The Somerset Herald. SyWAUD SCI'IJa, I".Jttr and Proprietor. WEl-NKSI'AY. IV 1", -std. Mn ui.iAN ami Swth Itokota ouch - !! 1 only iio l;'!iiyTHt to rt-i'n-iit thci:i iu liie iK-xt foiJLix- That if llic Ink' way ! stop tinkering with tlie t.irii!" an.l th.- tiiir. nvs of the country. T:ik -.Uf.-;in of the imjuWtorial - tax will make jelaces for a swarm .f : MUio-ial of.i("i"-ho!-li.-rs, whose hu-j-u s-i it will Ite to pry into the private a:f.':r- of ewry citizen suspecUil of having a:i anuual im-oiue exceeding thirty-five hatnlreil dollars. A isim.. is rvndiiitf in Conjnvss pn hihitin;: the printing of any wiinls or l-v'.-o:i the Ai.-vriea!. It i" to lie hop-,! lM it will a' nn-: a law. Tin? i.K a f u-lng ''!- irlory" for an a.hvnisia sheet i oa: rageo-is. The Natio:i:il jlag sh:uM lv kept pure and uns'illied. II v the action of the ntiservativos in the I)e;ircrjie Senatorial eiucu.s, the p ;-.; an I'i'N have .iee:t safely shelved, a:i 1 th-re will ! n further tariff leg-i-I.itioa during this .'.:! of (.mgre.-. ir tliis iiiiu'i l.t us triv.- tli inks. At the next s .--. i:i the re.etlt Mil of ill f.iniy will l.e T riM'd ty the friends of pr-.ti-ti-t:i. TilK r r. of A': lit iMJ-eii-.T.ii Jreg'Z th st tVre i in our S:-.t..- Treas ury a hi'iatjeeof s,.iil4 MJ. is, !i it from this there tsn-t !. d.-lae'.e.l l.i::J.57'.-iT-"iial prop -r;y t.tx 1 J the v- ral f jr.!ies, l-enviitjr the real Iial:.:nv in the tro::-ury T,74T.2. This pph-ndid hnlanei- is the result of K. puh-li-:i:i .':iaiic"tria.r, and ;a! Is in marked c.iiiTr.i.-t with the lcp!,-t--.! United S:a:-s TreAs;:ry and the r:ii pu!s.iry is-ae of h.!ids to th--a:ii -lur.t f s'; t:i,!i ri,0.i t7 l.y the I inoeratie S.i-rie-larv of the Trcusurv. What's the matter with t'levvland? It is tflecraphed from Washington that 'the s.-wn-I:ih r of pr; piri:ig a long IH.-s:!.'"' his i'lip-.'re-l his health and that he is ; to s a-i i'aroiina for the purpi-vof rveap;-ratin.r his health. This js -:ii!t" and n .iisens;-. Any news p.ip.T writer a' Wa.-.hiirjtn, fur-t,"-'i--l with the dep.irtiii'-ttt rep.irt-; as w.i- the Tr-i l. 'tit, could have compilel and written the iifsag.' iu twenty-four liours, not have thought, himself overtaxed. I f Mr. 'le'.vland's heilth is .i ii'ip.iired that he is compelled t "k reeaperatiini after s slight a '.u -n-tal ox..'.! m the country ought to know it. The dv iieieuey M!i carrying an aj--jirtpriatio:i for tlie cxjk'iise of -!ille. t-in-j; the income tax has passi-il the House and unless halted in the Senate the co'iection of that ohnoxioiis tax will soon follow. There is no excuse for tht levy of this tax on the people in a tiiii of profound peace, except the.t the tree trad -rs have s-jdiiainislietl the c '.ni'.ry's income from tariiT rcvt-ji-1;'s that this direct tax has to K- i;n p 1 to make g-od the deficiency. Tii folly of the people in again tru-t-ing tic lc!i. .-r:itic party with power is once m tre brought ho.-ue to tlieir piK-ke;s anl their daily busin-.-ss avoca tions. Having undo a b.tch of tariff K-gi-a!i.n, the Ieiii-MTas in Congress are now trying their ii.m 1 attiukerinx with the tiaa:ie.-s of the country and from appearances will make ail opial'y h.i'l jo'o of it. Our present Xaliona! Iiaiik syste!ii is the Ir'st that was ever invented. These n:!c areiro-hl in any j-tate ia the I'liion, evesi if the hank fails, yet it is gravely proposed by the party in power t let the country le jl .ded with wild-oat bank notes and -vc!itual!y drive the National bank ut of existence. Tlie IK-UKK-rats have learned nothing from their late over Jhrow, and the fiuntry will still have to su!:Vr for its folly in placing them in j piwcr f-:r another two yea:--. Wk presume the public has not for g liteti IH'.iis, the fellow who stirred up the r.iilroa-1 riots at Chicago last sum mer, which stopped the transmission if the mails and required the United States tamps to suppress. Well, li;i!s Iuls just Uvn selltelKs-d t six mouths imprisonment for con tempt of court in disobeying an in junction restraining hini from further lawltsi-ncss. This sentence seems very iiiadispiate for stopping the w hole mil-roa-1 system of trai:sp;trtati--n through out tho country imd causing untold losi-s to the busincsvs interests of the entire community, simply because Mr. I'uliman and some of his men disa gree 1 up .i the question of wages It vrill stand a an object lo-so:i, however, for tviitoiiipialod strikes on inter-state railwav lines Thk Hem-Mrats having f:ile! the places under the government with their nephews and ii usees, their striki-rs and their hei-krs the rresident Lu issii -l nn order placing tho employes of tho Treasi.ry iV-partment under tho civil s-ervice, so that they cannot Iv removed by the nest administration. The swarm of gangers and storekeepers, insj..vtor jiii'l agents made msvssary by the in ternal revenue laws that now hold is sitious, are thus made permanent fix tures in their various otlicos. It will l-o rememlioreil that at tho -xp"ration of his former term Mr. Cleveland issued a similar order rela tive to railway dorks, and if President Harrison had not su-pi ndod it for ten days not a single lleptiblicau would now lo holding one of those p:sitioiis Now ho takis? time by the forelock, and all Reiuh!ioans having levn dismissed froiu the revenue service, he fixes hi own followers therein in tho middle of Lis administration, when the order -i:inot K' suspciided, except by his own sweet will. Tilt: verdict of the ins.ploat the polls 1 tst month was not only a condemna tion of the I ei ICS-ratio tariff policy, hit an e-jual c :ideni'.i'.iti-n of the .iuancial va-ws of tho leaders of that party. Notwithstanding, however, the President and his Secretary of the Tr-asury are fully Wnt ujon fon-ii g Osisoh-te IV-nnx-ratio finano'tal theories ui-.n tho eountry and bring l'k wi d--it state banks todi-placethe National Kmks and curse the ountry with si unsafe and rotten currency. I n accord ance with the President's theory, Sec retary Carlisle has franns! a bill which has been adopt oil by tho Committee Banking and orJerl-J t bo rxiKtd to tho Housr, whero preparations have i i j been iulf to rush it through with in- ! .toivntliastoan.l unom. pn.j-r uis- b arren s work on the birds and mam rossiou. Tho bill is of a two-fold na- . nmU 0fiie stats, an.l recommending a turv' National and Suite and content- j change in the soh.Kil law, making it i plates the i-uiil ? of notes by both Na- misdemeanor for school directors toejeet tional an 1 Slate bank-, but is so adjust- their children and near relative- iearhfer , .., ... . j: in r National currisicy, and one of the ill s' ruments to N u-d is t e mpel Na tional banks to -o!:tribntc to a guaran tee fund, whereby the solvent Kmks would have to guarantee the issues of badly manr.ged and insolvent institu tions, but State hacks would not have to put up a dollar in guarantee of