u jvj Sxucrsct Herald :; r. scvi.U KJiir. ,Sr! PAY -Nov. 7, 1K3 1. la An Ariiasis dmtltrj. of - "' re?iTHc- r pains, '. '.. j. nwl.J i ' nvirk the r.-m.iins "v.. 1 f T. l'.i;n-ic M iloric; .. h. lp ' l"-v f ,r ,h" s10'" , .p.j.i.it-s f.r striiiinl i:stru 1.-i-.'tN ,!ni t.re. l:--Tir-' A" ' ., ,:":!if state- imhli. .hx.l t..riii:;i i- what thi'VcMl mim- I ll.l!"''S l" w I.ICHOIIiy ',V..;, . .', .-in tors are a-liiiitliil. ,.,!,.. -i-rini-t-'-t" Harrows for v .1:1111." ' 1 "! otilv f.iiiri-.winties in the state l'!iiia-ifl!ii:i and Alh'shi'tiy, . sej.nrale oti-rressioiial I.a:ir.ter, Ia:kawanna, viz. am! S nr I. i;r.i.le I lour from Mah- 'ir 1"' k,'''!,s l'"e era,,e- I ll.A S?ftA llA. I! h:.' am"" .. i: H trri-iMirR that the error in r; , -,. I.i.viiie sui of lcn, making ;nto . Vet '"" WHS made ly a . - .. a:i.l rihhoiis, all the latest ''l T at Mr-. Kate 15. Coffrotlfs, l,i' t h: tli r you are using uui- . iiKirriritie 1m1I a talile-spoonfal If in !,,' iniU.T will loam vtitimui , t!. ..lcomaruarinc, on the w:! s;m:tT and hiss as does r i i, ;i will not f.iam sodevided- .iitrar?-. -:,-l ... H:::i.' ki-ejis unusually well, in uiiimer without melting . .-m.i.-h i- toN'suspc-tod. k,t..'i "':,,,,,"-v nrst-'la! musi 't'm,.,,, nt at a moderate price? iio l re. i milk surprise parties ought tUlUl. HUM W II" IMrtRC IIIU '' , .1 iwn upon the sul'joetof the pan; nil:' - . , . with a r wrn suri'ri" -i. The mush is set to boil. ;.,T,.f iiio::!--'1 lurllA.1 intii tHftV Hl '"'tNt'.v -;il! '1. i-ikes are luiked, ap :,nd the mush is eaten along ;'-hfr.-li ' iiiiik and rii h crm. The ; h a" l milk surprise furnishes a max "xi nit f -r a iiiiinimiin of expenditure, r.maiid ''.its ( hop always fresh, no , ... in:i- l!V -t' ,-'k on lianu, ai Mahux Schrix'k's. S ,nio a.ivati'-'-J thinker, says an ex r: 1m M'r""S " startling si heme .iViatt ri-ken worliL It is noth-'.!','.- than of digging down into the ! V '..,! -rarth to gtl all the heat we " ' . l. - 1 r.-L li'tt. si !ar "iiougii, sn invmi- -,1 ti, inker, a -ouple of mil or so, sn:! t il' tiii-entcrnal heat ofthe earth, ..,.!, r.ia'pU'e it anywhere we like, like vat hi.-h pass.- from your furnai-e in s.-'lar to t!u' r.-isters in the various - .r:i in y.mr h: Yo-miH tind a full and fresh line of (,n...ri.. l loui and Feed at ln.ttom prio ri,, -k a: Mahuix S. II an k's. l'luia .I. '.pliia lists of the largi-st eloek jnuiwr 1. It i" lo-ted in the tower ,;! ri:v hall: the dial is thirty feet in diaai.'t. r, and is illuminated at night hy ( tri, itv, l.y which means it can lieseen fr,!iiauv j art of the city. The minute I..-!.! i- twelve f.t-t long and the nd lnnd eight. The Ml w liich tolls !':, . 1,-,-irs weighs "Kl.lio.t pounds and can U-'u -ar I from every quarter of Philadel I ,I:l Tin- w i" ding apparatus is worked i vm-a:iofas!c:i.ii engine in the tow er, n'iii. -Ii is se; in motion every day at noon. If you want the liet farm wagon on , ; don't fad to get a Kramer or y.ii l.-k.ker from J AS. B. IIoMlEHBAUSf, S.imcrsct, Pa. Tlio fanners in a ncigiilHiring county n-vntly Wight a corn-husking machine ..fiiielati-st and most improved eonstrue- I:.. The corn stalks are te.l imoiiiis . i ...i in i. hin , very lUUcIl as w neai auaoiuer -are fi-l into threshers. The ears r.'ken from the stalks and husked ar.- a:i 1 1 lie -talks are cut up into small pieces aiul.le for feuding. It meets a long felt a:it in this direction, and will d niKtless 1. . kt i't in husy operation for the next in inths saving many cold fingers n i l miieii of the discomfort usually at l ii iing .-oru husking. It is driven !y M-auipoucr. W.i-hhirn and Cr.Mil.ys tiold Meilal l iour warranted the ln-st in the market. Korsaie hv MahLoX Si'IIK'M K. J T!u- -rai-licr a having a sort of a ti-st j iiiv iiu; l.y a-king the congregation ques- ii eiuh. ir .-oiidin-t. "Now, lirethren," 3 ii.'- ii ' "all of von who i.av your debts u ii: ;; a..- -tand up." In response to this ta rt- :u an ajiparcntly unanimous np ring. "Now," s;iid the prcaclier, asking t'-.!iers t sit down, "all those who do n-t pay w ill please stand up." One man ! hi.' ar.'. "All. brother," said the pr..-ti.r. by is it that you, of all this i-.iurr.f. iiioii of brethren, should 1' so .l.tl'ereiu "I don't know, parson," he rt;iiied slowly, as he looked around over fci- friend- and acquaintances in theimHt-"tnii.-- it is that I aiu't a liar." I autagiMit for the IIoks Feed and Ensil V rutter, which I will run against any ciitt.-r l.uilL Any one wanting a first tU feed eutier -aii get it from inc. J. M. FlKK, Hills, Fa. .iu.'r-. t cuitity farmers who have aun-.ye I l.y bill posters, will lie in t' :et"J in the law affecting that matter, iii' h we li.-r-w ith publish. It wasp.is IJaiip js-i, and is as follows: "If a:iy j.'-r-iii or persons shall, without the i-. :ii of ii. uu n.'r or owners thereof i:!fii'.;y dau'i. paint advertisements or i' t ; !a ar l- upon, or otherw ise deface tii -walls of any bail ling or buildings Jioa-e or lioav.-s, .,r tilt. foni-es around the T-ir l or yards .- unlisted therewith, or any f -.'ii-.-- -irro iu bug or enclsising any va "it in;..;-, fu-.ii or farms; orsliall cause tii'-vr.ii.' t , U' done by others; such of t :i 1. r--h ;i: I.;-guilty of a misdemeanor 1 l n mm i.tion lc sentencisl to pay taiiotfx vviingf St, and undergo an '"'.r.-laai. iit n t exis.ssling Mil days r :li, r i-ither. at the discretion of the '-urt" Th,' Ik-si way for advertisers to ' li the p.-ople is through the news-I'-'i-rs Ha.yo;is.,, iKvlin's linisscls Cat-it- at ' (,1,1s j.r yanl, in any pattern ? -f 'iirlahis lower than joblr's prices. 1 r:.x-, j: lar:!.,;.-,-! on any article, M) and - rankl:,.. m., Johnstown, l'a. I.rr .a.. , w opinions hre widely entcr 1 c.ii rninij t,.. ,h:trai-ter ofthe 'i ii'ter iiightiof far northern regions ''"'aptu.tlnut of such nights as Is-iug "k. Bi.fc,iy, a,i lepriiiff in the ex-r- " A- a matter of fact they are ,'r'!': '"' 1 and made cheerful by bril-""- '-.'ht, by the aur.ira Isirealis, I' '" la.- reliective projierty of the l -ii iw-c .wred surfacis. Attention B-ri viuiy caiiod to this subject at a (M--m'g.,J ! r.ujjlish Iron and Std In- !i'-:i the ore reasurei ofScandi t "a ''r-dis-iissHsL The obje.ioil was ag,i,t that part ofthe world as a "'S cuntry that for six months it iiri.-l in hIi,,, continual night. 4' r"i' ' to this tho facts rei iUsl aiiove .Jfrl-Miitisjout, anditwaa ahown that luIT ' " n'X f ,l?e ",,,tur,"'1 Irigbt-- t i. re, the i-coide are able to earrv tin """"".''('Hit the y.-ar w ithout interr Ln.'v "" T"ea,,'" of direct winlight -th-!v ltriou uindcraiii-e to their 4 irl'l " 1,1:1,1 ,Ue 0,"reivt b1 -'-i,., .Ul"' r Krpendicular sun by the 'xgCUla f l,1i etluaU'ri"! rioua of '--.'lers ofthe llERAI.n stumbl tot for fci?rJ-X-S,,-r,U'r' the druggist, '''rej-fsi hi, i. can ,r " T- ' owdeu, w ho disguised as a ' xi, , of tl'" eavalry partv U "''"" Jefferson Itevi. died of t, " SaUle-W lyeterdav, iei r,-ve- He was one of the Mr, Oo. F. r.Hr and daughter, M t ..