil will spend tho re mainder of the winter here attending School. Holiday Coeds! Christmas Cifts ! The largest stock, mo.-t com plete a.'sortmci.t, and grcat-e-t variety of a'-no-l any thing and everything suitable fur Holiday precaU', at Fisher's Book Store. Hooks, Pottery, Novelties, Bric-a-brac, Toys, Album?, riu.-h goodd, and everything in the greatest variety, at Fisher's Book Store MY STORE is REPLETE WITH S ENSIBLE ERVIGEABLE VGGESTI0N8 -FOH- Holiday Presents -Folt- MBIT. Jonas L. Baer, Commander of the "Up to-Pate" Army of Well Dressed Men at moderate cost. : TO : : THE TRADE : OF P. STOCK I.F FURNITURE has been selected with unusual care, and at lower cost than for mer years. "Vc arc therefore able to offer, not only the very I befctgoodd on the market, but can quote lower prices than herctolore. We Rarely Lose a Customer, as we aim in all cases to give the Customer FULL VALUE FOR MONEY. HIS G. I n 6C6 Main Cross Street, Somerset, - Pa. DON'T GO TO CHURCH I'nl.-ss y.u h ive a pair of glasses tlin.ugli which you -aii riad the hymns clear- COME HERE! I'.eforc next Sumliiy and let us lit a j.-iir of iiasss to your I've- that will en nf.ie you to read fist enough to keep up nith the choir. Neff & Casebeer, Jewelers A Opticians. No. 413, Mahi St, - SOMERSET, PA ALL : THE : PEOPLE of Somerset and vicinity who are preparing for the glad Ciiri-tmas time, will be interested in knowing that we, too, are making ready for the Holiday season. FfiOMMANYS T ATES and lands are gathered together good tilings, ranging in price to suit the heaviest and lightest purse. Our shelves will 1-e kept well filled with the finest Spices and Hai-ins for fruit cake and mince pies, and counters weighted down with Foreign Fruits, Nuts, Cran bcrrie.', Olive?, Fickle-, Assorted Candies, Orange.--, Iatc.s. Figs, i'a laga Grapes, etc., Ac. iMUL ORDERS will receive early attention, and our clerks will greet yon kindly and ca ter to your wants with their usual promptness. Respectfully, COOK & BEERITS. iOERS, BRO. & Established in 187& Commission Merchants, No. 611 Liberty Street COFFROTH Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's CLOTHING and . . . . OVERCOATS, GEDTS' EIll)ISI)llG GOODS, Jl;pi)BS, STOELS, flipREIiIxTIS, c$ iAT COST WITHIN NINETY DAYS.-r This is a genuine sale. These yooih must le sold. It will be money in your pocket to buy now. HENRY Mrs. a. ii uHL.Qames ' Xmas Presents, of a substantial and useful kind, can be had at my store, con sisting in part of all kinds of .. DRESS .. .. .. GOODS .. .. AT - Reduced prices. - Fancy articles, glove?, mittens, hosiery, and an immense as sortment of Handkerchiefs, Tie?. Throws, Drapery, Art Goods, Table Covers, Portiere?, Curtail.?, Flannel Skirts, Muslin Underwear, Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, "Woolen Uudcrwcar, Corsets, Children's Silk it Woolen Caps, infants and Children's Wraps. Combs, Urushe?, Hair pins, Jewelry, Pocket IJooks, Purses, Satchel-, Fur Capf s and Mufls, Iaiies' and Misses Wraps, etc. There are great reductions in the prices of all AVOOLE.V Dress Goods, Flannels, and Factory Blankets. Prices on Ladies' Wrap3 are very much lowcr. Tur Capes will be closed out cheap and special orders will be tak en if parties desire FUR CAPES made to or der. S. 1 E. DHL XKCLTOR S XOTICK. K!itr? ut .ft tint II im, lnU f itfvul. town-hij. Ittt-p t-t:iitt-ntarv on ti aUvp -t:ita h.ivin Imi-h LTtnt.