UJ , S jinClirtl IlwiUU. 1- . -. ,. si Ti l- K'.itor. ..Nov. t..r :r;iil intn:- ..j - i; ;' ",'1'.'l'...-u"it will lpiiimlo :i:ii i. a , .-.':!! 0 "' .... , , 1, :v a firt-'l:iss raiw- '. ... ,, !i!:uia ".unty, ' .' '. a t'.:r.!T to oi'inniit a : v..T s'.i vjM n t for tin- drr.wi-'t, van : J.N- 'A f. .. w i.l Jc:iv Freiloriiks- . . -. i.: 1. " V ,.v r t. t'i ' I-!'''" faction of . , -;;k fa rr.il tire at Icv .;;;:i St., begins Aug. On"! . i ... in s!ic !-vl-yU'rian r , . n.-xt S:i'.lith JHv. 2, "v i i'- i':tor. moniing and ,v j (., ruia'iy ir.vi.U-s that a V '"' "ii Hi-'.v '"' l':l,,;,u;li'.v oruel or ?L iV .mll w-.rk nil wk, to 111 "11 . , t....,r..iv ii'i.l Siiluhiv. 1 ,M 1' J .-.'"".' ill the follow- ;i ' ' ., ... 1 Mi"tftioa to sinners; l'. toV.ll of KlliJ, .-ii . m 1... . " ' 1. ". i ruii:l every Mittday to t'h.-b ol"rcliiosis m-rvi.-os." r ,:.r"t" the state depart all t'ac l-?i-lstive districts of - i t.itli'it I'll Tki'Ill- . -. .. ... I lh.l 1 ,-!:.' ,,!.-.. ill! Ul.iM... , ,j:y tvven'.y-eiKlit ol tue 'next house of rppre- T!ic r.'I';'i,'a!'s w'U hav 'U '' ".' ... 1 I "" joiiit lllot. , i I'.vlln's Brussels t'ar . . , . ir.1 iii nnv natterti ? "...u:.;. !..v. rt!i:i'.ijo!l'TS prics. - 1 u any arti.-lo, S)auJ r.Vlir. s:.. .1..'..tislowa, la V A-x ialion of Somerset . .. . !:;,.:.'.. .:irHa!ie cut Monday " J ., ;, v. T. J. llristow, prv-sentcnl ,-. i':, i -hii'.s as a livierdi- j-v r,- v.:!- a in1.! attendance and . u Tlio next meeting I,, ' I -i: ::i Kvatip,ii'sil iarsagt ...... j,...-. it 2 p. m. V Washington ounty r, ..ri:i.e thir.jf in lestov- .. , I'.iaine u;! the latest , '. ;:i diat county. This is :; a -t to identify perma r w.xU civil divisions of that v name f the county's most -;ii, ! native s..n. and Judsre ...in il.ii:" t'.iis honors himself I nt r ihe r.-ss Fw! and Eiwil- '.::: r. niii'-h I ill run afpiiiwt any l i ijil'.. Any one wanting a first . '. --. i-,'. r can sr-t it from me. i ' " J. M. KlK E, j r.iiis r, air mi.-' i:-..-as:ires worth framing ni v.-.ir kitchen: Ioiirtcasxor.s- ;ii d Ui'.i.i.t' tal-hsp onfil. One J .;.,; ii.jui.I t-ii-a'.s one piuiid. Two J .:';; (Ui'l -1 :il one cup of one half a I i ! i T-.n.:iw l ta Mcspo-citill oi ttonr ,' . ii ' . unci. Four cups of Nread ij. -.art, or one p.nind. . ::,,( . it: r iipials one-half j..niiil. ..f l. 't'. T fecials one jound. no ...- .nl'a'. i!" I'liticr C alais one oiiin o. ;;. .r:z.- "f :m -i? is'.ials two ounces. , jirii one ;. niiid. Two cups of .,:;..: 1 s'.isl'.r e-pial one pound. Two i ,i iiai' c ips ..f p.r.vdered sugar equal d j i i i I Mr. Isilic. Tones of this place, has ae t -the agency of the Kiuiira Hoofing N'. York. This is one of the largest 4 .'. '- r "'ting companii-s in existence. -. will le at all times prepared to 't , .. r r i.iiiit metal roofing, or to furnish j w r. tiug of the famous "Climax" -a'.. 1 1:...- i.Uest and lest rooting in the .rii-U I t . -i. H.-iid.art will cmtriliute to Il'ir j '.li' fir lur-emlier 1 a d.mMe- i -irav. jug .f tha first Thanksgiving N-. w Kngaind. an.l a d-.-seriptive arti . - h r.-i.ir.t to custom which were pe i ... ir ; tin- .iis. rvaneo of that day in the i .r!v h:-: .: v ..I'tliis eountrv. There wiM 3T:i:.:ik:viug storv liv S.iphie Sw elt, , i "Tic Parasite," hy A. t'oiian loyle, .: iv .-.ar'.u le 1. Henry Iiomis Nel cimrilmte an article on "Our i. ii r .- I i r Iyer-;." which will Ik" .1 i:a .-: i a! i:i:erot in view of the a: :c:i i:i ni iii naval circles in favor :. -j'.y !ia:tie-!.h!ps r.i'-!M-A- ..f the past few days haseauv iiu:;v f.niii-rs imiipivideil with a f - .,r to think aliout prixuring J ' t l.itii i .f tlu-.-e ne-essary articles. "'- 11 I :ni;i m's advert isement in - - : ..i:...r i; iiv making your jnirchases. .. . a kn u a as the Price Mill, Tmt ...!: w.i pan-liascd I.y Mr. Kendall if '' "1. iii - -it he the scene of luss--'il':.: -. a-th" f itirt c citirni'.il the i:i-; ii. Mr. John S. Uraves ho . .. II ... I . ...... . . r 5 hi a iai i:i ior lie managenieiii u 1 :u ii li.-r... 'A ill o....'i!.v the new leiild- :.. : : '. i.y Mr. Ja,.M. .k with his ': wi;:i him will runs Messrs. Will. !io:;-es M. M. Smith, v. ::!i tlieir familii-s and such :' eig-iieit' of the new Imsi- iiuy d.-mand. Slow ly, iit surely, ' li :n- iiiai!iifa.-tiiri-s start anew i f.v.-li: aii.l Unnj;. there now Tk . I; i: .a.- '.yr.'.y i lu-.M- iffni l-ifc t'om- i.'Aii! li fianl a:j exeel e '.kin; niin.-e meat : Take : 'i 1 a:i l :io.pe i misin--, :' n . !l-w a:ied driel cur ilof fun-ly ehoppei ap- I- i f w eil-pj.'ke-l and fine :. one pound of sugar, one- iii 1 of jfnUed Naples liis-ting.-rs ., two oiiir.-cs ea-h ! v.iiiiiel tirange, lemon i, "lie of grated lintiiieg. a 'i:i-! . :r. U y tui! '.r .n i ei:::y of p , 1,-red cloves half a 'r-.ia iv ; ? i i a e:ipful of jmrt wine; i in.-iiei an t finely ehop a:i 1 the juice and tinelv !-f :,i.a t ' !' : a l.-.u hi a.-e a great a ldi T..is tuiti -,. n, it should 1 kept '''u ' '" ' Usui it. f.ii iii from the I'ni ;ilow n a a;iplii-a!..le to Somerset " .-s a it i t i tli is.' frvva ''ii y fir.n ',-s are selling t!ie:r a: lr . s-' tiSii an s-ta. Thee its Ifthctirecnocoun- -r are i':.n their coal liecause i-ivf 1 1 ,i , j. !,., financial necessi 7 ' a laiits of no argument. " iii y o-i-ht t hold it until ,'1't 1 ; .r it at least as m:icli tier -ati:i i'd reulir.e froui an acre -- '- 'jii-i, .:, ST,,!P ,,3 Tne a,11(,l)Ilt j j !-' lak.:ii o-.u of an average T r- r-:i,' - fr. 1 u, , , :tM (, , , ,asiK.l. ,.-':,: ,r , , g,.is his -oal into the " it a jiMii: even ofoueix-nt a litish " n" '' th.-r..r..re clears at least fiSm & .... :. . - " i :u- tanner ought to eH la . tiiati j r ? i for his sliare of it." T. ... --.ear.- e; " yo-jn mea on fciruis 1L Com-ii iniiv who will lini-B mn- !."! ,'l !i:Ur''l'''!wiuU'r wI,''"h eould , a '-v,' i '"' advantage of themselves to "!":"'!"itv ''-v ll--"iiii allth.y Lr "U! t'"' "I'i'1"""' on of wieiiee to '.rC-"'" U i,ar" 'lt is the lies'. 'nu- ;' i""re- Tl,is n,ay lw ne sa v,"ff."U'"f ll"'free Winter Courses V-ii 'ti? -'"Ji! "r'' ,1'jrt't"u,'lure dairying, S 'u""''eort'reauiery Manag? ( ; "-.. rt.l .y the peatKj-ivjjuia State rwT at Sul C,1U,2. Centre H' ".' r ' -v systematic I'ourse of i nut i. - . i.g in Agriculture under the ieg. It will pay any Ua'x U1UU '"lt n ,:"S l " tUe -ol uk int.) thi matter at oine by iTWpp.f,,. II. J. Waters for il J I:aai;.UK.u pntof her riisml-MiHstV.r.1 Wi-lU-r, t.f Hi!.t.1-Us wovk. The dance to be jriven at the Somerset ll . iseoi. Friday evening, ii is said, w ill be the principal local s.x-iety event of the winter. Service will be held in the HeWmed Clmrcli on next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock, pnN-e.i.ll.y a song ntr icq 1k trinningut (i:40 P. M. The r al estate and niinend rights of the late John R. Itiinii.