-., vi iv-h.iitij:, i'a arc guust t tho liotne; of the former's father, John O. Klmmol, Kvj. The rave advertised to come ofT on tlio I--ivatmvi!le track on Saturday laat were poxtrtoned on aooount f rough weather until Saturday of this week. Aliout thirty-five people from here vis ited Meyei-sdale on Friday for the pnr pose or hearing Henry Wnterw.u, the fa mous Kentucky editor, lecture. Harry Sipe shipp.sl a-ar load of chest nuts to Chicago parties Thursday. Mr. Sipe has shipped not less than six car load of chestnuts to the same market this season. Mr. Joseph Yivler, of r.rothersvalley tow nship.and Miss Lizzie It jyer, ofStony--reek township, were united in marriage oti Nov. 1st at the Lutheran parsonage in Friodens Kev. J. J. Welch ofliciating. Mr. Ira A. Miller, of I! sine post office, and Miss Minnie J. Iw ry, of Mock post office, were married on Nov. 1st., at tho Brethren parsonago in Merlin, by Kev. J. II. Kneppcr. Attention is directed to the advertise ment elsewhere in this paper of Winslow S. Cobb A Co., proprietors of the immense tannery just completed at Confluence. They pay the highest cash price for Iwirk and bides Kev. W. H. MeBride w ill preach the senium on Thanksgiving Iay. The church in which the I'nion Servii w ill lie held un the ith will lsj ibs-idtsl at the next meeting ofthe Ministerial As sociat ion. landlord Sweitzer, of the Conimercial Hotel, last week purchased the J. M. Holdcrbaiini farm on tirave! Hill w est of town, consideration ?","". It is reportisJ that Mr. Sweitzer will engage in fruit farming. Prothonotary Frank P. Saylor has dis posed of his Main Cross Street property to Mr. William (nxsl, and will give pos session wiine time lieforo New Year, when he will remove to his handsome new residence on Patriot KtreeU In an item referring to a Iicmocratic meeting held at Lilly, Cambria county, a few evenings ago, the Johnstown V.io rro7 says: "The surprise of the occasion was the remarkable Hps?ch of v-.lentine Hay, F.s.1., of Somerset cxHinty. He made points fast and furious" Kegular services w ill lie held in the Presbyterian Church next Sablwth morn ing and evening. Pastor's theme "If Some Have Compassion Making a Ilif-feretK-e." Evening "The Fifth Com mandment" Sabbath School at 3 P. M. You are cordially invited. We delayed putting the Hkrai.d to press till Wednesday noon in order to give our readers the lienefit ofthe returns of yesterday's election. While some of our patrons may not read the election re turns with the same degree of pleasure that others will, we know that all will find them interesting. The Ministerial Association of Somer set, met at the Keformed parsonage Mon day afternoon. Kev. Hiram King pre sented the topic of "Parental Kcsfioiisi bility," which was discussed by the pas tors present. The meeting of next Monday will le held in the Lutheran parsonage. Constable William ;illert has been ap pointed agent of ;ho Sciety for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Children and to Animals and hist week received bis com mission from the Society's headquarters in Pittsburg. The setvi'-es of a . oiTkit of the society named have been needed in this plae on a numN-r of occasions Constable (Jillicrt will prove an ellicient otl'u-fi . It is reported that the engineer at the pumping station estimates that not liwst'naii :ti,( l, ) gallons of water escaped from the mains and reservoir Sunday night. Notwithstanding the great daily leakage the mains are kept flooded and the borough authorities are issuing permits to proiierty owners to tip the mains and conduct the water into their homes and places of business Mrs Jennie Bowman, wife of the late Capt. Noah B.iwiuan, died at her home in Stoyestown on Friday evening last, aged ,Vt years Mrs Bowman had Iieen in delicate health for a numlier of year and four years ago was stricken with paralysis She was a sister of Capt. Jno. II. I lite, of Stoyestown, and of Mrs J. II. Zimmerman, of this place. She is al so Hurvived by her only child, Joseph Bowman, of Stoyestown. William Scvitts of Berlin had his right eye taken out by the Hospital surgeons at Coimellsville on Saturday. Some weeks ago Sevitts came to the Hospital suffering from a wound inflicted by a splinter of wood. While chopping it tlew up and struck him on the cheek and pass ed through his eye, destroying the sight Before the wound healed Sevitts left the Hospital. I -Ast week the other eye U came affected and he was obliged to have the sightless optic taken out The managers of the Kockwood Elec tric Light Company expect to lie ready to illuminate that town in the course of two or three weeks Wires have already lieen strung for the street lights and a iiuiiiIkt of business houses and private residences have l.ccn wireiL A movement is on loot to give the peiple of tint stirring town a water supply. It is claimed that an abundant supply of water can Ik- secured and piped into the tow n by gravity at a reasonable c st There was brought to this otTn-e on Wednesday morning an apple that weigh ed eighteen ouncc-i and measure 1 thir teen and one-half inches in circumfer ence in one direction and thirteen in another. It is one of the variety known as Pound apple, and was pr.idu.vd on the farm of John W. Sh.iiler, at Bens Creek, Somerset ce.mty. Mr. ShafTcr has w h it is un u- l d this year a good crop of apple i a-id fciys niiiiy of them are aim nt .n l.irg a t:i ; st -i:n !! men tioned aliove. J- .'uif f. r T.i'tu : At 11 o'clock this morning, i:tlie Lu theran church, in the presence of a large invited c.impa-.iy, Mr. J. Watson Frease and Miss Lucie K. Pile Avill lm uniteil ia the Kinds of iiiatriinony, the cerein ny being prfor.ned by the pastor, Kev. J. S. Harkey. The brid -, a daught er of Mr. and Mrs I. W. Pile, is one of S unerset's very prettiest and most popu lar yojng ladies while the gr.Kim is a promising young business man. a mem ber of the well-known mercantile estali lishmeiit of Frease A KM)s'r. After a we l ling trip, w hich w ill include Niaga ra Falls and several of the eastern cities the h ippy ViHing couple w ill g to house keeping in th: Frease residence on Main street Mrs John Stufft, wife of one ofthe leading tinners in Quemahoning tow n ship, died at her home near the Horner Church on Tuesday night lasf from can cer. She w as fifty-six ye:irs of nge and was a danghU-r of the late Joseph Bie se. ker. The dissas'd w as afllicted w ith caiuvr a immU-rof years ago ami made very effort to escape from the fatl mal adv. To this end she visited exjH'rts in Philadelphia, but was never able to gain in re than temporary relief. The funer al took place at 10 o'clock Thursday miming when services were condu.-tod bv Rev. K. S. Johnson, of Salisbury, her former pastor. The funeral was one of the largest ever held in the north of the county, over BO vehicles leing in the procession which followed the funeral c .rtage from the church to the trave yard. Her husliand survives Bepn'ollcaa Xeetizg. The nepubliean meetings held at dif- j ferent points throughout tho county last weoK were all largely attended by en thusiastic Republicans The crowds at the meetings held in Meyersdle and Berlin were esjieeially large. At the former place Congressman Hicks pre sented a beautiful nilk 1 winner to the Re publican voters of Summit township, they having ihown the greatest numerical increase at the election of two years ago. The banner wasai-epted by Committee man Samuel M. Savior, in a neat address. Among other things naid by Mr. Saylor was this: "When Mr. Hicks desires a lir.nquet he need not go to England to lie wined and dined by the Coliden Club .