The Somerset herald. (Somerset, Pa.) 1870-1936, November 28, 1894, Image 4

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    i t
la T3a;iiErs' lactate in Eespome to
tis Aidress of welcome.
O-i K-h-ilf of tht'Suiirinto!nU'iJt nm!
,.. i.. ri.f t!i tuMic wlnx'N of S m-
vi-t c.iutitv, I ttmnk tlie poiiIlo:n:iii
f r these verv crli:l words of wil
ci-ik. We 1 listen! with niw ii
i-.t. r.'-t t thes-.1 cherritic, cnniest, in
s'lirin-r w..r-1-i. WV are iinjn-s-d
V:!,v w ith the tire)! n;vii:l.ilit:t-st!::it
rest v.ixii the teachers of the itul.lic
M'li'V'K We. a- teachers of I'nc public
s-'..n!s of S nn. T-A ci'tnty, h ive come
iiji h'-r. a- iur annual custom, to meet
in c?i will ion wh.-re we shall r.-evive in ami t:i-cits-t'Ui-stiiiiisiierUiiii-
iii..-M our w.irk. The real hem tit of
thec institutes can not lie -e-n at once
uml heii-e we are apt to timlcn-stimate
the inijKirtainvtif them. The U-ncllts
to lie hail are not such as can le csti
liiaUtl ly a hiisiness calculation. We
can not, like the business man, strikes
balance and say so much pain or so
much loss. An iiu; factor in
t he teachers' work, and one which is
tjtt to U' ovcrl.iokeil, is that unseen, i
Jetit influence which produces, fre-iu.-iitly,
the most important results.
All nu n. of whatever (H-cupatioii or
p t-uio'.i in life, exert a certain influ
eicv up a their fellowtnen, whether
they are on-i ious of it or not; but it
is the teacher wh; in silent maimer
exerts the most jxiwvrful influence
upon the Ihivs and girls, an influence
that w iU go down thnr-igh all time and
into t!ic 1-eyon.l.
At the of this institute an
influence will Ik' exertol by the 1-ct-urer
njon the tca-her.s, by the teachers
up in one an .th' r that will n it In ap-ji-m-tit
at on.-e, but it wi'.i be jieiding
riju.' and golden fruit in its proper sea-t-n.
It will be seen in the nt-ire car-lu-t
taehr, the more thouhtml
tea her. the m re p itient teacher, the
more conscientious teach r.
If these institutes avomp!ish no
other good than to arouse a greater cll
tliusiasiu ain :ig the teacher.-, great
fi' will have K-.-n aeeoiupli-lied.
What a grand word enthusiasm is! It
surmounts all tlilVsc-.iliie-c it goes
uhroud into the fields of science ami
gathers kisoM'Uslge that lifts and ele
vates the mind; it builds our school
houses and churches a:id asylums and
various charitable institutions; it
ad irns our art galleries with the finest
piintings and works of sculpture; it
produces the finest gems in the various
fields of literature; it searches deep in
to philosophy ami brings forth truths
that claim the attention of the world;
it enters into every work of love and
iu-rcv. We ikvI more enthusiasm for
lifs work. How shall M e get it? Cun
it be cultivated? I 'an it If produced in
one who is not enthusiastic? Enthusi
asm in on..- will produc? it in another.
Tile iv is li. .tiling so contagious as ell'
thtisiasm and truth accomi'lislies no
victories without it. It is this element
in man's nature that has accomplished
the great revolutions and reformation
of the earth. J here must lie reason
back of i The intellect lavs the foun
dation hroa I and deep ami then the
emotional part of our nature is aroused
and is the iiistruiii.'iit which fore's it
self into nn-n's hearts. We must li
able to endure to accomplish anything.
S l.-ccss conies in measure only as we
are devoted to our work. Take and
studv the life of anv great leader or re
former of any age or any country and
w liat ilo we liml pnilomiiiatingT It is
his preat eaniestm-ss in the cause in
which he is engaged, his threat euthu
siasiu for the work, his jrreat devotion
for that which is to Iv accomplished.
It is miiKirtant not only that we
rea-oii well and have g.tod judgment,
but we must le earnest in what, we un
til: riake. The humblest work in life
should Ik- performed with that enthu
siasm that will lead to the most im
portant results. I't us then fill our
t-.-lves with enthusiasm and let this be
the time and the place where we shall
replenish our slock and where the in
Jhiciiceof the m-ist enthusiastic .work
ers shall touch the mind und hert of
each otic of us anl cause us to go away
from her.- inspired anew for our call
ing in life.
Tiio teacher needs inspiration. He
lu-eds to receive iiew Ikijk and encour
agement for his work. The gentleman
ii his addrvss has well said that we
need to relieve the monotony of our
work. How apt we are to fall into
that dull, monotonous way of work!
Ilach day follows another in the same
routine and we lose that force and vig
or which are so essential to success.
Then.' is no sjiark of cnthusixstti to
brighten or cheer us on our way. We,
then, as teachers, desire to Ik encour
aged in our work. I have often
thought that if parents and directors
co-lid but know how a few kind words
f g-!od cheer and encouragement
would help their teachers to do more
eartu-st, successful work,
they wtuld I
ni"ir iiejiieiiiljt i. ll'l t 11. 1 1 l il.L; uami
in that way. The prest-nce at this in
stitute of all who are interested in the
welfare of our schools will lie greatly
appreciated by us and we feel that
these very c trdial words of welcome
by the distinguished gentleman, words
coming fnm .? of the leading and
m. fm. 1 1 - I..O. I 1 ll
foremost citizens of Somerset, is a sure
tMiaranter that our meeting will lie
well attended by the public and that
the into rest shown will arouse a feeling
of enthusiasm that will touch each
teacher here, and that will, through
the teachers, find its way into every
sch'wil in the county and there reach
each pupil of our schools and thus car
ry a wave of enthusiasm into the
sch'Kils of our ouiity that will contin
ue to plaiv them still higher iu the
column of education and progress. To
this end i our desire. For the accom
plishment of this object are these
institutes. The god effects of the in
stitute of last year are still a U-iicfit to
me and I expect to receive greater U-n-efits
this year.
Another Iteliefit whick we as teach
ers expect to receive from these insti
t!i:cs is increased knowledge. I am
glad that the gentleman referred to
that in his address. Ikjiowof no pro
fession or calling in life that requires a
wi-.ler scop; of knowledge than that of
the teachers. Of ciHirse, one may teach
with a very limited knowledge, but he
can not obtain the same results as one
w ho has a more extended knowledge.
There is no work that requires such a
variety of knowledge as that of teach
ing iu the public schools. Questions
(tearing on all kinds of subjects are
br .light to the attention of the teacher.
Iet us then elevate and dignify our
profession by becoming U-tter inform
ed, U-tter scholars. It is the duty of
every teacher here to aid in dignifying
his profession. Are you helping to
place it higher in the estimation of the
public? Are you endeavoring to place
it lieyond reproach or criticism? Our
work is of ititere-t, not only to the
pirls and lmyn who are under our
charge. It is of interest to society in
jreiRTiiL It is of interest to the State, to
t he government and country, th ejU:il
of which has never Urn seen in any
:itformiy portion of the glotV'. our
work will tell in the future cn
I'srhtm nt and el-ovation of mankind.
We, as teachers, realize the fa-'t, with
a stronger force tlian ever, that more
intelligence and a far mote reaching
knowldgc is demanded of our people.
The disturbances in various fields of
enterprise and industry during the
pat year, the feeling of unrest that
has shown itself all over our land,
prove to us that only an intelligent
public can grapple with such serious
and momentous questions.
What w ould become of a govern
ment like ours if in times such as these
ignorance were to predominate and
hold sway? The fabric or our govern
ment would be torn to shreds and le
made a prey for the tyrant and usurjH-r.