-uii w i!l !m wild t j public outcry at 1 o'cl.n k on Friday next, : in Welici-slmrg T.Kir.iiiglu Allen, the six-year-old son -f ex-i'vtin-ty commissioner William I'hl, died on Wednesday night at the home of his par ents in Somerset township. Mr. Frank S. liiikey and Miss Mary E. Barron, Uth of Somerset township, w ere married on the lsth insu, at the Kvangel icul parstinage, by the pastor, Ilev. W. Iloupt, The sale of the real estate of the late W. T. ling.? advertised for the past several weeks in the ccl.nnris of the Hkiiai ii, has Ikh-ii ciiitiiiued to Saturday, IKh. 1st., at Stoyestow n. The many friends throughout the county of Mr. Henry L. Walker, ofSio nycreek tow nship, w ill lx sorry to learn that he is confined to his home Biitl'ering from typhoid fever. The I'liion Thanksgiving service will Tie held Thursday, Xov. ViHh at 1'fc iO A. m. in the IMciples t-hurch. Ilev. W. II. Me I'.ride will preach the sermon. The usual otVerings will lie collected for the needy. A liberal colle-tioii is solicited. Ilev. Kllis, of KiK-kwotsI, a prominent minister of the Vnited Hrelhern Church, has Tieen granted a pension. Hev. Kllis eulistel in the navy when a lad and was on lioard the famous "Monitor' from the day she sailed from New York harbor until she went down in a gale off Cape Ilnttents IHiring the temiorary alisence of the Sheriifs family last Tuesday evening, at tending the lecture in the Opera House, a sneak thief entered his private residence and stole a ( wicket Ixxik, containing a small amount of money, and several arti cles of dress Iielonging to a young lady visitor. On the fourth p.igj of this issue will 1m; found the address delivered by Principal O. O. Savior, of the Uockwood schools, before the Teachers' Institute, in resjHinse to the Address of Welcome. We com mend it to all our readers w ho are in terested in the sin-cess of the public schools of the countv. On Tuesday, "Joth inst., Mr. Norman Meyers, of near Stoyestown, and Miss Ii iniii Wcller, of Somerset township, were united in marriage at the home of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Ilev. Iloupt, of the Kvangelicai Church. A iiuiiiIkt of invited guests witnessed the marriage. Prothonot iry's clerk- Henry F. P.ar ron w ho was the vii-tim of an ao-ident while gunning four or five w eeks ago. whereby he lost two fingers from his left hand by the a:-cideiital discharge of a shot gun, was able to 1h on the streets for a short time yesterday, w hen he was warmly greeted by his many friends Ir. I.o-.vmsn Ii. Ijohr, a native. of this county, toid brother ;f Justice of the Peace F.dward Lohr, of Shade township, died at his home in Johnstown on Thurs day last from typhoid fever. lie is sur vived by his wife, who is lying critically ill with the same disease, and by two small children. The remains were in terred at Stoyestown. We were in error hist week w hen w e stated that 'Squire Ix-vi Williams, of Up per Turkeyfoot township, had purchased the L-idwick Gardner farm in Jefferson township. Mr. Wiliiams purchased the Ludwick SchriK-k farm, located half-way between Iivansville and Ilakcrsvillc, and it is said to Is-one of the best farms in that section of the county. Jesse Christner and Miss Kate iK-ilz, lioth of Jenner township, called at Keg ister A Recorder Millcr'solli.t last Thurs day aftermsm, an-1, after pnwuring tlie necessary b ifil diK-iiment, wended their way to the office of Prothon. iry Savior where they were united in the holy binds of matrimony, the Proth (notary Ilev. F. P. Savior p.-rforming thj tvrem ny. The rafters on Mr. Vaunear's new four story hotel have raistil and it is ex pected that the handsome structure will be well under r.of by the end of this week. A large force of carpenters are hammering away oii the building from dawn till dark and will push rapidly ahead from now until the hotel is ready t. accommodate the traveling public, which, the proprietor thinks vvill lie altout the middle of February. The following committee, hits lieen ap pointed to apply the Thanksgiving alms tithe wants of the oor: Mrs. Sophia Patton, Mrs. Win. 15. I'rease, Mrs Wil liam Oustoii, Miss F.'.la Ferncr, Mrs. iitst. II. I.ve. Mrs. W. 11. I'latt, Mrs W.J. P..ierand Mrs F.J. Kooser, and Captain Charles J. Harrison. I5eMds l-sto-.ving a'lsoluie charity, th c im'iiitte.? will end-avor to se.-iro Ii'nr fn C.i ' n:i cmployed needy of I'm borough of s un ersct. Last Thursday night a week Mr. Frank it.til.mrw" st.leii.lid new trraiicrv. w ith all of its contents consisting of a large lot of wheat, rye and oats, and several vehi cles in Shade township, was burned to the ground. The tire occurred at o'clock in the mornii gaiid was not dis covercl until it had communicated w ith the barn, situated a few rods from the gratiery. Mr. lto.lg. rs was aroused fr.un ton l:v the craciiinir of the burning timliers. Hem idea single-handed an.l successful effort t save his barn and dwelling house from the flames but was l.i Ilv burned abmt tlio face m iloing so. The los am Hiiite.I t four or fivo hmi dred doM irs partly er.erel by insur. anei Five ye ir a? Mr. U idgers' liarn was d -str ive 1 '. tiA IK' thinks both lire? were t'.i w ir'.: of i:i ; .. li triu i. C:i:;a tor Malotie, of the water works. an 1 Towa Council have been at 1- gger- heul- forso.-iu' time past, and a few even iii"siac3 a resolution was adopted by C.tuncil taking tm un- unolete 1 work off the Iliad of the c ititra t r. Mr. Ma lone i' a i .ears did n.t c inteuiplate any ' ' . . r r I .... I I. t such move on liu pan oi oaucn ao.i prom;.tly sent hit att ra.v here fr the parpo-e of asking that he be permitted t comole;e th work. Last week an ex pert arrived sin e which time a fori of niL'ii have Uc:i engaged nt re-opening trenches and si -Pi'ing leaks in tlie mains It is c!aim?l tnat th? expert now fiere thoroiighlv undei-slaiius nis n.nii.- that in a few dayV time he w ill h ive siic- eeded in corro-ling all of Ui trouMe, w hen c mtraclor Mal me wi.i reei-M e i.ie moiiev withheld by t'oumil until the work "is finished according t outract. It i-iilleimd that Uurgi'-is Wellley lies ... .i .. ,,:i,t- .levLsinz a schema whfreby o.ir town can b? provide ! with a system of sewers His Honor is oniy a uiuu wav in a Jvan of th J general pablio on .i.;L ,.i..n In fa.-t the matter of sew erage ha- been agitates! in certain quar- ters ever sin. tins Imroiigu nmienoo. i furnish the residenLs with a water supply. It is contended on one sue mat u ho iL i.,.,;...f.it:d to the public health to .i ...i.. the e era-re of the town into; " ."" .. . Cox's creek, and tl.3 a pan-s mate that the next legislature win i . ... ..-Vktj.inr t hostivaill- tskdl U pass S liiw ' "vv r .i c:.-trt fmiii Kuril UC Thc QUfStioil ui i lie '1'- v' of keeping the streams of the Stat pure hai lx.n agitate! in lifferent swtioiw f the Commonwealth during the past year and it U not unlikely mat a convene,, movement looking U this end will le made ai sooa as the legislature metta. i Mr j. BIuYiugh Acqcittol cf tlie Xurfier cf '.Toe" Ankeny. Mrs Lydia lilubnugh, win was lai;t week ilad on trial Air her life in the VKtnmri-!iiail .i-tnibti. ... wt u-,u - found "not gniity" by the jury, who j rendered tlieir verdict shortly utter Court j con cue 1 Friday morning, after having ; U-en l.K-ked up all night. The defendant : showed signs of great emotion when the ' i-li.