-f I mdon, but he can come to Summit town ship were he will Ik- treated to the lest the country affords." Committeeman Harvey L. Countryman received the lmnner presented to the Re publican voters of Berlin, that preciii-t having given the greatest per centage of Republican increase at the election of two years ago, in a happy address As said In-fore, all ofthe meetings were largely attended, showing that the voters of this county werenlive to the issues of the campaign, and were resolved to pile up the largest Republi'-an majority ever given. To the Teacher. Institute will soon lie here. You will probably neeil a iiuiiiIht of articles lie fore you gix. Hats coats capes, veils kid gloves handkerchiefs, u:idT-ear, Ac., Ac. You will find the finest stock and receive the fairest treatment at R. A.Sny der's Kockwood, Pa. He was a teacher himself. Mr. Gillian Friedline Dead. The venera ble (iillian Friedline, a life long citizen of Jenner Toviiship, died at his home, clKc.it a mile west of Jenner- town, on Sunday night, after an illness of thre weeks Mr. Friedline was liorn about seventy live years ago in the vicinity in which ho died. He is survived by his wife, four sons and two daughters viz: Edward, licorgc, Adam, and Levi, and Misses Nancy and Jane, ali of Jenner Township. The funeral took place on Wednesday morning. Services were held in the Jea iiertown Lutheran Church at 10 o'clock. Rev. S. W. Crist officiitting. Interment was made in the church graveyard. 0a eck TLii Week. A large line of Fishing Tackle now on sale at Jas B. lloi.l.KiutAi M. Eastings Sues for Slander. William W. Wiltbank. attorney of Phil adelphia, has instituted legal proceedings against Francis J, O'Connor, formerly I lisiriet attorney of Cambria county, for slander, it having I Hen publishes! in the New York H"rM and sent to other papers that Mr. O'Connor in a public siieech charged General Hastings w ith having used his position in Johnstown after the great iI.mxI of !? to enrich himself. O'Connor alleged thatticiieral Hastings cameto Johnstown after the Hood and t.s.k charge of affairs while his financial affairs were in a practically bankrupt condition, and that after remaining there almut four mouths left with enough m 'Ni cy liis p iscssion to enable ii.nt t payoff a number of judgments w hich had been entered against him, erect a $j),fHi nian sion.lxiy Siio.imo worth of bank slock and to spend $S,lhJ(l in his campaign against Iiclamater. Mr. O'C'o.inor was not I Kick -ward about saying that "it is the opinion of a giod many persons, himself includ ed, that OeneriU Hastings got the money dishonestly." ClearaiKt. sale of fine furniture at Pev lin's, so ami sg Franklin St., licgins Aug. Wlu Parlor suites at about half price. Thanksgiving Say. President Cleveland last week issued the Thanksgiving proclamation. It says; The American people should gratefully render thanksgiving and praise to the Su preme Ruler of the Fiiiverse, who has w atched over them w ith kindne.s.-i and fostering care during the year that has passed ; they should also, with humility and faith, supplicate the Father of All Mercies for continued blessir g according to their needs, and they should, by deeds of charity, seek the favor of the Oiver of every god and perfe.-t gift Therefore I, O rover Cleveland, Pres ident ofthe United States, do hereby ap point and set apart Thursday, tha 2h day of Novemlier, inst, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, to lm kept and oliscrved by all the people ofthe land. ( Mi that day let our ordinary work and business lie suspended, and let us meet in our accustomed places of worship and give thanks to Almighty Otsi for our preservation as a Nation, for our im munity from disease and pestilence, for the harvests that have rewarded our husbandry, for a renewal of National prosperity, and for every advance in virtue and intelligence that has marked our growth as a ieop'e. And w ith our tliauksgiving let us pray that these blessings may lie multiplied unto us, that our National conscience may lie quickened to a better recognition of the Hwer and goodness of (rod, that in our National life we may clearer see and closer follow the path of righteousness And in ourplaccsof worship and praise, as well as in the happy reunions of kin dred and friends on that day, let, us in voke Pivine approval by generously remembering the Msira:id needy. Surely lis who has given us comfort and plenty will look iimiii our relief of the destitute and our ministrations of charity as the work ofhearts truly grateful and as proofs of the sincerity of our thanksgiving. Hcnsehold Popularity. The popularity of the Cinderella Range is well established by its great Rale in Somerset and vicinity, during the past years It is sold and guaranteed to bike. Sold bv J.AiKS B. Hol.DKKBAl'M, SomersiHt, Pa. Death of Mrs. Fisher. Mrs Daniel H. Fisher never recovered from the effects of the paralytic stroke which she received three weeks ago, and she breathed her last Thursday ,at oo'clock in the afternoon. In her death a cheerful and happy family circle is bereft not only of a loving wife and fond mother, but of the sole housekeeper, the only daughter ln'ing married and keeping house for her self. Had the deceased lived until the9lh day of next January she Would have been iu years old. Besides tho husliand there remain of the family five children, namely: Ir. Charles M. and Roliert It, of Oakland, California; Alvin W., of Seattle, Wash ington; Mrs Harry Johnson, of Union town, Pa., and Clarence I, w ho lived with his parents Mrs Fisher's maiden name was Kath arine Ileflley, lieing the daughter of Sam uel Heflley, a pioneer settler of the town. IlrrliM Ilfof l. Iiaily test imonials from Rockwood, Pa. of his g ssl g.iod at lowest money saving jiric.-, are birne tar and near in every direition. by R. A. Snyder's many pleas ant and satisfied customers The Transit of Kerenry. One of the earth's sister planets. Mer cury, the smallest of them all not counting the asteroids will be seen cros sing the sun's disc in the form of a round black dot on Saturday, Novemlier la This phenomenon is called a transit of Mercury, and it w ill be carefully watch ed by astronomers in all parts of America and Western Europe, The transit w ill begin about five min utes liefore 11 o'clock in the forenoon, eastern standard time, and w ill end aliout twelve minutes after 4. The transit of Mercury will lie the last for the nineteenth century. The total number of such transitu during the century will then have been 13 The transits always occur within two or three days ofthe 7th of May or the 6th of Novemlier. Institute Lecture Conrse. The course of lectures and mu sical entertainments provided for tho teachers' institute this year is second to none heretofore enjoyed by the common school teachers and public of this county. Superintendent Berkey has been at a great expense to procure the nervii-ea of the eminent gentlemen advertised to lie here dm big institute week and we have no doul-v t':at the p.iblic will appreciate his efforts and givo the entire course a lilicral patronage. A novel feature of the coursewill be the tariffl'ehatcl'etwccn Hon. It S. Il.irrr.nd Hon. M. A. llarter. Each scaker will deliver two addresses of thirty minutes each. The idea of having a jiolitical dis cussion on a momc utioits question to w hich an admission fee is charged is en tirely unique with the bureau w ho have engaged the servi-s of these two able gentlemen, representing the opposing theories, and we have no doubt Uit that the discussion will prove Nith entertain ing and instructive and lie the most is.p lilar feature of the course. The "star" lecture ofthe course, it is said, will lie that by Major C. lane, who w ill tell ofthe "Ure-at Naval 1 tittles of the Reliellion." For Home reason or other naval engagements have always had a parlimilar charm to the students of nation al warfare and w e shall lie greatly disap pointed if the Major does not prove a miMt pleasing attraction. Tho musical entertainment of the coiirs have heretofore proved to lie an at tractive feature and this season Prof. Berkey h:is secured the services of one of the best combinations before the public. Prof. Hammers' illustrated lecture is said to lie ofthe highest character and is in great demand by county institutes Following are a few pn-ss notices con cermng the different entertainments of the course. KIIOM IMKISTO CXiJII'KlI." From irn. ;, r -.Mr, fcyuy SliUe Nujrr iiUrHtlorf uf VniuviTi "I liave luol the pleasure of hcnrins; Prof. A. M. Jt.iuuiiers ut a miiiilx r oi our i'nicliers' Institutes and I lo not h.