It is the duty of the teachers of our
sohools to give more attention to the
jualitieation of the citizens of the fu
ture. Pupils leave the public schools
with verv little knowledge of the gov
ernment and institutions of their coun
try. They ere ignorant" of the most
simple questions growing out of our
government. They leave school pre
pared for business or some vocation in
life, but are poorly qualified for the re-
sjionsibilities of citiz-enship, responsi
bilities that are at the foundation of all
business and prosperity. Attention
hould lc given to the nature of our
government. In a government like
ours, the peopie are the supreme jkiw
er, and, they U-ing the supreme pow
er, it is highly essential that they
hould lie intel'igvilt and well versed
in the principles of our government.
As the nature and workings of our
government are taught to the pupils,
they can Ik- inspired with a greater 1 ive
for that which is right and honorable.
Pupils should lie inspired with a f.el-
mg 01 putriot!sm. 1 nere are diiiereiit
forms of patriotism. The American I Mis
takes naturally to patriotism. He
thinks the flag of his country the most
Itvautiful flag in the world, and he
thinks his country the most glorious
country in the world, and a country
which dins; not inspire a feeling of thus
kind must lie in a deplorable, condition
indeed. That feeling, which conies to
one on the contemplation of the ting
of his country is a feeling which comes
itural to one. It is the spontaneous
outburst of patriotic feeling. There is
another type, a higher tyjK' of patriot
ism. The man who stands up for his
country, regardless of right or wrong,
has a i-hir kind of patriotism. Our
boys and girls should lie taught to de
spise everything in politics and irov
eanmcit that is not honorable. These
lines from Lowell is the proper test of
all patriotism:
I loveJ her old renown,
Her stuiult-s C-iiie,
What tx-Uer proof tli in that,
I loathed herstmmc.
That is a patriotism of which no
mtitry can have too much, a patriot
ic. 11 which loathes everything that
b.'ings shame to the country's honor or
to its reputation In-fore the world. A
patriotism of that kind condemns the
political tricksters as disgraceful to
their country and dish-mering its
name. We need politicians who are
earnest, able men, who have a com
plet. knowledge of science and politi
cal systems of all kin-is and times, and
who cat: put a stop to crazes ami delu
sions of all kinds by showing from the
teachings of human experience the
impossibility of theirsace ess in practice
In no part of the world are liU-rally
elui-ated men in the true sense of the
word Hi-ore needed than in the I'nited
Siates. If our schools ami colleges
were t train and educate men of this
character, we would have a much
higlu-r type of patriotism among our
citizens. Politics would then become
a ditlerent pursuit from what it gener
ally is in this country.
Tiu-re arc men high in office in our
government to-day who do not have
the proper typ of patriotism. Times
make great e.ianges m a country,
cnanges in its ma isiries, its civiliza
tion, its social and economic conditions,
but principles never change; and the
principles up in which our govern
ment was founded are the same t-i-dav.
Those principles should ever Ik kept
liefore the minds of the people, for as
sure a we drift awav from the princi
ples that led our forefathers to found
this government anil put it on a solid
basis so sure will we In' in dang'-r of
political shipwreck. I,-el us then cn-
deavor t instil! into the minds of our
pupils greater love for home, greater
love for g.-vcr:i:n -r.t, greater love for
country. Let us teach them to regard
it insiitutions with the most tender
feelin x an 1 to cherish its m -morics
with t i ' i no 4 sacred trust. lil-
erties an 1 lnessings if g ver;i:n -sit
were 1 (hi .lit with the sacrifice of prec-
ious lives; thev h:ive come to us as a i
rich herita re which we should guard
with the liw-t watciif j care.
There is noothcr c tuiitry the hist-irv
of which, if properly slu lie 1, will in
spire a greater love of country than
the hlsto.-v of ii:ir c.iniitrv. It is!iis-
, ( - . ;iti f.s.t.
- i
iiigs of pride an 1 a luiiration, a history
tint has revolutionized government
and th. world, a history the pages of
which will shine w ith a brighter lustre
as the years go by.
H iw imio.-tJ.nt then that we build
well; build n it only for the present,
hut for th? future. II;v important
that the children of the present shall
grow up into intelligent citizens of the
foremost government and country on
the faee of the earth. And, if there
ever come a tim? in the history of our
country when it shall U- ia danger
when its institutions shall lie threaten
ed with downfall and destruction,
may it not lie due to any neglect on the
part of the teachers of the pjblic
schools, may such a crime not U
charged to them. If the teachers were
to lie guilty of such grave negheet of
duty, iiiethiuks I can hear them cry
for the rocks and hills to fall ujkiu
them to hide their shame and disgrace.
The tiriahts-ye.1 l.y,wlioen.r J our m lioul.
Tnc knights of !hk1i an J l. n,
'ry of childish i;om.-s anil bloods.
Will mion Ik? stalwart men;
The leaders in the nice of life.
The men to win applause.
The grout minds born to guide the Slate.
The wise, to make the law-s
Teach them to pu: rd with Jealous cane
The hind that pave them birth,
A pitriiit Mi of patriot uircs,
Tim d.nn-st upot on earth.
Teach them the sacred trust to keep,
I ate tru ni -n, pure a nd brave.
And o'er I hem ttirxmjrh thea-;, bivt
Kiveditut's LiirlianiKT mave.
Citizens of Somerset, once more on
liehalf of this IkhH- if ieachers, who
are the representatives of the schools
of the county, who have under their
charge the boys and girls that are to
become the future men and women of
this great and glorious country, I
thank you for these very cordial words
of welcome by the eloquent getltlemail.
Miss Dukatie I want to have some
photographs taken. Where would you
Miss Humly I'd go to Mr. Snapshot
if I were you. He made some perfectly
lovely pictures of me.
Miss Dukane Did he really? Well,
if he is such a clever artist as that, I'll
g 1here too. WAiv Lhron.i !?-Ttlc-
Local Institats.
Following is tiie program for a local
institute to lv held nt Manner school
house, Jciiner township, Dec, 1, 1S;1:
Primary Arithmetic-W. H. Howard.
Influence of Good Teachers John
Preparation F. II. Shaffer.
I low to Cultivate Observation R.
W. Ihr.
School Libraries P. S. Pile.
State Appropriation and How to Use
It-D. L. Wiand.
Work for the Little Folks Miss Em
ma Schmneker.
Co-operation M. L. Weighley.
kvkxixu sirs-stos.
Manner in Ilecitation John W.
(iri fiith.
School Reform C. C. Schmuckcr.
Care of School Property M. L.
Orations H. C. Hoffman and J. M.
Recitations Miss Hccca Korns, W.
F. Hammers.
Paper Miss Nora Miller.
Journal Miss Annie Siiie.
Institute to begin at liiOand to consist
of two sessions. All friends of educa
tion are invited to lie present and take
part iu the program
Following is the program fr local
institute to Ik- held at the Giade church,
iii Stonycreck township, on the even
ing 'f Ix-c 1, and morning and after
n.Hiii essioRs ou IX-c. '2:
1. Who is responsible for the mental
development of the schollar? S. M.
2. What should guide the Directors
in compensating the teacher for his
work? J. C. Schrock.
3. Method in teaching reading R.
J. Riant.
4. Advanced physiology Milton
... Topical talk 1 1. M. Stull.
i. A taper Miss Ada Speichcr.
7. Xccessitv of attending normal
school K. G. R-tsS.
x. Methods of teaching advanced
grammar M. D. Reel.
!. How to teach gcogranhv H. R
In. Kvldemv of success in the school
room G. W. Schmuckcr.
II. leaching of current events in
the school ritoni P. S. Spangler.
1J. (Jive vour inethiHls of teaching
literature in the lower grades M. R.