-L- ..fit. .......... -..I l... . ...K.j Tl... trial of the case consumed three days The defense was Miiiuete.l Iiy A. I (i. Hay, F.MJ., of Somerset, and Paul H. (iai; thcr, Hsi., of (ireeiisburg. The case j'.ttracted i-onsideralile interest here sim-e the invused and her victim are both natives of Somerset county and both are members ol w ell-known families The killing oivurred on Thursday after noon, Aug. h, at the home of the Itlu Iwugh's, a short distance west of the Somerset county line. It uppcan from the evidence adduced at the trial that Ankeny's hogs had gi;ltjn into P.lu baugh's buckwheat iield; IJlubaugh drove them out and ieiined tlu-.n up, and w hen Aukeiiy i-auie for them he was told that he could not have them until after he had paid s-i.tiU for the damage they had com mitted. Ankeny atte.upUsl to drive the hogs away and the Itlubaugli's attempted to drive them into the stahle. A tight followed in which Ankeny got the liet of Iilutiaiigli. Mrs. Klubaugh came to the assistance of her hiislKind armed with a double barreled gun, when Ankeny grabU-d hold of her. In the struggle which followed fie gun was dise.'mrged and A nkeny fell to the ground mortally wounded. A w itness for the Com monwcalth, Mrs ISelle Stouffer, swore that sho Was at Ulubaiigh's on the day of the killing 5 that when Mr. riubaugh lean us I that the hogs were in his buckwheat lie loaded his gun, assisted by Lis wife, and started out, saying ha would shoot the hogs and Ankeny; Mrs I'du'-augh melted the bullets; r.luKiugh returned in a Lalf- hours" time with the hogs when ho declared thai if Ankeny came around after night am! attempted to steal the hogs, without paying damages, he would shoot him. The defendant told the jury the story of the hogs as related uIhivc and said T.lu!iaugli scolded me for having the gun. I started to put the gun away w lien the children cried that Ankeny was try ing to kill llinbaugh. (Ankeny was cloking her husband.) Ankeny gr-abUd me and ;aii i 'Now I've got you ; PII clean you all out,' He tried to get liie gun; after tlie gi;:i wius accidentally discharged he walked a few steps and thcti w ent down on his knees" The w itm-s.s denied the statements made by wltm-sses for the Comiii.mw h'-alth in regard to statements made by her. She claimed that her arm was black and blue w here Ankeny grab lied her. The defendant's testimony was oor rolionitod by her husk-ind and son. A miiuber of w itiusises testified to her goisl character. Appreciated in Other Counties as Well a At Home. The Huntingdon county papers nf I.wt week are verj- romplime'it.-iry in their remarks ooiuvrniiigCouniy Siiiierintend ent J. M. Iterkey, w ho w :: one ;f the instructors :;t the Tcat-iiers' Inst.it :. iield in that county the preceding week. The Huntington i.i.n! A'i.'.j among other complimentary references to his work, says : 'Supt. P.erkey srsike very carnally to the teachers am! director coiijuiiit'y. Since the professor has proved himself to bo such an efficient worker in the public schools no ln-lter crvni can read ily be found t talk to sn-li a Uxly. If thcsch.Hilhousc is to lie the "Itepubli can Line of Kortilieati on," the teachers and dins-tors must march on in this grand march hand in hand. The te;icher who iloos not voluntarily support the lo.-al institute work is not worthy of lio ing called a fca-her. This was the last time the professorsjHike to the audience and the teachers think him one of the finest instructor tliev haveevcr Lad." An Exsel!ent Concert. The pe iplu of this community have rarely, if ever Tieiire, had un opiMirtunity of hearing a cMiic-rt of s-ich high order and artistic merit as that given by the Wilczek Cotii-crt Company in the pe:a House, Friday evening. Kvery perfor;n er on the program appeared to the ln-st advantao,) m.j ;i!i jirt-artist or pre-eminent ability. The violin solos of Mr. and Mrs Wile.ek were tiie features of the evening and Imih were given repeated enoires by the etithusia.-tie audience. Mrs Wilczek unfortunately broke the neck of her violin a very valuable in strument early in the evening and the audience was therefore compelled to forego the plias-.iro of hearing the gifted young couple play a duet. The tenor so loist, Mr. Magioni !. Pas juali, was a rev elation to hi audience, who, by the way, had heard some exceptionally lino sing ing during the week by teachers in-t tute soloits. He c mijiletely i-ipturetl his audience w ith his first lr.imlier and gra-efuily re;ond';d to (wo encores. The soprano. Mine, Schultze-W ichmanu, is oiitchu-.-ied in the excellent company she is traveling in, although she showed oc casional giimpsos of having Tkh.ii a very exi-ellent vo-alist at one time, perhaps w hen h w:v a few year younger. The pianist, Mr. Krnost do Iliva, is a gitli-1 performer and afforded great pleasure to all w ho attended Friday night's on.-ert by his in irveious playing. Manager Caseliecr is to be congratulated upon hav ing sei-urel the Wilczek Company for his house of amusement. Te:oer Cane "TJacle Joe." A notable and praiseworthy feature of the late Teacher's Institute was tiie pre seiialion if a hainlsoine joId headed ibmy cane to Prof. J.J. . tutzinun, at Thursday afternoon's session. The pre s -nation speech was made by Siiperin teudent Iterkey, w in briefly referred t j the work Prof. Stutzman liadaiMiniilish ed in the s-hoils of his native county, he having been the first tiunty Superintend ent and for more than fifty years actively interested in tleir advancement Mid w el fare, of the admiration and resi-ct he has over lieeu held in by the teachers and scholars, and of tha great tendurnoss w ith which they refer to "I" tide Joe,' now in his declining years. Thecane, he said, was purchased with a fund raised by vidunta rv sulscr;ptioiis on the part of teachers actively engaged in the schools and was presented as a token of their affliction and veneration fortlu Professor. "I'licle Jih'" occupied a seat on the platform and when he arose to accept the cane he was greetejl with tumultuous ap plause by the audience, which filled every available inch of space in the Court room. He inadeanumlier of humorous remarks referring to himself as a relic of a fossili ferous age, and giving some of his early experiences iti the school room. The occasion was one ofgre.it pleasure to all preselib H. L. 8IFJ2. Tiie chest nut season is over. Now for b isincss My st-s-k is complete. I -rT dially invite your inspectioiu We have thelstst assirted stK-k of Heneral Mer ehandiso in tow n. Come to my store for I)ry UikhIs, Notions, irovries Hats Caps H.Kds C'te., and don't fbrgct we sell Hood's Paine's I'iereo's and all tho leading and staple patent medicines and all at rediii-od priis If you are In need of a suit of Clothes Overat, Shoos or a giKs! solid old or filled watch, I have the goods and above all I have the prices t suit the times Ilight up Main Cross street, opposite the post office, you will find the lies se-l.