-itiitc to say Hint Itix iilustniusl leclurctf are among the best 1 liave over h-.tint." An able ami experienced Os nilor accompa nies Prof. Hammers lu all Iiik tmvc Isanti hu ms! hI e.ien lecture. itic-Uiousaiid unlle power oxy-hyitroceii lights ntv exclu sively. lIienpitiraliiH Is entirely ui.hke llmt In use by any oilier lecturer. "I'n'f. Hammers Is both brilliant and elo quent ax a platform omtor." Jlurciu. TKOTEITIOX OK KRKE TRAIIK WHICH Tlietinut Krunoitilr Question of tlicl'entury. The Kih-ccss or defeat of the Wilson bill will IKS settle il. Noiiiii-slion Is settled until will. si kioiit. The tariff question cannot be settled riylit until settled on Ki-oMisic line ; And It cannot Is scllicd on ininoniir lines until I he iNsiple are ml ( atko nceor.tini; t those principles. To this cud t he Tariff d. ttatc l.y Hon. It. i. Il.iUIt, of the .Vr Y'urk Tnhnnr. and Hon. M. II. 11 AKTKIt the Free Tra.ie roiin-ssiuuii fn.iu (ihio, will be oi ahsorhtng liiten-st, "GHKAT SAVAI. HATTI.KSOf THE HKllKI LION." Major Heine Is anions the most cnt-rtiiin-inr and hnHmiit of iii'ulerti l.s tun rs.im.l his isii.iikirit y has Ini'ii nlt.i.ted bv m Kuco.sion of lanie asse:nbli,-i in .sin 'r.iiifsss." 7'ltr llullrlm, S;l h roielseo. "His lis'tiire was briliiaut and inullfal. In power of ibsM'ripiioii mel pitbos be is cquul to wliat John K. ;o,i-li w is in bis tnut days." JH;lnt jiTr tnjnifh (Australia.) T1IK SCHfMANN ll,MtI(liPlT, This company has amnn-d In a Loire niim- Imt of the con ii I v ins, i;.it, ei,1eriiiiiiit..is ,,f Pennsylvania, hinl Is everywhere endoisul ax o te or ih most popular companies now before me puiinc. jiurntu. The Scliuumnn Concert civen last nibt was a gnvt KUnisi K- M-tas inmns showed that trie au.lieiicc tnorouirbtv niireci:iml all the iiumlH-rs. tlitrrUhuru 'frlwa'h. " The Si-hiiinansi t'oiM-rt t'on..iliv is sim ply guis-riic.-ri." W. Snpt. MeK.iin County. HATKS OF APMISSIOX. Course tickets with reserved seats from $1.() to Si igle admission w ith reserved seat from -V,-ts to T.VLs fJeneral admission from i's-ts tois-ts. The sale of tickets for the left side ofthe hall will Is? opened at ,'ne ;icra Hous, at 1 o'clock P. M., Saturday, Nov. loth. Kivh pun-haser will lie limited to four seats Persons who can not lie present at the opening can secure scats for the course or for single entertainments by writing to P. I- CiLselieer, Somerset, Pa. The seats on the right side of the hall will Is? held for teachers and their friends and will lie sold on written orders from teachers each one being limited to four seats Husband's Three. The "Iiickeybirds" say tint we will soon have a wedding at Husband. There was a large turn Hit of Republi cans from this vicinity yesterday. The protracted meeting which had Isx-ii in progress in the Evangelical Church at this place forsevcra weeks was brought to a close Monday night. The meeting resulted in six additions to the congrega tion. X. Kew Prices for 1894. Painted Barb Wire ier lb. 2 cts. - (HI 6 IK) - c no 6 11 Bissell Chilled Plows No. 40 Synunse " " - tiulc Cull and sec the latest improvement in Lever Spring Tisith Harrows Jamks B. lloi.i.KRnvfM, Somerset, Pa. 8TBA7ED One red cow with drooji- ed horns and four two-year-old steers, strayed away from my drove Friday night at llchharts. Any one giving in formation as to the w herealsmts of th-so cattle to J. C. Weller, Uebharts or the undersigned, will lie suitably rewanhsl. Hkmiv Johnson, Buckstown, Pa. Heart Disease BelieTed ia SO Minutes. Ir. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all cas of Organic or Sympathetic Heart Pisease in .10 minutes and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Sclls Pain i Beft Side and nil symptoms of a Iiiseased Heart One dose convinces Sold by Geo. W. Benford Mr. Isaac Jones, of this- plai-e, has ac cepted the agency of tho Elmira Roofing Co., New York. This is one of the largest and 1est rooling companies in existence. Mr. Jones will lie at all times prepared to repair or paint nietd rooting, or to furnish new rooling of the famous "Climax" brand, the oldest and best roofing in the market Binder Twiae for cash in 50-lb bales We well Sisal Twine for 7 cents and Manilla for 8 cents per tli. New twjne just receivetl and guarantee. L Lawn Movers. A hamlsoine line and cheap. For sale by Jas B. Holukkr.u'm. Fare. I get my furs capes and muffs -direct from the New York manufacturers and you will only have to pay a small profit instead of paying two profits when they arc ordered from retiilers in the city. Mks A. K. I'hu Good Beading Hatter. These long w inter evenings you will want something, and you will want to get this reading matter at a moderate ex pense. The way to do it is to go to FISHERS BOOK. STORE, where you can rent first-class Novels at q cents per copy to read and return. Fewest Style floth mats and canes for ladies and cloth coats for misses and children at low est prices Mks A. E. I nt. Kide a Bicycle. Columbia, Reading Flyers, ami Fash ions, lioth ladies' and gentlemen's w heels opened this week at James B. llolder- bau ill's Hardware Store. You can buy a act of single Driving Harness for five dollars at Jamks U, Houperbaum's In Crittenden County, Ky., atmidulgh Tuesday night, "Eddy" Martin w as cull ed upon at hU home by mob. On open ing the door, he was seized by a dozen men, who asked for information of "Bill" GoKle, the Pauper Commissioner of Crit tenden County. Tho mob told Martin they had come to hang him, Imt if ho would turn State's evidence upon (ioode he would lie spared. "If these are the only terms, gentlemen," said Martin, "let the hanging prococil." "Bill" troode hasliccu my friend, and I will shield him.' The mob quickly did the work. Agents Wanted- b Am 'rtca's ;reatet Humorist, MARK TWAIN. F.very one of his previous Issiks have !ui1 im mense kiic. ins new noon u ri mksi-k anv tbinc he luis ht'n t forc written. Twa stories in one volume, a Traaedr and a fomedv. A chance for iiifenlK. e (rive exclusive territo- ry. r or Irrins and mil parilculars address J. W. KtfcLKR 4 CoMI Arch St, Pbila: Here's your PLACE ! WOOL ! WOOL ! WANTED ! 