1". Origin of man A. P. Kimmel.
14. Principles involved in teaching
writing D. W. Miller.
"house, Saturday afternoon and even
ing, Dec. 1. 1S'4:
Program will U' intersiH-rseil with
music ami queries. Patronsand friends
of tslu"-:ition come out, take part in the
discussion, and by your presence and
heln vnu will encourage us in our work
which means lK-ttcr sehils. Every inviu-d.
S. M. Fox
D. W. Mi i.i.Kit,
R. J. lilt A NT,
In the Wronsr Car.
A piussciigcr m an up town electric
car had reached her street and wanted
to iret out. Tiie car was full of Ksple
standing in the aisle, and as she thread
ed her wav thev moved closer together
to let her pass. She had ncarlv rc-tclusl
the doir when she stumbled and fell.
Another passenger who got out at tlw
same street had just left her seat, and
into this the woman who stumbled fell
heavily on her far. She at ome rose
and looked for the obstruction and saw
that it was a large sample case.
"A me? idea, she said angrilv, "to
put a great tiling like that in the mid
dle of the car for people to fall o'cr.
I've sprained my wrist striking, on the
car when I fell over it."
"l'erhaps you think I should stand up
and hold it," sneered a man who was
comfortably seated, while a dozen wo
men stood.
"Xo, sir ; I think you should ride in
a cottle," said the angry woman as
she escaped with her life and looked
daggers after the retreating car. Ik-fi-tiX
l'n J'r
Rattlesnakes on Toast
A cow-l my, fresh from his herd, went
into a Cheyenne chop-house recently.
Tiie tables were all filled with the
exception of one, at which the terror
of the plains seated himself. As he
pulled oll'liis hat and untied the red
ba:il.t:ma hankerchicf from his throat
he looked disdainfully around.
The nimble waiter brushed an im
aginary bread-crumb from the cloth,
I t;i i . i ? i - i
w il!SKe" a "", 01 I:,ro lr,,,n lat r:tsl,,r'
l""'1 U ,R'f,ro t,u" ive and
"Take it aw.-tv !"' he snarled. "I can't
eat that. I want rattlesnakes on
toast !"
"R-.ttlcsnakes on t.tast !" yelled the
"Rattlesnakes on toiist !" responded
the ciKik.
Th. re was a slight flutter among ilie
guests at the strange order, and the
cow-boy was scanned by inany curious
eyes. He assumed a nonchalant air,
ami picked his teeth with the prongs
of his fork.
A cook deftly removed the skin from
a pickerel, and, cutting a strip the
proper shape, placed it 0:1 a spider.
The waiter who had taken the order
came tripping hack to the Uild buo
eanirr of the pampas.
"Will you have your snake well done
or rare ?"
"Rare, with oodles of milk and jjravy
011 it."
"(limine that snake rare milk gravy
on the side," was hallooed to the ook.
The lariat wrestler began to grow
nervous. The devil-may-care expression
had left hLs eyes, and a soft, subdued,
melancholy shade had taken its place.
He figetcd in his chair, and seemed to
lie nerving himself for an ordeal.
"Here you are, sir," said the culinary
(Janymede, placing a dish in which
was something nicely c tiled, w hich
1 : Hiked like a fried specimen of the
genus (Total us. "Have a little Worcest
er sauce? (Jives a very fine llavor.
Some folks like mushriMims with their
snakes. Others prefer Chili colorow.
A little salad dressing don't go liad.
There's vinegar and olive oil in the
castor. Will you have tea or eofTee?
Very fine snake. Caught yesterday.
Fat and tender."
When the waiter was delivering him
self of this eulogy oa the meal, the
steer-puncher shoved his chair back.
H is eyes bulged out and he became
pale around the gills.
"I don't think I'll eat anything. I
ain't hungry," he snid, as he arose
unsteadily to hLs feet and reached for
his hat.
"Maylte you'd prefer br'iled mocca
sin," insinuatingly suggested the
"Xo," he replied, as the ashen pallor
dcejH iied on his face. "I ain't a bit
He cast another glance at the dish
he had ordered and made a break for
, ,
'thed.Ktr. He "forgtit to pay at the
h-,tunter."-AWAV. j
Viy vlrtufofprrit'.rt Vri:nf Fieri I'm-las, ls out ofthi' mrt of ( 'ommo.i riet if
s-itnTei omiitv, l'a to i-h- tin-cli-l, theif
will to -xkjmiI to i4ililic alr. nt the urt
House, in siniuvrwt Immui, oa
Friday, Dec. 7th, 1894,
llio foliOttini; Jejicribeil real estate, Li-uiU-
A!' tl:-. H-elCtit!.', int-n-st, rlnlin ami d.
lfi;oittl 4'aHirtiu- .Mi'-rs. nt. la Hint t-.iH c,-r-Intn
trM-t lit l.nnl .- lilnl'-tn i i-;ir twji.,
enmity, l'a conturiiiiit: i! iier.s imnv r M-ss,
MUit 4i m-ri-s cliir. Kiiain- tiiiO-cr, u!jtifi
in; boi'N of siiiiiifi 1:. AHisi:i. H'-'iry I'nr.
k-r. illuon H' ltiin.n, .I'i'iii S. i!"ii r, J.i
c!i lUiris-'", :oil tillier. Ii.iviac tlii-riii1! r-ci-f..l
h mi uii'l ti Imii-Mnry fiu-.':iini; Ii.kis,.
t-:i!ik tuoii iu:1 otli'-r ui:iiM!!itin:'. J'lii r-
ulr4t a ommI on-luiril o:i the pn'iuiM-M niti ti
farm is welt wi.-rti tiiniulHitit.
'i'nki n In xii-iit:iii .-n.ii to lie ii ns tin?
pnn-rty of alhamie -Mi-vers l tlie suit of
Jniiti h. Hiinur.
All t!i rivlit, titt'-, intt-nsif, rlnini anj d
liuilttl of Kims tir,!ti:!i, uf, iu ami to the !!
lou iu uiescri ttv J rni csUtle. viz:
No. I. A rt-rtaiu tr.ict of laiul Mtuuti; in
l"lliT rurki-yfoot ti n-hi!. siiii.-rsi t couu
IV. iVs Irt ucri. nit.iv or less, icl-;iitf !:nls ! ili-riiLi.ii i:riuor, Imiii.I
rumu-y ui iiiniin r.miii y. tut in;; ili n-,ni
cn-ctml u !W-s:o-y ilvv Willi tloutl l:i!ili
Umi, tiUirkomiiti sliop, uaJ oiln-r oul Imini-
.". 2. A tr.u-tof I.:n-.l Mtuati us above, con-t:iniln-;l",
a.-ri-s, iitiji.uiiii la:it.t of Jucob
KrTr-r:uti hjiliniini ss-nnii k.
iuUi-it in 'Xti ttlioii niHi to tx koM its ttie
pniiM-i-iy of Kli.ts (.iriihltt, at the suit of Jacol
All :!ie rifchs title, interest, claim u-id de
mand of Jat oti C lx-liiiian, of, lit and to a e-.-r-lu!U
lariii or tract of land situate in Taint
Ion tt..'upt Sotncrsel county, Tn.f coutaiiiiu';
i.s :-.Tfs, uttout Hi uen-s clntr, Iilaltce UmiImt.
u.ijciioi.i;; I:. u.!e of Hanli I ilottmali. Isa.u:
ii'!iimu, Noah K-rout ltaeii t Title, lne
Joiinstou 11 l.umli.T t'o li. A I). It. It. I ,).. ai.;l
Jacob llolliuati, li.ivni- thereon envied a
two-story Irame d'Jfci'.iiii: Iioum, l;aitk Imrn,
stalile and other oul bii;lilin.-s, with the a-pui-I.-namtsi.