the bills of other Kmks. This would vir tually prohibit National bank Mils, and encourage State I Kinks to put out their bills. Further, it d.K-s not limit issues of State Kinks, but does limit is-:ies of National banks to denominations of . fit) or more, thus depriving National but not State lianks of this kind of circu lation. It doe not tax State b snks, as it d.ies National banks to the extent of 1 percent, on their circulation. It dixsi not require State banks to keep their debits of legal tender notes in the Treasury, but allows them to dcp'sit with auy otlieia! the several stati-s may designate. These are the salient points of difference made in favor of State banks. The gleam of the wild-cat's eye is di-ccrnable throughout the en tire bill, and it might properly be des ignated "a blil to overthrow the Na tional banking system and snlstiuite therefor an irresponsible wild-cat cur rency.'' This bill has not N-cn favorably ootn mended by a single b inker or financier who has called iijon to rtate his views U-fore the committee of the House, but notwithstanding Mr. Cleve land a:id his Secretary as-uioe to know more on this juestioii of banking than the men throughout the country m ho have given a life-time to the study of the subject Eidicale cf tie Fopaliits. The venerable Senator Morrill, if Vermont, in reportinir fioTii the'tlee on 1: nan.x on Tu"sday rulvcrscly n; in nine bills, intro hi'-e.l .hie.'ly by Mr. Ietfer, referr.-d to three others now lyiiij on the table, half Itorn. like ?Iil ton's King of ISe.ists, "jiawi!.? to g. t free thir hinder parti." He ii.t that these iningry bills estlled f.;r nliie or ten times in re money than wax now in Use in the wh ';a world, and he ter-e!y a ided: "No one who rea ls these bills will need to be lred by further argu ments for their eoudeisinalion, :t!iiit ! iietU of clergy." Nevertheless he proeeoded to analyze them with tin un sparing hind, denominating them "cranky overtures," eclipsing those of Absalom wuju h-J soaht the life f lavi 1. his father. "Tiiis party," -i:iin'id Mr. r.r rill. "ikk- Is to 'k? roniiudml, v. hiid tight -inj ag:iinst Israel, that the limlw t:;tder AKsalo:ii role awsy. And e must not forget that liiis par.y h is n .t pri seiitcl i;s nio'-iires anywlpTe as b.ish fi:! j'i;s. but h is para-led them as the Towiiii:g wis-I-mi of modem st:-tes-in tnship for wlji--h those like iovern-r Vaite are rea-ly to ride uj t-; their bri-lle bits in bl.iod."" He e.n laded as f-.Jl.iws, Mr. IVtier having in ve-l aiotig-id-j tljj f:ib.iko', just as lie l-cgan his remarks, ia o.-iler to hear every word: "Nobody is re spMiisil.le but mysif the opinlon.t I have expressed, an 1, if th -y h ive any value, they must re-t solely on tb-ir truth. 1 have mainly "Miisi-ler-.l the liilis a.lver:e!y rep.rted in a sir-'"!', and in ter-;is as gentle a,:!.le. It will he ob ions, I h-ijie, th it I have little re-pe.-t f r xiitic:il quack nostrmns. an-i while others may 1 l-nin-l i: have m -r. I can only pray f-r tlieir early deliverance." Tie Xew York Tnbone. The enormous e:r- il iti-m of ih Vew York TrUiitw, n--.v the hirjs.-st of un political wekly ia the t'r.ite-1 Stat.-s, ui !.u'iiitily li-l iniich to imlaeiice the inutry i: the ritrht -Iireeti-:r. in tie- late cimpa'gn. Having sharjiened its arrow ar.d spear afresh,' t ho Ti '; " has again taken the trail fr big same. Ti st i-.ire the iresi-li-niv :u ls-; f .r th Hcputil:- party, is now ;heob,ie. e oiiio.-t of its t r. The Trilniur is :s great p ape-and is c iiii-tiien-hsl to oar rea-b-rs. ll.swell (i. H -rr's artiides on the Tariff, C-unag.' an-l I.aixir, are al -:e worth the jirieo of tie paper. Fr i.-:i :'y t-i tiie old soldier, de voting much -aiec t i .gri.-ah-ir--, :ri 1 printing e.vy w- -k superb an 1 abso lutely unotualei! Market K--p ort. e !: rially able and entertaining, tin Tr.'huuc is worthy a place in every home. Ii ii l.istrates the news of the day profusely. Thousands f licmocrats take it for its arti-ics on public alfairs and its purity, i-s -etjcy and fne l-:u from The y. .'.'..-:. :a:,ds 1-lie a r-wk against th" re actionary policies of the l'emocratic pa-- ,v lbery liepubiican sljoai.l have it. The Ti-ih i tr Almanac for I-vC,. out in Je.ieiary, and S -':i!s a, v. !i! be v--liable on account cf its fall returns of the phen-iiu-en: i elections of 1"1. D:ls Gets Six 3ffon:r.. I ri'lay, at Chicago, Jcdt? Vtv as se n tenced Fagene V. Ie'o', the leader of the American railway union strike, to six months in the county jail, as a punish ment for violating the injunction issued by hinist If and Judge ;r-uc..s:p. Jv:!v - l:--t. To the r.s exetptioii of M-in-uiths. In tl:e I of tin- men, v. i:h the Ye..!i. he gave three ease of McYean sen- tei;-e is s;;spc-i-K-,i. Scnteii:-i is not in i.mhitive. coverii:g the eases of the gov ernment an-l the Santa I'e railroad ag.itn: I the men. The same sentcm-e is imtosod iu eaeli case, but lit.i senten:-s In-gi:! an 1 emi at th e. same time, b- gin ning l'-ei-ci-.tber M. The d--fc'i-.!a:its :;.(-: 1-1. Y. I ebs president ; ;. . Howard, vi -o pres-ilei.t : Silverton 3C "iili r, secre tary; l W. Kogi-rs, M. -I. Miiiott, .Tat.ies H -gan, V":i"i.o.i P.-irns. J. I. McVeen. Le-'iy 51. irohi iii. The seoti in e i-ger.en-.lly considered a light one. Tho case will Is appcaloi. AstJ'.lir Pension Eale. The pn.ion buria l 5 ill here ifter re fusi' p;::sions to widows whoso Jr-Uli tth'.T Sourivs adbe-1 -:ho pmifcds of reasonable cfr ri on their part, atfor-Js them -mf'irtulItf support. TLis poliey is pr-ivide l for iu a ruling of Assistant swer tary Key nobis, based on the ad of June "J7. Is ' In his decision the assist ant secretary says: "It was evidently the intention of con gress to supplement the widow's means of support from her own labor an-1 all other sources by the pension only wlc-n such means were insufficient for her com fortable s;ipKirt. I'mier ordinary cir eunistances, intending to lay down an arbitrary an-1 inflexible rule, when a widow is shown to have an in- come considerably in excess ofthepen- siou provided by the third section of the act from sources in-b p-i.deut of herdaily laUir, she d -sn-t oceujiy a peiisi-iiiable status thereunder." GraxgcM Elect Cicer j. H.'liRisnrRo, Pa., Its-. 1 At this morning's session of the Slate irang.- an address on '"TiiK-rculosis'' was deliventl by Secretary Kdge, of the State Hoard f Agrhnlture, anil Professor l!ivlgers,of the New Jersey Agricultural Kxperimenta! Station, als- made an address Some routine reports were presented and considered this aUoni-aoii, but the i most of the lime was devoted to the elec tion of officers. Worthy Master Khone was re-elected, and Colonel K. II. Thomas was defeated for re--le-tion a Secretary by J. T. Ail. nan, of Juniata County, late Populist candidate for Governor. Other oflice.