25 cents per pound paid for Tub- washed ; one-third hi a for Un washed, in exchange for goods at jms run Clothing, Gents Furnishing si Carpet Store, 425 Main St., - SOMERSET, PA. Men, Boys' and Children's fine and cheap Suits and a large line of Overcoat for Men, I toys and Children. Underwear, Over Shirts, Laondried Shirts, Night Shirts, Overalls, Pants, H.isiery, (iloves, M ittens, SusiM'iidcrs, Braces, Cutfs, Col lars, etc.. Hats, Caps, Mulllers anil Hand kerchiefs, etc., will sacrifice all goods that have lieen in stock over one year. Am closing out my entire line of Boots, Shoe. Carpets A Oil Cloths at Reduced Brii-es. I lmy for Cash; sell for Cash or Ap proved Note at short time; and conse quently can alford Small Profits. KAY & BROTHER ANNOUNCE AS NOW READY, Purclon's Digest. 12th KiL 2 Vols. Imp. 8 Vo. Pri.-c l.l.m. BEING A DIGEST OF THE STATUTE LAW OF PENNSYLVANIA FROM 1700 TO 1894. By FKANK F. BBBillTLY, Ki-, of the Phila. Bar. It Ls thoroughly revised to tlate, and im. ntains new and important titles. With a chronological talile of statutes refernsl to, and a new and exhaustive in dex, etc,, etc. For a full descriptive circular, write to KAY 4. BROTHER, Publishers. 7J1 Siinsoni St., Philadelphia. Orphans' Court Sale OK Valuable Rtal Estate Mineral Lanls! By virtue of an order of Kile issued out of the ! irjilmns Court of Konicrsn-t ciHinty, l'a., to the timlcrsiKiicft n.liiiiillstr.itor or John It. llrinliam, lute of the Im, round of W'ellers Im nt, -ounly and Sitiite alor. siii.l, il.ssntsed, directed, 1 will otter at .ul,lie saie, in the iMtrotieli 4if WellersbtirK. SiHiiers-! county, Ia., in front of I lie old sliin- nom rorincrly oivupl.si iy saiu jotin II. Xinntiain, now John Kiviititr, on Friday. Nov. 30, 1894, at I o'clock P. M., the followiine deserilxsl valuable real estate and uiincr.ii lands viz : No. 1. A certain lot of Krollliil situate ill V"i llerslmrs lxr.Ml"li, Somersel county. Ktate of Peiinsylaiiia, adjolniui; Uimls of Auicust llerjr, liCl'Vvcr I'o. land, J:ns:iii It.s-listctter's heirs, and others, containing one unit one fourth i.l'i ) acnn more or less. No. 2. The undivided ouv-luilf interest in a pertain tract of Land situate in Soiitliuiujiioii township, county ana t.'ttc iiioresiii.i, H.ljotn liiir Lands of the isomers! Imn i:r4Ml Co., I. l-'. ver l o. lands. Alex 1'laiik and others. containing seven t acres more or less. No. X The undivided oiH-lialf intensit In a certain tract of Lhii.I, situate as aforesuid. ad J, io i ii kinds of Jacoit Snyder, Valetitinp lllllSle, AICX rtlinK ami o! Hers, collUillillig thnvaud one-half t'l',1 acn-s more or les. No. 4. The undivldeil one-half Interi'sl iu a rertnin tract of land situate as aforesaid, ad- Joiniin; lauds of John A. Snyder's helm, A. w iiiiioiii h licirs, isomers, -1 toil in.n k, and others, cunluiniuc thirty t.W) acres more or less. No. 5. Tlie umlividrd one-fourth Interest in aci-rlain tract of land, situate as aforesaid, adjoining lands of the Somersel I .ml Jt iron o and oilier, coniainini; four hundred and nny tiui acrrs uiore or less. No. 6. The mineral rUrht in a -ertuiii tract of laud, situate us aforesaid, adjoining lauds of W. I .ain-iislcr, Alex Plank and others, coiiUiiniiiKone hiiudnsl and twenty-nve (lii acres more or Icm, known a tho Valentine llinkle tr.n t. No. 7. The undivided oni-lmlf interest In the luiiieral riKht in a certain tract of land situitte us nforcKuid, udjoiniiiK lauds of Kll Shaffer, I'hristian KiikI, Jttines Tiioinas und others, containing one tuiii.lr.sl und lllly il.itii ucr.n iinire or less, known a the i lose tract. No. S. The undlvidist one-fourth interest in the liiiiier.il riplit of a crtaln tn of Land slt.l lie as aforesuid, adjoliiiiu; lands nf Jacoli lit, lieorve J. rx-klinrt, Anthony lietx and others conliiniiii; eitlil.'cn ( ISi iieres more or l.-ss, known as the m inus itt trai l. No. 9. The undivid.il omstenth Interest In the mineral riehl in a certain tract of Land, Mtuate as afoivsaid, adJoiiiin lands of Jerry Winjrert, I Kt vert'ool Ijtudsand others, rtn taimne sixty iwi acres more or less, known as the John 11. Jones trucL. Also, all the riiilit. title, inter.-st and rlulm of the wild John It. iiriiihaui, deceuscil, of, lu and lo what 1 known as ine LEFEVER COMPANY LANDS, AS FOLLOWS. VIZ: No. 1. A certain tract of land situste in SHiihnuiiToii lownsliii, Somerset county. l'a a.lHHiunir lands of Jesse Mik. ll.snvc Cook and others, containiiiK one hundred and eKlil v-tive ils'.i acres more or lesn, known ua theSolo-iion K en net I tract. No. 2. A certain tract of land situate as aforesaid, adjoininic lands of liennis I'.sik, Simon tteiirer and ot hern, contaiiiimt ninety eiiilil (mi acrvs more or less, knowu as the (auiiier tract. N.i. X A cerLiin tract of land situate as aforesuid, Hiijoininz lauds of Soniemet Coal A ln.ll I o w illlam I rouliii ui ami olliers, ron Ltlliinir one huudreil and Ii fly i l.VUi acres more or less, known a John Wilt tract. No. 4. A rert-iln tract of land situate as aforesaid, adjoining lands of the Somenu't Coal Jl Iron Co.,Mohn Witt and others, coll- lainliiK nflv liii acres more or lesu, known aa theSuuiuef 11. Witt tract. No. . A rcrbiln tmct of land situate as afon-auliL, adjoiniiiK lauds of Peteiihrinka, Ksti-e llover and others, containing one hun dred and fonv-oiic .Hi. acres more or less, known as the flittner tract. No. L A ceruiin tract of land situate as afi.resHtd. adjoininir Lands of Peteiilirinks' and others, containine dftysine (51 1 urns more or less, knowu as the Pclenbrink tract. No. 7. A certain tract of land situate as aforesaid, adjoining lands of the Somerset Coal A Iron Co.. John Witt and others, con taining thirty t)i acres more or less, known as the Jacob Witt tract. These seven tracts of luml are held aa ten ant In common hy John K. Brinliuiii and oilier inrtics by Articles of Agreement dated, 21 July, Kd, and Scptciiilicr, lass, am corded at Somersel, Ia.. iu lss-d laioks, ol's i7, p. S4, etc, and Vol. p. M etc, and all parties In interest are lielieved to Is- correctly nanus) and their intertts pntcrly fixed In a Hill In Fatuity to No. 2, KUity Ii-ket. lK-ct. In the Court of Common Pica of Somerset county, l'a. Ail of these lands are underlaid with valu able minerals, runl, Inm ore. lire clay, alumi num and other mineral, known to abound In paying iuantlll.-s. They an- easy of accesa to the market, on It aliout X miles from the Cumberland and 1'enn'a Kailnud, with an old mod imrtly built, aliout 7 mile from the H. A . Katlroud, and only S miles from the Mount Savage Klre llnek Works, of tint I' n Ion Mining Co. There is soiue timber scattered over the dif ferent tructa. Terms : tiuih on day of aale. Anv information desired can be had by writing the administrator, Momi-rsct, l'a. J. law I Oil Administrator of John It. Brinliain, dee'd. Highest of all in Lcavecinj rower. Latest U.S.Gsv't Report Where a Man Can Save. T I JUT in this store. We stand ready lto give our patrons the pecuniary advantage of every disou nt our liig le.ij'ing I. rings us, Kvery army has leader. So d-s-s every line of business. Vr7KK TH K I.KADK1W IX OIK LINKS. In tSentlcman's Furnishings we clip dimes and cpiarters olf of our usual prices that give you the best tho market affords at a liargain. : Fail Derbys and Hats. : Counterfeiting is not in our line, but we arc raising the face value of many a man by fitting him with a becoming IlaL : : Gloves and Mittens. : : We are the first in the market with a line of Gloves and Mittens, and we can truthfully say, that it ia the largest variety and assortment of hand wear ever placed on the shelves of any store ia Somerset county, at our usual low prices. JONAS L BAZR, THE HUSTLER." Von turn here for the "correct" things ASSIGNEE'S SALE Valuable Real Estate! AN I) PiESCNAL P20PE2TY. Bv virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the Court ol Common l'ls of Somerset coun ty. I and to hie dircch-d, I will expine lo sale on the prvmist-M. on Satarday, Nov. 24. '94, at 10 o'clock A. M., all the foliowiuz dcscrilied renl estate, late ine (jn.iRi.j . t jkimiiu,,,.',,,,,.,. V.. I A ....