Ail tiie eial undertyin tiie
liact is roerved, nlso all small tiuilx r ne-as-tinn
under 11 Inches in iliam.-ter. on
aisiui aen-s, is rs-r ed, tor'etiier wiin cer
tain miiiinir pri liev.s.. 'I he riervatious
of eoui. timix-r and piitili-scs lire ftiliv d.s
ncrilwd anil set forth in a d.-d from Jacob ('.
Lt-htafin mi.l wil'etoLan-y S:iiiiiuliiii;er, la
si llih th-toli;-r, lso. and reinnieil In tiie of
fice for nvord:iij divd. Ac, in rsouiersct, l'a.,
in le.-U liecon, 01. .s, iMK'-s -i-r-..
Takin in exivuliim aud to be sold ns tlt
pr.M-r:y of Jacol) 1.'. Ielmian. at tiie suit of
tin Johnstown I' tk Loan Aas x intiou,
use or W. 11. KuplH'l.
Ali the riirht. title, tutcr.M, claim mid dis
i.iand of K-.l. 1!. Kaiiix iin-i Jacob I-'. Kauti,
tr.ic.iiij as kiiutz Iiros of. iu and to the fol
lowitl dcs,-riied relll estate, to-wit.
N-i. 1. A certain lot ol ertind Jtitiiate in
J-iiii-r;own lwriui:h, SonL-rsi omi.iy, l'a.,
iMitinded n lb- by an a!f:-y. ;sl ty lot
of JaMin W. l;.-on, sotn.1 by tiie stov.sintt u
A r ensbtiiv I'ike, wesi by lot of Iteuiy I',
sluiier, haviiiff Iht ici:i erected n lare iw.).
slorv frame tiwelliier house, ntibli-. blaek
sie.i.'h si.oji. and oilier oul buiidinjis, with the
iipmirlt naiH-es.
So. A lot of uroiiud sitiiate as afoiwili!,
iMMtnded on Ilie lii:tji by an alley, nist by lot
of lieiiry Miafer, eolith '-y the I'ike, 'west
by lot of H.-nry W. Mowry. baviic; lliTtoil
ere -ted two frame dweliim. hiHiss:, statileand
0' rier out buiidiitifs. u Mil the iippnri'-finne,-.
Nn, J. A e. naiu lot or :n-.-l ol li-nd situ
ate ill Jellle-r toWilsl.i. iSo.ners.'t eolltily. I'a
s:i:-iioe: !lve aer.-s. a.l.oitie: lands ot Mar.
tii.t l.. 1 lay o!i -.isi, A.t.iia It. fliattir on
t;ie soutii. Michael sp; and ll-nry I '. sh-ifier
in ttie wot and on tin- ttorti, by school house
lo :IhI cemetery.
y'u. i. A lot oi'iroii:id si'tctte In J-ii:ier-town
Uinnii'li and J-nii:-r twiisiiip, itury
: li'l Stele atores ii-1. aOjo'.iiii: lands of J. J.
,r:!tith on the ,asT, SM,iii. rs,.t i-oel on lie
soti;!i. lot of An-iic K. Yoiin- on the west, and
I'ailierine Hbo.ids on the Itortli.
l'a lien In eiv;i!io!! and to fr1 soM n the
proi--rty of Kd. 11. Kautttud Jaeil) Kictt.
trailitn; an Kaut7 ltrt., a! the suit of James
M. over, administrator o: John II. l'u:i.-.oi
All the riulit. ii:le. inti-n-t. ehiim uni! ls
maud of 1 i iir.'- I i . Iiniiert, of. ia and t tiie
b.'iow'nir disyrilM-d i-stat-. to-wii:
.No. 1. l ie- !ioin.--i-ad tnrin itua'.e in shade
towiisiep. im.-rs1 tsatiity. l'a., ismtaiiiini
'Jie aeres. I-.-iien-.; Iniam-- timU-r. ad
joiniin; laiiils of .laetb Mih intir. Iie,ry I'i.i
Is ru. r. Wahi;itrton I'usl. r n'i-1 I'lnlip Z1111
mennati. having tii.--!-!;! -rivt-l n two-st-irv
l-t-4 botise. iiaiik t'arn. sii-rir i-in.p and other
oa; iiuiie.iTii.-s, Willi tie i'irteii.ine.ii.
Xo. J. A tract -f land -ituate us aforesaid,
eo:ilai:iint liaer.-, ' aeiN-M cb-;t r, b.iialle.- Itui
Iht, ad.ioiTiin Nt. I. a'.Mive ninl li.p.i.s of Sam
uel sirberaiid Wiotbinuton t'ust.-r.
X.i. :t. A tr.iet of land coiitainiiur 17 ai-fs,
fi in-n-ji el.-ii r, Uilani-e tiiuU-r, leltointiit N's
land Laud lauds ol iiidttn IkrKeliile und
Sam:i-i ssirK-r.
X. t. A of l:iel sitil.ile as i.fonsjlid,
eiint-iiiiiiii; .!-; aer-. nii Tiinlwr lanl. adjoin
inir la'i-ls if No t!i llloi!-.ii, J'i;-ree i.iri and
John !i'io .ib. h;( Iiie. : !e .-rii-ti il a wati-r
jhw r siwtuiit and a item oM-n d.
The fon-oiuij tracts are ail underlaid wiih
T.ikn In execution uii-l to be sol. I a III"
uroiwny of tosiriell. limlM-rt, at tin suit of
I't.ul !i. Sclilag u.-, 1 1, ui.
All th.-ri.'ht, t!;!.-, 'Interest, claim and d"
til md of li. It. Tate. of. In and lo th- follow
iii- desj-rilHil re:il estate. s-ttLoc In I plier
Turk. Piot township, t.sw it
Xo. I. Nit. tate in t'pp. r Turk.-yf-i-it town
sii:p. Soni;-rs-t 4u,ty. l'a.. e.iitaiiiiii-r IJl
!' acres, ! iua the ur i v in name ! Win.
:!.i.!i. less a pare 1 in t-xci'! of itn ulsive
Iiatti.-.l at re.nre ihm-I by J. il.-ury.
N-i. A-lNiiiiiie; X'.i. I a?"-i".- .id. c.intiiri.
li It-li.iaer.s. Iieiie a !art of a si:rt-v in
uameol I'et.-r r.Hitiiiau.
Xo. .d.ioin:iir Nos. I and 2 above n-nii
cd. 4'. ai-n-s strict m-nsure. '! i thn-e -in- is iove de-rilied In-im-t tii
same lan-ls d.-cni d bv tin I'rpliatis Court of
soaiersct i-o'tnty. to Iruiu V. Sii!Iiv:-n in
pnrsnan.-c of pn.sliin:s in sai.l "ourr in -s-ta'eof
I'i-.iiit .suivaii, d-e'd., v.r 1 1. (. 1;....
Vol. II". iae :tIT-:i.
Xo. I. situate as af.r. ii I. :el.;oi:iini'
r.s i. It. Kinj. J. I'iie, X. fr..m-rand o:!iers.
eontaiuiii- il.t ai-r.-s and 7", p -rlics sric!
tie-asu.i. Iw-imr the koih- pr miN44 v.-l-.l by
the :oit:titiistratois of J. dm l.ue;m. Sr., to
John Lucas. Jr.. after rotitli:es in p:rti
lion. Ssc i . . ltecoi J at Somerset, l'a., "ol.