-s elected are Wallace Chase, Tioga County, gate keeper; Ii. It. 5Ie- Williams, inemK-r of the Finam-e Com- l Nt'v,n" riTT f Itt-lutioii were aa-iitttsl favorjner fM estry legislation ; another edition of Ir. " 1 . as tosulstitute State Ikhiik ii-:s ioi 01o.r.i''gario ActDeeUr!! Coantitutioaal. T!!ui mipreino curt, hts !"iin!ild the validity :n-l oonstitutlonaiity of tho law pass,l hy the State of Ma.s-sichuietts pndiibiiiiigthe manufacture and sale in i: territory of oltMniargarine, colore-d so a-s to reiemble butter, pure cream or milk. The case came up on appeal by lienjauiin I'lc.iuley from tho judgment of the supremo court of the state in r fus ing to release him on a writ of lmtoas corpus J"nm a term of imprisonment im posed by the municipal court of ItosKin for iiliege.I violation of tlie statute. The opinion of th.-court was read by Mr. Justice Harlan. Ii was a lengthy exposition of lh law as related to the questions nise i in theciso, the principal one of w hicii. lie said, was whether or not the statute was i-i violation of the consti tutional right of Vngres to regulate commerce N'tweeii the stab. The j.istiee aniiouiKssi tliat in the opinion of the ourt the statute was not such a violation; that t'ongress, by the set of issi's ,h-l not intend to interfere with the exercise of auy authority or power that tho states might lawfully use or impose in regulat ing the sale of articles within their lr ilcrs; that no one could or did acquire by that act a right or power to commit fraud upon s-vie'.y. The judgment of the Mas sachusetts co-irt, in refusing to discharge Pluuiley, was. thep'f-ire, athrme-.L A VIHHofS 1IS,KXT. 51 r. Chief Jus;ise Fuller, for himself and Just'e-.'s Fi-'bl, an-1 Urewer, read a vigorous -iiss-'Ut fr.)ra th- opinion of tho eourt. Hrsaidthu, Irrespective of the t--rms in which a statuto Is MU'-hed, it-s for-; must lw j'idg I by the natural eil'-M. of its provisions. Iu this ease, sai l tho chief justiee, the ti'cet of the statute is to prevent the sale of oleomargarine, le canse. whether in iu natural state or col ored, it looks like butter. He denied the Hwer of any slate to prevent the sale of any article of commerce. mt vicious in itself. Invatisa its a;-iearance might tend to deceive a purchaser. The ree rd in this ca-e. he said, shows oleomargarine to a ui'-rito: i article, free from any deleterious su'c-ta'i.n-s. and to prohibit its sale is in violation of t!i(t freedom of com merce 1-etwren states. Va.ill.itiag tT!Ciii::':s tll ;-i:is on s;i- :i gravo f jti -:iees:ii.l in eonclu- ioii, were gre itly to 1k dopl-irc-1. Dr. 4ier' Maiiday rropi:ioa t? Those E'.iai Pram Ctiaiict. Vou iet Your Sight or Your Money! In every case of Catara-l he opentes upon, he w ill rc-t-re ii"efiil sight or re fund tho fee, v hich in no case shall le great, r than the usual f-.e f reputable fullst. In his '2 years of extensive pra-ti'-e at I'ciin ave., Pittsburg, his Cataract operations have been Fuceesf'.il :si-ve the usual ave;;ige. cs-.,s-i.illy in the last ii e years he has not lost a single i-asa, every cue up to Se years of age h i big seen lea l. He prop-ses to give the UtM-:U of that ski'1 on tiie alxivc terms, to ai! w ic nudy, an I m ike an ti-:;,-'ii-i'.t with him Is-i'-re Feb. 1st, Is-.",. If -ui'i a:- un.e-i': iie.t--d with his wovh, r -for lis f of those who have had p'eri'ini', also pamphlet f j '.ti'ie. o.i Catai-a.-U He is glad to j have his re-ui'.s compared with those of ; o'.le rs. l'l- ase send name and a-Mrcss of tt'd jotl may know wao have Calaraet. Saiciie of an Heiress. Fre-1 I'rs-gc, one of th( rit hot men in C aic.pbelt county, Ky., re-ent!y -javi, his l-a-.itie!l 17-ycar--?d daughter Kvan gf'.ino Vi.ii. She left her home in Carthage, v'x miics south of Newport. We-bies-iay. saving she was g-iiig to i.-it a neigh" T. Her 1-Iy was fmn-t Fri-Iay in a ens k half a mils from the Iiroege residence. The water in the creek is s shallow that the girl, who "un doubtedly committed suicide. to hold her head fail- downwards to accompli-h her d.-.igns. Miss Iiroege Mas of a cheerful dis p. o-liii.Ti atid was the light of her home. It !s iiup-isspijc t-t assign a cause for her self-dest ruction. EoVied of Hovrlei Wealth. Fu-f', Pa., I -o. Pi. A robU-ry with most seiisi'.ioii::! ib-taiis is r:;or!-'.l t-i h i.e taken j.iai e las! night within two iniies ef f "den-l.-r-s in '.Va-dnngton town ship. I'avid Slt.cani au'l his wife have a reputation of iK-Ing miserly. Alxait midnight four in: t heavily i:run-l entered thehousoanl d.-man-ied their m.m-y. Ill spite of threat -iofl-.rrirc tlieol-1 couple refused to reveal lis hiding place. A'.l-ra b'iig search the ...biters dis-c-ersl the mom y in an '-id trutik. They s,-s-tired nearly sl-l.rki.). There is n.i eiue to the perpetrators of the crime. ttct Two Bant Experts. C ofNcii. r.i.f'rrs. Ia., ll. !!. Tn the ang-r f i-is-overel guilt, John It. Huntington, a clerk intho Citizens I'.ank. h it F.xiierls F. N. Il.ay.b i and C. F Cromwtl!. who wore pro-Ming him tliis i!l--rulug ab-ut a .( short:!--:--, and thn sh it l.inisi If. H'tntiiig; o:i is d-'i l and b-tii of his viethi-.s are in a crlticel s,n-diilt-n to tiiht. The ast-sunding tragedy was er.-u-ted in the t'irectors r-.m of the bank aiut 1! uVI-ii-1:. liaydeii end "ren .veil, who are employes of the Fidelity and Casualty Company, of New York, had 1-een here three days'ug lh s'l-Ttage. Th- y lia 1 Is en s;.iii:iio!-.e.i from Chi. ago by the bank oiil -iais. All the employi-s of the bank are u.idor ln Is in the Surely Company. Tlietw experts had an engagement with Mamingt -n at the Icoik this iiiorn i:;g. They were putting some embarniss ing question to him, hen. '. ith-ie.t a m iie ut'.s earning, ilitiiiitigt.-n v..ilk--l over t-i w'aeiiM'r-im'.viIl was suiting :i ! su-.i him. liaydeu b-lled for the dour, fol lon ed by ' r-n.weil. lt-f-re tl.ey could es-tipe, however, IIi!!iti:;g'.o:i enq tied three mere cham bers of the revolver into th--:u. Hunt ington then tarnc-1 the weapon against himsel", ca.isiug f.ital wounds The Siias rtigtie. Wi'.h estimated lo-scs of Ktwi-en s 1 :". .-u and C"i.iiu,irt fr-mi beg c'n-li-r.i and s-. ine plague in the I'nitod Stales the di-s-ussinii if lhi treatiuclit and n.eaiis of preventi :l of thee dis eases iu a biil'stine issuii by the agri-c-iliiKiil d-.j-ro tmeia. is ef great value to tho farmers of this country. The mo t t fh.-e.ei ;is remedy triisl by the government's agents is the f.Il-w-ing: W-khI eham-al, sulphur. SHli-am sulpha. e and antimony sulphide, one pound each ; sodium chloride, bi -ar'om-ate an-1 s-vdium hyposulphite, two pounds each. Those are t !e completely and mixed, and a daily dose of a large t:i!b-spoonfi:l for e i-h in jHi n-ds weight of hogs given. The me Heine may also 1 "se! as a previ-ntive of these diseases It slioul 1 be put in the feed of t'.y whole herd. To insure stn-ivssful tr.