-.., In Iniet i.f liil Kitimfe III IJiiemnlioiiii.ir lowiisinp, Somerset county. t, .t ,i U.ui), r Un, villi., of Stoyestown. leljoiiilnir kind of Isaiah .iuini.Tiuan. i nari.i .uiiiiieniiau an.i r rai iniiCl.T, o.iiiatiin.:; 65 Acres more or less. Jacob Cutcr.' widow on Ihccasi 1.4 of J.-r. n i Kill .Maureron th- wmi'Ii and Imuuilisl l.y Somerset t ns-t on the went, liaviin; llirnuii ens-UsI a B1 -Two-fctorj PLANK : HOUSE, a eood frame stat.le and all other necess;iry out buildiiiK- At the name time and place I will also ex- uw to sale the in-rsoual imiia-rty of the as signor, ci.usislini; of farinim; and aitricultuml lui.:eiiient.s. liotis.iol.t IiirnlMire. one nay horse, one ImiIi i,l, one lwo.iorse watron, one alei(ii, one buicxy, Ac. TQrIvi o OH RUlMMTt -Tm per I CI I I lO cent, of tin pun'laise nioiM-y to be paid III cash on day of sale and the balance of I lie one-third on or before til" continuation of sale; oniMhird in six monthsaud onisthird in oiii" year Imm continuation of sale. I e fernsl iKiymeiit to lnr inl-r,-s Imm contlr malion of sale anil to lie Mi-urcd by Juilgmelit IhmiiI on the pn-inise. TERM on personal pn.isrty iiunle known on day of Kile. jiiii ii. s.i-ii.ir-rt-i i:s. Assignee of Joiuitliau Smitlu Scull A lticsas-ker, Atty's. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. Valuabb Rsal Estate. tUe'i 'iurt f 'oiiiiiiiiii IMi-.i! of s,iim-rs omii- . .. .. I . I f ..-ill uv.au.. Ilk put Ik hult, on the- rvini)-A. oa Tuesday, November 20, 1894, at I o'clock P. M., ail the following il.-s.-ri Is-, 1 r.-l isitatc, late the pnin'ny of Israel suaiily: A tniet of Lili.l Hituatc in Cm, nuillL'h town ship, Somerset county. Pa., a.ijonlng land of lu' ll.istctler, I'eier rciciicr, iniinei j. . HIol- .' estate. Ihivid Kuiiimel, Joseph Ijipe ud John 1 oiler, containing j 73 AC2ES AND 101 PEECHES,! ill of which I cleansl and in a sm1 flute of cultivation. The entire tract is underlain with a vein ol good cil. The hnn Ih well watertsl; with a g.xid or-h:nl of fruit tree, and lias thereon erected a twusstory piank Dwelling House, bank Imm anil other outbuilding. Thi funii I a very desirable one in every n-siHi-t, Ising siiu-iU" In one of the riclnut ag ricultural sect ion ofthe county, in a rikhI mkiiiniiii.il v convenient to aeboolM and cliun-li.-s. 'It 1 only 3 mile from tbelHinaigh if ttenson, which is on Ihe s. c. IL. 11., anu uillea from llavl.lsvllle. Terms: 10 n-r rent, of Ihe nun-hase money to be paid in i-isli on day of sale, and the Imlauce of om-lliinl on or Is fore the is.iinnnalion of theHHlc; ouc-tbird in six months; and one third in one vear from coiiliniuition of sale. Ivfcrn-d iKivinentH to lir intcnul from con tinuation of sale, anil to Ih- M-cun-d by Judg ment iMjnd ihi the prcmis'. J AC. Ill I. SWANK. K. W. lthsMH-ker, Asiguee of Israel Snably Attorney. Orphans' Court Sale Valuable Real Estate! IU virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the'tlrnhan' Court of Somerset county. Fa.. and to the undersigned administrator of Wil liam J. Ihngcs, late of IJuc malaming town ship. Somerset eeiiuty, l'a.. directed. I will of fer at public Hale at the lale residence of the dee'd., on Thursday, Nov. 15th, 1894, AT I O'CLOCK P. M, all the following descriU-d real estate, viz; Nol I. A certain pieceor ni-l of land it uaU In liM'inahoiiing township. SiinenM-t county, l'a., IsHili.t.-d ihi the sotilh by nwd liwdiiig from Stoyestown to Stanton' Mill; on the north by tjucmahoiiing crvek; on Ihe cast by i iisirge In ril ner' esUiK-, and on the west by John II. Stall!' estate, containing one and one-half acre, more or less, liaving thereon erected a twontory frame Dwelling House, wash house, stable and other outbuilding; ls-ing the UonuiUad of aaid dei-eaaed. No. i A tract of land situate as aforesaid, hounded on the north by the road leading from Stoyestown to Stanton' Mill; on the Houth by "Mary J. MeCh'lland'ii hand; on tlie cast by land of Mary J. MeiclUiiid and is. Inirtner estate; on the went by land of John It. Stahl, containing fourteen acre, more ur letm, liaving tlM-reoii enspted a two-story frame STORE HOUSE, and other outbuilding. ThU being a good location for a general store at Stanton Mills, and in a good com munity. Almut live mile from Sioyctown and Hair mile from Hoovewvllle; having been the locution of the pimtollice for aaid place until within the last lew years. Terms- Oni'-thlri of purchase money, after pay ment of ail debt and legal expenses, to re main a lien In the land in lieu of dower to the widow of said ds-eiied, and balance in three payment: one-third on ciKiflnnation of sale; tnc-thlrd In six months; and one-third In one year with interest. 10 per cent, of riirehasc money to la- paid on day of sale, leferred payments to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premise. WILLIAM n VIL1.KR, Fred. W. Biesn-ker. Administrator, Attorney. No. 2. Kotirei rtiiin lots of trround aituate In the Uirouuh of Stoyestown, Somerset county, I'elnis;. Ivauta. froiillim and iMHindeil l,v l.'pitil ufss.t Oil tlie iiorlh. a.lloinlni! lot ol Y1M '- ISTRATt ms XtJTIt'R Ks'ale of (;l!li'in Frisl!ine, late of Jenner township, Somerset cimnty, 1' dee'd. letter of udministmtlon having Iss-n itnnt cd liy the proM r aiiliionty to the uinlersio,,. i"l. notice is hercl.y ir.ven lo ail iwrsoii m itei.iisl t,i said ,-stutc to huikc iiunicliao -av liieiit, and thosi- lutvinir l.iims Multilist saitl etitewill ,r.w i,t Hi. :, i duly anile i,n -,t,l lor wttleineiil. on Tliilisxl.iv-. IV,-. i.lli. ls-,1. at tlieoltii-eof Jhs. M. t over, K . In Jenner X Koads. J. !. OiVK.lt, I.KVI HtlKHUXK, Adinlnlstrulor.a A DMINI.STHATOH H NOTU F- Estate of BarUira K!l,-n Ross, In'.e of Stony creek township, d.-e'd. I setters of administration liavlim been xmnt- el by liie pni r authority, to the un,t. rsltfii el, notice Is heret.y Kiveli to all pTson in deiittsl to said estate lo uuike Immediate pay ment, and those having claims against smiiI is, tale will present them duly auilientieated a.r setiiciiiciii, on rsiiunuty, .ov, .un, its, ai the resilience of adminlatnitor In slutiiksvilie, CHAltLKH KksS, Administrator. IJM I X I.STUATOlt'S OTICK. Estate of snre II. Ijimb. rt, late of Shade towuslilp, ss,mert county, l'a., dec d. le tters testamentary on the alsive estate having; lieen granted to the ondersitrmsl. l.y the proper a uihonty, notice is heo l.y Kiven to all m'imoiim iiidehied to said estate to iiiakcini- luisliate payim-nt and those having i-laiina ag;aiuI the Name will prew'til lln ni duly au theuticaled. JAtU MililtF'.lMirt, Aduiiuistrator. A DMIXISTIIATOH'.S NOTK'H tute of K. 1 1. Yutzy, late of t'rsina Isiniuieh, Sonu-rsel eiiuniy, l'a., dee'd. I-tU-mof administration liaving heen irmnt ed l.y the proper authority, to the uiideisiiicn ed, notice I b. irl.y Kiven to all persona In d.'bti'd to said dilate to make iiiiineiliate pay ment, and thoxe havinae claim airumst aaid suite will present tliein duly authenticated for M ltlemelit. on Thursday, November 'JSf. 14, at late reitideni-e of d.s-ee.l. .NA.N.MK C. YITZY. John R. Scott, Atty. Administratrix. A DMIXI.STIIATOK S NOTICE. Eatateof Joel I Klnu. late of t'r.per Turkey fiot tuwuship, d.s-'u. 1'tt.T of administration havlne lieen grant ed by tlie proper authority, lu the undersign ed, noti.