II. pa-.s!.-,i-i. Ae.
X.i. .V A tract of land pn! !it-d to John
Wellcr on :t Jan. 1. .7, situate as nf.nvMo.l. ad-
Joining lands of I in-sto.i.-, Kiii ih
I mssi n r.ud others coutaiiiin I, strict
Xo. ti. A tract of land !:h-tisl to .I.Jm
Wciler on .j day of January. I-hT. In fpin-r township. Somelset -;itiify, I'll..
adio:ni:!; lands ef John Xiekiow. Jolm W'el-
b-r and others, ctititainim; LT :;Vlot acres and
X.i. 7. Situate ns aforesaid pnd s-it-:ite.-l to
John Welb-r on :' d:.y of Jan. lt7, ad joiien.;
amis of Iivi. Sehr.t'-k. John Whipkey.
lii;-li t 'ri.s.-n, Jolm M.-y and others, con-t-iiTiin-r
-iin-rs and ullownwe.
Tcketi in xicution and to ie sold the
prots-nyof li. It. Tate, at tlie suit of Is W.
Weal; (and. il. til.
All the riirht. title. iii?enst. claim and d-
mate! tif J. . M.ruet. of. in mid to ail tin
s Tf .ee and "oil of a tract of land smiale in
y.'k Lick township, S.mers4t countv. l'a.. ad-
ioiniM!.' lands of the 'ui.iltcrl.ind A Kik Lick
i 'ki '.. Kevst,mi- 'ml t o.. John A. t riliaut.
Jonas I.iehty. tne tract heret.d'ore wild to
l.ei:.t M. like. a:i I the I met soid to Joseph
II. slill.-r. ttinl:iiiiin-r HJaerts:, more fr bfi.s
ftltoui 1.') aer.-s i-iear. balance tituticr. Also
the cimI and minerals which stiil remain un
der the three acres .ir aind tlie biiiidius und
spiiue. Also so much of the privilege of tak
ii:: and tisiiu coal and iiinestoiie from any
'nines that may be ocic-d on the t-r.-misisi.
for ajrrtc.iHui-il use, ;rin!ed in thcite.-d of Jti
Sept. Is-17. fi-om W. .1. It ier and wife to John
('. I.iele v, an 1 Itavid Lichty. renirded in Vol.
41. p-'tfe 14. siniersi-t county rcords, an shail
le appurtenant to this piece and not hi e-
c.ssi a proixtrtlon which the nttuihcr of aertsi
hereby ouvey-l Is-unt tt the whole nunilsr
of si-tin In the firm as d.-wr'.licd In Kil l !-.
Also the ritflit to tne private rood as r-s-i--tsl
and Htipulami for In ihe deed ttf tost. K. Itaer
to i:mi--l M. Kike. Also the us of tlie pri
vate wav. known as tin- lime road. !scrvd In
the d-si of ;o. K. IS-ierto Jos. p!i T. Miller.
liar ins mereon -rcteii a two-story tlw.-ptiu
lions,, bank trim and other oulbuildlii-es.
li. in' t't Maine fjtnu or tr.ict of land that Jo- Moctiet nuni-viil to Susan Moi;u.'t.
by dated the Uth day of .ct. lsjo, with
the iippurt'-nams-i.
Taken In pxvcutioii und to be nol-J n the
pron-ity of J. O. .Miv'iict, at the suit of John
i. flocking.
A I. Mi-
All the Helit. tit!.-. Inter.sit. claim an I !-
luand of Itaniel St piinnus. of. in and to a
certain tract of land sipia'c in i:!k Lick town-
hip, S.miers4-( countv, I'a isnitainin; :.l
acres, iidioinin latt-ls of Ii.iniel M tim, Ua
l.riel st. pliaiiiis and otti'-rs. haviue thensin
erite.i a oneand a li.ilf-siory dwelling Incise,
iKink bariiSiud otherout buddings, with tic-KJipurtenatiii-s.
Taken in exeeiition ti'I to l Hold as the
p..s rtv of Imniel Stcplmnus, at the suit of
Adam lejilcy and N-iiicy lp!ev, his wife,
in right of tsiid Xancy Lepley's usL.
Terms :
Noricr Ml eis.;,ns purchasini nt the
alsivc s:.l. will pi. rise take n.c.ii-e that M per
rent, of the punli-.. money mast !e jild
when property is knocked il.iwu: .!herwis- it
will niralti be exss.d tos tie at the iik of Hie
first pii-ehascr. Tne r-idii. of the purchase
nion.-y must Im Kiid on or liefore the day of
continuation, vi.: Thursday, ISs-ciuIh-t i::ih,
ls . Xodis-d will lie ackuowUslisi until the
purchase money is paid in full.
SherifTs IKiiee, " KDWAIID IltHtVKIU
Nov. llth, 1S.4.I Sheriff.
1 ( U RT Tilt )C LA MATK )N.
WliEKms. Tlie J vroB 11. I-onok-m:'
KKK, i'n-si.lejit Ju.l-re of tiie s,'v.n.l t Vnirts
nf ('.itiimou I'leasof tie several ciuti'bsieom
liosinK the Pith Judicial III rift, and Justice
of tin- Court of ttyer and Terminer and Sen
era I Jail IMIvcry. for tne trial of all capital
and other ottiiiJ.-rs In the -iid I list rift, and
li. J. HuiiNi K and Noah Hii-k khi, K-sj's
Judges of the CiMirts if t'ommon I'l.-sts and
Justli-es of the otitis of over and Terminer
and J-neral Jail IMIvcry for the trhtl or all
rij-.iL:il and other utleiidcrs In the t.Viuntv of
Somerset, have issutsl their precept., an J to
medir-t.-d. for iioidinu a Co-.trt of t imi'non
I'lias and tieneral luarter S -ssions or ihe
IViweand i.neri Jail lt.-liv.-ry, and Courts
ttf Oyer and Terminer at Somerset, on
Monday, Dac. 10:h, 1834.
Noticf. is herly eivon to all thf Justices
of thr I'.nre. the ('tinnier and Constabhit
wi hln the slid coutur tit Soi,n rs. t. tlctt they
be tlnii and inert in their proper persons with
their rolls, record.. inquisitions t-.tnmiii.-ii ious
and ttihcr remembranees. lo do iIiom tiling
wlu.-h In their oilicc and in that behalf ai
perlaiu to be done, and also they who will
pr.sw-cutc against the prisoners that a re or
nan tie in ine ii 01
Countv. to be
....... .... a,. " ..UIIIS lllOU UB
tii:tU U jusL
A Good I.ilieatioa.
Mtslieal pr.ict it loners of!Hii-:ie
arc prescrihinir for the cure of dis'a.s.s
springing frotti derane-ment of the di
ftestlve orjjans, Dr. I.):ivi.l Kennedy's
Favorite Remedy. This professional
endorsement Is jti-'tiried by the fact
that no other preparation has Urn
foUlel so efll'ticiotls in ihas cla.-vs of dis
orders, even ill the Host itdviM'.tvd r.n l
severe eases. It his ti:rd pravel in
the ki lncys, where all other medicine
have failed. It col U' ptirclistsi d of
any druggist. A look is wr.-ippetl
aUtat taeli UrttK, cApUiiaina iu u'.
The "lime sink" ri'glmi of(or.;!a
is said to U' well supplied with "blow
ing caverns"' or "breathing caves."
Two Valuable Friends.
1. A physician can not always U
had. Ilhe'.tmtitism, Neuralgia, Sprains'ises and Ihirns occur often and
sometimes when least c.lected. Kc p
hamly the friend if many households
and the destroyer of till pain, the fa
mous lied Fl-ig Oil, 'S cents.
i Many a precious life could lie
saved that is U-ing rtu-kisl to death
with that terrible cough. r-Vcure a
gtKHl night's rest by investing 'S cents
for a ltottle of 'an-Tiii:i, thu great rem
edy for coughs, colds and consumption.
Hot tics of l'im-Tina sold at G. . IVn
ford's drug sttire.
New York has the greatest utimlH-r
if inhabited dwellings S."i,-T'!; Nc the least, lO.tNHi.