-aim. nt tie-animals sn .nl.i Is- kejit iu dry and comfortable quarters, away from drafts of air. Fiveorsix moot lis should Is- allowed to i lapse after an outbreak Iks fore ne-.v hogs are purchased or any of the old herd are sold. The Tax on Inccxci. Was!m.,tox, Ixe. IS. The iiUMine tax regulations were approved yesterday by Secretary Carlisle. Kvery c-tizens of thoFniied Stales, whether residing at home or abr;iad. and every p"rson resid ing or doing business in the Failed Stat-s who has an annual iio-ome of more than is re-puire 1 to make return, under oath, Keforethc first Monday of .March of each year. The first return is to include all income received in the year lsj-t Per sons having less than fiVK annual income are not re .piired to make return. All in couies of fiok) and over are taxable two percent. The tax on incomes for the year 14 will be due anil payable on or before tho first day of July next. In the house to-day 51 r. Cockran, of New York, moveltJ strike out of tli3 Urgent Defi ciency bill the appropriation for the col- I- -lion of the ineoiue tax, but it was lost. J Mr. Greery Must TiJ. A portion of tim iiiiwriitcn history of the SonlMin-exy Coiigressi-mal election contest came lo the light f day in the c unity ise.irtut Holli"hiys'urg, hitwe-k. The case in Hint was a suit brought by Frank C. Fletcher. Fsq., a niemborof the led ford county bar, against Thom is II. re'vy, Fs.., t- recover feis for pnifes sional srvicos rendered the defendant in the contest of IS!!, to determine who was the rightfully elected Congressman for this district. Mr. Fletcher was Contest ant ;reevys generalissimo in I led ford county during that ontest. He devoteil thirty-four days of his time to 51 r. tiree vy's imliti-id inU-resis, un I valuc-l his servh-es at a il.iy. He also claimed reimbursement for ?-i" exp-,istM paid out of his own p:cket, miktiig his entire claim 5!r. Fletcher during that contest de spaired of success long before the work of taking the testimony was completed and advised Mr. ireevy to quit the use less f: giit. I'nt 5lr. ireevy, while com plimenting Fleteh-er's oTliciency as his lieutenant, encouraged him "to stick to it." Fletcher desired some assurance that his fees ami expenses would Ito paid. He and Mr. Jroevy mice had a conference o:i this s !lij.'--t at the Logan House. The plaintilf w;is promised a fair divideii-l of the allowance of fium, to which a Con gressi.):ial contestant is entitbtl til of the National Treasury, but up to date he had not row-ivod one cent. Hon. Uolx-rt C, MeNamara, of IVvlford; A. V. I lively, another attorney who ha.l represented Mr. Ureevy in the cont-s:, and W. S. Hammond, S-ulPs lieutenant iu lUair cmnty, testified that Mr. Fb tdi er's bill ot fes was not exees-iveor exor bitant in view of the services ren-1 -re-l. Joseph Tate, Kp, of TSedford, who had performed the cleri-rd work of the nn iest for 5Ir. !recvy in the neighboring c -unty, t-esthied tiir.t he had received Sli for his services. 51 r. ireevy was the only witness for tho defense. He claimed that hi had fif teen or sitsn attorneys iu the light, and I'ioteher was the only one who demanded paym-'nt f--r serv ices. Mr. Fletcher wie.iM hive . i-itr.dled the patronage f-r his tlNt:!';! hail ti contest provnd sucn.sfiil. 51'. tirts vy t-.-s'ile -I thai ll-.u titu.-: ha. I c -st hi::i a sl vle'!, and Kcdford c-iin. ty ime iu f r a g-H l sharo of the spoils "Tli Oaly" is Kictj. Th? "iltsbuig I) lily gives all the latest news of the entire world for one cent. It is in the front rank of journal ism. It is pre-eminently a family paper. Ii devotes a department daily to woinen an.l their doings Its markets are com plete and accurate. It is admirably il lustrated and th ' bos-, pi in'.e 1. In ;.hoii, i: is bei ;ii:. '.. e. ne vs-.-, an-i costs rnly o:,e cent, and is re. id by ni.itiy thousands of prop be daily. Term ; by m.iiT Paily I'est. one year : : ?:1 I lily Post, si-i m-iiilhs : : : 1 .Vi j Semi-weekly Post, one year : i i s -iii weekly V -t. six m i!':is : .to A ,H. e-ipy of .'s.'iq: we-" !y wr.n every u 10. Seal for sump!" -py. A 1- thi: i'osr, Pittsburg, Pa. Bitj-lo? ou the Hig'away. If your horse isn't used to a bicvcleand gets scare 1 at one-, runs away mi 1 :an . -lies ep things make the KM of it. The supreme court decisions are for the bi cyclists. Judge Puck, of the M,p.--iii-curt of Miuu.i-.b., ! . ides that shr-e 'li-y l-" vehicles use 1 n .v cxinu sivoly fr c itivreiieiie- and r.-.-rea'.ioii, pi.; -sure a:i 1 bu -iue.s and the ri-ting of tie :;! up -i the public highways in lint i.-diuary in.inner a is n .' done, is nei ther unlawful nor proliih::!-1, and they catiii t be ba:ii.-he.l, bc-aiise they are no. ancient vehi-'tes or used i.i th.- tiur b n of F. I- :i by Adam and live." ItieyclMs sli-mld avoid the abuse of the legal pro-t.-.ii-'ti given tiiem and exercise the greatest care wh":i m etlag or pa. sing horses an I avoid aee:de:it. The swift ness of the heel and iis sudden and un expected appearance bef re a team has eiiiscd riui I'.vjys, sometimes with serious results. Hn:biad llat. The school ni this place js week on account oftli" to t--h elos.-1 this K-ing ii thejury. 5Ii.-- 51;iiiiie Yo-t.ig ha-: i-cturu after a year's isit to fri a-!- I li .u o in lili- ic-i.s. Til re we.s a l.:eo m-.-;j.1.iuco at the te.iel'.ers' Insii'i:;--ii'-l.l S;.t i.r lay in the Walker S. ho.. I ',; i:..;.-. SiMtcia Chris-.ui.iS sr s will held ill t'.ia Mvang-'lic d Ci'ir--h at ihls plaae. 'els are now going mi, 2s Viced Eite. forC'ar-.struiS a;;i Ro Ysa; t Tha lk A i. U. It. Co. announces that excursion li--!-:tts will b.; sol I bet ween ;;!1 :-;ati-;;is ici its Pnes east of the hio riv-r during Christmas an INi w Year holiday at reduced rates, for a.I trams i )-..:, u-cr il,ii,.l.2'i.'J!i, an.l Jae.uarv I. Is1",, valid for re. urn passage until Jauu ary 1, 1 iii-usi, e. T'ue Best Hoiniag Paper. Tll3 Pinsl;.rg f '.ol .,(-.-,'. ','- is at traeiing a great deal of attention Ks-uis ol the very large amount of exclusive news and special departments it is run ning. Its new priee, p) coots a week, or s-i a year, touts it within r.'.i'-h oi "all. I'. tweon it and the I -cent papers there is no comparison as it runs throe times as much reading matter daily as ihey, while the 'ptaiiiy js much superior. It is a pajn-r the.t not one member of a family ill read Kit every Member, for it cmtains some thing for every !. i !y, no matter his cir- e imstaneas re'e or m-l. The Weeklv ,'. ';(,' ,' contains theK-st h-at u res of tiieilailv as well as some of its own. It i-amp ires very favo ral ly wit h the New York we-klii s while at the same time- 'titain:r:g news of this ri'gion that the cili'-rs do not have. It costs only ?! a year. If you want all the t.ewsof the world, all the l-s-al and state news, the fullest n;il best market reports, tiie ablest editorials, tho breeziest sporting columns and miscellaneous re iding you w ill find th--'!i in the Piiisli-arg Cci.e.-r.-.-i ,'-.'