-e is hereby given to all s rsons in dtited U ald evitate to make liniiiediate pay ment, and liaise luivinje claim aeaint maid estate will present them dulv auihenticaicl nr wiiiemeiii, oil ,-HAluniay, .sov. 1,111, 1'., 11, at the residence of the Administrator in said township. I. r . si HKit, Aduiiuistmtor. Aw,u XEE'S NOTICE. Notlie I hereby Kiven that Solomon J. Hitt-H-rand wife. J. .(in It. I'.illner and Allien A. itittner, of Mi.ldlecr k towns!iis Somerset county, l'a., have made a voluntary aseiKii ineiit to lueof all llieir estate, nul. personal and mixed, in trust for the In iM lit of the cnsl tlorsol sin. I Solomon J. Itittner, John 1C liitt nerand Altrt A. I'.iltner. All p,rsons bav iin; claims asniiist ihe said Soiomon J. H.tt tier, John K. limner and AlU-rt A. li'ttner. wiil prwnt Hi. in to tlie undersigned duly .1:1 theiiticnt.sl and all iersoi.s owiiik siii.l Sol.. mon J. itittner. John It. Itittner and Albert A. Ilillncr, will make immislial tir.vriieiit to MAKTIN 11. HAin.KI.U John K. Scott, Assigu.s', Attorney. ICockw.!, l'a. E XKCUTOK'S NOTICE. lUiteof John M. Kreger, late of Cppi-r Tur keyfiHit towimhip, dee'd. I-tter leHtanientary on tlie als.ve es tate liaving ls-,11 gr.tiilisi to tlie un.) 'iMigned by tlM- pn.p.-r authority, notice U Hereby giv en to all Hrsons indented to said estate to iiiaiie iiiimtsliate payim My and those liaving claims against the same w ill present them for Hettieiiii'iil duly authenticated, at tlie late res idence of dee'd., in l'i r Turkevt.s.t town ship. SAUAlI A. kltKi.Klt. Kxerutrix. JgXECUTOU'S NOTICE. Ksbite of liavi.I Iilekey, late of Krotlicrval lev township, Soinersi-l county. 1'a-, dee'd. I'tter teHtainentary on the als.ve estate having l-cii granteil to the und.-rsignisl l.y the pn.pcrauihonty, nolii-e is hereby given to all pi-rxiuH itidcbtisl to said estate to make imm.stiafe pay meiit, and tln having claim against the Hiiuie to present thi-m duly au-tlienlli-aUsI lor settlement, on Siiturday. .Nov. 17, 1-itH, at the house of d.cislent. J..l.iN MCKKY, l. J. UKL'KAKKit. Exei-utors, JTEGAL NOTICE. I'd 1,11c notice is hereby given that the un dersigned having been apiHiinted auditor to ias umiii the exii-ptioiui lo the continuation of the account and report a distnbution of the balance in the hand of the administra tor ol Jeremiah P. Hartinan, ilii 'J., w ill meet the person Interested at hiH olliee in Soiner ai't bonaigii, on Wislnesday, the 7tb day of Novi'iiiInt, itit, all claims must be presented ou tlial day or Is- deirrtsl from claiming any part of the aaid fund hereafter. J. U. KIMMF.U Auditor. UUITOR'S NOTICE. In rccstateof I'ria.s Folk. dceiisl. The undersjgntsl having been duly appoint eil auditor to make di.tnl.utioii ia' the IiiiiiU iu the hand of Ihe administrator, to and among those legally cntith-d tncrcto, hen'by give notice tlial he will attend to the dull.- of said u. is.iiiline.il. on Knday, Nov. 21, Ish4. at 1 oVI.s k p. ui.. of said day, at the olfev of the auditor, wheu aud a iiere all pers.i:iH can attend. J. C. UlWRY, Auditor. A UDITOK't NOTICE In the matter of tho estate of Henry Itaiubold, deceased. The undersign, si Auditor duly appoinb-d by Hie Orpliau' Court of SomTet isaiuty. l'a.. to maKe a distnbution of the fund iu the hands of IheKxecutor. to and among those h-gally entitled thereto, hereby give noM-e that be will attend to the dutii-s of hi ap pointmint on Friday, Nov. Wh, Ikh, at the of n.i'of HayJt Walker in Somerset, when and where all persons lutcn-sted can attend. C. W. WALK Kit, AudKor. Orphans' Court Sale Valuable Real Estate ! By virtue of an order of sale issued out i:f theOrpliun Court of Somcrnct county. Pa., and to Hie undersigned administrator of Wil liam Holder, lute of luetiialionlug townshi., Soiners.1 county, l'a., direct. si, I will oiler at public sale at tlie late residence of the deceas ed, ou Tuesday, November 13th, '94, AT t O'CLOCK P. M. the following described real esLitit A tract of land situate In If ucliia honing township, Somerset county. Pa., adjoining lands ol John Slum, llciijamin stem, J.iati Miller, Hiram liardner, JesseCrist and F 1. M.wtoller, ciHitaiuiug HOa.-r.-s, more or l.-ss. of wliH-h alaiul 1 ai're are cliur and in a KimhI state of cultivation. Isiiance wi-il tim-Is-risl. I'nili-rlaid with cil and limestone, well watered, g.ssl on lianl of apple trees and all kind of fruit, lieing tlie l.onii-st.-skl of said deceiised. Having lliereou erected a Hie and one-half-slory frame DWELLING HOUSE. WASH HOUSE, a txink Uirn 'xS) feet and all other necessary outbuilding. Terms : 10 p cent, of the purchase money to he p.ild In cash on day of Kile and tlie lialaiice of one-third on or before the oinfirmalHUi of sale, oiiv-thinl in one year, and one-third In two y.arx fniui contlnnalioii of suit. In f.-r-r.sl luvments to l-ar interest from connniia -tio.nosaleand to be sccu nsl by judgment Isiiid ou the pn-liiises. WILLIAM II. Mil. I.Kit. Fred. W. Iiii-secker, Adimuistrator. Alt'y. SHERIFF'S SALE Valuable Ral Estate! Ity virtue of a writ of Ffari Facia. Issu.sl out of Ihe Court of Common Plea of Soiiier ,! county, l'a.. to me directed.! there wilt be expoHa-d to public sale at the Court House, lu Somerset borough, un Wednesday, Nov. 21, 1894, At I o'clock P. M the f. blowing described real estate, to wit : All the right, title Interest, claim and de mand isT H. F. Lung and C. H. Lung, of, in and lo two certain lol of ground situate In Salisbury bonaigh. Somerset eiKinly, Ia known and nimils-red on the plan of John' additiiHi to said borough, as lots No.' II and IA eas'li fronting ou Mechanic street ou feet and extending luirth l'JI f.-el to an alley. Taken in rxei-uiion and to lie sold as the property of H. F. Lung and C. 11. Lung, at the suit of P. S. Hay. -Terms:- NoTICl-AH person. pun-lmsln at tlie aliove mile will plense lukr nolle thai 10 per rent, of the pun-hase money must he puld wlien pmpertv in kmrkrd down. IWherwise II will mtuin herxpiMeil tomleat the risk of tlie ttrsl purehuser. The residue of the pur rhnae moneT must he pai.l ua or liefor the day of continuation, via: Thursday, lie-ene-ber Mlh. 1HIH. No deed will be aeknowledited until the purchaae nioney t piiid In hill. Hherltra nmee, ti).wnwir.n. . OcVSlsmli bheiWT. I James B. Fine CARTS for Bachelors. Fine BUGGIES for Young Men. SEAT WILL ADMIT YOUR BEST G!nL MID K3 ROOM TO SPARE. Fine Busies for iniddlo Fine Carriages for the Family. Fine Phaetons for the Old Folks. A T Qf a. large line of Road AVagons ilL0V and Spring Wagons. The largest and best selection ever shown. PRICES James B. N'oTIIINli Uit the Ut niatenu! and tafia 4 Jl of the flMiKUKI.IV SToVKSsnd R.t.MiRS. Their elemiline--, lessens UU.r Their economy Haves money. Sold and g-iaraiitcod by JAMES B. HOLDERBAUM, Somerset, Pa. 1 7 MS) This eminent piiys:c:an iijs ae- vcU-J j life time to his spei'u.'tyJ:s ejses cf the Eye, Ear, J!cse, Threat, Lungs and Chrcn :c (Diseases. Dr. MORRITZ SALM, Specialist. Wonderfully