-cted stock of tJeneral Merchandise at the store of H. L. Sipf, Siinerset, Pa. The Sridenee. A gisl many people in Somerset are using the Cinderella llange, w hich Ls the titvt evideni of its merits Sold and guaranteed br J.VVF.s Ii. HoLrtERBAl'M. Sifiierset, Pa. Eiggfit and Bsst Seioa of Teachers' In titr ta Ever Hold in tie Connty. When the SS'.h annual ssio:i of the ! Somerset County Teachers' Institute ad -i journel s:iip die at noon, Fric'ay, there ; passed ii.n history one of the. mot jirof itableand inis.rliiiit meetint.'si'f niiiimm ! sclufcd iilucators ever held in this county. ' As indicated in our last issue thev. ti-k was d"voted to active, earnest work on ' the part of Ixith teachers and inslnieters, ! and the lwnelits derived lonst manifist themselves in the vari-.us schisil rotans of the county and niilt in permanent good to the cause of education. The in fluence exerted by such eminent instnn tors a lrs Waller, Noss and p.ruuibaiigh is of inestimable value to teachers. Tiiey incite a desire for a inoro li'wrrl ei.a tion and demonstrate that tha school master's is an honorable profession, fubd with the loftiest ambitions to which noble men and women can a-pire, not with standing the fact that in many oases his services are unappreciated and but Jwiorly compensated. Such a man as Ir. P.rumba.igh, for in stance, can not fail to bean inspiration to all who teach in the schools of this Com monwealth. Although still a young man the lines of his scholarly face Is-ar traces of devotion to hard and silent study. The same lines also reveal that he is master of the subject he chooses to spcik ujsiii. Atid what pleasure it is to hear him. He us"s no catchy phrases to please the ear, but his every sentence is coinjuised of tlie purest Knglish and conveys information that :uu.t at once entertain and instruct. lr. Itriimbnugh's numerous addresses ls.'fore the institute upon " The Teacher," Primary Heading," "The Three .Ts of Kdueutio'i, " " Advanecil Heading," "1'u n;-t ion if Nature in lalm-ation," "How to Study and Teach Literature," a B-ni which would siil)i-e for ail evening lecture, "Moral Kducation ; or 1a liiui Fii-st 15ea Man," were the most pleasing featurc-sif the wek and were eagerly looked forward to by Is tii teachers and the general public. lrs. Waller and Xoss ImiIIi gave valua ble instruction galhered from years of ex perience in the profession and fiom their r.dvantagi-ons positions for learning w hat is liest and w holc.souic for the schools of Pennsylvania. "sibmt of a toLdof iHeachei-s employed in the schools of the county were present at the institute. f the four alcnl ones, two weie "sisters" employed in the schools of New It tltimore iKU-ough, and the remaining two were Miss Kelle Ship ley, of Meyersda'e, who w as detained at home by sickneis and Karl Statler, of" Ogle tow iisjiip, hose aisence was uiiac coiinted for. The lecture cor.rse w as up to the high staiivlard of former years In fact it w as taken as a whole, an improvement over a Handier of preceding courses. The "Pro tect ion-Free Tride Pebate" T.etwiH-n Hon. K. llorr ami Hon. M. 1. Harttr at tracted an immense audience. With very few exceptions the audience was delight ed with the entertainment. Mr. Harter opened the debate. He is an excellent speaker, without any of the arts of tiie orator, and unfortunately on this isitisiou on the wrong side of the feii-e His re marks, however, were iin-.ie-t:ona! -y the best elucidation of the Free Trade theory ever heard in this county, and were nivcn an attei.live hearing by t!ie .i.i.iii'ini', ;. majority f v. horn were stal wart Ib-pul licaus and !iel:evers in a jiro-t.-ctive tarill". Hr. IIorrs;iid that he really pitied his friend Hurler because he had told li'.m that li" was wrong in his conclusions on tiiis great snioiniepiestioii sever..l years ago, but thai he, Hal ter, either Wouldn't s"C it, or didn't w ant to see it. Then he niarshalle I an array of tacts completely demolishing the tine spun theories of his opponent and concluded by challenging him to refute them. Mr. Horr's ri marks were interlarded with many happy sal lies at the position of his adversary, which mile.! forth prolonged outbursts of applause from the audience. Both speak ers appeared to 'oe very much in earnest even though each received perhaps ?l-i for the evening's entertainment and for several hours after the debate lrid liocti brought to a close Mr. Halter rtood in tha hotel hall and argued to an assemblage of gentlemen that his iisilioii js the eorrei-t ojie and that the people of the I'niled States must yet realize the error they have committ'-d. Major tiann'M Us-ture Wtslnesdav even ing, on "fire;-.; Naval Hatll'.-s of the Pe-K-llioii," was of absorbing interest, made so by the fact that the speaker had partio ipated in several of them. His descrip tion of the engagement between the "Monitor" and tiie " Merrimae" at Hampton Koads was thrilling, ai was, also, his description of the engagement at New Orleans and Mobile Hay. The lecturer spoke for over two hours and held the attention of his audieiu-e until after he had pronounced the List sentence. The Schumann Concert Company proved a disappointment o the large au dience which crowded the opera House Thurslay evening. The company cannot lie c iinpared with :ny of the musical or ganizations appearing Is-fore an institute audience in former years without sulfej iug by the comparison. The entertainments taken as a whole, were exceptionally goo.l and rt ili-ct gnat credit upon the jiidgiiient of Sinierintt nd ent Herkey, w ho, of course, had never before heard the Sehumanu aggregation make an attempt at vocalization. The total receipts of the iiistit'Ke, in cluding the county appropriation of were stCJ.-). (i,e total cxjm.iixss were tl!. 10, leaving a balance in the hands of the County SuiHTtiileiidciit of s.vi.10. The s-s.siin .f Ti-n-hers' Institute just closed has again illustrated the w isdom of the school directors of the county in electing a capable and conscientious County Superintendent. Thesm-cess of the institute was in a great measure owing to his individual ef forts The following resolutions were adoptc-l, by Institute ln-fore final adjournment : ltKsot.vKo, That under the leadership if our abln tiiid etiicient SilH'rinit;!idtint, Prof. J. M. Herkey, our M-hools have made a Jong stride forward since our last annual institute, and that we w ill use every endeavor during the year iin:i which we have entered t carry them still fart her tm in ihe march of progress ih '!, That we express reiiew nd iMiitiib'iice In our worthy Superintendent, recognizing in him a man in every way lit'tst and adapted for his work, and that wo will heartily co-operate w ith him in till that will Ire for the we'fare of our schools. Av.w.r.