?,-, IS-siiib-s it has one of the best eiiippe-l newspaper plants in the country, mid never before has it leen so g -n-ra! and w elconie a visit.. r in the homes of city and country as now. Tiie aim of the publish ers is to give a better article for less mon ey than at the old priee. and much K-tti-r than can le procured elsewhere, and they are succeeding, g'id judges say. IJegiu tho new year right by subsorioing for the I 'tihtiu .-' I ;-iz- tl. . Charities Caa Bj Taxed. A de -isio:i of interest all over the State, as atb-.-ting all ohirhablo institutions presumably exempt from tax, was ren dered by Judge Clayton, of Delaware county, a few days ago. Ite hold that the Philadelphia hospital, with its three litiii-lred a. res of land, jus over the Philadelphia line in Delaware county, was taxable. Ha said if the ell iritabie institutions of Philadelphia are p -rm-t-tthj "to c cue in; oar c einty and oceupy otir bi st lati-l free of taxation, it w ould soon result iu the hmkruptey of the county." The matter has l-en pending sine? l-iso, and tin total lux will bo large. The Lord'3 Prayer ia School. 5Iiss Annie Ka ifTm.m, late priucipnl of heCelwyn public selntol, in Delaware cmnty, has complained to the Depart in Mil of Public Iiistrueti in. at Harris burg, tli it she has been dismissed by tlie KarJ of directors be -ause she refused to use the I, rd's prayer in th ? ouening ex ercises of lex school, siu hat starit I a private school r:id asks Superintendent Scha-.Ter whetlier her pupils will bj jier mitto l to u-e tha fre? text b ks fur nishe.l them by the public sch d author ities. Dr.Sol.R'tr.T has n it i furl .Miss"" man tiia: the loks are for tiie use only of pupiis of the public schools. He -ays this i, tli; tirt inUuue; in tu ; history of lh-e puti'.c seho A sts? n wh -ro at.' i-eh- r has been di- miswd for this o:b nse. Item of Interest. Aval Johns-on, who mbKwl a Si!ithem Ta -iti- train at U mdj Station, Cal., hxs Ik-cii font to prison for lifis Tho new governor of Tennessee, Hon. II. Ciay Kvans, is a unlive of Pennsyl vania, ha ing thvu in Juniata coun ty, June is, W i. S vnuel C. Soebey, tho defaulting b .ik robbed the National Shoe and lA-alher bank of New York of -"d.-0), U in the custody of ilio Now York poli.f. Nathan Rimes Greeley, the la-t sur viving brother of Horace Greeley, di-d at tiie eld Greeley homestead, in the town of Wayne, Pa., Monday, aged s-J years. 51 rs. Wm. Steon, of iii City, ngi-d -ts. Is the mother of gl eiiihlreti, the eld.M being Jl and the youngest :t mouths old. There are no twins triplets in tlu family. Congrtsisuian P-ryan, of Nebraska, has introduced in the house a proposal amendment to liie constitution making the president of the I'nitod States in eligible to re-election. I'nitod States Circuit Court Judge Golf has decided that tho Washington light infantry, of Char!. -ton, S. C, could not deprived 1 y Governor Tillman of their anus because of refusal loois-y disorders. F..r failing to report tho earnings of his tsrni no-sording to law. Attorney Gen eral Hee.sid Saturday entered ju Igment f.-r tI--!,o( ag:iinsl Anthony Morr.c.v, memKrof a private banking firm f Plair Countv. The Vermont legislature has ad journed and gone, homo after a session only a few weeks in length. Yet n--K xly in Vermont complains of insntli cient legisl it-on. Itrev ity is the glory of a legislature, as it is the soul of wit. 5fuuicipal elections were held in eleven Massachusetts; cith-s on Tuesday. P.oston elected IMwiii I. Curtis, Hep., as mayor over Culonel Francis Pcaliody, Jr., Iicin., by majority and votisl for lie -use by an inereasi d plurality. SalciTt and ' M l:'ord yoiel against li-i-U-e. ail, tha noted Sioux chief, h is died near SiC.-i-ling I;-s k Agency. Ho was next to Sitting I!, ill in rank as Chief. In early youth he was a fighter and wns a follower of Sitting 15-ull in theCusf.-r cuu paigu. letter he dn-pp'-d the traits of saviig i:y and became a pe.-..-eful firmer and even a church member. P.cforcth" Setiete Invi-stig:iting C-.m-mittis:- in New Y.c'k City Friday, Captain Cris-den. one of thea'-cused polii-eoilicers, confessed that he had paid ?li for his p-oin :i ,n. His confo-sioii imp'.i--it--s a number of high p-iliee oibeiaU an-1 Dem ocr.d io tMiliticians, among them Police Commissioner Vorhis News comes from Hazard, Ky., that Judge Hall v. as w.i!'li"l that if h" di-1 not release on bail Jesse Fields anil Joe Atkins, chargisl with shooting ex-County Judg" c,Kini! from ambush, there would be trouble. Fields' brother, th iMunty judge, was In iviurt. and when Jod-jo II ill refuseii to allow bail Fields drew a pistol and fired at Hal!. Court otli-s-rs i-aught Fields, but his friends released him. The Stata Gran go, nirs tingat Harris burg, isinsiilcre l the reisirt ef its 'om inirtoe on Legislation last week, and adopted it without change. Its important features are an indorsement of the pro posed new revenue measure prepared by the State Tax Conference. A change is rooommcndtid in t'.io school appropriation on the basis of ilto imiuKir of teachers in the district, rather than the, number of The elet i. ii of oil; -ers v.. is t-i take plae-.i t--day. The Pre-ident last week aH-r a innfer enc wiih Secretary Carlisle an 1 ' - rtMiis. s-o-.ior Miller, of the Internal I'eveiiuo Bureau issuedniioiderex!ending tliei-U il service law and rubs to tho internal revenue s-rviee. This action was tle-termim-d upon some lime ag-, but -w ing to the press of public business lined action was deferred until Tuesday. The new extension w ill embnn-o ."iH sfo,eke-pers-gau -rs an 1 II" clerks in the offices of tho c iHoo'.ors, making "J, 171 in all. Paintings rci-1 dc-i" Hii-S an ariuh-ss artis as by i'.artnmi :, are now ou exhibition in I. 'id n. 5lr. 1 1 .!- lo-t his arms cei.o t-i i.e sh mldi r, a child, by b "In r i i over by a Ii i; ! cy, an 1 is obli 1 t p li l'. h dding the b eiish be twoen his Hp He w iu. n-'verth -less i:i open e :;;, -iiti :, the national sehdar sh"pof s",l a year at South Ken.-ittg-t- i. and at thesatn 'tim obtaiue I a first prize for i.i ideliug in clay. He paints la:i ipi-j. .Yew Foci 7 co, There ii a prospect, says the Com mercial ',' -r that Governor-i ba t Hast ings will, in his mossae;,., favor the moe-t-i-iit that h is been under way for scoe time to oomviilruto th-j aiiiiiarily of eerta'ii State -lepaitments i.i resp.iisi!.Ie heads, insi a 1 of allowing them to re main in the hands of bards, as i-t pres ent. Itisthtujht if this plan is t-ir-ried out that one of tho lirst of the Ksir-Is to be abolished is the State Hoard f? Agriculure, and another is the State Itoard of Charities and Committee o-i I.-iua--y. ' The Only" i Kiag. The Pittsburg Daily r.