Successful in all Chronic Diseases of the EYF, FAB, Mil, THROAT, LUNGS "dl UASAL CATA1BH. Ml Eye Operations Successfully Performed by him. A fhjir of Infru tf 13 Yr irt Sttuulinv Ctr fd by Dr. Halt. For '- yea rs or more my hearing him Ns-n lid. My left ntr almost d.uf. 1 have lieen under lr. ."silln's tn-.it ment for the past live months, and my henrinac luislsen very srent ly impniveil. In'fitet the ehauife iias ls-u ns iiarkal.le. I am still under trvatim lit and hope I. ran entire cure, Un-atfully Xsiu.e riersi.n. S-pt. 19, VL lk-.lti.nl, l'a. I in aceiHtitt of the verv vasrue expLinatlon of lliealmve, l give the history uf the ruse in detail. Alsiut SO veamaao. Mr. I"n-Min. on aeeount of eatarrh, lienune so hanl of hearinK in his left mr that the same inli'ht not luive lieen thiTeat all for the actual servUs it did him. Therichtone for the is SI years hceame worse ami w.irse. and it t.M.li si. :iie very loud tiilkini; 6r him to utidersUind you. Now. af ter 5 months tieatmenl, lie ran again hear with the t.Hiilly useless cur, sii t.i say deaf for l veiirs. eiimmon ronversulion ami even whisjNTs ainiin. and bin riuhl tar ls almost i.s r.ssl hsmiiv g.ssl ear mitl.t he. Krien.ls who liave known him will testify to Ihe rorn-ct-nessof my slalement. lr. M. Malm. FU Likr Iftimj Kilhrr I hnn lit tKitml the Agu uy JmcA ttnjrr, but ir. Viued by ir. ASrllN. Kor S v.Tirs I have had kidni'y, stoinneh and liver tnaihle. The f.-arful pains In uiy back and bladder I h id durit.it that time made Die often wtah for death. I rtaild hardly work, idecpor n-t. and had Uit out niuliir!y n crv niitht t.rtir or live lime to void urin; naild liardly i-at and when I tn.-d a little of somethini; It nuide me ill. and after 4 of our Is-st physi.'iatis had tilled to cure nie, I thouv'ht'it alsail time t die. Some of my friends, however, ,lvis.-.l me lo gt to Ir. I in. who had perlormed no many wonder ful runs In this iwrt of the rounlry. After 1 had taken hi. tnstt incut 4 days. 1 fiaind It did me some i.,l. I have taken his Ireiitnieiit now for aix months, an.i 1 can enjoy life mire uiore. aud I would advise all my friends u. io Our Advertisement Will Appaar twice Before Each Visit. CUNSUITATION iwl EXAMINAT ON FREE. ADDRESS COaUICATJOtBM 769.0LUaB.O. ToWll J. ill nut own SuiierMt lUulin Mryersilal notel I TTy July I Aim iraiidl'-ntl Tu.svhiy IT 1 Some't llu'se sturday -I Is M.-Watle " Mon.lay -I J J.aiea " Tuelay -J -l l..inm,-rel:il Tmnday Jl ilyndmaii Duten aubjett Ui clianxe of which regular Kttlcnia AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In IU-rtate ) In the Orphans' Court of -of Somerset County Kimh and Jacob Wei-) Pennsylvania, ifh-, dee'd. The undersluneil aditor appointd by the Court SeptemU-r anu. isw. to nil. t the fai-la, puss upaai exceptions and dlstrihute the funds In tlu- hands ol the K.ut. mini Trustee to and among thowc legally entitled thereto here bv givea MKhv thai he will sit at hlotll-e in the honxixh of omersi-t. Facial Tuesday N.i vrnitsT Jail. ls.at I0o cl.s k a. nu for the pur pose of attending Ihe dutiea of aaid appoint ment, when aud where all persona Interested BUI M t tclltl. FRED W. BI ESKt K F.ll. Auditor. MONEY MAKER. It fnsiuently depends upon the auctioneer how much money can lie renlied at a public aale. He must have a gllh tongue, quick eye and persuasive vowe. John 1- Tayman has 11 of these nHUireliientji and haa met with unNainded sucees wherever btsservlcca have ts-en secured. He la the foremost auctioneer In Somerset county, to-day. Addresa JOHN U TAYMAN. Lavansvllle, l'a, WANTED, An experienced Insurance or building and loan aulicltiu' fo Stauvnart and ad;.Miilne counties for a new eonipanjr with new and taking fiwturrw. nly 8sl men, tho ena bled to give bond, are dmlred. Ileallh, age. avx. haa nothing to do with theeost. Addreaa ' " K. C. M ACH KSNEY, I0S and 10 Fourth Avenue rtttobum. Pa. Holderbaum. - acd and business men wav down. Call and see them. Holderbaum. GOOD STOVE Ia an Economy. A Poor One the worst liuJ of Kxtravagance. Remember tin when you luy our New Stove, The Magic Cinderella IS WHAT YOU WANT. It will hold tire over night, and will prove A WARM FRIEND IX ''m COLD WEATHER. It hail Final a a Heater. w..rk::iaiLship enter into the ontisstruetioii The decter ha been for years a Trcjesscr and Lecturer in several cfiiie largest Jed ical Colleges, and has earned great ante as an authcr ity and author cn all s:t ejects tvn cerning his spec ialty. to thin eminent Dr. to r-t rami aftvr other ptiysi. iaus bill. Yours gratefully Li.ias .-.mi. Somerset, I'll. frt.a Fyr-Mithi ua.l llnlirrnl uf Alia Aflrr i& Yrtiri SuffrrinJi bp Ir. Mfifa. For over Vi yiwrn my eye-lashm have been, tumms in. and rons'.iUeiitly they rut.lasl on theeve-lil. keepim; the name always lull;. lo ci and verv aiuful. In orl r to have a little relief I had lo have the lashes ill.-d out h erv few days. As the result irf u this, my left eye we'ut totally blind, and the right aaie was icoinii the same way rapidly. I put ui self uuder tlieeare of tr. N.ini, and t.s.i.y I am happy lo date tlial I aiu not tnail.le.1 with the Uuhea any more, as they cniw in llieir iMirmal dlns-ti.Hi, aud the sifht ofthe richt eve baa Inipnived to a icn-at client. 1 am woudvrfully cured. Jacob him.l. t'ul.urn, l'a. Jnuartl Trvubtr i"uivii bp lr. tttlm. I have sutTcred with Inwartl and eciwral tmuhle ail of my lire, hut am happy lu Maw that Dr. Salut lias entirely cure me. Jt.Nsn . Nin; July 19, "W. M.inorv illc. CUUurk aatf Lung Trouble (W ii lp JM. Halm. For ucarly 3 vm I have h id a Imd eae r lunu tnaibie and catarrh. 1 waa treated by of our U-st j.hy.l. Utis hut itraduaily rew worse and wors,-. unlit I u ns-omiiicudcd t trv Dr. Malm, l.y iaie of ln itienta h. k luid cured l a similar iroui.le. I dpaired, of ever Kettius w. ll :ira.u. I li lt badly. T.srtay 1 am llu.nklul t put uiywlf uiub-r tue Dr's. tr.Titii.eut. for 1 nu again enjoy IttewU ulwasure, and aiu glad tliat I am cured. 11 is Mai Di sh.a. lliluurd, I'm. Srp i ' t 1! I". it 17 1j IS It IS 1 Nov 1 Tw Houis id s r. m. U W -3 V. M. IS II 7-li lion II 111 l P. M. will be prompt? nottflcl. lOL'KT PIUK IVMATIOX. WHrRKAS. The Honorable Judges of thr C.Kirt of ComiiHin I'l.iui .f SmiM iaet ovwuty. Fa., have onlered that a Spisial w Adjiaime.1 C.Kirt of Couiuion lima, of quarter SeaaMMia and nluins' Court. t"C the trial tasaa herein, shall be held at Somerset, ou Monday Nov. 12th, 1894, Commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. Now. then-fore. I, F.dwanl Hoover. High Slicri if of Somerset county, hen-hy Issue my pna-lamalion giving notice toall Jumra. wit nesses summoned, and lo all parties lu cwuae to lie then and there tratl. to he In altendai.ee at said Court. Sheriffs Office. KDWARD HtaiVFK. Oct. 17th, TM.J Shcnlf. 4 UDITOB'S NOTICE. la leestate of John Mertey. lale of Cone n laugh twwnahip, dee'd. The nn.lemigned Auditor appointed by the airl to distribute tla funds In the hands of the AdminlstraUir of said dee'd.. aud ascer tain advancements nwletoaiy and all heirs, heret.y gives maice llial he will sit at his of Itce in the bonaigh al Somerset, l'a., on Tliur dav, Nov. 1st, Iwn, at tt o'clock a. m, for th puruiweuf attending lu I lie duties of said ap pointment, when and where all persons ln-ten-sted nuy attend or be Hirever debarred from any partlclpalloo In said dt.trlhuiloo. OKO. R. S. I LL, Auditor.