The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, December 12, 1894, Image 2

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The Somerset Herald.
E'jft'AHD Wl'LL, Editor nd Proprietor.
m. 12, 14.
The tirrms that is now in sw-iou
isatak number and down't repre
sent the pwjlis. The host thing for it
to do is to pass the iiet-essary appropri
ation lills an 1 quivlly off home.
No cloture ; no pop-pun bills, is said
to the fisitl determination of the
Senate. All tir.kerins at tliiss.-s.sion
with the tariff or the currency is only
calculated to ket'p up the uncertainty
i:i business circles'.
We hear a nvat deal of prate a-tout
IeiiiHTatio principles, hut know of no
principle on which they are generally
united, except the destruction of Amer
ican industries and the utterance of
dishorn-st djllars and curren
cy. The President is privitiir renewed as
s irauo s of his distinguished consider
ation fir "civil is.n ice reform." The
1 I'.est outirivinjr Ls that storekeepers,
jriuz.'rs and other internal revenue
o;iivrs will shortly le placed uihKt
thes? rales, which m-.-an in plain Eng
lish that th.' p -;tio:- bi:i j n-v all in
H ,-.;. m iii .-m'v.T-i of his own par
ty, tli -y c:im : It - r.j'P.i v.v.i, esc -pt fr
ejus.-, wlua the H-puMicans aai'i
t ik-' eh sr.; ' of th.' !r vcrn;n.'!it.
The Treasury 1 V-;;artiii :it has re-e.-iwd
returns in rear.l to the produc
tion of p.-ld i the I'niteil Sratesdurintf
I lie calendar yesir K'i warranting the
stalciu"'-.: that the output will approx
imate si "I.O ' Tile states of (':!
ra 1 i. Montana. Idaho and California
will show an increase ainountini i:i
th- anvirate to Of the total
pro Pu-t ion of the year it is cstimiud
that California will contribute jd'l.T-,-n
' i : Cojorad-i, !1.1T"." i : Montana,
tl.'.TVi f t, and Idaho, ?iir..rtl.
'oX;KI"sMAX Hk'Ks h:t lnvll made
a iiiem'i -r of the Comuiittee on I'uV
l;e ll'.ii'.Kiiirs and C rounds
liihe-t a!i'i:i:i of Mr. Hicks is to
pr.x-iyv a public h.iiMinir at Altoona
and the citizens of that city apparently
b id no ilitical s.-ntiiiicnts a few ye-r-since
that were not made subservient
to that end.
We congratulate Mr. IIi-ks on his
new app !iit!ii'-nt, but the public build
in?! bill he and the Altoonaites have s-
much at heart is not likely to lieconie a
law at this session pt-rhajis at som.; it may c squeezed througlu A
iiu'iii!-r.-liip on that committee is not
a U-d of roses, with every bij; town in
the country demanding a building at
public expense. In that committee
every one of its thirteen memliers has
a bill or two for himself or friends that
he wants favorably reported, and r.
'kis-inz grog's by favor'' a pood deal of
loirrollin is requisite. Merit or claims
do not count.
IkkTor Thomas IHxx Kx;lih,
the author of that sweet so-iir, " l!.n
ii ilt,"' is at present a Democratic mem
ber of Congress from Xew Jersey.
Tiic I K-t jr is no longer younir, and
time has not mellowed a somewhat
irascible temper. A few days sinct' he
threatened the Ilou-e with ve:i;r -ane
fir refusing to pve unani-n us consent
f r t'.K c :ii 1 ration of a bill presented
by him, and d--hired that he would
not c.inseiit to the c ion of any
other bii! re-iuirimr unanimous coiK'tit
until the end of the s.-ssio:i, imless his
bill was first considered. Whereupon
the Philadelphia IS con I perpetrat-s
t he following clewr parody on a part
of his famous sonir :
i;i ! .ia": j iu ri iii 'iuiiT th. ttt-juus li-'i
Tin- ; 2iin d.::,. so lir.iwn
l'.x: (i.-.Tiui t!i a tii ' villains who f.itticr.-J
? ln-- ! "1 11 -s
V.'iU uitli f.-rirnt tliy fr.iwn?
I.i ;:i. n!I i :.ur. ;iyar.!mS.iltcr.ft,ll-n U-iit,
In ; inniiT u!.s'ur,' an.l u'.icie,
TiK-y hive :0 -J !i Litof tliesmnito ro tray
And yi.ur hill li? uinlerthe Mum-!
I r is pretty well settled that the jwip
rmi bills are shelveil and that there
will U' no further tariff tinkering dur
ia the present ssion of Congress.
The destructive p licy of the Democ
racy has, however, cropped out on
smother ouestion, and there is a deter
mined c-lbrt maturing to revive the
currency question, under the over of
which the National banks are to ln
crippled and eventually wi;od out, the
greenback and other issjes of the
TYe:iury to bv retired, and State banks
to b.' given the p iwer t i.ue and con
tr 1 the paper m ney of the country.
T.i this end S.-cretary Carli-ie has for
mulated a pla:i which is c:id rs.-d by
the I're-ident and is b.-imr urged up !i
nrress. Tiiis plan involves funda
mentally the extinction of all existing
pip.T inouey and tiie sulMitution
therefor of State bank bills, no .ill !,.-iii-i
allowed of less d.-n imiiiati-m than
St). This covers the whole ground,
the wiping out of all small bills of le-s
than $10 In-ing a sop to tiie siiwrites to
gam their Mipp.irt.
When the IK-mocrats wanted n excuse-for
overthrowing the late protec
tive tariff it wasdoclan-d to lie utHMti
stitutional and now the excuse put
forward for wiping out lioth greenbacks
and National bank bids is that the
Oowriinient has no right to go into the
banking business, and the President
fulminated this characteristic dogma
in his late message. Tiie fallacy of
this idiotic idea is readily perceived hy
refereueeto the Constitution of the
United Stat.-s which vest in Congrcs
alone the piwer to make anything but
g.'ld and silver a legal tender for debt.
I'nder the present system of National
banks the (rtnernmetit stands U-hind
every note issued, ami is pledged to
maintain it at par with all other mon
ey. No one ever looks at one of these
notes except to as-ertain its denomina
tional value and its purchasing power
is of equal value in every state through
out the I 'tiion. The present yteni
1: is worked admirably for more than
thirty years in all of which time no
n te holder ha ever lost a dollar by
reason of the failure of one of these
banks. We do not U lieve the people
M ill let this system le destroyed, sim
ply because the Democratic party lead
ers are determined, if in their ower,
to wipe from the statute hioks all l.-g-isiation
enacted by and through the
Jiepublican lrty.
Thkke is a very uncomfortable, pos
sibly a dangerous state of affairs exist
ing at present in the State of Alaliama.
Colonel Oats, the Democratic candidate
for Oovernor, was returned as duly
le-tel, last mouth, by a large majori
ty, has taken the oath of oflh-e U-fore
the chief justice of the State and has
assumed the duties of the office.
The frien-Ls of Kollt, the Populist
candidate, assert that tle return are
fraudulent, that th.-ir man was duly
electetl, and ai-cordingly he also has
taken the oath of ottice lufore a justice
of the peace, and has issued a proila
mation calling upon the collectors of
taxes, a large numler of whom are
Populists, not to py over the sums in
their hands to the Oats government,
hoping to thus deprive it of the means
to run the machine. Oats, liowever, is
in jvjssession of the muniments of of
fice at the Capitol, and has a large ma
jority in the legislature at his Iwck.
Here is a plain issue joined, a question
of fact as to which of these claimants
was legally elected Oovcrnor, which in
any state having a iopular form of
government would le settled by an ap
peal to the courts, a recount of the bal
lots, and the hearing of evidence for
and against the charge of fraud and
bulldozing at the polls. Itnt it turns
out that the Demm-rats, who have held
alsolute power in Alabama for many
years, have not provided any means of
contest. The legislature declares the
result of the vote in the entire State,
and there is the end of the matter,
the defrauded candidate having no re
dress. We have no sympathy with the lop
ulistie ideas of government. We of
course know nothing of the truth or
falsity of the allegations of fraud made
by that faction of the Democracy, but
we direct public attention to the infa
mous condition of the laws of the State
under which such n state of affairs ca:i
exi.-t. The t vi lent object of this lack
of law on so momentous a question
was to keep control of the State in the
hands of the Democracy by preventing
any investigation of frauds by its polit
ical opponents, and the Populists are
now reaping the reward for their for
mer participation in outrag"-! ui the
purity of the ballot Nx. (Jovcrnor
Oats and his followers K ing hi com
plete control, a resort to violence by
the Populists is not to b? anticipated,
but it is to Ik? hnicd that public atten
tion having liceti directed to the outra
geous lack of law in tills instance, that
it will compel an enactment providing
for the ascertainment of the will of the
electors, as is doiie in all other civilized
A Coafeisioa Of Failure.