- fcivt all the latest news of the eutiro world for one oeif. It is in tho front r.itik of journal is:n. It is jtre-emlneutly a family p i-i-er. It 1 -v otos a dep irtm -:it daily to women and th-ir doings Its markets are com plete i 1 1 a--urate. It is admirably il lustrated an I tho bast printed. In -diort, it is brigh-, clean, newsy, and c-sts only oiiecetit. an I is read by many t!oi;,',s of pe o;ib- daily. Terms by mail Daily Post, one year ; ; t Daily Po.-t, six in mt lis : ; Semi -weekly Post, one year - j Semi-weekly Prist, six momhs S"! no 1 -V) 1 ( .") A free copy i.f Sctiii weekly with every club of b). Send for Nample -opy. Ad dress Tin: pi st, Piitslutrg, Pa. A Stomxch-Fniiip Turns a Joke. ItimoKLW, N. Y., Dee. 15. Aliert K nolo, aged '!'', being w iihoe.t anything particular to do this morning, concluded to have some fun with his w ife. Ho told her he had taken some pari green and would s-h;i bo dead. Itefore he had a chance to explain the ch1 feature of the joke tho wife rushed out and informed a IKdioeman. The hitter d ustily st m moil ed an ambulance, and Surgeon Guilfovle, of St. Catharine's H.ispit.d, ro.sp:ided. Knolo attempted lo explain the joke. IJ-ut the d-x-tor, wiih tiio assistance of the ;i'. iceman, threw him to the floor an-1 used the stomach pump on him for several miniit-s Kn-lo made no more attempts to explain w dero the jokocame in. Gooi Ncvi. Kvorylxwly in Somerset county will hail the news that Parker A' Parker's "An nual Ked Letter Sale" will liegiti on Wedm-sday, DisvniK-r iith, w hen their entire stock of goods w ill lie sold at flri( isist, and in many lines loss than cost. Those who have heretofore looked for ward to tho "Kel Letter Sales" r this firm will have a keener interest thisyi-ar, when they learn that owing to the hard times of tho past season their counters ami shelves are ladened as never K-fore wuth choice g - xls All must go. It is their custom to annually dispose of all giods remaining iu their store unsold and this year w ill prove no exception to the unbroken rule. You can attbrd to w ait for their "Ked Letter Sale," because it means money saved. MAl.KIKI). SNYDER BP.ICKEK.-At the r.i- d -in-a of the bride's parents, 51 r. Joseph D. Snyder of R-nek wood. Pa., and .Miss Sadie S. Bricker. of Somerset, on Dec. IX 1CM, by Rev. T. J. Bristow. Tents a; tlie Pecnsjifaaia E.-eerisient Gtitio i. Tho Peiuif jlvania ilperinuid Station has mado several vaiual lo cxpvri-n eats this yetir.thefariiicrs ihroui.oiil tic State pre Jumislied with re;s-rt.s; and bvlb-iins of the operations t any time, oil a; plii-a-li.'ii. impiirics on agricultural Mil-j.-.-ts ln-ing also aiiswcnsl. tree i-i ch iri; -. :ie of the experiments wa- t -.(.: the value of a fool known as ''m-tton-see I feid," eoii!pssed of one part Csittonsee-I nnnd and live parts cottons. s-d li'.ills by weight. The station found that w hilethe ch; mical c-uiipositiou of the feed corn spondisl with the ( i.iim in its favor its digestibility was comparatively low, Is-ing somewhat t-ss than that of cl-ver or liuiot'ny hay, but greater than that of iurn fodder. At tho prices of the feed in tho m irket a ouiid of digestible food was found to cost .".I per cent, more than in timothy or clover buy, a-id g per cent, mote than in i-oru. It is to pla-.-e such facts K-fore the fanners that tho station engages in experiments of tho kind, in order to enable them to select the least costly f sids. TKsT WITH n.MKV COWS. The station made two tests w ith dairy cows, and found that a ration of cotton seed feed and bran produced IS per cent, less mill; and l'l per cent, less butter than one of com fodd- r, mixed liny, corn meal, a i l cottonseed meal, eontaining the same amount of dry matter. The estiin ite 1 net prof.t per day w as 17 per c -ut. !- o:i tiio e..tto!,stssl f.-e l ration tiian on the hay i-u f.f.ld.-r ration. In a see :;.! e::i,eri- 1 i 1 I . I t.u nt a ran-ui oi c-.tous. cii lev-., glutcii ni'-al prHbiced l." per cent, less milk an.l l nor cent, lesa b itter than a , . " . i .,., i ration of cover day. ooro n.e-!, bran and gluten men! eont immg L pounds more graio and threc-foiii tlis of a p oi.n.l more -oars r. The in t profit per day and brad in this c:ise was i per retit. l.-ss on the clover hay ration than on tiio oth er, but it is probable that tho eons on the clover hay ration were stunow dial overfed. PKol ! r AN t l o-T. The re-sups of the xpi uiiuents load to the t'oticlusjou colt-cs-s-1 fe'slistiKi ex pensive in ppijiortioii lo the atiiout.t of f-sid !s..titaiiu.-d to:i' e'--fuily Mn:K-teo;i espial terms with or bnary dairy IK -ds at average prits-s. An incidental result of the c.tio rimeuts is ... illustrate tho p-nsibiliiics of profit in dairying. Tho mi profit the cost of fetal and -aro in the c-xprri-inoi-.ts raugisl fiiii 77 to U"i k t e i.t. of the itt -f the f While there are oilier elements of expense in dairying not included in th-rso estimates, the r-.ults iK-vortiieh-ssH nniitc a very g..d showing tor the j.n.tiLs of dairy ing and parti.-ular-ly of Kitier production. H. L. s:?ii. The chestnut season is in i r. N--w f-r business. Myst--kis -omjdte. 1 cor dially invite your iiispci tioe. 'o have the bis.1 assorted siook of tJeiM-ial Mer chandise ii. town. "o;ueto n.y store f r Dry lek's, Notio.i.s, lirMviies, ilais, Caps, lbs. Is, etc., and don't forget we sell Hood's. Paine' s. Tie re-"s an-1 all the leading and staple patent in. di- ii.cs and all at to luce-1 pri.;-.s. If you arc tn ::.-ed !f a suit of flothes, ovi-rcoat, sli.s-s or a H'l solid I iold or tilled watch, I have the goods and ab .vc all I have the prii-es to s;tit the times. I'.ij'it up 5lain Crois stee--t, i-pp-e-he the p t ollice, yoit w ill find tin- best se lected st-s-k ofli.'iieral M.rchindise at the store of II. I.. St l'l, s-units;.!, pa. Musi. ;tl supplies stringed ir.stru iili iits at Snyder'" dr.i store. IS EARLY RISING . . HEALTHFUL? It Is If You Stirt the Bit I17 Keidinj tie Eight Kiad of & Xcvnpipr. asi T'r. - P.i.'.-jV is the riiit kind. It is the only complete inorni-ir iio-.vpaper that roaches !'e!itr:il I'cimsy h .ini:i at 1111 e.irly hour of the day. Il i.s one of the f re'ii-rt Ic:n-c::;ti-newspaper;, in the S'aie and the ..idy one pr:nt"d at tho St:it- Capital, tie- ollie!:-! and -iiil:cal ii-ntre f the t'oini'ioii v. eaitii. It prints the, rec. it it o er iis ov.11 vi--si through the I'.vtr.i.-psin.iry fa-i-il-iii-s eftii-e en-it Pr.sis As--.i. ',. tin:i. aided I'V its own inrrcsp-HM-cnis. The ''',-:"? is 5cmoci:itic t- tin- .-ore. It is oppuM'-I to Kisses a!nl nn eni niv of i.-rrept ln-.ii.-jK.lies. It isn't :fi'.ii-l t fi"!it tlie wron: it never :i- -i!.::. s to speak for the ri!:!. It inahes a specially of d--p.irtiic:il news and civ,-s inure 1. !i -l;.y tinoi ail the other ."state p sp Mui!-iiicd. Tho Legislative S-ee-isiosi .it isi'i, will he of re:it i:nis.-i tnnee to the pis-pie of the Srnt i. jf'.e ."'.Vei' ilh sjieci.:! reporters will keep its r.u.'ers fully infuiiii'-.i ci.n (vrnii: litis nnd all other p.ilhii-d :ind ee. .n linie m iiters. It h-is cT-iii-ive op-perti;!