Bucklea's Arnica Salve.
The liest e-ilve in the world for cuts,
Ir.iises, sores, ulers, salt rheum, fever
stires, tetter, chapin d hands, chilblains,
corns ami till skin eruptions, and Hi
tively cures piles or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satis
faction ir money refunded. Price '2,r
cci-.tsperliox. For mdehyJ. N. Sny
der, Somerset, l'a., or at ti. V. I.ral
licr's, Iterlin, l'a.
Dark brown is the prevailing color
of the hair of the licopie of F.nglish
Marvelous P.esultj.
l-'roni a letter vi-i:;e:i by IJcv. J.
Cnndcrm iii of limon,lale, Mich., we
are pcrmittcsl to make this extract: "I
have no hesitation in recommending
Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re
stilts were almost marvelous iu thecasi
of my wife. While I was pastor of the
llaptist Church at Hives Junction, she
was brought down with pneumonia
succeeding La Crippe. Terrible wr
oxysnis of coughing would last htiurs
with little intcrniptioii anl it svnusl
sis if she could not survive them. A
friend recommended Dr. King's New
Discovery; It was tjuick iu its work
and highly satisfactory in results."
Trial In it ties free at J. N, Snyder's
di'.ig store, Somerset, l'a,, or at I'.ral
licr's tlnnr store, Iterlin, l'a. U -gular
si.e . and
"There is Daajer ia Delay."
Since 1.-st; 1 I have Wvn a great sutler,
cr from eatirrh. I tried Kly's Cn-am
Kahn anil to all appearances am enrol.
Terrible headache from which I had
Ion-; sntivreij an gone. W. J. Hitch
ed:, Lite Major C S. Vol. and A. A.
t!ell., till Halo, N. V.
i-'.Iy's Cream llalm has completely
ctircil me tif catarrh when everything
else failed. Many acquaintances have
used it with excellent results. Alfred
W. Stevens, Caldwell, Ohio.
Trie' of Cream IJalm is fifty cents.
No MacLiue Wanted.
One day, stopping at a house for din
ner in the Kentucky mountains, I
listened to an agent trying to sell Ihe
hcid of tiie establishment a sewing
"Now, ls.k here," said the ttgeiit,
"yoi o:ight to d something to help
yoiir wile, oughtn't you?"
"She ain't objii-iiii' to my style, I
reckon," dd the mountaineer.
"That's U-eau-se she's a gttotl, kind,
imcoinplainiug sort of a woman, and it
is the wry reason why you should do
these little thin;: for lit r."
"lhit I can't all'ord it," protested the
"All'ord it nothing!" exclaimed tin
agent. "Von could all'ord to buy that
Winchester sitting by the door, c:tu!d:i't
" Vcs," I p. said, laying it across his
lap, ' bat I needed it."
"Not as much as your ifc needs a
c ing machine."
"More, I reckon."
" f coarse that isn't so. How could
you? Now, I'll U-11 you what I'll do.
If you will bdy a machine for your wife
I'll take the gun as part pay."
"I reckon not."
"Call your wife out here and ask her
what she thinks alsiat it. I'll ivt a hat
she'll jump at the chance of such an
Tiie mountaineer smiled and called
the "old woman" out. He stated the
profctsition to her, and the agent began
to led ure of victorv.
"If Jim Itoltou wasn't livln' we
might, she stud, after a niouieti s
"What's he got to ti with it ?" asked
the agent in a provoked tone.
'"A heap sight. Veil see," she went
tin, "my obi man an Jimain t on giHitl
term; that's why he got the Win
chester. Now, ef Jim knowed we only
hud a sew in1 machine it wouldn't ! no
time tiil I was a widder, an' I reckon
I'll do my sewm' by hand. . S'jHise
you come round after Jim's fixed," and
the agent gave it up ami agreed to conic
round after James had lievii tlisjxised
of. A I 'lo nl 'it ( 'mixta itfitiii.
A Hard Fight.
The combined forces of the weather
during the winter season are exerted to
destroy health. Coutrhs and Colds
attack us, w hich, if neglected, result iu
Piictmninia ami Consumption ; these
diseases usually result seriously. Send
for Pan-Tina, the great Cough ami
Consumption Cure, and save doctor
Trial bottles of Pan-Tina sold at .
W. Ilenford's llrug Store.
Foar Big Success.
Having the needed merit to m.ire
than make go ui all tlie advertising
claim -d f;ir them, the following fit ir
reiuieilics have reached a phenomenal
stale. I )r. King's New Discovery, for
cons-jniptio'i. Coughs and Colds, each
bottle guaranteed Electric Hitters, the
great remedy for Liver, Stomach and
Kidney. IJucklcn's Arnica Salve, the
best in the world, and Dr. King's New
Life Pills, which area perfect pill. AH
these remedies are guaranteed to do
just what is claimed for them and the
dealer whose name is attached herewith
will be glad to tell yoti more of them.
Sold at J. N. Snyder's Drug Sttire.
Somerset, Pa., or llrallier's Drug Store,
Berlin, Pa.
That tooth powder is sin cxc.
htiiiur ft r II ill tj.-e. j -wA.y!
Urpf-tl iiiuti
II.) yot l.:i w t'i;i yttu c::n drive
nails into Itnr! wood witlmtit lionding
tin m if yo'i d'.p Ihctn fiist in'o
That a lump of cunphor in your
!' his press Mili k'-p -i-s-l orii.-iini-ins
rptni irtiishiiig.'
m . ....... ' .. ....1 I!l L-i.l
111..1. S.iilC Mllil'l ,lll l.,.,
Wash white Marble porches, halh,
etc , with a mop dippi-d in liiling hot
watT and soda. A gtnnl tletd of soda
shot'.M be dissolved ill the water.
Crown and Scepter.
Kaiser Wiilinm sits for his photo
graph tiltout 'iie n week.
King HumU-rtof Italy sull'ers from
chronic gastritis, which involvisl the
I.ts-s of all bis ttcth.
Tiie (jticeii of I .n .'land has not only
liecu an archer of eonsid,-r;i'ili' dexteri
ty in her time, but holds ol'ice ps dcaii
of (-lie of tip-oldest gi,il-!s of Ise.vme'.l
in iVdrope.
The two young Princesses of Vv'it'es
remain faithful to the simidieity of
twec'l tailor Made .cvtis. iray ' blue
twe'.l is one of their favorite ctdors.
White ilres.s(s, a., favi.riio with their
royal highiu-sse.
The I. rand Duchos C.-itharine, f.-r
whom the Kussi:n court i in tiiourn
ing was the clevcres: uml mo.-t p-'jiiilar
incmlierof the mva! family. She w:s
a very handsome woman, alui'-st gi
gantic in her prop .rtians.
The empress of Japan, who recently
celcbratetl lit r silver wedding, is not
only a very pretty women, but wry
intellectual, stnl has gn.-at strength : nd
betiuty of character. Her p:irticu!.tr
hobby is tiie jKi-res-. s' sehool, which
she has estaMi.-Ii- d a! Tokyo, 1 1 I she
has a suit of ap.trtm.uts th-iv.
The In depen den t.
A JUli'jioiis, lAltrary and Ftna
ihj Seirspiijtt r.
Lii.1eiiol:i:natioii;i, tinl-i iseI and impar
tial. A paper for clergymen, scliol
lars, tca.'liers, Tnis-ness men and fam
ilies. I: tiis -uss-s every topic of the
day religious, tlceol-.-gicul, isditical,
literary, social, ntttsiic and scientitie.