The New York .Su:i says: There is
nothing iiTiexc-ted or strikinjr in the
message which Mr. Cleveland sent to
Congress on Monday. The cn-Tiiious
length of the document is due solely to
the industry of the clerks who have Ikmui
engaged in sutiiinariing and p:u-:idira-in$-the
annual rejxirts from the vveral
d- iiartite tils. The writing is a very z x l
sjKiMiiicn of what is known r. the itdmin
istrative style, and ia marked contrast
with the few paragraphs which bear the
individual marks .f Cleveland's well
known rhetoric. After the first three
sentences, the jen evidently pasi into
the hand of Secretary Iresh:im. or some
one of Secretary llrirham's trained as
sistants. The pea ds not get li;-k into
Mr. Cleveland's own lingers till we pet to
the discussion of the pension frauds.
Then the style is unmistakable. With a
sinnle exception, every iiiqiortant refer
ence to inter-national affair is :i indi
rect confession of failure and humilia
tion. And the statesman who started in hist
year with the complaint that he had a
Congress on his hands i-oneludes this un
edifying and uusatisfai-tory m-s;iLro with
a thoroughly characteristic rt minder to
thai same Congress that n that same
Congress, and r.ot upon himself. 'Tests
the rtspt.usilulity for all legislation affect
the jieopleof the Cnited Slat.-s."
The small part of the message w hi.-li
was unquestionably written by Mr.
Cleveland was with a p 'n dippe.l i:i su'k.
A Train EoVocd of 5143.030.
Kt. Worth. Tex.. l; e. of the
most daring train ro!.lcries ever -oin-mitt'il
in Texas took place eight tnik-s
west of here this evening. As an eas
Ik.iiiuI Texas a!id Pa-ilie passenger
train was Hearing Mary's t'reek, it was
brought to a sad len stop by a d.ingi r
signal displayed on the trestle. The
engineer was eoverel by tiiree ummLsked
men who lxiarded the cab ai:d ordered
that the train I k I tacked alH.ut :i half mile,
when the fireman was vvered and order
ed to break in the express He re but the r'ili!'rs i!i!U-tl the triggers
of their puns imd a number of shots in
the air brought the lii-eman to terms. lie
broke open !h"cxpres door with a pick.
me of tiie r.ii'if-rs then kept the fireman
and engineer invcred while the others
wetit into the express car.
Fori Worth is the end of t!i" express
rim and thesufe diMirs were open. One
if the rolibpiss ri:l:-.l the safe, while the
other kept guard over l!ie messengers
At o'clock th" trniu was sm;;k' i and ''
iiiiniites later i: was in Ft. Worih. The
exact Siiiiocnt the roiiiM-rs se -ure.l is not
known but it is said to have Wen nearly
s; la.(! !.) in money, goM buili hi e:i route
fr.itn S in Fr.iiieis.M t Washing. m, and
Texas and Paeili'- chi-ks.
After the hold-up the ro'iii:- in Hinted
hors-sj, toi l the engineer to i o:i and
then ma ie leisurely off. Til-' pivss
otiicials here say iti.-y d.i n .t ka e.v t-'c
a:uo::nt taken but that it is tic or.ty
through train from the w and cirri.-.
every evening a large a:a;n::t f money.
a the arrival of the train at Fort Wt.fth
pois.. wire org.;ii:.-1 to i iu every
dire tion the roh!t rs.
Hinter't Ca"nuty vVarnitty.
W.slltx. 1. C, !ee. 7. Th" Gov
ernor of New lisnutKhire and tin' a v
ertior of Virginia ha e ni-ein-.l letters
from this city, signed i-iijainin F.
Hunter.'' written as follows:
"You are hereby infoimcd that among
the many cities which shall lx- smitten
w ith a terrible calami!- and destroyed
inside of two years from this very day is
the one in which you now live, known as
Kiehmotid. livery house therein shall
be throw n down level w ith the ground
and all the inhabitants thereof shall be
scattered so that not two of them shall le
found together. It is the othi-e of the
prophet, who also is a Nazarite unto (Jod,
to tell the people what tiod is going to do
to them for their ta.t wickedness. Ihit
under no circumstances is be allowed to
tell them when, tlm ays the Ijord: The
wicked shall all fall at once. Yea, will I
scatter them to the four corners of the
earth. A men.
Looud Cousty For S203.C30.
Siot x City, I:u, IVc. 9. The grand
jury, which completed its report last night
and was discharged, found fifty-tw o in-dii-tments
against various ex-county oili
ciais and meniiM-rsaud ex-memK'rs of the
Itoard of siqtervisors. It is alh-gil by the
citizens who prose-ute that the crimes for
which the indictments w ere returned ex
tend over a term of four years, and that
during that timethe county othcers named
and the members of the lxtard of super
visors have conspired toge ther so success
fully that the county has lieeu roblted of
nearly 3"' ..
The report of the jury w as a surprise to
everyone, and has produced a sensation
here that eclipses that caused by the assas
sination of Ilev. Mr. Haddock by a land
of saloonkeepers several years ago.
Died of too Mich Beef.
Richmond, Va, Iec. 7. A starving ne
gro, Ihivid Jones, killed himself yester
day by eating eight pounds of Iteef. He
lived near Ila, in Pittsylvania county,
and for some time lias suffered for the
necessities of life. A neighltor yesterday
killed a U-ef and loaned him alttmt eight
pounds of it. Ijile last night he was
found dead in bis cabin, with not scrap
of the Itorrowed beef on the outside of
The doctor, sadly shaking his head.
Raid: "Tjo much beef on an upty stomach."
Program for the 61h Annua! Scs
sion of tha Somerset County
Farmers' Institute.
To bo Held Under tho Ampieos cf
tao State Board of Agriculture
ani the Somerset County Agri
cultural Society, in the Court
IIou3e, Somerset, Fa., Thurs
day and Friday, Dec. 27th and
25th, 1894.
Orci'KR of PrstxEss.
Call to order at 10. Adjourn at 12.
1. Organization.
2. Introductions.
1 Piscussion "Spring plowing vs.
fall plowing" -opened by Valentine Hsy,
Somerset, Pa.
4. KsKjiy "Floral dis-ontioiis on the
farm" Mrs. A. F. Pickey, Friedens, pa.
Call to order at ISA Adjouru at 4:.m.
1. Queris.
2. "Agricultural cducation"-lion. Jk-!
A. Herr, member State lioard of Agri
culture. Clinton county, Pa.
3. "The m.tst profitable stoi-fc for the
farms" Wm. Kink, Jennertown, Pa.
4. r.ssay "What shall we eat? What
shall we drink? and wherewithal shall
we be clothed?" Mrs. J. G. Kimnicl,
Dowuey, Fa.
Call to order aj 0:W. Adjourn at 9.
L liueries.
i "The farmer as a citizen" John W.
Harrah, Cassehuan, Pa.
X Peeitatiou Miss Alice C. Will,
;la le, l'a.
Call to order at 'J. Adjourn at Ii
1. J'ieries.
2. "The farmer's garden" II n. A. C.
Sis-ir,n, memln'r State Heard tf Agricult
ure, Lncliaw ans county, l'a.
3. liscus;.m "Should r-ad taxes V-e
paid in cash or work?" iipcneil by Ian
iel Holsopple. HillsUiro. Pa.
-t F.ssay "Urighi side of life on the
farm" Miss Carrie I leach y, KIk I.iek,
Call to order at I:). AdjiHirn ai i:'-'A
I. Q-.n-ries.
2. "Winter dairying" Hon. J.kI A.
3. Kssaj- "Music in country homes"
Mrs, Lizzie M. Meyers, lierlin, l'a.
y nin ay i: KxiMi.
Call to order at KM. Adjourn at 0.
1. Queries.
2. "Orchard and fruit gar. len" Hon.
A. C. Sisson.
3. limitation Walter 1Vk', Meyers
dale. Pa.
4. "T lie fartner as a business nun"
Waiter J. Moore, Trent, Pa.
X Ksay "Life in the country" Mis
Ada Lohr. Jeuner's Cross 1 toads, l'a.