-'i i the unl r:-rn-ti lv ( tin -irt-T :itn tr -rity, nt!it Is tu ivlv uiv n to j iiniiMtii.it; vii:t ut, uiil Ili-s flavin riaiin. j liifiiiuM th' jinif 1 pnt:tl t(i:rn lnly nu- j i:ii'!itnMi i lor 3m:th'iii-iii. on uuimay, Jan yiti, ut tli hitr r-iU-:i--. f l-r'l'. K. V. ISu-tvki-r. I-.W1NA H KI.M, A:ior;it y. Kx vutrtje. K-tat of n.ii'h'l iimII'sM-r.- r. !al of Runt I. ttT t'-stariM-nUiry on liH hfntv- taf hitvini; h'.-ii trar-!-l u 'iw ui:;-iini. .v tti jro(t-rHi::hon!v, n ti t is d-r. y n. :i to all rsns iml -T 1 to I -UtT to inak ii-t-iii'ti!att jciynu'i.t utt tlios.- having r!;inis against tin-s;iii' will r-i.l th 1.1 duly att th ntK-.tt'-! Ir tilriiu v.X on Tia-s.i-.y, j-nu;-r rv !ih, 1 :", at late n-u:--tift-of :.. K. W. U..s -kt r. l Ai'K!: sMAl.I- Attorney. Kv-rutor. 1 7- VA I " K HI S XIITICF. Kslateof ;.r.- M-trw V.ilf .f Lower Turk. .--I.m.I t..wtks!i:'. .i.t-'J. 1-11. -rs I-ta!ii.-n!iiry oti Ihr- nUivt rstut ma is! n i-p.tnti .J "to tlx- un.l. r-in. .1 l.y ti;- r.i r aut tiofi y. n.jii.t- is li.-i-t.y ivvn t all -M'rs:ts 111.I1-1.I.-.1 to siit.h t-.;:it- to nutki' iiuiti.stiat.- ikivtii. iit. tlt.M- ha i rir .-laiui! H'amst th- siiiu.. to iL-ix-nt tht iti diilv an- ti,.iIt.-..!,s for -HU-ii.Vnt...ii fsalartlay, Jan. l-slii, al Hie J-t-.sIii.'ll.-.' 01 .1.-(i. W. S. Kl ill.MAN. Kxn-uior. WANTED, An xs rl. n--.l inunini(- or l.nil.liuc and Joan s.ii.-i!..r f..r !s..int-rs. t an.t :i.lj..iii:tii coiinti.-s for n n.-w -t:iiuiy wiih n w an ! !kin4 f.ntun-s. oniy.wsl im-n. those li .1 !. tttv- ixnut. arr . 1. . r.-.i, il.-alth. S.-X, lias nothing to .1.) Willi the-.-ost. A.ldrw H. MM Hh.-sNKY. licjan.l li.l 1-tHirth Avciiiih, rilt.sl.un-. l'a. PITTSBURGH. PA. Invite the inquiries of Buyers and Shippers of VEGETABLES. CO. MR: Fruits, Nuts, Produce -vviaiadtu rc:o- -t VV wr SOMERSET, P.A.. Fine CARTS for Bachelors. Fine BUGGIES SEAT WILL ADMIT YOUR BEST Fine Binaries for middle Fine Carriages for the Family. Fine Phaetons for the Old Folks. AT a arnc lmc r Road Wagons II LOW and Spring Wagons. The largest and best selection ever shown. PRICES James B. SLEIGHS BY THE CAR LOAD. The Immense Ware House of E. L. Simpson is packed with the finest line cf SLEIGHS at.d SLEDS ever brought to Somerset. FUII LineOf- BUGGIES, WAGON?, CARRIAGES, HARNESS, LAP ROSES, HORSE BLANKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, ETC Callanl convince fouratlf before to suit tie TIMES. E. L. SIMPSON, Patriot St., .... Somerset, Pa. THE : NEW HERALD AMERICA'S - FOREMOST DAILY, SUNDAY, IntK-j ii.l'iit nn.l f-:rl.ss: l.":j.-r :iii1 111 rv-attr.i-tiv than t-vt r, it w ill U an iuvuIutiMc visi'.nr to t!e him, tlit- i!ic -, tiu i-hib or the wrkriii. THE DAILY HERALD. All the news of the worl.l, from i.le to j-ne, -.itlure.1 ly a vai-t army of eoms.x.n.h-:it.-' an.l rt-iNrtt-rs. an.l sent y uiu-iuilleil euMe ii:i'l t.h-gr:ii'iii. Cn-ilities. $S : v:ir. 1 TUP sI'VOlV II!-Ti M F) iUL' s.lv.M'Al HUAl.i' A :uaUriy ni:!j:iriiK' eo:te;ij'r.iiio;i- literature, with arti-e-U-i I y tiie i-a'!i:i;r wrlt.-rt of the worM, emU-IIislieil with Uautiful e;!orel aiKl h:iif tmu- ill.i.stnttlou-. a year. TIlPw WEEKLY HERALD. A perfee: f.'mily journal. All the new- of the week, xketehes ami eon'i.iiietl stories valuaMe information for fanners an-1 le art:iwnts k-votnl to woimn an-l e!i:l!ren. lieiuemlier the Vk:ki.y Hkkai.d is ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. Semi for a sample ei.py. AtMress Till: HKII.VI.IN lit nil I Stuare, New York. in w 1 HEFFLEY, Hoklerbauiii for Young Men. GIRL AND KO r.OOM TO SPARE. - aired and business men wav down. Call and see them. Holderbaum. & SLEDS Laviair elsewhere. I have rRICES YORK NEWSPAPER. WEEKLY. n