Its contributed articles by llio
most ciiiiiient writers of tlie Kn .lish
It employs specialists and distinguished
writers as etlibirs tf its Twt nt y-onc Ie
I'itrtiiients, as follows;
Literature,, Mu5ie,
Fina Arts, Sanitary, Missions,
Roligious Intelligence,
Eib!i?al llesoarcli,
School and Collego,
Odd Knots,
Farm and Garden,
Old an-.i Young Pebbles,
Financial, Insuraneo,
Ministerial liogister,
Editorial, New. of the Week.
A paper particularly Hited f-r lawyers,
doctors, clergymen, those engaged in bus
iness, yolltl-j pis.ple of lot!i sees, tin ll
and women who read and thoik foi them
se! vos.
A papr especially vabial.le fir tliose
iiitereste.l in Fine Arts, Science, Musi,-.
A paper go ing val-i-ible i ti ''. .riiiul i-i 1
tisin Finance, Life Insurance, t'uni
tnerce. A paper for S.m lay-S -Ii.kiI workers,
those ho have a Farm, (iardetior Ilottse
A paper for the family, old and yotin-;
' H'ltrly :'!ifiiil!n 'i ...' ut itt
t'm' rif.'e.v .in p i. t . i; , i,
'. ' '; " .- ir'i.
P. o. P. .x JTsT,
130 Fulton St.,
ELYS CatahrH
Cream Balmpp-lY
I- iiirk!y
Ail ih Tain i ll 1
I till iiiiniali mi.
H-iN Mi- -MKrf.
In;.- tin
fiiii'tnMir fr r l
K.!.ir.-s tin-
St'llM-H of T:lU' lUV
RieT-vo.'"7 .r'tJir
fctiirr'e-rs,i..-.; fj
r iuu rbi&s. js7 ,
A ionic
In iii.
i is :i;ili. ! into i .teh no.tril r.nd is
rrice 00 1 1 tits at tl.-ujis;sr bv o
KI.Y lilMTHKP.S 'ii n stnvi, X. Y.
We want to catch It !
KVF.IIY FA I'M I. It i.i Somerset t't.unty
win 1 Ikls a cord ef I i t ; n 1 - k I'.ark era
Hide to il!Mise of w il! find tli:it the " X
FM"F.XrKTAXNF.i:Y ri.. will .:tyt!ie
liiliest ctLsli inicis fur tlie stime. Write
for iiinttilions to
Continence, l'n.
That I will sell, until further imtitv. tho
ftilltiwiiii; j;. mmIx nt tl.ei.lil .ricsi. renitr.l
levi nf the advance ef JU. iht r:illtii tax
Ity Ihe tr.iverniiient: AA. mre rye, '2
years, srni tier irilNm: Tijui-in.M,
ycttrs. ft; iic til.l Caliinet. 4 years. SiVti per
C illor.; lir:tli;eMirt and 'r!itnnsirs pure
rye, H years. .J.."iii ht irillon: Kinch. t !
tiell VetliiiiiT, liilwui's, Hol.jtiss-.ii fn.,
Iltinrlitiii, r4.."i I'.cr ifalloii: ilamiisville,
Iiati(rherty, M..iitire!l., 1 year. JsWI ier
iilltni. 1'alilnriiia wines dry uml sweet,
tniiii 7.V per gallon t.t $1.:. 12 distinct
Im in Is; my tiwn Sherry
and I'tirt wine fntiii i."n to jt: :t) per g.-il-lnti;
also the linest Irish ami Scotch
w hiski.n at lowest w ht.l:sale ra!s. Call
or tw-nd fur special price list at
l-SX, St., Alle-,'lieiiy.
All tird.-rs liy mail promptly altended.
Xo t-xtni charjie for pa kinjj. " Telephone
Xolhin? On Earth Will
SlicriJaifs Condition rowdcrl
Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease.
Good for Mnnlting Itenm.
It b atMntafrt-f pam, Hlk-My rmntraUif. Tnqnan-
cutfU wt,ch ui a-rnt a iiay. Nuothrr otte-futih aj
nriT. Ktrit-tlr a iiMtM-Ini. "ime lanci ran ttnril u9
t: nfixtsiiin-f r f f t-nt Rmtfi.' mvsoii i u toint r.
1 1 f ou ran'lerl It rnd lo ua. Ask Urat.
Sn.-iV f r fr rt itt atrtfat. rko $1 Irf-1 1-4 tl.
ran hy mtl, $1 &i r xn. $ riprvM prr-fMHl.
saui t'-r- rnitv tf Thr Ural I'unlt rk Pa-ra-nf f
r rn-t iMiurr onr f rar ' ,rT m- t mu itw ran )
n jam.
Eaitimore and Ohio Sallroad.
j Somorsct
and Cambria Breach
.. l .... . , ...v,
. - i.r4.I;.i. kwisi.1 :!:0 n,
. in.! s,.:n. rs. t l.l'i. stoye: n -t lloov-
ersvi:!- .-, j.iioei-iv o .i".
Johnstown Mail lis! a
lit., rs, l I i : ".. slovtsi.e, n ll:".t, lloov
ersviMe l.':al, J.-biisttmn !J:V p. in.
Johnstown Acemr,:r.d.i!..n. II, ck w.txl TrXt
l. 111.. Ssilners' t l':ill Sto;, . r-tioEl t.i, il.JtV-
t-rtvnle t:l'.i, Jolinstovt n ..fx.
.fit IIIWAHn.
Mail. Io!i!istovn
stoyistowu Tii
'iia. m.. lI.Mivcsvine 7:11
.-t;i.i rs -t 7:", l-kwo.Hl
KxpT-s';. J.i!n;st.;wn '.
11. 3;i
wol i:Sx.
n il in.. HiNivi rsviil
i-otm fit I .': i, ilot-k'
siuiclay t ni(y. .lohnstown
li'S'ilWtMrl I'K'y.
:.:'A Soi.i.-rsi t 1:01
coxii::nsk) si-'iniifi.K.
Tn.iiet artive und tl.-iart from tiie station at
Johntovou an lodovt. s:
Wtsi WAht
Southwesb-m Kxpress.
Western r.xr.s
Johnstown Aeeonniiodnt ion....
Pacific Fximsot
Wav l'ltssi-u-er
Ji hns!ovii Aectiui:iiti.iioii...
Fust Line
Keystone Kxpriss
S.ti-chon Kir.-s,
Alt.toita Aisn:iiti,mia;iot
Main I. in- K-(pr.-ss
Ii .y Kxi r-si
A . toona Aionnii..,.j-.i.;i
Mail K!.r.s.
J-.)!ili'o'.vn A tss .li ciiil:, i:ou....
Ihlitit !iliiH tH.-ss
FilSt l-tlie
CS a. m.
.... 4:.'it "
.... t;-".7 "
.... Seltl
.... tTl'l
.... :::C "
.... '.:!.-. "
.... le.ll 1. III.
,.l:i' y. III.
r. '.- a.
.. . .Vtn '
.. s:.
....l-i:l i
..i!:id "
!-''- P
... I ll -...
f. V,
.... 7 I..
...I:)) "
Kor rat. -s, i:i:iti. .(.. to Tek-t A-e -:it or
n-Mnsi 1 1,.... K. Watt, 1'. A. W. 1., JU r iflU
Avenue, li-!bur-, l'a.
s. M. I'rcvis t, J. K. V.1.
(ieii'l M.i iat; r. i 1'ass. Apt.
sjii Ch:ap Liquors
Ily calling at the Old Ilelial-le Litp;.
'j.800 Eiiin St, aal IOC Clinton St,
all iib'is of the cho It t t Kt.t.t rs In n :r
li: t (tm Is. bail. To in v old custom
ers this i n tn !! Ijini
I ! :ct, :i!:
all others ci,nvi:iciiir pr f w ill li
aiven. Io!'t f.T-t t that I kn-p on
hand tin ;re:it'st V:iri' ty of LI-;in:'-f
the choicest br:tb;'s atid at the lowe-d
Is tn sr'jirr-.ry word nrd to dcs'jrrVe tHe
or!v U-.r rin-j) which dnaot I e pii-.d oil
t'.e W:;U'.