In addition to the strangers wh-tse
r.anes appear upon the program, the
SeiTetary rf tiie State Itoard of Agricult
ure ha- promised to le present, and oth
ers have Isim invited.
Porch r.rothers, of Johnstown, have kind enough to j la-e one of their
fine pianos :-.t tho disjiosiil of the insti
tute daring its sessions, aiid musie will
b? one of the features of the meeting.
Questions of special interest to those pres
ent, can lie brought bef ire the institute
through the question lmx, w hich, in the
past, has always excited an unusual de
gree of interest.
The It. A" O. Railroad Cj., w ill sell ex
cursion tickets at all stations where they
have agents, u 2'Hh atid 27th, gissl to re
turn until th" tith inclusive. Conduct
ors on trains will W supplied with excess
fare receipts, to hand to -asseiigors who
ask fr them on payment of fare ou
train. All such passengers should take
a receipt from the agent at Somerset for
am-iunt paid for tickets returning and
then send lmtii receipts to X. 15. Criteh
le ld. Jenner's Cr-iss K-ki Is, Pa., who
will forward th in to the to-nend Ticket
Agent at Italtiinore, and collect the ex
cess paid over one and one-third fare for
the round trip, and return the same to,
the persons handing him such receipts,
after iled acting ail amount sulueient to
pay for postal note and jt'tstage.
i irders for exejrsioii tickets front points
wh -re tin-re are agent, have been seni
to tiie fiiiowing persons where they can
be obtained by asking for them:
S imerllehL Hon. Wm. Kudslcy.
CotiSiirnee, A. M. Itoss, K.
Crsiiia. Js-ph Pavis.
Piukertoti, Mr. Stein, operator.
Markletoii. Jerge K regit f.
Cassi lm-ii;, II. II. Wilt.
Itoekwood, lion. K. I. Miller.
tlarrett, Frank 1'nos.
Keystone Juii-lioi;, W'-.u. T. lloblitZL-ll.
Meyer-d.ile. L. A. Smith.
Kik Lick, M. J. Uea. hy.
Perl in, A. i. Kimnicl.
Stoyestown. William Spec lit.
Ho iversville. P. J. Plough. Wesley A. A dams,
Tiiese orders ruv already i:i the hau ls
of the p 'i s ins above name 1 au-l can bj
s -i-ared in advance at any tiim ticy may
be e.t'li'd f r as 1 ing as tiie supply bists.
For f.tnher inf irm ttion ad lre-s
N. 15. CniT.-HyfKf.n,
K -sid.-nt Mem! or State Pvird of Agri
r any of the following:
A. f. KlVMKL,
P. K. M.tiw;
Vai. Uw,
k V. Savkk,
M. .1. liKAl HV,
itive Cimmitteo S i:ii?.-set C itinty
rie.i't.iral S n-ietv.
Local lastitcte.
F i:'"v. :!ig is a program for a 1-m-.i1 in
sti ute to t; held at the Walker sehf.d
h i;ie, S im -rset township, on Saturday,
Pee. bail. !!;
1. " tti the lifth gr.i bj" !L
I Ycing.
2. "Primary history" Calvin Ituvin in.
3. "I'syeJi liogicul studici" M. A. Mil
ler. 4. "The p illard system" la. Ill ugh.
5. "Tardiness" A. It. II ilfui m.
K "S.-Ii vil-r.vim dee.irations" Jac th
7. "Cuitivarioa of the mem iry" A. F.
x. "The teacher's work" J. W. Weigh
by. J. "What sh mid a teach?.- read."' Ii.
H. Smith.
lu. "Advantages of graded sehojls"
A. J. Horner.
II. "Co-operation of parents" Philip
Institute to convene at 12:11 p. m. The
program will be interspersed with music
and other exercises. No night session.
Patrons and friends of education are c r
dially invited to attend and participate in
the extreisus. Com.
Feeding Wieat to Stock.
Wasiijsotox. Iee. 5. A special report
on the feeding of w licit to i-attle has just
Ix-cn issued from the Agricultural le-pai-tment,
wliieh says that the returns
from the correspondents of the statistical
division estimate the quantity of w heat
already fed to stock, that is to say, tip to
Oitoltcr s.h, at 4'sUX'Hi bushels, and
the estimated amount to lie fi-d, 2U.275,0.i)
bushels making" a total of 75,.tti'sul
These figures f w heat-fie.ling are
mertdy the meagre estimates from those
states wherein correspondents have com
plied with the request of tho department
and must not lie taken as anything more
than an attempt at approximation of the
total fi-cding of w heat from the present
Important to Commercial TrtTeleri.
On and after iKx-einlK-r 1st, Paggage
Agents of the B. A O. R. R. t'o. w ill ac
cept coupons from mileage liooks issued
by IJ. A o. IL U P. A W. K y. It. A O.
S. W. K'y and Valley ll'y ofOhio, in pay
ment for excess Iiaggage charges, at their
face value, 2 cents each. This arrange
ment will not include K. A O. Mileage
Iiooks endorsed "good only on Ik A O.,"
R. A O. Southwestern Milage Advertis
ing Looks nor Uviks ol ler than one year
from date of issue.
" JIl Firmer" Abewstj.
F.IUTOR Herald:
From the way the Representative-elect
referred to in my comuiunicition pult
lishel in vtnir issue of November 2Vh
strikes kick, it is to be inferred Hint he
d:sM not relish l.-eing advised by his con
stituents Surely he ought not to take
the matter so hard, for "('Id Farmer'' was
prompted only by kind feeling and good
motives in offering the advice given to
all our representatives Perhaps it did
seem unkind to say that he was "unfor
tunate" in declaring tliat he would not do
w hat no one ever thought f his doing,
but no unkiiidness was intended. The
remark was made in honesty and siinvr
ily, and the reason w hy all good peoplo
think it unfortunate for one who is welt
disposed (as I have no doubt the "inex
perienced representative" is) to assirt
solemnly that he will not do w hat no one
ever accused him of doing, or intending
to o, is Itecausoof the old proverb that
says: "Watch tho man w ho prM-hiims
his own honesty." Tln great Teacher
w hom he quotes in his reply to " ld
Farmer" not only discourage elf-exal-tation,
but denoum-es it iu the most is si
tive terms
Whiloi the whole of this little contro
versy may le unfnrltinate, I can see how
it may yet result in Tho "inexpe
rienced representative" says thai his
reason for asserting that he could not lie
bought was that "some have leen
lxmght." He certainly would not my
this unless he knows it to lie true, for he
closes) his reply with a moral lecture, in
which he says: "Ix-t ns lie truthful all
the days of our lives and we shall have
our reward." So he certainly must know
the truth of the assertion he makes, and
if he knows of representatives having
lieen Ismght, he certainly will, as a g'tod
citizen, make information against them
and bring them to justice. There are few
higher crimes than tho one he charges
known to the law, which be must under
stand if he has studied the Constitution
of State, as one who aspires to repre
sent the people should do. Indeed I can
not sc. how he i-.m take the- ah of oiliec,
which he must take, the oath to support
the Constitution of the State, if lie has
know ledge of such tiiermous iola'
of its provision as he asset ts, and yet
fails to take the nc:-ess::ry sieps t t bring
the otlci-.d.-ss to justice. So we hope that
the result- of tlits little correspondence
w itl be tiie dis!. tire of what the "inex
perienced representative" knows. If his
statements are true they can bo easily
proven, and Le can render th. public
fully as g.tod -ervb-e by bringing what is
hid leu to light as he can by his prescin-e
in the legislature, especial!;.- if. as lie intimate--,
he depend.- upon i.-.t-i-. ing "prop
er iu: trueli iii" from some .th-r m. tuin-i-of
the Ilo-.ise.