-ili-s f-.r m 1 e.rin :i lv;ini-o ii-".. s t :i puiiiie Hi-'l '.. liAII.Y, every week day ne iui.i in the year, a year. V'IiKi I.Y, Tili-s lay oveii-n of eu -h wee!-:, si ,- year. THI-; OAII.Y issiio Ik sent four months 011 trial, ty 1.: iii ii!y, 011 receipt of M. TIIM VI'i:;C!.Y wi'I he sent f.-nr ni(.i:th- en trial, 'y mail only, on receipt nf 'i't it-n.s. T.'if U tho l-est a-lvei iixiu-; mr ilium l;i lhcnisyi viir.i.i (-uisido of 1'itis-l-ititf :n:d l'hiladi l;d:ia. Free to t'.io I'neinpl-.yeii: It insult without eiiarjro adv. rtis-enenis of t!i'i.o wanting r;!:pieyiiit ;it. Its Help Order Ills lini'.ipht assist.-lil'-e t h mdre Is. Jt has a Cent a Yord Want Column for oth er wants. Ail Iross, Tin: r.v:;i'-ir Company, I'arriahiirx, l':i. B. & B. SUBSTANTIAL GIFTS Liktly to be the rule this season. What ever the demand, the supply found here in either substantial or orna mental articles. Some Iir.-ss li-ioil-i anil Snitinirsi sni;-KCstioii.-t. Timely hints l'..r acccjituMt' (.'hristnius irp.sciits: IIanils,, lurc an-1 stylish BOUCLE CHECKS ainl roil, levi n an.l Mnc. I-iown anil crccii Kxitssiin'iy stylish nn.l C;,sh-i.-li i!.lc e-'Is us.-1 s:.c.-i:il!v i".r skirts to e:irw:tli sejuiratc waists re;ru!ar fl--"-" g.KMtsl, Well iNl.llit to SK-il 75 Cents a Yard. .VI inch all-w.Mil inixed Niiillnss. Itr.-wns. Sr-eys, Kisl, (irceii ami vari-.n-t -tlier lcir:il-lt iiiifiris4. wi-lu K s. Keitimaic worth i.i anil 7-" i-nl.-. All to gt at one jiri-c, ." iiu-h-s wi;le, . 50 Cents a Yard. All-Wool Ciein. h fam-j-S'liitins. Four .lillcront wimvi-m in urcat variety of 11. lor c .niliinatii.ns. Karlier in tlie soi l fur .t ami i;, rcnU. The Imiiilay price, 25 Cents a Yard. Xo.ii Chec'i Suitings at least H". litr.-r--ii! styi A fi.i-ttiii..t,- nr li.isc. Kx ccllcnt c-ipiiM .r sn!'.iii-,'s at lour liin.s th-e c;tst. :n ami :A inchi-i w iih, 15 Cen.s a Yard. Write our Mail Onler I. i:irt!iient for s imri'.cs, also f.r New Illnslratc.1 Cata KUKK. All onlern roui)tly s;itisl'aclor!!y lill e,l. B0GGS & BUHL, Aifgheny, Pa. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. 1895. F0REM0S70F AXER.'CIN Y.EKLIS. Circulation 103,003 Copies a Week. l irst to n:l!v fr--;;i the overwhelming id. -feat of I-st'J, liie New York 7 !-. pa-tii-iillv laK-red tor two years t- aw ikon the sl -pi:ig judgment of the Nation. Piss-ss!iig mi enormous circulation, suip;H--l with a statt of smpt teni and lioii-.l stud-'ils nf pul-lic tpicstioiis. ami itself hating, no object to suwe except the v. eif ire of th" ma-s s kjui tiie larms J j,, the shops s i:t lies un I sensa tional anneals, an-1 sal!s!io. mere'v to place tim trutli beiore its read r. the J', th.:, ii has sent to half a Million earnest uuI rclle.-liiig ps.!--. wei kly. a budget of ii -lii-st I n U. st-usilib nri.' iiii- nto and Irii-ndly sui.! lions, w hich liave at last l-oni'j fruit in tiie election of Is;4. The work of the p-oplo is, however, only half done. It is iiect-ssiiry in js:i t- 1-la.s-in liie i-hair w ha h lirover ( "ic e and das not a.l-rfi-;d, a s,nstructive Htatesmau of tiie K- put lo an f ntli. To this task the '1'rihnn,- li-iw address,-! it self, and inviies the MipHrt of evi-ry American eitii n w ho tiis:res a return of tlie "'g.xsl old timi-s." I.oswcll ii. Ibii'r.l'S-Conjressinan from Michigan, but now of New York t'iiy, will continue to discus Tarbr, ('urn ncy, t'oinatio and Ki!ir ipu-ti ins in tin; 1,-ih-H-i-. ity ad odds the most wuuy, arnst and weil-ini'ormeii spej-her njs.n the stump, de is every yv.-r sent by Hie Ti i a,i. to aid Iho local c.uopai--n.s in every p.rl of the country. He keeps io ihii stant touch v. :th the people, knows lio-ir wants, and a-l-ln-sses iiims. lt' in the ', ih- K- 1 . i I .. .. i. :. I. : .. I one. ii, to tie; til'Miut.s ttiij, u ile m their uiin-ls. and makes himself und-r- t,. i le w iii gladly answ er pi stioiis, asked in gd !.-..t!i, by readers. All tho reguJiir leal in-s of tho 7-.'"--. w... ;11,711,.,l. - or w t,;m rVal- p,vjai array ol vv.;, n, new s is sup plied, i-t-r e.tsi.-iii readers an castem o.iilioii is pi inied. It is tiie intention to make the paper i s- p.-eiaily ii i)fi: t farmers an. I iiieeli i.i I jt-'h ela.s.s h :s its x.pralc il. in iho 'l'ri!.rn,- und ti;e new inven-ti-n; of, who lack tiie means ti exploit the pi'.. In.-t of their i-rains, are :id eriis...l lrr-e of charge :n tie- hop'- of aidine tin 111 to furl :i pnr. iaiser or a p.-.ri-111 r. The in.irk- t reports of tii- T, H, 1-niir e. kii.)-. !,-.!,. -.1 1. U-me lust in th. iMiintry, v. :!i;i:;i ttiein.ld .-tandari'.; au-i tho lis. nil variety of !'. rt i-rn i.ews lett-Ts, essays ii;mi "heme tot-i.-., K.k. rev ief.s. art. eles .,n cin-vs ami' eh-ekcrs, and mis.-. -ll.ii. y will !.,; pr.-si-nt-sl evct v v. it-K. 1 i.e eo '-, iiV.f ' . "i 'r1. 1,15 ' " '';':,: r ii. iiiip.-riaiit news ot tin- sum day, 11I1 comments. The 7'-i',. , ;, prhns, r.,r the ladies tho v ry latest i':isiii.iii.s 1 ;-. i 1 1 p:n js ali-l l.-mdoii, tii.J til- re is a f ""Answt rx t-i ',!!(--!:. .::." t-.ii.'l i- '..-.l l.y a ci.p.iMe w rit.-r, 01 w inch ail the .pM-iions of the pe-.i.l.-en inisee:ian- -i.s t- -pi.-s'i;;iy a:is ere 1. Tile Scini- Weekly 'I'.-. is an iii;i.;n-parai-Ie pa-e,-f.,r r.'-s; .-n:s who live !. yond tlie runtroof tlie iia:!y J', (, 1,1., I.i t liin! it necs.;lry ;i keep in touch with tli-! s-t thoii-;h'ts an-1 lowlier inler.-ts ,.f tiie w r!d at iae :e. A few premiuiiis are off. red t ami ei il. ii.-nis. ra rs Any friend of tiie T. is -.rdi:.i:v! t- xii.l s.iu:p!i- .tipi.-, i ! t-rms. and m ;ij a -! :' of s.p, ..-r; ,- i irs. W o wo:i!-; he c-p-eM;iv p--is.. - t, i " a ittr-.n? circle . i n-.-i.l-rs i-t t-t works!;.:.. t I in- !. . . .'..'.', ! 1 he - TI 111" Ir.; 1 :i year. d';.--', r.-ady in Jan- TrifiHuf Alumnae t..r 1 iiarv, ins nis a c:.pv. i JII-: Tlliiil'M NEW- Goods Consisting L'.uiios' ati'l CJo;:tIer:icir.s iik ar.u Linen II A X I K KRC " I K KS, KIO CLOVKS. TMIillKLLAS. UIDDO.VS, LACKS, coons, LACE CURTAINS, rouTiEi:-:, HUGS, an 1 a full lino of Gentlemen's UNPEIIWEAR, GLOVES, A-c. Ladk and Children's Coats and Wraps. SPECIAL VALUE IN LADIES' FUR CAPE Our stock cT IloIIJjy Good all u.seful irc?ents, anj jiriues to .suit l':o tin: (5. ar'e Our Annual Red Letter ?a'e will coininOLee DEC. 28ft 1801. -And wiit la.-t until- FEBRUARY 1st '95. PARKER -AND- PARKER. D ISSOLUTIOX NOTICPL X.iTICK Is ht-r-liy niv. n that the i:irtn. r. shir- cxistins Im-iw.tii Ju.-oli li. rharil' an.l J. It. . ;."-hur-t. iloini; Inisln.sM tin-ler the nafiit- of J. It. iertuinl. f Kiiiuw-mmI. mtin. ty, lfca.. hut this .lay l.-. n l.y niiitu ul ci isi iit. T.i.- Ut.lis ..r tin" linn are in the triiiiisof J. It. .ierh ir.l forisi!!icii..n. Ail ir ti. it kai.u'iinc iiclfl.t.l loth- lirtii nr.-not.ti sl lo.-a!l an l .-'tlc. The will Ik- continue.! hv J. It. te-rlianl. J A' !!! ;:im KI, Kiiiitwool, Pa.. J. Ii. i.KKUAlU Ihc. 1. is-t. No'lce. My m:!ior iaii:riii.