7 he ba-v a ro5v
tnrac-le-.ii. A :.'. ar
rs!33iliwa iRi'.Je me
p-nuirt la-e.-nl aai
t :r.:o t': c:cc.-c,' tockiir tr.e
bow ?j ihe p'"-1,
tn t"iat it caar.-x be
r-evc-u t'i la s tf the
tra'ch ty, aui atuiJs injury to it from
etc; ,.it-g.
D with xJL,
r watch 74'
car. 4
j.-.s. Bsii Filled or other i
caea bearing thia trade xcarK-
AH rntch tlealors sell them ii'rtcut extra cost.
S aiieU esse ef tiiil be sen! irec la ti; ana
tj the
KeystoneWatch Case Co.,
320 PACES.
One of tlie best Cooks
ruoki poblisbed. It coa
tains recipes for all Wind
of cookin-r. A'so departs
nwnis oa -neo ciue. Ltl.
n-jrf.e, ind Toilet reel;.
Itdcsod Kr hand refr
In E-T-:h?.ui-r for 20 X.4RQB IJ0S
HEAiiS cue 1 rem Lioa Coiej wrappers
uid a 2-cent ;ti.nio.
, W -it., f. T ll.t . f . .:r . tr.CT Fir. ' I"Tr.Ti!;:rx. W
j tiaT.s ci..:iT tai-ir i's-:-. ., fA -i Km?,,
i ... A s --.r:f..! i-i-.taro CarU la in
' l l-.-: t t : : l
I: ro-Itivel
Huron A Oak
TOLEDO. Ch'10.
li-i Your Ovh Localsty ciisily liinl :ion-ir.;!!y. v. itlif.t.t c.ipl
Ul, tli,r;iii your sjiare hours. Any man,
w .iiiiiiii.lsiy. r irirl can do the wtirli
ily. without ei-r.ct!e. nn
iiecpss.iry. Xo:iiii-.; like it ft.r u.t.ury
Riuktnz ever off ereil in-fore. J;ir wotkt rs
;v:iyi prosper. Xt tin:e w:ist,d in
leariiii! tlie hiislttcss. We Uacli yon
a r.ilit how t') sttccccd frotn tiie I'.ist
lio'tr. Yon can makp a tri-tl withtmt ti
jciise to yourself. -Wc start you. fttniisli
everything nceilcd to carry on the busi
ness successfully, and guarantee you
aicainst failure if yott but follow our
pimple, plain instruction:. Ketuier, if
you are in n.? d of ready tnony, and
want to know all alotit the bst ptiyin;
busiiuss lK-fore the ptiolie, semi us your
address, and we will mail you a doc a
tisut givin-j you all this particutarsi,
TRUE & CO., Box 400,
Augusta, Maino.
ppvmrit answer km! an bnncst ochii ion. writs to
Ml NN ilt It.. ho but hnil nowlr tlftf mm'
exieri4m-e to th jMilHnl ta. nsa. r'aiaitln:.--ti.Mjinrtir
etmtilcntiai. A llaatlbH ol In.
fniali.Mt stKlcmtiiia l'n lrals ana beat to olw
tmtn tlirta ant lrts. AImi a ratalof utioi mtKiiaii
Um nti aewntitte booaa (Hnl trwe.
fatttnta tak-n tlirnticli Mima St Co. miHi
rtssciai noticaia the s. lntiHr Amrrlran. ana
ttiua are broonbc wi-IHt tKt.rthe puWic n ti
oat Kt to toe InTiMitnr. Tltta si.hi.)icl pars' r.
taaotsl wissalT. elttaantl j lllostntttst, hu l-Tfarthrt
largest cireuiaiKia of anr grtfot.tic werk in tlm
t jrl.L tS..' a Ttw. famplt cr.imtt twin frtsn.
liui!din Mitioo, SHinthlT. $i.u a vrar. siina-t
tA' Cvnta. KTvry nunittT cnhtHiiia bests
titul plates, tn oolnr, an phocotcrapha of nev
bAos. wnb plant, enabling buikttrs lottbow Uaa
iati-it dpetkii ami s-tire ttrntract a. A.iliei
M.VSS A CO, Slw louk, Jtil Bkoauvat
A l II Hit Ttt-st
In A merici lor ob-
ftalniiitr a breaa-x
nmoi-ic eauca-tr
tion. Korcireularsaf
p. ou?k 4 sons. Pittsburg. Pa.
Win k w i I m to v
at V J
. jot m m r Ms
Is None Too Good When You Buy
It i Jn.-t as Inii trtiint to S-ct-r..
Ait it is To Have Confidence
You arc always .sure of gettiti tlie
'ar ully
All of the Jlent and Most Apjtrovtd True Kept ;n -,7,
,S' t Ltf net ion iiuaritnteed.
Somerset, - - - Pa,
Somerset Herald
Address oil orders
Main Street,
This Model Drag Stcreis
Favcrlts with
Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Sponges, Truses,
Supporters, Toilet Articles,
Perfumes, &c,
And a Full Line of Optical Goods always on hand. From
large assortment all can be suited.
Always on hand. It is always a pleasure to display our god
to intending purchasers, whether they buy
from us or elsewhere.
Lumber and Building Materials.
Hard and Soft "Woods,
Oak, Poplar, Miling.
Waloiit. Yellow Tine, Flooring,
Cberry, MilnKlen, lonns
I.alb, MhltelMnr Hlicd?,
A Rcner.-.l llnof nil ffi-elr-. of l.umttcr ami Ruilttin; M:it. ru.l an.l i:.riiii: s
tttck. Alstt. can furnish anything in the line of our l-usim-ss toorirr itl
Me promptness, sucls as linu-kets, t-nld-si.a work, t tf.
Elias Cuxxixgham,
OEce auJ TarU Opposite S. & C. R. E. Station, MSH:lT rl
to hut Yorn
Memorial Work
WM. F.SHAFFER,, i-kxx a.
MaiHifai turrr of anJ I-a!rrin
Kjstcm Work Kuniish.-J nn Short Notice
Also, Ajf. nt for the WIIITK RIMXZK !
lVisona in uml of Monument Work will
find it to lit. ir Interest t cull nt t shop
wlicrvi. pn.K-riliwiiiK will Im eiv.-n 111. in
t-tlisI.i.-tioii Ktctninici-ti in evt-rv case, mii.I
tlw' Tt' ' uviW "I'"' ttcinioii to
Whit Bronze, Or Pur Zino Monumart
Intni-lucvO l.y lU v. W. A. Kin?, n, a
lii..n,vimiii In th,. , in .Mxt.rii.1 and
i''istiucii.m,Hii.l which in .l.tin.-d .. Ih the
poptittar Monutii. tit for our rluim-t-uhle 1 II
nii.te. liive us a cull.
The cream of the countrr papers U fonnj
Iu IrfmingU)n,i County Seat Lista. Shrewd
t-Jrertlsers vju1 tliemselres of these lists, a
copy of 'hith caa Lo bail of Hetniagton
Eros, of 2icr Turk 4 Ritsliur.
in the 1'hynician
titiv i
frc-lie-t i: d'u im-
to The IIeralp.
Somerset, Pa.
Rapidly Bsccming a Great
Pscph in Search of
Prescriitioiisl Family Recsii
Lumber Yard
rirkrto, Jlen!"1
! Slur K.
Ralutatrr!. Clu-mnt.
-. r
Over 500
Mtit".rTi 'iT .... ,
a il in Pi-mai B. H at it "' , ftf?
- sss REl-niTSTClN Tbfc