In his reply to the eomi:i::;ii-at'-iu of
Nov. 2sih he cabs ntteiiti'm to soMiethiug
iiiore, that he states he said in his Stoyes
to 11 speech, in w hieh I fear that he is
wrong again. I find by tile Legislative
IlcMr.l that during the greater part of
tlje s-ssioii the Houso :nlj lurns iii Friday
and dies iK-t convene until Moii.lay
evmiiig. As long as this is the case, there
are but few days of each week when any
service can be rendered, and it seems to
me that a man who appri-.-iales home, as
all good men should do, would il l I -tier
ti spend tin Sab'sitli with his family
than to remain at the State Caphol dur
ing the recess Th"re is a pr-tvi-rb that
s:iys, "Satan will find s uiietiiiug for idle
boils to do," and ii is not amiss f.r tiie
is-t of men to avoid th" way cf tempta
tion. If the love cf family is i;. en i-zU
to induce a rcpM-sen-ouive 1 1 sj.mi h-.i!
the time that his pris-enit- is let rip:ired
at the State CajiTtol .it his home, he should
at le:.-t have resp s-t enough f..r tin' )
pie lit- serves to mingle with them as of
ten as the opjMirtiinity is n', iu r
der that they may speak in
regard to tin' lu -isiiies upon w hi- 'i he
must :e-t iu their In-half. Tic pay of a
reprcscnta.ix e is not by th.; day, s i that
while t i prol ttig the session by working
but four days in a w et k may lie a di I will m-ike but little
ilitVerenee to his c mstittients and for this
reason, if tie- "inexperienced ripie.-cnta-tive"
were in a mood to take a lt ice, I
woui l sc.y to iiitu, d-t your best to pre
vent frt-iie!.t a ljournnients, but if t!uv
aro tmavoidable try to get ii v 1.c:k- -or
yoa can ijo so with :t ab.-eti'ing
st lf from your p st of It will be
licttcr for b th yourself and fauiiiy, and
w ii! lie appreciated by the p-ple you
With malice t 1 no.ii. and icirity
for si I." I still suliseribis n:y If, as in re
ality I am, ::u
Hcsr t'na Law TVai Framed.
It U known to but fw of tiiii day how
the peculiar provision of th.3 act of 1-.7-1
dire. -ting the trial of judicial c mtests was
determined ustu. Li'iO many other
g -m-ral 1 las it was iiitluem-eiL without
the kno-.vledgo of tho legislature, t i
meet a particular c is that wa expected
to arise in tli-.i judi'-ial district then si:n
i sc l of Franklin and Pulton. The imti
tli.l lies were J.i-lge ll eve. It loli-au,
and Kiuuue, Ii.-m H-rat. 1m
had been the first judge of the di-triet
un ler the t hctive sjm ?m. It was onli-ih-ntiy
exneeted that Judg ; u would
carry a majority in Franklin cjunty, a;id
it was apprehended that Kimmel would
re -eivea larger majority hi Fulton.
II.i 1 th" election resulted ss aiiti.-ip.-tte I
there would h ive b.'e'.i a c.tnte.t o:i the
gr-oun-l that Franklin e ou:ity. having the
re piisite p tpulation under the coiisiipj
ti in to give her a judge. eo-.:I 1 not Is- con
trolled in the cli-iies of a jti-lga by a small
e I'.inty that had li-un attached to it. and
the question w.m e irei'uily c msidere.l aa
1 1 how a frieu liy trihuuut c iuld hi eh-iseu
a id r a g 'neral law t deteruiiiie tit it
c mstiiuti in d q-i-.-.tioii. I5y adoptitig the
plan of taking the three judges r.eirest to
the county sect it was lrelieved that si
tribunal not unfriendly would Isj obtain
ed : but the glorious uncertainty of
American politi-.-s was demonstrated in
this else by the two candidates being a
tie in Franklin and Fulton giving a
plurality to Judgj R iwe. Apart from the
particular case it was inteade 1 to meet,
the method is in every way a cviiui-jn.l i
ble one and is as likely to result in tiie
honest determination of such disputes as
any oth.-r tribunal that could lie found.
I'.''il'i'l!p't'a 'fiats.
Bit j Kill a Fig and Attack a Vcamgo
Coanty Tanner.
The following comes from the town of
President, situated on tho Allegheny
River, almve Oil City: Savage rats at
tacked a pig lielonging to Henry Karns,
recently. Mr. Karns heard his porker
squealing, and went to the pen to investi
gate. He found the pig down on the tloor
o! the pen mid literally covered with rats
that were squealing, tighliiig, and tearing
skin and Ilesh from the under portions of
the animal's holy. The pig had made a
gallant struggle, and several rats lay dead
around the pen, while a number had
I teen crushed by his weight.
Mr. Karns, with the handle of a flail,
attempted to ln'at the rats away, but they
were savage from hunger and the taste of
hlo L, and attacked him so savagely that
he was forced to leave the pig to his fate.
After se-.-.iring and loading his gun, he
returned to tli3 pen, but tha ralstiad dis
appeared, and the pig was dying. They
had eaten the from the soft portion
of the porker's body.
A Sead Man Toted.
Ralkioh, X. C., I).c. 5. A queer st try
h:is come to light showing h tw the vote
of a dead m in was counto 1 iu this S.V.9
at the recent ele.-tion. Threi meti in a
district, who were sick and una'iie to go
t tiie polls and three "iii-Kuisliiuers"
who were dodging the revenue otliccrs,
s cut their 1 .a! lots in sealed envelopes to
the polls, where they were opened by
the election othcers and deposited in the
ballot box. One of the "moonshiuers"
was shot and killed a few- minutes after
sending his vote and was dead when it
was deposilcL It is said that this pro
cess of voti!i.j has loe:i giing on for
years iu Ihj western counties o." tho
Xexo Item.
Illias Peters uiias r.nke, of I'nton
t iwn, aged 41, an outcast fnmi a promi
nent family, shot himself through the
head Friday.
Alabama's forests of re 1 cedar are
said t-i be practically exhausted. That
State w as oihd the chief n-jurce of supply
of the Cnited States.
The State of Maine has been lal
l'iting for a Moral emblem, and votes
have lieen cast for the pino (vine, tho
apple blossom, the violet, the pansy, the
rose and the isiluiiibtne, not to ssy the
goldon rod, which sttuul second in IS'P
ularity. Rut the pine cone, which c-in
hardly le isuusidentl n flower, U far in
a lvalue of all rivals and will pro!jihly
lie selected.
At Philadelphia Friday Judgo Butler
proiioum-cd sentenix'iiiMiii MissAbbie M.
Spealman and her accompli., ranl al
v in, former residents of York Springs
Adams county, who were coiivi.-ted of
using the Cnited States mails for carrying
on a matrimonial scheme to defraud.
Their "agency" nan located ia Harris
burg. Miss Spealman was given nine
mouths from the date of her arrest. Sep
tember 2-Mh last. The prisoner did an
extensive business by advertising for
husbands, Siic fleeced many of her dnp"S
out of remittances after having agrd to
marry them, (fraut Calvin, her ac
complice, w ho had pleaded guilty, was
fined iU and sent to the KilsUtu l'eiiiten
tinry for eighteen months
A very narrow escape from death under
an advalurn-he of silver dollars was ex
perienced at the Philadelphia mint a day
or two ago. James (far ret t and Thomas
Kennedy climlied up into a vault con
taining,ik,i of the coins to help
remove them for weighing and counting.
Kotien bags, i;i which law ,( were
stored, gave away, and all the ;,KK luigs
ful, weighing &i ioui!bi each, lieguu t
slide. The two mint workmen leaped for
life, and got out just in tho nick of time.
As soon as jmssible the place was tmarded
up, and after bracing the walls the flow
was finally sloppciL
Tae Salsriei of Tci.'her?.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
S.-'iaetVer is en.ieavoritig to aN.lish the
practice w hich prevails in certain sch-tol
districts of the st;.tit to make the salaries
of teachers partially depend on t.'i" m irk
given them by the county superi!itendnt
on his visitation of their schools Ir.
Sehatb-r h:is w ritten the following letter
to a director iu one of the districts in
which this pr.l": pr-.-vaiis:
"The monthly wai-sto le jiaid to teach
ers should Is- specifically determined and upon by the directors when the
t-.ichcrs a: employed. The amount to
be pai l should l fixed by th" board
w it liout regard to any future outing 'ii
ey or couditioti dependent upon there
It rt of tin- fciipor iiiiciidciit. The dire-tors
are authori.el aifl no:Lr'-d by law to fix
the amount of lotiriiers's salaries, and no
other oilichtl lets anything whaler to do
with the salaries and should not lie asked
or periui.t'sl to assume the re-tpoiisibility
w hi.-li re-sts exclusively iqion the dins-tors
thenis-. lv-s W hen teachers are employ
ed let tlcir monthly wag.-s ba fixed by
the directors as the law r.-quirer-s, w ithotit
imp tsintf upon tic ti :.-h'-p any limita
tions or conditions w hich tho law d -. s
not i.u'.li -ri.i and which iu any event
are of douUml validity.