-., That the thanks of the mem 1rs of the Institute are hereby tendered to all the instrm-tors w ho participated in tlie exercises of the occasion, and also to all w ho so kindly assisted, by their pres ence or otherwise, in our entertainment, thus rendering our present institute one of the Irest, if not the liest, ever held in the county. llsxiilw'l. That it Ls the duty of every teacher t" aid in dignifying and elevating his profession by becoming more cul tured, more scholarly, and by adopting tht liest methods to tiie needs of the pu pils tlrxulift. That it is a duty of our gov ernment to insist on a proper education of all its citizens and that to accomplish this punxrse our legislature should p:csi a compulsory school law with proper re. strict ion. t;.-x.!rt: f. That we riioognize the great i:np.rtan-e of right ideas of government and institutions of our country Is-ing in culcated in the minds of the pupils of our k. li'.ls and that they le inspire.! w ith greater patriotism and love of country. rc. That wo heartily apprwiate the earnestness and real of our dire-tors as shown in the work of their convention held at their own expense and sacrifice of time, O.O. S avi-ok, J. F. IMVKLV, Hobekt W. Liiirt, S. O. snrri.KK, W. H. Fkitz, Ira I'abvkr, Miss Lizzie LivK-Kn, Miss MakyI'lwk, Miss Iia SrKioiiKR. Com. Good Beading Hitter. These long w inter evenings you will want some reading matter and you will want to get this reading matter at a numer ate expense. The way to do it is to go to FISHEHS BOOK STOKK, where you can runt first-class Novels at & cents per copy to read and return. Sjooai DireeUr'i ConTantija. The fith annual session of the Wire tor's AssiN-iation was called to order by the President, A. J. Hilcman, of Somerset Horo-.igh, in the Academy School Haihl ing at 10 a. m., Wednesday, Nov. 'Jlst. M. J. Pritts, Ki of the Somerset School Hoard, delivered a very interesting- a:id instructive opening address. Altera short talk by County Supt. J. M. Herkey, the regular program was tnkeii up. "P'.trpose and iiietii-sU of visitin.; schools," opened by S. ll. Y lit XV, of Ureeuville, followed by Hon. I. J. Hor ner, a. J. C .lb tni, K.., Ii. Ei:um. I, I. J.Miller, N a!i S tt, ex-c v.inty S-.ipU. J. C. Well -r and W. Ii. S inner. On mo tion of J. It. Hivi. of th-j I'raint Sea 1 H ard, an inviiatio.i ivu extended lr, Hrumlia-igh, Pres of Juniatta College, Huntingdon, Pa, to attend the afternoau sesion. D:sc;is-.ion "Should Liirectora le paid for their work" oponej by A. S. Miller, of Lincoln; further diseassed by L F. Hniut, lr. Kimmel, S. I). Yutzy, Noah Scott and others The President appointed I). J. Horner of Somerset Horoiigh, query manager. Tlie association adjourned to meet at 2 r. m. AFTKKNOON KKsSIoN. Convention calleil to order by the Presi dent. Ir. Hrumhaiigh being pres.'iit was introduced and delivered a very interest ingaud instructive talk to the Directors of the ctiuveiitioii. Iisi'us.si.n-"Needed School Legislation" opened by Ir. S. S. io.d, of Meyers -dale, who ubly showed to the conven tion the in::ny tu-etls of better School Legislation. The Ir's talk opened a wide field for an interesting dis cussion by tho le.id profession, J. It. Scott, Ksj., F. J. Kooser, l"si A. J. Col born, Ksq., and others Iiseus.sioii-"Tlie Kc iiomy and Uenelits of Free Text liooks and supjilies," open- el by J. H. Seott, Ksyj., followeil by A. J. ColVirn, Ks., Hr. Kminiel, Noah Scott and S. A. Ican. The President appointed the following committees: C'jmmitii'e on Hesolutions Noah Scott, S. I. Yuty and I. I. Leydig. Kxvcutive Committee J. M. CVxik, Win. Zufail, JoMph Horner, and J. 1L Scott, Ksj. 'i iie Cou entioii adjourned to meet at 1-) A. M., Tluii-sday inoi ning. Conveuiioa csilled toorder by the Presi idem. Minn!.- ofafternooii wssion read and approved as recorded. l'isi.s,;on "should Wag.-s 1 t.raih d by Certificate,. I'sjieriem-e or Si-hisd Taught' opentsl by N. H. 1'enrod of Soiu- erset township and further discussed by "I'ncle Joe," whose long experieiii-e and brtd views on educational iiestioin was listened to with profound interest. We wi ll remember him luick in the fifth- and sixties when he pioneered the educa tional interests of the countv. The convention proceeded to the elec tion of officers for the next vcar. Tho fol- lowinj were nominated and uiianimotis- y elci-te l : President, A. J. Hilt-man, Somerset oorough. Vie President S. !. Yutzy, (ireen- ville tow nship. Sccretiiry I.J. Miller, X."rsita Horoiigh. Trf asurer Ii. J. Horner, Somerset itor ugii. Adjournc-il to meet at 1:T) P. in joint s-ion wiih the Teachers' Institute in the Court House, w here special addresses were delivered. Kighiy two Hire-tors responded to their names representing ib:r st every district in the cotir.t v. The Fifth Annual Convention of the Director's As.-H-iation was a profitable session to the Directors of the county, as much so no doubt, a the Institute to the teachers. Kvery county in this Commonwealth lias its Teacher's Institute and no meetings are ni.-re largely attended and none more anxiously looked forlhrm these an nual gatherings of teachers. I hope in a few years as much can lie is? said for the director's convention, I. J. M 11. 1. Kit, Secretary. . The committee on resolutions reported as follow s : .'..Wiv.J, That we have an undivided appreciation of our common school sys tem in lVnnsylvaniaaiid pledge ourselves to its supMirt in tlie full extent of our ability. 'v.ic . That we favor a law estalr lishingau annual county convention of two days for w hich Directors att-n. ling shall tc paid at the rate of s: per day. ,'. i.ii -., That directors attending the Director's Triennial convention fir the purpose of electing a county Superintend ent shall be paid so, for attendance. I:. uh r l, That we recognize the wis dom, c.-oin.ni v and lionetit of Free Text Hooks f: rt! e niniin ii -hools and believe that the operation of the law w ill advance our educational interests. .'..., That we recognize profession al z-'al and interest shown by ie;ichers in local institute work thr mghout tiie coun ty and directors should cm-ourage these educational meetings as much as itossihle by their presence at such meeting. !;,-x.,hr-l. That we heartily appreciate the largo attendance and the undivided interest manifested by tho dire-tors of this convention and that we urge all di rectors to attend and take part in making all future meetings a suiiiiss. JC'-vlrril, That it is the judgment of this convention that legal provision should lie made for the taking of a complete and re liable si hool et i:s!!s whi-h should show the actual iiuuiImt of school children out if school and the causes for their n-ui at tendance. .vWrcJ. That we have heard with pleasure the ai id re-s of Dr. Hiiiiniiaugh, President oi'Juniat a College and appn -iate bis valuable suggestions as to esiali lishing high schools in the various tow n shijis of this commonw ealth. J'- T!r-il, That this convention heartily endorses Ihe untiring hilars of our pres ent County Supt., J. M. Pel key. i:i elevat ing and grading our S' h.Ki'is wiiieh is the result of his conscientious zeal in the ht-friiia!i-e of all thcdtilics devolving upon him as the head of the cdiu-atioual inter ests of our is unity. On motion the resolutions were adopt ed. NoAit Scott, S. D. Yi T.v. S. D. l.KVIUH. I. J. Miller, Sec. Committee. otstebs: oysters: 07$tcr B the Qnart, Stsw, Eaw or Fry. A. J. Savior's oyrtcr sal-sui, basement of Cook A' Hcvrils' block, is the liest place in town to get oystors served in every tylo Stew, Haw or Fry. u Thanks giving day ho will have oysters on tho half-shell. The famous Lynn Haven Hay oysters always in stock for those de siring to purchase them by the quart. Don't forget the place and 1 sure to call. , doling Oat! Closing Oct! Clo.ing Oat to Quit Baiineu ! fJ resit clirsing out sale if Ida its Shis'! and HuIiIhts Trunks and Satchels !, worth of the abive naimsl go.nls must Ik? sold w ithin the next sixty days regardless of st. Here is a chance you do not often get to supply your family with first class Hoots, Shoos and Ilubbers for the winter. Times are hard and people exect to buy cheap. Do not miss this grand opportu nity. F11 K Sinvi.KH, Knepper's lllock, Soniersot, Pa DJ2TT MI33 THIS 030D TIME TO GET A PIANO 02 OEGAK. We now offer this rare chance to get a piano or organ for Christmas time at greatly reduced prices for those who do not w isli to go to the price of a new one. Walnut Prince organ S 3D u) - 44 a i(.t. c.ise 30 U) Mason & Hamlin c him-h or.m, .' tmnks Keystone ontan, 10 stops SO CO Sterling organ, top . 00 Estey onran, II sto . 6 CO Neu iimn organ, 12 stops ft) Oil Chicago Cottage oraan. It slops 10 03 PI AS 33. Decker Ctrand, gisxl a new Ilardnian (iranJ, In splendid order... Cbickcrins. T-oet --. Chi.-kcring, carved. 7-oct shiK-iiiaker. carved lir XO W) lao no nr. 00 l 00 in) to ll.'i CO ... 75 CO WheeliK-k I'pripht HalletJk t'umsum Kuabe, earvi-d Call and see the stock or write for par ticulars A fine lot of new holiday pian os leing opened prices from $3) ujr ward Mnd for cnialogucs MKI.LOR iV IIUKNE, 77 Fifth Avenue, l'ittsburg, Pa. Higncst of a.I in Leavening Tow.r. Latest U.S. Gov't Report Staie Aii far the Bj'cosTj. The Cominoiiwe:;H!i of Pennsylvania Inn sin.v JsTf appropi iat. d !:.i,i for the public sch.sds. Slide Siip-rintcndel.t Sch.eirer Iip.s just issued a sMtement to that e:Tect. From ls4-j to IsT! thari was appropriated liCs,.rj to-.vard the main tenance of the schools. From 1S74 unl 1 1S77 the aun.ud appropriation was ?l,i (WJ. S:ibseiue:itly it was increased to ?l,.V,tin, and alterwards to .OHM-'). Three years ago the amount was plai-ed at i,J0 annually, and in ltl to"i,.VO, tHI. During the Heaver Administration there was appropriated to ihe schools f the State S7,o 0,0 H, and during tic? Paul son Admiuisti-atioii. ?JI,0il,.'wl. 8o?i Important Facts. Tiie evenings are long enough now for every person to devote sometime to read ing. The liest literature is the daily newspaper, and the liest daily newspaper is The 1'itlxbiti ji Tiiiux. It is complete in every department, gathering promptly the news from all parts of the world and presenting all sides of every public ques tion fairly and intelligently. Its maiket reports are models of accuracy; its de partments for women renders and for Ihe farmer are useful and entertaining, and it-s serial stories aro by tho tmst noted writers. The aim of its publishers is to make The Timm a paper for the home aliove everything vVm, and they have succeeded admirably. The Ti.ii-'x is delivered " agents for one cent a day, or will lie sent by mail for thirty cents for one month ; fifty cents for two months; seventy-five cunts for three months ; ?I..V) for six months or t.'i for one year. If there is no agent for T.'ie Time in your locality, write for sample copies, w hich are sent fr-e, and terms to agents Vrsina Jc'.tiugt. TIiosi-IhsiI board did the right thing at the right time by cleaning tho school house during the pat week. Hon. J. C. Well, r, has our thanks for a copy of Smull's Legislative Hand lM;k. There w ill lie ;;n institoie held at Con fluence, Friday evening, lieeemls-r 7th. and (i.ntiime the following Saturday. A good program has lieen arranged and all should attend. Our Inxird of public instruction was well represented at the county institute. Kvery member was present, tosee and be men. That is right. Lvey sc!i ml direct or should lie interested in tiie great cause of education. It i a duty he owes to his children, his country, and his (hid. X. Haunts ! A haunted house in these practical and iinromantic davs is somcthii,;; -f a nritv. lit an individual haunte I with tlie idea !h:.t hisaiimi'io is iii.-'ira! I.- is a personage frequently met with. DL- belief in the ability if medicine to cure a mild ' form of monomunia, n'.th ii;;h io s- .iee cases repeated failures to o'.it.ii,; re::, i' from many ilificr.-i.i sources wen!. I almost seem to justify lh" doubt. Hosteller's Stomach Hitlers has demonstrated its ability to ovcn-onie dyspcp-.i;i, iuistipa tion, liver and kidney troubl -, matarial complaints and nervousness, hm I its rwirded ai hi veie. iiLs in the -i;rat:ve line ought at least to warr.nu its trial by m:y one troiibbi! with cither of the abive ailments, even u'though bis prvvlons ofibrts to obtain renuslial ai-.l ha Iks-ii fruitless. l"s.d with le-rsi-tcnce. the Hitters Hi at compier. Sekornicg KUca Cotrt Not Hirxfil. The n port of the exicriuients on the effect dehorning has 0:1 milch cows haa lieen sent by The Pennsylvania State College Agricultural Kxperiiiielit Station, and is sulistantia'.lv a- follows: "The period of ex pet ! mentation upon the herd of guernsey cows reei-ntiy i!e- llorned at Ste.te College has 1kiii finished and some interesting results have lieen notieeik On tirteeii cows an examination of the amount of butter fat contained in the milk yielded for the two days includ ing the days if dehorning and the follow ing day, shows a loss ;f 1 17-lo pounds of butter fat, or eijuivalant to !H-10 per c. 'tit. of the yield for the two days. A simiiiar examination for the subsequent two days shows thai the average yield for the specified time is the same as the aver age yield for tin- five days preceding the date of dehorning. These results show conclu.dvely that the tiled of dehorning upon the ti w of milk is p.-.u-tically un lioliecahle and the great benefits to be de rived from sueli an operation make it highly commendable to all farmers." Musical Iastrariet3. Violins, Mandolins, Ouitars Hanjos and olherstriiige'diiistninwiitsat Snyder's dnig store. A Ca3S of elesp. A sleeper is one who sleeps. A sleeper is that in w hich the sleeper sleeps. A sleeper is that on which ihe sle;er runs w hile the sieeper sleeps. Therefore while Ihe sleeper sleeps in the sleeper the sleeper ftirries tlie sl-.