-r, Mary, h ivir-e l- f inv holm" wiihoa! my cnsi-iil. I her- i.y ii..!ifvil not f h:irli-r er tnisi her. :i I'wili not 1m r..s-oi.silic lor any d. hl l eiitr.ic'-st l.y her. mn) nay h:iri:orin in r will be ti.uli m;b .tccriirij t 1-iw. J' 'NATHAN IHXHARI-. Holiday SUGAR MAKERS SUPPLIES. WE CASHY A LARGE STOCK OF - - - - Syrup Can3 Sap Buckets, sa? Spjuts, Gathering Buckets Sugar Pans, Eta, at rock lot. torn prices for casb. WE HANDLE THE EST P. A. Main Crc Street, Great Inducements. Goods reduced in price in every Iirt Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lace C:utain Ladies' Coats, &c. Xow is tlie time to Ijuv t0 save moncv and iret sometliinir ixood. CLINTON STREET. - - -JOHNSTOWN p - STEUGBR'S - For Useful Holiday Presents For weeks we lave li;.?n rcoci'. 'hi' time i (iovote-J to niatkin' an l pi i you fir II IM.iv prevents an eK' s ' cerl-'Jv in the Lou.-.?. llANDKKIICHIEFS J-.r KvervbIv t'1(? CLIMrcn. t ei siii 1 r 1 4 ires 0:1 Hi- in L 1 Ilaiiiikercf-iefs 5c, -"'0, 5c l"e. -: 1 ". ami up t" 1 a i-iece. Sjieciul for ti:e Iloii'Jays Lihiies" All-lit en Cainlne J IIiiniko:chitfs ui or $2.75 p r d-izen. i SI ll.s lcea r?luced to suit tl.o new TariiT. ;.'. ': effect the fr-t of the year. Our stock .f L. i'"ss--j ari l CIiiMren's Cloaks ami Fur C.ij ar-viit! Arm.. s'Sj'H. .V H Kept JOHN STENGEB, - JohnsSc?, h -fee ---s--t-c mmmm SE s23s-i 5. ! !S mm . 3 it-' r Ni'THIXti 1- i'.ff ' c-i !:..!er:.:i an.l v.-.irkfiiai'sh; ei-.t-r. i ::'.- 'ie . ';-'-:' -of the l'IXI-1 l'.ni.I.A T('Vi S I:.N.KS. Their lc;.ni;i:e-s ,s. !;. U.- Their ee; r.-:.iy ii-.s money. ohl ivn-1 guarauie5 l.y ' JAMES B. IIOLDEItBAU.AI, Somnrsot. Vi Pubflc Saie Valuable Real Estate! Ky iri'.i, ..f o-,! r (s,:,. is;;t .l out ..f "Ii.- ?'. 1 ,.nrt in ;.-i.t i-.r th- is.ii:i:v n" s-.i-e rs. n u, ,i :,-,-., n - v. : ; 1 e J- t-, i' '':' sale -n III. ., -.::.. si. n. .ca rset toirii !lli, S-,;iu r, t .n,;;.,ty. l a on Friday, Dec. 2!st, 1394, At I o'efeck P. VM I'--! in- r.n! t it ,:,i;i, ; -.. V;;Hior a;i.l vi: V"1 HT, ; i. s A ec;;.'.n tn- t ,-' :.,. :t m:,- ia .: r-. t iisi,ij.. sir.. rs.-t ,-.!)!. iv. r.i.. i. I i -i t-i i i ' I III-Is ..1 I Il ls. I'.. .. ,. . r J.C ., Sei s - ..,1 . i T i -;i :i.-rs liMrv -,r i-s 1 Jl.T." is 1.. W t;;.r.t ;ill- Frame : House,! an.l sj.rsi.j. j;,,. ,r. IMis. s. :.: :1 y. in in: r.-hanl ei' :. h--n Inel tn.s. 1 iu l:irin :s .i i.i.-r -..ssi cuitiva'.:!.-.. ,imi ,.,.;.v, cut toi-hnn-h. fc-'io..: lions.-s-.,r ij:!c tiie r..;-rty 1 sriiuu- i . Waili. r, it. c -!. j AI-... a .-. rt .iii ir.ic: ,.r l .n.'. sir;, ,.,-,,. ers. t !..K-.i.!ii. si,,,,, ts.; .', i .i.. a.!..-i-i- I n.. us ia mis in i ,i ,s. l;. w:;iK.-r. J.--i.,;i 1 riii an.l V. iili.iin Knie. ce i-.-mie- tiny more or I-ss. T; re is a ...k1 Two-ctory PLANK HOUSE, a spriiis house mi l a fre.m,. tstn". Ujr-i --i the pri niis.-i. a KmMJ on-liani e:' IpiM-lmii-M :niil. Kami ll.i l. r L-.vki ,-iiIti-Vltton :n, .siUivcniei.t to c'.,:irc!l. -choot,- an.l ,,.., UkU. t!l. p T y )f KiTt I-'l.T, il-c it. Terms. : , Samiic! s. Walker f:,rni.!iistttir. nfi. r:ill . vi. n-.-.i-n i , arc . nC iiii.iii a hen for th-wi.low. the hu. t I. l-ii.l to h -ranniially. I.,- i.t ,,n. i -." in hi,:..t wli. n -i,e j,,,) is ,j: nveV-i" Th'- ia ana. ia! i-iinn uu i: .,i..i .- .1. lH-!rl;:!' on il,.. 1st ol' A (.ril. l-si,- In . r .1.1. .-I h:. ret i ,. y to he ,;. 1-re.s rty Is ,(,.., . As !.:!, -Krr.i i;i.r firm. on., thir.l. after ah . X :i-.s.a.i t ,!, lir.:,r,- to r, Uiin a s. -i l..r th wi low. th iiii, r,-. to Is. i f., h. e'ly. --; i-.nin- ,; April. . 1 1 ,,,, ,',. .Ii:.-.- Ml llliliil.-ii p!ivinell!s ,.f sl.-.i, ,,',..,', i, .la-.iMi.. tsief Apui. is-.,: in ,H.r ollt ;,;,,. lan-.l mot.- y to lf(Mi, when the pr-.i nv is .11.1-... -I ih.Wll. -,i,s has.- inoilev t. 1, . s, ! ,lr. st .ei the 1. lu-K-iiii -ii'ii,,-,,) i ll s II. Vl.KKTt. , . . M. M IIKih K, V.niTmst ntt.r f -aitiu-l S. Walker, ami i-.zr.i lsier. .in- .1. No.a-e Is hen-!-y tiv. n that Solomon J ftitt ii. rH i.l w-i-. lolni ;. ltiner i.ii.! iiH.rt l-ittn r. i. M;.iili.vrrii township Somerset county, I'a.. have m et,- j, v.. Hint arv iissi .,, :.. ia.-. .f all th. ,r .-state, r. a!, "iv rst,ll:1 lll.t ial.-.,. in trust lor the l-ener-t , .f I he cr. -- ;,"r" "' , s..l,.Tc...ii .1. liittm-r. Ji.hti IL P.iit-a-raa-l Al!.. rt A. P.iti.i-r. All p rson, h iv-iiia.-l'Ktti. asai.i.t -hi. sai-! :,..:..:,, j. Iltlt. in-r. John K. ilitm. r Mnri Alli it A. Ulttm r will pr,-:ent Ih. i.i i.. the un.Iersii.',i.i riulv mil tti-n i.-itist p. rs,.,,, nwnc iii, s.,i,fc .noil J. I'.iiim, J.,i, It. Tcttii. riinri All. rt . i.ittm r, win make ite pavm.nt to J.-im f'.U AssCMiee. Attorney. I:.M, Pa, App'ication for Unimproved Land. N;.ivi, Jr.-Iiv L'ivt'n ih it -- 1....... i . ZllZv """ Aai. f the ' ' , . V "'V'vai.ia. Mil uppltc. , ,'r u .. . ri.iu . ,r i:- a.' of lll!l.:il.roV.i land i situate :n J. i:n--r t , rs. ... ,...:,,:- . .naihaii lianln. r l.w.1-1! .:.'!stti-;i., il-..-.:.-:, iMii.Uwurrin - -! i c.-i 1 r, si j ,.. .,s ,rf sl ? .!''; i: tli :i-.ri:i. Maple Evaporator on the Mar ket at less than half the pr; "asked for some others. It "payyoutogetour prices be!ore buying. SCHELL,- iloli-Jay (Joo'ls. anl - tciii '; tiicn. We are ; - u:it and Iartr; lino- th-,- ! i V Ilfmititcliou urnJ Litibroi i. OUR STOCK OF DRESS GOODS n-.'n. uu 10 tiie --uienrl. GOOD STOVE Is an Eeo:.o '.:;. A Poor One tae vor kiaJ of Extra v K-e!iie:ni ht tii;- w t 1-iit n ir New Stove, The Magic Cinderella 13 WHAT YOU V,AeT. It will h..M r:, ... : nieht. an l vt pp. v.- A. WARM FRIEND IX COLO WEATHER It bait Fqnala- a Healer. Foot Wear! A .-lice will a-M v. ones apjarunoo than a.'.v s'nile arlick' of Dress. ' We Lave a lar-e su: .j.!v ana v. ill sive cusi j:::ors money. GENTS SHOES, f , .s Ccr.-rrc.-s. Dutfon. Hh:'-' I nr. 1 1. .1 r . n st.i-t i..u-.::tT i.ii;;.;'.-. w.u the French. Yale, rifka dilly, Imperial a:.-l " Glube toe. LADIES' SHOES.! Hutton, Lace. Congress a erette, w ith tlie VIM: ,1 K: ,'. i Opera. X. Y., Si'iar--. i-i- zor Co::, toe : Shoes for Boy's : Youth's and Children '' a-I eription.s, a!- a fall 1'r.e i f hor,t in T.nt?.ir Rnl.l.-r Si An immense --took Of Rubbers T.i s. v-t lr- Allat TRICKS to tho TlMti REPAIRING DONE NEATLY CHEAPLY. ite-- Shaver & srrt'Ks.s.1 i:s THOMAS 1!.' 706 MAIN CROSS ST.. Somerset. - - Pi C M)rirr ri:H i.AM.ii"N Whikks, The Honor.!'. i 'oil rt ot I'ominoii l'l-as el I'a., hav.-onlerisl Ih-.l a sp- 4iT Court of Common l'teas. el e:.'r " an.t liri.!i;ins Court. f-r Ti ,r:l lcr-ili, shall he h. I.t al is.-t. t-0 s, m . . r . t. 1 1;'.' ivionaay Jan. i-tui, - I t iiiiimi'ii'-in at Hi.'.-Ui.-i- A. M- ' Now. tin refer . I. K iw .r l I ,"'l'"r ,,f -"s":icrs,-t ohi:i.i. ;,.. 'r,"'a"i ni-: minis ii.-t'---; '"'.-,' . ,i-- to U- then an.l in. r. tn.-ri. le ' ' " at said Court. I .v1' I hi.-ritr orflce. KI'WAi:!' H' r"rJ urns i. i:t cn. M-WXON iK'MKil. Nov. J th, l.i n