"I i" t.-achers neglect their duties in the
s.-h.H.l n-tui or prove to 1 iu.onipef-nt
the coustty .sup. rfntcnd. iit may revoke
th -ir certilicates, or tiny may lie d'.s
ini sd by 'lie b ard for legal cause, hut
the 1 iw now here anthoriz.-s the direet rs
to del- g.ite to the superintendent or any
other ofli. ial the wiwcr.s and duties w hi'-h
devolve exclusively iqiou the boards"
A Herald of tis Iafaa. Yea:.
Ciip the last thirty years or more from
tho century, and the segment will repre
sent the term of the iintioumlcd popular
ity of Hosteler's Stomach Itiit.-r. The
opening of the year lxr w ill Is- signaliz
eil by the appearance of a fresh almauae
of the Hitlers, in which the uses, deriva
tion and ai-tion of this world-famous
medicine w ill be lucidly s t forth. Fv should read it. The calendar
cud astro! lorn i.-.d calculations to tie found
in this brochure are always astonishingly
ac.-ura'.e. and the statistics, illustrations,
hum r :i.i 1 otti-r r.-a ling m liter rich in
inl 'rest a;i 1 full of profit. The Hosteler
Ci:ii;vi:iy. of Pilts't.irg. P.u, p a'-iish it
t!i -m-ielves. Ta -y e.ii;i! y m ire tii ia ',
h ' in th.' un- -Icrii -al work, and m ire
tii ;n eicveu liionlhs iu th ; year u.v i-oti-suiue
i in its preparation. It can ts' t.o-t.tiii'-d,
without c ist, of ail druggists a:id
ti i-iiilry d-.-alers, and is printed in l"n
giish, ieruiaii, French, Welsh, Norwe
gian. S.vedis!., Hoii n:.t, 1! ihemian f.u 1
A $13 Soug Bii-d.
William tloid.dioro, i.-f Perry Township,
.J.x-sn'l keep song birds for side now. The
last one lit k pt cost htm s!' :oi l : isis,
and he el.iso.l out his business. i.i! l-.!
captunsj a song bird vvhi'-ti he cag' d a;id
otbtred for sale. This is in iolatio-j of the
I5:rd laws, passed at tiie lost of
the Legislature, which provides; if any
one e:plur.s a song bird, by any means,
it'ld itiiltiues II a!id exposes the rslli.o for
s.d. , he s)1:,!i ;M guilty of a misdemeanor
and li" su'ije.-t to .1 Jt'.ia of Jl' for e.ici of
feim.t. The law is applicable to any bird
not strieliy a g.iue: bird.
Un of !. isboro's neighltors caused
his arrst, and the i-use was tried In-fore
'S-iuirj Y. II. Itmv. neiler, of PurryojH.iis.
After !i -ariu tiiJ testimony, t!io 'Squire
!i:i i id Isboro :;!'), half of which goos to
the informer and the otliL-r half to tl;n
ounty. I 'it' 't'-t -i AV-- si-'til !.-.
EOin MIS3 THt'3 0033 TI3I2 TO GET A
Wo now o'fer this rare chance to get a
piano or organ for Christinas time at
greatly reduced prices, for those, who do
not wih to go to the prl.-o of a new one.
Walnut t'lViee i - O)
" nice cas.
:4) i)
Mason ct Il.ifjiliu 1 ioin !i or,' i:i,'J UiiisS
l:.-ys 0)
Iv.-J St.l'K-Oo-'llfl. l-.t stops .V) 10
sterling oi-giin, top .'t 00
Kstey oniun, tl snips . H 10
Newman organ. !i stiqts i i
t'lli-HKi t'ottiige onrall, II slops 7) W
D.cki r Cr.ind, ir'toit as new tl'l no
Hanliuaii lirund, hi order.. .. 34l it)
Chickering, 7ss-t 1 i u)
Cliii-kcriu!;, carveil, Tss-t I .i HI
Slim-nui la r, carved less i n 01
Wh.vloi-k I'priht b
Hailet.v: t umston v 1I.-C0
Knalo1, carved ... To IX)
Call and see the stis-k or write for par
ticulars. A fine lot of new holiday pian
os lieing opened prices from 50 up
ward send for caialogues
. A Hoknk,
77 Fifth Avenue,
Pittsburg, l'a.
She is Crazy When it Baias.
Xk'V Yu:k, Pis'. !. Shortly l.eiorc 7
o'clis-k last night, while the rain fell
heavily, a well-dressed woman rushed
into the West One Hundredth street m-lii-e
station and, walking swiftly to the
rail, threw her arms around Sergeant
C smey's neck and screamed :
"t ilieer, I nm crazy, nnd I want to lie
committed to an asylum. I always get
crazy w hen it rains at 7 o'clock at night."
A d.ietor was summoned, and the woman
wus sent to P.cllevue.
Clotisg Oat! Owing Oat! Closing Oat
to Quit Basinesi !
Great closing out sale of Roots Shoes
and Rubliers, Trunks and Satchels.
fl.uu0 worth of tho above named
must be sold within the next sixty days
regardless of cost.
Here is a chance you do not often get to
supply your family with first class Roots
Shoes and RuIiIkts for the winter.
Times are hard and people expeet to buy
cheap. lKt not miss this grand opportu
Knepiwr's ItliM-k. j
Somerset, Pa 1
'.he Teit Slorai-j Tr ts'.
The Pittsburg ' ' '' " U d
tra 'tiitg it great liciil of ato-.i'-i-m b 'e;i-ee
01 the very Iurg" am o i.:t f i-.vln-ive
new and Noe-ia! 1-,-': il is run
ning, l! new- price, b) c. ta a v.-. k. or
.ayeir, puts it withhi reach of ;!. !'..
tweeti it an ! the 1-ectit papers there is no
comparison as it runs thro-- time, as m e li
renting matter daily :i tie y, whii" the
quality is much superior. It is a paper
that not one iiiem'icr fa f imi!y w ill read
but every memlier, for it contains some
thing for everylsi !y, no m.itt r hiicir
cuiil -.tinees ago or iiiiMt-.l. The Weekly d'.p contains lie' ls"st f''at
uresof tho daily as well a. sv.ei of its
own. It compare, very f.tvo ral ly w ith
tho New York weeklies, while at the
su lie time containing news of this rrgion
that the others do not have. It owls only
fl a year. If you went all the nt-wsnf t'ri
world, all the local and state news, tho
fullest and licst market rt sirts, the ablest
editorials-, the breeziest sporiiug columns
and miscellaneous: reading you will find
them in the Pittsburg i'-.n:ii n itl ticc.v.
Reside it has one of thy lest eiuippod
nevvspuper plants iu the country, a:id
never le.-fore has it liecn so general and
welcome a visitor in the h-uoi s of city and
country as now. The aim of the publish
ers is to give a belter article for less mon
ey lhau at the old pri and mm-h hotter
than e.ii In; procured elsewhere, and tht-y
are succeeding, got. I judges say. Legin
the new year right by su I .scribing for the
Ccju.t,' i f.
113 Hypnoti-ed.
At Joinistim n, a few week ago, Charles
R irnes, it fi-stive lad if 7"i, married the
Widow Fciiii, aged to. The -iurs of their
love ha been quite r-s-ky and they are
now parti.-s to a curi 1 is suit in the courts.
Ra rues is worth sTo,''. and his w ifw,
whose first hus'iHiid and nine children
were drowned in the Hood of Iss i( owns
property valued at from to ?Vi,iit.
It appears Hial Itirncs has engaged law
yers who will show for him in court that
he gave a dwedeonvev ingall his property,
ie il and personal, to his wife, wh im-ni.-diate!y
had it filed in th-.'c ootity courts
Tals action nrou-'e.l Harm's" suspicions,
au-l he and M rs. llatm-s have im Ins;:
on good terms since. Several times she
h is locked th" d.fcir on tii,u and prevented
him fro:. 1 getting into his apartments.
He will now piend for a calio ll.-iti.-ll of
the deed on the ground lhai he was
hypuotizisl by h.-r when he tnade it out.
Tho courts will lie told all a!n!t tiie mar
riage, and subsequent tr insact ions of each
of fie pair that the pisipl-j ktio.v nothing
K-ialc ! J.;hn H-Im, Utt- i.f sh:i l Ujm iifh:,
!itfit I tn:i;!;', .Itt 'c.
t iii.;i? try ti 1Uc :i-'A. r-t:itt
vi' ;rH r hii; :nri: y, !.:,- u n r. ( jivi-!.
a l u r-Oil- lllti. t ! s.-i'.i i -T:t! tf lii:.r.a
iiii!i-l;:ttt- ji ri!;.it .tntl i:.tii ci..:iii
! tvt ft.r T! i. in. :, . it.: r-.t : ;,-!. y(. J ;a-
'.Knit, I -' at ! f iiiti i n't ! Ic 'i! !-'.