-eper over tiie sbi-p-er under the sleeper until the sleeper which carries the sleeper jumps the sleeper and wakes the sleeper in the sleeper, by striking tiie sleeper tnider the sleeper on the sleeper until there U I'.u longer any sleeps sleeping in the slotpcr. SLEIGHS BY THE CAR LOAD. The Immense Ware Ilou-e of E. L. Simpson is packed with the finest line of SLEIGHS at,d SLEPS ever brought to Somerset. . FUII Line 0f BU3G1ES, W l GOM , CARRIAGES, HARNESS, LAP R03ES, HORSE BLANKETS, BELLS, WHIPS, ETC Call and convince yourself before baying elsewhere. I Lave T1UCES to suit the TIMES. E. L SIMPSON, Patriot St., G M R S , BRO. & Established in 1878. Commission Merchants, No. 611 Ubs.ty Street I Baking Ltdgert Not ETideace. A suit was recently tried at llollldays burg to rco.vf r the pr:n--p:i! -ind inter-c-it of a promissory i:ote. The defend ants, st'irekeepers, Haunt- l a ct i;r in too form of a Unk ti- int against the plainlifT. The only evidence of tho ac count was the firm's ledger, the counter liook having been destroyed after tbo transfer to the' ledger. Judge Rarker, of Cambria county, w ho was on tho bench, did not permit the ease to go to the jury and directed a verdict In full for the plait.tiir. His honor ril-1 thM the le Iger book was inadmissable n evidence to prove the account, end that the book of original entry, or tl'.e bb-tter fori.ul the proper evidence. This dts-i-dou w i!! no doubt have the effect of causing mer chants and business liit-n to ) more careful of blotters and tmoks of original entry. Cone WiM Over Cold. Mii.roRi, Ky., Nov. JL John M. Camp liell, a farmer on lyme Mountain, has appealed to Oovernor Turney for pro tection against the people, who are over running his land since the .lisnviiv thereon of gold. Ten thoti-cind ptsiple are 011 his place. Five thousand dollars were unearthed yesterday, and so far the yield b us l-cii ."ii.iM. Japs Win Again. China has bust her great batdes'.ip fK-n Yuen by an an-id.-nt i:i Wei-H-ii-Vei HariKir, and is now pnu-tietically Miwerless on thesea. Forestullii: the in evitable loss of his lp-ad, Coniiiilwre Lin Tai San. the sanmander of 1 01- t ht n Yuen, committed suicide. Various storii-s of the atlair are current. The most piausihlc says th-it the war ship was leaving Wei-Hai-Wei h.irlsir Sunday, puKsitile to attack the Japanese lbs-t that lay outside. She touched Ujioii one of tlie submarine torpedoes which the Ciiines' themselves had placed in Ihe chaiincl of the harUir as a iiu-eus of de li !ise, anil w is so badly d imaged that she had to lie In-ached, and will propably be a total loss. DON'T GO TO CHURCH l"iib-ss you have a pair of glasses through w hich you -an read the hviiins cl.t-.r-lv. COME HERE! Ib-fore next Sunday and let us lit a p:.;r of 1 .l.i-M-s fo your F.y-s that will ;-u-al le you f.. lead fast e:ii.ii:i to kn'p nj w it'.i tin." choir. Neff &, Casebeer, Jtivelers Jf Ojiticians. No. 413, Yin St, - SOV.ERSET. PA WHERE DO YOU BUY DIAMONDS? Not of the milliner, nor of the fancy goods man though both may keep a few. Neither is likely to have the 5jxciat jiul 1ner.tandespe1ijr.ee to enable him to buy to best advantage; nor the vo'uni; of trade to enabfe h!ia to have a large stojk to select from v.he:i yon want a fine to:ie for a third fitiqer, kf 1 hand, came is true of HABERDASHERY. : : : The experience I hive had in buying neckties (for example) has tau'zht me ju-twhat people want most, where to fin 1 bar gains among the wholesaler?, and all the inns and outs of the manufacturers and this accounts for the pretty all '.k Windsors and Harvard Red Xeckwcar, Hot Stuff at 50ets. WHERE DO YOU BUY NECKTIES? VOU CANT MATCH US 1 IF YOU TRY. JONAS L BAER THE HUSTLER -" & SLEDS Somerset, Pa. PITTSBURGH. PA. Invito the Inquiries of Buyr and Shipper of VEGETABLES. CO. Fruits, Nuts, Produce James B. Fine CARTS for Fme IiUGGIES SEAT WILL AOKiT YOUR CEST Fine Busies for middle Fine Carriages for Ihe Family. Fine Phaetons for the Old Folks. AT OA a large line of Road Wagons ilLOU and Spring Wagons. The largest and best -selection ever shown. PRICES James B. sa. t a S . - J -I J mm umm N.rnilN'l l-iil ih.t In-.-t ni.il- ri il an: oi kiu i.i-ii:: c:it- r into flio vnitr-.;i-t;oii -h I !. IM'KKKI.I.A STOVUS ;ii..l :."U1. Tin ir rl.-.mliiu li-s-iin IuImt 'i heir e'-otio:iiy saves nioiii-y. -V.M uii'l lurauttt .1 liy JAMES B. U0LDEUBAUM, Somerset, Pa. Orphans' Court Sa!e OK- Valuable Rtal Esta'e Mineral Lanls! I'y vir- ii1 of an nrI r of nW out f j : Ith- UMtii :;;::. ::i;niiitnttor Jh. it. !;r ii t. i in. f !h t'i.r mri f V;u-r irj. oKimy itl i;it.' a; n-til. itv.i. Ill thi iHK.f'.Vil f Wt'iU'l!!!rL', iTll.T--t t-4u:if, Ia., ia friir i ! )iti :t:-- rM:u form.-rtv --! ly s.tii John 1L Iiri:iit:u, Friday, Nov. 30, 1894, fct I o'clock P. th follttwinir tU-r:lK-.j vulaal.l.' r ;1 o.-Uile ani iiitritTtit htitiis. vu : I. A nrt:tii lot cf rnuinl situstte in V-ii-riir4 tHnn!li. s.;i-rst ianTy. :;i: t r-n!y ivaiiia, :nJj:nii:if l;;iiN ! Anu.-it lu-rx, lA-krwr Ian.!. Jii-ft iIHuifti-r's h ir, iI oiiitrs. r.;tn:!i: oiit. uiti o:u ftiurtli ! i'-: i iwn-s mn ir Is. No. "J. Tlio iirii' il.l o:nl.-ili" ii.N'f.sl in :i r rliti:i tnt-t ( ;;! ilk S.tt!i. liu:ujti township, uii?y anil u.tt af.i ;i. uittii tn biiitiH if liiv iapM t lna A i u.i '- 1 K-v r lands. ir l'lunlt aii'l ;twrs No. L Th uri4i i.l. ,1 iii-li:tir' i;it-r in a it rtaiii trai-l f lan l. MTuali af n-.tii. lointiii iaiiii" i Ja iii n v .l-r, 'a 1 nl me tln!:lt', :- i'laiik a:i l i:i.-r, i-:i'ai:itn I lir.v aii'i :i.-Ii.i:f ut. i;i.r r i v-t. No! 4. Tli- u.ntit ii-l i:c-!i-iif ::.i.-r;; i:i a cTtain tra : ti -.Ui.it- a a:;r- .ti.I. ui- jti;iinr lanN ( J-ii; A. Suyi T lu-:i .V. Vil!ii.!r! lu ir. Siun ry ( i 1 A Iron and otli r, vontuiiiiii thirty ..iii urn iitotv No. x XU' ;:i'I:v:v1f-J t-i':i.:!t in;nM In a tTlain Inu'i i tau t. VTUtlt ;-s :i tor. -old. adtoit.iu laiidttl i S t:ti rs.-t i'ki! vV Im.i t'i.. nd rs, co:tUii:ti:i four liuii.Iivtl and liny avru iiirv r N-s. N. i. The iuhuti! ri'lit in n rt;i;:i tnu t tf l.t:id, slnat.' a!'-rt-ti'l, adjf.rii'.u land ( W. l.'im-iistt-r. AVi l'lank and ijii-rs. i-oritainiii oir hundn-.i and twt-;il -t; w IS am'Hiiinrvnr ios, known a lliv Vau-n!:ac Ilij.k: tr.irt. No. 7. Thi undtvidil n-Iia!f int,-n.t in th tnint ral rnrht in a --r:aPi tno-t 4f land 1 1 u:i1 a nfonviid. adjoiaii)' laiuls Kli Stiai't r, i hri:iaii Km!-. Ja::n Tt.oitia- tnd o( hnv, ron Ut initio on? liundr-! arid titty 1 1 Vit a-n-? ttioiv ir , kuvt n a the Ur irut-U No. . Ti itndi vi!i t i-ik-n urtli inf-rt in tin- mim-ntl ri:t of a rLiin tnu t t land Mtuat' a. alon-iitl. Kiljtiinin land' of .!at-d t i, M-orv' J. KrKhurt, Ati!inuy ,tx and ol iirrs ctiii: lining t-i4ti! tn 1- atr- more or known til. Wit: inu-u No. !. Tin undivid-! on-t'-rnh int'Tt-t u tho iui: -.-.i! n-ixl in a c-riain r.n of land. titiaat- a aforvtd, adjoining Lind- J-rry V'iiart, I- rt'ii Iitia:id t:iu-r. rn tiiininir ixty cn- iurv or K-vs fermwn : tiie John IK Joiui truit. A! atl thi' rurlit, till1, Intt-rt and i laim of iht aid Jhu K. i;niiiLini, dv-c a--il, of, in and to what N iitwi) t!ir LEFEVER COMPANY LANDS, s follows. v:Z: No. 1. A cnwii trvivt f land sitnalf In t i In. tn (tvu to i-rii -v iiM-i '- t it r. nty. !'. uditulit luiid" ot J-) ( tr-' ikJ and uli. n. rtuitainin oin- handnii and t y-fl vr K) ioi- ir.or or know n a Ihf oNl:oii Ki-niM il tnu-t. No. "i. A rtrtain tr;ut of Tan J itua; a- ttftiti-said, djin;nir ianiii of ls nnit Simon io ii-rteiiti oihr, tintaifiiuf iiin-l- li:litts tnorc or It-!., knt.wn as tiio fai:tnT trsirt. No. X A crtiiin tract of land situ it- a ffor-fiii. atijoiniitir 1: ndsof Siii-r I 1k I n.i 4 ., William TrtmtttLti and otlu rs, mri t.iiii4iitf Hu- hniUii and flHy ; i if ari-s inor. ur t-, known a Jtdiu Wi.t tract. No. 1. A oi rtain tmrt of land situ;:t a nforv.!id. a i.;oiiiini htndn of th iw-r-t I mil o: I nm ., Jdui Wilt and niih r. -.