V. !ii-Hik rt I.Ai:.A Hi.LM.
Attirny. 1'xt-s-u r.x.
issou Hon .None::
Ni Tt K is ti. n t.y 1,0. -n tti.ii th trt:ier
slliji rxislili' is l .-.-,: J.r 01 1 c i-iri ol an.l J.
1!. lierliunl. lioiar ' u in -.m i- ti:- n:iei. of
J. !'.. i,ci ii:.r.i. h; ui:;tt.s.. .ss.;.i.-:ii. t C'.-:-!-t
, l'a.. ll;is tills.:.-.- o-. :i .;.ss..'fU ;c, iioiiu.
iti l-Cis. lit. 1 lie 'hs.... Ol lite ti rtl i , j. lile
I Ml: is m' J. fi. . r.uiel ( r col :.s-; i. A )i ir-e.-s
knowinu Un J ts. .us io:. ,;.! to t- tiroi
ere 110! :li -t to c i'-i :oi 1 s. o:.-. l fie i,t;sia.-sn
witl It cunt i:n. J liy J. ll. ' -.!.
J . .T. t,: ;n VA;
Kin--s.)I. l':i., J. ii. i.l.i.:l
l-c. I. !!.
iUi" ff !ili;.n Fr."!HiH , 'if f .T.-i:i r
tw:ioti. s;iif(vt i ' '.tir.r,, l'a.T d ci.
!. I U ."i tf h " I t;i i rti it - i'i i.a i r.:it-
y ii'- i r j r :i i ii -; 1 1 i r r- rvti
!, iH;u c - !!.- l. . to :i : I ; r- in
c't loi-i t i !! t?:.iti l i :i: k.. ir j in-! !..: jciy
all ! l hff ici.fiii it it: i:iI
'-t will p-t- !:: Iti' i i il:'v : it m i.i, I
l-ir s ! in :.!. un i'ritir- i. ,!.-. .i '.i, I1 j.!
if J:ih. ii. -r. i-'.'ttt . ,:t Jt-niii-r X
Kiri'tn. J. M. t f i r !C,
ii-T n: ! wili . .I..HM K li'.lut r -in i AP t A.
n;it, Ta mt- 111 i-i- ;i v ;i . 1 -a r . a
iiit-iit 1 !; o Jill ti"r -t r j.'-pMin; t
mi l it. iii tr;;s.i i r . ix i' i Mi. ' -
ilo.-s ti s..;...-,..,i j. i;;t 11. r. I ;:n II. t.::r
!iT uti'J A IfH-rf A. ll. ( "M"-. A! j-r lri
ili -I riliiil : aiTiiliV i'w ?.; i ..:;. t;i J , linl
:i r. J!m ii. t.i'tn -r am! AiN ,-: A. m r.
v ii: jir-cwiu lit. in I.i tile ini'i rtvii.ti ,;.,y
:!i -;i:ic:it-: liit ;! i r-itr; :tt:ti'-;
!ii'.i .1. 1'.::!ih r. Johii U. !: t!n r 1 !-in A.
i;!U!.-, VIA Mfkr i'.i';.t-M.t: -v in :f l
MAKMN li. iAi;iM.!,
Joiiii Ii. v.-,.;, .
Atloriny. Ko, i wihkI. l'a.
XIlll Toii'S XoTH'i:
iUitcof J.iI.nS. k'r, r.-r. .i!.- f I'l-i-. -r T:r-Kt-yli'ii
ft:ir ts!.ii:i, ninry oil ll.,- i.'h., c 1
t h.tvim: jjr..n'--i t tit u 1 I n- i
' rfir atitfi'Tify, no ' U hcr i
ciilo:! ;., r- n: t r--1 to s.4i I tst. t. tt
in. i:iiii'tti.t:- p ty in-1.:. anil ;u.i-- ;u. in-:
-t.titi: a':tiii"T li.- .::'.. v. i.i , r. i.t tli 11. '.r
iM-ttlt in. 11! i-,iiy ;iu; ii'-iiTi. i' t- rl. at : !i-' r-j-iiit'iici-
ki( ti;ui.t ia I'i'iiT "k 's:ri: !-: nv:i
SAKAH A. KhKt.l K,
Public Sale
Valuable Real Estate I
r hi rf cf nr. oni -r cf ;U- i.i- I oi;t nf
t irj'h'tT.H ourt in arT'l fijr !ti. nutiiiy (
s.n r-"i, 10 (lot-c;-.!. w 1 .-' to
ptll'ilc -.-tl' lt t'l" ll';lf Iii 'ili K'I UjWII-
Friday, Dec. 2!st, 1894,
At I o'clock P. K
He- f.iil.iu iiiLf c.tiitc, !;iie tiie .ro .i t., s
01 a.iiiiu. l ts. W.i.Iicr ;.:el Kra ii..-r, U.v'il.,
A ccrt:ti:i trie! ..t.;I ,si--.4;,. 01 i; i!ii. rs.-t
to.-. 11-li'.p. Soin i.-.-i .itiiiuy. l'a.. iieiiii
lan-is of 1 !i.:s. it. -r, Iol:ii Si ili-rt nr..1
bi-vi Waik.-r, n i:!,ii.i,:i,' one hunurel :i!i.l
c!i:t.Tls-!l ;.l t1s III. tc or 11 s
Tilt re U u o. '.v Isiiik Iti 1 11 :oi! a lu
Frame : House,
tout spria hmtsc on t'u .r. ini.i s, aiet
yti:ii- ineiiar l of on., lotn.ln .l in-.-s. The
fcirni is culli:i'ii.!i. iitiil cuiiv. i.:.
cut li.ciiun-li, .s.-Imn.: !;.nis.- 11, s-orc, late tiie
priin riy of ss..r:m. 1 M. V:ilkcr, J.vU
A!si. r ei-rtitn tract of !.-i;:.i sit i o;- in s.,..,.
erm t litwus!jt SMi:oi-r. - i-.v.i:i!y. I'.i.. a.l'ooi
ir.j Ian. is of h .. H. M iuk.-r,' .losuli l-ri:?.
an.l Wltllaiu Fritz, eoniniiiiiij lilly ai-rm
iuorvorl s. There ! a t-si-t
Two ctory
a spring hoii-.- nmt :, fr-UTie bnnU irini on tiie
.re!i"is.-s, ;t .-;.. en-iuir.l of . I
IP-es. ctioi.-csi iruit. Kiirin ie.'!. r iroo.1 ciiiti
viitvui ni is.i.vcii;c!if to elinn-li, si-fcMiI
house mill stun-, late the prop r.y of Kra
ifcier, (i.v'J.
As to lie- Samuel S. Walki-r Cnn, oiinliin!.
nficrull i-xti.iis.s; ami lci.; are ii l, t-t ns
main a lien for Die u'i.lou. the I.. N'
riiit to h-raiinu.itly. I.:viiiit:ti 1st April, 'tt.';
si .w.oi in lime! u li'.-n ;lic e.s .l Is .! uv.
the Imlaiie.' ia iiii:iaal p iviin-iits of .vir.ui
inch. iM-inniilng on tin- 1st of April, Isst'i; ID
p.-rtflit. of tialit 1110:1. y to lie Ji .1.1 uiicll tiie
pntiH rty is kiim-kcl iliora.
As to th K'.r.i liiier farm. o:ie liiinl. nftcr
r.U cxitciistst an.l ili-Lts are, to rcieaei a
I len for lie- willow, Un- interest i. !-. p., i.i to
her ;niiii:iliv. U-tiii.iiej lsi April. IVa; s;i.'il..
in hamt wli.-n the ilis'.l is .!ci.-ri .. the Ivil-ii:ic-in
:i it ii il.-: ! pa vm. of e.o; inch, 1,
Itiiiiiiiii: 1st of Ar:i. Is;'".; In )-r s-nt. of the
li.-in.l iin:i y to he i.iiU wii.-n lite prviN-rty is
kniK-keil down. I'liri-lias,- mi.itcy in li,- s,s-n r
tsi on lie- pn-ini4-s l.v mil jtiient'lM.iel.
l 'H s. It. WAI.KKIt.
WM. M. S-liltiH'K,
A.liniiii-tnitnrK of.sanm.-l s. Walker, iiiel
Kzra ISaer, dic'J.