-la in. n titty :un- more or Us, knwn a.- In-Minui'i 1. i itt tmrt. No. A ri-rtain tmrt of land !iriiat a r. fir-aid. adoimn? Lind t Jtu nSrmk, K-U-p lyi-r aud iMut r. rtnUtiniii in hnn dnd ami frty-me lli a-rts inorv tr isv, known uh tiie ilitinrr tract. No.fi. A rt r-on tract of land situate an afwiviiiti. atijoiiita lMi:d of lVteniirmkV :iiid ohr, -ti!.aHiinie tif?v-nie t'tl) act- niotv or kno-jrii a the iVtvnbriiiK tract. No. 7. A certain tmrt of land nit unto a afoivaid. adjoininx l indn of the Noiiutm-i rmi K Inni Jidiu Witt and thcrs ron tainmz thirty i acnn fnort or U-hs, known ii the Jaoih'Wut tract. Thc?t even tmrt of land r.re b ld an ten ant in common by John K. Hri nl tain and ttlln-r p:irti'i ty AriirU if Arif-tin iit datn L'l Julv. lVfi. an l - s-lrmU-r. !-A and rriirl at Siimr.'t, I 'a., in Iwtnl Ihioch, Vol' 7. j. U. i tr., and 1 p. H, etc., and ad Kiitir ia inli-rr: arv U-liev.-i to Iw rorni'ily naii:d and thrir iuit-r-l rjTlv rtxrd tn a Ihll in Kiaiiy to No. 1. K.tit(y NMkt. lvc'. in lilt Court' of Common l'iaj of Sinrr t rtMintr, Vn. All of thcM land re undrrlaid with vnlu alrfr iiiHrK Inm oiv, Hrr elay, nluml litiiu and other mineral, known to a)Mtind in M n ijinnUtMi. Th y are -y t ar- to the market hi1v aut 1 mtL-s from the CumU-rland and 1'cnn'a K:iilni. with an old mud purtly luilt. almt 7 iniU fnm the H. A K llai!rwd. and I only l mile from the M.Kint mmviiv Kire linck Work, of the I'nion Minin Co. Ture l ii tnnlT scattered over the dif fereiil tracts. Terms : CiikIi on day of sale. i ...'...lUailliiiMiJlMllir K4kflfc.rtif h " ' j. L PV.iii. . AiluUulstnttur uf JubQ R. lidutmui, dec'o. Hoklerbaum. Bachelors. for Young Men. GIKL AfiO NO ROOM TO SPARE. - aired and business men wav down. es Call and see them. Hoklerbaum. GOOD ST0'E li aa Economy. A Poor One the worst ki.'i'l of Extravagance. Ic-:ne:ii?-r tin wln-ii j-imI liny our New Stove, The Magic Cinderella 13 V.'HAT YQ'J WANT. It will lioM tiro uvi-r i:i!it, ntnl will provtj A WARM FRIEND COLD WEATHER. ,r- it ?IH . I pial HM a Heater. W;ci:;:k The IfoaoraM- Judtf. of tho ".mrt of Common I 'a a of sni n-t cj:iiy. iiave ri'-rti that a Set-i.tl or Adjourned Court of Common I'a-a.. of quarter -k.-ioii and rj!iaf-' Court, fir ti.- trial of cai h-r mT s.uil h h'ld at smn r "t. un Monday Jan. 14th, 1S93, 'o:n;n i.isfiit I'Krtock A. l. ' .vi5 itur. I -. f-i- ri.r. i. M v-iiri H.wir. I;;t! S;i.'-;iT -.: "Hi:u. r t roimrv, h.n-iy i.iit- niir ! i.m .; Mii.nii i-. -ins T'oT:.-.- !o:il ;uror. w.i j in-?.- :li:o:io:i. ti. iiii'i !o;oi r.:.tr til mil I lo li.- tin-. i aii 1 :hi-iv rri.-d. to . ia iiU-TnUii-c Siit-mr i;K.-.', Nov. Ju;u. JUISLIC NOTICE. T;i' fo,I.wi:u:ioti:irits h-iv.- I.a tl!rl In m v i:Mi-. ai.I isoiii. i ihitUv -iivt-n Ilia I thr -sou." bf .i iittf to lliv ttMirt for conririiiu- tloll, on Thursday, December I3th, next. Kirvt fl i ;I ai nnt i.f Mos.- Upliart niiiiiiit. t. of H:irri(t V-at r. ( irt rt.nl !in:o ai-r..uiit ..I J.lia It. Srott. us'. i.:ii-r if Jiii S'aiK. r. t ii-t an l li.i.ii ii'Ti.i. :t J,,!,.i li. Skv'.I, ai-.'iiiv 'il Yi.iii:on ;. lu( r. f irtan l linal .-H-rou:,; .4 J.:ia It. Sroti, : in-oi ". i. r. Kirl ami Mini i:n.Mint of Jo:i S. I!, rsli U r.'t r. u-i:ii ri sjot:iu ll.'rh!.-nfr. Klll a.-nanl J l-L II. I!. :n-!i! v. a.vMiriirr of I. A. Kri.ii;,:i.-. KiiM aa i nna: : mmnl i f F. W. I:irs-kr, a-!!.' of J'-r-n:.ili w.irx. ! .-5oii:!T. t, !".!., I l V. SAVI.OIL I ov. 1 Hh, "V4. )' J'rotiionotarv. 11 k;isti:i:s notich- N TI r" is hrivty tfivi-rt :o all jt..s.Kr' -rri-i-i-rn.1 :i .-ari. it.iih:. ij- :!i. r i-.-. Iitat tin- foliowm aix-tMiiis ha i.i(.s..if Hx it.r. uii'l I hat liir ani.. i iU w prt--m ! lor -oiiarnu.il. ia un i :.!,...,i,.r a! an r.iunii' i'i uiI lo ! ;.. 1.1 al Niim-i-. i, l'u.. un V,,lm lay. l--. I -.tii. IX'l. KirI an.! I:n.:i u..riat of If. If. sum. J niiiiilrilor ( vtr.-i r.ik, .-. .t.vM. Ku-t mi l Into ai rorial of j.a Johns. -ti-riror ij' Toi.i.s ViHi-r, tl.-'-i. Kirt ami Ciui! a'-ii.uai ! .I.n .h y. M. v rv. ailiiii:ii.riIor of J.i ili f. M-vrr. iln-'-l." Kir-taml tliial inin;:m trf John Milh r, ai!tiiiiiitrior oi aiiiii l A. Millrr. iln-M. h'irvi ali.f ti'ial a--iiiiil nf II Min.nl..:i.l ! ii-or-.-;. I ;. Nniiiii. r. rn'ors of l .i r ra al no .a.n.niuirul Ji.au I". .-iraua. ir.i an.l fiua' an uni of John A. Wuv.uil moiivirator m 11' ury Nmith. u. -. r.nial avoaillt o! .falni-s f. I'ovrrunil J. J. lU'.vmaa. i-ahtioi-h 01 iininrc ltlnk. iliM j r irsl aii't i rt 131 1 ai-ouiit ol M Ki'oiiirry J. . Kiiik. r.vi-uior uf !amli Kiu. lin-'il. Ii s'sr.m uttii-e. iJAvtiU.s. .Mil.I.K.! Nov. fun. lOeiM.r. SvS NT It' K. Wr th.' umi'TiiiiiHl rltizi n. of Samirrvi, Ji iti rm miuI Mitlortl lown-liij. h n l.y t imr ini'-alioa of ihiitn iM'-nlihtf lo Lw Aitti all -'-rx:i. u-.-ht tr.ini!r iii ikip -vi-r.il ir.-m..- lor . ii.- i.:, hunlui. Ii!iiii. u-:riiK. nttufn. ( I'-iiiv.lv no in-ii.i.iL: ioii-n.i.-a. i II k;i. - Kraiik H r"ri'-tl!iiw-, .laeol I avail. la k! 1:.o roiir. tmia Uiri-oii J.iati It 1 1. aiming. II siinw, N'Kiii . lu narr. Sila. Kl'.-k, W J K H . I'i U r Illiil.:.lll.l, M W I ri: nn.-i.l, IVrry Si-hri.-k. I i'-r.' i-hlrrt s A Kin-lay. AN- l-irroa. Win Iirroii, lirorrr Hay, Aur.'ii llav. .Ma:l:i-i Jv-..It. I Ta vi. ia 11. I rit J Milii-r. 1 iini. l tulii. Wui I' 1U. i II Waiti-r W'rl. y l;ro!ij;hrrm .farl IE K'hiii. tjr.i J W . itli-y. 11: I. 'V t-iu I. y. r, J.mi ittii.M Krii-illinr-. J ' ttium r. M 1. lion inn J II I on at r- inun I1H1.-S, lri: M-in k, Alimluini Milh r. I -o lLin-iay. A 11 -tm x i.ivk. II If Kiaintt-I. J.-r.-rit fi iLnnirh T AI'Tafitim f-nliurr. Krariib Kan-lMV. Ji I. u lor. .. o K 1 oimtrv limn. Kil l!... -. " N. tf A nv.l. r. W Klirii." John I' Aukt-BK. Agents Wankd Kmc t rr NKVV Hih K. ty A:ii'-r.-a' l.n-al.-l If umori-t. MARK TWAIN. KvtTV o:itof in fn'Viou txMk hav had ( litriw Ktlt-. H tow Ixw.k Kurui!M4 anv J thma he h:i.H h-r t forv wntin. k wo tort- in one volume. A Tragedy a Comedy. A rhai:c for aunt.-. U vr rt'lumtve it-riito-r . Kor U-riu . aui full tr:iau!ar wldrr, J. W. Kt-tUr.K it l' M Arrh St Thiia: WAWTED, An xpiTirnctl lr;:r.uwv or I uiMfnj and Ukkii -M-ur Ur Hmi. t and adjoining tHHintu- for a tu-w rimpctiiy with n-w anU taking fmttnr-. ii)y imI mi-n, llwe rna ldil to yi Vf hond, are d-irnl. llt-ulTlt, a iff. -x, uu uo:hin U do with thrrurd. Addrew U. C. M AClirNKV. 1'aud lt f ourth A-nur. intLnhurtc. IV. A MONKY MAKKIw It fr;untiy dH-nd upon the auctioo"e how mnrh iiimy ci n tH- r-iizl at m pubinr u Itr nuiM Itavea (tiih loiiur. uuk cyw iiii i pt T'itiHtvi- votrv. John I. TayiiHtn ha all f th-t r jjtiirem iiL anl ha intft witn unl"undri ur-xi wh-r-v r hi m-r Hr tutv Urn Mt ured. lie in the foreniil auctUMkeer in 2ointrel county, Uxiay. Atidre JOHX U TATMA. ivauvUlet Fa, O