My minor tlaiialiier. Mary. Iiavin left my
liouic wiliioiit my eoaM-iit. 1 hen l.v notify nil
(H-rsKins not to tiarlHir or trust h.-r. us I 'will
not lie ressinsiti!e for any it.-h! sintnt;.sl l,y
her, ami any person liarU.rin lier will lie
ileal! Willi aeronMin; to 1-iw.
Keuv. ro., rv-c. . t-L
S.ockholders Notice.
Tiit-nmonl inc..!n of t!ie si. k;io I. rs ,,f
(In-First National Kink tf Soiiii-rsi-t. for the of I ijr , tors i..r Ilic v.-ir A. II.. i,
will lie hehl in Hie iin-t.i'r- riNiin. in the
F'ir-t Nalional Itank litiiiUiiiL'. Soniers.-t. l'a.,
on Tiltwhiy. Jan. sih, liiV. iH twit-n tile hours
of oae ami thri-c o'clock I'
t ni-iii. r.
Election Notice.
The annual flection of iCtiecrs for llio Kann
ts' t'nloii Asso.ialioii A- Fire Itisiiruiee
'iniiMny of rioim-rsa i-immy, ill . iti
Iter: in. on Wednesday, t.i-t uili-r vi:h, 1,
at whicti tiiii"a voir will also l. taken n hi
tive to the renewal of the .s.iiipaliv s charter,
which will eiin- in F.-ltruary, "iMtV. Busl
nis..s in sj-titti at o' -liH-k u. m." K.l.-i-tl-.n at
loVlok p. in. Ki'MltAIM J. WALK Kit,
ALEXAX LiLU, Stcrctarv.
I'lc-ideut. '
Goods !
Consisting : :
Ladies' anl Gontlouien'd Silk ami
ami a full liuc of Gentlemen's
GLOVE.-, 0.
Ladies' and Children's Gcats
and Wraps.
Our stock of IIolMav Goods arc
all useful presents, and
prices to .suit the
. times.
Our Red Letter ?.i!e will
DSC. 281 189(
And w i'l last nntil-
A XT) -
We th un Ier-::ii
J. tt.-rs..:. anil Mi'.i.t
s.-r i.tii i.i! -n:...-ii of
e.ii nil o. ruis ;-.u-..
s-vi r.-l i..i IUIS.-S ...r l
! ;i. ;s of Ss in, r-si t.
!.-. i:sii (,-. in . ! y as.
.t n.i; i ot i.!::i. ij ti
: insp...,:- :ij.:;
i ' i'.l:,.ts. .. i.t.:,:;nj.
ili. iVc. r.'-iiivoy I 4i
'i II W:.;-.. r
V.- v it:. ae.-!ur.
J ill'1' V' !M,
Krs. J v V.
U in I. V i. ;..
r, J.-ri -f lien h re i..i:u-,
J t ilreiier.
M I. !:... :...;n
i .' I i 'o!i!i: r mail,
I I' r ..- .
I ; :a S. iir.s-.i-,
A:.r.-'i:.i!i M.;:- r,
i.-o il ii- i iy.
jti.Vii ci:i..-l:.
II II Ki n,:- :.
J.-r--i;'.iaI. ilrout i r.
A1t.I:..;ii Ia'uin,
Kn u It. i relay,
JOS I. V ill!,
lasifr- lountrA man,
K-l il..v. r. '
N. rt ,v s:. viler,
s w K.i.-k."
J.-hii C AMkcny.
fi .ti' HL-. !t.-rr r-'. lit. I!
Il-csjsiss:!! U.i.'tat. i.
It il K.i. !i
Kraitk I! i ri. uUn-.
J.e-oii I.-lMOi.
Ii i 1 Itiinii.-. .
.sit.i..:i Kiroeic.
..'o-lall 1 ilcleluini;.
II S(, loss.
N-sih N li.-iiii.-.-,
w j i: :i iv.
!-.-t r ! e:i : .::-.!,
M W i t ;. ::;; : :,
l .-r.-t s.-i r.-cK.
.sir-.- !Nt-:il. r,
N l.-i relay.
A- !t irron.
!:l it-ir-oii,
ii.r.'- !l:iy,
Aaron Hay.!ii;is.o:t, Jayiiian.
i rist J Mill, r,
lMM'.-l Mail!,
V iu ! Hay.
firiH.U' NtlTR'K
T:ic fe::..v.:i:r.;i ..:ii:s:: o.-. S.. ,i lit. 1 jn ,y
oil'.f.-.aml iio'ic is !:. r I a.vert tii i: stitiit
v ill Is-j.n-s. at. ! lo lac t otirt l-ir c.ii.Iinii
li .e., on
Thursday, D3cemb2r 13th. next.
K'.rst ririil f,v :l awl!:.: of M-.s Lij-hart
coT.iTiiirv. et ii.trri. r .av.-r.
I irsi -ie.; i ac-ouat of John I!. Ss-.f.t, a -
.i.'iiM'.it .iis:i;s U'alkci-.
Kirst :i;nl iii...I a-sscrii of John K. ss.-oit,
assi.-riis.-,if Jia:,I.iri 11. V.ii:;.-i.
Kirst an I t:r.:.l :.c-.:-.i,:!t .,' J.,ii;i ll. , ,.;t, as-si.-,,
t.-t VS'. It. it.i. ;.
Ki:-s i-n 1 lin;, H.s. ent of I. mas S. !I ,-sh-Ih
t. i-, assign: . ..j .s..!o: i,,n il.-;-si!...i..r.
Kiivt ac.-.neit of lj. M. Im .o hl.-y, itssince i t
I. A. Knisiiiiie.
Kirs' uiel l".!ial:-.f.-...nit of K. W. l:u s r.
itssi-n.v of .Icrc.'ej.ili iv,:irti.
Stiini rs, . I'a
NoV.HlJi, ,
V. V. S.WI.I v..
.li'-. lit' IliU-! llH (-a (iMi!c. li rVf
ni in riii;!MVf vnir. . John i- T.iyirum 1i;:h
uriMniiuiil Mii-'ffc win n-vt r hK r ; .
ii fii Mvuri'il, Hi- ;lt' fm nt au: tUu;tx-r
i;i Sum. r t iui:ty, t -!.ty. A.-ir-
Xi ! Ii'K I. Ii -r-l y 1. . ii to all p.-rso-i re:i--. as h-r..t,s s. t psiiiii-s. ,,r .th -rwi-e,
tlutt the i"ollotvi:i a.ssiuais h im ji.iss .t It.-i..
ist.T. atul Thai tl..- ..on,- v itl Im- tin-si-nOsj i,,r
eoiiiiriiattloii arei allowame at an it:r.oi'
I oui t lo Ij n.-Hi h! s.oiii. r.--t, l'a.. on Wisla. s-
day. lUf. IJtli. s-M.
K:rst an.l Itnal ace .a:;l of if. H. st.-ili!, :el
niiiiistrator ol IVu r I', lii. r. ii.s-'.l.
Kirst nn-1 final it.-couri! of Jos, i-ri John.. c.
icuttirof Voder, di c'd.
Kirst and liaa1 .-ici-ount of .lis, tti K. Mcvt-rs.
administrator of Josi ih 1'. Mcv.-i-s, .l.e'd.
- trst una r.nal :.cce'.int ol John s. ,M:II r.
ailiniiiistntor nt Saiuu.-I A. !.;). r. di---..
1 irst mill tiiial aissiimt ol w . H. simuii a:ul
i teos'f si niiih, i-xi en Tors of i -ass-r si: nt uh
wno was 1-x.vuinr el J..!in i". iruiii'. u.s- .1.
Kirst an. I Dim I a. count of John A. oy, d
miiiistralor of II. nrv .saiiih, d.t-'d.
l'a rt ial itf-coinit ol Janits. M. "over nnd J. J.
Ilowiiirui. exi eiiiers et tt.orc Kiek, tl.-e'd.
Kiist and iiartial account of M.iiit.iinerv J.
Kill:;, of Sarah Kiaj;. iI-tM.
l--S--tirsli'Ii;-e. iJAOirJS. MILLK'I.
Nov. Ilth. isttl.j II. sister.
Kstaioof ILieiiel iin.ll.-st'cr.'cr. late of Paint
Itiwu.siiii., isouu-rsel county, l'a., itct-'d.
Letlt rs li stare, ii m ry on the )kivc ii.ile
liaviin; Iss-n craut.d to the u:id.-rs:,-ii. ). l.v
the inpt-r:iiithoritv. Iioti.-e is In n hy Ivt-n to
ail ) rsons in.U hliil to sild i-itatc lo make i ni
ne. hate il.v in. nt nnd those claims
air.iiiist Hi., sitiie i'.l .r.-seiit them duly hii-tlii-iitinit.s)
tor s, ttU-inct.i on Tu, s.l.iv. j.inu
ftrv lath. st-s at late r.-sid.-ncc of il.s 'd.
K. W. Ili.ssvk.-r. CArKll sM AI.I.
Attorney. Kxecut-.r.
tstale of li.orjr.. late of I.ow. r Tcrkcy
fitot township, do-'J.
I-ttt-rs ti-stniiieiirarj- on the nli.iv t-state
h iviin; tss-n icrantt it lo ih,. i;n,l. i,v
tiie proiK-raiiihority, not'a-e is iter, l.v irien lo
nil iiersoiis In, 1,1.1. . I to s.iid est ' . make
immediate piym.-nl, and tliose havim: cImIuis
li'llMs, the s-lllll- lo (in-scut lilt-Ill dulV U!l-
Ih -iith-ateil for ttleiiient. im S nunhiy," Jan.
a, 1s;:j, at the re i L-m f d.i-'d.
W. s, Kl 'H I.MAX.
K.t vutor.
Application for Unimproved Land.
Xiithv Is h.-rel.y itlven that we have tiled
with On Secn-hiry of Internal Allaim. of the
Slatt of IVnii-ylMmia, an u,!u-utioii f.r a
warrant lor liti, acres tif land
m;u. He in Ji iwi.T township. -.. inly of Som-ers-i.
iuljojiiiim liiii-Is tf Joiiallriii liar.liicr,
Jitsi jih Wudsiorth on t!.e.-asi. lands uarnm
ted in the iiimi of lt.ili. rt l'arish on Ui
M.uln and and hinds of Nancy Kai" 'cr
on the north. '
J'tllV o. Il.UVH.
" " Snjuts. Gatherine: Pn,.i...
Sugar Pans, Etc., at reck tot.
torn prices for cash.
Maple Evaporator on theM.
ket at less than half the pr
"asked for some others, it
pay you to get our prices bc:Cr.
P. A.
Main Cross Street,
Great Inducements.
Goods reduced in price in every Hrp
Dry Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lace Curtain;'
Ladies' Coats, Sec. Xow is the time to buv to
save money and get something good.
Mi1; li
X''fi!ii i"';t t ic i.-st lIl.HcIM; v.-. .:'!n.i:
. !" tin- iM'Ki:i:i.i.a nvi:s :i! .. ilvm.ix
Their eci.iii.!i:j- saves unn y. Sfl.i ami j;.ia;-ui;lco
Foot Wear!
A stvliih shoe will aJJ more to
ones aj'jioarunce than any other
single article of Press.
We have a Ianre supply of tlicai.
and will jsive customers
Lace, Co:irre?s, Uutton, Klucher
and ii!ueher Conirres.-!. with
the Frent:I., Yale, Ticka
ilillr, Imperial and
Globe toe.
Dattosi, Lace, Congress anj Blceh
orette, with the rhilaJeiphia,
(pera, X. V., Square, I.a
zor anil Common
Serine toe.
: Shoes for Boy's :
Youth's and Children of all de
scriptions, also
a full line of
Loots in Leather, Rubber t Felt.
An immense stock
Of Rubbers
To select frm.
All at THICKS to suit the TIMES.
Shaver & Good,
srccKjsSoHs TO
706 main cross st..
Somerset, - - Pa.
Qonn' ri:H I.AMATIOX.
WurHFi Tr,.. ir. i i. . ... ..
i.. 7 ' '"'"'; lt.i 1 rs.,nM rs. t nnirtn-. '
. .... ...... ns, m-im .s,hs i;i ttr Ailjtiiiriitsl
J -".ii Tims. ..f ijimrt. r,M,
ari l .iriilintis- , ,lru fr ,ri , f ,.(,
ti. n m. sIihII 1 li. '.l ,,t Sttuu-rsx-t. ., '
Monday Jan. 14th, 1S03,
.::i:.ici.c-nsal 10,iVWk A. M. of sci.l day.
si.".- V' "'l'"n'. ''wan! H.s.v. r. Hj.-h
Mi. n-t o's,.,,i ,,. hl.n.,,
l.r.- .-.-., ,-t.,, .,vi. nt.t;.s- t.tall jnmm. .t-l
ii- -s. . s , ::.,,. t., :,i in muse
I.. .'ic , ., 1 ttwn. ,illM txt w w:,,.IiaallvC ,
hhorj a oir..-.., tjj vv.viu, H.KiVKi;. i
-N.rt.Jth.'W. Slitnrr.
- - - -
Cans Sap Buckets .
are now .!i0wir r a f.r.e r. . ..
Fur Car.-s in
24, 27, 30 & 34 Inches
Plain and Trimmed Monkey and Com
O -A P
it Prices Lontr T!i.irj Ton Villi fir 1 T.5!i
Iff tt York act! lliica?.).
fhir r.n.sins an- !my f.r i-.'.:. r. ,r ,-
rc".ts, iiu.l i.ur titli.-r i-ip-rsis nr.- n.t
(IM i-iti-i iim-ic to le ji.-ii-I Sir I y ..j r c--.s-. . ;., -."
lonnstciT, Pi
I.-? an E.;v.o'.".v.
A Poor One
the '.vor-:
kind of Extri'.
IIi-:it!-i:i'-r :: - . ; - .
br.y .. :r
New S'.j'.'-?,
15 WHAT YCU '.V;r
it wi;i h..;.i :;r- .
.:. an-! :!;
It Iia .o Fnala-
a Healer.
!si:i: 0i:tc- i::t .
Ti.. :r i ;c;!i:i;i:i i i s ;.;
1 !.v
IB. &D
Never Mind
How far y.c.i Jive f- in i. y..;:
buy thntuh cur i.r.i-r : ; ir::
just as wi-'i a.s tho' v..-: '.- a--'
tho strist. We sin-
Any nin. i-.i:i ha v a z -"i r ;
at hwiic. I't;t t N' ::; : T-
avay frn:u h. :i!c, in-- :: : i
'it art- th-.- satr.f ;.. a ry.-in -when
i s;-,v w..l ii is V. .-.
Look Ye.
IVanlit'.sl :i:'.-v,....
ti U- r...t hs.s t!i:u
1: ?
write for tlu-tii ..ui. k y ; ...
i lioiis? of i", ; x. i
imvis, at : :
Tin y are in.-hes w i.'.c Ti. :--s 1 :
Cheviot tiiiishc.'. al'.-w." i : . f..
rtrt-tl il.s;iiu-t sty ', s. '. :;i x
is.jci'.ar .lI.ts in .-a. :. ' - "r'
ask liss tiiari 7"i cents ; "
tin in low, asi'l you s::.ii! i ;.iW.
nit, at : :
La;!ii. Ki.'s. rt.!..ri.r 1 '..i
button ilollar c',.ve ! r :
Marijuist. our sjits-i u k; 1 .
match any i!, :
Lailiesi Liiuvl Ki.Ls, very
t'ttr.ltirt.y, inch. I'-.r s. li
Ctir.l N-aiitif-ii -s i I--. :-. !.i; ;'
price. : : :
l.yoni silk W-ivt-i. ia c . ...: !
C; inclicH ..-i 1 -cs
Waists, Slet ves an ! II -
For Mothers. y lUintN an.l Wr. ; -,l w iih sil k. ii" s. i: -'
irritate. Asje. 1 to I, :
The Fairy Var.Iro!s oc.s
t'Siiautcr lap. liiiii ;
I i i 1 i 1 1 IT H.nsl I'l.-ak. a Ilea-ly
lawn, tti In' cut a'i.1 n:-i
teacher for the little i;
Ijitliis.' St.H-ki i'i I'rcj. -,
Kil N.ii with si.le I -
settiss, etc.. at :
! l i.le '- -
.;:k v-;;
iiukiit will atlrinl pini; : it 4
Agents Wanted
by .men;a" itrtnt.-s I' -" -t1"1'
Fvcr- onr of his j.rvvioii ' .I-.s
nit-use sales. His ii.-w ho I lici I. -lore rii'. f.mii -
ia one v.ttmii-. Trjqtdjr d .,tf,'r
cliaiiit- (or mr. iiis. V c iii i-v ',,iJr.-
ry."1" .
rt '